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Showbiz Tonight

Farrah Fawcett`s Lasting Legacy; Should Jon and Kate Keep Doing Their Show?; Showbiz at the Cannes Film Festival; Shanna Moakler Versus Donald Trump

Aired May 14, 2009 - 23:00   ET


A.J. HAMMER, HOST: Now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Farrah`s lasting legacy. Tonight, your very first look at Farrah Fawcett`s gripping documentary about her courageous battle with cancer. Tonight, the stars speak to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT about the heart-wrenching film.


JACQUELINE BISSET, FARRAH FAWCETT`S FRIEND: She`s a very brave girl. And always, you know, she`s very sweet person - always.


HAMMER: Plus Farrah`s longtime love Ryan O`Neal reveals, is he ready to let Farrah go?

Brand-new Jon and Kate outrage. Tonight, all out fury over Kate wanting to keep doing their reality show even as the cheating reports rage on. Is the show hurting their kids?

Plus SHOWBIZ TONIGHT asks, do you have any sympathy for Kate?

And tonight, a shocking Miss California reversal. It`s Shanna Moakler versus Donald Trump. First, she stands by Trump for not firing Miss California. Then, she quits. Huh? Shanna Moakler, right here in the headline-making interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

TV`s most provocative entertainment news show starts right now.


Hello. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City. And tonight, brand-new revelations about Farrah Fawcett`s remarkable fight to stay alive, caught on tape. For the very first time, the heart-wrenching film chronicling Farrah Fawcett`s brave battle against cancer has been shown publicly.

And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT was right there at the premiere. The documentary will air on Friday night on NBC. And at times, I`ve got to tell you, it`s very hard to watch, to see the once glorious Charlie`s Angel fighting to beat the cancer that has invaded her body.

And what SHOWBIZ TONIGHT learned about Farrah`s fight at that premiere is making big news right now.


ALANA STEWART, FARRAH FAWCETT`S BEST FRIEND: I think besides the beautiful woman she is, the icon she is, the wonderful actress she is, I think she will be very much remembered for this documentary. And I see this as her gift to the world.

HAMMER (voice-over): SHOWBIZ TONIGHT was there at the screening of "Farrah`s Story" in Hollywood, as friends and family gathered to watch this remarkable documentary for the first time and honor an extraordinary woman.

BISSET: She`s a very brave girl. One`s memories with her go back so far. It`s rather difficult to be here while she`s struggling so.

FAWCETT: Three words I never ever thought possible that I would hear. Malignant, tumor, anal.

HAMMER: The 90-minute film chronicles the highs and lows of Fawcett`s non- stop medical treatments since she was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006, with Farrah amazingly allowing everything to be caught on tape, even shooting some of it herself.

FAWCETT: My doctors asked me to come in and get my test results in person. That was when I heard it. The fourth word I never thought I would hear - recurrence.

HAMMER: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can now reveal the documentary includes these last few painful weeks that Fawcett has been bedridden, heavily medicated and barely able to recognize her loved ones.

BEN WIDDICOMBE, CELEBRITY EDITOR, THESTYELIST.COM: This is unprecedented that someone with Farrah`s international reputation should really want to share her last months with the world.

FAWCETT: It is seriously time for a miracle.

HAMMER: Her long time partner, Ryan O`Neal, and her best friend, Alana Stewart, have boldly documented every excruciating detail of Farrah`s fight to survive. Stewart tells SHOWBIZ TONIGHT how Fawcett came to film such intensely private moments during her battle.

STEWART: She didn`t start out doing it for the public, she started doing it for herself with her little hand-held camera. You know, she went to her first doctor`s meeting with it. And the, the next time she went to the doctor`s meeting, she handed it to me and asked me to do it. And I went, "Oh, no. Holy cow. I don`t know how to do this."

HAMMER: But Stewart was there for every brutal moment over the last 2 1/2 years, including a gut-wrenching scene where Fawcett shaves off the blond hair that was so much a part of the icon we`ve come to know and love.

FAWCETT: Cancer is a disease that is mysterious, headstrong, and makes its own moves.

HAMMER: Ryan O`Neal was visibly emotional at the documentary screening. He tells SHOWBIZ TONIGHT the film shows it all, the highs, the lows, the gritty realities of cancer.

HAMMER: Oh, yes. It shows you every detail. If you can`t think of something, you`ll go, "Oh, wait a minute. I don`t know this. Yes, you will. You`ll know everything. How she found out and dealt with it.

WIDDICOMBE: I think this documentary is about her being brutally honest. It`s about her taking the walls down, and really letting people see the real her.

HAMMER: In a brand-new raw, emotional interview on NBC`s "Today" show, Ryan O`Neal and Alana Stewart tell Meredith Vieira why Farrah decided to share her intimate pain with the world.

O`NEAL: She was such a private person. And now she`s naked to us all. She wants to make one last impression.

