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Glenn Beck

Is Media Sabotaging Mideast Chances for Peace?; History of the Middle East is One of Conflict; Sharpton Speaks Out for Energy Consumers

Aired July 28, 2006 - 19:00   ET


ANNOUNCER: Hello, I`m Ayman Al-Zawahiri from Al Qaeda. Whenever I`m in America I like to watch Glenn Beck. He`s so feisty and opinionated and pretty easy on the eyes, too. Hey, I must admit. So watch Glenn Beck before I blow him up. Death to the infidels!


GLENN BECK, HOST: You remember three weeks ago when the biggest question on your mind was, who`s hotter, Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom? My girls tell me it`s Orlando. Those days, pretty much over, basically because we`re on the precipice of World War III.

Believe me, I hope I`m wrong and we can go back to the things that, you know, we thought really mattered and, you know, just having a good time watching a great movie in the summertime, but I have a feeling things are going to get much, much worse.


I want to share with you something that happened to me this morning. I get up, I get into the car, driving into work. I turn on the radio, and I`m listening to the news. And I hear Kofi Annan from the U.N. say something about how Israel was targeting -- targeting the four U.N. soldiers who were just killed in Southern Lebanon. And I thought to myself what a bunch of bull crap that is. Not a surprise coming from the leader of the U.N.

I made a prediction, and sadly, it`s coming true. It`s not much of a prediction. I mean, not really much of a surprise. The world is beginning to turn now on Israel.

Back on 9/11, do you remember, I mean the day, 9/11, do you remember after the towers fell thinking to yourself, "Oh, boy, what are they going to hit next?" And we all kind of had whispered conversations with each other of what landmark might be down or gone by the end of the day.

I spent a few days trying to figure out, if I were a dirt bag who wanted to destroy the U.S., what would be the best way to do it? I came up with an answer, and unfortunately, I don`t like it and I don`t think you`re going to like it either.

Here`s what I realized. That if I were that guy, I would be sitting in the cave, and I would tell all the other terrorists we can`t defeat the United States. We can`t do it by blowing up sky scrapers and bridges. We need to help them defeat themselves.

I`ve been beating this drum since 9/11. Only decay from within will crush us. Our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness. It`s our people. I believe that one reason we`re really in the mess in the Middle East that we`re in right now.

I mean, the reason why this is dragging on the way that it is, is because we`ve got a bunch of pinheads running around saying we should make peace with terrorists, not people who are honestly questioning the war, but pinheads. The enemy sees our weakness, they question our resolve.

And it`s being encouraged, it`s being exposed daily by the media. Here`s the perfect example. I don`t know if you saw this in the paper, but it`s a story about an Irish Nobel Prize winner. Nobel Peace Prize winner. Her name is Betty Williams, pinhead No. 1.

She was recently addressing a group of school children in Australia. In her speech she said, and I quote, "I would love to kill George W. Bush." The children in the audience cheered. Remember the kids handing out candy in the streets in Beirut after 9/11?

The press actually hailed her for that comment, where she said she wanted to kill George W. Bush. They hailed her, quote, "feisty Irish spirit."

Now think about that for a second. If I suggested to a group of kids that, you know, I just really want to murder Jimmy Carter, I don`t think the press would hail my feisty German spirit. No. They`d call me a hate mongering Nazi, as they should.

But Betty Williams, no, she gets to preach hate and murder to children, and the media calls her feisty, because her anger is directed to George W. Bush.

Here`s what I know tonight. We have the strongest military on the planet. No one can defeat that.

One of the first buildings we ever built in D.C. was the U.S. Patent Office. Did you know that? I think it was the third building we built. We`re a country of innovators. Nobody can defeat us, except us.

The other thing I know. It`s happening. I predicted that the world would turn on Israel, and it is happening. And pretty soon we`ll be standing alone.

Here`s what I fear. I fear if the pinheads in the media win, America will eventually turn on Israel, as well, and then all hell breaks loose. I also know that if Israel goes, then the whole region will turn into what I like to call the United States of Hell. And then they`ll all be in it to target us.

Here`s what I don`t know tonight. No, nope, actually I think I`ve got a pretty good handle on this one. Oh, no, wait, wait, wait. There is one thing I don`t know. What the hell is wrong with pinheads? I`m talking about the people in the government and the media who say we should negotiate with terrorists. What is wrong with you? We can`t do that.

What will it take for everyone to realize we`re in World War III? I don`t want to lose. I don`t think you want to lose either.

Peter Brooks from the Heritage Foundation, national security expert. I believe we`re 1938, threshold of world war. Am I wrong?

PETER BROOKS, HERITAGE FOUNDATION: Well, I can`t say that you`re wrong. I hope you`re wrong, we`re not going on a world war. I mean, each one of these cases is unique, but we have a whole breadth of problems. We have things in the Middle East. We have Iraq. We have Afghanistan.

