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Showbiz Tonight

The 18-Year-Old Kidnap Mystery Now Uncovered; Grandma Attacks Reporters with a Hoe; Chris Brown`s Mother Speaks Out; Michael Jackson`s Death Officially a Homicide; Sunda Croonquist Sued for Making Fun of Mom- in-Law; John Mayer`s $25,000 Mugshot; Public Lewdness or Work of Art?

Aired August 28, 2009 - 23:00   ET


A.J. HAMMER, HOST: Now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, the jaw-dropping made-for- Hollywood kidnap mystery. A woman kidnapped as a child found alive 18 years later. But why did it take so long? And the kidnapper featured on "America`s Most Wanted" in custody and speaking out. It`s the shocking, unbelievable real-life crime drama that even Hollywood couldn`t make up.

Tonight, Chris Brown`s mom speaks out. A brand-new, emotional message from Chris Brown`s mother after he`s sentenced for beating Rihanna. Is she ashamed of her son? Chris Brown`s mom`s painful plea to his fans and what she wants the world to know about her son.

Plus, breaking Michael Jackson news. It`s official - Michael Jackson`s death ruled a homicide. The dramatic new details behind these findings.

TV`s most provocative entertainment news show starts right now.


Hello. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

And tonight, we have breaking Michael Jackson news we have got to talk about, brand-new information tonight directly from the coroner investigating Jackson`s death.

And tonight, the official finding, Michael Jackson`s death was not an accident; it was homicide. So now, who`s going to be held responsible? I`ll have much more on these dramatic developments in just a moment.

But first tonight, the unbelievable made for TV kidnap mystery. An 11-year-old girl kidnapped only to resurface 18 years later. And now the kidnapper whose horrific crime was once featured on "America`s Most Wanted" is telling his outrageous story.

This is a real-life crime drama that not even the most creative minds in Hollywood could make up. But what really happened here? And why did it take so long for this nightmarish case to be solved? This shocking kidnap mystery is making big news right now.


(voice-over): It`s the story that has the entire nation shocked, horrified and absolutely riveted.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE NEWS ANCHOR: Jaycee Dugard final seeing her parents 18 years after being abducted.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE NEWS ANCHOR: The man accused of taking her, also the father of her two children.

HAMMER: The unbelievable tale of Jaycee Dugard who, at 11 years old, was snatched up in front of her California home only to turn up alive this week 18 years after her kidnapping.

KIM SERAFIN, SENIOR EDITOR, "IN TOUCH WEEKLY": Everywhere you look, this story has been on TV at cable networks, all the regular networks, radio. Everyone is talking about this.

HAMMER: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you it`s a heartbreaking story more unbelievable than any thrilling Hollywood tear-jerker. A young girl`s horrific ordeal, a creepy villain accused of kidnapping her, stashing her in his backyard, fathering two children with her. And he`s now bragging about it from jail.

PHILLIP GARRIDO, CHARGED WITH ABDUCTING JAYCEE DUGARD: I feel much better now. This is a process that needed to take place.

HAMMER: There are also the heroic cops who cracked this mystery and a powerful but ambiguous ending for the victim and her family.

CARL PROBYN, JAYCEE DUGARD`S STEPFATHER: The last 18 years have been pretty rough. But the last two days have been pretty good. And it`s got an ending to this.

SERAFIN: It`s such a horrible story. Yet, I think we do want to know more about it because it just seems so unbelievable.

HAMMER: This morning, Jaycee`s stepfather told CNN`s "American Morning" about the horrible day back in 1991 when he saw little Jaycee kidnapped in front of their home.

PROBYN: Jaycee walked up the hill on her way to the bus stop and a car came down and circled real slow. Once it got next to her, it cut her off. And basically, when I saw the door fly open, I jumped on my mountain bike. I realized I couldn`t get to her in time. The hill was too steep. So I rode back down, yelled to our neighbor for 911.

HAMMER: The case was featured on "America`s Most Wanted."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you seen Jaycee Lee Dugard?

HAMMER: But Jaycee never returned home. That is, until a miraculous break this past Tuesday as CNN correspondent Randi Kaye explained on the air.

RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: On Tuesday, a security guard at the U.C. Berkeley campus noticed from Mr. Garrido handing out flyers with two young children. A background check showed he was a convicted sex offender on parole.

When questioned by his parole officer yesterday with his wife, the two children and a woman he called Alyssa at his side, it turned out Alyssa was Jaycee Dugard. Authorities say he admitted kidnapping her all those years ago and fathering two children with her.

But even as TV viewers celebrate Jaycee`s return, new and horrific details seem to keep emerging, like how she spent all of those years in a grim-looking backyard prison camp right behind her abductor`s home, that her captor, registered sex offender Phillip Garrido, allegedly raped her and fathered two girls with her who are now 11 and 15 years old.

