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Shooting at Virginia Tech; President Bush Speaks on Iraq War Supplemental Bill

Aired April 16, 2007 - 10:59   ET


HEIDI COLLINS, CNN ANCHOR: We've been talking a little bit more this morning at two different accounts that we had from callers telling us that there have been several bomb threats on the campus. And then, of course, looking back to August, when a police officer and a security were killed by, you know, completely separate incidents, of course, but I would imagine with all that going on, this is certainly beyond what initially would be a very frightening situation.
MADISON VAN DUYNE, VIRGINIA TECH STUDENT: Yes, I think this has been a really tough year for Virginia Tech, but most of the students are all pulling together. And I think that we're doing a wonderful job of trying to keep our spirits high in a situation like this.

I'm actually inside a media writing classroom right now. So we are doing reporting on this incident, and we have posted our report (INAUDIBLE) to kind of tell what we had done during the story.

COLLINS: OK. All right.

Well, Madison, we certainly appreciate your account of all this.

Madison Van Duyne actually in a classroom on campus, under a desk, doing exactly what she has been told by police and authorities there, as we look at these live pictures coming in from the Web cam at Virginia Tech, where our affiliates are now reporting on the grounded that apparently one person has been taken into custody. And The Associated Press reporting that one person has been killed and one wounded.

We, of course, will stay on top of this story as it develops.

TONY HARRIS, CNN ANCHOR: And very quickly now, let's get to you the East Room of the White House, where the president is making remarks now about the Iraq war supplemental.

GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I appreciate your tireless work to send a clear signal that many in the United States of America support our troops. Each of you knows what is at stake in this war on terror. And I appreciate your efforts to rally our nation to support our troops and to support the mission for which they have risked and, in some cases, have given their lives.

I thank you for coming. Thanks for your service to the United States of America.

Many of the families here today have relatives serving in harm's way. Others have lost loved ones in the struggle. They have come here to Washington with a message for their elected leaders in our nation's capital. Our troops need the resources, equipment and weapons to fight our enemies. Congress needs to pass an emergency war spending bill without strings and without further delay.

On Wednesday, I will meet with congressional leaders from both parties right here at the White House. I'm going to pass on your message to them.

I appreciate members of the Families United for our Troops and their Mission. Thanks for doing what you do.

I want to thank the members of the Armed Forces Foundation and those who served with our veterans service organizations.

A time of war is a time of sacrifice for our nation, but especially for our military families. Being left behind when a loved one goes to war is one of the hardest jobs in our military.

Families here today inspire our nation, and inspire them with their sense of duty and with their deep devotion to our country. The families gathered here understand that we are a nation at war.

Like me, they wish we weren't at war. But we are.

They know that the enemies who attacked us on September the 11th, 2001, want to bring further destruction to our country. They know that the only way to stop them is to stay on the offense, to fight the extremists and radicals where they live so we don't have to face them where we live. Families gathered here understand that our troops want to finish the job.

Today, because of e-mail and instant messaging and other modern technologies, our military families are able to stay in contact with their loved ones overseas.

I see some baby boomers out there, that wear our uniform. You never would have imagined e-mailing a loved one in the midst of your time overseas, but that's what's happening today.

Families here know what our troops are seeing and hearing on the ground. They get instant feedback from the -- as a result of modern technologies, and they know better than anyone our troops' desire to succeed and their determination to prevail.

Families gathered here understand that America's not going to be safe until the terrorist threat is defeated. If we do not defeat the terrorists and extremists in Iraq, they won't leave us alone. They will follow us to the United States of America. That's what makes this battle in the war on terror so incredibly important.

One of the lessons of September the 11th is what happens overseas matters to the security of the United States of America. And we must not forget that lesson.

The consequences of a failure in Iraq would be death and destruction in the Middle East and here in America. To protect our citizens at home, we must defeat the terrorists.

We defeat them by staying on the offense and we defeat them by helping young democracies defeat their ideology of hate. And it's hard work. But it is necessary work, and thousands of men and women who wear our uniform understand the stakes.

It's a remarkable country, isn't it, where people stand up and volunteer to serve the United States in uniform during a time of war. And yet that's who we honor here today.

We must give our men and women in uniform the tools and resources they need to prevail. Providing these resources is the responsibility of the United States Congress. And that is why 70 days ago I sent Congress an emergency war spending bill that would provide the vital funds our troops urgently need. But instead of approving this funding, Democrats in Congress have spent the past 70 days pushing legislation that would undercut our troops.

They passed bills in the House and the Senate that would impose restrictions on our military commanders. They set an arbitrary date for withdrawal from Iraq. And they spent billions of dollars on domestic projects that have nothing to do with the war.

After passing these unacceptable bills, House and Senate leaders then chose...

HARRIS: OK. Just a quick recap here.

The president calling on Congress again to pass supplemental budget to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan without strings and without delay. The president announcing that he is in fact going to meet with congressional leaders on Wednesday to obviously apply more pressure on those congressional leaders to get the legislation to his desk.

COLLINS: And not normally would we be getting out of the president's speech, but we do think it's important to get back to the story we've been telling you about, because we have some additional information about the shooting that took place at Virginia Tech.

We are learning now from the campus Web site, there is apparently a second shooting now that has taken place at Norris Hall. We're trying to find that location for you on the map that we have of the campus. Haven't quite found the building yet, but a picture there of where, of course, Virginia Tech is located.

So, again, according to the campus Web site, there has apparently been a second shooting now in a place called Norris Hall. And according to The Associated Press, they are now reporting seven to eight additional casualties.

We first told you a moment ago about one person being killed and one person being injured, according to The Associated Press. And we had additionally got information shortly after that from our affiliate on the ground that apparently someone is in custody.


COLLINS: We have not heard any more about that. So we're just trying to bring it to you as it develops here.

