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Showbiz Tonight

Christie Brinkley`s Divorce War; Tribute to Heath Ledger; `Train Wreck Express`; Shocking Reality Scandals

Aired June 30, 2008 - 23:00   ET


A.J. HAMMER, CO-HOST: Is Madonna getting divorced? The startling new evidence that could answer that shocking question.
I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.

BROOKE ANDERSON, CO-HOST: And the stunning first reviews of Heath Ledger`s Batman role. Plus, his co-stars open up for the first time about his dramatic performance.

I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood.

HAMMER: TV`s most provocative entertainment news show starts right now.


HAMMER (voice over): On SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, the Christie Brinkley divorce battle becomes all-out war. Tonight, brand-new threats to expose Christie`s alleged dirty laundry, and the startling news about who will be one of the first on the witness stand.

Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT with the explosive new developments just as the trial is about to begin.

All aboard for Train Wreck City. Tonight, did Miss In and Out of Rehab Amy Winehouse really punch a fan in the head? And does Lindsay Lohan really have a secret half sister?

Get your ticket and climb aboard the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT "Train Wreck Express!"

Plus, fierce fights, steamy sex stunners, bizarre break-ups.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We love reality show scandals so much. We feel like we really know this people.

HAMMER: Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT reveals the most shocking reality show scandals ever.


HAMMER: Hello. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

ANDERSON: Hi there, everyone. I`m Brooke Anderson, coming to you from Hollywood.

And tonight, we have the very first interviews with Heath Ledger`s co-stars in the new Batman film, ""The Dark Knight"." They are speaking out about what Heath was like in one of his final roles before his shocking death. And for the very first time, the public has seen the movie.

That is all coming up.

HAMMER: But first, it`s all-out war in the Christie Brinkley divorce trial. This trial set to get under way on Wednesday. And today, we just got startling news about who will be one of the first on the witness stand. And the attorneys for Brinkley`s husband are suggesting Brinkley should expect a take-no-prisoners, the gloves are off fight to the finish.

Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT brings you the latest making news right now.


HAMMER (voice over): The date, July 2nd. The place, this Long Island courthouse. The fighters, Christie Brinkley and her soon-to-be ex, Peter Cook.

It`s not quite high noon, but these two are headed for the showdown of the summer. And it looks like both the cheated-on wife and the humiliated husband are going into this divorce trial with both guns a blazing.

MARC MALKIN, E! ONLINE: This divorce trial is going to get real nasty.

HAMMER: A little more than a year after Christie Brinkley kicked Peter Cook to the curb for having an affair with his teenaged assistant, their divorce trial gets under way this week.

TIA BROWN, SR. EDITOR, "IN TOUCH": Both parties are very bitter. I think that Christie obviously is scorned for being embarrassed and disrespected.

HAMMER: The two will fight over property issues and custody of their kids, 9-year-old daughter Sailor and 13-year-old son Jack. And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you, from the start of the trial, Brinkley plans to make things very uncomfortable for her ex, especially with one of her first witnesses.

BROWN: One of the first witnesses will be Diana Bianchi, who is now 21 but was having an affair with Peter when she was about 18 and 19 years old.

HAMMER: But SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you, Cook is not rolling over without a fight. About Brinkley`s successful fight to keep the trial open to the public, Cook`s attorney tells SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, "She should be careful what she asks for... she is sort of blinded by her fury."

BROWN: Peter seems to resent Christie kind of taking him through all of this drama in the courtroom.

HAMMER: Cook`s attorney also takes a shot at Brinkley`s parenting decisions, telling SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, "Her actions after she decided to divorce Peter have been her first and her children next."

BROWN: I don`t think he should be worried at all.

HAMMER: CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin tells SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, "Despite the tough talk from Cook`s side, Brinkley will not be the one in the hot seat during the trial."

SUNNY HOSTIN, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: She wants sole custody of the children. And so he wants to challenge this, and he wanted it to be private. And I think she called his bluff and said, you`re the dirty guy here, you`re the guy that did wrong. I don`t think she has anything to hide.

HAMMER: In fact, Brinkley`s side doesn`t seem too worried about Cook. In a statement to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, her attorney says, "Christie has been a spectacular mother. She was a spectacular wife, and he was one lucky guy. So we go into this trial reluctantly, but feeling great about our passion."

BROWN: I think that everyone feels that Christie`s in the right, and it`s obvious that she does as well.

HAMMER: But with the testimony of his former teen lover, Diana Bianchi, Cook might be the one who has something to worry about. Bianchi hasn`t said much since this TV interview with WNYW shortly after the affair came to light.

DIANA BIANCHI, HAD AFFAIR WITH PETER COOK: He`d make advances verbally toward me first, and then I guess it just, you know, escalated into something that I didn`t really expect.

