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CNN Newsroom

Secret Obama/Clinton Meeting; Children Home, but Texas Polygamists May Face Criminal Charges

Aired June 06, 2008 - 11:00   ET


HARRIS: The chairs comfortable. The talks productive. Their host says the secret Obama/Clinton meeting ended with a chuckle.
COLLINS: The children are home. But Texas polygamists may be facing criminal charges. Our guest, a former sect member, one dad, three moms, in the NEWSROOM.

We want to get straight over to Jacqui Jeras who's has been following all of these the severe weather today.


COLLINS: ... because we are talking about this tornado in Minnesota -- Jacqui.

JACQUI JERAS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes. We are getting reports of damage now, unfortunately, with it, too, guys.

We are getting reports from the National Weather Service of widespread roof damage on the east side of Park Rapids. This is all -- all in north central Minnesota. The county is Hubbard County. Law enforcement spotted the tornado. We started getting reports of damage in Park Rapids. We also have reports now from Emmaville that several houses have been destroyed there.

And of course, the CNN desk has been working the story as well. They've talked to the Hubbard County Sheriff's Department confirming that there was some damage about 30 minutes ago in the middle part of Hubbard County. Also, there have been many cars pushed off into the ditches and they are out getting a sense of what the damage is and finding out if there's any injury.

So as we continue to get this information, we're going to bring that along to you.

This is the storm that we're talking about right up here and that's pushing up to the north. So -- so if you live north of this area, it's heading up towards the (INAUDIBLE), by the way. You need to -- seeking shelter immediately.

This is an isolated cell that we're talking about here. We're not expecting a widespread outbreak.

You know, yesterday this is -- this is a real good testimonial, guys, when you start to think about severe weather. You know, all day yesterday, we're like high risk, high risk. Big day. Have your NOAA weather radio, be prepared for a major tornado outbreak. We had 35 tornado reports yesterday and the damage for the most part is pretty minimal.

Today slight risk day. No watches in effect. We get one cell that just pops and turns because (INAUDIBLE) way up here so we have a lot of spin or a lot of vorticity with it. We get one tornado, it touched down, and we've got some damage to talk about, unfortunately.

So whenever there's a risk of severe weather, where -- whether it's slight or high, you really need to heed the warnings and be aware of your weather situation all day long.

We'll be watching that severe weather threat from Minnesota through the Great Lakes extending down through to St. Louis.


COLLINS: I can see the heat.

HARRIS: Yes, but I love it. I -- well...

JERAS: You like the heat?

HARRIS: We've got a cooling station for you.


JERAS: We'll get some fans going for you, Heidi.

COLLINS: A personal fan to carry about everywhere with me.

HARRIS: Nice. All right, Jacqui.

COLLINS: A little bit of spritzer here and there. Thank you, Jacqui.

HARRIS: Also at this hour, firefighters in eastern North Carolina hoping light winds will help them get a handle on these ferocious flames. A wildfire nearly Columbia has nearly tripled in size, scorching nearly 29,000 acres. About half of the fire is burning on a wildlife refuge. Seventy homes have been evacuated. Firefighters had hoped to contain the fire last night but it jumped containment lines giving it now the potential to double in size.

COLLINS: The economy, it is "ISSUE #1." New numbers on jobs and oil prices have sent the market in a downward spiral.

Susan Lisovicz is tracking things at the New York Stock Exchange.

An awful lot going on today, Susan.

Obviously, we are having a difficult time hearing Susan so we're going to check that microphone connection at the New York Stock Exchange.

HARRIS: There she is. Yes. COLLINS: I think I hear. Susan, can you hear us?

SUSAN LISOVICZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I can hear you. Can you hear me?

COLLINS: I can. So sorry. Go ahead.


COLLINS: A lot going on down there, I know.

LISOVICZ: Yes. And this is a one (INAUDIBLE), Heidi, for (INAUDIBLE)

COLLINS: You know what, maybe the third time is a charm and we'll try that third time a little bit later on.

