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Nancy Grace

Michael Jackson`s Will Filed in Court

Aired July 01, 2009 - 20:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. The mystery surrounding the sudden death of music icon Michael Jackson intensifies. Jackson rushed to the ER after collapsing reportedly in front of his own young son there in a $100,000-a-month rental, Bel-Air. Doctors desperate attempts to revive Jackson fail. Jackson pronounced dead. This as we learn Jackson not the biological father of any of his three children and -- and -- that he never formally or legally adopted them. Investigators converge on Jackson`s home with a search warrant, leaving with bags full of evidence, reportedly drugs.

Bombshell tonight. In the last hours, Jackson`s will filed at an LA court, revealing Jackson`s fortune half a billion dollars. Repeat, half a billion dollars. Jackson leaves everything to a secret trust. Beneficiaries that we know of, Jackson`s 79-year-old mother and his own three children. Then the stunning document goes on the offense, completely cutting out former wife, Debbie Rowe, the biological mother of two of Jackson`s children. Grandmother Katherine named legal guardian of the three kids, ages 12, 11, 7. Backup guardian, not sister Janet, LaToya, Rebbie, not Jermaine, not Tito, Jackie, not Marlon, not Randy, but Jackson names former Supreme Diana Ross.

As we go to air, legal executors of Jackson`s will race to the courthouse to reverse mother Katherine Jackson`s temporary control of Jackson`s billion-dollar empire. Reports that alleged bio mom has resurfaced in her attempt to seize custody of Jackson`s multi-million- dollar estate and the children. Who is she? Tonight, questions mount as police continue investigating Jackson`s home and those surrounding him at time of death, the investigation now labeled multi-pronged. Did Jackson tried to obtain a powerful sedative used during surgery just before his death? And tonight, there will be no public viewing at Neverland. Music icon Michael Jackson dead at 50, the fate of his three children unknown.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Michael Jackson`s will is now on file with a Los Angeles court.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... a striking new voice in Michael Jackson`s death with a shocking story to tell.

CHERILYN LEE, REGISTERED NURSE: I got this chill through my body. And I said, Michael, if you take that medicine, you might not wake up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In this short will, he did say, I intentionally omitted to provide for my former wife, Deborah Rowe Jackson. He wants Katherine Jackson, his mother, to be the guardian of his children.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If she`s unable to be the guardian, Jackson had nominated singer Diana Ross to take custody of the kids.

MICHAEL JACKSON: She`s a wonderful person. She`s magic. She can move an audience (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... a nurse who says that Jackson repeatedly asked her about a powerful IV anesthesia drug. The drug is called Diprivan. The nurse is Cherilyn Lee.

LEE: I said, Look, this is a very serious drug. At first I was wondering if he understood what he was telling me. And he said, Yes, I know exactly what it is. I`ve had it before. There`s no side effects. He said, It is safe. I said, Michael, it isn`t. The bottom line, it can cause death.


GRACE: And tonight, the desperate search for a 10-year-old Washington girl who vanishes into thin air after leaving a little friend`s house. Tonight, the search goes on by land, by air, by water for 10-year-old Lindsey.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Michael Jackson`s will is now on file with a Los Angeles court.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... a striking new voice in Michael Jackson`s death with a shocking story to tell.

LEE: I got this chill through my body. And I said, Michael, if you take that medicine, you might not wake up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In this short will, he did say, I intentionally omitted to provide for my former wife, Deborah Rowe Jackson. He wants Katherine Jackson, his mother, to be the guardian of his children.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If she`s unable to be the guardian, Jackson nominated singer Diana Ross to take custody of the kids.

MICHAEL JACKSON: She`s a wonderful person. She`s magic. She can move an audience (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... a nurse who says that Jackson repeatedly asked her about a powerful IV anesthesia drug. The drug is called Diprivan. The nurse is Cherilyn Lee.

LEE: I said, Look, this is a very serious drug. At first, I was wondering if he understood what he was telling me. And he said, Yes, I know exactly what it is. I`ve had it before. There`s no side effects. He said, It is safe. I said, Michael, it isn`t. The bottom line, it can cause death.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. The mystery surrounding the sudden death of music icon Michael Jackson.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There`s a lot of speculation mounting about Michael Jackson`s death and whether it`s related to prescription drugs. A nurse who worked with the superstar is making some pretty shocking claims. She says that Jackson suffered from severe insomnia and claims that she rejected his request for an extremely strong sedative called Diprivan.

