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Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees

Michael Jackson's Nurse Speaks Out; Michael Jackson's Will Surfaces

Aired June 30, 2009 - 22:00   ET


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Tonight, a lot of breaking news, a lot of breaking developments -- a striking new voice in Michael Jackson's death with a shocking story to tell, a nurse who says that Jackson repeatedly asked her about a powerful I.V. anesthetic drug. The drug is called Diprivan. The nurse is Cherilyn Lee.

We have not independently confirmed her story. She joins -- she's going to join us on the phone momentarily.

But here's what he told the Associated Press about the call she says she received from a Michael Jackson staffer just about five days before his death. Listen.


CHERILYN LEE, REGISTERED NURSE: ... employee of the household.

And he called me and said -- he was very frantic, and he said: "Michael needs to see you right away. Can you come and see him?"

And I said, "What's wrong?" And I could hear Michael in the background: "Tell her. Tell her that one side of my body is hot, is hot, and one side of my body is cold. It's very cold."

And I -- and I said: "Tell him he needs to go to the hospital. I don't know what's going on with him right now, but I'm in Florida. And I cannot come. But he needs to, you know, check that out immediately, if he's having that type of symptom."

I said: "I'm not comfortable with that. Tell him to please go to the hospital and check that out right away."

But he said, "No." He said: "One side is very, very hot. One side is cold."

I said: "I don't know what that could be. Maybe it's his heart, maybe his -- his central nervous system."

And, at that point, I knew that somebody had given him something that hit that central nervous system, because, you know, that's all he wanted, was to sleep, but he was in trouble. He was in trouble Sunday.


COOPER: And joining us now on the phone is that nurse, Cherilyn Lee. She joins us now.

Cherilyn, you got that call last Sunday. So, that was five days before Michael Jackson died. Did you follow up on it?

LEE: Yes, I tried following up on the call.

Unfortunately, when he called me, I was in the emergency room in -- in Florida -- in Florida myself. Got very lightheaded, and -- and dizzy. And, so, I was in the -- in the hospital my own self. So...


COOPER: So, you -- you never had any follow-up conversation with anyone on the Jackson staff, did you?

LEE: I -- I called -- no, I did not. I called -- tried calling, and I was unable to reach anyone.


And your involvement with Michael Jackson began several months ago. When was it that you met and that he began asking you about the -- the drug Diprivan? How long ago was that?

LEE: It was about three -- it was about three months ago. He started asking about it...

COOPER: And he brought up...


LEE: ... three months ago.

COOPER: He -- he brought up the drug in what context? How did it come up?

He said: "I am so sleepy. I cannot sleep. I want to have at least eight hours of sleep."

We had discussed it before. And I said -- and he -- first of all, he asked me if I could just spend the night with him, just watch him to see his pattern of sleep. And, so, when I did that, he said: "Now, do you understand? You know, do you understand I cannot sleep well? And all I'm looking for is just eight hours sleep? You know, it's two hours, three hours."

And when I was there, he was sleeping really good. He was -- you know, he rested. But, in three hours, he woke up. And he said: "Now do you understand? I'm not pretending. I really need sleep."


COOPER: So, what did he say about Diprivan?

LEE: Then he said, "this product" -- when he said it, I said, "Are you -- what are you speaking of?" Because it sounds like some of these other things. I said, "What are you speaking of?"

He said: "This is the medication. I had it before."

And I said, "Well, who gave it to you?"

He said, "My doctor a long time ago."

He said -- and I said, "Well, who was the doctor?"

He wouldn't tell me. He said, "When it hit my vein, I went right to sleep, and I was able to sleep really good."

And I said: "Well, you know, let me check on this. Or whatever that is I.V., I'm sure it wasn't safe."

He said, "No, my doctor assured me that it was safe."

He was so convinced that this was a safe medication. He said: "Can you find me somebody? Can you find me somebody to come here and just watch me sleep and get me this med?"

I said: "You know, I don't know what it is. I'm sure it's something that isn't safe."

I left his home. I went to my office. I got my PDR, because he wasn't understanding it wasn't safe. I said: "Look, Michael, this is what this medication will cause. It will cause a lot of problems."

And I went down the list in the PDR, because I had it in front of me at the time. And I said: "Michael, you -- you're so concerned of wanting to sleep, you know, and -- and sleep well, more than, you know, two or three hours. But, you know, my concern is, you know, you have something like this, will you wake up? You know, you cannot do this."

So, he sees that, OK. And, you know, I didn't see him anymore. That was three months ago.

COOPER: Why, if you hadn't seen him in three months, would somebody on his staff call you out of the blue, especially if he had a doctor on his staff?

LEE: Because I had been working with him nutritionally from January. His energy was low when I met him. He said, "You know, I would like to find out why my energy is so low."

And that's how I kind of started in with working with him to build up his energy, because his energy was low. He had a lot of dryness in his hands. And he says, "I want -- I just want to have more energy."

COOPER: But my question is -- I understand that. I understand why -- how you got involved with him to try to help out his energy nutritionally

LEE: Well, initially, it started off with energy. COOPER: But why -- why -- but why would, after a three-month absence of not communicating, would, suddenly, last Sunday, according to you, somebody on his staff call you, saying he is in an extreme -- he's in an extreme state and needs your help?

