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Piers Morgan Live

Interview with Dr. Mehmet Oz; Interview with Cee Lo Green

Aired May 18, 2012 - 21:00   ET


PIERS MORGAN, HOST: Tonight, the doctor is in. America's favorite, Dr. Oz.


DR. MEHMET OZ, HOST, THE DR. OZ SHOW: The amount of sex we have is dramatically important because it's revving your engine with body.


MORGAN: Surprising prescription for good health.


OZ: I also have to admit that I passed gas. You probably passed gas while sitting here.

MORGAN: Absolutely not. The queen and I never do that.


MORGAN: And my own moment of truth with the good doctor.


MORGAN: You are about to find out, on this show, whether I'm going to be alive next week or possibly dead. Dr. Oz?


MORGAN: Also, the only man who can turn a four-letter word into an international smash hit.



CEE LO GREEN, SINGER: P, what's up, man? I'm so anxious to talk to you. The anticipation is killing me.


MORGAN: My exclusive with Cee Lo Green.


MORGAN: I have got probably more money in those diamonds in your teeth than I have earned in a lifetime. How many have you got?

GREEN: Would you stop being modest, please?



MORGAN: Plus, only in America. A lesson for all those new Facebook millionaires on the right way to spend their money.



MORGAN: Very few television programs could actually improve your health. I'm hoping this one will -- because Dr. Oz is the kind of guy that makes you feel better and not just in that kind of cozy convivial sense.

Dr. Oz, welcome.

OZ: Thank you very much, Piers.

MORGAN: Originally said heart surgeon, author, research, philanthropist, TV star.

OZ: Oh, please.

MORGAN: Read all that.

OZ: I heard you (INAUDIBLE) Celia Walden's husband. I had the best time with her.

MORGAN: It was brilliant. You interviewed my wife for a British newspaper. She is a journalist.

And she came back bubbling with enthusiasm because you had actively instructed her to improve her health by drinking more wine and having more sex.

OZ: Yes, I did that as a favor to you, Piers.

MORGAN: Thank you.


OZ: It helps a lot. You know, the fascinating thing, and you know, talked to Celia, we're doing a free clinic in Los Angeles. I gained a lot of insight into how she thought about health in this country.

And of course, when you are talking to someone who is a foreign national about where we stand in America, you see there are huge opportunities to maybe nudge ourselves in a better direction which fundamental what my whole life had been about.

MORGAN: It was a fascinating exercise. You just had thousands of people turning up from the lowest elements of society in terms of ability to pay for health care or anything like that. And some of them are suffering appalling, long-term tumors and so on.

What do you do that for? What's the motivation for you when you have those kind of open, free clinics?

OZ: Piers, I get letters in the mail daily from folks who say you are my doctor. Not just figuratively because I watch you in television, but literally you I don't have a doctor. You have 50 million people without health care coverage, many of them are going to seek out whatever resources they exist. The TV show happens to be one of those resources.

So, we began running these free clinics, in part because I could hear the shame in the voices of people who were writing. They felt they didn't matter, they didn't have a voice, they were invisible in society. We have a covenant that we make with each other as part of society, that I think allows us to feel like wary member of that community and whether we have insurance or not, we should at least be counted on those regards.

We run these large free clinics to embrace folks who cannot get care otherwise and there are some tragic elements of this.

MORGAN: What is the simple answer for the tens of millions of people in America who simply will never be able to afford health care? How does America look after its most needy people with a system that often doesn't allow them to have anything?

OZ: Everyone has to be in the system. You cannot drive a system that's going to be aiming at preventing illness if everyone is not in it. The whole gaming of health insurance and health care in America is based on that fundamental principle: insure people who aren't sick and you don't have to pay more money on them.

But if everybody is in the system, then it pays for all of us to begin to pay attention, the remarkable number, 80 million people who are diabetic, or pre-diabetic, seeing similar number who are pre or potential --

MORGAN: Eighty million people?

OZ: Eighty million people. And diabetes is like broken glass shards scraping the delicate lining of your arteries. Given the erectile dysfunction that we called on earlier, you know, he number one cause of aging alone, which I will measure own you, is your blood pressure. A simple cuff like this which hope everybody could hear my voice --

MORGAN: Normally, my blood pressure is OK, but even talking to you about this, probably sending it racing you.

OZ: Since you kindly, I don't know a prop, this is a supply I had in the --


OZ: Carrots and celery sticks here.

MORGAN: Listen, quite a healthy green room.

OZ: All I know is I had to swipe away the doughnut remnants or the croissants that were left behind.

But, you know, these simple decisions impacted us dramatically. And so, if we are going to have a true preventative health care approach to taking care of people, which is basically about making easy to do the right thing, everyone is going to be in the system.

The tough decisions shouldn't be that, Piers. The tough decisions should be how we are going to be able to give affordable care to people and get our value back.

MORGAN: What's the simple answer?

