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CNN Larry King Weekend

A Candid Discussion With Angelina Jolie

Aired August 04, 2001 - 21:00   ET


LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight: She's kicked butt at the box office, earned an Oscar and made more tabloid headlines than you can count; Angelina Jolie, outspoken, uninhibited for the hour, and no telling what we're going to talk about. It's next on LARRY KING WEEKEND.

Welcome to LARRY KING WEEKEND. It's a great pleasure to have as our special guest tonight, Angelina Jolie, the best support actress. She received that Oscar for "Girl Interrupted." The star of the summer hit "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider." Loved that. Hear she's going to do another one. And now the new one "Original Sin," starring -- co-starring Antonio Banderas, which opened this weekend.

Why did you take this? Why did you do this film?

ANGELINA JOLIE, ACTRESS: God, well, I would do anything with Michael Cristofer. He's -- we did "Gia" together and...

KING: So if he calls, it's yes.

JOLIE: Yes, well also because the type of material he tends to do. He really -- he does some to balance people that are you know, interesting people, sometimes people that other people might just see as shocking or judge them or have certain opinions about them. And he tends to like people like Gia. He really cared about her. He really loved the essence of who she was as a person.

And he -- so he does he characters like in this film that are kind of intense and difficult to understand. And he tries to, not exploit them, but understand them. And...

KING: Big difference?


KING: It might be a little bit like you, right?


KING: I mean, you're a complicated person?


KING: Do you find it, then, easier to play these kind of roles? JOLIE: Yes, it's a release for me to play these kinds of roles, which Michael was joking about, because she kind of has three different personalities.

KING: Which one did you bring to the film, all three?

JOLIE: Yes. It was strange to figure out which one was going to surface more. I assumed it was going to be one and it was actually one I didn't expect.

KING: How would you describe this, a mystery?

JOLIE: It is a thriller. And it's provocative. And it's -- I think it's smart. I think it's a smart one. I think there's a lot of scripts out there that are easy to understand and easy to follow and characters that are obvious and things. This is a little more complicated. And some people may not -- may see -- may take something out of it, and somebody else may take something totally different out of it. So I don't know how really to describe it, but I think it's a character study about human beings.

KING: And you have to think?


KING: Do you like -- did you like working with my friend, Antonio?

JOLIE: Antonio? Yes. He's one of the funniest people I've ever met.

KING: He is...


KING: ... extraordinarily talented, too.

JOLIE: Really surprised me. It's really nice when you meet somebody that has -- so many people love him. They're just crazy about him, you know. And when you meet him, he deserves it. He's the kind of person you're so glad that people just are crazy about him because you should be about...

KING: The tabloids are no stranger to you. Were you bothered when they hinted that you and him were involved? Supposedly Melanie is running out there to the set and she's nervous.

JOLIE: Right, which is ridiculous and insulting to everybody involved.

KING: You and him and her?

JOLIE: Me and him and her...

KING: And Billy Bob? JOLIE: ...and Billy. I think mostly to me and him, because it's saying that we're the kind of people -- it's saying that we're not madly, madly in love with the people that we're with and loyal to them and you know, just love our families. It's saying that we would actually do something that I think both of us find awful and disgusting and a horrible thing to...

KING: Just because you're two screen stars who are together?

JOLIE: Yes. I mean, it's like -- it's accusing somebody of cheating on their family. And that...

KING: So did you get angry?

JOLIE: I -- yes. It something -- it's probably one of the worst things I've ever felt accused of, because...

KING: Really?

JOLIE: Well, because it's something I think so little of. Anybody that does that to their own family.

KING: Infidelity?

JOLIE: Yes, infidelity and kind of just not a respect for themselves and their families and for somebody's else's family, you know.

KING: Did you talk to him about it?

JOLIE: Antonio?

KING: Mm-hmm.

JOLIE: No. I mean, we didn't really have a chance to talk about it, but I think we both just find it ridiculous. I mean, he was aware through the home movie that I was, you know, going to get married. And she was there when I came back with my tattoo. And we both talked -- when -- and I saw them together. And they're just like the greatest couple and their daughter. And Melanie and I get along so well. So it wasn't really hurtful to us because we weren't...

KING: Seeing...

JOLIE: You know, because we know it's just, you know...

KING: Yes.

JOLIE: ...but I think it's just...

KING: But one of the problems is that the general assumption that people make. Tabloids foster that assumption.


KING: Two attractive people are out together, thrown together in a job. And therefore, this is going to have to result.

JOLIE: Which has always been strange to me because I'm -- I've never had like a one-night stand. I've never cheated on anybody. I've never -- you know, so I don't really understand that kind of behavior. I don't -- or why that would be exciting to do, to just like have an affair. I don't really care...

