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Philadelphia - "Kill-adelphia"; Family Dog Helps Weight Loss; Republican Candidate Ron Paul Causing a Stir; New Scanner Can See Right Through You; Thrilling Victory in Rugby World Cup in France; Brouhaha Around Ticket Sales for Hannah Montana; Learning Teenspeak

Aired October 13, 2007 - 17:00   ET


TONY HARRIS, CNN, ANCHOR: Peter, good to see you. This event happened hours ago now. It really has been slow going for firefighters.
PETER VILES, CNN, CORRESPONDENT: Yes, we're going on 13, 14 hours since this accident happened. A chain reaction, freak accident, really, we're on a down slope here. The trucks come down and they're going to this truck-only tunnel. And somehow a couple of them collided. A chain reaction, 15, 20, nobody really knows because nobody has been in the tunnel. But 15 or 20 big rigs collided. All of them ended up catching fire.

People who have looked into that tunnel say there is debris four and a half, five feet deep. Melted trucks, twisted metal, no one's been in there. Firefighters haven't been able to go in there. They have just started to drag portions of these trucks out of the other end of the tunnel but they haven't gone in because the fire is still burning in there. They know there has been some damage to the tunnel but they don't know how bad the damage is. They just can't go in there because they don't know if it's safe.

That's the Catch 22 we're in right now. Can't fight the fire. It's still smoldering in there. And can't get the trucks out. Can't really find out how many bodies are in there until they can get this fire put out, Tony.

HARRIS: Peter, so what do you do? I mean, it has to be a horrible question for firefighters on the scene. What do you do in that situation? The last thing you want to do may be the only thing you can do, which is to just let it burn itself out.

VILES: Well, they're fighting it with foam, fire-retardant foam, which they can shoot in with powerful hoses. They get it pretty far into the tunnel if they go for both ends. The tunnel is only about an eighth of a mile. The problem is, they can't get to the middle of the tunnel with foam. One of the things they're talking about doing is cutting a hole in the top of the tunnel in the middle to get some foam in the middle. But in the meantime, they just have to let this thing smoke itself out, get as much of the debris as they can from the edges of the tunnel and keep hitting it with this flame-retardant foam, which just smothers the fire and rob it of oxygen. But it's still smoking pretty hard, Tony.

HARRIS: And it's just a guess if you're trying to estimate how many people are inside that tunnel.

VILES: Hard to know. They originally said 15, 10 to 15 big rigs. They're now saying they just don't know how many trucks are in there. But when we were on the other side and looked in, you could see four big rigs bumper to bumper. If they're bumper to bumper throughout that whole tunnel, which is possible, there could be 20, 25 trucks in there. You have to think at least one driver per truck. In some trucks, there are two drivers. There's one sleeping and one driving. And we have had reports there were a passenger car or two in there. So, we just don't know how many people are stuck in this and how many got out alive.

HARRIS: And one last question for you, Peter. We were getting word that about 15 minutes ago that there might be a news conference in this hour. What are you hearing about that? Is it going to happen?

VILES: Well, we've heard that that news conference is going to be a couple hours from now. But you have a lot of different agencies on the scene, and it's spread out over a couple miles. There is a little confusion. They just led a huge meeting south of us. Get pictures of the tunnel. I don't we're missing it right now but we've been told it's 5:00 local, which would be 8:00 your time for that news conference.

HARRIS: OK. Appreciate it. Peter Viles on the story for us. Peter, thank you. And if you're in that area, maybe stuck in traffic or watching nearby, you could be one of our I-Reporters. We would certainly appreciate that; send us your pictures or videos to i-

In other news now from Iraq. Another eyewitness account contradicts the original version the Blackwater shootings in Baghdad. "The New York Times" has found three Kurdish politicians who say they saw what happened from the roof top. One of the three says Blackwater guards fired on a civilian bus and on a man who was trying to get away. Take a listen.


OMAR H. WASSO, SENIOR OFFICIAL, PATRIOTIC UNIION OF KURDISTAN PARTY: They were in the middle of the circle there.


WASSO: They shoot one red bus like this one. The bus has 40 passengers.


WASSO: Women, and kids and old people. The driver of the Volkswagen tried to escape and they shot him in the back of the head.

He was running and they hit him from the back. The head was opened like this.


HOLMES: Well, Blackwater has said that hostile fire provoked its people but CNN has learned that U.S. troops who arrived at the scene found no sign of hostile fire against the Blackwater security team. Here's CNN's Jim Clancy.


