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Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees

Hurricane Emily Weakens; Lance Armstrong's Secret; London Terror Investigation; Schwarzenegger Conflict?; Rhythm Method

Aired July 15, 2005 - 19:00   ET


ERICA HILL, GUEST HOST: Good evening, everyone. Thanks for being with us. I'm Erica Hill, in tonight for Anderson. Hurricane Emily sets its sights on the U.S. coast. It is 7:00 PM here on the East Coast, 4:00 PM out west. 360 starts now.
ANNOUNCER: Storm's furry, Emily now headed towards Texas, with hurricane winds still over 100 miles an hour.

Lance Armstrong and the Tour de France. Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the secret of Armstrong's superhuman superpowers.

The London bombing and the Egyptian connection. Authorities in Cairo detain a biochemist they say is linked to the explosives.

The Washington scandal over the outed CIA agent. Can President Bush protect his friend and adviser, Karl Rove?

Make love, not babies. Tonight, our series on marriage and sex focuses on the new rhythm method.

Live from the CNN Broadcast Center in New York, this is ANDERSON COOPER 360.

HILL: Good evening, everybody. I'm Erica Hill. Anderson has the night off.

We begin with the return of a boy wonder. At the stroke of midnight, millions of children and plenty of grown-ups will finally get their hands on the newest Harry Potter book. You're looking now at live pictures from London, where the witching hour has arrived, along with the lines of people who've been waiting for weeks, months and for years for "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince." A witch there, or wizard, rather, handing out the books there. This isn't just a book sale, though, it is a worldwide event. CNN International's Becky Anderson will be with us a bit later from London with more on the Potter mania.

But first, we turn from a book that is taking the world by storm to a storm overtaking part of the world, Hurricane Emily bearing down now on Jamaica, and after that, it may come ashore somewhere on the long Gulf coast of Texas.

CNN Meteorologist Rob Marciano has the latest for us now. Hey, Rob.

ROB MARCIANO, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Hi, Erica. The storm itself has weakened somewhat, but the track still is on course to bring it to the Yucatan Peninsula and possibly the Texas coastline as early as next Tuesday. You're seeing the projected path, and we'll go over this in more detail here in just a few seconds.

More about the storm itself. In the central Caribbean, it has weakened a little bit. You see it's breaking up just a hair. This time of year, there are fairly strong westerly winds, which typically will knock down the strength of these storm, and that's what's happened. So wins of 105 miles an hour, still a strong storm. It's 350 miles southeast of Kingston, Jamaica, and it's heading due west for now, at least, at about 20 miles an hour. It is forecast to strengthen as it gets into an area of the ocean that has warm waters and those winds kind of go away. So the western Caribbean historically, you'll see storms begin to strengthen.

So here it is tomorrow afternoon, as a category two storm, and then strengthening to category three status Sunday afternoon, likely encountering the coastline of the upper Yucatan Peninsula -- Cancun, Cozumel. That's one of the reasons you can get good deals this time of year because it is hurricane season. Into the Bay of Campechi (ph) on Monday. And some of the water temperatures, some of the buoys here in the southern Gulf of Mexico reporting 85, 86, 87-degree water temperatures. So that is definitely fuel for the fire. Right now, it's forecast to get somewhere near the Brownsville coastline Tuesday afternoon, with a category two wind sustained at 100 miles an hour.

I should point out, Erica, that's four days away. The Hurricane center does a great job of forecasting up to three days, and they nailed the last storm. So folks who live across south Texas will want to keep it turned to CNN over the weekend as we update this forecast.

HILL: Absolutely. We know you'll be on top of it. Thanks, Rob.

MARCIANO: You bet.

HILL: Well, if Emily does eventually head for Texas, it will be approaching the site of what still remains the worst natural disaster in American history. A historical "Download" for you tonight. September 8, 1900, an unnamed, uncategorized hurricane -- now, this was before storms were given names, before there was a scale on which to measure their strength. That storm roared into the popular packed waterfront resort town of Galveston, Texas. Forecasters weren't able to provide much warning. Even radio was years away. Forget those satellites and the radar. As a result, 8,000 are thought to have died that day in what was a nameless hurricane but st now remembered as the Galveston storm.

We turn back to London now, this time for the latest on the portraits police are beginning to paint of the terrorists whose killed 50 bystanders in London last week, as well as themselves. CNN's senior international correspondent Nic Robertson reports.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice- over): Police forensic teams seized computers from the Hamara Islamic Community Center, close to where at least two of the suspected bombers lived. It is here that CNN has learned of the first reported sighting of suspected bombers Hasib Hussain, Shahzad Tanweer and Mohammed Siddique Khan (ph) together. A local resident who didn't want to be identified told me how the three men repeatedly used the Hamara Community Center over recent months.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They always wait for all the three guys to meet before they get inside the Hamara (INAUDIBLE)

ROBERTSON (on camera): They would go in and shut the door and put a sign...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... they are going for lunch.

