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Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees

Missing Americans, Fading Hope; Tracking the Stimulus Money; Haiti's Doctors in Training; Spying on Senator Landrieu?

Aired January 26, 2010 - 23:00   ET



ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening, everyone. Live from Port-au-Prince in Haiti tonight, searching for the thousands of Americans feared missing here. Some of them buried where the Hotel Montana once stood. Right now a massive operation under way, largely a recovery operation, sad to say, though, there is always hope.

There are also tonight, we're going to show you what the Haitian government probably does not want you to see. Mass graves, that we thought after two weeks after this earthquake would have been sealed but they're not. And people are literally just being dumped on the ground and left there to rot.

It is a shocking scene, it is unconscionable. And we're going show you what is happening tonight.

Later, problems feeding the hungry, anger bubbling over in places; people who have not eaten for days, losing patience when food shipments come. Reports of food sitting in warehouses that are tied- up by bureaucracy and security procedures. The job is certainly daunting, the question can it be done better? We'll look at that tonight.

Plus the night before his State of the Union address we've got a preview of what to expect from President Obama.

And another installment of our "Stimulus Project" series: tracking where the money is going and whether or not it is actually helping.

But first up tonight, a fact that has no doubt taken a while to sink in, there are estimates of anywhere from 4,500 to 5,000 Americans are currently missing here in Haiti; nearly 5,000 missing Americans. Now, many family members don't want the work of the rescue to end.

We're going to shortly speak with Lauren Bruno whose father Richard is missing at the Hotel Montana. The search there is underway.

But before we do, I want to show you where things right now stand. As always our warning about what we saw today in looking into this story of missing Americans. We want to warn you some of what you're about to see is graphic.


COOPER (voice-over): The search for missing Americans goes on but in the rubble of the Montana Hotel it gets grimmer by the hour.

BILL HAWKINS, U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS: Our intent and our mission is to get everyone and that's what I told the parents when they were here, is to get everyone that we can.

COOPER (on camera): And at this point, is it, is it -- it's not search and rescue, but it's not -- is it recovery?

HAWKINS: Well, recovery is a word, it's a definition. I mean, we are -- that's what we're doing is trying to recover bodies with respect and dignity and honor. We are trying to recover, not just the people that are here, the bodies we recover, some sense of closure for the parents and the people and the loved ones and the families that are out there.

COOPER (voice-over): It's believed there are 50 to 60 people still buried here, as many as 17 Americans among them.

Veronique Wehder from Miami is waiting to get word about her 7- year-old son Aile (ph).

(on camera): How are you holding up?

VERONIQUE WEHDER, HOPING TO FIND MISSING SON: I have my moments of my breaking down and I have my moments that I have to be strong and really keep going in. And if we want to have -- either closure and know what happened, but there's still -- the glimpse of hope is little, but I still have some kind of hope, I guess, until we, you know, find him.

COOPER: So there's part of you that's just holding on to hope?


COOPER (voice-over): The names of those missing, the lost are written on two small boards, a flickering candle, a constant memorial.

(on camera): The Hotel Montana is one of the most searched sites in Port-au-Prince. And there's a good chance that many of those who died there well, at least their bodies will at least be recovered.

In other parts of Port-au-Prince however, the dead still trapped in rubble may never be found. The wreckage like this is so dense and so dangerous to search that it's likely it's just going to be bulldozed and the terrible truth is that anyone whose body is still inside this kind of rubble is simply going to be discarded along with the debris.

(voice-over): Some Americans who've died have already disappeared. The morning after the quake, we were shown the passport of an American woman. This man has lost four family members and he just showed his wife's body which is under a shroud. And he's now worried about another family member who's an American whose name is Rose Marguerite Olivier (ph) and he believe she is trapped inside that building as well and he's pretty sure she is dead.

We contacted the State Department and told them of her death and her location but no one ever came to collect the body. Days later, her husband found her corpse in the rubble. He shows me a picture of her remains on his cell phone. After finding her, he says, he briefly left to get a coffin. The Haitian government bulldozer arrived and dumped her body in the back of a truck.

"They threw her out," he says. "I couldn't throw out my wife, she was an American citizen."

So you don't know where she's buried now? "No, I don't know" he says, "I don't know, it's very difficult."

Not only did the U.S. government do nothing to retrieve this American citizen's body, they told our office in Washington that she had been buried in a coffin in a cemetery.

Today we went to the U.S. Embassy for answers.

(on camera): Do you know why we would have been told by the State Department in State side that this particular woman was put in a coffin and buried in the same place?

GORDON DUGUID, U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESMAN: I don't know why. I don't know where that information came from. From our perspective here, we don't know the disposition of the remains. The presumption of the family as I understand it is that the body was taken to a mass grave. That would seem consistent with the way things are done now.

