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CNN Live Saturday

Controversy Continues Over Pope's Remarks; Non-Aligned States Meet in Cuba With Strong Anti-American Sentiments; Monterey Jazz Festival Kicks Off

Aired September 16, 2006 - 17:00   ET


CAROL LIN, CNN ANCHOR: To say they're mad puts it mildly. Muslims around the globe are fuming and some Christian churches are the target.
The reason?

Contentious comments from the pope.

To our top story in just a moment.

But first, the hour's headlines.

Hurricane Lane pounding Mexico's Pacific Coast after making landfall about two hours ago. We've got a live report from CNN's Hurricane Center, coming right up.

In the meantime, a new offensive against Taliban fighters underway in eastern Afghanistan. Seven thousand U.S. and Afghan troops are taking part in Operation Mountain Fury.

And right here in the United States, health investigators are scrambling to pinpoint the cause of an E. coli contamination in bagged spinach. The 19 state outbreak has killed a person and nearly 100 others are sick. One victim talks about her ordeal in an emotional interview in about 15 minutes.

And a nationwide amber alert has been issued for this week-old infant. Police say the baby girl was kidnapped from her Missouri home after her mother was brutally attacked. A news conference is coming up this hour.

And a warning from police in Las Cruces, New Mexico. They say someone has sent two letters threatening random shootings if city officials don't pay a large ransom. Police are asking residents to be on the lookout for anything suspicious.


LIN: Muslims around the world are outraged, their wrath directed at Pope Benedict XVI. At issue, a speech by the pope that cited a Medieval text. The writings characterized some of the teachings of Islam's founder, Muhammad, as "evil" and "inhuman."

Well, today the Vatican issued a statement saying the pope sincerely regrets that his remarks have offended Muslims. Morocco-has already recalled its ambassador to the Vatican and Turkey is hinting that it may cancel a visit by the pope planned for November.

Now, the pope's controversial remarks came in a speech in Germany on Tuesday. He cited a 14th century text that reads: "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

CNN's Delia Gallagher has more on this controversy.

DELIA GALLAGHER, CNN FAITH & VALUES CORRESPONDENT: With images of a burning pope effigy traveling the globe, the Vatican took the unusual step of releasing a second statement this morning, saying the pope sincerely regrets that certain passages of his address on Tuesday could have offended the sensibilities of the Muslim faithful.

They said his comments in a speech last week were meant to be reflections on the theme of religion and violence in general and not a comprehensive study of Islam. In citing a 14th century text claiming that Islam was spread by the sword, Pope Benedict inflamed anger throughout the Muslim world this week.

Today, five Christian churches were attacked in the West Bank and Gaza and Morocco-announced it was recalling its Vatican ambassador.

The pope's scheduled visit to the predominantly Muslim country of Turkey in November also looks to be in jeopardy.

The Vatican said the pope: "reiterates his respect and esteem for those who profess Islam and that Benedict XVI is committed to inter-religious dialogue."

Some in the Muslim world have called for an apology directly from the pope and not through a spokesman. Vatican sources tell CNN today that the pope will address the controversy in his weekly address and Sunday at noon.

Delia Gallagher, CNN, New York.

LIN: Now, in less than 30 minutes, you're going to get two very different perspectives on the controversy, the president of Catholic University and an imam who heads up a Muslim organization right here in the United States.

But we also want to hear from you.

Do you think the pope should apologize to Muslims?

E-mail us at We're going to read some of your responses later this hour.

In the meantime, Washington considers them America's enemies and their leaders were among the major players at the summit of non- aligned nations in Havana. And when speech time rolled around, they launched into a scathing critique of U.S. policies.

Reporting tonight from the Cuban capital, CNN's Gary Tuchman. (BEGIN VIDEO TAPE)

GARY TUCHMAN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Heads of state at the non-aligned nations summit posed for their class picture, 90 miles from U.S. shores in Havana, Cuba. And the anti-American tone of this gathering can be summed up in this one shot. On the top right, Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad gets his back slapped. In the middle of the screen, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez does a little hugging and back slapping of his own. And waiting on the left for a little of the action, the leader of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe.

Three leaders preoccupy the U.S. government. And the whole time they were assembling, Cuban TV was playing a song for the reporters watching on a TV feed. "Strangers In The Night Exchanging Glances" only added to the surreal quality of the photo-op.

The summit is officially hosted by Fidel Castro. But because he's still too sick after intestinal surgery to appear in public, his brother Raul welcomed the guests and defended people like Ahmadinejad.

RAUL CASTRO, INTERIM CUBAN LEADER (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Let us denounce the hypocrisy of the U.S. government, which, while supporting Israel's bid to increase their nuclear store, is threatening Iran in an attempt to prevent the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

TUCHMAN: And Ahmadinejad responded in kind.

