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Nancy Grace

Newlywed Caught on Tape Hiring Hitman to Kill Husband

Aired December 28, 2009 - 20:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: A Florida beach beauty marries her dream man and the newlyweds all set to live happily ever after, til death do them part. What the 26-year-old beauty didn`t plan on was that the hit man she hired to murder her new husband is a cop. That`s right, the cops sting the bride on video. She breaks down in hysterical tears, crying over her dead husband within just hours of putting the final touches for his shooting death. The secret informant who alerts police to the murder plot, of course, you know it, her lover. Yes, just six months into the marriage, she gets a lover, and it`s all caught on video.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dippolito was arrested after police say she hired a hitman to kill her husband of only six months. Turns out that hired gun was an undercover cop. Boynton PD staged an entire crime scene as if Dippolito`s husband had actually been shot dead. When she was given the news, she sobs in hysterics.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) you need to calm down.

DIPPOLITO: Oh, God! No. No.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She later learned at the police station her husband was still alive.

DIPPOLITO: Oh, my God!


DIPPOLITO: Come here, please. Come here. Mike, come here!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Detectives say they received a tip about Dalia`s plan. She had been dealing with an undercover police officer posing as a hit man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The report says the two met several times in a parking lot at a CVS and at a gas station. When the officer asked if she was sure she wanted it done, she replied, quote, "I`m not going to change my mind. I`m 5,000 percent sure I want it done."

DIPPOLITO: There`s no changing -- no, there`s no -- like, I`m determined already. I`m positive, like, 5,000 percent sure.





DIPPOLITO: We`re staying in here, right?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. You look good.

DIPPOLITO: Thank you.


DIPPOLITO: Yes, I`m OK. And you?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I`m good. I`m good. Just that, you know, took you a little while to get here. I just want to make sure you`re all right.

DIPPOLITO: No, I`m fine. I came with my cousin. That`s why, you know, I guess...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Yes, I saw that. I figured, you know, he might have known, so if you want to take your precaution, or I don`t know, just relax. We`re just going to talk.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: First things first. It`s 3,000, and then I do my thing, all right? And I just got to know, though, a bit about some things and then I`m going to go tell you how I`m going to do it and when exactly it`s going to be done, all right? And I don`t know if you got a recommendation, you know, what you want, what you know about him. So is he your husband or something? Boyfriend? Husband? How long have you been married?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, for real, because the thing is, you know, after I talk to you today, you know, this phone -- garbage.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You won`t be able to get ahold of me. So I just want to make sure that, you know, this is what you want.

DIPPOLITO: No, I understand.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. I just want to make sure that, you know, this is what you want, all right?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So you`re sure you want know to kill this dude?

DIPPOLITO: Do we really have to...


DIPPOLITO: You know, it`s just, I`d rather be as less, you know, whatever with you. How soon can we get everything going?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, that`s -- it`s up to you.

DIPPOLITO: I mean, I need it done, like, this week, but, like, my understanding and everything was, is that, like, you know, I was going to give you what I gave you, and then that was -- that was everything until after the fact. And then after the fact, I guess you were going to come and, like, find me or whatever, or you were going to tell me where it was supposed to go. That`s why, like, today when you asked me for money, you threw me off guard, and I told you OK...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, right, right, right.

DIPPOLITO: I said to you, Oh, OK, OK, OK because, you know, I`m not going to get on the phone and be whatever, like, over, you know, but...


DIPPOLITO: I mean, I`m good for it. Like, it`s not like I don`t have it.


DIPPOLITO: You know what I mean? Like, I understand your position. I went ahead and gave 12 with the understanding that after everything was already handled, you were going to come and find me. And I mean, I know not to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) around with you. You know, certain things, whatever, like, you know what I mean? Like, you obviously know where I`m at.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My thing is that I`ll give you a quick breakdown of what I`ve done so for. You know, I got 1,200 from you, all right, 1,200 went to buying my heat, my gun, OK, and a couple hundred, you know, for other people to do things.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know what I mean? That`s pretty much it. As a matter of fact, I`ve already spent more money, you know, just to get here.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You understand? Because I have to get this car, got to get rid of this car. I have to get this phone. I got to get rid of this phone.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know what I mean?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s a lot more I have to do.

DIPPOLITO: I know. Like I told you, I can`t keep coming out of -- like, I`ve come out of pocket a lot for, like, a lot of other things.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, that`s fine. That`s fine.

DIPPOLITO: But you know what I mean? Like, I can`t get into it, like, with you or whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s all right. Go ahead. Go ahead. That`s all right.

DIPPOLITO: So it`s kind of, like, you know, I`m in the position where, like I told you, like, I`m good for it. Like, the day that you needed it...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know you are.

DIPPOLITO: ... it`s, like, I came. I met that day. It was handled. You know what I mean? Like, that`s the kind of person that I am.


