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Glenn Beck

Are Paris Hilton`s Parents to Blame for Her Behavior; David Hasselhoff Under Fire for Drunken Video

Aired May 07, 2007 - 19:00   ET


GLENN BECK, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, "The Simple Life" goes to jail. Paris Hilton calls her punishment "cruel and unwarranted." But is she leaving out "brilliant career move?"

And Sharia law comes to the U.K. Yes, thanks to Muslim extremists, some parts of England now have two sets of laws.

Plus, the Reverend Al Sharpton joins me to talk about obscene rap lyrics, and what it`s like to march with this guy. All this and more, tonight.


BECK: Well, welcome back from the weekend.

Really, only two stories that came out this weekend that were important: Paris and France.

In France, they elected a new president, which could have huge ramifications for the rest of the world. And I`ll have that in "The Real Story" in just a minute.

But first, let`s start in Paris. Paris Hilton. On Friday, she was sentenced to 45 days in jail for violating her probation. Paris Hilton`s mother, Kathy, says the sentence is "pathetic and disgusting."

Here`s the point tonight. Paris Hilton, you and your family are pathetic and disgusting, and quite frankly, I think I could make the case that you all belong in jail. And here`s how I got there.

Kathy Hilton, it`s time for a quick gut check. Your daughter is a brat. And you know, I can`t believe what we have allowed her to do to our culture. Paris Hilton, America, was a turning point for us as a society. It`s a signal that you can now achieve global fame without doing anything, except being videotaped while having sex.

Could you imagine, when we were growing up, if you would have done that, what your mom and dad yelling would be saying? They`re in the courtroom. Do you think they`d be yelling at the judge? They would have been mortified.

Paris Hilton`s not likely to change her ways in jail, since the state of California caters to the rich and clueless. Just when you thought you couldn`t lose any more respect for California, you hear something like this.

If you go to jail in certain cities in California, in some cases, you can actually pay extra to get your own cell and your own shower. You can pay for better food. Rich people like Paris Hilton can now buy their way into a better jail/spa. Think of it as business class for the convicted felon.

Do you think this law honestly was designed by the four California conservatives or by the rich Hollywood elites that are constantly finding themselves behind bars, and want it to be a little more like the Chateau Marmont?

But all of this would have never happened, had Paris Hilton`s parents not enabled her from the beginning. She says she just didn`t know the terms of her probation. Bull crap! She thought that would be enough of an excuse.

When you think you can talk your way out of anything just by being incredibly rich, acting incredibly stupid and looking incredibly hot, then your parents have dropped the ball somewhere along the line. If your kid was starring in a sex tape that had been seen by millions of people, most normal parents would say, "You know what? Maybe it`s time to take a few years and keep your nose clean." Now I`m not saying that`s a cocaine reference, but I`m not not saying it either.

The Hiltons? Not so much. They seemed to turn a blind eye to the controversies, and Paris never hit rock bottom. Why? Because she`s filthy rich and really hot.

Who knows? Maybe jail will scare her straight. Probably not, because she`s going to be sleeping on 1,000 thread count sheets and getting massages. In California, jail isn`t jail; it`s more like a Hilton.

So here`s what I know tonight. Things have changed since we were kids. You know what? I`m going to take it a little further. Things don`t even resemble what they were when we were kids. It`s like we`re living on Neptune or something. Our kids are adrift in a sea of nonstop garbage, and nobody seems to notice it. How are they expected to know right from wrong when society anoints Paris Hilton as a role model, and there is no parent there to say, no, she`s not?

Here`s what I don`t know. How do we stop people not from having children? No -- it`s actually, they weren`t having children; they`re breeding. You know, the Hiltons are breeders, not parents.

Joining me now is psychologist Dr. Gail Saltz. She`s the author of a new book, "Anatomy of a Secret Life".

Doctor, how responsible are her parents in all of this?

DR. GAIL SALTZ, AUTHOR, "ANATOMY OF A SECRET LIFE": Well, you know, the person you turn into is a combination of nature and nurture. You know, to some degree, some people are born more aggressive, more competitive, more likely to act out. So we don`t want to always blame parents.

BECK: Sure.

SALTZ: If a kid turns out to be doing bad things. Because sometimes they really have tried hard.

BECK: But you know what? Here`s what I -- here`s what would tip me off. Is I was reading this over the weekend, and her mother was standing next to her. And after the sentence was read, she mouths off to the judge. And then when the judge says, "Order in the court" and the guards grab her in court, you know what she says?