LEE: He said, I really just need something that`s going to help me to sleep. And he was very persistent about it.

MICHAEL JACKSON: I`m the kind of person that -- I believe in the (INAUDIBLE) satisfy (INAUDIBLE) music (INAUDIBLE)

LEE: He said, I wanted it to drop -- I want it IV. And he says, I know that the first drop -- when I look at it and I see the first drop hit my vein, I`m asleep. And I sleep very well. And I just need to sleep.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Michael Jackson`s last will and testament is public record. It was filed in court in Los Angeles today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The document provides nothing for his former wife, Debbie Rowe. It leaves his entire estate to the Michael Jackson family trust. It nominates his mother, Katherine, as guardian of his three children.



GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Joining me right now at the Jackson parents` home there in Encino, Susan Roesgen. Susan, the will just filed at an LA courthouse. What did we learn?

SUSAN ROESGEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Boy, we learn, Nancy, that Michael Jackson, at least as of 2002, knew exactly who he wanted to get what, and he did not want Deborah Rowe Jackson, his former wife, to get anything. He cut her out of the will by saying that he -- in case there was any doubt about it, Nancy, that he intentionally omitted to provide for Deborah Rowe Jackson, my former wife.

He also said that he wanted his mother, Katherine Jackson, to have custody of the children, and if she were to have died before him or couldn`t do it or didn`t want to do it, he wanted Diana Ross to take her place and be the guardian of the children. Left out there, Nancy, is Joe Jackson, his father, and other high-profile friends. Elizabeth Taylor was supposed to be a big friend of his. But he said, no, he wants Katherine Jackson, his mother, to take custody, and then he nominated Diana Ross to do it if she couldn`t.

GRACE: Highly unusual...


GRACE: Susan Roesgen is just telling us former Supreme Diana Ross named as the backup guardian to the grandmother, Katherine Jackson. There you`re seeing Diana Ross, and not only her but Michael Jackson and his children. You`re also seeing new photos that we have obtained from TMZ. Back to Susan Roesgen. Go ahead, Susan.

ROESGEN: Well, you know, Nancy, there`s this Michael Jackson family trust. Now, that`s key because as of 2002, the lawyers have drafted this will, you know, said they didn`t even know how much Michael Jackson was worth. They estimated it as in excess of $500 million, but they didn`t really know. But what they`ve said is that this Michael Jackson family trust -- that`s where the assets go. And from there, they will be parceled out, and that`s the $500 million question that we don`t know, exactly who gets what.

GRACE: Straight out to the lines. Melissa in New York. Hi, Melissa.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want to say I love your twins, and God bless them.

GRACE: Thank you. Thank you so much. And I pray to God they`re never thrown in the type of legal controversy that Jackson`s three children are now in.

Here are more of those new photos that we have obtained. They`re from TMZ, of Jackson`s children, the three of them now with grandmother Katherine, Katherine Jackson 79 years old named the legal guardian. Backup guardian Diana Ross.

Now, earlier, we were just showing you video of Diana Ross, the famous Supreme, after her last DUI arrest. There you see her taking a sobriety test. I believe that was in Arizona. There you see Diana Ross, now named as the backup guardian to 79-year-old Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson`s mother.

Melissa, what`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`d like to know, Nancy, since they`re doing this investigation, not once have they said since he stuck himself supposedly or that needle -- if they got it, the DNA, if they have retrieved it, if there`s fingerprints on there (INAUDIBLE) Demerol or whatever it is. Where is that needle, and if they`re going to find fingerprints?

GRACE: Straight out to Mike Brooks, former fed with the FBI. Mike, what about it?

MIKE BROOKS, FORMER D.C. POLICE, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Well, Nancy, we really don`t know exactly what they took out of the house. We knew they took -- they went back and took some drug bottles out. But you know, there`s talk that there was some syringes there, but we really don`t know for sure. Police and LAPD, they`re being very, very -- they`re holding their cards very tight to the chest.

GRACE: Out to Mike Walker, senior editor with "The National Enquirer." Mike, I`m stunned about what this nurse is revealing, who`s going to be with us in just a few moments, that Michael Jackson was literally begging for a powerful sedative used at surgery.