OZ: The simple answer is the most expensive thing we do in medicine is provide bad care. When I get a patient cared for poorly or if I make a mistake, without being wise about what I'm doing, prescribing this harmful, that costs us all a lot of money. I'm of Turkish origin as you may know. You throw a coin into a well, right, one foolish person can do that, but it takes 1,000 wise men to get it back out again.

We are spending most of our time in American health care fixing the mistakes that either we in the profession are causing or our patients are, without recognizing it, causing to themselves.

MORGAN: How limiting and how much more complicated is the system in America because of the massive overreliance on bureaucracy and threat of litigation which leads to more bureaucracy and so on? How restrictive is that to you as a practitioner?

OZ: It's usually restrictive. We estimate that between 20 percent to 25 percent of the health care expenses -- which is a huge amount of money -- is driven by the bureaucracy, fear of making mistakes, might be significantly more than that because it's harder to measure anything these things.

But, Piers, it's a big idea. Let me make this clear: here's the big message I think everybody in the world getting, you cannot be a healthy country if you are not a healthy country. Ultimately, what China is worried about is the health of their citizens, because it's going to strip away the vitality.

MORGAN: It's very true.

OZ: What corporate leaders are worried about is if I can spend so much on health care, they can't keep up with the expenses required to make simple products. So, this is a serious issue you at its root lies the challenges that we all face. We can fight about how to move around those deck seats on the "Titanic." But at end of the day, we're going to have to get away from that and start making serious choices.

MORGAN: If you were analyzing and summing up the state of America's health, 1 to 100, how bad is it with the higher number being bad, lower number being good? Comparative to, say, other main countries, major countries in the world?

OZ: You know, again, using your scaling system, I would probably give us an 80. It's not where it should be. And there's a couple reasons for that.

First off, I don't think we are very efficient in how we invest our resources of health. But mostly, we have made our society into a perfect storm for making mistakes in your health. If you're making hard to do the right thing, the right thing is not going to happen. If there are no sidewalks in neighborhoods, people aren't going to go out there and walk.

Let me ask you a question -- well, you didn't grow up in this country, but I think our viewers might resonate to this, and so I ask this to you directly -- did you walk to school when you were a kid?


OZ: Sixty percent, 70 percent of folks who are watching this show right now, who are our age, walked to school when they were kids.

MORGAN: I read if you do a brisk half an hour walk a day whoever you are, that would maintain a pretty high level of fitness over time.

OZ: Absolutely right. Let me accentuate this for a second. If you go around the world, and look at people who live the longest, that's the one secret they all share.

MORGAN: Movement.

OZ: Movement, daily, vigorous physical activity.

MORGAN: Most people -- a lot of people in America and the same applies to Britain, are just very sedentary in their lives.

OZ: Every hour you sit at work increases your mortality 11 percent. Think about that.

And go back to the statistics about how often we walk to school, the average number, adults today, generally walk to school more than half the time. Today's children walk to school about 10 percent of the time.

So, we have created a society where it's acceptable to be sedentary. Similar examples exist for many, the decisions we make, what kinds of foods are readily available, how we out junk food, our fast food, et cetera. MORGAN: Hold that thought. Let's take a little break and come back. I want to talk specifically about American health, how people are getting it wrong what they should do to get it right and be healthy.

OZ: In the meantime, I'm going to check your blood pressure on the break.

MORGAN: Let's do it. Come on. Let's do it.


MORGAN: So this is a bit of TV history for me. I have just had my blood pressure taken by Dr. Oz. I have no idea about the results.

So, you are about to find out on this show whether I'm going to be alive next week or possibly dead. Dr. Oz?

OZ: Or pre-op.

Your number is 134/82.

MORGAN: So, how good is that?

OZ: One-thirty-four/eighty-two is average for America. But let me take this off to you and let me talk more what that means in average in America.

MORGAN: Yes. Yes.

OZ: So when you're average, in most things -- that's OK.

But when you are average with your blood pressure, it doesn't mean you're optimal.

MORGAN: Right.

OZ: The goal should be --

MORGAN: What should I be looking for?

OZ: One-fifteen over 75 is the optimal number. The hypertensive number, the number that means your too high you 140/90. But you are 134/82, which is what you were, and that means that you're average, it translates to is that your life expectancy is going to be several years shorter than if your number was the optimal number that is a big deal for folks because they don't realize the number one driver of all aging is high blood pressure, because it's like a fire hydrant that is rubbing off the lining of your arteries. And by doing that, forces your arteries to have to repair themselves continuously.

So, if I punch a hole in this table here, how I do fix that hole? I fix the hole by putting plaster in. The body's blaster is called cholesterol. So, the more holes I have, the more I have to use my cholesterol to fix it. If I have the wrong kind of cholesterol, which bad food will give me, now, I'm really stuck. Making that plaque that causes everything from erectile dysfunction you and Celia were talking about --

MORGAN: I'm not talking about that with my wife. What the hell are you talking about, Dr. Oz?