UNDERSHERIFF FRED KOLLAR, EL DORADO COUNTY SHERIFF`S DEPARTMENT: None of the children have ever gone to school. They`ve never been to a doctor. They were kept in complete isolation.

HAMMER: Making this even scarier, the creepy new jailhouse telephone interview Garrido gave to a California TV station -

GARRIDO: And you`re going to find the most powerful story coming from the witness, the victim, if you wait. If you take this a step at a time you`re going to fall over backwards and in the end, you`re going to find the most powerful heart-warming story.

SERAFIN: What goes through your mind when you hear his voice, you can`t even imagine what Jaycee must have been going through.

HAMMER: Jaycee`s troubles are not quite over. Her stepfather tells the "CBS Early Show" that Jaycee`s mother is seeing some mixed emotions in her daughter.

PROBYN: She told me that Jaycee feels really guilty for bonding with this guy. She has a real guilt trip.

SERAFIN: She was gone for almost two decades and what she went through was a living hell, basically. And how she will ever lead a normal life after this, how these two kids will ever lead a normal life after this, it`s hard to believe they will ever get past this.

HAMMER: So even though this gripping kidnapping story is over, it will be a while before we know if everyone will live happily ever after.


HAMMER: A California D.A. has announced 28 felony counts against Phillip Garrido and his wife, Nancy, who allegedly was with Garrido during the 1991 kidnapping. The charges include abduction, rape, sexual assault and false imprisonment.

Moving on tonight, brand-new Michael Jackson bombshells. It is official. Late today, the L.A. coroner`s office released its finding that Michael Jackson`s death was a homicide, involving a combination of drugs.

And tonight, the incredible brand-new details about the drugs that were found in Michael Jackson`s bedroom a day after his death. So the question is, who`s going to be held responsible here?

Joining me tonight in Hollywood is Carlos Diaz who is a correspondent for "Extra." Tonight in New York, Stacy Schneider, who is an attorney and author of the book, "He Had It Coming: How to Outsmart Your Husband and Win Your Divorce."

So finally, here we are, it`s two months after Michael Jackson`s death and a day before what would have been his 51st birthday. We now have the official confirmation that Michael Jackson`s death was a homicide.

Off to you first, Stacy. From a legal standpoint, what exactly does this mean for the criminal investigation?

STACY SCHNEIDER, ATTORNEY: Now, the criminal investigation is going to go forward, A.J. with full force. Once a homicide is ruled upon, now, it`s time to focus in on a suspect. And I think that means arrest will be forthcoming very shortly.

And all this talk about all these other doctors who may have been prescribed Michael Jackson narcotics throughout his lifetime, I don`t think there`s going to be much evidence on that. We`re all thinking the same person here, the focus of this investigation and probably the number one suspect, Dr. Conrad Murray.

HAMMER: And that`s as it pertains to his death. Those other doctors who have been mentioned all along the way may be subject to further investigations for other reasons, I`m imagining.

SCHNEIDER: Well, that`s correct. If the authorities find that those other doctors have issued prescriptions falsely or in false names, they could face charges in that regard. But right now, the focus because of the autopsy report is going to be this homicide and finding a suspect to match the crime.

HAMMER: Well, in the statement released today from the L.A. county coroner, it said that Michael Jackson died from acute propofol intoxication mixed with other sedatives. So, Carlos, I`ve got to ask you, even though we did all have a pretty good idea this is where things were headed, aren`t you still a little shocked by the finality of all this?

CARLOS DIAZ, CORRESPONDENT, "EXTRA": I`m a little shocked that they actually named propofol as the cause of death. I mean, I expected it to be some kind of, you know, heart attack or something that the propofol might have caused.

But the fact that they say it was because of propofol intoxication really points the finger at Dr. Conrad Murray because maybe a defense that he could have had was, well, these other doctors who prescribed him these drugs over the years could have made his condition weaker.

But when it says that the cause of death was in direct relation to the propofol he was given that day, in the hours preceding his death really points the finger at Conrad Murray. So it`s not telling us anything we really didn`t know. But the fact that the cause of death says propofol right there is very surprising.

HAMMER: Right. And other drugs were mentioned as well. And in addition to mentioning that he had administered propofol to Michael Jackson, Dr. Conrad Murray also admitted to giving Jackson three anti-anxiety drugs on the day that he died.

So Stacy, I`ve got to ask, and I know these results were just revealed to us, the public. But are you a little surprised that Murray hasn`t been arrested yet?

SCHNEIDER: No, I`m not surprised because of the extent of this investigation. I think the authorities want to make sure all their ducks are in order and all other suspects are looked at and all the evidence is combed through.

Don`t forget, there`s going to be tons of computer evidence in this case from all the prescriptions that have been generated to Michael Jackson over the past few years, all that`s got to be traced and looked at and linked to different prescribing doctors.

So I understand why they`re taking their time. But I don`t think they`ve let Dr. Murray out of their sights at all during the course of this investigation.