I mean something that people aren`t even talking about is the rise of China in the Pacific, but you know, there are a tremendous amount of problems and there`s a lot of interconnections between -- between these groups.

BECK: I believe that this -- I mean, Iran`s plan from the get-go, to be able to get the nuke was really to use Hezbollah to go after Israel. Israel creates a humanitarian crisis. They can stand up to Iran and say we have to have the nukes. And look what`s happening. The world is already starting to turn on Israel, aren`t they?

BROOKS: Well, I mean, there is concern about the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon. I think -- and there is tremendous concern about that. They`re saying there may be as many as 800,000 displaced persons out of a country of only three million.

There was concern, obviously, about this attack on the U.N. observers. I don`t think it was deliberate. I think it was a mistake. So there`s a public relations problem here.

But Israel is justified in what it`s doing. It`s self defense. Hezbollah has American blood on its hands. It has Israeli blood on its hands. And I think what Israel is doing is absolutely what it needs to do at this point.

BECK: Peter, I think we think the strongest weapon in our arsenal is a nuke, and it`s not. We have two really powerful weapons in our arsenal. And one we`re trying to use and the other one we don`t really even get, and that is the first one is freedom.

Plant democracy and freedom there, and that destroys everything that these nut jobs are working on. The second one, they understand the weapon of the media. They got it down better than we do, don`t they?

BROOKS: Absolutely, and they use it quite well. The other problem we`re up against, Glenn, is in that part of the world there is a lack of press freedom. And that goes back to your first point about freedom. They don`t -- they get fed a steady diet of misinformation from these government controlled medias, and that`s a problem.

So people don`t get a choice. They don`t get an opportunity to see other views, what`s really -- what`s really going on. And that`s a real problem.

BECK: Yes, I saw a report from Iranian TV. It was wild to watch it. And they were talking about how they were shooting planes down in -- you know, Israeli planes down in Lebanon. Not true. One plane did go down, but they never correct it. They never say, "Oh, no, this isn`t it." I mean, they just let it go out there.

BROOKS: And that serves their purposes. There`s no doubt about that. Remember, war is political, and it`s also psychological. I mean, we talk about Vietnam. We didn`t lose the war in the jungles of Southeast Asia. We lost them on the streets of Washington.

War is a political -- is fundamentally political, and there`s a psychological element to it. And there`s also a public relations element to it.

BECK: Do you think that the people that are telling us now that we should negotiate with terrorists, Hezbollah, I mean, it`s clearly a terrorist organization. Do you think if that terrorist organization was armed and just across the border in Canada and they were lobbing rockets into America, do you believe that they would actually say that we should negotiate with them in that -- in that scenario?

BROOKS: I certainly hope not. I mean, I`m not for negotiating with them right now. Hezbollah -- Hezbollah is a terrorist group, and like I said, you know, they killed 241 Marines and sailors in Lebanon on a peace- keeping mission in 1983. Two hundred and forty-one American lives.

They were also involved in the attack on Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, which killed, I think, close to 20 American servicemen, mostly Air Force -- Air Force men and women, and so I think this is not a group we want to do business with.

The idea that they`re able to do what they`re doing today with the support of Syria and Iran is something we really should be frightened about. I`ve done a lot of television and, in fact, doing some Arab television, U.S. government Arab television, into the Middle East. And there are people we`re talking to on the other end. And there are people out there that are really concerned about the rise of radicalism, the rise of groups like Hezbollah and what they might do.

BECK: I think we saw that in Washington today with the prime minister from Iraq.

Thank you very much, Peter.

If you`re wondering what`s really going on in the Middle East we have taken thousands of years of rich history and then condensed it into a two- minute educational cartoon for you.

ANNOUNCER: And now the history of the Middle East in a couple of minutes. Chapter one.

BECK (voice-over): Around the turn of the century the Jews decided we need a homeland. What I`m looking for is a nice MLT, mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, and maybe, I don`t know, a homeland.

So they all started to begin gathering. The Zionists are coming to reclaim the homeland.

Palestinians, who aren`t really called Palestinians. They`re Syrians. They`re kind of wandering around, tending their flocks, walking around basically in the desert. Find themselves with a bunch of Jews there in the desert with them.

Would you like a nice MLT?

Meanwhile, back in Britain they`re starting to ask themselves, "Queenie baby, what do we do? All these Jews are here, and they`re going to be starting picking fights now with the Arabs, and the Arabs aren`t going to like it."

"I don`t know. Can`t we just split the land?"

Arabs don`t like the idea. "Wait a minute. Who are all these people coming in, trying to take all of our land?"

"We`re the Jews. And let me tell you something. You know what this place really needs, is a nice Jewish deli. Want some lox?"

