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World Cup Highlights Of Netherlands Win Over Uruguay; Israeli PM Gets A Warm Welcome In Oval Office, As Obama Tackles Mid East Peace

Aired July 06, 2010 - 16:00   ET



"JULIET": When you have to carry heavy like this with children on your back, carry them, put on your head and load yourself like, I don't know.

BECKY ANDERSON, CNN INT'L. ANCHOR, CONNECT THE WORLD: (voice-over): A former Ugandan child soldier reveals her shocking life story on a visit to London. But her tale only scratches the surface of what hundreds of thousands of boys and girls are forced into around the world. From Uganda to Somalia, Columbia and beyond, tonight, the UN's top representative on children and armed conflict tells us what's being done to prevent all these young lives going horribly wrong.

On CNN, this is the hour we connect the world.

Well, children are highly impressionable. They learn quickly. So imagine handing them a machine gun and forcing them to fire. Child soldiers are a sad reality the world over. Tonight, we bring you one shocking firsthand account from Uganda and a look at what is being done to combat what is a truly disgraceful practice.

Also this hour...


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We had an extensive discussion about the prospects for Middle East peace. I believe that Prime Minister Netanyahu wants peace. I believe he's willing to take risks for peace.


ANDERSON: President Obama meets Israeli's Netanyahu in Washington. We'll have the details and a debate with one expert who says now is the time for the U.S. to realign its friendships in the Middle East.

And, well, some happy Dutch supporters there, but will they be pleased in their semi-final game versus Uruguay?

And this hour, we'll have the very latest from South Africa, with reaction from around the world.

And that is where you can weigh in and connect with the show. On Twitter. My personal address is atbeckycnn.

Well, first, a young woman is trying to save the world's children from living her real life nightmare. We will call her Juliet.

When she was just a young girl, she was captured by Uganda's Lords Resistance Army, or LRA, and forced into sexual slavery. We cannot reveal her face or disclose every detail of what is her harrowing captivity and escape, for her own safety. But we have spoken to people who have known her for years and know the risks she faces in coming forward.

You get the story now in her own words.

And we do need to warn you of what you're about to hear. It may be graphic and may be disturbing.


"JULIET": I'm so grateful to be here today because I know that what I'm going to share with you will bring a lot of changes.

ANDERSON: What do you want the kids to get from this day?

"JULIET": I want to share with them the experience, my whole experience.

In 2002, I was a student like you. I was in secondary school. And I was 14 years old.

ANDERSON: And much of what you could tell them could be really, really shocking for kids of that age.

"JULIET": I don't know how to speak to them, but I will speak to them the -- the truth from my heart, because I want them to understand what war is.

The rebels came to our home. I was at home for the second time for holidays. They beat me up with a gun. We were forced to fight in order to get food. I was forced into a sexual relationship with a man who was above my age. I was also forced to kill. I got liver pain for two weeks-and-a- half, which almost cost my life.

ANDERSON: You were sexually abused?

"JULIET": Yes. I was.


"JULIET": By one of the commanders of the LRA. And he was hollered (ph) at me, yes, because I was just touching the (INAUDIBLE).

ANDERSON: So you're 14 years old and you've been sexually abused.

"JULIET": Yes.

ANDERSON: You're in the bush...

"JULIET": Yes.

ANDERSON: -- and away from the family.

"JULIET": Yes.

ANDERSON: And then you get pregnant.

"JULIET": Yes, I got pregnant.

ANDERSON: Tell me about that.

"JULIET": Yes, I got pregnant in 2006. That's when I got pregnant. And I had a health problem in 2007 when I went through painful labor for two weeks. Yes, that's when I -- I got problems.

ANDERSON: What happened to the baby?

"JULIET": The baby died.

ANDERSON: Can you describe what life was like for five years in the bush?

"JULIET": Life was not easy for all the -- for all the five years that I spent in there. And we had -- we walked long distances. The painful thing is you are not supposed to cry, even if your own child dies. You are not supposed to cry for your own child. Your child is not buried, just thrown in the bush like rubbish. A dead body for your child (ph).

ANDERSON: How do you feel?

"JULIET": You have to carry heavy luggage with children on your back, carry a gun, food on your head. You have to fight and get food. You have to kill if you want to get food. You -- you see people being killed just for no reason.

ANDERSON: How do you -- how do you cope in the bush for five years?

Do you just -- do you just give up having any expectations you (INAUDIBLE)?

"JULIET": I know.

ANDERSON: I can't imagine.

"JULIET": I gave up my life to them, to surrender myself to them, because I was not expecting even -- I don't have any thoughts in my mind, like once I wonder I may -- I may go back to Uganda. I was like I'm going to die here.

ANDERSON: So if you had to describe to somebody the life of a child soldier in sort of, you know, one sentence, what would it be?

"JULIET": It's not easy for them, especially young boys. They have to go and fight to get food some time. And when they go to fight, they die there.