MAHMOOD AHMADINEJAD, IRAN PRESIDENT (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): Cuba's fight for liberation and against imperialism is inspiring to many people, as the resistance of the leadership of five decades has always had the support of the non-aligned movement.

TUCHMAN: Venezuela's Chavez, who has visited Fidel Castro three times in the hospital, has been unmatched at this summit in antagonism toward the U.S.

HUGO CHAVEZ, VENEZUELAN PRESIDENT (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): American imperialism continues to prepare plans to arm conspiracies against the governments of Cuba and Venezuela, and I have the feeling against others.

TUCHMAN: Most of the nations here have decent relations with the United States. But the ones that don't have been loud about it.

HANS DE SALAS DEL VALLE, UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI: It's a wake up call for those who care to listen in Washington. But it's also a threat. At the same time, it's no coincidence that the summit was inaugurated on September the 11th. What we have seen is a drift from sympathy to antipathy against the United States since September 11, 2001.

TUCHMAN: The secretary-general of the United Nations visited the summit, too. His prepared speech steered clear of controversy. From what we know, he did become the first international diplomat to visit the ailing Castro and amid thundering applause declared Castro was doing well and had... KOFI ANNAN, U.N. SECRETARY-GENERAL (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): A firm handshake and an active and ever curious mind.


LIN: Gary's report first aired on "ANDERSON COOPER 360." You can catch "A.C. 360" weeknights at 10:00 p.m. Eastern.

An E. coli scare has consumers across the country tossing out bags of spinach. People in 19 states have been sickened and in Wisconsin, a woman has died from the bacteria. That state's governor says they've been proactive in battling the outbreak.


GOV. JIM DOYLE (D), WISCONSIN: We were the state that discovered it, that pulled the strand, that discovered the strain and have identified more cases. And it may be that in today and in the next few days, you'll see other states with similar kinds of numbers. It simply may be that we're ahead in having identified this.


LIN: An Oregon woman is among the first to file suit after tainted spinach nearly killed her.

Stephanie Strickland with CNN affiliate KGW reports.


STEPHANIE STRICKLAND, KGW REPORTER (voice-over): Her lungs still damaged from the E. coli infection that ran rampant through her system, Gwyn Wellborn is speaking out, saying tainted spinach made her sick, so sick at one point her doctor's apologized, saying there were nothing more they could do for her failed kidneys, nothing more they could do at all.

GWYN WELLBORN, SICKENED BY E. COLI: The doctor was crying when she told me that. So I knew that she was serious and the first thing I thought of is I have a year-and-a-half old son. So the first thing I thought of is I'm not going to get to see him grow up. So that was probably the hardest thing for me. I mean, his first pumpkin patch experience.

STRICKLAND: But it was that very thought that made her fight in a way she never fought before.

WELLBORN: See, those are his when he was just a little guy.

And I just said try everything you can. I don't care what it is, just try to save me.

DR. WILLIAM KEENE, EPIDEMIOLOGIST: In this outbreak so far nationally, a very high proportion of people have been hospitalized.

STRICKLAND: William Keene is tracking the outbreak in Oregon. As stores yank all bagged spinach from the shelves, food detectives try to pinpoint which brand of spinach is contaminated, where it came from, anything that can stop the infection's spread. And they're racing the clock to get good information to the rest of us.

KEENE: In a day or two, there may be some very specific information available that will say if you have this brand, it's fine. It's only this brand or these two or three brands.

STRICKLAND: In the meantime, don't eat any uncooked spinach.

WELLBORN: They're little appetizers.

STRICKLAND: For Gwen, whose meals start with a handful of pills to combat everything from high blood pressure to pain, she has her own suggestions to share.

WELLBORN: I pray that everybody washes everything thoroughly and cook your meat until it's burnt. That would be my suggestion.


ANNOUNCER: You're watching CNN, your severe weather headquarters.

LIN: And there's a double whammy out West. Tropical Storm Miriam has formed in the Pacific Ocean southwest of Baja, California. And nearby, Mexico's resort coast is taking a pounding from Hurricane Lane.

Meteorologist Jacqui Jeras at the CNN Hurricane Headquarters tracking both of them -- Jacqui.


Well, I will start out with Lane first, because that's the most ominous at this time. Still a very powerful category three storm. The 5:00 advisory bringing it in still with winds at 120 miles per hour. It's a very compact storm. It made landfall about an hour-and- a-half ago near El Dorado, just to south of there, kind of between there and Las Cruz, if you're familiar with the area. And about 80 miles north of Mazatlan.

We're very concerned about the winds in this area, very strong, and that will be ongoing throughout the afternoon and evening hours. The winds then dying down tonight and then the big threat becomes flooding.