She says, "How dare you? Let go of me. Somebody just touched my breast."

I thought, "Oh, my gosh."

SALTZ: I do want to add, the second half of what I was going to say, which is nurture is hugely important. And you can push your child in either direction.

And if you`re wealthy, there`s an upside. I mean, who doesn`t like having money? But there`s a big downside, and that is you do potentially enable your child to get away with anything, do anything and still come out looking great. Unfortunately, what usually happens, is if someone gets into treatment, when things go so badly that financially, they`re in terrible straits, and that is never going to happen to somebody like Paris Hilton.

BECK: Right.

SALTZ: So the problem is she has to decide that she has so hit rock bottom in terms of destroying relationships and destroying any respect she might possibly have for herself. I would say, you know, that she`s there but she might not say she`s there.

BECK: If you haven`t destroyed your self-esteem by this point, I mean, what else do you have to do? You know, that`s the problem. There is no such thing as shame anymore. There`s no such thing.

SALTZ: You know what? You`re right, that we have a society right now of tremendous entitlement. And until, frankly, as a group, as a culture, we say, we`re disgusting ourselves. You know, and we are breeding children who, frankly, are so about themselves, so I, I, I. But there are going to be very negative repercussions.

So until we stand up and say, you know, this is unacceptable and things really have to change, and we make efforts to change them.

BECK: But you know what, she`s not going to be -- look, you could put her in jail. And you know what`s going to happen? She`s going to become more popular.

SALTZ: Well, you know what, I do not know that that`s true. I would say...

BECK: Come on!

SALTZ: You know what? Believe me, I`m telling you, I see these people. There are a significant group of parents who`ve really had it with, you know, Britney Spears and no underwear and all of the things that are going on. They`ve really had it.

And I do believe there`s a backlash starting to form of parents who simply aren`t going to let their kids take a look at a lot of this.

BECK: You know what? You know what she did? You know what Britney Spears did after Britney Spears was -- you know, her poll numbers were falling? She hired Paris Hilton to go out without underpants with her. I mean, this -- Paris Hilton is an industry.

SALTZ: Yes. But just because it`s out there and there are some people who also don`t parent their children with a lot of rules and with a lot of discipline and therefore might eat this stuff up, there are other parents who really do see this is destructive, that it`s bad for their kids` self-esteem, that they don`t want their daughters to model these women and that are going to take a stand.

BECK: Doctor, thank you very much. Appreciate your time.

After a six-week prison vacation, Paris Hilton is going to be more famous than she is now, if that`s even possible. I think she`ll have the - - she`ll have what the people are saying, calling street cred.

You thought Martha Stewart was bad. Wait until Paris Hilton gets out of jail. She ain`t going to be knitting any sweater for herself.

Joining me now is public relations expert Richard Levick. He`s president and CEO of Levick Strategic Communications. Richard, am I wrong? More popular than when she went in.

RICHARD LEVICK, PRESIDENT/CEO, LEVICK STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS: Absolutely more popular. In the upside down of Hollywood, what happens now, if you`re Paris Hilton`s new publicist, is you wait for the phone to ring. And undoubtedly, it`s ringing off the hook. And what she`s working on right now is which exclusive with the tabloids.

Let`s see. I`ve got the 2008 season on television I need to work with. I think I`ll call that "Simple Life from Behind Bars". There`s probably a book deal and maybe, a la Johnny Cash, an album, as well.

BECK: It is really amazing to me that -- and it doesn`t work with everyone -- but you have people -- you have people like Mel Gibson who come out and does one thing, destroys their career. I mean, Mel Gibson will always be known as an -- as an anti-Semite now.

But you can have other people that will come out and make horrible mistakes, maybe not to the Mel Gibson level, but really become more popular, make more money and make it into an industry.

LEVICK: Right there, you`ve got the opposite ends of book ends right here. And remember, with Mel Gibson, one of the things you had happening was, it was one famous incident.

But there were any number of others going back to his father, who denied the Holocaust, so his trust bank started to decline over time. And in time, the same thing will happen with Paris Hilton. That is, happening once is a mistake. If we see habitual criminal behavior, then we see a lifestyle. And then you`ve got the parents of the 13- to 16-year-old young girls and the young boys start to take serious objection.

BECK: You know, I was wondering today if there was anything that some of these celebrities could do that would destroy their career. And I thought, you know what, O.J. Simpson, in a way, survived murder. He`s still out there making money. There`s still people that, for some strange reason want to market that.

