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Escape Tests U.S./China Ties; Case of 6-year-old Isabel Celis; U.S.-China Diplomatic Crisis; Wife of Edwards Ex-Aide Back on Stand; "It Gets Better" Creator Criticizes Bible; Missiles Might Go Up On London Rooftops; L.A. Ties Biggest Playoff Comeback; Rondo Ejected from Contact with Ref

Aired April 30, 2012 - 09:00   ET


CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Hi, Soledad. And good morning to you. I'm Carol Costello.

Happening right now in the NEWSROOM, a blind activist, a daring escape and diplomatic tension. A Chinese man who stood up for the rights of the disabled and victims of forced abortions hiding out right now inside a U.S. embassy, at least we think so. This morning, Hillary Clinton is on her way to China.

Missing in Arizona. The search for little 6-year-old Isabel Celis who vanished from her bedroom nine days ago. The focus this morning a new surveillance video capturing at least three people outside of her home.

Heights of freedom on the eve of Osama bin Laden's death. One World Trade Center marking a milestone today becoming the tallest building in New York City.

And blasting the bible. Dan Savage from the "It Gets Better" campaign goes on the attack saying, quote, "We should learn to ignore the -- B.S. in the bible and what it says about gay people." This morning, he is not backing down.

NEWSROOM begins right now.

And this morning we begin with a daring escape and a diplomatic quandary. China's best known dissident has managed to slip away from house arrest and apparently he's now hiding inside the U.S. embassy in Beijing and that sets the stage for an extraordinary tug-of-war between the two countries.

You may remember the plight of Chen Guangcheng in December. We were the only crew to accompany actor Christian Bale as he tried to meet with the activist. Instead Bale was roughed up by Chinese security guards.

Stan Grant is in Beijing this morning with details of Chen's remarkable journey to freedom.

STAN GRANT, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Carol, this is an extraordinary story of escape. A blind man who under the cover of darkness managed to escape his captors, climb over a wall, cross a creek and then get to meet a waiting car at a secret rendezvous point. They then spirited him to Beijing, passing through multiple checkpoints and now, of course, the hunt is on for Chen Guangcheng.


GRANT (voice-over): Somewhere behind these walls may well be the answer to China's great guessing game. Where is Chen Guangcheng? Within minutes of pulling out our camera security at the United States embassy in Beijing pounced.

(On camera): I understand we can't take photos but is Chen Guangcheng here at the embassy?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know -- I don't know whether he --

GRANT (voice-over): The blind human rights activist has been in hiding after escaping house arrest in his provincial village and fleeing to Beijing. Now, a close friend and fellow campaigner says Chen is, indeed, here given refuge at the U.S. embassy.

"When Chen Guangcheng first fled to Beijing we had to keep moving him from place-to-place to ensure his safety. And we agreed the U.S. embassy is the only absolutely secure location in town."

Chen had been under heavy guard for the last 18 months. The self-taught lawyer angered Chinese authorities by campaigning against alleged forced abortions and sterilizations. He'd spent more than four years in prison convicted of disrupting traffic and damaging property during demonstrations.

Since his release, he's been in lock-down. This is what happened when we tried to visit Chen last year. With Hollywood actor and "Batman" star Christian Bale.

(On camera): We've been stopped. We've been stopped.

(Voice-over): Now Bale has released a statement to CNN, in it he says, "An innocent family has been horrifically tortured while it gives hope that for now Chen Guangcheng is safe, his family is not. As a world leader, China must now show its wisdom and compassion and remind the world of its rich cultural history by permanently freeing Chen Guangcheng and his family, and never allowing thuggery and corruption to tarnish China's reputation again. China's citizens deserve more."


GRANT: And all of this now political time bomb. The fuse is being lit, the U.S. on one side, China on the other. Hillary Clinton, the U.S. secretary of state, due to touch down here in a matter of days, and this issue number one on the agenda -- Carol.

COSTELLO: Yes, Stan, you mentioned it. So Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leaves today for talks with China. A lot is at stake. The U.S. would like to see greater flexibility on security issues involving Iran, Syria and North Korea. U.S. is also touting itself as a defender of human rights, though.

In just about 10 minutes we'll talk to James Rubin, a former assistant secretary of state under President Clinton, about Hillary Clinton's delicate dance.