Six to 12 inches of rainfall is expected, widespread. And we could see amounts as much as two feet into the higher elevations. These mountains that you see here are very concerned about the threat of mudslides and landslides.

The storm system is moving into a northerly direction and we do expect it to even pick up some moisture into some parts of the northwest -- or the southwest, rather. On to Miriam, this is a brand new system. It was a tropical depression earlier today, just upgraded it now to a tropical storm. The forecast track is keeping it out over the open waters. In fact, the National Hurricane Center not even issuing any public advisories on this one right now, unless they think things are going to change and it could be hitting Baja, California. So we'll watch that very closely for you.

And to the Atlantic, we've got two storms out there. We've got Gordon right here, a hurricane. And we also have Helene. Both packing winds around 75 miles per hour. But look at the difference in the sizes of the storm. What they do have in common, however, is that neither of them right now are anticipated to hit land. We'll have to be watching Helene very closely maybe for the threat of Bermuda in the next couple of days.


LIN: Now, coming up, a newborn is snatched, her mother stabbed, her throat slit. And now a manhunt is on in Missouri.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is, I think, more than just a coincidence that we're seeing an easing of prices at a time of running up to a very, very important election.


LIN: Prices at the pump plummet, but why? Are politics at play?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can't ban skinny people just because that's the way they are. It's kind of like telling fat people to lose weight.


LIN: And bony gets the boot -- runway models in Spain told to fatten up or get out.

You're watching CNN LIVE SATURDAY.


LIN: Here's a look at the most popular stories on

An honor guard carried the flag-draped coffin of a former Texas governor, Ann Richards, into the state capital today.

Former President Bill Clinton was among the dignitaries paying his respects. We'll have more in a moment.

And the FBI has joined the investigation into a threat against the City of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Police say someone is threatening to randomly shoot people unless the city hands over a substantial ransom demand. We'll have more on the story later.

And police in Missouri are searching for a kidnapped baby girl. Police say a woman walked into a home, slashed the mother's throat and kidnapped the one-week-old infant. The mother survived yesterday's attack.

Well, the mother tells police she had no idea who stole her newborn. She says that the woman just said, "I'm here to take your child." Police say that they have no idea where the suspect and the baby could be.

Well, just moments ago, the baby's grandmother made a desperate plea for her return.


RAYLENE, MISSING BABY'S GRANDMOTHER: Pamela is in agony. The family is trying to be there for Stephanie. We're wondering what could happen to our Abby. That's the kind of a typical thing everybody would be wanting, wanting to know where she's at, when are they going to bring her home, if they're taking care of her.

QUESTION: Raylene, you told me before that you wanted to tell this woman something that you're not -- you don't harbor any -- you wanted to make a statement to her today?

RAYLENE: I don't have ill will. We just -- this is -- this is horrible. This is not something that you're equipped to deal with. We just want her to come home. We just want her to give her to a church so we can get her or a hospital so we can give her. Just give her back. My daughter is torn apart. The whole family is torn apart.


LIN: Reporter Jeff Small from CNN affiliate KSDK in St. Louis has more.

JEFF SMALL, KSDK CORRESPONDENT: Just a couple of hours ago, the National Guard went into action. There was about 100 members of the Guard out on their normal drill weekend. They are now joining forces along with two special investigative teams from the FBI and a host of local and state law enforcement agencies.

Now, of course, they are doing a very extensive grid search of the crime scene area. It is a heavily wooded area, so it's making it very difficult to follow up on leads. But police say they do have several good leads that they are checking into.

This child was just seven days old when she was taken away from her mother just about 12:30 yesterday afternoon. This area is a very rural area, just over -- about an hour outside of St. Louis. That mother was held at gunpoint, her throat was slashed, at which time she passed out. And when she woke up, little Abby was missing.

Again, this search is underway and we will continue to bring you the very latest. LIN: Well, you, our viewers, are one of our most important resources right here at CNN. An I-Report picture now of a wildfire from one of our viewers, Kyle Cummings (ph). He snapped it Thursday off Utah's Wasatch Mountain. High winds caused the flames to spread quickly. Then, a big break. Rain started falling, putting out the flames.

It's easy to join the world's most powerful news team. If you've got a picture or video that you would like to share, just log onto

Across America now.

Las Cruces, New Mexico-is a city under siege. Police warn someone is threatening to randomly shoot people unless city leaders hand over a substantial ransom. Police say they've received two letters and are taking the threat seriously.

And the body of former Texas Governor Ann Richards is lying in state in the rotunda of the Texas capital in Austin. Richards died Wednesday at the age of 73.

A tearful President Clinton led the procession of mourners.


