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CNN Larry King Live
Interview with Heather Mills McCartney
Aired September 22, 2003 - 21:00 ET
LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight exclusives, Lady Heather Mills McCartney. Last time she was here she shocked us by taking off her prosthetic leg. Well, she's back and this time she and Sir Paul McCartney are expecting a baby and soon. We'll talk about that and whole more. And in depth personal hour with Heather Mills McCartney. Exclusive and next on LARRY KING LIVE.
KING: Good evening. A great way to start off the week. A great pleasure to welcome to LARRY KING LIVE Lady Heather Mills McCartney. She is the goodwill ambassador for Adopt-A-Minefield, of course. She's the famous amputee model, motivational speaker, the wife of Sir Paul McCartney.
She and Sir Paul, by the way, are in Los Angeles to host a big benefit gala on behalf of Adopt-A-Minefield. We're going to attend that tomorrow night, along with about 900 other people, and are going to raise a lot of money for a most worthy cause. We'll get into that in a while and discuss a lot of things.
What does "Thank You" mean?
HEATHER MILLS MCCARTNEY, GOODWILL AMBASSADOR, ADOPT-A-MINEFIELD: It's to thank everybody. Since the last show, we've had a lot of donations. It was a great show to do.
KING: So you thought you would show people?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, because last time it was "No More Land Mines." Therefore, I just did a very positive statement. We've cleared 15 million square meters of land. It benefited 366,000 people over the last four years, and about half of that has happened in the last year.
KING: Well, congratulations.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: So it's a big "thank you" to everybody.
KING: Nice to say that.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Thank you. KING: All right, let's discuss some other things first. Last time you were here, you had -- no, not here. You said in an interview there was almost no chance that you could get pregnant.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I know a miracle.
KING: Why was there almost no chance?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Because I'd had two ectopic pregnancies, when they (UNINTELLIGIBLE) the tubes, one right after the other.
KING: And previous...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Fifteen years ago, when I was married. And, basically, I had all this kind of surgery, scar tissue. A lot of women will understand who have had ectopic pregnancies.
Normally, they take your tubes away. And I said, "You're not taking my tubes." He said, "Well, it's dangerous, but they could be badly damaged and you won't be able to have children."
So I put that to one side, and I though, just one day. And then it just -- I didn't worry about it.
KING: When you got married, did you tell Paul that you probably couldn't have children?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I told him within a week of us dating, you know, I'm very open. If you're not interested, then off you go. But, basically, it was just a miracle within eight months of our marriage I suddenly found out that I was pregnant.
And the biggest worry was it going to be a third ectopic. Because normally you don't get to the point of three.
KING: Yes.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And we went there and it was just in the right place doing the right thing.
KING: Because Paul asked me...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And it seems to be a healthy baby.
KING: ... the first time you were both here when -- the first time I met Paul, of what it was like to be a little father when you were a little up there in age, past the age of 60, around there.
KING: What is it like. And I told him it's the greatest thing in the world.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Don't you think you're more interested, pay more attention?
KING: Yes. And he was thinking about it.
KING: Was he happy to learn?
KING: Was he happen to learn about it? How did you tell him?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: What, to learn how to have a baby?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: He had a bit of experience with that.
KING: How did you tell him you were pregnant?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I went and -- the day I was meant to go into the hospital for some tests, general tests, I didn't have my monthly cycle. So I went upstairs and he was in a meeting. And I kept walking in and out of the meeting, because I had done the test and it was positive.
And he kept looking at me, think, "She's just not normally like this." And I was going are you finished yet? Are you finished yet? And then he came out and I showed him the test and he just went, "Oh," and we both started crying and it was just a miracle.
KING: Now, another thing that's fascinating is Paul already has three grown children.
KING: And you're friendly with them?
KING: Four?
KING: Are they excited about this little brother or sister they're going to get?
KING: Now you and Paul know whether it's a boy or girl, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Me and Paul, but nobody else. We know...
KING: Why?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: We know what it is and we know the name. Because I don't like calling it "it" every day. And with modern technology, you have to kind of turn away from the scan so you don't see what the sex is. And I think any baby you have is going to be a huge surprise.
So we're not going to sort of spoil it for ourselves. But we just decided one little secret, because if the rest of the world knows what we're going to have...
KING: But you do know what it is -- you both know.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: We both know and we know the name. We know everything. But we ain't going to tell you, Larry.
KING: OK. How is it -- because I noticed before you said, "He's kicking." But then you said, "She's...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I said he or she. You know what I'm saying.
KING: You threw me for a second. I thought I had you. But you have everything picked. And thus far, everything healthy?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Very healthy. And it's bigger than it should be. And the strange thing is, because I'm all sort of up front package, all the girlfriends that are pregnant at the moment are saying, "Yes, but you're so tiny."
So I went for a scan recently and they said it's actually a pound and a half bigger than it should be at the moment. And I said, "Well, why is it," because I've only got eight weeks left.
KING: You know the actual birth date, right?
KING: November 14, another Scorpio enters the world.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Which you are, a Scorpio.
KING: Yes. So you know the birth date because you're having a cesarean.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I've got to have a cesarean because I had a metal plate after losing my leg in the accident put in my pelvis. So the baby would be like, "Let me out of here." So I've got to have a cesarean, but at least I know -- a few girlfriends of mine have had births lately, and they went through like three or four days of labor and had to have a cesarean anyway.
So at least I know. It's going to be elective.
KING: So does anything about that frighten you? It is surgery?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I've had a cesarean already to put the metal plate in. I've had, you know, my leg chopped off. I've had...
KING: Yes, what's going to scare you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It's nothing. I'll just get the music right and... KING: Do the doctors at all have any concern?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, nothing at all. No.
KING: Not at all?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Nothing. We've got it all sorted out.
KING: Everything is...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I mean, I have the usual thing, where you can have a different blood group from your partner and you have to have all these anti-D injections and things like that. But apart from that, nothing.
KING: And your age is not our business, but it does involve things...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I don't mind my age. I'm always happy. I'm 35, nearly 36.
KING: OK. So that's a fine age.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Perfect. It's all about being healthy, because I've had some friends that put on like four and half stone. I don't know if you do it in pounds or stones. I think pounds.
KING: Pounds.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And they've had little 5-pound babies. And I've had other friends that have just put on, you know, a minimal amount. And they've had big, healthy babies. So it's about the nutrition and the quality of the food you eat rather than eating for two.
I mean, I eat really healthily. But all my friends that have eaten for two regret it later, because they've got to lose these extra three stones.
KING: You have not hidden -- you wrote a great autobiography, by the way.
KING: You have not hidden the dysfunctional part of your family in the past.
KING: Do you have any ever fears that there's something chemical involving that and it could happen to the child?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Not really. I think with good guidance -- I think you are born with the genetics you have, but then, you know, I was born with my genetics and I had pretty crazy parents. But I think I've turned out OK. So with good guidance, I think -- you know you can only do the best. I think parenting is improvisation. You can only do the best you can possibly do. And I'm not a worrier about anything. And I think if you are worry, then you just make your child worry. And I've -- we've got some clear set rules that, you know, we are a team, and there is no making one partner, father against mother, clear off.
KING: How did you handle all of those rumors that you were pregnant in the first month you were married?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Just, I laughed about it, really. I mean, obviously, my family would have been upset.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. I mean, they...
KING: You're a McCartney, you're always going to have rumors.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Exactly. But they knew that it was virtually impossible at that time for me to become pregnant. And I did an interview with a guy called Michael Parkinson (ph), and that was filmed months before I became pregnant. So I had said on that show, you know, "There's no chance of me getting pregnant."
And within two weeks it was announced that I was pregnant. So he was like, hang on, did she know on that show that it was prerecorded?
KING: Michael didn't take it personally, though.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, he didn't.
KING: We'll be right back with Lady Heather Mills McCartney on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away.
PAUL MCCARTNEY, ENTERTAINER: We are engaged that's it. It's all private stuff all that, you know. Anyway we are standing here for camera's and we are very happy. And we'll get married sometime next year.
MCCARTNEY: I (UNINTELLIGIBLE) mood. I am still in shock. I really happy.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: This is just basically -- not to be dramatic, but...
KING: Where does your leg end?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It ends just below the knee. So this is to show people the quality of the leg that you can actually get. KING: Oh, it feels like a leg.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. But in America you don't have that quality here.
KING: Now where do you -- pick your leg up again. What do you...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: There's a screw on the end of it.
KING: What are you feeling there?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, yes, yes. I still have feeling, completely.
KING: Full feeling?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Full feeling. If you touch it, it makes me feel like my toes are completely opening. And Paul's going to get upset, your touching my leg, Larry.
KING: Now this was amazing. This did not turn Paul off?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, not at all.
KING: Because you could imagine many...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Or any boyfriends before that. Every guy I've been out with has asked me to marry him within a week. So...
KING: That became a historic moment. You know it's been shown all over the world on television, been in print, was on the Emmys last night.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I heard. I mean, for us, it was fantastic, because the response we got from the American public and then the world, because you go out all over the world...
KING: Yes.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: ... said, "I want a leg like that." And people have been asking for a leg like mine for so many years. And I kept trying to do it through charities, through this, through that. But, you know, the person who makes it, it's his business.
So eventually I said, "Well, OK, I'll put my name to it as long as you make it available over the Internet through -- any amputees that want one should contact their prosthetist, which is a term of limb fitter, and just get on the Web site and look up my and they'll be able to get one. And it's only $2,500, where as the basic limbs over here, they're like $10,000.
KING: What did it cost you, the prosthesis?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: The one I'm wearing now?
KING: Yes.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, in England, you get them on the National Health Service.
KING: Oh, that's right.
KING: So all you've got to do is hit
MILLS MCCARTNEY:, and you can get all the information on how to get a limb and like that. And it's totally life changing, you know. The first one...
