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CNN Live Today
Spain Reeling From Worst Ever Terrorist Attack
Aired March 11, 2004 - 10:30 ET
DARYN KAGAN, CNN ANCHOR: In the Senate, four moderate Republicans aligned with Democrats and vote for new rules on adopting tax cuts. The Senate measure would require 60 votes rather than a simple majority to pass any tax cuts that are not paid with other savings. That bill would enact that rule for five years, as Washington tries to cut the national deficit in half.
And one day after lawmakers demanded that Major League Baseball enact tougher policies against steroids, the game's top slugger gets plunked by Mr. October. Former great Reggie Jackson says performance enhancing drugs are the only explanation for the record-shattering performance of Barry Bonds. Bonds has vehemently denied any use of steroids.
Spain is reeling from its worst ever terrorist attack just days before general elections. Authorities say more than 180 people were killed, more than 1,000 injured in a series of bombings that ripped into three Madrid train stations. There have been no claims of responsibility, but both politicians in the media are blaming the armed Basque separatist group, known as ETA. So what is behind this decade-old Baath campaign for independence?
CNN's Al Goodman explains.
AL GOODMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A morning stroll in the Basque seaport of St. Sebastian (ph), but the calm belies the political storm, brewing over a new plan for bask free association with the rest of Spain, presented in the Basque parliament.
JUAN JOSE IBARRETXE, BASQUE REGIONAL PRESIDENT (through translator): Our approach is a new political model placed on two pillars, the Democratic will of Basque society and the respect of updating of the historic rights of the Basque people.
GOODMAN: Basqe already have their own police and schools. The proposed plan would increase Basque power and let the region decide its future relationship with Spain.
(on camera): The question has been, in which direction is the Basque region going? Toward closer ties with the rest of Spain, or for more autonomy, even independence.
(voice-over): But Madrid wants no part of this Basque plan.
CARLOS UROUIJO, SPANISH GOVT. OFFICIAL (through translator): The plan really wants independence for the Basque region. They can disguise it any way they like. But in the end, they're looking for a break between the Basque region in Spain and a break in five centuries of coexistence.
GOODMAN: The plan calls for dual nationalities, Spanish and Basque. The Basque flag already flies alone in many places.
MIREN AZKARATE, BASQUE REGIONAL GOVT. (through translator): The Spanish flag does not bother me, but we didn't want this confrontation. We want normal relations with Spain.
GOODMAN: But many here are nervous, some in business worry independence could cripple the Basque economy. Moderate Basque leaders say giving more to Basque could help stop decades of violence by the Basque separatist group Eta, blamed for more than 800 deaths.
Pro-independence politicians, like this leader of the Ban Batasuna (ph) Party, says the plan doesn't go far enough, but it's a good start.
With Spanish parliamentary elections due in mid March, Spaniards and Basques are talking a lot about power. The question is, whether they're listening to each other.
Al Goodman, CNN, St. Sebastian, Spain.
KAGAN: And some political news for you now. CNN's political unit doing some math, counting up the delegates, the super delegates, and results of the March 9th primaries.
And CNN now believing that John Kerry has indeed clinched the Democratic nomination for president. He has 2,162 delegates, the number needed to win the nomination. Much more on that development in the next hour.
We'll also have a check of the markets when we come back.
And for working women, a new book on getting a perfect look. Hear how the author and host of a new reality series says you can become wildly sophisticated.
We are back after this.
KAGAN: This next segment is for all the girlfriends up there. Career help is here for you. You can be a success and be happy, without getting called nasty words. Working your personal style into a solid career is the focus of "Making It Big." It's a new reality show that premieres next month on Oxygen.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Up against the wall. Sexy.
ANNOUNCER: This episode, the photographers...
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: From the moment that you walk through the door, you've got two hours to get your photo.
ANNOUNCER: Three up and comers compete for the break of a lifetime.
KAGAN: The inspiration for the show was the book "Wildly Sophisticated" by Nicole Williams. She is the founder of Wildly Sophisticated Media Inc. Nicole Williams joining us this morning from New York.
Good morning. Thanks for being with us.
NICOLE WILLIAMS, AUTHOR, "WILDLY SOPHISTICATED": Good morning. How are you this morning?
