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Campbell Brown

President Obama's Beer Summit; Michael Jackson's Secret Son?

Aired July 30, 2009 - 20:00   ET


ANNOUNCER: This is CNN breaking news.

CAMPBELL BROWN, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome, everybody.

The breaking news tonight, the beer bash just wrapping up at the White House. We will get to all of that, all the details.

But we're going to begin as we always do with our "Mash-Up" first, our look at all the stories making an impact now and the moments you may have missed. We're watching it all so you don't have to.

And we do start tonight with what became perhaps the most highly anticipated photo-op of the Obama administration, just four guys and their beer.

This is the video that is about to go out to the entire world. Watch this right now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This might be the most highly anticipated and highly publicized beer ever had at the White House. It just happened. And we can now show you the picture, at least a few moments that White House press cameras were allowed in.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It appeared that most of the talking by Professor Gates and Sergeant Crowley. President Obama chimed in once. But, for the most part, he and the vice president stuck to the snacks and the beer in front of him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm sure you also noticed that the cameras were kept at a great distance to make sure the conversation remained private.


BROWN: Professor Gates left the White House without making a comment. Sergeant Crowley spoke with reporters just after leaving. Listen.


SERGEANT JAMES CROWLEY, CAMBRIDGE POLICE DEPARTMENT: I think what you had today was two gentlemen agree to disagree on a particular issue. I don't think that we spent too much time dwelling on the past.

We spent a lot of time discussing the future. He's just a regular person sitting around a table having a discussion about an issue. And he -- just it was very cordial. I respect the man a great deal.

QUESTION: Was there tension or could you guys sort of feel...


CROWLEY: There was no tension.

QUESTION: No tension?

CROWLEY: No tension.

QUESTION: Did you joke around and have an ordinary conversation?

CROWLEY: We did.

QUESTION: ... this business? Or was this business?

CROWLEY: It was both. It was business, but discussing it like two gentlemen, instead of fighting it out either in the physical sense or in the mental sense, in the court of public opinion.


BROWN: President Obama didn't want to drink and dish. No on- camera comment from him, just a brief statement thanking Sergeant Crowley and Professor Gates for a -- quote -- "friendly and thoughtful conversation."

Earlier today, the president did try to downplay the whole thing.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I notice this has been called the beer summit. It's a clever term, but this is not a summit, guys. This is three folks having a drink at the end of the day, and hopefully giving people an opportunity to listen to each other.


BROWN: And giving the punditocracy a chance to talk about it all day long.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They will be cracking them.

KYRA PHILLIPS, CNN ANCHOR: Call it a White House beer summit, a multi-olive branch in a bottom.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's the suds summit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The audacity of hops. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Beer and loathing at the White House.

BARBARA WALTERS, CO-HOST, "THE VIEW": Day after day after day of this.

CHUCK TODD, NBC NEWS POLITICAL DIRECTOR: Apparently, they don't want to have him comment after they have had a couple of beers.


TODD: Right.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because, otherwise, that would be stupid.

TODD: Right.

PAUL BEGALA, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: I think Jimmy Carter brokered the Middle East peace deal between Egypt and Israel over Jell-O shooters at Hooters.

JIMMY FALLON, HOST, "LATE NIGHT WITH JIMMY FALLON": In my experience, the best way to settle an argument between guys from Boston, just add alcohol.



BROWN: All right. We couldn't resist. We are going to have much more on the story, its impact on race relations and on the Obama White House coming up a little later in the show.

Meanwhile, a rather ugly sidebar to the Gates story unfolding in Boston tonight. A police officer could lose his job for using a vicious racial slur to describe the Harvard professor. Listen.


RICK SANCHEZ, CNN ANCHOR: Officer Justin Barrett wrote an e-mail to a "Boston Globe" correspondent who had written about this case.

I'm going to read -- the thing reads unbelievably.

JOHN ROBERTS, CO-HOST, "AMERICAN MORNING": Barrett uses the phrase "jungle monkey" not once, not twice, not three, but four times.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am sorry for the content of the e-mail. I'm sorry for how people are reacting to it, especially my fellow police officers. I am not a racist. I never have been. I never will be. I treat people with dignity and respect every time.

SANCHEZ: Boston's police commissioner, by the way, just a couple of hours ago, he came out. He announced a suspension and a possibly termination for this police officer for what he has written and said, saying the actions did not live up to his department's standards.


BROWN: Officer Justin Barrett is Larry King's guest. He will be on tonight at 9:00. I wonder if he's going to bring his lawyer with him, because, in an interview with our affiliate, WCVB, well, the lawyer wasn't helping much. Listen.


PETER MARANO, ATTORNEY: Justin Barrett didn't call Henry Gates a jungle monkey, to malign him racially. He stated that his behavior was like that of one. And it was a characterization of the actions of that man.


BROWN: What is he talking about?

