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Showbiz Tonight

Stars Without Makeup; Showbiz at Cannes; Too Gay to Play Straight; Oprah`s Teary Confession; Redmond Out of Rehab; Elton Rejects "Idol"?

Aired May 13, 2010 - 23:00   ET


A.J. HAMMER, HLN HOST: Big news. Breaking today on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, stars without makeup. First, Jessica Simpson. Now, Kim Kardashian and today on national TV, Kathie Lee Gifford.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Here it is. This is us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tight shot, please.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: SHOWBIZ TONIGHT reveals the brand new star secrets inside the no makeup zone.

Oprah`s brand new teary confessions today about her weight and self- image.

OPRAH: What I`m really feeling is -- what I was really feeling --

Elton John replacing Simon Cowell? This startling report today about Elton`s $33 million decision.

Brand new outrage today over the super sexed up dancing of 7-year-old girls on stage to Beyonce`s music.

HAMMER: Hello. I`m A.J. Hammer coming to you from New York City with big news breaking today. Stars without makeup. Talk about taking it all off. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT was just overwhelmed today by stars who insisted on showing what they look like without anything extra on their faces or their lips or their eyes.

Let me tell you, stars without makeup frenzy broke out today and now you get to see them for yourself.


HAMMER (voice-over): No powder, no mascara, no makeup. Kim Kardashian, Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kope today joined the growing list of gorgeous celebrities daring to go bare.

GWEN FLAMBERG, BEAUTY DIRECTOR, US WEEKLY: Going bare will lower that expectation of what we can`t believe perfection is. In Hollywood, the standard of perfection is completely manufactured.

HAMMER: But that trend is changing big time. It`s time for plastic surgery princess, Heidi Montag and her boobs to move over and make room for a new tribe of strong, natural, fiercely beautiful women who aren`t afraid to show their true selves.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Here I am, bare and unafraid.

HAMMER: On NBC`s "Today" show this morning, co-host, Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kope revealed their makeup-free selves to the world live for the very first time.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Here it is. This is us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tight shot, please.

HAMMER: Kathie Lee says she got the idea after Rosie O`Donnell made the provocative claim that Kathie Lee had gone too far with having work done. Kathie Lee wanted to prove Rosie wrong and invited her in on the makeup free action. Well, Rosie accepted and threw in a little bed head for good measure.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She thought I had gone too far.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t believe I said that. Did I say that? It wasn`t like I didn`t recognize you. I just thought you looked different.


HAMMER: Well, thanks to Kathie Lee and Hoda, all of the ladies of "Today" went bare for the first time today.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is my face. Like it or not.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is the real me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Scaring little children at home right now.

FLAMBERG: Older women like Kathie Lee and Hoda taking off their makeup on the "Today" show, that`s to inspire people that older is not necessarily less glamorous.

HAMMER: No matter what age, stars are taking a stand against manufactured Hollywood. Check out this brand new photo of Kim Kardashian in today`s new issue of "Life and Style Weekly." Totally au natural. What a shock for renowned glam queen.

FLAMBERG: Over the years, Kim has been wearing more and more makeup and it`s really surprising but also super exciting to see her shed out of that makeup and become more real, and more of a real beauty inspiration to girls.

HAMMER: Kim tells "Life And Style," she did it because "I`m happy with myself and this is who I am. As much as it`s fun to glam up, the most important thing is to be comfortable in your own skin with or without makeup."

Kim`s no makeup coming out comes just weeks after Jessica Simpson became the real no makeup trendsetter when she shocked everyone by daring to bear it all on the cover of "Marie Claire." As Weekly`s beauty and lifestyle director, Gwen Flamberg tells SHOWBIZ TONIGHT Jessica has been criticized for her looks over the last few years and this cover proved her critics wrong.

FLAMBERG: I think that Jessica Simpson really wants to be real. She wants to show women that you don`t have to go under the knife, that you can be proud of exactly who you are.

HAMMER: Jessica tells "Marie Claire" I don`t have anything to prove anymore. What other people think of me is not my business. But, whether Jessica and Kim and Kathie Lee and Hoda realize it, they are starting a powerful trend for women everywhere.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Once you do it, you get a ton of strength and ton of power that you don`t need makeup to feel beautiful. And that`s the message. Glamour comes from inside.


