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CNN Larry King Live

Meet Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Man Behind the Candidate

Aired August 10, 2003 - 21:00   ET



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And now, without further ado, it's time to start running!


LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, meet the man behind the candidate. Arnold Schwarzenegger, next on LARRY KING LIVE.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On your mark! Get set!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Only in a rerun. Go!


KING: Good evening. Arnold Schwarzenegger made California the story of the week with his surprise entry into the recall circus last Wednesday night. Who is this one-time Mr. Universe who wants to be governor? You're about to get a good idea. Arnold has been on this show several times, and tonight, we're going to hear his views on life, family and celebrity. We begin with politics.


KING: You've been quoted as saying you might want to be governor of this state some day. Is that just throwing things out or serious?

SCHWARZENEGGER: No, no, what I said was that I had thought about it many times, you know, should I run for office or not? And I was offered to run for Senate and Congress and, you know, and governor and all those things. And, of course, I've thought about it many times, but I'm too much involved in show business at this time in order to even consider that.

KING: This time.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, because I cannot talk about what happens five or 10 years from now. The only thing that I can tell you is that I have a tremendous amount of interest in helping people. I'm always very active with promoting the inner-city games, bringing educational programs and sports programs, computer programs and all those things to the inner cities, and I have a tremendous -- I'm developing more and more interest of helping people rather than thinking of myself, and I think that one thing leads to the other. And there are so many social ills out there, and I just want to remind everyone, I'm not trying to become a Democrat.

KING: But you are a compassionate conservative, right?


KING: Because you married -- everyone around you is Democrat -- your wife, your whole family. The Kennedys. That's it, right?

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's absolutely true. But you know, everyone has the right to make mistakes. So do they.

KING: By the way, I haven't asked you about this. How well did you know JFK Jr.?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I knew him very well. We spent a lot of time together. If he was on the ski slopes skiing or in New York or in...

KING: Good guy, wasn't he?

SCHWARZENEGGER: He was a wonderful human being. He was -- he had such a great heart, and he was so -- he was working so hard to please everyone and to not let anyone down with the expectations they had of him and all that. He had a wonderful relationship with his wife, and they were...

KING: These stories now that they were breaking up, is that stupid? They printed in the New York...

SCHWARZENEGGER: I haven't read anything, to be honest with you, but, I mean, I can tell you that I've hung out with them both a lot of times, and they had the most unbelievable marriage, and they were so sweet to one another, so considerate, and always kind of lovey-dovey. As a matter of fact, Maria always looks at me and says, Arnold, why can't you be more like this? You know, so they were always wonderful.

KING: Does he know you were doing "End of Days?" Did he know that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes, as a matter of fact, we talked about the project. It was really unbelievably sad to see, you know, the ending like that, you know.

KING: Here's Arnold Schwarzenegger. His wife writes a book about explaining death to children, a wonderful book.

SCHWARZENEGGER: "Heaven," yes.

KING: His mother-in-law does a movie about Mary, right? And he does a millennium movie about Satan. What's going on? Look at it, Arnold, it all pieces together.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I know, it's really -- I was laughing about that. It's funny you're bringing it up, because we've all laughed, and we were sitting around one time at a family table and saying, you know, that's really interesting, Maria writes a book about "What's Heaven?" Eunice is talking about the Virgin Mary and is doing a movie on it for NBC, which by the way, had one of the greatest ratings they have ever had, which I'm very happy about it for her. And here I'm doing a movie about Satan. What does this all say? I don't know what it says. It's just a coincidence, you know. And I'm very happy that we're all doing something, and I tell you one thing, it was hard for a while to get on any talk shows, because those guys, the Shrivers, occupied all the talk shows.


KING: How's your heart?

SCHWARZENEGGER: My heart is terrific.

KING: You've got a human valve put in.

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's right, yes.

KING: I didn't know they did that. I thought it was always mechanical or pigs.

SCHWARZENEGGER: It's amazing the way that the technology and medicine is right now. I mean, it's extraordinary that you can have an operation like this and then afterwards feel twice the amount of energy. I mean, I am full of energy now. This is why this movie was so great for me, because I could prove that I'm back, you now.

KING: That's right, because there were worries.


KING: Didn't "The Globe" try to say that you were -- didn't you sue them?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes, absolutely, because they said, basically, that I'm on my way to die, and which wasn't true. So, I mean of course...

KING: You're here.


So I think that this movie is great because it shows to the fans around the world that, you know, I've done all the stunts and I'm full of energy, and I'm back, and the concerns, they can -- they don't have to worry about it anymore. Because after the surgery, I got so many thousands of letters of real tremendous concern from the people, and phone calls and all that, so it was really nice, you know, to now have an opportunity to do a film like that, where I can go all out again and do the most extraordinary stunts.

KING: People care about you. You know, you're part of Americana, you know.

SCHWARZENEGGER: It's really nice to be part of America, and...

KING: You are.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... be a part of the world.


SCHWARZENEGGER: You have to have faith.

ROD STEIGER, ACTOR: Yes, faith, it's an interesting concept. If you read the Bible, you can't miss it. Faith!

SCHWARZENEGGER: Between your faith and my Glock 9 mm, I take my Glock.


KING: Explain title. "End of Days."

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, it's a line from the Bible, and what it means basically is the return of Satan, and every so often, there is a window of opportunity where Satan can return, and he's trying to bring heaven and hell together and rule both of them for the next 1,000 years, and so basically this is the theme of our movie, and this is also what impressed me so much and why I wanted to do this movie very badly, because the idea of Satan returning -- first of all, as you know, I've fought many battles with a lot of different enemies, from terrorists to assassins...

KING: No one like this one.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... with witches, and monsters and androids and aliens, and now the devil. I mean, this was extraordinary. And it's a huge, on an epic proportion kind of level, the whole movie...

KING: And a big money movie? I mean, it cost it lot?

SCHWARZENEGGER: A big money movie, and of course it's really great, now looking at the last three days and seeing how it's all coming in again, and it's very -- it's huge, the movie, and it's success for them. I'm very happy about that.

KING: When you saw the script, and this is always the most difficult thing any actor faces, did you like it right away? Did you say, boy, I want to do this?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, interestingly enough, I loved the concept of the film, because the script was only half-written at the time when I was approached, so I loved the concept and I liked the idea. When I did some research, I realized that there weren't really any other scripts or any other movies that were about to be made about the millennium. This was the only movie that dealt with the subject of millennium, and here we're going from one millennium to the next, and it's the only movie out there, and it's you know, and I thought it was great because there is such a kind of franticness around the world among so many people about the subject on what is going to happen on...


SCHWARZENEGGER: Is it Y2K, is it going to be the end of civilization? Is there going to be a massive earthquake? People run the survivors stores, as you know, buy extra food and store, extra water. People go to gun stores and buy themselves arms and all this, you know, to protect themselves. I don't know from what, but protect themselves. So what we were basically were saying, what the script was saying is wait a minute, here is another idea of what could happen. It could be the return of Satan, and so it becomes then a really a rollercoaster ride, a ticket ride. It's huge.

KING: As you watch yourself over your life, do you see yourself better and better all the time? Are you your own severest critic?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, yes. I see -- in my bodybuilding days already, I was very tough on myself. Even on the day after competition, after I've won, I've looked at myself in the mirror and said, how does this body ever win anything? I was very critical, and perfectionist, and today is the same thing. I look at the movies in a very critical way, and you know, every time I do a movie, I get better in my performance. And also it's a lot to do with the director. I think that Peter Hines, who directed this movies, was really an extraordinary director, very sensitive, really worked hard with the actors and prepped really well, believed in rehearsals.

KING: He's done a lot of non-action.

SCHWARZENEGGER: He's done a lot of non-action movies, and also this was the first time for him to work on a big budget movie like this, because he's done movies that cost maybe $20, $30, $40 million. But here was the first time -- I remember the first meeting that he came in, and he says, well, what's the budget here? And we said, well, we have $100 million to play around with. He was like in a state of shock.

KING: How does that affect a director? You've directed. What's it like to have?

SCHWARZENEGGER: It is overwhelming, I think, for a director, because it's really scary when you have all this money and you have to make these decisions, but our movie was very complicated, because, as you know, we have so many visual effects in there, so many special effects, and from an acting point of also, that's very difficult, because you're acting a lot of times against something that isn't really there, that's done in post-production.

KING: The movie is "End of Days," it's currently showing everywhere. We'll be back with some more moments with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Don't go away.


SCHWARZENEGGER: The man that is failing the people more than anyone is Gray Davis. He's failing them terribly, and this is why he needs to be recalled. And this is why I'm going to run for governor.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You wouldn't hurt me, would you, sweetheart? Sweetheart, be reasonable. After all, we're married.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Consider that a divorce.



Arnold Schwarzenegger's first appearance on this show was back in 1990. His movie at the time was the sci-fi classic "Total Recall."

Among the topics we discussed - life and family.


KING: Did you have, as a known Republican, any difficulty marrying into the family that is the most Democratic - big "D" Democratic. Who would be bigger "D" Democrat than the Kennedys?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Did I have any problems?

KING: Yes, I mean, ...

SCHWARZENEGGER: None whatsoever, no. As a matter of fact, ...

KING: Because usually they say a marriage can have a rough time if there's two political philosophies involved in a marriage.