Does that -- do you under -- do know why, or did it just come out of the blue?

LEE: You know what? I didn't know myself. The only reason -- only thing I thought of is, he recalled the symptoms I was telling him he might have with that.

He -- you know, I was -- when I walked away from him three months ago -- I didn't walk away -- when I saw him, he was -- I thought he was convinced he was not going to have that medication, you know, because I told him the seriousness of this medication.

COOPER: And, so, you don't know for a fact whether or not someone did give him that medication, but that is your fear; that is your concern.

Have you talked to authorities?

LEE: No, I have not, because I didn't know whether or not...


COOPER: You have not been interviewed by police?


LEE: No, I have not.

COOPER: All right, Cherilyn, I appreciate you -- you talking with us.

Cherilyn Lee, obviously, we will be trying to track this story down. Appreciate your time tonight.

Joining us now is Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

Sanjay, what -- what do you make of this?

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: You know, this is a medication that is well-known in hospitals. Diprivan is the medication she's referring to. A lot of people call it propofol as well.

We give it for anesthesia, either to make people really sleepy or to put them out altogether, which would require a breathing tube. I will tell you, Anderson, I have never heard about this medication being given outside a hospital. Even within hospitals, they often have protocols. So, before you can administer this medication, you have to go through certain protocols, learn how to give someone oxygen, learn how to put a breathing tube in, all that before you can even give us. So, it's -- it's -- it's hard to believe it would be given outside a hospital. But, you know, it's just something I hadn't heard of.

COOPER: The -- the notion that the symptoms she describes, she -- she alleges that, on Sunday, before Michael Jackson died, five days before he died, she received this call from a staffer. And he was saying part of him is hot; part of him is cold.

What do you make of that?

GUPTA: It's -- it's really hard -- I mean, there's several different things that can cause that.

Most of those things are related to the central nervous system, so, something in the brain. Could it have been a mild stroke or something like that? It's -- it's -- it's really hard to piece together, just based on that. Oftentimes, someone may become insensate, meaning they don't have any feeling on one side of their body or they have weakness on one side of their body.

Just to have the temperature differentiation like that, I -- I just -- it's just very hard to know.

COOPER: What feeling does Diprivan give somebody?

GUPTA: Well, it's interesting. Sort of colloquially, within the medical community, they call it milk of amnesia.

It is a -- it looks like milk. It's a creamy milk white substance. It looks like that in the I.V. It's given I.V. It makes you very sleepy pretty quickly. Part of the reason it's so attractive, it has -- it has what's called a quick-on and quick-off thing. So, you can give it to somebody, and, immediately, they go out.

And, as soon as you stop giving it to him, they immediately wake up. So, it's a good medication for use for small procedures, for example, in hospitals.

But I think -- I have never had it myself, but I think you generally just sort of fall asleep pretty quickly.

COOPER: All right, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, appreciate it.

A lot of questions remain about this story. We will continue to try to track it down. Again, we have not been able to independently confirm the story that this registered nurse is telling now.

The question of I.V. drug use may have figured somehow into some of the investigators' visits to the Jackson estate.

Drew Griffin has been following all the details of the investigation, including new doubts about how well the -- the scene is being preserved.

He joins us now -- Drew.

DREW GRIFFIN, CNN INVESTIGATIVE CORRESPONDENT: Yes. I mean, that is one of the questions that a lot of people have -- are talking about, the fact that they went back to the scene yesterday to collect more evidence.

COOPER: Right. Police basically went to the scene initially after the death. Then two days go by.

GRIFFIN: Cleared it. They cleared it Friday. They said, we're done with the investigation. They left.

The family comes in with moving trucks. They go in there. They move out some stuff. The family has been in and out all weekend long. And, then, lo and behold, deputies show up. Or, I should say, detectives show up on Monday, go in and remove two bags of evidence.

COOPER: So, if -- and it's not at this point -- but, if it does become some sort of a crime investigation, the chain of evidence will be a serious question, if it ever gets that far.

GRIFFIN: It could be very problematic, you know, if you get into a position where have good defense lawyers, like they do in L.A. But, again, this is a death investigation, not a criminal investigation.

COOPER: What's the latest on the autopsy?

GRIFFIN: The latest is, from -- from -- from what we gather -- and Sanjay is here, too -- the experts we're talking about are saying, look it, the coroner knows what caused this death.

COOPER: Even though the toxicology -- is the toxicology report done?

GRIFFIN: Because most of the stuff is back. Correct me if I'm wrong, Sanjay. But they will know now what drugs were in his system. And they will know, basically, the quantities, too. They will be able to tell that.

The second autopsy has been completed...

COOPER: Which is what the family...

GRIFFIN: The family.

COOPER: ... had -- had requested, and Joe Jackson yesterday saying it was happening as he spoke, which was yesterday afternoon.

GRIFFIN: That's right.

And our -- the experts, again, that we're talking to believe that, right now, Katherine and Joe Jackson most likely -- or the people they hired -- know what killed their son. The question is, why isn't any of this being released?