HAMMER: Well, it is important to note that the full detailed autopsy report was not what they released. The LAPD really wants to keep the details under wraps, that secure until they`re done with this investigation.

But that said, Carlos, are you expecting any more surprises? Or do you think that`s all behind us now? We`re talking about Michael Jackson here.

DIAZ: Yes. You know, but I mean, we just had a bunch of surprises. They found marijuana at his place. They found skin-bleaching. And here`s a guy that said that he didn`t bleach his skin. They found skin bleaching things at his place.

So, I mean, that`s a surprise. Is that making headlines right now? No, because I think people are kind of wanting to move on from this. And hopefully, the one thing we`re going to get out of this as we`ve said time and time again is that the other doctors involved are going to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law so we can stop this trend of having doctors prescribe celebrities whatever they want.

HAMMER: No kidding. And as you mentioned, Carlos, we just learned today that police found - and really, a lot more evidence than we originally had learned about drugs. The marijuana, anti-insomnia pill, empty bottles of - a whole bunch of anti-anxiety drugs.

Stacy, it really seems to say a lot as to what may have been going on in Michael`s life. But does the list we`ve now learned today actually raise more questions about his death?

SCHNEIDER: I think it`s going to raise questions for Dr. Murray`s defense team, actually, A.J., if he`s the one indeed charged with this homicide. Because they`re going to be studying his lifestyle and whether he was a pattern drug abuser and that might come up in the defense, trying to say that Dr. Murray was not the cause of this death, that Michael Jackson`s activity and conduct led to his own demise.

HAMMER: Well, Stacy Schneider, Carlos Diaz, I do appreciate you being with us tonight.

And late tonight, I should point out, a rep for the Jackson family released a brand-new statement to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT about the coroner`s official findings. The statement says, "The Jackson family again wishes to commend the actions of the coroner, the LAPD and other law enforcement agencies, and looks forward to the day that justice can be served."

Late tonight, Dr. Murray`s attorney released this statement about the coroner`s press release, "This press release contains nothing new. For two months, we have been hearing the same information, usually from leaks, out of coroner`s office. One has to wonder why the coroner felt compelled to release anything at all if the police investigation is not yet complete. In any case this is all the earmarks of police gamesmanship."

Well, as we move on tonight, Chris Brown, probably, one of the most hated guys in America right now from everything I`m seeing. And I`m betting his apologies for beating Rihanna are really falling on some deaf ears.

Well, tonight, Chris` mother is speaking out and pleading with his fans. But could her words actually backfire on Chris` image or is this exactly what he needs? I`m going to show you Chris Brown`s mother`s painful plea.

And the comedienne who is being sued by her mother-in-law for some jokes in her stand-up routine. Does her mother-in-law just not have a funny bone in her body? Well, the comedienne will be right here in the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

Plus, when garden hoes attack -




HAMMER: You have got to see what happens when a news crew looks for a headline and ends up with granny`s garden hoe. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Time now for the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Jackson doctor Arnold Klein will not petition for a role in raising singer`s children. "American Idol" winner Kris Allen`s debut album will be out Nov. 17th.


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. OK, did you see this? If you`re like me, normally, you use gardening tools to take care of your garden.

But when news crews sprouted up on a Florida grandmother`s front porch, she treated them like weeds, I tell you. You`ve got to see this bizarre scene all caught on tape.

Here`s CNN`s Jeanne Moos with the big hoe down low for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The press could have it worse. You could get hit by a tear gas canister, or smacked with a plastic bottle.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s not appropriate.


MOOS: Or have a loaded gun pointed at you. So relatively speaking, what`s a little garden variety hoe?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hey, don`t put that camera in my (EXPLETIVE DELETED) face! Get out (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!

MOOS: It`s the grandma hoe attack. The cameraman from WESH TV station in Orlando, Florida, took the brunt of. A shooter from another station WOFL videotaped the guy getting attacked.

The two news crews came looking for a mother who reported to police that her 15-year-old daughter had been working in this strip club. But neighbors said it was the grandmother who came to the door.


MOOS: Aside from the obvious question, why does she have the hoe with her when she answers the door, the online debate centered on whether the press deserved it. "Leaches, sub-human media puke, you got what you deserved." "You go, granny." "You go, girl." "She went all right."

A reporter from WOFL told Fox News what the hoedown was like.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE NEWS REPORTER: Just the look in her eyes and see the way she was swinging that hoe, first thing going through my mind was, "I need to get out of striking distance."

MOOS: The other reporter stood her ground.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE NEWS REPORTER: Wait a minute! Wait a minute!


MOOS (on camera): The question is, does grandma have a Second Amendment right to bear hoes?

(voice-over): Some thought she should be arrested. The hoe hit the camera, not the man. And the cameraman did file a police report, but hasn`t decided whether to press charges. He might want to brush up on his tools -

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This term for a long-handled gardening tool can also be an immoral pleasure-seeker.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A rake is right.

MOOS: Forget "Jeopardy" the game. This is a hoe to put your life in jeopardy.