SCHWARZENEGGER: It could have a rough time. You are absolutely correct. But we never have had an argument about politics.

It's - I totally understand the way Maria feels and the way she thinks and her upbringing and all that. And she totally understands the way I feel, coming from Austria.

I mean, I have gone through Socialism. I have gone through that kind of a style of running a government before, I know it doesn't work. And so that's why I'm much more conservative thinking.

I'm not as conservative as some people maybe think, especially on social issues I'm not. But I am conservative, and we have no problems because of it. I think it makes it much better, because we can exchange ideas and I can learn from her and she can learn from me.

KING: OK. What's fatherhood like?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I tell you, this has been the most incredible surprise to me, because ... KING: Surprised.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes, surprised because everyone before we - the baby was born - everyone said to me that this would change your life. This is going to be incredible.

I mean, you will have no more time to yourself. All you have to do is, you know, just spend time with this baby and so on and so forth.

And the fact of the matter is, it's really - it was the most pleasant thing that ever happened in my life. It is so wonderful. And when this baby arrived and it's just the joy.

It's not that you have to sacrifice, like everyone is telling you. But you want to spend time at home. You want to spend time with this child. You want to hold it endless amount of hours in your arms.

And it's yours. You know, it's just the most fun thing that you can do.

And so, I just have to say that being a father has been the greatest joy in my life.

KING: What is the most surprising thing about it? I mean, you knew you would hold the baby. You knew you would have a little baby at home. You knew you'd have the crib. You knew you'd have the diapers. You knew all that.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, yes. Yes. All the things that you thought of before and as being a chore is now a pleasure.

I mean, to change diapers. You know, you're thinking to yourself, I mean, how many times would I find myself changing diapers, you know.

But, I mean, you look forward to that, because it's funny to see this little baby lying there, little Katherine, and kicking around, you know, and making noises. And you're changing the diapers. And sometimes the diaper ends up around the neck. And Maria says, no. Don't put it around the neck. It's supposed to be around the waist.

And, you know, you make those changes. She, of course, films the whole thing - Maria with the video camera - just to show that this kid later on, when he is maybe 15 or 20, how mixed up everything and how bad I really was compared to her.

But, I mean, the fact of the matter is, is that it's so much fun doing those things, or feeding Katherine, you know, sitting there with the bottle and feeding her and all this.

So, I think that has been the biggest surprise for me.

KING: Do you also have the feeling that this is someone who is solely dependent on you? For the first time in your life ...


KING: ... a human being.

SCHWARZENEGGER: You get that feeling. Yes, absolutely, all the time. I mean, throughout the whole night you're concerned about it, and then you're concerned with, ...

KING: You can hear them breathing.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... is Katherine awake or is she not awake, and all those things. You know, is she screaming? Is she - does she need milk or - you know, you are concerned about it, even when you go to work. You call back home and say, is she OK, and so on.

So that - all that has been a surprise to me, that, you know, that you would change like this and you will be so interested in that.

KING: With the macho image - and that, of course, as people who know you - that's partially just image. Did you want a son?

I mean, that's Austrian, too, isn't it, to want a son?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I think that's probably international, that men always like to have a son. And I don't know what women want. Maybe they want a daughter. Maybe they want a son, too. Who knows?

I really didn't have any kind of - anything as a wish list ...


SCHWARZENEGGER: ... no, no. Not at all. I just felt - I tried to figure out if this - if I really want to have a son, I was thinking about it, you know. The same as if - I really don't care.

And I tell you, I'm glad now that we have a daughter. I really am.

KING: They're daddy people.


KING: And you notice how they give you a different look? Daddies get a different look than mommies get.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, I mean - the smile that I get.

KING: Yeah.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I mean, when I say Katherine in the morning, and she just smiles, I mean, your mouth goes all the up to your ears. And it's great.




SCHWARZENEGGER: I will take that with me.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can take that with you. Everything I'm going to give you, you're going to be issued all your documents, and then you're going to bring them on Saturday.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We will be open eight to five.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Eight to five.


SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, I really appreciate all your help.




SCHWARZENEGGER: ... on Saturday, ...


SCHWARZENEGGER: ... I'll be back.







KING: Our guest - good friend, good guy - Arnold Schwarzenegger.

You know, it got almost no attention, so I guess that asking it is almost weird, but a biography came out about you. And it was labeled, the truth about Arnold Schwarzenegger - Nazi and those kind of - and nobody read it, to my knowledge. I've asked people, did you read the book? No. I guess it didn't sell.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Trash doesn't sell. I mean, people are smart enough ...

KING: Did you read it?

SCHWARZENEGGER: No, I never read it. No.

KING: Do you know the person who wrote it?

SCHWARZENEGGER: No, never met her.

KING: Oh, it's a woman.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes, it's woman. I never met her. I don't know anything about her.

I suspected that one of these days a book like this would come out, because everyone always told me in Hollywood, it's commonly known that if you get to a certain level with your career, that someone would be out there trying to make money from your career.

Someone that is totally unrelated to your profession and has nothing to do with you at all would come out with some trash.

And I've been told that this is - listen, everyone has had a book out on them and some unauthorized biography. And you will be, obviously, next.

And so I knew that something is going to come eventually. And here it came and went, as far as that goes, you know.

I mean, the poor woman was traveling all over the country doing the talk shows, and they were booing her off the stage on those interview shows and everything. And there it went. And the book didn't sell.

So I think that she obviously came out with it at the wrong time, because there's a good momentum in my career going, and the press has always treated me in a very positive way and has written very well, but if it a film, so, if it is fitness or whatever it is, you know, there is nothing ...

KING: You know what I ...

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... really. I mean, I'm not the kind of ...

KING: ... well, the only word I think ...


KING: ... that would bother people, is a word that I guess a lot of us don't even understand - neo. And when she wrote neo-Nazi, what - do you know what that meant?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I have no idea what she's talking about, to be honest with you.

But I think that it's the only thing that maybe is - she can dwell on something like that, that I'm from Austria, and kind of, you know, accuse me of something in that direction. But, I mean, I don't pay any attention to it, to be honest with you, because I know what I am. I'm not prejudiced.

And also, it's a - it's just a stupid book, and she goes into these different things. And I'll let her do her thing and let her be happy - and move on, you know.

KING: The business of this business, the unpredictability - you don't do your own productions? I mean, you're - I would think that you'd be in that Stallone end, where you do your own.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, he's doing a good job with what he is doing. The only thing is that, I wanted to start a production company, and I did, several years ago. But I got so busy with good projects that came along, that I really never had time to start my own projects, where you start developing your own script and to ...

KING: Raise your own money.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... raise your own money and all those things.

I never had to really - the necessity to do that, because I always had a lot of good projects coming to me.

So, I'm right now backed up. I could do films for the next five years and sign deals for the next five years.

I won't, because I don't make that mistake that some people do, that they sign contracts for two, three years in advance. I think it is good to sign one deal at a time, or for two films at a time.

As a matter of fact, I did a very unusual thing to sign a deal for "Kindergarten Cop," which is the next film I'm doing, and also for "Terminator 2," which is the film after that. That's only because I wanted to do "Terminator 2" for a long time.

But normally I don't do that. That's ...

KING: So, you'd never be three or four films ahead.

SCHWARZENEGGER: No. I don't want to do that because I like to keep it open in case a director - a good director - has a good project and comes to me. I don't want to be - miss that opportunity. So, I want to keep it open.

People sign deals for many, many projects in advance, simply because they may be feeling insecure sometimes. They think, well maybe, you know, this movie will take a dive, or this movie goes in the toilet. And then maybe I don't get another job. So let's sign that right away, deals for five movies.

I really don't live under that fear, to be honest with you. I mean, I just feel comfortable and that we move along with the career the way it is.

KING: The "Predator" - "Twins" made how much money? How much did "Twins" take in?

SCHWARZENEGGER: "Twins" made worldwide around $250 million. And video, it sold almost a million videotapes.

KING: Now, you get a percentage of that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, each deal ...

KING: Has its own ...

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... is quite different, because it depends, if you're doing a film with an independent production company. Or if you're doing it with a studio, then which one of the studios you're doing it with.

Are you - do you want to participate in the grosses - of the film grosses, or in the video grosses. And so and so.

In "Twins" the situation was such that Ivan Reitman and Danny DeVito and myself wanted to make a little movie - little meaning a small budget film. Only $15 million and not one dollar above that.

So, therefore, we decided to put all the money into the production end and not take any salaries, but to take it in the back end.

KING: So, no salary.

SCHWARZENEGGER: No salary. None of us ...

KING: The three of you.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... would get a salary. Exactly.

Because we believed 100 percent in this project. And we believed that with Universal Studio, with their distribution and their advertising, we could really sell the movie and do well.

KING: On the other hand, if Art Buchwald were here, he might say, how do you know you're going to get a fair account?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, in - when you have the grosses that we had, the definition of grosses, which means that first dollar in, with no deductions. Then you have a better chance of checking the books than when you have a situation where there's a ...

KING: Of the net.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... definition of grosses where you have the deductions of the theaters, the deduction of the advertising, the deduction of the actors, the deduction of the production and on and on and on.

KING: So in other words, you know that if you get five percent of the gross gross, then $200 million, you get five percent ... SCHWARZENEGGER: Each dollar that comes in to Universal Studio, you get a certain percentage. And it's that simple, with no deductions whatsoever.

