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Showbiz Tonight
Aired May 06, 2005 - 19:00 ET
KARYN BRYANT, CO-HOST: "Idol" fall-out. We have Corey Clark live.
A.J. HAMMER, CO-HOST: Plus Jet Li and Morgan Freeman in the "SHOWBIZ Sitdown." I`m A.J. Hammer.
BRYANT: I`m Karyn Bryant. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.
HAMMER: "Idol" aftershock. Corey Clark is here live on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, and there could be another bombshell.
BRYANT: Mom`s the word. Just in time for Mother`s Day, we ask the stars about their favorite TV moms.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She had the whole motherhood idea down.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Bad hair but great car (ph). Great car.
HAMMER: "Unleashed," a powerful new movie with a disturbing concept and two really big stars. Tonight, Morgan Freeman and Jet Li join us live.
BRYANT: Young, powerful, talented. "Teen People" names the "25 Hottest Stars Under 25," and we`ve got the list.
HAMMER: Raising the king. Camryn Manheim tells us what it`s like to play Elvis` mom.
CAMRYN MANHEIM, "ELVIS: THE EARLY YEARS": I`m Camryn Manheim, and if it happened today, it`s on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.
BRYANT: Hello. I`m Karyn Bryant, and you are at the top of the show.
HAMMER: I`m A.J. Hammer. We are live with you from Headline Prime studios in New York City for the next hour.
BRYANT: Well, the "American Idol" expose, part two. "Idol" judge Paula Abdul spoke out today for the first time since former "Idol" contestant Corey Clark claimed she privately coached him and had an affair with him while he was on the show.
HAMMER: We`re going to speak with Corey Clark live in just one second, but before we do that, here`s what Paula Abdul had to say today. In her statement, she said, quote, "All my life, I`ve been taught to take the high road and never to dignify salacious or false accusations. And I have been taught never, never to lie. Not only do I never lie, I never respond to lies, no matter how vicious, no matter how hurtful." Abdul went on to say, "I do trust my fans, who can see through attempts at character assassination, and I do trust the essential fairness of the American public."
Right now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Corey Clark is joining us live. Corey, you see what Paula had to say.
HAMMER: You heard the words. How do you respond to that?
CLARK: What lies is she talking about? You know, like, which lies is she referring to, is really, like -- that`s kind of a broad, sweeping general statement, you know?
HAMMER: It seems she`s talking about character assassination?
CLARK: That`s what it seems. I mean, you know, I`m sure she`s had plenty of that before in the past, so, you know, it`s, like, get more specific. What are you talking about?
HAMMER: So no specific response to the statement that she put out.
CLARK: No, that`s -- my -- that`s what I`m saying, like...
CLARK: ... what -- what lies is she saying? Is she saying I`m lying now, or is she saying -- talking about some lies that happened in her past before or what, you know?
HAMMER: That`s unclear to you.
CLARK: Right.
HAMMER: OK. Well, the word...
CLARK: ... few people.
HAMMER: The word "opportunistic" certainly has come up since these allegations arose.
HAMMER: You`ve been hearing it a lot. You`ve been sitting around with people and talking about what`s been going on...
HAMMER: ... people alleging that you brought all of this to the table to sell your book, to boost CD sales, when you finally drop your first CD. What do you say to people who are viewing this whole situation as being opportunistic?
CLARK: I mean, you know, they`re going to see it the way that they see it. You know, half is going to think you`re doing it for this reason, and the other half is going to think you`re doing it for that reason. And you know, at the end of the day, I`m trying to set my record straight for people because it hasn`t been straight for two years, and you know, I -- it hasn`t been an easy road, man. You know, "American Idol" has made it a really hard lifestyle for me to live out there, you know?
HAMMER: So why do it all now, though, Corey? You know, why not let a little time breathe before -- your book went on sale the night that the "Primetime Live" special aired. Why not wait on that? Don`t you feel that would lend a little more credibility to what, you know, is going on here?
CLARK: Why wait? That`s a better question. You know, it`s been -- it`s been...
HAMMER: So you are taking advantage of the opportunity. You know, as long as you`re out here doing the circuit and talking to people and the "Primetime Live" special aired, you`re taking advantage of that. So your name`s out there, may as well sell some books and let people know about the CD?
CLARK: Yes. You know, I mean, makes sense to me, you know what I`m saying? At the end of the day, I mean, if people are upset because I can`t afford to let people know the truth, then that`s fine.
One thing I guess I got to straighten up is that ABC`s special didn`t focus 100 percent on what all of our interviews were about. You know, they left a lot of stuff out about the "American Idol" show and why I said Paula Abdul risked so much in helping me. And I think that that would have brought a different light to the show, if that would have been left in. You know, she understood that the show was exploiting me and my fellow contestants, and that`s what she was helping me navigate.
And what I was, I guess, looking for her to do moreso now is to be, like, You know what? He`s right. We did. This is what happened. It`s not like I`m a victim. You know, I consented to it. I was an adult.
CLARK: It was cool, you know? But you know, she`s, like -- she`s saying I`m a liar, I`m a -- I`m an opportunist and I engaged in illegal activities and whatnot, and instead of saying that, We did that, but this is why we did it, you know, because this machine is, like, vicious with these people...
HAMMER: OK, let`s move on, then. Last night on the program, we had our little SHOWBIZ question of the night. We do it every night. And we asked viewers if they thought Paula Abdul should lose her job on "American Idol."
CLARK: I don`t think so.
HAMMER: Well, here`s what the results said: 71 percent say no, 29 percent say yes. So more people favor the idea that she shouldn`t lose her job.
HAMMER: You say you don`t think so.
CLARK: I don`t think she should, either.
HAMMER: Why do you think she should keep her job? What you`re alleging are improprieties...
CLARK: Right.
HAMMER: ... by the standards of this show. So why should she keep her job?
CLARK: I mean, at the end of the day, the show -- the show -- that show lives on controversy, you know? I`m sure they`re over there at FOX and "American Idol" right now just loving it. So at the end of the day, like, they`re standing behind convicted criminals, convicted felons. You know, it`s, like, why not? She just had sex with somebody. You know, everybody that`s on the planet has had sex to get here, so -- it`s not against the law. You know, if they`re going to stand behind felons, she`s a way bigger part of the show, they should keep her a part of it.
HAMMER: OK. Well, let`s -- let me give you a platform here. Let`s assume Paula Abdul`s watching Headline Prime right now. You have an opportunity -- in fact, why don`t we use this camera right here. You can talk to her and say anything you want. Right there.
CLARK: I hope that -- that you`re getting, you know, what you want out of this, you know what I`m saying? It`s definitely the time for you to let people know what`s happening on your end of it, you know? So you -- this is, you know, your opportunity to be bigger than the show.
HAMMER: One last question. Did she ever say at all while this was allegedly going on that you should keep quiet and not talk to people about it.
CLARK: I`m sorry?
HAMMER: When all of this was allegedly going on, when you were spending time with Paula Abdul at her house and going to the club and all the things that we saw on "Primetime Live," did she ever say you have to keep hush about this and...
CLARK: Oh, yes.
HAMMER: ... don`t talk to people about this?
CLARK: That was -- that was the precedent set from the get-go, even before she said it.
HAMMER: That she actually -- but she actually said this to you.
HAMMER: She said, Don`t talk to anybody about this.
CLARK: She said it. The lady that gave me the number said it.
HAMMER: OK. I just want to be clear on it. OK, Corey Clark, thanks for stopping by.
CLARK: Hey, thank you, Mr. Hammer.
HAMMER: OK -- Karyn.
BRYANT: Well, now we want to speak with two former "American Idol" contestants, both who were on season 2 with Corey Clark. Trenyce joins us from Los Angeles, and Carmen Rasmusen is in New York.
Now, Trenyce, you just heard everything Corey had to say for himself. Did you have any idea that anything clandestine was going on between Corey and Paula during the show?
TRENYCE, FORMER "AMERICAN IDOL" CONTESTANT: No. I didn`t know there was anything going on. I think he hid it very, very well. But now that I do know, I think that it`s very unfair. And on top of the other legal things that I can`t disclose of that he was trying to say, it -- it`s just unfortunate that people don`t know the bigger truth. Like I think I may have said yesterday, that`s not the biggest thing that happened on the show. And the whole part about Paula trying to help him, you know, against the machine makes a lot of sense to me because I know what we went through prior to all of this coming out for the past two years. So unfortunately, I can`t talk about it right now, again, but I do think that that part will come out, as well, eventually.
BRYANT: OK, well, Carmen, yes, I mean, that`s a question that we definitely have. There is this whole idea that once you sign onto the program, you know, you`re part of the "American Idol" machinery, and they may or may not help your career. What do you have to say about that?
CARMEN RASMUSEN, FORMER "AMERICAN IDOL" CONTESTANT: Right. You know what? The reason why we are where we are now is because of the "American Idol" show. The reason why Corey Clark is doing all these interviews and is in the public eye again was because he was on "American Idol" in the first place. And he says that now he`s just doing this to try to clear his conscience and to clear his mind. But you know, how could it give him peace of mind, knowing that he`s exploiting her in front of millions and millions of people? I mean, it seems to me that he needs a priest, rather than a record deal.
BRYANT: Well, here -- I tell you what, Trenyce and Carmen. Corey`s right here -- I mean, point blank. Go ahead ask him something that, you know, you want to know.
CLARK: Yes, ask me something you guys want to know. What`s up, ladies?
CLARK: How y`all doing?
RASMUSEN: I have a question for you, Corey.
CLARK: Oh, Carmen has a big question. What`s up?
RASMUSEN: I have a question, Corey.
RASMUSEN: How`re you doing?
CLARK: I`m doing really well.
RASMUSEN: All right.
CLARK: Seems like you`re doing pretty good, too.
RASMUSEN: Good. Yes. I am. All right, Corey, your mom knew about this. Your mom and dad knew about this, right?
RASMUSEN: Your friends knew about this.
RASMUSEN: And they said that they saw you in public with Paula...
CLARK: So did Kristin Holt.
RASMUSEN: ... being very affectionate with each other, right? OK, so did Kristin, all right? So the press was all over us. I mean, the entire time we were on "American Idol," we had tabloids writing stories about us.
CLARK: Right.