Now, comes the U.N. The United Nations decides, "You know what? We`re going to split it all up. We`re going to give half of it to, quote unquote, `Palestine,` which is actually Syria, and the other part to the new Jewish homeland. That way everybody`s happy. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha."


On May 14, 1948, the Zionists declare their own state along with the United Nations. The next day the Palestinians, aided by the armies of Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and, whoa, Iraq -- got to love them -- launched a war to prevent Jewish independence and to secure control of all of the land.

Unfortunately, in that war the Zionists not only managed to pull all the areas assigned to them by the United Nations but seize part of the land designated for the Palestinian state, as well. In other words, they kicked ass.

Here`s the thing everybody always leaves out of the history books. The other areas designated for the Palestinians by the United Nations were taken, not by the Israelis, but by Jordan and Egypt. Jordan annexed the West Bank, while Egypt said, "Hey, Gaza district, you`re ours. You`re ours."

But don`t worry, in the next episode we`re going to find out that neither Arab state allowed the Palestinians to form their own independent government in either of these areas. Ha, ha, ha. Those wacky Arabs. Ha, ha, ha.

ANNOUNCER: This has been the history of the Middle East in a couple of minutes on the GLENN BECK program.



BECK: The Reverend Al Sharpton and I, I`m pretty sure we probably disagree on just about everything, but I have a feeling that we are going to become fast buddies, just a hunch.

Reverend Al Sharpton was in St. Louis Tuesday voicing his concern over power outages and energy rates that customers are paying. Sharpton also voiced his concern over reports that there hasn`t been an equal response to restoring service, particularly in the working class neighborhoods. Biggest request: for the company to roll back prices 10 percent for all customers.

Reverend Al Sharpton, I`ll tell you what, if you go with me and say, let`s start building nuke plants or other oil refineries and whatever we`ve got to do to find new energy, I`ll join you on the roll it back 10 percent.

REV. AL SHARPTON, CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST: Well, I`ll join you on that. I mean, I think we`ve got to find it...

BECK: Done.

SHARPTON: I definitely think -- I think it`s a very serious thing that people in St. Louis and, for that matter, New York and other places, have suffered and the utility companies, especially Enron in St. Louis, actually have not taken off the table an increase in service rates. Let`s not roll back to those who lost money during this blackout.

BECK: Let me give you a choice. We can continue to talk about this, which I`ve got plenty of time. We could talk about this, or, you know, as I sat down and tried to come up with what I wanted to talk to you about, I have so many real questions that I would like to ask you that I don`t think -- I don`t think anybody stupid enough to ask you. May I go that route?

SHARPTON: Well, I would not deny you the stupid, if that`s what you choose to be.

BECK: All right.

SHARPTON: But I have a funny feeling that you use the term "stupid" as your way of asking some very good questions.

BECK: No, no, no asking pointed questions that in today`s politically correct society are so charged, nobody says this stuff.

SHARPTON: Well, I think that will be good. Let`s do it.

BECK: Have you ever gotten up in the morning and turned on the television and saw a story and said, "Come on, race played no role in that story"?


BECK: You have?

SHARPTON: Oh, yes.

BECK: Can you give me an example?

SHARPTON: I have gotten up many mornings and have -- see, I`ve seen, let`s just put it this way, celebrities that have gotten in trouble that I wouldn`t even attend the trials because I didn`t think it had anything to do with race.

BECK: Can you give me an example?

SHARPTON: I didn`t go to O.J. Simpson`s trial.

BECK: You didn`t think race played a role in that?

SHARPTON: I think that the reaction to the verdict was very racial, but if you noticed, I had nothing to say -- and Johnnie Cochran and I were good friends -- at all during the trial. And it had nothing to do with whether I felt O.J. was guilty or not. I did not think the trial itself was based on racism.

BECK: Do you believe -- because I...

SHARPTON: I believe the reaction was. Oh, yes, the reaction was very much based on racial lines.

BECK: Well, you and I could probably do ten minutes just on that. Let me -- let me ask you this question. I believe that many people no longer listen to people like you, because they associate you with coming out and playing a race card.


BECK: And so, wait, let me, this is the question -- I believe that the charge of racist is becoming today`s charge of communist, where Joe McCarthy played that card so hard, that it became a joke. And now, racist, I mean, who`s not a racist now? It seems like everybody is a racist.

SHARPTON: But I think, Glenn, that if you really look back, they said that 50 years ago. People told Martin Luther King, "You just bring it up too much." Same thing.

BECK: No, no, hang on just a second.

SHARPTON: King had to write a book. King had to write a book why we can`t wait to answer exactly what you said. You know why? Because America never wanted to deal with race.