HAMMER: Cook reportedly paid her $300,000 as part of a confidentiality agreement. But if there were such an agreement, it wouldn`t apply to her court testimony. So although Cook has already admitted the affair, Bianchi could provide enough dirty details to have Cook sweating in court.

BROWN: Christie`s team kind of feels like once people start hearing the intimate details of this relationship, you know, the court of public opinion will kind of fry him even more.

HAMMER: So the stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and when this former couple meets at this courthouse, there will be a bloody battle from which no one will emerge unscathed.


HAMMER: So is it true that there can be no winners here? Well, even though it was Peter Cook who had the affair, should Christie Brinkley herself be worried?

Joining me tonight from Hollywood is Darren Kavinoky, attorney for the California-based Kavinoky Law Firm, and investigate journalist Jane Velez- Mitchell.

Last we just heard, Cook`s attorney told SHOWBIZ TONIGHT that Christie Brinkley "should be careful what she asks for."


All right, Darren Kavinoky, over to you first.

Sounds like a threat to me. Should Brinkley be worried here?

DARREN KAVINOKY, ATTORNEY: I don`t think she should be worried. A little concerned, maybe, but not worried. And here`s why.

She stands more to lose than he does in the court of public opinion. He`s already widely believed to be a philanderer, an adulter, and certainly promiscuous. So, if it comes out that, what, he`s a sexual deviant and he clubs baby seals in his spare time, no one`s really surprised about that.

She, on the other hand, is America`s sweetheart. And everybody, of course, is behind her. She`s got a lot of "you go, girl" momentum behind her.

And so from that standpoint, I think she`s the one that has something to lose here. But ultimately, I think it`s all going to work out in her favor.

HAMMER: Well, they plan on taking her to task. Cook`s attorney saying that they`re going to be questioning Brinkley`s mothering skills. They`re saying that her priorities have been herself first, her children second.

Once again, I want to read to you exactly what Christie`s attorney tells SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. "Christie has been a spectacular mother. She was a spectacular wife, and he was one lucky guy. So we go into this trial, reluctantly, but feeling great about our passion."

Jane, do you think that Cook`s lawyers are really just trying to make Christie squirm a little bit before this whole thing gets under way?

JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST AND AUTHOR: Well, A.J., I think it`s more than trying to make her squirm. I think it is an outright threat, and I disagree respectfully with Darren.

I think Christie does have something to worry about, because she`s the one who asked for the open court so that the unfiltered truth could get out to the public. And that means the truth about both of them.

And let`s face it, anybody who`s been married, who is not a saint, has things that they have done that they don`t want the public to hear about -- embarrassing things, obnoxious things, perhaps morally wrong things. They may not remember them, but the other side does. And in the hands of a skilled divorce attorney, they can make her look bad.

I think both sides end up muddied in this kind of divorce. Of course, it hurts the children more than anything. And I think it`s a bad idea, frankly.

HAMMER: Yes. Well put, Jane.

I think there are certainly a lot of divorce attorneys who are well-skilled at making even the smallest, seemingly insignificant, details look pretty, pretty ugly.

And, of course, the big bombshell came today with the news that on the very first day of the trial, Brinkley`s attorneys are going to be putting Diana Bianchi on the stand. Diana was the young woman who had the affair with Cook when she was just 18 years old. And this will be the first time we`ve heard from Bianchi since she gave her one and only interview to WNYW TV in New York City after the affair was admitted to.

Darren, why would they put her out there right at the very beginning? What`s your thought on that?

KAVINOKY: Well, primarily because of the laws of primacy and recency. That is, people tend to remember that which occurs at the beginning and that which occurs at the end of the trial. So you want to start strong and you want to finish strong.

In trials, just like athletic contests and other battles, there`s a real momentum that you get. So, of course they want to start off with a bang. They really want to seize that momentum. And they hope that will carry them through the trial as well.

HAMMER: What do you think, Jane? Is that a good move, putting that teen mistress on the stand right there at the start of the trial? Good points from our attorney friend, Darren Kavinoky.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I suppose so. If you`re going to go this route, then go all the way. Half measures won`t get you anywhere. Go for the jugular.

This could get very sexually explicit, and that could be incredibly embarrassing for Peter Cook. But expect blowback.

And as far as Christie being America`s sweetheart, there are also a lot of people rooting for her to fail because she is so high up there. And you know how we love to tear people down.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So, again, I think both sides are going to come out bloodied and bruised.

HAMMER: Yes. See, I`d like to believe that whole we love to see people torn down thing doesn`t apply to Christie Brinkley. I don`t know. Maybe it`s just getting caught up in it.

We`ve got 30 seconds to do this. Both sides putting the squeeze on. I want your predictions.

Darren, what do you think? Would you be surprised at all if at the last minute this trial doesn`t actually happen and things are settled?