RASMUSEN: How come you think that there wasn`t a story written about this? How did you keep it quit for two years?
CLARK: Because, I mean, that was -- that was my job, you know what I`m saying? Like, I was supposed to. Like, I know you were only 17 when you were on the show, so you were locked away...
CLARK: ... with your parents a lot.
CLARK: And if you remember correctly, me and Ruben and Ricky`s room was way, way away from everybody else`s, pretty close to the exit.
CLARK: So that`s really how I got out a lot.
TRENYCE: I have a question for Carmen, actually.
CLARK: Oh, that`s a good question.
CLARK: This is great!
TRENYCE: Now, Carmen...
TRENYCE: ... you know, I`m not -- I`m not here to, like, attack anybody. And my integrity is very important to me, as well.
TRENYCE: But it just seems really, really odd that -- I mean, you were there. You witnessed everything that we went through. You knew exactly what was going on behind the scenes. And it just seems like you are making it seem like there`s no way possible, with everything that was going on behind the scenes, that Corey and Paula couldn`t have had a type of affair. I mean...
TRENYCE: I know you got the confidentiality agreement that "American Idol" sent to everyone when the story broke, telling them not to say anything against the contestants and the show and all of that, which was really a bully effect, you know, trying to hush everybody up. And it`s -- you know, I just really, really hope that -- you know, you know the truth. You know exactly what I`m talking about right now. So I just -- you know, I know you want to defend...
CLARK: It`s -- it`s funny.
TRENYCE: ... the machine and everything, Carmen, sweetie, but it`s just -- the truth is the truth and...
TRENYCE: You sound so rehearsed to me. It just...
RASMUSEN: Look, Trenyce, honestly, I -- I never knew -- Trenyce, honestly, I never knew that there was anything going on between Corey and Paula.
TRENYCE: No, no, no. I`m not saying...
RASMUSEN: I never saw him...
TRENYCE: I`m not saying that you knew anything was going on. I`m saying...
CLARK: Nobody knew.
TRENYCE: But I`m saying how...
CLARK: That was the whole point of it.
CLARK: It was a secret.
CLARK: Nobody knew.
RASMUSEN: So what are you saying? Trenyce, I`m sorry. What are you saying?
TRENYCE: I`m just saying that there were bigger things that were going on behind the scenes that made it quite possible for that to be happening...
CLARK: Oh, yes.
TRENYCE: ... if the other things were happening.
CLARK: Oh, yes.
TRENYCE: That`s what I`m trying to say.
CLARK: Oh, yes.
TRENYCE: But everyone is getting on TV, trying to make it seem like it is impossible...
CLARK: Like, Corey`s liar.
TRENYCE: ... completely impossible.
CLARK: As a matter of fact, I think Carmen said I was a liar yesterday on TV, right? She said, Corey`s a liar. You know, he -- you know, he...
RASMUSEN: Corey, no...
RASMUSEN: Corey? Corey?
CLARK: Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead.
RASMUSEN: I think, definitely, that there is truth to your statement. I think Paula absolutely called you and helped you with clothes and make-up and whatnot.
TRENYCE: That`s not what you said yesterday, Carmen.
RASMUSEN: ... on season one.
CLARK: Say it again?
RASMUSEN: No, yes, I did. I said -- no, I did. I said that I definitely believe that she was calling you. But you know, so what, if she was calling you and helping you and everything?
CLARK: But for three hours at a time? What were we talking about for three hours? I mean...
TRENYCE: Look, Carmen, I was Paula`s pick, and she gave me her phone number, but she didn`t give it to me on a piece of paper. And you know what else? I don`t have her home phone number, I just have her cell phone number. And it`s been two years, and I`ve talked to her on her cell phone maybe twice since -- you know, in the past two years. I don`t have her home phone number, sweetness.
CLARK: And you know, Clay this morning -- Clay said this morning that -- that he -- that we all, like, knew where the judges live. I don`t remember ever going on a field trip to their houses.
CLARK: And if "American Idol" was so great, why did Clay get out of his contract with them?
BRYANT: Right. Well, listen, I tell you what. If the three of you can -- because this is great -- we would love for you to stick around and keep talking.
CLARK: You`re good, Carmen.
BRYANT: Stay with us.
CLARK: You were good.
BRYANT: And upcoming on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT: Mother`s Day is this Sunday, and in honor of moms everywhere, we`re asking the stars about their favorite TV moms. That is ahead. Stay tuned.
BRYANT: Plus, Morgan Freeman and Jet Li. They are in a powerful new movie. Tonight, the stars of "Unleashed" join us, coming up.
BRYANT: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. In the wake of the "Idol" fall-out, we have got Trenyce, Carmen Rasmusen and Corey Craig (SIC) joining us here to talk...
CLARK: Clark!
BRYANT: ... Corey Clark -- my problem. Sorry about that!
BRYANT: ... Corey Clerk joining us here. Now, Trenyce, I want to start with you. Is there one thing that Corey hasn`t said that you want him to say or own up to or admit, at this point?
TRENYCE: No. I`ve been following pretty much everything that he`s been saying. Now, I want to go on record saying that I don`t know for a fact that he and Paula had a relationship. I wasn`t there. But what I do know from what I`ve seen is that he has been completely honest from day one. And I completely remember Corey saying back when we were on the show that he knew some things that were going on behind the scenes that we didn`t know about that he, you know, wanted to talk about. But during that time, I was thinking, OK, Corey, you know, you`re always missing. You`re never around. Maybe you`re just venting. But I remember him saying that quite a bit. And he never would...
BRYANT: That there was something.
TRENYCE: Yes. He never would say where it was coming from, but I definitely remember that.
BRYANT: Carmen, we`re running short on time, but is there one thing that you would like to hear from Corey?
RASMUSEN: You know what? No. But I would just like to say that I don`t think it`s fair to exploit someone in any way, true or false, in order to advance your career. Look, there are a lot of us didn`t win the "American Idol"...
CLARK: Right.
RASMUSEN: ... that didn`t win the "American Idol" contest
CLARK: Right.
RASMUSEN: But we are letting our music...
CLARK: But you guys got a fair shot at it.
RASMUSEN: We are letting -- but we are letting our music speak for us. We`re doing it the hard way.
CLARK: What do you think I`ve been doing for 10 years? You think this is...
RASMUSEN: ... rumors about anyone...
RASMUSEN: ... in order to advance our career. Corey, I think that...
TRENYCE: Carmen...
RASMUSEN: ... you`re doing this in order -- because your record`s coming out and because your book is coming out, and that now you have an opportunity to say something bad about Paula, you know, who cares about whatever else went on behind the scenes...
BRYANT: We`re giving you the last word -- OK, we`re giving you the last word right now, Corey.
BRYANT: What about that? Are you just using this to advance your career?
CLARK: No. I`m not going after Paula Abdul. I`m going after the fact that she`s the key to get this $900 million monkey off my back because the show that you`re speaking of has been blackballing me in the industry...
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And everyone else!
CLARK: ... for two years.
BRYANT: All right. You know what? With that, we are going to have to end it.
CLARK: Sorry, Carmen.
BRYANT: Corey Clark, thank you for joining us. Carmen Rasmusen and Trenyce, we do...
RASMUSEN: Thank you.
BRYANT: ... wish you well in your endeavors, all of you.
TRENYCE: Thanks so much.
BRYANT: Thanks for joining us.
CLARK: Thanks, Trenyce.
HAMMER: All right, Karyn. Well, the movie is called "Unleashed." Morgan Freeman and Jet Li star in this intense drama, all about a man cut off from the world. They`re going to be here live next.
Plus: They`re attractive, rich and all born after 1980. We have "Teen People`s" list of "The Hot 25 Under 25."
BRYANT: In our first "SHOWBIZ Sitdown" tonight, Morgan Freeman and Jet Li. Now, it has been quite a year for Morgan Freeman. He won an Oscar for his role in "Million Dollar Baby," and now he and martial arts superstar Jet Li are starring in a powerful new film called "Unleashed." Morgan Freeman and Jet Li, welcome. Thank you.
BRYANT: All right. Well, we are going to look at a little picture -- a clip of the film. And in this movie, basically, Jet, your character is raised as somebody that`s only supposed to just be a bad guy, you know, and you`re sort of taken under the wing of Morgan`s character. And we`re going to show a little bit that shows the relationship between the two of you in the film.
FREEMAN: When you first came to us, you were hurt pretty bad. How did that happen?
JET LI, "UNLEASHED": I ask for a piano.
FREEMAN: You asked who for a piano?
LI: My uncle.
FREEMAN: Oh. Oh, you do have family?
LI: No.
FREEMAN: But you just said you had an uncle.
LI: He`s dead.
BRYANT: So in this movie -- Jet, I want to start with you. You know, many times in your movies, you are not required to emote that much. You`re just supposed to be there to be the enforcer. Was this a difficult movie for you?
LI: I made a lot of films before, and you know, usually, I play the tough guy, to save people. But for this role, it`s the first time, he save me. And (INAUDIBLE) with him. And the character I played, he`s mentally only around 8 years old...
FREEMAN: He`s 8 to 10-year-old.
LI: Yes, 8 to 10, and -- but physically very strong. He only know how to hurt people, doesn`t understand live family. Through the music, through his character, bring me back, save me, become a normal people.
BRYANT: Yes, Morgan, if you could, elaborate on the storyline. What is it that spoke to you? Why did you want to get involved in this?
FREEMAN: Well, first of all, I`m a fan of Luc Besson`s.
BRYANT: Me, too.
FREEMAN: You know, and...
BRYANT: He wrote this film.
BRYANT: Right.
FREEMAN: And got to meet him in LA. He said, I`m doing this new movie, told me about it, and said, And I want you to be in it, you know? And (INAUDIBLE) I said, you know, Just write.
FREEMAN: So he sent the script, and it was an engaging story and right in Luc`s sort of milieu. Is that a nice word to use there?
BRYANT: Yes, it is.
FREEMAN: Because, you know, there`s this heavy violence, and then this real tenderness. And -- and then I needed an anchor, though, so...
BRYANT: Right.
FREEMAN: ... I asked him if I could play the part -- so I`m a piano tuner. And I asked him if I could play it blind, and it took him two weeks to come back and tell me if I could.