OZ: What an error. I'm sorry.

MORGAN: I'm talking about your problems, not mine.

OZ: The wine and the -- intimacy issues we were talking about earlier all drive back to that insight. But again, that The blood pressure problem a bigger issue from your heart and brain.

MORGAN: Coming from Europe, I was stunned by how much food Americans consume. I mean, it's probably -- not exaggeration to say probably twice as much physical food being consumed on a daily basis, just on the size of the portions, I'd say.

OZ: There's no question, the portion controls a big part of it.

But, Piers, I spend every single day in my show talking to people about portion control, right kinds of fats, you know, how to cheat the system, get what you need out of it, people know what to do often times and they can't do it emotionally.

You have to ask yourself, why is that? What is that deep empty hole inside they are trying to fill? I think a lot of it comes down to the fact that a lot of people in America feel out of control.

So, if I can't control my job or my spouse or the people in my life, the only thing I can control is my arm and the fork that it's holding. So I use.

So I think when we talk about obesity in America, part to have is the system, the environment we have crafted around this, this portion is good example. Part of it is the fact that we don't treat food like it's sacred.

This is the brain smart, Piers. It's not looking for calories. It's looking for nutrients. So, if I'm giving myself junk food, a lot of calories in it. My brain is going to say, well, that's fantastic. But where's my goodies?

MORGAN: Is the American diet, the main American diet, the masses, for want of a better phrase would eat on a regular basis is that worse as a diet than a country like Britain, like India, like China?

Give me some comparison to play with here about the quality of the diet.

OZ: Well, the United Kingdom has the highest incidence of arthrosclerosis disease, hardening of the arteries, of any of the countries that I'm aware of, I'm sure there are a couple higher, this is the major countries, near the top, certainly.

Many of the studies are actually done there, because of that. So, the British diet, I don't think is much better than U.S. diet.

But I think, generally speaking, you talk about China, India, many parts of Europe, people eat real food. They -- the foods they eat came out of the ground, looking the way it looks when they eat it. It's not processed, it's not being mucked.

And Don't go for the head fakes, everybody. If somebody say is that low fat food, it means we took real food and adulterated it, to take the fat out. What do you add back? Sugar. You add sugar back.

MORGAN: Here's what I think --

OZ: You add sugar back. One example, skim milk, good for you or bad for you if you're going to lose weight?

MORGAN: I'm sure you're about to tell you it's not good for you.

OZ: Exactly.


OZ: Because if I take the fat out of milk, what's left? Sugar. Crazily.

MORGAN: What is the best milk to drink?

OZ: Drink regular milk, just drink less of it, because it's real food. Your body knows what do with real milk.

If I give you a low-sugar alternative, I mucked up something up. I'm tricking that's why artificial sweeteners don't work. If the brain says --


MORGAN: American food compared to British food, it lasts longer in the fridge or sitting outside, it lasts days longer. Bread, a loaf of bread here will survive two weeks before it starts to mold. In Britain, it will go in two or three days.

What does that mean? It made me think this is odd. How many preservatives are in this food?

OZ: Many of the preservatives good for shelf life but they're bad for human life.

Many of these products, trans fats are example, insect won't it. A lot of these products were designed not for human use, they're designed for industrial use. You know, when there was a problem with reading the right kinds of fats for candles, they started using trans fats. They took vegetable oils and manipulated them. Those scientists did the right thing to make candles.

But when you extrapolate that into human consumption, it raises major red flags for us. but again, Piers, part is the biology of blubber, understanding how your body responds -- MORGAN: The biology of blubber, what a great phrase.

OZ: Yes, the biology -- it's yours, please use it.

Part of it is the biology of blubber, just understanding what naturally happens to your body when you do these things, part is the emotional burdens that drive us to do things we shouldn't do.

Let me give you one good metaphor -- 1,000 years ago, since you asked about stress, 1,000 years ago, what was stress? Wasn't a deadline for a TV show, wasn't a ratings point, wasn't someone criticizing you -- it was famine, not having enough food. So, when we feel chronic stress, we think we are in a famine.

What happens in a famine? We release chemicals in our brain that force us to eat more of things we don't like. Voila. French word. That's what -- that's what happens in America and other societies when we feel chronic stress and we see this especially in parts of the country where people are under chronic stress, socioeconomic stress in particular is one that drives obesity levels.

And that, my friend, mortgages, our nations future. If you don't deal with obesity when people are young, they will car try to a disease much earlier. I have started operating, Piers, on 25-year-old people, 25-year-olds with hardening of the arteries, unheard of a generation ago.

Why? They grew up as 10 and 12-year-old diabetics with high cholesterol and so now, they're using medications to get treated. By the time, we are done with this you and I and everybody else paying to take care of people who are not going to get a high-quality return to that investment.

