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Glenn Beck

Are We in the Middle of World War III?; History of the Middle East is One of Conflict; School Officials Hide Behind Legalese; Rise and Fall of the Black Athlete

Aired July 12, 2006 - 19:00   ET


ANNOUNCER: Tonight`s episode of GLENN BECK is brought to you by Crap Your Pants Underwear. You`ll always be prepared for today`s news with Crap...
ANNOUNCER: we interrupt this broadcast to bring you this breaking news special report, "World War III: This Time, It`s Personal."

GLENN BECK, HOST: Hey, everybody. Hurry up; we`ve got World War III to fight. Yes, it is the end of days. Isn`t it?

You know, the only problem is I`m not sure everybody realizes it yet. You know, I want to give you an end of the world update here. You know, look, it`s World War III, but I`m telling you, I think Jesus could come out of the sky at any time. He could be making a glorious appearance, you know, in the next 15 minutes. And if he does, may I make this appeal?

Jesus, if you happen to be watching right now -- I know you are -- please, it`s a friendly place. I`ll only throw you softball questions. You can plug whatever you want. Make your first and possibly last appearance right here.

Now the serious end of the world update. Here it is, World War III. Why do I think we`re in it? Reports out of India state that at least 200 innocent people were killed in the Mumbai train attacks yesterday. Nobody`s claimed responsibility yet, but the prime minister is blaming it on terrorists. Gee, do you think so?

Over in Baghdad, at least 50 people died in more than a dozen shootings, bombings and ambushes yesterday, including an attack right outside the Green Zone, home of the U.S. embassy.

And, let`s not forget North Korea, where talks trying to prevent Kim Jong-Il`s nuclear program have stalled. So as you see, we`re cruising along pretty nicely, aren`t we, on that freeway to vaporization.

Here`s what I do know about World War II and the impending apocalypse. One, we can`t coexist with people who want to blow up trains and subways and bring down buildings. If somebody has a death wish, not really the best negotiating partner.

I also know that, whether you like it or not, this is a religious war. Radical Muslims want to wipe everybody else off the face of the earth. And let me tell you something. Hollywood, clean your ears out and listen up. You are the first in line for the gas chambers if they ever win. You`re the one who are producing a lot of the trash that`s spilling out into their cave that`s hacking them off.

Also, I know that people don`t want to believe the worse. That`s why people aren`t on the bandwagon. People are in denial. They don`t want to think that we`re facing something horrible. They want it to go away so we can all get back to our lives.

But listen to m: it is bad. It`s not just us. It`s the whole western way of life that is in trouble. That`s why we need to get on that World War III bandwagon.

Now, here`s what I don`t know. I don`t know if there are enough world leaders out there that actually have a spine anymore. Where are the real leaders? Not a lot of people are leading. That`s not a real good place to be. Where`s Churchill? Where`s -- where`s FDR?

I know -- I know we have George Bush. He`s doing it by himself. Tony Blair is doing good, too, but is that enough?

I also don`t know what it`s going to take to get people to wake up. My gosh. We were wide awake after 9/11. We`ve all gone back to sleep. We almost lost World War II because of apathy and denial. Please, let`s not let it happen again.

Bob Baer, he spent over 20 years with the CIA. He`s an intelligence expert. He`s the guy that was played by George Clooney in "Syriana".

Hello, Bob.

BOB BAER, AUTHOR, "BLOW THE HOUSE DOWN": Glenn, how`s it going?

BECK: Bob, would you agree with me that World War III -- that we`re here?

BAER: We`ve already started it.

BECK: Yes, we`re 1938, World War II. It hasn`t really hit yet where people are like, "Oh I get it, we`ve got to fight." Would you agree?

BAER: This is like Hitler taking over Czechoslovakia. That`s the stage we`re at right now.

BECK: Right, right. OK. Do you believe -- say yes -- do you believe it can be avoided?

BAER: No, we`re going into a war. We have to brace ourself. It`s coming.

BECK: OK, just a second. Ellie, I really think the only thing left here is show me the picture of the banana fish? Yes. OK, Bob. There`s no way to avoid it?

BAER: No, you look at Lebanon today. This is an endless conflict that`s going to draw in Syria and Iran. It`s inevitable.

BECK: Right. Here`s the thing. Here`s the thing that I think people don`t really understand. If you go - and she`ll bring the map of World War II -- I`m sorry, World War III. The theaters of war.

This is a map of the entire world of every place that has been hit since 9/11 by terrorist activity. You can see there in red. And unfortunately, too many people will look at this -- for instance, Al Gore would look at this map and say, "Oh, yes, I see that`s what happening here. The ice is starting to melt in Greenland." I mean, they just don`t get it, do they?

BAER: No, it is coming. You know, and it`s not even the places we`re seeing today. Look at Saudi Arabia, will go down once Iraq spins out of complete control.

BECK: Are they friend or foe?

BAER: They`re neither. They`re sitting on top of a volcano trying to protect themselves. They`re sending their jihadists to Iraq.

BECK: I`ve got only a minute here. Can you bring up the -- let`s go friend, foe or ally. France. Friend, foe, or ally? I say they`re foe.

BAER: Ally, sort of.

BECK: Oh, come on?

BAER: They`re scared. They`re scared.

