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American Morning

The Big Question: What was John Walker's Role with the Taliban?

Aired December 17, 2001 - 09:21   ET


JACK CAFFERTY, CNN ANCHOR: When American John Walker was captured fighting for the Taliban, the president described him as -- quote -- "a poor fellow" -- unquote. Then Walker's father, Frank Lindh, came on this show, and others, asking Americans not to rush to judgment of his son.

Now, "Newsweek" magazine is reporting that John Walker was no innocent in Afghanistan.

Joining us now with more is "Newsweek's" Michael Isikoff. Nice to have you with us, Michael. What is closer to the truth? Let me read you a little quote out of the piece itself we've got here. According to administration sources -- these are people that you've talked to -- He also admitted to being a member of Al Qaeda, training at its camps. He participated in terrorist exercises, including learning to use explosives and poisons. He met with visiting Al Qaeda officials, including Osama bin Laden. Walker also admitted he was instructed in how to act in airports so as not to attract police attention.

Not the last time I looked up part of the teachings of the Koran.

So which is he? Misguided youth, or willing terrorist?

MICHAEL ISIKOFF, "NEWSWEEK": Well, certainly I think these debriefing of him by Pentagon people -- by military people in Afghanistan kind of, you know raise some questions about at least some of the initial accounts from his father, and even the president's words, describing as a poor fellow. I think these debriefing, as they circulated last week, were pretty startling to a lot of administration officials. You know, we knew he obviously was fighting with the Taliban. He's father suggested he was sort of in the wrong place at the wrong time. But admitting he was actually engaging in training at terrorist camps and terrorist exercises, you know, throws a whole new cloud about that.

And you know this is also -- it's going to be interesting, because you've got a lot of administration people now here closely looking at what to do with him, whether to charge him, what to charge him with. Attorney General Ashcroft asked for list of crimes could be charged with, and wanting to know whether they carry the death penalty. On the other hand, you have some administration officials who say he may be more useful as a cooperating witness for getting top Al Qaeda people in military tribunals, if we indeed capture them. So there's...

CAFFERTY: I'm sorry to interrupt, but Mayor Giuliani weighed in on the subject over the weekend. You were talking about Attorney General John Ashcroft and this debate that seems to be going on what to do with Walker, what to charge him with, if anything, and what punishment is appropriate. Here's what the mayor of New York had to say.


MYR. RUDY GIULIANI, NEW YORK CITY: I don't know all the facts of the case, but I certainly think that serious consideration should be given to the maximum penalty that the law allows. And when you commit treason against the United States of America, particularly at a time in by the United States of America is in peril of attack and further attack, I believe the death penalty is the appropriate remedy to consider.


CAFFERTY: We're talking with Michael Isikoff of "Newsweek" magazine. And, Mike, there seems to be some question, and I don't know why I find this amusing. But there is some question about him not being given his Miranda rights at the time that he was captured.

ISIKOFF: Exactly. This is going to be a fascinating legal issue that people at the Justice Department and the Pentagon are wrestling with right now. Walker was debriefed by military people for at least the first week, who were questioning him for tactical information on the battlefield. Remember, he was fighting with the Taliban. He could describe where Taliban movements -- troops had been, and they needed tactical battlefield information. It was in the course of that debriefing that he made a lot of these admissions. Now the problem is, can you use them in a court of law, especially a civilian court of law, if he's tried by the Justice Department, you know, Prosecuted by the Justice Department.

His lawyer, James Brosnan (ph), prominent San Francisco lawyer, has been making an issue about this and saying he is going to challenge the use of any of that information, because he was not read his Miranda rights, he did not have a lawyer present.

CAFFERTY: It's fascinating stuff, and I would recommend it to our viewers.

Mike, thanks for being with us. We've got to end there, but I appreciate your time this morning.

ISIKOFF: Anytime.

CAFFERTY: Michael Isikoff, correspondent with "Newsweek" magazine on what's to become of John Walker. TO ORDER A VIDEO OF THIS TRANSCRIPT, PLEASE CALL 800-CNN-NEWS OR USE OUR SECURE ONLINE ORDER FORM LOCATED AT