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Showbiz Tonight

McCain and Obama`s Showbiz Battle; Quake Shakes Shows; Ali Lohan`s Meeting with a Porn Director; Miley Cyrus Ready to Leave "Hannah Montana"?

Aired July 30, 2008 - 23:00   ET


A.J. HAMMER, CO-HOST: Lindsay Lohan`s 14-year-old sister meets with a porn movie director? I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.
BROOKE ANDERSON, CO-HOST: And Pam Anderson reveals why you will never see her kids in her new reality show. I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood.

HAMMER: TV`s most provocative entertainment news show starts right now. On SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, can Britney Spears and Paris Hilton help defeat Barack Obama? Tonight, how John McCain is using Britney and Paris to try to beat Barack. Are you kidding me?

Plus, is Oliver Stone Bush-whacking? The uproar after Stone reveals a first look at his explosive controversial new movie about the president.


UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: You want to mess with me?

UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: Try it, old man.


HAMMER: Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT with presidential politics gone wild in Hollywood.

Tonight, Hollywood rocked. The frightening California earthquake hits big TV shows and it`s all caught on tape. Tonight, one of the stars who was right in the middle of taping her show is right here with her dramatic story.

And is Miley Cyrus messing up big-time? Tonight, Miley`s brand-new controversial words that have got her bosses furious.


HAMMER: Hello, I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

ANDERSON: Hi, there, everyone. I`m Brooke Anderson, coming to you from Hollywood.

And tonight, the startling news that Lindsay Lohan`s 14-year-old sister wound up auditioning for a legendary porn director. But who`s to blame? That`s coming up.

HAMMER: But first, are you kidding me? Tonight, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are caught smack in the middle of the presidential race. Don`t worry about anything. They haven`t been chosen to be Barack Obama or John McCain`s running mates just yet, although that would make for an interesting story. But today, McCain turned Britney and Paris into his secret weapons to win the White House. And as if that wasn`t absurd enough, Obama fought back by quoting Britney Spears. Barack Obama, quoting Britney? John McCain turning to Britney and Paris? Are we all into some weird, alternative universe here?

Joining me tonight from Hollywood, Jane Velez-Mitchell, investigative journalist and author of "Secrets Can Be Murder." And Michael Yo, host of "Yo on E!" heard on XM and Sirius satellite radio.

Jane, Michael, let me put it to you like this - never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that I would be mentioning Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Barack Obama and John McCain in the same sentence. But here we are and here`s why this is happening. McCain today revealed a new attack ad on Obama claiming Obama is just a celebrity, and he used the images of, yes, Britney and Paris to make his point. I`m going to play the ad for you right now. You`ve got to watch very carefully at the beginning of it. Roll it, Charles.


FEMALE VOICE OVER: He`s the biggest celebrity in the world. But is he ready to lead? With gas prices soaring, Barack Obama says no to offshore drilling and says he`ll raise taxes on electricity? Higher taxes, more foreign oil - that`s the real Obama.

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R-AZ), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I`m John McCain and I approve this message.


HAMMER: Yes, good move. Comparing Obama to Paris and Britney, Jane Velez- Mitchell, have at it. Isn`t this just absolutely ridiculous?

JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST AND AUTHOR OF "SECRETS CAN BE MURDER": This ad is so wrong on so many levels, A.J. It`s almost mind- boggling. First of all, McCain is admitting his opponent is a rock star so he`s giving him something. And you know, it goes on from there. The fact is that he is really comparing a very serious presidential candidate to a couple of airheads, and that`s not gentlemanly behavior. That`s classic negative campaigning so he`s going to take a hit on that.

And the third thing is the two things that he accuses Obama of being an airhead on, taxing and oil drilling, are the very two issues that McCain recently has been accused of flip-flopping on. So that`s the first thing I thought of is bringing attention to two issues that he`s being criticized at.

HAMMER: Here`s the first thing I thought of, that McCain is holding a grudge against the cool kids in high school that may have made fun of him. Michael Yo, what about you?

MICHAEL YO, HOST, "YO ON E!": Yes, he`s definitely not the cool kid in school. I know Obama is the cool kid. I`ve never seen a man that`s almost 487 years old be so upset acting like a baby against Obama. I feel like this is a bad episode of "The Hills." I feel like John McCain is Heidi and Spencer and Obama is just Elsie(ph) going, "What`s wrong? I didn`t do anything? Stop attacking me." I just don`t get John McCain going this route. This is terrible for him.