In Tucson, Arizona, this morning, a surveillance video may offer new clues this morning in finding a missing 6-year-old girl. It shows a group of men and women leaving a bar around 1:30 in the morning, just a block from the home of Isabel Celis. She was discovered missing just hours later when her father says he found her bed empty and her window screen removed. Police aren't revealing what these potential witnesses have to say.


LT. FABIAN PACHECO, TUCSON POLICE SPOKESMAN: If anything, it's one less thing we have to concentrate efforts on. We've seen these people, we've identified them, we've had statements from these folks and now we're just in the process of evaluating that information and determining how valuable that is, if at all, to us.


COSTELLO: CNN's Thelma Gutierrez is in Los Angeles.

Good morning, Thelma. How are the police able to identify these people in the surveillance video? It was tough for us to identify them. Blurry video.

THELMA GUTIERREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, Carol, they're looking for any clues at this point that will lead them to that little 6-year-old. Now that surveillance tape was released to the media, the local media in hopes that somebody would recognize the five people who were captured on that tape, leaving the bar between 1:00 and 1:30 morning.

Now Isabel Celis' father says he put her to bed at 11:00 p.m. as you you mentioned. But police are hoping that these people may have seen something. Now one person in that tape just came forward but police were not revealing what he might have said.

COSTELLO: Do they have any clues at all, Thelma?

GUTIERREZ: Well, right now, they are leaving no stones unturned, Carol. The first grader has been missing now for 10 days. Police have received more than 300 leads. They're circulating flyers, investigators have canvassed the neighborhood. They have searched the landfill, even lakes in the area. And now FBI dogs have been flown in from Virginia to help find the girl. Border Patrol agents also, Carol, are at the U.S./Mexico border, are keeping their eye out for her. Investigators say now that so much time has passed, they do admit it's very frustrating and hard breaking -- Carol.

COSTELLO: Thelma Gutierrez live in Los Angeles for us.

In the world of politics, Mitt Romney is stumping in New Hampshire today and alongside him, a fresh U.S. senator who's getting a bit of VP buzz. Kelly Ayotte has been an early supporter of the presidential candidate appearing with him several times. Ahead of her state's primary in January, Romney indicated earlier this year the freshman senator could be a viable contender for the number two spot on the Republican ticket.

We expect to see both of them at a campaign event in about an hour when that happens. We will bring it to you live.

Take a look at this swanky mansion outside of Washington. There was quite a party going on there. If you wanted an invite it would have cost you up to $20,000. That's the going rate to see one-time rivals Bill Clinton and Barack Obama together. Remember, they didn't much like each other during election 2008.

The party, actually a fund-raiser for President Obama. The host Clinton buddy and former Democratic National Democratic committee chair, Terry McAuliffe.

Construction crews getting ready to erect this steel beam on top of the New One World Trade Center or the Freedom Tower. It's a take that al Qaeda moment on the day before the anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death. A proud moment now being used to attack Mitt Romney by none other than Bill Clinton.


BILL CLINTON, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: We're honorable path and the one that produced, in my opinion, the best result.


COSTELLO: Republicans like Senator John McCain called the ad shameless.

A witness to the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy comes forward with new information in the 44-year-old case. She says there was a second shooter. You'll hear her account. That comes your way in 10 minutes.

And beefing up security for the 2012 Olympic games. What do you do when your government says they might place missiles near your rooftop for anti-terrorism measures? Some Londoners are getting that notice.

CNN NEWSROOM back in two minutes.


COSTELLO: Eleven minutes pas the hour. Checking our top stories now.

Police in Tucson, Arizona, hoping this surveillance video will help them find a missing 6-year-old girl. The video shows a group of people leaving a bar near the home of Isabel Celis on the night she disappeared. New York police this morning are still trying to determine the cost of a deadly accidents. Sven people including three children were killed when their SUV flipped over a guardrail and landed upside down in the Bronx Zoo. The vehicle plunged 60 feet before crashing into a zoo area close to the public.

A blind Chinese dissident may or many not be hold up in the U.S. embassy in Beijing.

Chen Guangcheng had been essentially imprisoned by Chinese official for taking a stand against forced abortions. Now he's in what Chinese dissidents call, quote, "The one safe place in China, the U.S. embassy."

This is a political nightmare for the United States. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on her way to China this morning to talk about security issues involving Syria, Iran and North Korea. Also making the trip Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner. He wants to talk to China about economic issues like the exchange rate.