ANDERSON: Can you forgive?

"JULIET": Forgiveness?


"JULIET": It's very, very easy. When I came back, I met the very person who abducted me, the person who abducted me from our home and took me to the bush. And I said, it's OK. You don't worry. You know, you -- you are being forced.

It was not your will to abduct me, OK?

Just -- just -- it's OK. I forgave him.


ANDERSON: Well, you heard Juliet mention the LRA, as I mentioned. She's referring to the Lords Resistance Army, which has been fighting Uganda's government since 1987. Well, the LRA remain in remote areas of Congo. As you can imagine, they have not been available for comment and we have been unable to find any public statements from them about the allegations.

Well, Juliet's painful story is one that connects her to kids around the globe.

The United Nations lists 20 countries or territories where children are being brutalized as a result of armed conflict. In some cases, that comes down to schools and hospitals coming under attack.

That aside, the U.N. estimates that right now, a quarter of a million children are actively fighting. One of those countries is Somalia. Its military has come under sharp criticism from the U.N. for allegedly being one of the world's worst violators in using children as young as 12 in warfare.

Well, I spoke earlier to Radhika Coomaraswamy.

She is the U.N. special representative for children in armed conflict.

And I asked her if the U.S. and other nations might start by cutting aid to Somalia's military -- aid to the tune of millions of dollars worth of weapons.


RADHIKA COOMARASWAMY, U.N. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE: The U.N. itself is giving funding and supporting the Somali government. And this poses a real dilemma, I think, because there are strategic interests and other kinds of political issues that are pursued in which there is a decision by the international community generally to support the government.

But we have this issue of child soldiers and what we say is at least a condition of that support should be to ensure that the -- the Somalian government is demobilizes its child soldiers.

ANDERSON: Are child soldiers coerced into their roles?

COOMARASWAMY: Well, I think there were what were called the great African wars, you know, Sierra Leone, Liberia, now in the Congo, where basically children were abducted from their homes, taken, recruited, given drugs and made to fight. That is the model that many of us have in our minds about child soldiers.

But we are seeing new phenomenon. And these are like child suicide bombers, etc. Which is basically religious and ideological wars where you can't say they're coerced, but they live in a -- in an environment where they're attracted to these kinds of organizations.

ANDERSON: In 2010, is this a modern form of slavery?

COOMARASWAMY: Yes. I think it is a modern form of slavery. And we are arguing that like -- like slavery, it can be abolished if there's a sustained international campaign and awareness raising and a system of sanctions and punishment for those who commit this crime.

ANDERSON: Are child soldiers ever trafficked from one country to another?

COOMARASWAMY: Well, we're finding increasing regional movement. One of the children that was demobilized in Sierra Leone by some people in my office turned up again in Cote d'lvoire when they went there, being demobilized again there.

So there is -- they cross borders and they do get trafficked. And one of the main reasons for that is the lack of successful reintegration once they're demobilized. If you don't do that right, if you don't get them back into the community working well, they will be re-recruited.

ANDERSON: Should kids -- child soldiers who have committed human rights atrocities -- be punished for their crimes?

COOMARASWAMY: We feel that children should not be prosecuted for committing war crimes. The ICC, the International Criminal Court says under 18, no one will be prosecuted for these crimes. What they're urging is other forms of things, either restorative justice or truth and reconciliation commissions, where children are made to confront what they did, but not in a punitive criminal process.

So that is what we are urging.

ANDERSON: Give me a sense of how -- how successful the U.N. has been in helping or releasing child soldiers in various parts of the world.

COOMARASWAMY: First, we have a list of shame of parties that recruit and use children that is put out by the secretary-general every year.

Secondly, there's a Security Council working group that looks at this issue in all these countries in a detailed way. And now they're holding out the possibility of sanctions against these parties.

And the thing is, there are parties that are not interested at all in international community -- al Qaeda, Taliban. But many want respectability, want legitimacy. And when you tell them they're on the Security Council list, it really shakes them. And I must say, the -- in the Central African Republic, the APRG, the MILF in the Philippines and Nepal, all in the year 2009, and the SBLA (ph) in -- have then turned into action plans with the United Nations to demobilize children.

So we have quite, thousands of children that have been demobilized over the course of the last year.


ANDERSON: Child soldiers and human trafficking.

This is a story that we believe is incredibly important.

Now, we'll be coming back to it in the coming days and weeks on this show. And I want to hear your thoughts atbeckycnn on Twitter and for the Web site.

You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD here on CNN.

I'm Becky Anderson in London tonight.

We'll be right back.


ANDERSON: The Dutch journey to the final four has been a dream run. Last week, the Oranjes shocked the world when they knocked out the favored Brazilians in the quarterfinals.

And for Dutch football legend Ruud Gullit, the anticipation is all too familiar. Gullit made his debut with the Dutch team at the age of 18 and soon became a national treasure. He played a vital role in the European championships in 1988, scoring the first of two goals in the finals.