KING: Haven't you been tempted though? I mean, physically tempted by someone you've met in your life, where you have temptation?

JOLIE: Billy -- when I first met Billy, I was tempted...

KING: Immediate?

JOLIE: And it took me about two years before I was able to...

KING: Really?

JOLIE: Yes. And that was hard, to not want to -- to not have a desire to pursue him, you know?

KING: He was married?

JOLIE: No, but he was involved.

KING: So you had to back off?

JOLIE: Yes, but also, I just -- I wouldn't have assumed that he'd want to be with me anyway.

KING: Really?

JOLIE: No. So I kind of just -- it was like a -- I just was so happy to have met him because I thought he was such an amazing man. And I was so happy to be his friend, that that was good enough.

KING: And in retrospect, it probably turned out better that way, starting as a friend?

JOLIE: Yes. And we're still best friends. That's really who we are.

KING: More than lust?

JOLIE: It's, yes. It's absolutely lust, but...

KING: But lust ain't bad either?


KING: I guess as someone once said, "sex is not the most important thing in the world, but it ain't third or fourth either."

We'll be right back with Angelina Jolie on this edition of LARRY KING WEEKEND. The movie is "Original Sin." Now open. Don't go away.


ANTONIO BANDERAS, ACTOR: You were born the day you stepped off that boat and became my wife.

JOLIE: Then I am not Julia Russel at all, am I? I am simply your wife.




JOLIE: I have an appointment.


Of course you do.

JOLIE: Eleven o'clock, Gia Marie Carangi.


JOLIE: OK: G-I-A. There, Gia. Just (EXPLETIVE DELETED) the rest of it, call me Gia. Do you think you can remember that, honey?


KING: We're back with Angelina Jolie.

Before we talk about your career, the things you've done and more about this new movie, you have been very frank and open about your own sexuality, your own feelings about things. Most people are hesitant about that. You've never been hesitant?

JOLIE: No, I...

KING: You never had a PR person say, "You know, Angelina's...

JOLIE: I don't have a publicist.

KING: You don't have a publicist?

JOLIE: No, I don't. He'd have a heart attack.

No, I've been told -- yes, when I was started out that I have been told by different studio people or different people at different times of my life to be careful or to be quiet. But at the same time, I feel that it would be so damaging to me as a person, as an artist. I don't see the point of if you're going to do interviews, if you're going to share your life, if you're going do films about someone like Gia and you're not going to discuss your own personal experiences and say, you know, help further people and you know, prefer to understand the story and the reason for doing stories like that and people like her. I don't see, you know, if you close off, if you create some idea of who you are, it's damaging to you. It's not helpful to anybody. So...

KING: So you don't think, "What will they -- will they think less of me if I say this?"

JOLIE: Well, I think people need to hear...

KING: The truth.

JOLIE: The truth.

KING: As you've perceived it about you?

JOLIE: And it's my truth. It's not...

KING: And it's your truth?

JOLIE: But it's -- if I -- you know, when I was outspoken about having been with a woman, it was because I had an -- I wasn't try to be shocking. And I wasn't trying to -- I was saying maybe it'll help somebody to understand that I had an experience and it was beautiful. And it was love. And it wasn't something I was looking for. And it was something I understood about two women together. And so I expressed that because I thought -- and for some people I've met them, it did make sense. And it was...

KING: Wasn't it confusing to you at first when you had -- first had feelings for someone of the same sex?

JOLIE: It was surprising in a kind of lovely way. But it was, yes, it was kind of...

KING: It had to be where you said, "What is this?" Right?

JOLIE: No, well, I mean, I think...

KING: You dated boys probably, right?

JOLIE: Yes, but I think at this day and age, I don't think people -- I mean, if somebody questioned whether somebody's with somebody of the same sex is like questioning whether somebody's with somebody who's of another race or you know, looks a certain way or is a certain size. It doesn't make any sense. Love is love. So why would that matter? Why would it be truly shocking now?

I thought she's the greatest woman. Again, I had so much fun with her and found myself loving her and wanted to express that physically. And so, it's not that surprising. So I felt, what harm would it do if I expressed what I had learned? You know, maybe it'll help somebody. Maybe somebody, you know...

KING: Was it any different than when you were then with a man?

JOLIE: No. KING: Love, then is the essence here, right? Not...

JOLIE: There are kind of great things, I think about -- you know, it's not even a man and a woman. Each individual lover, each individual person is going to be different. Right? So there are differences, but there are differences with anybody you've physically close to.

I haven't been with many people in my life, but...

KING: You've admitted that you're not someone whose...

