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Paula Zahn Now
Missing Persons Cases; Angelina Jolie Profile; Teen Fights to Protect Children in Congress; Michael Jackson Fans Await Verdict
Aired June 09, 2005 - 20:00 ET
PAULA ZAHN, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening, everyone. Glad to have you with us tonight.
Tonight, the incredible bravery of one young girl, a witness for victims all over the country.
ZAHN (voice-over): Protecting our children from violent predators. As politicians debate, a young victim speaks out for change.
AMIE ZYLA, 17 YEARS OLD: I ask you to help protect kids, kids like me.
ZAHN: The journey of Amie Zyla.
And five days without a verdict. As the world watches, a defendant is on the edge. And desperate fans...
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We know you're innocent, Michael! You got to keep fighting!
ZAHN: ... wait for a decision.
ZAHN: We begin tonight with a remarkable young woman who is taking her personal fight against sexual predators all the way to Capitol Hill. Amie Zyla was molested when she was just 8 years old, the assailant, a teenage family friend. The attacker eventually emerged from the juvenile system, only to assault other kids again and again.
Well, today, Zyla, who is now 17 years old, testified before Congress, asking lawmakers to do more to protect our children.
Here's Ed Henry.
ED HENRY, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Like many high school juniors, 17-year-old Amie Zyla is busy mulling her future with her father's help.
A. ZYLA: I want to become a hair designer and open up my own salon.
HENRY: But they're also still dealing with Amie's past. At the age of 8, she was sexually assaulted by a family friend, a memory so raw, this shy young lady still has trouble talking about the incident that shattered her childhood in Wisconsin.
The abuser was 14-year-old Joshua Wade, who didn't just sexually assault Amie.
MARK ZYLA, FATHER OF AMIE: He also had threatened her life. He was building a bomb with her name on it after she had turned him in.
HENRY: Wad was prosecuted and convicted in juvenile court for what he did to Amie. He was sent off to Ethan Allen School, a youth correctional center outside Milwaukee. That helped Amie and her family start the process of healing, secure in the notion that Wade could not abuse any other kids.
That's why the Zylas were stunned in January, when they saw the face of Wade, now 23 years old, pop up on the local TV news, charged with more crimes against children.
M. ZYLA: And, all of a sudden, he walks on to the television screens and just kind of walks back into our lives. This can't be. What is he doing out? And why don't we know it? You know, and I was angry. I was confused.
HENRY: After being released from the detention facility, Wade became a youth mentor. He later admitted to police he had videotaped more than 30 kids in his bathroom with a hidden cam and had sexually assaulted some of the kids repeatedly.
A. ZYLA: It scared me and made me mad, because knowing that he was out there and doing it to other kids made me mad. Like, what he did to me didn't count. Like, what happened to me didn't matter to anybody, because he was out and able to do it to so many other kids.
HENRY: After he served his sentence for abusing Amie, Wade was required to register as a sex offender with the Wisconsin police. But there was a glitch. Since Wade was a juvenile at the time of the crime, the police didn't notify the local community, because Wisconsin law prohibited disclosures of juvenile sex offenses. So, his background appeared to be squeaky clean. And the Zylas had no idea Wade was back on the streets.
M. ZYLA: Why don't I know that he's out, you know? This is a man who sexually abused my daughter, threatened her life, and now is just out doing it again. We were appalled, I think, is a good word for it.
HENRY: Despite that horror, they decided it was time to take action.
M. ZYLA: Amie said, dad, what are we going to do? And I said, well, let's try this and let's try that. And we made a call to some state representatives. And just ball rolled quickly. HENRY: The cause got a major push from Amie, who decided to go public for first time about the molestation. In February, her story riveted the Wisconsin state legislature.
A. ZYLA: How and why was he able to do this to so many more kids, especially after what he did to me?
HENRY: Hearing her emotional plea, state lawmakers wrote Amie's Law, which allows the police to notify the public of the juvenile record of sexual predators. It was signed by Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle in May.
M. ZYLA: We can't change what happened to Amie and any victim. So, every minute of this is worth it. And we have been determined and on a mission.
HENRY: That mission takes up lot of time. And it's not easy for Mark to balance it with his job as a construction worker or for Amie to focus on school.
M. ZYLA: It's been a lot of work. Sometimes, Amie says, Dad, come on. And sometimes I go, man, what is going on? But we lift each other up and we keep pushing each other. It's worth every minute of it when we look at the fruit and the result. And only God knows how many kids this is going to protect, because those are going to be crimes against kids that are never committed. Do you understand? It's -- there are kids that will never know what Amie has done for them.
HENRY: But Amie is not satisfied. She's taking her personal plea to Capitol Hill, where her congressman, Mark Green, is trying to take Amie's Law national.
REP. MARK GREEN (R), WISCONSIN: And the changes that are taking place in Wisconsin are important, very important. But what will happen out here, what we'll get to do because of what you do, you will affect millions of people in a very, very positive way. You will make...
A. ZYLA: That makes me even more nervous
HENRY: That is why she was up until 4:30 in the morning fine- tuning her testimony.
M. ZYLA: This is whole different ball game than on the state level.
HENRY: That was compounded by Amie's fear of flying. But she brightened when the plane reached the nation's capital.
M. ZYLA: Making that turn coming around, Amie and I are just looking out the window, going, wow, look at this. We're here. Let's get something done.
HENRY: Amie was nervous. But her personal plea to Congress was powerful.
A. ZYLA: He stole my self-esteem and made me feel so afraid, so afraid that I almost did not go to my parents, because I thought he would hurt me again.
HENRY: The ordeal has taken its toll. But the family feels the tide is turning.
M. ZYLA: I have see my daughter grow and just be empowered, take her power back. And she's turned into young woman now. And I love the fight in her.
HENRY (on camera): How does that make you feel, hearing your dad say that?
A. ZYLA: It makes me fool good, proud. But we have done it together.
HENRY (voice-over): Joshua Wade recently pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree sexual assault and one count of child enticement. He faces up to 70 years in prison and is waiting for his sentence in August.
Amie is waiting for passage of the law that bears her name. That is also expected to come this summer.
ZAHN: What a remarkable relationship between a father and a daughter.
That was Ed Henry reporting on Capitol Hill.
Now we want to bring you the latest on Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teenager who disappeared in Aruba. Three more men were arrested today, but still no big break in the case; 18-year-old Holloway vanished May 30 during a trip to the Caribbean island to celebrate her high school graduation. The three men picked up today say they gave her a ride that night and then dropped her off at her hotel.
She hasn't been since then. Two other men, both former security guards, are also being held. No charges have been filed in the case. Aruba authorities say they have contacted local police forces in nearby South America, but refuse to say which ones or even why.
Coming up next, they don't get paid. They don't get much respect. But, month after month, rain or shine, they show up for the Michael Jackson trial.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have to be right here, see it, watch it and partake of it, and soak it up, absorb it, chew it up, whatever.
(END VIDEO CLIP) ZAHN: Please stay with us for the most loyal people you'll ever meet.
ZAHN: Well, the suspense continues at the Michael Jackson trial. Jurors deliberated for less than three hours today. Some had to attend graduations.
They have been at it for a total of 22 hours spread over five days, without reaching a verdict. And, of course, as you might imagine, the tension weighs pretty heavily on everyone, even the people that don't have to be there. But Michael Jackson's loyal fans will do just about anything for him.
And we caught up with some of them outside the courthouse in Santa Maria, California.
ZAHN (voice-over): He's not your average defendant. And these aren't your average fans. As judgment day approaches for the beleaguered king of pop, hundreds of Michael Jackson supporters from all over the world have set up shop in front of the Santa Maria courthouse. One of those fans is Margie De-faria.
MARGIE DE-FARIA, FAN OF MICHAEL JACKSON: London, England, has their king and queen. The Jackson family is our king and queen. They are royalty.
ZAHN: Margie, a 47-year-old registered nurse, left her job and home in San Diego three-and-a-half months ago to show her support for Michael Jackson.
SUPPORTERS: Michael is innocent. Michael is innocent.
ZAHN: Margie has been a fan since his early Jackson Five days. And her loved has never waned; 15 years ago, she was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder that almost killed her. She claims Michael Jackson's music got her through that very difficult time. And now she feels it's her turn to help him.
DE-FARIA: I have to support him. I can't leave him alone. That's like leaving a child alone in the middle of a bunch of wolves. You want to rescue them. And you feel bad.
ZAHN: For Margie, this is now her full-time job. And the courthouse at the corner of Miller and Cook, her new home. Michael Jackson supporters, her new family.
DE-FARIA: I'm a caretaker.
ZAHN: Every day, they pray. They sing. They chant.
SUPPORTERS: Michael is innocent. Michael is innocent. Michael is innocent. ZAHN: People of all ages have formed a self-contained community that believes in two things, Michael Jackson's innocence and the media's unfair portrayal of their idol.