I think the only thing in today`s America that Paris Hilton could do that would kick her off this gravy train, get fat.

LEVICK: Well, for a while she has the gravy train. At some point she`s going to outgrow the role of being a naughty girl. You know, she`s 26. How much longer can she do that? And another concern that she has to have, a la Britney Spears, is if she becomes a mother, she`s going to be judged by different standards.

BECK: Richard, thanks a lot.

Coming up, new developments in the David Hasselhoff drunken cheeseburger incidents. I`ll tell you how the shocking video may have cost him his visitation rights and what was behind the release of that video.

And the Reverend Al Sharpton marches for decency. And I told him I would, and that`s why I marched with him. He`ll join me in just a bit.

First, this message from the beef industry.


ANNOUNCER: In case you didn`t already know, May is National Hamburger Month. Why not celebrate by picking up a big, fat, juicy, delicious, mouth-watering hamburger today? Hamburgers are a great source of protein, and they go really well together with carpet fibers and a half gallon of vodka.

This message brought to you by the Hamburger Council of America. Please remember to eat responsibly. Use a napkin.




BECK: This one comes out of England. Having large families should be frowned upon as an environmental misdemeanor. This is the same thing as failing to reuse plastic bags, taking long haul flights, driving a big car.

They said if couples had two children instead of three, they could cut their family`s carbon dioxide output by the equivalent of 620 return flights a year between London and New York. Gee, if the Hiltons would have only had one less child.


BECK: Now, usually, PBS bends over backwards to be all touchy-feely and not offend anybody, but even they`ve been called into questioning by the P.C. police. Yes, even PBS.

Latino activists and politicians are criticizing a new World War II documentary by Ken Burns for overlooking the wartime contributions of Hispanic soldiers. What?

Say what you will about the film`s director, but his projects -- like the critically-acclaimed "Jazz" and "Baseball" and the Civil war" series, I mean, he`s handled race with fairness and sensitivity. I don`t even understand the Hispanic argument here.

But in an effort not to offend any of these activists and potential PBS members with the tote bags, the network has decided, believe it or not, to cave in and hire a Latino producer to create additional content for the documentary. Now, I want to watch it!

What`s next? Will we have to change the cookie monster, PBS, to the celery monster for those who are anti-cookie?

Tim Graham is the director of media analysis for Media Research Center.

Tim, this is the craziest thing I have ever heard. What is happening at PBS?

TIM GRAHAM, DIRECTOR OF MEDIA ANALYSIS, MEDIA RESEARCH CENTER: Well, look, now, you`re in a situation where the Democrats are in control of both houses of Congress. That`s who they have to please now.

The funny thing about all of this is when the Republicans controlled Congress, they didn`t really care, you know, whether they upset the Republicans. You know, we didn`t get the conservative producer appointed to make sure that conservatives...

BECK: Hang on just a second. That`s not true. And I don`t have the facts at my fingertip, Tim, because I`m just riddled with ADD. And I`ve only got one functioning brain cell left in my head. But I seem to recall that, when the Democrat -- when the Republicans came in and said, hey, PBS, let`s have some balance here, everybody was crying censorship.

Now, you`ve got a special on radical Islam that`s not even going to make it to air, and you`re -- you`re re-editing Ken Burns` special on World War II?

GRAHAM: That`s right. Exactly. What`s really funny to a lot of people, is here we have a situation where the Democrats, in this case, the congressional Hispanic Caucus is saying -- they`re all over this saying, you have to change this film, you have to add ten minutes.

This is something that the PBS people absolutely hate. They don`t want anybody coming in and saying, "Well, you`re funded by taxpayer dollars, so you actually have to do something that somebody wants."

BECK: Yes.

GRAHAM: So I mean, they are -- it is funny for the Democrats, because they would have said, you know, a year ago, oh, the independence of PBS is so important. And now it`s out the window.

BECK: You know, I`ve been thinking why we`re funding PBS. It used to be that, if PBS doesn`t do it, who will? Well, I don`t know, Sundance Channel, The Learning Channel, A&E, Bravo. I mean, I could go on. There`s a lot of people that will do it. Why are we spending any money with PBS?

GRAHAM: Because government programs just cannot be killed. And especially when, every time you try to do that, you get a bunch of congressmen putting Ernie and Bert hand puppets on.

You just simply cannot touch this. This is the sacred bird, I guess.