BILL CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: She also had a big heart, big dreams, did big deeds.


LIN: And cheap gas prices are getting the attention of drivers in Atlanta. Gleeful motorists filled up at one station that dropped the price to $1.59 a gallon. A competitor across the street dropped the price, too. Just a few weeks ago, some of Atlanta's gas stations were charging over $3.a gallon.

Now, coming up, a big surprise for one new mother, and we do mean big. The jumbo bundle of joy. That's next.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm 123 pounds at 5'9"-1/2 and I said it's all right here.


LIN: And how lean is too lean?

Well, bony gets banned on the catwalk in Spain.

CNN's Jeanne Moos weighs in.

Stay right there.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) LIN: All right, there's a tornado on the ground.

Jacqui Jeras tracking that at the CNN Weather Center -- Jacqui.

JERAS: Yes, Carol. It's that storm I told you about, about 10 minutes ago.

This is from Cooke County and also northwestern Minnehaha County. Trained weather spotters now are reporting tonight about a quarter mile wide tornado, which is about five miles northwest of Canastota or about 20 miles northwest of Parker. We have it on our Doppler radar here. You can go ahead and take a look at this massive storm, producing a huge tornado at this time.

It's moving to the northeast at 35 miles per hour. The center for rotation, we think, is right about here, near the I-90 corridor at this time and the city of Montrose is in the line of fire, also, with this storm.

Tornado watches are also in effect across the area. We expect a pretty significant outbreak here tonight.

We'll keep you updated on this -- Carol.

LIN: All right, thanks very much, Jacqui.

You know, there was a baby born that was so big, he made news.


MARIE MICHEL: We're blessed to have a baby like this. We can say the family is blessed.


LIN: That's Connecticut mom Marie Michel talking about her new son Stephon. He is one for the record books. The newborn weighed -- get this -- 14 pounds, 13 ounces. Doctors at the hospital say they have never seen a newborn like him. At nearly 15 pounds, Stephan is twice the size of most new babies. Congratulations.

And speaking of babes, Spain bans skinny models from Madrid's runways this week. And that has the New York fashion world in a tizzy.

Our Jeanne Moos gets the skinny on how models feel about that.

Her report first aired on CNN's SITUATION ROOM.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): If you've always thought models are too skinny...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm 123 pounds at 5'9"-1/2, and I said it's all right here. MOOS: ... pinch yourself. It's too good to be true.

(on camera): In Spain, they have banned skinny models.


MOOS (voice-over): The news has models everywhere weighing in.

(on camera): Can I weigh you?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can weigh me.

MOOS: Can we get you to step on the scale?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Should I take off my boots?

MOOS (voice-over): Take off your boots. Take off your top. The thing not to take off is more pounds.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because I should go to Spain, because I think I would make the cut. I think I would be all right.

MOOS (on camera): I don't think you would be all right. I don't think you would be allowed to model in Spain.


MOOS (voice-over): Out of concern that seeing skinny model encourages young girls to lose too much weight, city run-fashion shows in Madrid banned models with a body mass index below 18. For instance, someone who is 5'9" must weigh at least 122 pounds or they are out.

So even though this model at the Lisa Thon show in New York had a McDonald's egg and bacon sandwich with cheese for breakfast...


MOOS: ... at 113 pounds, she is underweight.

(on camera): You're too skinny.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I need 10 more pounds. Eat McDonald's three times a day instead of one time.

MOOS (voice-over): The head of the Elite model agency is crying foul.

CATHY GOULD, DIRECTOR, ELITE MODEL MANAGEMENT: It is discrimination against models that are naturally thin, and gazelle- like.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can't ban skinny people just because that's the way they are. It's kind of like telling fat people to lose weight.

MOOS: Still, several of the models we interviewed admitted to having been anorexic or bulimic at some point.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There are girls on the runway right now that should be in hospitals.

MOOS: The ban is the talk of the modeling world. So far, it's confined to Spain.

(on camera): Ribs, hip bones. I don't know...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I eat like you would not believe.

MOOS: After weighing model after model...

(on camera): She's out. You're banned in Spain. I tell you, you're all in trouble.

(voice-over): One girl finally weighed in above the cutoff, at 133. She turned over the scale to hide the evidence. The scale was a sort of model magnet.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm two pounds under.

MOOS (on camera): You're out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm out. Oh, no, I'm out.

MOOS: So now what do you think of the ban?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm just going to go get some more cake.

MOOS (voice-over): Did she say cake?

(on camera): Well, look what they're feeding them.

(voice-over): How much granola does it take to make a model gain...



MOOS: Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.


LIN: All right, the comments heard round the world and the backlash they have begun. Coming up, Pope Benedict says he regrets his words on the Prophet Muhammad.

But is that enough?