MORGAN: What are the biggest problems Americans facing with health they could easily fix, what are the most common mistakes people make with their health?

OZ: Five major themes that drive 70 percent of how long and how well we age. Five themes. One is blood pressure we checked yours. Again, yours is the average blood pressure. But the average isn't good enough. You needed to be optimum blood pressure.

Number two, daily physical activity, which we have talked about. Number three diet you love.

I'm not saying more important than one good four, because you can find foods that you love that are good for you, if do you that you will eat those foods.

MORGAN: Tell me about the mythology of diet. What is the best way to lose weight without having to just eat carrots?

OZ: Well, first off, carbohydrates, I do think we have a problem with simple carbohydrates, the simple sugars, the white foods, white rice, white pasta, the whites that we bake with, these are all problems for us. But carbohydrates in general stimulates your thyroid gland, if you take out your carbohydrates, you drop your metabolism, which is why people trying to diet hard, they don't succeed, because your body is too smart for you. The biology of blubber we spoke of earlier will catch you and quickly pull you back to reality.

So, in order keep your metabolism high, which allowed you to burn off the calories you are eating, you want to have some carbohydrates in your diet. You want to diet hard, you want to diet smart.

So, the key to long-term sustain weight loss -- it's going to blow your mind -- but it's all about losing 100 calories from your diet every day not more. You true I do cut off 400 calories, your metabolism showdown.

MORGAN: Because it's too dramatic, isn't it?

OZ: Your body is geared -- listen, there a dozen systems to keep you eating. If I told you, Piers, hold your breath underwater indefinitely, you can't do that. You can't hold your breath forever, everybody knows that.

Same goes for dieting. You can diet -- there are a lot of reasons your body would not want you to do that. In fact, never in our history ever would you need that.

MORGAN: Focus primarily on losing 100 calories a day from the way would you normally lead your life, what kind of results would you see and what kind of time span?

OZ: Just give you an idea of 100 calories, half a doughnut, half a soft drink, a small little nudgy move like that will take off about 12 or 13 pounds a year.

MORGAN: What's your regimen like in terms of diet and fitness? Because you are absurdly fit. How old are you, if you don't mine me asking?

OZ: Fifty-one.

MORGAN: Right. You don't look 51. You look fitter than me, I'm 46. So, we have an issue here.

But tell me what you do to maintain good level of fitness, personally.

OZ: I get up at the same time every morning.

MORGAN: Which is?

OZ: Which is around 6:00, about 5:00 or 6:00 for reason I come to in a second. But I get up at 5:00 or 6:00 because I know will create a routine for me, where I control my future destiny. As soon as I get up, first thing I do is seven minutes of exercise.

MORGAN: Seven?

OZ: Seven. And I'll tell you why it's seven, because I can do what I want to do a sun salutation, which is a series of yoga moves. It's not touchy feely, guys. And I played football in college. This is preseason football practice stuff with some sit-ups and pushups. In seven minutes I do it because I know even me can make seven minutes in their life, and I challenge anyone watching --

MORGAN: Seven minutes is enough?

OZ: Seven minutes is enough to get you going in the morning, to get your metabolism up, to get my pushups and sit-up with us my stretching exercises, I feel like I control what I'm doing the rest of the day.

And the big reason it's seven, not 15 or 25, because I'm going to challenge everybody out there right now to ask themselves -- am I so disorganized in my life I can't carve out seven minutes? So, I get my seven minutes --

MORGAN: So, do you go to the gym at all?

OZ: No.

MORGAN: Do you run?

OZ: I do. I do lots of activity. I play basketball. I do lots of activities, but not then. The core to my health is the seven minute us in the morning, because if I'm so busy all day long, I don't have time, so exhausted I can't get it in. I got my seven minutes every single day, it's the consistency that helps.

Now, during the day time, I move around a lot, we all want to do that, you should be the one getting up from your desk going to the other person's cubicle to ask them the question. Don't be the one sitting in your tail the whole time. But that's a lifestyle issue that all of us have to learn from --

MORGAN: Hold it there. Let's come back and talk about what you eat and drink.

OZ: Perfect.

MORGAN: I hope you drink wine.

OZ: I do.

MORGAN: That's all I you wanted to hear.




OZ: Let's talk about the muscles of the body. First, let me point out, you see how thin this biceps muscle is? Compare it to the pectoralis muscle or this muscle, this big muscles that actually cushion our hips, when we walk, these become big and strong. This is where the furnace is. This is where the action is when you build muscle mass in order to burn calories.


MORGAN: My special guest, Dr. Oz. Fascinating watching you do this. You are a natural for television with this kind of thing.

Just finish two lines of inquiry we had. One was your morning regime and what you eat through the day and drink. And secondly, the other, the five points that you raise and people should be really focused on if they want to lose weight and be healthy.