BRYANT: And why did -- well, I should say, for those who don`t know, Luc Besson did "The Professional"...
BRYANT: ... and one of my all-time favorite movies, "The Big Blue." But also, I think...
FREEMAN: "The Big Blue"...
BRYANT: ... if people liked "The Professional"...
FREEMAN: "Fifth Element."
BRYANT: Right. Right. And why did you want to play it blind, though? What did you think that that was going to add to the film?
FREEMAN: Well, you`re never sure what, but my feeling about it was that my character was very sort of an unassuming, very sensitive person and non-judgmental. And so I wanted to really just remove the whole sight thing from -- and also, being a sightless piano tuner, there are other senses that come to the fore and that become very sharp. And one of them is your human sensitivity, you know? So I just thought it would just add something to it.
BRYANT: I think it did. It`s a great movie. Now, Jet, you are a superstar around the world. Can you even -- you are! And you`re so humble, which I love. But can you walk down the streets in Hong Kong and not just get mobbed? Because in America, you were introduced to us in "Lethal Weapon IV." I think many people...
FREEMAN: Let me ask a question...
BRYANT: Go ahead.
FREEMAN: ... (INAUDIBLE) along with it. Do you walk down the streets in Hong Kong?
LI: I think in Hong Kong is OK, but in mainland China, I got a little bit of trouble.
BRYANT: What happened?
LI: Because a lot of people, you know, they grew up with my movie, and my first movie is 25 years ago. I`m already quite famous in mainland. Mainland, you know, know, a lot of people!
BRYANT: Lots of people!
LI: Yes. Wherever you go, they recognize you, and then they want an autograph, they want to take a picture (INAUDIBLE) I go home!
BRYANT: Right. Right.
LI: Home is safe.
BRYANT: Right. OK, Morgan, last quick question. Where did you put your Oscar that you just recently won?
FREEMAN: A long time ago -- well, not really that long ago, in those terms, but back when I built my house, a guy did my office, and he said, I`m going to build you a cabinet for your Oscar.
BRYANT: Great. And that`s where it is?
FREEMAN: That`s where it is.
BRYANT: Fantastic! Fantastic. Well, Jet Li and Morgan Freeman, thank you for joining me here. The movie is called "Unleashed." I absolutely loved it. I highly recommend it. And do not be late for this picture. It opens next Friday.
HAMMER: Nothing like planning ahead, Morgan.
Well, he got the boot after a series of mediocre interviews, but we know that Craig Williams won`t bomb next. The axed "Apprentice" joins us live after being grilled by the Donald and the board and fired. He`s coming up.
Plus, "Kingdom of heaven" is out today. We`re going to check up on how it did and how it is in "People`s" "Picks and Pans."
BRYANT: Now, it`s a battle of the same sex on THE APPRENTICE. The last male contender couldn`t make the cut. Tonight, Craig joins us live.
HAMMER: They`re young, they`re restless and they`re some of the most powerful people in the entertainment industry. We will show you "Teen People"s list of the hottest stars under 25.
UNKNOWN: I`m (INAUDIBLE). If it happened today, it`s on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.
HAMMER: As we launch into the weekend, welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, 31 minutes past the hour. I`m AJ Hammer.
BRYANT: And I`m Karyn Bryant. Here are tonight`s hot headlines.
Paula Abdul speaks out in a statement. Abdul thanked her fans for their support. The AMERICAN IDOL host said she never lies and she never responds to lies. Abdul says she trusts the fairness of the American public.
HAMMER: Corey Clark was here with us at the top of the hour on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. His question, what lies is she talking about? Clark told us people will see what they want to see. He`s just looking for Abdul to admit the alleged affair. Clark also said he was told to keep the whole thing under wraps. He claims he was blackballed by AMERICAN IDOL.
BRYANT: We have been asking you to vote on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day. IDOL expose: do you believe the allegations? Keep voting at and send your e-mails our way at We`ll share some of what you had to say at 55 past the hour.
HAMMER: Tonight, "Teen People" magazine is out its list of the 25 hottest stars under 25, highlighting some of the best talent in music, television and film. And not just anyone makes the cut any more. These young stars have to stand out and many are some of the most powerful people in the entertainment industry. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT takes you inside with a look at "Teen People"s hot 25.
Justin Timberlake is back for the fifth year in a row. This has to be his last. He`s 24. While at 18, Justin McCartney is the new kid on the block. Lindsay Lohen is no stranger to the hot 25. She has gone from the headlines to headlining now one of the hottest movie stars. Ashlee Simpson, she bounced back from her SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE flop and made it to the list. Music star (INAUDIBLE) landed a spot too for her album, "Under My Skin." And showing a little skin, the cast of the "O.C." Ben McKenzie is here with his cast mates but couldn`t make the list because frankly he`s too old. And the feature on the cover, Hayden Christensen (ph) and Natalie Portman (ph), the stars of the blockbuster "Revenge of the Sith." He plays Anakon (ph) Skywalker. She plays Queen Amadala (ph). Joining us live here in New York City, "Teen People"s entertainment director Laura Morgan. Thanks for being with us, Laura.
HAMMER: I want to talk about some of the folks on the list. Let`s lead of with your cover stars. We have Hayden and Natalie on the cover. You have to take advantage of all the hype around "Revenge of the Sith" right?
MORGAN: Definitely. I mean it`s going to be biggest movie of summer. There`s so much anticipation for this one because it`s the last and final "Star Wars" and it certainly doesn`t help that Natalie is also an Oscar- nominated actress. Hayden is pretty easy on the eyes. So we just thought it had everything for our readers, a cute guy, a big blockbuster movie and a super talented actress.
HAMMER: And you have certainly several returning stars this year including Justin Timberlake. I believe this is his fifth year back, probably his last, right?
MORGAN: About his last. We`re really excited to have him this time because his career is actually transitioning right now. He`s already dominated the music scene, but he`s going to go on to be a big movie star, we predict. He`s got two movies coming out, actually one with your guest Morgan Freeman called "Edison," which is a police drama and another sort of indy edgy film called "Alpha Dog." So we`re going to get to see a whole new side of Justin as an actor very soon.
HAMMER: And you at "Teen People" see Jesse McCartney who has made it big in TV and now up and coming in music, as sort of the Justin in training, don`t you?
MORGAN: Yeah. He`s Justin with training wheels, definitely. He came from a boy band called Dream Street just like Justin came from N`Sync. Since then, he`s gone solo. His album "Beautiful Soul" has been super successful. It`s on MTV`s (INAUDIBLE) all the time and he`s built quite a contingent of screaming girl fans. They cannot get enough of him. If you got see Jesse McCartney in concert, you`ll need ear plugs because all you`ll hear is screaming.
HAMMER: I`ll be sure to bring it along. But let`s talk about Ashlee Simpson. She certainly got a lot of attention over the last year, a lot of it unwanted but she made your list anyway. Tell me about thatt.
MORGAN: We really like Ashlee because she`s a survivor. What we found is that "Teen People" readers really relate to her because they really feel badly for her that she`s gone through all this controversy, but they like that she`s admitted that, hey, she`s not perfect. She`s made mistakes. She screw up and that she`s really bounced back to get over it. I mean after the SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SCANDAL, she went out. She sang live. She did concerts. She really did everything she could to make it up and to prove to her fans that she deserved to be there and we really like her spirit.
HAMMER: All right. Well, Laura, we appreciate your insight on all this. It`s a jam-packed issue. Laura Morgan, thanks for joining us and for more on the hottest stars under 25, you can pick up a copy of "Teen People." It`s on newsstands today.
BRYANT: Sixteen down, one to go. For the first time on THE APPRENTICE, this season`s winner is guaranteed to be a woman since the last male contestant was fired last night. Craig Williams is here with us live. Thanks for joining us. Craig, first, we`re going to take a look at your final trip to the board room.
DONALD TRUMP: Now, Craig, the executives felt that you weren`t deep enough, at least with them. They felt your answers lacked substance and the one thing they all had in common Craig, was that you should be the one to go and therefore, I have to say, Craig, you`re fired.
CRAIG WILLIAMS: Thank you, sir.
TRUMP: Thank you very much.
BRYANT: Still got to sting. This year you had to interview with some top executives. Anything you think you could have done differently to avoid this fate?
WILLIAMS: I don`t know. I don`t know of anything I could have done differently. I was confident going in and during the interviews, I was confident and afterwards. I just wasn`t what they were looking for, I suppose. It`s just -- it was surprising to me, it was.
BRYANT: With two male winners in the first two seasons. Do you think it`s just that it`s time for a woman to become THE APPRENTICE?
WILLIAMS: It`s obviously time for a woman to become THE APPRENTICE. I`m looking forward to the finale.
BRYANT: It`s no surprise that you didn`t get along with Kendra throughout the season.
WILLIAMS: It`s no surprise. (INAUDIBLE)
BRYANT: I shouldn`t say it`s no surprise. I`m just saying that at the end of the episode that we just saw, there`s no surprise that you would have said, oh, I would definitely rather work with Tana and things like that. What was it really like behind the scenes there with your relationship with those two contestants?
WILLIAMS: With Tana, we were room mates from day one and we had a lot in common. On the flipside, I didn`t meet Kendra under task, under a task environment, until I joined the other team because we were opposing to them. So, you know, it was just a unique situation and we do have a lot of differences. So, you know, try to make the best of it and our differences got in the way most of the time.
BRYANT: OK. Now that you`re not going to be working for the Donald, though, who would you like to be working for?
WILLIAMS: Myself, as usual. I enjoy working with the Dekalb fire department, but definitely myself and working with my label and Pinnacle Entertainment and just taking it one day at a time.
BRYANT: Chugging along. All right. Well, thank you for joining us and congratulations to you. Anyway, for making it down to the final three. AJ?
HAMMER: All right Karen. Time now for another showbiz short and another story making news in SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. Survivor`s Greg Carry was voted off the island last night. Now swing voter Kenny Gallagher sealed Carry`s fate when she jumped camp. She jumped over to the other camp and Carry leaves behind his very special alliance, Jen Lyon. She one of five remaining contestants vying for the $1 million prize.
BRYANT: Mums the word this weekend and the stars are talking about their favorite TV moms. We have a special mother`s day story coming up.