HARRIS: And it's clear in some of that reporting as well the timing of the second incident. So, clearly, what we have, you'd have to say, it is a major violent crime event that is unfolding right now on the campus of Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia.

As you mentioned, Heidi, the earlier reports that we brought you here in the NEWSROOM were of one person dead and one other person wounded. But now the latest reports -- and I see you jotting down some information, let me know when you're ready with that.

COLLINS: Yes, apparently CNN has now confirmed...


COLLINS: ... that there is one person in custody. And, of course, when a situation like this happens, you don't know if there may be more...

HARRIS: That's right.

COLLINS: ... people connected with all of this. So, this person who is now in custody, CNN has confirmed, is being described as the shooter. Again, we are not aware if there may be more people connected with this.

So, as sort of standard operating procedure, police and authorities there are still continuing to search. And we have been able to speak with a couple of kids, one on campus, still actually hiding under a desk, and a couple of other people associated with the campus to give us an idea of everything that's been going on there.

And so unbelievable in light of what happened in August.

HARRIS: Yes. Yes.

And clearly, what we're -- what is taking shape here is a situation where the initial shooting was described as being at the West Ambler Johnston dorm building, referred to as West A.J. And clearly what happened is, at least the story that is emerging, is that there was the initial shooting there, one person killed at that location, a second person wounded. And it sounds as though that shooter moved on to this second location described as Norris Hall.


HARRIS: That second shooting location -- what do you have, Heidi?

COLLINS: Well, I just -- I was interested to see, because they've been communicating pretty well on the Virginia Tech Web site. And we've been trying to stay off of that because everybody's trying to get information who's directly involved with it. HARRIS: Yes.

COLLINS: But I just wanted to read -- this is updated here. It says, "In addition to an earlier shooting today in West Ambler Johnston, there has been multiple shooting with multiple victims in Norris Hall. Police and EMS are on the scene. Police have one shooter in custody, and as part of routine police procedure, they continue to search for a second shooter."

"All people in university buildings are required to stay inside until further notice. All entrances to campus are closed."


Well, we talked to two students earlier, as you mentioned, Heidi. And if you want a sense of what the scene was like on the ground there at Virginia Tech University, we talked to Matt Waldron and Josh Whitehead.

And let's listen in a moment.


MATT WALDRON, STUDENT, VIRGINIA TECH: Yes, I'm hearing police sirens, and I'm standing like away from the football stadium, up the Hill, standing behind a pine tree. It's like 50-mile-an-hour winds.

And I was on campus today, and I was walking towards class with my iPod on, and these police cars started streaming down the sidewalk and kids were peeling off. And I guess there were gunshots.

It was right behind the building that I was in. And so they peeled us all inside the building. Ad we had to stay inside there for like 15 minutes.

And these two kids I guess had panicked and jumped out of the top story window. And the one kid had broke his ankle and the other girl was not in good shape laying on the ground. And it was just mayhem.

And they told us to get out of there. So we ran across the drill field as quick as we could. And there were cops yelling and it was just -- it was just a mess. So it was kind of scary.



VAN DUYNE: ... where the shooting had occurred. And we are all in lockdown. Most of the students are sitting on the floor away from all of the windows. And we're just trying to be as safe as possible.

COLLINS: And just to remind everyone in case they are just now tuning in, apparently this shooting did take place at West Ambler Johnston dorm. It's also known on campus as West A.J., one of the larger residence halls. Madison, are you still hearing sirens or any police, or is everyone just kind of, because you have been told to stay away from the windows, just staying there and trying to be calm?

VAN DUYNE: We were actually all just in the middle of the class and we heard, you know, numerous sirens going by. So that's when we kind of started moving over to the side. But since that time period, I have not heard any more sirens. I think that they have all moved on to the side of campus that most of this is going on to.


COLLINS: Yes, and since then, of course, the new news, just to remind everyone. It's on the bottom of your screen.

HARRIS: That's right.

COLLINS: It was just a moment ago that there apparently has been a second shooting. And according to the Virginia Tech Web site, there are multiple victims at a place called Norris Hall. And Associated Press now reporting seven to eight additional casualties. We don't know what that means, but we have casualties.


COLLINS: Just know that people are hurt, hopefully not soo seriously.

HARRIS: Well, I've got to tell you, I'm just looking at the map that we have on the screen right now, and you can see...


HARRIS: ... based on that, there is a bit of distance between the two halls that we're talking about here, West A.J. and Norris Hall. And I'm just trying to, for a moment, put myself on the ground now at what must have been just a frightening scene as the gunman started in the one location and then made his -- his way to that second location.

And if you can imagine, if you were anywhere in that vicinity, how horrified you might have been and what a -- wow, what a frightening scene it was as it unfolded before you eyes.

Matt Waldron, I understand, is back on the line with us.

Matt, are you there?


HARRIS: Matt, give us an update. When last we spoke with you, you were behind a tree, up on a hill. Is that your current location?

WALDRON: No, I'm back probably about another mile away from there. I got back to my house. My friend -- my friend picked me up and brought me back to my house. So I'm safe now. HARRIS: What have -- what have you learned since we last spoke with you?

WALDRON: Well, I guess what they're saying now is that there's one kid confirmed dead and like six or seven casualties. And they have one kid that they got into custody who's on the drill field, which is where I was running across there.

And what has happened was, now I found out what buildings I was in, I was in Holden Hall, and Norris Hall was the one that was behind where we watching all the action happening, where the -- where the kids were pouring out with their hands up. And a gunman had the guns pointed up towards the upper story window up on there. So that's where I was at, was that part of the action. That's why I wasn't very good with the A.J. stuff because...

HARRIS: So you were -- you were closer to Norris?


HARRIS: Norris Hall.

WALDRON: I was right -- I could see Norris. I was in the building that was like right across from it. And that's where we were watching everything happen, through the windows. We could see Norris, and that's where al the stuff that I was near was happening. They let us go, we ran across the drill field, and actually kind of ran towards the A.J. area.