BECK: No, no, no. I have no problem dealing with -- look, I grew up in Seattle. I`m as white as you can get. I don`t know what real racism is, but I went down to Memphis, Tennessee, just about two years ago. And I had one of the most remarkable experiences with a group of white people in Memphis, Tennessee, where I heard -- I heard phrases and words come out of people`s mouth I`d never heard before. It was like walking into a time tunnel, 1950. And that was racist. That was real racist.

SHARPTON: When was this?

BECK: Two years ago.

SHARPTON: Which is why you still have to have people like me that would deal with that.

BECK: But wait a minute, hang on. I believe that when you`re playing a race -- and I`m not saying you in particular, but when people in your position play the race card over and over and over again, people like me no longer listen to real charges of racism and it becomes the little boy who cries wolf.

SHARPTON: I think that that is a risk we take, but I think the problem becomes that a lot of times, people like you may not think about that maybe if, when I heard "wolf," I had responded, that people wouldn`t maybe come in situations that I have that are questionable.

The fact is, if you are a victim of what is unfair in America, you have no choice but to deal with racism.

BECK: Right.

SHARPTON: You think we like to get everybody morning and have to raise hell and have to march? We do it because there`s no other way to bring attention to these problems.

BECK: Right. But what I don`t hear enough from is responsibility. I don`t hear enough of Bill Cosby coming from...

SHARPTON: I have been -- I have been and so do most civil rights people I know, supportive of him. Cosby does my radio show all the time. It doesn`t get coverage on shows like this.

BECK: Oh, sir, I will have Bill Cosby on at any time saying the things that he says.

SHARPTON: People that do not cover that we support Cosby.

BECK: Right.

SHARPTON: People call us about race. I preach every week wherever I`m preaching in America about social responsibility, about what kids ought to do.


SHARPTON: That`s not covered.

BECK: All right. Sir, would you come back? I`d love to continue this conversation.

SHARPTON: Any time, Glenn.

BECK: Thank you very much.


BECK: Let`s try to have some sort of glimmer at the end of the tunnel, man. I swear to you I`m going to drink if we just continue this pace going. Let`s go to Brian Whitman and find out is there any sanity in Los Angeles? Brian`s with KLXS in L.A. and also WABC in New York.

Hi, Brian.


BECK: Very good. The insanity in Los Angeles, what is it?

WHITMAN: What is it today?

BECK: Yes, what is it today?

WHITMAN: Well, on top of the heat, on top of the -- I mean, I`ve been schvitzing all weekend. This heat is oppressive.

BECK: Oh, please. Pipe down. You don`t have humidity.

WHITMAN: But you know what? It`s a dry heat. That`s like people say. It`s a dry heat. It`s 126. But, you know, there`s no humidity.

BECK: Right. Right. It isn`t the heat; it`s the humidity. No, it`s the combination of the two. It really is.

WHITMAN: And the haze as well, the triple H`s. It`s very oppressive.

BECK: All right. So you have something going on in L.A. County schools where they`re giving 11-year-olds -- what is it, medication for STDs?

WHITMAN: It`s a vaccination, Glenn. It`s a vaccination for one particular sexually transmitted disease.

BECK: the problem with the program -- is my head hurts. My head hurts after the news today. It really does.

WHITMAN: Well, the market`s up. That`s good news.

BECK: Yes, good.

WHITMAN: Look, what they`re doing is this. They are giving this vaccination to students unless the parents opt their kid out of the program. Now, the policy, it`s not bad to try to improve the health of children in Los Angeles Unified School District. However, I think it would probably be appropriate to have the parents opt their kids in instead of just giving the vaccine unless parents opt their kids out.

BECK: Well, but the problem with that is that, you know, kids that are having sex have to go to Mom and Dad at 11 and say, "Dad, I`d really like" -- I mean they`re not going to do that.

WHITMAN: Well, kids at 11 who are having sex, I have to say to you, Glenn, I don`t blame that on the school. I mean if your kid`s having sex at 11, maybe there`s a problem at the house. Maybe Mom and Dad have not been the most effective parents.

BECK: Right.

WHITMAN: So let`s not blame the school for everything.

BECK: Right, right. So were you at the big rallies for Jews and Muslims? I don`t think they -- they didn`t hold it at the same place this weekend, did they?

WHITMAN: No, I hit both of them.

BECK: You did?

WHITMAN: I don`t miss a rally, Glenn, you know me.

BECK: Yes, I do.

WHITMAN: But our governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, our mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa, out there at the pro-Israeli rally, and people say, "Hold on a second. There appears to be in this country a pro-Israeli slant." Well, yes, they`re our friends. We kind of like them. And we...

BECK: You know what we need? We needed to just ship over a bunch of cowboy hats, white cowboy hats and black cowboy hats over to the Middle East and just say, "OK, you guys wear those. You guys wear the white ones."

WHITMAN: Yes, it would be very effective.