Officially, the coroner's office is not going to release it, because they're still working on just the last part of the autopsy, which is the brain. It is time-consuming. The brain has to be prepared. But, as far as what drugs were in his system, what, if anything, overtly caused his death, they should know that now.

COOPER: Drew, let me just ask Sanjay about it.

You're a neurosurgeon.


COOPER: You're also a licensed medical examiner.

What -- what about the brain are they looking at?

GUPTA: Well, you know, the time-consuming process is actually freeze-drying the brain, putting in a specific substance, and then looking at it under the microscope, trying to figure out if these drugs or anything else had an impact on the brain.

So, when they give the final conclusion, after four to six weeks, they have looked at every single organ in the body. But Drew is absolutely right. Really, within hours, probably before they released that first statement, they knew which chemicals were in his body. And, within a couple of days, just by looking at the blood, they can tell how high they were, were they at therapeutic levels, toxic levels, or lethal levels.

COOPER: And there is now known to be a will, yes, Drew?

GRIFFIN: From what we understand from the family, that there was a will in 2002, and now that is in the hands of the family. And the family has hired a -- a trust specialist to make, Burt Levitch, to sure that that is indeed a real will, you know, verified...


COOPER: We will be talking to -- to an attorney for the family in just a moment.

We have much more ahead, a lot of new developments. Let us know what you think about all this, the live chat happening now at

Just ahead, we're also going to lock at the will or wills surfacing or maybe about to surface, where Michael's mother, Katherine Jackson, fits into the picture, and where father, Joe Jackson, might not. We will talk to some of the lawyers on the case.

Also, who gets custody of Michael Jackson's three kids? How are they provided for?

And new reports and some questions about whether Michael Jackson is their father.

Later, our first look at video of the rehearsals for Jackson's comeback concerts. Take a look. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)






COOPER: Want to recap breaking news off the top of the show, a firsthand account of a woman who says she is -- was a nurse of Jackson's telling that, three months ago, he had asked for a powerful anesthesia drug, Diprivan. She also claims that he called -- that someone from Jackson's entourage called on Sunday, saying he was in need of help.

We're trying to confirm what she says -- a number of questions raised by that story.

Also today, word of one will surfacing from 2002, a reliable source telling another could be waiting in the wings, the Web site TMZ reporting, a will is to be filed tomorrow, not saying which one or -- or what it contains.

Joining me now, Jackson family attorney Londell McMillan, along with Diane Goodman and Burt Levitch, attorneys for Katherine Jackson, Michael's mom.

I appreciate all of you being with us.

First of all, Londell, has the family received any results, either from the medical examiner or from their own independent autopsy, which Joe Jackson said was taking place yesterday, about the toxicology results?


I believe they have. And I'm not sure what the results are at this time. But we're focusing on the legal issues. But those -- those results, I do believe, have come in. But I can't be sure.

COOPER: For you, what are the main legal issues you have to deal with right now?

MCMILLAN: The main legal issues have always been, first and foremost, protecting the best interests of the children, making sure that the family's legacy is protected as a result of Mr. Michael Jackson's estate, making sure that there is a final report with respect to his death, and that we preserve his legacy with the dignity that it deserves.

And, in some way, it -- it may not be direct law, but it's also trying to encourage those who attempt to just slander his name and his legacy, and even encourage people like you, Anderson, to -- to focus more on his work, his life, his legacy, and not on these rumors and these reports that we often just hear out of the blue.

I need to challenge everyone to, let's not forget the wonderful type of man that he was, and not just get caught up on these rumors that we hear over and over. And, you know, you and I have known each other a while, but I have to push you a little bit here, because you're a -- you're a respectable journalist.

But to see these kind of -- these kind of comments come in over and over is just something that just becomes intolerable. Let's focus on this man, his life, his family, and let's not just give so much attention to all of these people who just come up with these -- these just hearsay reports, without validation and without any kind of evidence to support it.

COOPER: Well, in -- in due respect, our job is to talk about and investigate what happened to Michael Jackson. Obviously, there's a death involved. The state is investigating. The -- the country, people are interested in knowing.

And, clearly, the family wants to know what happened to Michael Jackson. I mean, there are, clearly, numerous people who have been very close to Michael Jackson over the years, Deepak Chopra, among others, who have been on this program, saying that Michael Jackson approached him about drugs.

And now there's woman who has just come forward asking about Diprivan. Frankly, her story, which I have tried to point out, seems odd that somebody would call her, even though she had not been involved with Michael Jackson for -- for three months.

To your knowledge, was there any incident on Sunday before Michael Jackson died in which he was in some sort of need of help?

MCMILLAN: To my knowledge, there were none.

But, again, I didn't have that kind of personal daily interaction with him as of -- as of the time of his passing. Or, you know, I didn't deal with him in a personal way. I'm his lawyer. I have been his lawyer for three-and-a-half years.

But it just seems odd to me that someone that did not have a real relationship with him gets that degree of credibility. I understand that's someone who has known him, who has a history, has something to offer. But we have to at least measure whether or not someone is credible, I believe, before we just give them a forum to kind of just wax uneloquently over someone like Michael Jackson in this time.

COOPER: Diane, let me ask you about -- about the will that has surfaced.