KAGAN: I'm doing great. I love the part of your story that you turned 30 years old. You have gone through your checklist of everything you wanted to accomplish, and you tossed it out the window, because it wasn't making you happy.
WILLIAMS: No, you're exactly right. It was 30 years old with the Range Rover, the six-figure salary, the VP level executive position, and it just wasn't enough. I didn't love what I did. I wasn't passionate about it. And committed myself to creating a great career through this business, Wildly Sophisticated Media.
KAGAN: And so the idea, as I understand it, is to redefine career development for other people, especially women.
WILLIAMS: Yes, exactly. It's like, let's make it glamorous, and exciting, and edgy and relevant, all of the things that it is for young women out there in the (UNINTELLIGIBLE), creating career success.
KAGAN: And you've taken this idea and you turned it into a reality show. So explain to us a little bit more how that show works.
WILLIAMS: It was so fun. I would be interviewing or talking with students who are just graduating out of college, and they would ask at the end of the seminar, I want to go back and do a masters in English, or I'm thinking about being a wedding planner. And I'd ask, what do you know about being a wedding planner? And they'd say, I saw the movie. So we knew it was all about highlighting these great professions that we would all love to live, if only for an hour. And we take three up and coming contenders, put them into an industry challenge, and the winner is awarded the break of a lifetime, a career opportunity that's going to make all the difference to them. KAGAN: So I'm trying to think of another very popular work-based reality show right now, "The Apprentice" with Donald Trump, but it sounds like yours more is rewarding good behavior, rather than firing for subpar behavior.
WILLIAMS: Exactly, that's a great point. And we're really showing what it takes to make it in the industry that we're profiling. It's more than just, you're fired. It's why you're fired. And we hope the viewer's going to come away learning something about themselves and what it actually takes to create career success.
KAGAN: Meanwhile, the message of the show and your book and what you do is, especially to a young woman, is it's OK to be successful, to be driven, but there are certain realities out there that you kind of explain like girlfriend to girlfriend or big sister to little sister.
WILLIAMS: Exactly. That's my goal, is let's have a conversation about this. Let's talk about what's really happening out there in the world of work.
KAGAN: Very good. Well, good luck with the show. When does it debut on Oxygen?
WILLIAMS: It's debuting Friday night at 9:00 p.m. And we're really excited to be working with Oxygen. It's a great show, and really think it's going to help young women to create career success.
KAGAN: Well, clearly, if you're talking about career development, you're doing just fine in that department. Thanks for stopping by, appreciate it, Nicole Williams.
WILLIAMS: Thanks you for having me.
KAGAN: Well, first there were the men, and then the women, and now there is a chain gang of teenagers in Mericopa (ph) County, Arizona. That is the home county for Phoenix. The story is coming up.
KAGAN: Let's take a look at some stories across America. To California, about 2000 people rallied against bigotry at Claremont Colleges seven campuses. There have been a number of what some people are calling hate incidents at the schools.
The most recent was Tuesday when vandals spray painted a professor's car with racist, sexist and anti-Semetic slurs. At the time of the vandalism the professor was speaking at a forum for tolerance and racial harmony.
In Boston protesters are focused on the divisive issue of gay marriage. Massachusetts lawmakers are predicting the passage of an amendment that would ban lay marriage but legalize civil unions. The Massachusetts supreme court judicial ruled last year that banning gay marriage was unconstitutional. Near San Diego at least four people are feared dead following a plane crash last night at Miramar. A military version of a Cessna Citation known as a UC-35 crashed short of the runway at the Marine Corps Air Station. The plane burst into flames on impact.
Joe Arpaio has a reputation as one of the toughest sheriffs in the country. It is a well-deserved image as some juvenile offenders in Phoenix are finding out the hard way. Our Eric Phillips has that story.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I hate this chain, man.
ERIC PHILLIPS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): They are minors tried as adults. And they're are part of a juvenile chain gang picking up trash in Phoenix.
JOE ARPAIO, SHERIFF, MARCOPA CO., ARIZ.: These juveniles have committed armed robbery, burglary. You name it, they've committed it.
PHILLIPS: This is just the latest in the string of controversial moves for Maracopa County Joe Arpaio. The sheriff calls himself an equally opportunity incarcerator.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think he's crazy.
PHILLIPS: He tells the teens they'll get no free rides.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I like this idea about us coming down here, but some of the stuff I don't agree with.