MIKE WALKER, "NATIONAL ENQUIRER": Yes. And it is just amazing. Again, we come back to this doctor who was there, this doctor with very few credentials. I hope he has lawyered up really well because everything is pointing back to him. If, indeed, he was taking care of Michael Jackson, why would he let him have a drug like this? This is a drug that can kill you unless you`re in the hands of a competent physician who knows how to administer it.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Who`s their daddy? Was Michael Jackson the biological father of 12-year-old Michael, Jr., and his 11-year-old sister, Paris, or was it really this man, the Los Angeles dermatologist who treated Jackson for years? "Us Weekly" reports Dr. Arnold Klein is really the father of Jackson`s two oldest children.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And we are the first outlet to actually reveal this. A lot of people have known and a lot of people actually have reached out to me today, saying that they also knew about this and were very surprised it never came out earlier.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dr. Klein is also the former boss of Debbie Rowe, the nurse Jackson married in 1996 and the woman who gave birth to his two oldest children, seen here in photos obtained by TMZ. She and Jackson divorced in 1998.

GRACE: What about Debbie Rowe?


GRACE: Is she the biological mother or was she just a surrogate?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is the biological mother.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For years, neither Rowe, who gave up custody, nor the pop star, had ever divulged if the children were conceived through artificial insemination or if Jackson was the father.

GRACE: Well, what do we know about whether Jackson is, in fact, the biological father of the three children?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s not the biological father of the three children.

LEE: He was so adamant about, I will pay any amount of money to someone to help me to sleep. And I said, You don`t have to pay me anything, but you don`t do this. But he was so adamant, I don`t care what it`s going to take. I`ll pay any amount of money to get eight hours sleep. That was my last conversation with him. I said, You know, Michael, instead of -- you know, I just -- it`s just something came over me. And I`ve got tears in my eyes and I`ve been having these tears ever since that day. And I said -- something came over me. I said, Michael, you keep wanting to sleep. You keep saying you`re going to be knocked out and sleep. But what about waking up tomorrow?


GRACE: That is the nurse, Cherilyn Lee, who is joining us in just a few moments, who said just four days before Michael Jackson dropped dead, he was on the phone with her, begging for help. This after asking her for a powerful sedative that is used only behind hospital walls during surgery.

Back to Mike Walker, the senior editor with "The National Enquirer." Mike, if she is to be believed -- and so far, she has withstood a lot of questioning -- he was in a very, very bad condition. I mean, he wasn`t even asking for over-the-counter drugs or prescription drugs to help him sleep, he wanted surgical sedatives.

WALKER: In my column next week -- I shouldn`t break it here, but I think this is important to say -- Michael, as you know -- you heard the reports that he couldn`t -- he could barely walk through the early rehearsals for his This Is It tour. But right toward the end, as I report, suddenly, he perked up. He was doing terrific. They were thinking of ways to cover him up. They hired more dancers. They had special effects because they thought they were really going to be embarrassed. And then in the last two rehearsals, as I talk about in my column last week, he suddenly revived.

Now, he had a lot of pressure on him, and he did what he always does when he has pressure. He turned to a drug for answers. And this time, he needed a drug that was beyond all the other drugs he`d been taking all these years, and once again an IV. And this drug -- this is the one that we don`t know yet, but this could be the one that pulled the trigger. As for what this lady is saying, I don`t know whether what she`s saying is true or accurate.

GRACE: What`s the name of the drug, Mike Walker?

WALKER: Diprivan.

GRACE: Say what?

WALKER: Diprivan.

GRACE: Diprivan. Out to Dr. David Posey, medical examiner joining us out of LA. What is it?

DR. DAVID POSEY, MEDICAL EXAMINER, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: Well, Diprivan is a sedative hypnotic, and as you`ve already stated, Nancy, it`s a drug that must be used in the hospital under controlled conditions, where you can have the patient ventilated. If they go into...

GRACE: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Ventilated? You mean a tube down their throat?

POSEY: Yes, that`s...

GRACE: Come on. We`re just lawyers, Doctor. Help me. A tube down a throat?

POSEY: Well, that`s the severity of this drug.

GRACE: That dangerous. Why do you have to have a tube down your throat to use this drug?

POSEY: It`s usually used to induce anesthesia. And if you want to induce anesthesia and put somebody to sleep to actually operate on them, Nancy, you want to be able to control their breathing. You want to be able to control their heart rate, and so forth. And if you`re using a drug that`s this powerful, that`s the only way I know to do it, or at least to be in a situation where you can quickly intubate, if necessary. So this is a very, very powerful drug, should never be used outside of a hospital.