HAMMER: Well, this little episode of "The Hills" gets even better, because Barack Obama issued a response to the ad. And the man who just traveled all around the world to meet the most powerful leaders in the planet - well, he quoted Britney Spears.

I want you to listen to what Obama had to say, quote, "On a day when major news organizations across the country are taking Sen. McCain to task for a steady stream of false, negative attacks, his campaign has launched yet another. Or some might say, `Oops! He did it again.`"

Oh, snap. Jane Velez-Mitchell, is Obama actually beating McCain at his own fame game here?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: He is, indeed. "Oops, I did it again" is actually funny because it`s a pop culture reference. Obviously, the people in the Obama campaign know the music and know that that`s one of Britney`s hit songs. But, you know, when John McCain tries to use these pop culture references, it comes off heavy-handed, almost like a grandfather trying to, you know, make points with his grandkids by using references to Coldplay without even knowing what he`s talking about. So he should stay away from this. He should not, oops, do this again.

HAMMER: Yes. You know, I wanted to know what Britney and Paris thought of all of this. Actually, we reached out to them at SHOWBIZ TONIGHT and we have not heard back from them as of show time. But Michael Yo, would you quickly take me into the vacuous mind of Paris Hilton? Do you think she`s thinking, "That`s hot," or not?

YO: No, no. Paris Hilton is like, "Oh, this is great. Look, I`m not even trying to get attention and I`m getting attention. And I`m linked to a presidential race." That`s how big Paris Hilton is. She is loving this attention. Britney Spears is loving this attention. I mean, John McCain - he needs to stop taking campaign advice from his daughter that`s hanging out with Heidi Montag and Spencer Brad.

HAMMER: All right. Moving on, as if this isn`t all enough, tonight, we have a brand-new, huge controversy over Oliver Stone`s upcoming new movie which is all about the life of President Bush. Now, Stone has just released the very first look at the movie. You`ve got to watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: If I remember correctly, you didn`t like the sporting goods job. Working in the investment firm wasn`t for you either, or the oil rig job. You didn`t exactly finish up with flying colors in the Air National Guard, Junior. Partying, chasing tail, driving drunk, who do you think you are? A Kennedy? You`re a Bush, act like one. You want to mess with me?

JOSH BROLIN: Try it, old man.


HAMMER: Of course, Oliver Stone known for his controversial movies about presidents. We`ve had JFK and Nixon in the past. And a lot of people are saying this movie is unfairly targeting a sitting president. Jane Velez- Mitchell, what do you think? Is this movie a simple case of Bush-bashing?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I don`t think so. First of all, I think it`s very intriguing. It makes me want to see the film. And the fundamental question is how does a hard-partying party boy who drinks too much or drank too much in the past become president of the United States? President Bush has actually admitted many, many times that he drank too much, that`s why he got sober. So as recovering alcoholic myself with 13 years of sobriety, I know it`s not a pretty picture if you`re going to put that to film. It`s going to be a little raucous and that`s what you`re seeing on film.

It`s going to be very polarizing just as the president is. People who love the president will hate this movie. People who hate the president will love this movie.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: And it`s just the same thing that happened with the movie "Nixon."

HAMMER: Well, of course, people are accusing Oliver Stone of trying to influence the presidential election. The movie is actually coming out on October 17, right before the election happens. Michael Yo, I know you`re not a big political commentator, but do you see it possibly influencing the outcome? I`ve got 10 seconds for you.

YO: No, I don`t think so. I think the people that like Bush won`t watch it and the people who hate Bush won`t watch it. So nobody`s going to see the movie anyway. So yes, it`s not going to affect the campaign at all.

HAMMER: I`m going to see the movie. I like Oliver Stone. Jane Velez- Mitchell, Michael Yo, thank you for being on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I appreciate it.

All right. Brooke, being out there in Los Angeles, hanging in Hollywood, I know that you`ve been through a bunch of earthquakes in your tenure there.

ANDERSON: Well, I have, A.J. Well, I would say more like a handful of significant quakes, but they are pretty scary.

HAMMER: Well, as you know firsthand, Hollywood really got rocked by this one.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s OK. Everyone, get under the desk.


HAMMER: Wow, this is just wild stuff. The frightening California earthquake hits big TV shows. So of course it`s all caught on tape. One of the stars who was right there in the middle of taping her show is right here and she`s got a dramatic story you won`t want to miss.