In 1987, he was named both European and World Soccer Player of the Year, the latter of which he received again in 1989.

When his playing days ended, Gullit went on to become a highly sought after manager in addition to a series of British clubs, he worked for a stint at the Los Angeles Galaxy.

A relevant legend, Ruud Gullit is your Connector of the Day.


ANDERSON: Well, I'm going to put you out of your misery, because the game has got about five minutes to go.

Take a look down here and you will see some very jubilant Dutch fans. It is 3-1 with just a few minutes to go.

Now, we know one thing for certain, Ruud Gullit has been glued to tonight's World Cup semi-final between the Netherlands and Uruguay.

So are the fans in Amsterdam?

You can see that on the box. As I say, we wanted to make sure the Dutch -- the former Dutch captain, of course, didn't miss a minute of the match. So I caught up with Ruud before kick-off.

And I began by asking him how he would rate this World Cup so far.

And this is what he said.


RUUD GULLIT, FORMER FOOTBALLER: I think I would rate it very well. I think it has been a successful World Cup, the first time in an African continent. I think that you see now to the semi-finals, you see the teams that played more attacking football have been also rewarded. It means that destructive football has gone out. So that's a good sign.

ANDERSON: Does it take you back to 1990?

Does it make you want to get on the field?

GULLIT: You know, I wish I could. You know, I'm now too old to do it. But I -- I really enjoy watching the players nowadays. I think that South Africa is wonderful, bringing it already from 1996, I think.


GULLIT: A lot of things changed here in South Africa for the better. This is a beautiful country. It's -- there's a huge vibe, also, here in -- what you feel. And every time I come here, it's almost like I feel like I'm home. So, therefore, I'm very -- particularly proud in the way they organized these tournaments.

It has been a pity, of course, that South Africa -- that an African team didn't go through...


GULLIT: -- to the semi-final. It was rather dramatically, also, how it all happened. But I think that the organization can be proud of themselves.

I, myself, as president of the whole Belgi-Dut (ph) came here also to learn what -- how they do it, to organize it. So now if I want to a Belgi- Dut, we could organize it, it would be a great help for us, also, because everybody is always asking why all these little countries always provide such good talent.


GULLIT: So now this is the chance for the whole world to watch what we can do and how we do it.

ANDERSON: Is this the biggest chance that Holland has had of lifting the World Cup since the final -- the finals of '74 and '78?

GULLIT: I think it's -- I think they have the luck, also, this team. They have the strength of personnel. I think that you'd better be lucky and good. So, therefore, this applies also to the -- to this -- to this team. I think they still can do better than they already showed. I think the second half against Brazil, after the goal they scored, was -- was excellent.

So, therefore, it is an opportunity for -- for Holland to get this World Cup, finally.

ANDERSON: And Jasiv (ph) asks: "Ruud, how does this Dutch squad compare to the one that you were in?" He says which is better?

GULLIT: It's not that a -- a matter of better. I already said that things changed a lot. I think physically, the players are now much stronger, much more powerful. The old goal is quicker, also. So therefore, you can't compare it. I just hope that they will do the job. It will be a huge boost, of course, also, for the whole Belgi-Dut (ph) we tried to get in 2018 and 2022.

You know, it's -- it -- it -- would be great. Holland is always well known for the fact that they play all these technical and technical is a very good football. It will be a reward. And most people always ask me why you didn't win it. And I think the question itself has already been a huge compliment to a country that is so small as Holland.


Are they still playing what we remember to be -- what was called total football, do you think?

GULLIT: Well, I think that everything has changed. Tactically, most teams play the same. I think Brazil played, also, the same tactics that we played. I think a lot of teams play now with one striker up front. So, therefore, it's a -- it's a -- it's a different thing. But I think technically, we always produce talented players. And, therefore, it is, for us, a great booster to have been already to the semi-final.

ANDERSON: If you were the coach of the Netherlands team, what would your key message to the team be as they prepare for the semi-final clash?

GULLIT: I think that they -- you know, now it is a different situation than it was before. Now we are favorites. Against Brazil, we were the underdog. So therefore it's a -- try to, you know, to stick to the plan, the tactical plan; be disciplined, especially the wide players. I think that in the first match, Roman (ph) was too selfish in the beginning and therefore went too much inside and lost a lot of balls.

So, therefore, if everybody -- if he links up a little bit more with Funareel (ph) on the right side, I think he will be excellent, like he was, you know, in the last -- in the second half against Brazil.

So therefore, if everybody tactically does their -- their thing and believes in themselves, I think they would -- they could do it.

ANDERSON: What is your opinion of the refereeing in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa?