All right, we're moving on now. In Iran tonight, a new wave of protests igniting the worst violence seen in weeks -- the demonstrations coming 40 days after the death of the Neda, the woman who became the face of a movement.


KATIE COURIC, HOST, "CBS EVENING NEWS": Police used clubs and tear gas against thousands of anti-government protesters. They had gathered at a Tehran cemetery to remember victims of the government crackdown, including Neda, the young woman whose dying moments were captured on cell phone video seen around the world.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Three thousand supporters defied a ban by the government and took to the streets, this time the main cemetery in Tehran. And there you see them, many of them wearing green.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Neda's own mother was barred from attending. "Emotionally, we are all broken," her mother said today by phone. "Our loved ones were too young to die."


BROWN: The State Department calling today's crackdown by the Iranian government particularly disturbing.

Over in Jackson world, tonight, a truce in the battle for the pop star's two oldest children. Their mother, Debbie Rowe, announcing she won't challenge their grandmother, Katherine Jackson, for custody. Rowe will get visitation with the kids Paris and Prince Michael. She will not get any kind of payment.

Much more on these developments also coming up in just a little bit. Meantime, new details about Michael Jackson's final moments also. On NBC's "Today Show," his personal chef describes the scene at the mansion. Listen.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: At 12:00, 12:10, Dr. Murray comes running down the stairs and into the kitchen stairwell, into the kitchen. He comes into the kitchen screaming. Hurry, go get Prince. Go get security.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So, he is frantic?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He is frantic, yes.

And so I drop everything at that point and run into the den, which is not too far from -- away from the kitchen and get Prince.

In a matter of minutes, minutes, you know, I see paramedics running up the stairs and security skipping stairs, running up the stairs. This is -- you know, at that point, you could feel the energy change. We're all panicking and wondering what is going on. You know, Paris screaming and crying, daddy, daddy. daddy.


BROWN: Kai Chase also joining Larry King tonight at 9:00.

And a crazy story out of Utah tonight getting a lot of attention. A young boy proving, where there is a will, there is a way. But, kids, don't try this at home.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You like slow-speed chases?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sheriff's deputies in Utah got a call about a white car driving erratically, weaving between lanes, running stop signs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It looks like no other car chase you have seen before, the driver handling this car like Mario Andretti. He's 7.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And look who gets out. Ready? Three, two, one.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A 7-year-old. A 7-year-old kid stole his old...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... stole his old man's car.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He tried to make a run for it before police caught up. The boy said he took the joyride because he didn't want to go to church.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you see him take off out of the car?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was determined, but some penance coming his way.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, I would say what jury would convict him of running from a long sermon?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The boy did not get a ticket, by the way. And we are still trying to figure out if he was wearing those footsie little pajamas, you know, the ones that resemble the Batman or Spider- Man costumes, like my kids wear.


BROWN: Police say the boy's parents hope all of the attention will not encourage him to do it again.

And that brings us to the punchline tonight. Earlier this week, you heard the smooth stylings of the one and only William Shatner, spoken-word rendition of Sarah Palin's farewell address. Well, on last night's "Tonight Show":


WILLIAM SHATNER, ACTOR: Awesome Alaska night, sensing summer already winding down with fireweed near full bloom, finally sitting down to pen, listening to Big and Rich.



SHATNER: Left Unalakleet warmth for rain in Juneau tonight, no drought threat down here ever, but consistent rain reminds us, no rain, no rainbow.



BROWN: William Shatner with Palin's tweets, everybody.

And that is the "Mash-Up."

Tonight's newsmaker, Barack Obama. He hosted what may be the highest-profile beer bash ever at the White House. So, what did we learn from this -- quote, unquote -- "teachable moment"?


BROWN: Tonight's newsmaker, President Obama, leader of the free world and tonight host of what was supposed to look like a casual beer. Never mind that this happy hour with Professor Henry Louis Gates, Sergeant James Crowley and Vice President Joe Biden was watched around the world and has been talked about for nearly a week before anyone even took a sip.

And just minutes ago, Sergeant Crowley told reporters he and Professor Gates will meet again in the future. Listen.


CROWLEY: What was accomplished was that this was a positive step in moving forward, as opposed to reliving the events of the past couple of weeks, in an effort to move not just the city of Cambridge or two individuals past this event, but the whole country to move beyond this and use this as the basis of maybe some meaningful discussions in the future.


BROWN: Even if this does mark a kind of turning point for two men in Massachusetts, still, a lot of broader questions here. Will this symbolic gesture really do anything to end the debate over race, over racial profiling in this country, or at least try to move it forward a little bit?

And we're going to bring in right now NPR contributor John Ridley, along with national radio talk show host and former Education Secretary Bill Bennett. We have also got some Cleveland Basheer Jones joining us, who is the host of Radio One's "Basheer Jones and Company" morning show there.

Welcome to everybody.

John, let me start with you.

How many times did we hear this described as a teachable moment? So did we learn anything?

