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CNN Larry King Live

Father of 9-Year-Old Speaks Out; Interview with Rod Blagojevich

Aired June 03, 2009 - 21:00   ET


LARRY KING, CNN ANCHOR: Tonight, a desperate American dad and his never-ending heartbreak -- David Goldman finally wins a custody battle for his 9-year-old son in Brazil and then a higher court crushes a happy homecoming. This is a father's nightmare and a fight he vows to wage forever if he has to.

And then, former Governor Rod Blagojevich -- impeached, thrown out of office, facing federal corruption charges and now his wife is in a Costa Rican rainforest on reality TV.




KING: She'll get out of the jungle eventually.

What about him?

Can he escape the legal troubles that could send him to the slammer for 20 years?

It's next on LARRY KING LIVE.

Good evening.

We're joined tonight by David Goldman from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He's been fighting for custody of his son, Sean, for five years now. The boy's mother took him to her native Brazil, divorced him, got remarried and then died. Nine-year-old Sean has been there with his stepfather ever since.

Just this week, a Brazilian court ruled in his dad's favor, saying the boy should be reunited with him. But a Supreme Court justice in Brazil blocked the move.

David is with us. This latest twist must be devastating. The higher court ruled this.

Why, David?

What did they say?

DAVID GOLDMAN, FIGHTING FOR CUSTODY OF SON: Apparently, a political party -- a small political party, whose leader is friends of the family that's holding my son, filed something to the Supreme Court, on behalf of the family, I suppose, saying that the Hague Convention is unconstitutional to Brazilian law. And a Supreme Court judge stayed the returned ruling for my son.

KING: Now does that mean the -- he goes it back to the lower court and they rehear it?

Or where does it go from here?

GOLDMAN: It means now an 11 judge panel in the Supreme Court will first analyze if the Hague Convention is within the Brazilian law or the Brazilian Constitution. So far, America has returned seven children to Brazil under the same treaty -- the Hague Convention Treaty on international child abduction. And now it's come time when finally, out of the 50 other U.S. cases with 70 children, finally, my son would be the first under the treaty to be returned from Brazil. And they don't want to do it to this point.

We've had judges in the federal court that made an extraordinary decision, public prosecutors, as well as court psychologists that evaluated my son, all saying he's being emotionally damaged, he needs to be reunited with me immediately. And then they have this other trick up their sleeve to go to the Supreme Court and get it stayed.

KING: And he's with his stepfather.


KING: Now, your ex-wife, she died in childbirth, right?

GOLDMAN: My -- well, again, you might say ex-wife in Brazil, because we were never divorced in America. We were never separated. We were living together. And I drove her and my son to the airport for a vacation. And, apparently, they granted her a divorce in Brazil and she married this man name Lins e Silva 10 months before she passed away having his child. So they were essentially married in Brazil for 10 months.

And another thing that this -- that they keep saying is that there was never an abduction because I drove them to the airport with blessings to go on a healthy, happy, safe, two week vacation. And they say that because I allowed that, that's not an abduction. That's one of their arguments.

KING: When you were a guest on this show back in March, we also heard from a spokesman for the family of your late wife, Bruna.

Here's an excerpt from that.


KING: Why do you think that David should not have his son?


KING: Why shouldn't he have his -- it's his son.

RIBEIRO: That's right. And I don't question the biological right. The fact of the matter is that in order to be a parent, you have to be more than a DNA donor, Mr. King.

Fatherhood is not about making home movies and taking pictures. It's about sacrifice. It's about providing support to your child. It's about being there even when you're not there.

And Mr. Goldman, while Bruna was still alive, failed to do so. I'm not sure if you know that, but he hasn't paid one single dime of child support so far. And he has been making allegations all over the place about us not allowing him to visit his child. They are completely untrue.


KING: What do you -- I don't remember what you said then, David.

So what's -- what's your response to that?

GOLDMAN: Well, I think that you actually asked him a very good question -- so you take someone's child to another country and then expect that the parent to basically pay and support you in the abduction of the child?

That was a very good question you asked. So that would be one of my answers.

And another answer would be, June 16th, 2004, my son was abducted. I've been down to Brazil here, 11 times. I've been down in court hearings. I've tried nonstop, tireless efforts, night and day, to try to be repeat -- repatriated with my son -- never, ever stopping.