DIPPOLITO: Today, you threw me off guard when you called me at, like, 2:00, and it`s not like, you know what I mean, I have it stashed under my pillow.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here`s what I`ll do, so I don`t have to correct anything because I was only going to take half from you today and then half when it`s all done. That was the plan, you understand? So if you, you know, just want to do it in the backhand, you know, you might want to have to kick, like, maybe a thousand or more, you know, top 2, you understand, because I have to spend $1,000, you know, between today and tomorrow, OK?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you want it done -- because I was thinking, if you want it done tonight, tomorrow or the week, I understand. I could get it done by Wednesday, if you want me to.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You understand? But I got to do my homework, you know? I got to, you know, know exactly where the place is and how to get out of there, how to get in and out, you understand, what the neighbors are like. I got to call the cops, you know, report a shooting (INAUDIBLE) then get to that location. There`s a lot of stuff I`ve got to do.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s going to cost me a lot of money because I got to buy a phone to do it with and then burn the phone later on. There`s a lot I got to do.

DIPPOLITO: All right. So what can we do...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I don`t mind. You ain`t got to do it now. As a matter of fact, you can leave, you know, my payment at the house, if you want to do it at the house. You said he`s going to be somewhere this week. If you want to do it somewhere else, then I have to meet with you, you know, later on for cash.

DIPPOLITO: All right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Understand? But you let me know. You give me a day. You give me a time.

DIPPOLITO: So how are we going to do it? So figure out how to do it, like, at the house. Like, how do we -- how soon could do you it, and what time are we looking at?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I could do it Wednesday morning, Wednesday morning at the house because I was looking in the newspapers here, there`s been a lot of burglaries in this area, all right? It`s not uncommon for someone to break into a house, OK? It`s going to be, like, I break into the house, you know, didn`t think he was going to be home because everybody works in the daytime.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m going to think he`s at work, but when he`s not at work, then, you know, he gets two in the head. That`s it, you know? I take a couple things with me, break a couple windows, make it look like a robbery that went bad, and it`s all over. I`m gone, out of there, understand? I`m not going to be by myself. I`m going to have other people watching my back, you know, doing their thing, you know what I`m saying?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because -- does he have guns in the house?



DIPPOLITO: Because right now, he`s on probation, and so there`s a lot of people that don`t like him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. What`s his name?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mike? All right. OK. All right. So that`s how I`m going to do it, you know what I`m saying, a robbery went bad. That`s the thing, OK? Now, once that`s done, you know, I`ll wait a few days. I`m not going to call you right away because the police are going to be all over this (EXPLETIVE DELETED), understand? Police are going to be asking you questions. Although they know it`s going to be obvious what it is and they already know, you know what I mean, but you know, they`re going to ask questions, you know, because that`s how they got to do it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK? But I give you maybe one or two days, you know, but I`ll be in contact with you, you know what I mean? And once it`s all done, I get paid.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now, this dude here that you`re with, how much does he know about this and how much do you trust him?

DIPPOLITO: He`s my cousin, and you know, it`s, like, he`s the one who -- you know what I mean?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, yes, because I`ve heard you talk to "my man," you know? "My man" said he`s good, you know? So I`m just saying for you, you understand, because I don`t know how well you handle pressure.

DIPPOLITO: No, I`m not going to -- I`m a lot tougher than what I look. I know you`re thinking, you`re, like, Oh, what a cute little girl, whatever. But I`m not. I`m...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That you are. You`re extremely beautiful.

DIPPOLITO: Thank you, but you know, I just need to make sure everything is going to get taken care of.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. So you pay me at the back end. How much are you paying me?

DIPPOLITO: Why do you say "back end"? What does that mean?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, when it`s all done -- I was going to get 3,000 from you today...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... and 3,000 when it`s all done, OK?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So since I`m not going to collect all of it at once, you know, just throw in maybe a thousand more.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A thousand or two, OK? So 7,000 or 8,000 once it`s done?

DIPPOLITO: Just 7? Is that OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, 7 cash. OK? All right, now, here`s the thing. That`s why I want to ask you again, all right? This phone, after today, until I get ahold of you after it`s all done, you have no way to get ahold of me, you understand? OK, don`t try calling me. Even if you called me this morning, it`s not going to be working.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Understand? If I need any more, you know, information -- OK, what`s the name of the development the house is in?

DIPPOLITO: I live right back there.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. All right, like, a bunch of tall buildings.

DIPPOLITO: Yes, it`s right over there.


DIPPOLITO: That`s why I wanted to meet you here, so that way, then you could see, you know what I mean?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What`s the house number?

DIPPOLITO: Now, on Wednesday, he`s leaving.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s leaving on Wednesday?

DIPPOLITO: He`s leaving Wednesday.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What time is he leaving Wednesday?

DIPPOLITO: He`s leaving between 8:15 and 8:30 in the morning. That`s why I wanted to know, like, do you want to come to my house Wednesday, or do you just want to -- you know what I mean? I don`t know what kind of things you do, whatever. He`s going to be going to the bank on Wednesday. I don`t know if, you know...