HAMMER: That was CNN`s Jeanne Moos for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. And as of today, the cameraman involved in that attack has not pressed charges against the grandmother. And from everything I understand, the hoe, not damaged.

Well, I`ve got to have to tell you, the "Showbiz on Call" phone lines are being overrun by calls. A lot of fired-up people are checking in with their comments over Chris Brown`s new song "Changed Man."

In the song, he claims that he has changed after brutally beating Rihanna. Well, we`ve got a call into "Showbiz on Call" from Lena who says she believes that Chris has changed for the better.


LEAN, CALLER FROM SOUTH CAROLINA: I do believe Chris Brown is a changed man. And I don`t think the court should deny the two of them seeing each other. If that`s what they want to do, so what? Let them see each other. But I do believe he`s a changed man and I think he`s still in love with her, too.


HAMMER: All right, Lena. Thanks for your call. We also heard from Rosanna calling into "Showbiz on Call" who says the song sends a bad message.


ROSANNA, CALLER FROM MISSOURI: No, it`s not a good look for him to put out a song like that. He`s just making it seem that young women everything think it`s OK for men to put their hands on them. It is not OK.


HAMMER: Definitely it`s not. Thank you Rosanna. Call us at "Showbiz on Call" to let us know what you think about this or anything that you`re thinking about at all. The "Showbiz on Call" phone lines - they`re are open all the time at 1-888-SBT-BUZZ; 1-888-728-2899.

Well, this story about the girl who was found 18 years after she was kidnapped - it just could not get any more surreal. Tonight, the man who actually witnessed the woman getting kidnapped as a little girl is speaking out. It`s an emotional new interview.


PROBYN: I did lose hope. But I`m coping. This is over. And the last 18 years have been pretty rough, but these last two days have been pretty good. You know, we`ve got an ending to this.

HAMMER: The stepfather of the kidnapped woman speaks out. Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT with this made-for-Hollywood kidnap mystery.

And if you think Chris Brown has been through a lot, imagine what his mom has been through. Think about it. Brown`s mother is making a painful plea to his fans. But is this going to help or hurt his image?

And the comedienne in a legal throw-down with her mother-in-law over some jokes. She is right here. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Time now for the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: "Rescue Me" to end run in 2011, on the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11th attacks. "Sesame Street" to be honored with lifetime achievement award at daytime Emmys.


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer. Tonight, "Transformers" star Megan Fox`s shocking kiss confession. Fox opens up in a brand-new interview with MTV about her sexy smooch with co-star Amanda Seyfried in their new movie, "Jennifer`s Body." In a shocking kiss confession, Megan says she actually prefers kissing women on screen.


MEGAN FOX, ACTRESS: It`s so much safer with girls. So I would rather kiss - I felt more comfortable kissing her in the movie than kissing any of the other people that I had to kiss. I think she was extremely uncomfortable. I don`t think that. I know that. She was like not comfortable and there was a lot of laughing, like giggling fits that happened in between takes.


HAMMER: Well, MTV`s "Behind the Screen" featuring Megan Fox will air next Friday. And you can see Megan`s steamy kiss when "Jennifer`s Body" hits theaters on September 18th.

Well, "CSI Miami" star Eddie Cibrian likes kissing one particular woman these days, and that is LeAnn Rimes. Tonight, for the first time since he filed from divorce and went public with his romance with LeAnn, Eddie is speaking out against his wife.

Now, Eddie`s wife, Brandi, told "" earlier this week that she sensed an attraction between Eddie and LeAnn on the set of their TV movie, "Northern Lights."

Well, Eddie wasn`t happy to hear that, and so in a brand-new statement to "People," Eddie fired back. This is what he says, "I will continue to be respectful and sensitive to this issue by not doing interviews about this ongoing private matter. I wish everyone would do the same." And Eddie punctuated that statement by filing for divorce from his wife earlier this week.

I`ve got to tell you, people on the Facebook page are just fired up over Chris Brown`s new song which is apparently about Rihanna. It came just after his sentencing.

We hear from Carla H. And Carla thinks that the song shows Chris is on the right path. Listen to what she writes, "Music usually comes from the heart. But when it comes to abuse, that is a situation where one needs more than one set of words to prove one`s changed. By listening to the order of the judge in the long run, he will gain respect and trust."

But Sherri R. says the song will hurt Rihanna and other battered women. Listen to what she writes, "The song is a valid threat to not only Rihanna but to all the women who will be forced to listen to it after suffering beatings at the hands of men."

Please keep in mind you can sign up for our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT Facebook and Twitter pages at

Time now for the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT lineup. This is what`s coming up at the bottom of the hour on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

The made-for-Hollywood kidnap mystery. A kidnapped girl found alive 18 years later. And now, her stepdad, who witnessed the kidnapping, is speaking out.

Also, Chris Brown`s mother is speaking out - Brown`s mother making a painful plea to fans. But will her words help or hurt Chris` image?