And they want to make it seem like after she passed away, then I came out of the woodwork. I've been, since day one, trying to bring my son home.

KING: We're going to take a break, David.

GOLDMAN: Very simple.

KING: And we'll be joined...

GOLDMAN: Very clear and very true.

KING: Very clear.


KING: We'll be joined -- we'll take a break and we'll be joined by a -- well, we're going to discuss it with a frequent guest on this program, Dr. Charles Sophy, psychiatrist, medical director of the Los Angeles County Department of Child and Family Services.

We'll get his input, after this.


KING: OK. David Goldman is in Rio de Janeiro waging this international legal battle.

Joining us here in Los Angeles, Dr. Charles Sophy, medical director, L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services.

What do you think -- what -- what's in the best interests of little Sean?

DR. CHARLES SOPHY, PSYCHIATRIST, MEDICAL DIRECTOR, L.A. (PH) COUNTY DCFS: I -- it baffles me that no one would think that the most important thing for this child is to be with this biological father. That is where this child needs to be -- maybe not tomorrow, but it needs to be a transition. Because this child needs to know his father, especially if that father is not abusive or neglectful of that child.

KING: So you would rule -- if you had this ruling...


KING: would give the child to David. He could take him back to the United States.

SOPHY: Right.

KING: Would the child be permitted to see his stepfather?

SOPHY: Absolutely. Adults should act like adults in these situations. Let's wrap around this child as a family -- as an extended family, love him and support him and let him know a lot of people love him. But he still has a biological father, who he should know and be connected to.

KING: Do you -- David, do you know if Sean has had any counseling through any of this?

GOLDMAN: They say that he's in treatment with a psychologist for the family. There were three court-appointed psychologists that evaluated him over a length of time. And in the reports, he is a subject of violent parental alienation. And it is very, very sad. There was a 42-page report from this court psychologist giving evidence upon evidence, in a highly professional, intelligent report. And it was also remarked by the federal public prosecutor that the resistance to allow Sean and I to have a relationship -- and that was in the ruling by the federal court judge in...

KING: When...

GOLDMAN: part of the ruling in -- of Sean's return.

KING: When was the last time you saw your son?

GOLDMAN: I was able to see him this afternoon.

KING: And what was that meeting like?

GOLDMAN: It was beautiful. He's my son. And for me to get the opportunity to look him in the eye, tell him I love him and to hug him and sit there on that table and build a model together, it's -- it's precious. It's precious.

I went this morning to see him and when we got there, they said he wasn't there, but we could see him this afternoon. I never know when I go to my visits -- when they're ordered by the superior court -- if he's going to be there or not. Hopefully, he'll be there tomorrow.

KING: Does he know what's going on?

GOLDMAN: I haven't discussed it with him, but apparently the other side has. And I don't know to what degree. But again, according to the reports from the psychologists and the judges and the prosecutors, that they are saying some pretty bad things and doing some serious emotional damage.

KING: Doctor, the one hurt...

GOLDMAN: And it's very, very sad. Parental alienation...

KING: The one hurt most in all...

GOLDMAN: ...syndrome.

KING: The one hurt the most in all of this...

SOPHY: Is this child.

KING: Sean?

SOPHY: Right. And we deal with this all the time in Los Angeles County and any child welfare system. We want to keep a family safe and permanent and together. And reunification is a big, important process.

It can be a transition. This dad may not have stepped up the way people might have thought he should have earlier on or who knows what the circumstances are. But right now, this boy wants to be with his father. His father wants to be with his son. There's no reason not to support it.

KING: If he gets the boy and goes back, what counseling would you give David on dealing with this?

SOPHY: I would give David the advice to be proactive, get ready, go into some counseling now to understand the kinds of behaviors he should be expecting, how to support his child through all of this and then integrate his child into that treatment when he arrives back here, as well as maybe having some treatment before they leave Brazil together. KING: It's not international, but have you had any similar cases here?

SOPHY: Oh, absolutely. We have them all the time, where biological parents...

KING: A mother goes away, takes a child...

SOPHY: Absolutely.

KING: ...divorces or splits, goes with another guy, passes away?

SOPHY: Sure. Absolutely.

KING: You've had that?

SOPHY: Yes, we've had that. We've had them where we've taken children from their family, put them in foster care, biological parents surface, we've got to give them back. We want to reunify. We want visitation to be monitored and to be safe. And we want these kids to be permanent with their families.