Well, we're going to hear from you, too.

Plus, forget pain. Now, it's almost paradise at the pump. Prices plummet, but do you know why?

Well, some say politics is at play.



TREVOR: When you heard about IEDs, fellow troops getting blown up, you're actually glad to put on the gear because you know it's going to help protect you.

We went to Iraq in 2003. The gear we wore consisted of Kevlar helmets, protective vests, communications gear, full uniforms, as well as our normal weaponry.

There was a point where it got to a little over 150 degrees. It was pretty rough.

The armor definitely does save lives.

If there's something they can do that would make me more comfortable, I'm all for it.


MILES O'BRIEN, CNN ANCHOR: But in a war zone, comfort and safety don't usually go hand in hand. In fact, when the war on terror began, troops were carrying upwards of 120 pounds in equipment and armor.

But soon, we may see a lighter, more nimble soldier emerge from the trenches.

(voice-over): Dutch DeGay of the U.S. Army Natick Soldiers Center is working to completely redesign combat uniforms from helmet to boot.

DUTCH DEGAY, U.S. ARMY NATICK SOLDIERS CENTER: What we're trying to do is evolve our body armor. This actually doesn't touch the body. This next generation piece of body armor actually stands off the body in order to absorb the impact of the round without the individual soldier feeling that impact.

M. O'BRIEN: Improvements also include sensors that monitor vital signs and a lighter state-of-the-art helmet that provides infrared and thermal vision capabilities, as well as a futuristic eye monitor connecting soldiers to a battlefield network.

DEGAY: The individual soldier has the on-board computer plugged into the network. So they now become network centric and can see everything inside the battle space, even though it's not directly in front of them.

M. O'BRIEN: DeGay expects the new gear to be available in two to three years. The whole system could be in the trenches by 2010.

So what's next after that?

DEGAY: A set of camouflage that actually acts as a mirror to the outside environment, and I literally disappear inside the battle space.



CAROL LIN, CNN ANCHOR: This is the latest news that's happening right now.

Police in Missouri are searching for a week-old baby, Abby Woods. The infant girl was abducted yesterday by a woman who slashed the mother's throat during the kidnapping.

And Hurricane Lane is roaring ashore as a Category 3 storm near Mazatlan, on Mexico's west coast. It's the second hurricane to hit the area in as many weeks.

And the space shuttle Atlantis leaves for Earth tomorrow. In the meantime, NASA is letting the crew take it easy on their last day. In fact, they got an extra hour of shut-eye.

And former president Bill Clinton one of many paying respects for late Texas governor Ann Richards. Her body will lie in state for the next two days at the Texas Capitol. The 73-year-old died Wednesday after a lengthy battle with cancer.

Seething anger coming from the Muslim world over comments made by Pope Benedict. On Tuesday, the pontiff quoted 14th century text which sparked a fierce response from Muslims. There are demands for an apology.

Morocco withdrew its Vatican envoy and churches were attacked in the Middle East. And it appears to be the biggest misstep so far in his year-and-a-half-old papacy.

Pope Benedict's speech Tuesday has provoked anger from Muslims worldwide. Here are the comments at the center of the controversy.

The pope said, for example, "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Like I said, those words have caused a firestorm among Muslims. So let's look at both sides of the issue now.

Father David O'Connell is president of Catholic University, and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is the founder and CEO of the Society for Muslim Advancement.

Gentlemen, thank you both for being with us today.


LIN: A few months back we were talking about insensitive cartoons, for example. Now perhaps an insensitive pope, Imam? RAUF: Well, this has been a major setback to the work that we have done of the work of people like the previous pope, Pope John Paul II, Father Belini (ph) and Cardinal McCarrick, who have been very, very strong in trying to build religious understanding between -- especially between Catholics and Muslims. This is a major setback. And it is deeply troubling the pope has quoted writings from a 14th century Byzantine -- Byzantine writer.

Writings are legend in history about people, even from eastern Christianity criticizing western Christianity. So to do this is in fact deeply troubling, and I believe rather disingenuous.

LIN: Father...

RAUF: What is needed right now is really to -- to really to have religious leaders who understand the issues, who understand the message of Islam. The message of Islam is not one of spreading the faith by the sword. The Prophet Mohammed came to reaffirm the teachings of Jesus Christ, who is our prophet, of Moses and the great commandments.

LIN: Well, let's get Father O'Connell into the conversation.

Father O'Connell, when you first heard the pope's comments, what did you think?

FR. DAVID O'CONNELL, PRESIDENT, CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY: Well, you know, first of all, I would like to say this, you know, I think people have to take a deep breath and calm down, and then read the pope's text. There is a difference between an academic address and advocacy, something that's educational and advocating.