GULLIT: Well, the referee is -- it's difficult. I think that the games that we all refer to, with the England game, and, of course, the Mexican game, I think it was not the -- the fault of the referee. I think the referee probably went to the linesman and the linesman didn't see it. I think that they have got the blame of -- of these errors, while it was not their blame at all. They did their job, asked -- asked the linesman what was going on. And they said, you know --


GULLIT: -- they gave it worthy (ph).


ANDERSON: Ruud Gullit used to play for the Dutch, of course, who are in the waning seconds of their game -- their semi-final game against Uruguay. Let me tell you, 3-1 in extra time to Holland, with a minute to go, Uruguay's score. And we literally are in the dying minutes. And in those -- well, dying seconds -- in those dying seconds, the match is now done. Uruguay almost scored a third. They got to 3-2. The score is 3-2 to Holland. And Holland goes through to -- well, it's the final, of course, on Sunday.

Let's find out what's going on in Holland, shall we, because the fans -- well, they're loving it.

Let's pick Diana Magnay up.

She's there for us -- Di.


Well, if I do say, I love it. I'm loving it. Having secured their place in the finals, a good step away, take a look at that scene -- a sea of orange and actually pink. People so, so excited that Holland has managed to make it through for the fourth time into a -- I'm sorry, for the third time into a final. It's never actually won the World Cup title before. But the fans here are confident. They were confident they were going to beat Uruguay.

But, Becky, in added time, right at the end, Uruguay scored that second goal. So things were really very, very tense. But it is an exciting moment here in Holland, with the fans going crazy behind me -- Beck.

ANDERSON: Listen, I'm so sorry, but Uruguayan fans out there, I was misinformed. I was told it was over. It actually is over now. That's it, Di. It is 3-2 to Holland. That is the result. They do go through to the final. I'm so pleased, because that would have been a real mistake on my part if Uruguay had scored in the last few seconds -- Di, I don't know if you can hear me, but people really -- it's quite remarkable behind you. I was there in 2006. Just give us some sense of the atmosphere, if you can hear me.

MAGNAY: I can only just hear you, Beck. I was obviously slightly premature in thinking that it was over. I thought the added time was over. I was wrong.

But as I said, they're through to the finals. We'll see who they will be playing, whether it's Germany or whether it's Spain. Obviously, that's a very exciting semi-final coming up tomorrow.

And what I would say about that, Becky, Paul "the psychic" Octopus has managed to call all the games so far for Germany, says that Spain is going to win. So we'll have to see.

But right down there now below me, they are going crazy -- so, so excited that they're in it to the finals. They've beaten Uruguay. Even if I called it ahead of time, at least it was the right call -- Beck.

ANDERSON: My goodness. Good stuff.

Well, that is the scene in the Netherlands for you this evening, the Netherlands going through against Uruguay 3-2 in the semi-finals. They will meet either Germany or Spain, of course, who play tomorrow.

We're going to take a very short break.

We're going to be back, after this.


ANDERSON: Right. We are rewinding to 1957, the first time Queen Elizabeth II addressed the United Nations, only a little more than four years into her reign, of course. The 31-year-old monarch told the global body in New York that she would pray for its success in achieving world peace. Well, that was some time ago.

More than five decades later, the U.N. has more than doubled to 192 member states and peace remains a goal, of course.

Well, a short time ago, for just the second time, the queen again addressed the U.N. General Assembly. It was one of her main engagements during her whirlwind five hour visit to New York earlier.

For more on what Her Majesty had to say, Richard Roth joins me now live -- Richard.

RICHARD ROTH, CNN SENIOR UNITED NATIONS CORRESPONDENT: Becky, Queen Elizabeth II has paid her second visit here to the United Nations, the first in over 50 years. The royal leader addressing delegates in a packed General Assembly hall after arriving first and being greeted by United Nations secretary-general and the General Assembly president.

Now, in her remarks, she said she has witnessed great change, much of it for the better, particularly in science and technology and social attitudes. And she says those sweeping advances have come not necessarily because of governments or committee resolutions or central directives, but instead because millions of people around the world have wanted them.

The queen greeted with applause as she entered the General Assembly hall. You don't often see this type of presentation and attitude reflected among what can be a very dour group of delegates.

The queen a striking figure marching down slowly the General Assembly aisle way. The air of electricity, one diplomat telling me in an e-mail, in that hall.

The queen also stressed that there has been good work done by the UN, but a lot more needs to be done. She gave them a little bit of a mini lecture on what makes good leadership, particularly in public service and diplomatic life. She talked about the attributes of leadership are universal, that people must be encouraged, combining efforts, talents and insights and enthusiasm and inspiration to work together.

And she had this concluding thought for the 192 members of the United Nations General Assembly.


QUEEN ELIZABETH II, BRITAIN: In my lifetime, the United Nations has - - has moved from being a high-minded aspiration to being a real force for common good. That in itself has been a signal achievement.

But we are not gathered here to reminisce. In tomorrow's world, we must all work together as hard as ever if we are truly to be the United Nations.