Jamie Rubin is a former assistant secretary of state under Bill Clinton, he's in New York to help us understand why Chen's escape has political implications for the United States.



COSTELLO: Good morning. So my first question, why isn't anyone in the United States confirming that Chen is actually inside the U.S. embassy?

RUBIN: Well, my guess is that the United States wants to avoid a situation in which the Chinese are forced to back down, and so if they don't admit that they are holding the individual inside the embassy and they have to make negotiation with the Chinese and certain steps are taken, it never appears as if the United States has forced China to back down.

This is all about Chinese dignity in the face of what I hope will be a strong stand by the United States on behalf of this individual who we should remember is not really a dissident. He's not even an opponent of the communist party, declares himself a member of the communist party but wants to change the policies and practices of the Chinese leadership.

COSTELLO: So the United States doesn't want to embarrass China but it wants to protect human rights, wants to protect Chen, so how does it do that?

RUBIN: Well, without knowing some of the details, it's difficult to determine because we don't really know what he wants. Every indication is that the dissident Mr. Chen does not want to leave China, in which case, what he is going to be seeking is some confirmation from the authorities in Beijing that he can leave the embassy, that he can live out his life in China without the brutality that he has experienced this past 18 months, as you've shown on -- with your reporters going to -- trying to get to his house.

He's got unauthorized, extra judicial thugs blocking visitors and making his life miserable. So because this is about Chinese behavior towards an individual inside their country, this is very different than the famous case of the Chinese dissident physicist back during the first Bush administration who lived in the U.S. embassy, I believe, for a year and a half before he was allowed to come to the United States.

If Mr. Chen doesn't want to leave China, that makes this even harder.

COSTELLO: OK. So Hillary Clinton is on board a plane. She's flying to China. That's a long flight. What's going through her mind?

RUBIN: Well, I think on the ground, she has a very able assistant secretary of state Kurt Campbell who is about as good as anyone to try to negotiate an arrangement here.

He is probably giving her updates of what's going on on the ground, trying to determine, again, what Mr. Chen wants. Does he want to get out of China, to get his family out of China? That would be one path. And that would, frankly, probably be an easier path than trying to get the United States to obtain assurances on China on how they want to treat him.

One silver lining is Mr. Chen is seeking the support of China's president and if the United States can essentially be a broker passing a message between a Chinese citizen and its president and the president chooses -- and the government of China chooses to respond to this citizen's request, then we may be able to se this thing resolved.

But it won't be easy because the United States doesn't want to seem to have abandoned human rights. Remember, years ago, the United States really did take a strong stand in favor of human rights in China. They were prepared to cut off trade to China. Congress voted against most favored trading status for China when that was a time when human rights was very important.

Over the last decade, human rights under the Republican and Democratic administration says really been, frankly, a low priority matter for Washington and this is making it a high priority and that is why it's so tricky.

COSTELLO: James Rubin live in New York for us -- thanks so much.

RUBIN: Thank you.

COSTELLO: Still to come on NEWSROOM:

The wife of the former aide to John Edwards goes back on the stand. She'll give details on her part on hiding the former presidential candidate's alleged affair. So, why did she help out too? Joe Johns is at the trial this morning. He'll have more on that, next.

And the man who told gay teenagers it gets better, gets blasted for bashing the Bible. This is the same guy the White House leaned on to spread a positive encouraging message. Did Dan Savage go to far?

CNN is back in a minute.


COSTELLO: Some nasty weather hitting the Midwest over the weekend. Bonnie Schneider is here.

And it was really terrible. But hopefully things will calm down.

BONNIE SCHNEIDER, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Well, they'll calm down for the morning but, Carol, we run the risk of more severe weather unfortunately this afternoon. You know, it's that time of year. Now that we are moving into May, we can expect a lot more in the way of severe weather.

Let's take a look at the threat right now. You'll find there is a lot of heavy rain sweeping across the Midwest and we are seeing that rolling into areas of Missouri and Illinois. Down to the South, a lot of that rain has pushed through Oklahoma City and working its way from Kansas City into St. Louis.

It's not just there. We are watching for the threat to continue overnight with heavy amounts of rain. In the Midwest and guess what, down in south Florida. It's been a really rough ride down in Miami over the weekend. More is to come with three to five inches of rain in total from West Palm Beach down to the Florida Keys. And that's where we're seeing some of the heaviest rain right now.