COLLINS: Hey, Matt, you had mentioned that you were learning that "a kid was in custody." Is there any verification or anything that you've heard about what we are able to report here, according to The Associated Press and the campus Web site, that apparently someone is in custody? Are you hearing that it was a student?

WALDRON: I don't know. They're just saying that they have somebody in custody.


WALDRON: And I know they're saying that there might be a second one on the loose. They're taking precautions and still keeping everything under wraps. But I haven't heard anything confirmed.

COLLINS: Yes. We are certainly following both what the campus Web site has been reporting, and what the police on the ground and Associated Press and our affiliates there are reporting as well. But it certainly seems like this situation very much still developing and ongoing.

WALDRON: Yes. It's pretty scary stuff.

HARRIS: It sounds like you were a lot closer to the action than you thought initially. Has the gravity of the situation started to hit you? WALDRON: Yes. Well, I've gotten, like, a lot of calls from friends and my mom and family and stuff like that. And it's just like, you sit here and think about it, I was pretty calm at the beginning, and I'm still calm now, but you get a little bit shaky thinking about it.

And it was like, you're right -- right in the situation. And that could have been me. So, I like -- I don't know, I send gratitude out to the families of the people that did get injured. And it's just crazy. And it could have been me and it could have been anybody. So -- I mean, it's too soon (ph) to think about it really. I don't know, nothing to overlook.

HARRIS: Describe Norris Hall for us.

WALDRON: Well, Norris is -- I don't know -- I really don't know, like, much about the building. I know, like, what I could see from the areas that there was -- it's, like, three or four stories high and kind of like -- it's kind of weirdly shaped, almost a lot like the other buildings are, kind of like a u-shaped sort of a thing, like a u-shaped square.

And the cops have surrounded it. There's guys at the doors and there's guys in the corners and all the bushes and stuff like that taking positions. And they seem to be aiming at a window in the upper area, like towards one of the upper floors.


WALDRON: And I don't know what they were, like, aiming at. But that's where they had most of their stuff pointed.

COLLINS: Yes. And I think, Matt, that we're looking at a picture of it right now. We're understanding this to be the Department of Engineering, Science and Mechanics.

WALDRON: Yes. Over in that -- that sounds right, because over in that area is where most of the engineering buildings are.

COLLINS: OK. Yes, sorry. Apparently, that was -- the photo that we just showed was the West A.J., West Ambler Johnston dormitory that we just showed to you. But this Norris Hall is what we're describing what we're learning to be apparently the Department of Engineering, Science and Mechanics over in that area.

But it is pretty amazing to see the distance...


COLLINS: ... that possibly this person may have traveled all the way across campus there, it appears, and across the drill field.

Is that right, Matt?

WALDRON: Yes, across the drill field. And that's a pretty -- pretty open area. So, assuming that they -- I don't know if they went across there. I mean, it would have been easy to, but it would have been kind of weird, because everybody was going the other way of that person if they were going that way. So...


WALDRON: ... I don't know.

COLLINS: Have you had a chance to talk with any of your other friends or other students that have been on campus or are still on campus? We know (INAUDIBLE) obviously all the classes are canceled for today. And people, as far as we can tell, still inside and on lockdown in many of those buildings that we're looking at on that map right now.

WALDRON: I haven't talked to anybody that's on campus right this minute, but a lot of them, as I say, some of my friends were on there around the time. And one of my friends, John, claimed -- said he was on the drill field, that he heard shots. And so they just started heading for the hills.

COLLINS: Wow, I can imagine.

WALDRON: He lives over in -- he does live on campus. But he said he heard shots on the drill field -- not on the drill field, while he was on the drill field he heard shots. So they just started running.

COLLINS: All right, Matt. We certainly appreciate you calling in.


COLLINS: Very glad that you're off campus now and as safe as you could possibly be. We're going to continue to check in with you. And if you happen to hear from anyone on campus, of course, we'd love to know and try to figure out the situation.

We also want to take a moment to bring up one of our affiliates who is on the air covering this story as it breaks right now.

Let's listen in to WDBJ for just a moment.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Seven or eight victims, one person dead on the campus of Virginia Tech.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And Virginia Tech used this alert system for the first time. It was put in place in the event of severe weather. It was used today for something very different, to let the campus community know that there was a dangerous situation at hand.

This is a 2,600-acre campus. Obviously hundreds and hundreds of students. Many were milling about, not realizing what was going on, when this alert, a loud speaker went out over the campus telling students, faculty, staff, whomever, go inside, take cover, we have a dangerous situation. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jean (ph), I believe we have another woman -- another student from the Virginia Tech community who is on the line with us.

Can you identify yourself and tell us where you are exactly?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My name is Josh Wargo (ph). I've made it off of campus.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. I'm sorry I misidentified your gender. Jack, did you say?



Tell us what you actually have seen this morning and what the mood of the campus is at the moment.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was in Norris Hall when the shots started firing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You were inside the building?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. I believe it was in the classroom right next to me from the -- from the just how loud everything was.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What did you hear, Josh?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We heard -- we heard some loud banging. And we weren't sure if it was construction or not.

Then we heard people screaming. So everybody in the class huddled in the back, and we were going to go out the front door. And someone opened the door and it sounded like the shots were being fired down the hallway. So we all jumped out of the window.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We heard reports of students jumping out of windows. What floor were you on when you jumped out of a window, Josh?




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I hate to ask you this, but obviously it was panic. Students were panicked?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, it was -- it was -- it was very hectic. You know, I've never experienced anything like this before.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How many shots exactly do you recall hearing?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was at least 30 to 40. They didn't stop. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Really?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We -- I jumped outside and I didn't know what was going on. I was hanging around the front of the building, I didn't know what to do.