JIM CLANCY, CNN, ANCHOR (voice-over): A U.S. military source tells CNN in Baghdad that an incident report was filed by the first U.S. troops to reach the scene and in the square that day. Troops who routinely patrol the area arrived about 20 minutes after the shooting subsided. According to the U.S. military source, what they wrote in their preliminary report included finding spent cartridges specifically made for U.S. weapons, like those used by the military or private contractors. This video, obtained by "Newsweek" magazine, clearly shows what appear to be some of those casings lying on the ground. They did not find similar evidence that Iraqi police or insurgents had opened fire. They also found that the position of vehicles in the Nisoor Square suggested that some Iraqis had turned their cars around and were trying to flee the area at the time they were engaged by gunfire. It largely corroborates diagrams and findings in an Iraqi report obtained by CNN. The military source also told us that the report assessed the situation as an excessive use of force and that there was no evidence Blackwater's team had been fired upon.


CLANCY (on-screen): The U.S. military says it is continuing to investigate the shootings the Nisoor Square shooting as it would any incident in an area under its control. But this is hardly any incident. And many here are waiting to see what the state department, the FBI and Blackwater have to say when a final investigation is completed by the U.S. side. Jim Clancy, CNN, Baghdad.

HARRIS: You know, the Blackwater shootings have intensified a debate over the role private contractors play in Iraq. Even before the shootings there were concerns that jobs traditionally done by the military were being privatized. Joining us now, from Hartford, Connecticut, law professor Laura Dickinson. She's working on a study titled "Outsourcing War and Peace. Professor, good to talk to you. Thanks for your time.


HARRIS: Where do you stand on this? As you continued your research, private contractors, kind of a necessary valuable and necessary asset, component to modern-day warfare, or are we talking about unregulated cowboys? We've heard that a few times.

DICKINSON: Well, what I think all of these showed is if we're going to be using contractors on the battlefield, we have to have a workable system for holding them accountable if they do commit abuses. And right now, we clearly have a problem, not only with our laws on the books, but with our laws in action. That is to say we've got to plug the holes that are there in the current laws, but we also have to make sure that we enforce those laws.

HARRIS: Well, for a lot of folks, it would be news that we thought these contractors were operating with total immunity, but let's talk about that. If this investigation into this September 16th episode comes back and we learn that Blackwater security acted with gross negligence in the killings of these 17 Iraqis, what should happen?

DICKINES: Well, there are really three options. The first would be prosecution in our ordinary criminal courts. The second would be prosecution in military courts. And the third could be prosecution in Iraqi courts. I think the first option would be the best one.

HARRIS: And why do you choose that option?

DICKINSON: Well, because I think that we ought to have our ordinary criminal justice system there working and holding contractors accountable if they commit abuses.

HARRIS: What about the Iraqi courts? I can't imagine that the Iraqi courts wouldn't want a piece of this.

DICKINSON: Yes, that's true, but I think the Iraqi courts lack the capacity right now to conduct a fair trial here.

HARRIS: Does the secretary of state have the power to grant immunity in this case?

DICKINSON: Well, you know, there's been a lot of talk about the coalition provisional authorities immunity order, which purportedly grants immunity to the contractors.

HARRIS: And the idea would be to waive immunity.

DICKINSON: Right. But also, that immunity order only covers actions within the terms of the contracts. And these contracts don't authorize the use of force in an unprovoked manner. So if the contractors did fire unprovoked on to civilians, then that action would be outside the immunity. The important point is that I don't think the Iraqi courts are the appropriate place to try them.

HARRIS: Yes. I got you. I want to put this situation on the ground. Puts you and everybody watching on the ground in Iraq and maybe even into one of the vehicles of one of these convoys where private security is providing the security. Two pieces of tape I want you to watch and listen to you here and then I've got a question for you here, professor.


HARRIS: And then we're going to see an i-Report in just a moment here. I want you to take a look if this well and you're inside one of the convoy vehicles here when an IED goes off. Take a listen and look at this. All right. And there you have it.

So, professor, real-world situation. You're on the ground. You're providing security. That is your job. What are we asking of these security personnel? Are we asking them to be perfect?

DICKINSON: Well, look, I think that they have the authority to use force. So, we have to ensure that they're using it in a responsible manner. Yes, they're risking their lives but we have to do a better job of managing the contractors. They're working for multiple agencies out there. And we don't have enough information. The Congress ought to mandate a high-level interagency group to report to Congress on what the contractors are doing and manage them better to make sure that they know the limits on the use of force.

HARRIS: And I don't hear you saying throw the contractors out of Iraq.

DICKINSON: Well, I think we need to have a public debate about it. Right now we need the contractors on the ground. But we've never had a public debate about when it's appropriate to outsource certain functions like security. So we need to have a conversation about that. It's happened under the radar screen and we now have as many contractors in Iraq as there are troops. That's a huge shift in how we project our power overseas.