HAMMER: So are these women really onto something or is this all just some kind of publicity stunt? With me right now in New York, Cooper Lawrence, a syndicated radio host and author of "A Cult of Celebrity." Also, in New York, Noelle Nikpour, a columnist for South Florida`s Sun Sentinel.

I got to tell you, I think it`s brave. I think it takes a whole lot of guts and courage and grace for all these women to show their faces for the very first time on television without any makeup at all. Did you see this as a risky move?

NOELLE NIKPOUR, COLUMNIST, SUN SENTINEL: You know what, I think it`s a trend that they`re going to be breaking away with. First of all, bravo to the new makeup bravery, but I got to tell you for those girls that need makeup, we have to support them as well because we don`t want Halloween to come early now, do we?

HAMMER: No, I suppose we don`t. Let`s take a look at Kathie Lee and Hoda one more time. They are confessing this morning on the "Today" show that they felt vulnerable without their faces on. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It felt very strange today. I didn`t think it would bother me and then I started realizing, I feel vulnerable.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It is weird. You`re used to having things covered up. I never thought about it really.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Protection. Now I see our monitor I know why.



HAMMER: And let`s keep in mind, Cooper, we know - by the way, are you wearing makeup right now?

COOPER LAWRENCE, SYNDICATED RADIO SHOW HOST: Tons because I have to here. I would rather not frankly.

HAMMER: But here`s the deal, TV lighting in particular makes you look even worse than you may actually look. Now, I`m actually thinking that women -- I think so. It`s harsh and it accentuates things that may not actually be there. But, I`m thinking women watching this are saying seeing big TV stars like this makes them feel better about themselves.

LAWRENCE: It does, because these two women look amazing. They don`t look so bad first of all. Second of all, they`re not known for their beauty, neither one of them. They`re just on television and because you`re on television you have to have makeup on. But, the fact that she said I feel vulnerable. I mean, come on. Most men love the way women look without makeup. It`s only women that talk about other women with makeup or not makeup.

HAMMER: I get the vulnerable part. Noelle, tell me what you think? I get that and I actually like the fact that they said that because they`ve never done it before. It`s almost for some people like appearing without clothing on.

NIKPOUR: You know, this is a way that we can connect with these celebrities. They`re like every day people. They`re like real people and we actually feel like they`re one of us.

LAWRENCE: But they are one of us. They are everyday people. That`s the point. They happen to be on camera. They`re not special and that`s the point. That`s why it`s great to see them without makeup. It says I`m not special. They`re not. Anybody that thinks they are -- they just have a cool job.

HAMMER: But be realistic about that, Cooper. There are a lot of people who see somebody like Kathie Lee and have been watching her on television for so long thinking she`s special. Whether or not that`s right, I would say it`s possibly --

LAWRENCE: She`s not as special as she thinks she is.

HAMMER: That`s an entirely different thing. Coming from you who has been on the "Today" show.

LAWRENCE: And will never be again apparently.

HAMMER: I think it`s one thing to see TV personalities without makeup. I think it`s different when you see women who are considered sex symbols like Kim Kardashian, like Jessica Simpson, seeing them without makeup. That`s another ball of wax. Both of them have had to deal with reports of plastic surgery and having all this work done. Do you think with these two ladies appearing this way that will put those types of conversations to rest?

LAWRENCE: Yes and Kim Kardashian and Jessica Simpson, the people who should appearing without makeup because they`re gorgeous with or without makeup and that sends the message that, you know what, makeup is only something we do extra like one day you want to wear sweatpants and next day a beautiful dress, it`s something else that you can do. And they are known for their beauty. So for them to not wear makeup is more of a statement.

HAMMER: Well, yes, but, Noelle, I`ll throw this to you. I`m thinking there are women out there saying I wish I looked that good without any makeup on or with makeup on and they`re not wearing any makeup.

NIKPOUR: Yes, I mean, there`s a lot of girls that can`t get away with doing that because they`re not naturally beautiful. I tell you another thing, you won`t see Jessica Simpson or Kim Kardashian advertising for Revlon or Estee Lauder any time soon.