KING: David, do you think you're going to get him?

GOLDMAN: I hope. I hope. Until we're on a plane and the wheels are up, I can only just hope.

KING: What does your lawyer say?

GOLDMAN: My lawyer will be, I believe, in Brasilia tomorrow to figure out exactly what's going on in the Supreme Court. My lawyer in America says this is an outrage. And, again, Brazil is a civilized nation. There are millions and millions of civilized good, honest, hardworking people here. They don't want to be known as the country that harbors child abduction.

This man, who has no blood relation to my son, right now, has more legal claim of custody than me. And I stepped up from day one -- let's make that clear -- from day one to bring my son home and bring him back to a normal, happy, loving environment with his relatives, who he's countless amount of relatives back home in the States.

KING: This is tragic.

David, we wish you nothing but the best.

We'll stay on top of this.

Doctor, you think -- well, you can't know Brazil.

Do you think he'll get him?

SOPHY: I hope he gets him.

And, David, please don't give up, that you owe this to your child and to yourself. KING: Thank you, David.

Thank you, Doctor.

GOLDMAN: Thanks.

KING: Rod Blagojevich -- he's got a bunch of legal troubles, a wife in the jungle.

Is his life a reality show or what?

Next in 60 seconds.


KING: Before we get into the former governor of Illinois, a personal note. You know, my book is out and we're very thrilled about its success. But another big night is coming in my life. It's June 19th at the Encore Hotel in Vegas.

I will be doing a comedy show. My wife Shawn will open with her songs. You're going to love that. And then I'm going to be there for an hour. And it's a new Larry King. We're going to have a lot of fun, a lot of laughs.

And if you'd like tickets, we'd love to see you. We'll have interchange with the audience, as well. You just go on the Web site to That's Friday night, June 19th. We're going to have a lot of fun. Hope to see you there.

By the way, joining us in Illinois is the former governor, Rod Blagojevich. He was impeached -- ousted from office back in January. He is facing trial on federal corruption charges and now his wife is stuck in the jungle on a reality show.

Now, take a look at Patti Blagojevich on "I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!" It's a gross out chow down.

Check it out.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You will be eating a tarantula.






P. BLAGOJEVICH: They have this musty, yeasty flavor that was not good at all. But I just thought, well, you know, I'll -- I'll start chewing it and see what happens.



KING: All right, Rod, welcome. You were just watching your wife on the show a minute ago.

How -- how is she doing?

ROD BLAGOJEVICH, FORMER GOVERNOR OF ILLINOIS: Well, you know, Larry, these are the sorts of things that happen sometimes when you've been knocked down and you're trying to rebuild and pick yourself up. You know, I was originally the one whop was going to do that show and I wish I could have done it, because I sure would have liked to have been the one to have to do some of the things that, unfortunately, Patti has to do.

It's, you know, with mixed feelings that I watch that. It's difficult to see her have to do something like this.

But it's a way for us to make a living as we rebuild our lives, keep our kids in the same school that they're in, stay in the same home that they've lived in since -- for the past eight years -- and try to keep as much of a normal life for our children as possible, even though we have this short period of time in the month of June that their mom is gone.

And she's making a sacrifice because she loves her kids. And eating that tarantula like she had to is an act of love. It's a sign that this is a mother who loves her children.

KING: More with Rod Blagojevich on very serious matters after the break.

Stick around.


KING: As we said, Rod, your wife, Patti, is in Costa Rica. She's on NBC's "I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!"

In the first episode, some of her fellow reality contestants brought up your troubles.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why is your husband facing jail time?

What happened?

P. BLAGOJEVICH: I can't really get into it too much, except that, yes, they made a big hoopla out of something that wasn't even the truth. My husband was governor for six years. Twice voted by the people and, you know, was always about doing the right thing for people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just so you know, when I met him, I was like this is who I would have voted for the president of United States of America.

P. BLAGOJEVICH: Well, I appreciate that.


KING: OK, Rod, the judge presiding over the corruption involving you says the trial is going to be probably in the spring of 2010.

Why so far away?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Well, I don't know. The judge sets the schedule. And he's the boss, as he should be. And so that's just another obstacle that those of us who would like to move this forward have to deal with. I'm eager for my day in court. I'm eager to vindicate myself. I'm eager for the truth to come out.