MEREDITH VIEIRA, CO-HOST, THE "TODAY" SHOW: Do you think that she did the right thing, making this documentary, watching your friend go through all that she`s gone through with the camera?

STEWART: I think she did. She feels very fortunate, you know, that she`s had an incredible life and she`s been given so many blessings. And she wanted to do something to give back. I think this is her gift.

FAWCETT: So I go on and hope and pray that these changes that continue to bombard me will help me to help others.


HAMMER: Well, there is simply no doubt that Farrah Fawcett`s courageous battle is an inspiration. But what has so many people surprised is that she would put it out there like this, why she would allow such a private and personal fight to be made so public.

Joining me tonight in Hollywood, Melanie Bromley, west coast bureau chief for "Us Weekly" magazine. Also in Hollywood, Marc Malkin, who`s a senior columnist for "E Online."

So the image we, of course, all still have in our minds is Farrah Fawcett, one of "Charlie`s Angels," a pin-up, and a true Hollywood icon. Now, in this documentary, we`re seeing Farrah really at her worst. And Melanie, I know you`ve seen the documentary. Were you just shocked at how much Farrah let us all in?

MELANIE BROMLEY, WEST COAST BUREAU CHIEF, "US WEEKLY": Yes. I mean, it`s extremely depressing and distressing to see. You see her in terrible pain as she goes through her treatments. You see her physically and emotionally at her absolute lowest.

HAMMER: Yes. And among the things we see in this documentary, Farrah is traveling the world, trying desperately to find a cure for her cancer. And then, there`s one remarkable scene. I haven`t seen it myself yet, but I`ve been told about this. Farrah shows her famous blond locks, really what she is known for so iconically - shows her hair literally falling out from the chemo treatment. Marc, why do you think she wanted to show this detail?

MARC MALKIN, SENIOR COLUMNIST, "E! ONLINE": I think Farrah wanted to show the world what cancer really is like, what she`s going through, what millions of other people go through. She wanted to show, "You know what? I`m fighting, I`m fighting hard. But this is the real Farrah. Remember me in `Charlie`s Angels?` Well, look at me now, I`m fighting for my life."

HAMMER: Yes. Wow. And what a remarkable contrast. It doesn`t get any more real than this. We did get some insight about why Farrah decided to do all this directly from Alana Stewart - Alana, a dear friend of Farrah Fawcett`s and she produced the film. Take a look at what Alana told us.


STEWART: It just continued on and it started having a life of its own. And I think it spoke to her and many people wrote to her that had cancer as well and said, "Thank you for your courage." And she started to feel like it was her responsibility to encourage people that we`re going to battle with this deadly disease. And that`s why she did it.


HAMMER: Yes. I think the nation is going to tune into the show when it airs on NBC on Friday night. And I`ve got to say, Melanie, I think cancer patients, survivors, and really people everywhere who watch this show are just going to stand up and cheer and say, "thank you" to Farrah for being such an inspiration.

BROMLEY: Absolutely. I mean, this isn`t a scripted version of cancer. This isn`t a Hollywood story. She`s showing it as it really is. She is showing what the treatments are like. She`s showing how brave - and, you know, the things that you have to go through and the kind of determination it takes.

But also she`s optimistic. I mean, the main thing about this is she absolutely kind of fights and believes that, you know, she wants to beat this. And that`s inspirational to everybody.

HAMMER: Yes, I don`t know about you guys. But for me, ever since this story broke, and particularly as we have learned some of the more grim details of what Farrah Fawcett`s been going through, I have felt personally like a friend that has been affected.

I don`t know Farrah Fawcett. I don`t believe I`ve ever even met Farrah Fawcett. Marc, I`m curious why else you think what`s happened to her has really gotten so many people so emotionally connected. It`s really as if so many people are taking this very personally.

MALKIN: I mean, when you look at Farrah Fawcett, this is someone who has been famous for decades. And what is she famous for? For being absolutely beautiful. I was just talking to her friend who told me he found a photo the other day that he used to keep in his wallet when he was 10 years old of Farrah Fawcett. He`s over 40 now and still has that photo. He feels so connected. We all know that poster. We all know that poster.

HAMMER: That is such a common story and so many people have been telling me exactly the same thing. And you know, even before we learned Farrah had cancer, the tabloids really covered her every move, even though she wasn`t truly in the limelight all the time. But it was as if she was the biggest star in Hollywood the way they ran these headlines.

Melanie, why do you think this fascination has continued all of these decades after she hit it big for the first time?

BROMLEY: Because she`s proved herself throughout the decades. Actually, she`s not just a pretty face. You know, this is somebody that has longevity in her career, that`s managed to kind of - to stay relevant throughout the years and say for that reason we`ve kind of all grown up.

We`ve all grown up watching her and loving her and watching her through her ups and downs. And now, of course, this is her biggest battle she`s had to deal with. And we`re going through this now with her as well.