DE-FARIA: They keep talking about him as if he's already convicted. They haven't even waited -- they don't wait for the jury to come in. They already got him in jail already.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have got a lot of evidence against Michael Jackson. But you say, oh, he's so innocent.
DE-FARIA: It's like, Michael is my brother. And hearing harsh things like that against him, it's like taking me and just stabbing me.
ZAHN: Although Margie De-faria believes in Michael Jackson's innocence, she says that, as much as it hurts, she's ready for the worst.
DE-FARIA: I'm preparing myself for the final verdict. I'm going to let all my emotion out in the hotel room. It's going be ugly here. And there's going to be some kids that are going to pass out. And I want to be ready for them.
ZAHN: For now, waiting for a verdict is difficult enough.
ZAHN: Well, another of Michael Jackson's fans got in trouble today. B.J. Hickman, a Tennessee man who came to Santa Maria in January to support Jackson, was ordered to stay away from Court TV reporter Diane Dimond. In her application for the restraining order, Dimond complained that Hickman had harassed her and incited others to harm her.
And the Jackson jury will be back at work tomorrow.
Jeffrey Toobin is scratching his head. He's our senior analyst.
Have you had enough of these people?
JEFFREY TOOBIN, CNN SR. LEGAL ANALYST: Well, no. They are truly nuts. Having spent some time seeing them, they are more pathetic than anybody else.
ZAHN: Incredibly loyal, though.
TOOBIN: Very loyal.
ZAHN: We should all have such loyal friends, Jeffrey.
TOOBIN: And one of the things that has surprised me about the trial is that he has still has fans like this. I thought he was so over that those people didn't exist anymore. But they do. ZAHN: We are five days of deliberations into this process. What do you think is hanging up the jury right now?
You know, I wouldn't even suggest that they are hung up at this point. You have to remember, these are Judge Melville days, which mean they start at 8:30 and end at 2:30. It's a short day. Breaks at the jury's discretion. Today, they only sat until 11:00. They really haven't had that many hours. And this was a 16-week trial, with 10 very complicated, different charges to consider, 98 pages of jury instructions. I don't think we can assume there's a hangup at all.
ZAHN: And I hear that even legal scholars say, these jury instructions are so dense that they are tough to make sense of.
TOOBIN: You know, when I was trying cases, I would sit and listen to jury instructions and think, boy, I'm glad I don't have to decide these things, because I don't understand. I don't even understand what the judge is saying. I think jury instructions have become clotted, overcomplicated. And I think juries spend a lot of time figuring out what's meant by them.
ZAHN: Let's talk a little bit about the composition of this jury and what kind of cues we can get about its makeup and how that relates to what ultimately might happen to Michael Jackson.
TOOBIN: You know, eight women and four men, middle-class jury, no African-Americans on the jury.
The foreman is a 69-year-old man. We like to think of him as Mr. CNN, because he's a loyal CNN watcher, we learned during jury selection. So, he's obviously a man of taste and discernment. But it's a middle-class jury, pretty well-educated. I don't draw a conclusion much one way or another about it.
ZAHN: But Mr. CNN is not supposed to be watching television right now.
TOOBIN: No. None of them are, yes.
ZAHN: So, this jury is not sequestered.
TOOBIN: They're not sequestered, but they're instructed to avoid...
ZAHN: All right, to avoid watching television and reading newspapers.
TOOBIN: Correct.
ZAHN: But do we ever really know whether these jurors in any case honor those instructions?
TOOBIN: Well, you know, I think they do. I really do. I think jurors are very conscientious.
When you see how hard they work -- I mean, this has been a big job for them. Interesting thing about this jury, all those weeks, not one alternate joined the jury. The jury is exactly the jury that was picked. That's surprising to me. That shows me it's a conscientious group. And I have every reason to believe they're honoring the judge's instructions.
ZAHN: If we look at what the minimum sentence could be, if Michael Jackson is convicted on a single count or it goes up to 10 counts, there's a huge swing in what awaits him if that conviction comes.
TOOBIN: Four of the counts can be misdemeanors. If he's convicted just of misdemeanors, I think it's almost certain he'll just get probation. But if he's convicted of four child molestation counts, he could be looking at 20 years in prison. So, it's a tremendous range of possible sentences.
ZAHN: It's a little bit confusing, because the judge could make some of those sentences concurrent.
TOOBIN: Well, you know, and ever since the Supreme Court ruled that sentencing guidelines are unconstitutional, the discretion is much more in the trial judge's hands. So, even if there are a mix of convictions, Judge Melville will have a lot of discretion in how much to sentence him.
ZAHN: I wanted to go back in time to yesterday, when defense attorney Thomas Mesereau had this to say in a statement, leaving a lot of people baffled who haven't been following this case closely: "The efforts of Michael Jackson's friends and supporters are noticed and very much appreciated at this time. However, only Michael Jackson's attorneys of record have been authorized to speak on his behalf."
What the heck is that all about?
TOOBIN: Well, this to me, was a sort of symbol of one of many things that has gone wrong in Michael Jackson's life.
There are so many jackals around him, so many people with hands in his pocket trying to get his money, trying to his attention, that some of them are now his spokesmen, supposedly. And then you have people like Jesse Jackson and Dick Gregory around, who are sort of nominally family spokesmen.
ZAHN: Sort of parachuted in late in the process.
TOOBIN: Right.
And, you know, who knows whether Michael Jackson has authorized any of this. Mesereau I think has behaved very honorably throughout. He has not been part of this. But he obviously feels compelled to try to damp it down. But I have no reason to think it will work. ZAHN: So, the jury has had five days to deliberate. I'm going to give you 10 seconds to deliberate. If you are sitting on that jury, what kind of sentence or potential conviction or acquittal would you be looking at?
TOOBIN: Well, I think the conspiracy count is a very weak count. I think that's going to be an acquittal. The child molestation, I'll be damned if I can figure it out. I don't know.
ZAHN: And that is coming from a former prosecutor, so that says a lot.
TOOBIN: Maybe that is bad for the prosecution, that I'm not more sympathetic. But I'm telling you, I just don't know.
ZAHN: We'll soon find out.
TOOBIN: All right.
ZAHN: Well, maybe not so soon.
TOOBIN: Maybe not. Maybe not.
ZAHN: Thanks, again, for your time, Jeffrey Toobin.
You might be shocked at how many serious crimes go unsolved. Please stay with us and meet a band of volunteers who are lending some high-tech help.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We know more about this girl today than we did 50 years ago, when she was buried.
ZAHN: Using the Internet to identify victims and solve some very old mysteries.
ZAHN: Still ahead, she's one part Hollywood, one part humanitarian and every bit controversial, even scandalous, our look at Angelina Jolie in a little bit, with an exclusive interview from her father, actor Jon Voight.
But, first, just about 25 past the hour, time for Erica Hill, standing by at Headline News to update the other stop stories tonight.
Hi Erica.
We start off tonight with another win for the president in his battle over judges. The Senate confirmed former Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor to the 11th Circuit of Appeals in Atlanta today. Now, Democrats had blocked Pryor's nomination because of his conservative stance on gay rights and abortion. One battle, though, still raging, John Bolton's nomination. Democratic leaders say, if the administration doesn't hand over records from Bolton's past, they will continue to filibuster his nomination as ambassador to the U.N.
The U.S. Army speaking out again today, insisting it did not try to hide the fact that former NFL star Pat Tillman was killed by friendly-fire in Afghanistan. Tillman's parents accuse the Army of, in their words, scripting a story to drum up support for the war. The Army has said there were some misjudgments and mistakes in getting the story out.
And Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan today called the economy reasonably firm, with no signs of a serious slowdown and inflation under control. Well, that helped raised the Dow 26 points.
Here's Valerie Morris now with tonight's "Market Mover," Pixar.
VALERIE MORRIS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The picture looks pretty clear for Pixar Animation Studios, the company responsible for such mega-hits as "Toy Story" and "The Incredibles" delivering very credible first-quarter results, surprising Wall Street with profits that tripled from a year ago.
Pixar earned more than $260 million in film revenue alone last year. And its shares are trading near at an all-near high, following reports that it may increase production to do more than one film per year. Pixar's 10-year distribution deal with Disney expires soon, but there are reports it may be extended. Pixar's next release, "Cars," rolls into theaters next year.
HILL: And, Paula, that's the latest from CNN Headline News at this hour -- back over to you.
ZAHN: See you about in 20 minutes or so. Thanks, Erica.
Time for you now to vote for the person of day, the nominees, an American couple sailing around the world for fighting off heavily armed pirates near the coast of Yemen, music researcher Michael Maul for discovering a previously unknown aria written by composer Johann Sebastian Bach about 300 years ago. And you have seen this guy, Russell Crowe, for eating crow on the "Late Show" last night and apologizing for his behavior at a New York City hotel.
