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Piers Morgan Live

Interview with Bill Maher; Interview with Micky Dolenz; Interview with Archie Panjabi

Aired March 03, 2012 - 21:00   ET


PIERS MORGAN, HOST: Tonight, Bill Maher. He's mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore. Why he's putting his money where his mouth is with a controversial million dollar donation to a super PAC.

Plus, Bill Maher on presidential politics --


BILL MAHER, COMEDIAN: Mitt Romney is running on that silly idea that "I ran a business, I know how to create jobs." No, actually, what he did is fire people.


MORGAN: A primetime exclusive with Bill Maher.

Plus, remembering Davy Jones.


MORGAN: My exclusive interview with his Monkees band mate Mickey Dolenz.

And one of my favorite shows, "The Good Wife's" Archie Panjabi. Her first ever one-on-one television interview, and the question I'd never thought she'd ask me.


ARCHIE PANJABI, ACTRESS: You were always talking about playing a role on the good wife. How would you like to play my ex-husband?

MORGAN: Yes. Is it available?




MORGAN: Good evening.

The big story tonight: the selling of the president. Just days away from a turning point in the race for the White House, Super Tuesday. And millions are being spent on hard hitting ads from super PACs. Tonight, my interview with the man who knows more than you might think about that, Bill Maher.

Later, my exclusive with Mickey Dolenz, remembering his Monkees band mate, the late, great Davy Jones.


MICKY DOLENZ, "THE MONKEES": We sort of had a lot this common. And over the years, you know, our families and he and I, even though we bonded -- I mean, you know, after 47 years, working with people like that, you know, it was like my brother. Like siblings.


MORGAN: We begin with our big story: The selling of the president.

Now, I'll ask Bill Maher about his controversial $1 million donation to President Obama's super PAC.


MAHER: I would like to announce a donation to the Obama super PAC which has the tongue twister name, Priority USA Action. I would like to give that PAC $1 million.


MORGAN: That was Bill Maher announcing his million dollar donation to President Obama's super PAC.

Bill is back with me now.

MAHER: Nice to be here.

MORGAN: So I was -- that was surprise, I don't know. I suppose a surprise either you had a million dollar to chuck around, Bill. Congratulations.

Secondly --

MAHER: It was just lying around.


MORGAN: Secondly, that you would do this. I don't know why I should be surprised like your politics aren't necessarily that shocking, but why did you do? What made you get up one day and say I'm going to do this?

MAHER: OK. I didn't do it just one day but I thought about it for a long time. What I said right after that was that I wanted to make the point that this really hurt. It does hurt me to write a check for a million dollars. And I wanted to sort of inspire a lot of the people out there on the left who are rich, who this wouldn't hurt at all.

There's lots of people who would never miss a million dollars. I will miss it. I'll miss it badly.


MORGAN: How bad are you going to miss it, Bill?

MAHER: I'm driving a cab at night now.


MAHER: No, I mean, I'm not. I'm still going to eat the same. I'm just going to digest it a lot more peacefully, because these Republicans scare me. You know if this was Europe and we had 10 parties to choose from, maybe I'd feel different.

Yes, Obama has disappointed me in some ways. But after watching these Republicans debate for this last year and hearing their ideas for the country, not only do I think this is for the betterment of the nation, I would do this on a selfish level because if we elect a Republican and they go back to the policies that were there before Obama, I could see my money getting vaporized like it did in 2008, when I had it with Lehman Brothers.

No, I'm not -- I'm not blaming that specifically on the Republican administration but the policy of not taxing the rich, which was Bush's policy, the policy of deregulation of Wall Street, which was mostly a Republican policy -- you know, Republican policies are failed ideas. And to go back to them could be more disastrous for what money I have left than anything else I can -- I can think of.

MORGAN: Have you heard from the president since your donation?

MAHER: Well, no, because it wasn't to him, it was to the super PAC.

MORGAN: To the super PAC.

MAHER: Which he has nothing to do with.

MORGAN: Nothing to do with.


MORGAN: Here's my issue with that is that Obama was always very anti these super PACs and then he woke up and realized, wait a second, I'm getting -- I'm going to get flattened by this.

MAHER: It's a silly argument.

MORGAN: Is it a silly argument?

MAHER: It's a silly argument. Of course it is.

This is what the Republicans would like people to believe that it's somehow hypocritical. Well, of course it's not. You can be against something, as long as it's the rules of the game in the present, though, you play in the present. I'm against the --

MORGAN: Can you, though? That's still hypocrisy, isn't it?

MAHER: Well, first of all, he would just -- he would out-and-out lose this election if he didn't -- it is not hypocrisy.

MORGAN: Would he do, though, because --

MAHER: You have to keep two distinct thoughts in your mind at the same time. One, we're against the policy. Two, as long as this is the rules of the game, we have to play by the rules.