And nothing jump starts a lifeless marriage like a little death wish. That`s what happens to "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." We`re going to take a peek at the remake in just a bit.
JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT: What I`m wearing tonight is Prada and I picked it out because it was comfortable, easy and in my closet.
HAMMER: Well, mother`s day isn`t until Sunday. but tonight SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is bringing you something very special for mother`s day. It`s a celebration of mom on the small screen.
BRYANT: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`s Brooke Anderson is live in Hollywood with that story. Hey, there, Brooke.
BROOKE ANDERSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi Karyn, hi AJ. The talk show hosts are in the mother`s day spirit. Poll results are in for the best TV mom and SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has a celebrity poll of our own, all in celebration of mom.
ANDERSON (voice-over): Here`s a mother`s day gift that`s going to be the one to beat. Check out what happened this morning when the audience of Ellen Degeneres show got the surprise of their lives.
ELLEN DEGENERES: Our audience is filled with moms and their loved ones and we asked all of you to pack a bag just in case and one of you is going to win a really cool mother`s day weekend get away to Las Vegas. This is ridiculous. I mean one mother, that`s ridiculous. Oh, you`re all going.
ANDERSON: Dr. Phil came close. He gave out a car to the most deserving mother of the year, Josephine (INAUDIBLE) of Orange City, Florida, a recent widow and mother of two holding down two jobs.
Even Regis and Kelly got in the good, give away mood.
KELLY RIPA: We are taking everyone on our audience for a one week all expense paid cruise.
ANDERSON: Meanwhile, "Inside TV" magazine has been busy tracking the all-time greatest TV moms.
DEBRA BIRNBAUM, INSIDE TV MAGAZINE: The best ones clearly stood out above the pack. We looked at things like the Waltons where she had to deal with World War II. How do you compare this to Elise Keaton on "Family Ties" who just has to deal with a son who`s a Republican. So it was just a lot of things about the different issues that they faced and how they dealt with them.
ANDERSON: Top spot went to Marge Simpson. She does have the best hair. Taking second spot on their list, June Cleaver, followed by Clair Huxtable at number three. Newcomers like Lorelei Gilmore from the GILMORE GIRLS and Bree Van De Kamp make "Inside TV"s top 10.
The AARP had to weigh in. Their survey gave top spot, 20 percent to Olivia Walton, June Cleaver at number two followed by Clair Huxtable, Harriet Nelson, and Carol Brady. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT took its own TV mom poll but we asked some stars to pick. Comedian Will Ferrell gave Carol Brady his vote.
WILL FERRELL: BRADY BUNCH, Mrs. Brady, she was so nice. She seemed really nice.
ANDERSON: Actress Tea Leoni picked Shirley Partridge.
TEA LEONI: I actually thought that Shirley Partridge was kind of cool. I did. She seemed pretty cool. She was willing to jam with her kids and she kind of hung in the back a little bit. It wasn`t about her. I think she had the whole motherhood idea down, bad hair, but great car.
ANDERSON: The question was a no-brainer for actress Jennifer Love Hewitt.
HEWITT: I love the Huxtables. The COSBY SHOW was it and Felicia Rashaad just rocked. I loved Clair (ph).
ANDERSON: Roseanne was loved by Jason Ritter.
JASON RITTER: I felt like she was a good kick butt mom.
ANDERSON: Kick butt tennis players Serena and Venus Williams liked a tough mom, too.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I loved ma from the GOLDEN GIRLS. She`s awesome. (INAUDIBLE)
ANDERSON: "Inside TV" magazine told us Marge Simpson is the number one TV mom because she juggles one of television`s most difficult families and, yet, they say she does it with style and AJ with a pacifier hidden in that hair do.
HAMMER: She also has a pacifier ready. Thanks very much, live in Hollywood, we appreciate it. Well, the question is, will audiences melt over "House of Wax?" We`re going to get a review coming up in "People" magazine`s picks and pans.
Plus, it`s shaping up to be a hot summer at the movies. As well Brad and Angelina star in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and we have an early look at the trailer coming up in showbiz showcase.
BRYANT: First, the very latest "Entertainment Weekly" must list. Just out today five things EW magazine says you must do in the coming week. First, EW says catch the hit Fox TV show "24" because Dennis Hayesburg (ph), who played the former president is back and he was fantastic.
Another must, EW says stick around for the end credits in the movie "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy." Also check out the 1957 movie "The Pajama Game," starring Doris Day. It`s new on DVD. EW says J.Lo`s got nothing on Doris Day. Another EW must for this week is Catherine Keener in "The Interpreter." EW says she and Sean Penn make a great acting duo. And finally, check out the WB show`s GILMORE GIRLS and "Everwood." "Entertainment Weekly" says this is the best season yet for these shows. For more on must lists must (ph), pick up a copy of this week`s "Entertainment Weekly." It`s on newsstand now.
Time now for "People" magazine`s movie picks and pans. "Kingdom of Heaven," "House of Wax," and "Crash" are all in theaters this weekend. Joining us now from "People" magazine, movie critic Leah Rozen. Nice it see you, Leah as always.
HAMMER: We had Sir Ridley Scott in last night. We had Orlando Bloom in the other night, all talking about "Kingdom of Heaven." Now you talk about "Kingdom of Heaven." What is your thought?
ROZEN: My crown is off to them but the movie is a little dusty and more than a little dull. I mean this is essentially another of these big costume epics but that sort of fail to tell a compelling story. This is kind of the anti-crusades crusades picture but the best part about it is the battle scenes.
HAMMER: And if I could chime in, you got to love those horse battle scenes in order to go to this movie because there are quite a few of them.
ROZEN: Orlando Bloom is lovely to look at, but the story -- they`re just kind of missing out on a good story in the film.
HAMMER: All right. Let`s move on to "House of Wax." Paris Hilton told us it`s hot. She told us her death scene in it is hot. Is it?
ROZEN: It`s full of wax. As horror films go, it is better than it has to be. Does anyone besides teenagers have to see it? Absolutely not. Can Paris act? She can scream well.
HAMMER: OK. So what`s your thought, then? Should we rush out to it?
ROZEN: My thought is teenagers should rush out because they like horror films. There`s no reason adults have to go. If adults do go, it will be a little better than they expected.
HAMMER: There is some real hard-core gore in this isn`t there?
ROZEN: There`s a lot of hard core gore. This one I think has an R rating if I remember correctly and with reason.
HAMMER: Let`s talk about "Crash" now, quite a cast in this one with Don Cheadle (ph) and Matt Dillon, Sandra Bullock, all in the same film.
ROZEN: I love this movie.
HAMMER: Oh, good.
ROZEN" "Crash" is directed and written by Paul Hagis (ph).
HAMMER: Everybody hear that? She loves this movie.
ROZEN: who wrote "Million Dollar Baby" and this is an ensemble drama, people who live in L.A., who sort of come into contact with each other because of a car accident, a burglary. It`s all about sort of making snap judgments based on race or accent and how that is probably not a good thing. You care about, there are scenes in this movie. You care what happens like you never care in a movie.
HAMMER: Really?
ROZEN: Your heart is in your throat here and that is a good thing. And, you can talk about it afterwards. How few movies do you go to these days that you have plenty to discuss afterwards.
HAMMER: Coming from you, I`m now going to go see that movie.
ROZEN: Go see "Crash."
HAMMER: Have a good weekend, Leah.
ROZEN: Thank you.
HAMMER: For more picks and pans, of course you can check out the new issue of "People" magazine which is on newsstands everywhere.
BRYANT: It is time for the showbiz showcase. Tonight, they are globe trotting assassins who find out that their next hit is each other. Take a look at Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."
"Mr. and Mrs. Smith" hits theaters June 10th.
HAMMER: It is time now to get your laugh on in "laughter dark." As we do every single night, we bring you the late-night laughs you might have missed.
BRYANT: On the DAILY SHOW, Jon Stewart uncovered more shocking news about the scandal plaguing AMERICAN IDOL judge Paula Abdul.
JON STEWART: Actually, we at the DAILY SHOW have learned Clark may not be the only up and comer Abdul seduced. Stay tuned next week for an exclusive interview with MC scat cat (ph). His affair with the temptress ended and among other things, she took things serious. He took them light. She went to bed early. He partied all night. In the end -- am I the only one who remembers that? MC Scat Cat and they were dancing and he was a cartoon. And then she was all and then MC Scat Cat was like I`m bad. And then Arsenio was canceled and nobody heard the end of it.
BRYANT: Whatever did happen to Scat Cat?
HAMMER: Not exactly sure. Nice to see the story continue to unfold. Next week, Jon`s guests will include Kathleen Turner (INAUDIBLE), Wanda Sykes and Al Roker.
BRYANT: We have been asking you to vote online on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day. IDOL expose, do you believe the allegations? The vote so far 37 percent of you say, yes, we do believe the allegations. 63 percent of you say, no, we don`t. You have also been sending your e-mails. Susie from Newport Beach, California, says, yes, I do believe Corey. After seeing primetime live and all the evident, I do think Paula crossed the line. And Melinda from Iowa writes, I think Corey only came forward to advance his career. You can continue to vote at
HAMMER: No better way to start the weekend than by finding out what is playing on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on Monday.
BRYANT: Let`s take a look at the showbiz marquee. Take it away marquee guy.
ANNOUNCER: Help, help, me Wanda. She plays Jane Fonda`s assistant in "Monster-in-Law." She is Wanda Sykes and we`ve got a monster of a showbiz sit down live Monday.
Also Monday, these are the voyages of the star ship SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Monday. It`s our week-long good-bye to the last STAR TREK series with the stars from the first and last STAR TREK series. Beam me up through the weekend, Scotty. This is your AMERICAN IDOL, the marquee guy only going where no marquee guy has gone before. Good God Spock, what have we done?
HAMMER: I wish somebody would beam him up. You got to meet one of your idols tonight. That was so cool to see.
BRYANT: I had a great time tonight. It was fantastic, fantastic.
BRYANT: That does it for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Karyn Bryant. We did promise you an interview with Cameron Manheim on her role in the Elvis miniseries and because of our extended interview with the former AMERICAN IDOL contestant, we hope to bring you that another time.
HAMMER: I`m AJ Hammer. Stay tuned for the latest from CNN headline news and of course happy mother`s day.
BRYANT: Happy mother`s day, moms.