Susan Lisovicz, very busy down there at the New York Stock Exchange.

We will stay on top of all these numbers for you because there is a lot going on today.

HARRIS: Let's change those batteries out, huh?


HARRIS: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton. New details this morning from their secret meeting last night. Senator Dianne Feinstein hosted it at her Washington home. It was the first meeting between Obama and Clinton since he earned enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination. And it comes as Clinton prepares to announce tomorrow she is suspending her campaign and backing Obama.

More behind-the-scene details now on the Obama/Clinton get- together. There she is. Suzanne Malveaux live from Washington.

Suzanne, you've got the information. Share, share, share, share, share.


Senator Dianne Feinstein -- she is spilling the beans this morning because she was the host of that secret face-to-face meeting. It took place at her house, in her living room, and she tells our own Ted Barrett on the Hill today that she sat the two of them down, comfortable chairs, facing one another, served them some water, then left the room. It was just the two of them as their campaign staff and Secret Service waited outside.

She said they talked for about an hour and called her in when it was over and she said they were laughing and got along very well.

Feinstein -- also she's a dear friend of Hillary Clinton. She said the reason they wanted to meet privately was because it's a deeply personal time. She says it's a time to sort out their feelings. There's a lot of decompression and nerve endings that need to come together.

The secret meeting took place at 9:00 last night. Now this was after the Obama campaign played a very kind of effective cat-and-mouse game with the media.

After a campaign rally in Virginia, reporters were put aboard the campaign plane and after the doors were closed, discovered that Obama was not on the plane. A spokesman today says the cloak-and-dagger approach, though, was necessary.


ROBERT GIBBS, OBAMA CAMPAIGN SPOKESMAN: There was a desire, first of all, to do this in a very private way and in a private location. And obviously, it would have been hard to have done that with 100 of our best friends with their video cameras and tape recorders.

You know, again, it was -- this was a meeting that both candidates had wanted to do and both candidates wanted to do in a very private way. And that's -- you know, that's what we had to do last night.


MALVEAUX: And really, Tony, on a serious note, it really is a first step towards repairing relationships between these two camps. We'll see later today Clinton is going to have her own staff over for dinner at her Washington house. But all eyes are going to be on tomorrow. That is when she publicly goes before her supporters and calls for the party to unite around Barack Obama -- Tony?

HARRIS: Boy. Just water, huh? After what they've been through, I would have...

MALVEAUX: You'd think it'll be a little stronger but you know.

HARRIS: A little starchier, a little stiffer than water. But you're right.

MALVEAUX: Maybe water was a good idea.

HARRIS: It was.

MALVEAUX: And maybe we're just saying.

HARRIS: Maybe it was just part of the (INAUDIBLE).

Suzanne Malveaux for us this morning.

Suzanne, thank you.

And as a programming reminder, we will have special coverage of Senator Clinton's rally starting at 11:00 a.m. Eastern tomorrow. Join Wolf Blitzer and the best political team in television for live coverage of her highly anticipated speech on CNN and the COLLINS: New efforts to silence Zimbabwe's opposition leader. Police today seized Morgan Tsvangirai as he headed to a political rally.

We've got details now from our correspondent in neighboring South Africa.


NKEPILE MABUSE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (on camera): Morgan Tsvangirai has been released from custody but this is the second time in less than 48 hours that the opposition leader has been detained by police in Zimbabwe on Wednesday. He was made to sign a warrant and caution statement. And also, his security vehicle was confiscated.

His crime, attracting a large crowd, the police say, on Wednesday. On Friday, they have told him that all NDC rallies have been banned in Zimbabwe and he was on his way to a rally when he was detained by police.

The security situation there in Zimbabwe is very, very tense. NBC is saying that 60 of its members have been killed since the March 29th election and many more injured and assaulted by people who are believed to be supporters of Robert Mugabe and his party. And now Robert Mugabe has -- with the banning of aid agencies, tens of thousands of Zimbabweans are facing starvation.