So, today's threat for large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes continues all the way from Pittsburgh through Cincinnati and then back up towards Oklahoma City. That's really the bull's-eye for severe weather today. It will be hot along much of the Gulf Coast and wet in the Northwest.

Cooler -- we had some freeze advisories this morning in the interior sections of the northeast. So starting off kind of cold as we well into the spring season.

COSTELLO: Bonnie Schneider -- thank you.


COSTELLO: Nearly 44 years after the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, a witness comes forward with her story of what happened. That witnessed, Nina Rhodes-Hughes was just a few feet away from Kennedy when he was killed. She claims there was a second killer to her right in addition to Sirhan Sirhan who was accounted of the crime.

Rhodes-Hughes spoke on CNN's "STARTING POINT," she accuses the FBI of changing her original account.


NINA RHODES-HUGHES: There were more than eight shots and interesting you read whatever the FBI issued, everybody said eight shots. Not. I wish there some recordings of me that night I did give an interview with someone with a microphone where I said at least 12, maybe 14. I know there was, because I heard the rhythm in my head. You know? And I know the first two or three shots, I wasn't aware, as I said, I thought they were flashbulbs.

What has to come out there was another shooter to my right and Robert Kennedy was also to my right where Sirhan Sirhan was, almost straight ahead and to my left and standing on some steel raised platform. And that there were two shooters. That must come out and who they were. It must come out who the other shooter is because there definitely was another shooter.


COSTELLO: A federal court is set to rule on a request by Sirhan Sirhan that he'd be released, retried or granted a hearing on new evidence, including Rhodes-Hughes account.

Also this morning, the wife of John Edwards' former aide returns to the witness stand. Cheri Young is expected to testify about how she helped her husband cover up the former presidential candidate's affair. But she'll also be asked why she decided to help.

Joe Johns has more for you.


JOE JOHNS, CNN SENIOR CORRESPONDENT: Beginning the second week of the John Edwards campaign finance trial here in Greensboro, North Carolina, expected to take the stand when testimony resumes is Cheri Young, the wife of John Edwards' right hand man, who actually endorsed many of the big checks from a wealthy donor that never made it to John Edwards mistress. A lot of that money ended up being used for the Andrew Young family expenses at a time when Young says he wasn't able to get a job because his reputation had been ruined. He had falsely taken credit for fathering John Edwards' child.

On Friday, Cheri Young said, her husband's work for the Edwards family had become extremely maddening to her, but she allowed it to happen. The main question in the case, however, is about campaign finance funds and whether John Edwards knowingly and willingly accepted illegal money.

Carol, back to you.


COSTELLO: Now is your chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. The question for you this morning: should Osama bin Laden's death be a campaign issue? Tomorrow marks one year since Osama bin Laden was shot dead by U.S. Navy SEALs at its hideout in Pakistan. What had happened all of us, Democrats and Republicans, joined together in relief and celebration.

But that unity was short-lived. It's re-election time. President Obama is playing the Osama bin Laden card.

Here's his new campaign ad.


BILL CLINTON, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: He took the harder and the more honorable path and the one that produced, in my opinion, the best result.


COSTELLO: The ad suggests Mitt Romney wouldn't have given the order to kill bin Laden. It quotes Romney's criticism of candidate Obama's promise to strike inside Pakistan to get bin Laden.

Republicans were quick to pounce. Senator John McCain called it pathetic, as did the Romney campaign.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Took something that was a unifying event for all Americans and an event that Governor Romney congratulated him and the military and the intelligence analysts and our government for completing the mission in terms of killing Osama bin Laden and he has managed to turn it into a divisive partisan political attack.


COSTELLO: If this all sounds familiar, you are right on the money. In 2008, candidate Obama complained when Hillary Clinton used a picture of bin Laden to question Obama's credentials. This time, Obama's campaign says it's different, when it comes to national security, it's fair game to compare how the two men would act as commander-in-chief. But does it?

So the talkback question for you today: should Osama bin Laden's death be a campaign issue?,, I'll read your comments later this hour.

Still ahead, dare I say it? The infamous Octomom is back and speaking only to CNN about recent rumors, including whether she wants to do porn. A.J. Hammer gets to the truth of the matter after a break.


COSTELLO: Just about 30 minutes past the hour. The bell is about to ring on Wall Street and, actually, we have some very good news to tell you about.