And why is John Mayer giving up tens of thousands to dollars to find his own mug shot? This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Time now for the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Matt Damon to be honored at the American Cinematheque Awards next year. Jennifer Aniston, Bradley Cooper named summer`s sexiest singles in new poll.


HAMMER: Now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, an absolutely unbelievable story. A woman found alive 18 years after she was kidnapped. Tonight, it`s the story not even Hollywood could make up. A family reunited with the child they haven`t seen since she was just 11 years old.

Chris Brown`s mother speaks out. Tonight, her brand-new comments after her son was sentenced for beating Rihanna.

The comedienne sued by her own mother-in-law speaks out. Her mother- in-law says she was the punch line to too many jokes in her act. But what does the comedienne have to saw about the mother-in-law suit? Well, she`s right here and it`s the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

Plus, more stories breaking from the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker."

TV`s most provocative entertainment news show continues right now.


Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. It is 30 minutes past the hour. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

Tonight, three brand-new blockbuster stories that are making big news right now.

First, we have to get to this. The made-for-TV kidnap mystery. The just-revealed, heartbreaking story of a family reunited with their daughter after she was abducted 18 years ago. Tonight, her stepfather is speaking out.


PROBYN: I did lose hope. But I`m coping and it`s over. And the last 18 years have been pretty rough. But these last two days have been pretty good. It`s got an ending to this.


HAMMER: Just wait until you hear his heart-wrenching story about the day his daughter was taken away right before his very eyes. I`m telling you, not even Hollywood could tell this tale.

Also brand new right now, it`s official - Michael Jackson`s death is a homicide. The L.A. county coroner releases the findings of Jackson`s autopsy report. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT has for you the brand-new late-breaking details.

Also making big news tonight, Chris Brown`s mother speaking out the very same week a judge sentenced Brown to five years` probation for beating Rihanna. You are not going to believe what she has to say and we have your fired-up comments, including your messages about Chris` new song "Changed Man."

Joining me tonight from Hollywood is Carlos Diaz who is a correspondent for "Extra." Tonight in New York is Stacy Schneider who is an attorney and an author.

And I`ve got to begin with this story. It is literally captivating the world. Jaycee Lee Dugard was 11 years old when she was abducted by a guy named Phillip Garrido, a convicted kidnapper and rapist and his wife, Nancy.

And adding to this incredible drama, Jaycee actually gave birth to two children fathered by this very, very sick man. Carlos, could Hollywood have even made this story up?

DIAZ: No, I mean - and the fact that he was picked up passing out religious literature on a college campus and then questioned during a parole hearing in which he brought the girl that he abducted to the parole hearing and introduced her as his wife.

I mean, can you imagine being in that interrogation, being in that questioning and then having him break under the interrogation and admitting the fact that he kidnapped this girl 18 years ago?

I mean, and the fact that her dad was a suspect. So not only is he relieved to finally get his daughter back. But now, as you said, until yesterday or until a few days ago, he was a suspect. So you have so many angles. It`s an amazing and heartfelt story.

HAMMER: Yes. I mean, Hollywood certainly has come up with sick minds over the years. I`ve never seen anything like this. Well, in an emotional interview with CNN`s "American Morning," Jaycee`s stepfather described the day that his daughter was kidnapped 18 years ago. Take a look.


PROBYN: Jaycee walked up the hill on the way to the bus stop and a car came down and circled and went real slow. Got my attention. That`s how, you know, I recognized the car. And it went back up the hill and waited for her to get to the top of the hill. And once she did - I guess they wanted to wait to see if cars were coming from behind and the cars above.

Once it got next to her, it cut her off. And basically, when I saw the door fly open, I jumped on my mountain bike. I realized I couldn`t get to her in time. The hill was too steep. So I rode back down and yelled at a neighbor for 911.

And they had like, a two-minute head start. I really have a lot of questions like, how did they get out of there. And you would think they would block the roads off and they would have them, but they got away.


HAMMER: Yes. And again, as Carlos mentioned, Jaycee`s stepfather was even a suspect in his daughter`s abduction. Stacy, with all the makings of a Hollywood drama, is it really any wonder that people have just been glued to their TVs watching this story unfold?

SCHNEIDER: No, this is a tragic, horrible, horrible story. And the fact that the suspect in this case could actually construct this intricate compound on his own property and keep this girl in isolation for 18 years with none of the neighbors spotting it to the point where she`s raising two children without any light and not being let out, it`s an absolutely nightmare story. And when this trial unfolds, I can`t even imagine there being a defense to this situation.

HAMMER: Yes. Even as I`ve been hearing about it on television, reading about it in the papers, I just still find this so unbelievable.

Let us move on now. We have breaking news tonight, Michael Jackson`s death have been officially ruled a homicide. The L.A. County coroner`s office released their findings from Jackson`s autopsy and they say his death, not an accident.