BECK: It would be a lot easier.

WHITMAN: It would be. It would be.

BECK: Yes.

WHITMAN: But these rallies are interesting. The pro-Palestinian rally, for lack of a better term, had you know, about a hundred people where there were thousands at the pro-Israeli rally.

But the mayor said the right thing here in Los Angeles. He said you don`t have peace without security, Glenn. And I think you and I understand that. Americans understand that. And we understand the situation in Israel is in. We appreciate their situation.

BECK: Sure. So they didn`t make it to the Muslim. It`s almost as if they were choosing sides.

WHITMAN: Well, again, very -- very pro-Israeli. These -- you know, these Muslims were out there this weekend schvitzing in that heat.

BECK: Yes.

WHITMAN: Saying where is everybody? Where are our supporters this weekend?

BECK: Right. In the air-conditioning. Brian, thanks a lot. Best of luck. We`ll talk to you next week in Los Angeles.

WHITMAN: Thank you. Thank you, Glenn.



BECK: Israel believes that they have a Chinese spy in their midst. This Chinese spy is reverse-engineering some of the technology that we have given to Israel, shipping that off to China. China then reverse-engineers and takes that information and they make those missiles.

Those missiles are then sold to the Iranians. The Iranians then give them to Hezbollah and Syria. They take them across the border into Lebanon. And so, actually, these are American weapons being used against the Israelis.


BECK: All right, Chinese spies, reverse-engineers, and high-tech weaponry. Pretty much the storyline of "You, Me and Dupree," I think. I`m not really sure. There is nothing like that crazy little hi-jinks in the Middle East to get the fire and brimstone crowd chatting about the apocalypse. This past Wednesday, I had a chance to talk to an evangelical leader, Mike Evans, who not only believes the end is near, he also has a sexy mustache. Watch.


BECK: You know, Mike, when I talk to people about World War III, it`s a gut check. And people all say, "Yes, it feels like something bad is about to happen." Do you believe we`re in the end times?

MIKE EVANS, MIDDLE EAST ANALYST: I do. I believe we`re in World War III. We got 100 million Islamic fascists that want to kill us.

BECK: Right. But do you believe that we`re in the end times? Do you believe Jesus is coming?

EVANS: I certainly do.

BECK: You`ll see him in your lifetime?

EVANS: Well, I`d like to. I can`t guarantee it.

BECK: You know what? I`m a Christian. I can wait. Jesus, if you`re listening, you don`t have to come right now. I`m not looking forward to getting to see him, you know, if he`s coming to meet me. If I`m going to see him, I`m cool, but him coming down here? I can wait for a while, Mike.

EVANS: No, I kind of like that, too.

BECK: What amazes me -- and I don`t think a lot of people are paying attention to this -- all of the religions are preparing for kind of the same thing, but in different ways, aren`t they?

EVANS: Yes, right. Like the Islamic fascists that are basically behind -- listen, the majority of Muslims are peaceful. You have about 1.2 billion Muslims that don`t give anybody any problems. But you got about 100 million Islamic fascists, and most of them are Shiite coming out of Iran, and these people believe in the second coming of the 12th imam.

They believe the 12th descendant of Muhammad disappeared in a well and an apocalypse is going to resurrect him. And when it happens, the whole world will submit to Islam.

BECK: Right.

EVANS: Now, Ahmadinejad told that to Bush and the United Nations, so it`s serious stuff.

BECK: When did he say this to Bush?

EVANS: Eighteen-page letter to the president of the United States. He invited them to convert to Islam, and he said, "I hear the glass shattering and the towers falling of your liberal democracy."

BECK: But that`s not the same, is it, as "prepare for Jesus coming"?

EVANS: Well, he was telling him, "Get right with Allah or else."

BECK: Right. Well, you know, we could kind of say that to him, too, get right with Allah or else. You believe that Iran is going to bring on - - they want a nuclear holocaust?

EVANS: Oh, 100 percent. Listen, the Russians want it, too. The Russians are building Iran`s nuclear reactor sites because they believe that, once a Shia state has a nuclear bomb, that there`ll be a nuclear arms race among the Sunni states, which would be a trillion-dollar windfall profit for the Soviet Union.

And, by the way, the generals in Israel -- I was with them last week - - and a couple of Joint Chiefs of Staff are telling me that they`re within six to 12 months of an enrichment process of no return. And they say, once that starts, they`re a screwdriver away.

BECK: OK. So we now have the Iranians preparing for the apocalypse - - I mean, they want it to happen. We have Christians -- I mean, you know, a lot of Christian faiths are saying, "Buckle up, because here it comes." The Jews are also ready to rebuild the temple on the Temple Mount. Is that not accurate?

EVANS: I don`t, I don`t -- I think somebody`s smoking a little dope on that Temple Mount thing.

BECK: Really?