JOLIE: No, I've slept with a handful people, you know. And married two of them.

KING: And loved all of them?

JOLIE: Yes, oh, absolutely. Yes.

KING: So you're never -- it was never a lark or a...

JOLIE: No, because I don't like being touched. So...

KING: That don't make sense. You have this mad, passionate love...

JOLIE: I like, I almost obsessively need connection to somebody. And now I love being touched because you know, my husband knows exactly -- he just knows me.

KING: Where to touch?


KING: But you still don't like to be touched by others?

JOLIE: I just was never looking for that. It was never a release for me. I think I knew very much in my mind and my soul and in -- I loved, you know, being free. And I loved certain feelings. And I loved my work. And I loved expressing emotions. I didn't want desperately for somebody to be alone with me in the dark and be near me. That was almost claustrophobic or something I was never looking for.

KING: Yes.

JOLIE: So I kind of just liked -- I'd like to kind of get to know somebody, but I didn't really need to physically touch them.

KING: Do you think you're beautiful?

JOLIE: Now I do, yes.

KING: For a while you didn't?

JOLIE: I didn't really know. I thought for a while when I was first working, first doing a job, I was always told I was too dark or too exotic looking or -- so I would always hate that because I couldn't work. You know, I was like that would be an excuse for why they wouldn't give me the job. But -- and then when I started two work, I would realize how I could be blond and I could also look more native or I could look more -- so I started to like, because I saw...

KING: Flexibility.

JOLIE: Yes. And that was great.

KING: Angelina Jolie is the guest. She's stars in "Original Sin." What a career. How old are you?

JOLIE: 26.

KING: I've got ties older than her. We'll be back with more. Don't go away.


NICOLAS CAGE, ACTOR: How about having sex while we're boosting cars?

JOLIE: God, that's a good line. Doesn't work on a lot of girls though.

CAGE: I just blurted it out, I'm -- but you haven't answered the question.

JOLIE: Well, you see, the problem is, how do you get over the shifter?

CAGE: Oh, right because the...

JOLIE: Because it gets in the way.

CAGE: Because you wouldn't want to disrupt the synchro mash (ph), right? Or throttle linkage.



KING: We'll mention this and talk about it later, but Angelina Jolie is also the commissioner of the United Nations High Commission of Refugees. Your title is what?

JOLIE: Goodwill ambassador.

KING: Goodwill ambassador. You know, you used to do -- a lot of famous people did that.


KING: Yes. Audrey Hepburn did that. You know who Audrey Hepburn was? OK. JOLIE: She did a lot of work with children as well.

KING: She sure did.

JOLIE: I think it was UNICEF, yes.

KING: Now the thing with Billy Bob. And you've talked so openly about it. Do you carry stuff of his around? You know, the story you carry a vial of blood of his.

JOLIE: It's not a vial.

KING: What is it?

JOLIE: It's stuck to my microphone. It's his blood. It's in a -- I think you press -- I think it's supposed to be for pressed flowers, but...

KING: Oh yes, but it is blood? What did he just take a -- prick of finger?


KING: He just -- is that what he did or he didn't?

JOLIE: Something like that, yes. But it's just -- it's not as crazy as -- it's just simply -- it's one of those things where, you know, some people like very, very expensive jewelry.

KING: You like that?


KING: Does it make you feel closer?

JOLIE: Yes. I travel and when we work, we're far apart. And so, things that are just, you know, it's a bit of his life.

KING: And what does he wear?

JOLIE: Mine.

KING: Your blood?

JOLIE: Mm-hmm.

KING: That's nice.


KING: The people who play that up as sort of cultish, it's weird. That's just a very nice thing the two of you to keep close to each other.

JOLIE: That's right.

KING: Did he know that he liked you even though he was in a relationship? You say you were friends for those few years?

JOLIE: I think you'd have to ask him.

KING: I mean, you must've talked about it?

JOLIE: I mean, I think he'll tell me -- I think we always -- we liked each other as soon as we worked together. And we had -- we became instant friends. And I knew he liked me because we -- he liked being around me. We would just talk all the time. We would just, you know...

KING: Buddies hitting it off?

JOLIE: Yes. We would just -- we talked about everything. So we worked together. We'd talk about just everything, family, life, the life we've had, you know. We knew so much about each other, so you know.

KING: What was it like then, when it became love the first time you were together? I've never asked a question like that in my life. I mean, here's this friend of yours. You admire -- you dug him right away. And now it's come to fruition, right? Wow!

JOLIE: It was -- I was a girl for the first time in my life. I was such a girl. And I was so free and in love and so taken care of and so understood and so happy. Yes.

KING: Must've been some night?