This is going to be a situation -- conditions on the ground really do not feel conducive for a free and fair election.

Nkepile Mabuse, CNN, Johannesburg.


COLLINS: Well, back to the economy now. It is "ISSUE #1." New numbers on jobs and oil prices have sent the markets in a pretty downward spiral. That's to say the least.

Susan Lisovicz tracking everything from the New York Stock Exchange. And we can see you. Can we hear you?

LISOVICZ: I ran upstairs. So if I'm out of breath, please forgive me. But yes, there is a one-two punch to the economy today. No question about it.

First of all, the national unemployment rate now sent at 5.5 percent. And that is the biggest one-month jump in 22 years. Meanwhile, payroll shrunk by 49,000. The U.S. economy has lost jobs every month this year, a total of nearly 325,000 year to date.

Keep in mind the U.S. economy needs to create about 100,000 jobs just to keep pace with population growth.

On the other hand, while jobs are shrinking, oil prices are surging. Right now up more $6 after a remarkable $5.50 run-up yesterday. That was the biggest one-day dollar jump in the history of the New York mercantile exchange.

Why is that? Well, interest rates may be going higher in Europe which would put more pressure on the dollar, presumably put more money into oil. Morgan Stanley predicting a short-term spike of $150 a barrel by July 4th. And tensions between Israel and Iran just playing out into a perfect storm. And it's playing out dramatically in terms of the sell-off that we're seeing.

The Dow gained more than 200 points yesterday. It's erased all that and more today. The NASDAQ, meanwhile, is down 42 points or 1 2/3 percent. For every advancing stock there are four that are declining.

But you know what? When I come back later this hour, Heidi, you know, the transportation sector has been so hard hit by these rising fuel prices. We're going to talk about one carrier that has a provocative way to combat that.

COLLINS: OK. Good tease.


COLLINS: We're listening. All right. We'll talk to you in a little while. Thank you, Susan.

LISOVICZ: You're welcome.

HARRIS: You know, it happened so fast the shocking hit-and-run on tape. Oh. Ten cars passed by. No one helps.


UNIDENTIFIED WITNESS: I hope they catch the person and I hope that justice is served because that wasn't right. An innocent man walking across the street, bam.


HARRIS: Waiting for help, in the NEWSROOM.


COLLINS: Teacher tardy in Los Angeles. They're planning to skip the first hour of classes today as part of a protest.


COLLINS: Classes on hold in the nation's second largest school district. Los Angeles teachers taking part in a one-hour walkout to protest funding cuts.

Our Ted Rowlands is in the middle of it all outside a high school in L.A.

Hi there, Ted.


This is a bit of a controversial move. Los Angeles Unified School District Teachers decided not to go to school for the first hour of classes. And they really are going out on a limb here because students are here, of course, inside the schools. But the teachers are not. So administrators have scrambled, put students in gymnasiums, et cetera, to try to ensure their safety.

The reason the teachers are doing this is because they are protesting what they have perceived as budget cuts. And this is a district-wide event. This is happening at elementary schools -- we're at a high school in L.A. But it was cause for concern with a lot of parents.

District officials statewide also said, you know what, we understand that you are concerned about the proposed budget that will not give you as much money but we do not think this is a good idea to leave these students unattended inside schools and possibly jeopardizing their safety. And the chief of the schools in the state said, you know, we emphatize, but this is the wrong thing to do.


JACK O'CONNELL, CALIF. SUPT. OF SCHOOLS: Our teachers know that the proposed budge will lead to increased classes, fewer counselors, librarians and school personnel. It will mean fewer career technical educational opportunities for our students as well.

But by walking out of class could very much have serious consequences for our students, for our community.


ROWLANDS: 858 schools are in the -- L.A. Unified School District and most of them are taking part in this event going on right now across Southern California.

A lot of administrators keeping their fingers crossed that nothing happens during this. A lot of teachers hoping that this will send a very clear message to the governor and others that cutting state budget -- education budgets is really going to hurt students and, in their mind, teachers.

