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CNN Live Event/Special

The Road to Gold

Aired January 15, 2005 - 16:00   ET


SIBILA VARGAS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi, everybody. I'm Sibila Vargas. Join me now on the "Road to Gold," our special preview of the 62nd annual Golden Globes.

ANNOUNCER: Dashing aviators and musical greats, real-life stories could reel in awards.

JOHNNY DEPP, ACTOR: Fascinating man, a dark figure.

ANNOUNCER: Get the scoop from the stars on their golden role.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm fully corseted and can't breathe.

ANNOUNCER: Stepping out in style. What the nominees will be wearing to the swanky affair.

TERI HATCHER, ACTRESS: I'm going to be Cinderella for the day.

ANNOUNCER: Hollywood is ready to party. The Golden Globes are here. So raise a glass and drink a toast.

ANNETTE BENING, ACTRESS: What I'm looking forward to is a nice glass of champagne.

ANNOUNCER: As CNN takes you on "The Road to Gold."


VARGAS: For the next hour, we'll be coming to you from the Hollywood Entertainment Museum, 33,000 square feet devoted to show business history. More show biz history will be made this weekend when the Golden Globe awards are presented for the 62nd time. Once again, Hollywood's biggest party has an incredible guest list, all with a chance of going home with the gold.


VARGAS (voice-over): Leo, and Johnny, Nicole and Renee.

When the Hollywood Foreign Press throws an award show, they make room for big stars. This year is no different.

LEONARDO DICAPRIO, ACTOR: He was America's first legitimate billionaire. He was his own boss. VARGAS: Diaprio's nod came for playing aviation pioneer Howard Hughes. In fact, every one of the nominees for best actor drama plays a real-life person. For Johnny Depp, it was author J.M. Barry.

DEPP: He was a fascinate ing man. This man who gave the world the give of Peter Pan.

VARGAS: Bio-pics dominate the best drama category too, besides "Finding Neverland" and "The Aviator" there's "Hotel Rwanda" and "Kinsey," the story of the famed sex researcher. That film earned acting nominations for Liam Neeson and Laura Linney. .

LIAM NEESON, ACTOR: Who can tell me which part of the human body can enlarge 100 times?

LAURA LINNEY, ACTRESS: It's explicit about sexuality. And it is explicit in some ways about sex.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why don't we go back to my place? I've got wine, some cheeses, music, whatever.

VARGAS: It wasn't a bio-pic but an original story that earned the most Golden Globe nominations. That's "Sideways" with seven, including one for best musical or comedy and another co-star for Virginia Madsen.

VIRGINAI MADSEN, ACTRESS: I didn't dare hope that it would really really happen. I was down on my knees praying. I was so happy.

VARGAS: The musical or comedy category is the usual grab bag with one animated film, the "Incredibles," on honest to goodness music in Andrew Lloyd Webber's "The Phantom of the Opera," a couple comedies, and another film that some might consider more of a drama. The biopic "Ray."

The title role in "Ray" earned Jamie Foxx one of his three acting nominations. An unprecedented feat. Among the other highlights, Nicole Kidman earned her fourth consecutive Golden Globe nomination, this time for the eerie drama "Birth."

NICOLE KIDMAN, ACTRESS: It certainly a film that causes people to discuss it. It's a film that doesn't give you an answer.

VARGAS: Two Kevins compete for best actor musical or comedy for roles in which they did the singing. Kevin Spacey in "Beyond the Sea" and Kevin Kline in "De-Lovely."

Uma Thurman got the second nomination of her career for playing the same character, the Bride in "Kill Bill Volume 2."

Renee Zellweger equaled achievment, earning her second nomination for playing Bridget Jones. Keep that scorecard handy, 13 categories in all, 66 nominees. And that's just in film.

(END VIDEOTAPE) VARGAS: Recognize this place? At the Hollywood Entertainment Museum, they have got the original "Cheers" set right down to the beer mugs. "Cheers" was nominated an incredible ten times for best comedy at the Golden Globes, though it only won once.

Whose going to win in the TV categories this year? Well, joining me with the inside scoop is Craig Tomashoff of "TV Guide.

Well, thank you so much for joining us. Now, let's go to the comedy category.

CRAIG TOMASHOFF, TV GUIDE: Best comedy? I would give it to Arrested Development, becuase it's the funniest netword show on TV.

Arrested Development has probably got about as much of a chance, I think, as "Desperate Housewives."

VARGAS: Is there a hotter story out there than the ladies of Wisteria Lane?

TOMASHOFF: Getting all these Globe nominations is like the final proof it is the most popular show on the planet.

VARGAS: Do you think one could take home the gold?

TOMASHOFF: If I had to choose, I think it would be Teri Hatcher. She just seems like the, coming out of the show, she was probably the most recognizable TV name, I think, more than Nicollette Sheridan, more than Felicity Huffman, and more than Avalon Goria (ph).