MORGAN: Even if you think it's morally and ethically wrong?

MAHER: Of course, because otherwise he doesn't win. Now if he wins, he might be able to appoint a couple more Supreme Court justices which would overturn that awful ruling, Citizens United, which allowed this to happen in the first place.

MORGAN: But given that Romney is outspending all his competitors with these super PACs, and like 10-1 and he still isn't getting very far, certainly not winning his election battle at the moment, what makes you think the super PACs are actually that effective?

MAHER: Well, that's true. Money does not always win elections.

Mostly it does, however. Usually, it does. It makes a huge difference.

Obama beat McCain handily in the donation game in 2008 and that was a big reason why he was able to win, I think. Also, McCain was a horrible candidate and Sarah Palin, and everything broke right for Obama in 2008. The market crashed, all of that stuff.

But, you know, in 2008, the most you could give was $2,300, I think. Now, Sheldon Adelson talks about giving one candidate a $100 million. This game has changed completely.

This is the other reason I did this, to draw attention to something I don't think Americans are aware of. That this is a completely different world we're playing in now. It's a world of millionaires and billionaires.

MORGAN: Who's --

MAHER: And almost all the billionaires are on the side of the Republicans. So the common everyday millionaire has to step forward for the Democrats.

MORGAN: And yet wouldn't a romantic part of you love it if President Obama came out and said, I said super PACs are morally wrong, I still believe they're morally wrong, I'm not going to get involved in super PACs, I'm not going to endorse any, I don't want any of my supporters to give any money to them.


MORGAN: And you know what, if they want to spend, spend, spend and try to negatively blow me away, I'll take my chances.

MAHER: Yes. Silly and naive.

It's -- the analogy I was about to give you is this. I don't -- I don't believe in the designated hitter rule in baseball. But if I'm the manager of a team and we're in the World Series, am I not going to use the designated hitter?

No. You're going to try to win the World Series under the rules of the game as they are and after the series is over --

MORGAN: Would every coach do that?

MAHER: You will try to --


MAHER: You will try to get rid of the designated hitter.

MORGAN: Would every coach do that?

MAHER: Of course, every -- they always have.

MORGAN: What do you make of the -- I mean, you've already said that you find them all vaguely ridiculous. But what do you think of their actual chances against Barack Obama in an election? Because, you know, you were saying on the break, it could be a lot closer than people think.

MAHER: Well, that's another reason why I did this because I was at party a few weeks ago, I guess it was Grammy party, after the Grammys. And all the liberals were coming out to me, wanting to talk politics. And of course these are mostly celebrities so they're not the most, you know, informed people in the world generally.


MAHER: But they are, like, isn't it great -- isn't it great that Obama has this election in the bag? And I was like, he doesn't have this election in the bag. I would bet that -- not that I have a lot to bet with left.


MAHER: But I would bet that on election night, the polls will show you a race that's too close to call. It's a very 50-50 country. And what we were kicking around at our office today to work on our concluding essay for the show Friday night is this idea of a bubble that the liberals live in.

Now, I have talked a lot about the conservative bubble and they certainly do live in a bubble -- an insane bubble where Obama is this person that doesn't exist who slashes defense spending, who raises your taxes, who apologizes to other nations around the world, whose wife wants to outlaw dessert, I mean just this insanity. But the liberals live in a little bubble, too, which is that they look at Rick Santorum, as I do and perhaps you do, I would hope you do, and see an insane person and think, he could never be elected president.

But they don't live in America. They fly over it.

It's true, when Rick -- when Rick Santorum says, you know, Obama thinks that your -- I don't know what -- what did he say about Obama that he wants to rule over you?

MORGAN: But here's the problem. Here's the problem.

MAHER: And that he --

MORGAN: Here's the problem. Whatever you say about Rick Santorum, he, of all the candidates I've interviewed, at least has the benefit, I think, of being true to himself more than some of the others. He's quite authentic. I think he believes what he says most of the time.

MAHER: Why else would you say that?


MAHER: I mean, that's the only reason I can think of. I mean the father of lies talking about Satan? I haven't heard that one since I was in catechism.

MORGAN: Quite a good line, though, I thought.

MAHER: The father of lies? I mean --


MAHER: I was like, what year are we living in? I mean -- and this controversy today about John F. Kennedy making him throw up.

It's so funny that the Kennedy speech in 1960 was John F. Kennedy basically saying, look, I'm not going to be taking my marching orders from the Pope, and now Rick Santorum in 2012 is sort of saying the reverse.


MAHER: How dare you say you won't be taking your orders from the Pope?

MORGAN: I don't think he read the speech properly because that's not what Kennedy was saying.