COOPER (voice-over): The mass graves are just outside Port-au- Prince. Two weeks after the quake, we thought we'd find them cleaned up, covered over, but it's much worse than that. The dead are still just dumped on the ground. Little effort it seems has been made to actually bury them.

American or Haitian or whatever the nationality, this is not how anyone expects their dead to be treated. This is not how anyone who wants their loved one's life to end.


COOPER: The scene at the mass graves today was simply shocking. We expected after two weeks that the Haitian government which has been bringing bodies out there would at least have made the effort to bury their own citizens or the Americans or whoever these people are that they have brought out there.

But what we found was literally just bodies in piles. They -- people say, well, the Haitian government isn't up to the challenge, that they have no infrastructure, that they have been brought to their knees in this earthquake and that may be true. But they are organized enough to have bulldozers and they are organized enough to have dump trucks. They're organized enough to have blocked the access road to this mass grave to prevent people from going and actually seeing it. We got around that blockade and we saw it with our own eyes. The Haitian government has a lot of answering to do for what they are doing out on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince where people can't see.

Now, we called Haiti's ambassador to the U.S. Ambassador Raymond Joseph, we asked him to come on the program tonight, so we could ask him about why they don't even take the effort to at least put some dirt on these people whose bodies have been rotting out in the sun for two weeks now.

He said, "Well, you should talk to the government here on the ground." We tried that they refused to talk about it. We then went back to the ambassador and asked him to please come on because the government wouldn't talk about it and he refused.

We invite him any time this week to come on and talk about it because for a government to treat their own citizens or foreign civilians like this is simply unconscionable. The dead deserves better than that and certainly so do the living.

A group from Lynne University in South Florida was staying at the Hotel Montana. And I've got to tell you, the Hotel Montana has had rescue crews around the clock and there are people right now that are working with great diligence and great care to bring dignity to those who are inside.

Students Stephanie Crispinelli, Courtney Hayes, Christine Gianacaci and Britney Gengel were from Lynne University, they're faculty members; Dr. Richard Bruno and Patrick Hartwick were with them. A local paper says that Lynne University's president will address students, staff and faculty tomorrow morning and brief the media a little bit later.

Lauren Bruno is Dr. Richard Bruno daughter; her father is among the missing at the Montana. She joins us now.

Thank you so much for being with us. Your father has had a remarkable career. He served in the U.S. -- he served the United States in the Foreign Service for 21 years.


COOPER: Do you feel the State Department has done enough to look for him and to reach out to you and the other families?

BRUNO: I feel like in a situation like this there's no right or wrong, or I don't know what can be done. I know that the government was really -- there was no contact with them for the first week. And then this past week, we've gotten more contact and more information.

But all we really want is to bring our dad home, however that can be done. And honestly, I don't know what more could have been done because I don't know how to deal with a disaster like this and clearly nobody does.

COOPER: And Lauren, I mean, I can tell you just personally, I was out at the site today, and you know, as you probably know, I mean, it's a very difficult site for these folks to work at but they are doing it with great dignity and they are taking it very personally, all the search and rescue people who are there.

I don't know if that gives any comfort, but I can tell you it's not the scene that we're seeing elsewhere in Port-au-Prince, with bodies just disappearing. At the Montana they really are looking and are doing it around the clock. What do you want people to know about your dad?

BRUNO: Well, first of all I want to really thank all of the rescue workers for risking their lives, for our family members. They really appreciate it and I don't they understand how it means to us as family members.

As far as my dad, he's a wonderful person. All he wanted to do is make people happy and help people and that's what he did his entire life. Up until the day that this earthquake happened, he was helping people and helping and teaching. And I just want the world to know what a wonderful man my father was.

COOPER: Have you been to visit the site, yet? Have you been able to be here?

BRUNO: No, they offered to let me go. I don't think -- emotionally I couldn't go and me and my sisters decided that it wasn't safe and we were to -- we couldn't emotionally deal with it.

COOPER: How are you holding on?

BRUNO: I know other family members -- every day, it's harder and harder, the reality of the situation sinks in more and more every day and every minute.

Just the logistics of dealing with financial situations, getting through work, going through -- my sisters are both in school, getting through their exams, everything. Waking up and going to bed every night and every morning is hard when you realize what the reality of the day is going to hold.

COOPER: It's obviously vital for you to bring your father home.

BRUNO: Yes, to me and my family and I know to all of the other -- I have met with the other Lynne families. And I know for all of us, we just need closure and we need to bury our loved ones. And I just hope that the government is able to come through and bring our family members home to us so that we can put them at rest so that they can be with us here in the States.

COOPER: Well, Lauren I wish you and your family strength in the days ahead.

BRUNO: Thank you.

COOPER: And I wish you -- I wish you get a resolution quickly. Thank you so much Lauren. BRUNO: Thank you very much, I appreciate it. All right, thanks.