Aired May 6, 2005 - 19:00:00 Â ET
KARYN BRYANT, CO-HOST: "Idol" fall-out. We have Corey Clark live.
A.J. HAMMER, CO-HOST: Plus Jet Li and Morgan Freeman in the "SHOWBIZ Sitdown." I`m A.J. Hammer.
BRYANT: I`m Karyn Bryant. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.
HAMMER: "Idol" aftershock. Corey Clark is here live on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, and there could be another bombshell.
BRYANT: Mom`s the word. Just in time for Mother`s Day, we ask the stars about their favorite TV moms.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She had the whole motherhood idea down.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Bad hair but great car (ph). Great car.
HAMMER: "Unleashed," a powerful new movie with a disturbing concept and two really big stars. Tonight, Morgan Freeman and Jet Li join us live.
BRYANT: Young, powerful, talented. "Teen People" names the "25 Hottest Stars Under 25," and we`ve got the list.
HAMMER: Raising the king. Camryn Manheim tells us what it`s like to play Elvis` mom.
CAMRYN MANHEIM, "ELVIS: THE EARLY YEARS": I`m Camryn Manheim, and if it happened today, it`s on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.
BRYANT: Hello. I`m Karyn Bryant, and you are at the top of the show.
HAMMER: I`m A.J. Hammer. We are live with you from Headline Prime studios in New York City for the next hour.
BRYANT: Well, the "American Idol" expose, part two. "Idol" judge Paula Abdul spoke out today for the first time since former "Idol" contestant Corey Clark claimed she privately coached him and had an affair with him while he was on the show.
HAMMER: We`re going to speak with Corey Clark live in just one second, but before we do that, here`s what Paula Abdul had to say today. In her statement, she said, quote, "All my life, I`ve been taught to take the high road and never to dignify salacious or false accusations. And I have been taught never, never to lie. Not only do I never lie, I never respond to lies, no matter how vicious, no matter how hurtful." Abdul went on to say, "I do trust my fans, who can see through attempts at character assassination, and I do trust the essential fairness of the American public."
Right now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Corey Clark is joining us live. Corey, you see what Paula had to say.
HAMMER: You heard the words. How do you respond to that?
CLARK: What lies is she talking about? You know, like, which lies is she referring to, is really, like -- that`s kind of a broad, sweeping general statement, you know?
HAMMER: It seems she`s talking about character assassination?
CLARK: That`s what it seems. I mean, you know, I`m sure she`s had plenty of that before in the past, so, you know, it`s, like, get more specific. What are you talking about?
HAMMER: So no specific response to the statement that she put out.
CLARK: No, that`s -- my -- that`s what I`m saying, like...
CLARK: ... what -- what lies is she saying? Is she saying I`m lying now, or is she saying -- talking about some lies that happened in her past before or what, you know?
HAMMER: That`s unclear to you.
CLARK: Right.
HAMMER: OK. Well, the word...
CLARK: ... few people.
HAMMER: The word "opportunistic" certainly has come up since these allegations arose.
HAMMER: You`ve been hearing it a lot. You`ve been sitting around with people and talking about what`s been going on...
HAMMER: ... people alleging that you brought all of this to the table to sell your book, to boost CD sales, when you finally drop your first CD. What do you say to people who are viewing this whole situation as being opportunistic?
CLARK: I mean, you know, they`re going to see it the way that they see it. You know, half is going to think you`re doing it for this reason, and the other half is going to think you`re doing it for that reason. And you know, at the end of the day, I`m trying to set my record straight for people because it hasn`t been straight for two years, and you know, I -- it hasn`t been an easy road, man. You know, "American Idol" has made it a really hard lifestyle for me to live out there, you know?
HAMMER: So why do it all now, though, Corey? You know, why not let a little time breathe before -- your book went on sale the night that the "Primetime Live" special aired. Why not wait on that? Don`t you feel that would lend a little more credibility to what, you know, is going on here?
CLARK: Why wait? That`s a better question. You know, it`s been -- it`s been...
HAMMER: So you are taking advantage of the opportunity. You know, as long as you`re out here doing the circuit and talking to people and the "Primetime Live" special aired, you`re taking advantage of that. So your name`s out there, may as well sell some books and let people know about the CD?
CLARK: Yes. You know, I mean, makes sense to me, you know what I`m saying? At the end of the day, I mean, if people are upset because I can`t afford to let people know the truth, then that`s fine.
One thing I guess I got to straighten up is that ABC`s special didn`t focus 100 percent on what all of our interviews were about. You know, they left a lot of stuff out about the "American Idol" show and why I said Paula Abdul risked so much in helping me. And I think that that would have brought a different light to the show, if that would have been left in. You know, she understood that the show was exploiting me and my fellow contestants, and that`s what she was helping me navigate.
And what I was, I guess, looking for her to do moreso now is to be, like, You know what? He`s right. We did. This is what happened. It`s not like I`m a victim. You know, I consented to it. I was an adult.
CLARK: It was cool, you know? But you know, she`s, like -- she`s saying I`m a liar, I`m a -- I`m an opportunist and I engaged in illegal activities and whatnot, and instead of saying that, We did that, but this is why we did it, you know, because this machine is, like, vicious with these people...
HAMMER: OK, let`s move on, then. Last night on the program, we had our little SHOWBIZ question of the night. We do it every night. And we asked viewers if they thought Paula Abdul should lose her job on "American Idol."
CLARK: I don`t think so.
HAMMER: Well, here`s what the results said: 71 percent say no, 29 percent say yes. So more people favor the idea that she shouldn`t lose her job.
HAMMER: You say you don`t think so.
CLARK: I don`t think she should, either.
HAMMER: Why do you think she should keep her job? What you`re alleging are improprieties...
CLARK: Right.
HAMMER: ... by the standards of this show. So why should she keep her job?
CLARK: I mean, at the end of the day, the show -- the show -- that show lives on controversy, you know? I`m sure they`re over there at FOX and "American Idol" right now just loving it. So at the end of the day, like, they`re standing behind convicted criminals, convicted felons. You know, it`s, like, why not? She just had sex with somebody. You know, everybody that`s on the planet has had sex to get here, so -- it`s not against the law. You know, if they`re going to stand behind felons, she`s a way bigger part of the show, they should keep her a part of it.
HAMMER: OK. Well, let`s -- let me give you a platform here. Let`s assume Paula Abdul`s watching Headline Prime right now. You have an opportunity -- in fact, why don`t we use this camera right here. You can talk to her and say anything you want. Right there.
CLARK: I hope that -- that you`re getting, you know, what you want out of this, you know what I`m saying? It`s definitely the time for you to let people know what`s happening on your end of it, you know? So you -- this is, you know, your opportunity to be bigger than the show.
HAMMER: One last question. Did she ever say at all while this was allegedly going on that you should keep quiet and not talk to people about it.
CLARK: I`m sorry?
HAMMER: When all of this was allegedly going on, when you were spending time with Paula Abdul at her house and going to the club and all the things that we saw on "Primetime Live," did she ever say you have to keep hush about this and...
CLARK: Oh, yes.
HAMMER: ... don`t talk to people about this?
CLARK: That was -- that was the precedent set from the get-go, even before she said it.
HAMMER: That she actually -- but she actually said this to you.
HAMMER: She said, Don`t talk to anybody about this.
CLARK: She said it. The lady that gave me the number said it.
HAMMER: OK. I just want to be clear on it. OK, Corey Clark, thanks for stopping by.
CLARK: Hey, thank you, Mr. Hammer.
HAMMER: OK -- Karyn.
BRYANT: Well, now we want to speak with two former "American Idol" contestants, both who were on season 2 with Corey Clark. Trenyce joins us from Los Angeles, and Carmen Rasmusen is in New York.
Now, Trenyce, you just heard everything Corey had to say for himself. Did you have any idea that anything clandestine was going on between Corey and Paula during the show?
TRENYCE, FORMER "AMERICAN IDOL" CONTESTANT: No. I didn`t know there was anything going on. I think he hid it very, very well. But now that I do know, I think that it`s very unfair. And on top of the other legal things that I can`t disclose of that he was trying to say, it -- it`s just unfortunate that people don`t know the bigger truth. Like I think I may have said yesterday, that`s not the biggest thing that happened on the show. And the whole part about Paula trying to help him, you know, against the machine makes a lot of sense to me because I know what we went through prior to all of this coming out for the past two years. So unfortunately, I can`t talk about it right now, again, but I do think that that part will come out, as well, eventually.
BRYANT: OK, well, Carmen, yes, I mean, that`s a question that we definitely have. There is this whole idea that once you sign onto the program, you know, you`re part of the "American Idol" machinery, and they may or may not help your career. What do you have to say about that?
CARMEN RASMUSEN, FORMER "AMERICAN IDOL" CONTESTANT: Right. You know what? The reason why we are where we are now is because of the "American Idol" show. The reason why Corey Clark is doing all these interviews and is in the public eye again was because he was on "American Idol" in the first place. And he says that now he`s just doing this to try to clear his conscience and to clear his mind. But you know, how could it give him peace of mind, knowing that he`s exploiting her in front of millions and millions of people? I mean, it seems to me that he needs a priest, rather than a record deal.
BRYANT: Well, here -- I tell you what, Trenyce and Carmen. Corey`s right here -- I mean, point blank. Go ahead ask him something that, you know, you want to know.
CLARK: Yes, ask me something you guys want to know. What`s up, ladies?
CLARK: How y`all doing?
RASMUSEN: I have a question for you, Corey.
CLARK: Oh, Carmen has a big question. What`s up?
RASMUSEN: I have a question, Corey.
RASMUSEN: How`re you doing?
CLARK: I`m doing really well.
RASMUSEN: All right.
CLARK: Seems like you`re doing pretty good, too.
RASMUSEN: Good. Yes. I am. All right, Corey, your mom knew about this. Your mom and dad knew about this, right?
RASMUSEN: Your friends knew about this.
RASMUSEN: And they said that they saw you in public with Paula...
CLARK: So did Kristin Holt.
RASMUSEN: ... being very affectionate with each other, right? OK, so did Kristin, all right? So the press was all over us. I mean, the entire time we were on "American Idol," we had tabloids writing stories about us.
CLARK: Right.