Vote now at The winner a little bit later on in the hour.
Coming up, though, the detectives who are giving nameless crime victims a measure of respect by giving them back their names.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everybody deserves a name. Certainly, no one should be buried for 50 years with Jane Doe on their stone.
ZAHN: We're going to meet some members of the Doe Network finding names and solving decades-old mysteries.
ZAHN: They are some of the most frustrating cases for police with thousands unsolved in the U.S. alone. A body turns up with no clue as to the person's identity. On the other hands, a family may wait years to hear words or never receive any word at all. But now, a growing network of amateur detectives, connected by the Internet, is trying trying to put names to those unknown bodies and hopefully, bring some their families answers. Here's Drew Griffin.
DREW GRIFFIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It could have ended here.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And her body was found on just the other side of this rock.
GRIFFIN: And if not for this historian, turned amateur sleuth, it would have ended here. A mysterious young woman, found on the banks of Boulder Creek by two college students. She was badly beaten. And the coroner believed she was still alive when she was tossed over the side. The woman, thought to be about 20, probably died of exposure.
It was snowing the week they found Boulder's, Jane Doe. The week of April 22, 1954.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But this is filed under murders.
GRIFFIN: It was Silvia Pettem, a Boulder, Colorado historical writer, who found this Jane Doe for the second time, actually walking past a simple grave in the city's oldest semiterry.
SILVIA PETTEM, HISTORIAN: No one came forward. She -- there was no one reported missing that matched her description, so she was a complete mystery.
GRIFFIN: Boulder's Jane Doe would be about 70 now. Her mother, probably dead. And now, another mother is looking out for her.
PETTEM: If this were my daughter and we didn't know where she was, or who she was, I can't even image what's that like for a family. So, I guess it's the mother coming out in me.
GRIFFIN: With the help of the police, Pettem is on her way to solving this case. It's an investigating path that has led Pettem to another discovery, her Jane Doe is hardly alone. There are thousands of them.
(on camera): Were you surprised how many of these cases like this were out there?
PETTEM: Yes. Absolutely. When I first got interested in this case, I had no idea that other people across the rest of the country were doing the same thing.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This lady was found, alone, in Tempe, Arizona.
GRIFFIN (voice-over): Todd Matthews had that same reaction when he took his case online. That was seven years ago.
TODD MATTHEWS: I had no idea that there was another Jane Doe until I went online. You know, this is the only one I ever heard. It was unusual to me.
GRIFFIN: He lives thousands of miles from Boulder, in rural Tennessee. But Todd Matthews is tie by the Internet to Silvia Pettem and many other volunteers across the country and around the world. Their mission, return names to the dead.
Since 2001, that mission has been called The Doe Network.
(on camera): These people want their names back.
MATTHEWS: Of course, of course. I always hesitate to say haunting, but you do feel that pull and you know when you have done a good thing. You get that feeling of satisfaction that comes from inside of you. And, you know, it's almost like a blessing.
GRIFFIN (voice-over): Matthews first felt that blessing when he identified his own Jane Doe.
MATTHEWS: That was her. Barbara Taylor. And that's a picture of my father-in-law.
GRIFFIN: His father-in-law, Wilbur Riddle (Ph), found the girl's body even before Matthews was born. Riddle (ph) spent decades trying to learn who she was. When Matthew's married into the family, he carried on his father-in-law's mission. And in 1998, he solved the mystery by putting the case on the Internet. .
MATTHEWS: The Internet was evolving and becoming an actual resouce. That's when they were just popping up on little lights coming on at dark. Just when I thought this was all of them, there was more, there's more and there's more. And it just seemed like it never stopped. And it's still like that today.
GRIFFIN: Today, Todd Matthews, along with others, runs The Doe Network, a growing Web site, a database, filled with mysteries.
According to law enforcement records, nearly 6,000 bodies across U.S. and Canada are known only as Jane and John Does. The Doe Network has listed 2,000 of those cases, some murdered, others die naturally. But all missing their names. And since 2001, The Doe Network's volunteers have helped solve more than 30 cases.
Boulder's Jane Doe would be next.
PETTEM: She was completely naked. She's been stripped of everything, all jewelry, all identification. She had three bobby pins in her hair.
GRIFFIN (on camera): Severely beaten, a fractured skull, and for the past 51 years that's all anybody knew about Boulder's Jane Doe found on this rock in 1954. But her case has again, rekindle the community that buried her. Boulder's Jane Doe is now an active murder investigation. They're not just trying to find her name, but her killer.
(voice-over): And it is Pettem's work that has led the way. She did the work to reopen the investigation. She raised money to paid for the body to be exhumed. There is now DNA to compare to any living relative.
PETTEM: We know more about this girl today than we did 50 years ago when she was buried.
GRIFFIN: And later this month, what she hopes will be the major break, forensic experts will produce a facial reconstruction next week, similar to this one. Silvia Pettem and Boulder will be able to see what Jane Doe looked like the day she died, a photo of that face will immediately be placed on the Doe Network Web site. And Pettem will wait for the call that may finally place a name on this grave.
PETTEM: Everybody deserves a name. Certainly, no one should be buried for 50 years with Jane Doe on their stone. And some people are buried without a stone at all.
ZAHN: Drew Griffith reporting. According to the Doe Network's Web site, there are now over 400 volunteers working to help solve nearly 3500 unidentified victims and missing persons cases.
Coming up, a disturbing lesson that has just come to light as a result of last months evacuation and scare in Washington. But it won't affect your ability to vote for the person of the day today. You can choose the Massachusetts sailors who fought off pirates near Yemen -- yeah, they really did have some problems out there. The researcher who discovered Aria by Johann Sebastian Bach, or actor Russell Crowe who is eating crow and apologizing for his recent brush with law in New York, allegedly throwing a phone in a guys face. Case your vote at
ZAHN: Coming up, an Oscar winning actress whose Oscar winning father is less than happy about her lifestyle.
JON VOIGHT, ACTOR: Picking out oranges in the supermarket or something like that. I mean, there's something wrong.
ZAHN: Jon Voight, talking about his daughter, actress Angelina Jolie. We're going to have lots more on her in a little bit in an exclusive interview with her father.
Coming up at the top of the hour, comedian George Lopez is the guest of "LARRY KING LIVE," tonight, but first, time for another look at the latest headlines with Erica Hill of HEADLINE NEWS. Erica?
HILL: Thanks, Paula.
We start off with some good news from the U.N. today. Overall, it reported a massive, unprecedented reduction in global poverty since 1990, especially in Asia. Still, according to this report, there are huge gaps that remain, especially in areas of sub-Saharan Africa were some people live on less than $1 a day. The report also found the global child death rate is dropping, but not quickly enough.
Plenty of activity on the streets of Washington during the last month's evacuations of the Capitol. Things were also, though, pretty busy for the cellular networks. In fact, it turns out they were so busy, they were overwhelmed. A review of the governments response to the emergency found half the calls couldn't get through.
The FCC is moving up its push for digital TV, changing its deadline for all medium-size TV sets to be digital-ready, they now need to be ready to go by of March 2006, instead of July.
And, the Vatican says it will begin the process that could make John Paul II a saint by the end of this month. The new pope, Benedict, waived the waiting period. It still, though, could take years. But, starting off now.
The latest from Headlines News -- that's going to do it for us. Paula, back to you.
ZAHN: Thanks so much, Erica.
So, who did you pick as the "Person of the Day"? The American couple sailing around the world who battled armed pirates, or researcher Michael Maul, who discovered a previously unknown aria written by composer Johann Sebastian Bach almost 300 years ago, or Russell Crowe, who had to eat a lot of crow last night on "The Late Show," who's also apologized for his behavior at a New York City hotel involving the hurling of a phone.
And the winner, with 58 percent on of the vote, the couple who fought off pirates on the high seas.
(voice-over): If you've ever dreamed of sailing carefree around the world, Massachusetts boats Jay Barry and Carol Martini have some advice -- don't travel alone when you're in bad neighborhood and watch out for pirates. They say their sloop Gandalf and another yacht, skippered by a retired Navy man, were in the Gulf of Aden, between Yemen and Somalia, when they spotted trouble.
CAROL MARTINI, ESCAPED PIRATE ATTACK: I saw two boats right ahead of us that weren't in a position to be fishing, or anything that looked like it was something normal.
ZAHN: Martini and Barry say the men on the boats turned out to be Yemeni pirates who opened fire with automatic weapons.
Barry says, at the last second, he turned his steel-hulled yacht and rammed the closest attacker.
JAY BARRY, ESCAPED PIRATE ATTACK: The boat turned right up, sideways, on the front of Gandalf, and you know, stayed there for a little while, which was -- getting a little concerned. We finally threw it in reverse, and with the sea state and the waves, backed off.