COOPER: A strange situation a few hours ago; a rescue was announced. But then it came with a lot of confusion, troops of Delta Company 82nd airborne pulled a guy from the rubble from a site downtown near the National Cathedral. He says he was selling sodas when the earthquake hit and the building collapsed unto him.

However, the Delta Company troops say he was only buried for an hour. As for how that might be, a lot of people scavenged in the ruins and some get trapped. We're going to keep checking on the story which reported widely this person was pulled out of the wreckage after 14 days. And I can tell you I've talked to one rescuer at another location today who said, the likelihood of somebody being pulled out after 14 days and unless they had access to water and food is very doubtful and it was most likely somebody who was scavenging and maybe an aftershock brought down some rubble on him.

Up next, rebuilding Haiti and one of the rare causes for hope in this country. We're going to take you where Haitians are working in a business that just got a boost from the United States.

And later: the ongoing problems of too many hungry people, not enough food and a distribution system that doesn't always work so well. It got a little ugly in some places today. We'll show you that ahead.



COOPER (on camera): One of the biggest problems in terms of rebuilding the infrastructure in Haiti is the water supply. Most people do not have access to fresh, clean, drinking water right now. In large makeshift camps like this groups like UNICEF and Action against Hunger setup these large bladders filled with water. It's connected via a pipe to a tap system down here.

And most people in this area now know they can come here and they bring jugs, they bring drums, whatever they can to carry water. And they line up here, sometimes the lines get very long, but they're able to get water.


COOPER: Long lines are a fact of life in Haiti. Two weeks after the quake, you see them there, you see them outside Western Union. You see them outside of DigiCell which is the cell phone company here.

So is this next story, though, a fact of life. Amid all the rubble, a race has begun to salvage what's left of the nation's garment industry.

Now before the quake, clothing factories were on the verge of a comeback, but the clock is running and the quake has been a major blow. Christiane Amanpour has more.


CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Haitian workers at the Korean-owned Wilby's Garment Factory are punching back in, cutting, sewing and sending a strong message to their retailers that business is back online. Here they make T-shirts, for Gap and other well known brands like JCPenney, Old Navy.

Over the noise Norleen (ph) tells us that she lost everything in the earthquake and without this job, she won't have anything for her children. The T-shirt factories here in Port-au-Prince's industrial zone suffered little damage.

Unlike George Sassine's (ph) factory about a mile away, he's assessing what happened for the insurers. He makes shorts for the U.S. sports and leisure market. He's covered but he's worried.

GEORGES SASSINE, GARMENT FACTORY OWNER: The big danger for us is that the buyers start to look somewhere else for the production; then we are dead if that happens.

AMANPOUR: The retail pipe line waits for nothing and no one. So Sassine's workers are busy dusting off rolls of fabric because they need to get to work again within ten days so that these New Balance shorts can get to their Wal-Mart shelves.

Before the earthquake Haiti's garment industry was on the verge of thriving recovering from decades of dictatorships, coups and the U.S. embargo which in the name of restoring democracy here destroyed an industry that had been supporting 130,000 jobs.

But new U.S. Legislation for Haiti, a major boon allows in Duty Free, quota free imports, major new foreign investment was scheduled just last week and by last year the workforce had climbed back to 28,000.

SASSINE: This year we were planning on creating another 25,000 jobs; 50,000 jobs in 2011.

AMANPOUR: Significant employment since each job holder supports eight people.

And why is this product attractive to the U.S.? A low wage workforce comparable to China's, but on its own door step and high quality production say economists.

Sassine who is also President of Haiti's Manufacturing Association wants his country off life support.

So he's told his country's Prime Minister, USAID and anyone else who listen that an immediate $25 million flexible loan is required to revive his industry. SASSINE: This is a watershed moment for Haiti. Unfortunately, it costs very much in lives, but at the same time it offers to us Haitians an opportunity to get this country back on its right foot.

AMANPOUR: Instead of being condemned to the poverty trap of endless good intentions.


COOPER: It's amazing that the factory is still open and going. How much money do the workers make?

AMANPOUR: The majority of them make above minimum wage, they make $4 a day. It doesn't sound much, but it's again, a $1 above minimum wage and it's $2 more than the vast majority of that people here make.

COOPER: And so many people right now are out of work; I mean, to have a job is a huge thing.

AMANPOUR: And that is vital when you hear all the officials saying the biggest challenge now is to give some jobs and make some job creation...


AMANPOUR: ...and the garment industry could be the backbone of Haiti's economy.

COOPER: Yes, it's really the construction and hopefully there's going to be a lot of jobs. Christiane thanks.

Just ahead tonight, nine million Haitians, fewer than 2,000 Haitian doctors; Dr. Sanjay Gupta goes looking for Haiti's future healers.