VARGAS: Any surprises in the male category?

TOMASHOFF: I think probably what will happen -- which I guess would be a surprise to some people, but I wouldn't be surprised if Ian McShane wins for "Deadwood."

VARGAS: That's a very interesting show. Let's get into the drama category, actually. OK.

You've got "Deadwood." Not everyone has been watching this show.

TOMASHOFF: Oh yeah. I mean, that's why I think it has a better than average chance for winning the award and the best actor award, because it's one of those that's out there, people know it a bit, but they don't know it the way the Hollywood Foreign Press probably wants people to know it.

VARGAS: Best actress in a drama.

TOMASHOFF: Jennifer Garner may actually win, just because part of this is also who's hot right now.

VARGAS: All right. Let's move to best actor category in the comedy series.

TOMASHOFF: I would like to see it go to Jason Bateman, who's the underrated reason why Arrested Development works.

VARGAS: Well, thank you so much, Craig.

Don't forget, the "TV Guide" has a special Globes issue on news stands now.

No doubt the most talked-about new show this fall is "Desperate Housewives." As we were just saying, it got five Golden Globe nominations, including one for best comedy and another for Teri Hatcher, the former star of "Lois and Clark."

CNN's Brooke Anderson met up with the actress who's gone from Lois Lane to Wisteria Lane.


HATCHER: I have a date, right now with Mike. We kissed, FYI.

I was really confident that it was good. And when we shot the pilot, I just knew it was really special.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How was your big date?

HATCHER: Mike had to reschedule.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Gosh, how devastating for you FYI.

BROOKE ANDERSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): On the day this new series struck gold, I stopped by Teri Hatcher's house to dish about being desperate.

HATCHER: I'm so happy for everybody. It's just, you know, I guess you just look at it as the whole show really just being honored, and we're all so grateful to be in it and part of it.

It's so rare to be able to combine such kind of honest voices of motherhood and womanhood with humor and unpredictability and mystery, and edginess.

I love physical comedy, that whole episode when I got locked out naked.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are you doing?

HATCHER: I locked myself out, naked.


HATCHER: And then I fell. So how are you?

It's truly one of the best things I've ever had a chance to play ever.

I do kind of think what are they going to put me through this week? That's become kind of the on the set joke, what disaster is she walking into? The place where Susan and I relate is probably more like the quirky klutzy, goofy, insecure.

What is wrong with you? Lassie would have had a fire truck here by now.

Nothing has changed for my life, except CNN is in my dining room. That didn't happen 6 months ago.

ANDERSON: Nor did catching the eye of top designers for award season.

HATCHER: I had one designer send me sketches last week, which is the first time I ever got sketches. Being Cinderella for a day.

Who knows how long will it last, so sort of a, always waiting for the other shoe to drop on my head kind of person. So, you know, I'm taking it one day at a time and not getting caught up in all the hoo- ha.

We just got off on the wrong foot. We're best buddies now.


VARGAS: What's Nicole going to wear? And how about Renee? When the road to Gold continues, find out how the stars are dressing up Golden Globes style.

And throughout our show, we're counting down the top 10 best moments in Golden Globes history.




JACK NICHOLSON, ACTOR: I want to thank my fellow nominees. Thank you.

TOM O'NEIL, AUTHOR: In 1998, Jack Nicholson mooned the audience when he won best actor for "As Good As It Gets."

NICHOLSON: I'm sorry. Yeah, I know, I know.

O'NEIL: He kept his trousers up, but he still pointed his butt at that audience.


BETTE MIDLER, ACTRESS: Gee, it feels good.

O'NEIL: At the Globes they're still talking about Bette Midler's acceptance speech one year...

MIDLER: I'm reminded of when Joan Crawford, actually, one her Golden Globes and she said, I can't do it, I can't. I have to be tasteful. they told me I was supposed to be -- she said, I'll show you a pair of Godden Globes.


VARGAS: Watching the fashions is a big part of what makes the Golden Globes so fun. To find out what the stars will be wearing, I dashed off to New York to visit with a leading stylist, the one and only Philip Bloch.


PHILIP BLOCH, DESIGNER: Here we are at Bergdorf Goodman. They have dresses waiting for us right at the doorway.

Let's start with the jewelry first.

VARGAS: Let's do it.

BLOCH: My favorite jeweler Lorraine Schwartz, big chandaliers, very Deborah Messing, Sara Jessica Parker.

You can't have an award show without vintage jewelry. Natalie Portman, she loves that kind of vintagey feel.

You can see like Ashley Judd in something like this before she did that whole '20s look one time with the very chains.

VARGAS: What differs in the style of celebrities and what they wear for the Golden Globes?