On the other -- on the side of the coin, Heidi, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says we are in a $17 billion deficit and budget cuts, no matter how you look at them, are tough.

COLLINS: Yes. Well, some of those numbers that you just gave, boy, that's a lot of classes and a lot of schools affected.

Ted Rowlands live in L.A. for us this morning.

Thank you, Ted.

HARRIS: A police in Hartford, Connecticut are looking for a hit- and-run driver who slammed into a 78-year-old man, leaving him sprawled out on the street. What's more chilling, police say, for too long, people stared but didn't call for help.

Bob Wilson of our affiliate WTNH has more.


UNIDENTIFIED WITNESS: The back of his head was hit the car.

UNIDENTIFIED WITNESS: The guy landed on the ground, blood everywhere. His head was cracked.

UNIDENTIFIED WITNESS: I don't understand why the people -- when it happens, nobody send to help them out.

BOB WILSON, WTNH REPORTER (voice over): The hit-and-run caught on tape. Angel Torres crossing Park Street hit by the car that swerved over the center line. He flips over the car and lands in the middle of the road. The driver takes off.

But it's what happens next that really has the police chief upset. Nothing.

Watch the video from the traffic camera. In all, 10 cars passed Torres laying on the ground. Two others turned around and go the opposite way and more witnesses on the sidewalk walk over but police say no one called 911, no one helps him.

WILSON (on camera): Did you get a chance to call 911?

UNIDENTIFIED WITNESS: No. No. I didn't have my phone on me at the time.

WILSON (on camera): Now police say Angel Torres was laying in the street for more than a minute and a half before their own cruisers on his way to another call saw him laying in the street and that's when they dispatched for an ambulance.

CHIEF DARYL ROBERTS, HARTFORD POLICE: It's a clear indication of what we have in common. When you see a man laying in the street who's been hit by a car, people just drive around him, walk by him, then you want to say what are the police doing?

Well, that's not a police problem.

WILSON (voice over): As police review the video they are asking witnesses who drove off to please come forward and contact the detectives and do the right thing.

ROBERTS: At the end of day we got to look at ourselves and understand that our moral values have now changed. We have no regard for each other.

UNIDENTIFIED WITNESS: I hope they catch the person and I hope that justice is served because that wasn't right. You know, an innocent man walking across the street, bam.

(END VIDEOTAPE) HARRIS: Yes, that wasn't right.

You know police there are now backtracking on the story a bit. They say four people, in fact, called 911 within a minute of the accident.

WTNH reports the victim is in critical condition, paralyzed from the neck down.

COLLINS: Something every parent should know. A young boy drowns long after he goes swimming. How's that possible? Some answers in the NEWSROOM.


HARRIS: A South Carolina boy drowns long after he went swimming. Putting the spotlight on a little known phenomenon every parent should know about. It's called dry drowning.

10-year-old Johnny Jackson begged his mom to go swimming Sunday. It was his first time. Tragically it was also his last.


CASSANDRA JACKSON, JOHNNY'S MOTHER: I lost him in the process. But I gave him what I wanted. I feel like someone reached in and grabbed my heart and just yanked it out.


HARRIS: Jackson's mother says she and her son walked home. He took a nap and there was no sign anything was wrong. Then more than an hour after the swim, he was dead. Now the coroner says the pool water Johnny ingested filled his lungs.

COLLINS: Boy, certainly a parent should be aware that this can happen.

Joining us with more now is CNN's medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen.

So how does something like this happen? I mean I looked at some of the warning signs here, and it seems like, boy, you can easily miss this.

ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Oh, absolutely. This is a very, very scary thing, because the child can ingest not even all that much water while they are swimming and you can have the dry drowning. In this case, it's like an hour later, 12 hours later, even 24 hours later, a child can drown from the water that they ingested in the pool.

And it's not clear why some children ingest water in the pool and they are OK.

COLLINS: And it may (INAUDIBLE) COHEN: And other kids -- right, exactly. But other kids somehow it causes their respiratory system to collapse. It's just not clear why.

