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Euro Edition: Morning Papers

Aired October 14, 2003 - 05:46   ET



CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Time now, though, to check on what's making headlines overseas in this morning's 'Euro Edition.' Tony Campion live for us in London.
Good morning -- Tony.

TONY CAMPION, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning to you, Carol, nice talking to you.

Let me just start with a story that we did mention briefly yesterday, a bit of a big one, the Anglican Church. Of course the sort of 38 national bodies of the Anglican Church, they come from the various different countries around the world, they are all meeting at Lambeth Palace in south London, in fact, tomorrow. And it looks like the U.S. Episcopal Church, the Anglican Church which recently elected Gene Robinson to be bishop of New Hampshire, could actually get booted out. That's how serious this whole gay bishops debate is becoming.

This is "The Times" newspaper I'm looking at here, and they are sort of saying that they have gotten hold of this news that there's a five-point plan in the making. But the basic idea here is going to be that the U.S. church is going to have to sort of back down and acknowledge that it was -- in quotes -- "wrong" to elect a gay man to be bishop in New Hampshire or it could actually be pushed out of the world body which rules the Anglican Church worldwide. Of course there are something like 80 million Anglicans. I think 20 million live in Nigeria, and there's a lot of opposition in countries like Nigeria to the idea that gay people have equal rights and can take posts like a bishop. So shocking as that might sound to more liberal ears in the United States, those are the facts.

Let's move on.


CAMPION: You said a couple of minutes ago, I heard you say what is a yob. I'm going to tell you, a yob is a thug in U.S. English.

COSTELLO: That's right.

CAMPION: Somebody who goes around kind of beating people up and just generally doing bad stuff, you know. Hooligan would be another word. A 22 million pound drive against yob behavior has been announced by the Home Secretary David Blunkett in the United Kingdom. This piece of paper I'm holding up is off the online edition of "The Telegraph." And that last story, I should have told you, was out of "The Times" newspaper. And the point here, I mean 22 million pounds, about $33 million, is quite a lot. They got so concerned about neighbors from hell, yobs, beggars, you know the sort of people you don't want to meet on the bus giving you a bad time, but that serious money is going to be put in to sort of reeducating social workers, policemen on how to deal with these issues. This is really kind of a heads up.

Watch this story tomorrow because there is going to be a backing from Tony Blair on this issue. You will be hearing more about it in the next couple of days. I wonder if there are sort of wider implications for other countries around the place as well.

And this is funny. I think it's funny. Just let me tell you about this before I go. The "Daily Telegraph" newspaper, big bottle of wine. Guess how much this bottle of wine costs? I'll tell you it's a Margot 66 for anyone who is a wine connoisseur out there. Eight hundred pounds. That is $1,200.

What happened is this couple, Sandra and Colin Mitchell (ph), apparently, they went to a restaurant, they ordered a bottle of wine, they drank the bottle of wine. The bill came, 800 pounds. Now they weren't expecting 800 pounds, although it has to be said that they did actually order a bottle that cost 160 pounds, so that would be what, something like $300. So you know they are not -- then -- these are not poor people that we are talking about.

But this is the bit that makes me be embarrassed to be English, you know what would -- if you were overcharged by the best of $1,000, don't you think you might sort of kick up a bit of a fuss? No, of course we paid the bill, they say, and we didn't make a stink. I mean I don't know. I have no sympathy.

COSTELLO: So they ordered a bottle of wine but they gave them this more expensive bottle of wine so they had to just suck it up and pay?

CAMPION: Yes, they ordered a bottle of wine which had cost 160 pounds, but that bottle of wine was out of stock or something. So the guy said why don't you have this bottle of wine instead, and an 800 bottle of -- pound bottle of wine came along. But they didn't know the higher price of this second bottle. And then the bill came and of course they choked on their truffles or whatever they were eating at that point. And...

COSTELLO: But you know, Tony...

CAMPION: But they paid the bill.

COSTELLO: You know, Tony, what this proves, that was one great bottle of Margot and it must have been worth every penny.

CAMPION: Well it would have to be.

COSTELLO: I'm a wine lover, though.

CAMPION: But you know the very worst thing is that they were offered either a refund or another meal and they decided to take another meal. I mean there's no hope is there?

COSTELLO: I would have drank the bottle of wine and paid for it. I would have done the same thing, so there you go.

CAMPION: Would you?

COSTELLO: Tony Campion, many thanks.

CAMPION: I guess you get paid more than me. Thanks.

COSTELLO: No, I just wouldn't eat for the next two weeks.

Tony Campion, many thanks, live from London.