A much needed pump in the arm. Is that how you say it? Anyway, it's a much needed win for Detroit.

Felicia Taylor is at the New York Stock Exchange.

Felicia, tell us about it.

FELICIA TAYLOR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes. Well, you know, more symbolic than anything. Chrysler is moving up to 70 workers from its Auburn Hills headquarters to Detroit. Auburn Hills is a suburb of Detroit. It's about 30 minutes outside of the city. It's moving its sales staff and people who work with local dealerships.

And it's an important move to Detroit because they have about 17.8 percent unemployment -- 17.8 percent unemployment. It's huge. It's almost double the national rate.

The move also means more tax revenue for Detroit and it's a sign of solidarity and sort of confidence. It's what Chrysler is saying we are here, we're established here. Remember, Chrysler never had offices in Detroit. It only had manufacturing plants.

So the official announcement is actually going on right now and just to mention, you know, where the markets opening, slightly lower but that was as to be expected.

COSTELLO: All right. Felicia Taylor live at the New York Stock Exchange, thanks so much.

Other stories we are watching right now in the NEWSROOM:

Escaped Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng is reportedly being sheltered at the U.S. embassy in Beijing. If true, it sets up a delicate diplomatic dance with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton holding talks with Chinese officials in Beijing this week.

Police in Tucson Arizona hoping this surveillance video will help police find a missing girl. The video shows a group of people leaving a bar near the home of Isabel Celis on the night she disappeared.

One World Trade Center, the Freedom Tower, will become New York's tallest skyscraper today. Workers will push the unfinished Freedom Tower past the height of the Empire State Building. Still a year left of construction before Freedom Tower reaches its full height of 1,776 feet.

High school students at a National High School Journalism Conference thought they were going to talk thoughtfully about anti- bullying. Instead, many of them walked out in tears after a prominent anti-bullying advocate, Dan Savage, called parts of the Bible B.S.


DAN SAVAGE, ANTI-BULLYING ADVOCATE: We can learn to ignore the full (EXPLETIVE DELETED) in the Bible about gay people. Funny as someone who is on the receiving end of beatings that are justified by the Bible, how (EXPLETIVE DELETED) some people react when you push back.


COSTELLO: So those high school students in the audience were from Christian high schools. So who is Dan Savage and why he is so important?

As an author and gay right activist, Savage created a Web site to support gay teens and tell them that it gets better. President Obama expressed his support in the video.

Savage "It Gets Better" message is still up on the White House Web site. So, he still has got a voice in Washington which makes this message he gave high school journalism students that much more disturbing.

So, let's talk this over with CNN contributors Will Cain and L.Z. Granderson. Welcome to you both.


COSTELLO: Good morning.


COSTELLO: So, L.Z., let's start with you. I mean, Savage was talking to high school students, not college students, and some people might say maybe he had some valid points but do you think that high school students are old enough to really think about that in the way Savage perhaps wanted them to?

GRANDERSON: Well, first of all, let me start off by saying that I've been a fan of Dan Savage's work over the years. I've gotten to know him. I consider him to be a friend. I know him to be a very good father himself.

But if I was a parent and my child, my son was in that audience, I'd be very upset with him, not necessarily because he challenged religion per se or the text of the Bible, but just the manner in which he said it. It's very disrespectful to me. The language was totally uncalled for.

Dan is a very "in your face" kind of guy, but a high school auditorium as a journalism conference isn't the space where that language should have been used.

COSTELLO: Well, already, some Republican gay groups are calling for Mr. Savage to apologize. Should he, Will?

CAIN: Yes, yes. I think that he probably should. I'll say this. I think L.Z. and I are on the exact same page on this. Actually, substantively, I think Dan savage had some pretty interesting things to say. I think more often than not, the genesis, the starting point of debate over the acceptability of homosexuality begins with the religious foundation and you ought to have the debate there.

L.Z. and I have had various debates over Marcus Bachmann's involvement in reparative therapy and I made the point to L.Z., I think you need to go farther back. I think you need to go back to the religious debate and homosexuality acceptance at that level.

So, I think substantively, Savage had some kind of interesting points to make in a debate to be had. Stylistically, he is completely hostile and he lives in a world so many people who have a public forum do that you seem to think the world and those listening to you are kind of your Twitter lemmings. That everybody wants to hear what you have to say exactly the way you want to say it.