OZ: They are interrelated. Let me finish the five points really quickly. You want to know some key values about your blood, including your cholesterol and your blood sugar numbers much. So many folks who don't note numbers and so tragically important to our well being -- long-term wellbeing.

The five is the stress management. And I'm not talking about getting rid of stress. You want the stress. It's the chronic lack of control in your life.

And that takes you back to my game plan for my life. I never want to be out of control. I want to be five minutes early for the things I do. I want to have at least in front of me the opportunities that are out there so I can pick the ones that suit where I have to be.

MORGAN: To avoid unnecessary stress.

OZ: Exactly. And the chronicity of stress is so often related to that. So, as example, I don't figure out what I'm going to have for breakfast every day. I have the same breakfast every day. I have that yogurt, Greek yogurt, fudge yogurt. I would call it Turkish yogurt.


OZ: With some blueberries in it. It's a constant meal. I don't have to reinvent the wheel.

And, you know, most people have to make so many decisions during the day, there's a decision fatigue by the time you get to 4:00 in the afternoon, so you start making some bad decisions. Whether it's at work, the food you are eating, the relationships you have, and then add that glass of wine you want me to have, which I like -- gets me to the wrong direction.

MORGAN: Let's talk about alcohol, which is a particular favorite of mine, because that is the one thing that always stops me dieting, is that somebody, a doctor, whoever, says, to not allowed to touch alcohol. Forget it, I can't be bothered.

Secondly, what you do about that overwhelming temptation I had this afternoon, for example, which is come my lunch time meal decision, I just saw this gigantic turkey sandwich with all the trimmings from Subway and I order it and I loved it. How are you going to deal with my cravings?

OZ: Well, first, alcohol has a longevity benefit, without question. If you're having a glass of wine by yourself in the morning, that's a problem.


OZ: But if you're friends in your life --

MORGAN: I don't do that.

OZ: And you're connecting with each other and there's intimacy which -- can I say this big comment? Because your show is all over the world, I need to talk to everybody for a second. The number one problem we have in the world right now is a lack of connection.

MORGAN: Technology, of course.

OZ: I think it's a big part of it. But there's also a lack of understanding how critical it is to who we are. I mean, people say why is your show working? The reason my show works is because all of no human history, there was a healer in your midst, so you craved that iconically.

The reason we crave intimacy that is what keeps us going.

MORGAN: Is it true that red wine is better for you than white wine?

OZ: It's absolutely true. And the reason is the skin of the grape that's incorporated into the red wine has a chemical called resveratrol, which is a very important chemical in getting cells to live longer. Think about wine, it's growing in hill sides fairly rough terrain. So, the plants are getting a message to themselves that it's not easy here, live long.

So, we eat that plant, that plant is communicating you to the million species the animal kingdom, saying, these chemicals are enforcing -- reinforcing a message for yourselves to live longer. We believe that is why red wine is better.

But 90 percent of the benefit of red wine is the alcohol, not the kind of wine it is. Alcohol, in general, does allow us to build that intimacy back we are talking about. That when it comes to the management of stress, it is the best tool, because it gives you an excuse to decamp for a few minutes, which is why it's so valuable.

MORGAN: To relax.

OZ: Yes.

Now, back other question about you're quite peripatetic in your questioning here, the issues of those hot moments.


MORGAN: Something that that you know is not great for you, but you really want to eat.

OZ: But you are in a hot moment. It's -- you are in a prime position to make a bad decision, which is you why should never make food decisions when you are hungry.

MORGAN: Why is it a bad decision if I absolutely, thoroughly enjoyed every moment of that turkey Subway.

OZ: You happened to have gotten a turkey Subway. I think Subway is fantastic. They've really made a bigger --

MORGAN: But it was massive. It was like a typical American sandwich, about this big. I should never have eaten more than about a quarter of it. But I devoured it had like a barbarian

OZ: Takes you back to the biology of blubber. Give me two seconds here. There's a hormone in your stomach called grelin, sounds like gremlin. It's growling in there. Piers Morgan's stomach wants to eat that whole Subway sandwich

MORGAN: Very noisy.

OZ: Right, very noisy. That hormone takes about half an hour to be quenched when you eat a meal. If you are like me and most people watching us, in half an hour, you have had three meals. So if you don't always have something that you are putting in your mouth, which I do, if you are not always eating something, every two hours at least that Grelin hormone gets so loud.

MORGAN: What do you do to constantly snack? What are the good things?

OZ: I always have nuts in my pocket.

MORGAN: Any nut good?

OZ: I like Walnuts, but I like the taste. But they have the original omega-3 fats. I like almonds and hazelnuts. I like tree nuts, real nuts. I keep them around because they are the source of life. I actually soak my walnuts. It makes them a little bit softer. It takes some of the bitterness out of them.

But you can do anything you want. But if you keep foods around that you love -- listen, I know you were kind to me to bring these into -- but, you know, this would be what I would keep in my desk at work. I keep carrots and celery there.