ANDERSON: OK. Pam Anderson has got this new reality show. And I`ve got to hand it to her. She says she`s not going to put her kids in the show. You`ve got to hear Pam open up about this.

HAMMER: And tonight, Lindsay Lohan`s 14-year-old sister Ali reportedly meets with a porn movie director? You heard me correctly, he directed porn. Are you kidding me? That is coming up on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT and we are coming right back.



GRETCHEN BONADUCE, DANNY BONADUCE`S EX-WIFE AND REALITY SHOW STAR: You really have to have a known presence, and people really have to be able to recognize you and your name.

Now, this is my new journey. It`s all about branding Bonaduce.

That`s "Partridge Family" star Danny Bonaduce`s ex-wife, Gretchen. Now, she and Danny split after their reality show. Now, she`s trying out for her own. But did their show, "Breaking Bonaduce" actually break up their marriage? You will not want to miss that revealing interview with Gretchen Bonaduce. That`s coming up in just a second.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer. Well, Pam Anderson is also doing a reality show. Actually, I should point out she`s calling it a documentary, which is fine, Pam. But let`s keep in mind, it`s not on PBS, OK? I do give a lot of credit, however. Pam says she`s absolutely not going to include her two sons in her "E!" series "Pam, Girl on The Loose." Even though she`s a big star, she is trying to give her kids who she had with "Motley Crue`s" Tommy Lee, as normal a life as possible. So while we may hear about these kids in her reality show, she tells the "Today" show`s Matt Lauer we are not going to see them.


PAMELA ANDERSON, REALITY SHOW STAR: I said the only way I would do this if you aren`t going to - there`s too much (UNINTELLIGIBLE) my children are not allowed to be shown. You can see their feet come running by when they make the lemonade stand for (UNINTELLIGIBLE). You`ll know that they`re around but you never see their faces and you really get to focus in on them. It`s - very rarely. It`s mostly about me traveling and working.

MATT LAUER, HOST, "TODAY" SHOW: Because you`ve said to me on a number of occasions that you are attempting to raise your kids in as normal a fashion as humanly possible given the circumstances.

P. ANDERSON: Exactly.

LAUER: How do you think you`re achieving - how are you doing that? What`s your report card?

P. ANDERSON: My kids are great. They`re doing really well in school. They`re great athletes. They`re very conscious kids, you know. And Tommy and I spend as much time as we can - I don`t have a nanny. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Dylan`s with me. He`s here. My other son`s at camp (UNINTELLIGIBLE).


HAMMER: Yes. I give her a lot of credit. Kind of refreshing. By the way, Pam says that she and her kids are living with Tommy right now, but they`re actually not back together.

ANDERSON: Well, Danny Bonaduce and his ex-wife, Gretchen, are no strangers to reality TV. They shared Danny`s heart-wrenching battle with addiction and the dramatic breakdown of their marriage on their VH1 reality TV show, "Breaking Bonaduce.

Now, Gretchen says she`s ready for more. She`s competing for a reality show within a reality show. It`s called "Give Me My Reality Show" and in it, she and other celebrities vie for a starring role on an upcoming show. I sat down with Gretchen and I asked her whether she thinks the first reality show "Breaking Bonaduce" played a role in destroying her marriage.


G. BONADUCE: I think that we were falling apart. It didn`t matter. I think the cameras captured it happening. But I don`t think it had anything to do with the cameras. I really thing we were going in that direction no matter what. I`m so proud of that show. And I think it really helped a lot of people. Ultimately, you know, we didn`t make it, but I know a lot of people with addiction problems and marital problems and infidelity really took something away from my show. So, I was very happy to do that.

ANDERSON: So, looking back, is there anything that you wish hadn`t aired?

G. BONADUCE: I know the producers when I first met with them and we spoke about how we wanted to do the show and I said, "I really want to help people and that is why I want to do this." And I know they were like, "Oh, you`re so cute. Your little reality show is going to help people." And it did. So, you know, how can I be sorry about that? The one thing I am sorry about though is the Internet. I did not in a million years factor in that people would be mean to my kids and that happened. And that I`m sorry for - my older child, my daughter Isabella, because she can get on there and she can read it. So that was not good. And I never thought about that. I mean, who thinks people are going to be mean to kids?

ANDERSON: Well, speaking of all that, there have been so many critics of parents who put their children on reality shows. Lately it`s been Dina Lohan with her daughter Ali and Denise Richards. Do you agree with that, that it is a bad thing at times to focus on your children in front of the cameras, or do you say, no, and defend that?