ZAHN: It wasn't over. Barry and Martini say the other pirate boat pulled alongside.
MARTINI: I could see gunmen standing above Jay's head, trying to board the back of our boat.
ZAHN: She says, that's when the retired Navy man on the other yacht opened fire on the pirates with his shotgun, hitting two of them, convincing the attackers to back off. Both yachts made it safely to port.
Barry and Martini are now in Israel, two-thirds of their way through the trip. For getting this far, you've made them the people of the day.
We'll be right back.
ZAHN: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are Hollywood's high-voltage couple of the moment, shooting off sparks in the new movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." Oh, there've been a whole bunch of rumors about their relationship in real life, too. But however hot her on-screen performances, they can seem pretty tame alongside Jolie's real life fireworks. An actress known for exploits that range from the eccentric to the lurid, is the subject of tonight's "People in News" profile.
BRAD PITT, ACTOR: Sweetheart?
ANGELINA JOLIE, ACTRESS: You still alive, baby?
ZAHN: On screen, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt sizzle as a pair of sexy assassins in "Mr. And Mrs. Smith." PITT: Come on, sweetheart, come to daddy.
JOLIE: Who's your daddy now?
It was great. He's amazing.
PITT: It's good fun. I'm -- you know, a lot of good bouncing off each other.
JOLIE: Satisfied?
PITT: Not for years.
ZAHN: Off-screen, their rumored romance and Pitt's split from Jennifer Aniston are getting as much press as the new movie.
Tabloid pictures of Brad and Angelina together, right after the breakup, have sparked speculation about their relationship.
JOLIE: You've got to be kidding.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's so difficult to separate the film from the hype. Are they having an affair? Did she break up the marriage? What's going on?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When Brad and Jennifer announced their separation, they made a point of saying there was no third-party involved. It was obviously in reference to the swirl of rumors. Angelina also denied of being involved.
ZAHN: Thirty-year-old Jolie has had a history of rocky and often scandalous relationships, from her torrid and very public romance with actor Billy Bob Thornton to a brief fling with another woman. But, it's the relationship with the first man in her life, her dad Jon Voight, that's been the most tumultuous.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Angelina's parents divorced when she was about one-year-old. It had a profound influence on her as she grew up. She has had, as a result, a difficult relationship with her father.
ZAHN: In fact, Angelina and her father haven't spoken in three years. In an exclusive interview with CNN, the Oscar-winner actor talks candidly about his strained relationship with daughter Angelina.
VOIGHT: She's talking about choosing lovers, you know, like she was picking up oranges in supermarket or something like that. I mean, there's something wrong.
ZAHN: Jolie's behavior has always made tabloid fodder. She's both intriguing and disturbing. She has 12 tattoos, is fascinated by S & M sex, and proudly wore a pendant necklace filled with human blood.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There are actually two aspects to Angelina Jolie. One, there's the actual actress who's really good and can you just grab you off the screen like nobody else. Then there's Angelina, the wacky, wacky celebrity, who, you know, sort of always had this incredibly tangled personal life, now seems to be transforming herself into U.N. representative and human rights advocate.
ZAHN: Angelina is nothing if not complex. Behind the idiosyncrasies, she's a goodwill ambassador to the United Nations, and a dedicated mother. In fact, she says her number one priority is creating the perfect childhood for her 3-year-old, adopted son, Maddox. It was a time in her own life that was less than ideal.
VOIGHT: She was a baby when we divorced, so it surprised me when she said it affected her as severely as it did. But looking back, I can see that there were times when perhaps she expressed her anger in different ways.
ZAHN: A daughter of Hollywood royalty, Angelina Jolie Voight was born in Los Angeles, on June 4th, 1975. Angelina's mother, Marcheline Bertrand, was an actress and homemaker. Her father is best known for his high-profile roles in "Midnight Cowboy" and "Coming Home."
VOIGHT: Sure gives you something to talk about over martinis, how you're helping out the poor cripples.
ZAHN: Growing up, Angie, as he parents called her, seemed to be taking after them.
VOIGHT: She was dramatic when she was a young girl, and she was always dressing up and designing little things, skits for her friends and so on. I saw her -- you know, I thought maybe this gal would become an actress.
ZAHN: At age 7, she made her film debut, starring alongside both parents in "Looking to Get Out."
VOIGHT: Daddy is a -- he's a nice man.
VOIGHT: Now, when we divorced, I tried to keep the family together as much as possible. We did, we went on trips together. I was the coach for the soccer team that the kids played on. And Marsh was the soccer mom. And I was trying always to keep the family together and be there for the kids as much as possible.
ZAHN: Angelina modeled professionally, and attended Beverly Hills High School. But she wasn't like most other students.
NEELY MARGO, JOLIE'S DRAMA TEACHING ASSISTANT: She was very dark, very goth. I always remembering her wearing black lipstick. Hair was very long. Very quiet. She didn't talk to anybody, really.
ZAHN: When our profile continues, Angelina Jolie talks about one of the darkest periods of her life.
JOLIE: I collected knives and always had certain things around. For some reason, the ritual of having cut myself and feeling, like, feeling the pain...
ZAHN: From a troubled adolescence to her tumultuous career, more on Angelina Jolie when we come back.
ZAHN: Angelina once dreamed of becoming a mortician and had a fascination with self-mutilation.
JOLIE: I collected knives and always had certain things around. For some reason, the ritual of having cut myself and feeling, like, feeling the pain, maybe, feeling alive, feeling some kind of release, it was somehow therapeutic to me.
ZAHN: Jolie also admitted she experimented with drugs in high school.
VOIGHT: Of course, that upset me very much. And perhaps, this was the beginning of her retaliation against me, for the anger that she felt when I left her mother. And it was very difficult for me to scold her or reprimand her. And I backed down, partially because, you know, I felt some guilt about the divorce, partially because I was hoping that things would go away. But I wasn't as stern as I should have been, and I have to say that I take full responsibility for that. That was a big mistake.
ZAHN: But despite any personal problems, Jolie'e flair for the dramatic eventually led her into the family business -- acting.
JOLIE: Are you challenging me?
ZAHN: Angelina's first major film role came at the age of 19, in "Hackers," a 1995 thriller about computer geeks.
JOLIE: If I win, you become my slave.
LEAH ROZEN, PEOPLE MAGAZINE: You came out of the movie and said, hmm, that girl's good, who is she? And then found out she was Jon Voight's daughter. For her personally, she met the British actor Johnny Lee Miller on the film. She was her co-star. And they ended up getting married.
TODD GOLD, PEOPLE MAGAZINE: It was an informal ceremony, most memorable for the fact that she wore black rubber pants and a white shirt and scrolled his name on her shirt with her own blood.
ZAHN: The pair divorced three years later, while Jolie was working on "Gia." UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This must be Gia.
JOLIE: How do you know my name?
ROZEN: "Gia" was a made-for-HBO film that put Angelina Jolie on the map. It was a biopic in which she played a real-life character, a model named Gia, who was sort of one of these sort of superstar model, but had drug problems, a complicated sexuality. And Angelina Jolie just bit into this role and chewed it like it was the juiciest steak around.
JOLIE: I do be the prettiest, prettiest girl. I do be that.
ZAHN: The Golden Globe-winning role about the heroine-addicted lesbian rattled the young actress.
GOLD: It scared her. The living on the edge, the experimentation, exploration of drugs. And when she was finished, you know, she was completely depleted. In fact, she dropped out of Hollywood briefly, and enrolled at NYU Film School, where, as she told me, she wanted to explore, you know, what was inside of her.
ZAHN: Jolie admitted in several interviews at the time that she experimented with heroin.
VOIGHT: And I didn't get the seriousness of it until it started appearing in the papers, when she was giving interviews, when she was a young, young actress. And then I realized what was going on. And I tried to get her help. And our relationship became a hide-and-seek relationship.
ZAHN: Angelina Jolie wouldn't talk to us about her personal relationships, but she did give us this response to her father's comments. "I have no anger towards my father. I simply don't know him. My son has never met him, and I am doing my best at this to focus on a healthy life. I wish my father well."
Tomorrow night, we will continue our look at Angelina Jolie and her very public love life.
JOLIE: People writing about me are saying things about my personal life. And you never want something that says something nasty against your character. You know, you don't like it, but I know who I am.
GOLD: I don't think Angelina lies. I don't think that there was any kind of physical relationship while they were shooting the movie.
VOIGHT: Angie has seen her mother go through that kind of pain because of my adultery. So you would think she'd stay very far away from it. And she's actually said she does, she says it. But does she? (END VIDEO CLIP)
ZAHN: Join us this weekend, tune into "PEOPLE IN THE NEWS" for more on Jolie, along with a look at Michael Jackson's life and career. That's Sunday, at 7:00 p.m. Eastern, 4:00 Pacific time.