ROBERTSON: But really, they were inside?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, inside. That's what they have been always been doing.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): A few blocks away, at a local mosque, also believed to have been a possible meeting place for the three suspected London bombers, confirmation at least one of them visited the Hamara Community Center, sometimes used as a mosque.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The gym -- the youth facility in the basement of the other mosque, which was table tennis, table football and pool, you know, it was a youth worker (ph).

ROBERTSON (on camera): Exactly what bought Hussain, Tanweer and Khan together is still central to the police investigation. Equally important, who financed them and what motivated them and how they connect to the other pieces of this puzzle both here in Leeds and elsewhere.

(voice-over): In Cairo, Egyptian biochemist Magdy el Nashar was taken into custody Thursday night at Cairo airport. He is believed to be linked to this residence in Leeds, where police discovered homemade TATP explosives. El Nashar was last seen here two weeks ago, at Leeds University, where he obtained a Ph.D. in biochemistry in May. Police refused to comment on his arrest and how he may be linked to the case.

Significantly, the police are not backing off from their initial suggestion al Qaeda was somehow involved in the attacks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But what we suspect to find at some stage is that there is a clear al Qaeda link, a clear al Qaeda (INAUDIBLE)

ROBERTSON: From Pakistan, which is becoming another focal point for investigators, one source tells CNN Tanweer attended a religious school with links to radical Islamists late last year. It is likely, though, it's here in Leeds that many of the key discoveries -- like who knew what, when, where and how -- will be made. But it looks like that will take quite some time.


And another one of those key discoveries perhaps made this evening. Bomb disposal experts took away something that they wrapped in sandbags from this house here, from the house believed to have been rented by Magdy el Nashar. That TATP explosive, the same type of explosives as used by Richard Reid, the shoe bomber, a homemade type of explosives. And according to security experts, you need to be a good chemist to make it -- Erica.

HILL: And that is scary for a lot of people sitting at home listening right now. He, of course, also studied some chemistry here in the U.S., in North Carolina. Are we learning any more from U.S. authorities about how they're working with British authorities right now to maybe learn a little bit more about what he did here?

ROBERTSON: Well, certainly, the British authorities have asked U.S. authorities what they know about that time that he spent in the United States. And from North Carolina State University -- the university, they confirm, that el Nashar was there from January to May in the year 2000. They say that he was -- according to a student who was there at the time, that he was just a regular student, that he didn't express any radical ideas. He was a graduate student, and he left after May 2000, which is when, apparently, he came to Britain. The British University here in Leeds, where he was studying, said that that's when he began his studies here -- Erica.

HILL: All right. Nic Robertson, live for us tonight in Leeds. Thanks, Nic.


HILL: Well, you just heard about Karl Rove and the leak of a CIA agent's identity. We're going to have more for you on that. An in depth report is on its way a bit later in the program.

Also ahead for you on 360: Not too long ago, he was the toast of California. Now Governor Arnold hwarzenegger is in political trouble, hounded by a new controversy from his past. We'll tell you all about it.

Plus, Lance Armstrong aiming now for a seventh straight Tour de France victory. How does he do it, especially after this man survived cancer? We'll have more on Armstrong's amazing strength, as well as the latest on the race.


HILL: California governor Arnold hwarzenegger is standing tall in a sea of controversy tonight. Two years ago, the former action hero told Californians he wouldn't collect a dime salary as governor of the state. Well, he stuck to that promise, but he's still making millions of dollars on the side. And where that money is coming from, critics say, signals a conflict of interest. But the governor's office says no big deal. Here's CNN's Peter Viles.

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) PETER VILES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It turns out the boss of California politics has a boss of his own.

GOV. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER (R), CALIFORNIA: Give him a big hand to David Pecker (ph) and American Media!

VILES: Under this contract, which wasn't made public until this week, Pecker's American media has been paying a consultant it calls "Mr. S." -- and yes, "Mr. S." is Arnold Schwarzenegger -- no less than $1 million a year.

DOUGLAS HELLER, TAXPAYERS AND CONSUMER RIGHTS: Governor Schwarzennegger has been secretly taking in millions of dollars without telling the public.