PHILLIPS: In his 12 years in office Arpaio has made male inmates wear prison stripes and pink underwear. There's no TV, no coffee, no nudie magazines.
Then there are the chain gangs. He first instituted the male chain gang in 1985. And started the female chain gang in 1996.
And now a juvenile chain gang. All of them are volunteer. The teens earn a high school credit toward a diploma from Hard Knocks High, the school program at the county jail.
Adults use the gangs to work their way out of lockdowns where they've been placed because of disciplinary problems.
Some critics call Arpaio's methods barbaric, criticism he dismisses.
ARPAIO: I'm not going to change my policies. I served the 3.2 million people here. I don't serve Amnesty International, Civil Liberties and all these do-good organizations.
PHILLIPS: Arpaio's approval ratings in Phoenix remain at 80 to 85 percent to 85 percent.
Eric Phillips, CNN.
KAGAN: People go looking for love on the Internet. What about breaking up? If you find breaking up is hard to do there is a new Web site for you. That story straight ahead.
KAGAN: It is hard to do. If you remember the scene in "Sex and the City" where the girls reminisce about the various ways that they've been dumped? Our next guest is an expert at delivering the bad news. She a dumper, basically. For a fee her service will make that call of send the letter to say, Guys, or girls, it's over.
Deanna Thompson of is with us today from Mountain View, California. Good morning.
KAGAN: Just so people don't get the wrong idea that you're an online cynic, you met your husband online.
THOMPSON: Yes, I did.
KAGAN: Love can be found online?
THOMPSON: Absolutely.
KAGAN: So for someone who found love online, how did you get the idea to offer a breakup service online?
THOMPSON: When we were first dating, my husband and myself, I would complain that I was getting probably 60 to 70 e-mails a day. And most of them were just horrific.
And we realized that there's thousands of Web sites that bring people together but nothing to deal with the fallout or to break -- literally to break up with each other.
KAGAN: How does this work? If there's someone I want to dump or someone who wants to dump me, you go online...
THOMPSON: Go to and send an e-mail. And from there you can either leave a phone number where you can be contacted or we can do it by e-mail.
And we just get all of the particulars. The person you would like to let go of and the reasons and then we go from there. But normally, we'll speak on the phone and craft a letter together.
And we don't do it to be hurtful to, hurt anyone's feelings or to make them feel bad. But we found that most people are quite receptive to it and are thankful that they're finally getting the truth from someone.
KAGAN: At least there's a definition about what's going on here. You're not getting strung along is what you're saying.
THOMPSON: Absolutely.
KAGAN: How much does that cost?
THOMPSON: It starts at $15. It goes on up. If we have to recover property then, of course, it's going to be more.
KAGAN: Got it. Now share with us an example of somebody that you were able to dump.
THOMPSON: I'm sorry?
KAGAN: Can you share an example of someone you were able to dump for somebody else?
THOMPSON: Show you an example of someone?
KAGAN: Well, share with us like a story of somebody, you know, someone who calls and says...
THOMPSON: OK. I just did actually this last night. There was a gentleman that called and needed us to explain to a woman that had literally almost harassed him to the point where he wasn't answering his phone any more that he just...
KAGAN: Whoa. I think we just broke up with Deanna Thompson. Little satellite problem there. Well, it's We'll see if we can get her back. But there you go. Deanna, it wasn't you, it was us. I can tell you that.
Undercover cops uncovered on the Web. A new Web site posts personal details about some of New York's finest. There might not be much that they can do about it.
But first if your pooch has a paunch, a change in diet may be in order. We're going to tell you about the canine Atkins craze. Yes, it has gone to the doggies. Coming back in a moment.
KAGAN: If your pooch has gotten a little pudgy, a diet popular with humans may give Fido a new "leash" on life. How about come carb counting for canines? Reporter Beth Shelburne of CNN affiliate KFMB We'll see how the Atkins diet is being adapted for pets.
BETH SHELBURNE, KFMB CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): If your pooch could stand to lose a few pounds could the Atkins diet be the answer? We went to Dog Beach to see what folks thought about the idea.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's ridiculous. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't do it for myself, so why would I do it to my dogs?
SHELBURNE: But the concept may not be as crazy as it sounds.