Thanks so much for being with us tonight. We'll be back same time, same place tomorrow night. Again, thanks for dropping by. "LARRY KING LIVE" is next.
Aired June 9, 2005 - 20:00 Â ET
PAULA ZAHN, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening, everyone. Glad to have you with us tonight.
Tonight, the incredible bravery of one young girl, a witness for victims all over the country.
ZAHN (voice-over): Protecting our children from violent predators. As politicians debate, a young victim speaks out for change.
AMIE ZYLA, 17 YEARS OLD: I ask you to help protect kids, kids like me.
ZAHN: The journey of Amie Zyla.
And five days without a verdict. As the world watches, a defendant is on the edge. And desperate fans...
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We know you're innocent, Michael! You got to keep fighting!
ZAHN: ... wait for a decision.
ZAHN: We begin tonight with a remarkable young woman who is taking her personal fight against sexual predators all the way to Capitol Hill. Amie Zyla was molested when she was just 8 years old, the assailant, a teenage family friend. The attacker eventually emerged from the juvenile system, only to assault other kids again and again.
Well, today, Zyla, who is now 17 years old, testified before Congress, asking lawmakers to do more to protect our children.
Here's Ed Henry.
ED HENRY, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Like many high school juniors, 17-year-old Amie Zyla is busy mulling her future with her father's help.
A. ZYLA: I want to become a hair designer and open up my own salon.
HENRY: But they're also still dealing with Amie's past. At the age of 8, she was sexually assaulted by a family friend, a memory so raw, this shy young lady still has trouble talking about the incident that shattered her childhood in Wisconsin.
The abuser was 14-year-old Joshua Wade, who didn't just sexually assault Amie.
MARK ZYLA, FATHER OF AMIE: He also had threatened her life. He was building a bomb with her name on it after she had turned him in.
HENRY: Wad was prosecuted and convicted in juvenile court for what he did to Amie. He was sent off to Ethan Allen School, a youth correctional center outside Milwaukee. That helped Amie and her family start the process of healing, secure in the notion that Wade could not abuse any other kids.
That's why the Zylas were stunned in January, when they saw the face of Wade, now 23 years old, pop up on the local TV news, charged with more crimes against children.
M. ZYLA: And, all of a sudden, he walks on to the television screens and just kind of walks back into our lives. This can't be. What is he doing out? And why don't we know it? You know, and I was angry. I was confused.
HENRY: After being released from the detention facility, Wade became a youth mentor. He later admitted to police he had videotaped more than 30 kids in his bathroom with a hidden cam and had sexually assaulted some of the kids repeatedly.
A. ZYLA: It scared me and made me mad, because knowing that he was out there and doing it to other kids made me mad. Like, what he did to me didn't count. Like, what happened to me didn't matter to anybody, because he was out and able to do it to so many other kids.
HENRY: After he served his sentence for abusing Amie, Wade was required to register as a sex offender with the Wisconsin police. But there was a glitch. Since Wade was a juvenile at the time of the crime, the police didn't notify the local community, because Wisconsin law prohibited disclosures of juvenile sex offenses. So, his background appeared to be squeaky clean. And the Zylas had no idea Wade was back on the streets.
M. ZYLA: Why don't I know that he's out, you know? This is a man who sexually abused my daughter, threatened her life, and now is just out doing it again. We were appalled, I think, is a good word for it.
HENRY: Despite that horror, they decided it was time to take action.
M. ZYLA: Amie said, dad, what are we going to do? And I said, well, let's try this and let's try that. And we made a call to some state representatives. And just ball rolled quickly. HENRY: The cause got a major push from Amie, who decided to go public for first time about the molestation. In February, her story riveted the Wisconsin state legislature.
A. ZYLA: How and why was he able to do this to so many more kids, especially after what he did to me?
HENRY: Hearing her emotional plea, state lawmakers wrote Amie's Law, which allows the police to notify the public of the juvenile record of sexual predators. It was signed by Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle in May.
M. ZYLA: We can't change what happened to Amie and any victim. So, every minute of this is worth it. And we have been determined and on a mission.
HENRY: That mission takes up lot of time. And it's not easy for Mark to balance it with his job as a construction worker or for Amie to focus on school.
M. ZYLA: It's been a lot of work. Sometimes, Amie says, Dad, come on. And sometimes I go, man, what is going on? But we lift each other up and we keep pushing each other. It's worth every minute of it when we look at the fruit and the result. And only God knows how many kids this is going to protect, because those are going to be crimes against kids that are never committed. Do you understand? It's -- there are kids that will never know what Amie has done for them.
HENRY: But Amie is not satisfied. She's taking her personal plea to Capitol Hill, where her congressman, Mark Green, is trying to take Amie's Law national.
REP. MARK GREEN (R), WISCONSIN: And the changes that are taking place in Wisconsin are important, very important. But what will happen out here, what we'll get to do because of what you do, you will affect millions of people in a very, very positive way. You will make...
A. ZYLA: That makes me even more nervous
HENRY: That is why she was up until 4:30 in the morning fine- tuning her testimony.
M. ZYLA: This is whole different ball game than on the state level.
HENRY: That was compounded by Amie's fear of flying. But she brightened when the plane reached the nation's capital.
M. ZYLA: Making that turn coming around, Amie and I are just looking out the window, going, wow, look at this. We're here. Let's get something done.
HENRY: Amie was nervous. But her personal plea to Congress was powerful.
A. ZYLA: He stole my self-esteem and made me feel so afraid, so afraid that I almost did not go to my parents, because I thought he would hurt me again.
HENRY: The ordeal has taken its toll. But the family feels the tide is turning.
M. ZYLA: I have see my daughter grow and just be empowered, take her power back. And she's turned into young woman now. And I love the fight in her.
HENRY (on camera): How does that make you feel, hearing your dad say that?
A. ZYLA: It makes me fool good, proud. But we have done it together.
HENRY (voice-over): Joshua Wade recently pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree sexual assault and one count of child enticement. He faces up to 70 years in prison and is waiting for his sentence in August.
Amie is waiting for passage of the law that bears her name. That is also expected to come this summer.
ZAHN: What a remarkable relationship between a father and a daughter.
That was Ed Henry reporting on Capitol Hill.
Now we want to bring you the latest on Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teenager who disappeared in Aruba. Three more men were arrested today, but still no big break in the case; 18-year-old Holloway vanished May 30 during a trip to the Caribbean island to celebrate her high school graduation. The three men picked up today say they gave her a ride that night and then dropped her off at her hotel.
She hasn't been since then. Two other men, both former security guards, are also being held. No charges have been filed in the case. Aruba authorities say they have contacted local police forces in nearby South America, but refuse to say which ones or even why.
Coming up next, they don't get paid. They don't get much respect. But, month after month, rain or shine, they show up for the Michael Jackson trial.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have to be right here, see it, watch it and partake of it, and soak it up, absorb it, chew it up, whatever.
(END VIDEO CLIP) ZAHN: Please stay with us for the most loyal people you'll ever meet.
ZAHN: Well, the suspense continues at the Michael Jackson trial. Jurors deliberated for less than three hours today. Some had to attend graduations.
They have been at it for a total of 22 hours spread over five days, without reaching a verdict. And, of course, as you might imagine, the tension weighs pretty heavily on everyone, even the people that don't have to be there. But Michael Jackson's loyal fans will do just about anything for him.
And we caught up with some of them outside the courthouse in Santa Maria, California.
ZAHN (voice-over): He's not your average defendant. And these aren't your average fans. As judgment day approaches for the beleaguered king of pop, hundreds of Michael Jackson supporters from all over the world have set up shop in front of the Santa Maria courthouse. One of those fans is Margie De-faria.
MARGIE DE-FARIA, FAN OF MICHAEL JACKSON: London, England, has their king and queen. The Jackson family is our king and queen. They are royalty.
ZAHN: Margie, a 47-year-old registered nurse, left her job and home in San Diego three-and-a-half months ago to show her support for Michael Jackson.
SUPPORTERS: Michael is innocent. Michael is innocent.
ZAHN: Margie has been a fan since his early Jackson Five days. And her loved has never waned; 15 years ago, she was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder that almost killed her. She claims Michael Jackson's music got her through that very difficult time. And now she feels it's her turn to help him.
DE-FARIA: I have to support him. I can't leave him alone. That's like leaving a child alone in the middle of a bunch of wolves. You want to rescue them. And you feel bad.
ZAHN: For Margie, this is now her full-time job. And the courthouse at the corner of Miller and Cook, her new home. Michael Jackson supporters, her new family.
DE-FARIA: I'm a caretaker.
ZAHN: Every day, they pray. They sing. They chant.
SUPPORTERS: Michael is innocent. Michael is innocent. Michael is innocent. ZAHN: People of all ages have formed a self-contained community that believes in two things, Michael Jackson's innocence and the media's unfair portrayal of their idol.