JOHN RIDLEY, COMMENTATOR, NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO: You know, I would hope that these two gentlemen, Professor Gates and Sergeant Crowley, probably learned something about interacting with each other.

These are two guys who should have known better. I think one reacted poorly. The other overreacted. But where we are now with this beer summit -- and I know the president tried to lower expectations -- this is beyond unteachable, because this is no longer a situation that I think most people would find themselves in a similar situation, could even relate to.

So, no, I hope these gentlemen learned something. But, unfortunately, I think this one is now off the teachable charts.

BROWN: So do you think the president mishandled it?

RIDLEY: I don't think the president mishandled it. I think it was a good idea. I think he got dragged into something that was beyond the White House. I think it was good to say, hey, let's sit down.

But, again, as you said at the top of this, Campbell, this has sort of become a circus for the chattering classes to talk about, more than a quiet moment for people to reflect.

BROWN: And, Bill, you were pretty critical of the president going into this. Can you concede anything positive came out of today?

WILLIAM BENNETT, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Who is defending the free world, by the way, with the president and vice president sitting there? I guess it's the Marines, the FBI, and the police, so we're OK.

Look, he was stupid in talk -- describing their behavior as acting stupidly. Now he had to cover this up. He had to make this big deal, bring them into the White House, so that things would...

BROWN: Bill? I think I lost Bill's satellite there.

All right. We're going to go back to him if we can get it back up and let him finish making his point.

But let me bring Basheer into this.


BROWN: Basheer, I know your listeners also somewhat critical of the president, but from a very different point of view. Explain.

JONES: Yes, definitely.

I think the issue is, is that, when it comes to African-American issues, President Obama kind of steps back on. And I think that whether -- if it was wrong, it was wrong. And he should speak out against it. And a lot of my listeners were upset.

But also I think that we need to understand that it's bigger than just Dr. Henry Louis Gates and Officer Crowley's personal relationship. It's about the bigger issue, which is that this type of situation happens all of the time. And the very fact that President Obama had to step back shows that we're not being truthful about the problems. And if we're looking for the solutions, we have to be truthful that a problem exists. And we're not ready to be truthful.

BROWN: John, are expectations of President Obama when it comes to race, I mean, even fair? Let's be honest. This would be a very different conversation if we were talking about a white president leading this conversation or this discussion.

RIDLEY: Well, I don't think a white president -- I don't think George Bush would have been asked about what he thought about the situation. I don't think a white president would have been asked about Michael Jackson.

So, I think he is getting dragged into discussions, to Bill's point, Bill Bennett's point, dragged into discussions that, quite frankly are below the White House to begin.

I think that people really do believe that because President Obama is president, he can solve all these issues, black or white. He can get all of us as Americans to a place where we're beyond racism. He can lift up all black people so that people who aren't bigots to begin with aren't going to see us as a monolithic group, but see us as a diverse group.

He can't solve all the problems. He certainly has enough trouble solving health care, let alone racism.


JONES: But what he needs to do is, he needs to address all problems. He doesn't need to overlook the problem that exists in the African-American community. He has to address it.

And the very fact that he had to say that it was unfortunate that he said it, it shows us that we're not where we need to be.

BROWN: Well, all right. Let me go back to Bill Bennett, because we did get his satellite back and let him finish making his point.

Bill, you with us?

BENNETT: Yes, sure.

Look, he wasn't dragged into this. He dragged himself kicking and screaming into this by that stupid mistake. And so then we have to go through this whole series of days and now all these rituals and symbols.


BENNETT: Well, it was a huge mistake, because they didn't act stupidly. Sergeant Crowley and the police did not act stupidly.


JONES: How didn't they act stupidly?


BENNETT: Can I make my statement?

BROWN: Bill -- I want Bill to at least make his point. And then we can discuss your take on his point. But let him finish his perspective here.

Go ahead.


BENNETT: He was bringing these folks to the White House in hopes of a kind of Bill Clinton, you know, with his arms around Arafat and Rabin, and saying everything is fine now.

He stepped in to it. It was his mistake. He was hoping these guys would pull him out of it. They haven't pulled him out of it, because Crowley can't be budged. He's backed up by the police department.

JONES: That's terrible. That's absolutely terrible. He got cut off, didn't it?




BROWN: All right. Guys, my apologies. But I have lost your audio here on my end. So, many, many apologies for our technical difficulties.

But I'm just going to thank John, Basheer, and Bill Bennett for being us with. Guys, I'm sorry about. We will try it again another night.

When we come back, the outrage story of the day, an ESPN reporter secretly videotaped in her hotel room, then stalked by the paparazzi. Gotten so out of control, she had to call 911 for help.


ERIN ANDREWS, ESPN: My name is Erin. My last name is Andrews. I'm all over the news right now. And I have got two (EXPLETIVE DELETED) outside my house.