And later, our special report on the "Stimulus project" and the question, why are signs going up touting how your tax dollars are being spent? We're "Keeping them Honest" tonight.


COOPER: On CNN this week we're devoting a lot of our air time to the "Stimulus Project" our network wide investigation of how you're money is being spent under the stimulus plans.

Today the Congressional Budget Office revives the price tag to $862 billion. That's $75 billion more, mainly because of increased spending on food stamps and unemployment benefits due to the recession.

But the number that we're focusing on this week is $275 billion. That's what Washington's spending on projects it says will create jobs, your tax dollars footing the bill. So what exactly are they buying? Where are these jobs?

Ali Velshi joins me from the "Stimulus Desk" in Atlanta -- Ali.

ALI VELSHI, CNN CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Anderson, I'm sitting surrounded by ten binders containing the details on 57,000 projects that the government is funding and it would be -- it would be funny if it weren't so serious. The reality is these 57,000 projects are detailed in here. But not so much detail that we don't have to make phone calls to find out exactly what's going on.

So this "Stimulus Desk" here is staffed with people who are making phone calls to find out where the money has gone and whether it's resulted in any jobs. Now every time we take on a project and try and get an answer to it, we add in to our tally. The total number of dollars under review right now by CNN $1.9 billion out of more than almost $300 billion that we're investigating.

Let's go to Tennessee, we're investigating two things right now that I'm going to tell you about -- in about 20 minutes. The first one is in Tennessee. It's the Southeastern Community Capital Corporation, $2 million grant allowing small businesses which are struggling to get some money to carry on.

We're going to find out how much money has been given out, how many businesses have benefited from that and how many jobs have been created.

The other one is sort of in a number of states, but it's very interesting. And I think we might have a problem with this one, even the White House thinks this one is a problem. This is for the purchase of picnic tables in four different states, four different kinds of picnic tables, plus grills and garbage cans for parks.

I'm going to come back in just a little while and tell you the details of these projects, how the money is being spent and whether jobs are being created -- Anderson.

COOPER: All right, we'll see about those picnic tables.

As we're following several other important stories right now, Randi Kaye joins us for the "360 News and Business Bulletin" -- Randi.

RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Anderson, in Baghdad a deadly car bombing outside Iraq's main crime lab leaving it heavily damaged. At least 18 people were killed and 80 others hurt.

Here at home a new prediction from the Congressional Budget Office, the federal budget deficit will be $600 billion each year for the next ten years and that is being optimistic.

Toyota is suspending U.S. sales of eight recalled models to fix accelerator pedals that stick. The company will also stop some production at five plants starting February 1st to assess the problem. This recall comes hard on the heels of other Toyota recalls for gas pedals that could get stuck under those floor mats -- Anderson.

COOPER: Wow. All right, Randi thanks. Just ahead getting food to those who need it in Haiti, a crucial job, it's a top priority for aid groups. But for a lot of quake survivors, deliveries are not happening fast enough or often enough people say a lot of people are hungry here. Some fights are breaking out over food. Does the delivery system need reworking? We'll talk to Karl Penhaul about that.

Also a developing story ahead: we're following out of Louisiana where Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu's office phones were allegedly the target of a conservative activist and three others. The latest details ahead.



COOPER (on camera): All over Port-au-Prince you find groups handing out food. It's become a lot more organized. This is a food distribution by a group called Action against Hunger. Hundreds of people here as you can tell have lined up, they've been waiting for quite some time. They have a truck.

Each one will get a box filled with high protein biscuits that they can then take home to their family. And they're ready to eat, they don't need refrigeration, they don't need to be cooked. It's a high protein meal that's ready to go.


COOPER: Feeding the survivors, we were at one distribution center yesterday you saw there an encouraging sight. But not always, two trucks of rice here today rushed by a crowd; Brazilian peacekeeper responding with pepper spray. We're going to see more of this chaos, more of the unrest if the aid doesn't reach the men, women and kids who desperately need it.

My colleagues Gary Tuchman, Karl Penhaul and Ivan Watson join me now. Karl you were at that scene, what was it like?

KARL PENHAUL, CNN VIDEO CORRESPONDENT: Well, initially we got wind of it because we saw literally hundreds and thousands of people running three city blocks to get -- following this aid. And when it started to be given out from yet, they experienced from previous days, people knew it wasn't enough aid to get around.

They saw two trucks only; that generated a huge push against the barricades. People started to get close, started to get trampled and so the Brazilians stepped in with that pepper spray. And of course it made it worst; these people showed up for something to eat and they end up choking on pepper spray.

COOPER: Ivan, have you been surprised at how orderly things are though. I mean, that seems more the exception than the rule certainly that we've seen.

IVAN WATSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Today I saw missionaries unloading a couple hundred pounds of food off of a plane; they were surrounded by hundreds of people. And not everybody got food, but nobody got violent. It was pretty calm even though there were only a handful of unarmed missionaries.