EVANS: I`m in Jerusalem. I`m in Jerusalem all the time, and I see people kicking stones, but I don`t see no temples going up.

BECK: No, no, no, I`m not saying that they`re building it. If you go right around by the Wailing Wall, you will go to the museum where they show the temple and what it would look like if it was rebuilt, et cetera, et cetera.

EVANS: Sure.

BECK: No, no, no, but I have read that everything has been -- that it`s kept in some warehouse some place ready to go when the moment comes.

EVANS: No, that`s a shuck and jive, smoke and mirrors. The temple deal is not really the real deal. But the real deal is, in fact, what`s going on with Islamic fascists. And they`re the ones that are -- listen, they want an apocalypse. They want a mushroom cloud among the little sites in Israel, and the great Satan, America, and they think that`s going to bring the whole world to Islam and that`s the end of the story, and we live happily ever after.

BECK: Mike, quickly, I`ve only got 10 seconds. Is the anti-Christ alive?

EVANS: Is the anti-Christ alive? I don`t have any idea, but I can tell you one thing: If I was going to predict one, I`d say it`s Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran.

BECK: Great, thanks a lot.


BECK: All right. Now we go to Brian Sack, our public viewer and general nuisance. He`s the guy who is supposed to critique me. He takes your e-mail, and then he yells at me every Thursday.

BRIAN SACK, PUBLIC VIEWER: It`s not yelling. I`m not yelling.

BECK: That`s what it is.

SACK: It`s constructive criticism.

BECK: All right.

SACK: I`m your friend, your constructive friend.

BECK: Yes, what`s the constructive criticism?

SACK: Well, watching the show this week -- and you got me all excited -- because I`ll play the clip.


BECK: And don`t miss tomorrow`s program. We have a series starting tomorrow on the coming of the Messiah. We`ll do that tomorrow.


BECK: Don`t blame me. Do not blame me.

SACK: Where is he?

BECK: Do not blame me on this one, Brian.

SACK: Where is he? Where`s the messiah?

BECK: I don`t know.


BECK: No man knows when he`ll come.

SACK: All righty then.

BECK: Just saying.

SACK: He`s not calling ahead?


SACK: And Erica Hill, don`t we love her?

BECK: Uh-huh.

SACK: Oh, she`s so nice.


HILL: My husband would be the number one -- but I actually went home and I discussed this actual case with my husband -- you know, I`m just going to relax a little, hang out with the hubby and the pets.


SACK: I think she`s sending you a message: She`s off the market.

BECK: What does that mean? I know she`s off the market.

SACK: Slipping that husband thing in there almost every time.

BECK: Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. It`s a cross I bear, and let me apologize to all the men in the audience. I am so sorry for how much your wife thinks of me all the time. It`s a cross I bear: Chicks dig me.

SACK: My wife likes you.

BECK: Really?

SACK: My dad thinks you talk over me too much. He just wants me to keep talking.

BECK: Yes, right. Your wife likes me because the choice is me or you.

SACK: Wow. Ouch. Moving onward, sir, I noticed something that when you signed off the other day, a little catchy.


BECK: Au revoir for now.


SACK: Hey, we`re speaking French.

BECK: You know, let me ask you this...

SACK: Rubs off on you, doesn`t it?

BECK: Let me ask -- I noticed the lapel pin here.

SACK: This is a different one. This is Poland and the United States.

BECK: Poland and the United States? Why all of the sudden Poland?

SACK: Well, my wife`s Polish, and she`s in Poland. And I`m in the United States. So it`s a 50-50 -- and I`m also in mourning...

BECK: Please tell me that somebody is stopping you from having children.

SACK: I`ve already got one. He`ll be 2 in a couple of weeks.

BECK: Oh, I am so sorry. Is there a way -- can I call the state on you? What state do you live in, Brian?

SACK: I live in New York, ironically.

BECK: Really?

SACK: Yes.

BECK: I`m calling the state as soon as we finish. Next.

SACK: All right. Well, I wanted -- I gave you that snow globe, and I wanted to see...

BECK: I have it. It`s beautiful. I have it on my desk. Oh, come on.

SACK: Oh, what did you do, Glenn?

BECK: Who took a picture of it?

SACK: How could you do that?

BECK: It was a mistake.

SACK: Do you hate France that much?

BECK: Yes, I do.

SACK: I bring you a beautiful snow globe.

BECK: Yes, all the way across the ocean from France. I had it for five minutes. It slipped out of my hand.

SACK: All right. I don`t believe it for a minute.

BECK: Yes.

SACK: OK, another thing, you`re talking about some school there, and here`s a clip we have of that.


BECK: I can`t have Jesus in a manger, but my children are getting condoms handed to them by the math teacher.


SACK: First of all, what kind of math, algebra, trigonometry? And second of all, what kind of high school is that? I want to go.