G. BONADUCE: Well, I think it`s on the parenting. I think if you have really good, solid parenting that your kids will be fine. It`s all - and when you get wrapped up into it. So I think it`s about keeping it - just keeping them grounded and normal and we have all those things. So, you know, everyone that meets my kids, that`s the first thing they say is, "They`re just so normal and so good." So I feel like we`ve done a really good job with them.

ANDERSON: Dina Lohan`s daughter, Ali, is the focus of her reality show. And we spoke to your ex-husband Danny Bonaduce and he said he thought that is a terrible thing. Gretchen, do you agree that that`s a terrible thing because in a way it`s very different from how your children have been involved in the reality genre?

G. BONADUCE: Well, the only thing with her - I don`t know that much about her - it does seem like she`s in a lot of mature situations. And I think that`s a mistake. She seems like a sweet girl. And same with Miley Cyrus, all those kids, they end up getting into a situation where I think it`s a little too mature for them. And that is something I think you should avoid definitely.

ANDERSON: And another family really getting the heat lately - and they featured their kids in their reality show - are the Hogans. Hulk Hogan`s son, Nick, in jail for nearly killing his best friend in a car crash. Hulk and his wife, Linda, are now getting a divorce. Do you sympathize with Linda Hogan and what she`s going through and the criticism she`s faced as well in the public eye?

G. BONADUCE: Well, I do. And I just feel bad for her because people - they don`t know her. You know, you really don`t have any right to say anything about anyone that you don`t know. But then again, if you put yourself on TV, I`m certainly not going to get upset that people are going to have an opinion about me if I`m putting myself out there. And you know, the same with the Hogans. You know, if you put yourself out there, you have to accept the good and the bad.

ANDERSON: What`s one piece of advice, if you had one, for Linda Hogan? What would you say to her?

G. BONADUCE: I think the 19-year-old boyfriend is probably not a good idea. I just think that`s not going to work. If I`d get some 20-year-old, I`m like, "Dude, really - " It`s not a cute age difference. You`re going to be changing my "Depends" in 10 years. I do not think you`re going to think that really funny and charming.


ANDERSON: Yes, that`s not cute. Gretchen Bonaduce`s new show, "Give Me My Reality Show," airs on the Fox Reality Channel in October.

HAMMER: Well, Brooke, I know that earthquakes are obviously a reality of your life living out there in California.

ANDERSON: Yes, they are, A.J., but it makes it no less shocking when it does happen.

HAMMER: Well, I`m sure. But I can tell you from even where I sit here in New York City, that the strong earthquake that just hit rocked Hollywood.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s OK. Everyone, get under the desk.


HAMMER: Really, really scary. The quake hit right in the middle of taping a TV show. Tonight, the star of that show is right here and she`s got a frightening story. It is the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

ANDERSON: OK, OK. I know the Lohans have done a lot of out-of-control things. But are you kidding me? Lindsay`s 14-year-old sister, Ali, meets with a porn movie director?

HAMMER: Yes, Brooke, I don`t get that family at all. But you know what else is outrageous? Jerry Lewis getting caught with a gun at the airport. You can`t do that, Jerry. That is coming up next.

HAMMER: Make sure you check out these free, ever-changing SHOWBIZ TONIGHT podcast which you will find on our Web site located at You can also download it on iTunes. Just type "SHOWBIZ TONIGHT" into the search box. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is coming right back.


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. Here are more stories that are new right now. A dramatic twist in the Shia Labeouf car crash. Los Angeles police say that the "Indiana Jones" star was not to blame for the accident which caused his truck to roll over. The other driver ran a red light but Labeouf was arrested for driving under the influence.

So they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But, you know, that`s not true if you`re Jerry Lewis and carrying a gun. The 82-year-old comedian was detained at the Las Vegas airport because he had an unloaded gun in his bag. Hey, Lady - Jerry`s manager says it was just a prop gun.

And it looks like Amy Winehouse`s troubles have cost her a gig. I can tell you that Alicia Keys and the White Stripes singer Jack White are teaming up to work on the theme song for the new James Bond movie "Quantum of Solace." The song is called "Another Way to Die." Winehouse was one of the top choices to do it, but her battle with addiction apparently lost her the job.

ANDERSON: A.J., I guess they wanted to shake things up with the James Bond movie. And you know, things really shook here during the California earthquake.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s OK. Everyone, get under the desk.