ANDREWS: yes. I'm just -- I did nothing wrong. And I'm being treated like (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Britney Spears, and it sucks.



BROWN: Right now, we're going to check in with Erica Hill on some of the other must-see stories of the day. She's got the "Download" -- Erica.

ERICA HILL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And, Campbell, we begin with breaking news, a story we have been talking about a lot this week, cash for clunkers. Well, now the Associated Press is reporting the federal government will be suspending that new cash for clunkers trade-in program, the word coming from congressional officials. The program allows for credit of up to $4,500 for anyone trading in an old gas guzzler for a new fuel-efficient vehicle. But there were concerns that the $1 billion set aside for rebates was being quickly used up.

A judge setting bail at $2 million for Julie Corey, the woman charged with stealing a baby girl by cutting her from the womb of her mother, a woman who was eight months pregnant at the time. That expectant mother, 23 Darlene Haynes, was found dead in a closet of her home in Worcester, Mass. Corey allegedly showed off the newborn as her own until someone grew suspicious and called police. The infant is now in good condition at a hospital.

CNN has obtained sort of a how-to guide published by the Taliban. The code of conduct manual calls for limiting suicide attacks to so- called high-value targets and avoiding civilians with those attacks. It also details which prisoners, if any, can be executed. And it sets ground rules for jihadis fighting coalition forces in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.

U.S. and Afghan military leaders call the booklet propaganda. They also say it is hypocritical.

Talk about buying your way into state government -- Arizona lawmakers now looking at closing a huge budget deficit by possibly selling the state's house and senate buildings. They state would then lease those buildings back over several years before assuming ownership again. Prisons and a mental hospital may also be up for sale.

And nothing like a trip to the ballpark to really bond dad and son, right? Check this out. Look at this video. The Phillies, look at this, taking on Arizona, the foul ball.

BROWN: Oh, my...


HILL: Dad catches it, holds on to the kid and the drink. That is impressive.

BROWN: He better hope that his wife did not see that move.


HILL: Hey, the kid didn't get hit, Campbell. All's fair, right?



HILL: And ball didn't go in his drink. He's so lucky. Check -- and not the only one. Another guy actually did the same thing the night before at a Tigers-Rangers matchup. This kid is a little younger. I'm a little more worried about him. But I'm sure he will be fine once he stops wailing.

BROWN: Oh. Oh, poor thing.


HILL: The little munchkins need...


HILL: ... batter's helmet.

BROWN: Wait. Here it is again. Here it is again. Look at that.

HILL: That is an impressive catch, I have to say.


BROWN: I'm telling you, if that was my husband, I would kick his you know what. All right.

HILL: Well, I hope he is listening now.


HILL: Just a word to the wise.

BROWN: For future reference.

Erica Hill tonight, that was amazing. Double play there.

Michael Jackson, when we come back, officially called an addict now. It is in the search warrant. We're learning more tonight about what exactly investigators are now looking for.

Plus, tonight's newsmaker, Joe Jackson, he says Michael has another son, that he was sitting in the front row at the funeral. But does he really have all the facts?


JOE JACKSON, FATHER OF MICHAEL JACKSON: Yes, I knew he had another son. Yes, I did.

SMOKEY FONTAINE, CHIEF CONTENT Officer, NEWSONE.COM: And he looks like a Jackson?

JACKSON: Oh, yes, he looks like a Jackson. He acts like a Jackson. He can dance like a Jackson. He's a -- this boy is a fantastic dancer.



BROWN: Now it's time for tonight's newsmaker. Tonight, it is Joe Jackson, Michael's father back in the headlines after a bombshell interview with Listen for yourself.


FONTAINE: Let me ask you a question. If you were in Michael's life, would he still be alive today?

JACKSON: Of course. Of course. I had told some people, from friends, if I don't get to Michael, he won't be here long. I said that. He won't be with us now.

And I call the shot (INAUDIBLE) That's exactly what had happened. I just didn't -- to see him -- as a matter of fact, I wouldn't go and see him laying up in the casket, because I did not -- I didn't want to remember him like that. No. I wanted to remember him (INAUDIBLE) dancing on stage.

FONTAINE: He was your boy.

JACKSON: He's my son.

Your son's legacy is first your legacy. Whenever you say, what does that mean -- what is the legacy of the Jacksons? What does it mean to be a Jackson?

JACKSON: To me, to be a Jackson is the Jackson name, you know, because my father carried the name. You know, we were the only one who had an A Model Ford way back there in -- I think in '28 or something like that. Our father was a professor, school professor. And we were the only family that had a car, because everybody else had those horses and mules pulling wagons and stuff. We had an A Model Ford, my father. They called him Professor Jackson. So, it means something to be a Jackson.

FONTAINE: So many stories, so many things. But the other day, it was that Michael may have had another child. I guess Omer is his name? And then there was -- oh, he was sitting right there next to Rebbie, and everyone's trying to go connect some doubts. Do you know that as Michael's other son?