I've been wronged. These are false accusations. And I'm looking forward for the whole story to come out. And I would like very much to be able to get this whole process moving sooner rather than later.

But it's going to go of its own accord and there's a -- a complicated legal process that necessarily will occur.

But I fully expect a fair trial. And I know what the truth is and I know the truth will be one that will vindicate me and put in perspective what's happened to not only me, but to Patti and our family.

KING: Do you believe, Rod, that nobody is going to work out a plea here, there will definitely be a trial?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: No. There's definitely going to be a trial. I've done absolutely nothing wrong. I have been wronged. I can't talk about the case, as you know, Larry. It's not appropriate. But, you know, I -- again, I'm looking forward to my opportunity to finally be able to get all the information out and let people see what the truth is.

You know, there's a -- there are some lines from a poem that Rudyard Kipling wrote that reads: "If you bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools and see the things you gave your life to broken and stoop and build them up with worn out tools."

Now, they've made accusations. People have lied about me. I'm dealing with that. I'm not giving up. I'm picking myself up and I'm dusting myself off, as my wife is, as well. We're rebuilding our lives. And we're stooping down with worn out tools to do that.

But, ultimately, the truth will be what it is. And the truth will, as the -- it's written in the bible, set me free, because the truth is that I've done nothing wrong.

KING: All right...

R. BLAGOJEVICH: ...and did the best I could for the people of Illinois and got a lot of real results done for the average ordinary citizen of my state.

KING: Legal analysts say that anything your wife says could be held against you or her in court.

Does any of that worry you?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: No. And I understand lawyers and legal analysts, you know, parse things and are concerned about how some things can be taken out of context and twisted.

I'm a living example of how things can be taken out of context and twisted and used against you in an unfair way -- and the consequences that go along with that.

But, no. I think when you're in a position like the one I'm in, you have to embrace the truth and ride it and know that, at the end of the day, if you have that on your side, this is America and my fellow citizens will have a chance -- who I've always trusted and have always mostly, I think, trusted me -- they'll decide what the truth is.

And I know what it is with regard to me and my behavior and my actions and my intentions. And, again, I'm confident that I'll have my opportunity to clear my name.

KING: All right...

R. BLAGOJEVICH: And in the interim, both Patti and I have our lives to live. We've got to rebuild our lives. We have our daughters to raise. And we just need to be mindful that as long as we tell the truth, whatever somebody wants to say, it won't come back and hurt you.

KING: NBC originally wanted you to do the show, naturally. A judge barred you from going to Costa Rica, having seen some episodes -- the primitive setting and everything.

What do you make of it?

Do you think you -- you'd want to do that?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Well, when I knew that I was offered this and we discovered what this was, I -- I didn't want to do it then. I said yes because it was a way to earn a living and -- and be able to afford our mortgage and keep our kids in the same school that they're going in. And it was a very generous offer by NBC.

So in spite of what they wanted me to do, I was willing to do it, because you have to sacrifice sometimes for your children and your family. You should always. And, so, unfortunately, the judge made a decision -- and I respect his decision -- that I shouldn't go. And Patti chose, instead, to take my place.

And again, as I said, it's with mixed feelings that I watch her on this program because, on the one hand, I want her to do well; on the other hand, we'd like to have her home and my kids -- my little 6- year-old...

KING: Yes, jeez...

R. BLAGOJEVICH: ...and my 12-year-old, my girls, they miss their mother. She's never been away from them and -- you know, and I'm now Mr. Mom, basically handling these things.

KING: She's also very...

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Yes, Larry. I'm sorry.

KING: She's also very popular.

We're going to take a break. And when we come back, we'll talk about the aspect of that program -- who was supposed to get paid, what about charity.

The former governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, is our special guest.

You're watching LARRY KING LIVE.

As you know, President Obama is in the Middle East. Queen Norah will be with us tomorrow night to talk about that.

Don't go away.



P. BLAGOJEVICH: My husband is Rod Blagojevich, the former governor of Illinois. And the last few months of our lives, it's been pretty difficult. So, I -- you know, in some ways, I'm going to cry. But after that, the jungle doesn't sound so scary.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Patti! Patti, get up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's a tarantula on Patti's leg.