ROTH: U.N. secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, in his remarks introducing the queen, noted that she's been there through so much of history, from Beatles to Beckham, the Twitter age. The queen definitely in a confident appearance, in front of the world. She is now touring more of the United Nations, meeting members of the U.N. Security Council. She, of course, representing the United Kingdom, which has a permanent seat ever since the end of World War II. And the queen was there at that point. And the U.K. has not given it up, despite a lot of countries wanting that seat and others in a new Council -- Becky, back to you.

ANDERSON: Yes. I must check whether she's Tweeting herself, as, indeed, we are all at this point.

Richard, we thank you for that.

Richard Roth is at the U.N. in New York for you.

I want to give you a picture of the queen's global significance here. She is a representative for a staggering 30 percent-30 percent, 3-0, of the world's population; when she addresses the U.N. as the head of state for 16 countries, and also representing the 54 nations, which make up the Commonwealth.

Queen Elizabeth 11 has been on the throne for 57 years and she is the most world traveled monarch in the world, having been on more than 256 official overseas visits to 129 countries.

There you go.

Let me tell you, this hour, football fans worldwide have come down with a case of semi-final fever. Tonight, the winners of the first ever World Cup, Uruguay, took on the Netherlands, the team who have never lifted the trophy. I'm going to get you the details after this.


ANDERSON: Warm welcome back with CONNECT THE WORLD here on CNN. I'm Becky Anderson for you in London, at 9:32 in the evening.

World Cup glory moves another step closer for the Netherlands. We are going to bring you the highlights for the Dutch semi-final victory over Uruguay.

Then, is it time for the U.S. to find some new allies? We'll speak to an author who makes the case for America to find a new best friend in the Middle East.

And the anguished pleas of a son, desperate to save his mother from a brutal execution in Iran. Those stories coming up for you in the next 30 minutes.

First let's get you a very quick check of the headlines this hour here.


ANDERSON: Well, 32 teams dreamed of World Cup glory, about a month ago. This Tuesday only four still have the final in their sights. Now, the whistle blown on the first semi-final that number has narrowed even more. The final score, Uruguay 2, the Netherlands, 3. Bronckhorst, Schneider and Robben, the scorers for Holland. Let's get the nitty-gritty action now, Pedro Pinto is standing by in Cape Town to take us through the games' highs and I want to say, its more painful moments.

It was a great, great game, Pedro.

PEDRO PINTO, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Becky, a lot of excitement at Green Point Stadium behind me. I had the privilege of being inside for most of the match. And it was tense. It was one of those classics, even though there were five goals. Pretty much every chances that the team had they converted.

Let's show you the goals, all five of them scored here; 62,000 people packed into the stadium. And it was fantastic strike which put the Netherlands ahead. Giovanni Van Bronckhorst, the captain, the veteran, with a screamer outside the area. No chance for Fernando Muslera.

You can have a look at how well-placed the shot was right in the corner pocket. Now, Uruguay managed to get back on level terms through their star player Diego Forlan, and shot from outside the area, from the Atletici Madrid Striker, the keeper could have done better and was quite powerful. But still pretty much down the middle, 1-all. The Netherlands would regain their advantage in the 17th minute, Wesley Schneider with his fifth goal of the tournament. One of the top scorers of the World Cup. Schneider finding the far post.

It was 3-1, when Arjen Robben scored with a header. You don't see that everyday. Robben converting the cross from Dirk Cal (ph), now Uruguay didn't give up. They didn't throw in the towel. And they got a goal back through Maxi Pereira, still it was too little, too late, for the South Americans.

This was a historic game for both nations. Uruguay, had made the final four of the World Cup for the first time since 1970, so hard break for them. Although, they will be still very happy with their performance. They have a population of only around 3.5 million, one of the smallest countries here at the World Cup. They will still be celebrating in the street, and they could still finish third.

The Netherlands, meanwhile, advance to the final for the first time since 1978. And, Becky, they are celebrating, right now, here. They are celebrating back in Holland. And I have to tell you most of the players weren't even born when they last made the final. So, it is a night to cherish. Dutch delight, here in Cape Town.

ANDERSON: Well, I was born, and I do remember that '78 (AUDIO GAP)

And we are going to get to the Netherlands. You say, you didn't think it was one of the greatest matches of all time. All right. And I said, I thought, it was a great match. Listen, the first half, definitely, was so exciting. I grant you the fact that the second half, perhaps, wasn't as exciting. But towards the end there, I mean, those last four or five minutes, Pedro. I mean, edge of the seat, stuff.

PINTO: It was very tense. And I would say it wasn't a classic, Becky, because the teams really felt the pressure, I believe. They really couldn't get many passes going. And the Netherlands, we really haven't seen them play at the level we were expecting. And you are going to come back and tell me that they've won every game. Yes, they have. Six matches in a row. They haven't lost since September of 2008. That is 25 straight games now. I pick them to win even before a ball was kicked here in South Africa. So, I'm looking pretty smart right now, but I haven't won anything.