LUCY POSTINS, CANINE NUTRITIONIST: I think there's definitely a case for reducing carbohydrates in diets for companion animals.
SHELBURNE: Lucy Postins of Pacific Beach is a canine nutritionist who created low carb, high protein dog foods. The Honest Kitchen foods are meant to resemble the meat-based diet eaten by wolves. They provide and alternative to regular dog foods which are loaded with carbs.
POSTINS: If you read the ingredient panel you'll see things like corn, corn gluten meal, corn flower, corn starch mentioned several times in the ingredient list. When you add up all those different corn components, corn then becomes the No. 1 ingredient in the product.
SHELBURNE: Alternative foods are less likely to cause allergies in dog, but weight loss could be another benefit.
POSTINS: We see lot of incidents where dogs have increased energy levels from the higher fat and protein. And I think that that can then lead to an increase in stamina. And as a result, increased exercise and trimming down.
SHELBURNE: Postins says some of the Atkins principles make sense for dogs, but it's not a magic bullet.
POSTINS: Really and truly it would be controlling total calories more so than controlling carbs.
SHELBURNE: Which means if your dog really needs to lose weight what he eats is less important than how much.
KAGAN: That report came to us from Beth Shelburne of CNN affiliate KFMB in San Diego.
KAGAN: We had an unceremonious dumping of our guest a few minutes ago because of satellite. Want to bring back Deanna Thompson from We've fixed the bugs. You were in the middle of a great story. Talking to this guy, this woman was harassing him. He wanted to change his number. What did the breakup service do?
THOMPSON: We made a phone call to her and explained to her who we were and who had retained our services. And just basically let her know that the phone calls had to stop, that he wasn't interested any more. It had nothing to do with her, but he's in a different place in his life right know. And I think at first she was a little offended but then as the phone call progressed on, she felt much more better about it. And she actually thanked me at the end because then she knew, OK, this is over.
So she was good with it, he was really happy. So everything worked out.
KAGAN: There you go. We feel better about that. We didn't mean to dump you like that when the satellite went down. So we wanted to bring you back to finish the story.
KAGAN: Someone who just got to go, give them a call, give them an e-mail. Thank you very much.
THOMPSON: Thank you.
Aired March 11, 2004 - 10:30 Â ET
DARYN KAGAN, CNN ANCHOR: In the Senate, four moderate Republicans aligned with Democrats and vote for new rules on adopting tax cuts. The Senate measure would require 60 votes rather than a simple majority to pass any tax cuts that are not paid with other savings. That bill would enact that rule for five years, as Washington tries to cut the national deficit in half.
And one day after lawmakers demanded that Major League Baseball enact tougher policies against steroids, the game's top slugger gets plunked by Mr. October. Former great Reggie Jackson says performance enhancing drugs are the only explanation for the record-shattering performance of Barry Bonds. Bonds has vehemently denied any use of steroids.
Spain is reeling from its worst ever terrorist attack just days before general elections. Authorities say more than 180 people were killed, more than 1,000 injured in a series of bombings that ripped into three Madrid train stations. There have been no claims of responsibility, but both politicians in the media are blaming the armed Basque separatist group, known as ETA. So what is behind this decade-old Baath campaign for independence?
CNN's Al Goodman explains.
AL GOODMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A morning stroll in the Basque seaport of St. Sebastian (ph), but the calm belies the political storm, brewing over a new plan for bask free association with the rest of Spain, presented in the Basque parliament.
JUAN JOSE IBARRETXE, BASQUE REGIONAL PRESIDENT (through translator): Our approach is a new political model placed on two pillars, the Democratic will of Basque society and the respect of updating of the historic rights of the Basque people.
GOODMAN: Basqe already have their own police and schools. The proposed plan would increase Basque power and let the region decide its future relationship with Spain.
(on camera): The question has been, in which direction is the Basque region going? Toward closer ties with the rest of Spain, or for more autonomy, even independence.
(voice-over): But Madrid wants no part of this Basque plan.
CARLOS UROUIJO, SPANISH GOVT. OFFICIAL (through translator): The plan really wants independence for the Basque region. They can disguise it any way they like. But in the end, they're looking for a break between the Basque region in Spain and a break in five centuries of coexistence.
GOODMAN: The plan calls for dual nationalities, Spanish and Basque. The Basque flag already flies alone in many places.