MAHER: It doesn't matter. Again, they live in their bubble. That's just --

MORGAN: Yes, but he's doing it very deliberately and he's appealing to the conservative heartland in a way that I think Mitt Romney is struggling to do. I thought the interesting thing today was an outrageous comment by Rick Santorum about the whole college thing that Obama came out with as though somehow encouraging Americans to go to college was this appalling attack on working class people.

MAHER: Trust me, I've been a comedian for 30 years, I could not even begun to imagine a political candidate coming out against college.


MAHER: I couldn't -- if I went to write a sketch, I could not have come up with that.

MORGAN: Let me turn to a little miss-mash of a few other comments by the candidates. Let's just watch this.


MITT ROMNEY (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I like the fact that most of the cars I see are Detroit made automobiles. I drive a Mustang and a Chevy pickup truck. Ann drives a couple of Cadillacs, actually.

RICK SANTORUM (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: President Obama once said he wants everybody in America to go to college. What a snob.



MORGAN: I mean, I actually like Rick Santorum.

MAHER: That's what I was trying to be. What a snob.

MORGAN: I personally quite like Rick Santorum. And he's been good to us and he comes on the show. unlike Mitt Romney, and at least fronts out these debates.

MAHER: Right.

MORGAN: But to call Barack Obama a snob in that way simply because he encourages Americans to go to college at a time when more Americans need to go to college. I mean, China and India and other countries are rapidly, in terms of education, overtaking America.

MAHER: Let me tell you, the amount of material that those two have given me -- I should have written them a check for a million dollars.


MAHER: But, again, you're thinking -- you're not like a lot of the country thinks. That -- I know it sounds crazy to us, we're saying --

MORGAN: The other thing that struck me in the last week was -- I interviewed Chris Christie. And he suddenly lost his rag about Warren Buffet, and said, if Warren Buffet wants to be taxed, well, just shut up and write a check.

Then Warren Buffet today replied. Let's just watch his response.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) WARREN BUFFET, BILLIONAIRE INVESTOR: It's sort of a touching response to a $1.2 trillion deficit, isn't it, that somehow the American people will just all of a sudden write checks and take care of it.


MORGAN: So, there's Warren Buffet on CNBC saying it's a ridiculous argument. What do you think of that whole argument on both sides?

MAHER: It's similar to the silly thing about you -- the designated hitter and how that's a hypocrite. It's a fake argument that will get people who don't follow this very closely to agree. But, of course, Warren Buffet is right. You can't -- certain things cannot be voluntary. One of them is paying taxes.

Another one, by the way, is fixing the environment. You said before you were going to ask about how we can improve America. Some things only government can do.

You know, thinking that we can fix our environmental problems by just voluntarily having people recycle, it's like saying we could have won World War II by just having them voluntarily collect tin and stuff like that, as they did.

But you also kind of need the government to make tags and planes. That was sort of a big part of winning World War II.

MORGAN: How much should the government lead, and how much strays into nanny state, do you think?

MAHER: Well, sometimes you do need a nanny state. I mean, that old thing about the Constitution isn't a suicide pact. I mean, at what point does the environment get so bad that we -- that the government says, yes, we're going to have to infringe on your freedom a little? I mean, these people don't want any infringing on freedom.

And that, to me, is a suicide pact. Yes, the -- I don't know what -- I don't know what it is with Republicans that they think that they're not breathing the same air.

MORGAN: I will take another break, because I want to come to another way of keeping America great, more Tim Tebows, because you met the great man last night at a party.

MAHER: The great man.

MORGAN: Tim Tebow.



SACHA BARON COHEN, ACTOR: The funny and interesting thing is actually -- South Korea. No, no, no, sorry. Kim Jong Il. We got Kim Jong I.

Wait a minute. Ryan, it's OK for you. Now, if somebody asks you what you are wearing, you will say Kim Jong Il.

RYAN SEACREST: Have fun this evening.


MORGAN: You see Sacha Baron Cohen on the Oscar red carpet with an urn full of ashes. I guess you have to expect something like that.

Back now with Bill Maher from HBO's Bill Maher "Real Time."

Did you find that funny or not?

MAHER: I hadn't seen that. But I happen to know -- Larry Charles is the guy who directed, who directed "Borat," directed my movie, "Religulous." I happen to know that that movie is going to be a scream.

MORGAN: I think Sacha Baron Cohen is a comedy genius.

MAHER: He is.

MORGAN: It just was funny. I love the fact that everyone gets so outraged.

MAHER: And it's silly.


MAHER: What's to get upset about?

MORGAN: Exactly.

MAHER: What I get upset about is the French took over our motion picture show.


MORGAN: You -- was it at the "Vanity Fair" party you met Tim Tebow?


MORGAN: I was there and didn't get to meet him. But tell me about the moment, because Tebow is a phenomenon.