KING: How did you (UNINTELLIGIBLE) that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: If it is video, if it foreign, if it is merchandising rights, if it is selling posters - whatever it may be, you share of that pot.

KING: How did you know that that would do so well?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I think that when we went to people and told them the story about Danny - I would go to a party and I would say - people would say, what do you do next? And I said, well a film, a comedy with Danny DeVito. Oh. They would say, what's the name, and I said, "Twins," they laughed immediately.

So it was a high concept film that everyone went crazy over. As soon as we showed the first poster, they were having Danny DeVito's picture. Schwarzenegger on top. People laughed.

Anything that we did, people laughed. So we knew that we have a hit there, and that's exactly what happened.

So like I said, you know in the beginning already if it leads up to something, if there's a certain momentum going. And the same is now, doing "Kindergarten Cop," which is the next film where I play a tough cop that goes into a kindergarten class as an undercover agent, and he actually is a teacher in the kindergarten. And he has no control in that classroom whatsoever.

He's outside is the toughest cop, but in the classroom, he's nothing. He's - you know, so - it's - you know ahead of time that will work. And people laugh always when they hear that.

KING: And you'd be working with little kids, which is (UNINTELLIGIBLE) sometimes.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Just (UNINTELLIGIBLE) with four-year-olds, five- year-olds, six-year-olds, it would be so funny. We are rehearsing right now.

The things those kids say to you, the things that they do, it is hilarious.

KING: You don't mind the possibility of being upstaged? W.C. Fields said, don't work with a kid.

SCHWARZENEGGER: To me the bottom line of a movie is not me. To me the bottom line of a movie is that the film is successful.

How it becomes successful - if the kids make it successful, it doesn't make any difference.

KING: In other words, you can remove your ego. SCHWARZENEGGER: The important thing - oh, yes - the important thing, even if I do a movie with five other stars and 10 other stars, and I don't get the full credit and they get all the credit, as long as the film is successful, that's what is important.

KING: We'll be back with more of Arnold Schwarzenegger on LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away.





SCHWARZENEGGER: You have no respect for logic.

DEVITO: He's got an axe!


SCHWARZENEGGER: And I have no respect for those with no respect for logic.


SCHWARZENEGGER: You are a very stupid person.





UNIDENTIFIED MALE: See that guy over there? That smile.

That's good. Maybe you could practice in front of a mirror or something.


KING: "Terminator 2" - he's back.

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's right. He's back. I told them I'll be back.

KING: Sequels don't always work.


KING: What's going to count the most?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I think that the important thing here is that Jim Cameron, who directed the first one and wrote the first one, is going to write this one and also direct this one.

KING: As well.

SCHWARZENEGGER: He's one of the most genius-like directors, and also writers. And he's very talented. He knows exactly how to play those kind of films. And I think that that is what really will do the job.

Because a lot of times, sequels are given to other directors. They're just hired. And they write a script and then it goes nowhere.

But in this case we know the demand is out there. There's a tremendous demand for "Terminator 2." And this is why I always insist that we have to do everything possible - possible to get everyone together, make a deal so it is workable.

KING: Maria happy to be off the "Sunday Today Show"?

SCHWARZENEGGER: She's - I don't know. She's happy that - I mean, you know, you have to make compromises in life. And I think the one thing I know for sure is that she is extremely happy as a mother.

We're extremely happy with our little Katherine. And we make those sacrifices for Katherine, because she knew that she didn't want to fly back and forth to the East Coast - we're having this little baby.

You know, that is the most important thing. So, she worked out a situation, a deal where she can do specials throughout the year, get high visibility and take on the challenge - new challenges within the network. And that's it. And also at the same time be a good mother.

KING: Do you always want to do what you're doing? Do you always want to act? Or do you want to go into different things?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, no, I always wanted to do the things that I did. If it is bodybuilding, if it is being involved in business, being involved in acting, or now, having taken over the chairmanship of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports - all those things I love to do.

And I don't know where it goes from here. Maybe director fulltime and just do directing. Maybe just producing.

I really don't know which direction I'm going to go. But right now, I will continue what I'm doing, because I'm having a terrific time.

I'm extremely happy with my professional life and also with my private life. I'm a very fortunate man. I mean, I just thank God every day for the kind of life I have and for how much luck I have.

KING: It's all come together for you.

SCHWARZENEGGER: It's all come together. That's right.

KING: Do you think we are now - would you say at least we are - if not doing it - fitness-conscious in America?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I think that we are very fitness conscious in America. And I think what really will help now - my job is, of course, having a president behind me that is physically fit, that trains every day himself, religiously, ...

KING: He's a fitness nut.

SCHWARZENEGGER: He's a fitness nut. And he believes that fitness is really the way to stay physically fit and also mentally fit, and to be proud of yourself.

And this is why he is going to help us 100 percent and support us 100 percent, to make sure that the American people understand that, to go out and challenge the American people, and to get on a fitness program.

Because he and I want to put everyone on the fitness program, and we want to do it now, because we want to make sure that everyone understands that regardless if you are a seven-year-old kid in school - in elementary school - or if you are a senior citizen, and regardless of where you live, everyone ought to do some kind of sports to achieve fitness.

And everyone should have fun with it. That's the key thing, to have fun when you do fitness.

KING: Were you a fat kid?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I never was a fat kid. I was a skinny kid.

KING: A skinny kid.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I was a skinny kid. Very athletic, because my father had me do sports from the age three on. If it was playing soccer or ice curling or skiing or whatever it is.

KING: So you were always - you were raised in fitness.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I was raised with sports.

And, I mean, you have to imagine, Larry, that when I got up in the morning, my father had my brother and me stand there in front of the kitchen table, before we had breakfast, and do pushups and do squats, knee bends and all those kind of exercises - jumping jacks - in order to earn your breakfast, as you would say.

I mean, and so, fitness was always there.

KING: In the bodybuilding game, did you ever have to use steroids?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I did, yes. But I mean, there was in a time in the late '60s ...

KING: You can't succeed in that, right? SCHWARZENEGGER: No, you can. It was stupid, because it was in the late '60s, early '70s when we didn't know any better.

Anything when you want to be a champion, you use anything that comes around. If it is food supplements, if it is a tanning booth that is a new idea to get brown, or - the steroids came around at that time, so we tried that.

But then in the late '70s and in the early '80s, research was done and you found out that it's actually damaging, that it causes side effects and it is bad for your health.

And now, of course, I'm traveling around the country telling all the high school kids, don't take steroids. Don't take any drugs, because I'm totally anti-drugs, because drugs are only for a temporary kind of a situation.

You get a temporary - you get strength maybe a little bit more, energy a little bit more, a high, or whatever is - but only temporary, not permanent.

What we have to work towards is permanent strength, permanent endurance, a permanent high. And that is - the only way you can do that, if you train hard, the harder you train the better you get. The more you work on your mind - the discipline, the dedication and those things - the better you will get and the longer it will last.

So, no drugs. No drugs.

KING: And exercise is a high. It's a natural high. Once you get into it.

SCHWARZENEGGER: And you know that. And we both are exercising ...

KING: Yes.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... daily. So we know that when you train every day, it puts you on a high. If you do it in the morning, I do - I think the secret, really is ...

KING: Do it when you get up.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... as soon as you roll out of bed, do your 10, 15 minutes of exercising, and you will feel great the rest of the day.

KING: And there's never a moment where you don't feel better after than before.


KING: You're the best, Arnold. Thank you.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Thank you very much, Larry.


SCHWARZENEGGER: I will be going around 50 states - all 50 states. And I will be going to high schools and elementary schools.

I will be talking to the media, to the governors, to the educational leaders, and talk about my way of how fitness ought to be run and done in this country, and to bring physical education classes back into the schools, to make it a daily requirement.

So this is really the most important thing right now on the agenda - to get physical fitness classes back in the schools, and to promote fitness the same way as we promote any product.



SCHWARZENEGGER: I am friend of Sarah Conner. I was told that she is here. Could I see her please?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. Can't see her. She is making a statement.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look. It may take a while. If you want to wait, there is a bench over there.



KING: In 1993, Arnold came back to promote the "Last Action Hero". By this time, he'd appeared in almost 20 movies. I asked him to assess his acting career.


SCHWARZENEGGER: I have to kind of laugh at the (UNINTELLIGIBLE) absolutely ecstatic about the way my career has been going. I am very happy to have a good balance between success in a professional life and also have a very, very good home life. I have a wonderful family. My personal life is terrific. My children, my wife. So I am really extremely happy the way things have been going. And one thing you have to remember, it wouldn't be if I wouldn't be in America. I mean, this country has given me all these opportunities.

KING: And you resigned as Chief of what, physical fitness?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes. That's right.

KING: After Mr. Bush lost. But you said if Mr. Clinton wanted you, you would come back.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, I... KING: He hasn't picked anyone yet.

SCHWARZENEGGER: No. The thing was that the administration has asked me to stay on until they find a team, and then after five months, we communicated all along. They started looking for a team and putting a team together, so I am sure they will make an announcement soon. But I felt now, since they have to act together, that I can step backÂ…


KING: Have you heard who it is going to be?

SCHWARZENEGGER: No. But every administration should have a chance to, you know, select their own chairman and all those things. And every administration has done it in the past, so...