In terms of -- of custody and the kids, is there any question now -- I mean, there -- there -- Debbie Rowe is obviously the biological mom of two of these children. There have been questions raised about whether Michael Jackson is the biological father. Legally, does any of that matter? Or does all that matter is that, on the birth certificate for these kids, Michael Jackson is the father, and that's the bottom line?

DIANE GOODMAN, ATTORNEY FOR KATHERINE JACKSON: That is the bottom line. Michael Jackson is the father. Katherine Jackson has guardianship of the children. I believe that's what Michael Jackson would have wanted to have happen.

And the other legal parent is Debbie Rowe. She needs to be given notice of the hearings. She doesn't currently have any custodial rights. But she is entitled to participate in the proceeding, if she so chooses. So far, she's made statements through her representatives that she has not made any comments on the case, other than wishing the best for the children.

COOPER: So, are custodial rights something which can be effectively signed away at some point?

GOODMAN: Well, there are ways of terminating parental rights. It did not happen in this case.

Mrs. Rowe still is a legal parent. That doesn't mean she has a right to custody. You can be a legal parent, but not have a right to see your children. There are many legal parents out there who, for various reasons, courts have taken away their parental rights. That's different than terminating parental rights.

COOPER: Burt, you are a trust and estate expert; is that correct?


COOPER: How difficult is your job going to be in the next couple months? And what are the main issues you are going to be kind of trying to figure out?

LEVITCH: Well, of course, we took action promptly to do whatever we could to secure the assets of the estate and try to bring some order to what likely is going to be a complicated process. We now know that there's a will. And, in due course, that will, will be presented to the probate court to be admitted to probate.

And executors will be appointed by the court. But that part of the process has yet to happen. The only thing that's happened so far is that Katherine Jackson has been appointed as special administrator of the estate. But that's on an interim basis.

COOPER: And, to -- to your knowledge, is there more than one will?

LEVITCH: Not to my knowledge, but this is an interesting cast of characters. And, as has been said, Michael's business affairs were often in transition. And I would not be shocked to learn that there is another document out there. It's not something we are anticipating. But it could happen.

COOPER: Londell, you have been an attorney for Katherine Jackson, as well as Joe Jackson, as well as, I believe, Michael Jackson over the last several years, one of several. Is that correct?

MCMILLAN: That is correct, Anderson.

COOPER: How -- how do you -- I mean, I can't imagine trying to organize all of this, obviously, in the midst of all this -- this -- this sort of media circus that -- that -- that it threatens to become.

How do you -- is there one person in charge? I mean, how do you go about trying to sift through, you know, the huge empire of Michael Jackson?

MCMILLAN: Well -- well, it is a challenging undertaking. And that's why we have three different lawyers here with specialties that speak to each of these interests.

I received a call from Mrs. Katherine Jackson Friday night. I arrived here in Los Angeles from New York on Saturday morning. And we filed papers at 8:00 in the morning on Monday. So, it clearly takes a team of experts and professionals to accomplish all of these issues.

But it's -- it's -- it's a matter where you have to move promptly diligently, and prudently with competent counsel, so that it's not a circus. You haven't seen us out in the media running around. But we felt it was compelling to come here today just to clarify what action was taken yesterday, the petitions that were filed, the custody, temporary custody, that was granted, as well as the special letters of administration that was granted to Mrs. Katherine Jackson, who, by the way, Anderson, is one of the most remarkable women and -- and loving persons that these children can ever have.

And we're -- we're grateful for them to be here. So, in addition to kind of dealing with the legal issues, providing support, comfort, and advocacy for the family, the children, as well as his legacy, that's our priority. And we're going to do so with first-rate lawyers who are best in class in their respective areas, and not just one person trying to do everything, and -- and running amok through this very, very important estate in these very difficult times.

COOPER: Everybody I have talked to has said that Katherine Jackson is the best person to -- the care for these kids and just a remarkable lady, who has -- who has held close by Michael Jackson through all his ups and downs.

Londell, how is she doing?

MCMILLAN: She's doing -- she's doing as best as she can, quite frankly.

She's -- she's a strong, loving woman. And I think what gives her so much -- so much hope is just knowing that Michael really, really cared for his family and his children. The children are with Mrs. Jackson and the family.

They are a loving group of children. She's holding on. But it's very tough for her. It's -- it's -- quite frankly, it's very tough for all of her family, including Joe Jackson and her -- her -- her -- and Michael's siblings. But she's doing -- she's doing well. And we're going to keep pushing for her.

And thank you for asking.

COOPER: Well, give her our best. No mother should -- should ever have to bury a child, and especially under these circumstances.

Londell McMillan, I appreciate your -- your time and your expertise, Burt Levitch, as well, and Diane Goodman.

Thank you very much.

GOODMAN: Thank you, Anderson. Take care.

MCMILLAN: Thanks, Anderson.

LEVITCH: Thanks, Anderson.

COOPER: a programming note: The public viewing for Michael Jackson is going to be on Friday at the Neverland Ranch. CNN is going be providing coverage on it and, folks, all the late developments as they happen.

Just ahead tonight: the status of Michael Jackson's kids. Was Deborah Rowe the mom of the older two? Some new questions raised there. But you just heard the bottom line in terms of -- of the will, in terms of the custody of the kids, that Michael Jackson was the father. We will have all the developments on that.