RASMUSEN: How come you think that there wasn`t a story written about this? How did you keep it quit for two years?
CLARK: Because, I mean, that was -- that was my job, you know what I`m saying? Like, I was supposed to. Like, I know you were only 17 when you were on the show, so you were locked away...
CLARK: ... with your parents a lot.
CLARK: And if you remember correctly, me and Ruben and Ricky`s room was way, way away from everybody else`s, pretty close to the exit.
CLARK: So that`s really how I got out a lot.
TRENYCE: I have a question for Carmen, actually.
CLARK: Oh, that`s a good question.
CLARK: This is great!
TRENYCE: Now, Carmen...
TRENYCE: ... you know, I`m not -- I`m not here to, like, attack anybody. And my integrity is very important to me, as well.
TRENYCE: But it just seems really, really odd that -- I mean, you were there. You witnessed everything that we went through. You knew exactly what was going on behind the scenes. And it just seems like you are making it seem like there`s no way possible, with everything that was going on behind the scenes, that Corey and Paula couldn`t have had a type of affair. I mean...
TRENYCE: I know you got the confidentiality agreement that "American Idol" sent to everyone when the story broke, telling them not to say anything against the contestants and the show and all of that, which was really a bully effect, you know, trying to hush everybody up. And it`s -- you know, I just really, really hope that -- you know, you know the truth. You know exactly what I`m talking about right now. So I just -- you know, I know you want to defend...
CLARK: It`s -- it`s funny.
TRENYCE: ... the machine and everything, Carmen, sweetie, but it`s just -- the truth is the truth and...
TRENYCE: You sound so rehearsed to me. It just...
RASMUSEN: Look, Trenyce, honestly, I -- I never knew -- Trenyce, honestly, I never knew that there was anything going on between Corey and Paula.
TRENYCE: No, no, no. I`m not saying...
RASMUSEN: I never saw him...
TRENYCE: I`m not saying that you knew anything was going on. I`m saying...
CLARK: Nobody knew.
TRENYCE: But I`m saying how...
CLARK: That was the whole point of it.
CLARK: It was a secret.
CLARK: Nobody knew.
RASMUSEN: So what are you saying? Trenyce, I`m sorry. What are you saying?
TRENYCE: I`m just saying that there were bigger things that were going on behind the scenes that made it quite possible for that to be happening...
CLARK: Oh, yes.
TRENYCE: ... if the other things were happening.
CLARK: Oh, yes.
TRENYCE: That`s what I`m trying to say.
CLARK: Oh, yes.
TRENYCE: But everyone is getting on TV, trying to make it seem like it is impossible...
CLARK: Like, Corey`s liar.
TRENYCE: ... completely impossible.
CLARK: As a matter of fact, I think Carmen said I was a liar yesterday on TV, right? She said, Corey`s a liar. You know, he -- you know, he...
RASMUSEN: Corey, no...
RASMUSEN: Corey? Corey?
CLARK: Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead.
RASMUSEN: I think, definitely, that there is truth to your statement. I think Paula absolutely called you and helped you with clothes and make-up and whatnot.
TRENYCE: That`s not what you said yesterday, Carmen.
RASMUSEN: ... on season one.
CLARK: Say it again?
RASMUSEN: No, yes, I did. I said -- no, I did. I said that I definitely believe that she was calling you. But you know, so what, if she was calling you and helping you and everything?
CLARK: But for three hours at a time? What were we talking about for three hours? I mean...
TRENYCE: Look, Carmen, I was Paula`s pick, and she gave me her phone number, but she didn`t give it to me on a piece of paper. And you know what else? I don`t have her home phone number, I just have her cell phone number. And it`s been two years, and I`ve talked to her on her cell phone maybe twice since -- you know, in the past two years. I don`t have her home phone number, sweetness.
CLARK: And you know, Clay this morning -- Clay said this morning that -- that he -- that we all, like, knew where the judges live. I don`t remember ever going on a field trip to their houses.
CLARK: And if "American Idol" was so great, why did Clay get out of his contract with them?
BRYANT: Right. Well, listen, I tell you what. If the three of you can -- because this is great -- we would love for you to stick around and keep talking.
CLARK: You`re good, Carmen.
BRYANT: Stay with us.
CLARK: You were good.
BRYANT: And upcoming on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT: Mother`s Day is this Sunday, and in honor of moms everywhere, we`re asking the stars about their favorite TV moms. That is ahead. Stay tuned.
BRYANT: Plus, Morgan Freeman and Jet Li. They are in a powerful new movie. Tonight, the stars of "Unleashed" join us, coming up.
BRYANT: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. In the wake of the "Idol" fall-out, we have got Trenyce, Carmen Rasmusen and Corey Craig (SIC) joining us here to talk...
CLARK: Clark!
BRYANT: ... Corey Clark -- my problem. Sorry about that!
BRYANT: ... Corey Clerk joining us here. Now, Trenyce, I want to start with you. Is there one thing that Corey hasn`t said that you want him to say or own up to or admit, at this point?
TRENYCE: No. I`ve been following pretty much everything that he`s been saying. Now, I want to go on record saying that I don`t know for a fact that he and Paula had a relationship. I wasn`t there. But what I do know from what I`ve seen is that he has been completely honest from day one. And I completely remember Corey saying back when we were on the show that he knew some things that were going on behind the scenes that we didn`t know about that he, you know, wanted to talk about. But during that time, I was thinking, OK, Corey, you know, you`re always missing. You`re never around. Maybe you`re just venting. But I remember him saying that quite a bit. And he never would...
BRYANT: That there was something.
TRENYCE: Yes. He never would say where it was coming from, but I definitely remember that.
BRYANT: Carmen, we`re running short on time, but is there one thing that you would like to hear from Corey?
RASMUSEN: You know what? No. But I would just like to say that I don`t think it`s fair to exploit someone in any way, true or false, in order to advance your career. Look, there are a lot of us didn`t win the "American Idol"...
CLARK: Right.
RASMUSEN: ... that didn`t win the "American Idol" contest
CLARK: Right.
RASMUSEN: But we are letting our music...
CLARK: But you guys got a fair shot at it.
RASMUSEN: We are letting -- but we are letting our music speak for us. We`re doing it the hard way.
CLARK: What do you think I`ve been doing for 10 years? You think this is...
RASMUSEN: ... rumors about anyone...
RASMUSEN: ... in order to advance our career. Corey, I think that...
TRENYCE: Carmen...
RASMUSEN: ... you`re doing this in order -- because your record`s coming out and because your book is coming out, and that now you have an opportunity to say something bad about Paula, you know, who cares about whatever else went on behind the scenes...
BRYANT: We`re giving you the last word -- OK, we`re giving you the last word right now, Corey.
BRYANT: What about that? Are you just using this to advance your career?
CLARK: No. I`m not going after Paula Abdul. I`m going after the fact that she`s the key to get this $900 million monkey off my back because the show that you`re speaking of has been blackballing me in the industry...
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And everyone else!
CLARK: ... for two years.
BRYANT: All right. You know what? With that, we are going to have to end it.
CLARK: Sorry, Carmen.
BRYANT: Corey Clark, thank you for joining us. Carmen Rasmusen and Trenyce, we do...
RASMUSEN: Thank you.
BRYANT: ... wish you well in your endeavors, all of you.
TRENYCE: Thanks so much.
BRYANT: Thanks for joining us.
CLARK: Thanks, Trenyce.
HAMMER: All right, Karyn. Well, the movie is called "Unleashed." Morgan Freeman and Jet Li star in this intense drama, all about a man cut off from the world. They`re going to be here live next.
Plus: They`re attractive, rich and all born after 1980. We have "Teen People`s" list of "The Hot 25 Under 25."
BRYANT: In our first "SHOWBIZ Sitdown" tonight, Morgan Freeman and Jet Li. Now, it has been quite a year for Morgan Freeman. He won an Oscar for his role in "Million Dollar Baby," and now he and martial arts superstar Jet Li are starring in a powerful new film called "Unleashed." Morgan Freeman and Jet Li, welcome. Thank you.
BRYANT: All right. Well, we are going to look at a little picture -- a clip of the film. And in this movie, basically, Jet, your character is raised as somebody that`s only supposed to just be a bad guy, you know, and you`re sort of taken under the wing of Morgan`s character. And we`re going to show a little bit that shows the relationship between the two of you in the film.
FREEMAN: When you first came to us, you were hurt pretty bad. How did that happen?
JET LI, "UNLEASHED": I ask for a piano.
FREEMAN: You asked who for a piano?
LI: My uncle.
FREEMAN: Oh. Oh, you do have family?
LI: No.
FREEMAN: But you just said you had an uncle.
LI: He`s dead.
BRYANT: So in this movie -- Jet, I want to start with you. You know, many times in your movies, you are not required to emote that much. You`re just supposed to be there to be the enforcer. Was this a difficult movie for you?
LI: I made a lot of films before, and you know, usually, I play the tough guy, to save people. But for this role, it`s the first time, he save me. And (INAUDIBLE) with him. And the character I played, he`s mentally only around 8 years old...
FREEMAN: He`s 8 to 10-year-old.
LI: Yes, 8 to 10, and -- but physically very strong. He only know how to hurt people, doesn`t understand live family. Through the music, through his character, bring me back, save me, become a normal people.
BRYANT: Yes, Morgan, if you could, elaborate on the storyline. What is it that spoke to you? Why did you want to get involved in this?
FREEMAN: Well, first of all, I`m a fan of Luc Besson`s.
BRYANT: Me, too.
FREEMAN: You know, and...
BRYANT: He wrote this film.
BRYANT: Right.
FREEMAN: And got to meet him in LA. He said, I`m doing this new movie, told me about it, and said, And I want you to be in it, you know? And (INAUDIBLE) I said, you know, Just write.
FREEMAN: So he sent the script, and it was an engaging story and right in Luc`s sort of milieu. Is that a nice word to use there?
BRYANT: Yes, it is.
FREEMAN: Because, you know, there`s this heavy violence, and then this real tenderness. And -- and then I needed an anchor, though, so...
BRYANT: Right.
FREEMAN: ... I asked him if I could play the part -- so I`m a piano tuner. And I asked him if I could play it blind, and it took him two weeks to come back and tell me if I could.