BECK: One plus one equals many, many more. Yes.

SACK: Oh, yes, multiplication. OK. And another thing, Michael Gross, I love him.

BECK: I do, too.

SACK: He`s hilarious.



MICHAEL GROSS, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: This is about funerals of fallen soldiers...


GROSS: Yes, it is. Don`t mistake this. We`re not playing games here with these crazy "God hates fags."


SACK: He just yells, I love him.

BECK: I`ve got to tell you, I want to have him over for like my Christmas party just for entertainment. I mean, you don`t need a band. You invite him over and just go, "Hey, the `God hates fags` people," and he`ll just come at you. "I`ll kill you!" That`s right.

Brian Sack, the public viewer. Thank you so much.


BECK: Yes.

SACK: Yes.



BECK: You know, if there is such a thing as Bizarro World, where up is down and day is night, I think that`s probably where they have built the headquarters for the ACLU. Check out who they`re defending now.


Now, there`s a church group in Kansas that likes to go to soldiers` funerals and protest, holding up signs that say "God hates fags." I love these guys.

A spokesman for the church, Reverend Fred Phelps, say they do this because he thinks America`s tolerance towards homosexuals is making God kill soldiers.

Now, guess who`s defending the nut job church? Yes, ACLU, of course. It`s our good friends at the ACLU, the people who never fail to make my head explode. Before we have Michael Gross on the ACLU, I just have got to get this out in the open. I get it. I understand freedom of speech. It`s only free when the worst possible speech is allowed. I get it. I understand.

But two things come to mind. You can`t scream "fire" in a theater. Can we decide not to scream "God hates fags" at a funeral? Could we do that? Protest wherever you want. Say whatever garbage spills out of your mouth, but show some respect at a funeral. Can you do that?

And the other thing is, can the ACLU humor me just a bit? Throw me a curve ball. Defend at least one decent human being from time to time. What? I agree with that one. Try it out. They`re chasing a plastic baby Jesus out of town squares all over the country, but they choose to represent the "God hates fags" church? Hello.

Michael Gross, former ACLU attorney.

Michael, I got to tell you, I don`t get it.

MICHAEL GROSS, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Glenn, who gets what you just said about treating a child with cancer by giving him urine from frogs, because his parents think that chemotherapy is out of place? But I`ll defend to the death your right to say that poppycock.

BECK: Right. OK. Michael, you and I are never going to agree, and you are -- you, sir, it is my goal in life to have you come on with a smile on your face and keep smiling the whole time. Don`t think we`re ever going to make it.

GROSS: Thank you. Thank you, I`ll try. It`s not etiquette show, is it? We`re talking about justice here.

BECK: Well, we don`t -- Michael, we don`t have to hate each other, do we?

GROSS: No, no. I don`t think.

BECK: We don`t have to yell at each other.

GROSS: I have great respect for you. What I also respect is the First Amendment. This is serious stuff. The world is in turmoil over it. Don`t suppress free speech.

BECK: Wait a minute. I`m not suppressing it. What I`m saying is, can we not have a little civil responsibility with our civil rights? Let`s not shout "God hates fags" at funerals.

GROSS: Look, you never have to protect sane people.

BECK: Here he goes.

GROSS: I`m serious.

BECK: No, here he goes. He`s going to go with the "it`s only free when you have to -- when you have to protect it."

GROSS: It`s easy when you`re saying the sorts of babble that nobody disagrees with.

BECK: Right.

GROSS: It`s hard, but they need to be protected, people who say things which are not popular. They are the ones...

BECK: OK. How about this one? How about this one? You guys -- I can`t have a "Choose Life" license plate because of the ACLU. God forbid I have a "Choose Life," not "Kill all Abortion Doctors." "Choose Life." You guys, against that, but "God hates fags" you`re for?

GROSS: The ACLU has never done anything that harmed anybody. Everything they`ve ever done is to...

BECK: You`re getting angry.

GROSS: If this -- if you think this is anger, it`s only because you`re such a nice guy. This is...

BECK: I`m afraid of you. I really am.

GROSS: This is advocacy. This is what we do when we`re fighting for our rights.

BECK: Right. Come on.

GROSS: Give me a break.

BECK: Michael, do you really? I mean, this is -- when you grew up, you thought to yourself if I could just defend those "God hates fags" guys?

GROSS: I`ll tell you who I defended. I defended young men who went off to jail because they didn`t want to fight in wars, and this is a war issue. This is about funerals of fallen soldiers and people...


GROSS: Yes, it is. Don`t mistake this. We`re not playing games here with these crazy "God hates fags." I mean, they`re obviously insane, and what they need is an education. There`s plenty of criminal laws that will stop them from disturbing the peace, but what we don`t need is to be protected from what`s really happening in the world.