COLLINS: So what can we look for?

COHEN: Right. There are definite signs to look for. They are subtle but there are things that parents should be aware of.

For example, a parent should be aware if a child is having difficulty breathing and they've been swimming recently, you know, in the past 24 hours or so, that's something to pay attention to. Also, extreme fatigue. So not just all kids get tired especially after a day of swimming. But extreme fatigue, fatigue like, you know, sort of -- even more than what you usually see.

And now this last one is really important -- changes in behavior. For example, this child would have this horrible tragedy happen. This child, while he was in the pool, he's 10 years old and he soiled himself in the pool. He had an accident. 10-year-olds don't usually do that.


COHEN: So when your child does something that is really unusual and has all -- it has these other symptoms as well, that is really something to pay attention to.

COLLINS: Boy, I just -- I've never heard of it. It seems like with all the swimming, you know, with summer coming up, this would be something that we would have heard a little bit more about.

COHEN: Right. It is unusual but it does happen.

COLLINS: Yes. So what can you do if you notice some of these signs?

COHEN: Right. If you notice these signs, err on the side of caution and get your child to an emergency room. That's very important. And while you are there, it's very important. You -- you need to be an advocate for your child because there's a possibility the doctor, like you, might not know much about dry drowning.


COHEN: I mean it might not be right there in the front of his radar screen. So you need to say my child went swimming in the past 24 hours or whatever. This is very unusual behavior. He has never soiled himself or whatever. He has never done this before. I am very concerned. He has never been this fatigued.

You need to advocate for yourself. And in fact, online at, we have a column about children and emergency rooms. Had to advocate for your child in the emergency. Again at

It's very important that you stand up for your child.

COLLINS: Oh, boy, yes. Absolutely. And you know, so much to think about when your kids are swimming already, all the way down to the sunscreen you're choosing?

COHEN: Right. Exactly. And even it's...

COLLINS: And then afterwards now...

COHEN: Afterwards.

COLLINS: ... we're going to stay on our toes about...

COHEN: Right.

COLLINS: ... watching for this.

Elizabeth Cohen, thank you for that.

COHEN: Thank you.

COLLINS: To get your "Daily Dose" of health, log on to our Web site. You'll find the latest medical news, a health library and information on diet and fitness. That address,

HARRIS: Boy, wild weather scaring even the biggest of beasts. Elephants running for their lives in the stormy weather.



HARRIS: A powerful storms rattling the nerves of man and beast. A pair of circus elephants in Wakini, Kansas, got a little spooked and escaped their enclosure. They roamed around town. Can you imagine that? Being a member of the town? Before ending up in two separate back yards. Can you imagine that? One had to be tranquilized and coaxed into a truck and the other apparently, just got tired of walking around and said OK, I give up.

When the weather becomes the news, remember to send us your i- Report. Just go to and click on i-Report. Or type i- Report...

What's wrong Heidi?

COLLINS: I just think it's funny that we're showing elephants and we're talking about weather. When weather becomes the news. But we are seeing elephants.

HARRIS: That would make for a snappy little i-Report, right?

COLLINS: It would.

HARRIS: It would have.

COLLINS: That's initially what I thought this was.

HARRIS: Yes, yes.

So just type into your cell phone. And stay away from the elephants, be safe.

COLLINS: Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, met with Hillary Clinton late last night, talking about November.

But before that meeting, Obama sat down with our senior political correspondent, Candy Crowley.

CANDY CROWLEY, CNN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Let me start off with a couple of political questions first. And that is, you know and I know that if Senator Clinton, wanted to tamp down this vice presidential conversation, by her surrogates, that she would. She has, as she will tell you more than 17 million voters. She has come -- she has more delegates than any runner-up in history. Do you have to put her on the ticket?

SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, let me begin by saying -- repeated what I said Tuesday night. She has been an extraordinary candidate. She's been an extraordinary public servant for years now. She ran as tough of a race as could be imagined. And I have nothing but respect for Senator Clinton and what she's going to contribute to the party. And I'm also confident we're going to be unified in November.