KING: And I imagine he felt the same because he's talked about you, right?

JOLIE: Yes, it was also just -- it seemed like time stopped. It was just...

KING: Because here was this someone you knew so well, right?

JOLIE: Yes, and also it was just -- it was like -- it's like how we are now. Nothing's changed. It just -- it gets more and more intense all the time. We just, you know, we stare at each other across rooms. Sometimes we're talking or we're near each other and we don't realize it, but somehow everybody has left the room. And we don't know exactly how it happens. And we feel bad. And we're trying to be careful about it, but people tend to just disappear.

KING: Want a family?


KING: Working on it? Would you like to get one soon? Have you thought about when you might want?

JOLIE: Well, I've always wanted to adopt. I've always felt it was... KING: You don't want to give birth?

JOLIE: It's not that, it's that I've just -- I think some people have certain callings in life. Certain people are maybe meant to give birth and it's wonderful. And some people, ever since I can remember, after hearing about different kids that need homes or different orphans or different, you know, not a baby necessarily, but little kids. I've just always known that I would love as much as I would love my own. So I'd be a great mother to adopt a child.

KING: You feel the need is there?


KING: Nothing to do with that that would affect roles of yours or you'd have to take time off from?

JOLIE: No, I think I probably -- we might do both. I mean, I think, you know, because I mean, certainly there's enough to do.

KING: What does Billy Bob want?

JOLIE: Well, he has two beautiful children that -- they have a great mom, but they're with us quite a lot. And he's happy. I mean, he does -- I don't think he needs to have children.

KING: So it's any way you want it?

JOLIE: But he, I think, would love to.

KING: You a good step-mom?

JOLIE: I think so. I want to be.

KING: We'll be right back with more of Angelina Jolie. Her film "Original Sin" opens this weekend. We're going to talk about other things and other movies she's made. Don't go away.


UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: That is 18! That is a new record!



KING: Our guest is Angelina Jolie. Let's go back a little. Jon Voight's daughter, right? Who's the mom?

JOLIE: Marcheline Bertrand.

KING: Let's discuss the relationship with your brother. There was a lot of gossip that when you kissed your brother at the Oscars and talked emotionally about how much you love him, then people started saying, "What is the story here?" So easily put, what is the story here? JOLIE: The story is we're -- there's nothing at all bizarre or sexual or strange. My brother and I are very, very good friends. We're -- we deeply love and care about each other. And we came from a divorced family. And we have been through a lot together. And so, we're extremely close.

When -- he has always loved movies, loved movies ever since I can remember.

KING: What does he do?

JOLIE: He's an actor. He went to directing school. He's been -- I think he should do writing and stuff.

KING: Carries the name Voight?

JOLIE: No, his middle name's Haven, James Haven.

KING: So...

JOLIE: But he -- but so, you know, he's just always loved movies. And he's always been, from when my career was failing, from when I was succeeding, he's always been more supportive than I think most siblings are to each other. You know, and in that moment, he was so happy for me. And I was so, when I got up there, all I could think about, maybe to everybody it was weird because you should be thinking about some statue. And all I could think about was this person has loved me my whole life. And in this moment, they are happy for me. They are happier for me than anybody has ever been for anybody.

And it's like their moment. And so, it was just -- I thought what an amazing, you know, how lucky I am to have him as a brother. And I'm just so madly in love with him.

KING: You got me crying here. How old is he?

JOLIE: He's two years older. He's 28.

KING: So he was -- that was just plain unadulterated happiness...

JOLIE: Pure love, and couldn't believe it. And for us growing up with a father, maybe, who had been in that moment and was a part of our lives, it was like we'd...

KING: He had that moment.

JOLIE: You know, it was like this is our moment. This is like, you know, something that he's -- because his dad maybe had had one, it was -- he was aware of that at a very young age what it would be as an actor to be in that moment. And it was just so -- has always been so loving to me. And then it, you know, when everybody started to make fun us, it was...

KING: Did that bother you?

JOLIE: It bothered me because they missed the real story. You know, because anybody who knows me and Jamie, you know, they know us as brother and sister and think it's wonderful how much we support each other. You know, so they kind of missed what a great relationship we have. And yes, it bothered me because it was the first time somebody in my family was affected because they were -- it made me feel bad. It made me feel like -- and he actually spent some time not talking to me.

KING: Really?

JOLIE: Not talking to me because he was mad at me in any way, but because he felt that the more he was around me, the more I had to answer stupid questions.

KING: So he was thinking of you?

JOLIE: And he was just bringing it up. So he was thinking of me. Absolutely, he was thinking of me. He said he loved me. He said you know, spend time with your husband, be with your family.