JOE JACKSON, FATHER OF MICHAEL JACKSON: Yes, I knew he had another son. Yes, I did.

FONTAINE: And he looks like a Jackson?

JACKSON: Oh, yes, he looks like a Jackson. He acts like a Jackson. He can dance like a Jackson. He's a -- this boy is a fantastic dancer.

As a matter of fact, he teaches dancing, yes.

FONTAINE: So, maybe he's the future of -- of the family?

JACKSON: I don't know. I can't say that yet, until I see it happen.


BROWN: So just who is Omer Bhatti? We saw the 25-year-old Norwegian rapper in the front row at Michael Jackson's memorial. He was sitting there with the family.

As a child, he traveled with Jackson. Court records show that Bhatti was living at Neverland in 2003. That was when the estate was raided. That was during Jackson's child molestation case. But none of that, of course, proves that he is Michael's secret son.

Now, Bhatti has been quoted denying it. We called his agent for reaction today. We didn't get a reply. So, should we believe Joe Jackson, when he's been estranged from his son for years?

And that is the question for the man who interviewed Joe, Smokey Fontaine, chief content officer for NewsOne joining us. Also with us now, entertainment attorney James Walker, who knows the Jackson family and is with us as well, has been with us a lot.

Smokey, I mean, you know this, that Joe Jackson has been marginalized from the family for the most part. Why should we believe anything he says?

You know, it's been hard to believe Joe Jackson, because he's been on the red carpet. He's been a victim of sound bites. But the man that I met when I went in to have this conversation -- we had a two-hour conversation.

And the question about Omer was my very last one, after a long oral history that we had together, where he exposed many things and was very honest with me about his whole life story.

And there is no reason to not believe Joe Jackson. He is not crazy. He is not inarticulate. He is a smart, very caring man. The man I met was a father. The man I met was a father who is grieving and who is hurting from the loss of his son.

And that was a side of him that I didn't expect to have him reveal to me in our interview. But it was apparent on his face that he was someone who should be believed. And he paused for a moment before he answered the question and he looked. And there was a trust in him that I had. And he said, you know, yes, this is the truth. You know, this is Michael's son.

BROWN: All right. So if it's true, why didn't it come out before? Why haven't we heard anybody from the family say anything about this before?

FONTAINE: You know, it's a good question. And I think ultimately if there is will become a DNA test, that will be the judge and jury on this, right? But you're talking about a family that's been at the pinnacle of the public eye for over 20 years. Joe Jackson has been their manager and their father in everything for 40 years. And the amount of attention that this boy would have received if he ever admitted this beforehand would have completely affected his life.

He's grown up in Oslo, Norway. There's a reason you live in Oslo, Norway. It's not to be affected --

BROWN: And he's still denying it, by the way.

FONTAINE: He is still denying it. And in fact, it's not implausible that he would. I mean for him to jump into this fray now amidst all these, you know, allegations and dramas about family and surrogacy and children and wills will be a hugely courageous move for him to make. And I think the family is about privacy.

Joe Jackson is a very, very guarded individual. We know the whole family has been, and it does not surprise me that something that happened many, many years ago is now only coming alive.

BROWN: James, I just wanted to get your take on it because as I said, you do know the family. What do you think of all this?

JAMES WALKER, ENTERTAINMENT ATTORNEY: I've watched the clip and I applaud Smokey for a great job. As a journalist, I think he's clearly telling the truth. And I think the reason as an entertainment attorney, the reason he was kept so low profile, we knew about for years. We heard about it in the music circles. But I think due to the public image of Michael Jackson and what they were trying to project as a family of record label and as an international global star, you couldn't put out there that he had a kid.

BROWN: Why not? There is a lot of other stuff out there. I mean, that was really going to hurt his reputation?

WALKER: I think the thought was damage control. I think the thought was we're trying to promote you as this -- in the beginning, wholesome, clean cut, all American guy and you have a kid. I believe he said Norwegian.

You have a kid overseas. So, clearly there was -- I hate to say it, but a cover-up in some ways. And I think Joe Jackson when he looked in Smokey's eyes, he clearly said, yes, he's my grandson. He's a Jackson. He danced like a Jackson, he talks like a Jackson, he walks like a Jackson. And I see no reason for him to lie, Campbell. But the thing I do see is someone tries to pay Joe Jackson to kind of shut up now because he's hurting the family tremendously.

BROWN: Well --

WALKER: And I think that has to come out of this.

BROWN: I do think we also have to end on this very clear fact which is this young man is denying this is the case. And we have no proof to refute that in any way other than what Joe Jackson is claiming. And so we've got to leave it at that.

But many thanks for you being here. Smokey, appreciate it.

SMOKEY: Thank you.

BROWN: And James, as well, you're sticking around for another conversation coming up.