BLOCH: A little more casual. Because we've had a few coketails and it's the beginning of the awards season. By the Oscars, everybody's like I'm going to let them have it in my ball gown.

VARGAS: Is there going to be a color that's going to stand out this year.

BLOCH: At the Emmies, we saw a lot of money green, which Hollywood likes money.

The designers were doing a lot of white. Halle Berry was white dress, but we actually dyed it the light blue the night before.

Look at this one.

VARGAS: Oh, that's beautiful.

BLOCH: Look at that. There's a lot of cha-cha-cha in that dress.

VARGAS: I could see Nicole Kidman wearing this.

BLOCH: Couldn't you? That is such a Nicole Kidman dress, right?

We would put like a nude lining in there. You don't want any wardrobe malfunctions.

VARGAS: Absolutely not.

BLOCH: Let me show you a few of the things I brought that kind of help underneath it all. Double-sided tape, really important.

VARGAS: Jennifer Lopez made that Versace dress famous. This is what kept her together.

BLOCH: Right there, boom-boom.

Oprah has worn something about this designer.

This is similar to the dress that Renee wore at the Oscars. Remember, with Carolina Herrera dress?

Now this is Carolina Herrera, a favorite of Selma Hayek, Courtney Cox.

Since "Sex and the City" has gone off the air and "Friends" are gone, it's all about the women of "Desperate Housewives."

Eva Langoria (ph).


BLOCH: Definitely could see her in something like this. She's definitely one to dress the season.

VARGAS: Who do you think we're going to be hearing about the next day?

BLOCH: Jennifer Garner, Renee, Nicole, Cate Blanchett, always style icon. Drea de Mateo (ph) maybe, we'll surprise us, Mariska Hardagay (ph), looked so gorgeous at the Emmys.

So, you never know who is going to be the style star of the night that's going to surprise you.


VARGAS: Thank you, Philip, for helping us out in New York.

Well, what will Jamie Foxx be wearing to the Golden Globes? I'm not sure, but he could leave with these accessories, a trio of Golden Globe statuette. With two nomination in film and one in TV, Jamie Foxx is suddenly the man of the moment.


JAMIE FOXX, ACTOR: Damn it. My man, are you all right?

VARGAS: "Collateral."


VARGAS: "Ray."

FOXX: I told you from the get-go it was about survival, survival is why we were here. That's just the way it's been throughout history.

VARGAS: And "Redemption," the Stan "Tookie" Williams story. What a year 2004 was for Jamie Foxx who got recognition for 3 performances.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Jamie Foxx, "Collateral," Jamie Foxx, "Ray."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jamie Foxx, "Redemption."

VARGAS: He's the first person in Golden Globes history to earn three actor nominations in a single year. He's already won a bunch of critics awards.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So where are you at in your career?

FOXX: I'm in the best spot in my life.

VARGAS: At 37, Foxx has come a long way from his comedic days on "In Living Color."

And movies like "Booty Call."

But while doing those movies and paying his dues, Foxx always had his eyes on the acting prize.

FOXX: It's a great day. It's a great thing. I've always thought, if you play basketball, you want to go to the championship.

VARGAS: At the ceremony, Foxx hopes to hear his name after, "and the Golden Globe goes to." But if it doesn't happen, he'll still walk away with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

FOXX: Whether it happens or not, you know, at least we know we're walking in the right direction.

ANNOUNCER: Coming up, one on one with "Being Julia's," Annette Bening. The Golden Globe nominee talks about her plans for the night.

BENING: Well, I hope they serve alcohol at the tables.

ANNOUNCER: And Kevin Spacey dares to play Daryn.

KEVIN SPACEY, ACTOR: He said I don't think you should act it. I don't think you should sing it, you shouldn't direct it and you're too old to play it.

ANNOUNCER: That's next when the "Road to Gold" returns.


O'NEIL: You will hear thank-yous at the Golden Globes that you would never hear at the Oscars.

PITT: I would like to thank the members of -- actually the makers of Kaopectate.

O'NEIL: I don't think the dinner was that good at the banquet that year.




MICHAEL DOUGLAS, ACTOR: I don't believe this. We have a three- way tie.

O'NEIL: There has never been a three-way tie in the history of any show business award except at the Globes in 1989.

DOUGLAS: Jody Foster, "The Accused." Shirley McClain," "Madam Sousatzka" and Sigornie Weaver, "Gorillas in the Mist."


VARAGS: Fans of Annette Bening know her as a true American beauty, but she plays a British beauty in "Being Juliam" the role that earned her a Golden Globes nomination for best actress in a musical or comedy.

I got together with her at L.A.'s Geffen Playhouse to talk about her work and being Annette.


BENING: You have never understood what it means to carry a play, to sweat it out night after night. I'm the only one who takes it seriously, Michael, you know that.

VARGAS (on camera): Julia is a diva.