DE-FARIA: They keep talking about him as if he's already convicted. They haven't even waited -- they don't wait for the jury to come in. They already got him in jail already.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have got a lot of evidence against Michael Jackson. But you say, oh, he's so innocent.
DE-FARIA: It's like, Michael is my brother. And hearing harsh things like that against him, it's like taking me and just stabbing me.
ZAHN: Although Margie De-faria believes in Michael Jackson's innocence, she says that, as much as it hurts, she's ready for the worst.
DE-FARIA: I'm preparing myself for the final verdict. I'm going to let all my emotion out in the hotel room. It's going be ugly here. And there's going to be some kids that are going to pass out. And I want to be ready for them.
ZAHN: For now, waiting for a verdict is difficult enough.
ZAHN: Well, another of Michael Jackson's fans got in trouble today. B.J. Hickman, a Tennessee man who came to Santa Maria in January to support Jackson, was ordered to stay away from Court TV reporter Diane Dimond. In her application for the restraining order, Dimond complained that Hickman had harassed her and incited others to harm her.
And the Jackson jury will be back at work tomorrow.
Jeffrey Toobin is scratching his head. He's our senior analyst.
Have you had enough of these people?
JEFFREY TOOBIN, CNN SR. LEGAL ANALYST: Well, no. They are truly nuts. Having spent some time seeing them, they are more pathetic than anybody else.
ZAHN: Incredibly loyal, though.
TOOBIN: Very loyal.
ZAHN: We should all have such loyal friends, Jeffrey.
TOOBIN: And one of the things that has surprised me about the trial is that he has still has fans like this. I thought he was so over that those people didn't exist anymore. But they do. ZAHN: We are five days of deliberations into this process. What do you think is hanging up the jury right now?
You know, I wouldn't even suggest that they are hung up at this point. You have to remember, these are Judge Melville days, which mean they start at 8:30 and end at 2:30. It's a short day. Breaks at the jury's discretion. Today, they only sat until 11:00. They really haven't had that many hours. And this was a 16-week trial, with 10 very complicated, different charges to consider, 98 pages of jury instructions. I don't think we can assume there's a hangup at all.
ZAHN: And I hear that even legal scholars say, these jury instructions are so dense that they are tough to make sense of.
TOOBIN: You know, when I was trying cases, I would sit and listen to jury instructions and think, boy, I'm glad I don't have to decide these things, because I don't understand. I don't even understand what the judge is saying. I think jury instructions have become clotted, overcomplicated. And I think juries spend a lot of time figuring out what's meant by them.
ZAHN: Let's talk a little bit about the composition of this jury and what kind of cues we can get about its makeup and how that relates to what ultimately might happen to Michael Jackson.
TOOBIN: You know, eight women and four men, middle-class jury, no African-Americans on the jury.
The foreman is a 69-year-old man. We like to think of him as Mr. CNN, because he's a loyal CNN watcher, we learned during jury selection. So, he's obviously a man of taste and discernment. But it's a middle-class jury, pretty well-educated. I don't draw a conclusion much one way or another about it.
ZAHN: But Mr. CNN is not supposed to be watching television right now.
TOOBIN: No. None of them are, yes.
ZAHN: So, this jury is not sequestered.
TOOBIN: They're not sequestered, but they're instructed to avoid...
ZAHN: All right, to avoid watching television and reading newspapers.
TOOBIN: Correct.
ZAHN: But do we ever really know whether these jurors in any case honor those instructions?
TOOBIN: Well, you know, I think they do. I really do. I think jurors are very conscientious.
When you see how hard they work -- I mean, this has been a big job for them. Interesting thing about this jury, all those weeks, not one alternate joined the jury. The jury is exactly the jury that was picked. That's surprising to me. That shows me it's a conscientious group. And I have every reason to believe they're honoring the judge's instructions.
ZAHN: If we look at what the minimum sentence could be, if Michael Jackson is convicted on a single count or it goes up to 10 counts, there's a huge swing in what awaits him if that conviction comes.
TOOBIN: Four of the counts can be misdemeanors. If he's convicted just of misdemeanors, I think it's almost certain he'll just get probation. But if he's convicted of four child molestation counts, he could be looking at 20 years in prison. So, it's a tremendous range of possible sentences.
ZAHN: It's a little bit confusing, because the judge could make some of those sentences concurrent.
TOOBIN: Well, you know, and ever since the Supreme Court ruled that sentencing guidelines are unconstitutional, the discretion is much more in the trial judge's hands. So, even if there are a mix of convictions, Judge Melville will have a lot of discretion in how much to sentence him.
ZAHN: I wanted to go back in time to yesterday, when defense attorney Thomas Mesereau had this to say in a statement, leaving a lot of people baffled who haven't been following this case closely: "The efforts of Michael Jackson's friends and supporters are noticed and very much appreciated at this time. However, only Michael Jackson's attorneys of record have been authorized to speak on his behalf."
What the heck is that all about?
TOOBIN: Well, this to me, was a sort of symbol of one of many things that has gone wrong in Michael Jackson's life.
There are so many jackals around him, so many people with hands in his pocket trying to get his money, trying to his attention, that some of them are now his spokesmen, supposedly. And then you have people like Jesse Jackson and Dick Gregory around, who are sort of nominally family spokesmen.
ZAHN: Sort of parachuted in late in the process.
TOOBIN: Right.
And, you know, who knows whether Michael Jackson has authorized any of this. Mesereau I think has behaved very honorably throughout. He has not been part of this. But he obviously feels compelled to try to damp it down. But I have no reason to think it will work. ZAHN: So, the jury has had five days to deliberate. I'm going to give you 10 seconds to deliberate. If you are sitting on that jury, what kind of sentence or potential conviction or acquittal would you be looking at?
TOOBIN: Well, I think the conspiracy count is a very weak count. I think that's going to be an acquittal. The child molestation, I'll be damned if I can figure it out. I don't know.
ZAHN: And that is coming from a former prosecutor, so that says a lot.
TOOBIN: Maybe that is bad for the prosecution, that I'm not more sympathetic. But I'm telling you, I just don't know.
ZAHN: We'll soon find out.
TOOBIN: All right.
ZAHN: Well, maybe not so soon.
TOOBIN: Maybe not. Maybe not.
ZAHN: Thanks, again, for your time, Jeffrey Toobin.
You might be shocked at how many serious crimes go unsolved. Please stay with us and meet a band of volunteers who are lending some high-tech help.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We know more about this girl today than we did 50 years ago, when she was buried.
ZAHN: Using the Internet to identify victims and solve some very old mysteries.
ZAHN: Still ahead, she's one part Hollywood, one part humanitarian and every bit controversial, even scandalous, our look at Angelina Jolie in a little bit, with an exclusive interview from her father, actor Jon Voight.
But, first, just about 25 past the hour, time for Erica Hill, standing by at Headline News to update the other stop stories tonight.
Hi Erica.
We start off tonight with another win for the president in his battle over judges. The Senate confirmed former Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor to the 11th Circuit of Appeals in Atlanta today. Now, Democrats had blocked Pryor's nomination because of his conservative stance on gay rights and abortion. One battle, though, still raging, John Bolton's nomination. Democratic leaders say, if the administration doesn't hand over records from Bolton's past, they will continue to filibuster his nomination as ambassador to the U.N.
The U.S. Army speaking out again today, insisting it did not try to hide the fact that former NFL star Pat Tillman was killed by friendly-fire in Afghanistan. Tillman's parents accuse the Army of, in their words, scripting a story to drum up support for the war. The Army has said there were some misjudgments and mistakes in getting the story out.
And Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan today called the economy reasonably firm, with no signs of a serious slowdown and inflation under control. Well, that helped raised the Dow 26 points.
Here's Valerie Morris now with tonight's "Market Mover," Pixar.
VALERIE MORRIS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The picture looks pretty clear for Pixar Animation Studios, the company responsible for such mega-hits as "Toy Story" and "The Incredibles" delivering very credible first-quarter results, surprising Wall Street with profits that tripled from a year ago.
Pixar earned more than $260 million in film revenue alone last year. And its shares are trading near at an all-near high, following reports that it may increase production to do more than one film per year. Pixar's 10-year distribution deal with Disney expires soon, but there are reports it may be extended. Pixar's next release, "Cars," rolls into theaters next year.
HILL: And, Paula, that's the latest from CNN Headline News at this hour -- back over to you.
ZAHN: See you about in 20 minutes or so. Thanks, Erica.
Time for you now to vote for the person of day, the nominees, an American couple sailing around the world for fighting off heavily armed pirates near the coast of Yemen, music researcher Michael Maul for discovering a previously unknown aria written by composer Johann Sebastian Bach about 300 years ago. And you have seen this guy, Russell Crowe, for eating crow on the "Late Show" last night and apologizing for his behavior at a New York City hotel.
Vote now at The winner a little bit later on in the hour.