DIPPOLITO: I don`t know if that`s too public for you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What`s he doing at the bank?

DIPPOLITO: He has to pull out money for his business partner.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, he`s not going to -- OK, so he doesn`t have any money at the house then?

DIPPOLITO: Like, hard, hard cash. He`s going and pulling out the money because he has to make it look like it`s coming from an account from a different partner.


DIPPOLITO: Like a business account.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How much money?

DIPPOLITO: I think he said he`s pulling out I think around 10.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That might even be better. If he`s got 10,000...

DIPPOLITO: That`s why I was telling you.


DIPPOLITO: He`s going into the bank on Wednesday and he`s pulling out money. Like, I know what bank he`s going to.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What bank is he going to?

DIPPOLITO: In Boca. Are you familiar with Boca?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I could find out.

DIPPOLITO: I know exactly which bank...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ve worked in Boca before.

DIPPOLITO: ... and I know what time he`s going to be there. He`ll be there early. He`ll be there when the bank opens.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s leaving the house by 8:00, 8:30. He`s going to go get $10,000?



DIPPOLITO: At that bank, though. He`s leaving our house and then going to Boca and doing it. That`s why I thought that, like...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What kind of car does he drive?

DIPPOLITO: He`ll probably be in that Tahoe right there.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s his Tahoe?



DIPPOLITO: He`ll probably be in that Tahoe and...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s even better.

DIPPOLITO: He has a Porsche, but I`m pretty sure he`s going to be in that Tahoe.


DIPPOLITO: And he just had surgery, so you know, I`m pretty sure he`ll be in the Tahoe.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s like taking money from -- it`s like taking candy from a kid. All right.

DIPPOLITO: So what I was thinking is that would benefit you because, obviously, like, you know what I mean?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, either or. The thing is, you know, it`s more risky doing it out in public like that, but I don`t mind. I just got to, you know...

DIPPOLITO: But he`ll have it for sure because the friend texted him, the partner texted him, you know, When are you coming?


DIPPOLITO: And then from there, I know where he`s going right after that, but he won`t have the money anymore. He`s going from the bank to there and then that`s it. You`re not going to catch him anymore with money.


GRACE: When we come back, motive revealed. did a Florida newlywed take out a hit on her husband for money and a quarter-million-dollar town home?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is your husband Michael? I`m sorry to tell you, ma`am, he`s been killed.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) Calm down. Right now -- we need to get you to the police station. (INAUDIBLE) OK? We need you to calm down. I need you to calm down. Is there anybody -- who would want to hurt him? (INAUDIBLE) black male running from (INAUDIBLE) I can`t let you see him, ma`am -- ma`am I cannot do this right now. Ma`am (INAUDIBLE)



GRACE: A Florida beach beauty marries her dream man, the newlyweds all set to live happily ever after until death does them part. What the 26-year-old beauty didn`t plan on was the hit man she hires to murder her new husband is a cop. We uncover motive. Not only does she convince the husband to transfer ownership of their quarter-million-dollar town home to her name only, she goes shopping for the hitman the very next day.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The fact that he`s going to have $10,000 on him, I`m interested.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And so we`re going to make it look like he has more reason to be robbed because of that amount of money.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And they`re probably going to suspect the partner because only the partner knows he`s going to get that.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right? So what I`m going to do is that, you know, I`m going to try to change my plans a little bit and then try to, you know, do it with the whole bank thing. You know, if I can`t come through with it by Wednesday, then it`s going to have to be at the house, you know what I mean?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But I`m more interested in that additional $10,000 that I`m going to get from him, you know what I mean, because, you know, it`s not going to come out of your pocket.

DIPPOLITO: Because you know he`s going to have it. That`s what I`m saying to you. Like, if you get him at the house, it`s, like, oh, you know, it`s, like -- but I mean, I have nice (EXPLETIVE DELETED) at my house, but still, if you go, you know what I mean?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He doesn`t keep any large amount of money at the house?



DIPPOLITO: No, so you`re better -- I mean, nobody knows. Everybody who -- when you come to my house, you think, you know what I mean, there`s a lot of money there, there`s a lot of stuff there, whatever.


DIPPOLITO: But in reality, you know, the only thing would be, you know, if he would, like, leave with the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Porsche or something, is what I`m trying to say to you. That`s -- you know...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. I hear you. All right. OK. I`m going to plan that way then. I`m going to plan with the bank thing. The thing is, you know, you got to understand because after today, I can`t get ahold of you. If it doesn`t work out the way I want, I`m safe, or you know, the way, you know, I`m comfortable with the bank thing, it`s going to have to be at the house. I just want to make sure that you`re not going to be home or no one else is going to be home.

DIPPOLITO: Well, you got to tell me, OK, like, are we looking at Wednesday morning or are we still looking at...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, Wednesday is the day. I`m going to go for the money. If the money doesn`t work, then I`m going to have to do it before then, you know what I mean? Like I say, I have a small window, you know, at the house or the money.