KING: Participants in "I'm A Celebrity..." Can raise money for a charity of their choice. The Bear Necessities Pediatric Cancer Foundation was approached to be your wife's charity. Their response is this: "We declined the opportunity because her husband, former Governor Blagojevich, faces federal charges, which include an alleged extortion of our partner, Children's Memorial Hospital. We wish the show and Mrs. Blagojevich the best of luck." A couple of questions relating to that, Rod. You said you were doing -- you would do it for the need for money. I thought the money goes to charity.

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Well, there's -- there's two parts to this. There's a salary that you get paid to do...


R. BLAGOJEVICH: ...the program and participate as a contestant. And then there's the charity of your choice. And so, for those who vote for Patti to stay on the program, they have the option to then make a donation to the charity of our choice. We chose Bear Necessities because children's health care has -- was the central part of what I was about as the governor of Illinois. We became the first state in America that gave all our kids health care.

Again, there's an accusation against me that's false with regard to what you just suggested. Kids with pediatric cancer is a cause both Patti and I believe deeply and want to be helpful on.

They turned us down and I certainly respect that. It's not surprising. We chose a children's cancer center in Tampa, Florida, that I understand you're familiar with, Larry, because your son lives in Tampa. They are affiliated with the Moffett Cancer Center, have a great reputation, and it's a way for people who want to help kids with cancer, their families, whether it's money for research, or kids having opportunities to do things they otherwise couldn't do because their parents can't afford to help them -- this is a way to help those kids.

I hope people participate and make a donation.

KING: Your wife has said making money to support the family is the reason she's doing this. Can you tell us what the salary is?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: I'm not permitted to do that. NBC has a contract with Patti. They have had a contract with me. I should say that we're grateful to NBC for their confidence in us and the opportunity. Patti -- among the reason why she chose to take my place was she felt, as I did, that we had an obligation to meet a commitment to NBC that was willing to give me an opportunity in this process, as we begin to rebuild our lives.

So she's doing this because it's a way to earn some income. But also because we felt an obligation to NBC, and, of course, we had a component where we could help kids with cancer.

KING: Is she getting the same you would have gotten?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: She is. I can say that she's doing a heck of a lot better than I could ever do.

KING: She's very popular.

R. BLAGOJEVICH: I hope that's the case. Those of us who know and love Patti know her to be the best person that we know. And I think her contestants, or fellow contestants, are getting to know her. And I think they kind of appreciate her good qualities. She's just a great person.

Again, the fact that she's willing to do something like this is all about loving her children and making sure we can keep things as normal for our kids as possible. Albeit this is an unusual way of doing it.

KING: Here's another clip of Patti on the show. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dear heavenly father, we just pray over Patti. We pray over her family. We pray over her husband and everything that's going on, lord. You know the truth. You know that everything that's happened. I pray the truth will be revealed. I pray that he will triumph in your name, Lord Jesus. I pray that you bless him. They will be delivered from this evil and oppression, Lord Jesus. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

P. BLAGOJEVICH: Beautiful, beautiful.


KING: Rod, your wife has not been charged with any crime, but she was referenced in the federal indictment against you. She was heard cursing on audiotape. Chicago newspapers characterize her as Lady Macbeth. Do you think doing this reality show will help her image? What do you think that image is?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Well, the media and newspapers like to twist things and sensationalize. Yes, she said a bad word because she was angry about the treatment of her husband. And that's not an unusual thing. She doesn't speak like that most of the time. They just caught her in a private conversation, when her telephone at home was wire tapped and bugged.

Again, I think people have a chance to see her for what she is on that program. Those of us who know her and love her are blessed to have her in our lives.

If I can just say again, the truth will win out in this. I'm looking forward to being vindicated. As we work through this process as a family, we're not unlike a lot of other families across America. Millions of people have lost their jobs, are being dislocated during these hard times. There are laid off auto workers in Michigan who are rebuilding their lives, retraining as nurses. They're an inspiration to Patti and me.

I'm going to stand tall and I'm fighting this all the way. We're going to prevail because the truth is on our side. A huge wrong has been done to me and my family.

I want people to know they can be underdogs and fight a system that unfairly treated them. They can prevail and survive. And in the meantime, as you work your way through, stand tall.

KING: Rod, without being repetitive, do you think you, at all -- you, yourself -- made some mistakes in this that led to this? Whether they are legally enough to convict you, were there some parts where you made mistakes?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: You know, again, Larry, I --

KING: Without elaborating.