MIREN AZKARATE, BASQUE REGIONAL GOVT. (through translator): The Spanish flag does not bother me, but we didn't want this confrontation. We want normal relations with Spain.
GOODMAN: But many here are nervous, some in business worry independence could cripple the Basque economy. Moderate Basque leaders say giving more to Basque could help stop decades of violence by the Basque separatist group Eta, blamed for more than 800 deaths.
Pro-independence politicians, like this leader of the Ban Batasuna (ph) Party, says the plan doesn't go far enough, but it's a good start.
With Spanish parliamentary elections due in mid March, Spaniards and Basques are talking a lot about power. The question is, whether they're listening to each other.
Al Goodman, CNN, St. Sebastian, Spain.
KAGAN: And some political news for you now. CNN's political unit doing some math, counting up the delegates, the super delegates, and results of the March 9th primaries.
And CNN now believing that John Kerry has indeed clinched the Democratic nomination for president. He has 2,162 delegates, the number needed to win the nomination. Much more on that development in the next hour.
We'll also have a check of the markets when we come back.
And for working women, a new book on getting a perfect look. Hear how the author and host of a new reality series says you can become wildly sophisticated.
We are back after this.
KAGAN: This next segment is for all the girlfriends up there. Career help is here for you. You can be a success and be happy, without getting called nasty words. Working your personal style into a solid career is the focus of "Making It Big." It's a new reality show that premieres next month on Oxygen.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Up against the wall. Sexy.
ANNOUNCER: This episode, the photographers...
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: From the moment that you walk through the door, you've got two hours to get your photo.
ANNOUNCER: Three up and comers compete for the break of a lifetime.
KAGAN: The inspiration for the show was the book "Wildly Sophisticated" by Nicole Williams. She is the founder of Wildly Sophisticated Media Inc. Nicole Williams joining us this morning from New York.
Good morning. Thanks for being with us.
NICOLE WILLIAMS, AUTHOR, "WILDLY SOPHISTICATED": Good morning. How are you this morning?
KAGAN: I'm doing great. I love the part of your story that you turned 30 years old. You have gone through your checklist of everything you wanted to accomplish, and you tossed it out the window, because it wasn't making you happy.
WILLIAMS: No, you're exactly right. It was 30 years old with the Range Rover, the six-figure salary, the VP level executive position, and it just wasn't enough. I didn't love what I did. I wasn't passionate about it. And committed myself to creating a great career through this business, Wildly Sophisticated Media.
KAGAN: And so the idea, as I understand it, is to redefine career development for other people, especially women.
WILLIAMS: Yes, exactly. It's like, let's make it glamorous, and exciting, and edgy and relevant, all of the things that it is for young women out there in the (UNINTELLIGIBLE), creating career success.
KAGAN: And you've taken this idea and you turned it into a reality show. So explain to us a little bit more how that show works.
WILLIAMS: It was so fun. I would be interviewing or talking with students who are just graduating out of college, and they would ask at the end of the seminar, I want to go back and do a masters in English, or I'm thinking about being a wedding planner. And I'd ask, what do you know about being a wedding planner? And they'd say, I saw the movie. So we knew it was all about highlighting these great professions that we would all love to live, if only for an hour. And we take three up and coming contenders, put them into an industry challenge, and the winner is awarded the break of a lifetime, a career opportunity that's going to make all the difference to them. KAGAN: So I'm trying to think of another very popular work-based reality show right now, "The Apprentice" with Donald Trump, but it sounds like yours more is rewarding good behavior, rather than firing for subpar behavior.
WILLIAMS: Exactly, that's a great point. And we're really showing what it takes to make it in the industry that we're profiling. It's more than just, you're fired. It's why you're fired. And we hope the viewer's going to come away learning something about themselves and what it actually takes to create career success.
KAGAN: Meanwhile, the message of the show and your book and what you do is, especially to a young woman, is it's OK to be successful, to be driven, but there are certain realities out there that you kind of explain like girlfriend to girlfriend or big sister to little sister.
WILLIAMS: Exactly. That's my goal, is let's have a conversation about this. Let's talk about what's really happening out there in the world of work.
KAGAN: Very good. Well, good luck with the show. When does it debut on Oxygen?