ANDERSON: Hollywood rocked. I`ve got to sat it was pretty scary. The quake hit during the taping of a TV show. Now, the star of that show is right here with her frightening story with the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

HAMMER: Brooke, this is pretty frightening as well. Listen to this - Ali Lohan, you know, Lindsay`s 14-year-old teen sister - she meets with a porno movie director. All I`ve got to say to that is, are you kidding me?

ANDERSON: A.J., that`s terrible. Well, here`s a really great story, though, the amazing reunion between two guys and a lion. Yes, a lion, they grew up with. This is such a hit on YouTube and you don`t want to miss it coming up.

HAMMER: I`m getting weepy just thinking about watching this again. Wait until you see this.

But first, know you can always stay on top of the most provocative entertainment news by checking out our daily SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsletter. It`s easy to subscribe to and it`s free. Go to Click on that "sign up for newsletter" link right there at the bottom of the page. We`ll send it to you every day. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is coming right back.






UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s OK. Everyone, get under the desk.


HAMMER: On SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Hollywood rocked. The California earthquake caught on tape, from judge shows to reality TV. Plus the judge who was taping her show when the quake hit, right here in the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

Ali Lohan`s mistaken connection with a porn director. Ali`s mom, Dina, sets up a movie with a director so Ali can be in a movie, not knowing he has a past chock full of porn. How in the world did that happen?


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. It`s 30 minutes past the hour. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

ANDERSON: And I`m Brooke Anderson, coming to you tonight from Hollywood. This is TV`s most provocative entertainment news show.

Tonight, Hollywood rocked by an earthquake as shows were being shot and it`s all caught on tape. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT bringing you that dramatic video.

Judge Judy must have really felt like judgment day was here when her show was shaken to the core by Tuesday`s quake as the cameras were rolling. More of this video in a moment.

And in another TV courtroom in Hollywood, Judge Penny was shooting her brand-new show when everybody literally felt the earth move under their feet. Talk about a new show beginning with a bang.

With us tonight in Hollywood, Judge Penny Brown-Reynolds, the host of "Family Court with Judge Penny." Judge Penny, glad to see you in one piece.


ANDERSON: I`m sure. Me, too. You were in the middle of taping your new show when this happened. Let`s take a look at the video. It`s unbelievable.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So I can still do for the children as so - you know, I planned on. He paid approximately - he took out, I believe, $729.99 -



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s OK. Everyone, get under the desk.


ANDERSON: OK. Everybody kind of had that wide-eyed look that we had here as well. Judge Penny, what did you think was happening?

REYNOLDS: At first, I didn`t realize what was going on. The first shock felt like I was in a building where a big truck was passing by. And then all of a sudden, I`m sitting on the bench, which is elevated, and things are starting to sway. And I`m thinking to myself, "I cannot believe this is happening. I`m actually in an earthquake."

And so because I`m the judge, I have to maintain the order of the room and so I was trying to keep my cool. But at the same time, I knew I had to do something. So then it really took me where I knew that I was in an earthquake. I knew it right away.

ANDERSON: Yes, and you had to duck for cover. Well, I would have to imagine that your audience was as terrified as you were.

REYNOLDS: It was quite terrifying, particularly for me because I`ve never been in an earthquake before. And I later found out a lot of the people in the audience were not. But they did tell me, because I didn`t seem like I was panicking, although I was panicking inside, that they felt that they could be calm.

ANDERSON: Well, your very first earthquake that you experienced, you know, talk about a welcome to Hollywood. I know that for eight years, you were a judge in Atlanta. And you really have just moved to Los Angeles, Judge Penny. I remember when I moved here also from Atlanta - that was four years ago. Did you ever think when you were moving or now that you got here before this happened, "Here I am, Southern California. There are frequent earthquakes"? Did you have that concern? .

REYNOLDS: I thought about it when we decided to tape here in Hollywood. Now, let me tell you the honest-to-goodness truth. I came here to shake up court TV but I never thought I`d be part of the shake-up. I wondered about this, but it`s not until you go through it. It`s absolutely devastating when you don`t know what`s going on. It was like a rug being pulled from underneath me. And then all night long, I kept thinking that I was feeling like I was in the bed and that the bed was moving.

ANDERSON: Yes, you know, I think that`s the hardest part, because it`s out of your control. You cannot control what`s happening. I want to ask you, after everybody went outside, evacuated the building, you had to get them back in for the taping. Were people saying, "Oh, no, no, no. That`s it, I`m done, I`m out of here"? Or were they cooperating? Were you thinking, "Boy, what a way to tape one of my first shows?"

REYNOLDS: I will never forget at 11:52 - I will never forget the show. I actually came back and I thought it was important that we get right back at it. I thought that it was important that I showed - they all knew this was my first earthquake. I came out and made a joke for them and I thanked everybody for coming back. They were all swell about it.

I went underneath the desk. Underneath the desk, I have to tell you in all honesty, I was quite terrified. But I knew that when I came back - people expect the judge to be in control of a courtroom. I`ve been doing this for eight years and I`ve had some weird things happen to me. But I have to tell you, this beats it all.

ANDERSON: Well, I am glad you were able to get back in that courtroom and have order and finish your show. I agree with you, it was pretty alarming. Judge Penny, great speaking with you. Thank you so much.

REYNOLDS: Thanks for having me.

ANDERSON: Of course. And you can catch "Family Court with Judge Penny" this fall. Check your local listings for time.

HAMMER: Well, you know, Judge Penny`s courtroom wasn`t the only one rattled by the earthquake. Judge Judy`s TV courtroom practically cleared out in seconds as the quake was happening. You`ve got to watch this.


JUDGE JUDITH "JUDY" SHEINDLIN, REALITY TV JUDGE: Well, you got your bank card somehow and your PIN number somehow. .


HAMMER: Wow! Unbelievable. It looks like at first Judge Judy and the audience weren`t really sure what the heck was going on. But of course, once it hit them, it just took them seconds for them to clear out. Luckily, nobody was hurt. The quake also caused scary moments on the set of "Big Brother." Watch this.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do I do? What do I do?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The ground`s moving.


HAMMER: Cast members living in the reality show has raced to the backyard after realizing what was going on. Really scary for a few of them because it was the first time they had ever been through a quake. Brooke Anderson, I know it wasn`t the first time for you out there at SHOWBIZ TONIGHT headquarters in L.A. when this actually happened. Despite the fact that you`ve been through it before, it has to be really hectic. What do you say?

ANDERSON: You know, I never get used to the jolt, A.J. And this was actually the most forceful earthquake I have felt in my four years of living here.


ANDERSON: There was a lot of chaos. People were screaming "earthquake." We stood in the doorways until it passed to be safe. But as you mentioned, no serious injuries or major damage. So we really got lucky with this one, A.J.

HAMMER: Good. Yes. That`s why my mom and dad like me here in New York City.

ANDERSON: I`m sure it is.

Well, here`s something else that is shaking Hollywood - news that Ali Lohan met with a porn director, A.J. What?

HAMMER: That truly did happen. But to be fair, she didn`t know about this guy`s pornoriffic past at the time, if you will.

ANDERSON: Well, I know. But you`d think that maybe Ali`s mom, Dina Lohan, would have at least Googled the guy before she set up the meeting. How in the world could this happen.

HAMMER: Yes, it`s kind of a mess. Also, Miley Cyrus could be in a mess with her bosses after she suggested that "Hannah Montana`s" days could be numbered. Yes, let the backpedaling begin. I`ve got to wonder, is this going to hurt Miley at all? That is coming up.

ANDERSON: And get ready to shed a few tears. It`s the YouTube sensation that is touching hearts all over the world, the story of a lion and an unlikely reunion. Trust me, you don`t want to miss this, next on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

HAMMER: Remember, you can watch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT video anytime. We`re posting new stuff for you to watch all the time at Among the videos now playing, Brangelina and Halle Berry`s war on the paparazzi.


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.

ANDERSON: I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood. Hey, A.J., have you seen the amazing video on YouTube of Christian the Lion?

HAMMER: I have seen it. I know we`re going to play it, and that`s why I got these, Brooke.

ANDERSON: Oh, I love that you have a sensitive side, A.J. Well, the video has really taken YouTube by storm. And now, for the very first time, you will hear from the guys who are in it with the lion. And you, too, might want to grab a tissue because you are definitely going to get teary-eyed. Watch this.


CAPTION READS: In 1969, John Rendall and Ace Berg saw a lion cub for sale at Harrods. Cramped and lonely in a small cage, they decided to bring it home. A local vicar allowed them to exercise the cub, now named Christian, in the church grounds, but he very quickly became too big for their flat. They only thing they could do was to try and reintroduce him to Africa, which they managed to do.

A year later, they wanted to visit him but were told that he was now the head of his own pride and as such was completely wild and would not remember them. Undaunted, they went anyway. After many hours of looking for the pride, this is what happened when they finally found the wild lion.


He even introduced them to his wife.

Love knows no limits and true friendships last a lifetime. Get back in touch with someone today.


OK, so millions of people have watched this video on YouTube. It has really touched people`s hearts. It`s been 35 years since this video was shot and the response has just been overwhelming. The two guys in the video were on the "Today" show and Meredith Vieira asked the question that was on a lot of people`s minds about the day of the reunion.


MEREDITH VIEIRA, HOST, "TODAY" SHOW: When we see this grainy footage of him, he looks at you and then he starts running at you. At that moment, were you scared?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, not at all. We had such a beautiful relationship with him. And there was such trust between us and such love. So, and he ran towards us with such love and excitement in his eyes and we felt exactly the same way. We were very excited to see him, looking so big and healthy. The story had just turned out so beautifully when it could have had a very different ending.

So you can see in that clip his body language. When he first started seeing us, he`s looking, is it us? Is it us? And then suddenly he says, "Right, it is them," and down he comes. There`s not a moment that we ever doubted that it was going to be a wonderful greeting. There was certainly no - Now, people said, "Weren`t you ever scared or thought it might be in any way different?" We never doubted it. I think that`s what you see in the footage.

VIEIRA: Yes, but you didn`t know whether the wife -

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was very big and heavy.

VIEIRA: You didn`t know whether his wife might see you as lunch meat, though?



ANDERSON: The guys said the last time they saw Christian the Lion was in 1974. He had a litter of cubs and was completely integrated back into the wild and was never seen again. What an amazing story.

HAMMER: Yes, so amazing. And I`m not ashamed to say I got a little weepy.

All right. Moving on now - tonight from Miley Cyrus to Lindsay Lohan`s sister, two big stories breaking today that are new right now. Some startling news about Lindsay Lohan`s 14-year-old sister, Ali. So it turned out that she auditioned for a guy who is a legendary porn director. How did that happen?

Also new right now, I`m thinking that Miley Cyrus - yes, she`s getting very yelled at for suggesting that this might be the last season of her huge "Hannah Montana" TV series.

Joining me tonight from Hollywood, Jane Velez-Mitchell, investigative journalist and author of "Secrets Can Be Murder." Also in Hollywood tonight, family therapist Dr. Shannon Fox at

I want to start out with Ali Lohan. Now, I`ve got to say, this just confuses me. Lindsay Lohan`s kid sister, Ali, was seen in the latest episode of her reality show "Living Lohan" auditioning for a part in a movie. Simple enough? Let`s watch.


DINA LOHAN, LINDSAY AND ALI LOHAN`S MOTHER: She`s only 14 and she doesn`t know if these people are going to judge her because she`s Lindsay`s little sister or because she`s a talented actress. And that alone is stressful.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hi, Ali. How are you doing?

D. LOHAN: And Peter, my director. Peter Davy -


HAMMER: My director, Peter Davy. All right. Let me fill you in. This is a guy with a string of porn movies to his credit, legendary in the business. I don`t know that from personal knowledge. But Jane Velez- Mitchell, not exactly that kind of guy you`d want your 14-year-old kid associated with. I should point out she thought she was auditioning for a horror movie, not a porn movie. But still, come on?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, mom is shocked. Mom/manager is shocked. How did that happen? Well, you`re the manager, mom. This wasn`t a credit meeting. This was videotaped and put on your show. You should have known. Can you say Google? I don`t understand what`s going on here. Obviously you cannot fire somebody for being your mom. But you can fire them from being your manager.

HAMMER: No, I think you can fire them for being your mom if you`re Dina Lohan. As you said, "shocked" was the word. Dina Lohan, Ali`s mom, claiming she didn`t know anything about this guy`s background. I want to read to you the statement that she sent to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT late today. She told us, quote, "Ali was auditioning for a role in the upcoming film, `Troll.` She obviously had no idea about Davy`s past. If she did know, she never would have auditioned for him."

She keeps referring to Ali as bearing the burden of responsibility here. Shannon, the point of the reality show "Living Lohan" is Dina obsessively devoted to helping launch Ali`s career. How can she possibly say, "Hey, don`t blame me. I didn`t know"? I`m having a really hard time with that.

SHANNON FOX, FAMILY THERAPIST, "MOMLOGIC.COM": Well, you should have a hard time with that. Of course we blame her and of course, she should have known, not just as her manager but as the mother of a 14-year-old girl. I mean, of all the mothers in Hollywood, she should have known more than anybody else. She`s been through it already with Lindsay. She`s seen what Hollywood does to girls. She should know more than anybody else.

And she said if she had known, she wouldn`t have let Ali audition for him. And yet on the reality show, it says she got the role. So if Dina`s going to let her work with this porn director, I think that sort of goes against what she even says.

HAMMER: Well, I`ve got to tell you, having seen Dina in action, I have to say I`m not entirely surprised.

All right. Moving on now, controversy surrounding another young star making news right now. Miley Cyrus is getting a lot of heat for suggesting that the next and third season of Disney`s "Hannah Montana" would be her last. Now, when she did this, Disney quickly put out the fire and basically said, "Yes, Miley, you better take a close look at that four-year contract we have you under."

Now, let me ask you, Jane, as media savvy as Miley is, she is only 15 years old, probably says some stuff that she doesn`t really mean to say. Do we need to cut her a little slack here?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We absolutely do. She`s a 15-year-old girl and she doesn`t understand all the nuances of Hollywood. She may be Miley Cyrus, but Miley Cyrus and Disney - they are not done with her. She`s starting production on her third season. They have an option for a fourth season, so she is in there. I think she`s also confused a little bit about the role that a corporation plays. She says, "Well, Disney is like my family. Corporations aren`t family because they fire people. Families don`t fire people."

HAMMER: Yes, they pay you. All right. Let me tell you what the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT viewers are saying when we asked on air and online in our question of the day, "Miley Cyrus: Is it time for her to end `Hannah Montana`"? It`s incredible. So many votes came in and 71 percent said, "Yes, end it." Twenty-nine percent said no. So Shannon, I`m a little confused by that. What does it say to you that so many people are saying it`s time for Miley to move on? I`ve got 10 seconds.

FOX: I thought people are getting tired of all her apologies for being herself. They`re probably ready and Disney might even be ready for her to say goodbye to that franchise before she dumps it in the toilet.

HAMMER: I don`t know. It`s worth a whole heap of money. Both of you, I appreciate you being here. Jane Velez-Mitchell and Shannon Fox, thanks again.

And we`ve been asking to you vote on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day, so please sound off on it. "Miley Cyrus: Is it time for her to end `Hannah Montana`?" Go to if you want to vote. And if you want to E-mail us, you can do that, too, by sending a note to

ANDERSON: Well, if there is anything that`s a bigger phenomenon than Miley Cyrus and "Hannah Montana," it`s "Harry Potter." The sixth movie in the series is coming out in just a few months. And tonight, I have a sneak peek. Your first look at "Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" is next on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

HAMMER: And I want to remind you that once again, CNN is searching for heroes, ordinary people having an extraordinary impact around the world. And every one of this year`s heroes will be selected from viewer nominations, but you only have until August 1st to nominate your favorite hero. So to do that, go to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is coming right back.


HAMMER: Welcome back to showbiz tonight. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. It is time now for the "Showbiz First Look." Tonight, yes, the new "Harry Potter" movie. "Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" is coming to theaters in November. Of course, it is sure to be a huge hit just like the previous five movies in the series. There`s even some big news in the sneak peek. Lord Voldemort, course, is played by Ray Fiennes. And in the new movie, his nephew plays young Voldemort. Here now is your first look.


MICHAEL GAMBON, ACTOR: What you`re looking at are just memories, in this case is pertaining to one individual. This is perhaps the most important memory I`ve collected. I would like you to see it.

UNIDENTIFIED ACTRESS: Do you know what he is? Tom Riddle(UNINTELLIGIBLE)



FIENNES-TIFFIN: Who are you?

GAMBON: Well, I`m not you, Tom. I`m different.

UNIDENTIFIED CHILD ACTOR: Prove it. I can make things move without touching them. I can make bad things happen to people. I can speak to snakes, too. They find me. Worse (UNINTELLIGIBLE) things.

UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: Did you notice that?


UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR: I know I just met the most dangerous dark force of all time.


HAMMER: Wow, it`s darker than the last. Mark your calendars. I know my niece and nephew have. "Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" will arrive in theaters on November 21st.

ANDERSON: I`m marking my calendar.

HAMMER: That is it for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m sorry, Brooke?

ANDERSON: I`m marking my calendar.

HAMMER: OK. I`d like you to get to that on your daily planner. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.

ANDERSON: I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood. Remember you can always catch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on the 11:00s - 11:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific, and in the morning, at 11:00 a.m. Eastern. The latest from "CNN HEADLINE NEWS" is next.