And I think what the way he chose to say it was, yes, it was offensive. It was inappropriate so, yeah, he should apologize.

COSTELLO: Savage, I guess, did apologize during the speech and also gave context to like his B.S. line. So listen.


SAVAGE: I apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings, but I have a right to defend myself. And to point out the hypocrisy of people who justify anti-gay bigotry by pointing to the Bible, and insisting we must live by the code of the Leviticus on this one issue and no other.


COSTELLO: So, L.Z., explain what he was talking about.

GRANDERSON: Well, you know, this is pieces that I've written over the years about the hypocrisy, that, you know, some people will whip up Leviticus when it comes to condemning gay people, but there are many other passages within Leviticus that they don't pay any attention to, like eating shell fish or mixing fabrics or not having sex with your wife while she is menstruating which is one of the things that Dan Savage talked about.

All of those things, in addition to homosexuality, are somewhat talked about in Leviticus. However, whenever you have a conservative that condemns homosexuality, they only talk about that issue. They don't talk about anything else. So that's the hypocrisy that Dan Savage is talking about. That's something I've written about and I think that is something many activists point to, like, you know, when they criticized Rick Santorum. That's what they talk about, how come it's just this issue and not everything else written in the old testament of the Bible.

COSTELLO: Will, it sort of seems like Dan Savage, although he's clearly an anti-bullying advocate, became a bully himself.

CAIN: But he always has been, Carol. I think there is an also legitimate conversation debate to be had whether or not Dan Savage is the best messenger for his message. This isn't new for Dan Savage. L.Z. said he's always been "in your face" kind of guy. But I'd say he's gone further than in your face. He licked the doorknobs of a previous presidential candidate to try to get him sick when Dan Savage was himself sick, because he didn't like the message.

Dan Savage is always been something way behind a journalist, much more like an advocate and even beyond an advocate. I mean, it's -- we shouldn't be surprised by this, but I don't know that Dan Savage's role should be one that's wholly accepted and embraced.

COSTELLO: Well, it makes you wonder, L.Z., why this guy was invited to speak before a group of high school students.

CAIN: Right.

GRANDERSON: Well, as I said, I mean, he is a really good father for one. Two, he's a very strong advocate for kids. So we shouldn't confuse the work he has done over his life span with this or other incidents in which he has taken it over the top.

At the core of his work, if someone is very passionate about protecting people who don't have a voice for themselves and I would hate his message, I would hate that campaign to get tarnished what he did at the high school because he really is a very strong advocate, one of the strongest advocates we have in the country in terms of protecting young people in school.

COSTELLO: OK. Will, last word, will this become a campaign issue like everything else does?


CAIN: For a little while, like everything else does, for a little while. I mean, it probably will have legs for months and months but, yes, for a little while.

COSTELLO: OK. Just saying, just asking.

Will Cain, L.Z. Granderson, thank you both so much for being with us this morning.

CAIN: Thanks.

GRANDERSON: Thank you.

COSTELLO: And later on, actually, in about 45 minutes, we hope to have the high school journalism teacher who invited Mr. Savage to speak before these high school journalist. We'll hear what he has to say.

Also, the trial of the man accused of killing three members of singer Jennifer Hudson's family resumes in Chicago. We'll have a live report from outside of a courtroom on what we can expect today.

Plus, the death of Osama bin Laden. The daring military raid is being celebrated again. This time in presidential politics. Is the Obama campaign going too far?

And don't forget today's talkback question. Yes! The question this morning: should Osama bin Laden's death be a campaign issue? I'll read your responses.

You're watching NEWSROOM.


COSTELLO: Forty-one minutes past the hour. Welcome back to CNN NEWSSROOM. The woman the world knows as Octomom is speaking out and fighting back.

"Showbiz Tonight's" A.J. Hammer is here. At last check, Octomom was accused of negligence.

A.J. HAMMER, HOST, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT: That's right, Carol. And she is in a pretty tough spot right now. "Showbiz Tonight's" Nichelle Turner did have an exclusive interview where Suleman reveals that she and her 14 kids are actually in danger of losing their home right now. Watch what she told us about that.


NADYA SULEMAN, "OCTOMOM": The house is in foreclosure for a few months, several months. So, I was unable to -- how many people can identify with that? Stop judging, just listen. Many people are losing their homes, many. So, I'm not the only one.