HAMMER: Well, I guess not. But what do you think, Cooper, I mean, the idea that some women are seeing these women, Kim and Jessica, without makeup, they`re saying, I could pour on all the makeup and hope to look that good.

LAWRENCE: No, I think it`s the opposite. I think they look at them and say they look natural and regular and they still are really beautiful women. I disagree with Noelle. I think women without makeup look beautiful and anyone that judges somebody who doesn`t wear makeup, I have a problem with that. Makeup doesn`t make the woman. The woman makes the woman. We talk about beauty inside all of the time. Where`s that?

HAMMER: Got me on your side there we`ll end it there. Cooper Lawrence and Noelle Nikpour. Thanks guys. Appreciate it.

We move on to Oprah`s emotional weight confession today. Oprah`s surprising breakdown about her body and self-image.

OPRAH: What I`m really feeling is -- what I was really feeling --

Elton John`s $33 million decision today. Yet that`s how much Elton John could reportedly could get for replacing Simon Cowell on "American Idol." Elton is worth it but will he take the cash?

The ladies of Love LL, did you see this today? LL Cool J literally gave "The View" co-host, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, a pick me up.

This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN News and Views.

More stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom. Making news today.


HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. We have got you covered all the way in Cannes. Showbiz Tonight`s Brooke Anderson is at the 63rd Cannes Film Festival where all the big stars are descending. And Brooke, I am hearing that you actually got a little exclusive sneak peek aboard somebody`s yacht.

BROOKE ANDERSON, HLN HOST: A.J., it`s Hollywood on the French Rivera for the next week and a half. Look at this. I`ve got a great bird`s-eye view of the premiere of "Robin Hood" happening below right now.

Check it out, there`s star, Russell Crowe and his wife getting ready to hit the red carpet. I also see Kate Blanchet, very exciting time here. Earlier, I got a chance to hit the streets and check out the scene as the Cannes Film Festival gets under way.


ANDERSON (voice-over): The streets of Cannes are buzzing. It`s not just motor bikes. Big stars are heading this way. Sean Penn, Naomi Watts, Michael Douglas, and Woody Allen among them. They won`t be spending all their time on the red carpet. Feast your eyes on what becomes some of the star`s second home while in Cannes.

Luxurious roomy yachts like this one owned by Jean Claude Van Dam are the site of relaxed a-list parties one night and high stress deal making the next. Tens of millions of dollars are traded over cocktails and handshakes between producers and studio reps looking for a future blockbuster.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Someone reminded me I once said greed is good. Now it seems it`s legal.

ANDERSON: Money is at the heart of Oliver Stone`s Cannes entry follow-up to "Wall street." It is Stone`s interpretation of the current financial crisis. Greed is not so good. But message based movies don`t stop there.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Every newspaper, every television, radio, anybody that would listen to me say my wife did not send me on a junky.

ANDERSON: A political tone is struck in "Fair Game" with Sean Penn and Naomi Watts recreating the real life drama that surrounded Valerie Plame after she was revealed as a secret CIA operative.

(on camera): And while stars are descending on Cannes, mother nature has made her presence felt here in a big way. Sand had to be trucked in here just days ago after a freak mini tsunami with waves over 15 feet high crashed on to the shore damaging shops and restaurants. And the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud is delaying arrivals. Festival attendees are struggling just to get here.

(voice-over): And with the Greece`s mounting debt crisis, festival attendance is expected to be down with hotel bookings already reportedly suffering, but the 63rd Cannes Film Festival will endure. As we all know, the show must go on.


ANDERSON: And indeed it will. Jennifer Hudson is coming into town to promote their movie that`s in the works about Winnie and Nelson Mandella. It`s called "Winnie" and I`ll talk to Jennifer and Terrence about that this weekend. A.J., back over to you.

HAMMER: Look at you hanging out on the beach, Brooke. Busy weekend for you coming up. That was "Showbiz Tonight`s" Brooke Anderson. We`re going to be bring you all those big interviews with all those big stars all this week. It`s SHOWBIZ TONIGHT at the 63rd Cannes Film Festival.