GRACE: And you would only use it intravenously.

POSEY: Yes, ma`am. That`s exactly correct.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Bianca in Texas. Hi, Bianca.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. How`re you doing?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question and comment is regarding the nurse making these statements regarding Michael requesting Diprivan. Are there not HIPAA violations in California? Because I know here in Texas, you`re not -- we can`t even speak about a patient`s condition, medication or anything, even on the elevator to each other, much less go on national TV with regards to what they asked for, what they were wanting or needing. You know, as far as from what I know, unless you are subpoenaed to testify in court, you cannot discuss anything medically related to a patient, dead or alive.

GRACE: Out to Susan Moss. What do you think, Susan?

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Absolutely. And as the caller says, the HIPAA requirement survives death. So just because he`s gone doesn`t mean you`re allowed to talk about your patient-privileged information with him.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Lucy, New York. Hi, Lucy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. Love your show and you children.

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is, can anybody argue the fact, even though his mother and Diana Ross were asked to be the guardians -- argue the fact that they are far too old and the children may go from either/or, and that`s not stable?

GRACE: You know, that`s an excellent question. Let`s go out to the lawyers. Bottom line, he has made a very clear verbally to many people and in this legal document that was just filed in the last hours at an LA courthouse that 79-year-old grandmother Katherine Jackson is the legal guardian of his children. The backup, not Rebbie, not LaToya, not Janet, Marlon, Randy, Jackie, Tito. No. The backup is former Supreme Diana Ross.

Out to the lawyers, Susan Moss, Lenard Leeds out of New York, Renee Rockwell, Atlanta, Alan Ripka, New York. Lenard Leeds, What about it?

LENARD LEEDS, ESTATE ATTORNEY: I think the court can always consider what`s the best interests of the children. I think they`re going to look at the 79-year-old, and that`s certainly a factor. Also, she had gone bankrupt within the past 10 years. And I think there`s also been some kind of misrepresentation to the court because remember when she filed the first papers, when the question came up as to where her husband was, it said a different address or unknown. And so I think that has to be questioned.

GRACE: What about it, Renee Rockwell?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, they`re going try to go with and adhere with the wishes of the testator, this being Michael Jackson. I don`t see them veering from that unless the children are in some sort of imminent danger. So I say that the grandmother will get the children.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As far as what drugs were in his system, what, if anything, overtly caused his death, they should know that now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The nurse who claims that she treated Jackson back in April says he was desperately seeking a very powerful sedative.

LEE: He said, I am so sleepy. I cannot sleep. I want to have at least eight hours of sleep.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s known as "milk of amnesia." It is a creamy, white-looking substance, and it causes you to fall asleep.

LEE: I got this chill through my body. And I said, Michael, if you take that medicine, you might not wake up.


GRACE: Out to Natisha Lance, our producer standing by there at Neverland. Natisha, is it true the family has now called off that public viewing that was set for Friday?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: That`s right. Late this afternoon, Nancy, they issued a statement from a new spokesperson saying that there will be no public viewing or private memorial up here at Neverland ranch for Michael Jackson. Now, the understanding that we had been under is that there was going to be this 30-car motorcade bringing Michael Jackson and his body up to Neverland ranch, but the family is now saying that is not going to happen.



UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Fire Paramedic 33. What is the nature of your emergency?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sir, we have a gentleman here that needs help and he`s not breathing.

MICHAEL JACKSON, KING OF POP: This is it. I mean this is really it. This is the final -- this is the final curtain call.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The fact that these children have to go through this is really compounding the tragedy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A judge granted temporary guardianship of his children to Jackson`s mother, Katherine.

JOE JACKSON, MICHAEL JACKSON`S FATHER: Of course, this is where they belong. We`re going to take care of them and give them the education that they`re supposed to have.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Debbie Rowe is the mother of the two oldest children. Rowe`s attorney hasn`t said whether or not she will seek custody.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There is a custody issue. Michael Jackson was their father. He had custody. He had physical custody day in and day out and they have lost him.


GRACE: You want to see a dogfight? Well, you are about to. Michael Jackson`s will just filed in the last hours at an L.A. courthouse. The two legal executors racing in to displace what the judge has just done naming grandmother Katherine Jackson as the executor.

They are named the legal executors in that document so she is out. They are in. She`s going to maintain control of about 2,000 items there at Neverland until Monday when a hearing is set to go down.