You can watch the entire Joe Jackson interview at And also breaking news tonight, investigators look for evidence of manslaughter. We're going to tell you what they found right after the break.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) BROWN: Breaking news in the Michael Jackson case tonight. Search warrants served on his doctor in Las Vegas show that investigators are looking for evidence to support a manslaughter charge. And they referred to Jackson as "an addict."

Meanwhile, the coroner has delayed the autopsy report. As we told you earlier, there's now a deal in place also for the custody of the Jackson children.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A custody agreement has been reached between Jackson's mother, Katherine, and the mother of his children, Debbie Rowe.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Under this new custody deal, Michael Jackson's kids will live with their grandmother, Katherine, and Debbie Rowe will get visitation but she won't ask for custody.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: For more now on that agreement that's been reached on the custody of Michael Jackson's children and money apparently not -- repeat, not an issue.


BROWN: And joining me now with the very latest from Los Angeles, CNN's Randi Kaye. We've also got Jim Moret, chief correspondent for "Inside Edition." And back with us here in New York, entertainment attorney James Walker joining us as well.

Randi, let me start with you. I know you've got some brand new information to share about the searches carried out at Conrad Murray's offices. What can you tell us?

RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Campbell, as you know, the searches were carried out earlier this week. One at his home in Las Vegas, the other at his clinic in Las Vegas. And the search warrants were filed today. And I can tell that according to the search warrant, detectives were looking for evidence "demonstrating crimes of excessive prescribing and prescribing to an addict" plus, "evidence of manslaughter."

The addict, as they seem to be referring to in this case, is Michael Jackson. Something else that's key here, that it shows that according to the search warrant, they are looking for records related to the order, delivery and storage of Propofol, also known as Diprivan. That is the very powerful sedative that authorities we know believe killed Michael Jackson.

What did they take? They took hard drive images. They took one hard drive. Paperwork records from two cell phones and the doctor's iPhone. They were looking for medical history, billing records, nursing records, anything to help them relate Michael Jackson and his 19 aliases which are listed in this search warrant, to the doctors and the drugs that may have helped contribute to his death. BROWN: And, Randi, also we had been hearing that they were investigating a number of doctors. That you have a source telling you that they really are focusing on Conrad Murray, right?

KAYE: Right. We have one federal law enforcement official telling us, "Dr. Murray is the only one they're looking at." Now we know that other doctors and records have been subpoenaed. But clearly, he seems to be the focus of this investigation.

We know from a source telling CNN that he gave Michael Jackson that Propofol within 24 hours of his death. And as I said, that is the drug that authorities believe killed Michael Jackson. So that is where it stands right now. But I will tell you we spoke with his lawyers' office today and they are telling us still that he is a witness and has not been named a suspect.

BROWN: All right. And, Jim, you actually think that Dr. Murray's attorney is expecting an arrest. What makes you think that?

JIM MORET, CHIEF CORRESPONDENT, "INSIDE EDITION": Well, because Dr. Murray's attorney said he does not expect an imminent arrest due to the fact that the autopsy reports have been delayed. The use of the word "imminent" implies that an arrest is coming. And when the federal agent says or federal investigator says that Dr. Murray is the only person they're looking at, I suspect they're talking about with respect to the manslaughter investigation. I don't think it means that other doctors are off the hook because when Randi talks about excessive prescribing and prescribing to an addict, those are both felonies here in California.

And as we saw in the Anna Nicole case, there could be separate drug charges even if there is no homicide or manslaughter charges. So, again, you could be talking about two separate tracks here.

BROWN: Right. A good point there.

Randi, let me go back to the other big news of the day which is this custody deal, obviously, reached between Catherine Jackson and Debbie Rowe. Walk us through what the terms are and what we know.

KAYE: Well, we know that Michael Jackson named his mother, Katherine Jackson, in his will as the guardian of his three children. There was some question as to whether or not Debbie Rowe, his ex-wife, would try and seek full custody of the two children that she delivered with Michael Jackson. Those are the two oldest children.

Now, we're getting word today that there is an agreement on the table between both parties. Katherine Jackson will, indeed, retain custody of the three children. They will all remain together. And Debbie Rowe I'm told will have visitation rights.

The timing and the frequency of that visitation is still to be determined. They plan to meet with a child psychologist who will figure out what's best for the children.

But again, Campbell, as you mentioned, no money was exchanged. At least that's what we're being told. We know that Debbie Rowe had a divorce agreement with Michael Jackson of $8.5 million. I'm told that is all the money that she will be receiving from the estate, that there is no extra money involved as part of this custody deal.

BROWN: James, what do you think of it?

WALKER: I think they had to resolve it with Debbie Rowe, Campbell, because these kids essentially are going continue to inherit about $800 million. And you look at the $2 billion estate, 40 percent from the trust, 40 percent to the kids, 40 percent to Katherine. I think they had to resolve with Debbie.

And you noticed in the statement, they didn't say she would never receive money. They said there was an exchange. We're going to work on a joint custody together. We're going to have visitation together.