DIPPOLITO: What I wanted to say to you is that I wanted to make sure, like, for example, like, OK, this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) doesn`t happen Wednesday, Thursday, for example, you don`t come and I`m there, you know?


DIPPOLITO: Right. Like, I want to make sure, like...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, if I -- listen, if it doesn`t happen by Wednesday, I`m not coming, all right? I`m not coming. What I`m going to do is that if I don`t get it done, you`re going to get your money back. You know, it`s, like -- and if it doesn`t happen by Wednesday, I`m going to have to call you from another phone, and you know, tell you a whole different plan.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You understand?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But I`m not going to do anything that you don`t know of, you know what I`m saying? You`re the client. I`m not going to, you know, do anything without your approval, you understand?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If it`s not done by Wednesday, then I`ll call you. If it`s done by Wednesday, the only thing you`re going to hear from me is to collect, all right? Which is why I said that, you know, between now and when it`s done, you know, you`re not going to have an option to change your mind. Even if you change your mind...

DIPPOLITO: There`s no changing -- no, there`s no, like -- I`m determined already. I`m positive, like, 5,000 percent sure. Like, I was stressing when you told me you were going to come up here. And then I`m, like, looking at the time, and I`m, like, What the (EXPLETIVE DELETED), he`s not coming, he`s not this, you know? It`s, like, all this stuff or whatever. Like, no, when I say I`m going to do something, I`m going to do it. Like, as soon as you told me I`m going to need the money from you, I went, I grabbed right away. We were good to go. With me, you`re not going to have a problem. You`re not going to have an issue, you know what I mean? Nothing.

He walks the dog in the morning, and when he walks -- you know, every morning, he`s walking the dog, like, at a certain time. We leave our front door unlocked.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, perfect. Are you going to be home Wednesday morning?

DIPPOLITO: Wednesday morning, yes, unless you tell me otherwise.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. OK. Do you go jogging in the morning? Do you go to the gym in the morning?

DIPPOLITO: I was going to the gym, yes. I mean, if I go tomorrow, it`s not going to look weird or anything. I go to the gym on a regular basis.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Wednesday morning, go to the gym.

DIPPOLITO: All right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right? Because, you know, if I can`t do the bank thing, I know that I`m going to have to do it at the house. I don`t want you at the house.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You understand?

DIPPOLITO: Around 6:30, 7:00 o`clock, he always walks the dog in the morning. And he walks the dog across, like, over where the lake is and our door is always unlocked.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ll be in the house by 6:30 Wednesday morning.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So 6:00 o`clock...

DIPPOLITO: OK. If you decide that you`re not going to do the...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, that`s the thing. Listen, by the time you get back from the gym, you`re going to find two things, his dead body in the house, all right, or nothing.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, and if it`s nothing, then it`s going to be the thing.



DIPPOLITO: OK. So what I`m going to do is I`m going to go to the gym tomorrow, then, so that when I go Wednesday, it`s not a big deal.


DIPPOLITO: But remember, always around 6:30, 7:00 o`clock, he`s always...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Walking the dog.

DIPPOLITO: Walking the dog.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Just make sure you`re out of the house by 6:00 o`clock in the morning Wednesday.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Anything from me?

DIPPOLITO: No. I mean, we`re good, right? You don`t need to know anything else? There`s no -- you`re OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think I`m good.

DIPPOLITO: OK. And then how are you going to know where I live if you decide that you`re going to go to the house?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You just told me, didn`t you? So what`s the house number?

DIPPOLITO: So you don`t know?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I saw the picture. I saw the picture.

DIPPOLITO: But it had a whole bunch of house numbers. You know which one mine is?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait. Which one`s your house number?

DIPPOLITO: It overlooks the lake. It`s right there. You`re going to see it. Like, which way are you going to go in?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m going to go in through the first one. Not this one right here, the first one down.

DIPPOLITO: OK, you`re going to go down the first one, make a left, and then there`s going to be, like, a one-way ramp. Keep going, and then you`re going to U-turn.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, what`s the street name?

DIPPOLITO: And then it`s going to be on the right-hand side. Via de Pepe. All right. Thank you so much, and I guess...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You`ll hear from me.

DIPPOLITO: I`ll hear from you. All right. Thanks a lot.


GRACE: Next, more video of 26-year-old Florida beauty Dalia Dippolito breaking down in tears over her dead husband, the husband cops say she hires a would-be hitman to murder.


DIPPOLITO: I didn`t.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How does it make you feel he`s still alive?

DIPPOLITO: I didn`t do anything and I didn`t plot anything.


DIPPOLITO: I didn`t do anything and I didn`t plot anything.



GRACE: OK, Meryl Streep, watch out. Here`s an Oscar-winning performance, all the cops standing by. They`ve got the yellow crime scene tape up. They claim they say -- a witness saw an assailant running from the home. She`s come from her workout there on the elliptical at LA Fitness. And the cops are drinking it all in. Oh, scratching the ear. Yes, we feel bad for you.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You want to help -- you want to help (INAUDIBLE)

DIPPOLITO: Please! No! No!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was a lot of sobbing and her arm wavering and trembling, but there was no wetness in her eyes.