What I've also said, is the vice presidency is the most important decision that I'll make before I'm president. And it's something that I take seriously. I know Bill Clinton took it very seriously when he had to go through this process. Senator Clinton, I'm sure, would take it seriously if she were going through this process. So, we've got a committee that's made up of some wonderful people. They are going to go through the procedure and bet and talk to people and get recommendations. I will meet with a range of people and I'll ultimately make a decision. Senator Clinton would be on anybody's short list.

CROWLEY: But you don't feel this -- there's enormous amount of pressure out there for you to put her on the ticket. Do you feel that pressure?

OBAMA: You know, I am a big believer in making decisions well. Not making them fast and not responding to pressure. And I think Senator Clinton, right now, is in the same position I am. Which is, we completed 54 contests. We want to catch our breath, we need to take stock of where we are. I'm sure she has to do the same thing. And, you know, she and I will have a conversation. We won't be doing it through surrogates or the press, to talk about how we move forward, join forces to make sure we are successful in November. And so there's going to be a lot of time for that.

CROWLEY: Is it the best way to win over her supporters, though? If you put her on the ticket. You've seen I'm sure, the polling, showing that you're dropping women, sort of downscale voters, those kind of voters. Isn't that the best way to win them over, is to put her on that ticket?

OBAMA: As I said, I think everybody just needs to settle down. We've just completed this arduous process. It's only been two days. And, you know, I think it is both, not just in my interests and Senator Clinton's interests, but in the Democratic Party's interests and the country's interests, to make sure that I make this decision well. Then I will be deliberate and systematic about it because this will be my final counselor when I'm making decisions in the White House. And I want to make sure that I get it right.

CROWLEY: So, you don't feel at this moment, that you have to put her on the ticket, is the bottom line?

OBAMA: Well, the bottom line is, is that we're going to go through a process. And I'll make my decision sometime in the weeks to come.


COLLINS: Another reminder, we'll have special coverage of Senator Clinton's rally starting at 11:00 a.m. Eastern tomorrow.

Join Wolf Blitzer, and the best political team on television, for live coverage of her highly anticipated speech on CNN and

HARRIS: Well this week is National CPR Defibrillator Awareness week. And today, CNN Hero works tirelessly to get out this message. A defibrillator can be the difference between life and death.

Jill Levine has suffered the unimaginable. But she has transformed her pain into an effort to save children's lives on sports fields across the country.


JILL LEVINE, MEDICAL MARVEL: Robby was a great kid. He was fun, he was energetic and he was very athletic. He loved all sports but baseball was his passion.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was standing at first base. Robby ran past me. I remember thinking about how I never saw him run so fast before. Then, a few seconds later he was laying on home plate and I started to try to do CPR.

LEVINE: Someone came banging on my door. You have to come to the hospital now, something happened to Robby. We get there. They walked in and said he died. I started screaming. This is a healthy 9-year-old kid. How in the world could his heart just stop?

Robby really could have had a chance if there was a defibrillator. I just knew that we needed to do something.

My name is Jill Levine I help coaches save lives. My goal is to make defibrillators mandatory in youth sports, in the same way that you have to wear a batting helmet. My first priority is to raise awareness about the need. We have donated dozens of A.E.D.s. They're very simple to use, but you need to be trained.

Coaches are prepared, lives can be saved. In some way I'm still parenting Bobby, I'm still his mom. I feel like I'm helping people because of him. And that helps me.


HARRIS: I have to tell you, it was a CNN viewer like you who told us about Jill Levine. In fact, this year all of our CNN heroes are extraordinary people you've nominated on our web site. So, if you know someone who deserves to be the CNN hero, tell us about them at

COLLINS: New fight for a former boxing champ. And this one is to save his home. Evander Holyfield faces foreclosure.


HARRIS: Former boxing champ faces a new challenges. How about saving his home. Evander Holyfield's estate is under foreclosure.