GROSS: Soldiers are dying, and we`re not allowed to know about it.

BECK: OK. So I want to make sure you are on the record -- I understand what you`re saying here. I can`t believe you`re admitting it, and I appreciate your honesty. That this is taken on by you because of the political agenda.

GROSS: No, no. You misunderstood me.

BECK: Wow.

GROSS: No. Here`s what I`m trying to say. When the president hides the body bags, when the president doesn`t want people showing up at funerals of soldiers, he calls an act, and this is the name of this act, Fallen Heroes. That is a way of polishing the Bush doctrine in Iraq. Now, what we need is a fair and open discussion of that policy.

BECK: How did we -- how did we -- sir, how did we go from your "God hates fags" to the anger over the war? Let`s just say this has nothing to do with the war, and I know you`re going to go off on that.

GROSS: It`s about soldiers who died in Iraq.

BECK: Wait a minute, sir. Let`s say...

GROSS: How do you say it has nothing to do with the war? That`s what they`re protesting.

BECK: These people have protested at the funerals of AIDS victims.


BECK: They have protested at the victims of funerals where people were involved in hate crimes and beaten to death because they were homosexual. Would you defend that?

GROSS: Yes, of course.

BECK: Wait a minute.

GROSS: Of course.

BECK: Hang on. You would? That`s OK to engage in hate speech at someone`s funeral?

GROSS: Look, they`re not at the funeral.

BECK: They are right there at the funeral.

GROSS: No, no, no, no. No, no, no. They`re not at the funeral. What this prohibits...

BECK: Across the street. I`m sorry.

GROSS: All right. That`s a big difference.

BECK: Oh, come on. It`s not -- as I`m coming down with my family and I`ve got the coffin, I have to hear these bozos screaming "God hates fags"? How dare you? Give me a second.

GROSS: That`s what those soldiers died for. This is America.

BECK: No, sir.

GROSS: This is not Afghanistan, Iraq, or Lebanon.

BECK: I love you. I don`t ever want to spend time with you because you scare me, and honestly, I -- but I love you. You`re great.

GROSS: Thank you.

BECK: God bless you. I completely disagree with you, and luckily, most of America does, too.

GROSS: And I defend your right to disagree.

BECK: Thanks a lot, Michael.


BECK: Bye-bye.


BECK: All right, it`s been a few days since we`ve unleashed the hate mail. It`s starting to back up on us a bit, so let`s delve in together, shall we?

Malcolm writes in, "Glenn, here`s my shot at your `What I Know and What I Don`t Know` segment. Enjoy."

All right. This is kind of exciting. The production people have put together graphics for Malcolm from Austin, Texas. TV debut. Here it is. Here`s what Malcolm knows.

Apparently, I`m an idiot. Here`s what Glenn doesn`t know: anything. OK. Thanks, Malcolm. I`ll give you a C-plus. I mean, I liked how direct it was, but it lacked that piece of flair that might have brought it all together. It was just all right for me, dog, you know?

John from North Carolina writes, "For a goofball conservative freak piece of work, I shudder at the thought that you sometimes make sense of the world headlines. I can`t believe I said that."

Honestly, I can`t believe you said that either. You must be one of them right-wing zealots like me.

Answer some of these questions: Do you have the desire to hurt innocent trees? Have you felt the need to lead an unjust invasion on your local Pep Boys to steal oil? Have you ever intentionally and repeatedly kicked a puggle in the last three weeks? If so, you might be becoming a hatemonger. Check your doctor. Get something to help before it`s too late.

Carrie in California writes this: "I`m appalled that your station would air such garbage. Glenn Beck has trivialized the horrible war going on in the Middle East." Yes, that`s what it`s been happening. It`s what I`ve been doing, I`ve been ringing the bell on World War III. "There are innocent children being killed each and every day, and I`ll no longer watch this channel for my news and information until this poor excuse for entertainment is given his pink slip."

Hey, Carrie, I get it. You know, the show isn`t for everybody. First, let me just tell you this: You`re a new viewer. You`re going to hate this show for about six or eight weeks. Then you`re going to go into a period of white-hot hate, where it just drives you insane. But then eventually we`ve found it just kind of simmers down to a sort of a numbness where you can`t find yourself changing the channel. We`re hoping we keep you until then.

Secondly, I know when I get home from work, I want the information I need to know, but I also would like to laugh a little and watch it with somebody with at least a little sense of humor. Otherwise, I`m killing myself.

If that`s not what you want, you can get the other approach on about 2.5 billion radio and TV stations all around the dial. I just can`t make it throughout the day without, you know, pointing out how ridiculous the world really is, but maybe that`s just me.

Don`t worry. If you won`t watch, hey, you can still e-mail me. I love your hate mail, See you tomorrow on the radio, you sick freak.