You have to wonder if they told Debbie Rowe, if you do X for the next X number of years...

BROWN: However much time.

WALKER: ... however much time, then you will see some benefit from this situation financially. So you wonder today if this was just a public good PR move as we prepare for Monday's hearing because that's the big fight. And they need Debbie now.

BROWN: We've got to end it there. James Walker, Jim Moret and Randi Kaye, thank guys. Appreciate it.

A national TV sports personality has her privacy violated for all the world to see and now she can't even feel safe in her own home. How would any woman feel having to make this call.


ANDREWS: I'm all over the news right now.

911: I'm not familiar. Why are you all over the news?

ANDREWS: I'm the girl that was videotaped without her knowing, without her clothes on in the hotel.

911: Really?

ANDREWS: And I got two (EXPLETIVE DELETED) sitting outside my house.



BROWN: There are new developments in the case of Erin Andrews. This is, of course, that reporter for ESPN. For the last several weeks, she has been dealing with the aftermath of a peeping tom who used a hidden camera that secretly videotaped Andrews in her hotel room nude. The tape was posted online and now it appears Andrews is being targeted at her home by paparazzi. Listen to the 911 call she made.


ANDREWS: I have been in the news recently about being in a hotel naked. I have paparazzi outside my window and I was told by law enforcement that if I did, to call 911.

911: You will meet with an officer ma'am when you come out?

ANDREWS: Yes. These guys are sitting in a car outside my house right now. I would like to tell the officer to have them leave because the cops have told me to call 911 if they're outside my house.

911: Ma'am, what's your name?

ANDREWS: My name is Erin. My last name is Andrews. I'm all over the news right now. And I got two (EXPLETIVE DELETED) sitting outside my house.

911: I'm so, so sorry.

ANDREWS: I am too. Thank you.

911: Are you OK?

ANDREWS: Yes, I'm just -- I did nothing wrong. And I'm being treated like "bleep" Britney Spears and it sucks.

911: OK, the first available unit will see you as soon as possible.

ANDREWS: Thanks. Do you know how far they're out?

911: They should be near you. They'll be to you as soon as possible.


911: OK, thank you.


BROWN: For more on this, we have Kelly Zink, who is the host of and also a former colleague of Erin Andrews. We've also got in Los Angeles CNN legal analyst Lisa Bloom joining us as well.

And, Kelly, let me just ask you first because I know you used to work with Erin. You know, obviously, this can't be easy. How is she doing?

KELLY ZINK, CELEBTV.COM: I, you know, Erin has not spoken to the media. But I can only imagine that she feels like a prisoner in her own home. The media who put her on this pedestal and loved her and adored her has now locked her in her house.

She's got to be frustrated because she can't talk and she's got to be mortified, terrified. She doesn't know who filmed her. And she won't know if it's someone she knows. She can't look anyone in the eye until they figure out who did this to her.

BROWN: Lisa, you know, first, she's secretly taped in her hotel then she's got this whole paparazzi issue outside her door. But go back to the bottom line on this, what happened at the hotel. It's actually illegal if, I understood what you had said earlier, for people to watch this tape of her, any tape that's taken without the person knowing about it. Is that right? Will you explain that to us?

LISA BLOOM, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: To buy -- it's illegal to buy something that you know is stolen. If you're buying -- if you're downloading something and you're paying for it, that's the same thing as buying a stolen car. I'm not saying it's illegal simply to watch something if it flashes across your television screen or you can get it online.

But look, Erin Andrews is a victim here of some sick peeping tom who probably drilled a hole through a hotel room. Why is she a prisoner in her own home? Why, for example, does she not have some private security hired by her network? And another part of that tape, she indicates that she does have private security. I don't know who's paying for it. But they're not with her at the time. This doesn't make any sense to me.

This video has gone viral. It's all over the television. Of course, there's going to be paparazzi looking for her. Why doesn't she have more protection? Why is she alone in her home left to call a stranger on 911? That to me is outrageous.

BROWN: Well, and we should mention, this isn't exactly happening to celebrities, either. I mean, it's real people. Every day people can be victims of this. You look at these Internet stalking situations where people are posting stuff that they take of women in public bathrooms, et cetera. Are the laws on this, Lisa, keeping up with what's actually happening out there?

BLOOM: I don't think that they are. The technology is way ahead of the law in a lot of areas, and this is one of them.

I mean, for example, in Florida where this event took place, it would really only be a misdemeanor to take this kind of illegal video of a woman, an adult woman without her permission. It's a more serious crime if it's a child. I think most women, most decent people feel this is completely outrageous to videotape somebody in the privacy of their hotel room without their consent, but the law simply doesn't take it as seriously as the rest of us.

BROWN: All right, Lisa Bloom with us tonight, as well as Kelly Zink, who is joining us from Thanks, guys, appreciate it.

ZINK: Thank you.