They have been a little bit lucky, as well, in the matches. And tonight, they were just too good for Uruguay. Uruguay were missing one of their top strikers, Luis Suarez. That showed. And in the end they were just lacking that little bit of quality.

ANDERSON: Was that Holland you picked alongside Brazil, Germany, Argentina, to win?

PINTO: No, no, no. Read my blog, Becky. Read my blog, check out the date.


ANDERSON: All right. All right, Pedro. Pedro is in South Africa, lucky man. He's been at the semi-finals, 3-2, to the Netherlands. So, we now know who is going to go through and take just one berth, in that final wee hour, right when the Germany Spain match tomorrow.

Let's get to the Netherlands for you, where Diana Magnay is standing by.

And Diana, the atmosphere behind you has been absolutely electric for hours now. I don't know whether the fans have started to leave. Have they, at this point?

MAGNAY: There are a few fans who are starting to leave, but I think the majority of them, Becky, are going to be partying here for a long time tonight.

You can just see the huge crowds down there. They have been going mad throughout this game. Of course, that first half pretty tense. Amazing first goal from Von Bronckhorst. But then the Uruguay equalizing and at half time people were really pretty nervous about what was going to happen. It wasn't an easy victory, but quite a lot of the fans have been saying they expected it.

But then in the 70th and the 73rd minute, those two amazing goals in such close succession from Robben and Schneider. Really just turning the fans crazy over here. Suddenly the atmosphere was completely electric. And really everybody had their heart in the mouth when Uruguay got that goal in added time.

But no, the Netherlands through to the final, all the fans were hoping for, of course, they were hoping that this at last gets them an opportunity to clench the title, which they have never done. They have been in the finals twice before, but they have never won the World Cup. And of course, everyone down there is hoping upon hope that on Sunday they manage to, whoever it is that they are playing, Becky.

ANDERSON: All right. I know you are shuttling between Germany and Holland at the moment. So, Diana needs to save her voice at this point, so she can report from fan zone in Germany tomorrow. Of course, Germany, Spain, that match.

Now we couldn't wrap up tonight's World Cup coverage without consulting our deep sea oracle. We have alluded to the octopus, Paul the Octopus, in the last 10 minutes or so. Well, the psychic is now predicting that Spain will triumph over his home nation Germany in tomorrow's second semifinals. You can see him doing that, right now, choosing his food from a container bearing the Spanish flag.

Now, the choice drew cries of despair from German fans. Paul's prove quite the pundit so far this tournament, correctly predicting all five of Germany's games. Even their shocked defeat by Serbia, do you remember that? Only time will tell if he is right again.

What a difference a few months make. Last time the U.S. and Israeli leaders met, well, we didn't even see a handshake. Well, today the White House rolled out the red carpet. We are going to have a live report on the summit meant to mend ties and revive Middle East peace talks. That is coming up next here, on CONNECT THE WORLD. Stay with us.


ANDERSON: Well, Israel's military has announced the most serious criminal charge yet in connection with its Gaza invasion, manslaughter. An Israeli soldier has been indicted over the killing of a Palestinian civilian who was reportedly waving a white flag. A statement accuses the soldier of, quote, "deliberately targeting the victim." Several other soldiers were also indicted on different charges. Israel launched its offensive, you'll remember, in December 2008, attempting to stop years of rocket fire coming from Gaza.

When news of those indictments came the same day that Israel's prime minister is on a fence-mending visit to Washington. Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Barack Obama reaffirmed their country's quote, "unbreakable bond" and pledged new efforts to revive the Middle East peace process. Let's get the details, shall we, from White House Correspondent Dan Lothian.

A little warmer than last time's meeting, Dan.

DAN LOTHIAN, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: That's right. It is warm outside, and also it was warm inside the Oval Office today. You're right, last time that Prime Minister Netanyahu came here to the White House he was left to consult with some of his own folks inside the Roosevelt room, while the president retreated to his private quarters.

But this time a very warm welcome from the White House. The media was allowed to go in and get sort of the photo opp, also ask a few questions. And something also interesting that we saw is that when it was time for Mr. Netanyahu to leave, then the White House suddenly put on the schedule a moment for the press to go out there and get that shot. It was the shot they wanted of the president and Benjamin Netanyahu walking out of the Oval Office together, and walking over to his car as he departed the White House.

But clearly, what the message was here, is that, listen, we're on the same page here. There might be some differences but all of this notion that has been put out there, in the public, that Israel and the United States, and particular, President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu are not getting along together, is just wrong.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL: There is a depth and richness of this relationship that is expressed everyday. Our teams talk, we don't make it public. The only thing that is public is that you can have differences on occasions in the best of families and the closest of families.

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If you look at every public statement that I have made over the last year and half, it has been a constant reaffirmation of the special relationship between the United States and Israel, that our commitment to Israel's security has been unwavering.