KAVINOKY: Disappointed, but not surprised. And in fact, I think there`s a better chance that this case settles now, now that Peter Cook has a vehicle to save face.


KAVINOKY: If he would have settled just when she moved for that public trial, it would have been a huge catastrophe for him. Now he gets to say, well, at least this could have been because of the blowback on her.

HAMMER: Jane, one word, trial or settlement?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: They should settle, but I don`t think they will. It`s two big egos.

HAMMER: All right. Jane Velez-Mitchell, Darren Kavinoky, thank you very much for being here tonight.

What do you think? We want to hear from you for our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT "Question of the Day." We`re asking: Christie Brinkley`s divorce trial, should she settle the case quietly?

Vote at, or e-mail

ANDERSON: Well, A.J., Amy Winehouse is making a lot of noise again. What do you think? Do you think she will ever get her act together and just chill out?

HAMMER: It`s kind of hard to imagine she will, Brooke, which is really a shame because, you know, she`s a terrific singer.

ANDERSON: She certainly is, A.J.

But tonight I can tell you the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT "Train Wreck Express" is ready to leave the station, and Amy is definitely on it. Now she`s accused of punching one of her fans in the head. Things just seem to be getting worse and worse for her.

HAMMER: And Brooke, I can say the same thing about Lindsay Lohan. It just never ends.

Tonight, could there be a startling addition to the Lohan crew? Listen to this. Does Lindsay have a secret half sister?

The star stories that are totally outrageous, grab your ticket and climb aboard the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT "Train Wreck Express."

And how about train wrecks on TV?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel like the Corey Clark/Paula Abdul scandal undermined my faith in "American Idol," because, like, what?


ANDERSON: It seemed that steamy sex scandal had a shot of bringing down "American Idol." Fierce fights, bizarre break-ups. Tonight, I`m revealing the most shocking reality show scandals ever. It`s a SHOWBIZ special, of course.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does one hell of a job in it? I`ll miss him. He was a wonderful guy, great company. And I hope that people will just be able to look at it as a celebration of him, of his talent.


ANDERSON: Tonight, for the very first time, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is bringing you the stars who worked with Heath Ledger on ""The Dark Knight"" before his untimely and shocking death at the age of 28.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, TV`s most provocative entertainment news show.

I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood.

After months of anticipation, for very first time ""The Dark Knight"" has been screened. And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can now tell you that Heath Ledger`s role as the iconic Joker is already creating huge Oscar buzz in Hollywood.

Ledger died tragically of an accidental drug overdose this past January. And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT just sat down with Ledger`s co-stars to talk about what it was like working with him in this iconic role. It is truly chilling.

And joining me tonight in Hollywood, Sam Rubin, entertainment reporter for KTLA TV, and contributor to The Realist Channel.

Sam, good to see you. And hey, buddy, you were one of the very first people to have seen "The Dark Knight," Heath`s performance as the Joker. What do you say?

SAM RUBIN, ENTERTAINMENT REPORTER, KTLA: It`s an extraordinary performance, Brooke. It is one of those things where he is so completely immersed in the character, you have no idea it is any particular performer playing this role. But very few people have the talent that Heath Ledger possessed.

He really brings it all to the big screen. And I tell you what, I was struck by this thought the moment I saw it, about five minutes into the movie. My gosh, Heath Ledger`s name will be mentioned for certain as an Oscar nominee, and very likely as an Oscar winner. The performance is that good.

ANDERSON: Wow, a possible posthumous Oscar nomination and win. My goodness. He must have made it very believable.

Well, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`S Kareen Wynter sat down with the cast of "The Dark Knight." Maggie Gyllenhaal, who plays Batman`s love interest, told SHOWBIZ TONIGHT that she thinks movie critics will have a tough time saying anything negative about Ledger`s performance.


MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL, ACTRESS: Heath did something really remarkable in this movie. I think he found a way to be so free that nothing he does as an actor here is wrong. He`s just absolutely free.


ANDERSON: Now, Sam, when you were watching the movie, were you kind of thinking the same thing -- Heath did this one completely free of any inhibitions?

RUBIN: You know, I talked to Maggie as well, and she said very similar things to me. And I said, "You know what, Maggie, that sounds like actor talk. What does `completely free` mean?" And she went on to explain, and I think it beautifully articulates what you actually see when you watch "The Dark Knight," that he did this without any fear of inhibition, without any fear of failure.

He so completely becomes The Joker in this amazing totality of evil. And by the way, it`s scary and chilling and very, very entertaining, that I think few of us would have the ability, and very few actors would have the ability, to so totally divorce themselves of their own persona and become completely this other person.

That`s what he does. That`s what the academy is going to notice.

ANDERSON: Yes, it seems very disturbing just from the clips that I`ve seen. And speaking of that, a few months before Ledger`s untimely death, he did an interview with "The New York Times" in which he revealed he was having trouble winding down from playing The Joker.