Also, Michael's bond over the years with his mother, Katherine. You just heard Mr. McMillan talk about her just now. We will talk -- we will show what their relationship was like over the -- the life of Michael Jackson.

And some new video of the Jackson comeback rehearsals -- take a look.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They have personality. They're fun.



(COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: We're following new developments in the Michael Jackson story tonight, including new questions about his three kids. We have been talking about that. We will have that ahead.

But, first, Erica Hill joins us with a 360 bulletin -- Erica.

ERICA HILL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Anderson, Al Franken is going to Washington, in the unanimous vote today, Minnesota's high court declaring the former comedian the winner of the last open seat in the U.S. Senate. A short time later, Republican challenger Norm Coleman conceded that race. Franken's victory now gives Democrats a supermajority in the Senate.

Two Detroit teens in critical condition tonight, after being shot at a bus stop. Seven teenagers in all were fired on, five of them attending summer classes at a nearby school. Police are now looking for two suspects in a green minivan.

A government advisory panel wants a ban on Vicodin, Percocet, and other prescription painkillers which contain acetaminophen. It is also recommending reducing the strength of acetaminophen found in over-the-counter medications, cold medicine, as you saw there, also things like Tylenol and Excedrin.

The warning here is that acetaminophen can cause severe liver -- liver damage and even death.

And a CNN Hero honored today at the White House, the president praising Alfa Demmellash as part of a tribute to nonprofits which offer (INAUDIBLE) solutions to communities' problems. Rising Tide Capital helps low-income entrepreneurs in New Jersey build small businesses.

The CNN Hero was invited to the White House after staffers saw her honored by "CNN Heroes" -- Anderson.

COOPER: Well, that's cool. Good for her. She's a remarkable lady.

Coming up next, Erica, on 360: Michael Jackson and his children. We will take a look at the latest on the -- the custody issues involved in the case, a new bombshell from a magazine that says that the actual biological father of at least two of the kids is a Beverly Hills physician who was one of Michael Jackson's doctors.

Also, new video of Michael Jackson taken during dance auditions for his London shows. Here's a sneak peek. You will see more of it later on the program.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everything is bigger and more intense in his world.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm afraid the sprinklers are going to go off. (MUSIC)



COOPER: It's not clear if Michael Jackson's family will be in attendance on Friday at the public viewing at the Neverland Ranch.

Joe Jackson has appeared twice in public talking about his son and, at the same time, promoting his new record company. Katherine Jackson, however, Michael's mom, has not spoken out.

While Michael Jackson has been very critical of his father over the years for the abuse that Michael said he suffered as a child, his bond with his mother has always remained strong.


COOPER (voice-over): Through all the changes and controversies, lawsuits and low points, there was one constant, his mom. Katherine Jackson brought Michael calm. In life, she defended, shielded her son. And now she stands by him in death.

STACY BROWN, AUTHOR, "THE MAN BEHIND THE MASK": No one brought Michael the comfort that his mother brought him.

COOPER: Taking care of the family, taking care of his children. After Michael died, the 79-year-old Jackson matriarch shopped for sleeping bags and toys for them. She asked and was then granted temporary guardianship over Michael Jr., Paris and Blanket.

BROWN: Pretty obvious that he wanted his mother to take care of the children. She was the backbone of that family. So it only makes sense that she continues on.

COOPER: Insiders say she shielded him and comforted him, and in the darkest days of the child molestation trial, it was Katherine who never wavered.

TOM MESEREAU, FORMER MICHAEL JACKSON LAWYER: She attended every day of the trial, and she is a wonderful, spiritual, giving, kind person. She was Michael's rock during that trial, because I was, you know, not only would see her in court every day. But during the breaks, very often I would be in a room with just Michael and her. And it was very clear how much he loved her, how much she loved him.

COOPER: The bond between the two seemed unbreakable. And a stark difference to the relationship Michael had with his father. While she grieved in private, he was on the red carpet rambling, even promoting his new record company.

JOE JACKSON, FATHER OF MICHAEL JACKSON: We own a record company called Ranch Records.

COOPER: If she gave him confidence, he told Oprah Winfrey his father tried to tear it down.

OPRAH WINFREY, TALK SHOW HOST: It's hard enough with a parent telling you you're ugly.

MICHAEL JACKSON, POP STAR: It was very difficult. I'm angry with him. Yes, I don't know him the way I'd like to know him.

My mother is wonderful. To me, she's perfection. I just love her. (UNINTELLIGIBLE)

COOPER: Katherine and Joe Jackson have been married for 60 years, but that is on paper. Reportedly, the two have lived separate and apart for the last decade. While she lives in the family compound in Encino, California, he resides hundreds of miles a way in Las Vegas.

Preserving Michael's legacy and protecting her grandkids. Some say that is exactly what he would have wanted.

MESEREAU: He trusted her completely. And seeing her with those children just brings a smile to me. I mean, I think it's wonderful that she's going to be taking care of these beautiful children.