KING: You glad you did it?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, I - listen. Let me just tell you something, Larry. I think that this was the highlight of my life, really. At least one of the highlights of my life, to go around the country and to promote fitness in 50 states and to do this public service. I mean, I think anyone that has the chance to do that should do something for their country and should do some public service, because not only does it give you pleasure that you have done something for your country, but you learn so much. When you travel around and you listen to these governors about the problems that they have in each state, the simple problems of just feeding kids or getting old people out of the bed to make them exercise, or become a bit of good program so that you have the right nutrition in the schools. And all of those things and what it takes to get a physical education teach in the school. The budget problems that we have from state to state. I learned so much, so I really have to say, thank you, President Bush, for having given me this great opportunity and having asked me to really pay attention to the things that need attention, which is the inner city children, Indian reservations, and all the people that have been left behind. So I learned a lot from this (UNINTELLIGIBLE).

KING: Irving, Texas, with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hello.

CALLER: Hi there.



CALLER: Arnold, I was wonder why you didn't heed suggestions in changing your last name when you became a public figure.


KING: Good question.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I had a lot of people ask me to change my name because no one could really pronounce Schwarzenegger and no one could spell it, and it took years for them to pronounce it and to spell it right. And there is some of the people still can't. I just felt that I was give this name, and that I should keep this name and that eventually it will be a plus having a different name and an unusual name. And I was right on that. I think that it was really good that I didn't change the name. And I am happy that I am still Coach Schwarzenegger, although some people call me Schwarzenschnitzle.

KING: Do you like the business end as much as the acting end?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I like both. I think that both of them are challenging in the film business. I think that the acting is a very tough job to do. It is a very tedious job to do, especially when you have special effects like in "Last Action Hero", and a lot of stunts. It is dangerous a lot of times, and you really feel vulnerable a lot of times and all that. So it - but it is challenging. And producing is also very challenging because all of a sudden, Peter Guber, who is the chairman of Sony Pictures and Columbia Pictures. And he comes to you and says - and said to me, he says, you make this movie, but you have to take on the responsibility. You know, here is a $60 million budget. You are ultimately responsible for it, he says.

KING: And you liked that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: You are the executive producer.


KING: Most...

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's a great challenge. And I like to take on challenges.

KING: Most actors wouldn't like that.

SCHWARZENEGGER: No, no. You are absolutely correct. It is the same when someone says I want you to direct the film. I think that is a great challenge. It is a scary thing to do, but that is what makes it fun.

KING: You directed for TNT. You were supposed to direct me.

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's right. Yes.

KING: You are supposed to be, and the next time you will. Are you going to do another one for television?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, absolutely. I will be doing more than one.

KING: I think that was the most successful show in TNT history.

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's right. Yes.

KING: Columbus, Ohio, with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hello.

CALLER: Hello. My name is Nick Scarantino (ph). I had a political question for Arnold. KING: Sure.


CALLER: OK. I just want to know what you are doing to currently actively advocate the Republican Party forum?


KING: Are you still active with the Republican Party?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I always will support candidates that I think are good. You know, I would not just support someone because he is a Republican, but I think if someone is good and if I feel that the person really represents the people the right way and has some good ideas, or some new ideas and creative views, I will always be happy to support them.

KING: When you gather with your in-laws and brother-in-laws and sisters-in-laws, that is the Kennedy family...


KING: They are all Democrats.


KING: Do you ever get political?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, yes. I think that there is a lot of discussions going on at the dinner table or at parties when they have functions and fund-raisers and so on over there.

KING: You don't back off a little?

SCHWARZENEGGER: And - no. There is no reason. I think that one of the things that they can appreciate as much as I, that we are lucky to be a two party system and that everyone is trying to do their best to make the country better, and let the people decide then which party - party is doing the better job.

KING: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with Arnold Schwarzenegger. The film is "Last Action Hero". Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Arnold. How are you?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Terrific, thank you.

CALLER: The question that I had was, since you have gotten to the point where you can really get involved in developing a lot of movies, do you see any emerging strong female roles in your upcoming movies in the future?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, I, as you know, always like to work with strong women. I mean, Linda Hamilton is the proof of that. I mean, she is a terrific actress and also her body and her whole style is very forceful and very strong. I think there is a lot of women that are coming up right now...


KING: Mercedes Ruehl is in this picture.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Mercedes Ruehl is in this film.

KING: Not a big part.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Not a big part of it. She is a terrific actress and an Academy Award winning actress. I think that the '90s really will be a decade where women will get a big, big jump on their career and they will really make big strides forward, which is very good.

KING: My guest is Arnold Schwarzenegger, the film is the "Last Action Hero". It opens Friday at 2,500 theaters, meaning definitely one near you.

We will be right back. We will be including your phone calls for Arnold Schwarzenegger as well. Don't go away.




SCHWARZENEGGER: I am going to direct it, produce it, and star in it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is this guy a success story or what.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, only in Hollywood, I would say.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Talking about Hollywood, the Planet Hollywood has this incredible memorabilia. I am telling you. it is just absolutely - absolutely fabulous. I am telling you.



KING: Maria Schriver is in this. How do you like working with your wife?

SCHWARZENEGGER: It was very difficult. It was very...

KING: Really.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes. I mean, it was almost impossible to get her to do this part. And you know, I...


KING: Who else did she have to play?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, you know what I did. I said to her, I said, listen, there is a scene where - that is written in the script where I go with my wife to the premier of the movie. And I said, you know, I think it would be good if you played this role. And she said, no way. I don't like the acting. I do my profession and I don't feel comfortable with it. So I then showed her some pictures of actresses that we were looking at to play her. And of course, they were kind of toned down looks, you know. It was not like the top of the line. And she said, they are not as good looking as I am. I am going to play the part myself. To hell with that. And so that is how we got her to enter the movie and do the scene.

KING: Did you like the script right away? Realizing that you are kidding yourself in it?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes. There was the idea. I mean, when I read the script, I thought it was very creative and it was a very good concept, you know, to make a - to do a spoof of action heroes and of action movies. And I thought that because I have done so many of those action films and have established myself like kind of an action hero internationally, I felt that it is time that I can allow myself to make a spoof of my own profession and of the kind of movies that I make. Yes.

KING: But this isn't a little spoof. This is a - how much did this cost, this one?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Over $60 million. Yes.

KING: Now, spoofs can be dangerous, right?


KING: They got to be right.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, first of all, you have to do it the right way. It is very important to have the right script, to have the right action in it, and to have the right director for the movie. And the key thing of the whole thing is that you do the movie in such a way that the people will be entertained by it and that they will enjoy it. I know one thing, and that is what my fans want to see, and what kind of movies they want to see. The kind of humor they want to see. The kind of action, special effects, and all those things. So I wanted to deliver again to the fans that type of a picture. And that is what "Last Action Hero" is.

KING: You get that with, as well, the satire and the putting on of yourself. You do scenes with yourself in this one.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, yes. Absolutely. We did split screen and all of - screen and all of those kind of things, yes.

KING: Now, tell us about all this talk of rewrites and late cuts and bad word out of Hollywood. What is that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, I think...

KING: I watched the movie. I didn't know what you were talking about, but you tell me.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes. I don't think that anyone of the people that have written those things have seen the movie, because the movie just really was finished a week ago, literally. And I think it is just something to be expected. I mean, I - my wife and I, we talked about that already six months ago, that sooner or later this is going to come, which is when you are on the top like this. And you know, you dominate the box office and you have had a great run of your career and everything is going well. But eventually when you end up on the top, the people will take shots at you. And I think this is what is happening right now, is that every so often someone comes out and takes a shot at me. And - but I expected that and it was a very predictable move for some of the people that make those moves. And the fact of the matter is, that I have never really done movies for, you know, the critics or for some of those inside writers. I always do movies for the movie audience and for the fans out there, and this is why my movies do always well, and I am absolutely convinced "Last Action Hero" will be again a very successful movie.

KING: It would shock me if it is not.


KING: But this talk. Was this like jealousy inside the industry or - this wasn't critic talk, was it?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes. Some of it is and some of it is jealousy inside. It is just people that feel very uncomfortable of having someone be on top for that long, and demand such a great, you know, box office and salaries and all those kind of things. Because the movie itself, there is nothing to be attacked - you can't attack this movie. It has the best action in it. It has the great, great acting. And it is really a wonderful movie and a great fantasy and all those things. And so I think it is just - it is just, I think, that time has come where people say, I think we should take some shots at Arnold.

KING: Let's give it to Arnold.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Exactly. And the way I feel about it is that if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. You know, and I can take the heat, Larry, and I will be in the kitchen for a long time.

KING: I have that feeling.


SCHWARZENEGGER: I just filed officially, the papers to run for governor of California. And on the way down here, I said to my wife, I said, when I came here in 1968 from Austria as an immigrant, it is the last thing I thought of, that one day, 35 years later, I would be standing here and filing the papers to run for governor of this great state of California.




KING: We hope you enjoyed this look back at many moments with Arnold Schwarzenegger. We imagine there will be quite a few coming ahead as well.

Ann Richards is the special guest tomorrow night, and she used to be governor of Texas.

More news ahead on your most trusted name in news, CNN. Good night.


Aired August 10, 2003 - 21:00   ET
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And now, without further ado, it's time to start running!


LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, meet the man behind the candidate. Arnold Schwarzenegger, next on LARRY KING LIVE.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On your mark! Get set!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Only in a rerun. Go!


KING: Good evening. Arnold Schwarzenegger made California the story of the week with his surprise entry into the recall circus last Wednesday night. Who is this one-time Mr. Universe who wants to be governor? You're about to get a good idea. Arnold has been on this show several times, and tonight, we're going to hear his views on life, family and celebrity. We begin with politics.


KING: You've been quoted as saying you might want to be governor of this state some day. Is that just throwing things out or serious?

SCHWARZENEGGER: No, no, what I said was that I had thought about it many times, you know, should I run for office or not? And I was offered to run for Senate and Congress and, you know, and governor and all those things. And, of course, I've thought about it many times, but I'm too much involved in show business at this time in order to even consider that.

KING: This time.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, because I cannot talk about what happens five or 10 years from now. The only thing that I can tell you is that I have a tremendous amount of interest in helping people. I'm always very active with promoting the inner-city games, bringing educational programs and sports programs, computer programs and all those things to the inner cities, and I have a tremendous -- I'm developing more and more interest of helping people rather than thinking of myself, and I think that one thing leads to the other. And there are so many social ills out there, and I just want to remind everyone, I'm not trying to become a Democrat.

KING: But you are a compassionate conservative, right?


KING: Because you married -- everyone around you is Democrat -- your wife, your whole family. The Kennedys. That's it, right?

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's absolutely true. But you know, everyone has the right to make mistakes. So do they.

KING: By the way, I haven't asked you about this. How well did you know JFK Jr.?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I knew him very well. We spent a lot of time together. If he was on the ski slopes skiing or in New York or in...

KING: Good guy, wasn't he?

SCHWARZENEGGER: He was a wonderful human being. He was -- he had such a great heart, and he was so -- he was working so hard to please everyone and to not let anyone down with the expectations they had of him and all that. He had a wonderful relationship with his wife, and they were...

KING: These stories now that they were breaking up, is that stupid? They printed in the New York...

SCHWARZENEGGER: I haven't read anything, to be honest with you, but, I mean, I can tell you that I've hung out with them both a lot of times, and they had the most unbelievable marriage, and they were so sweet to one another, so considerate, and always kind of lovey-dovey. As a matter of fact, Maria always looks at me and says, Arnold, why can't you be more like this? You know, so they were always wonderful.

KING: Does he know you were doing "End of Days?" Did he know that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes, as a matter of fact, we talked about the project. It was really unbelievably sad to see, you know, the ending like that, you know.

KING: Here's Arnold Schwarzenegger. His wife writes a book about explaining death to children, a wonderful book.

SCHWARZENEGGER: "Heaven," yes.

KING: His mother-in-law does a movie about Mary, right? And he does a millennium movie about Satan. What's going on? Look at it, Arnold, it all pieces together.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I know, it's really -- I was laughing about that. It's funny you're bringing it up, because we've all laughed, and we were sitting around one time at a family table and saying, you know, that's really interesting, Maria writes a book about "What's Heaven?" Eunice is talking about the Virgin Mary and is doing a movie on it for NBC, which by the way, had one of the greatest ratings they have ever had, which I'm very happy about it for her. And here I'm doing a movie about Satan. What does this all say? I don't know what it says. It's just a coincidence, you know. And I'm very happy that we're all doing something, and I tell you one thing, it was hard for a while to get on any talk shows, because those guys, the Shrivers, occupied all the talk shows.


KING: How's your heart?

SCHWARZENEGGER: My heart is terrific.

KING: You've got a human valve put in.

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's right, yes.

KING: I didn't know they did that. I thought it was always mechanical or pigs.

SCHWARZENEGGER: It's amazing the way that the technology and medicine is right now. I mean, it's extraordinary that you can have an operation like this and then afterwards feel twice the amount of energy. I mean, I am full of energy now. This is why this movie was so great for me, because I could prove that I'm back, you now.

KING: That's right, because there were worries.


KING: Didn't "The Globe" try to say that you were -- didn't you sue them?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes, absolutely, because they said, basically, that I'm on my way to die, and which wasn't true. So, I mean of course...

KING: You're here.


So I think that this movie is great because it shows to the fans around the world that, you know, I've done all the stunts and I'm full of energy, and I'm back, and the concerns, they can -- they don't have to worry about it anymore. Because after the surgery, I got so many thousands of letters of real tremendous concern from the people, and phone calls and all that, so it was really nice, you know, to now have an opportunity to do a film like that, where I can go all out again and do the most extraordinary stunts.

KING: People care about you. You know, you're part of Americana, you know.

SCHWARZENEGGER: It's really nice to be part of America, and...

KING: You are.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... be a part of the world.


SCHWARZENEGGER: You have to have faith.

ROD STEIGER, ACTOR: Yes, faith, it's an interesting concept. If you read the Bible, you can't miss it. Faith!

SCHWARZENEGGER: Between your faith and my Glock 9 mm, I take my Glock.


KING: Explain title. "End of Days."

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, it's a line from the Bible, and what it means basically is the return of Satan, and every so often, there is a window of opportunity where Satan can return, and he's trying to bring heaven and hell together and rule both of them for the next 1,000 years, and so basically this is the theme of our movie, and this is also what impressed me so much and why I wanted to do this movie very badly, because the idea of Satan returning -- first of all, as you know, I've fought many battles with a lot of different enemies, from terrorists to assassins...

KING: No one like this one.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... with witches, and monsters and androids and aliens, and now the devil. I mean, this was extraordinary. And it's a huge, on an epic proportion kind of level, the whole movie...

KING: And a big money movie? I mean, it cost it lot?

SCHWARZENEGGER: A big money movie, and of course it's really great, now looking at the last three days and seeing how it's all coming in again, and it's very -- it's huge, the movie, and it's success for them. I'm very happy about that.

KING: When you saw the script, and this is always the most difficult thing any actor faces, did you like it right away? Did you say, boy, I want to do this?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, interestingly enough, I loved the concept of the film, because the script was only half-written at the time when I was approached, so I loved the concept and I liked the idea. When I did some research, I realized that there weren't really any other scripts or any other movies that were about to be made about the millennium. This was the only movie that dealt with the subject of millennium, and here we're going from one millennium to the next, and it's the only movie out there, and it's you know, and I thought it was great because there is such a kind of franticness around the world among so many people about the subject on what is going to happen on...


SCHWARZENEGGER: Is it Y2K, is it going to be the end of civilization? Is there going to be a massive earthquake? People run the survivors stores, as you know, buy extra food and store, extra water. People go to gun stores and buy themselves arms and all this, you know, to protect themselves. I don't know from what, but protect themselves. So what we were basically were saying, what the script was saying is wait a minute, here is another idea of what could happen. It could be the return of Satan, and so it becomes then a really a rollercoaster ride, a ticket ride. It's huge.

KING: As you watch yourself over your life, do you see yourself better and better all the time? Are you your own severest critic?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, yes. I see -- in my bodybuilding days already, I was very tough on myself. Even on the day after competition, after I've won, I've looked at myself in the mirror and said, how does this body ever win anything? I was very critical, and perfectionist, and today is the same thing. I look at the movies in a very critical way, and you know, every time I do a movie, I get better in my performance. And also it's a lot to do with the director. I think that Peter Hines, who directed this movies, was really an extraordinary director, very sensitive, really worked hard with the actors and prepped really well, believed in rehearsals.

KING: He's done a lot of non-action.

SCHWARZENEGGER: He's done a lot of non-action movies, and also this was the first time for him to work on a big budget movie like this, because he's done movies that cost maybe $20, $30, $40 million. But here was the first time -- I remember the first meeting that he came in, and he says, well, what's the budget here? And we said, well, we have $100 million to play around with. He was like in a state of shock.

KING: How does that affect a director? You've directed. What's it like to have?

SCHWARZENEGGER: It is overwhelming, I think, for a director, because it's really scary when you have all this money and you have to make these decisions, but our movie was very complicated, because, as you know, we have so many visual effects in there, so many special effects, and from an acting point of also, that's very difficult, because you're acting a lot of times against something that isn't really there, that's done in post-production.

KING: The movie is "End of Days," it's currently showing everywhere. We'll be back with some more moments with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Don't go away.


SCHWARZENEGGER: The man that is failing the people more than anyone is Gray Davis. He's failing them terribly, and this is why he needs to be recalled. And this is why I'm going to run for governor.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You wouldn't hurt me, would you, sweetheart? Sweetheart, be reasonable. After all, we're married.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Consider that a divorce.



Arnold Schwarzenegger's first appearance on this show was back in 1990. His movie at the time was the sci-fi classic "Total Recall."

Among the topics we discussed - life and family.


KING: Did you have, as a known Republican, any difficulty marrying into the family that is the most Democratic - big "D" Democratic. Who would be bigger "D" Democrat than the Kennedys?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Did I have any problems?

KING: Yes, I mean, ...

SCHWARZENEGGER: None whatsoever, no. As a matter of fact, ...

KING: Because usually they say a marriage can have a rough time if there's two political philosophies involved in a marriage.

SCHWARZENEGGER: It could have a rough time. You are absolutely correct. But we never have had an argument about politics.