And then I think I heard one come through a window pane, and I heard glass. And we ran into a neighboring building. But they didn't stop for almost two or three minutes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. We're kind of wondering if it could have been as many as 30 or 40. We've heard earlier reports of up to 10 shots. Certainly this wasn't automatic weapon fire?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. It sounded like a handgun or something, but it was -- it was many, many shots.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now, Josh, what year are you in? Where are you from?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm a junior from -- originally from Fairfax.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And that's where your family is now, Fairfax?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you've been in touch with them, they know you're all right?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, I made sure to call home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Josh, thanks for talking with us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. I just -- I just wanted to let you guys know what happened.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Thank you very much. We have a report now that...

COLLINS: All right. So we've been listening in for just a moment here to one of our affiliates there on the ground, the situation at Virginia Tech, where we have learned, according to The Associated Press, one person has been killed, at least one wounded. And that was in the original shooting.

Apparently, according to the campus Web site and some of our other sources on the ground, there has been a second shooting with multiple victims. And according to The Associated Press on that, seven to eight additional casualties.

That phone call pretty unbelievable from a young man who was apparently in Norris Hall, where we believe the second shooting took place, just in the very next classroom and heard all of the shots being fired. I can only imagine what that must have been like for him. HARRIS: Amy Steele is on the line with us right now. She is the editor for the student newspaper on campus.

Amy, good morning. Are you there?


HARRIS: Amy, fill in some of the blanks here. Give us an indication, first of all, of this alert system. Usually the weather alert system that was used in this case to warn students of this episode as it was playing out on campus.

STEELE: Students and faculty first e-mailed this morning, just confirming that there had been a shooting on campus and encouraging everyone to stay inside and, you know, be careful, and that sort of thing. And they did update the school Web site.

There's also a thing that the school has, DT (ph) news. And they sent something out on that, also giving students information.

Then they sent an additional e-mail about an hour later saying that there was a loose gunman on campus, and they followed up, confirming that there was a second shooting in Norris Hall. So the school has been e-mailing all of its students and faculty, keeping us updated and letting us know what's going on.

HARRIS: Were you able to do any reporting? I know first and foremost, you have to make sure that your locked down and your location is safe. But were you able to get any additional information as to what was unfolding on your campus?

STEELE: Yes, sir. Actually, one of our reporter was in West Ambler Johnston, the residence hall where the first shooting was. And she was reporting from there and calling me, giving me updates, telling me what she knew. And she actually wound up getting locked down inside West A.J.

Another one of our reporters...

HARRIS: Well, let's stop there. Let's stop there.


HARRIS: Let's talk about your first reporter who was calling you from West A.J.

What was that reporter telling you?

STEELE: She was just saying that it was basically mass chaos going on over there. She wasn't able to -- she could only talk to students. None of the police officers or school officials would really talk to her. One of our other reporters actually lives in West Ambler Johnston, so she was there this morning and was getting student reaction West A.J. when it was happening.

HARRIS: All right. Let's talk about -- let's back up again.


HARRIS: Let's talk about mass chaos. How did that reporter describe it?

STEELE: She was just saying there were obviously lots of students running around, going crazy. And the police officers were trying to, you know, settle everyone down and keep everything under control. But, I mean, of course students were going to be running around when they hear gunshots and there's ambulances and fire trucks all over campus. So she said it was just crazy.

There were a lot of rumors going around saying what they heard, what they didn't hear. I know one of the injuries actually happened from a student jumping out of a window in A.J. trying to get out, and that's how one of the injuries happened. So, people inside the building were trying to get out as well.

HARRIS: Either of your reporters identify how many shots were fired?

STEELE: I heard that there were two fired inside West A.J., but I can't confirm that. I don't know that that's definitely what happened.

HARRIS: OK. You mentioned that you have a second reporter who was getting reaction at West A.J. Can you share with us some of the reaction from other students.

STEELE: I'm sorry, you broke up for a second. What was that?

HARRIS: Sure. Can you describe for us -- you mentioned that you had a second reporter in West A.J. who was getting reaction from students. Can you describe some of that reaction?

STEELE: She said that basically students were really upset, obviously, and were all in their rooms with the doors locked. No one was really going out in the hallway or anything. And they were all on instant message or talking to each other across the hallway because no one wanted to go out of the room.

But she said it was mostly fear inside of A.J. No one really wanted to leave their room to go to the bathroom or anything.

HARRIS: All right. Stay with us for just a second. I just want to let he folks know and make them aware of the fact that we're getting this new video in from our affiliate in Roanoke, WDBJ, of the police activity on your campus.

Let's talk about Norris Hall. Were you able to get some accounts of the episode at Norris Hall?

STEELE: I haven't heard much from Norris Hall. We had one reporter there, but his cell phone has since gone dead. So I haven't really heard anything happening from Norris Hall. We did have another reporter at Burress, which there were rumors going around that there was a shooting at Burress. But apparently that -- that didn't happen. But that's apparently where the gunman was arrested, was in front of Burress, and he saw all of that happen.

HARRIS: When you say Burress, what is that? Is that another hall? Is that...

STEELE: It's Burress Hall. It's actually -- it's not a residence hall. It's an admissions office.

There's also a concert venue inside there. That's where the higher-up officials and administrators on campus, most of their offices are in there.

HARRIS: OK. Amy Steele, editor of the student newspaper.

Amy, thanks for your reporting this morning. We appreciate it.

STEELE: No problem. Thank you.

COLLINS: All right. At this time we want to go back to our affiliate and carry some of their live coverage so that we can get the best idea what is happening on the ground right now. This is once again WDBJ. Let's listen in, Roanoke, Virginia.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... videotape that you have fed in.

I'm curious about one thing. When we first joined you on this live report from your location on the Tech campus, you were -- we could actually hear in the background the emergency alert announcements.