I`ve got the document right here in my hand.

Back to Susan Roesgen, standing by at the Jackson parents` home. What more did we learn other than him very shrewdly, as you pointed out, going on the offense and saying in paragraph 11 -- excuse me, 6, "I specifically, intentionally omit to provide for Deborah Jean Rowe Jackson," because, Susan, legally if you don`t say anything at all, it could be argued later uh-oh, he left her out. No, he did not leave her out. He cut her out.

SUSAN ROESGEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right. Very specifically, Nancy. You`re absolutely right. He knew exactly what he was doing. And we can assume that in 2002.

But, you know, Nancy, there`s one thing that the people and the family in the home behind me would have loved to have in this will, I think, and that`s what were Michael Jackson`s wishes for his own funeral. What kind of funeral did he want to have? Where did he want his body to be buried?

Natisha has just told us, it ain`t going to be in Neverland and there`s not going to be a public viewing there. Right now we seem to get the sense here that the family doesn`t know where it`s going to be.

GRACE: To Stacy Brown, former Jackson family friend, co-author of "Michael Jackson, The Man Behind the Mask."

Stacy, welcome. It`s my understanding that they were going to attempt to have a viewing and a burial of Michael Jackson there at Neverland and set it up as a visitation area somewhat like Graceland. But in California you just can`t bury a body in the backyard. You know? It doesn`t work that way.

So what are they thinking of? Is it (INAUDIBLE)? What are they considering now as to where to bury Michael Jackson?

STACY BROWN, FMR. JACKSON FAMILY FRIEND, CO-AUTHOR OF "MICHAEL JACKSON, THE MAN BEHIND THE MASK" (via phone): I think your reporter said it best. I don`t know that they know. It stands to reason that Michael would have wanted, Nancy, to be buried at Neverland.

But it`s so much -- that`s complicated. Apparently it`s too complicated. But Neverland would -- I would imagine, Nancy, that would have been his choice.

GRACE: Take a look at this carriage. Explain to me, Susan Roesgen, is this going to be part of the funeral?

ROESGEN: You know, we just don`t know. What we`re waiting for right now, Nancy, is for someone from the family to come out and tell us. We`re all here. They know that we`re all here. The fans are still here. Come out and tell us what your decision is.

It could be, Nancy, not only that they haven`t decided but that maybe they`re getting a sense from the LAPD, from the California Highway Patrol, from different law enforcement agencies that the logistics of this thing could just be a nightmare. So maybe that`s what they`re waiting for. Where can they do it and not have a huge traffic jam.

GRACE: That carriage that you`re seeing, that funeral carriage is reported by TMZ to be part of Jackson`s funeral procession.

To Flo Anthony, Jackson family friend, talk show host, publisher of "Black Noir" magazine. Flo Anthony, what are they considering for the funeral?

FLO ANTHONY, JACKSON FAMILY FRIEND, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST, PUBLISHER, BLACK NOIR MAGAZINE: Well, I think the decision to definitely not have it at Neverland was made about 2:30 in the morning. And I think a lot of it had to do with logistics. There`s one road in, one road out. And the officials in Santa Inez were very concerned about the huge crowds that were going to be there.

From what I understand now, I don`t know if there`s any definitive plans, but the last time this afternoon I talked to someone they were looking at Monday for a public viewing and Tuesday for a private funeral. But as far as where it is, I -- this afternoon there was not a definite decision.

GRACE: What are they considering, Flo?

ANTHONY: This afternoon no one was really saying. There wasn`t any definite decision. I always thought maybe he`d lay in state at the Staple Center as a shrine or something, you know, prior to the Neverland plans but I think a lot of stuff has just been speculation, Nancy.

I don`t think there was ever any 30-car convoy heading to Neverland. I think that there`s a lot of stuff that`s going out there. That`s why actually I suggested to my dear friend Steve Manning, who`s there with the Jacksons at Hayvenhurst earlier today that they get a spokesperson and then they did hire Ken Sunshine.

GRACE: You`re right. You`re right, Flo Anthony.

Everyone, Flo Anthony, publisher of "Black Noir" magazine. I want to go back to Mike Walker, senior editor of the "National Enquirer."

Mike, what do you make of the claims that Jackson is not the biological father of any of his three children?