COOPER: Right.

Gary, what did you do today?

GARY TUCHMAN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We went to this forgotten and ignored village. It's called Budon (ph) and it's a village that you can't drive to, you have to hike down a mountain because it's on this breathtaking valley.

And the government of Haiti tried to condemn the village because it was dangerous because of mud slides before this earthquake. Needless to say, a lot of people died, the bodies are still there and there's been no aid. What was that?

COOPER: It's fine, it's fine.

TUCHMAN: It looks like we had a little power surge or something.

COOPER: No, no. It's -- a power line fell so all the lines are moving; so a lot of people went running, so it's fine.

TUCHMAN: We've had a lot of interesting experiences standing in front of the crowds here since we've been here.

COOPER: Right.

TUCHMAN: The first night we had people running on the streets, thousands of them, because they thought a tsunami was coming and it turned out to be an ugly rumor.

COOPER: No, it's fine. Occasionally the power lines fall and it kind of shakes things up a little bit. Sit back down.


It's amazing. There's thousands of people in this park and they've been there for two weeks now. It's incredible.

COOPER: Is there any sense of -- I mean there was talk I remember a week ago about moving people out of town to kind of a central location. Do you guys hear this anymore?

TUCHMAN: That's what I was just talking about because there is -- the government has a plan to move hundreds of thousands of people into tracks of land outside the Port-au-Prince municipal -- metropolitan area. So these people who want to get out of this small village, they want to get out. They don't think it's safe. But I asked, do you know about the scheme. Do you know about the plan the government has to move you and people like you in these huge empty tracts of land. And they go, "We never heard about it before. So it's not being communicated. COOPER: It does seem, Karl, that there's not much communication from the central government. I mean they said they're using radio but you don't see political leaders out on the streets rallying people or talking to people.

PENHAUL: Yes. No. Really we've seen none of that. And the other key issue is as well of course the number of tents. Where are these people going to be housed? How long is it going to take to build that even if they do stake out those tracts of land? And this is what talking to people today -- aid workers today. They were saying the key thing now is to at least to get temporary shelters and temporary tents there. Rather than the dusty sheets we've seen out of here. At the first sign of rain, this is going to be a very different picture.

I get the sense that people are getting much more desperate as the days go by, not only for shelter, but also for food because the small stuff they have is dwindling and then we get the first rains on top of that, it could be a very different picture.

COOPER: Yes. I mean there's a lot of concern about rain here. I mean a lot of houses are perched precariously on hillsides that have been denuded of any kind of shrubbery or anything to stop mud from sliding. So if rains come the fear is there's going to be a lot of worse situations, and certainly for the people in the camps, it's going to be miserable.

WATSON: It raises terrible questions about sanitation in these sprawling camps. And just imagine, they're going to be wading through mud. It would be a nightmare.

COOPER: Yes. In terms of water, what have you guys seen? I mean, in most places still do not have -- most people do not have access to clean or fresh drinking water unless it's either handed out or in sort of these large pumps which have been set up by aid groups?

WATSON: I may just spin it into a different direction.


WATSON: I did look at efforts to try to get power back, to turn the lights back in this town yesterday. We did see municipal workers out really hard at work, who have been out for more than a week trying to get some of the substations going again and predicting that in about eight days they could get power going again.

That's a big step forward, right, because the city is dark right now. The problem is that the initial electric power stations were so bad and poorly neglected that they could only supply about eight hours of power a day to any given neighborhood in this city.

COOPER: We have to leave it there. Ivan Watson, Karl Penhaul, Gary Tuchman, appreciate it. Thanks very much.

Coming up, a chance to heal: a Haitian medical student, his school was destroyed, but he remains determined to help others. Dr. Sanjay Gupta introduces us to this inspiring person. Coming up next.


COOPER: Take a look at these images, what a lot of Port-au- Prince looks like two weeks after the quake. Even before the quake hit, Haiti's medical system was really overwhelmed with too few doctors and other medical professionals. And now the next generation of doctors in Haiti is in limbo.

The quake destroyed all the medical schools in Port-au-Prince, stranding students midway through their studies. Dr. Sanjay Gupta looked into that problem.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): So you would have been in class that day, but you weren't. If you had been in class, I think everybody probably would have died.


GUPTA (voice-over): But they very much lived and now they have all the vitality of youth. Ricardo and Paul-Robert, they're best friends. They have matching bags, inseparable. Now they're on their way to being Haiti's future healers.

(on camera): The way it works is you go to primary school, then you go to secondary school and then the very best students of all go to medical school for seven years.

Paul Robert was in his fifth year. He was this close to being the first person in his family to ever becoming a doctor when this all happened.

That's where you used to sit?


GUPTA: Right over there.

DERENONCOURT: In the other side.

GUPTA: When you look at your school now, what are you going to do? What is your plan?