BECK: England. You know what? England is a friend and an ally, wouldn`t you say?

BAER: Absolutely. Friend and ally.

BECK: Russia? Friend or ally or foe?

BAER: Foe.

BECK: I agree with you. India? Just an ally?

BAER: An ally of sorts.

BECK: Yes, I think so, too. Saudi Arabia?

BAER: Saudi Arabia is a foe.

BECK: I agree with you. China? Foe.

BAER: Foe, absolutely. They`re arming these guys.

BECK: Belgium? Clearly foe.

BAER: Foe.

BECK: I mean, they`re putting something addictive in their one- waffles, I believe.


BAER: Turkey`s a foe.

BECK: I agree with you. This is scary stuff. And what happened with Hezbollah? Seven Iraqis soldiers are killed, two taken hostage. And Israel is calling this a time of war. The response, they say, going to be very painful. What are we talking about?

BAER: We`re talking about return of the civil war in Lebanon. No question.

BECK: Is this -- do we see -- what was the guy that was killed right before World War I, Ferdinand? Remember, he was the guy that was killed. It was the straw that broke the camel`s back? What is that straw? Has it happened yet or is it you see it yet on the horizon?

BAER: There are a couple things that could happen. One is the Israelis could hit Damascus, take down the Syrian regime. And you`d see an arc of total chaos from Iraq to Lebanon. You could see the fall of Mubarak in Egypt or Abdullah in Jordan. All of those things would kick off this global conflict.

BECK: Bob, thank you so much for being on the program.

You know, the Middle East has always been on fire, and most of us, I mean, until September 11, we didn`t really pay attention to it at all. Because it`s boring. But that`s why we made it into a cartoon. We present now, as a public service, the history of the Middle East.


ANNOUNCER: And now the history of the Middle East in a couple of minutes. Chapter one.

BECK (voice-over): Around the turn of the century the Jews decided we need a homeland. What I`m looking for is a nice MLT, mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, maybe. I don`t know. A homeland.

So they all started to begin gathering.

The Zionists are coming to reclaim the homeland. Palestinians, who aren`t really called Palestinians. They`re Syrians. They`re kind of wandering around, tending their flocks, walking around basically in the desert. Find themselves with a bunch of Jews there in the desert with them. Like a nice MLT?

Meanwhile, back in Britain they`re starting to ask themselves, "Queenie baby, what do we do? All these Jews are here, and they`re going to be starting picking fights now with the Arabs, and the Arabs aren`t going to like it."

"I don`t know. Can`t we just split the land?"

Arabs don`t like the idea. "Wait a minute. Who are all these people coming in, trying to take all our land?"

"We`re the Jews. And let me tell you something. You know what this place really needs, is a nice Jewish deli. Want some lox?"

Now, comes the U.N. The United Nations decides, "You know what? We`re going to split it all up. We`re going to give half of it to, quote unquote, `Palestine,` which is actually Syria, and the other part to the new Jewish homeland. That way everybody`s happy. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."


On May 14, 1948, the Zionists declare their own state along with the United Nations. The next day the Palestinians, aided by the armies of Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq -- got to love them - - launched a war to prevent Jewish independence and to secure control of all of the land.

Unfortunately, in that war the Zionists not only managed to pull all the areas assigned to them by the United Nations but seize part of the land designated for the Palestinian state, as well. In other words, they kicked ass.

Here`s the thing everybody always leaves out of the history books. The other areas designated for the Palestinians by the United Nations were taken, not by the Israelis, but by Jordan and Egypt. Jordan annexed the West Bank, while Egypt said, "Hey, Gaza district, you`re ours. You`re ours."

But don`t worry, in the next episode we`re going to find out that neither Arab state allowed the Palestinians to form their own independent government in either of these areas. Ha, ha, ha. Those wacky Arabs. Ha, ha, ha.

ANNOUNCER: This has been the history of the Middle East in a couple of minutes on the GLENN BECK program.


BECK: Here`s something you`ll only see on my video podcast. The Glenn Beck Dead by 47 Diet. Download it from iTunes or at



BECK: This is the problem with America. We are divided, but I believe that we are bogusly divided. I believe that there are liberals and conservatives that don`t think we have anything in common. If you`re a Democratic, well, I can`t relate to you because I`m a Republican.

I don`t believe that, because I believe I`m an American first. I`m not a party hog. I don`t care about the parties. I also believe that we have more that connect us than divide us.


BECK: By the way, you know, our guest in the last break, Bob Baer, is going to be with us on the radio show tomorrow. We were talking during the break. And that`s the problem with TV; you just don`t have enough time.

He`s telling me about how many Muslim extremists are coming across the border in Mexico, and the guys that we just found with phone numbers tattooed to their feet. Don`t miss it on tomorrow`s radio program.

In a minute, we`re going to talk about the horrible story of an 11- year-old girl that has been raped as many as 10 dirt bags. But first, I want to update you on something we`ve been following very closely: the Kalie McArthur story.

Kalie is a 20-year-old girl, who has an I.Q. of about 50 and a mental age of about 4. A couple of years ago she was sexually assaulted by one of her Colorado High School peer counselors. This was a -- this was a kid with a 0.0 grade point average, had been suspended 20 times. And to make it worse, the attacker only got two weeks in jail for it. The school actually responded that Kalie may have enjoyed the experience.