HARRIS: Evidence to you that a bad postwar planning?

DICKINSON: Well, I think it's really concerning, and I think that we need to have better reporting to congress and we need to have better incentives to prosecute people when they are abuses. We need an office within the department of justice that has the authority to conduct these prosecutions.

HARRIS: OK. Professor Dickinson, thanks for your time this evening. Appreciate it. Thank you.

And tomorrow, Wolf Blitzer talks to Erik Prince, the man who made Blackwater. That's on CNN LATE EDITION at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time.

You know, we hear a lot about oil and gas in the news, but what about H20? Does the United States need a national water policy?

GOV. JENNIFER GRAMHOLM (D), MICHIGAN: The minute somebody starts talking about the national water policy, watch your lakes, that's all I can say.

HARRIS: Debate heats up as water dries up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I've been going to funeral homes since I was young, since in fact Amy was little. I've been going to funerals related to the same kind of violence.

HARRIS: Death on the streets of Philadelphia. Does anyone care? We'll investigate. You're watching CNN, the most trusted name in news.


HARRIS: So a battle is really heating up between the haves and have-nots. On one side, states that have plenty of water. On the other, states that are bone dry. So, here's the question, should the playing field be evened out just a bit? Carol Costello reports.


CAROL COSTELLO, CNN, CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Beautiful, sparkling water. It's a resource that's becoming so scarce; it sparked a new kind of war. The latest bomb thrown by New Mexico governor and president candidate Bill Richardson who told a Las Vegas newspaper, I want a national water policy. We need a dialogue between states to deal with issues like water reuse technology, water delivery and water production. States like Wisconsin are awash in water.

GOV. JENNIFER GRANHOLM (D), MICHIGAN: The minute somebody starts talking about the national water policy, watch your lakes. That's all I can say.

COSTELLO: (Jems) fightin' words. Michigan's governor says what Governor Richardson really means is my state needs water, give me some.

GRANHOLM: Hell no, that's my response. This is exactly why we need someone in the White House who understands Michigan's concerns.

COSTELLO: Her mission is to keep the water in the Great Lakes in them. She fears water in ((inaudible)) states like Governor Richardson's New Mexico would rig Lakes Michigan, Superior, Erie, Huron and Ontario, siphoning off huge amounts of the Midwest water for themselves. This fear of western American cities coveting someone else's water has long been an issue. Remember the movie "Chinatown"?


ACTOR: Either you bring the water to L.A. or you bring L.A. to the water.

COSTELLO: It was about Los Angeles' secret attempt to siphon off water from unsuspecting farmers. Some say that's a scenario not so farfetched when you consider persistent water shortages out west and severe drought in states like Georgia. Lake Lanier, which supplies water to metro Atlanta's 5 million citizens, will run dry in three months.

But if it was help from Michigan, forget it. If Atlanta or New Mexico wants to dip into the lakes.

HUGH MCDIARMID, JR., MICHIGAN ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL: We invite Governor Richardson and his constituents to come to the Great Lakes and to share the water, but to do it within the basin where it's not being lost forever.

COSTELLO: In other words, move on over to Michigan where drinking water is plentiful.

HARRIS: Wow, the drought in Georgia is so bad, 61 counties in the northern part of the state are under a severe water restrictions. Bonnie Schneider, in the severe weather center. Bonnie, we could really use some help.

BONNIE SCHNEIDER, CNN, METEOROLOGIST: We sure could, and not just here in Georgia. What you're looking at now is a map of the entire Unites States. Anywhere you see highlighted in yellow or red, we have drought. When you see these colors here that are dark, kind of a darker purple or a maroon color, that's where we have not extreme, but exceptional drought. That includes states like Georgia, into the Carolinas, Kentucky and back towards Alabama. It's been that way for some time. In fact, taking a look at the radar picture, you can see, for example, this evening, no rain to speak of at least not in Atlanta, Chattanooga or Montgomery. The drought problem that we're talking about, it really has to do with the lack of rainfall here around this region. And today's weather pattern is so similar to the one we've had over the past few weeks. High pressure anchored over the southeast, high pressure over the Atlantic. So, what this high joust, the winds wrap around it in a clockwise fashion. Any time you have moisture coming out from the Gulf of Mexico, a storm system coming in from the mid latitudes, it goes around this region or passes it to the west, so we just don't get the rain here. And that pattern will persist for quite some time. And we're not expecting a chance of thunderstorms in the forecast here in Atlanta at least until Wednesday, and that's only 30%. Generally we'll see sunny and beautiful conditions, which is pretty outside, but not what we need in terms of rain. Where we are getting the rain and where we may see more in terms of severe storms, possibly into areas of the Midwest tonight. We've been watching some rain that's been passing over much of Kansas, into Missouri this evening and in St. Louis. The rain is starting to really move through. All along i-70, if you're driving from Kansas City to St. Louis, that rain is on the way. It looks like we're getting a little bit less in terms of intensity, but we're still going to see the rain in any case. Temperatures are cooler. It's beautiful out there, Tony. But it will be nice to get some rain. We're not going to see it today or tomorrow.