BECK: So what is -- I mean, honestly, I mean, you know, I hate to be completely ignorant, but what is the difference between the Hispanic contribution in World War II and the German-American contribution or the Italian or the Lithuanian or the Korean?

I mean, why do -- why does PBS even feel that it`s legitimate to say, "We`ve got to add 10 minutes on one group`s contribution to World War II?

GRAHAM: Yes, I mean, I`ve two great uncles that fought over in the Asian theater. I suppose I should demand that the Scotch-Americans get their ten minutes.

But the -- look, liberals prize inclusion. And frankly, I`m a little bit surprised that Ken Burns, this darling of liberal PBS...

BECK: Oh, yes.

GRAHAM: ... would somehow mess this up and not get the ten minutes of Hispanics in there in the first place. I mean, it`s like a -- what is it, six hours? Twelve hours? How many hours is it?

BECK: They go on and on and on...

GRAHAM: They`ve got room.

BECK: ... and on and on and on. Here`s the scary thing, is the pendulum is starting to swing so far on these activists and the way people are getting involved in every word in the media and demanding that people are fired and demanding this and demanding that. How far is it going to swing back? It`s a pendulum. It will swing, and it will swing so far over.

And the really scary thing -- and you know, I don`t know if you agree with me, Tim, but in a time of a major crisis, that`s when one side or the other grabs onto that pendulum and says, "It stops here." And then you have complete control on either the left or the right. And it`s scary times.

GRAHAM: I think, look, people who own -- let`s face it, people who own the media are the ones that really control it. The people who own CNN or own FOX, and in this case, the people who own PBS are the people who have been in the PBS bureaucracy for two or three decades.

BECK: Yes.

GRAHAM: I don`t see them, in most cases, being the type of people that back down like they did in this one.

BECK: OK. Tim, thanks a lot.

Coming up, David Hasselhoff`s latest role as a burger eating drunk may have lost him visitation rights to his children. We`ll have the latest details. And you really don`t want to hear them. It`s pretty shocking stuff.

Plus, Reverend Al Sharpton`s march for decency. I was there beside him. Why? Because I made him a promise, and I`m a man of my word. Don`t miss Al Sharpton, coming up.


BECK: OK. By now, you`ve probably seen this video. It`s "Baywatch" star David Hasselhoff. He is wasted, eating a hamburger. A lot of people think it`s funny. Nobody`s laughing about Hasselhoff`s daughter behind the camera. And some suggest the footage was released to help promote the "Knight Rider`s" new autobiography, "Don`t Hassle the Hoff". Should you be sad or should you be angry, if that`s true?

Dr. Keith Ablow, he`s a psychiatrist who has worked extensively with families, author of the new book, "The Living Truth".

Welcome, Doctor, how are you?


BECK: You know, I heard this, that it may -- Friday, I was sad. I was like, "Oh, my gosh, the daughter, and how sad for him and everything else." And then I heard that it might be the book. Where does that -- where does that push us?

ABLOW: We don`t know if it`s the book. But if it`s the book it puts you into a character (ph) no-man`s land. Because it`s one thing if the video happened upon the scene or was released by the family. It`s another if it`s a contrivance designed to propel a product. I can`t say it`s that. But if it were you would have to, you know, give lower marks, even, for character.

BECK: Would it be good if this was released by the family as a shock to the system, I mean, intervention?

ABLOW: Listen, denial is that robust. Sometimes it takes seeing yourself on camera to get a sense of how out of control your life has become and how you`re hurting people behind the camera. This 16-year-old holding it.

BECK: Oh, my gosh. My daughter said to me -- my daughter`s she`s 18, and she was asked -- we were speaking someplace just recently. And they asked, what is the biggest miracle in your life?

And she said, unbeknownst to me. I mean, she broke out in tears and she said, "The biggest miracle in my life is my dad joining our faith and changing his life. The change, him not being an alcoholic, has been a miracle."

ABLOW: Let me tell you something. Because here`s where we meet, right? As a psychiatrist, I feel privileged to sit with you now. Because...

BECK: You`re going to charge me?

ABLOW: I won`t charge you. I won`t charge you.

But the bottom line is, listen, girls who grow up wondering whether they`re powerful enough to compete with the bottle never lose that struggle. And when they engage with one man after another who puts them second, and they`re coaxed into that drama: how can I win him, how can I heal him? You saved your daughter from that. You said, "You are that important. I will put it down." And she can hold that her entire life.