Well, here`s the update for you. You know we`ve been trying to get a hold of the people at the school. We`ve been trying to get a hold of the mayor, everything else. Haven`t heard anything for weeks.

But the school district tried to get Kalie`s family`s attorney, Jeffrey Weeks, disbarred so he wouldn`t be able to talk to us or the rest of the media. Actually, it went all the way to the Supreme Court, believe it or not, but, well, they won`t even answer a phone.

After days and weeks of actually trying to contact anyone on this, we hadn`t heard anything. Honestly, I said to my crew, I said I`m a little -- I`m concerned. The principal, the risk assessment manager -- the school actually has one -- maybe the mayor, maybe they`ve gone missing. I thought, gee, they could be in a stairwell possibly being raped by one of their peer counselors. I hope they`re OK.

We even had missing posters made for them. In fact, can we show the posters? There`s the principal. Yes. We thought maybe we should get this out.

As it turns out, they were all just hiding behind legal red tape. Yes, we found them. We found them. We actually got some lame response before we went on the air today. This one comes in from the school`s attorney. Ready for this one? "This is a matter in litigation, and that`s where it ought to be resolved." That actually was in a letter. That was a -- when we said, "We`re from Glenn Beck," the response was that. We wrote it down, and they slammed the phone down after that.

The next one came in from the lovely mayor`s office. I love this one. "The mayor has no direct control over the school district. You need to contact them."

How does the mayor of this town -- by the way, Colorado Springs, how does he say he has no direct control of the school district? You`re right, you probably don`t, but you have influence, man. It`s your people. It`s your constituents. How is it that your constituents, who are watching this television show, Mr. Mayor, are actually watching it and hearing about it and caring about it and then putting their kids in a school, and you don`t have anything to do with it? You can`t even help with your influence?

This is what pisses me off about government. You work for me, buddy. I pay your salary. Your constituents. If a constituent wants you on the phone, get on the freaking phone.

I think some common sense in Colorado Springs may be missing. We should make another poster. If you have any information at all of where common sense has gone with the leaders of Colorado Springs, please e-mail us at Common sense might be in a stairwell being raped right now.

And by the way, Mr. Mayor, your community is responding. They`re taking it into their own hands. You might be surprised on what people are doing. We`ll cover that in the coming days.

Now, Bill Handel, attorney and radio talk show host from Los Angeles KFI-AM 640. Hi, Bill.


BECK: Tell me about this. Because we got a letter from the attorney where they tried to disbar him for talking to us.


BECK: We got a letter from -- yes, go ahead.

HANDEL: First of all, let me correct you. First of all, it was the Colorado state Supreme Court. This is a state issue.

BECK: I`m sorry. I didn`t mean to say...

HANDEL: As the complaint is concerned. And it is a very technical argument involving what attorneys can say to the press and what they can`t.

BECK: But let me ask you this...

HANDEL: It involves -- it`s completely bogus.

BECK: Right, but let me ask you this.

HANDEL: It`s simply the school district being very aggressive -- well, the best offense, of course -- or the best defense is an offense, and that`s the tact they`re taking, which I don`t understand.

BECK: Sometimes -- sometimes, Bill, you`ve just got to do the right thing. The right thing is...

HANDEL: In law? In court?

BECK: Yes!

HANDEL: Come on, Glenn, what planet are you on?

BECK: Well, we`re talking about a mentally handicapped girl.


BECK: And a school -- you`re darn right. Bill, I know you well enough to know you would do the right thing. You`d at least stand up and answer, you know, "Hey, here`s what`s going on, and this is what we`re trying to do here."

HANDEL: I think as a legal tactic, as a legal move, they stood up and did the right thing. I think they`d be far ahead.

The school district refused to mediate.

BECK: Yes.

HANDEL: Remember, this happened back in 2004.

BECK: Right.

HANDEL: The parents have agreed to mediation. You have nothing to lose with mediation. Maybe the parents don`t even want to sue. Maybe they just want to make sure it never happens again.

And the school says, "Here`s what we`re going to do to make sure that it never happens again," and the parents would be satisfied with that. You don`t know unless you go into mediation.

So the school district as a tactical move immediately starts getting aggressive, and it starts complaining and puts in a dismissal motion, which is crazy, and argues a complaint against the lawyer in some technical violation of a media encounter. None of this makes any sense, and the school district in doing all of this, when this goes to a jury, is going to get nailed. I mean nailed.

BECK: Let me tell you something. They`re going to by praying that they were in a stairwell with the jurors, because the jurors are going to take them to the stairwell.

Let me ask you this, because there was a motion to dismiss. I don`t even -- this is so outrageous. But I don`t even know if I understand it. The motion to dismiss says, the actions of the school is not shocking or outrageous enough to sue over.

HANDEL: That`s under a federal statute. And they threw Columbine in. And it`s -- it makes no sense. Because if the court were to grant that, then no school would ever be liable for any negligence under any circumstances.

BECK: Wasn`t it their outrageous...

HANDEL: ... constantly with negligence actions. Again, you know what you do? This is one of those tactics in the law. You throw everything you can on the wall and hope anything sticks.

Unfortunately for them, nothing`s going to stick. The only thing that`s going to be in that jury`s mind is the school district choosing this kid as a peer counselor, completely negligently, with no concern for this kid whatsoever.