Coming up, though, the detectives who are giving nameless crime victims a measure of respect by giving them back their names.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everybody deserves a name. Certainly, no one should be buried for 50 years with Jane Doe on their stone.
ZAHN: We're going to meet some members of the Doe Network finding names and solving decades-old mysteries.
ZAHN: They are some of the most frustrating cases for police with thousands unsolved in the U.S. alone. A body turns up with no clue as to the person's identity. On the other hands, a family may wait years to hear words or never receive any word at all. But now, a growing network of amateur detectives, connected by the Internet, is trying trying to put names to those unknown bodies and hopefully, bring some their families answers. Here's Drew Griffin.
DREW GRIFFIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It could have ended here.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And her body was found on just the other side of this rock.
GRIFFIN: And if not for this historian, turned amateur sleuth, it would have ended here. A mysterious young woman, found on the banks of Boulder Creek by two college students. She was badly beaten. And the coroner believed she was still alive when she was tossed over the side. The woman, thought to be about 20, probably died of exposure.
It was snowing the week they found Boulder's, Jane Doe. The week of April 22, 1954.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But this is filed under murders.
GRIFFIN: It was Silvia Pettem, a Boulder, Colorado historical writer, who found this Jane Doe for the second time, actually walking past a simple grave in the city's oldest semiterry.
SILVIA PETTEM, HISTORIAN: No one came forward. She -- there was no one reported missing that matched her description, so she was a complete mystery.
GRIFFIN: Boulder's Jane Doe would be about 70 now. Her mother, probably dead. And now, another mother is looking out for her.
PETTEM: If this were my daughter and we didn't know where she was, or who she was, I can't even image what's that like for a family. So, I guess it's the mother coming out in me.
GRIFFIN: With the help of the police, Pettem is on her way to solving this case. It's an investigating path that has led Pettem to another discovery, her Jane Doe is hardly alone. There are thousands of them.
(on camera): Were you surprised how many of these cases like this were out there?
PETTEM: Yes. Absolutely. When I first got interested in this case, I had no idea that other people across the rest of the country were doing the same thing.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This lady was found, alone, in Tempe, Arizona.
GRIFFIN (voice-over): Todd Matthews had that same reaction when he took his case online. That was seven years ago.
TODD MATTHEWS: I had no idea that there was another Jane Doe until I went online. You know, this is the only one I ever heard. It was unusual to me.
GRIFFIN: He lives thousands of miles from Boulder, in rural Tennessee. But Todd Matthews is tie by the Internet to Silvia Pettem and many other volunteers across the country and around the world. Their mission, return names to the dead.
Since 2001, that mission has been called The Doe Network.
(on camera): These people want their names back.
MATTHEWS: Of course, of course. I always hesitate to say haunting, but you do feel that pull and you know when you have done a good thing. You get that feeling of satisfaction that comes from inside of you. And, you know, it's almost like a blessing.
GRIFFIN (voice-over): Matthews first felt that blessing when he identified his own Jane Doe.
MATTHEWS: That was her. Barbara Taylor. And that's a picture of my father-in-law.
GRIFFIN: His father-in-law, Wilbur Riddle (Ph), found the girl's body even before Matthews was born. Riddle (ph) spent decades trying to learn who she was. When Matthew's married into the family, he carried on his father-in-law's mission. And in 1998, he solved the mystery by putting the case on the Internet. .
MATTHEWS: The Internet was evolving and becoming an actual resouce. That's when they were just popping up on little lights coming on at dark. Just when I thought this was all of them, there was more, there's more and there's more. And it just seemed like it never stopped. And it's still like that today.
GRIFFIN: Today, Todd Matthews, along with others, runs The Doe Network, a growing Web site, a database, filled with mysteries.
According to law enforcement records, nearly 6,000 bodies across U.S. and Canada are known only as Jane and John Does. The Doe Network has listed 2,000 of those cases, some murdered, others die naturally. But all missing their names. And since 2001, The Doe Network's volunteers have helped solve more than 30 cases.
Boulder's Jane Doe would be next.
PETTEM: She was completely naked. She's been stripped of everything, all jewelry, all identification. She had three bobby pins in her hair.
GRIFFIN (on camera): Severely beaten, a fractured skull, and for the past 51 years that's all anybody knew about Boulder's Jane Doe found on this rock in 1954. But her case has again, rekindle the community that buried her. Boulder's Jane Doe is now an active murder investigation. They're not just trying to find her name, but her killer.
(voice-over): And it is Pettem's work that has led the way. She did the work to reopen the investigation. She raised money to paid for the body to be exhumed. There is now DNA to compare to any living relative.
PETTEM: We know more about this girl today than we did 50 years ago when she was buried.
GRIFFIN: And later this month, what she hopes will be the major break, forensic experts will produce a facial reconstruction next week, similar to this one. Silvia Pettem and Boulder will be able to see what Jane Doe looked like the day she died, a photo of that face will immediately be placed on the Doe Network Web site. And Pettem will wait for the call that may finally place a name on this grave.
PETTEM: Everybody deserves a name. Certainly, no one should be buried for 50 years with Jane Doe on their stone. And some people are buried without a stone at all.
ZAHN: Drew Griffith reporting. According to the Doe Network's Web site, there are now over 400 volunteers working to help solve nearly 3500 unidentified victims and missing persons cases.
Coming up, a disturbing lesson that has just come to light as a result of last months evacuation and scare in Washington. But it won't affect your ability to vote for the person of the day today. You can choose the Massachusetts sailors who fought off pirates near Yemen -- yeah, they really did have some problems out there. The researcher who discovered Aria by Johann Sebastian Bach, or actor Russell Crowe who is eating crow and apologizing for his recent brush with law in New York, allegedly throwing a phone in a guys face. Case your vote at
ZAHN: Coming up, an Oscar winning actress whose Oscar winning father is less than happy about her lifestyle.
JON VOIGHT, ACTOR: Picking out oranges in the supermarket or something like that. I mean, there's something wrong.
ZAHN: Jon Voight, talking about his daughter, actress Angelina Jolie. We're going to have lots more on her in a little bit in an exclusive interview with her father.
Coming up at the top of the hour, comedian George Lopez is the guest of "LARRY KING LIVE," tonight, but first, time for another look at the latest headlines with Erica Hill of HEADLINE NEWS. Erica?
HILL: Thanks, Paula.
We start off with some good news from the U.N. today. Overall, it reported a massive, unprecedented reduction in global poverty since 1990, especially in Asia. Still, according to this report, there are huge gaps that remain, especially in areas of sub-Saharan Africa were some people live on less than $1 a day. The report also found the global child death rate is dropping, but not quickly enough.
Plenty of activity on the streets of Washington during the last month's evacuations of the Capitol. Things were also, though, pretty busy for the cellular networks. In fact, it turns out they were so busy, they were overwhelmed. A review of the governments response to the emergency found half the calls couldn't get through.
The FCC is moving up its push for digital TV, changing its deadline for all medium-size TV sets to be digital-ready, they now need to be ready to go by of March 2006, instead of July.
And, the Vatican says it will begin the process that could make John Paul II a saint by the end of this month. The new pope, Benedict, waived the waiting period. It still, though, could take years. But, starting off now.
The latest from Headlines News -- that's going to do it for us. Paula, back to you.
ZAHN: Thanks so much, Erica.
So, who did you pick as the "Person of the Day"? The American couple sailing around the world who battled armed pirates, or researcher Michael Maul, who discovered a previously unknown aria written by composer Johann Sebastian Bach almost 300 years ago, or Russell Crowe, who had to eat a lot of crow last night on "The Late Show," who's also apologized for his behavior at a New York City hotel involving the hurling of a phone.
And the winner, with 58 percent on of the vote, the couple who fought off pirates on the high seas.
(voice-over): If you've ever dreamed of sailing carefree around the world, Massachusetts boats Jay Barry and Carol Martini have some advice -- don't travel alone when you're in bad neighborhood and watch out for pirates. They say their sloop Gandalf and another yacht, skippered by a retired Navy man, were in the Gulf of Aden, between Yemen and Somalia, when they spotted trouble.
CAROL MARTINI, ESCAPED PIRATE ATTACK: I saw two boats right ahead of us that weren't in a position to be fishing, or anything that looked like it was something normal.
ZAHN: Martini and Barry say the men on the boats turned out to be Yemeni pirates who opened fire with automatic weapons.
Barry says, at the last second, he turned his steel-hulled yacht and rammed the closest attacker.
JAY BARRY, ESCAPED PIRATE ATTACK: The boat turned right up, sideways, on the front of Gandalf, and you know, stayed there for a little while, which was -- getting a little concerned. We finally threw it in reverse, and with the sea state and the waves, backed off.
ZAHN: It wasn't over. Barry and Martini say the other pirate boat pulled alongside.