MAHER: Twenty minutes, we talked for a long time.

MORGAN: Do you like him?

MAHER: Of course. I never didn't like him. People think I don't like him because he's super religious and I'm an atheist.

MORGAN: It may be something to do with this email or this tweet you tweeted. This was following the 40-14 Broncos loss to the Buffalo Bills. You tweeted, "Wow, Jesus just (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Tim Tebow bad and on Christmas Eve. Somewhere in hell, Satan is Tebowing, saying to Hitler, hey, Buffalo is killing them." MAHER: Yes. There's no animosity there against Tim Tebow. I just --

MORGAN: Satan, Hitler?

MAHER: Well, first of all, it's a joke. I don't believe in Satan and I don't believe in Jesus as a God either. What I was saying is, you know, this guy does. This guy -- you know, my one gripe against him is he brings so much religiosity into the public square.

Just play football. We don't have to, you know, see it on every play.

MORGAN: Isn't it quite inspiring what he does?

MAHER: Inspiring?


MAHER: Inspiring to who? People who are religious?

MORGAN: If you work from the point of view that most Americans are not atheists like you, then actually, if they do believe in God, having a clean living, superbly talented professional sportsman actually being very, I think, modest, you know, humble --

MAHER: Why couldn't he do this without the religiosity?

MORGAN: Why can't he do it with his religion, if he believes?

MAHER: Well, he can. It's a free country. He can do whatever he wants.

But let's not forget that faith is just an opinion. It's just somebody's opinion, which gets us back to Rick Santorum, who thinks it's something more than just an opinion. That's what I would like to say to him, because he said he doesn't really believe in the separation of church and state.

MORGAN: Yes, he did.

MAHER: And that's absolutely ridiculous. That is -- that is unacceptable in this country. It is just -- and you are allowed to have your opinion. You're allowed to have your opinion that a Palestinian 2,000 years ago walked on water and did magic tricks and was really -- he's really still his own father and all that stuff.

That's fine. You can have whatever opinion you want. And the fact that a billion other people believe it gives you a lot of strength and credence.

But I also have the opinion that that is ridiculous, that it's anachronistic. This is the 21st century.

MORGAN: You might have that opinion, but the reality is most Americans are God-fearing.

MAHER: So? MORGAN: And they actually, I suspect, do believe that it's perfectly acceptable for people of religious influence to work in politics as well and govern.

MAHER: It is, of course. I'm not -- I'm not saying anybody's opinion should be outlawed in the public square.

I'm just saying that is your opinion. Don't tell me this is my faith, so somehow it means something more than my opinion, because it doesn't mean anything more than my opinion.

My opinion is just as valid as your opinion. And my opinion is you're nuts.


MAHER: What's a shame to me is that we had this other phenomenon, Jeremy Lin.


MAHER: And I'm a long-suffering Knicks fan.

MORGAN: Yes, I am.

MAHER: They have not won since '73.

MORGAN: I love Jeremy Lin.

MAHER: I do, too. I don't care if he worships Satan. But it would have been -- and he is like Tim Tebow, a very religious Christian. It would have been great to even things out if he was an atheist. He went to Harvard, for crying out loud.

MORGAN: If Jeremy Lin came to you and said, look, I want you to join me in prayer and I will score 20 more points against the Lakers, would you do it?

MAHER: Of course not. I would say prayer is ridiculous. It's trying to telepathically communicate with an imaginary friend. And I don't do that. It has nothing to do with how much you're going to score tonight.

MORGAN: As you said at the start of this interview, if that's the way the rules are played, it doesn't matter if ethically or morally you don't agree; you just do it.

MAHER: What?

MORGAN: Get on your knees and start praying, Bill Maher.

MAHER: I'll Tebow.


MAHER: But Tebow was great, by the way. What a great guy, sweet guy. MORGAN: Unfortunately, we've got to end it. I want you to come back soon.


MORGAN: Promise me on air. That way I can hold you to it.


MORGAN: You're also appearing at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center in Nashville on March the 18th. I suspect tickets are very scarce, so get in quick.

Bill Maher, always a great pleasure.

MAHER: OK. Good to see you.



MORGAN: That was Davy Jones singing one of the Monkees' biggest ever hits, "Daydream Believer." That show became a genuine worldwide sensation, one of my favorites as a child back in Britain. So it's a very sad day for all the fans of the Monkees to hear that Davy Jones had died this morning in Florida of an apparent heart attack.

Davy's longtime friend and band mate Micky Dolenz joins me now exclusively to remember his great lifetime friend.

Micky, thank you so much for joining me. It must be an incredibly difficult day for you.

DOLENZ: That's an understatement. Yes, it's a shock right out of the blue. No one ever suspected, you know -- you know, what can you say? Just total shock. I'm still just a little bit numbed by it all.