MORGAN: To snack on.

OZ: Because I can chew on them. I can do attention there. If I'm going to eat mindlessly, I'm eating mindlessly things that are already good for me. So you are automating your life. You made a decision today to have that Subway, in a non-automated way. If you want to keep your weight down and do the right thing, automated is the most easy to do the right thing. So you have your lunch brought to you. It's already what you want to have, and it's brought to you in a timely fashion, because you had your nuts let's say at 10:00 in the morning, so you are not famished. I think you should play around at dinner. I think sit down for dinner, have a wine with people you care about, ideally your family. Then you can eat some food and have the wine, not as a preamble to the meal. It's not your appetizer. Have it as your dinner apres dinner event or you dessert.

Here is why: when you have alcohol, it disinhibits you, as we all know. So if you start your alcoholic beverage in the middle of the dinner and then let it guide you through to the dessert -- no one wants to have a Chianti with Tiramisu, right? So you'll bag the dessert and you'll eat -- drink your wine.

The other big decision that people have to make, where they can change their life, right today tonight, is when you walk into a restaurant, I don't care how good it is, and that waiter brings you bread with some butter, it is like Satan coming to visit you.

MORGAN: Is it?

OZ: There's no way you can block that off. So preemptively say I want crudities (ph) or bring me some olive oil with my whole grain breed. That is what you got in front of you, that's what you'll eat.

MORGAN: What if you absolutely love bread?

OZ: Well, most people will have a problem with too much bread. But if you can truly have one roll only for dinner and you go with that, and God bless you, that's fine with me. But if you are like most Americans, that's not what you do. And once you tempt yourself to do that, you are baiting your biology. And when you do that, you will generally lose the battle.

MORGAN: Dr. Oz, it has been fascinating. I can't work out, though, if I feel better or worse for having talked to you for the last hour.

OZ: All I can say is with a strong woman like Cyndia Warden (ph) taking you in the right direction. Can I please thank you? She wrote -- it is just a -- it was a miracle just to see how she put the words together for this wonderful piece she wrote for "the Telegraph" recently.

MORGAN: She found it fascinating, and I think particularly to go down to this clinic you had with these people who just had no money, no hope really for any proper medical treatment, and to see the care and attention you gave them and the passion that you brought to it. It is an impressive thing that you do with those clinics. So I wish you all the very best with it.

OZ: You are very kind.

MORGAN: Dr. Oz, thank you.

OZ: Bless you.

MORGAN: Firm handshake. I expect nothing else. That was Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Coming up, my exclusive with a man who turned an F-bomb into a smash hit song, the unforgettable Cee Lo Green.



MORGAN: Cee Lo Green with Juliet Sims (ph), a finalist from team Cee Lo on this past season of NBC's "The Voice." You also know Cee Lo from his megahit "Forget You," at least that's what we will call it here.

Joining me now exclusively, the unforgettable Cee Lo Green. How are you?


MORGAN: I would have gone for the real title, but CNN, 9:00, you got to be careful.

GREEN: It's understandable.

MORGAN: Tell me about that song, because that became a phenomenon. How much of it, if you are honest, was shock marketing?

GREEN: Uh, almost all of it.

MORGAN: I love the honesty.

GREEN: Almost all of it. Well, you know, I think we had some clue, some indication that it would be noticeable. We released it virally initially, just to kind -- for the buzz factor. And not really anticipating that it will become what it has.

MORGAN: It was huge. You had like two million downloads in like a week.

GREEN: Immediately. I've told this story a few times. We were getting on a plane to London, actually, when it was released. And by the time we landed, which is like an eight-hour trip from Atlanta -- and by the time we landed -- by the time we landed, it was a smash record.

MORGAN: When it goes that big and you've had a bit of fun with the title and it's obviously deliberately shocking, does any part of you slightly feel, well, maybe we should have been a bit more careful here?

GREEN: Well, I guess the -- the consideration we took was to -- to prerecord the alternative versions for radio and elsewhere, just in the event that the song, you know, did connect in some way. But it did it. It connected exactly the way I would have wanted it. That is with people, you know what I'm saying?

MORGAN: It certainly did that. I want to go back. The thing I find fascinating about you, Cee Lo, because I came to know you on "The Voice," obviously knew you before, loved "Crazy" and songs like that. But I was fascinated by your upbringing, by your story, found it incredibly powerful.

You grew up in Atlanta.


MORGAN: You lost both your parents before you were 18. Your father died when you were two years old. Your mother died when you were 18. But she had this awful end to her life after she had this terrible car crash. She was paralyzed. She then sort of struggled on for a couple of years before dying.


MORGAN: I know this had a profound effect on you, especially your mother's death. When you're 18 years old and you effectively -- you have now been orphaned, what does that do to a young man?