BECK: Right.

HANDEL: Not maliciously, not knowing he was going to rape the girl, just pure unadulterated "We don`t care about her; we`re negligent."

BECK: Right. Bill, I`m out of time, and we didn`t even get to the other story. We`re going to have you come back, because there`s another outrageous story coming out of California. We`ll have you back.



BECK: Coming up in a minute, an interview that had to be bumped from yesterday`s show because of the news out of India. It is the first time that I have lost my temper on this program. And I have a feeling you will say, "Oh, Glenn, you were justified." We have that for you coming up next.

First, Michael Delgiorno from 1170 KFAQ in Tulsa -- Michael.


BECK: How are you doing, white man?

DELGIORNO: Welcome to beautiful Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Glenn Beck will be appearing this Saturday at the maybe center, still a few thousand tickets available, call the maybe center box office.

BECK: OK. Actually I`m coming there Saturday. It`s the last stop on our Midlife Crisis Tour. It`s going to be a lot of fun.

DELGIORNO: We are thrilled to have you. Got a lot of fans here, as you know.

BECK: Tell me a little bit about the stop that Karl Rove just made with La Raza.

DELGIORNO: Well, again, we can`t make any assumptions. For all we know Karl Rove is going to explain the Republican platform and the House decision. I think a lot of people are concerned, as the president has been very soft on immigration, and so some people see him visiting the council as a message of appeasement.

We don`t know what he`s going to do there. We do know a little bit about La Raza. And again, it means "the race."

BECK: Right. Nothing racist about that.


BECK: Can you imagine a bunch of white people getting together and starting an organization called The Race?

DELGIORNO: Yes, I`m thinking about doing it with my 15 bucks from online poker. My white man, I`ll start it.

But no, again, this is a leftist, activist, open border organization. And only in America, Glenn, could we have invested $15, $30 million in an organization that`s racist like this and nobody knows anything about it.

BECK: We have -- we have put tax dollars into this organization, which is absolutely frightening. And it is -- we`ve put the tax dollars into -- they`re starting their own charter schools, are they not?

DELGIORNO: Yes, Minnesota they have them, California, Colorado, and some of the quotes are amazing. The principal in Los Angeles, for example, says among other things forget about language and border issues and cultural issues.

He`s like, you know, "We don`t need your white water. We can provide our own water from well."

And again, Glenn, what this comes back to is the American people are very generous but they go it. We`re a republic. We`re a government of laws. We`re not anti-immigration; we`re anti-illegal immigration.

BECK: Right.

DELGIORNO: And we can`t apply, like we do with cultural relativism and political correctness, legal relativism. This is more divisiveness. This is what sounds more like they`re not in it for the American dream but the American entitlement. This is...

BECK: I believe some of the schools are teaching -- you know, it`s Aztec math. They`re not even teaching English. They`re taking -- they`re -- they want nothing to do with the American landscape because...

DELGIORNO: That`s why it leads us to believe this is more about invasion than assimilation. In fact, this particular principal says America is going to implode, in and of itself, so we`re just going to hang around and spread our wings out.

BECK: Does it amaze you that we`re the ones called the hate mongers and racists?

DELGIORNO: Well, you know, we`ve got a new title, too, now. We`re now nativists. I don`t know if you`re aware of that. That goes along with homophobe.

BECK: Right.

DELGIORNO: Racist, bigot.

BECK: A nativist, it means just somebody who was born here. Right.

DELGIORNO: Two small girls, by the way, are still calling me Dad until they go to school and learn differently.

BECK: Right, OK.

DELGIORNO: Yes, but I think the American people get it. I don`t think the president has it, the administration has it. As much as I stand by the president in the war on terror, though he hasn`t explained it well, he has been wrong on the border. And we can`t apply this kind of relativism. The American people get it. They want the border secure. It`s an issue of national security and national financial security.

BECK: Right. Michael...

DELGIORNO: And it`s another sign the president doesn`t get it.

BECK: You`ve got it. We will see you in Tulsa on Saturday.



BECK: I don`t know jack. I am so willing to fold on so many things, if someone would bring up -- I`ve done my homework. I know what I believe. But I am not so egotistical that somebody couldn`t bring an argument to me that was reasonable and say, "Hey, Glenn, no, it`s this way."

It would cause me to ponder and reflect, and I would do more homework. And I would be man enough to admit, "Boy, did I have that one wrong." Aren`t most people like that? I`m not a freak.


BECK: All right. So last night was Major League Baseball`s all-star game, and I, like millions of Americans, you know, I watched something else. I watched my show and then I watched a really good E! "True Hollywood Story" about the cast of "7th Heaven."

No. Actually, let me just say this: I`m not a sports fan at all. Glenn Beck is to sports what Glenn Close is to sports. So it seems to me, because I lived in Philadelphia for a while, with whacked-out athletes -- they`re whiney, juiced up, pampered, gazillionaires.

However, one word that I really don`t associate with, with modern professional athletes, the world "slave." Yes, slave.

Bill Rhoden, he`s the author of "Forty Million Dollar Slaves: Rise and Fall and Redemption of the Black Athlete."