MORGAN: How did you hear the news?

DOLENZ: My wife called me this morning. I was still in bed. Actually, she was out shopping and she called -- got a call from her sister who said she heard it on the news.

And I was -- I thought it was another -- frankly I thought it might have been another one of those Internet stupid joke, you know, hoaxes. I hoped it was. But obviously, it was not.

MORGAN: You'd stayed in touch with Davy over the years, haven't you? Were you good friends?

DOLENZ: Well, yes, we were quite good friends. If you know the history of the Monkees, you know, it was a television show that was cast about this band that wanted to be the Beatles, and I remember actually quite clearly those -- early casting sessions.

And David and I sort of hit it off pretty early and quickly because we both had histories in showbiz as childs. I had a series when I was kid called "Circus Boy" and he had been on Broadway doing "Oliver," so we sort of had a lot in common.

And over the years, you know, our families -- and he and I, you know, we bonded. I mean, you know, after 47 years working with people like that, you know, he was like my brother. He was -- we were like siblings, yes.

MORGAN: The strange thing about this is that people are saying that Davy was incredibly fit. He was a vegetarian. He worked out every day. He lived in Florida.

And -- therefore his death from a heart attack is a real shock to those that knew him well.

DOLENZ: Total. Total, I mean, and like I say he would have been the last one I would have thought.

He was the youngest of us. I would have thought it would have been me.


DOLENZ: I'm not a vegetarian.

And I said -- it is. I mean I'm just bewildered. I'm anxious to talk to some of his family and friends, and find out what was going on.

But then again, you know, it could be a bit genetic. I know both his parents had passed on -- had passed over at a younger age. So who knows? That may have something to do with it or not.

You know, who knows these days. But, boy, I'm just -- everyone is in total shock.

MORGAN: Obviously, the band were huge in the late '60s, '70s. And then life moves on.

What kind of life did Davy have in the last few years? Was he content with his life, do you think?

DOLENZ: Oh, I think so, absolutely. He was -- he was a huge fan of horse racing. He raised racehorses. He had two farms -- one in Pennsylvania, one in Florida. And he would go back and forth in the season and work.

And basically, you know, even when we were on the road, it was almost all he would talk about, was getting back to his horses.

It was his first love. He was a jockey -- excuse me, an apprentice jockey before -- way before the Monkees, way before he got into show business.

In fact, just like a week or two ago, I saw on the Internet that he went back to England and he connected with the original owner/trainer at a stable who's the one that had said, you ought to get in showbiz. Because I guess as like a 16-year-old or something, he was going to be an apprentice jockey.

And somebody said, you're really funny and cute and you can sing. You should, you know, try out for some -- for some parts, which he did. And of course, the rest is history.

But ever since I've known him, I went riding with him. We both were equestrian fanatics actually. He loved the racing. I liked polo and jumping and -- but I remember going out and racing racehorses with him around the track.

So that was definitely a first love. And so he must have been out there every day. I know he was working out, mucking out the stables, taking care of the horses, grooming them. It's a lot of hard work.

So, you know, I just -- I'm bewildered. I just am.

MORGAN: When was the last time you spoke to him, Micky?

DOLENZ: It would have been just a few months ago. We did a massive great tour. We -- the last show was -- not the last show, but one of the biggest shows was at the Greek Theater that we did just months ago. And it was a huge success. And the reviews were wonderful.

And we left that particular tour on a huge high note. I mean, but we've done that over the years every single time. And whenever the Monkees was -- you know, our 20th anniversary in '86 was the biggest grossing tour of that year, 20 years after the show.

In '97-'98, we toured England and then the States, huge. And then just recently, this last tour got some of the best reviews we've ever had.

We even got a great review from "Rolling Stone." Who would have thought? So, yes.

MORGAN: Did that bring Davy a lot of pleasure, the fact that you guys were back together and getting great reviews and so on?

DOLENZ: Always did -- did all of us, yes. I mean, you know, it only happened once every, say, 10 years or so. And -- which is not uncommon.

You know, but remember the Monkees wasn't this sort like classic sort of band in that sense. You know, it was originally this television show about a band, much in the same way that "Glee" is about a glee club, but --

MORGAN: Actually, Micky, hold that thought, because we're going to take a short break. I want come back and talk about the genesis of the Monkees, how -- because I remember as a young boy watching this incredible show. And then you all went on to become a conventional band. But it was always the wrong way around or maybe it was the right way around.

DOLENZ: Maybe it was the right way around.

MORGAN: Yes. Let's talk after the break some more about that and about Davy.



MORGAN: That was the incredibly infectious theme song from NBC's "The Monkees."

Micky Dolenz is back with me now remembering the late, great Davy Jones. You know, it brings such memories back to me, Mickey. I was a young lad in Britain.