GREEN: It's definitely a rude -- a very rude awakening. But I was able to see some -- some purpose in it. You know what I mean? I believe that it was a sacrifice, if you will, because I have also answered this question on occasion by saying that I had actually died and my mother lives on. My -- my -- my work, my aspiration, my ability, even my -- down to my articulation is my mother's will, my mother's work and want for me.

You know what I'm saying? So, I can't remember being anything close to what I've become prior to. So, you know --

MORGAN: What do you think she would have made of your extraordinary success?

GREEN: I think she would have been the best manager ever. My mother was quite an -- quite an entrepreneurial spirit and such an independent -- such a class act. She was something else.

MORGAN: She would be pretty proud of you, wouldn't she?

GREEN: I think she still is. She is definitely --

MORGAN: Do you feel that she is a constant presence?

GREEN: Yes, I think she is definitely alive in all of this positive energy surrounding what's become of me.

MORGAN: You were a troubled kid. You have been very honest about this. I was reading some of the stuff you said about -- that you have put out there.

GREEN: Yeah. MORGAN: Childhood frustrations led to what they call hobbies. You tortured stray animals, beat up homeless people, mugged pedestrians. You set fire to things. You brawled with kids all the time.

GREEN: Yeah.

MORGAN: What was going on in this mad world that you were then occupying?

GREEN: Well, I will correct one of those statements. This torturing animals thing was just this one occasion, not to say that it is ever right, but it is not even a funny story.

MORGAN: -- sort of slightly out of control?

GREEN: Yeah.

MORGAN: Is that overstating it?

GREEN: No, no, no. I think it is pretty appropriate to say that I was a bit out of control. I look back in retrospect and I realize I was most likely, most probably an artist without an outlet. And I believe that we all kind of come from that -- that unknowing. You know what I mine? And you discover yourself. And I believe that the plight of life and all existence is to master one's self, you know, one day at a time. You kind of figure out your focus.

MORGAN: How did you do it? How did you make that move? What was it about you, particularly given you didn't have either your parents after 18? How did you transform into this Cee Lo?

GREEN: Well, I definitely -- again, my mother's passing, you know, had a lot to do with me committing myself. And then prior to that you know, music is something on any occasion that you can either inherit or acquire. And I believe that my ability is of an inheritance.

MORGAN: When I look at your dazzling smile, I'm struck by the fact you have got probably more money in those diamonds in your teeth than I have earned in a lifetime. How many have you got?

GREEN: Would you stop being modest, please?

MORGAN: That's it. That was the smile I was after. It provoked the exact reaction. You have got two diamonds, right?


MORGAN: Dare I ask how much they are worth?

GREEN: It's about -- a gentleman never tells, but we are friends and we are not -- people talking, right. It's just between me and you? It's about 15,000 dollars worth of dental work. Worth of diamonds.

MORGAN: Are you with a particular lady right now, Cee Lo? Would you like to spread the love?

GREEN: You know what? You know what? My -- my preoccupation is very apparent. I work very, very hard. And I'm a professional most of the time. And so I don't have a lot of time, you know, to spread myself too thin, you know. But I am free, you know, and well within my rights to date and things of that nature. But I do have a friend or two and --

MORGAN: Is it easy to date if you are Cee Lo Green right now? Can you trust women?

GREEN: If you -- if you are honest with yourself, it is very hard for people to lie to you. I'm a very honest person. You know what I'm saying? So I think what I have been able to accomplish outright and out loud, it does kind of repel a lot of what is typical. You know what I mean? Because I'm not typical, so I don't anticipate anyone, you know, coming to me with a textbook approach. Someone has to be different.

The feeling has to be mutual. I don't go to every party I'm invited to

MORGAN: Let's take a short break. I want to come back and talk to you about America.


MORGAN: Because you're a successful businessman now. I want to know your views about America, where it is going, the economy. I have got a feeling you could be quite interesting about all this.

GREEN: Possibly.



GREEN: Ultimately, I'm a fan of music. I describe writing music sometimes as hieroglyphics, like, you know, excavating, gently brushing off these artifacts and discovering the song underneath it all. It seems as if it is already written in it.


MORGAN: Cee Lo Green from the (INAUDIBLE) documentary, "Cee Lo Distilled." He's back with me now. Cee Lo, let's talk about America.


MORGAN: What are values that make a good America?

GREEN: I guess, you know, it would be, you know, a matter of just share and share alike and earning your keep and all of those good old-fashioned quotables that you could apply to the conversation of just, you know, what's fair is fair and blah, blah, blah. You know what I'm saying? But I just think what makes a good America -- what makes a good America, you know what I mean, is honor and pride and appropriation. And so I just believe that situations like, you know, like music in school and these things, like supporting youth and extracurricular activities and these things, like creating job opportunities, creating extracurricular opportunities for kids, and so on and so forth, I mean, these things were available.

MORGAN: Are you a big Tweeter?