Straight from the report SHOWBIZ TONIGHT obtained today, the cause of death was established as acute propofol intoxication.

Stacy, let me stay with you because Michael Jackson`s personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, admitted to police that he did administer that anesthetic, propofol, to Jackson the day that Jackson died. Should we expect to see manslaughter charges filed against this man in the next few days?

SCHNEIDER: A.J., I think it`s going to be inevitable in this particular situation. Now that we have this official ruling that the death was not a suicide, it was not by natural causes, it was a homicide, that makes the police hone in on the suspect.

And the fact that Dr. Murray allegedly gave these statements about what he did, it might be sealing his fate in this case.

HAMMER: And obviously this has just been an awful, horrible time for the Jackson family. But Carlos, are you with me, the Jackson family has got to be relieved to get at least some confirmation on what they suspected and spoke out on all along?

DIAZ: Yes, A.J., I completely agree with you. I mean, the fact that the word "propofol" is in the cause of death, right there and the family has said all along that they believe that he was murdered in some way - Michael Jackson.

So when you have propofol there and then you have Dr. Conrad Murray admitting to giving Michael Jackson propofol, it`s all right there, easy to connect the dots. One of the things - Dr. Conrad Murray has said all along that he`s told the truth.

Well, I`ve got news for you. If you put a gun to someone`s head and you pull the trigger. And then later, you say, "Well, yes, I pulled the trigger but I told the truth," it doesn`t matter. You still pulled the trigger.

HAMMER: All right. Let`s move on now because we have some surprising new comments to tell you about by Chris Brown`s own mother.

Just after her won was sentenced to five years` probation for brutally beating up Rihanna, in a letter, posted on Chris` fan Web site, his mother writes, "I just want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you for your continued support. I can now say this has been the most painful moment in my entire life, but knowing that you were still standing by Chris` side in his time of need made this a little easier for us. I made a promise to him I would never be ashamed of him no matter where I am or who I talk to."

Now, listen, I`m a reasonable person. There`s no arguing with a mother`s unconditional love for her child. But Stacy, let me ask you this - do you think she also has a responsibility to speak out against her son`s actions? He beat Rihanna to a pulp.

SCHNEIDER: You know, A.J., he`s a grown man. He got convicted of the crime. His mother didn`t do anything here. Her statement really doesn`t do anything for me. He`s going to - he`s taken the fall in this. And having your mommy come out and make a statement about what a good person you are and thanking everyone doesn`t really do anything here.

I think it was an unnecessary gesture. I appreciate what the mother and family are going through having Chris Brown experience this conviction and now the five years of probation. But he`s a grown man. He`s in the wrong.

HAMMER: Yes. And I think sometimes it`s best for people just to stay quiet. Now, I know they weren`t able to talk out - the family wasn`t able to speak until his sentencing happened. Now they, I guess, are trying to fulfill that need that they had to say something.

Well, since SHOWBIZ TONIGHT first revealed to you Chris` brand-new song called "Changed Man," I`ve got to tell you, the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT Facebook page has been on fire. Comments are coming in constantly.

Let me read what Cyndi L. writes on our wall. She writes, "I am 40 years old and have had the misfortune of seeing and being in domestic violence. The lyrics in this song are the `song` many of us have heard before and some poor foolish girl will listen. Don`t believe it, young women everywhere! Be strong, stay away from men who hit, even once! It will happen again, it is a cycle."

I mean, this song has lyrics like saying, "I`m sorry doesn`t make it right, I know, but I believe that we can make it if we try." Obviously, Carlos, Chris Brown wants her back and is repeating these words. We talked about this yesterday.

Doesn`t our Facebook fan really have a point, that these are typical words battered women must hear from their abusers over and over?

DIAZ: It`s scary. It really is scary, because it is - you`re right. It`s like putting those words to music. And I`ve said all along that if Chris Brown was a rapper or he was just, you know, a rock `n roll guy that he might have a chance of coming back.

But it`s very difficult because his whole thing is writing love songs that appeal to women, and he`s trying to do it. In this case, it was a huge mistake.

SCHNEIDER: You know what, A.J.?

HAMMER: Very quickly -

SCHNEIDER: This is a really personal love letter. We all know it`s to Rihanna. I don`t really see how other people are going to be influenced to stay in bad relationships because of it.

HAMMER: Well, we`ll see what happens. They`re not allowed to see each other for five years so we`ll know if they`ll be back together any time soon. Carlos Diaz, Stacy Schneider, thanks so much, guys.

Well, tonight, Jon Gosselin speaking out about how he tried to save his marriage to Kate. He says now he does love Hailey Glassman, his 22- year-old girlfriend - you know, the daughter of the guy who did Kate`s tummy tuck. But Jon tells "People" magazine he will always love Kate, too, saying, "I worked on my marriage. I went to therapy. And at one point in time, I just gave up. There`s a point in time where you just say, `This is not going to work.` So I just moved on."

Well, Kate has also been speaking out about Jon and his fathering skills. Check out what she told Larry King.