VILES: The governor gets a percentage of the ad revenue in the magazines "Muscle" and "Fitness" and "Flex," much of which comes from nutritional supplements, pills like T-Bomb, Blitz, Blaze and Hot-Rox. And here's the controversy. While under the contract, he vetoed the bill that would have put state regulations on those supplements.

BILL ALLISON, CENTER FOR PUBLIC INTEGRITY: And here's a case where a bill coming before the governor, and is he ruling on the merits or is he ruling on his own private financial interest? I mean, that's as clear a case as you can have of a conflict of interest.

VILES: In vetoing the bill, Schwarzenegger wrote, quote, "Most dietary supplements are safe."

JACKIE SPEIER (D), CALIFORNIA STATE SENATOR: The evidence would suggest that many dietary supplements are dangerous and have been linked to the deaths of more than 100 people.

VILES: The federal Food and Drug Administration does not regulate most supplements but has banned some considered unsafe. The governor's staff says his position is not new, he has always believed in supplements and complied with state law by disclosing last fall that he is paid by American Media, even if he never said how much money he's making.

ROB STUTZMAN, SCHWARZENEGGER SPOKESMAN: You guys are asking me questions that you should have been asking me last fall, which actually, I think you did ask, that we didn't answer at the time. There is no technical conflict.

I'm not sure anyone cares about it anyhow, except all of you.

VILES (on camera): Now, for a big star like the governor, critics suggest there is another advantage to working for American Media. It's a kind of scandal insurance because you're now working for the same company that owns those aggressive tabloids, "The Star," "The Enquirer" and "The Examiner."

Peter Viles for CNN, Los Angeles.

(END VIDEOTAPE) HILL: Just about 15 minutes ago, the world got its first look at the newest Harry Potter book. It went on sale at midnight -- a minute past midnight, actually -- in London. That would be just past 7:00 Eastern. CNN International's Becky Anderson is live with more on Potter mania. All right, did you get your copy?

BECKY ANDERSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right. I have my copy. If you have any doubt of this Harry Potter phenomenon, just take a look around here at what's going on. These are people queuing for the sixth book (INAUDIBLE) the news, the pronouncement (INAUDIBLE) Harry Potter. Back to you guys.

HILL: Oh, can't we see more of it? All right, thanks, Becky. We'll check in with you again a bit.

Still to come on 360: Don't believe your eyes. We're going to introduce you to these triplets. Yes, those three right there. They may not look like triplets, but believe it or not, they are. How's it possible? Stick around and find out.

Also tonight, the president's close adviser and long-time friend, Karl Rove. The special prosecutor examines his role in the leak of a CIA agent's name. We've got the latest for you from Washington.

Plus: He keeps going and going and going. But what makes Lance Armstrong go? 360 MD Sanjay Gupta covers all the angles of Armstrong's Tour de France success.


HILL: It seems impossible to do once, never mind as many times as Lance Armstrong has already done it: ride 2,241 miles up and down, winding through the Alps and the Pyrenees, all across France, with thousands of other cyclists breathing down your neck the entire way. And here he's peddling furiously toward what would be his seventh consecutive victory. I mean, really, there's got to be something special about that man in the yellow jersey, right? 360 MD Sanjay Gupta takes a look in tonight's "Weekender."


SANJAY GUPTA, MD, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): He's possibly the best endurance athlete in the world. Most of us know Lance Armstrong's name, but few know how he does it. It all starts with his genes. Edward Coyle is director of the Human Performance Lab at the University of Texas in Austin. World record holders, Olympic medalists and promising elite athletes all come here to increase their performance. At the young age of 21, Lance Armstrong, was one of them. Coyle evaluated his physiology regularly for seven years.

EDWARD COYLE, DIRECTOR, HUMAN PERFORMANCE LABORATORY: We found that even at a young age, because of his intense training, he had a big engine, a big heart, and was able to consume large amounts of oxygen. Probably less than 1 percent of population would have as much of a genetic head start as Armstrong has. GUPTA: Lance Armstrong's physiology characteristics are nothing short of astounding. His heart -- it can pump nine gallons of blood per minute working at its hardest, compared to only five gallons per minute for the average person. In one minute of maximum exertion, Armstrong's heart can beat twice that of a norm person. His lungs -- he gets almost double the amount of oxygen out of every breath that a healthy 20-year-old would. Everyone takes in the same breath, but Armstrong uses his two times more efficiently. He also has more red blood cells to deliver oxygen to his body, meaning he can breathe better at higher altitudes. And that's a key in the treacherous Pyrenees and Alps mountains along the route of the Tour de France. His muscles -- Lances muscles produce less lactic acid than most people, which means his muscles can go longer and harder without major fatigue.