BENING: She is.

Well, she's a great actress of her time. She's a theater actress, London 1938. A marvelously accomplished star of the London stage. And It's sort of all about what happens to her.

BENING: All's fair in love and -- oh, the word escapes me.

Ben, B-E-N.

VARGAS: I have to ask you, are you a diva?

BENING: No, I don't think so. I have my diva moments, I guess, but No, I'm not a diva like she is.

No. This is a woman very different than I am. I love her. I love her vitality and her energy and her interest in life, and so much fun to play this woman, because it's sort of a dream part.

VARGAS: Suer. And then you've got the haird and the clothes and all that.

BENING: I've asked actors in the past. You know, sometimes you take that home with you? Do you ever take your lines home with you?

BENING: That's a good question. I don't think so. I know Julia does. There are a couple moments in the script where she says the same thing in different circumstances...

BENING: It's as if the curtains come down, and I have no idea what happens in act 2. I'm in sort of a limbo, waiting for something to happen.

BENING: I feel really lucky. I love what I do, I love my work I have an incredible family, I have beautiful children, a fantastic husband. I do have all of those things, it's true. And I'm very, very fortunate, because I get to do the work that is so much a part of me.

BENING: What is it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why did you give such a lousy performance?

BENING: A lousy performance?


BENING: That just shows how little you know. I've never acted better in my life.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Balls, you were awful.

BENING: He adorned me tonight.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The public are jack asses. You were barnstorming, false from beginning to end.

BENING: How dare you speak to me like that. Get out of my room.

BENING: The process of making something is really fun, whether or not it's well-received. So when something is well-received and people like it, then it's just icing on the cake.

VARGAS: What are you looking forward to most at the Golden Globes?

BENING: I hope they serve alcohol at the tables. What I'm looking forward to is a nice glass of champagne and, you know, enjoying, celebrating, having a good time.


VARGAS: Annette's costart in "American Beauty," Kevin Spacey, is up for a Golden Globe himself for "Beyond the Sea." He plays the late, great entertainer Bobby Darin who was known for songs like "Mack the Knife" and "Splish Splash." Darin recorded a lot of his hits in Studio A at Capital Records in Hollywood. And that's where I caught up with Kevin to talk about his labor of love.


VARGAS: Why you so connected with Bobby Darin?

SPACEY: I love the challenge of doing as many things in your life as you possibly can. Bobby wanted more and he didn't want to settle for what came easy or what for him didn't get him out of bed in the morning. I'm very much that kind of person.

SPACEY: I want it all. I want the major leagues, I want nightclubbing, I want Vegas, movie, TV.

SPACEY: And for a long time it was my dream. And as each person came on to the project, I feel like everybody made my dream their dream.

VARGAS (voice-over): A dream that began to tame shape more than five years ago at the world's famous Capital Records building in Hollywood.

SPACEY: Well, we started working on the music in about '99. And then we came into this studio where Bobby recorded as well a Sinatra and all the greats have been in this room.

JOHN GOODMAN, ACTOR: Didn't I tell you? You're playing the Copa.

SPACEY: You're freaking kidding me.

GOODMAN: I got the call this morning, bigshot.

SPACEY: No, no, no way!

VARGAS (on camera): You've got the best seal of approval. I mean, you've got Darin's son. Initially though, I hear he was, like, over my dead body.

STACEY: And that was Steve Blouner (ph) and I think Bob -- Steve was Bobby's manager for a long time, the character that John Goodman plays in the film. He said, I don't think you should act it, I don't think you shouldn't sing it, you shouldn't direct it and you're too old to play it.

And I said, well, sit down, Steve we'll get over that.

GOODMAN: That was perfect.

SPACEY: We can do it better.

VARGAS (voice-over): As persuasive as talented, Spacey not only headlines and directs "Beyond the Sea", he also does his own singing. Spacey's role on screen has even inspired a real-life ten-city concert tour in which the star pays homage to Darin.

(on camera): You throw yourself completely into this. And what strikes me is, were you intimidated at all?

SPACEY: Huge, hugely. His voice is just extraordinarily strong, and his range is great. And I was definitely -- you know, I went through many sleepless nights thinking had I bitten off more than I can chew, am I ever get close? And now that it's done, I think, well, you know, it's a version of Bobby Darin, it's my version of Bobby Darin. And I'm delighted that we've gotten close to honor him. But the truth is nobody will ever get that close. This was a man who was in a league all his own.

ANNOUNCER: When "Road to Gold" continues..

DON CHEADLE, ACTOR: My name is...

ANNOUNCER: Don Cheadle comes face-to-face with the man he plays on screen.

And if these folks look familiar, there's a reason. They're all children of famous parents. And they've all played a special role at the Golden Globes. The details coming up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mickey Rooney is going to accept.