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Yes, I could say over the years, have I made some mistakes in judgment? Have I put some confidence and faith and reliance on people who ultimately turned out to be people I didn't know or know to be what they were? There's a central figure in this whole case that both President Obama and I had a close relationship with. He sent a letter to a federal judge saying that neither president, then Senator Obama, or me were involved in any wrongdoing with him. Now suddenly he emerges in this case in a different light. Is he the person I thought he was?

KING: Who is that?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: A fellow by the name of Tony Rezko. Again, without going into all the details, sure, I probably put the wrong trust in some people. But in terms of my intentions, what I was trying to do, with regard to the Senate seat, when the truth comes out, I think the American people will find this to be a remarkable story. And again, it's a story that I think will have historic implications.

KING: Let me get a break. The governor used to be a very busy guy. How is he spending time these days? We'll ask after the break.



R. BLAGOJEVICH: I think there's nothing but sunshine hanging over me.

I prefer to be compared to people like Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman and others in history.

I will fight. I will fight until I take my last breath.


KING: Rod, before we ask how you're spending your time, how are the girls dealing with this?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Thank you, Larry, I appreciate you asking. We have two little girls, our six-year-old -- she just turned six on April 5th -- and our daughter Amy is going to be 13 on August 3rd. She is 12 now. They're different ages. So it is different for both of them. Our older one, obviously, is more aware of the circumstances, and the gravity of it and magnitude of it. It's affected her more, in a more complicated way. She's dealing with different issues. But I think for the most part pretty good.

Patti, again, has done a great job making sure our kids live as normal a life as possible. They do their routines. Amy skates, goes to school. She plays the oboe and is very active. Our little one is six. She's dealing with it in her own way as well.

KING: Does the 12-year-old ask you about it?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Not that much. She talks to her mother more about it. We've assured her -- we've talked to her in a broad sense about some of this. And the part of what's happened is part of this political process today, in the 21st century, that I did nothing wrong, and that, ultimately, I'll have a chance, with my fellow citizens, to determine what the truth of things are.

KING: How are you spending --

R. BLAGOJEVICH: How am I spending my time, Larry? I'm writing a book.

KING: The governor is pretty busy. Now you're a former governor. You have no occupation. What are you doing?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: That's a good question. You know, somebody asked that the other day. I guess I'm technically an author. I'm writing a book. I have a publisher, and we're working on a book. I'm actively involved in that. It's hard, because I'm writing about a lot of this stuff. Some of it is painful to even think about, much less write about.

In the short run, more immediate period, while Patti is in the jungle, I'm now discovering how difficult her life has been on a day- to-day basis, since I'm the primary care-giver with our two little girls. It's amazing how sometimes we take for granted what moms do and parents who care for their kids on a day to day basis.

KING: Can the book come out before the trial, if you're writing openly about everything that happened?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: That's the intention. Yes, of course. Again --

KING: If the book can come out before the trial, why can't you discuss other aspects now?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Well, I -- because there's a court proceeding that needs to be respected. And the book will write about things that will be done in such a way that respects that court proceeding. And you'll have to wait and see ultimately what's in it, and how it comes out. It's still a work in progress.

But I wish I could talk about everything I know. I wish I could tell you about the accusations and answers -- KING: I assume you will in your book, though.

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Well, I'll talk a lot about a lot of stuff.

KING: You want people to buy the book?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Well, I wanted to write about the truth. Whether they buy it -- I hope they do. I think there's a lot of interesting things I can talk about. Again, there will be an opportunity in a court of law, with sworn testimony and sworn witnesses.

KING: OK. I got you. We'll be right back. Former governor -- you want to add something? Go ahead quickly.

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Again, I just want to say, I wish I could tell you what I know. I wish I could answer these questions. It's very difficult when you're in a position like I'm in, where people have said things about you, falsely accused you, and the media has decided to rush to judgment and, all of a sudden, the presumption of innocence that we thought was a fundamental right of all of us as citizens was stripped away from you. And then you're taken from your office that people elected you twice by cynical politicians who have their own motives, who wouldn't allow you to bring evidence in to prove you did nothing wrong, wouldn't allow you to bring in taped telephone conversations, every one of them, and let you hear them in a proceeding.

And then you're ripped out of that job and the people are left with a governor who breaks a promise that I made not to raise taxes. The first thing he does is --

KING: I got to take a break.