It's - I totally understand the way Maria feels and the way she thinks and her upbringing and all that. And she totally understands the way I feel, coming from Austria.

I mean, I have gone through Socialism. I have gone through that kind of a style of running a government before, I know it doesn't work. And so that's why I'm much more conservative thinking.

I'm not as conservative as some people maybe think, especially on social issues I'm not. But I am conservative, and we have no problems because of it. I think it makes it much better, because we can exchange ideas and I can learn from her and she can learn from me.

KING: OK. What's fatherhood like?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I tell you, this has been the most incredible surprise to me, because ... KING: Surprised.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes, surprised because everyone before we - the baby was born - everyone said to me that this would change your life. This is going to be incredible.

I mean, you will have no more time to yourself. All you have to do is, you know, just spend time with this baby and so on and so forth.

And the fact of the matter is, it's really - it was the most pleasant thing that ever happened in my life. It is so wonderful. And when this baby arrived and it's just the joy.

It's not that you have to sacrifice, like everyone is telling you. But you want to spend time at home. You want to spend time with this child. You want to hold it endless amount of hours in your arms.

And it's yours. You know, it's just the most fun thing that you can do.

And so, I just have to say that being a father has been the greatest joy in my life.

KING: What is the most surprising thing about it? I mean, you knew you would hold the baby. You knew you would have a little baby at home. You knew you'd have the crib. You knew you'd have the diapers. You knew all that.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, yes. Yes. All the things that you thought of before and as being a chore is now a pleasure.

I mean, to change diapers. You know, you're thinking to yourself, I mean, how many times would I find myself changing diapers, you know.

But, I mean, you look forward to that, because it's funny to see this little baby lying there, little Katherine, and kicking around, you know, and making noises. And you're changing the diapers. And sometimes the diaper ends up around the neck. And Maria says, no. Don't put it around the neck. It's supposed to be around the waist.

And, you know, you make those changes. She, of course, films the whole thing - Maria with the video camera - just to show that this kid later on, when he is maybe 15 or 20, how mixed up everything and how bad I really was compared to her.

But, I mean, the fact of the matter is, is that it's so much fun doing those things, or feeding Katherine, you know, sitting there with the bottle and feeding her and all this.

So, I think that has been the biggest surprise for me.

KING: Do you also have the feeling that this is someone who is solely dependent on you? For the first time in your life ...


KING: ... a human being.

SCHWARZENEGGER: You get that feeling. Yes, absolutely, all the time. I mean, throughout the whole night you're concerned about it, and then you're concerned with, ...

KING: You can hear them breathing.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... is Katherine awake or is she not awake, and all those things. You know, is she screaming? Is she - does she need milk or - you know, you are concerned about it, even when you go to work. You call back home and say, is she OK, and so on.

So that - all that has been a surprise to me, that, you know, that you would change like this and you will be so interested in that.

KING: With the macho image - and that, of course, as people who know you - that's partially just image. Did you want a son?

I mean, that's Austrian, too, isn't it, to want a son?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I think that's probably international, that men always like to have a son. And I don't know what women want. Maybe they want a daughter. Maybe they want a son, too. Who knows?

I really didn't have any kind of - anything as a wish list ...


SCHWARZENEGGER: ... no, no. Not at all. I just felt - I tried to figure out if this - if I really want to have a son, I was thinking about it, you know. The same as if - I really don't care.

And I tell you, I'm glad now that we have a daughter. I really am.

KING: They're daddy people.


KING: And you notice how they give you a different look? Daddies get a different look than mommies get.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, I mean - the smile that I get.

KING: Yeah.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I mean, when I say Katherine in the morning, and she just smiles, I mean, your mouth goes all the up to your ears. And it's great.




SCHWARZENEGGER: I will take that with me.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can take that with you. Everything I'm going to give you, you're going to be issued all your documents, and then you're going to bring them on Saturday.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We will be open eight to five.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Eight to five.


SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, I really appreciate all your help.




SCHWARZENEGGER: ... on Saturday, ...


SCHWARZENEGGER: ... I'll be back.







KING: Our guest - good friend, good guy - Arnold Schwarzenegger.

You know, it got almost no attention, so I guess that asking it is almost weird, but a biography came out about you. And it was labeled, the truth about Arnold Schwarzenegger - Nazi and those kind of - and nobody read it, to my knowledge. I've asked people, did you read the book? No. I guess it didn't sell.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Trash doesn't sell. I mean, people are smart enough ...

KING: Did you read it?

SCHWARZENEGGER: No, I never read it. No.

KING: Do you know the person who wrote it?

SCHWARZENEGGER: No, never met her.

KING: Oh, it's a woman.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes, it's woman. I never met her. I don't know anything about her.

I suspected that one of these days a book like this would come out, because everyone always told me in Hollywood, it's commonly known that if you get to a certain level with your career, that someone would be out there trying to make money from your career.

Someone that is totally unrelated to your profession and has nothing to do with you at all would come out with some trash.

And I've been told that this is - listen, everyone has had a book out on them and some unauthorized biography. And you will be, obviously, next.

And so I knew that something is going to come eventually. And here it came and went, as far as that goes, you know.

I mean, the poor woman was traveling all over the country doing the talk shows, and they were booing her off the stage on those interview shows and everything. And there it went. And the book didn't sell.

So I think that she obviously came out with it at the wrong time, because there's a good momentum in my career going, and the press has always treated me in a very positive way and has written very well, but if it a film, so, if it is fitness or whatever it is, you know, there is nothing ...

KING: You know what I ...

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... really. I mean, I'm not the kind of ...

KING: ... well, the only word I think ...


KING: ... that would bother people, is a word that I guess a lot of us don't even understand - neo. And when she wrote neo-Nazi, what - do you know what that meant?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I have no idea what she's talking about, to be honest with you.

But I think that it's the only thing that maybe is - she can dwell on something like that, that I'm from Austria, and kind of, you know, accuse me of something in that direction. But, I mean, I don't pay any attention to it, to be honest with you, because I know what I am. I'm not prejudiced.

And also, it's a - it's just a stupid book, and she goes into these different things. And I'll let her do her thing and let her be happy - and move on, you know.

KING: The business of this business, the unpredictability - you don't do your own productions? I mean, you're - I would think that you'd be in that Stallone end, where you do your own.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, he's doing a good job with what he is doing. The only thing is that, I wanted to start a production company, and I did, several years ago. But I got so busy with good projects that came along, that I really never had time to start my own projects, where you start developing your own script and to ...

KING: Raise your own money.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... raise your own money and all those things.

I never had to really - the necessity to do that, because I always had a lot of good projects coming to me.

So, I'm right now backed up. I could do films for the next five years and sign deals for the next five years.

I won't, because I don't make that mistake that some people do, that they sign contracts for two, three years in advance. I think it is good to sign one deal at a time, or for two films at a time.

As a matter of fact, I did a very unusual thing to sign a deal for "Kindergarten Cop," which is the next film I'm doing, and also for "Terminator 2," which is the film after that. That's only because I wanted to do "Terminator 2" for a long time.

But normally I don't do that. That's ...

KING: So, you'd never be three or four films ahead.

SCHWARZENEGGER: No. I don't want to do that because I like to keep it open in case a director - a good director - has a good project and comes to me. I don't want to be - miss that opportunity. So, I want to keep it open.

People sign deals for many, many projects in advance, simply because they may be feeling insecure sometimes. They think, well maybe, you know, this movie will take a dive, or this movie goes in the toilet. And then maybe I don't get another job. So let's sign that right away, deals for five movies.

I really don't live under that fear, to be honest with you. I mean, I just feel comfortable and that we move along with the career the way it is.

KING: The "Predator" - "Twins" made how much money? How much did "Twins" take in?

SCHWARZENEGGER: "Twins" made worldwide around $250 million. And video, it sold almost a million videotapes.

KING: Now, you get a percentage of that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, each deal ...

KING: Has its own ...

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... is quite different, because it depends, if you're doing a film with an independent production company. Or if you're doing it with a studio, then which one of the studios you're doing it with.

Are you - do you want to participate in the grosses - of the film grosses, or in the video grosses. And so and so.

In "Twins" the situation was such that Ivan Reitman and Danny DeVito and myself wanted to make a little movie - little meaning a small budget film. Only $15 million and not one dollar above that.

So, therefore, we decided to put all the money into the production end and not take any salaries, but to take it in the back end.

KING: So, no salary.

SCHWARZENEGGER: No salary. None of us ...

KING: The three of you.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... would get a salary. Exactly.

Because we believed 100 percent in this project. And we believed that with Universal Studio, with their distribution and their advertising, we could really sell the movie and do well.

KING: On the other hand, if Art Buchwald were here, he might say, how do you know you're going to get a fair account?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, in - when you have the grosses that we had, the definition of grosses, which means that first dollar in, with no deductions. Then you have a better chance of checking the books than when you have a situation where there's a ...

KING: Of the net.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... definition of grosses where you have the deductions of the theaters, the deduction of the advertising, the deduction of the actors, the deduction of the production and on and on and on.

KING: So in other words, you know that if you get five percent of the gross gross, then $200 million, you get five percent ... SCHWARZENEGGER: Each dollar that comes in to Universal Studio, you get a certain percentage. And it's that simple, with no deductions whatsoever.