And the pope was giving an academic address at a university. He was not expressing his own point of view. He was quoting a text that is many hundreds years old.

LIN: But how are people to distinguish that when the pope uses those words?

O'CONNELL: The pope said, "I quote. I quote." He made a point of doing that when he spoke so the people would understand. These are not his feelings.

And today, earlier today, he expressed deep regret, deep sorrow for anyone who took offense at the -- at the words that were spoken.

LIN: So, Father, what do you make of the violent reaction to his comments? Do you think they do more to hurt the understanding of Islam?

O'CONNELL: I think absolutely so. I think the pope was trying to make a point in his talk, which was -- which was a discussion of faith and reason and reflections on faith and reason in university life.

And I think these -- these kinds reactions, running out into the streets, burning an effigy, fire-bombing churches, really belied the point that he was trying to make, and that is faith and religion don't breed violence. He wasn't pointing a finger at the Muslims.

LIN: But that, so far, has not, Father, been the outcome of those remarks.

So, Imam, do you think that the pope himself personally needs to make an apology?

RAUF: Well, the issue, Carol, is less an apology. The larger picture here and the larger issue is, was the pope's intention hostile or not? If the pope's...

LIN: Do you think it was?

RAUF: ... intention -- many Muslims believe that his intention was hostile.

LIN: But do you think it was?

RAUF: I -- I would -- I personally believe yes. And this is what's deeply troubling.

If it is a misunderstanding about the -- about the message of the Prophet Mohammed, then this is -- this shows the magnitude of the problem that exists. If -- the role of religious leaders today is to help bridge the divide and not exacerbate the divide, and this is what's deeply troubling to Muslims, as it is to many people with -- even within the Christian community.

LIN: So, Father, what do you think is going to happen? I mean, how do you think the pope is going to address this? Or do you think he's just going to let it go?

O'CONNELL: Well, I think this morning Cardinal Bertone, the new secretary of state of the Vatican, expressed sadness and regret on the part of the Holy Father about any -- any offense that might have been taken from these remarks. But it was made clear this was not the pope's intention.

You've got to look at the track record of this man. This man is a man of peace. This is a man of understanding who is very interested in promoting inter-religious and intercultural dialogue.

He doesn't travel much. He doesn't travel much. One of his first trips is going to be a trip to Turkey. And that is a Muslim country.

LIN: Well, that may not happen, sir, because they are in -- they pretty much disinvited him yesterday. But we'll see what happens from the religious director, issuing a pretty stern statement.

Father David O'Connell, I appreciate the time.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, again -- once again, a pleasure to have both of you. O'CONNELL: Thank you.

RAUF: Thank you, Carol.

LIN: Well, we want to hear from you. Do you think the pope should apologize to Muslims?

E-mail us at We are getting a ton of responses, so we're going to read some of them in just a few minutes.

Now other stories making news around the world.

The Iraqi government is considering building trenches around Baghdad to reduce the spiraling violence there. People going in and out of the capital would have to go through one of 28 highly-secured checkpoints. Now, security commanders will decide whether to implement the idea.

U.S. policies are slammed at the non-aligned nation summit in Havana. Leaders from Iran, Venezuela and Cuba accuse the U.S. of using its veto power on the U.N. Security Council to bully the world. But the focus isn't completely on the U.S.

Pakistan and India agreed to restart peace talks. And Sudan's president rejected a proposal to send U.N. peacekeepers to the war- torn region of Darfur.

Well, an international effort to raise awareness about the violence in Darfur kicks off tomorrow. It is being called Save Darfur Day. Events are planned in 32 countries, including a huge rally in New York's Central Park.

Republicans just might be licking their lips over what's happening in Atlanta. It was a crazy day yesterday at two gas stations across the street from each other. Both lowered prices to close to $1.50 a gallon for regular unleaded. Once the word got out, the rush was on.

As for the potential political fallout, here's our senior political analyst, Bill Schneider.


WILLIAM SCHNEIDER, CNN SR. POLITICAL ANALYST (voice over): On September 15th, gasoline suppliers switched from the summer mix to the lower cost winter mix. But it may not make much difference because gasoline prices have already fallen at least 36 cents a gallon, or 12 percent, since they reached the peak in July. That's good news for Republicans if only because it could reduce voter anxiety.

GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I've always felt the economy is a determinate issuer -- it's not the determinate issue in campaigns. We've had a little history of that in our family.

SCHNEIDER: You can see voter concern dropping in the polls. In July, 41 percent of voters said gas prices and energy costs were the most important economic issue facing the country. That number has dropped to 26 percent.

What's driving gas prices down? Industry sources cite a lot of reasons, including higher fuel inventories, a so far mild hurricane season, the truce between Israel and Lebanon. But this oil industry critic believes that what drove prices up was speculation. And a report from a bipartisan congressional investigation may be having an impact.