HAMMER: Yes. I give her so much credit for really showing this part of the story to everyone. It just is incredible. Melanie Bromley, Marc Malkin, thanks, guys, I appreciate it.

Moving on now. Tonight brand-new "Jon and Kate" outrage. There is all-out fury over Kate wanting to keep on doing that reality show. But SHOWBIZ TONIGHT viewers - I`ve got to tell you, you guys are furious with their he said/she said cheating scandal still raging.

The question is, should "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" be canceled for the sake of the kids? Remember, the kids are the most important thing here. Or do you feel any sympathy for Kate? That`s coming up.

And a shocking Miss California reversal. It`s Shanna Moakler versus Donald Trump. First, she stands by Trump for not firing Miss California. And then, she quits. Huh? Shanna Moakler`s right here in the headline- making interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

Also this.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Now, you to can have hair like this man. Introducing Blago volumizing shampoo and conditioner for really big hair.


HAMMER: Rod Blagojevich shampoo? Hey, maybe he and Donald Trump can get together and start a whole hair care line, I`m thinking. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - here come more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Lindsay Lohan gets a job! She`ll star in fantasy comedy with Woody Harrelson. Start spreading the news! Martin Scorsese to direct film about life of Frank Sinatra.


HAMMER: Oui, oui. Ooh, la la! The stars are out in full force in France for the Cannes Film Festival. Can you say "glamour" with a big old capital G? Which is "G" en Francais. And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT - we are right there.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer. And now, SHOWBIZ at Cannes. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT right there at the Cannes Film Festival in France. And there are some huge stars, I tell you, and big stories, as well.

Big names like Tarantino, Coppola, lots of drama including the premiere of Heath Ledger`s final film. And of course, plenty of hot red carpet action. HLN`s Natasha Curry is in Cannes in the south of France for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. Natasha.

NATASHA CURRY, HLN CORRESPONDENT: Hey, A.J. The 62nd annual Cannes Film Festival is officially underway in the south of France. Celebrities from Brad Pitt to former President Bill Clinton are heading to the event known for films and a touch of frivolity.


(voice-over): As glamorous as the Oscars, as care-free as the Golden Globes, the Cannes Film Festival may be the only place you`ll find stars in black ties or yellow stripes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We call this "Scorsese." We did the same thing last year.

KIRK HONEYCUTT, FILM CRITIC, "THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER": It is a three-ring circus. There`s no question about it.

CURRY: When all is said and done, it is still about cinema. Brad Pitt returns to Cannes this year with "Inglourious Basterds," the latest film from Quentin Tarantino.

BRAD PITT, ACTOR: My name is Lt. Aldo Raine.

HONEYCUTT: This is an action piece and it`s a war piece where the violence may be more acceptable than in some of these other films.

CURRY: Tarantino is not the only big name director in Cannes. Joining him are Jane Campion, Pedro Almodovar, Oscar winner Ang Lee and Oscar nominee Terry Gilliam. He unveiled "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus," featuring the final performance of the late Heath Ledger. Francis Coppola hits the Coisette (ph) with "Tetro."

UNIDENTIFIED ACTRESS: Tetro, are you awake?

HONEYCUTT: He spent a year in Argentina, in Buenos Aires, making this film. It`s very beautiful to look at, quite an elegant film.

CURRY: And for the first time, this festival kicked off with an animated film, Disney`s "Up."

(on camera): The main focal point of the festival is the famed red carpet where all of the premieres take place. And some of the world`s biggest stars will be heading up these steps into the into the Palais and its massive theater. For an actor or director, a big splash here can be life- changing.

(voice-over): "Pulp Fiction" came out of nowhere to win the festival`s top prize in 1994, launching Quentin Taratino`s career. In 1982, it was Steven Spielberg who was finally recognized as a serious filmmaker after he premiered "E.T." here. The Cannes audience gave it a rapturous response.

STEVEN SPIELBERG, DIRECTOR, "E.T.": That was one of the most spectacular nights of my entire life. And it`s indelibly etched in my mind.

CURRY: What indelible memories will be made this year? The next 12 days will tell.


We`re hearing that Angelina Jolie will be heading to Cannes to support her partner, Brad Pitt, on the red carpet. So this year`s festival definitely won`t be lacking glamour. Back to you, A.J.

HAMMER: All right, Natasha. Thanks so much. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is going to be right there in Cannes with all of the big stories and, of course, the controversies. The festival runs through May 24th.

Continuing coverage of SHOWBIZ in Cannes right here on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

Well, I can tell you that our "Showbiz on Call" operators can do a mean can-can and they also can-can answer your calls. They do it all day and the do it all night.

We`ve got a call in to "Showbiz on Call" from Sarah in Louisiana. Sarah does not have a problem with Miss California`s pageant answer about gay marriage. But those seminude photos - well, that`s another story.