Best you are able to tell at this point, was there anything new in that? Are they simply repeating the same thing inasmuch as classes are canceled and get off the campus and indoors?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right now, what I can tell you is there's nothing new in that message. They are repeating the same thing.

They have changed it a little. At first they were telling people to stay away from windows. They have taken that out of the message. Don't know why. And they just told people over and over again, (INAUDIBLE) five minutes or so, that this is a state of emergency, stay in your dorm or in a safe place, wherever that may be, because a lot of this, again, is going on near the dorm areas.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some of the images we're looking at now in these previously recorded videotape as we talk to you live would suggest that students weren't taking this terribly seriously, even though there were countless emergency vehicles responding with sirens blaring. There were at least a few students standing around, just casually, innocently watching.

Is that still the case?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm sorry. I apologize, Keith (ph). Can you report that? I was losing my -- I couldn't hear you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Certainly. I was just noticing there were students standing around earlier. Are there still -- do you see anybody standing around on the campus, or has everybody pretty much got off the street?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: People got off the street pretty quickly after I talked to you. Here's another one of those gusts I'm telling you about. As you can see, it's pretty difficult to stand here right now. The students cleared the area. Officers came out and asked them to leave many of those areas. We have seen a few people walking around, a few curious people with their cameras, and portable cameras and cell phones, recording devices, trying to see what they can document themselves. But I can tell you, as we've seen people going around, we've told them, you should go inside at this point; it's not a safe area.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: Certainly not -- one person dead, seven to eight additional causalities as a result of shootings this morning on the Virginia Tech campus. One gunman was taken into custody on the drill field about a half hour ago. Police say they're looking for possibly a second suspect as a routine procedure. They're taking, it sounds like, Rachel, every precaution just to ensure maybe there might be another person out there.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They are. We saw someone earlier in cuffs, in custody, at the base of the war memorial on tape. You know, we have it on tape, someone in cuffs with several officers around them with a gun pointed at them. We don't know who that was. That was at least 45 minutes ago, before the second report of another person taken into custody.

So know, police are being very careful right now. And everyone that's coming out of buildings has also been a suspect in these cases. You know people when they're running out of buildings, they're worried the gunmen is going to be running with them.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: Right, because it's hard to know. This person could have blended in. With one person in custody and the possibility of someone else out on the loose, we're going to break away from you and let you do what you need to do, Rachel, and go back to your colleague and our colleague, Joe Deshield (ph), who is somewhat above the fray there, and I believe he has some additional observations.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Well, Keith, we've been over here. Of course when we last spoke to you, Rachel said she thought the vehicles were coming over this way. We didn't see anything initially, but in the last little bit we have seen some emergency vehicles with flashing lights over, again, south of lane stadium, maybe over, I believe, where the Virginia Tech Police Department is located. We did see a state police armored vehicle travel by the area, did not appear to be in a hurry. But we have seen more emergency vehicles in this part of the campus.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: All right. Obviously there's still a lot to be sorted out.

Joe, I can see you're having trouble even standing up from that wind.


UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: If you can hear me.


UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: I understand one of our photographers that you spoke with, Gwen Eller (ph), talked about being a suspect being surrounded. is that correct?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: That is correct, Jeanne (ph).

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: And if so, have we heard anything about a description of this suspect. Did it appear to be a college-aged man? Do we know?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: I don't know. All I know is there was one person in the grass outside Burress (ph) Hall, but I don't have a description for you.

One thing did I want to say, Rachel had said that there were two different reports. I have a feeling we're talking about the same report of one person in custody, not two different people in custody.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: Well as Rachel was relating that to us, we saw someone who was seated on videotape. It looked like near the war memorial, perhaps cuffed behind him, and that one person may or may not be a suspect.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Right, that's true. We don't know for sure why that person was in custody. But, again, I think that was probably the same report that Rachel was referring to about sometime earlier.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: That is true. We do have word that one gunman is in custody, official word, that came to us through the Associated Press.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: We don't want to speculate too much about what this routine search for additional suspects may mean, but do you have any thoughts or information about that?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: I really don't have any firm informing other than to say we have seen emergency crews in our area, police officers and others, who appeared to be patrolling the area. Actually haven't seen that in the last 10 or 15 minutes or so. Again, I do see some flashing lights over in the direction just south of Lane Stadium. UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: OK. Obviously, the situation is not over. A lot of different things going on in different areas of campus, which makes sense, Joe, because I'm guessing people are calling in tips or information. Police are trying to respond to everything they're probably hearing about, and that's why we're seeing all of these different areas of activity across campus.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Well, I'm certain they're operating out of an abundance of caution just trying to search out every lead and do what they can to make sure they're on top of the situation.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: Naturally. Can you make a distinguish between the police and rescue vehicles in terms of what the activity seems to be? Is it switched from caring for the injured and investigation of what has happened, or do you get the sense there is still a very uncertain, fluid situation with possibly additional suspects at large?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Well, I really don't the know, Keith.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: Are you seeing something, Joe, over your shoulder? And if you are, maybe your photographer can pan that way. Are you seeing something in the distance?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Unfortunately what I'm seeing in terms of the emergency lights are over behind a row of trees, so I can't really see what kind of vehicles they are or what might be going on over there. But we can try to get a closer look and see.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: All right, Joe Deshield, we'll let you go. And maybe you can -- we'll be back with you if you have updated information. We'll let you go, try to report that and find that out. We have a Matt King on the phone with us next, who -- Matt, are you there? Can you hear us? Are you a student at Virginia Tech?

CALLER: Yes, I am.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: Now what year are you in, and where are you right now?

CALLER: I'm in Miles Dormitory. I'm right across from Capital (ph) Coliseum, and I'm a sophomore.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: And what have you observed this morning?

CALLER: Well, I'm right on Washington Street, and I'm looking out my window now, and I can still see six cop cars, and there's still like taking cover and have the guns like -- they have their guns aimed to the side of me. It looks like there's still stuff going on.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: Do they appear to be still in the posture of crossing behind trees and vehicles for their safety, which would suggest that there's somebody remaining at large?