KING: How did you (UNINTELLIGIBLE) that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: If it is video, if it foreign, if it is merchandising rights, if it is selling posters - whatever it may be, you share of that pot.

KING: How did you know that that would do so well?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I think that when we went to people and told them the story about Danny - I would go to a party and I would say - people would say, what do you do next? And I said, well a film, a comedy with Danny DeVito. Oh. They would say, what's the name, and I said, "Twins," they laughed immediately.

So it was a high concept film that everyone went crazy over. As soon as we showed the first poster, they were having Danny DeVito's picture. Schwarzenegger on top. People laughed.

Anything that we did, people laughed. So we knew that we have a hit there, and that's exactly what happened.

So like I said, you know in the beginning already if it leads up to something, if there's a certain momentum going. And the same is now, doing "Kindergarten Cop," which is the next film where I play a tough cop that goes into a kindergarten class as an undercover agent, and he actually is a teacher in the kindergarten. And he has no control in that classroom whatsoever.

He's outside is the toughest cop, but in the classroom, he's nothing. He's - you know, so - it's - you know ahead of time that will work. And people laugh always when they hear that.

KING: And you'd be working with little kids, which is (UNINTELLIGIBLE) sometimes.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Just (UNINTELLIGIBLE) with four-year-olds, five- year-olds, six-year-olds, it would be so funny. We are rehearsing right now.

The things those kids say to you, the things that they do, it is hilarious.

KING: You don't mind the possibility of being upstaged? W.C. Fields said, don't work with a kid.

SCHWARZENEGGER: To me the bottom line of a movie is not me. To me the bottom line of a movie is that the film is successful.

How it becomes successful - if the kids make it successful, it doesn't make any difference.

KING: In other words, you can remove your ego. SCHWARZENEGGER: The important thing - oh, yes - the important thing, even if I do a movie with five other stars and 10 other stars, and I don't get the full credit and they get all the credit, as long as the film is successful, that's what is important.

KING: We'll be back with more of Arnold Schwarzenegger on LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away.





SCHWARZENEGGER: You have no respect for logic.

DEVITO: He's got an axe!


SCHWARZENEGGER: And I have no respect for those with no respect for logic.


SCHWARZENEGGER: You are a very stupid person.





UNIDENTIFIED MALE: See that guy over there? That smile.

That's good. Maybe you could practice in front of a mirror or something.


KING: "Terminator 2" - he's back.

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's right. He's back. I told them I'll be back.

KING: Sequels don't always work.


KING: What's going to count the most?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I think that the important thing here is that Jim Cameron, who directed the first one and wrote the first one, is going to write this one and also direct this one.

KING: As well.

SCHWARZENEGGER: He's one of the most genius-like directors, and also writers. And he's very talented. He knows exactly how to play those kind of films. And I think that that is what really will do the job.

Because a lot of times, sequels are given to other directors. They're just hired. And they write a script and then it goes nowhere.

But in this case we know the demand is out there. There's a tremendous demand for "Terminator 2." And this is why I always insist that we have to do everything possible - possible to get everyone together, make a deal so it is workable.

KING: Maria happy to be off the "Sunday Today Show"?

SCHWARZENEGGER: She's - I don't know. She's happy that - I mean, you know, you have to make compromises in life. And I think the one thing I know for sure is that she is extremely happy as a mother.

We're extremely happy with our little Katherine. And we make those sacrifices for Katherine, because she knew that she didn't want to fly back and forth to the East Coast - we're having this little baby.

You know, that is the most important thing. So, she worked out a situation, a deal where she can do specials throughout the year, get high visibility and take on the challenge - new challenges within the network. And that's it. And also at the same time be a good mother.

KING: Do you always want to do what you're doing? Do you always want to act? Or do you want to go into different things?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, no, I always wanted to do the things that I did. If it is bodybuilding, if it is being involved in business, being involved in acting, or now, having taken over the chairmanship of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports - all those things I love to do.

And I don't know where it goes from here. Maybe director fulltime and just do directing. Maybe just producing.

I really don't know which direction I'm going to go. But right now, I will continue what I'm doing, because I'm having a terrific time.

I'm extremely happy with my professional life and also with my private life. I'm a very fortunate man. I mean, I just thank God every day for the kind of life I have and for how much luck I have.

KING: It's all come together for you.

SCHWARZENEGGER: It's all come together. That's right.

KING: Do you think we are now - would you say at least we are - if not doing it - fitness-conscious in America?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I think that we are very fitness conscious in America. And I think what really will help now - my job is, of course, having a president behind me that is physically fit, that trains every day himself, religiously, ...

KING: He's a fitness nut.

SCHWARZENEGGER: He's a fitness nut. And he believes that fitness is really the way to stay physically fit and also mentally fit, and to be proud of yourself.

And this is why he is going to help us 100 percent and support us 100 percent, to make sure that the American people understand that, to go out and challenge the American people, and to get on a fitness program.

Because he and I want to put everyone on the fitness program, and we want to do it now, because we want to make sure that everyone understands that regardless if you are a seven-year-old kid in school - in elementary school - or if you are a senior citizen, and regardless of where you live, everyone ought to do some kind of sports to achieve fitness.

And everyone should have fun with it. That's the key thing, to have fun when you do fitness.

KING: Were you a fat kid?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I never was a fat kid. I was a skinny kid.

KING: A skinny kid.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I was a skinny kid. Very athletic, because my father had me do sports from the age three on. If it was playing soccer or ice curling or skiing or whatever it is.

KING: So you were always - you were raised in fitness.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I was raised with sports.

And, I mean, you have to imagine, Larry, that when I got up in the morning, my father had my brother and me stand there in front of the kitchen table, before we had breakfast, and do pushups and do squats, knee bends and all those kind of exercises - jumping jacks - in order to earn your breakfast, as you would say.

I mean, and so, fitness was always there.

KING: In the bodybuilding game, did you ever have to use steroids?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I did, yes. But I mean, there was in a time in the late '60s ...

KING: You can't succeed in that, right? SCHWARZENEGGER: No, you can. It was stupid, because it was in the late '60s, early '70s when we didn't know any better.

Anything when you want to be a champion, you use anything that comes around. If it is food supplements, if it is a tanning booth that is a new idea to get brown, or - the steroids came around at that time, so we tried that.

But then in the late '70s and in the early '80s, research was done and you found out that it's actually damaging, that it causes side effects and it is bad for your health.

And now, of course, I'm traveling around the country telling all the high school kids, don't take steroids. Don't take any drugs, because I'm totally anti-drugs, because drugs are only for a temporary kind of a situation.

You get a temporary - you get strength maybe a little bit more, energy a little bit more, a high, or whatever is - but only temporary, not permanent.

What we have to work towards is permanent strength, permanent endurance, a permanent high. And that is - the only way you can do that, if you train hard, the harder you train the better you get. The more you work on your mind - the discipline, the dedication and those things - the better you will get and the longer it will last.

So, no drugs. No drugs.

KING: And exercise is a high. It's a natural high. Once you get into it.

SCHWARZENEGGER: And you know that. And we both are exercising ...

KING: Yes.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... daily. So we know that when you train every day, it puts you on a high. If you do it in the morning, I do - I think the secret, really is ...

KING: Do it when you get up.

SCHWARZENEGGER: ... as soon as you roll out of bed, do your 10, 15 minutes of exercising, and you will feel great the rest of the day.

KING: And there's never a moment where you don't feel better after than before.


KING: You're the best, Arnold. Thank you.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Thank you very much, Larry.


SCHWARZENEGGER: I will be going around 50 states - all 50 states. And I will be going to high schools and elementary schools.

I will be talking to the media, to the governors, to the educational leaders, and talk about my way of how fitness ought to be run and done in this country, and to bring physical education classes back into the schools, to make it a daily requirement.

So this is really the most important thing right now on the agenda - to get physical fitness classes back in the schools, and to promote fitness the same way as we promote any product.



SCHWARZENEGGER: I am friend of Sarah Conner. I was told that she is here. Could I see her please?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. Can't see her. She is making a statement.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look. It may take a while. If you want to wait, there is a bench over there.



KING: In 1993, Arnold came back to promote the "Last Action Hero". By this time, he'd appeared in almost 20 movies. I asked him to assess his acting career.


SCHWARZENEGGER: I have to kind of laugh at the (UNINTELLIGIBLE) absolutely ecstatic about the way my career has been going. I am very happy to have a good balance between success in a professional life and also have a very, very good home life. I have a wonderful family. My personal life is terrific. My children, my wife. So I am really extremely happy the way things have been going. And one thing you have to remember, it wouldn't be if I wouldn't be in America. I mean, this country has given me all these opportunities.

KING: And you resigned as Chief of what, physical fitness?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes. That's right.

KING: After Mr. Bush lost. But you said if Mr. Clinton wanted you, you would come back.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, I... KING: He hasn't picked anyone yet.

SCHWARZENEGGER: No. The thing was that the administration has asked me to stay on until they find a team, and then after five months, we communicated all along. They started looking for a team and putting a team together, so I am sure they will make an announcement soon. But I felt now, since they have to act together, that I can step backÂ…


KING: Have you heard who it is going to be?

SCHWARZENEGGER: No. But every administration should have a chance to, you know, select their own chairman and all those things. And every administration has done it in the past, so...