KING: We'll have more on the former governor.


KING: That's OK. I understand. I'd be emotional too. Our remarkable question of the night is 60 seconds away. Don't go away.


KING: Back with the governor in a moment. Our remarkable question tonight comes from Linda in Canada. She phoned it in via voice mail. Here is.

CALLER: I was wondering what was the make, model, year and color of the first car that you ever bought or owned.

KING: Good question. It was 1954, '55, in there. I was 21, 22 years old, very poor, working odd jobs. And I got a '49 Plymouth, dark gray. I don't remember if it was dark gray or just dirty. It wasn't a stick shift. I didn't know how to drive a stick shift. I think it lasted for about six months. Either it crumbled or I ran out of money for the payments. '49 Plymouth. I don't know if they had model names.

If you have a question for me, go to Send it to us. If I answer it on the air, I'll give you an autographed copy of this new memoir, "My Remarkable Journey," already a major best seller, for which we thank you. Linda's going to get one. That's not all. She and you will have a chance to win our big prize trip to Los Angeles to meet me, see this show live. Good luck. I'd love to see you here. And we'll be right back with more of Rod Blagojevich. Don't go away.



KING: We have a call for Rod Blagojevich from Toronto. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Larry.


CALLER: I just wanted to ask Rod how is he going to deal with the fact that Patti has become so popular and he's used to being the celebrity. I watched Patti the last couple nights. I found her to be a really down Earth mom. It was really nice to see.

How is he going to deal with her being the nice one and him being the bad guy?

R. BLAGOJEVICH: Thank you for that. I think great. I love Patti more than I love myself. I would literally die for my wife, of course, my children. You know, it's true, she's -- I've been the governor and the politician and the elected official, and that's kind of where the spotlight is. I have absolutely no problem seeing her pursue her dreams or being the more successful one, or, in this case, the one that is better liked. And if in fact she is better liked, which I think she surely should be, that's the right place to be. She's the better person between the two of us.

KING: We have an e-mail question from Nicole in Bloomington, Indiana. "If you are legally cleared in your lifetime, what would be the appropriate recompense for what you've gone through?"

R. BLAGOJEVICH: You know, when you go through something like this, and you know that you've done nothing wrong, and you're shocked that so many of these things have happened the way they have, and you've been fighting through them, you spend time, when you have the time, as I've had, to reflect a little bit and to think through some of this. You can choose to be bitter and you can be angry and you can choose to just give up and lose perspective. Or you can choose to try to find wisdom in all of this.

I've had a chance to do a little bit of reading during this period of time. And I've read a Greek historian by the name of Edith Hamilton. She wrote a poet named Eschylus during the golden age of Athens, who wrote about suffering and pain. And he said, "even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart. And in our despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us through the awful grace of god."

I believe there's a purpose for this. Both Patti and I have a deep faith in God. And we've been blessed by the good wishes of people across America who are -- who have sent their best to us. And I have to believe that there's a reason why this has happened the way it has, and that there's still a purpose for both of us, but certainly for me to do things where I can continue to serve people.

All of my adult life has been about serving people. And I still think there's a role for me when this is over, where I can play a role to help the average little guy, the way I did when I was governor.

KING: A couple more important things to cover when we come back. Don't go away.


KING: We're back. By the way, we have a whale of a show for you tomorrow. The controversial stars of "Whale Wars" are here. We've got some great action on the high seas you won't believe. That's tomorrow night on LARRY KING LIVE.

Governor, federal officials secretly recorded a phone conversation between Roland Burris, the current senator, and your brother, Robert, back in mid-November. The tape was released late last month. Let's listen to a brief excerpt and then get your comment.


ROBERT BLAGOJEVICH, BROTHER OF ROD BLAGOJEVICH: If you guys can just write checks, that'd be fine, if we can't find a way to tie in.

SEN. ROLAND BURRIS (D), ILLINOIS: OK, OK. Well, we -- I will personally do something, OK.

ROB. BLAGOJEVICH: All right, Roland.

BURRIS: And it will be done before the 15th of December.


BURRIS: All right.

ROB. BLAGOJEVICH: You're a good friend. I'll pass on your message.

BURRIS: Please do. Tell Rod to keep me in mind for that seat. Would you?

ROB. BLAGOJEVICH: I'll let him know.