COYLE: An average person, when going to exhaustion, would have to stay stopped or wouldn't be able to move for -- you know, for 10, 15 minutes. Well, Armstrong's able to recover within just a couple minute, within one or two, and then go right back up to maximum. You know, that's why you'll see him repeatedly trying to break away and then eventually succeeding.

GUPTA: While Lance may have the genetics and conditioning of a word-class athlete, he has also had cancer lingering in his genes. He was diagnosed with the disease before ever winning the Tour de France.

COYLE: Lance visited the laboratory eight months after finishing chemo, and essentially, we found nothing wrong with his body. And that really helped him in giving him the confidence that he could pick up right where he left off.

GUPTA: All of this can ultimately make many people think Armstrong is superhuman.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The guy's a superhero.

GUPTA: And that's a question his mother has heard many times before.

LINDA ARMSTRONG KELLY, LANCE'S MOTHER: Is Lance superhuman? That's a question everyone has asked. He didn't get that way sitting on the couch, eating potato chips. So lots of hard work, a lot of dedication.

GUPTA: In fact, Armstrong trains at least six hours a day. And for the Tour de France, which spans less than four weeks, he begins training eight months before its July start date. That's an average of 450 miles per week, a distance of about halfway around the globe pedaled during a season of training. All that for what would be seven straight Tour wins..

LANCE ARMSTRONG, SIX-TIME TOUR DE FRANCE WINNER: What's important is that I still love what I do. I still -- I mean, I still go out and kill myself on six-hour bike rides.

GUPTA: From every beat to every breath, Lance Armstrong has certainly had a genetic head start. But at 33, it's his training and his inherent physiology that will carry him to this year's finishing line. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN, reporting.


HILL: We want to update now on -- update you on a story we just told you about moments ago concerning Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his agreements with some fitness magazines. Well, just a little bit ago, the governor coming out with this release, where he says, quote, "I have had an extraordinary close personal and business relationship with Water (ph) Publications," but he's giving it up. "Effective today," the statement reads, "I will relinquish my title as executive editor and forego any compensation from the magazine." Some concern there that the compensation was being fueled by advertising from certain nutritional supplements which the governor had actually talked about banning or having some adverse -- adverse reactions for -- for young people and others in the state of California. So again, this just coming to us now here at 360. CNN will continue to follow the story as it develops.

The Washington scandal over the outed CIA agent. Can President Bush protect his friend and adviser, Karl Rove?

Make love, not babies. Tonight, our series on marriage and sex focuses on the new rhythm method. 360 continues.


HILL: Welcome back to 360, and a quick look at a couple of the day's top stories in the "Reset." Knowledgeable sources tell CNN British police have found explosive material in connection with the investigation of the London bombings. Sources say the explosive TATP was discovered in Leeds, in an apartment rented by an Egyptian biochemist who was arrested in Cairo today. TATP has been used by terrorists in the past. The so-called shoe bomber, Richard Reid, tried to below up an American Airlines flight in December 2001 with exactly that explosive packed into his shoes. But it's still not clear if TATP was used in the London attacks.

Chief presidential adviser Karl Rove apparently testified to a grand jury that he talked with two journalist before they divulged the identity of a CIA agent. A person briefed on the testimony adds that Rove said he originally learned about the operative from columnist Robert Novak, who published the agent's name.

And Hurricane Emily may pose a threat to the Texas Gulf coast by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. T he storm is currently packing winds of 105 miles per hour, heading towards Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. Emily's been blamed for one death in Grenada. The island nation took a direct hit yesterday.

And 360 continues with a story of what some may call a miracle baby. The baby's parents overcame great odds to have their latest offspring who is actually a triplet, but not in the traditional sense.

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) HILL (voice-over): Do you see the two big kids? That's Jeff and Caleigh they're two of the three Beasley family triplets, sort of. And this, this is Lena. No kidding, she's the third triplet, technically, anyway. And you're right, this is, to say the least, unusual, if not a bit complicated.

The story began 17-years-ago when Debbie and Kent Beasley married. Although, they both have children from other marriages, together they couldn't conceive. So, 13-years-ago, in 1992, Caleigh and Jeff were born with some help from science, but the procedure produced extra embryos, 12 to be exact. And the Beasleys saved them.

DEBI BEASLEY, MOTHER: Those were my babies. That was life to me, even though they were frozen at the two cell stage, absolute life to me. There was no question for me.

HILL: And then the unthinkable happened, in a scandal that shocked the medical community, doctors at the now defunct Center for Reproductive Health at the University of California in Irvine were accused of stealing embryos. Among the missing, four of the Beasleys embryos. They still don't know what happened to them.