MIKE WALKER, SENIOR EDITOR, THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER, COVERING STORY: Well, I absolutely believe those claims. I would like to just quickly say, Nancy, I`m surprised that everybody is suggesting that there is any chance that Michael was ever going to be buried at Neverland.

Michael Jackson turned his back on Neverland.

GRACE: He did.

WALKER: Let all those animals go because he said, and we published this story, what, four years ago, three years ago.

GRACE: He hated it.

WALKER: He hated it.

GRACE: He hated it.

WALKER: He -- they contaminated it. He said they contaminated it. The police went into my bedroom and raided my stuff.

GRACE: I read that story, Mike Walker.

WALKER: Yes, that`s right.

GRACE: And his actions.

WALKER: There was no chance the family was going to do that.

GRACE: . over the years bore out exactly what you reported. After that raid on Neverland, he left. He never went back.

WALKER: Right.

GRACE: I don`t think that that would be his wish at all so...

WALKER: It wouldn`t.

GRACE: It`s all up in the air. OK, back to you, Alan Ripka, attorney out of New York. If Mike Walker and others are correct, this is reported in "Us Weekly," Mike Walker agrees, and he is not the biological father.

Ripka, he never formally or legally adopted the three children. So look, it`s not like common law marriage. You don`t have common law children. It doesn`t work that way with adoption. So where does that leave these three kids?

ALAN RIPKA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, at the time, obviously, the presumption was that he was the father. He took full custody of the children. No one challenged that. So he was presumed to be the father. And it`s not until now that someone is coming forward and saying maybe he`s not the father.

And if someone is going to challenge it and someone`s going to do DNA testing, maybe that`s another story. But as of now he is the rightful father of those children.

GRACE: To Natisha Lance, who is this woman, and I`m not talking about Debbie Rowe, that is coming forward and saying she is the mother of at least one of those children. I assume it`s Blanket, Prince Michael II.

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: That`s right. Her name is Nona Paris Lola Jackson, Nancy. She`s out of the British -- she`s out of Britain. She`s saying that she is the mother of Michael Jackson`s children and she filed papers today in court saying that she wants access to Michael Jackson`s estate.

She also wants to be -- gain custody of the children. Now this is not the first time that she has filed papers in this type of manner. She also filed papers back in December of 2008. The judge said that you need more evidence to show that you are the mother of these children.

GRACE: I`ve got her documents right here in front of me where she is claiming that she`s the mother of the minor children. OK. So we already see people coming out of the woodwork making these claims. The only way to verify or disprove her claim is going to be a DNA test.

Out to Ellyn Gamberg, psychotherapist joining us out of New York. Doctor, thank you for being with us. Getting all lost in this are his three children and what they are going through right now. One of them, apparently, seeing their father drop to the floor.

ELLYN GAMBERG, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Nancy, this is -- this whole experience is so devastating. And there are so many factors. Not just actually losing their father, seeing their father, I hope that all these kids are not watching television -- to the claims of who are their parents.

Right now the best thing for these children is that they are surrounded by people that they love, normalcy, and don`t get in the way of the media and all of the bad press. This is still their dad. They`re suffering a great loss.

GRACE: A huge loss. And many people have referred to them repeatedly as test tube babies. You know I pray to God that they are not watching that type of coverage.

Everyone, we are taking your calls live. Quickly, safety tips for the summer. When you travel, please carry as few valuables as possible. Use the hotel safe. Don`t keep all your cash and all your credit cards in one place.

If you go abroad, leave copies of your itineraries and your travel document copies like passports with family or friends. Do not travel alone at night if you can help it. Please, be aware of your surroundings.

Don`t keep valuables in your rental car. And remember, an alert traveler is a safer traveler. For more information to keep you and your family safe, please go to



ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Through all of the changes and controversies, lawsuits and low points, there was one constant. His mom. Katherine Jackson brought Michael calm.

In life she defended, shielded her son. And now she stands by him in death taking care of the family, taking care of his children. After Michael died, the 79-year-old Jackson matriarch shopped for sleeping bags and toys for them. She asked and was then granted temporary guardianship over Michael Jr., Paris and Blanket.

LANCE: As far as children we know that they`re with Katherine Jackson. I can`t say for sure if they are in this home right behind me. But we know that she has temporary custody and on Monday there is going to be a hearing to decide if she will keep that temporary custody.

GRACE: I understand that after he was pronounced dead they asked to go see their father`s body there at the hospital?