LARRY KING, HOST, "LARRY KING LIVE": Is he a good father?


KING: Why the pause?

K. GOSSELIN: His decisions right now are not ones that I would necessarily make, but down deep in his heart, I know that he is.


HAMMER: Well, she`s reaching for the words there. But at least Jon and Kate really seem to be on the same page when it comes to what they each think of each other`s parenting.

Jon told "People" magazine, "I have no ill will toward Kate. She`s the mother of my kids. She`s a great mom. She does a lot for them."

Moving on now, Madonna gets booed.


Madonna made some comments on stage that really made the crowd turn on her. I`m going to explain why.

Also, a comedienne sued by her own mother-in-law for joking about her in her act. She`s right here in the interview you`ll see only on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.

John Mayer`s $25,000 bet that no one can find his mug shot from when he got arrested eight years ago. Did he win or lose? This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Kelly Osbourne reveals past Vicodin addiction in new book. New Michael Jackson wax figure unveiled at Madam Tussauds.



MADONNA, POP STAR: It`s been brought to my attention that there`s a lot of discrimination against Romani and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe.


And that makes me feel very sad.


HAMMER: That`s not something Madonna`s used to. She`s getting booed at her very own concert in Bucharest, Romania. Well, here`s what went down. A group of gypsy performers shared the stage with Madonna. And she made some comments slamming the fact that they`re widely discriminated against. Well, the crowd turned on Madonna and they started jeering.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.

Tonight, an outrageous mother-in-lawsuit. What do you get when a Swedish and African-American comedienne makes jokes about her Jewish mother-in-law? Well, in this case, you get some vicious litigation.

Comic Sunda Croonquist is being sued for defamation by her mother-in- law for jokes the mother-in-law says are racist.


SUNDA CROONQUIST, COMEDIENNE: I`m a black woman with a Jewish mother-in- law. Well, you know the only thing we have in common is that we don`t want to get our hair wet.


HAMMER: All right. What do you think? Is this comic out of line? Well, let`s hear Sunda`s side of the story. She joins me tonight in New York.

And Sunda, I appreciate you being here. You`ve got to tell me, when you found out your mother-in-law, your husband`s mother, was actually suing you over this, were you completely shocked?

CROONQUIST: Shocked, shocked! I mean, this is like, the most shocking news I had since I found out I was pregnant again for the second time in two years. I`m not pregnant now. I`m still talking about the first time. Yes, I was very shocked. I was very shocked.

HAMMER: Because here`s the thing, you know, as long as there have been comedians, there have been jokes about mothers-in-law. Usually, it`s understood that it`s a joke and it pretty much ends there.

Not only are you getting sued, she says that you make her out to be a racist. I want to take a look at some of one of your mother-in-law routines. Roll that, Charles.


CROONQUIST: You know, there was drama when we got the sonogram results. She was really excited. "OK. Now, that we know we`re having a little girl, what I would like to know is what you plan on naming that little chacha, OK? I just don`t want a name that`s difficult to pronounce like Shanequa (ph)," because in my mind I`m thinking of a name, short but delicious like Hadaka(ph) or Gobi(ph).


HAMMER: All right. I can kind of get why, as funny as the joke is, an overly sensitive person might be taken aback by this. But I`ve got to tell you, I think a lawsuit is a little bit much. Are you able at all to see her side of it?

CROONQUIST: I can`t see her side of it because people have been making fun - comedians have been making fun of their mothers-in-law for years. I mean, who would Henny Youngman be? Who would Ray Romano be? Ray Romano didn`t get sued. He got a sit-com. This is what I`m saying. I mean, these are just jokes and it is not that serious.

HAMMER: And with your husband`s mother suing you, is this just tearing your family apart? I can`t even imagine what you`re going through right now.

CROONQUIST: Well, you can`t imagine what it was like when I got the papers. But I`m not going to go there because the Swedish side did not come out. But I was very upset. I was disappointed, because, you know, call me. Just call me. You don`t like something? Call me. You didn`t mind for all the years I was doing it and, you know, suddenly we have a problem.

HAMMER: And were you just served papers? I can`t even imagine what happened when you`re getting sued by your mother-in-law. And I understand your husband - at least his law firm is representing you.

CROONQUIST: Yes, his law firm is representing me. And thank god there`s a lawyer in the family because I don`t know what I would do. Honest to god, I just didn`t know where to go. I mean this is my kids` grandmother and it`s their only living grandmother. So what do you do with that?


CROONQUIST: And it`s not so bad. I mean, you`re saying that maybe - you know, some people say, well, maybe she was sensitive. Then, tell me 15 years ago. Don`t just pull this out of a hat.

HAMMER: So here`s what I want to know, looking forward, when the whole thing is done. And look, I hope you can settle this and it doesn`t go to court or anything. But will you use the entire crazy experience as more fodder for your comedy or have the mother-in-law jokes have come to an end?