And obviously Davy came from the north of England. He was an English lad at heart. Just even hearing that theme, I remember just getting up -- Saturday mornings they used to air it. And everyone was crazy for "The Monkees."

DOLENZ: Yes, all over the world. I mean, the producers and writers of the show, you know, clearly got it right. It was a television show, like I said, about this band, originally an imaginary band that wanted to be the Beatles. It was a garage band.

It was funny because Ringo once said to me the Beatles, we were a garage band.

And even more ironically, I'm here in New York this week doing a reading for a new musical on Broadway called "Garage Band." I mean, it's just -- the coincidences are just phenomenal.

But that's what the Monkees was about. It was about this garage band that wanted to be big. And on the television show, we never made it. It's an important point.

We obviously became huge, you know, on the road when we did go on the road. But when they cast show, they cast it with these four guys that I guess the producers felt they all had this, you know, very, you know, kind of chemistry. And the audition process went on and on and on and on. I'm fairly --

MORGAN: I've actually got, Mickey -- I've got Davy's screen test for the TV show.

DOLENZ: You've got to see this.

MORGAN: Yes, let's watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Spontaneous and unrehearsed.

DAVY JONES: What do you want me to do?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One of your quick little things. Davy, you want to know something? Hold it for a second. JONES: What?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I really think you should have been a jockey.


MORGAN: Of course, the irony is he must have been a jockey, probably.


DOLENZ: He was supposed to be a jockey, but thank goodness he -- he got this stress from someone and went on to be just an incredible talent and a wonderful performer and such a lovely person and such a wonderful friend and a heart of gold, would just do anything for you, anything, anywhere, and had lovely children who I feel, you know, so much pain for right now.

But he I'm sure was one of the first the producers would have said, oh, yes, him, definitely. I don't know where I came in down the line.

But I do recall quite clearly in the early audition process, David and I, like I say, we kind of connected early on because of our history probably in the -- as child stars. And they paired us together early on. I remember that.

And we did these scenes together and we kind of connected together and, you know, had some kind of a rap and a thing and the stuff and, you know, bada bing, bada boom, because I guess -- again, I guess because of our history in the business.

But, you know, he -- obviously he was the heart and soul. You know, he was the heart and soul of the show.

MORGAN: Did he remain proud of his English roots, Micky?

DOLENZ: Oh, absolutely, he had family back there. Still does. And I went over to England -- in fact, we went over to England in the mid- '70s to do a play together. And I ended up staying over there for years and had a family over there, an English family.

I'm quite an anglophile myself. And, yes, he certainly did. Sisters, aunts and uncles -- and, you know, he never gave that up and loved it and was back there, if I'm not mistaken, even back recently.

And we were back there just last year opening in Liverpool. You know, we had a killer tour over there, an English tour. It was wonderful.

MORGAN: When you're hearing all the tributes today, Micky, and all the music being played again and so on, what's your abiding memory of Davy Jones?

DOLENZ: Oh, boy, it's a lot. You know, we used to -- I guess the first thing I started thinking about was when we would hang out together, like it was actually just after the big Monkee thing, the roller-coaster ride. It was just after that that we would hang out together with our families, because we both happened to have children at about the same time.

And so he and I, you know, for that reason alone, I mean we became very close. He would come over to the house. We would laugh.

And I got film and old -- not video, before video -- eight millimeter film of our families playing together, and our kids swimming and stuff like that and just having a great time.

And that is how I want to remember him and I will, you know, as a good friend, as this -- became a brother, you know, like a sibling.

MORGAN: Well, I can only offer you my deepest condolences, Micky. I was a huge fan of the Monkees, of Davy, of you, all of the gang. It's a very sad day I think for many, many people around the world today. And I greatly appreciate you taking the time to come on and pay such a personal tribute to your great friend.

DOLENZ: You ain't kidding. Thanks.

MORGAN: Thank you very much.

That was Micky Dolenz there paying very personal tribute to his great friend, and as he put hit his brother from the Monkees, Davy Jones.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What are you doing?

PANJABI: Working. These are better than subpoenas.


MORGAN: OK. So, tonight I'm excited because that was the manipulative television temptress everyone is talking about, one of my favorite shows, "A Good Wife."

Archie Panjabi is the Emmy-winning actress who plays Kalinda Sharma every Sunday night and she joins me for real.

And what is apparently, you just toll told, me your first ever one-on- one American television interview.

PANJABI: It is. So, please be gentle with me.

MORGAN: I'm going to find out the secrets of the most devilish woman on television?

PANJABI: I'm too lucky.


I love your character. The reason why I watched on this show, is it's so wonderfully, unethically evil -- your character.


PANJABI: She is. It's one of the best characters, I think, I've ever played in my career.