KENT BEASLEY, FATHER: We don't whether it was done for profit, we don't know whether it was done so that other families could have children. We don't know if it was done for research. We don't know.

HILL: There were eight embryos left. At the time, Caleigh and Jeff were 5. And their parents decided to use two of the embryos to try to have another baby. But it didn't work. Debbie had a severe allergic reaction to a fertility drug and almost died.

D. BEASLEY: Before I had that shot, I was really healthy, a runner, really energetic and spent a lot of time with my kids doing everything. My husband, we were running partners. And that single injection changed -- it completely changed my life.

HILL: Seven years later, we'll help you with the math, the twins were 12, Debbie's husband, Kent, was 53, Debbie still wanted another baby. She was healthy enough for in-vitro fertilization, but Kent was worried he was too old.

K. BEALSEY: We spent about a month in counseling. And I came to the decision that, you know, it was on Debi's heart. And I've always -- you know, we're a couple, we're a team. And I wanted to make sure she was pleased.

HILL: This time, it worked. Earlier this year, February 4, Debi gave gave birth to Lana.

D. BEASLEY: Lana actually means God's answer to a prayer. And there were so many years of prayers, and he answered the prayer in the exact way he knew he would.

HILL: A baby from the original batch of embryos created 13 years ago. And that's why, technically anyway, these three are triplets. But it's complicated. (END VIDEOTAPE)

HILL: Well, let's give you a better picture of this family tree now. Anderson recently spoke with the proud parents.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Debbie, this has been an incredible odyssey for you. What made you decide, 12 years after Jeff and Caleigh were born, to use the rest of the embryos you had frozen to try to have another child?

D. BEASLEY: I always had in my heart at the very beginning to use the embryos that were frozen to one day go through in vitro, to have another child. And after becoming ill back in 1997, that made it absolutely more challenging. That was a devastating thing that happened to me. And it took many many years for me to get to a place where I would be healthy enough where I even had hope that I would be able to undergo another in vitro.

COOPER: And Lana is an incredibly beautiful little baby there. It's great seeing her sitting in your lap.

As you said, you tried -- she's behaving amazingly too. I'm not sure how long this will last.

But Kent -- the original procedure was done at UC Irvine. And we now know that the clinic was involved in a scandal. They shut down. Some of the embryos were lost. And you -- I mean, you kind of had a harrowing drive through California to recover them. Can you describe that?

K. BEASLEY: Oh, the drive for us, well, we had Jeff and Caleigh, they were about 5 years of age. We started out from here, went down to Los Angeles area, picked up a tank. Went to where the embryos were stored -- had to be videotaped, to be sure that the ones that we were getting were ours.

And then we had to drive back. And it was in the middle of the central valley. And the kids were having a tough time, because the only thing we could do is get fast food and stop for gas and just keep motoring. Because we couldn't let the embryo tank go over 75 degrees. And it was like 94, 95 out.

So they were a little bit -- had a tough time with them. But we made it. And got the tank back.

COOPER: Now, Jeff and Caleigh, you are part of these triplets, Lana is the third of the triplet. Does it feel like she's a triplet to you? I mean, there's an age gap, obviously

JEFF BEASLEY, 13-YEAR-OLD BROTHER: It's kind of strange to think that she was made the same time you were, but she's so little.

CALEIGH BEASLEY, 13-YEAR-OLD SISTER: Yes, it's kind of like -- it's just weird to think about it. COOPER: It is a weird thing to think about, no doubt about that.

Danielle, you were pretty much, against, I understand, your mom going through this procedure. What was your thinking? What was your concern?

DANIELLE BEASLEY, 20-YEARS-OLD: My biggest concern was her health. I was 12-years-old when she got sick after she had tried to go with the in vitro again. And she almost died. And I was thinking why in the world would you want to try this again when you almost died? Why would you risk your health for your family? I really had to step in as a mother and help the twins when she was sick for the first year on bed. And I didn't want to go through that again.

COOPER: Dr. Katz, let's talk about Debi's past health problems. It made the procedure very difficult. What did you have to do differently from other in vitro cases that you've worked on?

DR. STEVEN KATZ, FERTILITY SPECIALIST: There are a couple of different protocols to use from to synchronize a woman's uterine lining in order to be receptive for the embryos to implant.

Most of the time, we use what's called a controlled cycle where we control a woman's menstrual cycle with fertility medications to allow us to implant the embryos at what we feel the exact time. In Debi's case, we weren't able to use those hormones, the hormone lupron in particular.

Therefore, we had to work off her natural cycle. At Debi's age, her cycle isn't that regular, but we took the chance.