CALLER: Well, actually since I've been, like, waiting to be put on the air, in the past 15 minutes they've taking more of like a leisurely stand. But the cops are still faced, like, more toward Lee area. They still have their guns pointed over there. But then the cops more toward Kent (ph) Street, they're a little bit more leisurely and they're talking among themselves. But there's at least six cop cars and an armored vehicle over here.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: But still the weapons drawn on the part of the police?

CALLER: Oh, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: All right, thank you very much for the update on what you're seeing from campus. The students have been a crucial addition to what we've been able to bring you, because they are there, they are the eyes of what's going on, along with our news crews that are there.

Corillian (ph) hospital system has contacted us. Eric Earnhardt (ph), the spokesperson there, has told us now that they have three patients at Corillian. I believe Roanoke Memorial Hospital. Four are at the...

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: The New River Medical Center.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: The New River Valley Medical Center.

And Corillian is sending ambulances to the scene. So this has definitely been a situation where many different entities have pulled together, even in that videotape. I could see a uniformed officer in brown, appear to be possibly a Montgomery County sheriff's deputy standing next to a uniformed officer in blue, obviously from perhaps the state police. There have been state police, Montgomery County, Virginia Tech Police. All of the local emergency crews responding on this Monday morning to what's been a very scary situation. One person is dead, seven to eight others injured, and just the enormity of it all just only beginning to be assessed.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: All of this began around daybreak on the...

COLLINS: Once again we've been listening to our affiliate there, coming in Roanoke, Virginia, WDBJ, some of their live coverage of this breaking news event, happening at Virginia Tech, where the Associated Press tells us that one person has been killed in two separate shootings. You see those two areas highlighted now on the campus map. The first one taking place at a residence hall, fairly large residence hall there, and we're zeroing in on that one right now. West A.J., Ambler Johnston, is what they call it there on campus.

And the second one apparently at Norris Hall, where multiple casualties, we're being told, took place there, seven to eight, not sure of the nature of those injuries. We're going to obviously continue to follow this. We want to get the word straight from one of the people on campus still at this point, and that's Kristyn Heiser, standing by to tell us more.

Kristyn, you're a student there. Update us on the situation and what you may be hearing around you from where you are. KRISTYN HEISER, VIRGINIA TECH STUDENT: I had class at 9:05 this morning, and I'm actually in Pamplin, which is about probably 100 yards miles from Norris, so I'm pretty close to Norris.

COLLINS: I see it there on the map, yes.

HEISER: Yes, and we were JUST having class as usual, and my teacher was lecturing, and then there's a pretty big window in our classroom, and we saw all of a sudden about -- this was probably around 9:30, about six officers run by the building with their guns drawn. And we were like, what's going on? Because this definitely is a very quaint town where stuff doesn't really happen. I mean, it's pretty boring here, so we were all a little alarmed, but someone got on their laptop and checked the Web site. But all the Web site said was that there had been a shooting incident, and that it had occurred at that dorm, which is across campus.

COLLINS: ANCHOR: Right, the West A.J. Dorm.

HEISER: Yes. So at that point we were all, you know, very unnerved. And then someone from the building, I think a professor, came by and said that they wanted everyone to stay in the building because class was set to let out at about 10:00. We've just been sitting here. I'm literally sitting on the floor of my classroom, away from the windows.

COLLINS: Yes, I can only imagine how tough it must not having a perfect idea of exactly how it is all unfolding, and possibly right outside. I wonder if you might have been able to hear this loud speaker that we are learning apparently there was a new alert system put into place that was originally supposed to be used for bad weather, possible tornadoes, things like that. Instead, it was used for the first time for this incident.

HEISER: Yes. I didn't hear it. Because I think I'm inside this building and it's an older building that probably is pretty sound- proof. I didn't hear it and I've never heard of the system myself until this morning.

I think people that were, there were a lot of people outside, about the time that classes were switching over. I think that's how a lot of people found out and kind of got to safety.

COLLINS: No question. Just to remind everyone exactly what we're talking about here, apparently around 9:30 this morning, there was the first incident at West A.J., this dormitory, one of the residence halls there, on Virginia Tech's campus. Where apparently one person was killed and one was injured.

Then quite a while later, we heard of a second shooting with multiple casualties over at Norris Hall. You see the two different area there. Highlighted on the map. Not quite sure if this was the same individual or if there was more than one individual. We are also learning from our affiliate on the ground there that one person is in custody, not sure if that person is even connected with all of this. But has been described as the shooter. Tell us what else you are noticing around you, Kristyn. What's everyone feeling like inside your classroom right now?

HEISER: Actually, we're watching CNN right now, too. We have the TV on, but everyone has calmed down a little bit since it initially happened. Once we heard someone was at Norris, that's when everyone obviously got the most scared. And, I mean, everyone just wants, and we're getting the sense that they are still looking for another person. They're still telling us to stay inside and stay away from the windows.

COLLINS: That's what you mean by saying that you're getting a sense. You haven't been able to hear anything about that from any authorities?

HEISER: No. The authorities are all outside. Looking out the window, I can see them, they're all around the building. We're very safe in here but they're not coming in and telling us anything by any means.

COLLINS: Which I'm sure is driving you absolutely crazy. But they have to do their work. To give everyone an idea of what they are looking at on their screen, this is video we got from affiliate WDBJ of the scene earlier today. I just want to make sure everyone knows these are not live pictures coming into us now.

I cannot imagine the feeling inside. And how frightened you all must be there. We appreciate your thoughts on all of what's happened. Kristyn Heiser, coming to us from Patton Hall ...

HEISER: It's actually Pamplin.

COLLINS: Pamplin. OK, right across from Norris Hall, where the second incident took place.