COOPER: Wow. Tonight, new pictures of Michael Jackson's kids and some questions about who their biological parents may be. These are photographs of Jackson kids posted on the Web site TMZ. As we told you, they're now with their grandmother, Katherine. Michael Jackson raised the kids. But tonight, some of the allegations say he is not the biological father.

Randi Kaye has more in our new report.


RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Who's their daddy? Was Michael Jackson the biological father of 12-year-old Michael Jr. and his 11-year-old sister Paris? Or was it really this man, the Los Angeles dermatologist who treated Jackson for years?

"Us Weekly" reports Dr. Arnold Klein is really the father of Jackson's two oldest children.

JIM MORET, CHIEF CORRESPONDENT, "INSIDE EDITION": There's a big leap in going from being a person's doctor to being the sperm donor or father of your children.

KAYE: Dr. Klein is also the former boss of Debbie Rowe, the nurse Jackson married in 1996, and the woman who gave birth to his two oldest children, seen here in photos obtained by TMZ. She and Jackson divorced in 1998.

(on camera) Here at his Beverly Hills office, just a block away from Rodeo Drive, Dr. Arnold Klein was reportedly well-known for providing Botox to the stars, including Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor. We came here to ask him if he's the father of the two children but couldn't get past reception. Our repeated calls to him went unreturned.

(voice-over) For years, neither Rowe, who gave up custody, nor the pop star had ever divulged if the children were conceived through artificial insemination or if Jackson was the father.

MORET: It's widely been rumored that Michael Jackson is not those children's biological father. When you look at those kids, you look at Michael Jackson, you think, it doesn't make sense.

KAYE: And now this.

(on camera) The British tabloid "News of the World" reports it interviewed Rowe a few days ago and that she said she was, quote, "just the vessel," that it wasn't Michael's sperm, adding that she and Jackson had never slept together or shared the same bed. She said she offered him her womb as a gift.

(voice-over) So if Dr. Klein is the real daddy, how might that shake up the looming custody battle?

JEFFREY TOOBIN, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: This story, if true, is so bizarre that it's hard to imagine what the appropriate precedent might be.

KAYE: Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, was granted temporary custody of the children this week. Along with the singer's youngest child, 7-year-old Prince, also known as Blanket, whose mother has never been identified publicly.

Why might anyone be interested in custody of the children at this time? Money. Media reports say the pop star claimed a net worth of more than $230 million in 2007.

(on camera) How much do you think the value of Michael Jackson's estate will play in the future custody battle?

MORET: The only reason you would claim an interest in those kids, in being the real parent, is because you want the money. So I can think of 200 million reasons why you would want to say you're those children's natural parent.

KAYE (voice-over): Whoever makes sum claims will have to undergo DNA testing and be evaluated by the court. Legal controversies, which dogged Michael Jackson in life, may follow him to his grave.


COOPER: I guess I hate reporting on kids -- children, because it just seems such a sensitive topic. This really only matters if, in some way, the custody issue is challenged.

And as we just heard from a Jackson family attorney, the bottom line is Michael Jackson is the father, because that's what it says on the birth certificate. Whoever may be a sperm donor, it doesn't matter. Sperm donor has no rights.

And so we know if Debbie Rowe plans to step forward in any way?

KAYE: Well, we were hoping, Anderson, that she would help clear up some of this and tell us, maybe, who the biological father is at least. But she's not talking.

Her attorney, though, did give us a statement, which reads in part, "Debbie remains grief-stricken." She didn't say anything specifically about paternity. She says, "Her thoughts are with the children and all of the Jackson family. To the extent that she must respond to court proceedings that were started by others, she will, of course, do so at the appropriate time."

But right now, as you know, they're under the temporary guardianship of Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson's mother. And that will be for a while now, at least for a month during the investigation. And then maybe not until August before we know.

COOPER: There will be a hearing, and Debbie Rowe will be invited to attend that hearing.

KAYE: Right.

COOPER: Whether she does or not remains to be seen.

KAYE: Right. And if Katherine Jackson does get permanent guardianship, that might not be granted until August. So there is some time in between to figure it out.

COOPER: All right. Randi Kaye reporting. Appreciate it, Randi.

Many of you are weighing in on the latest developments in the story. You can join the live chat happening right now at

Coming up, doctors paid big bucks to be at the beck and call of celebrities. Who are these personal physicians to the rich and famous, and how much pressure do they feel to give their patients whatever they want? Dr. Sanjay Gupta investigates.

Also, ten young dancers chosen to stare -- share the stage with Michael Jackson. Imagine their excitement, the chance of a lifetime now gone. Tonight, a first look inside the auditions and rehearsals that brought them face to face with their idol.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I get up on that stage and there are sparks flying everywhere.



COOPER: We're not certain what, if any, medications Michael Jackson was taken at the time of his death. His private physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, has said through his lawyer that he did not give Jackson painkillers Demerol or OxyContin. Dr. Murray was at Jackson's dying side, giving him CPR when paramedics arrived.

He was being paid a lot of money to pay for Jackson, reportedly $150,000 a month. The question is what exactly did that buy?

360 M.D. Sanjay Gupta has been working that angle of the story.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Michael Jackson, medical mystery. Many believe this man, Dr. Conrad Murray, holds the answer. He's known in the medical community as a concierge doctor, boutique M.D., doctor to the stars.