COOPER: And Debi, as you look back on it now, obviously, I know the answer to this question, you're glad you went through it all?

DEBI BEASLEY: Yes. I am very glad I went through it all. Very thankful. I look down at this little miracle. This beautiful baby and it was worth all of it. The entire journey.


HILL: Well, still to come on 360, the controversy over Karl Rove. Just what did the man, some call Bush's brain, really say to reporter Robert Novak? We'll have the latest on the investigation.

Plus, the anticipation frenzy in full swing for Harry Potter's latest book. It just became available in Britain. The countdown on in the U.S. We'll have a live report.


HILL: The man called the architect of President Bush's re- election is at the center of a growing scandal. Did Karl Rove leak the identity of an undercover CIA agent to the press? Well, Democrats say he did. Republicans say it's a smear campaign. Today, the story involving the president's top political adviser took another turn. CNN's Dana Bash reports. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)

DANA BASH, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): He's not talking now, but Karl Rove told a federal grand jury, he indirectly confirmed to columnist Robert Novak the identity of a covert CIA agent. The lawyer familiar with the testimony told CNN. The source says Rove did not initiate the conversation and did not use the name of the agent, Valerie Plame.

Rove has repeatedly refused to discuss his testimony. Though, the White House, until this past week, has said Rove has had no role in the leak.

The source account now, first reported by "The New York Times," comes amid growing Democratic calls for Rove to be fired. It also comes days after "Time" magazine's Matt Cooper testified he, too, talk generally to Rove about the story.

Bush allies hope putting out more details about Rove's role, will quiet the controversy. But there are still conflicting accounts.

Novak declined to comment, but the source familiar with Rove's testimony says on July 9, 2003, Novak volunteered he had been told Ambassador Joe Wilson's wife worked at the CIA and had a role in Wilson being sent to Africa to explore possible uranium sales to Iraq's.

Rove's recollection and testimony, the source tells CNN, is that he responded casually, "I heard that, too." But in an October, 2003 column explaining his earlier decision to reveal Plame's identity, Novak recalled his second administration source, who we now as Rove, saying, Oh, you know about it, suggesting a more affirmative confirmation.

Rove's attorney says he is confident his client broke no laws. And that he has been told Rove is not a target of the investigation.

That he talked to reporters at all about such a sensitive issue surprises some secrecy experts.

JEFFREY SMITH, FORMER CIA GENERAL COUNSEL: Any senior government official who talks with a member of the press, and the identity of a CIA officer emerges in the course of that conversation, a red flag ought to go up. And the government official ought to pause and think before he or she says anything to confirm the identity.

BASH: Even with Rove's account, there remains a huge question -- who was the initial source of the leak?


BASH: And we do have a hint as to who that first source was, actually from Robert Novak himself. In a later column, he said that it was a senior administration official who, in an off-hand comment, told him about Valerie Plame. And he described that source as somebody who is not -- quote, a partisan gunslinger -- Erica. HILL: Learning a little bit more, but still so many questions. Dana Bash, thanks.

We're going to turn now to Thomas Roberts from Headline News for some of the day's other stories. Hello again, my friend.

THOMAS ROBERTS, CNN HEADLINE NEWS: Hi Erica, good to see you.

We start now with what's taking place in Isreal, with airstrikes being launched in the occupied territory. Isreal struck the Gaza -- the Gaza Strip earlier today, as well as the West Bank. Now, Palestinian sources say that at least seven militants were killed.

In New Jersey, cleared of murder, real estate heir goes free. Today, Rubert Durst was released from prison. Now, he spent five months behind bars on a weapons charge back in 2003. Durst was acquitted of killing a Texas man. Durst says he shot him accidently, but admits to cutting up the man's body and then dumping it in the bay.

Philadelphia: a deadly accident. A fire truck slams into a car sending two other vehicles into a building. Now, the driver of one of the cars was killed. Eight other people, including five firefighters were injury. The cause is currently under investigation.

And from Pittsburgh, dumb and dangerous: look at this. Check out what a couple of stunt men wannabes did in an SUV. Three college students videotaped themselves hanging out of the vehicle. Look at that. Climbing on the roof, also, basically risking their lives. Going pretty fast here. Police were not amused, charging them with reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct..

Eric, I guess they don't know that MTV show "Jack Ass, that was canceled?

HILL: Yes.

Well, hopefully they're watching tonight, so you told them.

ROBERTS: Yeah. Now, they know.

HILL: Thanks, Thomas, have a great weekend.

ROBERTS: You're welcome, you too.

HILL: Last night, you may remember, I told you how the actor who played Cooter on TV's "Dukes of Hazard" is trashing the new film version. Well, while we were telling the story, Anderson was doing some sort of impersonation from the old show. Here, take a look at it.



(END VIDEO CLIP) HILL: Yes. And the facial expressions are priceless aren't they?

Well, after pouring over the videotape, hundreds, maybe even of thousands of times, we here at 360, were able to determine Anderson was doing an impression of sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane, Boss Hog's sidekick of course, in "Hazzard."




HILL: Maybe he should show a little more teeth next time, or get a hat.

Anyway, Anderson, we know you tried. And really, in the end, isn't that what matters? Got to give him one for the old college try.

Well, coming up on 360, for all you newlyweds out there, and couples who are thinking about family planning, the way your grandmother practiced it is back again with a little bit of a twist.

Also tonight, the countdown is on for one of the most anticipated events of the year, at the stroke of midnight, the magical sales begin.


HILL: If you want to know how the new Harry Potter book ends, I'm not going to tell you. Because frankly, I have no idea, friend. Because I'm still waiting for my book in just under four hours -- over four hours. There are plenty of people, though, who are on their way to finding out right now. The latest adventure, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" goes on sale at midnight. But it's already half past, actually more that hour in London where already some lucky Muguls (ph) have they're hands on the book. CNN International's Becky Anderson is there. All right. Are they getting out of hand?

ANDERSON: Well, they were getting a little out of hand, let me tell you. It was a real frenzy in here just about 40 minutes ago when the book went on sale.

If you had any doubt that the Harry Potter phenomenon had died, well think again. There were queues down the street, around the corner, down the street, around the corner, and around the other corner here in London. These book stores have been open very, very late. There have been kids all over the place, just a little sleepy, some of them are, I've got to say. But they've been hanging on for this.

Don't forget, that Harry Potter's first five copies sold 275 million copies around the world, 80 million of those were sold in the states, 200 countries selling this book, 62 languages that this book is being translated in to. They are hoping this will be the biggest and the fastest selling book of the Harry Potter series. And this may be the penultimate book, don't forget that, she has said -- that's J.K. Rowling, of course -- that she will only do seven. Now, look at this. These guys got hold of their books about 20 minutes ago. They were the first in the queue. And well, they keep saying shh, they don't want me to talk. Come on guys talk to me for the time being. Liz, Matt, Julie and Sarah. Tell me what you think, guys.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's really good. I can't even stop reading.

ANDERSON: What page are you on? Thirty four. Matt? Come on. Am I disturbing you?

MATT, HARRY POTTER FAN: Yes. A little bit. We're just reading here that it's starting out in the muggle world. It's amazing. And I'm going to go back to reading.

ANDERSON: Page 32. Very quickly, Julie.

JULIE, HARRY POTTER FAN: I'm on page a hundred.

Reporter: And the "Half-Blood Princes"? You'd never tell us anyway. It was absolutely fantastic. A frenzy in here at 12 o'clock. It has calmed down, but of course, everybody now reading "Half-Blood Prince". Back to you guys.

HILL: All right. Thanks, Becky. Now you can go start reading yours. See if you can catch up to Julie at page a hundred.

ANDERSON: Thank you.

HILL: All right. We're going to turn our attention now to Paula Zahn for a look at what is coming up at the top the hour. More Harry Potter, Paula?

PAULA ZAHN, CNN ANCHOR: After that wind up, of course. We're going to talk about the media for Harry Potter. I can't say it quite like Becky Anderson, but we will do our best here. Some powerful religious leaders have actually voiced some worries about what the bestsellers might be teaching kids. We're going to debate the burning controversy over Harry Potter. It involves the Pope, it involves concern about witch craft and the devil at the center of the storm. And of course, we'll have the latest on what investigators have learned about the London bombing and the suspects at the top of the hour, including some potential American linkages here. Lots to talk about on a very hot, humid, Friday night.

HILL: It is a little hot in here. We'll see you too for that coming up at the top of the hour

ZAHN: We give you nothing but the best weather when you come in, Erica.

HILL: I know. And I appreciate it. It's just like being in Atlanta.

ZAHN: Exactly. Welcome home.

HILL: Thanks. Thanks for having me. Well still to come, 360 next, What's old is new again. Why some couples are doing family planning the natural way, using a new version of the old rhythm method. But does it really work? We'll take a look. A part of our special series.


HILL: All this week, we're looking at love and marriage in America. Tonight, it's an updated version of family planning. But we're not talking about the artificial kind involving pills and condoms. This is natural birth control. But hold on to your seat belts, this version of the rhythm method, not the one your mother learned. CNN's Gary Tucker explains in our special series "Love, Sex and Marriage".


GARY TUCKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Sara Butler and Bob Nardo are getting married in two weeks, and say when it comes to arrangements, they're not exactly ready. It's easy to deal with because, spiritually, they've never been more ready. On this sunny New York City day they tell us about a momentous decision during their engagement.

BOB NARDO, HUSBAND TO BE: Artificial conception, sadly, often enables people to view their partner as a sex object.

TUCKER: No birth control pills, no diaphragms, no condoms, nothing artificial. Bob and Sarah are not ready to have kids right away, and have chosen the method the Catholic Church endorses, natural family planning.

SARA BUTLER, WIFE TO BE: You get all the jokes, like you know, what do you call a woman who uses natural family planning? A mother. You know, and you get that form our parents too.

NARDO: You don't have to have cynical friends, you're going to have cynical parents. I mean God love our parents -- my parents make a joke about oh yeah, we were on the natural family plan and then you came along.

TUCKER: They joke.

PETER MCFADDEN, : Welcome to st. Vincent's hospital --

TUCKER: But they're serious, taking a class on how to do it.

P. MCFADDEN: Guys hold on to your seats, you're about to learn more about how a woman's body works than you ever thought you would know.

TUCKER: A class at this catholic teaching hospital that is extremely blunt in its language.

ANNA MCFADDEN, : Thank goodness for cervical mucous. It's the cervical mucus that keeps the sperm alive and extends the fertility window.

TUCKER: Anna and Peter McFadden are the wife/husband team who teach the class. It's part of the traditional catholic marriage preparation training.

P. MCFADDEN: It's not my mother's rhythm method.

TUCKER (on camera): Natural family planning has been around in one form or another for as long as there have been families. But the church and these instructors reject the notion it's archaic.

TUCKER (voice over): The rhythm method relies on the calendar and has long been dismissed as unreliable even among observant Catholics. But instructors are now teaching several newer natural ideas. The one they teach here is called the Creighton method, which focuses on that word we mentioned earlier, mucous. Couples are told how to measure the woman's cervical mucus everyday with a swab.

A. MCFADDEN: The mucous is just as important as the sperm and the eggs.

TUCKER: The more mucous, the more fertile. Stickers on your chart help to keep track.

TUCKER (on camera): So when you have a sticker of a baby here, what does that tell you?

NARDO: That's a fertile day. It's like a double back up warning system. You know, this could be a baby-making day.

TUCKER: What do the green stickers mean?

NARDO: Green stickers are non peak type -- dry days.

BUTLER: Days of infertility.

TUCKER: With natural planning, you can't have sex for many days during every month of every year. Does that bother you at all?

BUTLER: No. I'm sure there will be individual instances where we'll be bummed, you know.

NARDO: There will also be tens of thousands of days in our marriage where that opportunity is open to us.

P. MCFADDEN: The system that we teach is based on actual biological markers the woman can identify. So it's much more accurate.

TUCKER: But polls show most Americans of the catholic faith don't have faith in natural family planning. In a CNN USA Today Gallup poll, the question was asked do you think the Pope should allow Catholics to use birth control? Nearly eight out of 10 said yes. Francis Kissling is the president of Catholics for a Free Choice.

FRANCIS KISSLING, PRESIDENT OF CATHOLICS FOR A FREE CHOICE: I think natural family planning is a very unforgiving method of contraception. If it is not used precisely and absolutely correctly, the incidence of pregnancy is much higher. It would therefore put catholic couples into a very serious moral dilemma, since the church also forbids abortion.

TUCKER: But the instructors say artificial birth control has to be used correctly, too. And offer a reminder when asked if they consider artificial contraception immoral?

P. MCFADDEN: Absolutely.

TUCKER: A view point Sara and Bob agree with. Even though they don't mind joking about it.


TUCKER: As we mentioned, there are other natural family-planning methods endorsed by the church. Now we want to show you one more of them, a very basic method. These are called cycle beads. And what you do is you put the ring -- it looks like rosary beads, that's what a lot of people here are saying, that's ironic, but you put it right on the red bead to start when the menstrual period starts. Each day after you move the ring over to another bead. Brown means infertile. When you get to the white, that means fertile days. Erica, there are twelve white beads, so if you don't want to have a baby, you have to abstain for 12 days. Now the people who like these say they're great, say they're reliable. But other people say when you use them, you could suffer from romantic roulette.

HILL: Romantic roulette, a term I've never really heard before. Interesting stuff, though. Thanks, Gary. Well that is going to do it for 360 TONIGHT, but CNN's prime time coverage continues with Paula Zahn. Hi Paula.