TYSON SLOCUM, PUBLIC CITIZEN: I think that that sent a signal to these speculators that they had better pull back a little bit. And I think that's what we're seeing.

SCHNEIDER: The dropping prices may last just a couple of months. Long enough to get through the November election.

Could that be what the oil companies want?

SLOCUM: Eight-one percent of their money goes to members of the Republican Party. I cannot say for sure whether or not they are influencing prices to assure that outcome. But it is, I think, more than just a coincidence that we're seeing an easing of prices at a time of running up to a very, very important election.


LIN: That report from CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider, part of the best political team on television.

Well, jazz is in the air and the party's at the beach. CNN's Brooke Anderson living it up at the Monterey Jazz Festival.

Hey, Brooke.


This is the first full day of the Monterey Jazz Festival. And it is traditional Blues Saturday. Coming up, we're going to hear from one of the big blues artists performing. He's actually on stage, on the main stage right now.

Keb' Mo' when CNN LIVE SATURDAY returns. Stay with us.


LIN: Hey, the cool sounds of Bonnie Raitt and Keb' Mo'. Among 500-plus musicians taking part in the 49th annual Monterey Jazz Festival. The festival goes all the way back to 1958 and is under way right now.

Our Brooke Anderson is taking it all in at the Monterey fairgrounds and joins us live.

How is it going, Brooke?

ANDERSON: Oh, it's going great, Carol. Twenty acres of Monterey fairgrounds here, and they are packed with fans. Let's take a look at the crowd.

More than 40,000 people are expected this weekend for the 49th annual Monterey Jazz Festival. Today is the traditional Blues Saturday.

Keb' Mo' just finished his set. Bonnie Raitt's going on stage right now. I think she's getting ready, getting set up.

But I spoke with Keb' Mo' a little bit earlier. And he told me what it's been like touring with Bonnie Raitt this summer and also how he's getting into the movies.


KEB' MO', MUSICIAN: We've been doing the show for now about six weeks. And the band is tight. And I'm OK. You know.

ANDERSON: You're better than OK.

MO': And we're on tour with Bonnie Raitt, which is a great thing. So it's great to stop here, and everything is ready to go. And we're going to go up on stage. And...

ANDERSON: And Bonnie Raitt, talk about a musical legend. I know you guys are friends, but do you ever feel intimidated? Or is it just like playing with your buddy on stage now?

MO': Well, she's like my buddy, but I still totally feel like I can't get over the fact that -- it's like, "That's Bonnie Raitt." It's like, I still -- I just can't, like, stop -- even though she goes "Come on" and this...


MO': You know, and she is my friend. And she is very kind and very funny. But you're right, it's still...

ANDERSON: I know there's that mutual respect and admiration, though.

MO': It still feels like, wow, that's Bonnie Raitt.

ANDERSON: She really admires you, though, as an artist.

MO' (SINGING: Well, you know it may be winter. It may be fall


ANDERSON: Now you're in "All the King's Men" with Sean Penn, James Gandolfini, Jude Law. What was it like being there with those guys in that project?

MO': Well, it was great being in the presence of excellence. I got to meet Jude Law and Kate Winslet. And being on the set of a movie set like that was really fantastic. Even though my part was maybe not as big as I would like to have. (END VIDEOTAPE)

ANDERSON: And he's -- we're go to be seeing him in more movies. He's going to be in the John Sales (ph) project "Honeydrippers" (ph) coming up, but he says he's got a speaking part, a little bit bigger role there.

I'm told he is doing an encore now. So let's see if we can take a look back at the main stage.

Keb' Mo' back on stage performing for the crowd. And also earlier he told me, you know, that he's about as far away from jazz as a musician can get. But the jazz has influenced blues a lot and has influenced him, but he realized that he's just a simple old blues guy.

Carol, there's nothing simple about his music. He's pretty darn terrific.

LIN: You bet.

All right. Thanks very much, Brooke, for bringing that to us.

ANDERSON: Of course. Thanks.

LIN: Straight ahead, stories of inspiration and hope in some of the most unlikely places. War zones around the world up next. A frank discussion about women and war.

You're watching CNN, the most trusted name in news.


ANDY SERWER, EDITOR-AT-LARGE, "FORTUNE": Jim Buckmaster is the CEO of Craig's List, and he's kind of a very interesting story right from the get-go. He posted his resume on Craig's List, the online classified ad Web site, and the founder saw the resume and hired him. He's constantly working on the company's Web site, fixing customer complaints, answering questions.