MORGAN: I'm told you've made her evermore evil, the lovely mischievous twinkle. You grabbed the script and went, let's roll with this.

PANJABI: That's partly true, yes. I think part of it is the writers. They have created somebody very interesting.

But the day I read that script, I thought to myself, I could do something with this.

MORGAN: I had your cast members on. They're all fantastic. The most brilliantly cast show, I think, on American television.

PANJABI: It is. They're an incredibly talented group of actors. I think the combination of the great writing and what each of the actors make with character is just, there's a synergy when --

MORGAN: Let's talk about you because the reason I wanted you is to find out about your story. You've done a few movies and anything else. But this catapulted you into this new league of stardom.

You know, back in Britain, you're not that famous, are you?

PANJABI: That's very true. I'm not famous at all in Britain, Piers, to be honest with you.

MORGAN: Really?

PANJABI: When I won the Emmy -- they didn't, when I was nominated, I wasn't on the list. They put out a list of Brits nominated. And when I won, they were like, oh, she's a Brit.

MORGAN: Really strange -- you can have this huge role in America, on TV, one of the biggest roles, and at home, back in north London, where you come from, you can walk the streets with relative safety.

PANJABI: Yes. I mean, I was a jobbing actor until getting this job. Like many actors, I did a few films here and there. I don't think I ever have become as famous as what I have with "The Good Wife."

MORGAN: Now, with lots of men watching, as I would have done if I hadn't already met you, a part of me discussed some of these things, thinking, I hope she's single. You're not. Even worse, you told me at the start that your husband lives mainly in London and tonight he's here in the green room, a few feet away from here, from terrible protective shield.

I got to be careful how I phrase this.

PANJABI: You don't have to be careful. MORGAN: He's a charming guy.

PANJABI: He's very charming. And he's a huge fan of yours.

MORGAN: That makes is more successful. His name is Raj.

PANJABI: That's correct.

MORGAN: You had an arranged marriage 13 years ago, although you sort of quibble with that, don't you? Because your mother, basically said this is nice chap I want you to meet. But if you don't like him, you don't have to marry him, is that right?

PANJABI: I think there's different ways to describe an arranged marriage. Sometimes you're not even told the person. She met him and she said I think you two will get on. I was like, if you like him, there's no way on earth I'm going to like him. And then we've just met.

MORGAN: How did things develop?

PANJABI: We just got on. We were friend for a couple -- well, friends for about four to six months. And then we dated for two years.

MORGAN: See, I personally I'm quite a fan of this arranged marriage system. I really am. The reason is, so many marriages now -- I see people I know are utterly unsuitable. You think why did this happen? How did this person meet somebody so obviously badly suited?

Actually, in the purest way, what is wrong with families coming together and saying, we think these two people with similar backgrounds, similar interests, similar intelligence, whatever it may be, they might just get. What do you think?

PANJABI: Well, if you let me talk, Piers.


MORGAN: You got a little thing of Kalinda.

PANJABI: I don't think it's any different to a dating agency, where -- like you said, you know the other side, you put them together because of their similar characteristics, it isn't any different, and I wouldn't knock it.

But I guess I don't like to give in and say it's an arranged message because, you know, I got to marry myself and my --

MORGAN: Does your mom take all the credit?

PANJABI: She just said, I did introduce you and I say, yes, you did.

MORGAN: Any little Kalindas ones on the way? Perish the thought?

PANJABI: Oh, God, that would be -- MORGAN: So, here's the dynamic (ph) -- you're in a red hot show, it's incredibly (INAUDIBLE), I've been talking to your colleagues. It's like eight, nine months of the year. How do you find time?

PANJABI: To have a little Kalinda?

MORGAN: To have a little Kalinda.

PANJABI: You don't, really, to be honest with you. But, you know, this is such a great opportunity and I'm just going to embrace it and worry about that --

MORGAN: Unbelievably, you are 40 this year.




MORGAN: And I can't quite believe that. But is that -- I mean, how do you feel about becoming 40?

PANJABI: I know when people say that to me, it doesn't worry me. I remember my mom at 40. And, you know, it doesn't make me nervous or scared. If anything, it makes me like so grateful I can play roles so much younger than I am.

MORGAN: Let's take a little break. I want to come back and talk about your incredible physical transformation. The only reason I know about this is, is you told me.

PANJABI: That's right.

MORGAN: When we met on that party, you said, I used to be fat. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but you did, apparently.

So, we'll talk about.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is quick, yes?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Shut up, she's old.



PANJABI: The national movement for the restoration for Pakistan sovereignty has captured CIA officer Daniel Pearl, who has been posing as a journalist at "The Wall Street Journal." (END VIDEO CLIP)

MORGAN: You weren't just Archie Panjabi from "The Good Wife," but on movies, because she also starred in the huge hit "A Mighty Heart" opposite Angelina Jolie.