BRYANT: And why did -- well, I should say, for those who don`t know, Luc Besson did "The Professional"...
BRYANT: ... and one of my all-time favorite movies, "The Big Blue." But also, I think...
FREEMAN: "The Big Blue"...
BRYANT: ... if people liked "The Professional"...
FREEMAN: "Fifth Element."
BRYANT: Right. Right. And why did you want to play it blind, though? What did you think that that was going to add to the film?
FREEMAN: Well, you`re never sure what, but my feeling about it was that my character was very sort of an unassuming, very sensitive person and non-judgmental. And so I wanted to really just remove the whole sight thing from -- and also, being a sightless piano tuner, there are other senses that come to the fore and that become very sharp. And one of them is your human sensitivity, you know? So I just thought it would just add something to it.
BRYANT: I think it did. It`s a great movie. Now, Jet, you are a superstar around the world. Can you even -- you are! And you`re so humble, which I love. But can you walk down the streets in Hong Kong and not just get mobbed? Because in America, you were introduced to us in "Lethal Weapon IV." I think many people...
FREEMAN: Let me ask a question...
BRYANT: Go ahead.
FREEMAN: ... (INAUDIBLE) along with it. Do you walk down the streets in Hong Kong?
LI: I think in Hong Kong is OK, but in mainland China, I got a little bit of trouble.
BRYANT: What happened?
LI: Because a lot of people, you know, they grew up with my movie, and my first movie is 25 years ago. I`m already quite famous in mainland. Mainland, you know, know, a lot of people!
BRYANT: Lots of people!
LI: Yes. Wherever you go, they recognize you, and then they want an autograph, they want to take a picture (INAUDIBLE) I go home!
BRYANT: Right. Right.
LI: Home is safe.
BRYANT: Right. OK, Morgan, last quick question. Where did you put your Oscar that you just recently won?
FREEMAN: A long time ago -- well, not really that long ago, in those terms, but back when I built my house, a guy did my office, and he said, I`m going to build you a cabinet for your Oscar.
BRYANT: Great. And that`s where it is?
FREEMAN: That`s where it is.
BRYANT: Fantastic! Fantastic. Well, Jet Li and Morgan Freeman, thank you for joining me here. The movie is called "Unleashed." I absolutely loved it. I highly recommend it. And do not be late for this picture. It opens next Friday.
HAMMER: Nothing like planning ahead, Morgan.
Well, he got the boot after a series of mediocre interviews, but we know that Craig Williams won`t bomb next. The axed "Apprentice" joins us live after being grilled by the Donald and the board and fired. He`s coming up.
Plus, "Kingdom of heaven" is out today. We`re going to check up on how it did and how it is in "People`s" "Picks and Pans."
BRYANT: Now, it`s a battle of the same sex on THE APPRENTICE. The last male contender couldn`t make the cut. Tonight, Craig joins us live.
HAMMER: They`re young, they`re restless and they`re some of the most powerful people in the entertainment industry. We will show you "Teen People"s list of the hottest stars under 25.
UNKNOWN: I`m (INAUDIBLE). If it happened today, it`s on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.
HAMMER: As we launch into the weekend, welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, 31 minutes past the hour. I`m AJ Hammer.
BRYANT: And I`m Karyn Bryant. Here are tonight`s hot headlines.
Paula Abdul speaks out in a statement. Abdul thanked her fans for their support. The AMERICAN IDOL host said she never lies and she never responds to lies. Abdul says she trusts the fairness of the American public.
HAMMER: Corey Clark was here with us at the top of the hour on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. His question, what lies is she talking about? Clark told us people will see what they want to see. He`s just looking for Abdul to admit the alleged affair. Clark also said he was told to keep the whole thing under wraps. He claims he was blackballed by AMERICAN IDOL.
BRYANT: We have been asking you to vote on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day. IDOL expose: do you believe the allegations? Keep voting at and send your e-mails our way at We`ll share some of what you had to say at 55 past the hour.
HAMMER: Tonight, "Teen People" magazine is out its list of the 25 hottest stars under 25, highlighting some of the best talent in music, television and film. And not just anyone makes the cut any more. These young stars have to stand out and many are some of the most powerful people in the entertainment industry. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT takes you inside with a look at "Teen People"s hot 25.
Justin Timberlake is back for the fifth year in a row. This has to be his last. He`s 24. While at 18, Justin McCartney is the new kid on the block. Lindsay Lohen is no stranger to the hot 25. She has gone from the headlines to headlining now one of the hottest movie stars. Ashlee Simpson, she bounced back from her SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE flop and made it to the list. Music star (INAUDIBLE) landed a spot too for her album, "Under My Skin." And showing a little skin, the cast of the "O.C." Ben McKenzie is here with his cast mates but couldn`t make the list because frankly he`s too old. And the feature on the cover, Hayden Christensen (ph) and Natalie Portman (ph), the stars of the blockbuster "Revenge of the Sith." He plays Anakon (ph) Skywalker. She plays Queen Amadala (ph). Joining us live here in New York City, "Teen People"s entertainment director Laura Morgan. Thanks for being with us, Laura.
HAMMER: I want to talk about some of the folks on the list. Let`s lead of with your cover stars. We have Hayden and Natalie on the cover. You have to take advantage of all the hype around "Revenge of the Sith" right?
MORGAN: Definitely. I mean it`s going to be biggest movie of summer. There`s so much anticipation for this one because it`s the last and final "Star Wars" and it certainly doesn`t help that Natalie is also an Oscar- nominated actress. Hayden is pretty easy on the eyes. So we just thought it had everything for our readers, a cute guy, a big blockbuster movie and a super talented actress.
HAMMER: And you have certainly several returning stars this year including Justin Timberlake. I believe this is his fifth year back, probably his last, right?
MORGAN: About his last. We`re really excited to have him this time because his career is actually transitioning right now. He`s already dominated the music scene, but he`s going to go on to be a big movie star, we predict. He`s got two movies coming out, actually one with your guest Morgan Freeman called "Edison," which is a police drama and another sort of indy edgy film called "Alpha Dog." So we`re going to get to see a whole new side of Justin as an actor very soon.
HAMMER: And you at "Teen People" see Jesse McCartney who has made it big in TV and now up and coming in music, as sort of the Justin in training, don`t you?
MORGAN: Yeah. He`s Justin with training wheels, definitely. He came from a boy band called Dream Street just like Justin came from N`Sync. Since then, he`s gone solo. His album "Beautiful Soul" has been super successful. It`s on MTV`s (INAUDIBLE) all the time and he`s built quite a contingent of screaming girl fans. They cannot get enough of him. If you got see Jesse McCartney in concert, you`ll need ear plugs because all you`ll hear is screaming.
HAMMER: I`ll be sure to bring it along. But let`s talk about Ashlee Simpson. She certainly got a lot of attention over the last year, a lot of it unwanted but she made your list anyway. Tell me about thatt.
MORGAN: We really like Ashlee because she`s a survivor. What we found is that "Teen People" readers really relate to her because they really feel badly for her that she`s gone through all this controversy, but they like that she`s admitted that, hey, she`s not perfect. She`s made mistakes. She screw up and that she`s really bounced back to get over it. I mean after the SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SCANDAL, she went out. She sang live. She did concerts. She really did everything she could to make it up and to prove to her fans that she deserved to be there and we really like her spirit.
HAMMER: All right. Well, Laura, we appreciate your insight on all this. It`s a jam-packed issue. Laura Morgan, thanks for joining us and for more on the hottest stars under 25, you can pick up a copy of "Teen People." It`s on newsstands today.
BRYANT: Sixteen down, one to go. For the first time on THE APPRENTICE, this season`s winner is guaranteed to be a woman since the last male contestant was fired last night. Craig Williams is here with us live. Thanks for joining us. Craig, first, we`re going to take a look at your final trip to the board room.
DONALD TRUMP: Now, Craig, the executives felt that you weren`t deep enough, at least with them. They felt your answers lacked substance and the one thing they all had in common Craig, was that you should be the one to go and therefore, I have to say, Craig, you`re fired.
CRAIG WILLIAMS: Thank you, sir.
TRUMP: Thank you very much.
BRYANT: Still got to sting. This year you had to interview with some top executives. Anything you think you could have done differently to avoid this fate?
WILLIAMS: I don`t know. I don`t know of anything I could have done differently. I was confident going in and during the interviews, I was confident and afterwards. I just wasn`t what they were looking for, I suppose. It`s just -- it was surprising to me, it was.
BRYANT: With two male winners in the first two seasons. Do you think it`s just that it`s time for a woman to become THE APPRENTICE?
WILLIAMS: It`s obviously time for a woman to become THE APPRENTICE. I`m looking forward to the finale.
BRYANT: It`s no surprise that you didn`t get along with Kendra throughout the season.
WILLIAMS: It`s no surprise. (INAUDIBLE)
BRYANT: I shouldn`t say it`s no surprise. I`m just saying that at the end of the episode that we just saw, there`s no surprise that you would have said, oh, I would definitely rather work with Tana and things like that. What was it really like behind the scenes there with your relationship with those two contestants?
WILLIAMS: With Tana, we were room mates from day one and we had a lot in common. On the flipside, I didn`t meet Kendra under task, under a task environment, until I joined the other team because we were opposing to them. So, you know, it was just a unique situation and we do have a lot of differences. So, you know, try to make the best of it and our differences got in the way most of the time.
BRYANT: OK. Now that you`re not going to be working for the Donald, though, who would you like to be working for?
WILLIAMS: Myself, as usual. I enjoy working with the Dekalb fire department, but definitely myself and working with my label and Pinnacle Entertainment and just taking it one day at a time.
BRYANT: Chugging along. All right. Well, thank you for joining us and congratulations to you. Anyway, for making it down to the final three. AJ?
HAMMER: All right Karen. Time now for another showbiz short and another story making news in SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. Survivor`s Greg Carry was voted off the island last night. Now swing voter Kenny Gallagher sealed Carry`s fate when she jumped camp. She jumped over to the other camp and Carry leaves behind his very special alliance, Jen Lyon. She one of five remaining contestants vying for the $1 million prize.
BRYANT: Mums the word this weekend and the stars are talking about their favorite TV moms. We have a special mother`s day story coming up.