KING: And you have something here to show us.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: This is the leg. This is the off-the-shelf one. I thought I won't shock you by pulling mine off again.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And this is a $10,000 American leg. Now, the woman that gave me...
KING: Wait a minute. This is...
KING: $10,000 American made, American purchased.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. And this is $2,500 for the foot and the cover. And then your own prosthetist has to make the socket and the shin, because everybody's limb is different shapes. You have to supply them ready made like that.
KING: Why such a dramatic difference in price?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Because there is no control of the pricing over here. And so what I've done is I agreed that they can use my name to market and sell these limbs as long as they had a price limit on it. Because, otherwise, what would happen is I'd let them use my name and they'd just sell them for $20,000. Because, in comparison to this one, it's beautiful.
KING: So this one is the Heather Mills McCartney...
KING: Cosmesis?
KING: They make them for men?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. Men, hair, freckles, the lot.
KING: Children?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Off the shelf. Children, everything. Off the shelf.
KING: Older people, younger people?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. And you don't have to fly to England. You can just get them through the Internet.
KING: Is it superior to this one or the equal of this? Superior to this?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Look at that. Look at the size of that socket.
KING: This one.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: This woman that I met, Loretta (ph), and I had to counsel in Chicago, she came in in a wheelchair with these two legs on crying her eyes out. And I walk on with that leg on. She said, "All I want is a comfortable leg" -- which is the most important thing -- "and something that looks real."
And her husband said -- her husband was called Wally (ph) -- she got (UNINTELLIGIBLE), she's got two kids, she lost both legs, a hand and some fingers. And he just said, you know, "I want my wife back. She's just totally depressed."
And it's not being vain wearing something that looks real like this. You don't like looking at your leg and having that reminder every day that you can't wear your skirt, that you can't feel feminine, that you can't feel normal because everyone is looking at you every two minutes. And on top of that, the socket was so uncomfortable, she couldn't walk on them.
So she luckily was in a financial situation where she flew to England...
KING: These are made in England?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: ... to (UNINTELLIGIBLE) -- a prosthetist made them up. But hundreds of thousands of people in America can't afford to go and fly to England and get it made. So I just pushed, pushed, pushed.
KING: That's great.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And now they can get them in America.
KING: You don't sleep with it, do you?
KING: Do some people sleep with theirs?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I've never heard of anybody sleep with it, because, you know -- especially if you're with a partner. You'd knock him out. They're pretty heavy...
KING: It's a quick on-off, though.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, it's a quick on and off. And they can sort of pop it in. I tend to sort of crawl on my knees to go to the toilet at night.
KING: Any effect being pregnant with it?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: For me, no. But generally, yes, because people put weight on, water retention fluid. But I've been going to the gym, doing my Pilates, doing my exercises.
KING: But you'll still put weight on.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, but only on the tummy. So I haven't got fluid weight. And I have a residual limb. The reason you get problems with your legs is because of shrinking and expansion of residual limb.
KING: Could you help us for those who don't know or may have forgotten how you lost your leg?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: August '93, so that's 10 years ago. I was crossing the street.
KING: In London?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: In London. I had just got back from a war zone where I had been for two years and ironically didn't lose my leg...
KING: Doing what?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: In the former Yugoslavia just helping with refugees and AIDS and things like that. Crossed the street and a police motorcycle came from behind a bus, chopped my leg off, crushed my pelvis, punctured my lung, split my head open. And then the ambulance came, took the policeman off. And then an hour or so later he had a sprained wrist -- so it was obviously a priority.
KING: He took the policeman before you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I know, it's mad. And I got to the hospital and they announced to my sister about four times that I was going to die. And my mother had lost her leg at the same age as me in the same place. It was all very crazy for my sister to see.
And I survived, obviously, to tell the tale. And that's when I found out about collecting prosthetics to help in the former Yugoslavia. But now I try and make countries self sufficient. It was local...
KING: So it had nothing to do with minefields.
KING: Because there are a lot of people in minefields...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I know. I was down working near mines and with snipers, but not a scratch. It's all meant to be. I wouldn't have achieved as much for the charity Adopt-A-Minefield if that hadn't happened.
KING: Do you remember the accident, or were you in shock?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I remember when I got to the hospital because they couldn't give me any painkillers because my lung was punctured. So it slows your (UNINTELLIGIBLE) system down. And if they give you painkillers, then it could kill you before...
KING: But you don't remember the impact?
KING: Just walking...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I just remember seeing the bike and that was it.
KING: Tell you a lot about life, right?
KING: Here today, gone...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: You've got to enjoy every minute. And make a difference while you're here.
KING: As we go to break with Lady Heather Mills McCartney, she mentioned that lady, Loretta (ph). Watch.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She lost her legs below the knee, the figners on her right hand, and most of her left hand.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was a very busy mom and this totally shut me down.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: When your walking it's great and you look goergous.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When I saw Heather, who has the same situation as I being a beautiful, positive person, that's in the public eye, that never let anything get in her way. That had such determination, that I tried not to let go out. But I think it was dwindling and it gave me hope. (END VIDEO CLIP)
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Some of the ferious fighting took place here in (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Povidence during Vietnam war. Around three and half million mines were buried. Many of them on farm lands just like this. So the war ended 27 years ago. For the people here it's still a long battle. Though it make look safe on the farm land I am walking through. If take one wrong step out of these red post I could be dead.
KING: In a little while, we'll talk about what's happening tomorrow night and what Heather has been doing in land mines and why she even got involved in that in the first place. We're going to show you a couple of letters that might interest you from a couple of famous people worldwide. Lady Heather Mills McCartney, the Goodwill ambassador for Adopt-A-Minefield.
OK. How's marriage to Paul McCartney been?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Great, really great.
KING: What has, if anything, surprised you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: How tidy he is.
KING: Tidy?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. He cleans up before the cleaner comes. So I said for a while that's crazy, but what's good is if I cook the dinner, he'll clean everything up and...
KING: He's punctual.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: ... he's very hands on. He wasn't; he is now. He's always late, yes.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I'm very punctual.
KING: Me too -- good.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: But he's made me more laid back. So sometimes if we're on holiday and we don't have to be there absolutely on time somewhere -- so he's sort of slowed me down. And I've speeded him up a little bit.
KING: Is he a thoughtful husband?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, very, very romantic, very thoughtful. KING: Gifts and surprises?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, but like everything's not -- you know when you've got money, you can usually just send out for jewelry and cars and all that kind of stuff. He'll like go into the florist and make me up a grass bracelet, you know, and just collect me (UNINTELLIGIBLE) and feathers, all that kind of stuff. Romantic, thoughtful things. Time-consuming things.
KING: Are there any memories of Linda at the house?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: We don't live in any of the houses where they...
KING: Does it bother you how much vocal he was about her and how open he was.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No because -- no, not at all, because it just shows how truly romantic and loving he is. And she helped make him -- I think all women mold men. So I think she helped make him into a wonderful guy.
KING: So you're lucky he had her?
KING: What is it like to watch him work?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, I tend not to go along to studios. So when he's at home singing, we don't consider it work. But he's working on some music at the moment, and I cry a lot because I'm just so moved by it and probably hormonal from the baby.
KING: How about in concert? Now I stood with you when he worked Vegas.
KING: And of course I was with you when he -- when our producer, Wendy Walker (ph), had her surprise birthday party that her husband Ralph (ph) through for her and made a donation to your minefield...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Of $1 million.
KING: A million dollars, yes.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And we never did those kind of concerts.
KING: And Paul did a concert in a restaurant in Rancho Santa Fe for 120 people. He did a full concert. But the question is, what's it like to watch him sing in front of people?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I just feel really proud, you know, that he's doing something like that and making such a difference. I'm a little bit laid back in the sense that no kind of pop singers, rock stars make me go, oh. KING: You aren't a groupie type at all.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, I'm not. And I think that's why we got on so well. And I'm more into sort of politics and things like that that impress me, the life-changing things. But music is life changing.
But, no, it's all about how he is as a person. I love the lyrics because they...
KING: He brings that to the stage, though, doesn't he?
KING: What is his magic? You know, if you were reviewing him...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, I don't know if I can tell you that, Larry.
KING: ... his magic is.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I think just being himself, being natural, communicating, talking, and...
KING: He loves it, right? I mean that shows.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, he loves it. He really loves it.
KING: Do you ever worry about him?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, because he's got a great balance. He's at a stage in his life where he'll just start work at mid day and finish at 6:00, you know? He won't do any hours before or after. And what I really admire about him is that he's very into quality of relationship. You know, relationships in the past have been, you know, if you've got to keep working, you carry on to 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. And that's how relationships can fail.
He's very much, "At 6:00, guys, I'm off. My wife's got the dinner on." And he's home. He's never keeping me hanging around with a cold plate of dinner that I'm going to feed to the dogs.
KING: You went to the wedding of his daughter, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. It was amazing.
KING: What was that like?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It was amazing. It was beautiful. She looked fantastic.
KING: She like the man she married?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: He is a darling. He's a catch.
KING: A catch?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: He's a real catch.
KING: What is she like?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: She's lovely. Very nice, very clever, good designer.
KING: Was Paul -- what was he like at the wedding?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Very proud, yes.
KING: Did he give the bride away?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I'm not giving you any intimate details, because...
KING: Was there...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It was so quiet. No one got a picture, no one got anything. It was in Scotland, which everybody knows. I just talk about what everyone knows.
And it was just one of those perfect, perfect weekends. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) in London, beautiful sunshine in Scotland. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Scottish...
KING: Do you know why tabloids are interested in the marriage of a famous person's offspring?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Because you're connected in some way. And they've created this whole obsession with looking into people's lives. And it's part and parcel of being known. But there isn't a line.