GRACE: Cops sting a Florida newlywed on video as she puts those final touches for her husband`s shooting death. Kicker, the hitman she hires is a cop. The husband filing for a divorce and a restraining, afraid she may just try to do it again. Do you blame him?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mrs. Dippolito. I`m Sergeant Ramsey (ph). I`m the one that called you. Thank you for coming. I`m sorry to call you. Listen, we had a report of a disturbance at your house and there were shots fired. Is your husband Michael? OK, I`m sorry to tell you, ma`am he`s been killed.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s been killed, ma`am. (INAUDIBLE) Try to calm down. Right now, we need you to -- get you to the police station.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) ma`am. We have to do our job.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) We need to you calm down. I need you to calm down. (INAUDIBLE) OK? Does he have enemies? Is there anyone (INAUDIBLE) OK, who would want to hurt him? Witnesses said they say a black male running from here. I can`t let you see him, ma`am. Ma`am, I cannot do this right now. Ma`am (INAUDIBLE) We need to you -- we need to take to you the station.

DIPPOLITO: I want to see him!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can`t. Ma`am, go with the detective. If you want to help your husband, OK...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you want to help your husband, you need to go.


GRACE: OK, she`s walking up. She`s gotten the call at the LA Fitness Center to come home immediately. OK, look at the other cops. This is what I like. They all know he`s not dead. Oh, God, no! No! Look, they`re all looking away and looking at the ground. Uh-oh! Scratching his head. This is supposed be a very painful moment for her. Work it! Work it! Cry! OK, it`s about time she should bend over with abdominal pains. She`s about to collapse out of grief. Look at all the cops just staring at her.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ma`am, don`t do this now.



GRACE: Somebody, please take her. Take her so we can book her.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You want to help (INAUDIBLE) go to the station with these men.

DIPPOLITO: No! Please! No!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And tell us everything you know about it.


GRACE: Next, more surveillance video of 26-year-old Florida beauty Dalia Dippolito, accused of hiring a hitman to murder her new husband her new husband, her brand-new husband. But what she doesn`t plan on is the hitman is a cop.



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Police say she thought she`d gotten away with it. Boynton Beach Police say 26-year-old Dalia Dippolito tried to pay a hitman $3,000 to kill her husband. Turns out that hitman was an undercover police officer tipped off by a confidential informant.

A lawsuit filed by husband Michael Dippolito claims the informant who tipped off cop to the scheme was actually Dalia Dippolito`s lover. The report says the two met several times in a parking lot at a CVS and at a gas station. When the officer asked if she was sure she wanted it done, she replied, quote, "I`m not going to change my mind. I`m 5,000 percent sure I want it done."

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Boynton Beach Police clued Michael in and staged a murder scene at the couple`s town home, capturing the grieving wife, and then minutes later flipping the script on her.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Problem, ruh-roh, the hitman is a cop. A Florida beach beauty marries her dream man. The newlywed is all set to live happily ever after until death does them part.

But what did 26-year-old beauty doesn`t plan on is the hitman she hires to murder her husband is a cop. That`s right. The cop stinged the bride on video, breaking down in hysterical tears, crying over his dead husband just hours after putting those special final touches an a shooting death.

Then, disturbing video from police headquarters surfaces of the bride confronting the would-be hitman and the husband she wanted dead appears very much alive.

Tonight, the stunning video.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: First of all let me just tell you, I`m sorry for your loss.

DALIA DIPPOLITO, WIFE WHO HIRED A HITMAN TO KILL HUSBAND: I just want to see my husband, please.


DIPPOLITO: At my house, they wouldn`t allow me to see him.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: No, you don`t want to see him.

DIPPOLITO: I just want to see him.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Believe me, you don`t. I don`t know if you know, he was shot. He was shot twice. And I want you to know all this. Did you know this? Did they tell you out there?

DIPPOLITO: Not exactly. I mean they told me he was shot. When I was at the gym I got a phone call. I didn`t hear my phone ring and I called back, and they told me just to please come, that something happened at my house.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Yes. Evidently, your husband answered the door and they took him back upstairs in your bedroom.

DIPPOLITO: We have cameras though. Why wouldn`t he answer the door?


DIPPOLITO: Like he doesn`t answer for anybody he doesn`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: He was found in the dead room. He was shot twice in the head.

DIPPOLITO: He wouldn`t answer the door unless it`s somebody that he knows because we don`t open for anybody.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Now you have to understand. I was there and neither was he. We had other people there so maybe it was -- maybe somebody broke into the house or something. I don`t know. I haven`t been to the scene yet.

DIPPOLITO: All of our rooms have TVs and we look specifically, like, to make sure nothing is happening because we`ve had drug incidences and things like that.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Was he asleep when you left?