COLLINS: Thanks for that.

HARRIS: What is interesting and just worth noting again, it was made clear in that interview moments ago, Heidi, the students in the buildings and classrooms have not been given the all-clear. There is still very much an investigation ongoing on the ground there. When you look at this map, you can understand that authorities would likely want to canvas every inch of that campus just to be safe. And when you think about that job, this is a 2,600 acre campus.

So the students who were in these buildings now, in these classrooms are being told to stay there. And it makes perfect sense, one person in custody right now. And the authorities wanting to be absolutely certain that there is not someone else that they should be looking for that they weren't aware of. As you can imagine with all due caution, they are canvassing the campus, if you will.

COLLINS: Which consists of 100 different buildings. You can imagine the job that is taking place right now. I can only imagine how many people they are employing with that job and trying to make sure everything is safe. The picture we just showed you of Norris Hall, the second location of a shooting incident that took place at Virginia Tech.

Let's go ahead and go back to one of our affiliates now and take up their live coverage to see if there are any more developments we can bring you. Once again, live coverage of WDBJ.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE CALLER: There are a couple cops on the other entrance of Lee.

UNIDENTIFIED ANCHOR: We're now being told while we still have you on the line, Alexis, there is a scheduled press conference on the Tech campus at noon. And so presumably, some of these reports will be either confirmed or put to rest and we'll have additional factual information. We really thank you for your help. You've been one of our helpful callers. And we do urge you to stay safe, keep your head down.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE CALLER: Yes. Anyone who is listening, stay away from the windows. I know this is exciting at times but I think everyone needs to stay safe and stay away from the windows.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Exactly. Thank you very much.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: We have a new number if my calculations are correct. We have been reporting that one person is dead and seven to eight more wounded. The new number is one person is dead, up to nine more wounded in two separate shootings this morning at the Virginia Tech campus. One shooting at a dormitory, West Ambler Johnston, West A.J. Hall. And at an academic building, Norris Hall, opposite end of campus.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: This is the first confirmation if in fact it is hard fact, from the Associated Press that, there are up to ten people shot, one fatally, at two different sites on the Tech campus, some distance apart.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Correct. And West Ambler Johnston Hall is a huge dorm, houses nearly 900 students. We're not talking about a small dormitory. This apparently took place on the fourth floor of Ambler Johnston Hall. One of the students said that she had heard a, several students have actually told us, they believe it was a female student. Now were hearing that a second person at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a resident adviser may have been the other person injured, there at West A.J. Hall, which happened right around dawn. The second shooting was later that that.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: That would be consistent with what we heard earlier inasmuch as the time and the number of people, one fatally injured, one injured, in gunfire on the fourth floor of West A.J. And a separate incident some hours later. On the opposite side of the drill field, opposite side of the campus, near the administration building.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: We don't know, the question is obvious, if a shooting happened at 7:00 in the morning and classes were going on as scheduled and students were heading off to class at 9:00 or 9:30 in the morning, why weren't students told to stay in then? It almost appears that police didn't know that a gunman was on the loose, maybe till the second shooting.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Perhaps they thought that the person was accounted for. That will be a question we hope to be answered at this noon news conference. We will stay with you to keep you informed of what is going on, in a state of emergency at the Virginia Tech campus this morning that started at about 7 A.M. News 7 at noon will have all of the details and we will provide you with as much information as we can. We have multiple crews on the Tech campus endeavoring to nail down exactly what did occur there. We know as many as ten people were shot, one of them shot fatally.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: We'll have a press conference at noon. We're going to hear from police at noon and obviously police have been very busy this morning. So at noon, we'll hear some of the official details from them, perhaps some of the pieces of this puzzle can be put together. It's been just a very scary, morning to say the least at Virginia Tech. Hearing some of the students talking about being in class at Norris Hall and hearing bangs from next door and then screams and hearing gunshots. And students huddling in the corner in a classroom. At Norris Hall.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: And then jumping out the second floor window after they heard gunshots in the hallway.

I cannot even imagine what they were thinking or what was going through their mind at that point, just terrifying scenes being described on the Virginia Tech campus this morning.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Of course, this is the second such shooting, I don't know how much the two are parallel, but certainly the second incident involving gunfire on the Tech campus this academic year. The first one happening on the first day of school. And this one happening on what would perhaps otherwise be a spring day but it certainly doesn't feel like it outside.

As you see, in the video, recorded earlier this morning, snow flurries in the air. Strong winds, still disrupting the search and investigation and rescue of those who have been injured. But a very tense situation and hard to believe that somebody else has taken a gun in his hands and threatened and actually killed somebody on the Virginia Tech campus. I believe we have another student who may be able to fill us in on the line now. Is that right?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: C.J. Molitas (ph) is on the phone. C.J. you are a freshman. Keith was talking about this being the second incident involving a gunman, perhaps on the loose, on the Virginia Tech campus, not what you were expecting going off to college or what anyone would expect.

C.J. MOLITAS, CALLER: No, it wasn't.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: How are you doing today? Where are you right now?

MOLITA: I'm currently located in Miles Dormitory. And it is about two buildings away from West Ambler Johnston and one building away from where the SWAT Team is located.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: What can you see from where you are now?

MOLITA: From the end of the building, from the bathroom windows and another student's window, we could see about five or six police cars, a SWAT van and a couple State Trooper cars as well. And then a few minutes later, we saw them mounting up and going over toward Lee. The building next door.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: I'm sorry. From the posture of the law enforcement officers that you're able to observe at this hour, at about ten minutes to noon, does it look like they are in jeopardy for their safety? Are they crouched behind --

MOLITA: They were, for about ten minutes ago this all happened. They were crouched behind police cars and a few minutes ago we saw the SWAT van go down the hill next to Lee Hall. Directly adjacent our building are the dumpsters. We saw the sheriff's department with shotguns crouched next to the dumpsters as well.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: From what you're seeing right now, it doesn't appear that this situation is over. We do know one suspect is in custody. We've been told another search is under way for possibly a second suspect as routine practice. From what you're telling me, it sounds as though the SWAT Team is still at alert and looking.