Reporter Tom Regan, of affiliate of WSB has the story.


TOM REGAN, WSB REPORTER (voice-over): Evander Holyfield's palatial estate sits on more than 200 acres. The 5,400 square foot mansion features 17 bathrooms, a movie theater, bowling alley and more. It's a home fit for the king of boxing. But maybe not for long. A foreclosure notice in the local newspaper states Holyfield defaulted on a $10 million bank loan. Now the bank is set to sell the estate at auction. On the Fayette County courthouse steps July 1. A strange reversal of fortune for a champion believed to have earned $200 million during his storied career.

JOYCE BOLDS, NEIGHBOR: I'm just real surprised because I can't imagine having that kind of money and not using it wisely, if that's the case.

REGAN: Joyce and Michael Bolds, live near Holyfield's home. And have attended many 4th of July parties there.

MICHAEL BOLDS, NEIGHBOR: My heart goes out to him because, you know, I've seen so many athletes who have made lots of money and then lose the money.

REGAN (on camera): Evander Holyfield built his dream home back in 1995. At that time, the cost estimates ranged anywhere from $15 million to $40 million. But in this real estate market, it is, of course, worth a lot less than that.

Would you pay $10 million for it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I wouldn't. REGAN: Why not? It's not worth it in this kind of market?

(voice-over): We dug through court records and found the fair market value of the estate, a little less than $13 million. Annual property taxes, $156,000. We also learned the champ is scrambling to get another loan to be save his home. But his accountant is closely guarding the champ's next move.

(on camera): Is he going to be able to avert this foreclosure?

HORACE MARCEL, HOLYFIELD'S ACCOUNTANT: There's just no comment at this time, that we have.

REGAN (voice-over): The house that Holyfield built may soon become his biggest loss outside of the ring.


HARRIS: Wow, wow, wow. Court documents show Holyfield also owes thousands of dollars in child support payments.

COLLINS: It looks like no one is immune to the foreclosure problem. Ed McMahon, Johnny Carson's former sidekick, is talking about the possible foreclosure of his multimillion dollar Beverly Hills home. McMahon and his wife say they are $644,000 behind on their mortgage payments.

He talked about it last night on CNN's, "LARRY KING LIVE."


ED MCMAHON, ENTERTAINER: You spend more money than you make, you know what happens. And It can happen. You know, a couple of divorces flown in. A few things like that, and, you know, things happen. You want everything to be perfect but that combination of the economy, I have a little injury, I have a situation, and it all came together.


COLLINS: McMahon, who is 85, said he stopped working after breaking his neck in a fall almost two years ago. But, he says he's getting better with a few exceptions.


MCMAHON: As long as I wear this brace, I'm OK. I may have to do another operation. I had two. I need one more maybe. But as long as I wear the brace, the only problem is it wrecks having a hot dog. You just can't have a hot dog, you can't open your mouth wide enough to get a hot dog.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's a little tough on the sex life, too.


COLLINS: Oops. HARRIS: Hey, now.

COLLINS: McMahon's mansion has been on the market for two years. It's listed at $6.25 million.


HARRIS: You know, on Monday, we bump "ISSUE #1" up a notch, here. A day long solutions oriented look at your money concerns. Your house, your job, your savings, your debt. How the number one issue in the country is affecting you. "ISSUE #1," extended coverage all day, Monday, right here on CNN, the most trusted name in news.

Now, maybe you've just finished breakfast or are already thinking about lunch. But check this out. Looks more like a bowling ball but it's actually a black disukai (ph) watermelon. Where is it here? Wow. OK. Someone in Tokyo, just bought it for more than $6,000. It seems these super melons grow only on a remote island in Japan. Only a few thousand are available each year, $6,000.

COLLINS: Raised by her father and his three wives. A former member speaks out about a polygamist sect.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This has been going on for generation upon generation and it's been illegal the whole time. So why would they change now?