WILLIAMS: It's debuting Friday night at 9:00 p.m. And we're really excited to be working with Oxygen. It's a great show, and really think it's going to help young women to create career success.
KAGAN: Well, clearly, if you're talking about career development, you're doing just fine in that department. Thanks for stopping by, appreciate it, Nicole Williams.
WILLIAMS: Thanks you for having me.
KAGAN: Well, first there were the men, and then the women, and now there is a chain gang of teenagers in Mericopa (ph) County, Arizona. That is the home county for Phoenix. The story is coming up.
KAGAN: Let's take a look at some stories across America. To California, about 2000 people rallied against bigotry at Claremont Colleges seven campuses. There have been a number of what some people are calling hate incidents at the schools.
The most recent was Tuesday when vandals spray painted a professor's car with racist, sexist and anti-Semetic slurs. At the time of the vandalism the professor was speaking at a forum for tolerance and racial harmony.
In Boston protesters are focused on the divisive issue of gay marriage. Massachusetts lawmakers are predicting the passage of an amendment that would ban lay marriage but legalize civil unions. The Massachusetts supreme court judicial ruled last year that banning gay marriage was unconstitutional. Near San Diego at least four people are feared dead following a plane crash last night at Miramar. A military version of a Cessna Citation known as a UC-35 crashed short of the runway at the Marine Corps Air Station. The plane burst into flames on impact.
Joe Arpaio has a reputation as one of the toughest sheriffs in the country. It is a well-deserved image as some juvenile offenders in Phoenix are finding out the hard way. Our Eric Phillips has that story.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I hate this chain, man.
ERIC PHILLIPS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): They are minors tried as adults. And they're are part of a juvenile chain gang picking up trash in Phoenix.
JOE ARPAIO, SHERIFF, MARCOPA CO., ARIZ.: These juveniles have committed armed robbery, burglary. You name it, they've committed it.
PHILLIPS: This is just the latest in the string of controversial moves for Maracopa County Joe Arpaio. The sheriff calls himself an equally opportunity incarcerator.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think he's crazy.
PHILLIPS: He tells the teens they'll get no free rides.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I like this idea about us coming down here, but some of the stuff I don't agree with.
PHILLIPS: In his 12 years in office Arpaio has made male inmates wear prison stripes and pink underwear. There's no TV, no coffee, no nudie magazines.
Then there are the chain gangs. He first instituted the male chain gang in 1985. And started the female chain gang in 1996.
And now a juvenile chain gang. All of them are volunteer. The teens earn a high school credit toward a diploma from Hard Knocks High, the school program at the county jail.
Adults use the gangs to work their way out of lockdowns where they've been placed because of disciplinary problems.
Some critics call Arpaio's methods barbaric, criticism he dismisses.
ARPAIO: I'm not going to change my policies. I served the 3.2 million people here. I don't serve Amnesty International, Civil Liberties and all these do-good organizations.
PHILLIPS: Arpaio's approval ratings in Phoenix remain at 80 to 85 percent to 85 percent.
Eric Phillips, CNN.
KAGAN: People go looking for love on the Internet. What about breaking up? If you find breaking up is hard to do there is a new Web site for you. That story straight ahead.
KAGAN: It is hard to do. If you remember the scene in "Sex and the City" where the girls reminisce about the various ways that they've been dumped? Our next guest is an expert at delivering the bad news. She a dumper, basically. For a fee her service will make that call of send the letter to say, Guys, or girls, it's over.
Deanna Thompson of is with us today from Mountain View, California. Good morning.
KAGAN: Just so people don't get the wrong idea that you're an online cynic, you met your husband online.
THOMPSON: Yes, I did.
KAGAN: Love can be found online?
THOMPSON: Absolutely.
KAGAN: So for someone who found love online, how did you get the idea to offer a breakup service online?
THOMPSON: When we were first dating, my husband and myself, I would complain that I was getting probably 60 to 70 e-mails a day. And most of them were just horrific.
And we realized that there's thousands of Web sites that bring people together but nothing to deal with the fallout or to break -- literally to break up with each other.
KAGAN: How does this work? If there's someone I want to dump or someone who wants to dump me, you go online...
THOMPSON: Go to and send an e-mail. And from there you can either leave a phone number where you can be contacted or we can do it by e-mail.