And nothing jump starts a lifeless marriage like a little death wish. That`s what happens to "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." We`re going to take a peek at the remake in just a bit.
JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT: What I`m wearing tonight is Prada and I picked it out because it was comfortable, easy and in my closet.
HAMMER: Well, mother`s day isn`t until Sunday. but tonight SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is bringing you something very special for mother`s day. It`s a celebration of mom on the small screen.
BRYANT: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`s Brooke Anderson is live in Hollywood with that story. Hey, there, Brooke.
BROOKE ANDERSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi Karyn, hi AJ. The talk show hosts are in the mother`s day spirit. Poll results are in for the best TV mom and SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has a celebrity poll of our own, all in celebration of mom.
ANDERSON (voice-over): Here`s a mother`s day gift that`s going to be the one to beat. Check out what happened this morning when the audience of Ellen Degeneres show got the surprise of their lives.
ELLEN DEGENERES: Our audience is filled with moms and their loved ones and we asked all of you to pack a bag just in case and one of you is going to win a really cool mother`s day weekend get away to Las Vegas. This is ridiculous. I mean one mother, that`s ridiculous. Oh, you`re all going.
ANDERSON: Dr. Phil came close. He gave out a car to the most deserving mother of the year, Josephine (INAUDIBLE) of Orange City, Florida, a recent widow and mother of two holding down two jobs.
Even Regis and Kelly got in the good, give away mood.
KELLY RIPA: We are taking everyone on our audience for a one week all expense paid cruise.
ANDERSON: Meanwhile, "Inside TV" magazine has been busy tracking the all-time greatest TV moms.
DEBRA BIRNBAUM, INSIDE TV MAGAZINE: The best ones clearly stood out above the pack. We looked at things like the Waltons where she had to deal with World War II. How do you compare this to Elise Keaton on "Family Ties" who just has to deal with a son who`s a Republican. So it was just a lot of things about the different issues that they faced and how they dealt with them.
ANDERSON: Top spot went to Marge Simpson. She does have the best hair. Taking second spot on their list, June Cleaver, followed by Clair Huxtable at number three. Newcomers like Lorelei Gilmore from the GILMORE GIRLS and Bree Van De Kamp make "Inside TV"s top 10.
The AARP had to weigh in. Their survey gave top spot, 20 percent to Olivia Walton, June Cleaver at number two followed by Clair Huxtable, Harriet Nelson, and Carol Brady. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT took its own TV mom poll but we asked some stars to pick. Comedian Will Ferrell gave Carol Brady his vote.
WILL FERRELL: BRADY BUNCH, Mrs. Brady, she was so nice. She seemed really nice.
ANDERSON: Actress Tea Leoni picked Shirley Partridge.
TEA LEONI: I actually thought that Shirley Partridge was kind of cool. I did. She seemed pretty cool. She was willing to jam with her kids and she kind of hung in the back a little bit. It wasn`t about her. I think she had the whole motherhood idea down, bad hair, but great car.
ANDERSON: The question was a no-brainer for actress Jennifer Love Hewitt.
HEWITT: I love the Huxtables. The COSBY SHOW was it and Felicia Rashaad just rocked. I loved Clair (ph).
ANDERSON: Roseanne was loved by Jason Ritter.
JASON RITTER: I felt like she was a good kick butt mom.
ANDERSON: Kick butt tennis players Serena and Venus Williams liked a tough mom, too.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I loved ma from the GOLDEN GIRLS. She`s awesome. (INAUDIBLE)
ANDERSON: "Inside TV" magazine told us Marge Simpson is the number one TV mom because she juggles one of television`s most difficult families and, yet, they say she does it with style and AJ with a pacifier hidden in that hair do.
HAMMER: She also has a pacifier ready. Thanks very much, live in Hollywood, we appreciate it. Well, the question is, will audiences melt over "House of Wax?" We`re going to get a review coming up in "People" magazine`s picks and pans.
Plus, it`s shaping up to be a hot summer at the movies. As well Brad and Angelina star in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and we have an early look at the trailer coming up in showbiz showcase.
BRYANT: First, the very latest "Entertainment Weekly" must list. Just out today five things EW magazine says you must do in the coming week. First, EW says catch the hit Fox TV show "24" because Dennis Hayesburg (ph), who played the former president is back and he was fantastic.
Another must, EW says stick around for the end credits in the movie "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy." Also check out the 1957 movie "The Pajama Game," starring Doris Day. It`s new on DVD. EW says J.Lo`s got nothing on Doris Day. Another EW must for this week is Catherine Keener in "The Interpreter." EW says she and Sean Penn make a great acting duo. And finally, check out the WB show`s GILMORE GIRLS and "Everwood." "Entertainment Weekly" says this is the best season yet for these shows. For more on must lists must (ph), pick up a copy of this week`s "Entertainment Weekly." It`s on newsstand now.
Time now for "People" magazine`s movie picks and pans. "Kingdom of Heaven," "House of Wax," and "Crash" are all in theaters this weekend. Joining us now from "People" magazine, movie critic Leah Rozen. Nice it see you, Leah as always.
HAMMER: We had Sir Ridley Scott in last night. We had Orlando Bloom in the other night, all talking about "Kingdom of Heaven." Now you talk about "Kingdom of Heaven." What is your thought?
ROZEN: My crown is off to them but the movie is a little dusty and more than a little dull. I mean this is essentially another of these big costume epics but that sort of fail to tell a compelling story. This is kind of the anti-crusades crusades picture but the best part about it is the battle scenes.
HAMMER: And if I could chime in, you got to love those horse battle scenes in order to go to this movie because there are quite a few of them.
ROZEN: Orlando Bloom is lovely to look at, but the story -- they`re just kind of missing out on a good story in the film.
HAMMER: All right. Let`s move on to "House of Wax." Paris Hilton told us it`s hot. She told us her death scene in it is hot. Is it?
ROZEN: It`s full of wax. As horror films go, it is better than it has to be. Does anyone besides teenagers have to see it? Absolutely not. Can Paris act? She can scream well.
HAMMER: OK. So what`s your thought, then? Should we rush out to it?
ROZEN: My thought is teenagers should rush out because they like horror films. There`s no reason adults have to go. If adults do go, it will be a little better than they expected.
HAMMER: There is some real hard-core gore in this isn`t there?
ROZEN: There`s a lot of hard core gore. This one I think has an R rating if I remember correctly and with reason.
HAMMER: Let`s talk about "Crash" now, quite a cast in this one with Don Cheadle (ph) and Matt Dillon, Sandra Bullock, all in the same film.
ROZEN: I love this movie.
HAMMER: Oh, good.
ROZEN" "Crash" is directed and written by Paul Hagis (ph).
HAMMER: Everybody hear that? She loves this movie.
ROZEN: who wrote "Million Dollar Baby" and this is an ensemble drama, people who live in L.A., who sort of come into contact with each other because of a car accident, a burglary. It`s all about sort of making snap judgments based on race or accent and how that is probably not a good thing. You care about, there are scenes in this movie. You care what happens like you never care in a movie.
HAMMER: Really?
ROZEN: Your heart is in your throat here and that is a good thing. And, you can talk about it afterwards. How few movies do you go to these days that you have plenty to discuss afterwards.
HAMMER: Coming from you, I`m now going to go see that movie.
ROZEN: Go see "Crash."
HAMMER: Have a good weekend, Leah.
ROZEN: Thank you.
HAMMER: For more picks and pans, of course you can check out the new issue of "People" magazine which is on newsstands everywhere.
BRYANT: It is time for the showbiz showcase. Tonight, they are globe trotting assassins who find out that their next hit is each other. Take a look at Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."
"Mr. and Mrs. Smith" hits theaters June 10th.
HAMMER: It is time now to get your laugh on in "laughter dark." As we do every single night, we bring you the late-night laughs you might have missed.
BRYANT: On the DAILY SHOW, Jon Stewart uncovered more shocking news about the scandal plaguing AMERICAN IDOL judge Paula Abdul.
JON STEWART: Actually, we at the DAILY SHOW have learned Clark may not be the only up and comer Abdul seduced. Stay tuned next week for an exclusive interview with MC scat cat (ph). His affair with the temptress ended and among other things, she took things serious. He took them light. She went to bed early. He partied all night. In the end -- am I the only one who remembers that? MC Scat Cat and they were dancing and he was a cartoon. And then she was all and then MC Scat Cat was like I`m bad. And then Arsenio was canceled and nobody heard the end of it.
BRYANT: Whatever did happen to Scat Cat?
HAMMER: Not exactly sure. Nice to see the story continue to unfold. Next week, Jon`s guests will include Kathleen Turner (INAUDIBLE), Wanda Sykes and Al Roker.
BRYANT: We have been asking you to vote online on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day. IDOL expose, do you believe the allegations? The vote so far 37 percent of you say, yes, we do believe the allegations. 63 percent of you say, no, we don`t. You have also been sending your e-mails. Susie from Newport Beach, California, says, yes, I do believe Corey. After seeing primetime live and all the evident, I do think Paula crossed the line. And Melinda from Iowa writes, I think Corey only came forward to advance his career. You can continue to vote at
HAMMER: No better way to start the weekend than by finding out what is playing on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on Monday.
BRYANT: Let`s take a look at the showbiz marquee. Take it away marquee guy.
ANNOUNCER: Help, help, me Wanda. She plays Jane Fonda`s assistant in "Monster-in-Law." She is Wanda Sykes and we`ve got a monster of a showbiz sit down live Monday.
Also Monday, these are the voyages of the star ship SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Monday. It`s our week-long good-bye to the last STAR TREK series with the stars from the first and last STAR TREK series. Beam me up through the weekend, Scotty. This is your AMERICAN IDOL, the marquee guy only going where no marquee guy has gone before. Good God Spock, what have we done?
HAMMER: I wish somebody would beam him up. You got to meet one of your idols tonight. That was so cool to see.
BRYANT: I had a great time tonight. It was fantastic, fantastic.
BRYANT: That does it for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Karyn Bryant. We did promise you an interview with Cameron Manheim on her role in the Elvis miniseries and because of our extended interview with the former AMERICAN IDOL contestant, we hope to bring you that another time.
HAMMER: I`m AJ Hammer. Stay tuned for the latest from CNN headline news and of course happy mother`s day.
BRYANT: Happy mother`s day, moms.