I want you to listen to what Christian Bale, who plays Batman, had to say about Ledger`s commitment to this role.


CHRISTIAN BALE, ACTOR: I could see the commitment that Heath had to it, the enjoyment he had in taking it so seriously and creating this Joker that`s unlike anyone that, you know, I`ve seen before.


ANDERSON: Now, Sam, now that you`ve seen Heath on screen in this role, do you maybe have a better understanding of how the intensity of it might have shaken him up?

RUBIN: Well, I tell you what, it was very clearly, Brooke, the type of thing that when the director, Chris Nolan, says, "Cut," you couldn`t possibly just walk off the stage and, you know, grab a donut or a sandwich. I think it`s the type of thing that would definitely stay with you for a period of time.

Obviously, it`s purely speculative if what ultimately happened to Heath Ledger had anything to do with this particular portrayal. But, yes, while he was making that movie, I think it must have been a swirling time of confusion because it`s such a horrific, evil, creepy character that he so fully embraces. It`s nothing that you could, you know, leave behind at the end of the day shooting. There`s no question about that.

ANDERSON: Was it ever uncomfortable to watch, Sam, given what happened to Heath and given how dark and grim this role is?

RUBIN: No. You know what, Brooke, I think that`s a very interesting point.

It was not the least bit uncomfortable. And that`s the other thing that`s really worth mentioning is, again, despite all these adjectives and descriptions of how chilling and all these things about the portrayal, which are all true, it`s also excellent, excellent work. You really can`t keep your eyes off of him.

And as you`re watching the movie, you`re sort of waiting for The Joker to come back again and again. He`s a real integral part of the film. And so I think you leave behind what obviously happened to him in real life, which probably, obviously, is the goal to make this very, very compelling piece of entertainment. That`s what he did.

ANDERSON: Right. Very convincing.

Well, I look forward to seeing it.

Sam Rubin, thank you so much for your insight. We appreciate it.

RUBIN: You bet, Brooke.

HAMMER: It`s still so, so sad. Heath was such a talented guy. He is definitely missed.

All right. Moving on now, Brooke, what would reality shows be without plenty of scandal, right?

ANDERSON: You`re right, A.J. You`ve got the fights, you`ve got the break- ups, you`ve got the sex.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel like the Corey Clark/Paula Abdul scandal undermined my faith in "American Idol," because, like, what?


ANDERSON: Tonight, you do not want to miss this SHOWBIZ special report. We are revealing the most shocking, the most outrageous reality show scandals ever.

And hey, I think Will Smith and his wife Jada are just a wonderful Hollywood couple. But there`s always been questions as to whether they are or aren`t Scientologists. Tonight, is a new children`s school they`re building just a front for Scientology?

That`s next.

HAMMER: Well, Brooke, I hope you`ve got your ticket for the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT "Train Wreck Express."

Tonight, the hot stars whose names are synonymous with scandal. Could there actually be a stunning new member of the Lohan family? Does Lindsay have a secret half sister?

That`s coming up.


ANDERSON: Hey, welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Brooke Anderson. And here are some more stories that are new right now.

More possible evidence that Madonna`s marriage is on the rocks. "People" magazine reports Madonna was in New York this weekend attending Kabbalah services with her kids, but with no wedding ring on her finger. And her husband, Guy Ritchie, was back home in London. Guy was seen without his ring, hopping a flight to New York on Monday, presumably to meet up with Madonna.

Madonna`s rep says she rarely has worn her band during their seven-year marriage.

The director of the Los Angeles private school Will Smith is about to open insists it`s not a Scientology school. Now, the school will use instructional methods developed by scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, but Will and Jada insist they are not Scientologists and the school will be secular.

And Uma Thurman is engaged. She`s marrying multimillionaire Arpad "Arki" Busson. "People" magazine says she got some serious bling, an eight-carat diamond. It will be the third marriage for Uma. She split from Ethan Hawke in 2003. No date has been set just yet.

HAMMER: All right, Brooke.

I want to talk about Amy Winehouse for a second. I think she`s a terrific singer. But, you know, like a lot of people, I`ve got to tell you, I`m pretty worried about her, because she just seems to keep spiraling out of control.

ANDERSON: So true, A.J. And I hear that things may have just gotten worse because she allegedly did something to one of her fans.

HAMMER: Yes. Get this -- did Amy actually punch one of her fans in the head? I can`t believe this.

And of course she`s just one of the stars tonight who is riding on the SHOWBIZ "Train Wreck Express." She is definitely not alone -- Brooke.

ANDERSON: No, she`s not, A.J.

Lindsay Lohan has plenty of frequent rider miles on the "Train Wreck Express" with her DUIs, her family a mess. And now get this -- is there a brand-new member of the Lohan posse? Does Lindsay actually have a secret half sister?