O'NEIL: Perhaps the most tintilating moment in Globe history occurred back in the 1950s, when Mickey Rooney stood in for (UNINTELLIGIBLE) to receive a special award. Lucky for Mickey, he only stood so high, because the presenter was Jayne Mansfield.

MICKEY ROONEY, ACTOR: Who wants to be tall?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In 1978, we learned that the Golden Globe isn't solid gold when Red Skelton received the Cecil B. de Mille Award and it broke in half.

RED SKELTON, ACTOR (video clip): I brought it already.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This was contagious. Later, Lawrence Olivier snapped his Golden Globe in half.

LAWERENCE OLIVIER, ACTOR: Well, that's something historic.

VARGAS: The basis for "Hotel Rwanda" isn't a screenplay, but the history books. This true story is up for three Golden Globes including best drama and best actor for Don Cheadle. CNN's Therese (ph) spoke with Cheadle and the remarkable man he plays on screen.


DON CHEADLE, ACTOR: Let them know if they let go of that hand, you will die. We must shame them into sending help. Most importantly, this cannot be a refugee camp until the Hamway (ph) believe that the Meekoling (ph) is a four-star Sabina (ph) hotel, that is the only thing that's keeping us alive.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This movie is based around the idea that the world abandoned Rwanda at a moment that Rwanda need the world.

PAUL RUSESABAGINA, GENOCIDE SURVIVOR: Well, this happened in Rwanda and the whole world instead of intervening turned its back.

CHEADLE: How can they not intervene when they witness such atrocities?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think that people see this footage, they'll say my God, that's horrible, and then go on eating their dinners.

CHEADLE: One of the characters in the movie says it's not worth a single vote to any of the other leaders to intervene. Yeah, when you have no oil and nothing -- no up side other than saving lives, but risking your own people, it can be a political debacle.

50,000 francs for my wife and children.

It's really a story about a man and his family. It's hard to get your head around the entire thing. If you can get your head around how it affects one man and his family.

I will give you 100,000 francs for all of them.

He's not a heroic figure, who's dashing the adversaries against - It's not this sort of swashbuckling thing at all. Paul was doing what was in front of him and what he had to do day to day just to live.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This doesn't exist if you don't take the risk of your life for your fellow countrymen.

RUSESABAGINA: Well, to me I didn't risk my life. When I was doing what I did in 1994, during the genocide, I knew I was going to die. I thought I'm going to do it and I'm doing it is my duty and responsibility, and an even my obligation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A moral responsibility?

RUSESABAGINA: A moral responsibility. That was my obligation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did they bring the film to you, or did you say we've got to do something about Rwanda?

CHEADLE: This was a script that was brought to me. I said I want to do the part, but I said I agree you've got to do this movie at all costs. And I'm very glad it came my way.

They men are not here to help us. Please, there is nothing we can do. Get your people on the bus, I will take care of the others. It is of no use, father. Please hurry.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you know how many people in Rwanda were killed?

RUSESABAGINA: Well, some people say that 800,000 were killed.


RUSESABAGINA: But I believe they killed more than a million.

CHEADLE: I never go this movie will change this social - It's going to change the policy, but at least it's a film really about something, and it has a shot to at least flicker a light in some people's minds. And I think that's powerful.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can own this freaking hotel except for one thing, you're black.


VARGAS: We've heard about a lot of the films. Now let's hear from the critics. I chatted with some of the best at a glamorous location well-known to the Globes.


VARGAS: We're at poolside at the Beverly Hilton Hotel where the awards takes place. Joining me now is our distinguished panel of critics. David Ansen of "Newsweek," Claudia Puig of "USA Today" and last but certainly not least, Todd Gold of "People Magazine." Thank you guys so much for being with us. Let's jump right into the drama category. You have "The Aviator," "Closer," "Finding Neverland," "Hotel Rwanda," "Kinsey" and "Million Dollar Baby." Who deserves to win and who will take home the gold?

DAVID ANSEN, "NEWSWEEK": I'm torn because there is two movies here that I really like. "Million Dollar Baby," and "The Aviator." One is huge and kind of stylistically dazzling, which is the Scorcese and the other kind of simpler but more emotional.

CLAUDIA PUIG, "USA TODAY": But there is a chance, I think, for "Finding Neverland." Because there is a great affection for that movie.

TODD GOLD, "PEOPLE MAGAZINE": "Hotel Rwanda" grips you and moves you to tears. It is as affecting as "Schindler's List" was and you don't want to overlook it.

VARGAS: So we know your favorites. What do you think will take the gold, though?

ANSEN: I would probably vote for the Eastwood.

PUIG: I would vote for "The Aviator." I think I would go the other way, but ...

GOLD: I think I'm leaning towards Eastwood.

