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Tax Day is Here; Randall Terry's Family Torn Apart by Values
Aired April 15, 2004 - 13:30 ET
Live pictures now, the president of the United States in Des Moines, Iowa, he is talking about the economy today, specifically the capitalization of rural America, an event hosted by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines.
Let's listen for just a few moments.
GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: ... to protect us, but the best way to secure the homeland is to bring the killers to justice one person at a time. And that's exactly what the United States of America will continue to do.
We're a tough country and a compassionate country. We refuse to be intimidated by the terrorists. It took us a while. We had to figure out what was going on, but when we figured it out, this country started moving forward again.
You see, the people of this country are resolute and they're strong. No matter whether you live in urban America or rural America, there's a wonderful strength and fiber of the people of America.
Then we found out another challenge to our economy, and that is there were some people that forgot to be responsible citizens and didn't tell the truth. They were CEOs that betrayed the trust and that affected us. It really did when you think about it. It created a challenge that we had to overcome.
I appreciate the members of Congress from both political parties working together to pass a good reforms that made it very clear that this country will not tolerate dishonesty in the boardrooms of America.
O'BRIEN: President George W. Bush in Des Moines talking about the economy, about terrorism and about corporate responsibility. We're going to continue to monitor that talk and if anything newsworthy comes out of it we'll of course bring it to you right away.
In the meantime, let's check some other stories that are important to you. Senator Kerry was out today courting some of those young voters that he has been courting of late. He spoke at Howard University in Washington. Appropriately enough on tax day he had this to say about the president's tax plan.
SEN. JOHN KERRY (D-MA), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: George Bush has made a big deal out of trying to convince America that he's lowered taxes for all Americans and that I'm going to come along and somehow raise taxes on Americans.
He's misleading Americans one more time. There's a big truth deficit in this administration and this president is busy trying to run away from his own record and create a phony one for someone else because he doesn't have a record to run on.
O'BRIEN: So who's rocking the vote in America's dorms after all? A Harvard University poll asked U.S. college students about the upcoming presidential election, 48 percent said if the election were held today they'd choose Kerry compared to 38 percent for Bush. But Kerry isn't necessarily the more popular of the two, 43 percent said Bush would make a better roommate compared to 42 percent for Kerry.
A last-minute dash to the post office today for many Americans just finishing up their taxes. And if you believe the latest poll numbers, they're actually pretty happy to pay. Almost two-thirds tell Gallup the amount they're being taxed is fair. Two-thirds say that. In fact, folks are less negative about their taxes now than any time in the last 40 years. If you're tempted to cut corners, shall we say, you probably don't want to do it in Massachusetts.
CNN's Dan Lothian is there.
DAN LOTHIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's like a command center, multiple monitors fed by powerful computers, spinning, blinking and spitting out data. The Department of Revenue in Massachusetts has a new way of harvesting existing information to track down tax cheats, individuals and businesses.
ALAN LEBOVIDGE, MASS. REVENUE COMMISSIONER: What the computers allow us to do is to integrate the information, bring it all together from all various sources, come up with kind of a structure of what the taxpayer looks like, calculate the tax and then send them a bill.
LOTHIAN: A Jaguar owner's declared income didn't match his expensive taste. A man worked in-state and failed to file state income taxes, owed $33,000. And a resident bought a multimillion dollar renaissance painting overseas but didn't pay the 5 percent use tax. All finally paid.
The data warehouse has information from the IRS, U.S. Customs, registry of motor vehicles and private agencies.
(on camera): Officials say since this system became fully operational, they've been able to track down and recover a million dollars a week.
(voice-over): So far, more than $60 million collected, but some privacy advocates are concerned. CHRIS HOOFNAGLE, ELECTRONIC PRIVACY INFORMATION CTR.: The risk here is that states have increasing power through the use of personal information for law enforcement or tax revenue purposes.
LOTHIAN: And he says it's happening without proper regulations.
HOOFNAGLE: We have to look at the corresponding harm to individuals' rights.
LEBOVIDGE: If you're paying your taxes, you don't have to worry.
LOTHIAN: Even as workers and machines process tax filings, computers continue hunting for more dollars. A benefit to the state, but critics ask at what cost?