Too gay to play straight? New reaction today at the growing controversy over that shocking "Newsweek" article claiming that some gay actors can`t play straight roles because they are not believable. Well, the great, Aaron Sorkin (ph) is the creator of "The West Wing" is the latest Hollywood analyst to speak out.

Aaron Sorkin said the problem doesn`t have anything to do with sexual preference. The problem has everything to do with the fact that we know too much about each other. In one short decade we have been reconditioned to be entertained by the most private areas of other people`s lives.

And Showbiz on call phone lines have been really busy today. A lot of people sounding off on the too gay to play straight issue. Inez from New York called in to say, gay actors can play any role they get.


CALLER: I just want to comment on the too gay to play straight call. (Inaudible), but they were excellent.


HAMMER: All right, Inez. We appreciate your call. We`d love for you to call us on Showbiz on call to sound off on this issue or any anything else at all. The Showbiz on call phone lines are opened 24/7 at 1-888-sbt- buzz.

There is new outrage today of that shocking video of 7-year-old girls dancing sexily on stage to Beyonce. They are dressed skimpy. Too sexy too soon?

And today, wait until you hear this. We`re blowing the lid off the secret exclusive "American Idol" contract for contestants. Wait until you hear what`s in this thing including the startling sex clause for the singers.

A star is born and it happened right on YouTube. Everybody buzzing about this guy, 12-year-old Grayson Chance. He sings Lady Gaga`s "Paparazzi" just incredible and today he gets a big surprise from Gaga herself. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN. Time for the showbiz news ticker. More stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT Newsroom making news today.


HAMMER: That`s impressive. Will this Oklahoma sixth grader become the next Justin Bieber? He stunned us all with his awesome version of Lady Gaga`s "Paparazzi". That thing is all over YouTube and now 12-year-old Grayson Michael Chance is on "Ellen" today. He even got a big surprise from Gaga herself.

Grayson has a lot of talent and that Beiber. Watch out. This kid could be the next big thing. Grayson had his big TV debut. He was in math class when he heard the news that "Ellen" wanted to book him. Grayson gets a big surprise from Lady Gaga.


ELLEN: We have someone on the line right now. Gaga?

LADY GAGA: Hi, Ellen.

GRAYSON: No way.

ELLEN: How`s it going?

LADY GAGA: I`m good. Hi, Grayson.

GRAYSON: Hi, Ms. Gaga.

LADY GAGA: It`s so nice to meet you. It`s so funny, I`m lying in bed here with my mom taking a break and they said Ellen is going to call you and that my dad was laughing that you called so you know how that caller id on the phone talks sometimes. My dad is going, Ellen calling, Ellen calling.

ELLEN: I like that. I should have that with whoever I call. Ellen calling. Have you seen the video?

LADY GAGA: I did. Grayson you are so sweet and so talented. I was so excited that you covered Paparazzi and everyone loves you so much so just keep following your dreams and work really hard and stay away from girls and be focused.

ELLEN: Be focused. Did you hear her? You have to be focused.


HAMMER: That`s great. That will be hard because Grayson says he`s already got some numbers.

Now, it`s time for the showbiz line up. Bottom of the hour, Elton John`s big decision today, should he take a reported $33 million bucks to replace Simon at the "American Idol" judge`s table?

Oprah`s emotional weight confession today. Oprah Winfrey`s startling revelations about her body and how she sees herself.

And Shari Shepherd had a very uplifting experience on the - today. Take a look at Shari getting physical with LL Cool J.

HAMMER: This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN news and views. Time now for the showbiz news ticker. More stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom. Making news today.



HAMMER: Now on SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, Oprah`s brand new tear filled confessions today about her weight and self-image.

OPRAH WINFREY, HOST: What I`m really feeling is -- what I was really feeling --

HAMMER: Elton John replacing Simon Cowell? The startling report today that Elton was offered 33 million bucks to do "Idol." Will he accept?

And check out Sherri Shepherd getting picked up by LL Cool J today.

LL COOL J, ENTERTAINER: Unbelievable. Unbelievable.

HAMMER: Plus, more stories breaking today from the "Showbiz News Ticker," the son of a former child star commits suicide and J-Z and Eminem teaming up.


ANNOUNCER: TV`s most provocative, entertainment new show continues right now.