VARGAS: Let's talk about the male category. We've got Don Cheadle in "Hotel Rwanda," Liam Neeson in "Kinsey," Leonardo DiCaprio in "Aviator", Javier Bardem in "See Inside" and Johnny Depp in "Finding Neverland." Who do you think will take home the gold?

ANSEN: These are all good performances. Depp has the advantage of that sympathy for Depp, the fact that he didn't win the Oscar last year, but I don't think this is his very strongest work.

PUIG: For my money, Javier Bardem. I think he was so fantastic in "The See Inside."

GOLD: I think Leo will take this category, I think he is going to take it because he is a movie star, and the Hollywood foreign press loves movie stars.

LEONARDO DICAPRIO, ACTOR: You can't subpoena me, you can arrest me, you can claim that I've folded up and taken a run-out powder, but I've had just about enough of this nonsense. Good afternoon.

VARGAS: Let's move on to the females. You've got Scarlett Johansson, "A Love Song for Bobby Long" Nicole Kidman for her work in "Birth," Imelda Staunton in "Vera Drake," Hilary Swank for "Million Dollar Baby," and Uma Thurman in "Kill Bill Volume II." What's that all about?

PUIG: Rule that one out. Not that she wasn't good. But that movie was too violent for ...

ANSEN: It tells you something and it's a very strange list and it tells you about how few great parts there were for women in dramas.

PUIG: Immelda Staunton, her performance was amazing.

IMMELDA STAUNTON, ACTRESS: I need help. Who else are the going to turn to? They got no one, I help them out.

PUIG: Her performance was the best.

ANSEN: It really is a great performance.

GOLD: She's gotten by us (ph) but now it's Hilary Swank's moment I think.

ANSEN: Swank is an interesting actress. She thrives in roles of extremity.

HILARY SWANK, ACTRESS: I see you looking at me.

CLINT EASTWOOD, ACTOR: Yeah, out of pity.

SWANK: Don't you say that. Don't you say that if it ain't true.

PUIG: And I think Nicole Kidman is one of those people that if she's in a movie, she gets nominated.

ANSEN: But I think she deserves it, actually.

PUIG: She was good in "Birth," yeah.

ANSEN: It's a very odd movie but I think it's some of her best work.

VARGAS: Let's move on to the best director category. You've got Clint Eastwood for "Million Dollar Baby." Mike Forester for "Finding Neverland." Mike Nichols for "Closer." Alexander Payne for "Sideways" and Martin Scorcese, "The Aviator."

I keep on hearing that Martin Scorcese, that it's his year.

PUIG: I wouldn't be surprised.

ANSEN: I wouldn't be surprised either. I think he is overdue.

PUIG: And Clint Eastwood has (CROSSTALK) and he is 74 and they are very conscious of that, too.

GOLD: And the movie is very good. This is the real heart of the movie year to me.

VARGAS: So we all agree that it might be between Scorcese and Eastwood.

ANSEN: I think so, even though "Sideways" got the most nominations of all the films.

VARGAS: OK. Hold that thought. Coming up, we'll tilt sideways to talk about the comedy/musical category. Don't go away.


SHARON STONE, ACTRESS (video clip): No one is more surprised than me, OK.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My favorite acceptance speech is Sharon Stone winning for best actress in "Casino." She said ...

STONE (video clip): It's just. It's a mir - OK, it's a miracle.


JIMMY STEWART (video clip): I'm very honored to receive this award.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jimmy Stewart was always cast as Holywood's everyman, but at the 1965 Globes we saw a bit more of his aristocratic side when he received the Cecil B. De Mille Award.

STEWART (video clip): If genius is not a foolish word to say in our craft, Cecil B. De Mille was one. Not that he was infallible, as a matter of fact, I always thought that I would have been a very good choice for the male lead in "Sampson and Delilah."


VARGAS: We're back talking Globes with our panel of critics, David Ansen of "Newsweek," Claudia Puig of "USA Today" and Todd Gold of "People Magazine." Now the Golden Globes, of course, splits its best picture category into two. You've got the drama and then you've got the musical/comedy. Let's talk about musical/comedy. You've got "The Incredibles," "Phantom of the Opera," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," "Ray," and "Sideways."

ANSEN: It's a very eclectic bunch.

VARGAS: Let's talk about "Sideways." Seven nominations. Deserving?

ANSEN: Totally deserving.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Let's go back to my place. I've got wine, some sang (ph) cheeses, music, whatever.


GOLD: In the way the Beatles wrote very simple songs about love, this movie is a simple, yet very complex movie about love.

VARGAS: But how do you compare that to the "Phantom of the Opera"? Something that's so grand?

PUIG: I don't think "Phantom" is going to figure into this.

VARGAS: Who do you think are the real contenders here?

ANSEN: "Ray" and "Sideways."

PUIG: "Ray" and "Sideways." Yeah.