KING: Did he get mad at the press?

JOLIE: He was hurt, yes. I mean, he was just -- I think, but I think it was -- the worst thing was that it formed this kind of separation where we just felt like let's not, you know, let's be careful how we are because...

KING: That's not the way you are.

JOLIE: It's not the way I am, but it's the way -- he was looking out for his sister by saying, you know, if I go to everything right now and put my arm around you right now, you're just going to have to answer a bunch of dumb questions. And I want it to be about your work. So whether you insist on me coming or not, I'm just not going to be around you for a little while because I think it's best for you.

And it was very hard for me. And it, you know, I know what he was thinking. And so, I...

KING: And now everything is fine?

JOLIE: Well, yes. I mean, now it's like we've -- he just gave me that bit of time. He kind of -- he wanted to do that. I don't know why.

KING: Sounds like quite a guy.

JOLIE: He's a great guy, but he's -- yes, he's going to be with us tonight and...


KING: How is your mother doing with all this?

JOLIE: My -- she was upset. You know, it was her children and she was upset. And...

KING: You should have been used to tabloids and stuff.

JOLIE: Yes, but I think, you know, when they insult me, things about me. And I tell my mom it doesn't bother me, which it doesn't, you know.

KING: It doesn't?

JOLIE: No, it only bothers me if it hurts somebody else. You know, if it says that I said something about somebody else.

KING: And in this case, your brother was...

JOLIE: As in my brother's case or about the idea about you know, having an affair with somebody who's married. You know, that kind of stuff is insulting to other people and is hurtful. If they say things about me and people just think I'm crazy and weird, I can take that.

KING: How about your father?

JOLIE: What did he think about it all? He didn't talk about it much. I think he -- I mean, you know...

KING: Are you close to him?

JOLIE: Everybody just -- yes, yes.

KING: Yes and no?

JOLIE: Yes and no because I think, you know, we're...

KING: He's proud of you, I would think.

JOLIE: Yes, he is. And I'm, you know, proud of him. I mean, we absolutely know each other. You know, you know each other as you get to know -- as you get older and you work together. And we've been still -- yes, we don't have like, we're not as close as me and brother and my mom, you know, but we're close in a different way.

KING: He worked in "Lara Croft" didn't he?


KING: With you?

JOLIE: Yes. So we're close in a certain...

KING: What was that like?

JOLIE: It was great.

KING: Had you ever worked with him before?

JOLIE: I don't remember it, but when I was 5, you know, he dragged me into something for a second, which I don't remember at all.

KING: We'll talk about some of the roles Angelina Jolie has played and how she chooses them right after this.


JOLIE: Nothing yet. Wait, I think I see him.

Are you the one who called the police?




JOLIE: Louis, you've come to my rescue.


JOLIE: It's like a play.

BANDERAS: What are you doing here?

JOLIE: Isn't it exciting? Look at all the mysterious contraptions.

BANDERAS: Who was that man?

JOLIE: What man? That was Lars (ph), that's all.

BANDERAS: You make my heart stop.

JOLIE: Feel my heart. Feel how fast it's beating.

BANDERAS: Christ. You'll be the death of me.

JOLIE: Oh, I hope so.


KING: We're back with Angelina Jolie, the star, along with Antonio Banderas of "Original Sin," which opens this weekend.

What was your first hit? What made it for you? Was "Girl, Interrupted" the first big movie?

JOLIE: I guess, yes.

KING: Were you surprised that all that came to you from that? When you read that script, did you say, "Well, this is a great career move."

JOLIE: No, well, I think a lot of people thought they were going to hate me after it or they didn't know what, you know, how people were going to interpret that character.

KING: You've been very private or very open in your life, right? Very alone and very with it? Have you had help, have you had psychiatric help? Were you ever depressed?

JOLIE: Uh-huh, yes.

KING: At an early age?

JOLIE: I never had like a therapist. It was probably like -- then I was in school. They -- I had a therapist for a day.

KING: That's all he could take. He ran out.

JOLIE: Well, I -- yes. I...

KING: So how did you get help?

JOLIE: Well, I went to -- this is a probably a longer than you've got time for. When I went through a period -- and I don't think it's a (UNINTELLIGIBLE) where Bill and I -- right before, we're on the time right before we got married. I thought something had happened to him. And we had some time where -- and I was so worried. And we kind of...

KING: An intuition or something?

JOLIE: Yes, or just -- it was like a night where somehow we were on a road trip and I couldn't find him and I couldn't -- and I ended up going crazy because I thought I like actually lost him.

KING: Lost him?

JOLIE: Not a girlfriend lost a boyfriend, like I actually thought...

KING: That he died?