HAMMER: Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. It is 30 minutes past the hour. I`m A.J. Hammer coming to you from New York City with big news breaking today.

Oprah`s teary confession. This was really just a stunning moment. It just happened on her show. Oprah burst into tears when she revealed the shocking link between her battle with weight and her childhood of abuse, and today, there was a lot of fired up talk that Oprah has finally unlocked the secret of her life-long addiction to food.

Right now in New York, Cooper Lawrence, syndicated radio host and author of this book, "The Cult of Celebrity." Also, in New York, Midwin Charles, the legal contributor for "In Session" on TruTV.

We all know Oprah has always been very transparent about her struggles with weight, but certainly, not like this. You got to see this stirring new revelation Oprah made on her show. She said her addiction to food runs a whole lot deeper than she`s ever known. Watch this.


WINFREY: What I`m really feeling is -- what I was really feeling, is every time I have ever been beaten by my grandmother and a lot of people here were raised like I was raised where you not only got a whipping, but at the end of the whipping, you weren`t even allowed to say that hurt. I still have that feeling of if I don`t do what pleases the other person, then somehow, that person has the power to annihilate me.


HAMMER: Pretty strong words. Oprah says she eats because she fears being destroyed, Cooper. What does that say to you?

COOPER LAWRENCE, SYNDICATED RADIO HOST: I mean, she`s not alone. I`m glad that she said it because that is true for a lot of women. I mean, there are links between the type of abuse that she talks about and obesity and other eating disorders, bulimia and anorexia. So, for Oprah, of all people to come out and actually say the words, I mean, people around the country went, oh, my God, me too.


LAWRENCE: So, I mean, there`s a lot of research to support exactly what she just showed. It was fantastic. I was so glad that she was so open.

HAMMER: Yes, and seeing it from somebody in her position, and we all know how powerful Oprah Winfrey is, but she says that doesn`t matter. Take a look at this.


WINFREY: As powerful, quote, "as I am in the world, that feeling is still there."


WINFREY: And that`s what the eating the lettuce or the chips or lasagna and all of that is really all about.


HAMMER: Yes, perhaps, I shouldn`t be surprised, but it is really amazing to me how candid Oprah is about all of this. Do you think, maybe, this is proof she`s finally figured it out?

MIDWIN CHARLES, LEGAL CONTRIBUTOR, "IN SESSION" ON TRUTV: I think it is proof that she`s finally figured it out, but, you know, A.J., I have always said that Oprah`s success is predicated upon her ability to be relatable. Everyone can relate to her. And she`s not afraid to let people know that, like all of us, she is still working through her demons. She`s a work in progress, and she is not perfect.

HAMMER: Yes, I mean, Cooper, she`s going through this journey and stumbling upon a revelation like this. Now, at this stage of her life, in front of the whole world.

LAWRENCE: Publicly, she`s going through this journey. It`s very important because, you know, it doesn`t matter how old she is. She can go through the 50, 60, 70. The journey is life span and that`s what research shows. It`s all about life span. So, if she can go through it, I think it`s very cathartic, and the fact that she`s so willing to be open like Midwin was saying, this is what`s so special about her because we know everything about her from her mouth.


LAWRENCE: Not from what we hear on gossip sites or somewhere else. It comes right out of her mouth, and it makes her more vulnerable and more helpful to the people that watching her.

HAMMER: Yes, and in terms of vulnerability, if there`s any question that Oprah is putting on a show with the tears, I`m here it tell you, I`m watching her and that`s real and it`s emotional and you feel it. I mean, it was visible (ph).

LAWRENCE: Absolutely.

HAMMER: And hopefully, it will do her and it will do members in her audience struggling with the same issues a lot of good.

All right. I do have to move on now to some more big news breaking today. This is wild. Elton John reportedly rejecting a $33 million payday to replace Simon Cowell on "American Idol." That story breaking in the buzz today.


HAMMER (voice-over): No Oscars for Betty White. Yes, forget the brand new Facebook campaign to get Betty White to host the Oscars. Folks who run the Oscar they say their decision on next year`s host won`t be influenced by the Facebook fury. thousands of people have signed up for a Facebook page demanding White host the Oscars just like the Facebook campaign that led to her hosting "Saturday Night Live."