You -- please tell me, sir, because I have only had a chance to read a chapter of your book, about Michael Jordan, please tell me, for the love of Pete, that you don`t actually believe that these are $40 million slaves?

WILLIAM C. RHODEN, AUTHOR, "FORTY MILLION DOLLAR SLAVES": Yes, well, some are even $80 million. But, you know, the title of the book actually comes -- it comes from a comment that a white fan said to Larry Johnson. Larry Johnson is the guy -- he used to play for the New York Knicks.

And at the beginning of the 2000 season, the Knicks were out in Los Angeles. And during a time out, as a team went over, this white guy stood behind the bench and said, "Johnson, you`re nothing but a $40 million slave," and we have that in the book.

And it comes from something Johnson said the previous year, when he had boycotted the media, wouldn`t talk. And finally, when the NBA finally said, "You`ve got to talk." He goes, "OK, you want me to talk? I`ll talk." He said, "You know, my teammates, these guys out here, we`re rebellious slaves. We`re rebel slaves."

And he went on, of course, the next day (INAUDIBLE)

BECK: Hey, William...

RHODEN: You would have killed them. And the idea is this, Glenn, is that the idea -- I traced the black athlete from the plantation, when there were plantation, they were slaves who were actually athletes, they were boxers, runners, racers, and they were all slaves.

And what I`m saying is that the relationship between black athletes on those plantations and black athletes today and owners has not really fundamentally changed, and that`s, I think, where we begin the book, is that that mentality, that relationship of power has not changed.

They`ve increased the numbers. They`re making, as you said, gazillions of dollars. But yet they really don`t have any ownership in this industry they helped create. And that`s the beginning. Slave is a metaphor, but it`s real.

BECK: Yes. Things haven`t fundamentally chained -- changed?

RHODEN: Chained. See, you`re right, chained.

BECK: That`s weird. Yes...


BECK: ... because as I remember, I mean, you know, the slave thing, I wasn`t there, but I seem to remember chains, and whips, and working. I don`t remember $40 million a year. If that`s true, put me on the frickin` plantation, man. Put me on the plantation.

RHODEN: Well, you don`t want to be on that plantation. But this is an interesting thing.

BECK: Excuse me? I`ll be on that -- no, seriously. If God gives me the talent that I could throw the football like that and I could make $40 million, put me on -- I`m begging you, Lord in heaven, put me on that plantation right now. I mean it.

RHODEN: Can you sing?


BECK: Let me tell you something. I am so offended. And you should be offended as a black man that you are taking the history of something as evil and as diabolical as slavery and making a buck off it for a book. I mean, come on, man.

RHODEN: Well, here`s the thing. Slavery was always mostly a state of mind, and there were athletes...

BECK: It still is a state of mind.

RHODEN: Exactly, exactly. But then there were shackles. Today there are no shackles, and this is what I get into the book.

BECK: But who is enslaving? Who is enslaving? It is the athletes that are enslaving themselves. And you know what many of the athletes are enslaving themselves to? The frickin` ghetto, man. It doesn`t matter how much money you make, you still bring the drugs and the corruption and everything else. You have an opportunity to escape.

RHODEN: Absolutely.

BECK: And they don`t.

RHODEN: Oh, no, absolutely. See, and everything you said just talks about the emotional shackling of the mind.

Here you are, as a group of athletes, making collectively probably billions of dollars, and you still think that, you know, the white people should still make the money. You hire the white agents, white doctors, white real estate people. All the people around you are white, when you have an opportunity, as you said, to create a whole new model.

I`m really agreeing with you, in that we`ve got an opportunity collectively now, as opposed to 1940 when there was a very minute presence, the `50s when there was a (INAUDIBLE) now you`ve got athletes collectively making billions of dollars. They`re part of a global billion-dollar industry.

BECK: But wait a minute. Wait a minute.

RHODEN: And they should be doing something collectively to create a new model and breaking the shackles.

BECK: Bill, you again are separating us by race. I am so offended.

RHODEN: I`m not doing it.

BECK: Yes, you are.

RHODEN: I`m not doing it. It`s been done.

BECK: You are saying -- you are absolutely -- I read your chapter, sir, on Michael Jordan. You are absolutely -- the guy is colorless. America does not see...

RHODEN: What is -- Glenn, if you woke up...

BECK: Michael Jordan is not black; he is not white; he`s just an amazing...

RHODEN: Glenn, the man is an African-American. Have you seen Michael Jordan?

BECK: It doesn`t matter. Did you listen to Martin Luther King`s speech?

RHODEN: He didn`t see anything about being...

BECK: I dream of a time when people don`t judge me by the color of my skin but the content of my character.

RHODEN: But you did not say "color blind." There`s no such thing as color blind.

BECK: There can be! There can be!


RHODEN: In what world do you live?

BECK: Why do you, sir -- why do you insist that Michael Jordan -- you say that he`s a slave. You, sir...

RHODEN: I didn`t say that he was a slave.

BECK: You, sir, are the plantation owner, because you want to enslave him to the black cause. If he wants to do something on the black cause, that`s great, but he doesn`t have to because he`s black. I don`t have to do anything for whites or conservatives. If I decide to, great.

RHODEN: All you`ve got to walk to through the "New York Times" studio, the CNN studio, you don`t have to do anything for white people, because it`s all being done. You see what I`m saying? Michael Jordan has an opportunity.

BECK: Unbelievable.

RHODEN: He was at the epicenter of power. And, by the way, by the way, Dr. King didn`t say -- and please don`t insult Dr. King. Dr. King did not say...

BECK: I would say the exact same thing back to you, sir. Please.

RHODEN: No, you just did, Glenn. Glenn, you just insulted...

BECK: Don`t insult Martin Luther King.

RHODEN: No, you just insulted Dr. King...

BECK: Really?

RHODEN: ... by twisting around his words. If you listen to the speech...

BECK: Yes, I`ll listen to it again.

RHODEN: ... he didn`t say anything about color-blind society. If you woke up tomorrow, Glenn...

BECK: Judge me on my character, not the color of my skin.

RHODEN: That doesn`t have anything to do about a color-blind society.

BECK: OK. Well, you and I disagree, sir. Best of luck to you on your book -- what is the name of it again -- "40 Million Dollar Slaves," interesting theory. Thanks for your time.

RHODEN: Thank you.

BECK: All right. Let`s go "Straight to Hill" with Erica Hill, the anchor of "PRIME NEWS" of Headline News. Erica...

ERICA HILL, CNN HEADLINE NEWS ANCHOR: That`s a mouthful, isn`t it?

BECK: It really is. It`s too much. We should leave your name out.

HILL: Wrong!

BECK: Erica, today I was getting off the radio show, and I come out, and my network radio studios are in Radio City. And I come to the elevator, and there`s these guys who are just big as houses, and they`re wearing these huge -- I mean, just nothing but bling. They`re rap stars wearing these nothing-but-bling watches, and I collect watches.

And I said, "Can I see your watches?" And they`re like, "Yes." And one of the rappers -- I don`t even know who they were -- one of the rappers looked at me and said...

HILL: "You`re Glenn Beck"?

BECK: He said, "I watch you every night." I said, "Shut up. Really?" And he said, "That Erica Hill hates you."

HILL: That`s not true.


BECK: I said, "What?" And he said, "Yes, you always -- you`re always cutting her off. She doesn`t like you."

HILL: That`s not true. It`s just this little banter thing that we have.

BECK: Rappers say it; it is true.

HILL: Well, I`m letting that rapper gentleman know right now that I don`t hate Glenn.

BECK: Well, look at that. Did that look like the biggest lie ever?


BECK: That was the biggest -- I didn`t believe you.

HILL: You know how you can tell?

BECK: Say it like you mean it.


HILL: But you know how they say you can tell if someone`s lying? If they point at you with their non-dominant hand. But I`m pointing with my right hand, and I`m right-handed. Take that!

BECK: No, how you know people are lying is when they look away, and that`s exactly what you did. You said, "I want you to know"...

HILL: I didn`t look away. I looked right in the camera.

BECK: ... "I didn`t really" -- that`s what happened.

HILL: I really do love Glenn Beck.

BECK: See, now you`re lying to me, and now we`re out of time for the news.

HILL: How about we do some news tomorrow?


HILL: Same time, same channel?

BECK: Look, America, nothing really happened here. That`s just the way we roll on this program. I learned that from the rappers.


HILL: Did you get the watch?

BECK: I didn`t get the watch.

HILL: Did you get a lead?

BECK: I didn`t get anything. It`s the story of my life. Erica...

HILL: Well, send them my love the next time you see them.

BECK: Thanks a lot. You bet.

HILL: See you later.

BECK: Bye.


BECK: All right, I got a frickin` gun to your head, all right? I say, "You`ve got to go see a movie. Is it `Nacho Libre` or `Good Night, Good Luck`? Yes, big, fat Jack Black and the turquoise tights." Yes, he actually kicked George Clooney`s butt at the box office, and you know what? It`s not just -- according to this nut job and his new book -- it`s not just because of politics or plot lines.

Kevin O`Keefe has a book out that says the average American would rather see an average body actor in a movie over some gym-fit hunk.


BECK: Right. Really, that`s because women think that guys are spending too much time at the gym and not enough time with them. Bull crap, man.

CANTONE: That`s ridiculous.

BECK: This is a guy just trying -- a guy designed this. Tom Hanks, try him. "Da Vinci Code," $213 million for a movie star with a lumpy body and, might I add, limp, greasy hair. Mario Cantone, comedian, actor, a man reputed to have more fashion sense than I, and that is saying something, sir.

CANTONE: Well, I mean, let`s just -- OK, you look good. I`ll tell you, from here up, it`s good, the dark. I`ll tell you what -- because you`ve lost a lot of weight, and you look really good. But I think you need to be wearing black pants with that outfit. That`s all. Otherwise, you look really good.

BECK: Well, I mean, I don`t...

CANTONE: Because...

BECK: I mean, do you always come on shows and just start to critique -- I mean, I wasn`t asking for your advice.

CANTONE: I`m just saying that I think if you had black pants -- but those actually -- they`re good pants. It just cuts you off. You look great.

BECK: OK. All right. I don`t even -- when did I lose control of this?

CANTONE: I don`t know. You`ve been angry all day.


CANTONE: It`s ridiculous.

BECK: I haven`t been angry all day.

CANTONE: I have to talk...


BECK: Can we talk about fat people, please?

CANTONE: OK, good.