LOTHIAN: Now, it is easier to polish an image than it is to actually move forward on peace talks. And that is the real challenge now, both leaders agreeing that their needs to be this movement from proximity talks, to one on one talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Of course, the Palestinians unwilling to do that until Israel decides to stop all construction and settlements in the West Bank, and also East Jerusalem. So, it will be interesting, I think, you know, the picture that goes on behind the scenes may not be as friendly as all sides really get together and try to hammer out some kind of compromise so that Israelis and Palestinians can meet face to face.

ANDERSON: Dan Lothian, the man in Washington. Dan, thank you for that.

Now, this is CONNECT THE WORLD, where we join the dots from the days' best stories. And the United States has always cherished its relationship with Israel, calling it a beacon of democracy and freedom in the Middle East.

But our next guest suggests that Washington may want to rethink its strategic alignments. Stephen Kinzer is an award-winning correspondent and he's covered more than 50 countries-on five continents. I was going to say more than five continents, I'd be pushing it though wouldn't I? Our of Washington, Massachusetts tonight.

Stephen, you say if the U.S. wants to project its values in the Mideast, it needs to seek, new partners. You go on to say, let's start with Turkey and Iran. You are nuts, aren't you?

STEPHEN KINZER, AUTHOR: It is interesting now to see the Obama and Netanyahu dynamic today. I think there is a commitment in Washington to Israel's long-term security, but there is a growing question: Is Israel able to make the decisions that guarantee its long-terms security? Or because of the hot-house environment of Israeli internal politics, is Israel taking steps that are actually endangering itself over the long- term?

Israel is not going to be able to defend itself forever by military means alone. The only long-term guarantee for Israel is a calm neighborhood. And Turkey is a great way for the United States to work and try to calm that neighborhood in ways that ultimately be good for Israel too.

ANDERSON: Right, OK, Turkey at the moment telling the U.S. it is getting its tactics wrong. So it doesn't look like a great realigning partner for the U.S. at this point, doesn't it? At this point? Really?

KINZER: I think it does. And I'll tell you there are two reasons why. Turkey has a very vibrant democratic society and a booming economy. It is just the kind of model that we would like to project to the rest of the Islamic world. We would love ordinary people in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, to think the country we would like to have is a country like Turkey. Turkey is a country that embraces Western values, but is also a bridge and has its roots in Islamic culture.


ANDERSON: (INAUDIBLE) be like Turkey or be friends with Turkey.

KINZER: So if we can promote the Turkey example.

ANDERSON: Sorry, hang on a minute. Are you suggesting that the U.S. wants to be Turkey or that it would just align itself with a more friendly neighbor? That is what you are saying here isn't it? It doesn't want to be like Turkey?

KINZER: I don't -- it is not for the U.S. to be like Turkey. We would like other countries in the Muslim world to be like Turkey, and therefore promoting the Turkish example is good for us. It is good for the West.

In addition, Turkey has long-term strategic goals that are very much in concert with the West, but it is giving the United States some advice now. Turkey is saying to the U.S. look, we support you. We want to help you project your influence and your interests in this part of the world, but we have some advice for you. You are too confrontational. You need to ratchet down the rhetoric and try to find more diplomatic solutions in this part of the world. We should be listening to Turkey.

ANDERSON: OK, OK, so listen to Talkie -- uh, listen to talkie? Listen to Turkey, I'm so sorry. You also suggest talking to and potentially, certainly in the future, strategically aligning yourselves with Iran. Now, you must be talking an awfully long way in the future. You are not suggesting by any stretch of the imagination that the U.S. would seek to realign itself with this current administration, are you? Please tell me you're not.

KINZER: Over the long run, Iran does have the kind of democratic society that would make it a good partner for the U.S., whether we can do that with this regime is very dubious.

On the other hand, let's think of the strategic interests of the United States and Iran, side by side. Iran has a great ability to help stabilize Iraq. In fact, Iran can be America's ticket out of Iraq, if it wants to. Iran has a great ability to help stabilize Afghanistan. And we're in a terrible position in Afghanistan. Iran is the bitter enemy of radical Sunni groups like Taliban and Al Qaeda, whereas some of Americans' so- called allies, like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are effectively pro-Taliban. So we need a reset, a reorganization of our approach to that whole part of the world.

ANDERSON: I buy your thesis there. I buy the thesis that the U.S. needs a calmer neighborhood in the long run. It has done very little as far as the neighborhood is concerned, to create a particularly calm region at present.

Back to what we saw out of Netanyahu and Obama, do you really believe that there is a warming, a rewarming of relations between Israel and the Obama administration at present? Or are we looking at a very fractured relationship going forward?

KINZER: I don't think it really matters whether it is warm or not. It is all about interests. What is in the U.S. interest? And what is in the Israel's interests? The United States is getting to the point where many people in Washington are wondering if we want to do what's good for Israel, does that mean we have to do what the current government of Israel says? Or is it time for the United States to try to think for itself about what really does guarantee Israel's security and not automatically respond to whatever government the internal politics of Israel produces at a given moment.