GREEN: I'm not a big Tweeter. I've been Tweeting for the last few years and I probably have about 800 Tweets total. So if I have something worth saying --

MORGAN: How many followers have you got?

GREEN: I have about a million followers.

MORGAN: Only a million.

GREEN: Only a million.

MORGAN: That means I'm twice as popular as you, Cee Lo. How do you feel about that?

GREEN: It makes sense. It makes sense.

MORGAN: Even as you said that, you didn't mean it.

GREEN: I'm still working. I'm still working on it.

MORGAN: Let's turn to this big show you've got coming to Planet Hollywood in Vegas, talking of excess. It looks fantastically lavish and over the top. But why shouldn't it be? You're Cee Lo Green. It's called Loberace, which I love.

GREEN: I'm excessive too. That's why I can vouch for it.

MORGAN: Bringing your lobe brand to Liberaci. Tell me about the show.

GREEN: Loberace -- you know what I wanted to do? I wanted to -- to bring back show business, to kind of reinstate, you know, that -- that term, you know, because it's the era of entertainment that really inspired me, you know.

Look at that guy. Isn't he handsome. It's like, you know, look -- he's like -- it's like I was just made for Las Vegas. And it's really such a fun town. And they really endorse and advocate and embrace and uplift the arts.

MORGAN: What's the most outrageous night you've ever had in Vegas?

GREEN: You know what the saying is? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. GREEN: Imagine you're on your deathbed in 50 years time or even later, and you could relive one party you had in Vegas, give me a clue. Give me a little inkling into your wild life. What would be the party you would want to go out to in your memory?

GREEN: You know what, Piers, in all honesty, I have not had it yet. I have not had it yet. A lot of times when we go to Vegas, it's probably just for the occasion, you know, a party here or there. But I've had some very memorable times. But I'm going to be there for a month straight, you know, starting August 29th, is when Loberace will come to Planet Hollywood. And I'll be doing my thing three nights a week. So let me come back in a couple months and have this conversation.

MORGAN: Can you promise that I get an invite if you're going to have the mother of all parties?

GREEN: Most certainly, most certainly.

MORGAN: "The Voice" is back in the fall.

GREEN: "The Voice" is back in the fall. I'm proud to say I'll be a part of season three.

MORGAN: Good to hear, because I love you in that show and it's a great show.

Cee Lo, it's been a pleasure.

GREEN: Thank you.

MORGAN: See you in Vegas.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You OK? Here, let me help you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My mom has been sick for as long as I can remember.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We need more Methadone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Helping her out is a bigger priority than going to school, because I don't know what I would do if something happened to her. I wouldn't really be able to live.

CONNIE SISKOWSKI, CNN HERO: In the United States, there are at least 1.3 million children caring for someone who is ill or injured or elderly or disabled. They can become isolated. There are physical effects with stresses of it. The worry --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank you, baby. Thank you so much.

SISKOWSKI: But these children suffer silently. People don't know they exist. I'm Connie Siskowski. I am bringing this precious population into the light, to transform their lives, so that they can stay in school.

We offer each child a home visit.

Has the ramp been helpful.

We look at what we can provide to meet the need. We go into the schools with a peer support groups. And we offer out of school activities that give the child a break, so they know that they're not alone. We give them hope for their future.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now I'm getting A's and B's and I feel more confident.

SISKOWSKI: We have a long way to go. There are so many more children that really need this help and support.



MORGAN: For tonight's Only in America, amid all the Facebook frenzy, what it really means to be a friend? Mark Zuckerberg's social networking creation is turning mere mortals into mega-millionaires. With the initial public offering, shareholders around the world will become ridiculously wealthy. They can trade their Mazdas for Maybachs, island hop on yachts, buy as much bling as hey like.

But for all the Facebook fortunate, before you start your spending spree, consider what one affluent Kentucky businessman did with his money. Rankin Paynter was shopping at his neighborhood K- Mart when the clerk told him the store was closing. Everything was up for sale.

So aisle by aisle, Paynter went on the mother of all sprees. He bought everything in that K-Mart store, every single item. And it wasn't cheap.


RANKIN PAYNTER, BOUGHT EVERYTHING AT K-MART: It was 200,000 dollars at retail. To be honest with you, I could have made 30,000, 40,000 dollars on it.


MORGAN: Paynter didn't turn around and sell the stuff. Instead, he gave it away for free, donated all of it to a nonprofit service that helps needy families in that area. Thanks to his generosity, children will have coats, gloves and hats to keep warm in the winter.

Paynter doesn't want thanks. He just thought it was the right thing to do, to pay back a bit. I thank him and we should all thank him. And for the men and women striking it rich with Facebook tonight, I congratulate you and I admire you and applaud you. But as Winston Churchill said, we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Rankin Paynter understood that. I hope the Facebook guys do to.

That's all for us tonight. "AC 360" starts now.