JOLIE: Like I thought just something, yes.

KING: So you went crazy by...

JOLIE: So I went -- I couldn't -- so I called my mom and I was, we had been on a road trip. And I called my mom and I didn't realize how bad it was until she kind of said, "What's wrong with you? I never heard you stutter before" and got me on a plane. And I was just hysterical.

And by the time I got to L.A., my mom picked me up at the airport, I had lost kind of speech almost completely. It was very strange.

KING: Wow.

JOLIE: And told my mom that I thought I should have -- get some kind of help or go to a hospital because I didn't want to be suicidal. I didn't want to do any drugs. I didn't want to, you know, because I didn't want to do anything to try to hurt myself or try to shut off my fear. So I thought I want to get help. So I -- we had a doctor come in and see me. And he said, you should go to UCLA. And I went to UCLA. And they said, you're suffering from, you know, like the loss of somebody. You've got like -- you're having a nervous breakdown.

KING: By that time, had you contacted him?

JOLIE: No. They thought I was having a nervous breakdown from loss and they...

KING: Then how -- what happened?

JOLIE: They suggested that I go under a 72-hour hold and put me in the hospital. And they're like...

KING: Hold it right there.


KING: We'll be right back with Angelina Jolie. Don't go away.


JOLIE: How'd you lose you license?

DAVID DUCHOVNY, ACTOR: I was operating on a patient and the patient died.

JOLIE: Was it your fault?

DUCHOVNY: I was under the influence of narcotics and amphetamines at the time, so, yeah, you could say it was my fault.

JOLIE: How long ago was it?

DUCHOVNY: Ten months, five days -- what time is it now?

JOLIE: So how come you're still stoned?




JOLIE: You wanted your file; I found you your file. You wanted out; I got you out. You needed money; I found you some! I (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and I told you the truth; I didn't write it down in a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) book! I told you to your face!

And I told Daisy to her face. What everybody knew and wouldn't say, and she killed herself. And I played the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) villain, just like you wanted.

WINONA RYDER, ACTRESS: Why would I want that?

JOLIE: Because it makes you the good guy, sweet pea (ph).


KING: We're back with Angelina Jolie. "Original Sin" opens this weekend.

So you were on the 72-hour hold?

JOLIE: I was in a 72-hour hold not to hurt myself or others. And...

KING: I mean, did they stand by your door? They watch you?

JOLIE: No, no, no, you're just in a place where there just isn't -- you know, you're with other people. You've got different rooms you're in. It's that kind of, you know, yes, they don't allow razors. You're not allowed to, you know -- but it's mainly you're just in a place where they talk to you a lot or they give you things to like calm down a bit, which is like not an extreme thing.

KING: In this period, had you heard from him?

JOLIE: After a few days, somehow my mom got in touch. They got in touch with each other.

KING: Where was he?

JOLIE: He was on the road and he thought I'd lost touch with him. It was a confusing -- there's no, like, secret drama.

KING: Was he upset?

JOLIE: There was like -- yes. And he was wondering where I was. Yes, we just...

KING: So he's calling looking for you?

JOLIE: It was just one of those -- and we weren't fighting. It was just like a -- somehow things just got...

KING: All right, in retrospect, Angelina, how do you explain it? What do you think that was?

JOLIE: I think I thought something happened to the person I finally felt at peace with in this world and the person I care most about. And I don't know if I could live without him. And...

KING: Does that make you dependent?

JOLIE: Yes, yes. But I don't think that's a bad thing. I mean...

KING: It's only bad if something does...

JOLIE: It's bad if anything happens, but I think you know, it was before we had any time. We hadn't had any time together. So I was angry. You know, it was just a very -- but I think it was also, for somebody like me, I was an extremely feeling person. I'm an extremely emotional person.

KING: Obviously.

JOLIE: And I'm very connected to him. And so the thought that somebody -- that the person I care most about and is so -- was suddenly -- after I finally met somebody in this world that made sense to me, that I could talk to, that made me feel at peace and you know, was -- I felt...

KING: How did he react when he heard what had happened to you?

JOLIE: I think he was happy I was OK. You know, we both didn't know what happened. And we just kept talking on the phone. And I eventually took -- it was hard to talk to him for a second because I still hadn't started talking yet probably.

KING: Boy.

JOLIE: So it took me a few. And he wanted me to just, you know, so whatever I needed to do to just talk to them, so then just get out.

KING: No recurrence since?

JOLIE: Oh, no. And it wasn't like a, you know -- I mean I haven't really talked about because I know people will misunderstand it and say I went insane or...

KING: I understand it. You felt a grieving loss.