BECK: How -- how much of a role -- my mother was an alcoholic, and she was -- she committed suicide. And I wonder if I was repeating her life. I thought, "This is what I`m going to be because of the genetic code."

Does his daughter look at him, and is she screwed up from "This is who I`m going to be." Does that play a role or is that just screwed up Glenn?

ABLOW: I think people get hurt and lost because they want to believe the best of the people around them. They say, my father loved me in his own perfect way.

Well, if that`s love, what we just saw in the videotape, that`s going to just model something for that girl that`s very unhealthy down the road.

And you know what, Glenn? The way you said, "My mom took her own life and did that affect me?" You`ve confronted these things. You`ve walked through them. There are people in the world who haven`t, who still need to anaesthetize themselves.

BECK: You know what I feel bad for is -- and I have very little patience for Hollywood. But I feel bad in a way because a lot of people are surrounded by people who won`t let them collapse. And until you face death or face it, you ain`t going to -- you ain`t going to make it.

ABLOW: The reason I wrote "Living the Truth" is because I believe people are miraculous. When they have their own life stories in hand, they can write spectacular chapters in the future. Without embracing your feelings, you`re lost.

BECK: OK. We`ll be back in a minute. Thanks a lot, Doctor. Thank you.

ABLOW: Appreciate it.

BECK: Bye-bye.


BECK: Well, welcome to "The Real Story."

France, just when I thought you couldn`t get any dumber, you go and you do something like this, and totally redeem yourself! With 53 percent of the vote this last Sunday, Nicolas Sarkozy -- a true conservative, by French standards -- is the new president. Au revoir, Jacques Chirac. It has been great, my friend.

I really mean that, too. It has been great, "Jack." After the election, Sarkozy said, quote, "Our American friends can rely on our friendship. France will always" -- I had to read this three times to be sure I had it right -- "France will always be next to them when they need us." I mean, my hearing aid, I think, keeps cutting out. Did they say that they would stand with us?

And now, when I first read that, I thought, I don`t want to be completely selfishly here. I mean, how am I going to fill four hours of content every day without France actively working against us in the E.U., and the U.N., and the IAEA, and every other multi-lettered organization that I could possibly think of? Sarkozy apparently admires America so much that he actually wants to steal Nancy Pelosi`s first 100 hours idea. This, of course, is still France, so it will be the first 100 days, but, still, it`s a good concept. And, unlike Nancy Pelosi, Sarkozy actually wants to move his country away from socialism.

He`d like to get rid of the 35 hour a week workweek and make overtime pay tax-free so people are encouraged to work more. Crazy concept. He also said he`d like to help get the poor their dignity back with a paycheck, but they -- and I`m quoting -- "better start planning to get up early." Wow, helping people to help themselves? What a novel concept for a country of socialists.

But it`s not just his economic policies that are very un-Frenchy- French like. It`s also his view of the world. He actually supports Israel. Yes, president of France. And he`s denounced the Muslim extremists who have participated in those violent riots back in 2005, calling them "scum," and saying that the entire area needed to be, quote, "cleaned out with a power hose." Can you imagine Jacques Chirac or, for that matter, any politician saying something like that? Yes, me neither.

The real story tonight is that, while America continues to lose its spine and move towards socialism, the people who never had a spine seem to find it and those who have tried socialism, including the French, are abandoning it. While we move to the left, the rest of the world is going the opposite way. There`s John Howard in Australia, Angela Merkel in Germany, Stephen Harper in Canada, Felipe Calderon in Mexico, and many others who are moving to the right because of America`s success story. It is undeniable.

You can talk about the war in Iraq all you want, but the truth is, America is still the envy of the world. How is it that foreign countries can get it, when most of our politicians don`t?

Throughout the history of civilization, mankind has shown how it can enslave, and oppress, and brutalize each other. Although we`ve made some of the same mistakes, our little experiment has proven that there is a different way, that man can not only be free, but he can be prosperous. Now, the rest of the world is finally catching on, and not a minute too late.

Unfortunately, there`s still one glaring entry missing from this list, and it`s Great Britain. As Tony Blair gets set to step down, it`s obvious that they are in more trouble than ever before. According to the "Daily Express" in London, Islamic courts -- run according to Sharia law -- are now up and running in major cities across Great Britain, and they`re issuing binding rulings on the Muslims who go there, essentially allowing them to turn their backs on the established English legal system.

Wake up Great Britain. This is the very definition of a "slippery slope." It may be weddings and divorces now, but if you give these courts any kind of legitimacy, it will be traffic tickets, then misdemeanors, and soon these kangaroo courts will be sentencing adulterous women to public stonings, and you won`t be able to do a damn thing about it.