That's the problem. They don't seem to draw the line. They've backed up a bit because I'm pregnant. I don't think they want to be responsible for me having a miscarriage or something. But I'm sure it will fire up again post-baby.
KING: Do you ever think, what did I do to deserve this?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: For the first two years I did. I was shocked because I was really hurt by a lot of things and surprised by a lot of people that you only met once or twice in your life and wanted to make money out of knowing you. So it made me realize I was quite naive about how cruel people can be.
But since then, I've got to a point where I don't care. I don't read it anymore. I don't watch it. I don't allow any of my friends to tell me about it.
If they start to say, "Oh, I read in the paper the other day..." I say, no, I don't read it. So let's talk about something more meaningful in life.
And the good side of it is that, you know, had I not met Paul and fallen madly in love, I wouldn't have met some of these heads of state that have helped make a huge difference to the charity. So it's all fate. We truly think that we were meant to be put together not just for ourselves but for a greater cause.
KING: So it goes with the territory?
KING: Yes. Right back with Lady Heather Mills McCartney. We'll be talking about minefields. A big event tomorrow night. And lots of other things.
Don't go away.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: You can achieve the world. You can ski, you can rollerblade, you can do whatever you want to do. And the fact that you've lost your leg, means you have to try a little bit harder. But how much more amazing are you going to be as a person having done those achievements? This is just a limb. This is not your heart. This is not your soul. This is not your mind. It's just something that can be replaced by a bit of metal.
KING: We're back with Lady Heather Mills McCartney.
In May, columnist Matt Seaton, of "The Guardian," wrote the following, a piece on hostility toward you, in which he declared, "There is little that is edifying in the symbolic lynching of Heather. The poisonous judgmentalism that drives it is in the worst tradition of small town gossip. It is prurient, spiteful, hypocritical, and we should cry 'shame' on it."
How tough have they been on you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Apparently very tough on me. The first couple of years was very, very tough. But I haven't read it for the last couple of years. And...
KING: It must be terrible.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, apparently.
KING: And you could look at it just like that? How does Paul take it?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: But the public aren't stupid. You know any time I do a show, that is the response of the true reaction.
KING: They see you now, they like you or don't like you.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. But they knew me for eight years before I met Paul. I was always in the press. So I wasn't one of these unlucky people that just sort of came into the limelight and suddenly nasty things were being written. You know most people had read my autobiography, which (UNINTELLIGIBLE) was written 10 years ago for charity.
So the public aren't stupid. But they presume that because there are so many Beatles fans, Paul fans, that everyone is going to kind of hate me, you know? But I've got such a huge respectful and dedicated following of people that just want to make a difference. And they shout in the street, "You ignore those." You know?
And so it's very supportive. So it's only a small group of journalists.
KING: How does Paul deal with it?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: He's very good because he's used to it for 30 years. And he gets his fair share, yes.
KING: He had it in his first marriage. He had it everywhere.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: All the time.
KING: It had nothing to do with...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And the press still have a go at him now. But what happens is people say, oh, Paul never gets any bad press. But he does get a lot of bad press and made up stuff.
And recently, on the front pages of English papers, he went to -- out for a boys' night out. And they made this whole story up about him punching a photographer and using swear words and this and that. And when it came out in the morning, they were standing outside our house.
He came out and he just said, "Look, it's all rubbish. You know, I haven't fired my PR guy. What are you talking about?" And he did all his usual and all this.
And then he went like this, and what they did was they cropped him like this to make him look like -- and just when he's going like this, he goes -- and then they crop him and it looks like he's giving this angry face.
KING: That's when he was with David Blaine's stunt, right?
KING: The...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, what it was, it was I having a girls' night out. So he's on Stag 15 (ph), we call it now. And they had magicians at his evening. So he said let's go and see David Blaine. So he popped down to see David Blaine.
And they stood miles away. And his press guy stupidly told the press that he was over there. And he didn't know anything about it, and he saw the press coming towards him. And his press guy didn't mean any harm, but it was a bit naive.
And so he ran after the car. And the paparazzi are chasing after him. Now, we had been followed for six, seven hours every day. The last thing we wanted was on his night out to have any press around.
So he just said, "No, I don't have anything to say. So the next day it was Paul (UNINTELLIGIBLE) punch-up drama. And it was...
KING: Hit no one, punched no one.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, nothing. His people tried to stop the paparazzi, but Paul just got in his car and went. But it was front- page headlines two days later. I mean, what does that say about the state of the world with all the wars and all the terror that's going on and the good deeds being done? They want to talk about -- front page -- I mean, it's scary.
KING: Did he get to see Blaine?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: He said he was fast asleep in his sleeping bag 30 feet up. You've got to go in the daytime...
KING: Yes. He's doing this forever, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, it's only 44 days. I don't think it's such a big deal. I know people that go on fasts for 30 days and work.
KING: Really?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. Well, you can live as long as that with water. But they make it into a big dramatic thing.
KING: All right. How much press are you going to allow, not allow, with regard to it. I'm saying "it" because we don't know what it is.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Basically, my thoughts are always none. And Paul --always -- and Paul's more clever and knowledgeable in that area. So he always -- we'll do one picture, one announcement, then we'll go away. And it tends to work. We sort of -- they stop following us around.
KING: So there will be a picture of the baby?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Possibly. We're still discussing it.
KING: They're going to find out where it's going to be born. You can't bear it at home, so it's going to have to be at a hospital.
KING: They're going to find out. MILLS MCCARTNEY: Oh, they're going to find out, yes.
KING: So it will be at the hospital?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. I've got...
KING: Now they know the date. You've given the date, November 14.
KING: So it's going to be on November 14 in a hospital.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). They'll all be there. But I'm saying whether we give the picture or not -- what we normally do is, for the wedding, we gave a picture and the money went to charity, one picture. And for the engagement we gave one picture. And for the announcement of -- and for the marriage we gave one picture.
So we'll see. We're still talking about it at the moment.
KING: Have magazines contacted you, like "People" magazine?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Oh, millions. Not interested. Not interested.
KING: Millions?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Millions, yes.
KING: So why not say, OK, give it to minefields and we'll give you...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Because there's got to be a limit. You know my -- seven days in my -- well, six days in my week are at work for free and give everything to minefields. There are some things I just want to keep for myself.
And I think as soon as you start doing that -- I understand why some celebrity couples sell pictures of their wedding and all that kind of stuff, but I think once you start dealing with the devil -- it's fine when you're like on your way up in celebrity and you need the exposure and you need all that kind of stuff. But the position that Paul's in at the moment, you know, it's silly. You know, you saw what happened with some of the celebrity couples.
You know, they get into fights about who has the rights of the pictures. And I just don't want to go there.
KING: What do you make when you read all about J. Lo?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I feel sorry for them. I think it's disgusting that they've done everything -- the stalkerazzi (ph) have done everything possible to try and ruin their relationship. And everyone knows in life that a relationship is so hard anyway. But can you imagine just like paparazzi having photographers through your shower room?
Pedophiles get more protection.
KING: Well put. Our guest is Lady Heather Mills McCartney. We'll talk about minefields and show you a couple of letters, and talk about an event tomorrow night. And we'll be right back.
MILLS MCCCARTNEY (voice-over): Seven-year-old Lye (ph) lost his limbs and his sight in one eye when he stepped on a landmine on his way to school.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): I wish I had -- I would have a computer and a new prostethic leg.
MILLS MCCARTNEY (on camera): OK. Well, we'll try and get a prosthetic leg. That's for sure. You're a very brave boy. And I know one day you'll get be a computer expert. Thank you. Thank you very much.
SARAH FERGUSON, DUCHESS OF YORK: She has given people a chance to have a life. She's given people a chance to be able to walk. She's been giving people a chance to have their dignity back and to be -- to feel that there (UNINTELLIGIBLE) and to talk to people on the same eye level, and not always be spoken down to them.
SEN. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON (D), NEW YORK: You all know that Heather is an extraordinary person. She's accomplished so much and she has inspired so many people along the way. But she's also great fun. She's someone who just lights up the room when she walks in. She combines the seriousness of her mission with an understanding of the fleeting nature of life and the need to just enjoy every single minute of this beautiful gift that we've been given.
KING: I'll be there tomorrow night. So will about 900 others. A lot of money is going to be raised because tomorrow night is the third annual -- the fund-raiser for Adopt-A-Minefield. Sir Paul and Lady Heather will be there. They are the organization's Goodwill ambassadors.
I believe that -- yes, I guess Ralph (ph) and Wendy (ph) (UNINTELLIGIBLE) are the co-chair people. And Paul will sing. Jay Leno will emcee. And James Taylor will perform -- will sing with Paul as well. All right. Now, what does Adopt-A-Minefield do?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: We're basically an organization under the United Nations Association. So we're linked with the United Nations. And we find countries that need mines cleared and mines (UNINTELLIGIBLE).
And we hire the most professional and reasonably priced de-miners (UNINTELLIGIBLE) local, given local employment. And then we supply survivor assistance. So we supply limbs that are relevant to that country, because you know if you're in a third world country, or if you're in Cambodia, for instance, you've got to work in the rice paddy fields. It's no good having a cosmetic leg like mine. You need something that you can move around freely in.
So we're generally making legs for around $50 a piece. So that can actually make someone walk again.
KING: And the money goes totally to those efforts.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: One hundred percent. We're one of the few charities that 100 percent of their donations goes to clear minefields and survivor assistance. And we get funded for the people that work in the offices separately from the State Department and other private corporations.
KING: Minefields are in areas that had war, right? I mean, I know there are no minefields in New York.
KING: OK. So they would be in countries that were war torn?
KING: The planting of a minefield is a really chicken thing to do, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It's disgusting, yes. It's the most cowardice thing that you can possibly do.