(on camera) He had a $150,000-a-month doctor at his beck and call. That surprise you?


GUPTA (voice-over): Dr. Sheryl Bryant Bruce (ph) would know. She's also a concierge doctor and charges up to $150,000 a year for 24/7 service anywhere in the world. She has at least 20 patients. I was curious to know what all that money buys you.

(on camera) What's the craziest thing you've ever done for a patient?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This young gentleman, he was in a panic because he decided that he might have an STD. And so I get called out in the middle of the night for this STD check, only to find myself in the middle of this very interesting party.

GUPTA (voice-over): For another patient she traveled to Cancun for a week. Why? The patient wanted her own doctor with her just in case. And this...

(on camera) Is that your phone?


GUPTA (voice-over): Just a few minutes into our interview Dr. Bryant Bruce (ph) gets a call. And we get a glimpse into her life.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We can send a trainer with you. I mean, I understand that you're going on location and all, but we can send a trainer with you.

GUPTA (on camera): Did I hear you just say that you're going to send a trainer to New York with a patient?


GUPTA: Most of her patients are famous and wealthy. They expect discretion. And that is why Dr. Bryant Bruce (ph) wouldn't divulge too many names, and she took us along on a visit with another patient. (on camera) So we're about to make a real-life house called here. This is what Dr. Bryant Bruce (ph) does several times a day, going to see her patients, wherever they may be.

(voice-over) The patient is Jimmy Cocoa (ph). You may have seen him on E! He's legendary for providing tans. You know, those world- class spray-on tans.

She checks him for strep throat and then gives him an injection. In this case, an anti-inflammatory, Toradol. But it got me wondering.

(on camera) Have you given spots of Demerol or OxyContin to patients before?



GUPTA: You know, it's interesting because a lot has been made of the fact that Dr. Murray is not board certified in cardiology and doesn't have hospital privileges.

COOPER: Dr. Murray, he was the private physician for Michael Jackson.

GUPTA: Michael Jackson. That's actually not that uncommon. It's hard to get privileges at certain big academic hospitals if you're not board certified, but there are a lot of doctors practicing in the United States who are not board certified. So I'm not sure that's going to be that big a deal in the end, Anderson.

COOPER: She, the woman you profiled, the doctor, seemed like a responsible doctor. We talked a little bit last week -- and Dr. Deepak Chopra was very critical about kind of L.A. doctors who want to be part of a star's retinue and are willing to kind of do whatever that takes. How big a problem is that?

GUPTA: I asked her that question. I said, look, you're getting paid $150,000 a year. All your patients, millions of dollar, if you add that up. If they come to you and say, "Look, I really want this. I'm giving you all this money. Why won't you give it to you?"

And what she said is, "I make the decision." She goes, "Sure, I'm there for the patient as much as they want. But I tell them flat out in the beginning that, you know, when it comes to narcotics, when it comes to certain things, we're just going to draw certain lines."

But I think you're absolutely right. And I think Dr. Chopra has a good point, because there probably is a very gray area there. A lot of money being exchanged. What exactly is that money buying? That's what I was trying to get at here. She flatly denied that she is part of that. But I imagine that that goes on.

COOPER: All right. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, thanks.

Next, auditioning for an icon, reversal video just revealed. Dancers who are about to living their dream, dancing on the same stage with Michael Jackson. The moment they meet their idol. You'll see some of that.

Also tonight, South Carolina Governor Mark Stanford, he says he is trying to fall back in love with his wife but also admits to crossing the line with other women. Details ahead.


COOPER: Well, Michael Jackson's "This Is It" tour was more than a series of comeback concerts. For ten young dancers who were chosen to share the stage with him, it was the chance of a lifetime.

They came from around the world to audition for the coveted positions and had been rehearsing for weeks with the King of Pop, right up until the night before his death. Tonight we have our first look inside those weeks. No one knew then -- no one, of course, knew then how little time Michael Jackson had left. Take a look.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When I was younger, I remember seeing him performing on the stage. I was like, I just want to do that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They have personality. They're fun.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Congratulations, you are cast.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you so much, all of you, for this special, memorable experience.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I've watched Michael since I was young.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's really emotional. I cannot believe it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There's a VH-1 week of Michael and I watched it for a year.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get ready. See the audience.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm more than ready.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They brought heart. They brought passion. They brought hunger. They all came here to boogie.

There's a lot of sweat on the stage right now. There's a lot of sweat and memories.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, guys, I have someone here that would like to finally meet you. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wow.


COOPER: Wow, amazing. You can go to to hear what the dancers had to say about working with Michael Jackson.

We're following several other stories tonight. Erica Hill joins us again with the "360 Bulletin" -- Erica.

ERICA HILL, CNN ANCHOR: More emotional confession today from South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, who tells the Associated Press, he, quote, "crossed the line" with a handful of women other than his Argentine mistress over the years but says he never had sex with them. He also describes his mistress as his soul mate, though he says he is trying to fall back in love with his wife.

A young child seems to be the lone survivor of a plane crash into the Indian Ocean today. The Yemeni jet liner had more than 150 on board when it crashed while trying to land in bad weather on the island of Comoros.