Dan Lothian, CNN, Boston.
O'BRIEN: Wow. Drinking and thinking. A few glasses of wine or bottles of beer a day can't hurt you, right? Researchers looked at folks who drank socially and how alcohol affects their ability to function.
CNN Medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta brings us the findings.
DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: They are not alcoholics but they are heavy social drinkers. They are high functioning, oftentimes carrying very good jobs. They have families. They are very social and they have never been treated for alcoholism. But is this a problem there with heavy social drinkers in terms of what might be happening to the rest of their body.
That was the question that University of California researchers posed. They found 47 heavy drinkers and decided to put them through some tests specifically looking at their brain in this case, looking at something known as anacitol aspertate (ph). The name not that important but what they found might be.
They found lower levels of chemical associated with normal brain functioning. They also found decreased cognitive abilities, that's sort of a throwaway term. What does it mean specifically in this case? That's what we asked the researchers yesterday.
Specifically these people, not as good as storing and retrieving information, oftentimes having difficulty dealing with abstract concepts such as time or money, and having difficulty recognizing the consequences of their actions.
So how much is too much? That's the question everybody asks. Well, the numbers are important. A light drinker, for example, about 10 drinks per month. Chronic heavy social drinkers, the group that we're talking about here, about 100 to 200 drinks per month. You can see the numbers there. Eighty drinks per month for women. And finally alcoholics, 300 to 400 drinks per month.
But it's a little bit more complicated than that. To determine if someone is alcoholic or not, people often use a questionnaire. They call it the Cage (ph) questionnaire.
The questions are, have you ever tried to cut down on your drinking? Do you sometimes get annoyed when people tell you to stop? Do you feel guilty about your drinking? And do you sometimes use it as an eye-opener? Alcohol, that is.
Obviously drinking can have a lot of problems, in this particular case there may be some ramifications long term. And some of those ramifications may be irreversible. It's worth reminding people as well that you should never drink if you're pregnant. You should not drink if you're taking other medications. And you should not drink if you're operating heavy machinery either. Important news.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN, New York.
O'BRIEN: Well, if you ever thought that you were everything your parents hated, then you have something in common with the children of America's most famous right-wing protester. Meet the unusual family of Randall Terry up next.
With the success of the super hit t shoe "The Apprentice," Donald Trump is riding high, but is his image and that bad hairstyle about to take a tumble? A fact check on America's favorite CEO.
And how do you get rid of 600 doughnuts in three minutes? Call the cops, of course. LIVE FROM...'s hot doughnut sign is on. Stay with us.
O'BRIEN: Randall Terry is one of the nation's most well-known anti-abortion protesters. He has also denounced homosexuality. But recent revelations cast new light on Terry's complex family.
Our Maria Hinojosa picks up the story.
MARIA HINOJOSA, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): He became famous being dragged from the doorways of abortion clinics, Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue.
RANDALL TERRY, OPERATION RESCUE: This is what choice is all about.
HINOJOSA: He was imprisoned for sending Bill Clinton an aborted fetus. A man so confrontational he was ordered by the courts to stop blocking the doors of abortion clinics.
R. TERRY: The millions of children born out of wedlock, some of whom will grow up to assault or rob you or a loved one.
HINOJOSA: Randall Terry found other causes, preaching against infidelity, birth control, divorce, his moral enemies: gays and unwed mothers.
R. TERRY: The homosexual agenda is to normalize what is a tragic lifestyle of bondage.
HINOJOSA: But today it's his own children who are speaking out, saying that the very people his father condemns are just like them.
HINOJOSA: Jamiel, the adopted son who once accompanied his father to Vermont to fight gay marriage now says he is gay in an essay in May's "Out" magazine.
J. TERRY: in my family, it was, you start having sex outside of marriage, you get AIDS. You're a whore. You're a slut. Those are exact words. Yesterday he said to me, I'm going to be at your funeral, you're going to die at 42.
HINOJOSA: Tila, just 18, says the father who adopted her away from a woman trying to abort her, no longer welcomes her in his own home.