KING: How many are still around?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Millions. They estimate between 60 and 70 million. But the positive news is that we've cleared 15 million square meters of land.
KING: How many?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Fifteen million square meters of land. And we've got a few more million under way. We've benefited 366,000 people since we started four years ago. And we've -- 11 million of that is battlefield area, which is a lot quicker and easier to clear. And five million -- it's nearly up to 16 million -- five million is humanitarian de-mining, which is a very slow, long process. At the moment, you've got places like Chechnya, where the rebels actually make mines that look like cigarette packets or condensed milk. So that a young boy will see a can, he'll just click it and he'll lose his leg. So we're doing a lot of education things.
KING: So it's not necessarily just in battlefield areas.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It's all battlefield areas where there's been a war area and then it's moved on. Or un-mapped and unmarked areas where you don't know that they've been laid to try to control everything. So it's very scary. But we're focusing now -- it's why I've got this "Thank You" on, as I said before.
KING: Someone told me that sometimes they find minefields from World War II.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, absolutely.
KING: I mean, that's incredible.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: They're still back all the way to Alamein. It's amazing.
KING: Have you ever been to the de-minization (ph)? Have you ever...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Oh, lots of times, yes.
KING: Isn't that a little dangerous?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, you're protected, you have head gear. It's very well organized. And you step right back.
But I worked on the front line in a war zone in the former Yugoslavia for two years where there were mines everywhere that weren't marked. So I believe when you're going to go you're going to go. But I'd like to help protect the innocent women and children as long as possible.
KING: Sure, totally innocent victims -- anybody in a minefield is an innocent victim.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And people have got no idea. Once you clear the minefield area, it's not just about safety. You can then farm and the people can become independent and self sufficient and bring livestock back to the community.
KING: Now, you can go to that Web site anytime for any information on the prosthetics, on the Adopt-A-Minefield. It's just Heather...
KING: MILLS MCCARTNEY: Or it's on land mines -- specifically go to for Adopt-A-Minefield.
KING: Is there any (UNINTELLIGIBLE) you can contact, or the Beverly Hilton Hotel.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. And they can read about night of a thousand dinners for November, where you can just have a dinner.
KING: Yes. And what is that? There's going to be in November -- by the way, Michael Douglas and Katherine Zeta Jones are going to be honored at the gala, too.
KING: Two terrific people. On November 6, just a few days before he/she comes...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: But I can eat. I can sit and have a dinner.
KING: There will be dinners, where, all over the world?
KING: A thousand people are asked to host a dinner.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. And you can do anything. You can have a pizza and invite your friends and charge them extra for the pizza. And then make a donation, because all those hundreds of thousands of people are making little donations.
KING: So anyone watching can hold a dinner, right?
KING: You don't have to contact anyone?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No. You can look at if you want some meal suggestions from countries where we clear minefields to give you recipe ideas so you really feel like you're getting into the mood of it and so you're relating to countries that you're helping clear minefields in.
So you can make it a real fun evening. You can have a Cambodia evening or a Vietnamese evening.
KING: So I can do it and invite a couple of guys over and charge them? Or we can have a dinner at a hotel or a dinner at the house or...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, exactly. But if you're cooking, you might have to pay them to eat it.
KING: You're not kidding. How do you spread the word about it? You've got to get a lot of publicity about something like this.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: You have -- I mean, that's why I do shows like yours, where you care about the subject. It's very difficult, because you have to really pick and choose which shows you do, because otherwise it becomes one percent on the issue, which is the most important thing, and 99 percent on everything else. So this helps us a lot, this last show, Larry, so that's why it's a big thank you.
KING: I'm always great to -- so this is Night of a Thousand Dinners. The night that they picked is November 6. Any reason for that date or just...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Oh, it's near the land mine treaty signing. It moves around a little bit.
KING: And there's an international campaign to ban landmines.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Landmines, yes.
KING: I'm going to ask you about that in our remaining moments as well. The dinner is tomorrow night. You can contact the Beverly Hilton if you're in the L.A. area or coming into the area, if there are some -- still tickets available. And I don't know that there are.
And November 6, all you've got to do is go to, right? And they'll tell you how to detail and have that dinner and help them.
And we'll be right back with our remaining moments with -- you're a lady, huh?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I never use that title. I am a lady as a person, but I never use that title. It makes me laugh.
KING: We'll be back with her after this.
MILLS MCCARTNEY (voice-over): Some are very inspiring.
KING: Heather has contacted a lot of people about landmines and the complex problem they present. I want to show you a letter she got from the White House from President Bush saying that there is a study going under way and that when he gets his recommendations, he'll emphasize the need to avoid injury to noncombatants. MILLS MCCARTNEY: One paragraph of it.
KING: A long letter -- a personal letter from Vladimir Putin. That's it in Russian, and we have it transcribed in English. That was sent to you (UNINTELLIGIBLE). The White House sent theirs May 6th.
Mr. Putin, a very detailed letter about his interest in the problem.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, very passionate about it. I mean, obviously, they are the biggest manufacturer of landmines in the world.
KING: No world leader is against this, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, nobody is against it, but nobody wants to be dictated to. And this is what we have to be aware of. You know many countries have signed -- I think 236 countries signed the land mine treaty. Places like India and Iraq and Burma and Russia have not.
KING: So Russia hasn't signed?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Russia hasn't signed.
KING: But you were in Russia, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: We went to see him.
KING: Did you talk to Putin there?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Never would have gotten to meet him had it not have been for Paul doing his concert in Red Square. But when we got there, we had five minutes of the usual music chat and then moved straight into landmines. And I was surprised that he knew everything about me. I was like, oh my god, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) was head of KGB, what's he going to know.
But he was very, very much behind it. He said things like -- which is why I was so pleased when he followed up within three days with a long, detailed letter. He said, "I don't see things in vain. I promise you this."
He's really, really working towards a mine land treaty ban, where as we don't get that response from Bush at all. It's like, we will try not to hurt noncombatants.
KING: Are you saying the United States is disappointing you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Very disappointed in the sense of not signing the ban treaty, because they have far less reasons not to sign than Russia. You know Russia has the biggest borders in the world and they have to secure them, at the moment, with mines. They could use other methods, but it's a very long, slow process. So I'm working with President Putin, trying to come up with solutions rather than dictate, you must join this...
KING: Why hasn't the United States signed?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: The United States hasn't signed because they want to hold back. They use the excuse of the (UNINTELLIGIBLE) because they use mines to actually protect that divide. But when you think of Russia's borders compared to that divide and the alternative methods we could use, you know to protect Mexico...
KING: You mean, we like the idea of the mines in Korea?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I don't know if you like them, but there are other solutions. And they're just not coming up with using any of them.
KING: Have you talked to Colin Powell?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. Colin Powell was the first person who -- and he's very much behind stopping the use of mines. But he's not the top dog. You know he can't make the final decision.
And that's what we're pushing for. And my whole thing with Mr. Putin is coming up with solutions that are going to move the issue forward. You know, finding out where the (UNINTELLIGIBLE), but (UNINTELLIGIBLE) have basically got their mines laid down. So we could ask (ph) the maps, we could talk about how we can move forward to make the civilians more safe.
But their internal problem is the drug trafficking, international terrorism. You've got to look at all the problems within that country individually, because every country is unique. Otherwise, if you say, well, it's inhumane and you should just ban it and that's it, you're not going to move forward with these particular countries. And we haven't moved forward.
I mean, this is the first kind of in-depth contact that anybody's ever had with Russia. And that's all because we went to Russia and had this kind of response. And, I must say, I think Vladimir Putin is a fantastic man.
KING: Did you get the sort of pass the mantle from Princess Di?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, I didn't...
KING: Because she was...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: She did an amazing job. And she was a big celebrity like Paul. But I've been involved in it for 12 years now. So I was five years in before she ever started to get involved.
But she had a massive effect. It made everybody think. And it made a lot of countries sign that wouldn't necessarily have signed.
So it's about using your celebrity as much as possible, which is what Paul does. And I'm more behind the scenes, getting on with the day-to-day running of it.
KING: Do you think you'll see the end of them?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I think so, yes. In my lifetime I think you will.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, if I have anything to do with it. But the most important thing now is about mine clearings and helping countries that have signed stick to the rules by funding them for mine clearings. Because there are a lot of rules about (UNINTELLIGIBLE) and about stockpile.
Russia, in the last few years, has actually gotten rid of seven million mines stockpiled. So they are moving forward.
KING: Do we know how many people have been heart by land mines?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Entire life that we can look back on, you know, millions and millions. You know every 20 minutes somebody is maimed or killed by a land mine.
KING: Every 20 minutes somewhere in the world?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Every 20 minutes, yes, someone is maimed or killed.
KING: That's unbelievable.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And 80 percent of them are civilians, women, men and children. And that's what's scary.
KING: You don't work in modeling anymore, do you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No. I did a campaign a year ago for Inc (ph). And that raised a lot of money. But...
KING: Always for charity.
KING: Always great seeing you.
KING: See you tomorrow night.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, I look forward to it.
KING: Good luck with it.
Lady Heather Mills McCartney. She doesn't like "lady." Goodwill ambassador for Adopt-A-Minefield. You can go to or for information about November 6, where you can hold a dinner, and information about tomorrow night. It's, right? That's dot-org. You're dot- com.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, is the best one.
KING: Thank you, Heather.
KING: We'll be right back and tell you about tomorrow night. Don't go away.
KING: Thanks for joining us on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE with Heather Mills McCartney. We invite you now to stay tuned for Aaron Brown and "NEWSNIGHT."
One reminder -- tomorrow night, we're going to look back at the life and times of Jack and Jacqueline Kennedy. They would have been married 50 years ago this month. Fifty years ago.
Aaron Brown and "NEWSNIGHT" is next. See you tomorrow night.
Good night.