BRIAN OXMAN, JACKSON FAMILY, CONFIDANTE & FMR. ATTY., HOST, INSIGHT NEWSRADIO KLAA (via phone): The children are so bright, Nancy. They didn`t miss a thing as to what was going on around them. They are smart. They know what happened in the commotion the Michael Jackson.

SUSAN MOSS, CHILD ADVOCATE, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: You got Joe Jackson who out there been claims and allegations that he beat Michael and was also otherwise abusive. You have Katherine who couldn`t protect her own son from allegedly this monster and then you`ve got Debbie Rowe, well, she`s no prize.


GRACE: Out to the lines, Cleo, Indiana. Hi, Cleo.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

CLEO: Thank you, Nancy, for this time. My question is about the nurse. They have what they call mandated reporting. And I`m wondering, when she got this information from Michael Jackson about these drugs, why didn`t she report it right away?

GRACE: To Mike Walker, "National Enquirer", why didn`t she?

WALKER: That`s very puzzling because as the lady said, you have to report things like this. You have to tell people when you know that people are taking dangerous drugs. Even doctors.

Think about it. Michael Jackson we know he takes drugs. Why is he getting access to drugs when he`s under the supervision of a doctor? Yes, this woman, if she is authentic, should have come forward long before.

GRACE: I don`t even know how you would get your mitts on a drug like this Diprivan that is used in hospitals during surgery. You have to be ventilated, intubated, in order to use this.

Out to the lines, Joy in Washington. Hi, Joy.

JOY, CALLER FROM WASHINGTON: Hi, Nancy. Thank you for taking my call.

GRACE: Thank you for calling in.

JOY: Is it possible that when Michael made out his will that he was under the influence or not in his right mind? In that case, if that could be proved, would it void the will?

GRACE: Out to Lenard Leeds, former state attorney for Anna Nicole Smith. I don`t believe -- I`ve taken a look at the document. And he very clearly -- if you can hone in on this, Rosy, or if you have a shot of it, has actually signatured, initialed every single one of the paragraphs beside each paragraph.

Not only just signing it at the end and it looks like his official signature. We`ve already compared it. He`s initialed every single paragraph multi times on each page.

What about it, Lenard? That`s a tough road to hoe right there.

LENARD LEEDS, ESTATE ATTORNEY, FORMER ESTATE ATTORNEY FOR ANNA NICOLE SMITH: Nancy, it`s very tough to set aside a will. I mean I`ve done it in different jurisdictions. In one jurisdiction it was over 10 years before anyone else had done it.

So this -- you have to really look at his capacity at the time he signed this document, which was in 2002. So that`s really seven years ago. How are they ever going to say.


LEEDS: . that at that point, seven years ago, he didn`t have testament capacity.

GRACE: Yes, very, very difficult to do, Lenard.

LEEDS: Very tough.

GRACE: Bernadette in New York, hi, Bernadette.

BERNADETTE, CALLER FROM NEW YORK: Hi, Nancy. We love your children and definitely love you for all you do.

GRACE: Thank you. Thank you. And thank you for calling in. What`s your question, dear?

BERNADETTE: It`s actually two questions.


BERNADETTE: Joe Jackson made a statement at the BET Awards about maybe doing more stuff with Michael`s music and what not. First of all, I thought you had to have consent. And Second of all, if it all goes through, and he does this, who gets the money? The children? Or Joe Jackson?

GRACE: You know, what about that, Renee Rockwell?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, Nancy, I would say that any part of the estate that continues to earn money, that money is going to go to Michael Jackson. But back to the incident with the will and the trust, one thing that can invalidate a will, Nancy, is another will. Don`t forget there are people that say that there might be another will out there.

GRACE: And, Renee, you`ve seen it as many times as I have. You and I both working in the courthouse all those years. Rich people, they write wills all the time. They sit around writing wills. They hire lawyers over and over and over to write wills.

They are concerned about their money. They spent so much time thinking about that money so I agree with you. There may be another will floating around out there.