TILA TERRY, RANDALL TERRY'S DAUGHTER: I had sex outside of marriage. I got pregnant. And I miscarried after about three or four months. I hadn't been speaking with my dad. We haven't been as close as we were since I've left his house.
HINOJOSA: His oldest daughter Ebony, who had two children out of wedlock, and now calls herself a Muslim, is moved to tears by the conflicts in her own family.
EBONY WHETSTONE, RANDALL TERRY'S DAUGHTER: The whole makeup of our family is not traditional by far so it's not going to be, you know, picture perfect.
HINOJOSA: But the perfect marriage didn't exist. Randall Terry was censured by his church for having sinful relationships with other women. He divorced his wife and married his former church assistant.
T. TERRY: We had this image we had to live up to of being perfect and growing up with that is very hard.
HINOJOSA: On CNN's "NEWSNIGHT WITH AARON BROWN," Randall Terry reacted to his children's public remarks about the family.
R. TERRY: There's two painful issues. One is that my son is involved in a lifestyle that is self-destructive, it's a sexual addiction that might end up taking his life. And then the other is that he took thousands of dollars from "Out" magazine to do this.
HINOJOSA: Randall Terry also questioned their motives. R. TERRY: He used my name to get money for himself and to bring out stuff in our family and to present a picture of our family's history that is frankly inaccurate.
HINOJOSA (on camera): "Out" magazine says Jamiel Terry approached them to write the article, and paid him the going rate. As for Jamiel Terry, he says he's angered by his father's attacks on him, but for now, he and his sisters, who all remain against abortion, say they still love and respect their father.
Maria Hinojosa, CNN, New York.
O'BRIEN: Well, guess what the winner gets as cops from around the world vie for the coveted title of "Doughnut King"? Any guesses, Rhonda Schaffler?
RHONDA SCHAFFLER, CNN FINANCIAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Oh, Miles, that's too easy. We'll have that story when we come back as well as Marshall Field's department chain now under fed watch. Details on that one in just a moment.
O'BRIEN: All right. It's the epic battle, cops versus doughnuts. The doughnut always loses, of course, as we go across America. Forty of the world's finest took on 600 doughnuts in this contest near Chicago yesterday. The top cop downed 9 1/2 doughnuts in three minutes flat. I wonder if his tummy is flat. No word if he washed it down with milk or coffee or something else. Aside from being called the "doughnut king," the winner takes home, you could say he dunks it in his holster I guess, a semiautomatic pistol, a little bit of body armor, $100 gift certificate for, what else, doughnuts.
Baseball legend, man of courage, persistence and integrity, those are reasons Major League Baseball officials say they have designated today as the first annual Jackie Robinson Day. Fifty-seven years ago today, the former Brooklyn Dodger broke professional baseball's color barrier. Pre-game ceremonies honoring Robinson are planned at most Major League parks today.
Air America is grounded in two of the nation's largest markets. The left-wing radio network yanked from stations in L.A. and Chicago after only two weeks on the air At the heart of the blackout a dispute between Air America and the station's owners over money.
DONALD TRUMP, "THE APPRENTICE": This is a tough one. You're fired.
O'BRIEN: I don't think he thinks that's tough. I think he enjoys that. Tonight "The Donald" will also say "you're hired." The season finale of "The Apprentice" is tonight. A two-hour extravaganza. Trump judges one of the executives. But how is he TV's hottest CEO doing with his own empire? CNN's J.J. Ramberg crunches the number.
J.J. RAMBERG, CNN FINANCIAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): His TV show's theme song may be about making money, but some investors are wondering where all the money went? While he is leading the Nielsen charts these days, his stock charts aren't looking quite as rosy.
JEFFREY SONNENFELD, ASSOC. DEAN, YALE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT: If you were to have invested in his company back in '95 when it went public, you would have lost most of your money.
RAMBERG: More than 80 percent to be exact. One hundred dollars invested in the publicly-held Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts in 1995 would be worth about $17 today. And Ernst & Young recently warned they had substantial doubt that the company could continue as a viable enterprise.
SONNENFELD: Some of his highest profile businesses are in a state of disorder and are hardly the glistening assets in his portfolio. And the things that someone thinks he's best known for are most troubled as business enterprises.