Aired September 22, 2003 - 21:00 Â ET
LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight exclusives, Lady Heather Mills McCartney. Last time she was here she shocked us by taking off her prosthetic leg. Well, she's back and this time she and Sir Paul McCartney are expecting a baby and soon. We'll talk about that and whole more. And in depth personal hour with Heather Mills McCartney. Exclusive and next on LARRY KING LIVE.
KING: Good evening. A great way to start off the week. A great pleasure to welcome to LARRY KING LIVE Lady Heather Mills McCartney. She is the goodwill ambassador for Adopt-A-Minefield, of course. She's the famous amputee model, motivational speaker, the wife of Sir Paul McCartney.
She and Sir Paul, by the way, are in Los Angeles to host a big benefit gala on behalf of Adopt-A-Minefield. We're going to attend that tomorrow night, along with about 900 other people, and are going to raise a lot of money for a most worthy cause. We'll get into that in a while and discuss a lot of things.
What does "Thank You" mean?
HEATHER MILLS MCCARTNEY, GOODWILL AMBASSADOR, ADOPT-A-MINEFIELD: It's to thank everybody. Since the last show, we've had a lot of donations. It was a great show to do.
KING: So you thought you would show people?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, because last time it was "No More Land Mines." Therefore, I just did a very positive statement. We've cleared 15 million square meters of land. It benefited 366,000 people over the last four years, and about half of that has happened in the last year.
KING: Well, congratulations.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: So it's a big "thank you" to everybody.
KING: Nice to say that.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Thank you. KING: All right, let's discuss some other things first. Last time you were here, you had -- no, not here. You said in an interview there was almost no chance that you could get pregnant.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I know a miracle.
KING: Why was there almost no chance?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Because I'd had two ectopic pregnancies, when they (UNINTELLIGIBLE) the tubes, one right after the other.
KING: And previous...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Fifteen years ago, when I was married. And, basically, I had all this kind of surgery, scar tissue. A lot of women will understand who have had ectopic pregnancies.
Normally, they take your tubes away. And I said, "You're not taking my tubes." He said, "Well, it's dangerous, but they could be badly damaged and you won't be able to have children."
So I put that to one side, and I though, just one day. And then it just -- I didn't worry about it.
KING: When you got married, did you tell Paul that you probably couldn't have children?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I told him within a week of us dating, you know, I'm very open. If you're not interested, then off you go. But, basically, it was just a miracle within eight months of our marriage I suddenly found out that I was pregnant.
And the biggest worry was it going to be a third ectopic. Because normally you don't get to the point of three.
KING: Yes.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And we went there and it was just in the right place doing the right thing.
KING: Because Paul asked me...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And it seems to be a healthy baby.
KING: ... the first time you were both here when -- the first time I met Paul, of what it was like to be a little father when you were a little up there in age, past the age of 60, around there.
KING: What is it like. And I told him it's the greatest thing in the world.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Don't you think you're more interested, pay more attention?
KING: Yes. And he was thinking about it.
KING: Was he happy to learn?
KING: Was he happen to learn about it? How did you tell him?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: What, to learn how to have a baby?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: He had a bit of experience with that.
KING: How did you tell him you were pregnant?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I went and -- the day I was meant to go into the hospital for some tests, general tests, I didn't have my monthly cycle. So I went upstairs and he was in a meeting. And I kept walking in and out of the meeting, because I had done the test and it was positive.
And he kept looking at me, think, "She's just not normally like this." And I was going are you finished yet? Are you finished yet? And then he came out and I showed him the test and he just went, "Oh," and we both started crying and it was just a miracle.
KING: Now, another thing that's fascinating is Paul already has three grown children.
KING: And you're friendly with them?
KING: Four?
KING: Are they excited about this little brother or sister they're going to get?
KING: Now you and Paul know whether it's a boy or girl, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Me and Paul, but nobody else. We know...
KING: Why?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: We know what it is and we know the name. Because I don't like calling it "it" every day. And with modern technology, you have to kind of turn away from the scan so you don't see what the sex is. And I think any baby you have is going to be a huge surprise.
So we're not going to sort of spoil it for ourselves. But we just decided one little secret, because if the rest of the world knows what we're going to have...
KING: But you do know what it is -- you both know.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: We both know and we know the name. We know everything. But we ain't going to tell you, Larry.
KING: OK. How is it -- because I noticed before you said, "He's kicking." But then you said, "She's...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I said he or she. You know what I'm saying.
KING: You threw me for a second. I thought I had you. But you have everything picked. And thus far, everything healthy?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Very healthy. And it's bigger than it should be. And the strange thing is, because I'm all sort of up front package, all the girlfriends that are pregnant at the moment are saying, "Yes, but you're so tiny."
So I went for a scan recently and they said it's actually a pound and a half bigger than it should be at the moment. And I said, "Well, why is it," because I've only got eight weeks left.
KING: You know the actual birth date, right?
KING: November 14, another Scorpio enters the world.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Which you are, a Scorpio.
KING: Yes. So you know the birth date because you're having a cesarean.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I've got to have a cesarean because I had a metal plate after losing my leg in the accident put in my pelvis. So the baby would be like, "Let me out of here." So I've got to have a cesarean, but at least I know -- a few girlfriends of mine have had births lately, and they went through like three or four days of labor and had to have a cesarean anyway.
So at least I know. It's going to be elective.
KING: So does anything about that frighten you? It is surgery?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I've had a cesarean already to put the metal plate in. I've had, you know, my leg chopped off. I've had...
KING: Yes, what's going to scare you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It's nothing. I'll just get the music right and... KING: Do the doctors at all have any concern?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, nothing at all. No.
KING: Not at all?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Nothing. We've got it all sorted out.
KING: Everything is...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I mean, I have the usual thing, where you can have a different blood group from your partner and you have to have all these anti-D injections and things like that. But apart from that, nothing.
KING: And your age is not our business, but it does involve things...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I don't mind my age. I'm always happy. I'm 35, nearly 36.
KING: OK. So that's a fine age.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Perfect. It's all about being healthy, because I've had some friends that put on like four and half stone. I don't know if you do it in pounds or stones. I think pounds.
KING: Pounds.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And they've had little 5-pound babies. And I've had other friends that have just put on, you know, a minimal amount. And they've had big, healthy babies. So it's about the nutrition and the quality of the food you eat rather than eating for two.
I mean, I eat really healthily. But all my friends that have eaten for two regret it later, because they've got to lose these extra three stones.
KING: You have not hidden -- you wrote a great autobiography, by the way.
KING: You have not hidden the dysfunctional part of your family in the past.
KING: Do you have any ever fears that there's something chemical involving that and it could happen to the child?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Not really. I think with good guidance -- I think you are born with the genetics you have, but then, you know, I was born with my genetics and I had pretty crazy parents. But I think I've turned out OK. So with good guidance, I think -- you know you can only do the best. I think parenting is improvisation. You can only do the best you can possibly do. And I'm not a worrier about anything. And I think if you are worry, then you just make your child worry. And I've -- we've got some clear set rules that, you know, we are a team, and there is no making one partner, father against mother, clear off.
KING: How did you handle all of those rumors that you were pregnant in the first month you were married?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Just, I laughed about it, really. I mean, obviously, my family would have been upset.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. I mean, they...
KING: You're a McCartney, you're always going to have rumors.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Exactly. But they knew that it was virtually impossible at that time for me to become pregnant. And I did an interview with a guy called Michael Parkinson (ph), and that was filmed months before I became pregnant. So I had said on that show, you know, "There's no chance of me getting pregnant."
And within two weeks it was announced that I was pregnant. So he was like, hang on, did she know on that show that it was prerecorded?
KING: Michael didn't take it personally, though.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, he didn't.
KING: We'll be right back with Lady Heather Mills McCartney on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away.
PAUL MCCARTNEY, ENTERTAINER: We are engaged that's it. It's all private stuff all that, you know. Anyway we are standing here for camera's and we are very happy. And we'll get married sometime next year.
MCCARTNEY: I (UNINTELLIGIBLE) mood. I am still in shock. I really happy.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: This is just basically -- not to be dramatic, but...
KING: Where does your leg end?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It ends just below the knee. So this is to show people the quality of the leg that you can actually get. KING: Oh, it feels like a leg.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. But in America you don't have that quality here.
KING: Now where do you -- pick your leg up again. What do you...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: There's a screw on the end of it.
KING: What are you feeling there?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, yes, yes. I still have feeling, completely.
KING: Full feeling?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Full feeling. If you touch it, it makes me feel like my toes are completely opening. And Paul's going to get upset, your touching my leg, Larry.
KING: Now this was amazing. This did not turn Paul off?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, not at all.
KING: Because you could imagine many...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Or any boyfriends before that. Every guy I've been out with has asked me to marry him within a week. So...
KING: That became a historic moment. You know it's been shown all over the world on television, been in print, was on the Emmys last night.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I heard. I mean, for us, it was fantastic, because the response we got from the American public and then the world, because you go out all over the world...
KING: Yes.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: ... said, "I want a leg like that." And people have been asking for a leg like mine for so many years. And I kept trying to do it through charities, through this, through that. But, you know, the person who makes it, it's his business.
So eventually I said, "Well, OK, I'll put my name to it as long as you make it available over the Internet through -- any amputees that want one should contact their prosthetist, which is a term of limb fitter, and just get on the Web site and look up my and they'll be able to get one. And it's only $2,500, where as the basic limbs over here, they're like $10,000.
KING: What did it cost you, the prosthesis?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: The one I'm wearing now?
KING: Yes.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, in England, you get them on the National Health Service.
KING: Oh, that's right.
KING: So all you've got to do is hit
MILLS MCCARTNEY:, and you can get all the information on how to get a limb and like that. And it's totally life changing, you know. The first one...