Climb aboard the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT "Train Wreck Express," coming up.

Also, these reality show train wrecks.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel like the Corey Clark/Paula Abdul scandal undermined my faith in "American Idol," because, like, what?


HAMMER: I really thought that steamy sex scandal might actually hurt "American Idol."

Fierce fights, bizarre break-ups. Tonight, the most shocking reality show scandals ever. It`s a SHOWBIZ special report.

SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is coming right back.


HAMMER: On SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, all aboard the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT "Train Wreck Express."

Tonight, did Miss In and Out of Rehab Amy Winehouse really punch a fan in the head?

Does Lindsay Lohan really have a secret half sister?

Get your ticket and climb aboard, because SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is going express to Train Wreck City.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel like the Corey Clark/Paula Abdul scandal undermined my faith in "American Idol," because, like, what?


HAMMER: Oh, yes, that one rocked everybody. What would reality shows be without scandals? Steamy sex stunners, bizarre break-ups, fierce fights.

Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT reveals the most shocking reality show scandals ever.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. It`s 30 minutes past the hour. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

ANDERSON: And I`m Brooke Anderson, coming to you tonight from Hollywood.

This is TV`s most provocative entertainment news show.

HAMMER: Well, I`m ready to leave New York City because tonight it`s all aboard the celebrity "Train Wreck Express."

Listen to this. The very day after performing at Nelson Mandela`s 90th birthday, Amy Winehouse goes berserk and throws punches at fans at a concert, and all the while, never missing a beat in the song she was singing.

Our second stop on the "Train Wreck Express," Lindsay Lohan may have a long-lost half sister. That`s courtesy of her father, who now admits he had an affair while still married to Lindsay`s mom.

On board tonight for a wild ride to Train Wreck City, from Hollywood, investigative journalist Jane Velez-Mitchell, author of "Secrets Can Be Murder," which is now out in paperback. Here with me in New York, entertainment columnist for "The Village Voice," Michael Musto. And also in New York tonight, host of VH1 News, Janell Snowden.

All right, passengers, you`ve got to take a look at Amy Winehouse`s shocking attack at her concert in England. This happened over the weekend, and I`m telling you, watch this -- I mean, really watch this. OK?

Roll `em, Charles?


HAMMER: All right. Now, according to Amy`s rep, Amy was lashing out after somebody tried to grab her hair.

Now, nobody was hurt in this little incident, no charges filed.

Jane, let me start with you. I was thinking maybe it`s a good idea that, you know, when people pay to see you perform, you don`t punch them. Maybe it`s just me. Is this just another black eye for Amy, so to speak?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: A.J., I think that`s the understatement of the year. I thought of a lot of bad jokes, but sadly, this is a genuine tragedy.

We are watching the downward spiral of a very, very talented woman. And now she has serious health problems on top of it.

You know, I have no proof, but this is classic addict behavior. This past winter, when she was let out of rehab to sing at an awards show, on this program I said, that`s awful, that`s bad, it shouldn`t be done. Sobriety and recovery has to be priority number one. I was shot down, and I`m very sad to say that I was right.

HAMMER: Well, it is sad. It`s sad to watch this happen. And it really has turned into, as we keep calling it, a train wreck, because that`s what Amy`s concerts have become more about, it seems to me.

Rather than going to hear her music, people are going to see, is she going to sing, is she going to curse, is she going to punch somebody in the face? You really never know what you`re going to get.

I mean, Janell, do you see it that way, that people go to watch her every move more because of that thing going on?

JANELL SNOWDEN, HOST, VH1 NEWS: It`s like people are wondering, what more can she do? I mean, how many times has she been caught smoking crack, whether on video or just on film? How many times has she just done something completely outrageous in public?

We`re just kind of waiting to see, like, is this going to be the end? Her name is mentioned in the media so much, and it`s always attached to some sort of train wreck. And I think we`re all kind of bracing ourselves for that eventual headline, which is that Amy Winehouse is no longer with us.

Unfortunately. I mean, if at the rate she`s going she continues, that`s what we`re going to fear. That`s what we`re going to hear, rather.

I just can`t imagine what else is next. And I agree with Jane that it`s completely ridiculous that she`s supposed to be getting help. I know her father has said that she needs to keep performing because that`s what keeps her sane. But I think that, you know, we should not let her father diagnose her. I think that she needs definite medical attention.

HAMMER: And it is easy to try to see the light side of all this. Yes, it`s tragic if something terrible is going on with her, if she`s dealing with an addiction that needs help. We hope she gets the help she needs.

Well, one fan who says he was hit by Winehouse tells the BBC not everyone can say they`ve been hit by Amy Winehouse. It kind of makes sense.

Michael Musto, I`m pretty sure that you would love to wear a T-shirt that says, "Hey, I went to an Amy Winehouse concert and all I got was this lump on my head."