BECK: All right. I want to know, as a gay man...


BECK: ... it must be a sweet life.

CANTONE: No, it`s a lot of pressure to be thin.


CANTONE: Why do you say that?

BECK: Because if guys -- you know, if it wasn`t -- listen to me. And I mean this sincerely. If it wasn`t for the icky sex thing, I`d be gay in a heartbeat.

CANTONE: Because you could get it when you want it.

BECK: Because you don`t -- you know you know the other -- there`s no dance.

CANTONE: That aspect of it is really great...

BECK: Yes.

CANTONE: ... but, you know, it`s not easy living life as a gay man. I mean, I came out when I was 12 years old. I was like in junior high school. I didn`t care. And this was in the `70s.

BECK: I mean, was there a doubt though?

CANTONE: No, there was no doubt. But it`s not the point. It`s about saying it to yourself and getting it out of there. And, you know, you`ve got to (bleep)...


BECK: Do you believe that the flab guy thing, or that`s just a world created by man?

CANTONE: No, that`s ridiculous. I mean, look, all men want to look good and be fit, and if they`re not it`s a choice that they`re not.

BECK: No, yes, I`d rather be eating doughnuts.

CANTONE: Yes, I would, too. I want my warm chocolate molten cake with chocolate chip ice cream.

BECK: That`s exactly right. It sucks to be a woman, because you`re always -- who was the tennis star I just saw in the "Post" today that is going -- that is going anorexic, what`s her name?


BECK: Yes, Sharapova, going anorexic. That`s sad.

CANTONE: Yes, that`s the unhealthiness of the ads today, and the way women look, and the pressure on these little girls. That`s why they`re all anorexic. It`s terrible.

And TV makes you anorexic, because it adds 10 pounds to you. Everybody`s like, "You look so much thinner in person." Because I`m on Fat Tube.

BECK: Yes, OK, hang on, I`m being corrected now in my ear. It`s Kournikova.

CANTONE: All right, sorry.

BECK: So I didn`t even get a chance to even hear you on that.

CANTONE: Look, you know, it`s like -- I mean, all of these people are obsessed with "Sex and the City." And I get more people that come up to me...


BECK: Yes, because you were in that.

CANTONE: ... about that show -- yes, I mean.

BECK: You were almost the most -- you`re the most frequent guest on...

CANTONE: "The View." "The View."

BECK: "The View." How ugly -- we`ve only got 30 seconds. How ugly was that Star Jones thing?

CANTONE: I don`t know. It...

BECK: Yes, you do.

CANTONE: I don`t know.

BECK: Yes, you do.

CANTONE: I worked there. I cannot talk about it. I can`t.

BECK: Dish it, man!

CANTONE: I can`t. All I know is that -- no, they were all fine. I love working with women. Women are my biggest fans. And, you know, this Sunsilk hair product that I`m promoting, that I want to just talk to you about for a second...

BECK: Yes, yes.

CANTONE: ... is this incredible product for women, And, you know, you get endorsed to do these things...

BECK: Will it make it look like I have more hair if I used it?

CANTONE: Yes, if you use the anti-flat, poof! Yes, anti-poof, anti- flat. Get hairapy. That`s all I`ve been saying.

BECK: OK, all right.

CANTONE: But when women come up to you and go, "I used this stuff, it`s great," you know that you`ve made the right choice in what you`re endorsing. So it`s good.

BECK: Mario, I appreciate it.

CANTONE: Get hairapy!

BECK: Thank you, sir.

CANTONE: Kill me! OK, good-bye.

BECK: Thank you.

Let me go quickly to Kim Caldwell, Kim in Los Angeles. How are you doing?

KIM CALDWELL, FORMER "AMERICAN IDOL" CONTESTANT: Good, how are you, Glenn? You do look hot today, I have to say.

BECK: Well, thank you very much.

CALDWELL: You would look better in black pants.

BECK: I what?

CALDWELL: You would have looked better in black pants, though.

BECK: Could you please -- I mean, what is the deal? I mean, you guys -- get off me. Now, how`s the fat working for you?

CALDWELL: It`s great. Just a little of this, a little of that.

BECK: No, I mean on me.


BECK: The deal is that women -- this new survey...

CALDWELL: Glenn, I think you look great. That`s what I told you. I think you look awesome.

BECK: No, I mean, the now survey that`s out that`s saying that women like flabby guys...

CALDWELL: I do, actually.

BECK: ... I mean, that`s a dream come true. Really?

CALDWELL: Yes, because if you`re with a guy that has a perfect body...

BECK: Get me a doughnut.

CALDWELL: ... then you have to have a perfect body, you know what I`m saying? And then that just doesn`t work for me, because I don`t like the gym.

BECK: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa...

CALDWELL: So, actually, a little cushion on the belly I don`t really mind that much.


BECK: No, no, sorry, I have to tell you: Women like guys that are flabby. Guys like hot, tight bodies. That`s just the way it is.


BECK: Yes, I don`t even want to go there.

CANTONE: Come on, we`re going...


BECK: I`m telling you, I`ve lost control of this show.

CANTONE: I`m taking you to...


BECK: OK, Kim...

CALDWELL: Mario is taking other. Yes?

BECK: Kim?


BECK: You, of course, are from TV Guide and from -- what`s the name of your show? Because I love it.