HAMMER: Except, a lot of people would argue she got herself into a situation that not a lot of other people did by having so many kids. But she did take the opportunity during this interview to defend herself against allegations that her children are neglected. She told Nischelle her kids are actually thriving. That's something she actually told me a few weeks ago as well.

And when she was asked about the appearance of the house, there are holes in the wall, there are some graffiti in spots, she said that some of these problems were actually there when she moved in house and the graffiti is a as a result of her 10-year-old son who was cleaning up the paint while we were there in the house.

But no matter what you think about Suleman, it is just a tragic situation for those kids but because so many people dislike her and blame her for putting herself in this situation by having a the octuplets, she is having a hard time getting a job where she can earn a decent living . And she told Nischelle she is willing to do anything at this stage to make money.

Watch that.


SULEMAN: All that matters.


SULEMAN: If it's a job, and it's a well-paying job and it's going to allow me to get us out of here in a very safe huge home that they deserve, I'm going to do it.


HAMMER: So, Carol, she's not ruling anything out. You know, it's obviously a very desperate situation. I know a lot of people have a hard time having any sympathy for her, but when you separate all we know about her, it is a mom trying to make a living in a really tough spot with a lot of kids to look after.

COSTELLO: Those poor kids! You're right, A.J., these poor kids. A.J. Hammer, thanks so much.

A.J. will be back next hour with more showbiz headlines.

He plays Dr. McDreamy on TV. Here how Patrick Dempsey came to the rescue and saved a teenager's life.

Also still to come, security for the 2012 Olympic Games have some people in London in fear this morning because the government says it may put missiles near their rooftop. Zain Verjee will have the story.

Horrific accident ending at the Bronx zoo kills three generations of the same family. The latest on the police investigation in our next half hour.



CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: 47 minutes past the hour.

Checking stories we are watching right now in the NEWSROOM. Escaped Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng is reportedly being sheltered at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. If true it sets up a delicate diplomatic dance with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton holding talks with Chinese officials in Beijing this week.

U.S. troops now helping in the hunt for American warlord Joseph Kony. He's the alleged villain in that viral Kony 2012 video. President Obama sent 100 Special Forces to central Africa last year to track down the leaders of Kony's group, the LORD'S RESISTANCE ARMY. Kony is wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.

And the Coast Guard is suspending its search for a missing sailor after a racing accident left three crew members dead. Their boat was taking part in a yacht race from California to next Mexico when it accidentally collided with a bigger vessel in the Pacific near the Coronado islands.

Living near the area where the 2012 Olympics will be held just got a little scary for a few 100 hundred people in London, people living in an east London apartment complex say they got a notice on Saturday warning get this, that a surface-to-air missile system might be placed on or near their roof. All for security in preparation for the Olympic Games.

Let's head to London now and talk about that Zain Verjee. Wow.

ZAIN VERJEE, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Yes, exactly. Wow, Carol. Imagine you go home to, I don't know what is it? Buckhead, Morningside, Marietta and you're just going through your pamphlets and you have pizza delivery and Chinese food over here and then surface- to-air missile launch pad on your roof. That's exactly what happened to about 700 or so residents in east London where they were told via a little pamphlet that was delivered that this is what is going to happen.

And so that so many people totally outraged and shocked by it. The thing is, is that their apartment building, while it has a great view and, you know, a swimming pool and sauna and any some fabulous things, great buildings have, it also means that it's a great position in case anyone tries to attack during the Olympics and the British government can fire surface-to-air missiles.

So people are really worried about that. You know think of it kind of like the meat packing district in New York, you know? It's kind of artsy and cool and creative. This is the same kind of area in east London and people paid a lot for fancy little place there and this is what they got.

COSTELLO: So I'm just wondering so are they going to shoot enemy planes out of the sky? Or are they going to shoot like surface-to-air missile in the middle of a London street?

VERJEE: Well, that's the idea. I mean, if there are some kind of threats and low flying aircraft over the Olympic stadium, they -- they still need to confirm that they'll do it but they've been looking at the best positions.

So yes, the idea is that they would fire it from that location. And you know there would be a lot of debris as a result spread all over east London because of that. You know this kind of thing has been done before like surface-to-air missile launch pads for the Olympic games.

Beijing did it but they didn't pick a cool apartment building to do it and it was more of a neutral location.