MICHAEL MUSTO, COLUMNIST, "VILLAGE VOICE": Yes. A black eye at an Amy Winehouse concert is a badge of honor.

This is not a Stevie Nicks concert, A.J., where the biggest danger is the woman might spin too fast or win a poncho that doesn`t match her shoes. You want something to happen at an Amy concert, and it does.

And they played with her hair. That`s like tweaking Barbra Streisand`s nose or Elton John`s wig.

Meanwhile, what was Amy doing at that Nelson Mandela thing? I`m sure he was thinking, I tried to get Naomi Campbell out. How did this witch sneak in with this no rehab message?

HAMMER: I was wondering the same thing. It is interesting. We had pointed out on our show previously that, yes, Naomi Campbell not allowed to be at Nelson Mandela`s birthday, Amy Winehouse was there somehow.

Moving on now to our next stop on the ride to Train Wreck City, does Lindsay Lohan have a secret half sister? A woman has just come forward claiming that Lindsay`s dad, Michael, is the father of her 13-year-old daughter.

Now, Michael admits to having an affair with this woman while he was still married to Lindsay`s mom. And I want to read to you what Michael told Access Hollywood`s Billy Bush on Billy`s radio show when he was asked point blank, "Is the child yours?"

Here`s what he said: "Can I confirm or deny that her daughter is mine? No. But my lawyers will handle that. That`s the truth and that`s all I can say."

Now, Michael also admits that the woman first claimed that the child might be his a few years ago.

Jane Velez-Mitchell, back to you. I`d have imagine that all of this then has just haunted Michael for years and he knew it would just be a matter of time before it bubbled to the surface.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Possibly, A.J. But this family, the Lohans, are drama addicts. And so this is just more grist, more drama for the mill.

And what`s actually astounding to me is that Michael says, well, maybe this woman is after publicity. But where does he hold the news conference about this issue? Outside a club at the launch party for his new online series. So that is definitely the pot calling the kettle black.

Also, she contacted him a couple of years ago. He had plenty of time to, once he got out of prison, take the paternity test and resolve this issue once and for all. And if he is a dad, do the responsible thing and take responsibility. And apparently he hasn`t done that. Apparently, he hasn`t even discussed this with his other children.

HAMMER: So you`re saying the Lohans like this publicity stuff, huh?


HAMMER: Interesting.

Michael Lohan, in fact, was rather indignant when he was asked about this the other day. And he said if he wasn`t Lindsay`s dad or Michael Lohan, this thing wouldn`t be getting any attention at all.

Michael Musto, I`m thinking that`s the biggest "duh" I`ve ever heard. You know, given the train wreck that his family and his life has become, that`s kind of a ridiculous statement, isn`t it?

MUSTO: It`s not only a "duh," A.J. It`s like a "shut up."

I mean, this guy uses his relationship to Lindsay. He feeds off it like a maggot. He uses the airwaves to air his views and promote the bible. This guy makes Dina look like parent of the year. And by the way, he doesn`t need to visit this lovechild, because I`m sure she already has a restraining order and extra security against him, while Michael is looking through the bible, looking for validation about, oh, having a lovechild is OK.

HAMMER: Yes, but he thinks he`s a good parent. I`m telling you, man, he actually considers himself a family man, a caring father.

MUSTO: Well, I think I`m a Pulitzer Prize journalist.

HAMMER: Well, I went right to the source to find out how he felt about the kind of dad he is. He stopped by here at SHOWBIZ TONIGHT and he told me -- he told me about his dedication to his children.


MICHAEL LOHAN, LINDSAY LOHAN`S FATHER: I gave up everything to have a relationship with my kids and to instill a relationship between my parents and my family with the children. Kids need that sense of stability. They need both their mom and dad and both sides of the family.


HAMMER: Well, we know Michael and his ex-wife Dina are running to court all the time fighting over every little thing.

Jane, if this turns out to be true, is there a way that Dina could actually use this lovechild against Michael?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, absolutely. I`m sure this is, again, more drama for them. And they`re going to take this ball and run with it. And while Michael may not want to be this child`s father, since he apparently said in a letter that she looks something like Lindsay, he may want to become her manager.

HAMMER: Yikes.

Well, I have to tell you that, you know, if this young woman turns out to be a Lohan child, she may want to really take stock in the situation and just run screaming. I don`t know. That`s just my thought there.

Jane Velez-Mitchell, Michael Musto, Janell Snowden, I thank you all for being here tonight.

ANDERSON: Hey, remember, you can watch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT video anytime you want. We are always posting new stuff for you to watch over at our Web site, Among the videos now playing, the outrageous stories that made us say, "Are you kidding me?"

All right, millions of people love "American Idol," but, A.J., a few scandals have seriously threatened its survival.