And family and friends gathering to bid farewell to Farrah Fawcett today. A private funeral in Los Angeles. Her longtime companion, Ryan O'Neal, was one of the pall bearers. The "Charlie's Angels" star died on Thursday after a lengthy battle with cancer. Farrah Fawcett was 62.

And former vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin called the sexist and riskiest brand in the Republican Party in a new "Vanity Fair" article. President Obama is also quoted in that report as saying during the campaign he didn't think Palin had enough time to prepare as a running mate and get up to speed.

Meantime, some fighting words of her own from Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, in the latest issue of "Runner's World" magazine. Well, she says, she'd beat President Obama one-on-one in a long-distance race. She says sweat is her sanity, Anderson.

COOPER: She's talking about an actual run.

HILL: She's talking about a run, exactly, yes. If the two of them went out for a run, she would leave him in the dust.

COOPER: She'd win. Well, we'll see.

We're following other stories, Erica. U.S. troops leaving Iraq cities, Iraqis celebrating. Where does the U.S. stand now? We'll look at that in a moment.

And one of the strangest shots we've seen. A woman in a police interview with a surprise up her sleeve. Or actually, rather down her shirt, to be exact. It's our "Shot of the Day." Kind of have to see it to believe it.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: Turning point in Iraq today. Iraqis celebrated the withdrawal of U.S. troops from cities and towns. Nationwide festivities began last night in Baghdad ahead of the midnight deadline.

Today for the first time in six years, Iraqis and not Americans were in charge of security in their streets. Withdrawal, part of an agreement signed last year by former President Bush, calling for all U.S. forces to leave walk by the end of 2011.

Now, if that timetable holds, the mission will have lasted nearly nine years. Measuring the cost, of course, is an exercise in raw politics and, of course, human lives.

Tom Foreman has that.


TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Anderson, the cost of Iraq is easy to see and hard to look at. In lives, more than 4,300 American troops have been killed, some 30,000 wounded, and somewhere between 1 and 200,000 Iraqi civilians dead, by most estimates.

In dollars, the Bush administration thought it would be quick and relatively cheap, $60 billion maybe. But the cost is now easily ten times that amount, and plenty of analysts think the tab could run to a trillion dollars or more before it's all over.

And, of course, international polls have found the world's opinion of the U.S. has plummeted since this war began.

The benefits of the war are trickier to calculate, since polls show most Americans are against it. They don't really see any benefits. But the war did take down Saddam Hussein and avert potential future threats from him and his sons. We now know Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, but we also know he did want them and worked on getting them.

And democracy has emerged in place of a dictatorship. There are questions about whether or not it can defend itself in the long run. But for the moment, it is standing.

And there is this. Not only did the war's unpopularity lay the groundwork for Barack Obama's election, but it's also been a training ground for American troops learning to fight against insurgencies. Lessons that are already proving critical as they shift to the new president's top military concern now, the war in Afghanistan -- Anderson.


COOPER: Tom, thanks very much. And big concern Afghanistan is, indeed.

Next on 360, the strangest "Shot" yet. Something to make you kind of smile before you go to bed. A police interview and surprise of a police officer's life. You won't believe what is living under that woman's shirt. We'll show you, ahead.

And at the top of the hour, the latest on the investigation into the death of Michael Jackson. We'll be right back.


COOPER: Erica, for tonight's "Shot," a first and one of the strangest videos we've seen. Take a look at this. You can't make this stuff up.

A police officer in Ohio interviewing this -- oh, "Dramatic Animal Video." I forgot our graphic. There it is.

He's investigating a murder. A police officer interviewing this woman. All of a sudden, out of her shot -- shirt pops a baby squirrel.

HILL: Yes.


HILL: Disturbing on so many levels.

COOPER: She was just carrying around a baby squirrel.

HILL: There we go.


HILL: ... squirrels.

COOPER: The police officer didn't miss a beat. He was stunned. He kept right on with his questioning. The woman and the squirrel apparently were released. They had nothing to do with the crime.


COOPER: And the sound effect was added. There you go. Why she had...

HILL: This is really...

COOPER: I'm curious to know why she had the squirrel.

HILL: I don't know. I don't have an answer for that, but I would like an answer. And also why she decides that that's the best place to carry it.

COOPER: Yes. Well, yes. We'll just leave it at that.

HILL: Yes.

COOPER: You can see all the beat recent "Shots" and the "Beat 360" on our Web site at

Coming up at the top of the hour, back to the serious business, investigation into the death of Michael Jackson. We'll be right back.


COOPER: Tonight, a lot of breaking news, a lot of breaking developments. A striking new voice in Michael Jackson's death with a shocking story to tell. A nurse who says that Jackson repeatedly asked her about a powerful IV anesthesia drug. The drug is called Diprivan. The nurse is Cherilyn Lee. We've not independently confirmed her story. She joins -- she's going to join us on the phone momentarily.

Here's what he told the Associated Press about the call she says she received from a Michael Jackson staffer just about five days before his death. Listen.


CHERILYN LEE, NURSE: Employee of the household. He called me and said -- he was very frantic. He said, "Michael needs to see you right away. Can you come and see him?"

And I said, "What's wrong?"