France finally seems to have figured it out. Welcome, France. They`ve realized that the country is slipping away from them, and they`ve made a choice to do something about it. Britain, when will you do the same?

Zuhdi Jasser, he is from the American Islamic Forum for Democracy and is a contributor to this program. Also, Mark Wallace is the communications director at the Freedom Association, an organization that advocates for the rule of law in the U.K.

Mark, let me start with you. Everybody knows that this is going on, that it`s there. Why isn`t anybody standing up and trying to stop it in the U.K.?

MARK WALLACE, FREEDOM ASSOCIATION: Well, I think you`re absolutely right, that it`s always been a widespread assumption that there`s been a variety of parallel legal systems being run, especially in the form of Sharia courts in Britain. Only recently has apparently been confirmed that these courts do exist.

And, unfortunately, in Britain, for the last 30 and 40 years now, there has been quite a politically correct imperative, which I think -- and I`m sure the Freedom Association thinks -- has stopped a lot the media and stopped all these politicians bringing these kind of issues up. And it`s absolutely time now that we start considering this more strongly.

BECK: But you say that people really didn`t know about it. I mean, these courts are registered as charities. I mean, so they`re getting government tax breaks. They are getting help from the government and funding from the government. I mean, everybody knew these things were happening.

WALLACE: Well, I think it`s absolutely the case that these charities that are apparently running these courts -- and I gather also run through mosques that receive similar tax breaks -- they do seem to run them under those auspices. I don`t know to what extent it`s been registered with the Charities Commission who administer charities law in the U.K., but it ought to have been clear, I think, from the preachings of various different, pretty radical clerics, who have been wrongly allowed to continue in the U.K., the people who have preached against the British legal system for Sharia to replace it, it should have been clear to everybody that this has been going on. It should have been investigated a long time ago.

BECK: Zuhdi, I know that Muslims, they`ll look at Sharia law. And it is -- you apply those principles to your own life, correct?


BECK: OK, but it has been taken out of context in other countries. For instance, in Germany, a German judge has just decided that he could not grant a divorce because of Sharia law, because this woman, who was being abused, was married in Morocco. And he said he had no right to take apart a marriage that was made under Sharia law.

JASSER: This is why it`s so important that we discuss these things publicly, we shed the light of day on it, because I personally -- you know, spiritual Sharia and how I pray, et cetera, Sharia is basically God`s rules. But what makes Western society enlightened is the fact that I can choose to enter those with my wife equally or with my family equally, and it`s not imposed by a coercive system.

And unless, in our democracies in the West, we start to shed the light of day on systems that are creeping in as incubators for Islamists and radicalism, where actually -- if you look, for example, in Canada, where they`ve tried to institute Sharia, they actually found that the biggest, the most effective voice against this coercive system was the women`s movements, who actually spoke up and said, "You know, we may want to apply Sharia in our life, but the system becomes so coercive, where the imams, who are still stuck in the 15th century, don`t know how to apply it to a pluralistic society, and they get stuck."

BECK: Zuhdi, we`re actually letting down -- because in Minneapolis, the big community that is speaking out against Sharia law is the Somali group. I mean, they`re coming here. And it`s like we`re letting these people down. They come here for a better life. They don`t want that oppressive lifestyle. And then, all of a sudden, they find themselves in it in America or in Great Britain.

JASSER: Exactly. We are allowing our victim politics or the politics of multiculturalism to counter the principle that established America, which is religious freedom, based on universal principles of humanitarianism that all religions have to live up to.

Our Supreme Court said that we can be free to practice our faith as long as it doesn`t conflict with the values of society. And many Muslims, like my family, came here to seek those universal principles, in consistency with my faith of Islam and Sharia, but not 15th-century Sharia or separatists.

BECK: So, Mark, British multiculturalism, I mean, you guys are entering a spooky phase in Great Britain. You`re now starting to say that I can`t use teach the Holocaust in certain schools because it might disagree with what people are being taught at school or at their home. Multiculturalism is planting very bad seeds, is it not?

WALLACE: Absolutely. There`s been a very corrosive process over the course of the multicultural debate. And the multicultural agenda has allowed really Western values of democracy, personal freedom, the rule of law, and equality under the law to be corroded for some kind of fear of not treading on particular minorities` toes, which is absolutely wrong.