HAMMER: No question, Brooke. "Idol" definitely has had people buzzing, not just because of the singing, of course.

ANDERSON: That`s right. And tonight, "American Idol" is one of SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`S biggest reality show scandals ever.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel like the Corey Clark/Paula Abdul scandal undermined my faith in "American Idol," because, like, what?


ANDERSON: And that`s just the beginning. Coming up, we have the most outrageous, most controversial, the biggest reality show scandals ever. You do not want to miss it.

HAMMER: The new James Bond movie is definitely a must-see. I mean, you`ve got Daniel Craig returning as Agent 007. And he`s on a revenge mission. This Bond definitely looks like one of the best yet.

Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT with your first look at "Quantum of Solace." You don`t want to miss that.

But first, we`ve been asking you to vote on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT "Question of the Day." And here it is.

Christie Brinkley`s divorce trial: Should she settle this case quietly?

We`d like you to keep voting by going to our Web site, If you have more to say, well, by all means,


ANDERSON: Tonight, a SHOWBIZ special report: the best reality show scandals ever. And TV`s "The Hills" star Heidi Montag has spun reality show bickering into big-time success.

She`s working on an album, she has a fashion line. And now she says she`s just like Jesus.

Wait, what?

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, TV`s most provocative entertainment news show.

I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood.

Montag`s latest controversy was sparked after she compared her plight as the outcast on "The Hills" to Jesus Christ. She was responding to questions about the fallout with her ex-best friend, Lauren Conrad. Listen to what she told "USA Today."

"I don`t even want to talk about that. There were rumors about a sex tape, but I had nothing to do with that. God knows the truth, and at the end of the day, that is the only thing that matters. Jesus was persecuted, and I`m going to get persecuted, you know? But it doesn`t matter to me."

Heidi, just like Jesus? Of course. I mean, I know what she means, I think. I`m sure that`s an appropriate comparison.

And as shocking as that is, her words still don`t compare to the most shocking reality scandals ever. It`s our SHOWBIZ special report. From sex shockers to ferocious feuds, reality TV has become the fly on the wall of the best train wrecks we`ve ever seen. You just can`t write this stuff.

So, from Paris Hilton to Paula Abdul, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT presents the most shocking, scandalicious reality TV moments ever.


ANDERSON (voice over): The shocking...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re going to say goodbye to Michael Johns.

ANDERSON: ... the dramatic, the absolutely ludicrous...

PAULA ABDUL, "HEY PAULA": I`m trying to tell a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) story.

ANDERSON: ... what would our favorite reality shows be without the scandals?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If I wanted to get back together with you, would you leave your husband?

ANDERSON: It seems like the bigger the scandal, the higher the ratings.

So SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has to ask, why do Americans love reality TV with a side of scandal?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think we love reality show scandals so much because we feel like we really know these people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let`s face it, reality shows wouldn`t be reality shows without the scandals.

ANDERSON: From the squeaky clean to the downright dirty, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is counting down the top five most shocking reality scandals ever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What is up with you and Nicole?

PARIS HILTON, ACTRESS: You know, I don`t really want to talk about it. But I just hope that she`s happy and healthy.

ANDERSON: At number five, it`s the reality rumble that nearly killed Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie`s only known careers. In 2005, the best friends became enemies.

BEX SCHWARTZ, COMEDIAN: Without Paris and Nicole being super best friends, there really could be no "Simple Life."

WILLIAM KECK, "USA TODAY" CELEBRITY REPORTER: The rumors that were out there were -- one of them was that Nicole had screened Paris` sex video for her friends. Other rumors were that Paris was jealous that Nicole had become even more famous than her. But we`ll never know until one of them tells.

ANDERSON: Oh, the drama.

But rumors don`t even compare to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`S fourth most shocking reality scandal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sara Evans and her partner Tony Dovolani.

ANDERSON: It was the unbelievable bombshell that shook the squeaky-clean dance floor of "Dancing With the Stars," country singer Sara Evans nasty divorce involving an alleged sex scandal right in the middle of the show`s third season.

SARA EVANS, SINGER: ... my husband. And I`m worried about his family.

SCHWARTZ: She could have quietly gotten divorced and been all upset at her husband and not quit "Dancing With the Stars," but, no, she not only had to quit, but she had to make a huge stink about it.

EVANS: I just needed to, you know, take care of my children.

SCHWARTZ: Sara Evans claims that her husband looked at porn on their home computer and their television and that he had naked photos of himself in various states of arousal.

ANDERSON: Even though her ex-husband denied all of that, Sara Evans moved on, surviving the scandal and even getting remarried. But reality scandals don`t always make nice. Just look at SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`S reality scandal number three.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The winner of the first "Survivor" competition is Rich.

ANDERSON: Richard Hatch is perhaps the most famously sinister contestant "Survivor" has ever had. He won a million dollars on "Survivor Borneo" but couldn`t survive Survivor IRS.