DIPPOLITO: No. Sort of, but not really because of his back. He was just kind of like.


DIPPOLITO: He was just laying there. And he set the alarm, you know? But I mean.


DIPPOLITO: I said, you know, I will bring you coffee on the way home. You know, normally. It was normal.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: There was no alarm, there was no alarm set. Are you sure that you don`t know anybody that would want to kill your husband? You wouldn`t want to kill him, I hope, not at all.

DIPPOLITO: We were fine. Like there`s nothing, you know?

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: There`s no problems between you guys, no financial problems? I mean, with your family. You or him?

DIPPOLITO: No. There`s nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: The game`s over with, OK? There`s no more games between you and I. Now we`re going to get down to serious business. I want to know if you know this guy. Come here. Bring this guy in here. Get over here. Get over here.

You know who this guy is?


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: You`ve never seen him before?

DIPPOLITO: I`ve never seen him before, ever.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Put your head up and look at her.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Put your head up.

DIPPOLITO: I have never seen him.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: What were you doing coming out of her house? Get him out of here.

You`re going to jail for solicitation of murder. You`re under arrest. That`s an undercover police officer. We filmed everything that you did, recorded everything that you did. You`re going to jail for solicitation of first-degree murder of your husband.

DIPPOLITO: I didn`t do anything.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Did you hear what I just told you?

DIPPOLITO: I heard what you said but I didn`t do anything.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Everything -- listen to me. Everything has been recorded. You were photographed in the convertible when you sat in his car in the front of CVS. What do you want to do?

DIPPOLITO: Oh my god.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: What do you want to do here, Dalia?

DIPPOLITO: I didn`t do anything.


DIPPOLITO: I didn`t do anything.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: You`re going to jail.

DIPPOLITO: I didn`t do anything. Please, I didn`t do anything.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Don`t tell me you didn`t do anything.

DIPPOLITO: I didn`t do anything.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: You`re going to jail today. As soon as I`m done.

DIPPOLITO: Oh my god.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: . they`re going to come in here and handcuff you and you take you to the Palm Beach County Jail, both of you, for solicitation of first-degree murder of your husband. Your husband is well and alive.



DIPPOLITO: Can I please, can I see him?

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: No. He doesn`t want to see you.

DIPPOLITO: I`m so ready to see him, please.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: He doesn`t want to see you.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: You better quit your playing.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Listen to me. I want you to quit your acting and get this over with.




UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: OK. You know what? You need a real good attorney. You need a real good attorney. Because we`re going to show him the film where you say you`re 5,000 percent sure you want him dead. You think I made that up?

What do you want me to do before I leave? Because the next officer coming here is going to handcuff you and take you to jail.

DIPPOLITO: Can I see my husband please?

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: No. He doesn`t want to see you. He doesn`t want to see you. I`m leaving now. Can I have an officer come in here and cuff this person?

DIPPOLITO: I don`t know what`s going on please.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Go ahead and arrest her for first degree murder.

DIPPOLITO: I don`t know what is happening please.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Can you please stand up?

DIPPOLITO: My god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Sit back down. Here, stand right here. Stay right there.

DIPPOLITO: Oh, my god.


DIPPOLITO: Come here, please. Come here. Mike, come here! Come here, please. Come here.


DIPPOLITO: Why not? I didn`t do anything.

M. DIPPOLITO: I heard you.

DIPPOLITO: Mike, come here, please. Come here.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Take her back, please. Do you understand what happened today? What is going on here?

DIPPOLITO: A little.


DIPPOLITO: Now, slowly, I`m understanding a little bit better.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: What is your understanding?

DIPPOLITO: I was told one thing and now it`s like slowly like all these things are -- like, I don`t -- I mean, I don`t really know what happened.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Do you know that you are arrested today? You are being arrested.

DIPPOLITO: That part I understood.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: OK. Do you know what for?

DIPPOLITO: Not really, no.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Do you know the charge?

DIPPOLITO: No. Nobody said anything to me.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: OK. Go ahead and tell her the charge.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: You are being arrested for soliciting to commit murder. OK, what that means is you attempted to hire someone to kill somebody else, your husband, and that`s why you`re here and that`s what you`re getting charged with.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: No, you don`t understand or.

DIPPOLITO: No, I never did it.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Do you have anything to say about this?

DIPPOLITO: I want to talk to my husband.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: OK, well, you can`t talk to your husband. He`s not here right now. We let him go home. He`s taking care of the house and the dogs. Obviously, your husband is alive. You saw him, right?

DIPPOLITO: I saw him, I`d like to talk to him.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: OK. And did you see that black officer that was here in handcuffs? But he`s an officer. OK. So it doesn`t get any clearer than that. Everything is on tape, Dalia. There is no denying it.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: What are you thinking?

DIPPOLITO: I would like to make a phone call. I just feel lost, I mean.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Who would you like to call?

DIPPOLITO: I`d like to call my mom.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: We`ll let you call your mom after this is done.