DERENONCOURT: When I see my medical school cut up, it's a very bad thing for us.

GUPTA: What type of doctor do you want to be?

DERENONCOURT: I want to be a radiologist.

GUPTA (voice-over): He would be one of fewer 2,000 doctors in the entire country of nine million people.

(on camera): So that's the only thing that's still standing is the front wall over there.

DERENONCOURT: Yes, the only thing standing.

GUPTA (voice-over): Many would look at Paul Robert and say he's lucky. His mother survived the earth quake, his siblings as well. But now it is his very future that hangs in the balance.

(on camera): So what will you do, what are you going to do next year? What are you going to do the year after that?

DERENONCOURT: First of all I will spend some of my time to search about what can I do for the school in our country.

GUPTA: So you're saying many of the medical schools here in Haiti are destroyed or broken?


GUPTA: So you may have to leave your country?

DERENONCOURT: Maybe, I don't know.

GUPTA (voice-over): That's pretty bad news considering how poor medicine was to begin with here in Haiti.

(on camera): And here's a number that sort surprised me. Even under typical circumstances, Haiti only graduates 80 medical doctors a year, every single year -- think about that -- in a country of 9 million people, giving Haiti one of the lowest physician-to-patient ratios anywhere in the world. And with this, obviously those numbers get a lot worse.

(voice-over): But for the time being, there is a lot of cam passion here, doctors from all over the world come to help.

(on camera): What happens when they leave?

DERENONCOURT: If they leave, I think it will be very difficult for us.

GUPTA (voice-over): But what we know is eventually Haiti's medical care and really Haiti's future will fall squarely on the shoulders of these kids, kids like Ricardo and Paul-Robert.


COOPER: I had no idea they were so -- I knew there was -- it was under staffed for medical care, but what was it 2,000 doctors in a country of 9 million people?

GUPTA: That's it, it's unbelievable. It's one of the lowest physician-to-patient ratios in the world. Only about 2 percent of people actually finish secondary school here as well. I mean, that's what happens when so much of the country is impoverished, people getting into trade labor early on in life and simply not finishing school. COOPER: And what about international doctors, can they help with this with the training?

GUPTA: Yes, they certainly can help and there are a significant number of doctors who will leave Haiti, go train somewhere else and come back.

In fact there are a couple of doctors I met this week, these two general surgery twins actually went to France. They trained there -- very well-trained surgeons -- they wanted to come back and live in Haiti. But still there's just simply not enough doctors.

And what's happened here is that not only has the number of hospitals gone down, but the likelihood of creating a new generation of doctors from Haiti itself is really, really limited. And I don't know how you solve that problem for sure.

COOPER: Right.

You are not going to have a new generation of doctors, and yet you are going to have a new generation of patients in need, of amputees, of orphans. Societal structure is going to change drastically

GUPTA: Demand has gone way up, supply has gone way down. I think if the international aid can make some sort of commitment, this is something you and I have talked about quite a bit. There is a venting of compassion going on right now. People will stick around for the next month or so. But because of what we're talking about, that need is going to be there for a very long time.

COOPER: All right. Sanjay, I appreciate it. Thanks Sanjay.

Still ahead, we have some good news about Monley, the 5-year-old boy who he was rescued from the rubble after, his uncle says, eight days. We've been following his story closely. We have new development on that ahead.

And Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu's office was allegedly targeted by a conservative activist and three accomplices. The FBI says they posed as telephone repairmen and were attempting to manipulate the phone system. Joe Johns is looking into that, ahead.


COOPER: In "Raw Politics" tonight: a developing story we're following out of Louisiana. The FBI says that 4 people including a conservative activist were arrested and charged for trying to tamper with the phone number of Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu at the district office of Democratic U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu. Here you see three of the men.

Joe Johns has been working this story since. This story Joe sounds like something out of a movie. What's going on?

JOE JOHNS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Pretty bizarre, really Anderson. The Democrats calling the Louisiana Watergate but one source who's already gotten a readout says it sounds more like a scene from "Saturday Night Live".

The court records say a guy walks into the office of United States Senator Mary Landrieu in a federal building in New Orleans. Says he's waiting for someone to show up and then he takes out a cell phone and starts recording pictures after two other guys walk in.

The two other guys are all dressed up in outfits. They've got hard hats, tool belts, fluorescent vests. One source told us they looked like they were ready to go down in manholes. At least that's what that source was told.

Then these guys start checking out the office phone desk and the phone there. They claim they've got to do some repairs; one thing leads to the next. A building staffer asks them for credentials.

A total of four guys end up getting arrested. One of them is named James O'Keefe. Now he's believed to be the same James O'Keefe in those controversial undercover videos -- we have the tape -- where he dressed up like a pimp and embarrassed the ACORN community organization; went looking for advice and got it. We all remember that, Anderson.