Aired April 15, 2004 - 13:30 Â ET
Live pictures now, the president of the United States in Des Moines, Iowa, he is talking about the economy today, specifically the capitalization of rural America, an event hosted by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines.
Let's listen for just a few moments.
GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: ... to protect us, but the best way to secure the homeland is to bring the killers to justice one person at a time. And that's exactly what the United States of America will continue to do.
We're a tough country and a compassionate country. We refuse to be intimidated by the terrorists. It took us a while. We had to figure out what was going on, but when we figured it out, this country started moving forward again.
You see, the people of this country are resolute and they're strong. No matter whether you live in urban America or rural America, there's a wonderful strength and fiber of the people of America.
Then we found out another challenge to our economy, and that is there were some people that forgot to be responsible citizens and didn't tell the truth. They were CEOs that betrayed the trust and that affected us. It really did when you think about it. It created a challenge that we had to overcome.
I appreciate the members of Congress from both political parties working together to pass a good reforms that made it very clear that this country will not tolerate dishonesty in the boardrooms of America.
O'BRIEN: President George W. Bush in Des Moines talking about the economy, about terrorism and about corporate responsibility. We're going to continue to monitor that talk and if anything newsworthy comes out of it we'll of course bring it to you right away.
In the meantime, let's check some other stories that are important to you. Senator Kerry was out today courting some of those young voters that he has been courting of late. He spoke at Howard University in Washington. Appropriately enough on tax day he had this to say about the president's tax plan.
SEN. JOHN KERRY (D-MA), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: George Bush has made a big deal out of trying to convince America that he's lowered taxes for all Americans and that I'm going to come along and somehow raise taxes on Americans.
He's misleading Americans one more time. There's a big truth deficit in this administration and this president is busy trying to run away from his own record and create a phony one for someone else because he doesn't have a record to run on.
O'BRIEN: So who's rocking the vote in America's dorms after all? A Harvard University poll asked U.S. college students about the upcoming presidential election, 48 percent said if the election were held today they'd choose Kerry compared to 38 percent for Bush. But Kerry isn't necessarily the more popular of the two, 43 percent said Bush would make a better roommate compared to 42 percent for Kerry.
A last-minute dash to the post office today for many Americans just finishing up their taxes. And if you believe the latest poll numbers, they're actually pretty happy to pay. Almost two-thirds tell Gallup the amount they're being taxed is fair. Two-thirds say that. In fact, folks are less negative about their taxes now than any time in the last 40 years. If you're tempted to cut corners, shall we say, you probably don't want to do it in Massachusetts.
CNN's Dan Lothian is there.
DAN LOTHIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's like a command center, multiple monitors fed by powerful computers, spinning, blinking and spitting out data. The Department of Revenue in Massachusetts has a new way of harvesting existing information to track down tax cheats, individuals and businesses.
ALAN LEBOVIDGE, MASS. REVENUE COMMISSIONER: What the computers allow us to do is to integrate the information, bring it all together from all various sources, come up with kind of a structure of what the taxpayer looks like, calculate the tax and then send them a bill.
LOTHIAN: A Jaguar owner's declared income didn't match his expensive taste. A man worked in-state and failed to file state income taxes, owed $33,000. And a resident bought a multimillion dollar renaissance painting overseas but didn't pay the 5 percent use tax. All finally paid.
The data warehouse has information from the IRS, U.S. Customs, registry of motor vehicles and private agencies.
(on camera): Officials say since this system became fully operational, they've been able to track down and recover a million dollars a week.
(voice-over): So far, more than $60 million collected, but some privacy advocates are concerned. CHRIS HOOFNAGLE, ELECTRONIC PRIVACY INFORMATION CTR.: The risk here is that states have increasing power through the use of personal information for law enforcement or tax revenue purposes.
LOTHIAN: And he says it's happening without proper regulations.
HOOFNAGLE: We have to look at the corresponding harm to individuals' rights.
LEBOVIDGE: If you're paying your taxes, you don't have to worry.
LOTHIAN: Even as workers and machines process tax filings, computers continue hunting for more dollars. A benefit to the state, but critics ask at what cost?
Dan Lothian, CNN, Boston.
O'BRIEN: Wow. Drinking and thinking. A few glasses of wine or bottles of beer a day can't hurt you, right? Researchers looked at folks who drank socially and how alcohol affects their ability to function.
CNN Medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta brings us the findings.
DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: They are not alcoholics but they are heavy social drinkers. They are high functioning, oftentimes carrying very good jobs. They have families. They are very social and they have never been treated for alcoholism. But is this a problem there with heavy social drinkers in terms of what might be happening to the rest of their body.
That was the question that University of California researchers posed. They found 47 heavy drinkers and decided to put them through some tests specifically looking at their brain in this case, looking at something known as anacitol aspertate (ph). The name not that important but what they found might be.
They found lower levels of chemical associated with normal brain functioning. They also found decreased cognitive abilities, that's sort of a throwaway term. What does it mean specifically in this case? That's what we asked the researchers yesterday.
Specifically these people, not as good as storing and retrieving information, oftentimes having difficulty dealing with abstract concepts such as time or money, and having difficulty recognizing the consequences of their actions.
So how much is too much? That's the question everybody asks. Well, the numbers are important. A light drinker, for example, about 10 drinks per month. Chronic heavy social drinkers, the group that we're talking about here, about 100 to 200 drinks per month. You can see the numbers there. Eighty drinks per month for women. And finally alcoholics, 300 to 400 drinks per month.
But it's a little bit more complicated than that. To determine if someone is alcoholic or not, people often use a questionnaire. They call it the Cage (ph) questionnaire.
The questions are, have you ever tried to cut down on your drinking? Do you sometimes get annoyed when people tell you to stop? Do you feel guilty about your drinking? And do you sometimes use it as an eye-opener? Alcohol, that is.
Obviously drinking can have a lot of problems, in this particular case there may be some ramifications long term. And some of those ramifications may be irreversible. It's worth reminding people as well that you should never drink if you're pregnant. You should not drink if you're taking other medications. And you should not drink if you're operating heavy machinery either. Important news.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN, New York.
O'BRIEN: Well, if you ever thought that you were everything your parents hated, then you have something in common with the children of America's most famous right-wing protester. Meet the unusual family of Randall Terry up next.
With the success of the super hit t shoe "The Apprentice," Donald Trump is riding high, but is his image and that bad hairstyle about to take a tumble? A fact check on America's favorite CEO.
And how do you get rid of 600 doughnuts in three minutes? Call the cops, of course. LIVE FROM...'s hot doughnut sign is on. Stay with us.
O'BRIEN: Randall Terry is one of the nation's most well-known anti-abortion protesters. He has also denounced homosexuality. But recent revelations cast new light on Terry's complex family.
Our Maria Hinojosa picks up the story.
MARIA HINOJOSA, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): He became famous being dragged from the doorways of abortion clinics, Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue.
RANDALL TERRY, OPERATION RESCUE: This is what choice is all about.
HINOJOSA: He was imprisoned for sending Bill Clinton an aborted fetus. A man so confrontational he was ordered by the courts to stop blocking the doors of abortion clinics.
R. TERRY: The millions of children born out of wedlock, some of whom will grow up to assault or rob you or a loved one.
HINOJOSA: Randall Terry found other causes, preaching against infidelity, birth control, divorce, his moral enemies: gays and unwed mothers.
R. TERRY: The homosexual agenda is to normalize what is a tragic lifestyle of bondage.
HINOJOSA: But today it's his own children who are speaking out, saying that the very people his father condemns are just like them.
HINOJOSA: Jamiel, the adopted son who once accompanied his father to Vermont to fight gay marriage now says he is gay in an essay in May's "Out" magazine.
J. TERRY: in my family, it was, you start having sex outside of marriage, you get AIDS. You're a whore. You're a slut. Those are exact words. Yesterday he said to me, I'm going to be at your funeral, you're going to die at 42.
HINOJOSA: Tila, just 18, says the father who adopted her away from a woman trying to abort her, no longer welcomes her in his own home.
TILA TERRY, RANDALL TERRY'S DAUGHTER: I had sex outside of marriage. I got pregnant. And I miscarried after about three or four months. I hadn't been speaking with my dad. We haven't been as close as we were since I've left his house.
HINOJOSA: His oldest daughter Ebony, who had two children out of wedlock, and now calls herself a Muslim, is moved to tears by the conflicts in her own family.
EBONY WHETSTONE, RANDALL TERRY'S DAUGHTER: The whole makeup of our family is not traditional by far so it's not going to be, you know, picture perfect.
HINOJOSA: But the perfect marriage didn't exist. Randall Terry was censured by his church for having sinful relationships with other women. He divorced his wife and married his former church assistant.
T. TERRY: We had this image we had to live up to of being perfect and growing up with that is very hard.
HINOJOSA: On CNN's "NEWSNIGHT WITH AARON BROWN," Randall Terry reacted to his children's public remarks about the family.
R. TERRY: There's two painful issues. One is that my son is involved in a lifestyle that is self-destructive, it's a sexual addiction that might end up taking his life. And then the other is that he took thousands of dollars from "Out" magazine to do this.
HINOJOSA: Randall Terry also questioned their motives. R. TERRY: He used my name to get money for himself and to bring out stuff in our family and to present a picture of our family's history that is frankly inaccurate.
HINOJOSA (on camera): "Out" magazine says Jamiel Terry approached them to write the article, and paid him the going rate. As for Jamiel Terry, he says he's angered by his father's attacks on him, but for now, he and his sisters, who all remain against abortion, say they still love and respect their father.
Maria Hinojosa, CNN, New York.
O'BRIEN: Well, guess what the winner gets as cops from around the world vie for the coveted title of "Doughnut King"? Any guesses, Rhonda Schaffler?
RHONDA SCHAFFLER, CNN FINANCIAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Oh, Miles, that's too easy. We'll have that story when we come back as well as Marshall Field's department chain now under fed watch. Details on that one in just a moment.
O'BRIEN: All right. It's the epic battle, cops versus doughnuts. The doughnut always loses, of course, as we go across America. Forty of the world's finest took on 600 doughnuts in this contest near Chicago yesterday. The top cop downed 9 1/2 doughnuts in three minutes flat. I wonder if his tummy is flat. No word if he washed it down with milk or coffee or something else. Aside from being called the "doughnut king," the winner takes home, you could say he dunks it in his holster I guess, a semiautomatic pistol, a little bit of body armor, $100 gift certificate for, what else, doughnuts.
Baseball legend, man of courage, persistence and integrity, those are reasons Major League Baseball officials say they have designated today as the first annual Jackie Robinson Day. Fifty-seven years ago today, the former Brooklyn Dodger broke professional baseball's color barrier. Pre-game ceremonies honoring Robinson are planned at most Major League parks today.
Air America is grounded in two of the nation's largest markets. The left-wing radio network yanked from stations in L.A. and Chicago after only two weeks on the air At the heart of the blackout a dispute between Air America and the station's owners over money.
DONALD TRUMP, "THE APPRENTICE": This is a tough one. You're fired.
O'BRIEN: I don't think he thinks that's tough. I think he enjoys that. Tonight "The Donald" will also say "you're hired." The season finale of "The Apprentice" is tonight. A two-hour extravaganza. Trump judges one of the executives. But how is he TV's hottest CEO doing with his own empire? CNN's J.J. Ramberg crunches the number.
J.J. RAMBERG, CNN FINANCIAL NEWS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): His TV show's theme song may be about making money, but some investors are wondering where all the money went? While he is leading the Nielsen charts these days, his stock charts aren't looking quite as rosy.
JEFFREY SONNENFELD, ASSOC. DEAN, YALE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT: If you were to have invested in his company back in '95 when it went public, you would have lost most of your money.
RAMBERG: More than 80 percent to be exact. One hundred dollars invested in the publicly-held Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts in 1995 would be worth about $17 today. And Ernst & Young recently warned they had substantial doubt that the company could continue as a viable enterprise.
SONNENFELD: Some of his highest profile businesses are in a state of disorder and are hardly the glistening assets in his portfolio. And the things that someone thinks he's best known for are most troubled as business enterprises.