COLLINS: What she says about her experience and the fate of more than 400 children in Texas.


COLLINS: She was raised by her father and his three wives along with her 15 siblings. A former member of a polygamist sect, speaking out about her past. And as she reacts to a court's decision this week, to return hundreds of children to a polygamist compound, to their parents.


KATHY JO NICHOLSON, FMR. POLYGAMY MEMBER: It took me back. It was like I was there again. And I felt for these women that had -- and children who had the opportunity to get out and possibly save face. You know, the law would be that they would have the leave and get parenting classes in order to be reunited with their children. I feel like that was a sliver of hope for them, deep down in their heart maybe. Now being thrown back into it, I heard that there are some women that don't want to go. It's a terrifying concept for me to think about them going back inside.

COLLINS: Were you surprised when you talk about this DNA? Were you surprised there are 400 children, 36 potential fathers? NICHOLSON: Surprised? No. No, I was not. Not surprised. It is their way of life. They're on this earth to produce, to procreate. And as a matter of fact, one of my mothers was in the business of distributing ovulation test kits. And that's how they -- they were not allowed to be intimate with their husbands unless they were ovulating.

COLLINS: You are kidding.

NICHOLSON: I'm not kidding. And this was my youngest mother who would distribute these. She got them very cheap, in bulk. And if they were found to be having relations was their husbands while they were not, then they were severely punished for it.

COLLINS: Wow, wow. I got to ask you, given the history that you had in your childhood, what do you think about these children being reunited with their parents?

NICHOLSON: I think that the children have had a two-month glimpse of the outside world. And maybe that's enough of a seed that they'll cling to and remember and start maybe thinking of escape at some point.

I also believe though, that these little children -- there were broken bones. I wonder, you know, with them sending them back, did they address the broken bone issues? Did they address the -- what about the pregnant child brides, which by the way, is a euphemism for child rape, in my opinion.

Also, the little ones, did they test them for sexual abuse? I know many of my friends growing up told me personally, that they were and saw their younger siblings sexually abused under the age of six and seven. So, were these children tested? As far as them going in and the rules that have been laid in place.


NICHOLSON: They prompt Willy Jessop. The spokesperson promises, oh we won't do any more child marriages. Well, why wouldn't they?

COLLINS: Yes. They're going to be -- it's only going to happen under legal age and in Texas, that's 16 years old.

NICHOLSON: Well, that's I'm sure, what they will profess to be doing. But this has been going on for generation upon generation.

COLLINS: It has.

NICHOLSON: And it's been illegal the whole time. So, why would they change now? They're still under the dictatorship of Warren. And whatever Warren says, goes.


COLLINS: Find out more about Nicholson's story on her web site. That web site is HARRIS: A happy time in hockey town USA. That is next. A live picture from day trois, in the NEWSROOM.


HARRIS: Hey, do we have some of these live pictures? They are so happy in hockey town this morning. Hundreds of thousands of hockey fans lined the streets of downtown Detroit, at this hour. It is a victory parade for the Stanley Cup champion, Detroit Red Wings.

The Wings beat the Pittsburgh -- what's wrong, Heidi? Your team didn't win?

COLLINS: I wanted the Penguins, yes.

HARRIS: I got to tell you something. The Penguins and that Sydney Crosby, that kid is unbelievable.

COLLINS: I know.

HARRIS: But hockey players that play in Detroit, beasts, beasts. The fourth Stanley Cup win for the Red Wings in the last 11 years.

COLLINS: Time to take a look at the most clicked on videos now, on Gas thieves hit a North Carolina filling station and got away with 800 gallons of gas and it's all caught on video.

Also, with Hillary Clinton set to suspend her presidential campaign, Comedians are in mourning.

And, no good samaritans to be found here. A pedestrian is seriously hurt in a hit-and-run, but no one stops to help him. It's really an upsetting story, actually. For more of your favorite video, go to And Of course, don't forget to take us with you anywhere you go. On your iPod with the CNN daily podcast.

You know, they might get lonely without us.