BETTY WHITE, ENTERTAINER: Many of you know that I`m 88-1/2 years old. Well, it`s great to be here for a number of reasons.

HAMMER: But the Oscar folks just released a statement saying the show`s producer will have the final say on who they want.

Redmond O`Neal out of rehab. The son of Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O`Neal just graduated from a court ordered rehab facility to a sober living environment. A judge let Redmond make the move due to his "excellent progress." The 25-year-old has been under the state of California supervision since a 2008 drug arrest and parole violation.

Elton John turning down "Idol."

Elton has reportedly turned down an astounding $33 million to replace Simon Cowell after he leaves this season. Sir Elton certainly knows the territory. He`s been a guest judge on the show. An announcement about who will take over Simon`s judge`s chair is not expected until after the "Idol" finale later this month.


HAMMER (on-camera): And I have to say, I think, Elton absolutely did the right thing. Guesting on the show, that is one thing. Being a permanent judge, that is entirely different. If he took this to me, Cooper, it would have been a huge move of desperation saying, ooh, I need some money --


HAMMER: Even though I`m Elton John. Do you think he`s doing the right thing if this is true that he`s turning it down?

LAWRENCE: I do. This is the guy who`s never had a schedule. You know, once you work for "American Idol," you have to be there at a certain time. They have expectations of you. This is a guy wakes up in the morning, and if he wants to write a song or a musical, he does. He`s not on anyone else`s schedule. So, I think that`s another reason why he didn`t take it. And he doesn`t need to stay relevant. He`s relevant.


LAWRENCE: He`s Elton John.

HAMMER: Exactly right. I think it`ll be great to see him back on the show as a guest judge. Now, let`s keep in mind, the show is only a few months that it goes on. I think anybody can deal with that.

LAWRENCE: Can you imagine a $33 million not being a motivator?

HAMMER: I know. Wouldn`t that be something. Well, I think, Elton also may have seen the "American Idol" contract that these contestants get and maybe that forced him to run for the hills.

In another story making big news today, secrets from the "American Idol" contestant contract revealed today. Yes, TMZ uncovered a copy of what the contestants have to sign when they join up with the show. I want to read to you a few of the jaw dropping details. Check this out. The winner only gets $175,000 when he or she starts recording a first album and only gets up to $1 million after a sixth album.

3rd through 12th place contestants if signed will get 100,000 each for their first recordings. And listen to this, contestants are not to have any kind of relationship with the judges during the season or six months after. So, that means no getting Randy with Randy, right? We`re going to call this the no sexual relationships with the judges clause. That`s what we`re going to call it. Where do you think that came from?

CHARLES: I don`t know. I mean, I recall in the past, Paula Abdul was under suspicion of having a relationship with one of the contestants, and so, I think that the clause has to be in there so that there would be no hint of favoritism toward any of the contestants. So, it makes total sense. I can totally understand why that`s in there.

HAMMER: It does make sense, but yes, there`s that one contestant who shall remain nameless right now. We did figure out his name earlier today, but I think it has a lot to do with that, too. Everybody thought something might have been going on with him and Paula Abdul. Cooper Lawrence, Midwin Charles, thanks so much.

LAWRENCE: Thank you.

HAMMER: All right. So, what do you think about this? I mean, it`s a lot of money. Elton John reportedly turning down 33 million bucks to replace Simon. This is our exclusive SHOWBIZ TONIGHT poll today. "American Idol": Should Elton John replace Simon Cowell? Keep voting at E-mail us at

All right. As we move on, brand new outrage today over those girls reportedly just 7 years old dancing really provocatively in skimpy clothing to Beyonce`s "Single Ladies."


HAMMER (voice-over): Does this just go too far? Are these kids too sexy too soon?

Take a look at Miley Cyrus` brand new music video. Remember, she`s still only 17. There`s also a startling new tape of Miley giving a lap dance. Is she too sexy too soon?


HAMMER (on-camera): And check out LL Cool J. He literally gave "The View`s" Elisabeth Hasselbeck a lift today.


ELISABETH HASSELBECK, HOST: What can you curl? Like a buck 20 to curl me

LL COOL J, ENTERTAINER: I can absolutely curl you.