DIPPOLITO: I mean I`m not -- you know, I just -- everyone keeps coming and I`m signing all these things and going over these things and I don`t really know what they`re for. I`m just signing it because everyone is saying, well, if you sign this, we`ll help you or we`ll this or we`ll that.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: You sound like a fool right now denying this because like my partner just said, everything is on tape, video and audio.

DIPPOLITO: I just want to go home.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: I know but you`re not going home. You see? You`re being arrested so you`re not going home.

DIPPOLITO: Then what do I have to do to go home? I`d just like to go home.

GRACE: Next, more surveillance video of a Florida newlywed hiring a hitman to murder her husband of just six months.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And as exited the room, she could see him standing there very much alive. She was, to say the least, very surprised.




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Dalia Dippolito seemingly breaking down when she encounters police at her Boynton Beach home. Her husband had been killed. Or so she thought.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The honeymoon was clearly over for Dalia who police say had contacted a hitman, offered the man $3,000 to finish Michael off.

DIPPOLITO: I don`t do anything and I didn`t plot anything.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: There is possibly a lover out there. There was an informant and it might have been some sort of an extramarital affair besides just being a friendly (INAUDIBLE).


GRACE: A 26-year-old Florida newlywed accused of hiring a hitman to kill her husband of only six months. What happened to love? But what Dalia Dippolito doesn`t know is that the hitman for hire is really an undercover cop. But, ruh-roh, it`s all caught on video.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: What are you thinking? I don`t understand.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Your mind`s spinning, right?

DIPPOLITO: I just want to know what you guys want from me. I just want to go home.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: We just want you to.


DIPPOLITO: I just want to talk to my husband, I just want to go home.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: That`s what you`re not understanding. You`re not going home. You`re under arrest right now. OK, and either, you know - - I would like to hear your side of the story. The truth. That`s it. You know? Like you said, it`s not helping your case to sit here, and I didn`t do anything wrong.

Well, we have plenty of stuff that say that you did. All right. And it`s not going to look good. All right? Because right now -- for us being on this end and watching you, it doesn`t seem like you care. Like, I didn`t do anything.

DIPPOLITO: I care. I couldn`t breathe in there.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Well, that`s beside the point.

DIPPOLITO: I wasn`t doing good. Like I wasn`t, you know.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Well, that`s beside the point. I`m talking about the actions that you took to get to this point. I`m not talking about you sitting in a cell and not breathing. I`m talking about the actions and other decisions and the money exchange and the photos given to have your husband killed. See? Like I said, we`ve been working on this case for.

DIPPOLITO: Right. So then you know I didn`t exchange money with anyone.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: You talked about exchanging money then. Right?

DIPPOLITO: I didn`t exchange money.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: OK. We just want to know.

DIPPOLITO: I don`t want to give you guys a hard time. Like, I don`t -- you know, you guys have been really nice to me and you didn`t have to take special considerations and things like that and I appreciate it. I really do.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: But what you need to understand, what you need to understand, OK, is not that you`re giving us a hard time or anything like that. At the end of the day, we go home. And guess what, you`re not going home. OK?


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: So I`m going to ask you a question right now. OK? You ready?


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Can I ask you a question? I`m going to ask you a question. I want to know an honest answer. Why did you want to have your husband killed? You don`t know why?


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Why? Why did you want Michael killed?

DIPPOLITO: I never said I wanted him killed.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Yes, you did. It`s on tape.

DIPPOLITO: No, I didn`t. I didn`t say that.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: It`s on tape a lot so you did.

DIPPOLITO: I didn`t say that I wanted him killed. I didn`t.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: What did you want done?

DIPPOLITO: I didn`t say that I wanted him killed.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: OK, what did you want? You wanted something. You met with an undercover cop. Why? Yes, it hurts. I know. You can`t say it. You don`t know what you say. I want to know the truth though.

DIPPOLITO: I want to talk to you guys. I want to talk to you and tell you but is it going to change the outcome of everything? Am I going to get to go home? You know, because if I`m not, then I would just rather talk to someone else who can help me.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: You`re not going home. So -- you`re being arrested. You`re not going home. I`m going to ask you again. Why did you want your husband killed?

DIPPOLITO: I didn`t.


DIPPOLITO: Can I please call my mom?

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Not now. You don`t want to get that off your chest? Off your soul?

DIPPOLITO: I`d like to call my mom please.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: We`re trying to give you an opportunity to tell your side of the story. Right now, all we`re getting from you is.

DIPPOLITO: I wanted to talk to him so I can tell him my side of the story. And I don`t know why he is home and he`s not here.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Well, the thing is, the reason he`s home is because he`s a victim in this whole thing. He was going to be a victim. And we were never been involved in this, most likely, he would have been a dead victim.

DIPPOLITO: Not true.


DIPPOLITO: He was never going to be a dead victim, ever. He was going to.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Well, we have evidence to suggest different. OK? And the worst thing about it is that the evidence we do have is coming -- most of it, the best evidence we have is coming out of your mouth. And right now, at this point, you`re telling you haven`t said everything. You haven`t done anything.