ANSEN: It's going to be a two-way battle.

VARGAS: I thought Taylor Hackford did an amazing job.

ANSEN: It's got great music. It's got a great ensemble cast.

VARGAS: Let's talk about Fox and the best actors. This man is definitely the Fox factor. He's got so much buzz. He's also up against Jim Carrey from "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," Paul Giamati who is "Sideways." Great performance. Kevin Kline from "De- Lovely." And Kevin Spacey from "Beyond the Sea." Let's talk about Jamie Fox.

PUIG: Obviously the Hollywood foreign press really loves his acting. Because he got three nominations, which is something new.

JAMIE FOX, ACTOR: You're the ones that taught me that making a record is business. And find the best business deal that you can. Now 75 cents of every dollar and owning my own masters is a pretty good deal. Can you match it?

GOLD: I watch that movie and now I get Ray Charles.

ANSEN: Whereas, my problem "Beyond the Sea," Spacey's singing was extraordinary. I never believed I was watching Bobby Darrin.

VARGAS: Let's move on to the ladies in this category. You've got Annette Bening for "Being Julia," Ashley Judd for "De-Lovely," Emmy Rossum for "The Phantom of the Opera." And Kate Winslet for "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and Renee Zellweger for "Bridget Jones, the Edge of Reason."

PUIG: I actually think the person who is most deserving is probably Kate Winslet. But Annette benign is probably the person who's going to win. The role was such a tour de force. It was made for award winning.

ANSEN: I think it's a better performance than you give her credit for. I think it's Bening at her very best.

PUIG: Personally, I think Kate Winslet is more subtle and fantastic.

KATE WINSLET, ACTRESS: This is it, though. It's going to be gone soon.


WINSLET: What do we do?

VARGAS: How much do Globe noms actually influence the Oscars?

PUIG: That's the problem for the Academy. They feel they're way too influential. As the Golden Globes have crept up in importance and significance, that's when you saw the change in dates for the Academy Awards. I think they have a lot of influence.

GOLD: There was concern with the Academy Awards people that the Globes was encroaching. But it's all about the love of movies. It's about celebrating movies and actors. Which is really fun. This is America getting to celebrate our version of royalty. And we go over the top. That's what's so fun about the movies.

VARGAS: Well, David Ansen, Claudio Puig and Todd Gold, tthank you all so much for your thoughts.

PUIG: Thank you.

GOLD: Thanks.


VARGAS: Even as we speak, the Hollywood foreign press is putting the final touches on the Golden Globes. Can you imagine what it takes to throw one of the biggest award shows in the world? To get an idea, we went behind the scenes.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The challenges for the show are unlike challenges for most. The ballroom is a small space. And what that does to the show is it creates an intimacy and density of stars that you don't get with other award shows. This year, the ball room was remodeled. And there were new challenges that we faced. The design team works up to the last minute. We're constantly looking at the monitors, checking and seeing the shots and making changes, tweaking things. Yeah, we go the last possible moment.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is my first time at the Golden Globe. And I am ready for it. It's a different type of the main course, on the same plate. One is a fish flown in from Hawaii. We expect about 500 pounds of the beef tenderloin. And almost the same or a little more of the fish. We have to serve right on time.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This year's presenter box is valued at over $38,000. It's our biggest box to date. There's a travel adventure trip to Australia. The trip is valued at over $16,000. There is a photography package by Judy Host valued at over $5,000. There's also a variety of products from Kielts (ph) for men and women, it's a package valued at $540. There is several pieces of jewelry. It's a little bit of everything that they're looking for. Electronics, travel, beauty. And so it's trying to create a whole package.


ANNOUNCER: Coming up, one of the world's funniest people gets one of the industry's biggest honors. And meet some people who got a hold of more Golden Globes than anyone else. But they had to give them all away. That's when the "Road to Gold" continues.

MICHAEL J. FOX (video clip): Christine Lahti.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In 1998 when Christine Lahti was named best TV comedy actress for "Chicago Hope," and she was nowhere to be seen, and Michael J. Fox stalled for awhile.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Paging Miss Christine Lahti.

LAHTI: You know, I was in the bathroom, mom.



VARGAS: Robin Williams has been able to work on his Golden Globes acceptance speech for weeks now. That's because his award was announced in advance. The actor and comedian is receiving a prestigious award named for this man -- Cecil B. De Mille. As the Hollywood Foreign Press has recognizes, Robin's one of a kind.

ROBIN WILLIAMS, ACTOR (video clip): Good morning Vietnam!

VARGAS: From early morning wakeup calls, to late-night comedy specials, Robin Williams is best known for making us laugh anytime, anywhere.

WILLIAMS (video clips): Hello, I'm Barbara Bush.

Bob Hope, live, right here.

Donner, party of 50.