I think it was absolutely right what your other guest just said. The fact is that people come to America, they come to Britain to enjoy the freedoms here, they come to enjoy the democracy, they come to enjoy that prosperity. And we can only serve those immigrants properly, and we can only serve ourselves properly and fairly by saying, "You have to live under a secular legal system."

BECK: OK. Mark, Zuhdi, thank you very much. That`s the "Real Story" tonight. If you`d like to read more about this or if you`ve found one a "Real Story" of your own you`d like to tell us about, please do so. Visit and click on "The Real Story" button.

We`ll be back in a minute with the one and only Reverend Al Sharpton.


BECK: Well, I have to tell you something that might surprise you. I`ve never been to a rally. Conservatives don`t really do rallies. We just sit in the couch in our underpants and we imagine that someday the truth will come out. And actually getting out in the streets, arm`s length, fighting, you know, for change of some kind, never really did it, until last week, that is.

I challenged Al Sharpton on my program to speak out about the poison that is rap music. He challenged me right back, and said, "Oh, yeah? You take part in the next rally." I said, "Bring it on." He did, and I did, too.

I joined the reverend recently for a rally demanding record labels take responsibility for the racist, sexist, homophobic music they distribute, and it was surreal. Take a look.


THE REVEREND AL SHARPTON, CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST: It was our intention to picket at every one of these record companies and, clearly, there was too many people to form the picket line. There was one man that challenged us on airwaves, Glenn Beck from CNN. He`s here with us, true to his word to march.


BECK: How come you`re targeting the top instead of the family?

SHARPTON: I think that we must do both. But I think you must start at the top, because they`re the ones that have marketed this. They`re the ones that can say, "We`re going to have one standard." You`ve got hundreds of artists, right?

BECK: OK, right.

SHARPTON: You`ve got four major record companies. So if you just went for firing artists, which artists would you choose first?

BECK: How do you change the culture? Because it`s not...

SHARPTON: I think you change the culture by beginning to question it, by going after the companies, then going after the artists, and then going into the communities and challenging this decadence ourselves.

I think when people like you have the courage to say, "We disagree on everything, but that, on this, we all need to come together," we come forward. You reached out; we reached back. You`ll get attacked; I`ll get attacked. But you know what? If it will stop the pollution in the culture, then it`s worth it.


BECK: Reverend Al Sharpton, welcome to the program, sir.

SHARPTON: Thank you, sir.

BECK: How much heat did you get for having me at the rally? I got a lot.

SHARPTON: I got a lot of heat. But I think -- you know, I must say, I got a lot of respect for you. We had a growing relationship debating on your show. When you walked in that day, I got a lot of respect for you, because most guys won`t do what they say. You know, you never know at a rally. First, you don`t know what`s going to happen. You get hecklers passing by. We had hundreds of people. Any one could get out of line. And you see it`s a lot more risky than studio opinions.

BECK: Oh, yes.

SHARPTON: But you did show up.

BECK: You were surprised, weren`t you?

SHARPTON: I was shocked, I`ll admit it.

BECK: You know, Reverend...

SHARPTON: You gained a lot of respect from a lot of people.

BECK: I will look you in the eye and tell you what I mean and mean what I say.

SHARPTON: I believe that.

BECK: The thing I was -- I noticed a couple of things. You were there to speak out against rap, and we both agree that it`s poison. We disagree on how to get there. I think change the families, and you say go to the top. But that`s OK.

The one thing that I was shocked by, I heard the n-word more than I`ve ever heard in my entire life. And I saw a guy who was standing -- he was actually picketing you. You saw him? And he had a big sign, and it said horrible things on that sign. And he was screaming them out.

And I was shocked that nobody paid any attention to him. Where if I would have been quiet and held a sign that just said the n-word on it, it would have been a full-fledged race riot.

SHARPTON: Right. Well, the guy that you saw has got a picket at every march I have.

BECK: It`s not about him or anything else. What it is, is about...

SHARPTON: But that`s why we had the march. What shocked me was you showing up. What I think surprised everybody else is hundreds of people showed up. And these were mostly African-Americans. You brought that up. And the reason why that was surprising...

BECK: It was me and the security detail that were white. I think that was it.

SHARPTON: Which is why it`s surprising is, I don`t think many people in white America understand how many blacks are really against this. You`ve got to remember, in five days, to put those amount of people, never have that many people gone in front of record companies about it. There are a lot of African-Americans that are outraged by it. It`s not just me.

BECK: Show this -- I want to show you a video here. This is Akon. I don`t know if you`ve seen this yet. He`s a rap singer. Show this video, please. This is something that he did on stage during his concert. He convinced a 15-year-old girl that she was to come on stage for a dance contest, and he did this to her. She is a preacher`s daughter, a preacher`s daughter.

You said to me, when you were on about Don Imus, you said, "Glenn, this could have been my daughter, that he could have called those names." This could have been your daughter. And it is shocking...

SHARPTON: This is the kind of stuff we`ve got to get out. I`d like to get a copy of that tape.

BECK: I`ll get you a copy of that tape.

SHARPTON: Because I`m telling you that we`ve got to have one standard when it comes to this. And it`s not about whether we start at the bottom or start at the top if we meet in the middle. We`ve got to stop this. This is poison.

BECK: It is.

SHARPTON: And it is a cultural war between those that just feel they have the right to pollute this whole -- the airwaves and pollute our young people. I`m very serious about this.

BECK: Do you stand behind Bill Cosby?

SHARPTON: Oh, I always did. I always -- we had Bill Cosby on my radio show often. He`s done National Action Network stuff. I think what Bill Cosby said had to be dealt with. And I`m just bringing it to the streets.

BECK: Why is that -- seemingly, from the white community -- why is that such a message that, as I view it -- you know, I`m the whitest white man you`ll ever meet -- it seems to me that that is a message that is accepted by the African-American community, but leaders of the African- American community push back on Bill Cosby, and try to push him out, and say, "Don`t say that out loud." Why?

SHARPTON: I think that Bill Cosby, some of us embraced it, and some of us are now trying to bring that to those that have benefited, black and white. That`s why I went to the record companies.

And I think there`s got to be a movement now. I think, just like there was a movement the other way, there`s got to be a movement to stop it. And it won`t happen overnight. We didn`t get here overnight. But Cosby I think was an important part of energizing it. And I think that this is one that we`re really going to see, if conservatives and so-called liberals really mean what they say.

BECK: You and I don`t agree on hardly anything.

SHARPTON: I don`t agree with sitting here.

BECK: I`ve got to tell you, we agree on principles. And that`s what we need to do. Would you do me a favor? Would you take that video, follow that lead, and tell me what you come up with?

SHARPTON: I will take the video, follow that lead, and you might see me going directly after that artist. That is outrageous.

BECK: It is outrageous. Reverend, thank you very much.

SHARPTON: All right. Thank you, Glenn. You kept your word.

BECK: Thank you, sir. You, too.


BECK: Well, time now for the first and last edition of a segment I like to call "Glenn`s Monkey Update."

Today`s update comes from Vienna, Austria. Hiasl is a 26-year-old Austrian chimp who would be legally declared a person if animal rights activists had their way. Granted, the chimp likes eating pastry, watching TV, and playing with his own feces, but that alone doesn`t make you a person, unless you`re my cousin, Gary. Hiasl`s supporters argue that the chimp needs person status so he can receive donations and get a guardian to take care of him or, as they say, and I quote, "the right to life," end quote.

So let me get this straight, animal activists. Monkeys have the right to life, but an unborn child not so much? This according to Peter Singer. He`s a professor of bioethics at Princeton University. He thinks that not only abortion, but infanticide can be justified in certain special circumstances. He`s a great guy, huh?

If he hates babies so much, maybe Peter Singer should meet up with John Guillebaud. He`s the professor of family planning at University College London. I don`t know if you get a PhD in condoms or what you do to get that role, but he thinks that the greatest thing that anyone in Britain could do to help the future of the planet would be to have one less child. He goes on to say that all couples should produce no more than two offspring.

This got me thinking all day. I figure, why not just wipe out the entire human race by arming monkeys -- sorry, sorry, simian-Americans -- and that way, we can make everyone happy, the baby-haters and the monkey- lovers, you know? Although, I have a feeling that scenario would end up with Charlton Heston discovering the severed head of the Statue of Liberty washed up on a beach. But, you know, I know what you`re thinking, "Planet of the Apes," great movie, huh? Yes, I know, I know it was. My nickname in high school wasn`t Dr. Zaius for nothing.

But that doesn`t mean that we should make it come true by imposing restrictions on how many kids we should have, killing babies after they`ve been born, and giving human rights to monkeys. If we don`t start respecting life, of everybody, instead of completely disregarding it just to make a name for yourself, we may all soon be shouting, "Get your hands off me, you damn dirty ape."

From New York, good night.