(END VIDEO CLIP) KING: Governor, Senator Burris maintains that that recording is proof he didn't take part in any pay to play scheme to get the United States Senate appointment. What are your thoughts on all of that?

ROD BLAGOJEVICH: Well, you know, I think that tape speaks for itself. It's a fund-raising call. I understand that Roland didn't make a contribution. He had helped in the past. That's a normal part of the process. He's raising money now, presumably, for his re- election, as are all the senators. They do it all the time, all the Congressman. He said no.

I made him a United States senator. It's just the opposite of what's being alleged. Again, I can't wait for all the truth to come out about that Senate seat and the decisions I made and the actions I took regarding doing what was right for the people of our state.

Yes, Larry?

KING: Are you recommending to the people that they re-elect Senator Burris?

ROD BLAGOJEVICH: I'm not going to interject myself in that. I don't know that I would be doing him any favors if I were to make a suggestion at this point. Again, let me simply say, what's happened to me is wrong. And I did nothing wrong. The truth will come out, and this will be --

KING: I don't want you to be repetitive.

ROD BLAGOJEVICH: I'm not trying to be repetitive. I just want to point out, no one needs to feel sorry for us or feel that somehow Patti and I are giving up. We've had opportunities to rebuild our lives. And this opportunity on "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here" by NBC is very unique. All of these workers who have lost their jobs across America today, very few of them are given those rare opportunities that Patti and I have been given.

So, in many ways, we've been very lucky. Everybody goes through valleys in their lives. That's what the journey of life is. And sometimes how you deal with your valleys suggests whether or not you'll ever be on a peak again. In my life experience, because life is filled with ups and downs, when you're knocked down, you pick yourself up; you dust yourself off' you don't complain. You don't have hate in your heart. You have love in your heart. And you move and look to the future. And you do what Teddy Roosevelt said, which is black hair never catches a rider whose pace is fast enough. You keep moving forward.

KING: By the way, you're not going to believe this, but a lot of Tweets today on our Twitter thing about your hair. They tell me thousands of people want to know who cuts it, how much money would it take to get you to shave it off?

ROD BLAGOJEVICH: I want to plug my barber. His name is Peter, Mr. Barber on Oak. He's a great guy. He cuts Lou Pinella's hair and Mick Jagger actually went to his barber shop when he was here for a concert.

I know people make fun of it. Whatever they say, it is what it is.

KING: You like it?

ROD BLAGOJEVICH: I comb it enough. But thank you. I'm a product of the disco era.

KING: San Diego, hello.

CALLER: Yes. Governor, your wife said she was fired from her non-profit job as a result of your alleged acts and behaviors. Are you considering a wrongful termination suit based on this?

ROD BLAGOJEVICH: Thank you for that. There's been discussion of that. We have decided so far not to do it, because it's an organization that helps the homeless. But that's exactly what happened to Patti after the allegations were leveled against me. The not-for-profit organization that she was working at had a one-year contract to help feed the homeless. She was doing an exceptional job. Everybody was saying that, up until the time of my arrest.

Then they decided to terminate her. And I imagine they have their own political reasons and others why they did it. It had nothing to do with her work product at all. At this stage, it's not something we're pursuing. And we're moving on. Again, politics is a rough and tumble business.

Dr. King said that when there are difficult times, it's not the words of your enemies that you remember, it's the silence of your friends. And when something like what happened to me happens, people run away. And people don't want any of what you have in their neighborhood. So I think in the respect to Patti's job and the not- for profit that she worked with, they probably felt that they didn't want the headache of some of the baggage that went along with Patti being my wife.

KING: Rod, thank you so much for being with us. We'll be calling on you again. Keep in touch.

ROD BLAGOJEVICH: Thanks. Thanks for having me, Larry. Appreciate it.

KING: Governor Rod Blagojevich, former governor of Illinois.

You're looking at a vigil now in Santa Monica, California. It's one of several under way right now. It's for journalist Laura Ling and Euna Lee. The Americans are detaineed in North Korea, scheduled to be tried there any hour now. It's already June 4th in North Korea. Proceedings may be under way as we speak. Laura's sister, Lisa Ling, and families of both women are with their supporters. They want the world to know about their loved ones' plight. We wish them the very best.

Time now for Anderson Cooper and "AC 360." He'll have more on the story. Anderson?