KECK: We watched Richard Hatch have these brilliant, steaming tactics to win the million dollars. And the fact he didn`t declare that, that he tried to cover those earnings, was the saddest joke of all. And 51 months in prison I think he got. Not a survivor.

RICHARD HATCH, "SURVIVOR": Hey, I just won. Awesome.

SCHWARTZ: I feel like "Survivor," the prisoner edition, is a lot scarier than "Survivor" in Micronesia somewhere. But if he`s playing it, I bet he`s winning.

ANDERSON: Now, if you thought that was a rude awakening, take a look at SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`S second most shocking reality scandal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Since you`ve been married, have you ever had sexual relations with someone other than your husband?

LAUREN CLERI, "MOMENT OF TRUTH": I`m going to have to say yes.

ANDERSON: It was the stunning moment of truth that made headlines across the country. Lauren Cleri wanted $200,000 so badly, she put her marriage on the line. Now SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you she and her husband are split.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you believe I`m the man you should be married to?

CLERI: I`m going to be honest and say yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This woman systematically went through these answers that were more and more damaging to her marriage, and the husband keeps on sitting there and saying, come on, give it to me. And we were watching this woman sell out her marriage for money.

SCHWARTZ: The best part about it is that she went down when they asked her if she thought that she was a good person, and she said yes. But she was lying to herself.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That answer is false.

ANDERSON: Oh, if only the lie detector could tell us the truth about SHOWBIZ TONIGHT`S number one most shocking reality scandal ever. It`s the alleged affair between Paula Abdul and Corey Clark.

COREY Clark, FMR. "AMERICAN IDOL" CONTESTANT: She`s saying I`m a liar, I`m an opportunist and I engage in illegal activities. She just had sex with somebody.

SCHWARTZ: I feel like the Corey Clark/Paula Abdul scandal undermined my faith in "American Idol," because, like, what?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All of a sudden, America`s little princess, Paula Abdul, was being portrayed as a potential female Svengali, and it threatened to bring down the show for a little while.

ANDERSON: But Paula denies everything.

ABDUL: Corey, that was beautiful.

SCHWARTZ: Like, have you seen this guy? Corey Clark is like the human personification of MC Skat Kat. And that is the only reason I could think of them possibly having an affair.

ANDERSON: So it goes to show, the more unreal the story, the more we love reality scandals.


ANDERSON: And for all his troubles, "Survivor" star Richard Hatch is still suffering for his scandal. He`s expected to stay in jail until 2010, but now he`s appealed his conviction to the Supreme Court.

HAMMER: Tonight, the war of the Hogans. Hulk is speaking out and sharing some absolutely jaw-dropping details about his bitter battle with his ex- Linda. Hulk spoke to his friend, radio host Bubba the Love Sponge, and gave his side of the story.

He shared unbelievable details about the night Linda called 911 on him. And even more shocking, Hulk shared the story of exactly how his daughter Brooke apparently found out that her mom was dating a 19-year-old guy.

You are not going to believe this one.

Well, coming up Tuesday on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, new dramatic details in the war of the Hogans. You will not want to miss it.

And I have to tell you, I am absolutely psyched for this day, and I`m definitely not alone. Tonight it is Bond, James Bond. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT with your first look at Daniel Craig in the new 007 flick, "Quantum of Solace." Bond out for revenge in this, and your first look is coming up on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


HAMMER: And welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer.

Tonight it`s Bond, James Bond. Daniel Craig is back as the best-known secret agent in the world. It`s Craig`s second time playing Agent 007, and in "Quantum of Solace," Bond is on a revenge mission for the death of his love.

Here now is your SHOWBIZ first look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was always very interested to meet you. I`ve heard so much about you from Thespa (ph). If she hadn`t killed herself, we would have had you, too.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you going to tell us who you work for?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The first thing you should know about us is that we have people everywhere.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I thought I could trust you. You said you weren`t motivated by revenge.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m motivated by my duty.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think you`re so blinded by inconsolable rage, that you don`t care who you hurt. When you can`t tell your friends from your enemies, it`s time to go.

DANIEL CRAIG, ACTOR: You don`t have to worry about me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Restrict Bond`s movements. Put a stop on his passport.

Find Bond.

CRAIG: How long have I got?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thirty seconds.

CRAIG: Well, that doesn`t give us a lot of time.


HAMMER: Boy, that looks good, but they always look good. "Quantum of Solace" is the 22nd Bond film base odd the novel by Ian Fleming.


HAMMER: And that is it for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. We thank you so much for watching.

I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.

ANDERSON: And I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood.

Hey, remember, you can always catch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on the 11s, 11:00 p.m. Eastern, 11:00 p.m. Pacific, and in the morning at 11:00 a.m. Eastern.

The latest from CNN Headline News is next.