And we just get all of the particulars. The person you would like to let go of and the reasons and then we go from there. But normally, we'll speak on the phone and craft a letter together.
And we don't do it to be hurtful to, hurt anyone's feelings or to make them feel bad. But we found that most people are quite receptive to it and are thankful that they're finally getting the truth from someone.
KAGAN: At least there's a definition about what's going on here. You're not getting strung along is what you're saying.
THOMPSON: Absolutely.
KAGAN: How much does that cost?
THOMPSON: It starts at $15. It goes on up. If we have to recover property then, of course, it's going to be more.
KAGAN: Got it. Now share with us an example of somebody that you were able to dump.
THOMPSON: I'm sorry?
KAGAN: Can you share an example of someone you were able to dump for somebody else?
THOMPSON: Show you an example of someone?
KAGAN: Well, share with us like a story of somebody, you know, someone who calls and says...
THOMPSON: OK. I just did actually this last night. There was a gentleman that called and needed us to explain to a woman that had literally almost harassed him to the point where he wasn't answering his phone any more that he just...
KAGAN: Whoa. I think we just broke up with Deanna Thompson. Little satellite problem there. Well, it's We'll see if we can get her back. But there you go. Deanna, it wasn't you, it was us. I can tell you that.
Undercover cops uncovered on the Web. A new Web site posts personal details about some of New York's finest. There might not be much that they can do about it.
But first if your pooch has a paunch, a change in diet may be in order. We're going to tell you about the canine Atkins craze. Yes, it has gone to the doggies. Coming back in a moment.
KAGAN: If your pooch has gotten a little pudgy, a diet popular with humans may give Fido a new "leash" on life. How about come carb counting for canines? Reporter Beth Shelburne of CNN affiliate KFMB We'll see how the Atkins diet is being adapted for pets.
BETH SHELBURNE, KFMB CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): If your pooch could stand to lose a few pounds could the Atkins diet be the answer? We went to Dog Beach to see what folks thought about the idea.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's ridiculous. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't do it for myself, so why would I do it to my dogs?
SHELBURNE: But the concept may not be as crazy as it sounds.
LUCY POSTINS, CANINE NUTRITIONIST: I think there's definitely a case for reducing carbohydrates in diets for companion animals.
SHELBURNE: Lucy Postins of Pacific Beach is a canine nutritionist who created low carb, high protein dog foods. The Honest Kitchen foods are meant to resemble the meat-based diet eaten by wolves. They provide and alternative to regular dog foods which are loaded with carbs.
POSTINS: If you read the ingredient panel you'll see things like corn, corn gluten meal, corn flower, corn starch mentioned several times in the ingredient list. When you add up all those different corn components, corn then becomes the No. 1 ingredient in the product.
SHELBURNE: Alternative foods are less likely to cause allergies in dog, but weight loss could be another benefit.
POSTINS: We see lot of incidents where dogs have increased energy levels from the higher fat and protein. And I think that that can then lead to an increase in stamina. And as a result, increased exercise and trimming down.
SHELBURNE: Postins says some of the Atkins principles make sense for dogs, but it's not a magic bullet.
POSTINS: Really and truly it would be controlling total calories more so than controlling carbs.
SHELBURNE: Which means if your dog really needs to lose weight what he eats is less important than how much.
KAGAN: That report came to us from Beth Shelburne of CNN affiliate KFMB in San Diego.
KAGAN: We had an unceremonious dumping of our guest a few minutes ago because of satellite. Want to bring back Deanna Thompson from We've fixed the bugs. You were in the middle of a great story. Talking to this guy, this woman was harassing him. He wanted to change his number. What did the breakup service do?
THOMPSON: We made a phone call to her and explained to her who we were and who had retained our services. And just basically let her know that the phone calls had to stop, that he wasn't interested any more. It had nothing to do with her, but he's in a different place in his life right know. And I think at first she was a little offended but then as the phone call progressed on, she felt much more better about it. And she actually thanked me at the end because then she knew, OK, this is over.
So she was good with it, he was really happy. So everything worked out.
KAGAN: There you go. We feel better about that. We didn't mean to dump you like that when the satellite went down. So we wanted to bring you back to finish the story.
KAGAN: Someone who just got to go, give them a call, give them an e-mail. Thank you very much.
THOMPSON: Thank you.