KING: You glad you did it?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, I - listen. Let me just tell you something, Larry. I think that this was the highlight of my life, really. At least one of the highlights of my life, to go around the country and to promote fitness in 50 states and to do this public service. I mean, I think anyone that has the chance to do that should do something for their country and should do some public service, because not only does it give you pleasure that you have done something for your country, but you learn so much. When you travel around and you listen to these governors about the problems that they have in each state, the simple problems of just feeding kids or getting old people out of the bed to make them exercise, or become a bit of good program so that you have the right nutrition in the schools. And all of those things and what it takes to get a physical education teach in the school. The budget problems that we have from state to state. I learned so much, so I really have to say, thank you, President Bush, for having given me this great opportunity and having asked me to really pay attention to the things that need attention, which is the inner city children, Indian reservations, and all the people that have been left behind. So I learned a lot from this (UNINTELLIGIBLE).

KING: Irving, Texas, with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hello.

CALLER: Hi there.



CALLER: Arnold, I was wonder why you didn't heed suggestions in changing your last name when you became a public figure.


KING: Good question.

SCHWARZENEGGER: I had a lot of people ask me to change my name because no one could really pronounce Schwarzenegger and no one could spell it, and it took years for them to pronounce it and to spell it right. And there is some of the people still can't. I just felt that I was give this name, and that I should keep this name and that eventually it will be a plus having a different name and an unusual name. And I was right on that. I think that it was really good that I didn't change the name. And I am happy that I am still Coach Schwarzenegger, although some people call me Schwarzenschnitzle.

KING: Do you like the business end as much as the acting end?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I like both. I think that both of them are challenging in the film business. I think that the acting is a very tough job to do. It is a very tedious job to do, especially when you have special effects like in "Last Action Hero", and a lot of stunts. It is dangerous a lot of times, and you really feel vulnerable a lot of times and all that. So it - but it is challenging. And producing is also very challenging because all of a sudden, Peter Guber, who is the chairman of Sony Pictures and Columbia Pictures. And he comes to you and says - and said to me, he says, you make this movie, but you have to take on the responsibility. You know, here is a $60 million budget. You are ultimately responsible for it, he says.

KING: And you liked that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: You are the executive producer.


KING: Most...

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's a great challenge. And I like to take on challenges.

KING: Most actors wouldn't like that.

SCHWARZENEGGER: No, no. You are absolutely correct. It is the same when someone says I want you to direct the film. I think that is a great challenge. It is a scary thing to do, but that is what makes it fun.

KING: You directed for TNT. You were supposed to direct me.

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's right. Yes.

KING: You are supposed to be, and the next time you will. Are you going to do another one for television?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, absolutely. I will be doing more than one.

KING: I think that was the most successful show in TNT history.

SCHWARZENEGGER: That's right. Yes.

KING: Columbus, Ohio, with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hello.

CALLER: Hello. My name is Nick Scarantino (ph). I had a political question for Arnold. KING: Sure.


CALLER: OK. I just want to know what you are doing to currently actively advocate the Republican Party forum?


KING: Are you still active with the Republican Party?

SCHWARZENEGGER: I always will support candidates that I think are good. You know, I would not just support someone because he is a Republican, but I think if someone is good and if I feel that the person really represents the people the right way and has some good ideas, or some new ideas and creative views, I will always be happy to support them.

KING: When you gather with your in-laws and brother-in-laws and sisters-in-laws, that is the Kennedy family...


KING: They are all Democrats.


KING: Do you ever get political?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, yes. I think that there is a lot of discussions going on at the dinner table or at parties when they have functions and fund-raisers and so on over there.

KING: You don't back off a little?

SCHWARZENEGGER: And - no. There is no reason. I think that one of the things that they can appreciate as much as I, that we are lucky to be a two party system and that everyone is trying to do their best to make the country better, and let the people decide then which party - party is doing the better job.

KING: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with Arnold Schwarzenegger. The film is "Last Action Hero". Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Arnold. How are you?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Terrific, thank you.

CALLER: The question that I had was, since you have gotten to the point where you can really get involved in developing a lot of movies, do you see any emerging strong female roles in your upcoming movies in the future?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, I, as you know, always like to work with strong women. I mean, Linda Hamilton is the proof of that. I mean, she is a terrific actress and also her body and her whole style is very forceful and very strong. I think there is a lot of women that are coming up right now...


KING: Mercedes Ruehl is in this picture.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Mercedes Ruehl is in this film.

KING: Not a big part.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Not a big part of it. She is a terrific actress and an Academy Award winning actress. I think that the '90s really will be a decade where women will get a big, big jump on their career and they will really make big strides forward, which is very good.

KING: My guest is Arnold Schwarzenegger, the film is the "Last Action Hero". It opens Friday at 2,500 theaters, meaning definitely one near you.

We will be right back. We will be including your phone calls for Arnold Schwarzenegger as well. Don't go away.




SCHWARZENEGGER: I am going to direct it, produce it, and star in it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is this guy a success story or what.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, only in Hollywood, I would say.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Talking about Hollywood, the Planet Hollywood has this incredible memorabilia. I am telling you. it is just absolutely - absolutely fabulous. I am telling you.



KING: Maria Schriver is in this. How do you like working with your wife?

SCHWARZENEGGER: It was very difficult. It was very...

KING: Really.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes. I mean, it was almost impossible to get her to do this part. And you know, I...


KING: Who else did she have to play?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, you know what I did. I said to her, I said, listen, there is a scene where - that is written in the script where I go with my wife to the premier of the movie. And I said, you know, I think it would be good if you played this role. And she said, no way. I don't like the acting. I do my profession and I don't feel comfortable with it. So I then showed her some pictures of actresses that we were looking at to play her. And of course, they were kind of toned down looks, you know. It was not like the top of the line. And she said, they are not as good looking as I am. I am going to play the part myself. To hell with that. And so that is how we got her to enter the movie and do the scene.

KING: Did you like the script right away? Realizing that you are kidding yourself in it?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes. There was the idea. I mean, when I read the script, I thought it was very creative and it was a very good concept, you know, to make a - to do a spoof of action heroes and of action movies. And I thought that because I have done so many of those action films and have established myself like kind of an action hero internationally, I felt that it is time that I can allow myself to make a spoof of my own profession and of the kind of movies that I make. Yes.

KING: But this isn't a little spoof. This is a - how much did this cost, this one?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Over $60 million. Yes.

KING: Now, spoofs can be dangerous, right?


KING: They got to be right.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, first of all, you have to do it the right way. It is very important to have the right script, to have the right action in it, and to have the right director for the movie. And the key thing of the whole thing is that you do the movie in such a way that the people will be entertained by it and that they will enjoy it. I know one thing, and that is what my fans want to see, and what kind of movies they want to see. The kind of humor they want to see. The kind of action, special effects, and all those things. So I wanted to deliver again to the fans that type of a picture. And that is what "Last Action Hero" is.

KING: You get that with, as well, the satire and the putting on of yourself. You do scenes with yourself in this one.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Oh, yes. Absolutely. We did split screen and all of - screen and all of those kind of things, yes.

KING: Now, tell us about all this talk of rewrites and late cuts and bad word out of Hollywood. What is that?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Well, I think...

KING: I watched the movie. I didn't know what you were talking about, but you tell me.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes. I don't think that anyone of the people that have written those things have seen the movie, because the movie just really was finished a week ago, literally. And I think it is just something to be expected. I mean, I - my wife and I, we talked about that already six months ago, that sooner or later this is going to come, which is when you are on the top like this. And you know, you dominate the box office and you have had a great run of your career and everything is going well. But eventually when you end up on the top, the people will take shots at you. And I think this is what is happening right now, is that every so often someone comes out and takes a shot at me. And - but I expected that and it was a very predictable move for some of the people that make those moves. And the fact of the matter is, that I have never really done movies for, you know, the critics or for some of those inside writers. I always do movies for the movie audience and for the fans out there, and this is why my movies do always well, and I am absolutely convinced "Last Action Hero" will be again a very successful movie.

KING: It would shock me if it is not.


KING: But this talk. Was this like jealousy inside the industry or - this wasn't critic talk, was it?

SCHWARZENEGGER: Yes. Some of it is and some of it is jealousy inside. It is just people that feel very uncomfortable of having someone be on top for that long, and demand such a great, you know, box office and salaries and all those kind of things. Because the movie itself, there is nothing to be attacked - you can't attack this movie. It has the best action in it. It has the great, great acting. And it is really a wonderful movie and a great fantasy and all those things. And so I think it is just - it is just, I think, that time has come where people say, I think we should take some shots at Arnold.

KING: Let's give it to Arnold.

SCHWARZENEGGER: Exactly. And the way I feel about it is that if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. You know, and I can take the heat, Larry, and I will be in the kitchen for a long time.

KING: I have that feeling.


SCHWARZENEGGER: I just filed officially, the papers to run for governor of California. And on the way down here, I said to my wife, I said, when I came here in 1968 from Austria as an immigrant, it is the last thing I thought of, that one day, 35 years later, I would be standing here and filing the papers to run for governor of this great state of California.




KING: We hope you enjoyed this look back at many moments with Arnold Schwarzenegger. We imagine there will be quite a few coming ahead as well.

Ann Richards is the special guest tomorrow night, and she used to be governor of Texas.

More news ahead on your most trusted name in news, CNN. Good night.