JOLIE: But it's just like if anybody lost somebody they loved so much, they'd have a nervous breakdown. And so that's...

KING: Ever seen some people at funerals jump down to a casket?


KING: Go incommunicado for months, months. Loss is a terrible thing.


KING: No one knows how to deal with it. There's no lessons in it, is there?

Why did you do "Lara Croft?"

JOLIE: Because I wanted to.

KING: Because it was kind of a movie, right, kind of a hoot?

JOLIE: Well, it was also when they first came up with -- when they first told me about the idea, I was doing this film in Mexico, doing this period piece that's coming out now. And I was, you know, corset and the parasol thing, very girlie, and having -- and thought it was a really bad idea because I thought they were going to make it this really, really stupid or make it about being a girl in danger.

And when I talked to them, they said she's a warrior and she travels. And she's curious about other countries. And we want to train you to learn all these skills. And I thought, what a great -- and also for me physically, I had not been challenged physically. I thought it would be great for me to get...

KING: To do an action drama?

JOLIE: ...strong and get really healthy.

KING: Did you enjoy doing it?

JOLIE: Yes, and it was really good for me. And it was great for me to travel and start to learn about things.

KING: And also critics, it was received rather well.

JOLIE: I think it was and it wasn't. I mean, I think...

KING: The ones I read, I thought...

JOLIE: They were OK, yes.

KING: You're going to do another one?

JOLIE: I'd like to, yes.

KING: You get -- sign?

JOLIE: I think we're just wondering whether there's a really good story in the -- you know, it's so much based on the other countries you visit in the ancient, you know.

KING: Did you like being physical?

JOLIE: I loved it. It was really good for me. It's really good for me to jump around and get crazy and get loud because it calms me.

KING: Do you like watching yourself?

JOLIE: Sometimes. Sometimes I'm OK, too. I think it depends. If I'm with like my family to watch certain things or if I'm, you know.

KING: How about stories of things that -- you tattoo yourself, right?


KING: For what reason?

JOLIE: It's my -- you know, I was just in Cambodia. And they're covered in -- a lot of people are covered in tattoos there.

KING: And it's getting big in America. JOLIE: And yes. But they're asked -- more out of protection.

KING: Against?

JOLIE: Just -- if you have this -- to me it made sense. You have the things closest to you right on you. I think part of it is I'm an actress and so much of my life has been somebody's else's wardrobe, somebody else's hair, somebody's else's you know, fake tattoo, because that character had one. And I should remain completely -- you know, you shouldn't have tattoos because you have to cover them. And that's, you know, you have to remain this blank slate and to be able to blend in different roles.

And that was so dangerous for me because I really didn't know how else. I wanted to, you know...

KING: So do you get them all the time? I mean, do you?

JOLIE: So I -- the first one I got was my -- OK, my body's mine. I have a self and this is...

KING: You have a lot of them now?

JOLIE: Yes. And they all mean something to me. And they're all like great reminders of times in my life.

KING: Billy Bob likes them?

JOLIE: Yes, and he's got a bunch.

KING: We'll be back with our remaining moments with Angelina Jolie on this edition of LARRY KING WEEKEND. The film "Original Sin" is now open. Don't go away.




JOLIE: I was thinking about you.



KING: We're back with Angelina Jolie.

One other thing I heard about you about cutting yourself. Did you ever do that?

JOLIE: Mm-hmm.

KING: Yes, because?

JOLIE: Because when I was younger, I didn't -- like I said about touching people and having this thing. I didn't feel very much. And I had a lot inside me. And I was, like a lot of people, I didn't have any outlets and anything. And I didn't feel very much. And I couldn't sleep and I couldn't and I didn't. And I collected knives. And I would touch -- for some reason, the ritual of having cut myself and feeling, like, pain -- feeling pain maybe, feeling alive, feeling some kind of release...

KING: Not a death wish?

JOLIE: No, no. But it was somehow therapeutic to me. And it was dangerous because I certainly in certain places could have really, you know.

KING: Not uncommon, by the way.

JOLIE: Not uncommon, no, not at all.

KING: Lot of people do it.

JOLIE: And that's one of the reasons I was outspoken about it because I felt that other people do it and other people -- and I wasn't saying, "it's a great thing, go do it." I was outspoken saying, "I understand it, what this thing is."

KING: It means something's wrong though?

JOLIE: It means something's wrong. Since, you know, I have gone through many things where I've expressed everything negative. I've gone through everything that maybe people think is crazy or you shouldn't talk about or you grow out of, or whatever it is. Then I can also say you know, you find somebody that you care about in this world and you talk to them and you trust them. You do absolutely what you love with your life. You follow your own instincts, your own truths.