COSTELLO: Wacky. But I guess -- I guess these are the times in which we live, Zain Verjee. Live from London. Thank you.

The Australian billionaire intends to build a replica of "Titanic" complete in every detail. But this time it will be equipped with modern technology to prevent a repeat of what happened 100 years ago. More on this fascinating venture.


COSTELLO: We asked you to "Talk Back" on one of the big stories of the day. The "Talk Back" question for you this morning "Should Osama bin Laden's death be a campaign issue?"

This from Charity, "Yes because Bush had eight years and couldn't get it done. President Obama did it in less than four."

This from Andrea, "No way. Let's see if he can bring something else to the table. I like to hear because I can't think of anything else."

This from Louie, "You better believe the other side would use to it their advantage. Of course it should."

This from John, "Obama talks about the death of bin Laden like he thinks he pulled the trigger. The only people who should be able to brag about it are those Seal Team members who actually put their lives on the line for that mission."

And this from Janice, "Yes it should be. If it was anyone else they would be doing a victory dance on board an aircraft carrier saying 'mission accomplished'."

Keep the conversation going, I'll read more of your responses in the next hour of NEWSROOM.

And we are following a lot of developments in the next hour, let's check in first with Thelma Gutierrez.

THELMA GUTIERREZ, CNN ANCHOR: I'll have the latest on the search for 6-year-old Isabel Celis a first grader in Tucson, Arizona who went missing from her bedroom ten days ago. We'll have more at the top of the hour.

FELICIA TAYLOR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I'm Felicia Taylor at the New York Stock Exchange with a shift in the labor markets. The idea of stay-at-home moms who raised the kids is fading away. A new study says more dads are filling that role as mom heads off to work. We'll have more on that in the next hour -- Carol.

COSTELLO: All right thanks to both of you.

And who can forget? Osama bin Laden was killed one year ago tomorrow. Now the Obama campaign releasing an ad highlighting that fact and also suggesting Mitt Romney as President would not have approved of the daring raid. That's ahead in the next hour of NEWSROOM.


COSTELLO: Crazy things can happen in the playoffs and that's what makes them exciting, Jeff Fischel.

JEFF FISCHEL, HLN SPORTS: NBA playoffs, intensity gets more intense. The shockers get even more shocking. And we saw crazy last night. The craziest part, the team that pulled off the greatest comeback in the NBA's modern era is the team that for decades has been synonymous with "loser". It's the Clippers.

I guess it's a new era with Blake Griffin and Chris Paul. Last night, game one of their first-round series against the Memphis Grizzlies in Memphis. The Grizzlies had a 27-point lead with 14 minutes less in the game. This is Clippers we're talking about but outscored Memphis 35-13 in the fourth including five three-pointers.

Memphis at one point went nine minutes without a basket. The players on the Clippers surprised themselves, calling they're comeback crazy. They win by one. Game two is Wednesday. We'll see if Memphis can recover an astounding -- an astounding failure in game one.

More NBA playoffs -- Celtics and Hawks, Game one. Celtics star guard Rajon Rondo arguing a foul call bumps the ref. Now that is a no-no. He gets tossed and you have to think he'll be suspended for game two as well. Rondo says he didn't intentionally make the chest bump. I guess you have to say that to avoid an even bigger suspension. The hawks took game one, 83-74.

Three years ago sports illustrated put 16-year-old Bryce Harper on the cover calling him baseball's chosen one. Saturday the Washington Nationals called him up to the Big Leagues. Just 19 years old. And you know, he'll always want to remember that first Major League hit.

Here he is at the plate, Saturday night, against the Dodgers. Watch the fan behind him. Stands up and yes he showed his derriere while Harper is getting his first Major League hit. So Harper ends up in the hall of fame. This is how his first major hit will be remembered, some guys flabby, hairy smile.

It was actually a great debut weekend for Harper. You made great plays both got a couple of hits. And then this replayed yesterday on the field. Against the wall, snags it, stealing an extra-base hit. Harper truly has all the tools to be a superstar. We'll see if the Nats keep him up or send him back down to the minors for a little more seasoning. But he's great and this is how his first Major League hit will be remembered forever. I don't know that you can edit it out.

COSTELLO: So wrong. I'm sure he'll have his good sense -- I wouldn't but I'm sure he does. Thank you, Jeff.