COOPER: So do we know what the motivation was behind this? Why Senator Landrieu?

JOHNS: It's still just really not clear. I don't think there's anybody who believes that the result was going to be flattering to Senator Landrieu. She did put out a statement tonight and she said it's very unusual, somewhat unsettling for her and her staff. She said she is interested as anybody else about learning their motives and purpose. And said she hopes it will become clear as this investigation goes forward.

Whatever the story is, Anderson, these guys are in big trouble potentially. They're charged with entering a federal building under false pretenses for the purpose of committing a felony. And if convicted, they could get ten years in prison.

COOPER: Wow. Ten years.

Joe before we let you go, the other big political story: obviously President Obama's State of the Union address; a lot at stake for him. What are you hearing in terms of what we should expect? I mean there's always a lot of hoopla about State of the Union addresses. I don't know if anyone actually remembers any president's State of Union address much beyond a day or two.

JOHNS: Yes, that's true. But in a lot of ways this is a dramatic moment for this president. You know it's only been a year, his political opponents have been giving him absolute fits on that signature domestic issue, health care. You've got anger in the country, the Congressional midterm elections on the way.

So he -- no, he's going to try to sell a spending freeze, we know he's going to address jobs, the economy, health care. The question probably is how far is he going to go to show independent voters he feels their pain, if you will because as you know, any time he moves toward the middle, the liberals just get a little bit more impatient with him.

COOPER: Joe, appreciate it. Thank you very much.

It seems we have actually got a crowd of people actually walking down the street singing. We're not sure what it's about. It looks actually like sort of a religious procession.

We actually see that a lot in Port-au-Prince these days, a lot of people just publicly expressing their faith, a sign of hope, a sign of strength. We're just seeing that right now. I'm not sure -- is this camera picking that up?

Anyway, just one of the many things you see throughout the day and night here in Port-au-Prince.

Coming up, is it a case of highway robbery? Road signs promoting the stimulus plan, you're paying for them, but how does it actually create jobs? We're "Keeping Them Honest".

And later, the future for 5-year-old Monley Elysee, saved from the rubble here in Haiti. What happens to him next? Well, might have some ideas ahead.


COOPER: Well, as you know, President Obama says that the stimulus plan is working, that jobs are being created, the economy is recovering. That's his promise, but is it actually true? He's expected to talk about the economic recovery in the State of the Union address tomorrow night.

Now all this week, we're taking a look at the stimulus projects, digging for answers to try to give you the facts. Ali Velshi joins us again to tell us about a couple of government funded projects, including one even the White House thinks made absolutely no sense -- Ali.

VELSHI: Yes. You know, when we check on these, Anderson. We're making phone calls. When we can't really understand why one of these stimulus projects got funded, we are in touch with the White House or the vice president's office. And on one of them -- and I'll tell you about that in a second -- even they admit doesn't make sense.

57,000 projects; here are the details right here. We're poring through this at the CNN Stimulus Desk. Now, every time we identify a project that we're -- we're looking at, we put a mark on this map. The yellow marks are locations of projects that we are -- that are under investigation. The green marks are locations where we have some resolution to the problem.

Let me tell you about two that I told you about earlier in the hour. One is a $2 million grant to the Southeast Community Capital Corporation of Nashville, Tennessee. Now what this is, is it's money that goes to small businesses that are having trouble raising money because of tightened credit markets. They say they've received $8.7 million in requests. They've committed $500,000 of the $2 million that they've been promised. The money goes to help small businesses that are having trouble.

Here's one example. In Loudoun County, they said a nurse practitioner who had a one-room clinic in the small town of Loudoun, Tennessee, is looking to expand, because she's got more patients coming.

She was turned down for a loan by the bank. But she's getting a loan through this stimulus grant. And she's got two additional exam rooms and two part-time nurses assistants.

Here's the other one I'm telling you about, Anderson. This one's a little trickier. See, that's a picnic table. This is a story of $110,000 in stimulus grant money, the Army Corps of Engineers buying picnic tables from a company called R.J. Thomas in Iowa.

Get this. We talked to R.J. Thomas. They said they've been selling picnic tables -- they'd been selling picnic tables to the Army Corps of Engineers for years, and the difference here is that they have used stimulus dollars to buy coated picnic tables in Illinois, aluminum picnic tables in Missouri, wooden-aluminum picnic tables in Washington state, and trash receptacles, grills, and wood-top picnic tables in Ohio.

We talked to the vice president's office. They say this purchase was not in line with the high standards that the administration has set for the stimulus bill -- Anderson.

COOPER: Yes, it doesn't sound like it. I mean, credit for small businesses, you can see how that would be a use of public funds. But the other project, not so much.

VELSHI: Yes, not so much. Exactly.

COOPER: Ali...

VELSHI: That's exactly what we found out.