And what I've learned most recently is that you live -- when you start to do other things for other people, and you start to focus your life on bigger things, things bigger than you and bigger than your own life, you can find peace. And it feels better to do that. And it gives you a sense -- and you start -- you stop being so selfish and thinking about yourself.

KING: So you don't have to do that anymore?

JOLIE: So you find a certain kind of release. No, I don't do that. I don't do that certainly to, no.

KING: But you understand when you hear about others who do it?

JOLIE: I understand absolutely. And I understand that those other people also are people that have a lot inside them, that are trying to feel something honest and real probably, and that -- to tell them to learn about what's going on in the world, to help them to travel, to tell them to communicate what they need, to tell them to you know, be outspoken about whatever it is and find what makes them happy. Because they need to just -- we all just have a lot inside of us. And so it's, you know.

KING: We'll talk about that with the extraordinary Angelina Jolie. She stars in "Original Sin" with Antonio Banderas now open. Don't go away.


BANDERAS: Juliet Russel? This picture...

JOLIE: I've deceived you; I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. I was unsure. you see, I didn't want a man to be interested in me just because I owned a pretty face. And so I sent another woman's photograph, and not my own.


JOLIE: I do hope you forgive me. I meant to write. Many times I tried, but my courage failed me, so I...



KING: Our guest is Angelina Jolie.

Let's go back a little. What was it like growing up in a family of people who are talented?

JOLIE: Well, I think that because they were artists and they are artists, the best thing that happened is they were very expressive and they were very encouraging of me to be a free spirit and to be open.

KING: I can tell I'm getting old because I knew your father before you were born, right? I knew him when he made "Midnight Cowboy." And his career has been incredible in that everyone said Jon Voight was going to be the star of all stars, right? The Clark Gable, whatever, because he had incredible talent, great looking guy, but he was very picky in his role choosing, right? Wasn't he?

JOLIE: Yes, I was -- yes, in his life he has been.

KING: He didn't care about stardom per se.

JOLIE: I think no. I mean, he think he's -- I mean, I always grew up understanding that you do films because you want to tell stories or you want to say so much because you want to introduce characters or thoughts that are, you know, get people...

KING: Not to be a star?

JOLIE: It's not at all -- and I never -- I didn't really grow up with -- on movie sets or kind of with other actors. And I always remember him just being home reading. Or whenever I'd see him every once in a while on the weekends, you know, because I grew up with my mom.

KING: Yes, I know.

JOLIE: And my brother. But I'd see him, it was, yes, it was never about -- I always thought he was more of a, you know, that he worked with humanitarian work or activism.

KING: Very involved in that.

JOLIE: And I didn't really think that he -- I never thought about him as...

KING: Did you want to be a star?

JOLIE: No. No, I still don't.

KING: You don't like this? Because you've become.

JOLIE: I'm certainly very, very grateful. And it's been emotionally helpful to me as a person to feel that I'm not alone in this world and that people share my feelings on things. And whether they don't like or like me, they tend to let...

KING: They know where you stand.

JOLIE: ...question things. Yes. I feel like I'm friends with the world, which is the most wonderful for somebody like me, who felt like I was so alone. So it's been very helpful, but the idea of not -- I love being by myself sometimes.

KING: Really?

JOLIE: At least watching people and being alone. And it's harder now...

KING: Isn't it hard to be a people watcher when they know you?

JOLIE: Yes. So that makes it a little...

KING: Someone once said it's hard to be a great actor because actors observe. And it's hard to observe when you're being observed.


KING: Because you're known everywhere now, right?

JOLIE: Not everywhere. So I tend to try to -- no, well, but I'm just really grateful. And the thing is, when people spend time with me or get to me or talk to me, I end up just becoming friends with people. So I wouldn't trade that for the world.

KING: What's your next movie going to do?

JOLIE: I don't know.

KING: Going to work with Billy Bob?

JOLIE: Billy's going on tour with his album. And I'm just -- I'm going to be with him.

KING: Oh, good.


KING: Like a rock star.

JOLIE: Yes, rock star's wife.

KING: "Original Sin," have high hopes for this. Do you care about -- do you follow box office things?

JOLIE: I never expected this one to be accepted by people and seen kind of because of all the chances we took. So if it's even received decently, I'll be quite happy with it.

KING: You're an admirable person.

JOLIE: Thank you very much.

KING: Hope we can do this again.

JOLIE: I hope so.

KING: Angelina Jolie, won an Academy Award, won a Golden Globe, stars in "Original Sin" with Antonio Banderas now playing.

Hope you enjoyed this edition of LARRY KING WEEKEND. It was refreshing to say the least. Have a great rest of the weekend and good night.