ANDERSON: Will the lobby ever allow that, briefly, in Washington?

KINZER: All the lobby for Israel does in Washington is what is allowed by U.S. law. If we don't like the power the Israel lobby has, it is all up to American citizens. It is not about a lobby. It is about trying to find a way that the U.S. can promote its fundamental interests in the Middle East stability, which is also in Israel's interests, even though Israel sometimes has a different approach about how to get there.

ANDERSON: And Stephen, with that, we're going to have to leave it there. We have to take a very short break. You are a pleasure to have on the show. Let's speak again. Stephen giving us a view out of Boston this evening.

You are with CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson. We'll be right back.


ANDERSON: Well, a mother of two in Iran sentenced twice for adultery. First she was lashed 99 times. But later judges decided that that is not enough, ordering her put to death by stoning. International outrage is building over this case with thousands of people using social media like Facebook to urge Iranian authorities this sort of brutal punishment meted out.

We have three or four minutes left on this show. And we thought it was important to do this story for you. First told you about it yesterday. Now, today we hear her son's plea. Mohammad Jamjoom has part two of what is a special report, here on CNN.


MOHAMMAD JAMJOOM, CNN INT'L. CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Sijad Ahmed Ashtiani (ph) says he will never forget the day he watched as his mother, Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani was lashed 99 times. Her punishment for being found guilty of adultery in Iran.

SAJID MOHAMMADIE (through translator): The authorities asked if I wanted to wait outside. I said no. I could not leave my mother alone.

JAMJOOM: Sijad said he thought the worst was over, but then a judges panel reevaluated Ashtiani's case and decided his mother should be stoned to death for her alleged crime.

MOHAMMADIE (through translator): Five years ago, at that time, it should have been finished. They should have punished her only once. She is innocent.

JAMJOOM: Human rights advocates have taken up Sijad and his sister, Fadiday (ph), cause to clear their mother's name, protesting against the sentence they say is unjust. But so far there has been no public comment by Iranian officials in Ashtiani's case. And with all appeals exhausted Sijad says the only other thing that can stop his mother's eminent execution is a letter of pardon from Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei, or judiciary chairman, Sadeg Larijani (ph).

Despite numerous attempts Sijad says he has been unable to obtain a meeting to plead his mother's case in person. But he refuses to give up.

MOHAMMADIE (through translator): It is crucial I tell these men what I have to say. Dear Mr. Khamenei, Mr. Ahmadinejad, and Mr. Larijani, all I ask for is a letter. I want a letter for my dear mother. Please write this letter of pardon, because she is innocent, 100 percent innocent. If you do not have respect for what I am saying, just take a look at her file. You will see, she is innocent."

JAMJOOM: For now, as Sijad waits for any news he is allowed to visit with his mother through prison glass for 15 minutes every Monday. He is never sure if it will be his last. Mohammad Jamjoom, CNN, Atlanta.



ANDERSON: Well, as the semi-finals in "Your World In Pictures" tonight. First through the lens, a fruity flag. A fruit seller in downtown Montevideo has arranged his goods to let everybody know who he supported, Uruguay.

Not to be outdone, the Netherlands put on their own fruity display. Yes, this is a bunch of inflated Oranji condoms, in Amsterdam.

Or on holiday in New York, a German fan lays out their towel a whole day early. They've got to wait, of course, until tomorrow before their semi-final with Spain.

And in Spain, a fan parades a replica World Cup trophy on the first day of the traditional Pamplona bull running festival. Semi-final fever in "Your World in Pictures" this evening.

Did I tell you, or remind you at least, what the score was. Of course, the Netherlands beating Uruguay, 3-2. Germany and Spain still looking to triumph in this World Cup. They'll go head to head in Durbin on Wednesday.

Much to the disappointment of his German keepers, for the psychic octopus fancies the Spaniards this time around. But we are also getting a few comments and tips Web site.

Godebole2000, good name, writes, "I'm not a German fan, but I love good football from any team. And this German team has provided me with that."

Rodman91 is being a bit of a turncoat. He's Spanish, but he believes Germany is not just playing better but also deserves to take home the World Cup.

Shiff takes a different view and argues that "The German team is dull and uninspiring so far." He says, "that they have been lucky."

Well, Ledu keeps his comments simple, he's going with the creature of the deep, a Spanish victory 3 goals to 1.

Pedro Pinto says he's been backing the Dutch all the way through in the finals. So he is still on. I always thought that Germany would do fairly well. Get your voice heard. Head to our Web site,

I do admit I've changed my mind somewhat as the tournament goes through. I'm Becky Anderson and that is it for the show. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) is of course, online, 24/7. "BACK STORY" is next right here on CNN, right after this quick check of the headlines.