HARRIS: Bonnie, well, I mean, it is what it is, but that's not the news we need right about now.


HARRIS: Let's hope it improves soon. Bonnie, thank you.

SCHNEIDER: You're welcome.

HARRIS: You know, it is your world, and we are bringing you the story behind the stats. We invite you to tune in for CNN's worldwide investigation, "Planet in Peril" with our Anderson Cooper, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Jeff Corwin. It airs Tuesday, October 23rd at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time and Wednesday, October 24th. You can get a preview if you'd like of "Planet in Peril," on-line, just go to General Peter Pace with President Bush on Pace's last day in the military. It capped a 40-year career when he finished as chairman of the Joint Chiefs. But before General Pace left, he left behind special notes for some fallen troops. That and more, ahead in the NEWSROOM.


HARRIS: You know, next to former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, retired General Peter Pace has closely identified as one of the hawks of the Iraq war. But the four-star general showed a softer side during his recent retirement ceremony. Pace paid tribute to the sacrifices of the young men who served under him in another war, Vietnam. It is a glimpse of this veteran military man that you rarely see. Here is Pentagon correspondent, Barbara Starr.

BARBARA STARR, CNN, PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT (on-screen): On the day his 40-year military career ended, in part because of the war in Iraq, General Peter Pace remembered the first men he lost in combat in another unpopular war long ago. CNN has obtained photos from a private moment the day General Pace retired as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on October 1st.


STARR (voice-over): After this farewell ceremony with the president, the secretary of defense and the new chairman, Pace went to the Vietnam wall and left some notes. Each was addressed to one of the men who died during his command in Vietnam in 1968. Look closely. Each note has a set of his four stars pinned to the card. This note, to 19-year-old Lance Corporal Guido Farinaro reads these are yours, not mine, with love and respect, your platoon leader, Pete Pace. He remembered those same men and others when he closed his farewell speech just an hour earlier.

GEN. PETER PACE (RET.), U.S. MARINE CORPS: I made a promise about 38 years ago to Guido Farinaro, Chubby Hale, Whitey Traverse, Mike Witt, Little Joe Arnold, Freddy Williams, Jon Miller, that I would serve this country in whatever capacity I could for as long as I could and try to do it in a way that would pay respect to the sacrifice that they made following Second Lieutenant Peter Pace in combat.


STARR (on-screen): Pace, of course, did not get a second term as chairman because of the Iraq war. But we now know he left office that day making one last private stop to say good-bye one more time to the men of his platoon in Vietnam. Barbara Starr, CNN, the Pentagon.


HARRIS: And what a story.

It is called the city of brotherly love, so why does murder seem to be as much a part of Philadelphia as the Liberty Bell? (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

DAVID MATTINGLY, CNN, CORRESPONDENT: What's wrong with this city?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think it's just out of control. I hate to say it, but it seems like to me, nobody cares.


HARRIS: David Mattingly digs deep for answers ahead in the NEWSROOM.


HARRIS: And coming up on the half hour, here's what's happening right now. There are now two confirmed deaths in last night's fiery tunnel pileup on interstate 5 near Los Angeles. 15 tractor trailers were involved in the chain reaction crash. Now traffic is backed up in all directions as authorities check for structural damage to the tunnel.

Another legal hurdle for armed robbery suspect, O.J. Simpson. An attorney for one of Simpson's co-defendant says he's cut a deal with prosecutors and will testify that two Simpson cohorts were armed during a confrontation last month at a Las Vegas hotel room.

Senator Ted Kennedy is back in his Hyannisport compound, recovering from surgery to clear a blocked artery. The Massachusetts democrat was released from the hospital earlier today. His doctors found the blockage during a routine MRI. They say the operation went smoothly.

Political dissidents in Myanmar say don't read too much into the latest demonstration in Yangon. Supporting the country's ruling military junta, critics of Myanmar's government claim people were threatened with steep fines if they didn't take part in the march.

You know, for years it's been known as the city of brotherly love, but Philadelphia's spiking murder rate has given it a new and unwelcomed nickname, "Killadelphia". CNN's David Mattingly investigates.


DAVID MATTINGLY, CNN NEWS ANCHOR: Chances are someone on these streets tonight will die.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're shooting at anything and everybody without even looking.

MATTINGLY: Philadelphians are killing each other at a rate of more than a homicide a day. Already at the top of the FBI list for big-city homicides in 2006, the City of Brotherly Love threatens to beat that mark with more than 200 dead, and counting.

(on camera): What's wrong with the city?

SHONTA MCDUFFIE, PHILADELPHIA RESIDENT: I think it's just out of control. I hate to say it, but it seems to me, nobody cares what's happening to our kids.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Born and raised in south Philly, Shonta McDuffie is afraid to let her kids play outside.

MCDUFFIE: You can get killed over anything now, killed over a parking spot.

MATTINGLY: It's a warning she gave to her oldest son, Tykeen, who loved to explore the neighborhood on his bike. But making the 14- year-old wary of the danger wasn't easy, even when it hit close to home.

MCDUFFIE: I've been going to funerals since I was young. Since Tykeen was little, I've been going to funerals related to the same kind of violence.

MATTINGLY: And it was on her mind every time Tykeen walked out the door, including one afternoon in July.

(on camera): Tykeen was riding his bike with several friends on this city street when witnesses say they were moving too slowly for the local traffic. That's when the driver in the car behind him blew his horn. It's the kind of chance encounter that happens hundreds of times a day in this city. Only this time, it ended when the driver shot and killed Tykeen.

(on camera): Was he still alive when you got to the hospital?

MCDUFFIE: I'm not even sure. They said when they got him, he had -- they said...

MATTINGLY (voice-over): A scrap of police tape marks the spot where Tykeen was gunned down.

In some neighborhoods, fallen friends are named with spray- painted markers.

MARK LAMONT HILL, URBAN VIOLENCE EXPERT: You see people ending disputes arguments with bullets instead of fists. That's a huge difference from 20 years ago, even 10 years ago.

MATTINGLY: The numbers are staggering. In a single summer weekend gunfire left seven dead and dozens wounded. Some call the city "Kill-adelphia.

GAIL INDERWIES, COMMUNITY ACTIVIST: They're fearful and they don't have hope. They don't have hope it's ever going to change.

MATTINGLY: In September, protesters marched to city hall urging action. They called out the names of 300 murdered men, women and children, including a handsome young man who once talked of going to college and playing basketball. (on camera): What was taken away from you?

MCDUFFIE: I just know my life will never be the same.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): And for the sake of her youngest child, Shonta McDuffie says she may leave the city for good.

David Mattingly, CNN, Philadelphia.


HARRIS: And we're back in a moment. But first, a break. You're in the "CNN NEWSROOM."


HARRIS: Man's best friend -- not only is your Fido, or in our case, your Dash, your Cooper, devoted side kick, the family dog can also help you lighten up.

Chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Since January, Tom Gayeski has lost 14 pounds, not at the gym or using any fancy equipment or diets. He's done it just by walking his dog, Max.

TOM GAYESKI, DOG OWNER: I was coming off of hip surgery, so I need to exercise, need motivation.

GUPTA: Both Gayeski and Max were part of a study conducted by Bassett Health Care in Cooperstown, New York, to see if people who walked their dogs had a better chance of losing weight than those who didn't have four-legged friends.

ALLAN GREEN, BASSETT HEALTH CARE RESEARCHER: People who are overweight tend to have overweight dogs. Maybe people could partner with their dog, much as you'd partner with a gym buddy to lose weight.

GUPTA: In Tom's case, it worked. Not only has he lost weight, Max the dog shed some pounds as well.

Researchers found that anyone, with or without a dog, lost weight by walking. But they found that those participants with dogs have an edge. They're more likely to keep the weight off because they keep walking. Seems the pet, not weight loss, is the prime motive to exercise.

GREEN: I think the bottom line is that if you stick with a program, whether it's walking a dog, riding a bike, or going to the gym, it will work for you. I think one of the secrets is that each individual needs to find something that they enjoy doing and stick with it. GUPTA: Green also believes that people need reasons to get out and get moving. Animals require exercise. He says put the man and the beast together and that's better than an underused treadmill sitting in the basement.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN, reporting.


HARRIS: A question for you, do you recognize this guy? He may be the best-kept secret in the race for president. A sit-down with Ron Paul straight ahead for you in the "CNN NEWSROOM."


HARRIS: Republican candidate Ron Paul is causing quite a stir in the 2008 presidential race. You see, while, well, he's polling way behind the leading contenders, his fund-raising is going extremely well. And his campaign is getting major traction on the Internet.

Here's CNN's Jim Acosta.


JIM ACOSTA, CNN NEWS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Nobody is more surprised by the success of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul than Ron Paul.

(on camera): Have you come to grips with what's happening with your campaign?

DR. RON PAUL, (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Probably not completely because it's still pretty shocking to me.

That is nice.

COSTA (voice-over): Shocking because this little-known Congressman from Texas has crashed the party in the race for the GOP nomination. His anti-war, anti-big government views, aimed at younger voters, appear to be catching fire at a critical time.

(on camera): Like Howard Dean before him, Congressman Ron Paul is Internet phenomenon of this campaign. The lion's share of his donations come from online supporters. And one of the signs you'll often see among his crowds is "Google Ron Paul".

ACOSTA (voice-over): Drawing millions over the Net in the last fundraising quarter, Paul has more money on hand than John McCain. And he's estimated to be the most-watched presidential candidate on YouTube.

There are songs about Ron Paul.

UNIDENTIFIED COLLEGE STUDENT: Congressman Ron Paul, thank you so much for joining me.

ACOSTA: He even agreed to an interview with a college student in his dorm room.

LARRY SABATO, PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: Ron Paul really is one of the surprises of the 2008 campaign. I think, in the beginning, a lot of people thought he would be a very minor candidate and really wouldn't be much heard from.

ACOSTA: Paul changed that with his chief issue, Iraq, a war, he says, was sold to the American people with false information.

(on camera): Do you mean that the president and the vice president essentially misled the country?

PAUL: Well, we were misled. What we can't read is into their minds and their motivation.

ACOSTA (voice-over): While Paul supporters like his views on the war...

LAURIE CRANDALL, RON PAUL SUPPORTER: He wants to get us out of Iraq. He's not giving a timeline.

ACOSTA: ... his liberal followers might not realize Paul, is a vocal abortion opponent.

PAUL: You take the pro-life issue, not sending kids off to war, not having a draft is very pro-life.

ACOSTA: A one-time Libertarian candidate for president, Paul opposes most military spending over sees, the war on drugs and national health care. He earned the name Dr. No on Capitol Hill for voting against bills he thought were not expressly authorized in the Constitution.

(on camera): You think it's possible you could win the Republican nomination?

PAUL: Of course it's possible. It's difficult.

ACOSTA: Is it likely though?

PAUL: It's hard to say. I think it's a lot more likely today than it was six months ago.

ACOSTA (voice-over): With the first primaries just months away, this next trick for this so-called Dr. No is getting more voters to say yes.

Jim Acosta, CNN, New York.


HARRIS: And coming up, when you travel, do you worry about people at the airport seeing you naked?


UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: This is you. A 3-D image of your entire body, open for expectation by an agent of the TSA.


HARRIS: OK. A new scanner, easy to use, and they can see right through you. Think superman. And therein lies the potential problem. The story, straight ahead.


HARRIS: So if you're carrying something you shouldn't through an airport, a new type of scanner is supposed to expose you. But some people worry it exposes too much of you.

Here's CNN's Chris Lawrence.


CHRIS LAWRENCE, CNN NEWS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is you, a 3-D image of your entire body open for examination by an agent of the TSA.

Passengers flying through Phoenix are the first to be scanned by the new Millimeter Wave Portals.

WAYNE LOEB, FREQUENT FLYER: It was quick, unobtrusive, piece of cake.

LAWRENCE: The portal uses electromagnetic waves to produce an image so clear, theoretically, it would be impossible to conceal any weapon, including rubber, wire and plastics.

MATTHEW GILLESPIE, FREQUENT FLYER: If it makes it faster and safer, that's fine with me. I mean, I really don't see a problem with it.

LAWRENCE: Privacy advocates do. The Electronic Privacy Information Center is raising legal questions, envisioning a government system that collects and stores naked pictures of American travelers.

NICO MELENDEZ, TSA SPOKESMAN: We've worked very hard to address privacy concerns.

LAWRENCE: TSA spokesman Nico Melendez says the officer with the passenger never sees the image. The one who examines the images is sits in a separate room and never sees the passenger. All the faces are blurred out.

MELENDEZ: And the technology is unable to transmit, print or save any kind of an image. Once we take the picture, it's gone forever.

LAWRENCE: That is the one thing that spooked passengers, making sure their picture is not saved.

CATHY LIU, FREQUENT FLYER: Just so I know my image is not there, if it's permanently deleted.

LAWRENCE: Radiation is another concern. But the TSA says millimeter waves emit less radiation than your cell phone.

(on camera): Technically, it's just radio waves bouncing off your body. There's no rush of air or really any feeling of any kind.

LAWRENCE: (voice-over): Passengers selected for secondary screening can choose the portal instead of being searched by hand.

LOEB: I would much prefer this? It's less personal and less invasive.

LAWRENCE: But more expensive. Each portal costs $150,000. The TSA says, the price it pays to stay one step ahead.

Chris Lawrence, CNN, Phoenix.


HARRIS: And CNN is committed to providing the most reliable coverage of news that affects your security. Stay tuned to CNN for the latest information, day and night.


MICHAEL WARE, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: I'm Michael Ware in Paris. In just a moment, a thrilling victory in the semifinals of the Rugby World Cup here in France.

HARRIS: They're talking about rugby, OK.

In case you haven't heard, the brouhaha around ticket sales to see Hannah Montana, aka, Mily Cyrus. You'll get it here next.

And then, do you know what your teens are doing when they're marinating or multi-slacking? Learning teenspeak. Josh Levs joins me next, in the "NEWSROOM."


HARRIS: Well, Americans like, if not love, a good dose of college football on a Saturday afternoon. But across the pond, it is a whole different game with a few similarities, the Rugby World Cup under way in the City of Lights. Rugby?

CNN's Michael Ware lives in Paris with a little play by play.

Michael, you know we don't play rugby in the United States. So, my friend, this had better be pretty good.

WARE: Oh, mate, this is sensational. It's surprising. There's a fair bit of rugby played in America. The American Eagles did play the house down in a couple matches here in the World Cup.

But the story of the night here is that a fire has been lit in international rugby. We had world heavyweights, England take on the Rugby World Cup host nation, France, here in Paris. And an enormous event, a great game, England won. France led until the last six minutes, kicking two goals. England put their nose in front. And now the defending champions go on to next week's finals to try and retain their title.

And on Sunday, we see Argentina take on another rugby heavyweight, the Springbots (ph) from South Africa in the final to see who earns the right to battle England to be crowned world champions.

This has been such a game. This tournament has been the most electric in its 20-year history. And I can tell you, even in America, the rugby world is alive and kicking tonight. What a sensational game in a great tournament.

HARRIS: All right, Michael, I'll take your word for it. Next time, I want some highlights.

Michael Ware for us in Paris. I appreciate it, Michael. Thank you.

Disney pop star Hannah Montana, all the rage with kids these days. What you'll pay for a ticket to see her is an outrage. Tickets that went for 25 bucks are now going for up to 100 times more, and that has scalpers smiling and parents steamed.

Our John Zarrella has the story.


JOHN ZARRELLA, CNN NEWS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Kara, Casey, Amanda, 7:00 p.m., like clock work, they're plopped on the sofa in front of the TV.

CARA VON MINDEN, HANNAH FAN: We didn't miss, like, any episodes of her unless something really big was happening.

ZARRELLA: The "her" is Mily Cyrus, the 14-year-old star of her own Disney show called "Hannah Montana." Every parent with girls between the ages of 6 and 16 knows about it.

It has exploded in popularity. So Cara, Casey and Amanda have to have tickets to Cyrus' concert billed as "The Best of Both Worlds.:

MINDEN: All my friends were going to come too, but now we can't.

ZARRELLA: Can't, because within minutes of going on sale, tickets at all 54 venues were gone.

(on camera): So where did they all go? They're right here. Ticket brokers gobbled up nearly every ticket available. And now tickets that went for $25 to $65 face value are going for hundreds, even thousands on Internet sites. And all that cash going into ticket brokers' pockets.

(voice-over): Cyrus' October 25th concert in Denver? On ticket liquidators, you can buy one in section 212 for $228 or in section AAA, row 2, for $2550 each.

MAUREEN VON MINDEN, MOTHER: I think it's taking advantage of me, as a consumer, my children, and it's not teaching my children a good lesson, either -- oh, you can get what you want if you pay the right price.

ZARRELLA: After undercover investigators paid ten times the tickets in Kansas City, Missouri's attorney general filed suit, accusing three companies of violating local anti-scalping laws.

JAY NIXON, MISSOURI ATTORNEY GENERAL: When you allow the hijacking of the market, it's literally the worst of both worlds. You get too much charge for the price and no access for the locals.

ZARRELLA: Ticket brokers would not talk with us. But Donald Vicaro, whose company,, resells tickets for brokers, says the bottom line is that the marketplace defines the price.

DONALD VICARO, CEO, TICKETNET.COM: I'd say a reasonable price is whatever a consumer wants to pay.

ZARRELLA: Thursday, Cyrus and her co-star dad Billy Ray appeared on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," saying they understand their fans' disappointment.

MILY CYRUS: It's going to be a good show, but I don't think it's worth what it's going for. So I'm, like, for the people that do get to come, I mean, it's like the best show ever.

ZARRELLA: Except in this case, the concert promoter, AEG Live, auctioned off select tickets at 15 venues. They went for hundreds to thousands per ticket.

DEBRA RATHWELL, AEG LIVE: If the brokers are going to end up with the ticket, the artist should get paid for it, I guess, is the theory.

ZARRELLA: No one anticipated that a ticket to see a 14-year-old might end up the most coveted concert ever.

John Zarrella, CNN, Miami.


HARRIS: At least when I watch the show with my kids, I understand every word she's saying.

JOSH LEVS, CNN NEWS CORRESPONDENT: But do you understand the words your kids are saying?

HARRIS: Not half the time.

LEVS: I do want America to know that I would never break Tony's crayons. Some people have accused me of that and I want all of you to know I would never break your -- at least not on purpose.

HARRIS: I have no idea, but OK. Thank you.

LEVS: Can you just anchor a little big, anchor. All right.

HARRIS: All right. Yes.

LEVS: We'll give you the info coming up.

HARRIS: I'm marinating.


HARRIS: I'm going to foul this all up. Don't break your crayons over some buster and a dandruff. Then you'd be a nube.

If you don't have the slightest idea what I'm talking about, you're not alone. I don't know, what the heck, I'm talking about. You're certainly not a teenager.

CNN's Josh Levs here to translate today's teen talk.

What did I just say?

LEVS: You just said don't get all upset over someone who is really fake. And what was the other thing -- oh yeah, and someone who makes plans all the time and ditches them because that would be dumb.


LEVS: Do you know something? How did I get to be the young one? This is great. They reward me after a day of really hard news, right, give me the fun stuff. This is cool?

So you want to check out the latest from the urban dictionary?

HARRIS: OK. I'm with you.

LEVS: These are the words you need to know if you want to understand a heck of a lot of teens. Yeah, I said heck, if I'm dating myself, big deal.

Let's start taking a look at these words, people. I'm going to get this right.

All right, Kraft singles, not the cheese.

HARRIS: That's the cheese.

LEVS: Now they use it to mean dollar bills.

HARRIS: Oh, come on.

LEVS: If your kid asks you for Kraft singles, they might be asking for money.

Let's move on to this one. This is the one we tackled a little bit earlier in the show, right? HARRIS: Yeah, yeah.

LEVS: Agnorant, that's someone who is simultaneously arrogant and ignorant. That's all you need to know, stay far away.

This is your favorite one, right?

HARRIS: Anchor.

LEVS: Anchor.

ANCHOR: Thank you.

LEVS: Everyone's favorite word at CNN. Now that means to wait. That suggests that anchors are patient, which is so not true for you.

HARRIS: Fairly, sometimes. So that's it, huh? Anchor.

LEVS: Anchor means to wait.

Let's look at this. Bluetool. This one is good because we all know bluetools. A bluetool is a person -- you know the people who wear their Bluetooths all the time and you can't tell if they're talking to you or not?

HARRIS: Like it's a security thing. I'd just feel better if I had my blinkie, my Bluetooth.

LEVS: Earlier you used a couple words in this hour. You said marinating. It's hanging out. Just marinate for a little while. It's marinating, nothing has to happen. Kids are laughing because we say it funny. Big deal. At least we're sharing your words with you.

Multi-slacking is someone who slacks at multiple things at the same time.

HARRIS: So you're not getting anything done.

LEVS: You supposed to do a lot of stuff, and you don't do any of it.

HARRIS: There were a lot of things you might want to do.

LEVS: You're not doing school, you're not doing extracurricular, you're not doing anything. You're multi-slacking.

HARRIS: Here is the to-do list. Nothing is getting done.

LEVS: That's right. That makes you a multi-slacker.

HARRIS: How did we do? Did we do OK?

LEVS: Can I show you -- we were talking about breaking your crayons. That means you upset somebody. You know, if its a little kid, you break his crayons, he gets upset.

The final one, this is just new. I just saw it Leave Britney alone.

HARRIS: Oh, this is because of that kid, the YouTube kid, right?

LEVS: Exactly. Now it's an expression anyone is allowed to use, according to this website. If people are bugging you all day and you want to tell them to stop, you say leave Britney alone. And allegedly, anyone is allowed to appropriate her experiences for the purposes of saying that.

HARRIS: And now you know we're done.

LEVS: Now, you're almost cool.

HARRIS: Is there anything to say, teenspeak for goodbye?

LEVS: Do they still say cool? Do they say bye?

HARRIS: OK, coming up on "Lou Dobbs" tonight, a growing rift in Arizona between rank and file police and their bosses over illegal immigrations. Officers are furious that they're being blocked from enforcing federal immigration law. "Lou Dobbs This Week" starts right now.