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Showbiz Tonight

Sarah Palin`s Startling Swipes; Brooke Shields` Suicide Confession; Carrie Prejean, A Politician?; New Developments on the Sarah Jessica Parker Surrogate Case

Aired November 17, 2009 - 23:00   ET


A.J. HAMMER, HOST: Right now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Sarah Palin`s brand-new bombshells today. If you thought you had heard it all on "Oprah," wait until you hear what she told Barbara Walters. The startling new swipes revealed today. Target, David Letterman. Target, Tina Fey. No one is safe.


BARBARA WALTERS, TV HOST: Did her impersonation of you harm you?


HAMMER: And look out, Levi. Sarah`s not done with you yet, as SHOWBIZ TONIGHT dares to ask, Sarah or Levi - who do you think is winning the war of words?

Brooke Shields` brand-new shocking suicide confession. Why Brooke has just revealed she wanted to die after her daughter was born. Tonight, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT with Brooke`s startling and heartbreaking revelation.

Plus, the congressman who says disgraced former beauty queen Carrie Prejean could have what it takes to become a big-time politician.

TV`s most provocative entertainment news show starts right now.

Hello. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

BROOKE ANDERSON, HOST: Hi there, everyone, I`m Brooke Anderson, coming to you from Hollywood.

And tonight, the brand-new Sarah Palin bombshells breaking today.

HAMMER: Yes. If you thought what Sarah told Oprah Winfrey was explosive, wait until you hear what she told Barbara Walters. Barbara revealed her interview with Palin today. And look out, Tina Fey and David Letterman, she`s not happy with you guys one bit.

But wait, there`s more. Palin is also really ticked off at a picture of her that is everywhere today, posing in running shorts. Palin`s also addressing all of the buzz that she could be getting her own talk show. And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can now reveal that it all made for big news breaking today.


ANDERSON (voice-over): You may have thought Sarah Palin was done dropping bombs after her big sit-down with Oprah on Monday. Now, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you Palin was just getting warmed up.

SARAH PALIN (R), FORMER GOVERNOR OF ALASKA: Oh, there`s so much bull crap out there.

HAMMER: Palin pulled no punches in her brand-new interview with Barbara Walters that was revealed this morning on "Good Morning America." And Palin, whose new book titled "Going Rogue," is now going off on almost everyone that`s crossed her lately.

PALIN: He doesn`t have anything on me.

HAMMER: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT can tell you, Palin-palooza is in full swing. In today`s interview with Walters, Palin takes on two people who have made second careers out of making fun of her, Tina Fey and David Letterman.

TINA FEY, ACTRESS (as Sarah Palin): First up, I just want to say how excited I am to be in front of the both the liberal elite media as well as the liberal regular media.

HAMMER: Tina Fey savaged Sarah Palin last year with a wicked impersonation of her on "Saturday Night Live." In the new interview today, Palin told Barbara Walters, she has a bit of a bone to pick with Tina.

FEY: I can see Russia from my house.

PALIN: Of course, I`ve never said that. And yet, the line was blurred and I think people, because it was repeated so often, perhaps, believed that I had said such a thing.

HAMMER: But Palin did manage to say something nice about Tina Fey.

PALIN: I think she was funny, though. And I think she was very talented and spot-on.

HAMMER: Palin isn`t as nice to David Letterman. He earned the wrath of Palin for this joke about a Palin family trip to a Yankee game back in June.

DAVID LETTERMAN, HOST, "THE DAVID LETTERMAN SHOW": During the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.

HAMMER: Letterman later apologized for the joke after learning it was Palin`s 14-year-old daughter, Willow, who was in the stands, not the older teen daughter, Bristol, who just had a baby.

But as Walters showed Palin today, Letterman`s not quite done with the Palin punch lines.

LETTERMAN: That brings us to a little segment we call, "Things More Fun Than Reading the Sarah Palin Memoir." Things more fun than reading - here. Take a look. Watch this.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Number 14, driving into a tree.

WALTERS: Can you just shrug this kind of thing off?

PALIN: WELL, I can`t, because those aren`t even funny.

HAMMER: Ouch. And if you think that was frosty, wait until you hear what Palin said about the possibility of appearing on Letterman`s show.

PALIN: I don`t think that I want to boost his ratings. I do want him to sell my book, though, so I hope he keeps that up.

HAMMER: But the man Palin feuded with more than Letterman is 19-year- old Levi Johnston, the father of Bristol`s son. He`s been all over the airwaves, dishing Palin dirt, including this wild claim about Palin`s baby son who was Down syndrome.

LEVI JOHNSTON, THE FATHER OF BRISTOL PALIN`S SON: She`s coming home from work, and she`d be like, "Where`s my retarded baby."

HAMMER: In her talk seen with Walters today, Palin denied ever saying that.

WALTERS: Levi has said that you called Trig "the retarded baby."

PALIN: That`s heartbreaking to know that he would say such a thing, and that`s not true.