BROWN: The fiery debate over health care has now officially gone off the deep end. Our "Wingnut Watch" is next. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

BROWN: Now it is time for our "Wingnut Watch." That is the beat of our next guest, "Daily Beast" contributor John Avlon who fearlessly calls out those who divide rather than unite us, whether they are on the left, on the right, or off the map entirely.

Tonight, we have a conspiracy theorist on Capitol Hill. John, who's the latest "wingnut"?

JOHN AVLON, DAILY BEAST CONTRIBUTOR: Well, you know, there's been a lot of "wingnuts" posturing all throughout this health care debate. But one guy, Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert, really distinguished himself this week with comments not only in the halls of Congress but also on the conspiracy theorist radio show hosted by Alex Jones. Let's take a listen.


REP. LOUIE GOHMERT (R), TEXAS: One in five people have to die because they went to socialized medicine. Now I've got three daughters and a wife. I would hate to think that among five women one of them is going to die because we go to socialized care.

GOHMERT (via telephone): We've been battling this socialist health care, the nationalization of health care that is going to absolutely kill senior citizens and put them on lists and force them to die early.


AVLON: And I'll tell you, he didn't just throw the -- you know, kill grandma gambit. He also did the health care reform as the end of the Republic gambit. So this is pretty "wingnut" stuff.

BROWN: Well, and that's not his only conspiracy theory, right?

AVLON: That's exactly right. He actually hit the trifecta this week. He did not only do a radio show of the 9/11 truth, but he became the tenth signature to the birther bill working through Congress which will require president candidates to submit their birth certificate before going on. So you've got truthers, birthers, and also health care hysteria. That's the trifecta. Congratulations, congressman.

BROWN: All right, John Avlon. You picked a good one, John. Thanks very much. It's good to see you.

AVLON: Good to see you.

BROWN: There was good news on Wall Street today. But is it good news for you? Ali Velshi here next with tonight's "Money & Main St."

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) BROWN: Time for "Money & Main St." now. It's our look at how ordinary folks are coping with this economy. And tonight's report affects your money, no matter how much or how little you have left these days. Check it out.

"Newsweek's" cover says the recession is over. And the stock market seems to believe it. The Dow Industrials closed at their highest point of the year today, 9,154. So chief business correspondent Ali Velshi, is the market coming back for good? Ali, what's going on?

ALI VELSHI, CNN CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: I'm back, Campbell. This time I told you this, I warned you. One day I will be back here with good news. And, in fact, I am.

Things are getting better. Let me tell you a little. Before I tell you about what's going on, let me tell you a little about the garden variety bear market.

Bear markets are when markets go 20 percent or more from their top. Now if you look at the last ten bear markets, the average drop has been 35 percent and it's taken 14 months. It's been 14 months. That's the average of the last 10 bear markets.

Take a look at this bear market that we're in right now. We hit our peak in October 2007. Seventeen months and we're down 57 percent. Some people would say that means, boy, things are really bad. Some others will say this market has dropped so hard over so long that when it comes back it's going to be strong and we're starting to see that.

Let's take a look at where we are now. We have had a market that -- let's go back all the way to November 5th, that's the day after Barack Obama was elected president of the United States. There was a drop, by the way, that day. The market was at 9,139. Some 2,000 points lower than it was even two months earlier when Lehman Brothers failed.

Take a look at what happened in this market. It's been jagged, but it went all the way down to 6,547. This is the Dow I'm talking about. This is March 9th. That's the day that will go down in history as the bottom of this market. That was a 40 percent drop from the top of the market back in October 2007.

Now look what happened ahead since March 9th of 2009. It has gone up. It hasn't been entirely steady but it's gone up. We are now 40 percent higher than we were on March 9th. We're up to 9,154.

What are we doing with our money? That's the question. Campbell, I'm hearing it all over the place.

BROWN: So, Ali, what should people be doing with their money right now?

ALI: Well, we can't prognosticate. We can't tell people where the market is going. But if you think -- if you think the market is going up more than it's already gone, the 40 percent that it's already gone, remember, over the last ten bear markets, the following five years have resulted in almost a 200 percent gain. So if you think it's going up further, if you're a believer in the markets, then you need to reinvest or invest your money now.

If you don't know for sure where things are going, then you should do what most Americans should do. You should dollar cost average which means every week or two weeks or every pay period put in a fixed amount of money, $100, $200. Don't worry about where the market is. And if you're one of those people who doubts this, and there are people around who say this is false, this rally is false, it's going to go down again. Then what you do is you invest in something called market neutral funds or bear market funds. They're actually funds you can invest in which bet against the market.

But the bottom line is, this is an active dynamic market and economy and you need to be involved.

BROWN: All right. Ali Velshi with the very latest. You can check out more of what Ali has to say on Also, plenty of other ideas about coping with the economy there for you as well.

That's it for us tonight. "LARRY KING LIVE" starts right now.