CROONQUIST: The mother-in-law jokes will continue tonight at Stand-Up(ph), New York and every Saturday night at the Laugh Factory in Hollywood. Because I`m a comedienne and comediennes are going to be allowed to make fun of their families as long as they are able to hold a microphone.

HAMMER: Well, I give you a lot of credit for sticking to your guns. I wish you the best of luck in all of this.

CROONQUIST: I need it, thank you.

HAMMER: It`s really a shame to see you in this kind of turmoil in any case.


HAMMER: Sunda Croonquist, thank you so much.

CROONQUIST: Thank you.

HAMMER: All right. As we move on tonight, John Mayer`s $25,000 mug shot. What`s this about? Well, John was arrested in Atlanta back in 2001 for driving with a suspended license. Now, the case was dismissed a month later.

But just this week, John actually posted this on his Twitter page, "If Harvey Levin at TMZ can produce my mug shot, I will donate $25,000 to the charity of his choice."

Well, guess what? TMZ found the mug shot. Here it is. "Smoking Gun" actually found it, too. They put it up on their Web site a few minutes before TMZ did. But TMZ still says, "Pay up, John."

I`ve got another mug shot to tell you about tonight. A model has been arrested for posing nude in a museum. But is the photographer`s body of work art or is it public lewdness? Well, I have got the naked proof. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

It is time now for the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - these are more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom, and they are making big news right now.

TEXT: Jon Krasinski of "The Office" is engaged to actress Emily Blunt. Rihanna on cover of Italian "Vogue`s" September couture supplement.

HAMMER: It is time now for "Making It Work." This is where we take a look at celebrities who manage to have successful relationships even though they are under the white hot glare of spotlight of fame.

Tonight, it`s Jason Bateman. Jason and his wife Amanda Anka - she`s the daughter of singer Paul Anka - have been married eight years. They have a 3-year-old daughter together. And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT caught up with Jason at the Los Angeles premiere of his new movie "Extract." We had to ask how he and Amanda make their relationship work.


JASON BATEMAN, ACTOR: I make it work because - I don`t know. I mean, the boring answers that we`ve got - a great relationship - we are best friends. And that never gets tired. The not-so-serious answer is that I stopped drinking. That makes it a lot easier.


HAMMER: Well, you can see Jason Bateman in "Extract" in theaters September 4.


HAMMER: Well, we have breaking nudes about a photographer who takes pictures of naked people in New York. One of his models got arrested. But is his work public lewdness or is it art?

Here`s CNN`s Jason Carroll for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: In Central Park, the musical, "Hair," performers bare all too rave reviews. Times Square, the self- described "naked cowboy." This is New York, a city where artistic forms of nudity are celebrated. For photographer Zach Hymen, a perfect backdrop to shoot his unconventional nudes.

ZACH HYMAN, PHOTOGRAPHER: I think for the most part it`s been pretty exciting for everyone involved.

CARROLL: Hyman shot in Times Square, even a subway.

CARROLL (on camera): How did this whole idea come about?

HYMAN: Well, the idea started actually right here.

CARROLL (voice-over): Here is the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Hyman says the Met`s classic nudes not only inspired his work, it gave him the idea of where to shoot his next project with model K.C. Neill.

CARROLL (on camera): Were you surprised when they actually came up and you found out, "They`re going to arrest me"?

K.C. NEILL, MODEL: Yes. Yes. Absolutely. I didn`t really know what to expect.

CARROLL (voice-over): The photos seen here from "The New York Post" Web site show Neill baring it all inside the museum. She now faces charges of public lewdness and endangering the welfare of the minor. Her attorney says the museum overreacted.

DON SCHECHTER, NEILL ATTORNEY: The museum is an art institution. An art institution, by its very nature, is supposed to be open-minded and subject to new ideas.

CARROLL: To which the museum spokesman Harold Holzer says -

HAROLD HOLZER, MET SPOKESMAN: We have no stake or opinion on the legal issues and sort of wish that the whole thing would go away.

CARROLL: The incident raising an age-old question, what is art? In 1999, police arrested noted photographer Spencer Tunic after he staged a shoot with 150 nudes in Times Square. Tunic`s argument then very much like Hyman`s now.

HYMAN: If it`s being questioned as art, then I think it has to be art.

CARROLL: We put the question to a few people after showing them a small sampling of Hyman`s work.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Art. Definitely art.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That looks like pornography to me.

CARROLL: The reaction, no surprise to K.C. Neill.

NEILL: Art is about people either loving it or hating it, and therefore it`s creating this amazing conversation.

HOLZER: The bottom line is, the Metropolitan Museum is deeply interested in exhibitions and maybe less interested in exhibitionists.


HAMMER: That was CNN`s Jason Carroll for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. Hyman says they will continue to photograph nudes in public.

That`s it for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. And you can always catch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on the 11:00s - 11:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific, and weekday mornings, 11:00 a.m. Eastern here on HLN.