HAMMER: Levi Johnston`s also claiming that the Palins are making it hard for him to see his son. And he`s threatening to take them to court. This morning, Palin told him to bring it.

PALIN: It will be nice to see in - I guess, even in legal proceedings, a desire to be a part of the baby`s life. That`s a good sign.

HAMMER: And with even more Palin interviews scheduled in the coming days, it looks like Palin-palooza could roll on for the rest of the year. Tina, Letterman, and Levi, consider yourselves warned.


ANDERSON: I have to say, there was clearly a big difference between Palin`s interview with Oprah and the bombshells we heard her drop with Barbara Walters today.

Joining me tonight in New York is Lauren Lake. She`s an attorney and the author of this great book, "Girl, Let Me Tell You." Also in New York tonight, Kim Serafin, who is the senior editor at "In Touch Weekly."

Lauren, Kim, what really surprised me was just how hard-hitting this seemed compared to the interview with Oprah. Lauren, what surprised you the most about this new interview with Barbara Walters?

LAUREN LAKE, ATTORNEY AND AUTHOR: Barbara really had her on the ropes. You know, the Oprah interview was softer, more human interest. And I actually sat there and said, "You know what, this lady - you know, I could have a cup of coffee with her."

But after Barbara got her on the ropes, she got defensive again. I start seeing that kind of air, that attitude she had during the campaign. And I turned off a bit. A lot of the questions that she had to answer, she just wasn`t authentic.

And that`s what I want to see from her. I want her to take responsibility for some of the ridiculous things she`s said and some of the outrageous things that are going on in her family life that I don`t think she really needs to be discussing.

ANDERSON: Kim, do you agree with Lauren that she seemed defensive? Because to me, she seemed more self-assured this time around.

KIM SERAFIN, SENIOR EDITOR, "IN TOUCH WEEKLY": Yes. I didn`t see the defensiveness. I saw that in previous interviews that she had done.

But I think - you know, on one hand, obviously, the Oprah interview was a little bit more pop culture-y. It was in front of a live audience so she said things. She got a reaction from the audience. She knew when to go a little bit further with things like calling Levi Ricky Hollywood, for example.

But this was a little bit more news-based, policy-based. She really went into specifics about things that I definitely did not see her being defensive. I thought she seemed very confident, very self-assured, and very sure about everything she was saying, in her book, talking about the campaign, her family, everything.


ANDERSON: In today`s Barbara Walter`s interview, we heard Sarah Palin talk a lot more about being made fun of in those Tina Fey "SNL" skits. Palin also tried to clarify Tina Fey`s now-infamous line, "I can see Russia from my house." Take a look.


PALIN: I think that there was a blurred line there between what Tina Fey was parodying and saying and what I ever said. Let`s take, for instance, she`s saying, "I can see Russia from my house," pretending that she was me.

Of course, I`ve never said that. And yet, the line was blurred. And I think people, because it was repeated so often, perhaps believed that I had said such a thing.


ANDERSON: It almost seemed that even after all this time, Palin still seems a tad bit irritated about how Tina made her look bad. Lauren, do you think she`s being a bit thin-skinned here? Or was she just trying to explain herself to Barbara?

LAKE: See, this is the defensiveness that I see. Instead of just saying, "You know what? I made a odd comment, off-the-cuff comment that was a little bit ridiculous. And in turn, what happened is that people made parodies of it and interpreted it more ridiculously and it turned into a joke."

Instead of just giving those campaign answers that, quite frankly, people who keep it real like me, we just don`t buy.

ANDERSON: OK. Well, she was trying to provide some clarification. But obviously, it was not misinterpreted that way by a lot of people. And as we know, Palin is out there now because she`s trying to sell her new tell-all book.

So it`s certainly understandable why David Letterman is also getting under her skin. He`s been brutal on her and now her new book. Watch.


LETTERMAN: That brings us to a little segment we call, "Things More Fun Than Reading the Sarah Palin Memoir." Things more fun than reading - here. Take a look. Watch this.

WALTERS: Would you like to go on "The David Letterman Show?"

PALIN: I don`t think that I`d want to boost his ratings. I do want him to sell my book, though, so I hope he keeps it up.


ANDERSON: Kim, I`ve got to say, that was a pretty good dig by Palin. It was almost like she was saying, "Hey, Dave, you need me more than I need you."

SERAFIN: That`s right. And I think that was keeping it real. She definitely kind of put him in his place there. Now, obviously, she has helped him in the past. The whole feud she had with him certainly helped his ratings.

But she`s right. If she went on his show, she would probably be helping him more than her. And he is helping her. I think I found out that her book was coming out because of that segment, "Things More Fun Than Reading Sarah Palin`s Memoir."

So he`s definitely helping her. He`s plugging her book. I think everyone would love to see that interview. I hope she eventually does it. But, yes, she didn`t hold anything back. She let us know what...

LAKE: David Letterman does not need Sarah Palin.

ANDERSON: Lauren, you clearly disagree. Very quickly, Lauren.

LAKE: David Letterman does not need Sarah Palin for ratings. That`s just a joke. He`s got his own scandals to deal with. We`re already watching him, OK? He doesn`t need Sarah Palin`s scandals.

ANDERSON: Very good point. Now, we will end it there. Lauren Lake, Kim Serafin, thank you, ladies.

Now, we want to hear you take sides in the Sarah Palin-Levi Johnston smackdown. That`s our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day, "Sarah Versus Levi: Who is winning the war of words?" Vote E- mail us,

HAMMER: All right. So will Sarah Palin become a reality star?


WALTERS: Have you been offered your own talk show?

PALIN: There have been lots and lots of offers in these last couple of months, especially, coming our way, some bizarre things.


PALIN: Some funny things. Reality shows.


HAMMER: Yes, buddy. Palin has been offered reality shows. What would that look like? And the big question, will she do it?

Also, Brooke Shields` suicide confession. Tonight, why Brooke has just revealed that she wanted to die after her daughter was born.

And Carrie Prejean, a politician? Why a congressman says the disgraced former beauty queen could have what it takes for a future in politics. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Here comes the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Judge grants Ryan Seacrest restraining order against alleged stalker. Spencer Pratt rips Al Roker on Twitter after being canceled from "Today" show.

You are watching SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN. Right now, you`ve got to keep watching the bottom of your screen for more nonstop, compelling and provocative news from SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York with Brooke Anderson in Hollywood.

Tonight, Janet Jackson is silent no more. Just in today, Janet Jackson speaking out for the very first time this morning on "Good Morning America" about Michael Jackson`s death. And she says the doctor who was with Michael when he died should be blamed for his death.

Joining me tonight from Hollywood, Leslie Marshall, host of the syndicated radio program, "The Leslie Marshall Show." Also in Hollywood tonight, Carlos Diaz - he`s a correspondent with "Extra."

We all know - we`ve seen it ever since Michael died in June, a lot of his family members have publicly blamed Dr. Murray for Michael`s death. Some have been credible, some not so much.

But hearing it from Janet on "Good Morning America" on how she feels about Dr. Murray, I just found it so chilling. Watch this.


ROBIN ROBERTS, HOST, "GOOD MORNING AMERICA": Do you hold him responsible for Michael`s death?

JANET JACKSON, POP STAR AND MICHAEL JACKSON`S SISTER: He was the one that was administering. I think he is responsible.


HAMMER: All right. Carlos, off to you. Did you see this, like me, that this was basically Janet`s public declaration that she will move heaven and earth to see this guy, Dr. Murray, behind bars?

CARLOS DIAZ, CORRESPONDENT, "EXTRA": Yes, exactly, A.J. And you have to keep in mind that no one in the world was closer to Michael Jackson than Janet Jackson. He was her protector growing up.

They were the two closest out of anyone in the family. And the fact that the way she said it, "He was the administrator. He is responsible, that she was very clear with her points, I mean, I think that that is just another nail in the coffin for Dr. Conrad Murray.

HAMMER: Yes. And she knew she was going to be asked that question this morning, so I think it was very, very intentional. It should be noted, of course, Dr. Murray hasn`t been charged with anything yet.

But in this new interview seen today on "Good Morning America," Janet said, at the very least, he shouldn`t be a doctor anymore. Take a look.


ROBERTS: Dr. Murray - what would you like to see happen to him? Do you think she should be practicing based on...

J. JACKSON: No, I don`t. Not at all. So this could happen to someone else, another family?


HAMMER: Yes. I`m guessing Janet doesn`t have anything to really worry about here. Leslie, are you with me that Dr. Conrad Murray is really already done as a doctor?

LESLIE MARSHALL, HOST, "THE LESLIE MARSHALL SHOW": Well, he said himself, A.J., that he had to close his medical practice. And he said, "Oh, when you treat a celebrity -" but we have to remember, he was more than willing to treat the celebrity for a very hefty price tag.

And we also have to remember that when he says that he didn`t do anything wrong, it is Propofol, and that is, in a sense, what may have killed Michael, when the investigation is completely finished.

And this is a guy that took an oath to heal. And I don`t understand how that drug would heal anyone and should be administered to anyone in their home and not in an operating room.

HAMMER: And on the same day we`re hearing from Janet, we`re learning that daddy Joe Jackson launching a new fight to throw out Michael Jackson`s will.

Joe, of course, wasn`t named in the will. And a court has ruled that Joe can`t challenge it. Quickly, Carlos, you know, it seems to me all Joe is doing is continuing to inflict pain on Michael Jackson in death. And of course, that`s what Michael had said that Joe had done to him in life.

DIAZ: Yes. And continuing to live off of Michael Jackson, which is what he did most of his life. And I can`t imagine Joe Jackson needing money. I mean, he`s promoting artists left and right, you know, as we remember Michael Jackson. So why aren`t they making money?

HAMMER: Yes. I`ve got to say a strange thing - I`ve noticed that as well. Got end to it there. Carlos Diaz, Leslie Marshall, thanks so much.

All right. Brooke, as we move on, I`ve got to say the idea of a Sarah Palin talk show really has got our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT viewers talking.

ANDERSON: It certainly does, A.J. After Oprah asked Sarah about doing a show during her big interview, the "Showbiz on Call" phone lines just lit up. We had to bring in more on-call operators. In fact, we`ve got more operators now than there are moose in Alaska.

We got a call into "Showbiz on Call" from Ora in California who says, you betcha when it comes to a Sarah Palin talk show.


ORA, CALLER FROM CALIFORNIA: I think Sarah Palin will make a very nice talk show host. She makes a great presentation. Her style is great. And she`s simply looks great when she walks out. But her voice is annoying. But she`d be fine. Just like Oprah Winfrey. She`ll be OK.


ANDERSON: Thank you for your call, Ora.

HAMMER: But Glenda from Pennsylvania thinks that Sarah Palin and Kate Gosselin have something in common, and that`s not a good thing.


GLENDA, CALLER FROM PENNSYLVANIA: Sarah Palin is a lot like Kate Gosselin. A little goes a long way. No talk shows, please.


HAMMER: Thank you Glenda. You can call us at "Showbiz on Call." Tell us what`s on your mind about anything at all.

ANDERSON: The "Showbiz on Call" phone lines are always open. Give us a ring at 1-888-SBT-BUZZ; 1-888-728-2899.

Well, if Sarah Palin doesn`t get a talk show, how about a reality show?


WALTERS: Have you been offered your own talk show?

PALIN: There have been lots and lots of offers in these last couple of months, especially, coming our way. Some bizarre things. Some funny things.


PALIN: Reality shows.


ANDERSON: The unbelievable TV offers Palin revealed today to Barbara Walters. Somehow I don`t see Sarah eating bugs or anything like that. So what kind of reality show are we talking here?

If Sarah decides to run for office, how about Carrie Prejean as a running mate? Tonight, the stunning suggestion by a congressman that Carrie could have what it takes to be a politician. Well, Carrie`s already got a sex tape scandal, so maybe she`s perfect.

And big news today about the Cindy Crawford alleged blackmail case. Have police finally got the guy they say threatened to release photos of Cindy`s daughter bound and gagged? This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

And now, the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: MTV networks acquires the rights to air Michael Jackson`s "This Is It" starting in 2011. Sony Pictures and Oprah Winfrey working on new show for designer Nate Berkus.

You are watching SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN. Right now, keep watching the bottom of your screen for more nonstop, compelling and provocative news from SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


HAMMER: "New Moon" fever is officially here. Thousands of screaming super-fans showed up to the L.A. premiere. And SHOWBIZ TONIGHT caught up with the stars to get their take on all the madness.


ROBERT PATTINSON, ACTOR: I`m just so happy I have something to tell my grandkids, when I`m a loser, when I`m an old man, I can say, "This is what I was when I was 23."

TAYLOR LAUTNER, ACTOR: The amount of fans that showed up here tonight is amazing. We`re just thankful to have all of them behind us again.

KRISTEN STEWART, ACTRESS: I think if you get a love story right, and the books definitely did - I mean, that`s what people connect to. That`s the most emotional thing for human beings, like, in the world. So I think that anytime you get that right - I don`t know why it`s a phenomenon. I think it`s just a good story.


HAMMER: "New Moon" opens up on Friday. And midnight showings are selling out all over the country. In fact, listen to this. The movie accounts for a whopping 94 percent of today`s ticket sales on Fandango.

ANDERSON: Wow. Big news tonight. Taylor Swift is going 3D. She`s on the cover of the December issue of "In Style" in 3D, a first for fashion magazines.

You`re looking at behind-the-scenes video of Taylor`s photo-shoot. In the issue, Taylor opens up about staying true to who she is. Taylor says, quote, "I don`t feel as if I need to make some giant statement and start wearing a completely different new wardrobe for the next project or start speaking in different way or writing songs in a deferent way. I`m just going to continue to be who I am."

For more, check out "In Style" magazine. It`s on newsstands Friday, November 20th. And go to to get Taylor`s special 3D holiday greeting.

HAMMER: Well, the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT Facebook page is just flooded with a lot of comments about Sarah Palin`s media blitz for her new book. First, Palin did that blockbuster interview with Oprah. And just today, she spoke out again in an interview with Barbara Walters.

The SHOWBIZ TONIGHT Facebook fans have plenty to say about Palin. Tyna C. writes, "Sarah belongs in a TV show and not in politics. The headlines about her befit that of tabloid fame."

Christine A. writing, "Just love Sarah Palin, she can do whatever she wants. So talented. Whatever she chooses, she will be great."

Please keep this in mind, you can sign up for our Facebook and Twitter pages at

ANDERSON: Here now the SHOWBIZ lineup. Here`s what`s coming up at the bottom of the hour on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. Brand-new Sarah Palin bombshells.


WALTERS: Have you been offered your own talk show?

PALIN: There have been lots and lots of offers in these last couple of months, especially, coming our way. Some bizarre things. Some funny things.


PALIN: Reality shows...


ANDERSON: A Sarah Palin reality show? So will she do it?

Brooke Shields` suicide confession. Why Brooke has just revealed that she wanted to die after her daughter was born.

And shocking testimony in the alleged plot against Sarah Jessica Parker`s surrogate. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

HAMMER: Here comes the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: Paul McCartney to receive Gershwin prize for popular song. Model Adriana Lima and her husband welcome a baby girl.

You are watching SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN. Right now, I want you to keep on watching the bottom of your screen for more nonstop, compelling and provocative news from SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.



WALTERS: Have you been offered your own talk show?

PALIN: There have been lots and lots of offers in these last couple of months, especially, coming our way. Some bizarre things, some funny things.


PALIN: Reality shows.


HAMMER: Right now, on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, big news breaking. Sarah Palin, reality star? Tonight, brand-new bombshells from Sarah Palin. The absolutely unbelievable offers she`s getting. Will Sarah do a reality show?

Brooke Shields` startling suicidal thoughts. Just in today, Brooke`s brand-new revelations that she thought about killing herself after giving birth.

And Carrie for Congress? The congressman who says Carrie Prejean could have what it takes to become a big-time politician. Really?

Plus, more stories breaking from the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker." TV`s most provocative entertainment news show continues right now.

Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. It is 30 minutes past the hour. I`m A.J. Hammer, broadcasting tonight and every night from New York City.

ANDERSON: And I`m Brooke Anderson, coming to you tonight from Hollywood.

Tonight, Sarah`s brand-new bombshells. If you thought you heard everything Sarah Palin had to say on "Oprah," think again, and it made for big news breaking today.

In her new interview with Barbara Walters seen today, Sarah opens up about hosting her own talk show. And she revealed today the kinds of outrageous TV offers she`s been getting. You are not going to believe what Sarah`s got to say about that.

And for the very first time today, Sarah had something to say about that outrageous "Newsweek" cover just out that shows her in running shorts. Even the ladies of "The View" had something to say about that today.


SHERRI SHEPHERD, CO-HOST, "THE VIEW": This cover of "Newsweek"...

WALTERS: Which we also talked about.

SHEPHERD: So disrespectful to Sarah Palin.


HAMMER: But not all the ladies agreed on this one today and neither have you. We have your fired up Facebook comments that you`ve been posting all day today on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT Facebook page.

Joining me tonight in New York, Lauren Lake, who is an attorney and author of the book "Girl, Let Me Tell You." Also in New York, Kim Serafin, who is a senior editor for "In Touch Weekly."

I do want to get to this first bombshell, brand-new today, that Sarah Palin dropped on Barbara Walters on whether or not she wants to do her own talk show. Watch this.


PALIN: I would probably rather write than talk.

WALTERS: Have you been offered your own talk show?

PALIN: There have been lots and lots of offers in these last couple of months, especially, coming our way. Some bizarre things, some funny things.


PALIN: Reality shows.

WALTERS: You said no to that?

PALIN: No. Absolutely not. I would never, I would - no, I would not ever want to put my kids through such a thing. Shoot, our life has become kind of a reality show.


HAMMER: Yes. I think she`s got that right. Her life has become a reality show of sorts. But the first thing I want to tackle here is the possibility of Sarah Palin doing her own talk show.

Lauren, off to you first. She never really says no there. Why do you think she kind of dodged the question in that Palin-esque way that she did and not give an emphatic no?

LAKE: The lawyered question. I love how she didn`t say yes, she didn`t say no. Because you know what, she`s entertaining all offers and all possibilities right now. We don`t know where this book is going to lead her.

And the way people are all up in arms, trying to get their hands on this book, I would not be surprised if we saw Ms. Palin having her own talk show one day in the near future.

HAMMER: Yes. I think she`s definitely leaving her options open here, certainly, by the way she`s answering the questions. Kim, what do you think?

SERAFIN: Oh, definitely. I think she would make a great talk show host. I mean, just look at the way people are talking about her this week. She`s the lead story on every single show because she`s doing a few interviews.

No matter what she does, whether she twitters something about death panels or just says something about Levi, people gravitate towards everything that she says. So a talk show would be a great idea. Reality show, not so much.

HAMMER: Yes. No, not so much. And I`ve got to tell you that Sarah Palin`s revelation about getting offered reality shows in her interview with Barbara Walters that was seen today has already been making some big headlines.

So we posted Palin`s reality show revelation today on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT Facebook page. We had to ask our fans if Palin should do a reality show. Why not? Just put it out there.

Look at this - what Andrea E. wrote on our Facebook wall today, "Sarah is a reality show! But I guess people want to pay her to see it."

We heard from Sharon S. writing on our wall earlier today, "I like Sarah, but she shouldn`t do a reality show. It would take away any credibility she is trying so hard to do damage control on. And the attention she has already gotten has already made her life a joke. She needs to stay out of the limelight and do her homework so she can be a serious contender."

Lauren, do you agree with our fan, Sharon, there that Palin should steer clear from anything that even smells like a reality show?

LAKE: Absolutely. It would be a three-ring circus. And hasn`t she had enough? Hasn`t she seen what all of this can lead to? We still got Levi Johnston to contend with. We`ve got her teenage daughter having a baby.

Do you know how this stuff would be blown up on a reality show? And she already can`t stand the liberal media. And who do you think is going to report on her reality show?

HAMMER: Yes. I think you`ve got that right. Well, Palin may have laughed over the idea of this reality show offer. But one thing she is definitely not laughing about today is the cover of this week`s brand-new "Newsweek" magazine.

Look at this. This picture of Sarah in her running shorts was actually taken for a profile interview that she did with "Runner`s World" magazine. That maybe makes more sense in that context.

And in a brand-new bombshell seen today, Barbara Walters asked Sarah Palin what she thought about the fact that "Newsweek" made it their cover. Take a look at this.


PALIN: I think it is so cheesy. Had I known then that a picture of me in shorts would end up on the cover of "Newsweek," I would not have allowed "Runner`s World" to profile me.

I think that that`s - for me, personally, it`s a wee bit degrading. "Newsweek" should be more policy-oriented, more substance-oriented than showing some gal in shorts on the cover.


HAMMER: Lauren - let me throw this to you, Kim, actually. Do you think Palin has every right to be ticked off at "Newsweek" for putting this cover on and think that it`s degrading to her?

SERAFIN: Yes. I think it is a bit sexist and I don`t think you would see this done to a man. Now, granted, she should have realized that she`s in the public eye. And if you take a picture like that, even if it`s for "Runner`s World," it could be taken out of context and put on the cover of "Newsweek."

But look, the fact is, her looks are always going to be an issue. Female`s looks are always an issue. Ask Hillary Clinton. Ask Nancy Pelosi. Ask Michelle Obama with the sleeveless shirts.

So you know, if looks are going to be an issue anyway, no matter what she does - they would have used a picture from her beauty pageant 25 years ago. They`re going to find a way to use that picture anyway. But yes, it`s sexist. It would have never been done to a man, and she has every right to be upset.

HAMMER: Well, the ladies of "The View" also shared their views about this "Newsweek" cover. I`ve got to tell you, they did get into a hot debate about it this morning, not all agreeing. Take a look.


SHEPHERD: I think to show her in this light was very disrespectful to her.

JOY BEHAR, HOST, "THE VIEW": No, he looks great.

SHEPHERD: No. Come on.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG, HOST, "THE VIEW": What`s the problem with it? I don`t get it.

WALTERS: Because this is a woman who is - has very serious views whether you agree with them or do not agree with them. But you don`t put her on the cover with little shorts on. They don`t do - they wouldn`t put a man on - I don`t think, put a man on now in his Speedo.


SHEPHERD: If we had Barack Obama with his shirt off on the cover of "Newsweek"...


WALTERS: they are describing - they are describing her and her role in the Republican Party. They`re not describing her as a chick.


HAMMER: Yes, I think that`s probably a good distinction to make, Lauren, although she`s not technically in politics right now. She does not have a government job. So as you saw, a lot of differing opinions there on "The View." What`s your take? Is it sexist to put her on the cover this way?

LAKE: I do believe it was. And I like Whoopi`s point that she made, where she said, "If they had asked Sarah Palin, `Which picture you would like us to put on the cover?` that would not have been it." Nor most women - that would not have been it.

However, as Kim said, when you`re in the public eye, you`ve got to have that foresight. You`ve got to know, "Why am I taking picturing on with shorts anyway?" You can run in jogging pants; that`s why they make them.

And President Obama probably didn`t want the picture with his shirt off. He probably wished he did a few more push-ups that day, too. But you know what? It is what it is.

HAMMER: Yes. She seems to understand that, at least, when it comes to the idea that if she`s getting offers for these reality shows, she shouldn`t do a reality show for the very reasons you`re talking about there, Lauren and Kim, her saying - or you guys saying, you know, this is going to wind up everywhere.

SERAFIN: No "Dancing With The Stars" with those costumes on.

LAKE: Exactly.

HAMMER: I have a feeling, obviously, that this photo winding up on the "Newsweek" cover, a big wake-up call for her. We`re obviously going to be seeing a whole lot more of Palin on TV this week, not in running shorts, but fully clothed.

So far, I`ve got to ask you. Kim, I`m going to start with you. On a scale of one to five, five being the best mark, how do you think Palin`s doing so far with her little book tour?

SERAFIN: I think she`s doing great. Again, I mean, she`s the lead story everywhere. Plus, she`s coming across really confident in all of these interviews. You know, it`s not the crazy Sarah Palin we`re seeing. It`s not the deer in the headlights kind of Sarah Palin.

She looks really confident about what she`s talking about and I think she`s coming across really likable and relatable and personable. And that`s what she wants, to sell books.


SERAFIN: Whether it makes her presidential, that`s another thing. But people are going to buy her book.

HAMMER: Lauren, what about you? How`s she doing?

LAKE: I`m going to give it about a three. I feel like I want to still see a little bit more authenticity. Barbara Walters kind of had her on the ropes. And I got that same defensive, ditzy arrogance I saw in the campaign and I`m not feeling it.

HAMMER: OK. Fair enough. Lauren Lake, Kim Serafin, I thank you both for joining me tonight.

And we`ve been asking you to vote on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day. It is this - "Sarah Versus Levi: Who is winning the war of words?" You may continue to vote by going to If you want to E-mail us your thoughts, this is the address,

ANDERSON: Just in today, Brooke Shields` shocking suicide confessions. Tonight, for the very first time, Brooke reveals that her depression after giving birth was so bad, she actually thought of killing herself.

Also in today, big developments in the Cindy Crawford alleged blackmail case. Have police finally got the guy who allegedly was going to sell pictures of Cindy`s daughter bound and gagged?

And Carrie for Congress? Tonight, why one congressman is saying that Carrie may have what it takes to be a big-time politician. Really? This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

It is time now to roll out the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - these are more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom. They are making news right now.

TEXT: Judge dismisses plagiarism suit against Elisabeth Hasselbeck. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals unhappy with "Sesame Street" egg sponsorship.

You are watching SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN. And right now, I want you to keep on watching the bottom of your screen for more nonstop, compelling and provocative news from SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


ANDERSON: We welcome you back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood with A.J. Hammer in New York.

Tonight, Brooke Shields` shocking suicide confession, admitting she once considered killing herself. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT learned today that Brooke considered ending her life after giving birth to her first daughter. You will hear her in her own words.

More breaking news just in today about the man who tried to blackmail Cindy Crawford with a revealing photo of their then 7-year-old daughter bound and gagged. Is Cindy`s nightmare really over?

Also, just in today, a big-time U.S. congressman is saying Carrie Prejean has what it takes to be a politician, despite that nasty sex tape situation.

Joining me tonight in Hollywood is Leslie Marshall, the host of the Leslie Marshall radio show. Also tonight in Hollywood, Carlos Diaz, who is a correspondent for "Extra."

Leslie, Carlos, I want to begin with Brooke Shields. She got an advocacy award for her work on behalf of Depression Awareness, and in her acceptance speech, talked about what happened six years ago after giving birth to her first daughter.

"I finally had a healthy, beautiful baby girl and I couldn`t look at her. I couldn`t hold her and I couldn`t sing to her and I couldn`t smile at her. All I wanted to do was disappear and die."

Leslie, it took an unbelievable amount of courage to reveal this. I can only imagine that this is really going to help others who have been in similar situations.

MARSHALL: Oh, absolutely. Brooke, it`s funny, you and I were just talking about motherhood in the makeup room and how much we love it. I didn`t suffer from postpartum, but so many women do.

And those of us who don`t, and especially men can`t, don`t understand. But for the women that have suffered from this or did feel the exact same way, they know now they`re not alone. They have, not only a role model, but somebody that`s willing to speak out about it.

And the first month after having a child for me was very tough, even without postpartum depression. So I think it`s great, courageous, and admirable that Brooke spoke so candidly about this.

ANDERSON: Yes. I`m right there with you. The first month is hard. Those hormonal fluctuations are no joke. It is very real, what Brooke went through.

And what was really chilling is that Brooke is also revealing that she stopped taking depression medication and said this, "That was the week I almost did not resist driving my car straight into a wall on the side of the freeway. My baby was in the backseat and that even pissed me off because I thought she`s even ruining this for me. I just wanted to drive into the wall and my friend stayed on the phone with me and made me safely get home."

Carlos, we`ve heard a lot about Brooke`s depression. Were you as taken aback as I was about how serious this actually got for her? She was close.

DIAZ: I mean, it`s unbelievable to hear these words. And I think the greatest quote that was just said was that men don`t understand this. And we don`t. I mean, we don`t understand that.

And when somebody has the courage to come forth and to admit things like that, not only will that help women come forward with their own stories. But it might help men realize that this is a very, very serious issue that affects a lot of different women.

ANDERSON: Yes. Yes. It was very brave of her to talk about this. And hopefully it will just show women that it does happen and it is OK to get help. Good for Brooke Shields.

OK. This also just in today, the German man suspected of trying to extort $100,000 from Cindy Crawford has just surrendered. This is the guy who police say tried to blackmail Cindy and her husband with a photo of their then 7-year-old daughter in revealing clothes and bound and gagged.

Twenty-six-year-old Edis Kayalar walked into a police station in Germany and gave himself up. And I would have to think that Cindy is really relieved about this tonight.

And hey, A.J., there`s also some more news just in today about Carrie Prejean.

HAMMER: Yes, and thank goodness for that, Brooke. A big-time U.S. congressman says Carrie Prejean has what it takes to run for office, even after that leaked sex tape.

Republican Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz says that Carrie may be a political contender. Carlos Diaz and Leslie, I want you to listen to what this congressman, Congressman Chaffetz told TMZ about the disgraced beauty queen.

He says this, "Carrie has the ability to draw crowds, and if she has a strong message to go with that, who knows what she can do? She has star power which can open doors." Leslie, do you agree with the congressman - she`s got the right stuff to make it in politics? I mean, how does the idea of President Prejean sound to you? Nice alliteration.

MARSHALL: I`m getting a little ill just hearing this.


MARSHALL: I mean, if our political races are becoming just popularity contests or beauty contests - I mean, the congressman did talk about it being a long stretch between the vice presidency and the White House and winning a beauty pageant for Donald Trump.

Yes, she`s a pretty girl and her name is known, but she has no experience. And I think we`re all experiencing, in some places in this country, what politicians who lack experience can result in on a state or federal level.

So this is absolutely ridiculous. Those who are popular and beautiful shouldn`t be running for office. They should be somebody who has a political background behind them.

HAMMER: I think it was a pretty goofy thing to say. And you`ve got to wonder, what about the little sex tape situation? You know, that solo sex tape that Carrie admits that she made.

Well, here`s what Congressman Chaffetz says about that, "We`ve all made mistakes when we were 17. The sex tape is going to be an impediment, but people are excited about her convictions and her beliefs."

A sex tape an impediment? Are you kidding me? Carlos, do you approve this message?

DIAZ: Well, I do say that Carrie Prejean`s tapes are much more seen than Nixon`s tapes. Although Watergate, Prejean-gate - two very different things. Two different things. And I`m going to be quiet now.

HAMMER: Carlos, stranger things have happened. We`ve been at this a long time. We`ve seen the weirdest of the weird. Leslie, let me ask you this. Can you possibly see this now?

I`ve come up with an idea for a platform that perhaps Carrie Prejean could run on. I`ve made my notes here. How about the anti-opposite marriage and pro-sex tape video reform platform, huh? How do you like that?

MARSHALL: How about, "I had breast implants and have been asked to give them back" platform. And Carlos, did you do a sex tape at 17? I know I didn`t.

Yes, we were all crazy at 17, but we didn`t all do sex tapes, especially sex tapes alone. But A.J., I think this is exactly what we`re proving America would do, which is laugh at this, except for some extremely anti-gay groups in America that would latch on. I don`t think she has a chance at all now, unless she would go into politics in the future.

HAMMER: And I`ve always disagreed with the idea that any publicity is good publicity. Leslie Marshall, Carlos Diaz, thank you.

ANDERSON: Tonight, a big update in the Sarah Jessica Parker surrogate snooping case. Police are on trial - police - for allegedly plotting to break into the house of the woman who carried twins for SJP and her hubby, Matthew Broderick.

And what a development tonight - was one of the cops going sell the woman`s ultrasound?

HAMMER: Time now for the "SHOWBIZ News Ticker" - more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news right now.

TEXT: "GQ" names men of the year: President Obama, Tom Brady, Bradley Cooper. Candice Bushnell to release teen prequel to "Sex and the City" titled "The Carrie Diaries."

HAMMER: You are watching SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN. And keep on watching the bottom of your screen right now for more nonstop, compelling and provocative news from SHOWBIZ TONIGHT.


HAMMER: Did you see this? Beyonce and Lady Gaga teaming up at this brand-new video. It`s "Video Phone." Really, really cool video. Just came out today and we have it for you.

ANDERSON: We`ll show you more of that in just a minute. But first, a big update tonight in the Sarah Jessica Parker surrogate case. An Ohio police chief is on trial for allegedly plotting to break into the house of the woman who carried twins for Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick.

Today, a paparazzo testified that the chief told him he had access to the woman`s ultrasound pictures. Prosecutors say the police chief went into the surrogate`s house.

The paparazzo also said another police officer who goes on trial in January offered to sell him the surrogates` address and contact information for $1,000.

HAMMER: Tonight, did you see this? For your first time, you are getting a first look at Lady Gaga and Beyonce in a brand-new video. The song is "Video Phone."


HAMMER: I bet they had a lot of fun doing it. And Lady Gaga looking pretty normal there, right? We`re used to seeing her bizarre outfits and crazy hairdos. But she reportedly told Beyonce she doesn`t want to be fashion gaga in her video.

All right. Monday, we asked you to vote on our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT question of the day. Moments ago, I received this, the final result. You feel very strongly about this - "Sarah Palin: Should she get her own talk show?" Very one-sided - nine percent of you think so; 91 percent of you say no.

Here are some of the E-mails we got. Jeff from Massachusetts writes, "Yes, she should get a talk show. Anything to keep her out of the White House."

We also heard from Sue in Pennsylvania who writes, "I hope Sarah Palin doesn`t do a talk show. But I do hope she runs for president in 2012.

If we are still here. Think about that. That is it for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York.

ANDERSON: And I`m Brooke Anderson in Hollywood. Don`t forget you can catch SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on the 11:00s - 11:00 p.m. Eastern, 11:00 p.m. Pacific, and in the morning at 11:00 a.m. Eastern on HLN.