DIPPOLITO: I wanted to talk to him to tell him my side. I just want to be able to talk to him.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Well, right now, he doesn`t want to talk to you. I wouldn`t want to talk to the person who wants me dead. I wouldn`t want to talk to you.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: You showed no remorse.

DIPPOLITO: He wanted me arrested, his friends wanted me arrested before for something that like I had nothing to do with, period. Like I just want to be able to talk to him. I want him to be able to understand what I`m trying to say.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Is that all you want.

DIPPOLITO: You guys are treating me like a criminal and I`m not. I`m not, like I`m not that kind of person. I`m just not. And I know that you`re hearing what you`re hearing and I know you`re saying all these things and it`s fine, but I`m not.


DIPPOLITO: I have no criminal history. I have no criminal record. I have no nothing. I`ve never even done drugs. Period. Like nothing of nothing of nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Exactly. And that`s why it surprises me that...

DIPPOLITO: Nothing. Nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Listen to me for a second, Dalia. Just listen to me for a second. OK? All right? Forget about what you don`t have, All right? That`s why it surprises me that we`re here at this point where a person who doesn`t have a criminal history, all, right, takes it to the extreme of hiring somebody to kill her husband.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Well, yes. All right? Yes. You can sit here and deny and try to, you know, get away from the reality is, that, you know, you said -- I wanted your husband dead. I can`t even imagine how many times you said it, how much you wanted your husband killed.

OK? And you didn`t show any remorse about it, at all. And now that you`re here at this, you`re giving some story about you don`t have a criminal history, which that`s the surprising thing that we take it to this extreme now.


DIPPOLITO: I don`t. I don`t. I mean, I don`t come from that kind of background. You see. Like, I don`t have any kind of history whatsoever. I don`t.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Well, you do now. From today on, you do. I know you didn`t, but now you do. So what Alex said earlier is that your voice on the tape, Dalia? It`s another simple question, yes or no? You heard it. Is that your voice?

DIPPOLITO: You guys have your minds made up. Both of you have your minds made up already, everything that you`re saying. I appreciate both of you being nice to me. I really do.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Is that your voice on the tape? Yes or no?


GRACE: When we come back, she breaks down in hysterical tears, crying, practically hyperventilating over her dead husband. And this, just hours after she plans those final touches for his shooting death. Cops, sting, 26-year-old Dalia Dippolito, fitness enthusiast, and it`s all on video.


GRACE: A Florida beach beauty marries her dream man, and they`re all set to live happily ever after. Until death does them part. But what the 26-year-old bride didn`t plan on was the hitman she hires to murder her new husband is a cop. That`s right. Cops sting her on video. Informant, her secret lover.


DIPPOLITO: There`s nothing there that says dead or anything about dead. Period. I mean I`m not trying to -- you know?

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: You`re not trying to do what?

DIPPOLITO: I`m trying to explain to you guys like who I am and what`s going on and you guys like I don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: OK, what`s going on then?

DIPPOLITO: It just seems like you guys have your minds made up.


DIPPOLITO: I never wanted anybody dead.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: OK. Why are you meeting with this black guy? We`ll break it down like that. Why did you meet with this guy? Do you know why?

DIPPOLITO: Whatever I say to you like with what I say like do I go home, is what I`m asking you, or am I not going home either way?

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: OK. From this time on, do not ask me if you`re going home because you`re not going home, OK? You`re not going home. You`re going to jail. Why did you want to meet with him? You can`t tell me because you can`t -- it`s a lie whatever you`re going to say.


UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Then tell me something good. Tell me anything. Why did you meet with him? It`s a simple question. You`re staring again.

DIPPOLITO: Because you both have your minds made up like.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: That`s not the question, though. Why did you meet with this black guy?

DIPPOLITO: You`ve been nice to me but it`s like you`re both already with your minds made up.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: Our minds are made up because of all the evidence. The tapes, the video, the pictures. Of course they`re made up. It`s a fact.

DIPPOLITO: Your minds are made up. You have all this stuff that you just showed me like I don`t understand.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: I want to hear the truth from you.

DIPPOLITO: . why I`m sitting here.

UNIDENTIFIED POLICE: I want to hear the truth from you and that`s why you`re here. I want to hear the truth.

DIPPOLITO: If I`m not going home then I`d like to speak with an attorney please.


GRACE: Tonight, let`s stop and remember Army Corporal Michael Davis, 22, San Marcos, Texas, killed Iraq. Left studies at Texas State to enlist. Awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Achievement Medal.

An old soul, loved simple things in life, spending time with friends, long runs on beautiful autumn days. Dreamed of an engineering degree, traveling with his soul mate and starting a family. Leaves behind his parents, Warner and Sonja, sister, Jessica and Natalie, widow Karen, nephew Grayson.

Michael Davis, American hero.

Thank you for being with us for this special NANCY GRACE INVESTIGATES. See you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp, Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.