You do fussy, fussy, fussy. You do Martha Graham, Martha Graham.

VARGAS: Now after 11 Golden Globe nominations and five wins, Williams is set to be the golden boy once again.

WILLIAMS (video clip): I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. De Mille.

VARGAS: Ready indeed. The Hollywood foreign press is giving Williams its highest honor. The Cecil B. De Mille award to contribution to entertainment.

WILLIAMS (video clip): I love going to the golden globes, because it's really fun. In the past they had an open bar which made for interesting acceptance speeches. The famous Gerard Depardieu speech: "I love you all. Give me a big wet kiss. Come on, play with me."

VARGAS: From his first passion, stand-up comedy ...

WILLIAMS (video clip): Enron ron, enron ron.

VARGAS: To his academy award-winning performance in "Good Will Hunting."

WILLIAMS (video clip): I bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel.

VARGAS: Williams talents cross almost every genre. And it even came in handy during past Golden Globe telecasts.

WILLIAMS (video clip): In the words of George Bush, Arigato, because I am ...

VARGAS: This Golden Globe Sunday, Williams will add another statue to his mantle. And undoubtedly people watching will find a few more reasons to laugh.

WILLIAMS (video clip): The best is yet to come.

VARGAS: One person you'll see on the red carpet and during the show is Miss Golden Globe. Every year the Hollywood Foreign Press names the daughter or son of a star to take on that ceremonial role. Passing out the trophies to all of the winners. This year it's Clint Eastwood's daughter Katherine. To see what she's in for, CNN's Brooke Anderson met up with others who had been there before.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Elizabeth Shatner.

ANDERSON (voice-over): William Shatner's daughter, Elizabeth, was Miss Golden Globe 1985.

ELIZABETH SHATNER, FORMER MISS GOLDEN GLOBE: I got teased a lot. There goes Miss Golden Globes. And I'd say, "it's singular."

ANDERSON (on camera): Golden globes could have a double connotation there. You want to stick with singular.

SHATNER: Singular all the way.

ANDERSON (voice-over): Tim Reed's daughter Tori took the daughter in 1999.

TORI REED, FORMER MISS GOLDEN GLOBE: The spotlight is on you. 55 million viewers my year were watching me. Jim Carrey, one of my favorite actors, gave me a standing ovation.

ANDERSON (on camera): Were you nervous at all? Did everything go smooth by with that process?

SHATNER: I didn't trip or, you know, do anything terrible that you would fantasizing your worst nightmare, that you fall flat on your face in front of Michael Douglas or something.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She currently stars on the NBC daytime drama "Passions." Please welcome tonight's Miss Golden Globe, Liza Hubert (ph).

ANDERSON (voice-over): Susan Lucci's daughter was Miss Golden Globe 2000.

(on camera) How does one prepare to be Miss Golden Globe?

LISA HUBER, FORMER MISS GOLDEN GLOBE: I tried not even to think about it. You don't even want to think about the company that you're in. I was standing shoulder to shoulder with Steven Spielberg.

ANDERSON (voice-over): So how does one become miss golden globe?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They called and asked.

KEVIN COSTNER, ACTOR: She's just not pretty enough, is she.

SHATNER: My understanding of what Miss Golden Globe does now is different than what I did. They get to go down the red carpet.

HUBER: I got to walk down the red carpet.

SHATNER: They get a dress provided to them.

REED: Actually, I had two dresses.

SHATNER: I didn't have any of that.

ANDERSON: Times have changed.

SHATNER: I need a do-over. I want two tickets, a dress and a stroll down the red carpet with my dad.

ANDERSON: Shatner and I practiced how to properly present, just in case she gets that do-over.

SHATNER: Best actress goes to Brooke.

ANDERSON (on camera): Thank you, Elizabeth.

SHATNER: You step back. You know, let the person have their moment. And ...


VARGAS: Thank you for joining us on the "Road to Gold. But before we go, can I get a drum roll, please? We've got to share our choice for the all-time best moment in the history of the Golden Globes. It's from January 18th, 1998. It involved two actors and one trophy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (video clip): Ving Rhames.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In 1998, when Ving Rhames won best actor in a TV movie for "Don King, Only in America," he got a little emotional.

VING RHAMES (video clip): I'd like to give this to you, Mr. Jack Lemmon.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jack was so embarrassed when Jack stood there, shoulder to shoulder, with Ving. This was the poignant human moment played out that you rarely see at show business awards.

JACK LEMMON, ACTOR (video clip): That is one of the nicest, sweetest moments I've ever known in my life.

VARGAS: Who could forget that moment. Well, more memories are sure to be made at the 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards. To the nominees, good luck. And to you, thanks for watching. For more on the Golden Globes, be sure to visit our website at, from the Hollywood Entertainment Museum, I'm Sibila Vargas, on "The Road to Gold."