CALDWELL: You know what? I thought we were friends.

BECK: No, I wasn`t...


CALDWELL: The name of my show...

BECK: I love the name of your show.

CALDWELL: ... once again is "Reality Chat"...

BECK: Yes.

CALDWELL: ... where we talk about all of the reality people and who come on the show.

BECK: And it`s on the TV Guide Channel, which is one of the best channels on television.

CALDWELL: And it`s on the TV Guide Channel. It is. It`s your favorite channel.

BECK: I`m watching it now. I`m not even watching this show.

CALDWELL: I know. I wouldn`t either.

BECK: So the "Reality Chat," you`re covering -- let me ask you this dance thing. I was watching it with my girls the other day. I want to blow my head off with the dance thing.

CALDWELL: The which, the dance thing?

BECK: What is it, "So You Can Dance"?

CANTONE: I don`t watch it either.

CALDWELL: "So You Think You Can Dance"? I love that show. That`s one of my favorite reality shows. And it`s so funny, because the couples have been together for a few weeks now, and it seems like they`ve been together forever. And there`s all this like crazy, sexual chemistry, obviously not right there, but there is...

BECK: None of that.


CALDWELL: ... between the contestants.

CANTONE: Oh, it`s hot. Look at that -- I love that spider walk he just did. It was like Linda Blair in "The Exorcist."

BECK: Come on, Kim.

CALDWELL: And his name was Sex.

BECK: Right. Really?

CALDWELL: Yes, his stage name was Sex, so...


BECK: Nobody`s really watching TV right now, and I think it`s because of shows like this one. But...

CALDWELL: I think it`s a really good show, but that was the beginning of the auditions. It`s like "Idol," where there`s bad auditions, and now it`s good.

BECK: What`s the hot reality show that you should watch, that`s worth your time?

CALDWELL: Well, the hot reality show that I`m watching right now is "Rock Star: Supernova," and "Rock Star: INXS" was last year, which was INXS with JD Fortune. And they`re big now.

BECK: That was a good show, I hear.

CALDWELL: And Supernova -- yes, it was a great show. And Supernova is on right now. They`re trying to find the lead singer of a new band that they`re creating with Tommy Lee, a guy from Guns and Roses, a guy from Metallica. And right now, they`re going through a little bit of drama because a band named Supernova that is already quite large in California -- I haven`t heard of them...

BECK: Right, quite large.

CALDWELL: ... but quite large in California, they are suing NBC because of the name, Supernova, that Tommy Lee is wanting to use for his band.

BECK: Let me tell you something...

CALDWELL: So that`s the crazy drama right now.

BECK: Supernova, you know, listen, you`ll be able to play those Holiday Inns longer. Thanks a lot. We`ll talk to you next week. Bye-bye.

CALDWELL: Much love. Bye.

BECK: Bye-bye.


BECK: Hi, I`m television and radio`s Glenn Beck. And let me tell you something: More people than ever before have told me these pants should be black today.

This is the segment where you can ask me about anything. And Amy from L.A. wrote in and says, "Hey, Glenn, I heard you on KFI Radio the other day, and now I love the TV show. But I`m scared, Glenn. I heard Cheney and Putin ripping each other in the press. Are we headed for World War IV, or can I relax and go on vacation without freaking out?"

I`m going to say: Remain calm, all right, just for the moment. Have a little sip of chamomile tea and relax.

It`s a lot more complicated than this, but in case you don`t know what she`s talking about, here`s the "Cliff`s Notes" version of this.

Cheney says in a speech that Russia is using its oil reserves as "tools of intimidation or blackmail." Now today`s update. Vlad the Impaler gets a little upset and says that Cheney`s attacks are "the same as an unsuccessful hunting shot."


That`s crazy, Vladimir. No, it is. See, he`s funny, because Dick Cheney shot his friend while hunting. That`s clever and timely, too.

Amy, we`re probably not going to be launching missiles over the polar cap because of a one-liner, but, you know, hey. More importantly, I don`t think Vlad should be criticizing anybody when he`s doing stuff like this. Watch this video. I don`t know if you`ve seen it.

I mean, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, Vlad. I mean, Russia, listen to me now: Don`t make us play this over and over again. What was he doing there? It`s like he`s still in like some sort of a spring break body-shot off of 5-year-old boy`s stomachs.

To be fair, he explained it -- and I think this says it all -- quote, "I`ll tell you, honestly, I just wanted to touch him like a kitten, and that desire of mine ended in that act."

OK. I mean, I think that explains it. Sounds reasonable. Not to freak anybody out, but this guy has access to 7,000 nukes, FYI.

Next, we got a question in from a guy named Seven. "Glenn, on your page, it says you`re 70. You don`t look 70. How old are you?"

I mean, I know my hair looks like William Shatner`s toupee, but do you think I could be 70? I`ve been curled up in the corner all night just thinking this, OK? I`m 42. No, really. Sad, isn`t it?

You`re talking about the Canadian actor, Glenn Beck, the played an astronaut in "2001: A Space Odyssey." He`s also in a new horror movie called "Dark Corners," and played a doctor in the underrated TV movie "Ski Lift to Death," which I believe had higher ratings than this.

You`ve got a question, ask it at See you tomorrow on the radio, you sick freak.