HARRIS: Alright, let's break away from our coverage of the shooting that is being conducted by our affiliate in Roanoke, Virginia, WDBJ. We want to get a student on the line with us right now, Shaver Dierly (ph) is a student, a freshman.

And Shaver, you are in your room, is that correct?

SHAVER DIERLY, CALLER: You mean when it originally happened?

HARRIS: No. No. Right now. Right now. Shaver? Are you in your dorm room right now? Shaver? Shaver are you there?

Alright. Okay. So we've lost him at the moment. Let's recap where we are right now. And, boy, the news just continues to get worse on this story. We initially had reports of one person shot and killed. We have since learned that there was a second shooting there on the campus at Norris Hall, with seven or eight casualties. We've just heard some reporting from our local affiliate there at WDBJ. That as many as nine people were wounded at that second location at Norris Hall. Heidi, I believe we do have someone on the line.

COLLINS: Yes, this is a different, I believe another student from Virginia Tech. Jamal Albarghouti he actually was able to get ahold of some pictures for us with his cell phone. You know it to be called the I-Report. Let's look at what he was able to get for us, first.

Okay. Jamal Albarghouti, is I believe, on the phone with us now. And Jamal, pretty unbelievable pictures you have there. It was frightening watching. It seemed like you were pretty darn close. We first heard a series of shots. We see the officers, can't tell if those shots are coming from their guns or from possibly the person inside the building or outside of the building. Tell us what you were able to see with your own naked eye.

JAMAL ALBARGHOUTI, CALLER: The first thing I saw is when the policeman started taking their guns out. Then I knew this was serious. I didn't hear anything about the shooting that happened in A.J. But when I saw the guns, I thought there was another bomb threat. I thought hearing some gunshots far away. It seemed to me, where the cops are near right now.

And then all the cops were trying to get into Norris Hall and they used like a bomb or something to open one of the doors. Probably they dropped a tear bomb in the building. There was a person on the second floor of Norris trying to tell the cops that he's in there. And probably trying to guide them in.

COLLINS: Jamal, were you able to hear that person? Again, just to be clear for our viewers, this is apparently Norris Hall, the site of the second shooting that took place at Virginia Tech this morning. Jamal, you were able to hear some type of conversation between somebody on the second floor and the police officers outside?

ALBARGHOUTI: I saw his hand from the window.


ALBARGHOUTI: He was trying to reach outside the window to talk to the cops. This is what I saw. I didn't actually hear him talking to them. He was, well, he was talking to them. I did not hear what he said. I was a little bit far away from there.

COLLINS: All right. Now, after we see the pictures here that you were able to capture with your cell phone, we see that you actually moved quite a bit closer as the police went on down, I assume inside the building. What happened after all of that?

ALBARGHOUTI: Well, I wasn't able to see anything because the cops came from behind me and he asked me to leave the area.

COLLINS: Right. I imagine so for your safety, obviously. Where are you now? What can you tell us about what you know to be happening on campus at this point?

ALBARGHOUTI: Well, after that I had to leave. I left campus. Right now I'm at my house. Away from campus.

COLLINS: Yes. And you had you mentioned, just to be clear to everybody, you had mentioned you thought initially you were not aware that there was actually an event going on, if you will, and that there had been a shooting at a different building earlier in the morning. You had thought this was another bomb threat. You're about the third or fourth person we've heard from now where the campus had been dealing with some bomb threats.

ALBARGHOUTI: Yes, this is the case. I actually didn't even check my e-mails in the morning. I had to go talk to my adviser, Dr. Sanjay (ph) in Patton Hall. And I was trying to get into Patton Hall and while I was around 300 feet, Patton Hall, just for you to know, is not that far from Norris Hall, where the shooting was happening. When I was around 200 feet or 300 feet away from Patton Hall, a guy with probably an officer or someone in Patton Hall, he was shouting to everybody walking outside Patton Hall, telling them, leave the grounds! I didn't understand, how can I leave the grounds? But he was --

COLLINS: Take cover in other words. Right, right. And also just take, go ahead.

ALBARGHOUTI: I just stand around and left. And after a minute when I reached the area where I took the video from, I saw cops with guns and they were asking everyone to lay down or leave really quickly. I knew it wasn't another bomb threat. I knew it was something way more serious than that. So I started taking the video.

COLLINS: Something entirely different. And as we look at Norris Hall, maybe worth mentioning, this is the Department of Engineering, Science and Mechanics. The other building where the first shooting took place, where according to the Associated Press, one person was killed and another wounded, was earlier in the morning, over at a residence hall known as West A.J., Ambler Johnston.

Certainly still a developing situation, simply because we are still very aware as we talked with Jamal here, who is no longer on campus, there are several people still on campus in several different buildings still on lockdown.

We are trying to learn more, obviously about the situation where we are also hearing from affiliates that there is a possible news conference to come our way very shortly now. And hopefully going to be hearing from more authorities on the ground as to what they know, what they may know about a suspect. We've heard word of possibly someone being in custody, described as the shooter, but boy, as we look at these pictures and the I-Report coming in, we want to go ahead, one more time, listen to exactly what took place when he captured these pictures on his cell phone.



COLLINS: As you get some very frightening images coming in, from an I-Report, Jamal Albarghouti, who was able to capture those pictures, a Virginia Tech student, of the event that took place earlier in the day on the Virginia Tech campus. And good morning to you everybody, once again, I am Heidi Collins.

HARRIS: And I am Tony Harris, good morning again. We are updating you on the story we have been following for the last hour or hour and a half or so. That is this major violent crime event that has unfolded on the campus of Virginia Tech University this morning.