MARTINI: I could see gunmen standing above Jay's head, trying to board the back of our boat.
ZAHN: She says, that's when the retired Navy man on the other yacht opened fire on the pirates with his shotgun, hitting two of them, convincing the attackers to back off. Both yachts made it safely to port.
Barry and Martini are now in Israel, two-thirds of their way through the trip. For getting this far, you've made them the people of the day.
We'll be right back.
ZAHN: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are Hollywood's high-voltage couple of the moment, shooting off sparks in the new movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith." Oh, there've been a whole bunch of rumors about their relationship in real life, too. But however hot her on-screen performances, they can seem pretty tame alongside Jolie's real life fireworks. An actress known for exploits that range from the eccentric to the lurid, is the subject of tonight's "People in News" profile.
BRAD PITT, ACTOR: Sweetheart?
ANGELINA JOLIE, ACTRESS: You still alive, baby?
ZAHN: On screen, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt sizzle as a pair of sexy assassins in "Mr. And Mrs. Smith." PITT: Come on, sweetheart, come to daddy.
JOLIE: Who's your daddy now?
It was great. He's amazing.
PITT: It's good fun. I'm -- you know, a lot of good bouncing off each other.
JOLIE: Satisfied?
PITT: Not for years.
ZAHN: Off-screen, their rumored romance and Pitt's split from Jennifer Aniston are getting as much press as the new movie.
Tabloid pictures of Brad and Angelina together, right after the breakup, have sparked speculation about their relationship.
JOLIE: You've got to be kidding.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's so difficult to separate the film from the hype. Are they having an affair? Did she break up the marriage? What's going on?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When Brad and Jennifer announced their separation, they made a point of saying there was no third-party involved. It was obviously in reference to the swirl of rumors. Angelina also denied of being involved.
ZAHN: Thirty-year-old Jolie has had a history of rocky and often scandalous relationships, from her torrid and very public romance with actor Billy Bob Thornton to a brief fling with another woman. But, it's the relationship with the first man in her life, her dad Jon Voight, that's been the most tumultuous.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Angelina's parents divorced when she was about one-year-old. It had a profound influence on her as she grew up. She has had, as a result, a difficult relationship with her father.
ZAHN: In fact, Angelina and her father haven't spoken in three years. In an exclusive interview with CNN, the Oscar-winner actor talks candidly about his strained relationship with daughter Angelina.
VOIGHT: She's talking about choosing lovers, you know, like she was picking up oranges in supermarket or something like that. I mean, there's something wrong.
ZAHN: Jolie's behavior has always made tabloid fodder. She's both intriguing and disturbing. She has 12 tattoos, is fascinated by S & M sex, and proudly wore a pendant necklace filled with human blood.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There are actually two aspects to Angelina Jolie. One, there's the actual actress who's really good and can you just grab you off the screen like nobody else. Then there's Angelina, the wacky, wacky celebrity, who, you know, sort of always had this incredibly tangled personal life, now seems to be transforming herself into U.N. representative and human rights advocate.
ZAHN: Angelina is nothing if not complex. Behind the idiosyncrasies, she's a goodwill ambassador to the United Nations, and a dedicated mother. In fact, she says her number one priority is creating the perfect childhood for her 3-year-old, adopted son, Maddox. It was a time in her own life that was less than ideal.
VOIGHT: She was a baby when we divorced, so it surprised me when she said it affected her as severely as it did. But looking back, I can see that there were times when perhaps she expressed her anger in different ways.
ZAHN: A daughter of Hollywood royalty, Angelina Jolie Voight was born in Los Angeles, on June 4th, 1975. Angelina's mother, Marcheline Bertrand, was an actress and homemaker. Her father is best known for his high-profile roles in "Midnight Cowboy" and "Coming Home."
VOIGHT: Sure gives you something to talk about over martinis, how you're helping out the poor cripples.
ZAHN: Growing up, Angie, as he parents called her, seemed to be taking after them.
VOIGHT: She was dramatic when she was a young girl, and she was always dressing up and designing little things, skits for her friends and so on. I saw her -- you know, I thought maybe this gal would become an actress.
ZAHN: At age 7, she made her film debut, starring alongside both parents in "Looking to Get Out."
VOIGHT: Daddy is a -- he's a nice man.
VOIGHT: Now, when we divorced, I tried to keep the family together as much as possible. We did, we went on trips together. I was the coach for the soccer team that the kids played on. And Marsh was the soccer mom. And I was trying always to keep the family together and be there for the kids as much as possible.
ZAHN: Angelina modeled professionally, and attended Beverly Hills High School. But she wasn't like most other students.
NEELY MARGO, JOLIE'S DRAMA TEACHING ASSISTANT: She was very dark, very goth. I always remembering her wearing black lipstick. Hair was very long. Very quiet. She didn't talk to anybody, really.
ZAHN: When our profile continues, Angelina Jolie talks about one of the darkest periods of her life.
JOLIE: I collected knives and always had certain things around. For some reason, the ritual of having cut myself and feeling, like, feeling the pain...
ZAHN: From a troubled adolescence to her tumultuous career, more on Angelina Jolie when we come back.
ZAHN: Angelina once dreamed of becoming a mortician and had a fascination with self-mutilation.
JOLIE: I collected knives and always had certain things around. For some reason, the ritual of having cut myself and feeling, like, feeling the pain, maybe, feeling alive, feeling some kind of release, it was somehow therapeutic to me.
ZAHN: Jolie also admitted she experimented with drugs in high school.
VOIGHT: Of course, that upset me very much. And perhaps, this was the beginning of her retaliation against me, for the anger that she felt when I left her mother. And it was very difficult for me to scold her or reprimand her. And I backed down, partially because, you know, I felt some guilt about the divorce, partially because I was hoping that things would go away. But I wasn't as stern as I should have been, and I have to say that I take full responsibility for that. That was a big mistake.
ZAHN: But despite any personal problems, Jolie'e flair for the dramatic eventually led her into the family business -- acting.
JOLIE: Are you challenging me?
ZAHN: Angelina's first major film role came at the age of 19, in "Hackers," a 1995 thriller about computer geeks.
JOLIE: If I win, you become my slave.
LEAH ROZEN, PEOPLE MAGAZINE: You came out of the movie and said, hmm, that girl's good, who is she? And then found out she was Jon Voight's daughter. For her personally, she met the British actor Johnny Lee Miller on the film. She was her co-star. And they ended up getting married.
TODD GOLD, PEOPLE MAGAZINE: It was an informal ceremony, most memorable for the fact that she wore black rubber pants and a white shirt and scrolled his name on her shirt with her own blood.
ZAHN: The pair divorced three years later, while Jolie was working on "Gia." UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This must be Gia.
JOLIE: How do you know my name?
ROZEN: "Gia" was a made-for-HBO film that put Angelina Jolie on the map. It was a biopic in which she played a real-life character, a model named Gia, who was sort of one of these sort of superstar model, but had drug problems, a complicated sexuality. And Angelina Jolie just bit into this role and chewed it like it was the juiciest steak around.
JOLIE: I do be the prettiest, prettiest girl. I do be that.
ZAHN: The Golden Globe-winning role about the heroine-addicted lesbian rattled the young actress.
GOLD: It scared her. The living on the edge, the experimentation, exploration of drugs. And when she was finished, you know, she was completely depleted. In fact, she dropped out of Hollywood briefly, and enrolled at NYU Film School, where, as she told me, she wanted to explore, you know, what was inside of her.
ZAHN: Jolie admitted in several interviews at the time that she experimented with heroin.
VOIGHT: And I didn't get the seriousness of it until it started appearing in the papers, when she was giving interviews, when she was a young, young actress. And then I realized what was going on. And I tried to get her help. And our relationship became a hide-and-seek relationship.
ZAHN: Angelina Jolie wouldn't talk to us about her personal relationships, but she did give us this response to her father's comments. "I have no anger towards my father. I simply don't know him. My son has never met him, and I am doing my best at this to focus on a healthy life. I wish my father well."
Tomorrow night, we will continue our look at Angelina Jolie and her very public love life.
JOLIE: People writing about me are saying things about my personal life. And you never want something that says something nasty against your character. You know, you don't like it, but I know who I am.
GOLD: I don't think Angelina lies. I don't think that there was any kind of physical relationship while they were shooting the movie.
VOIGHT: Angie has seen her mother go through that kind of pain because of my adultery. So you would think she'd stay very far away from it. And she's actually said she does, she says it. But does she? (END VIDEO CLIP)
ZAHN: Join us this weekend, tune into "PEOPLE IN THE NEWS" for more on Jolie, along with a look at Michael Jackson's life and career. That's Sunday, at 7:00 p.m. Eastern, 4:00 Pacific time.
Thanks so much for being with us tonight. We'll be back same time, same place tomorrow night. Again, thanks for dropping by. "LARRY KING LIVE" is next.