KING: And you have something here to show us.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: This is the leg. This is the off-the-shelf one. I thought I won't shock you by pulling mine off again.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And this is a $10,000 American leg. Now, the woman that gave me...
KING: Wait a minute. This is...
KING: $10,000 American made, American purchased.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. And this is $2,500 for the foot and the cover. And then your own prosthetist has to make the socket and the shin, because everybody's limb is different shapes. You have to supply them ready made like that.
KING: Why such a dramatic difference in price?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Because there is no control of the pricing over here. And so what I've done is I agreed that they can use my name to market and sell these limbs as long as they had a price limit on it. Because, otherwise, what would happen is I'd let them use my name and they'd just sell them for $20,000. Because, in comparison to this one, it's beautiful.
KING: So this one is the Heather Mills McCartney...
KING: Cosmesis?
KING: They make them for men?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. Men, hair, freckles, the lot.
KING: Children?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Off the shelf. Children, everything. Off the shelf.
KING: Older people, younger people?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. And you don't have to fly to England. You can just get them through the Internet.
KING: Is it superior to this one or the equal of this? Superior to this?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Look at that. Look at the size of that socket.
KING: This one.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: This woman that I met, Loretta (ph), and I had to counsel in Chicago, she came in in a wheelchair with these two legs on crying her eyes out. And I walk on with that leg on. She said, "All I want is a comfortable leg" -- which is the most important thing -- "and something that looks real."
And her husband said -- her husband was called Wally (ph) -- she got (UNINTELLIGIBLE), she's got two kids, she lost both legs, a hand and some fingers. And he just said, you know, "I want my wife back. She's just totally depressed."
And it's not being vain wearing something that looks real like this. You don't like looking at your leg and having that reminder every day that you can't wear your skirt, that you can't feel feminine, that you can't feel normal because everyone is looking at you every two minutes. And on top of that, the socket was so uncomfortable, she couldn't walk on them.
So she luckily was in a financial situation where she flew to England...
KING: These are made in England?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: ... to (UNINTELLIGIBLE) -- a prosthetist made them up. But hundreds of thousands of people in America can't afford to go and fly to England and get it made. So I just pushed, pushed, pushed.
KING: That's great.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And now they can get them in America.
KING: You don't sleep with it, do you?
KING: Do some people sleep with theirs?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I've never heard of anybody sleep with it, because, you know -- especially if you're with a partner. You'd knock him out. They're pretty heavy...
KING: It's a quick on-off, though.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, it's a quick on and off. And they can sort of pop it in. I tend to sort of crawl on my knees to go to the toilet at night.
KING: Any effect being pregnant with it?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: For me, no. But generally, yes, because people put weight on, water retention fluid. But I've been going to the gym, doing my Pilates, doing my exercises.
KING: But you'll still put weight on.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, but only on the tummy. So I haven't got fluid weight. And I have a residual limb. The reason you get problems with your legs is because of shrinking and expansion of residual limb.
KING: Could you help us for those who don't know or may have forgotten how you lost your leg?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: August '93, so that's 10 years ago. I was crossing the street.
KING: In London?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: In London. I had just got back from a war zone where I had been for two years and ironically didn't lose my leg...
KING: Doing what?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: In the former Yugoslavia just helping with refugees and AIDS and things like that. Crossed the street and a police motorcycle came from behind a bus, chopped my leg off, crushed my pelvis, punctured my lung, split my head open. And then the ambulance came, took the policeman off. And then an hour or so later he had a sprained wrist -- so it was obviously a priority.
KING: He took the policeman before you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I know, it's mad. And I got to the hospital and they announced to my sister about four times that I was going to die. And my mother had lost her leg at the same age as me in the same place. It was all very crazy for my sister to see.
And I survived, obviously, to tell the tale. And that's when I found out about collecting prosthetics to help in the former Yugoslavia. But now I try and make countries self sufficient. It was local...
KING: So it had nothing to do with minefields.
KING: Because there are a lot of people in minefields...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I know. I was down working near mines and with snipers, but not a scratch. It's all meant to be. I wouldn't have achieved as much for the charity Adopt-A-Minefield if that hadn't happened.
KING: Do you remember the accident, or were you in shock?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I remember when I got to the hospital because they couldn't give me any painkillers because my lung was punctured. So it slows your (UNINTELLIGIBLE) system down. And if they give you painkillers, then it could kill you before...
KING: But you don't remember the impact?
KING: Just walking...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I just remember seeing the bike and that was it.
KING: Tell you a lot about life, right?
KING: Here today, gone...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: You've got to enjoy every minute. And make a difference while you're here.
KING: As we go to break with Lady Heather Mills McCartney, she mentioned that lady, Loretta (ph). Watch.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She lost her legs below the knee, the figners on her right hand, and most of her left hand.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was a very busy mom and this totally shut me down.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: When your walking it's great and you look goergous.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When I saw Heather, who has the same situation as I being a beautiful, positive person, that's in the public eye, that never let anything get in her way. That had such determination, that I tried not to let go out. But I think it was dwindling and it gave me hope. (END VIDEO CLIP)
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Some of the ferious fighting took place here in (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Povidence during Vietnam war. Around three and half million mines were buried. Many of them on farm lands just like this. So the war ended 27 years ago. For the people here it's still a long battle. Though it make look safe on the farm land I am walking through. If take one wrong step out of these red post I could be dead.
KING: In a little while, we'll talk about what's happening tomorrow night and what Heather has been doing in land mines and why she even got involved in that in the first place. We're going to show you a couple of letters that might interest you from a couple of famous people worldwide. Lady Heather Mills McCartney, the Goodwill ambassador for Adopt-A-Minefield.
OK. How's marriage to Paul McCartney been?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Great, really great.
KING: What has, if anything, surprised you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: How tidy he is.
KING: Tidy?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. He cleans up before the cleaner comes. So I said for a while that's crazy, but what's good is if I cook the dinner, he'll clean everything up and...
KING: He's punctual.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: ... he's very hands on. He wasn't; he is now. He's always late, yes.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I'm very punctual.
KING: Me too -- good.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: But he's made me more laid back. So sometimes if we're on holiday and we don't have to be there absolutely on time somewhere -- so he's sort of slowed me down. And I've speeded him up a little bit.
KING: Is he a thoughtful husband?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, very, very romantic, very thoughtful. KING: Gifts and surprises?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, but like everything's not -- you know when you've got money, you can usually just send out for jewelry and cars and all that kind of stuff. He'll like go into the florist and make me up a grass bracelet, you know, and just collect me (UNINTELLIGIBLE) and feathers, all that kind of stuff. Romantic, thoughtful things. Time-consuming things.
KING: Are there any memories of Linda at the house?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: We don't live in any of the houses where they...
KING: Does it bother you how much vocal he was about her and how open he was.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No because -- no, not at all, because it just shows how truly romantic and loving he is. And she helped make him -- I think all women mold men. So I think she helped make him into a wonderful guy.
KING: So you're lucky he had her?
KING: What is it like to watch him work?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, I tend not to go along to studios. So when he's at home singing, we don't consider it work. But he's working on some music at the moment, and I cry a lot because I'm just so moved by it and probably hormonal from the baby.
KING: How about in concert? Now I stood with you when he worked Vegas.
KING: And of course I was with you when he -- when our producer, Wendy Walker (ph), had her surprise birthday party that her husband Ralph (ph) through for her and made a donation to your minefield...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Of $1 million.
KING: A million dollars, yes.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And we never did those kind of concerts.
KING: And Paul did a concert in a restaurant in Rancho Santa Fe for 120 people. He did a full concert. But the question is, what's it like to watch him sing in front of people?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I just feel really proud, you know, that he's doing something like that and making such a difference. I'm a little bit laid back in the sense that no kind of pop singers, rock stars make me go, oh. KING: You aren't a groupie type at all.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, I'm not. And I think that's why we got on so well. And I'm more into sort of politics and things like that that impress me, the life-changing things. But music is life changing.
But, no, it's all about how he is as a person. I love the lyrics because they...
KING: He brings that to the stage, though, doesn't he?
KING: What is his magic? You know, if you were reviewing him...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, I don't know if I can tell you that, Larry.
KING: ... his magic is.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I think just being himself, being natural, communicating, talking, and...
KING: He loves it, right? I mean that shows.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, he loves it. He really loves it.
KING: Do you ever worry about him?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, because he's got a great balance. He's at a stage in his life where he'll just start work at mid day and finish at 6:00, you know? He won't do any hours before or after. And what I really admire about him is that he's very into quality of relationship. You know, relationships in the past have been, you know, if you've got to keep working, you carry on to 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. And that's how relationships can fail.
He's very much, "At 6:00, guys, I'm off. My wife's got the dinner on." And he's home. He's never keeping me hanging around with a cold plate of dinner that I'm going to feed to the dogs.
KING: You went to the wedding of his daughter, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. It was amazing.
KING: What was that like?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It was amazing. It was beautiful. She looked fantastic.
KING: She like the man she married?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: He is a darling. He's a catch.
KING: A catch?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: He's a real catch.
KING: What is she like?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: She's lovely. Very nice, very clever, good designer.
KING: Was Paul -- what was he like at the wedding?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Very proud, yes.
KING: Did he give the bride away?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I'm not giving you any intimate details, because...
KING: Was there...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It was so quiet. No one got a picture, no one got anything. It was in Scotland, which everybody knows. I just talk about what everyone knows.
And it was just one of those perfect, perfect weekends. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) in London, beautiful sunshine in Scotland. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Scottish...
KING: Do you know why tabloids are interested in the marriage of a famous person's offspring?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Because you're connected in some way. And they've created this whole obsession with looking into people's lives. And it's part and parcel of being known. But there isn't a line.
That's the problem. They don't seem to draw the line. They've backed up a bit because I'm pregnant. I don't think they want to be responsible for me having a miscarriage or something. But I'm sure it will fire up again post-baby.