HAMMER (voice-over): That is a strong dude, and he is just getting started. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN "News and Views". Now, the "Showbiz News Ticker." More stories from SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news today.




HAMMER (voice-over): A brand new fired up controversy today over Miley Cyrus` new video can`t be tamed. This thing is really sexy, really provocative. But, let`s keep in mind, Miley is still only 17.


HAMMER (on-camera): Welcome back to SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. Miley Cyrus` new music video is not the only sexy video of Miley Cyrus causing controversy today. There`s also this new video of her making the rounds, Miley`s bumping and grinding at a film after party. And wait until you see the results today of our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT exclusive poll where we ask is Miley acting too sexy too soon?

And we got just the right folks to talk about this. Right now on Hollywood, it`s Kiely Williams. Kiely is a singer and former Disney Cheetah girl, you recognize her. Also in Hollywood, Sonja Norwood, who`s the mother and manager of former child star and R `n` B artist, Brandy. And I really appreciate that you`re both here today.

And look, I understand Miley is 17 years old. She`s at that age in Hollywood. She`s not 16 anymore, but she`s not quite an adult yet. Kiely, let me ask you first. You were around Miley`s age when you were on Disney`s Cheetah Girls. Do you think that Miley is acting too sexy for her age?

KIELY WILLIAMS, SINGER: Absolutely not. I think that the biggest problem is that parents need to understand that they are their child`s role models and not entertainers. It is not the responsibility of the artist to baby-sit and to be role models for children. If parents want to sit their children in front of the TV and expect them to do all the parenting, then there`s something wrong with the parents and not with the artist.

HAMMER: Got you. Great point. And I think there are a lot of people and there`s evidence that we have here today that they`re just not ready for Miley Cyrus to grow up because I want you to take a look at the results we just got in today from our SHOWBIZ TONIGHT exclusive poll. This is what we asked. Miley Cyrus, is she too sexy too soon? And look at these results, it`s very one-sided, 75 percent said yes, only 25 percent said no.

Now, Sonja, your daughter, Brandy, was just 14 years old when she hit it big. I remember it well. I was playing her music on the radio. And you got unique perspective on this. Is Miley acting too sexy too soon in your mind?

SONJA NORWOOD, BRANDY`S MOTHER: I don`t think so. I personally I think that it`s all about Miley and her growing up and she was a child star. People have seen her in a particular television setting for years. And she wants to evolve into being a woman. So, I don`t think that she is.

HAMMER: Yes, it`s tricky. It`s tricky, because on the one hand, again, we know her as this Disney star. On the other hand, you know, at what age do you shift gears? And we`ve seen other stars go through it. We saw Britney go through it as well. There is another outrageous video that I want to move on to. It`s spreading like crazy today. It starting up a lot of controversy. The too sexy too seen debate also over this. Seven- year-old girls dancing provocatively at a public dance competition. A pretty big competition. They`re doing it to Beyonce`s "Single Ladies." Watch this.


HAMMER (voice-over): All right. Sonja, I got to go back to you on this. Are you disturbed by it? I mean, it may be a new day, but would you ever have let Brandy dress and act like that when she was just 7 years old?


NORWOOD: Well, no, I would not have. But on the other hand, the first thing that I want to say is those young ladies are very excellent dancers and you can tell that they`ve been trained. I just believe that the choreography was just not age appropriate.

HAMMER (on-camera): Yes, I would agree with you on that. And nobody is taking away from their dancing skills, but wow, you just don`t want to see 7-year-old doing that and the wardrobe too. And the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT Facebook wall exploded over this today.

Here`s a comment from Sheila W. What are they being taught? It`s one thing to dance around and be silly which girls at that age should be doing. It`s a whole another story when you put them in skimpy clothes and have them shake their booties. Kiely, what do you think? You were a child start, but do you think this is okay at 7 years old?

WILLIAMS: Well, as a child star, my mom also knew when to draw the line. And I do think that the moves coupled with the outfits, it is disturbing. It is something that you wouldn`t want to see any 7-year-old doing. And so, I definitely think that their parents should have thought twice before putting them on stage like that.