CALLER: Oh, she was asked a question and she had every right to answer the gay marriage question as she did. I don`t fault her for that. But this story that she`s been talked about the partially nude pictures insults me.

I never thought a Christian girl, as she claims to be, expose her body as she did, even though she claims they were - the wind blew her shirt open and the photographer took the picture, but without her OK. She`s supposed to be a role model for the little girls. But that`s not the role model I want for my little girl.


HAMMER: All right, Sarah. Thank you so much. We also heard from Elizabeth calling into "Showbiz on Call" from California. And she thinks that Jon and Kate from TLC`s "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" will survive this cheating scandal.


CALLER: Kate and Jon`s marriage will survive. They will be fine. Jon will realize that he made a boo-boo and that his kids and his wife mean more to him than anything else in the world.


HAMMER: Thanks a lot, Elizabeth. You too can call us at "Showbiz on Call." Let us know what you think about this or anything else. The "Showbiz on Call" phone lines are open all the time. Here`s the number - 1-888-SBT-BUZZ, 1-888-728-2899.

All right. So with the cheating raging, should Kate just pull the plug on "Jon and Kate Plus Eight?" Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT viewers are just furious with her. Should she cancel their show for the sake of their kids? Or do you feel any sympathy for Kate? That`s coming up.

Also this.


911 DISPATCHER: What`s happening?

MAID OF VICTORIA PRINCIPAL, ACTRESS: She is pointed me with a gun.

911 DISPATCHER: Who is?

MAID: Victoria Principal.


HAMMER: Pamela Ewing pulls a gun on her maid. Bobby is stunned. Sue Ellen is shocked, and J.R. - well, he`s just loving it. No, it`s not an episode of "Dallas." But Victoria "Pam Ewing" Principal did chase her housekeeper with a gun. You`ve got to hear this dramatic 911 tape.

And it`s Shanna Moakler versus Donald Trump. First, Shanna stands by Trump for not firing Miss California, and then she quits. Huh? I`m confused. Well, Shanna Moakler`s going to be right here in the headline- making interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: "All My Children" gets 19 Daytime Emmy nominations, the most of any show. NBC`s "Today" is the most-watched morning show for the 700th week in a row.



HAMMER: Well, Victoria Principal was the sweet, likable Pamela Ewing on Dallas. In real life, well, she`s chasing her housekeeper around with a gun.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer with some more stories that are making news right now.

Tonight, Vickie`s got a gun. Yes, and it`s all caught on tape. In court papers, Principal admits to pulling a gun on her maid because she says she was trying to rob her and went nuts.

The maid then lost herself in Principal`s guest house. Here`s Victoria dialing 911.


911 DISPATCHER: 911, what is your emergency?

VICTORIA PRINCIPAL, ACTRESS: Yes, this is Victoria Principal. I have a housekeeper that I don`t really know who is on the premises. She`s locked herself in my guest house and she`s robbing me.

911 DISPATCHER: She`s robbing you?

PRINCIPAL: Yes, and I told her I`m calling the police and I need you here now.

911 DISPATCHER: Is she taking property?

PRINCIPAL: You know something? I think if you would get the police here because she is threatening, and she has locked herself in the guest house.


HAMMER: All right. Let me play for you now the maid`s frantic 911 call.


MAID: I need help.

911 DISPATCHER: What`s happening?

MAID: She is pointed me with the gun.

911 DISPATCHER: Who is?

MAID: Victoria Principal.

911 DISPATCHER: She has a gun in her hand?

MAID: She`s going to kill me.

911 DISPATCHER: The housekeeper.

MAID: She`s after me. Huh?

911 DISPATCHER: You`re locked inside?

MAID: Yes. (INAUDIBLE). I`m locked here because she follow me with a gun.


HAMMER: Wow. That`s priceless. Sounds like J.R. could actually be behind. By the way, both principal and the maid are suing each other over this.

Well, this morning on "The View," Brooke Shields finally spoke out about the shocking incident where the "24" star, Kiefer Sutherland, allegedly head-butted a guy because he supposedly bumped into Brooke.

Well, Brooke couldn`t say much, but does she feel that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time?


BROOKE SHIELDS, ACTRESS: It`s all in the hands of the authorities. We`ve all had our lawyers. So I`m actually bound to not say anything. But when you say the wrong place at the wrong time, my take on that part was that I`m a mother of two and the fact that I was just out at any place, a bar at 2:00 a.m., it made me feel really cool.


HAMMER: Watch out. Because if you see Brooke Shields out late at night, there could be a bar fight on the way.

And now, it`s the SHOWBIZ lineup. Here is what`s coming up at the bottom of the hour on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

Well, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT viewers are just outraged with "Jon and Kate Plus Eight`s" Kate for wanting to keep doing the reality show.

Shanna Moakler versus Donald Trump. First, Shanna stands by Trump for not firing Miss California. And then, she quits. Huh? Shanna right here in the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

And Ashton Kutcher punks Ted Turner and CNN with hundreds of boxes of Ding Dongs, you know, the little cakes. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Rob Lowe and both of the nannies suing him dismiss their lawsuits. New iPhone app has pictures and videos of Elvis. Fans can report Presley sightings!


Now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Jon and Kate - plus scandal. Outrage over Kate Gosselin`s mission to keep "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" on TV in the middle of a cheating controversy. Should she drop the show? And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT is asking, do you have sympathy for Kate?

Shanna Moakler takes on Donald Trump. Shanna slammed Miss California. Shanna supported Donald Trump and now saying, "I quit." Shanna Moakler right here in the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


MOOS: Now, you, too, can have hair like this man. Introducing Blago volumizing shampoo and conditioner for really big hair.


HAMMER: It`s the new shampoo for a Blagojevich do?

Plus, more shows breaking from the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker."

TV`s most provocative entertainment news show continues right now.


Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. It is 30 minutes past the hour. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

Tonight, Jon and Kate plus scandal. Brand-new confessions tonight and brand-new questions about whether Jon`s alleged cheating could bring down the family reality show, "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" less than two weeks before the new season premieres.

Well, the fury over Kate Gosselin pushing forward with the show in the middle of a cheating scandal is exploding, especially on the heels of Kate confessing in a new interview that her marriage to Jon is hanging on by a little bitty thread.

Why is Kate talking about this? And why is she still defending her decision to keep this show going as the ugliness plays out in the tabloids about her family? And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT dares to ask, should we actually feel sorry for her? Or should we be feeling more sorry for the kids who are trapped in this whole mess?

Our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT phone lines are fired up. Could all of this scrutiny bring the reality show to a screeching halt?

Joining me tonight in New York, Jane Velez-Mitchell, host of "ISSUES WITH JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL" seen every night of the week, 7:00 p.m. Eastern here on HLN. In Hollywood tonight, Carlos Diaz who is a correspondent for "Extra."

So you saw it in this brand-new interview with "People" magazine which comes out on Friday, Kate says the kids have been protected from the tabloids and all of the ugliness that`s been going on about her family.

Let me read this quote because this blows me away. She says quote, "They`re all pretty oblivious to what`s been going on, which is a huge blessing. They attend a school where nobody really cares about the tabloids. So I don`t feel like this is going to impact them. Not yet, anyway."

Jane, my friend, let me begin with you. I see this as the ultimate in hypocrisy. They are on television every week. The kids are not going to be affected? Are you kidding me?

JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST, "ISSUES WITH JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL": This is wishful thinking at best. First of all, this blanket statement. Oh, they go to a school where nobody cares about the tabloids. What, did she do a survey?

And of course, kids are very intuitive and they know when there are problems in the marriage of their parents. You know, she is now playing the victim and attacking the media in saying, "They`re writing this stuff. I can`t believe it. This isn`t what I signed up for."

This is what she signed up for when she decided to turn her family into a commodity and turn them essentially into products and put them on television. She has lost the moral high ground. She can`t turn around and then attack other people for trying to capitalize off of her situation. That`s what she`s doing.

HAMMER: I`ve got to tell you. I`ve seen the signs around schools that say "drug-free school zone." I`ve never seen "tabloid-free school zone." I`m not aware of that.

Carlos, do you think these kids can really be shielded from this for much longer if they are really being shielded?

CARLOS DIAZ, CORRESPONDENT, "EXTRA": No. And what they`re doing is they`re basically recording a scrapbook for these kids to later look back on.


DIAZ: . and go, "Wow, Mommy and Daddy really didn`t get along too well." But here`s the thing. I actually think that the cameras are the best thing for the kids because the cameras are kind of like company. I don`t know about your parents, A.J., but my parents fought all the time.

And the only time that they would stop fighting is when company came over, because you don`t want to look bad for the company, and that`s what these cameras are. They`re company, you know.

HAMMER: Yes. But then, you know, what`s happening isn`t even real and it all gets very confused for the kids, I think. What`s real, what`s not. And Kate, obviously, feeling a lot of pressure, being the cover story of all four major celebrity magazines this week.

Hey, whether or not she thinks she signed up for it, this is what she got. She`s well aware that some of these magazines are blaming her for Jon`s alleged cheating. In fact, in that interview in "People" magazine, here`s what she says about that, quote, "I did not cause this. It`s ridiculous, really. It`s pathetic. Are you kidding me? I drove him to that? Please. I`m not going to say I`m perfect. My horrible moments, I`m not proud of those. But even so, I should not be blamed for the decisions that he`s made."

Jane, she says she`s getting blamed for Jon`s alleged cheating. So the question is, do you feel any sympathy for her at this point?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I always feel sympathy for everyone, essentially. And I don`t think a woman should ever be blamed, a wife, for their husbands` cheating. But she has brought this situation on herself. She`s admitted to "People" magazine her marriage is in trouble and she needs to look no further than the fact she put her marriage on television.

What is intimacy about? It`s what happens between two individuals when they are being private - when they`re being alone. So you take a very large family, which I feel is an excessively large family anyway in this day and age. And then you throw in a whole production crew and all of that, a TV show? We all know what that requires. Lights, action, camera, and then you expect intimacy to flourish?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s crazy.

HAMMER: Yes. And we`ve seen this play out before on other reality shows with families. So I think none of us are certainly surprised that the stories are flying around, even cover stories claiming that Kate allegedly cheated with her bodyguard. Now, she vehemently denies that.

But Carlos, do you think that Jon and Kate`s marriage can possibly survive these scandals playing out in front of the camera? Or do you think that it`s over?

DIAZ: I think it`s over. I really do. And I think that`s going to be good TV, though. Because marriages, you know, for the most part, don`t last. You know, and so this is actually going to be a look at a real marriage breaking up.

I`m honest and I`m not a pessimist - well, I am, but not in this situation. I`m trying to look at it with the glass, you know, half full.

But I don`t that think they can recover given the fact that everyone, wherever they go, will be saying, "You know he cheated on you. You know, cheated on you. You know, she cheated on you." You know, it`s like everyone`s been let in and it`s never - you can never turn back the clock.

HAMMER: Well, I`ve got to tell you, it may be good TV. It may certainly make for some fine programming and I`m sure blockbuster ratings. But a lot of people up in arms about the fact that this thing continues with all of the scandal.

Look at our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day. Here`s what we asked on-air and online - "Jon and Kate Plus Eight Cheating Controversy: Should they end the reality show for the sake of their family?"

And you know what? Look at this, 81 percent of the people who responded say, yes, put it to an end. 19 percent say no. Jane, what do you think about that?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think that the people have spoken, and this show should not go on. Yes, you said it, A.J., it`s going to be a ratings blockbuster, a bonanza. What do these shows feed on? They feed on conflict and drama. It makes for great television. It doesn`t make for great family life. They are sacrificing their family for ratings and big bucks.

DIAZ: Jane. Think about the kids, Jane. What are the kids going to do for money? They`ve made millions of dollars off this show. The ratings will be higher than ever. They`re going to make millions more over the next few years because of this controversy.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Great. They`ll have a lot of money to pay their shrinks when they get old enough and need to go to therapy five days a week because they`ve got problems.

DIAZ: But what are they going to do for money if the show is gone. They`ve got no money, Jane. I mean, seriously, what`s the -


HAMMER: There are other ways to make money, Carlos.


HAMMER: No, but make enough money to support eight kids and their new 24- acre home? I mean, seriously.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, you raise a good point. She set herself up for disaster because it`s all about me. It`s all about - this is America`s problem. Everything I want -I want eight kids. I want to make a mansion. I want a TV show. Damn the consequences. And we`re paying for it, all of us.

HAMMER: Here`s the thing. TLC, for their part and, you know, not a network used to dealing with scandal like this. They said, "Hey, this is what the new season is going to deal with, showing a real family with real- life situations. Quickly, Carlos, it seems to me you think it is important that they show all of this in all of its ugliness.

DIAZ: It has to be. If it`s true reality TV, you have to see all of the aspects of this marriage, the good and the bad. And I`ve never ever, ever, ever watched this show. I will watch every episode this season. I will. Not because, you know, I want to see bad things happen. But I want to see a real marriage and that`s - this probably going to be a real marriage on TV.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s hard not to watch a train wreck.

HAMMER: And look at the publicity it has gotten. A lot of people never heard of this show before all this started. Jane Velez-Mitchell, Carlos Diaz, thanks, guys.

All right. What do you think? Here it is, our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day - "Jon and Kate Plus Eight Cheating Controversy: Do you have sympathy for Kate?" Like Jane. You can vote at or E-mail

Tonight, Shanna Moakler`s stunning beauty backlash against Donald Trump. She wanted to can Miss California and then, she stood right by Trump when he gave her a second chance. And then, Shanna quit. Shanna`s telling all right here in the headline-making interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

And ding-dong, CNN, you`ve been punked. Ashton Kutcher plays a massive prank on CNN that had him delivering thousands of ding-dong cakes to CNN and ringing in a big victory on CNN founder Ted Turner.


ASHTON KUTCHER, ACTOR: Good evening, Ted.


HAMMER: Plus, Blago shampoo? Yes, the story behind the bottle of magic that will have your follicles so full you`ll want to impeach your old shampoo. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Comedian Wanda Sykes and wife celebrate birth of twins. "Survivor" winner Richard Hatch moved from prison to halfway house to finish sentence.



KUTCHER: Good evening, Ted.


HAMMER: Did you see this? Ashton Kutcher ringing in an over-the-top prank on CNN. You`ve got to see how Ashton Kutcher pulled off one of the biggest pranks of all time. I can tell you. Helicopters, big neon signs and lots and lots of ding dong cakes were involved. Wait until you see what happens. We have got the amazing video to show you, coming up.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.

And right now, the explosive brand-new interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. Shanna Moakler fires back. The former Miss USA spoke out against Miss California and has just quit her job as co-executive director of the Miss California USA organization. This is the latest turn in what has truly become one of the biggest pageant scandals in history.

Shanna joining us from Hollywood right now to give her side of this unbelievable drama. I appreciate you being here, Shanna.

Let`s get right to it. Miss California really set off a whole gay marriage debate with her controversy answer at the Miss USA pageant. And then, of course, the racy pictures of her surfaced online.

And Shanna, we saw you standing up there on the platform right next to Donald Trump in support of Miss California keeping her crown. And then you quit the very next day. Why the change of heart?

SHANNA MOAKLER, FORMER CO-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MISS CALIFORNIA USA ORGANIZATION: You know, when we were up in Mr. Trump`s office, he had mentioned, you know, that if she, at any point in time in the future, doesn`t comply with her contract, that he`ll fire her or if any other photos surface, he`ll fire her.

I thought in that press conference that that was going to be addressed, or at some point in time, he was going to, you know, make a point of saying that she was going to be accountable for some of these things. And that didn`t really happen.

It was kind of like almost being rewarded and celebrated. And I didn`t think that that was right. So, you know, I tried to toe the line as long as I could. And I went back to my hotel room and I personally didn`t feel good about it. I was upset.

The next morning, I think I was watching the "Today" show and I was just watching her go on about the pictures, which wasn`t ever really a big issue to me - the pictures. And it just didn`t feel right for me anymore. I don`t get paid for this. I do it because I love it and I have a passion for it.

And the press conference for me basically voided our contracts as state directors. And I just couldn`t - I couldn`t standby it any more.

HAMMER: So it sounds like when you were at the press conference with Donald Trump when he announced, you know, despite the seminude photos, she gets to keep her crown. It sounds like at least at that point, you were on board with the decision, if I have you right?

MOAKLER; I wasn`t - you know, I wasn`t there to get her de-crowned. But I wanted her to stop pointing fingers at everyone and maybe just take a little bit of responsibility, or at least be honest. I can respect you if you said, "Hey, you know what? I was young. I was stupid. I made a mistake."

But she was still blaming the photographer and it was everybody else`s fault but hers. You know, it`s my fault I didn`t protect her from Perez Hilton who does this to everybody in the world.

And for me, it just got to a point of - you know what? I got into pageants because I wanted to help girls get out into the community and bring the community together. Not to get - not for this. This isn`t what I signed up for.

HAMMER: So what did Donald Trump say after you quit? I have to imagine he was pretty shocked.

MOAKLER: I haven`t spoken to Donald Trump, but I have spoken to some of the heads over at Miss Universe. And they were very sad. And I think they respect me as a person and they respect my decision.

And I think - you know, on both sides, I think people understand it. It was not an easy decision to me. It was very, very difficult. It was very emotional. There was a lot of crying. I had a long, long plane ride back to Los Angeles with my partner.

HAMMER: Yes, no kidding.

MOAKLER: That was very difficult. But I think I`m making the right choice, not just for myself, but for the young girls and the contestants that sign that contract and live up to it like I did when I was Miss Teen and I was Miss USA. And I think that`s a very powerful point to be made.

HAMMER: Yes, because we`re all looking at this saying, well, how good of an example does this set for young girls who think, "Oh, well, I don`t have to be fully truthful because I`m going to get a pass just like Carrie Prejean did."

And one thing that you mention - I want to get back to saying that Carrie Prejean never really owns the truth about everything as it played out and still has not really come out and apologized and still sort of toes the same line with it.

I want to take a look at what Carrie Prejean had to say at the news conference with Donald Trump about some of those racy pictures that were leaked on the Internet. Let`s look at that.


CARRIE PREJEAN, MISS CALIFORNIA USA 2009: I find it appalling that a professional photographer would violate my trust by releasing an unauthorized and inappropriate image taken in between pose shots on a windy day, which I was unaware of.


HAMMER: OK. Let me ask you, Shanna. What was going through your mind when you heard her saying that? Was your head ready to explode? Did you think she was lying?

MOAKLER: Yes. You know, but this is very typical for my experience with her. It`s always everybody else. It`s never taking responsibility for herself. And that`s very, very typical.

I actually felt really bad for the photographer. But at the same time, there`s a part of me that feels bad for her, too. Because, you know, Carrie wanted to be a model. She wanted to be a Victoria`s Secret model. You know, she didn`t want to become the face of NOM.

I think, you know, she said something that she believed in on a live telecast. I don`t think she was ready nor prepared. I don`t think any of us were for the ramifications of such a heated and polarizing debate.

I think numerous organizations latched on to her and, you know, started kind of - not brainwashing her, but pushing their agenda. And this was a girl who was already very scared and felt very vulnerable. And you know, her religion is something that`s very powerful to her. And I think she was put in a very difficult place.

HAMMER: Well, Shanna, I think a lot of young girls can really look to you for standing firmly for what you believe in. And I do appreciate you joining us.

MOAKLER: Thank you.

HAMMER: Shanna Moakler, thank you so much.

MOAKLER: Thank you so much.

HAMMER: All right. Moving on now, did you see this? Ashton Kutcher punked CNN big time. Kutcher, along with his wife, Demi Moore, pulled off his promise to punk CNN founder Ted Turner.

A few weeks ago, Kutcher challenged CNN to a popularity contest on the social networking site, Twitter, to see who could get to 1 million followers first. Well, Kutcher said if he won, he would ding dong ditch Ted Turner`s house. The problem is, Turner doesn`t own CNN anymore and his doorbell is kind of hard to find since he spends most of his time on his ranch in Montana.

So what does Kutcher do? He delivers thousands of boxes of Ding Dong Cakes to Turner`s restaurant in Atlanta, Ted`s Montana Grill. Once he pulled off that prank, he gave a little victory speech.


KUTCHER: We came out because we won the war.


We came out because we wanted to see something spectacular. People are watching live on U Stream right now because they wanted to see something special, right? Tell us all right. When we rang a bell in front of Ted`s Montana Grill, and like, you know, that`s OK. That`s not really up to my bar, you know what I`m saying? Like I have a bar that I have to keep in entertainment, and that doesn`t really do it.


HAMMER: Well, that wasn`t enough for Ashton. To add insult to injury, Kutcher dropped a big old banner with his Twitter user name right over CNN`s giant neon logo, high atop CNN`s headquarters. I wonder if Ted is catching all this.

Well, everybody knows impeached Governor Rod Blagojevich made some pretty bad headlines, but have you checked out the man`s hairline?


MOOS: Now, you, too, can have hair like this man. Introducing Blago volumizing shampoo and conditioner for really big hair.


HAMMER: Are you kidding me? It`s the hair-raising new product that will have follicles fuller and so clean, you`ll want to impeach your old shampoo. The story behind the hair-brained idea is coming up. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Brad Paisley, Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban, Tim McGraw named the hottest country guys. Susan Lucci, "The View" snubbed in daytime Emmy nominations.


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. OK, here`s a question. How would like to have a head of hair like impeached Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich? Sure, he`s had his share of hair-raising moments, but you can`t deny those luscious locks. Maybe his fantastic follicles are genetic, yes. Or maybe, just maybe, he`s using Blago shampoo.

Here`s CNN`s Jeanne Moos for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


MOOS (voice-over): Now, you, too, can have hair like this man. Introducing Blago volumizing shampoo and conditioner for really big hair.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Smells clean. Smells like peaches.

MOOS: You may quibble about the style of Former Governor Rod Blagojevich`s hair.



MOOS: But you can`t boo the quality celebrated even in song.


MOOS: Seeing that luscious hair on the news took root in the mind of this shampoo manufacturer.

DENNIS FATH, CREATOR OF BLAGO SHAMPOO: I literally woke up in the middle of the night and thought, "We should do a shampoo for big hair."

MOOS: Blago`s shampoo slogan?

FATH: "It`s bleeping golden."

MOOS: It`s taken from the former governor`s own tape-recorded words. And the shampoo is golden. Sure, it sounds like a joke, and on Chicago`s WLS, "The Don and Roma Show" treated it as one.

DON WADE, CO-HOST, "THE DON WADE AND ROMA MORNING SHOW": I laughed at first, but then, I decided I`m going to give this a try.

MOOS: Don`s before and after picture.

WADE: I felt like Elvis.

MOOS: But we decided to give Blago a real workout on a volunteer guinea pig.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, I love his hair. I`ve always wanted to have his identical hairstyle.

MOOS: The president of Delta Laboratory(ph) says Blago has vitamins, botanical extracts and protein to make hair look and feel thicker.

(on camera): Have you tried the product yourself? You look like you could use a little volumizing.

FATH: Well, I did use it, this morning, actually, so that`s not a good testimony. It`s not going to work miracles.

MOOS (voice-over): Don`t tell Matt Harvey(ph) that. After Bertha(ph) shampooed, conditioned and blow-dried his hair -

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My hair feels more full. It really does.

MOOS (on camera): For now, Blago shampoo is only available on the Web, It sells for $8 a bottle.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m going to run for governor.

MOOS: Though the blow-dried styling may have helped, behold the before Blago and after Blago photos. No one even had to bribe our guinea pig to get him to say Blago works.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, yes. You want me to be governor.


HAMMER: That was CNN`s Jeanne Moos for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. And that`s it for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. You can always catch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on 11:00s - 11:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific, and in the morning, at 11:00 a.m. Eastern here on HLN.