KING: Do you ever think, what did I do to deserve this?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: For the first two years I did. I was shocked because I was really hurt by a lot of things and surprised by a lot of people that you only met once or twice in your life and wanted to make money out of knowing you. So it made me realize I was quite naive about how cruel people can be.
But since then, I've got to a point where I don't care. I don't read it anymore. I don't watch it. I don't allow any of my friends to tell me about it.
If they start to say, "Oh, I read in the paper the other day..." I say, no, I don't read it. So let's talk about something more meaningful in life.
And the good side of it is that, you know, had I not met Paul and fallen madly in love, I wouldn't have met some of these heads of state that have helped make a huge difference to the charity. So it's all fate. We truly think that we were meant to be put together not just for ourselves but for a greater cause.
KING: So it goes with the territory?
KING: Yes. Right back with Lady Heather Mills McCartney. We'll be talking about minefields. A big event tomorrow night. And lots of other things.
Don't go away.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: You can achieve the world. You can ski, you can rollerblade, you can do whatever you want to do. And the fact that you've lost your leg, means you have to try a little bit harder. But how much more amazing are you going to be as a person having done those achievements? This is just a limb. This is not your heart. This is not your soul. This is not your mind. It's just something that can be replaced by a bit of metal.
KING: We're back with Lady Heather Mills McCartney.
In May, columnist Matt Seaton, of "The Guardian," wrote the following, a piece on hostility toward you, in which he declared, "There is little that is edifying in the symbolic lynching of Heather. The poisonous judgmentalism that drives it is in the worst tradition of small town gossip. It is prurient, spiteful, hypocritical, and we should cry 'shame' on it."
How tough have they been on you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Apparently very tough on me. The first couple of years was very, very tough. But I haven't read it for the last couple of years. And...
KING: It must be terrible.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, apparently.
KING: And you could look at it just like that? How does Paul take it?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: But the public aren't stupid. You know any time I do a show, that is the response of the true reaction.
KING: They see you now, they like you or don't like you.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. But they knew me for eight years before I met Paul. I was always in the press. So I wasn't one of these unlucky people that just sort of came into the limelight and suddenly nasty things were being written. You know most people had read my autobiography, which (UNINTELLIGIBLE) was written 10 years ago for charity.
So the public aren't stupid. But they presume that because there are so many Beatles fans, Paul fans, that everyone is going to kind of hate me, you know? But I've got such a huge respectful and dedicated following of people that just want to make a difference. And they shout in the street, "You ignore those." You know?
And so it's very supportive. So it's only a small group of journalists.
KING: How does Paul deal with it?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: He's very good because he's used to it for 30 years. And he gets his fair share, yes.
KING: He had it in his first marriage. He had it everywhere.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: All the time.
KING: It had nothing to do with...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And the press still have a go at him now. But what happens is people say, oh, Paul never gets any bad press. But he does get a lot of bad press and made up stuff.
And recently, on the front pages of English papers, he went to -- out for a boys' night out. And they made this whole story up about him punching a photographer and using swear words and this and that. And when it came out in the morning, they were standing outside our house.
He came out and he just said, "Look, it's all rubbish. You know, I haven't fired my PR guy. What are you talking about?" And he did all his usual and all this.
And then he went like this, and what they did was they cropped him like this to make him look like -- and just when he's going like this, he goes -- and then they crop him and it looks like he's giving this angry face.
KING: That's when he was with David Blaine's stunt, right?
KING: The...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, what it was, it was I having a girls' night out. So he's on Stag 15 (ph), we call it now. And they had magicians at his evening. So he said let's go and see David Blaine. So he popped down to see David Blaine.
And they stood miles away. And his press guy stupidly told the press that he was over there. And he didn't know anything about it, and he saw the press coming towards him. And his press guy didn't mean any harm, but it was a bit naive.
And so he ran after the car. And the paparazzi are chasing after him. Now, we had been followed for six, seven hours every day. The last thing we wanted was on his night out to have any press around.
So he just said, "No, I don't have anything to say. So the next day it was Paul (UNINTELLIGIBLE) punch-up drama. And it was...
KING: Hit no one, punched no one.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, nothing. His people tried to stop the paparazzi, but Paul just got in his car and went. But it was front- page headlines two days later. I mean, what does that say about the state of the world with all the wars and all the terror that's going on and the good deeds being done? They want to talk about -- front page -- I mean, it's scary.
KING: Did he get to see Blaine?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: He said he was fast asleep in his sleeping bag 30 feet up. You've got to go in the daytime...
KING: Yes. He's doing this forever, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, it's only 44 days. I don't think it's such a big deal. I know people that go on fasts for 30 days and work.
KING: Really?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. Well, you can live as long as that with water. But they make it into a big dramatic thing.
KING: All right. How much press are you going to allow, not allow, with regard to it. I'm saying "it" because we don't know what it is.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Basically, my thoughts are always none. And Paul --always -- and Paul's more clever and knowledgeable in that area. So he always -- we'll do one picture, one announcement, then we'll go away. And it tends to work. We sort of -- they stop following us around.
KING: So there will be a picture of the baby?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Possibly. We're still discussing it.
KING: They're going to find out where it's going to be born. You can't bear it at home, so it's going to have to be at a hospital.
KING: They're going to find out. MILLS MCCARTNEY: Oh, they're going to find out, yes.
KING: So it will be at the hospital?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. I've got...
KING: Now they know the date. You've given the date, November 14.
KING: So it's going to be on November 14 in a hospital.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). They'll all be there. But I'm saying whether we give the picture or not -- what we normally do is, for the wedding, we gave a picture and the money went to charity, one picture. And for the engagement we gave one picture. And for the announcement of -- and for the marriage we gave one picture.
So we'll see. We're still talking about it at the moment.
KING: Have magazines contacted you, like "People" magazine?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Oh, millions. Not interested. Not interested.
KING: Millions?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Millions, yes.
KING: So why not say, OK, give it to minefields and we'll give you...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Because there's got to be a limit. You know my -- seven days in my -- well, six days in my week are at work for free and give everything to minefields. There are some things I just want to keep for myself.
And I think as soon as you start doing that -- I understand why some celebrity couples sell pictures of their wedding and all that kind of stuff, but I think once you start dealing with the devil -- it's fine when you're like on your way up in celebrity and you need the exposure and you need all that kind of stuff. But the position that Paul's in at the moment, you know, it's silly. You know, you saw what happened with some of the celebrity couples.
You know, they get into fights about who has the rights of the pictures. And I just don't want to go there.
KING: What do you make when you read all about J. Lo?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I feel sorry for them. I think it's disgusting that they've done everything -- the stalkerazzi (ph) have done everything possible to try and ruin their relationship. And everyone knows in life that a relationship is so hard anyway. But can you imagine just like paparazzi having photographers through your shower room?
Pedophiles get more protection.
KING: Well put. Our guest is Lady Heather Mills McCartney. We'll talk about minefields and show you a couple of letters, and talk about an event tomorrow night. And we'll be right back.
MILLS MCCCARTNEY (voice-over): Seven-year-old Lye (ph) lost his limbs and his sight in one eye when he stepped on a landmine on his way to school.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): I wish I had -- I would have a computer and a new prostethic leg.
MILLS MCCARTNEY (on camera): OK. Well, we'll try and get a prosthetic leg. That's for sure. You're a very brave boy. And I know one day you'll get be a computer expert. Thank you. Thank you very much.
SARAH FERGUSON, DUCHESS OF YORK: She has given people a chance to have a life. She's given people a chance to be able to walk. She's been giving people a chance to have their dignity back and to be -- to feel that there (UNINTELLIGIBLE) and to talk to people on the same eye level, and not always be spoken down to them.
SEN. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON (D), NEW YORK: You all know that Heather is an extraordinary person. She's accomplished so much and she has inspired so many people along the way. But she's also great fun. She's someone who just lights up the room when she walks in. She combines the seriousness of her mission with an understanding of the fleeting nature of life and the need to just enjoy every single minute of this beautiful gift that we've been given.
KING: I'll be there tomorrow night. So will about 900 others. A lot of money is going to be raised because tomorrow night is the third annual -- the fund-raiser for Adopt-A-Minefield. Sir Paul and Lady Heather will be there. They are the organization's Goodwill ambassadors.
I believe that -- yes, I guess Ralph (ph) and Wendy (ph) (UNINTELLIGIBLE) are the co-chair people. And Paul will sing. Jay Leno will emcee. And James Taylor will perform -- will sing with Paul as well. All right. Now, what does Adopt-A-Minefield do?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: We're basically an organization under the United Nations Association. So we're linked with the United Nations. And we find countries that need mines cleared and mines (UNINTELLIGIBLE).
And we hire the most professional and reasonably priced de-miners (UNINTELLIGIBLE) local, given local employment. And then we supply survivor assistance. So we supply limbs that are relevant to that country, because you know if you're in a third world country, or if you're in Cambodia, for instance, you've got to work in the rice paddy fields. It's no good having a cosmetic leg like mine. You need something that you can move around freely in.
So we're generally making legs for around $50 a piece. So that can actually make someone walk again.
KING: And the money goes totally to those efforts.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: One hundred percent. We're one of the few charities that 100 percent of their donations goes to clear minefields and survivor assistance. And we get funded for the people that work in the offices separately from the State Department and other private corporations.
KING: Minefields are in areas that had war, right? I mean, I know there are no minefields in New York.
KING: OK. So they would be in countries that were war torn?
KING: The planting of a minefield is a really chicken thing to do, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It's disgusting, yes. It's the most cowardice thing that you can possibly do.
KING: How many are still around?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Millions. They estimate between 60 and 70 million. But the positive news is that we've cleared 15 million square meters of land.
KING: How many?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Fifteen million square meters of land. And we've got a few more million under way. We've benefited 366,000 people since we started four years ago. And we've -- 11 million of that is battlefield area, which is a lot quicker and easier to clear. And five million -- it's nearly up to 16 million -- five million is humanitarian de-mining, which is a very slow, long process. At the moment, you've got places like Chechnya, where the rebels actually make mines that look like cigarette packets or condensed milk. So that a young boy will see a can, he'll just click it and he'll lose his leg. So we're doing a lot of education things.
KING: So it's not necessarily just in battlefield areas.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: It's all battlefield areas where there's been a war area and then it's moved on. Or un-mapped and unmarked areas where you don't know that they've been laid to try to control everything. So it's very scary. But we're focusing now -- it's why I've got this "Thank You" on, as I said before.
KING: Someone told me that sometimes they find minefields from World War II.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, absolutely.
KING: I mean, that's incredible.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: They're still back all the way to Alamein. It's amazing.
KING: Have you ever been to the de-minization (ph)? Have you ever...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Oh, lots of times, yes.
KING: Isn't that a little dangerous?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Well, you're protected, you have head gear. It's very well organized. And you step right back.
But I worked on the front line in a war zone in the former Yugoslavia for two years where there were mines everywhere that weren't marked. So I believe when you're going to go you're going to go. But I'd like to help protect the innocent women and children as long as possible.
KING: Sure, totally innocent victims -- anybody in a minefield is an innocent victim.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And people have got no idea. Once you clear the minefield area, it's not just about safety. You can then farm and the people can become independent and self sufficient and bring livestock back to the community.
KING: Now, you can go to that Web site anytime for any information on the prosthetics, on the Adopt-A-Minefield. It's just Heather...
KING: MILLS MCCARTNEY: Or it's on land mines -- specifically go to for Adopt-A-Minefield.
KING: Is there any (UNINTELLIGIBLE) you can contact, or the Beverly Hilton Hotel.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. And they can read about night of a thousand dinners for November, where you can just have a dinner.
KING: Yes. And what is that? There's going to be in November -- by the way, Michael Douglas and Katherine Zeta Jones are going to be honored at the gala, too.
KING: Two terrific people. On November 6, just a few days before he/she comes...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: But I can eat. I can sit and have a dinner.
KING: There will be dinners, where, all over the world?
KING: A thousand people are asked to host a dinner.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. And you can do anything. You can have a pizza and invite your friends and charge them extra for the pizza. And then make a donation, because all those hundreds of thousands of people are making little donations.
KING: So anyone watching can hold a dinner, right?
KING: You don't have to contact anyone?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No. You can look at if you want some meal suggestions from countries where we clear minefields to give you recipe ideas so you really feel like you're getting into the mood of it and so you're relating to countries that you're helping clear minefields in.
So you can make it a real fun evening. You can have a Cambodia evening or a Vietnamese evening.
KING: So I can do it and invite a couple of guys over and charge them? Or we can have a dinner at a hotel or a dinner at the house or...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, exactly. But if you're cooking, you might have to pay them to eat it.
KING: You're not kidding. How do you spread the word about it? You've got to get a lot of publicity about something like this.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: You have -- I mean, that's why I do shows like yours, where you care about the subject. It's very difficult, because you have to really pick and choose which shows you do, because otherwise it becomes one percent on the issue, which is the most important thing, and 99 percent on everything else. So this helps us a lot, this last show, Larry, so that's why it's a big thank you.
KING: I'm always great to -- so this is Night of a Thousand Dinners. The night that they picked is November 6. Any reason for that date or just...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Oh, it's near the land mine treaty signing. It moves around a little bit.
KING: And there's an international campaign to ban landmines.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Landmines, yes.
KING: I'm going to ask you about that in our remaining moments as well. The dinner is tomorrow night. You can contact the Beverly Hilton if you're in the L.A. area or coming into the area, if there are some -- still tickets available. And I don't know that there are.
And November 6, all you've got to do is go to, right? And they'll tell you how to detail and have that dinner and help them.
And we'll be right back with our remaining moments with -- you're a lady, huh?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I never use that title. I am a lady as a person, but I never use that title. It makes me laugh.
KING: We'll be back with her after this.
MILLS MCCARTNEY (voice-over): Some are very inspiring.
KING: Heather has contacted a lot of people about landmines and the complex problem they present. I want to show you a letter she got from the White House from President Bush saying that there is a study going under way and that when he gets his recommendations, he'll emphasize the need to avoid injury to noncombatants. MILLS MCCARTNEY: One paragraph of it.
KING: A long letter -- a personal letter from Vladimir Putin. That's it in Russian, and we have it transcribed in English. That was sent to you (UNINTELLIGIBLE). The White House sent theirs May 6th.
Mr. Putin, a very detailed letter about his interest in the problem.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, very passionate about it. I mean, obviously, they are the biggest manufacturer of landmines in the world.
KING: No world leader is against this, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, nobody is against it, but nobody wants to be dictated to. And this is what we have to be aware of. You know many countries have signed -- I think 236 countries signed the land mine treaty. Places like India and Iraq and Burma and Russia have not.
KING: So Russia hasn't signed?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Russia hasn't signed.
KING: But you were in Russia, right?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: We went to see him.
KING: Did you talk to Putin there?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Never would have gotten to meet him had it not have been for Paul doing his concert in Red Square. But when we got there, we had five minutes of the usual music chat and then moved straight into landmines. And I was surprised that he knew everything about me. I was like, oh my god, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) was head of KGB, what's he going to know.
But he was very, very much behind it. He said things like -- which is why I was so pleased when he followed up within three days with a long, detailed letter. He said, "I don't see things in vain. I promise you this."
He's really, really working towards a mine land treaty ban, where as we don't get that response from Bush at all. It's like, we will try not to hurt noncombatants.
KING: Are you saying the United States is disappointing you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Very disappointed in the sense of not signing the ban treaty, because they have far less reasons not to sign than Russia. You know Russia has the biggest borders in the world and they have to secure them, at the moment, with mines. They could use other methods, but it's a very long, slow process. So I'm working with President Putin, trying to come up with solutions rather than dictate, you must join this...
KING: Why hasn't the United States signed?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: The United States hasn't signed because they want to hold back. They use the excuse of the (UNINTELLIGIBLE) because they use mines to actually protect that divide. But when you think of Russia's borders compared to that divide and the alternative methods we could use, you know to protect Mexico...
KING: You mean, we like the idea of the mines in Korea?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I don't know if you like them, but there are other solutions. And they're just not coming up with using any of them.
KING: Have you talked to Colin Powell?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes. Colin Powell was the first person who -- and he's very much behind stopping the use of mines. But he's not the top dog. You know he can't make the final decision.
And that's what we're pushing for. And my whole thing with Mr. Putin is coming up with solutions that are going to move the issue forward. You know, finding out where the (UNINTELLIGIBLE), but (UNINTELLIGIBLE) have basically got their mines laid down. So we could ask (ph) the maps, we could talk about how we can move forward to make the civilians more safe.
But their internal problem is the drug trafficking, international terrorism. You've got to look at all the problems within that country individually, because every country is unique. Otherwise, if you say, well, it's inhumane and you should just ban it and that's it, you're not going to move forward with these particular countries. And we haven't moved forward.
I mean, this is the first kind of in-depth contact that anybody's ever had with Russia. And that's all because we went to Russia and had this kind of response. And, I must say, I think Vladimir Putin is a fantastic man.
KING: Did you get the sort of pass the mantle from Princess Di?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No, I didn't...
KING: Because she was...
MILLS MCCARTNEY: She did an amazing job. And she was a big celebrity like Paul. But I've been involved in it for 12 years now. So I was five years in before she ever started to get involved.
But she had a massive effect. It made everybody think. And it made a lot of countries sign that wouldn't necessarily have signed.
So it's about using your celebrity as much as possible, which is what Paul does. And I'm more behind the scenes, getting on with the day-to-day running of it.
KING: Do you think you'll see the end of them?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: I think so, yes. In my lifetime I think you will.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, if I have anything to do with it. But the most important thing now is about mine clearings and helping countries that have signed stick to the rules by funding them for mine clearings. Because there are a lot of rules about (UNINTELLIGIBLE) and about stockpile.
Russia, in the last few years, has actually gotten rid of seven million mines stockpiled. So they are moving forward.
KING: Do we know how many people have been heart by land mines?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Entire life that we can look back on, you know, millions and millions. You know every 20 minutes somebody is maimed or killed by a land mine.
KING: Every 20 minutes somewhere in the world?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Every 20 minutes, yes, someone is maimed or killed.
KING: That's unbelievable.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: And 80 percent of them are civilians, women, men and children. And that's what's scary.
KING: You don't work in modeling anymore, do you?
MILLS MCCARTNEY: No. I did a campaign a year ago for Inc (ph). And that raised a lot of money. But...
KING: Always for charity.
KING: Always great seeing you.
KING: See you tomorrow night.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, I look forward to it.
KING: Good luck with it.
Lady Heather Mills McCartney. She doesn't like "lady." Goodwill ambassador for Adopt-A-Minefield. You can go to or for information about November 6, where you can hold a dinner, and information about tomorrow night. It's, right? That's dot-org. You're dot- com.
MILLS MCCARTNEY: Yes, is the best one.
KING: Thank you, Heather.
KING: We'll be right back and tell you about tomorrow night. Don't go away.
KING: Thanks for joining us on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE with Heather Mills McCartney. We invite you now to stay tuned for Aaron Brown and "NEWSNIGHT."
One reminder -- tomorrow night, we're going to look back at the life and times of Jack and Jacqueline Kennedy. They would have been married 50 years ago this month. Fifty years ago.
Aaron Brown and "NEWSNIGHT" is next. See you tomorrow night.
Good night.