Everyone, we are taking your calls live but I want to tell you about a missing 10-year-old little girl. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Today offroad motorcycles were added to the search efforts along with horse teams from Tristan County. Lindsey Baum`s mother came to the police station to talk with detectives. The little girl`s family remains convinced she`s been abducted.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s just not like her at all. And so we`re convinced that someone took her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lindsey disappeared walking home and despite a massive search effort in and around McCleary, there`s no sign of the girl anywhere.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And I`ve tried to keep the thought of somebody grabbing her out of my mind.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She talked to her friend for a bit then was asked to head home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here 10, 15 minutes. And you know, we said well, you should probably get going before it gets dark, you know? And that was the last we heard of her so.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Home is a straight shot down this street for Lindsey. Witnesses say she seemed normal as she headed out around 9:15. Another friend even walked her part of the way but Lindsey never showed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She wouldn`t stay out that late after dark. She doesn`t like to be outside by herself.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Volunteers passed out flyers while other teams searched the neighborhoods. Police scoured McCleary three times over and criss-crossed the surrounding woods, even tracking dogs failed to pick up her scent.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to think that everything is OK but you know, there`s part of me that thinks the worst.


GRACE: To Steven Friederich with the "Daily World," tracking dogs could not pick up her scent, and this is after a neighbor that knew her observed her about three blocks from her home?

STEVEN FRIEDERICH, REPORTER, THE DAILY WORLD, COVERING STORY (via phone): Yes, that`s about right. At this point the sheriff`s offices says that they`ve scaled down the number of people that are out there looking for her, and -- from about 45 actual search and rescue experts down to about 23.

And they`re going into targeted areas where they`ve gotten tips. And just like, hey, this is Mariet, children like to hang out, they like to hang out even the creek, by the mill, and that sort of thing.

GRACE: Right. To Mike Brooks, something`s not right because if a child was actually on that street, a tracker dog would have picked up her scent.

MIKE BROOKS, FMR. DC POLICE DETECTIVE SERVED ON FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: No, Nancy, you`re absolutely right. The bloodhounds would have picked up a scent and it would have gone so far as to where she went and maybe gotten into a car but, no, there`s no scent whatsoever.

You know we`ve talked about scent evidence before. It can be around for almost a month.

GRACE: And to Matt Zarrell, what more can you tell us?

MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER, COVERING STORY: They`re searching by every means you can imagine, ground, air, they`ve got a special airplane in the air that`s going to read from the ground using -- infrared. They`re going to use that, read it on the ground and hope to find her that way.

GRACE: Matt, what can you tell me about the mom taking a polygraph?

ZARRELL: Well, reports that the mom came out late last night and said that she wants to take a polygraph. She wants to rule out that she`s involved.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`ve tried to keep the thought of somebody grabbing her out of my mind. She wouldn`t stay out that late after dark. She doesn`t like to be outside by herself.

If somebody does have her, I wish they would just drop her off somewhere where she can get to a pay phone and call 911 or call home so that we can come and get her.


GRACE: Back out to Mike Brooks, former fed with the FBI. Mike, what do you think?

BROOKS: You know, Nancy, it`s a mystery. I mean did she run away? Apparently there was nothing on her MySpace or her computers at all that indicated she wanted to run away.

You know, just the normal, you know, mom/daughter kind of things. But you know, she`s 10 years old, it just looks like she`s disappeared. Apparently, the one place where she was supposed to go by or she had to walk by, the Shell station, it has video surveillance, that`s turned up negative, too, as of now.

GRACE: Are they absolutely certainly -- back out to Steve Friederich with "The Daily World" joining us from Aberdeen. Are they absolutely certain about the date and the time the neighbor that spotted her, about the date and the time she spotted the little girl?

FRIEDERICH: You know, I asked about that. And the sheriff seems to say yes. I mean, the neighbor knew the child and the neighbor knew the brother. That the neighbor had actually stopped a fight between the two of them, like, shortly beforehand. And the neighbor was on the way to work. She`s a public employee, works for a nearby county.

GRACE: So that`s pretty much confirmed yet the tracking dog is not picking up a scent whatsoever.

Everyone the tip line, 866-915-8299. Please, help find 10-year-old Lindsey Baum.

Let`s stop and remember Army Staff Sergeant, Blake Harris, 27, Hampton, Georgia, killed Iraq, on a third you tour, also served Afghanistan. A family man, remembered for his smile with dimples. Loved soccer, extreme sports, techno dancing.

Dreamed of being a pilot or police officer. Leaves behind parents, Paul and Ann, sister, Holly, brother, Eric, widow, Brandy, son, Tyrus.

Blake Harris, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, but especially you for being with us. And happy birthday to Bahamas friend of the show, Shaun Baker, the proud mom of a 6- year-old little boy who loves to take walks from the beach there every day. And she never misses our show.

Happy birthday, Shaun.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.