Aired October 14, 2003 - 05:46   ET
CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Time now, though, to check on what's making headlines overseas in this morning's 'Euro Edition.' Tony Campion live for us in London.
Good morning -- Tony.

TONY CAMPION, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning to you, Carol, nice talking to you.

Let me just start with a story that we did mention briefly yesterday, a bit of a big one, the Anglican Church. Of course the sort of 38 national bodies of the Anglican Church, they come from the various different countries around the world, they are all meeting at Lambeth Palace in south London, in fact, tomorrow. And it looks like the U.S. Episcopal Church, the Anglican Church which recently elected Gene Robinson to be bishop of New Hampshire, could actually get booted out. That's how serious this whole gay bishops debate is becoming.

This is "The Times" newspaper I'm looking at here, and they are sort of saying that they have gotten hold of this news that there's a five-point plan in the making. But the basic idea here is going to be that the U.S. church is going to have to sort of back down and acknowledge that it was -- in quotes -- "wrong" to elect a gay man to be bishop in New Hampshire or it could actually be pushed out of the world body which rules the Anglican Church worldwide. Of course there are something like 80 million Anglicans. I think 20 million live in Nigeria, and there's a lot of opposition in countries like Nigeria to the idea that gay people have equal rights and can take posts like a bishop. So shocking as that might sound to more liberal ears in the United States, those are the facts.

Let's move on.


CAMPION: You said a couple of minutes ago, I heard you say what is a yob. I'm going to tell you, a yob is a thug in U.S. English.

COSTELLO: That's right.

CAMPION: Somebody who goes around kind of beating people up and just generally doing bad stuff, you know. Hooligan would be another word. A 22 million pound drive against yob behavior has been announced by the Home Secretary David Blunkett in the United Kingdom. This piece of paper I'm holding up is off the online edition of "The Telegraph." And that last story, I should have told you, was out of "The Times" newspaper. And the point here, I mean 22 million pounds, about $33 million, is quite a lot. They got so concerned about neighbors from hell, yobs, beggars, you know the sort of people you don't want to meet on the bus giving you a bad time, but that serious money is going to be put in to sort of reeducating social workers, policemen on how to deal with these issues. This is really kind of a heads up.

Watch this story tomorrow because there is going to be a backing from Tony Blair on this issue. You will be hearing more about it in the next couple of days. I wonder if there are sort of wider implications for other countries around the place as well.

And this is funny. I think it's funny. Just let me tell you about this before I go. The "Daily Telegraph" newspaper, big bottle of wine. Guess how much this bottle of wine costs? I'll tell you it's a Margot 66 for anyone who is a wine connoisseur out there. Eight hundred pounds. That is $1,200.

What happened is this couple, Sandra and Colin Mitchell (ph), apparently, they went to a restaurant, they ordered a bottle of wine, they drank the bottle of wine. The bill came, 800 pounds. Now they weren't expecting 800 pounds, although it has to be said that they did actually order a bottle that cost 160 pounds, so that would be what, something like $300. So you know they are not -- then -- these are not poor people that we are talking about.

But this is the bit that makes me be embarrassed to be English, you know what would -- if you were overcharged by the best of $1,000, don't you think you might sort of kick up a bit of a fuss? No, of course we paid the bill, they say, and we didn't make a stink. I mean I don't know. I have no sympathy.

COSTELLO: So they ordered a bottle of wine but they gave them this more expensive bottle of wine so they had to just suck it up and pay?

CAMPION: Yes, they ordered a bottle of wine which had cost 160 pounds, but that bottle of wine was out of stock or something. So the guy said why don't you have this bottle of wine instead, and an 800 bottle of -- pound bottle of wine came along. But they didn't know the higher price of this second bottle. And then the bill came and of course they choked on their truffles or whatever they were eating at that point. And...

COSTELLO: But you know, Tony...

CAMPION: But they paid the bill.

COSTELLO: You know, Tony, what this proves, that was one great bottle of Margot and it must have been worth every penny.

CAMPION: Well it would have to be.

COSTELLO: I'm a wine lover, though.

CAMPION: But you know the very worst thing is that they were offered either a refund or another meal and they decided to take another meal. I mean there's no hope is there?

COSTELLO: I would have drank the bottle of wine and paid for it. I would have done the same thing, so there you go.

CAMPION: Would you?

COSTELLO: Tony Campion, many thanks.

CAMPION: I guess you get paid more than me. Thanks.

COSTELLO: No, I just wouldn't eat for the next two weeks.

Tony Campion, many thanks, live from London.