What is she like then, Angie?

PANJABI: Very nice woman.

MORGAN: Yes. And brad?

PANJABI: Very nice man.

MORGAN: Did you all hang out together?

PANJABI: Occasionally.

MORGAN: Do you really? Who rings who?

PANJABI: Stop being so naughty, Piers.

MORGAN: I just wonder how this works with Angie and Brad.

PANJABI: We stay in contact and we're friends and she's been very supportive.

MORGAN: Do you go out and have a few beers?

PANJABI: No, we don't.

MORGAN: No? You in her place, a bottle of wine, chew the fat?


MORGAN: Would you like to be as famous as them?

PANJABI: Would I like to be as famous as that?


PANJABI: Sure, if I was earning that kind of money.

MORGAN: Do you think it's a nice place to find yourself? Or is really, from what you see --

PANJABI: I think there are pluses and minuses. I think, you know, when you're at that stage, you can choose your projects, you can earn very money. But there comes a cost it to, you know? You're recognized everywhere you go. I'm sure your life was different.

MORGAN: Now, tell me about your weight, because I found this fascinating. You made a point of telling me, I said tell me something about you I don't know. And you said, I used to be really overweight. And I was shocked. I never read that. I wasn't aware of it. There are no pictures to show this or anything. We got a little glimpse of it there, but you put this down to an Indian diet that you had, (INAUDIBLE), right?


MORGAN: Curry as I read.

PANJABI: My parents used to own a fish and chip shop. I'm surprised you didn't discover that.

MORGAN: Did they really?

PANJABI: I'm surprised you didn't discover that.

And I loved eating and I did put on weight. I never actually felt fat until I started going for castings, for auditions. And then my agent said to me, I would always get called to the second or there would be two women, final women, I'm not always be the one -- I never got it. And I went to my agent who said, it might help if you lose a bit of weight. And that's the first time that I actually realize that I was --

MORGAN: How did that make you feel as a young man?

PANJABI: Terrible.

MORGAN: That's awful, isn't it?

PANJABI: Horrible. But the truth is, I was. And I was also a bit of tomboy, so I always wore baggy clothes and --

MORGAN: How did you react to this critique from your agent?

PANJABI: That maybe that was the reason I wasn't giving the roles because I was fine in delivering the dialogue and that maybe a sign I should work on it. I tried every diet under the sun and, of course, none of them worked. And I did get down about it.

MORGAN: So when you now see yourself as this little vamp from "The Good Wife," you must feel pretty good, right?

PANJABI: It's very strange watching myself on that, Piers. I do look at that and think, oh, that's really -- seeing somebody, seeing me playing a sexy character like that is bizarre.

MORGAN: And also this sort of really vampish bisexual evil character.

PANJABI: Yes, it is strange.

MORGAN: What does your husband make of it?

PANJABI: Well, sometimes, every time I have other characters, and I come home with my hair and makeup, he's like, take it off because I hate your make up. I come with her and he's like, could you keep it on?


PANJABI: And on the first year, he said to me, he said, I think I'm in love with another woman. I went, what do you mean? And he goes, Kalinda, I just know what it is, there's something about her, I love here.

MORGAN: There something definitely about Kalinda.

PANJABI: There is something about that character that people just like melt.

MORGAN: I've heard there is this bombshell erupting on "The Good Wife" where, as you say, should be renamed "The Bad Wife," because your ex-husband we didn't even know much about, he's coming on the scene.

PANJABI: That's right.

MORGAN: Tell me about this.

PANJABI: Well, as in "Good Wife" fashion, they kind of dropped a little piece of information last season that I was married, and my husband turns up and Alicia helps me out with a problem with the IRS and then he turns up.

MORGAN: Well, Alicia, how is she (ph)? Although --

PANJABI: You are talking about playing a role on "The Good Wife." How would you like to play my ex-husband?

MORGAN: Yes. Is it available? Are you serious?

PANJABI: I'll speak to the kings.

MORGAN: I could play your ex-husband? Does it include love scenes or not? Are they negotiable?

PANJABI: Negotiable.

MORGAN: How is Raj going to feel about this?

PANJABI: Oh, I'm sure -- he's a big fan of yours, I'm sure, he --

MORGAN: Let's make sure it's filmed when he's back in London.


MORGAN: That would be a lifetime dream for me.

PANJABI: You're blushing. You must be --

MORGAN: No, I'm actually excited, I'm totally over-excited. I'm going to have to end this interview now. Seriously, it's been a pleasure.

PANJABI: It's a pleasure. MORGAN: Very nice to meet you.

Let's discuss this off camera (ph).


MORGAN: So, I'm going to be playing Archie's love interest, or Kalinda's love interest in "The Good Wife." This has ended so happily for me.