COOPER: All right, Ali, thanks.

We found one stimulus project that, to many, seems like a huge waste of money. Maybe you've seen it. It's on highway signs across the country, signs that shamelessly promote the government's recovery plan. That message, how exactly does it fix the economy? Randi Kaye tonight is "Keeping Them Honest".


KAYE (voice-over): We're on our way to see how Ohio is spending your stimulus money. Our tour guide is Republican state Senator Tim Grendell. And he is seriously PO'd. Why? Because of signs like this. The bigger signs cost up to $3,000. So Ohio is using stimulus money to tell you how it's using your stimulus money.

TIM GRENDELL (R), OHIO STATE SENATOR: Send a fruit basket if you want to say thank you. But don't spend a million dollars for saying thank you to Washington for giving us back our tax money.

KAYE (on camera): Grendell says Ohio is spending $1 million on signs. The Ohio department of transportation says this is all about transparency.

Taxpayers want to know how their tax dollars are being spent. And this is how they tell them. Is there a better way?

GRENDELL: Well, this is a message that is being spent stupidly.

KAYE (voice-over): Why spend $1 million on signage? "Keeping Them Honest", we asked Scott Varner at the Ohio Department of Transportation.

(on camera): If the Federal Highway Administration doesn't require these signs but only recommends them, why use them?

SCOTT VARNER, OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: The president made the commitment to have these symbols as part of stimulus funded projects.

KAYE: But they're not required.

VARNER: They are not required.

KAYE: And they do cost money.

VARNER: What better way to let a taxpayer know where stimulus funds are being invested?

KAYE (voice-over): Varner says the $1 million price tag for signs is, quote, "on the high end". But when we asked him so how much does it cost, he didn't know.

(on camera): Shouldn't there be some type of accounting, though, I mean some type of figuring out what this might cost, as to opposed to we don't -- we don't really know, there's no way to tell?

VARNER: It is not typical for any state Department of Transportation to have the exact cost on every single construction sign.

KAYE: The money for the signs amounts to about one/tenth of one percent of Ohio's federal stimulus dollars for roadwork. But stimulus money was supposed to fund projects, not advertise them. And the Obama information promised stimulus would create jobs.

(voice-over): Which brings us here to East Lake, Ohio. This man is the mayor, a Democrat, and he's also angry about the signs, because for a bit more than the cost of the signs, they could have fixed this road and he says that would have created more than two dozen jobs.

(on camera): Do you think those signs are a waste of money?

MAYOR TED ANDRZEJEWSKI, EASTLAKE, OHIO: Yes, yes. We could have easily done Internet or advertising in newspapers and taken that million dollars. See, what I think the problem is, is sometimes our politicians don't understand what a million dollars is.

KAYE: Just off Interstate 77 here in Cleveland, there's supposed to be a road paving project underway. Well, we looked around. We didn't find any paving yet, but we did find a sign pointing out that your tax dollars will be paying for the project. It seems before they even start the work, the priority is to get that sign in place.

(voice-over): Turns out most states are spending stimulus money on signs which could cost taxpayers nationwide $3.8 million. But we called every state and found at least 16 states are skipping the signs and using the money for projects instead.

GRENDELL: At the end of the day, as a public official, we're accountable for 100 cents on the dollar. We shouldn't waste one penny. We shouldn't waste five pennies. We should use it where it will best benefit the taxpayers.

KAYE: And that may not be on the side of the road.


KAYE: Now, the signs themselves aren't exactly a stimulus project, but they are, of course, using about one million stimulus dollars, so we wondered, how many jobs this actually created. Turns out making the road signs and posting them on the road did not create any jobs at all, zero. That is according to the contractors we spoke with. Our tax dollars at work -- Anderson.

COOPER: All right. Randi thanks; "Keeping Them Honest".

Tomorrow morning can a $5.5 million resort town restoration project be a good use of stimulus aid? Find out why one woman is grateful the government is spending the money.

You can follow CNN's weeklong look at the stimulus plan online, see what the investigation reveals. It's go to or

We have an update to tell you about. It's about a 5-year-old boy, Monley, pulled from the risen. His uncle rescued him last week. His story has touched a lot of people's hearts around the world.

Monley's parents perished in the quake. It's a picture of Monley and his dad. We learned tonight that Monley's aunt wants to adopt him. Her name is Gina Elysee. She lives in Florida. She spoke to CNN earlier today. Listen.


GINA ELYSEE, AUNT OF MONLEY: I'm sad because of my loss. But I feel happy because I lost my aunt, my sister, my brother and my sister-in-law and I thought Monley was one of them too. But right now, there's only three. When I see him, I feel good because I see them alive. I have Monley, you know? I feel good.


COOPER: Hey, That's it for 360. Thanks for watching. I'll be in Port-au-Prince tomorrow.

"LARRY KING" starts right now.