JIM BUCKMASTER, CEO, CRAIGSLIST, INC.: I'm a programmer by trade, and despite the fact that my primary role is as CEO, I try to do programming tasks every day, because I find it makes my job more fun. And it also keeps me kind of focused, unemotional and in a creative mindset.



LIN: This hour we have been asking you whether you think the pope should apologize to Muslims. Well, here is some of what you had to say. And it's about 50-50.

We heard from Marie from Little Falls, New Jersey, who said, "The pope should not apologize. Finally someone from the Christian community spoke up and told the truth about the Muslim community. We hear about Islam as a religion of peace, but I never see or hear the evidence of it."

Alison, though, writes, "As a Catholic, I am very disappointed by the comments that the pope has made. The statement he made was extremely uncalled for and exceedingly inaccurate."

Tom writes, "The pope should absolutely not apologize. I am surprised he did not take a stronger stand."

D.H. from Keyser, West Virginia, writes, "The reaction to the statement of the pope only proves the religion's disrespect for any other religion but Islam."

And Khalid in Greenville, South Carolina, writes, "An apology is a minimum step in the right direction."

Badou says that "The pope has made a major mistake. What the pontiff has said can only contribute to further divide. Now it's up to him to make it up."

Thanks so much for your e-mails. It's always terrific to hear from the viewers.

Now we've got a wonderful segment coming up. It has to do with a book, but so much more.

It goes without saying that war is a nightmare come alive, and often those who suffer the most are women of all ages. They're often the targets of rape or torture, beatings or murder, or are forced to watch loved ones killed.

Zainab Salbi is a survivor of war and the regime of Saddam Hussein. And she got to see Hussein close up. Her father was Hussein's personal pilot.

In a bid to help women survivors of war, she founded the nonprofit group Women for Women International. Her latest book is "The Other Side of War: Women's Stories of Survival & Hope."

Zainab Salbi joins me now from Washington, our Washington studio.

Zainab, your book is so compelling.


LIN: The pictures of these women say so much because their story is written in their faces. One woman you spoke to in Sudan, it's so remarkable because she believes that education is the only way out for her children. So tell us more about her. She teaches her own.

SALBI: Absolutely. Her name is Kerik (ph), actually, and she is -- she resembles what the discussion of this book is, because the book argues that if war is two sides of the same coin, then we have been only discussing one side of the coin. And that is the front line discussion, the troops, the weapons, the borders, the armies, the soldiers, and that is one side of the discussion. The other side of the discussion is the back line discussion. What women mostly face like Kerik (ph), who talk about, you know, how to keep education going, how to keep food on the dining table, how to...

LIN: And this in a culture where the only way a woman can get out of a marriage, a bad marriage, is by paying with cattle, which is probably almost impossible since most of these women don't have any money or don't work.

SALBI: Absolutely. So for her and for many women who have stories of how they run away and walked for one month to escape from the war, how do they keep their children educated throughout that whole process, what they are arguing and what the book is arguing is that actually strong women lead to strong nations. That we really need to invest in women as we talk about sustainable peace, as we talk about building democracies and economies, that we have to invest in women and get women's voices out as we talk about war and we -- and as we talk about peace, because it's a critical part of the discussion.

LIN: But what do we draw from a young woman in Congo who says from her experience with men that she feels that she will never get married?

SALBI: That's a very -- that's a good catch here. But this woman also will keep on going.

I mean, this is my experience. I have seen so many women actually who have seen atrocities and faced atrocities from this woman and other women in Congo who had hundreds of men raping them while they were sexual slaves. But then kept on going, adopted children, got jobs, got work, got education.

LIN: That is remarkable. How do you explain, for example, a woman who you talked to in Bosnia who was the victim of a gang rape...


LIN: ... and yet she says that she stays strong because she wants to be a good example to her children of what a good person should be. Where do these women find that reserve?

SALBI: I think we all have it, actually. If -- I feel like war is like a flashlight on humanity. It may show us the worst of humanity, but it also shows us the best of humanity, and that is the courage, the resilience, the heroism that these women have.

And these women are the ones who are keeping the society glued to each other. Not only in Bosnia and in Congo, but also in countries where we are seeing it in incredible danger situations, as in Iraq and as in Afghanistan. And we have to pay attention to what they have to say about the situation in their countries and how to build peace in their countries.

LIN: Because you really have to wonder how these women get through the day. But they do. They raise their children and they find a sense of peace.

Zainab, thank you very much for sharing their stories and these pictures.

Zainab Salbi.

SALBI: Thank you.

LIN: Well, one of those areas in crisis is Darfur. So what, if anything, can be done there? Can a real solution be found?

That's just one of the discussions straight ahead on "This Week at War." CNN correspondents around the world also examine the worsening violence in Iraq and fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan.

A quick check of the day's top stories and then "This Week at War."