HAMMER: Yes, and again, to your point, a lot of people are bringing up the issue of what they were wearing in addition to how they were dressing, and we`re getting a lot of phone calls. We are seeing a lot of comments on Facebook. Sonja, if they were dressed differently, would this be a different discussion?

NORWOOD: No, it would not be for me because number one, when I first saw it, my first question was what was the purpose? Why are they dancing such as that? And also, who is going to benefit from it and whether those young ladies knew exactly what they were doing and why.


NORWOOD: That was my first reaction.

HAMMER: Yes, and you really don`t want to think there are other 7- year-old saying that`s what I want to dress like and dance like. Well, Kiely Williams, Sonja Norwood, we really appreciate you being here. Thanks again.

NORWOOD: Thank you.

WILLIAMS: Thank you,

HAMMER: Well, as we move on, Sherri Shepherd may have just found the man of her dreams. LL Cool J picked her up today. That is one strong dude. More stories from the news ticker makes news today.


LL COOL J: Unbelievable, Unbelievable.


HAMMER: That`s one strong dude. This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN.

Now, the "Showbiz News Ticker," more stories from the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT newsroom making news today.

And now, it is time for this week`s "Showbiz Buzz List". These are five things that the SHOWBIZ TONIGHT staff just cannot stop buzzing about today.

Betty White obviously kicked butt on "SNL," and now, she is nominated for an MTV Movie Award.

The countdown to the "Lost" finale on May 23rd. Also, Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda, they`re all back in "Sex and the City" too out on May 27th. And I`ll be sitting down with the stars in that movie this coming weekend.

We`re also loving "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" book, number 2 on "New York Time`s" fiction bestseller`s list.

And we are gaga over the news documentary about babies called what else, "Babies."

This is SHOWBIZ TONIGHT on HLN, news and views.



ELISABETH HASSELBECK, HOST: What can you curl? Like a buck 20 to curl me.

LL COOL J: I can absolutely curl you.



LL COOL J: I can absolutely curl you.


HAMMER: That was easy for him, though, his breathing technique was a little off. The ladies love LL Cool J and "The View" co-host, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, just loves getting a workout from him, literally. LL wraps Elisabeth up in his arms, doing those bicep curls with her today. I got to tell you, LL is something like a phenomenon when it comes to exercise. Did you see this, LL, literally picking up the women of "The View"? Did you see the guns on LL? Come on.

Elisabeth says a big all fight broke backstage today over which "View" co-host would get to sit next to LL Cool J. Elisabeth got the prime spot right next to the MCIS Los Angeles star. LL and Elisabeth hit it off. In fact, they got along so well. LL, literally, wrapped her up in his arms to do those bicep curls with her, but Elisabeth wasn`t the only one to get physical with LL today. "View" co-hosts, Joy Behar and Sherri Shepherd got worked out and picked up by LL, too.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s only 100 pounds. You need to --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: 170 something. Yes, do Joy.

LL COOL J: Come over here.


LL COOL J: Unbelievable. Unbelievable.

Time-out! Oh, my God! Time-out!


HAMMER: LL is the author of "LL 360 Platinum." It`s filled with the signature workouts. And just like you know, Whoopi Goldberg and, guest co- host, Vanessa Williams, they stayed in her seats. LL did not lift them.

All day long, I`ve been getting tons and posts on our Facebook wall, all about the controversial "Newsweek" article. It said, some gay actors just can`t pull off straight roles because they`re not believable. Kallypzo M. said this, what I understood them to say was not that gay actors can`t play straight roles, instead, that our society at this time doesn`t accept it. It is an odd situation, but it is what it is.

Sharie N. thinks it shouldn`t matter what an actor`s sexual orientation is. Actors are actors because they can act. It doesn`t matter who they are in life. When they are on stage, they become the person they are portraying.

We`d love for you to join the debate on Facebook. You can go behind the scenes of SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, get breaking entertainment news alerts on Twitter. You know which to call at showbiz on-call and always e-mail as well. It`s showbiz connects,

And that is it for SHOWBIZ TONIGHT. Thanks a lot for watching. I`m A.J. Hammer in New York. SHOWBIZ TONIGHT live at 5:00 p.m. eastern, Monday through Friday, and still TV`s most provocative entertainment news show, seven days a week at 11:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific.