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Zimmerman Sorry About Shooting; Zimmerman: Haven't Had Time To Reflect; Attempted Abduction Caught On Tape; Sheriff Joe Arpaio Trial Begins Today; Case Focuses On Mexican Tourist; Ferry Sinks, 37 People Dead; Some Foreign Pilots In U.S. Illegally; Lenovo CEO Gives Away $3M Bonus; Close Encounter With A Shark; U.N. To Vote On Syria Resolution; Where Is Bashar Al-Assad?; "Dancing Around The Issues"; Mrs. Romney Responds To New DNC Ad; Who Wants To Be A VP?; Penn State to Decide on Paterno Statue; Drought Threatens Food, Fuel Prices; U.K. Border Security Planning to Strike

Aired July 19, 2012 - 10:00   ET



CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning. Thank you for joining us. I'm Carol Costello.

Just ahead in the NEWSROOM, the man who shot and killed an unarmed teenager speaks publicly for the first time. Says the incident was quote, "God's plan."


GEORGE ZIMMERMAN, ACCUSED OF KILLING TRAYVON MARTIN: What I do wish there was something, anything I could have done that wouldn't have put me in the position where I had to take his life.


COSTELLO: Hear more from George Zimmerman about the deadly shooting plus Trayvon Martin's family. What are they saying about this interview this morning?

Plus the veepstakes is in full swing with some Republican frontrunners emerging. So what is Mitt Romney looking for in a running mate? We're talking to someone who has been through the VP vetting process. He said it's grueling. They check your mental, physical and even your sexual history.

And a chilling scene caught on video. A child predator tries to abduct a 10-year-old girl. The girl was able to get away, but the man is still on the loose this morning.

But we begin with George Zimmerman. The man who admitted to shooting and killing Trayvon Martin said it was God's plan. Asked if he had regrets, he said no.


ZIMMERMAN: I'm not a racist. I'm not a murderer. COSTELLO (voice-over): George Zimmerman defended himself in an interview on Fox News. Zimmerman who is free on a million dollars bond said he acted in self-defense when he shot Trayvon Martin. He said he had to because Martin was going for his gun.

ZIMMERMAN: He said you're going to die tonight -- and took one hand off of my mouth and I felt it going down my chest towards my belt and holster and that's when I -- I didn't have any more time.

COSTELLO: Zimmerman also apologized to Martin's family, but says he doesn't regret a thing, not getting out of his car to follow Martin, not having a gun that night.

ZIMMERMAM: I am sorry that they buried their child. I can't imagine what it must feel like and I pray for them daily.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST, FOX NEWS' "HANNITY": Is there anything you might do differently in retrospect now that time has passed a little bit?

ZIMMERMAN: No, sir. I feel it was all God's plan, and for me to second guess it or judge it --


COSTELLO: Trayvon Martin's family is incredulous. Their attorney says the Martin interview is a gift for the Florida state's attorney. As for God having anything to do with what happened in that Sanford neighborhood, Martin's family says you've got to be kidding?


SYLVIA FULTON, TRAYVON MARTIN'S MOTHER: I think it's absolutely ridiculous. God did not have a plan for Trayvon to die and for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon for no reason.


COSTELLO: To give us more depth on this intriguing maneuver by Zimmerman's team is CNN's legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, Sunny Hostin. Good morning, Sunny.


COSTELLO: So why do this interview on Fox News?

HOSTIN: Well, my understanding is that George Zimmerman had already promised Sean Hannity the first interview and so that's why it appeared on Fox News.

But I think the question is why give an interview to anyone when you are a criminal defendant facing a term of life in prison if convicted of second-degree murder?

In my view, Carol, as an attorney, as a former federal prosecutor that is never a good idea and that's because you have now given a statement that you are wedded to.

We know that the government is going to be reviewing the interview, to look for any sorts of inconsistencies and there were inconsistencies in his statement.

So I've got to tell you, if the theory was to sort of try this case in the realm of the public then perhaps it makes sense, but it does not make sense for a courtroom.

COSTELLO: Well, let's talk about some of the contradictions because George Zimmerman told Sean Hannity that he wasn't following Trayvon Martin. He wasn't running after Trayvon Martin.

But the 911 tapes, they tell a different story. The other interesting thing that came out of this is George Zimmerman pointed out that English is actually his second language.

Because his father was away a lot, his mother is Hispanic and he grew up speaking Spanish. So I found all of that intriguing.

HOSTIN: Certainly. I mean, I think the comment about English being, you know, his second language was helpful, perhaps to the notion that as someone that is Latino. It's impossible for him to be racist.

That perhaps is why that was said. But I think your point is an interesting one about the following. He claims that he didn't pursue Trayvon Martin, that he was only -- he was only there to try to give the police an accurate description of Trayvon Martin and where this took place.

Well, that is going to be a crucial, crucial piece of this case, Carol. This is all about who pursued, who started this confrontation because if you start the confrontation, if you are the pursuer, you are not entitled to the stand your ground defense.

And so I think it is very interesting that he said, no, no, I wasn't pursuing him when on the 911 tape, which is an objective piece of evidence he says, yes, I was following him.

So that's certainly something that I think the government is going to be looking at very, very closely.

COSTELLO: OK. So, when all is said and done, that George Zimmerman and his attorney decided to do this very public interview what does this say about the Zimmerman case, the case his attorney has to present to the court?

HOSTIN: You know, it's a very interesting thing for me having been an attorney for 20 years and trying so many cases people are really in this digital age trying their cases in front of the media.

This has become a media phenom, so to speak. You know, I think it does make sense for George Zimmerman to try to appeal to the public. This interview was not an interview with Sean Hannity, Carol.

This was an interview with the prospective jurors of Florida. I think, you know, many people feel that he seemed genuine. That he did a good job. Some people feel the other way.

And so it's to0 soon to tell what effect this will have on the jury pool, but in my view that would be the only reason why George Zimmerman would be giving an interview at this juncture of this case.

COSTELLO: Sunny Hostin, thanks for your perspective this morning.

HOSTIN: Thank you.

COSTELLO: Police in Philadelphia searching for a child predator this morning. Take a look at these pictures. A 10-year-old girl, she narrowly escapes an attempted abduction that happened on Tuesday afternoon.

This was taken from a surveillance camera. You can see the man grabbing the girl from behind. She's walking down the street with her 2-year-old brother.

The girl struggles. She falls down and the man runs away. So she fought back. Good for her. The man fled the scene in a mid-sized white sedan. The mayor of Philadelphia has announced a $10,000 reward for this man's capture.

The trial for one of the nation's most controversial law enforcement officials begins today. Arizona Sheriff Joe Arapaio and his department are accused of racial profiling.

A Mexican tourist detained by Arizona deputies for hours is part of a class action lawsuit. The tourist, the Mexican tourist claims he was held even though he had his papers on him.

Casey Wian is in Phoenix outside the courthouse. Good morning.

CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, Carol. Some of the other named plaintiffs in that case against Sheriff Joe Arpaio are U.S. citizens for Latino U.S. citizens who claim they were racially profiled by Maricopa County sheriffs deputies in incidents as long ago as five years ago.

What the ACLU and Latino rights groups are claiming in U.S. court here before a federal judge is that the Maricopa County sheriff's office has a long standing practice of targeting Latinos in trying to fair it out illegal immigrants and to turn them over to federal immigration authorities.

Despite all of the plaintiffs in this case, which include every Latino ever pulled over by Maricopa County sheriffs' deputy while either being a passenger or driving a car, despite all of that the attorney for ACLU talked about how difficult this case may be to win.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DANIEL POCHODA, ACLU LEGAL DIRECTOR: Well, prevailing is always a concern. We feel strongly that there is a pattern and practice. They are never easy cases. There's no smoke gun.

We don't expect it, a memo in the file saying let's get these people because they are Hispanic. We believe the evidence will demonstrate that as indeed effectively what was done if not stated in that manner. We have a burden as the plaintiffs.


WIAN: Now the Maricopa County sheriff's office and Sheriff Joe maintaining that all of their stops are in accordance with the law and accordance with an agreement they had in place with federal immigration authorities.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio will be taking the stand next week in this case. The ACLU not seeking monetary damages. They are though seeking a change in policy -- Carol.

COSTELLO: Casey Wian, reporting live from Phoenix this morning. Thank you.

You think you have what it takes to be vice president of the United States? These three men do. But what do they have to do to be selected as Romney's number two would have most of us rethinking our political plans. I'll talk to one man who went through the grueling process known as vetting.


COSTELLO: Just about 14 minutes past the hour. Checking our top stories now.

This morning search crews are looking for survivors after a ferry sank in rough waters killing at least 37 people. The boat capsized near the island of Zanzibar that's off of Africa's east coast.

About 290 people including 31 children were on board. Dozens are still missing. This is the second boat to capsize in this area in less than a year.

More than a decade after the September 11th attacks, there are foreign graduates of U.S. flight schools in the states illegally. That's what congressional investigators said in a hearing. An investigator with a government accountability office wouldn't say how many just his study showed weaknesses in the TSA's vetting process that need to be fixed.

In money news, the CEO of the technology firm, Lenovo, received a $3 million bonus. Cool for him. Check out the way he put to it use. He actually distributed his bonus among 10,000 junior level employees, receptionists, workers on the production line and assistants received about $314 a piece.

Check out this amazing video of the waters of Fort Pierce, Florida. That's the first thing a spear fisherman saw when he and his team jumped into the water over the weekend. They immediately jumped back into their boat. I would too. Big scare. No one was hurt.

Right now, the United Nations Security Council is meeting and is expected to vote on a new resolution that could bring peace to Syria. Here's a live look now at the United Nations. You see it there.

The biggest obstacle today, Russia, the country has vetoed other resolutions on Syria in the past. That vote comes after in a especially bloody day in Syria, 77 people killed yesterday including three of President Bashar Al-Assad's top officials.

President Assad himself has not been heard from since. Arwa Damon is covering the story from Beirut, Lebanon. Do we know where Assad might be?

ARWA DAMON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Concretely, at this point in time, no we don't. There's been quite a bit of speculation, there have been various reports that he is, in fact, at the coastal port city of Latikia.

This is an area that he would logically be located at although it's unclear as to whether or not he moved there before or after the attack on his senior officials did in fact take place.

But this is an area where he does enjoy a fair amount of support from the Alawite community and of course, it's fueling speculation that it is also an area where he could potentially have an escape route via the sea.

That being said Syrian state television did just in fact announce that this was a statement that was read by the anchor that the Syrian president swore in a new minister of defense, but it did not say when or where this took place.

So a lot of questions as to where the president is and why he's not coming out and addressing, trying to reassure the nation, his followers he's, in fact, in charge and reassure them following yesterday's attack and following the violence that erupted therefore especially in the capital of Damascus.

Because when you look at the images emerging from Syria especially from the capital itself in most certainly it's not the image of a government that's in control -- Carol.

COSTELLO: Arwa Damon reporting live from Beirut, Lebanon this morning.

It's been called invasive, squeamish and intrusive, but if you survive it you might be trusted enough to be one of our nation's most important politicians. An insider's view of a vice presidential vetting process.


COSTELLO: Turning now to politics, you may have heard that the Romney's have a horse competing in the Olympics in London in a sport called dressage.

Think of it as a horse ballet. Guess who or maybe I should say what has now landed starring role in the latest campaign ad from the Democratic National Committee.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Governor, will you release your income tax records?

MITT ROMNEY (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: That's been the tradition and I'm not opposed to doing that. Time will tell. I anticipate that most likely I'm going to get asked to do that around the April time period and I'll keep that open.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why do you have a Swiss bank account and what do you say to American people who asked about that?

ROMNEY: The money that I have is managed by a blind trust. I don't manage the money that I have.


COSTELLO: So as you may or may not know Mrs. Romney rides a horse to help out with her MS. She had some thoughts on that ad today in an interview with "Good Morning America."


ANN ROMNEY, WIFE OF MITT ROMNEY: I want to laugh. It makes me laugh. It's like really. You know, there are so many people out of work right now and there's this guy right here that has the answers for fixing the economy.

And all these attacks they are going to try everything and that is what people are going to have to ask themselves when they go into the voting booth in November. Are you better off now? Do you really think the future is going to be brighter on the path we're on or do you think we need a change?


COSTELLO: For its part the DNC issued a statement saying it was merely trying to call attention to Mr. Romney's various stance on certain issues and that there are, quote, "no plans to invoke the horse any further to avoid misinterpretation."

I'm sorry it's dressage. Mrs. Romney also said she and her husband are quote, "not quite there yet" when it comes to picking his mum two.

But four years ago, Romney's predecessor, John McCain made a vice presidential pick that rippled throughout the political world.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We can win without our base.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who all we vetted?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Romney, Chris, Pawlenty, trying to vet Bloomberg.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who can we win with?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: John, Obama just changed the entire dynamic. It is a changed year, sir. We desperately need a game changing pick and noun of these middle aged white guys are game changers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Senator, I am honored to be chosen as your running mate.


COSTELLO: That was a scene from the HBO film "Game Change," which chronicled McCain's failed presidential bid and his decision to Sarah Palin to the ticket.

As the campaign went on, many questioned if Palin's background has been scrutinized enough before trusting her on to the national stage.

My next guest decided to go through what some people say Palin did not, a thorough vetting process. Joining me now from the great city of Chapel Hill, North Carolina is Jason Zengerle. Welcome.


COSTELLO: You're a contributing editor for "GQ" magazine. I should certainly mention that because your article was fascinated. The man who vetted you, Ted Frank, is one of Washington's top vetters and part of the team that looked into Sarah Palin. So tell us what was the experience like?

ZENGERLE: This is very invasive process to, you know, put it mildly. They ask you, you know, everything from, they want your tax records. They ask you questions about your religious beliefs.

A lot of questions about your sex life. Have you been faithful to your life, have you paid for sex? Do you have any history of sadomasochism.

Evan Bye who had gone through the process I think three times with various Democratic presidential candidates likened it to colonoscopy with the Hubbell telescope. I thought that was actually pretty accurate.

COSTELLO: That would indeed be painful. How long did the questioning go on?

ZENGERLE: You know, I should be clear. I definitely got a junior varsity version of the real thing. For one thing I'm not a politician.

When they are vetting these real politicians they're spending a lot of time looking at their issue records, their speeches, things like that, whether they would be compatible with the top person on the ticket.

In terms of me, I mean, we basically did all the soft stuff. It lasted for about three weeks or so. I don't think Ted Frank was working on this constantly. He has other things to do.

But it was about a three or four-week process from the beginning of when I got a questionnaire, which I filled out to the various interviews to the investigators calling people and asking questions about me.

COSTELLO: You write until 1944 presidential candidates didn't pick their own running mates. That process changed drastically when Richard Nixon chose Tom Eagleton. So how has this process evolved overtime?

ZENGERLE: The history is pretty fascinating. I mean, the reason people are vetted today with the intensity to which they are because in 1972 George McGovern chose Eagleton and Eagleton had this history of psychiatric treatments including electroshock therapy, which he didn't tell McGovern's vetters about.

There really wasn't much of a vetting at that point. After Eagleton, Jimmie Carter came along and decided he did not want to have that mistake. He didn't want to repeat that mistake, but his running mate.

So he started, you know, getting one of his lawyers investigate these guys. It's really just gone on from there and it's just got more and more intense with each elections.

COSTELLO: You're not kidding. Well, some would argue with that, but in general that's probably true. Let's take a look at some of this year's top candidates for VP.

Mitt Romney has reportedly narrowed his list to three people, Rob Portman of Ohio, Bobby Jindal and Tim Pawlenty. You better describe what he says are the risk for each man. So here's what he had to say.

Portman's risk is his ties to President George W. Bush. He used to be his budget director. Pawlenty's risks are his attacks on Romney, his former rival for the Republican nomination.

And Bobby Jindal's is faith-based extremism in the fact that he's written about spiritual warfare among other things. Ted Frank is not working with the Romney campaign, but what issues did he say he would look for if he were doing the vetting process?

ZENGERLE: That's the kind of stuff you look at. I mean, I think the purpose of the vetting process, I mean, part of it is to uncover any skeletons. You're reall doing it so you have a full plate of information so you can sort of be ready to respond to the inevitable attacks.

You have to assume that anything you find your opponent will find and so in the case of Bobby Jindal, he wrote this article once. If Romney were to pick Jindal, he wants to have Jindal prepared to answer those questions.

Same thing with Pawlenty, there are probably videos out there of Pawlenty saying negative things about Romney. Romney campaign wants to know every one of those videos, what they are.

So when the DNC releases one of them they will have a response ready. It's a question of being fully able to respond any attack that's likely to come down the road.

COSTELLO: Jason Zengerle, contributing editor for "GQ" magazine. Thank you. It's fascinating.

Leave it up or take it down? Penn state will make the decision on the Joe Paterno statue in the next several days. We're now hearing from the man who sculpted that statue.


COSTELLO: Thirty minutes past the hour. I'm Carol Costello.

Checking our "Top Stories" now. New video and information today on the suicide bomber that killed seven people including the suicide bomber in Bulgaria. Security footage shows a man who investigators say attacked a bus carrying Israeli tourists and he was carrying a fake Michigan driver's license -- still a mystery this morning. 36 others were wounded in this attack.

The FBI sends a dive team to an Iowa lake today as part of the search for two missing cousins. Eight year old Elizabeth Collins and 10 year old Lyric Cook have not been seen since Friday. The bikes were found near a lake that's become the center of the search operation.

More than a month after its journey to New York the public finally gets to check out the space shuttle "Enterprise". Shuttle exhibit at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum opens up this afternoon and all weekend. NASA astronauts will be on hand to check out the shuttle and meet with the public.

That big statue of Joe Paterno still stands outside of Beaver Stadium but it could soon go down. Penn State will make a decision on whether to remove the statue in the next ten days. Some people are outraged that it's still up since the late football coach is accused of helping to cover up Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse.

Jason Carroll is live at Penn State. And you talked to the man who sculpted the sculpture?

JASON CARROLL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, we are hearing from the sculptor and the sculptor and a number of people about this particular issue, Carol. As we were standing out here one guy drove by and yelled out throw it in the dumpster. But if you look behind there are a small crowd of people out here that we've seen and they're coming by to pay their respect. And that really defines how this community is conflicted over the Paterno statue.



PEOPLE: Penn State.

CARROLL (voice-over): It wasn't long ago students rallied in front of Joe Paterno's statue at Penn State coming to his defense after he was fired. This is where they paid their respects when he died in January. The statue, once a symbol of greatness has for some become a symbol of scandal, a banner flew over the school Tuesday saying "take the statue down or we will".

MICA CHURCH-WILLIS, STATE COLLEGE RESIDENT: I think the statue should go. Just because we -- we need to protect the kids.

CARROLL: This coming after the release of a scathing report from former FBI Direct Louis Freeh detailing how officials here including Paterno concealed allegations former assistant football Coach Jerry Sandusky sexually abused young boys in part to avoid bad publicity.

DOUGLAS OZEMA, STATE COLLEGE RESIDENT: After hearing from that Freeh Report of about 14 years of abuse, I just -- I can't imagine that Penn State could survive being attached so closely to Joe Paterno.

CARROLL (on camera): In light of that do you still believe --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, I still believe it.

CARROLL: Stay or go, Paterno's halo removed from a Penn State mural no longer the angel. His Alma Mater Brown University removed his name from an award. Nike removed his name from a child care center. The fate of his statue, still a question.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have to look at this comprehensively and we have to come up with a comprehensive solution.

CARROLL: An official decision still several days away. In the meantime on lookers keep coming, taking pictures, posing and debating.

CARROLL (on camera): Am I wrong in sort of guessing here that you guys generally support the statue staying where it?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes I think they should keep it. I think if they get rid of it, it's just going to be a mess.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Would be appropriate to place it in a setting more designed for reflection.


CARROLL: Angelo Di Maria (ph) the man who actually sculpted the statue says he's still very proud of it but he also told CNN that he would live with any decision that the university happened to reach and also, Carol, I also spoke to Jay Paterno yesterday, that's Joe Paterno's son about all of this. And he says that the family has been through so much already this is just another chapter that they are having to deal with -- Carol.

COSTELLO: Jason Carroll reporting live from Penn State this morning.

You know the drought is impacting farmers across the country. But it's not just those growing crops. Rob Marciano is at a dairy farm near Indianapolis. Good morning.

ROB MARCIANO, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Good morning Carol. Not only are we in the Corn Belt but its dairy country as well. The cows, they don't like it hot, and the crops are down as well. A double whammy for the dairy industry. The live report is coming up.


COSTELLO: The nation's drought is slowly drying up our lakes and rivers. The Mississippi River down 17 feet. Barges are getting stuck in the mud. And as you know corn crops are stumped. As a result you may pay more at the grocery store but not just yet. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says if you notice higher prices at the grocery store report them.


TOM VILSACK, AGRICULTURE SECRETARY: We'll probably see those -- those higher prices later this year, first part of next year. And if in fact, people are beginning to see food price increases now it is not in any way, shape or form related to the drought and we should be very careful to keep an eye on that.


COSTELLO: Vilsack says we don't know the full impact of the drought on crops until after they are harvested. Well the drought is also affecting dairy farmers.

Rob Marciano is outside of Indianapolis at a huge dairy farm to tell us why. Good morning, Rob.

MARCIANO: Good morning, Carol. On that note in particular, the first price probably to rise would be dairy prices because the heat alone gets these cows eating less and producing less milk.

So it shouldn't happen right now but later on in the summer certainly your milk prices will go up. We're in a big dairy farm. They've got over 500 head of cattle in this dairy herd.

There you see they are eating right now. And that's the problem. Some of the stuff that they eat is in low production right here. This is -- a lot of this is corn that is grown right here. That corn production is down. Also some -- Some hay and some alfalfa there. And also have mixed in here as by-products from ethanol plants. And they're not making as much ethanol with this situation.

Also I mentioned the heat, they don't like it hot when it gets over 60, 70, 80 degrees they start to slow down their eating just like me and you. When it's 90 or 100 they don't like to eat more. So we've got fans in here. We've got sprinkler systems just to try to cool them down.

The man that owns this farm -- it's a sixth-generation farm, been here for over 100 years. Spoke with him earlier today and how this drought is affecting him specifically.


MERRILL KELSAY, DAIRY FARMER: We've had some up and downs in milk prices and some dry weather before but this is probably the most -- I've been here 42 years doing this as an adult -- and it's probably the worst that I've seen overall. We just were fortunate last night to get about half inch of rain but it's kind of too late.


MARCIANO: One of 60,000 dairy farms in the U.S.; 99 percent of those are family-owned, Carol. The U.S. produces 20 million gallons of dairy products or milk every year. We're going to see a little bit of a hit to that certainly this year and the beginning of next -- Carol.

COSTELLO: Rob Marciano reporting live from near Indianapolis this morning.

The nominees are in for the Primetime Emmys. The people behind "Mad Men" -- they're really happy this morning. The period drama now has a chance of making Emmy history.


COSTELLO: News just in to CNN moments ago, Russia and China vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution. That measure was supposed to impose new sanctions against the Syrian regime. It was the United Nations' latest attempt to bring some peace to that country.

Richard Roth is at the U.N. I guess we shouldn't be so surprised. RICHARD ROTH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's not a surprise, Carol. To the disappointment of the United States and other Western countries. Russia and China, third time since last October their ambassadors put their hands in the air to veto a proposed resolution on Syria. This one had a little bit more teeth than the other ones but despite talks over the last weeks and months from everywhere from Moscow to Geneva, again Moscow and Beijing feel these resolutions don't help the Syrian crisis.

The British ambassador following the double veto by Russia and China said the views of these countries regarding the Syria crisis are in effect rational. You don't always hear that kind of talk -- not very diplomatic here at the Security Council.

Where does it leave the Syrian people? Well, I think they may have long ago given up any diplomatic hope. And now events on the ground may determine what indeed happens. This resolution that was vetoed Carol, would eventually could have led to economic sanctions on the Syrian regime. Russia and China feel there's too many opposition groups that are perhaps terrorists or rebels.

COSTELLO: Richard Roth reporting live for us from the United Nations.

Let's end on a good note, shall we? The Emmys are still mad about "Mad Men". It's now up for its fifth TV drama Emmy and if it wins it will be the most honored drama in television history.

Let's head to New York to find out more about the Emmys. The big announcements this morning. A.J. Hammer is here. Good morning.

A.J. HAMMER, HLN HOST: Good morning Carol.

The big headline for the day is the broadcast networks were completely shut out of the outstanding drama category this morning. And this is the first time that's ever happened.

But take a look at these nominees. You have "Boardwalk Empire", "Breaking Bad", "Downton Abbey", "Game of Thrones", "Homeland" and one of my favorite shows of all time, "Mad Men". So you really can't argue with any of those selections.

We're going to have to see if "Mad Men" takes home the Emmy again. "Mad Men" tied with FX's mini-series, "American Horror Story" for the most nominations, 17 in all. That actually could be a pretty good indication for them if they could win the big prize one more time this year.

In the outstanding comedy category, we saw "The Big Bang Theory", "Curb Your Enthusiasm", "Girls" -- great new show, "Modern Family", "30 Rock" and "Veep" another great new show this season -- all nominated.

"Modern Family" -- Carol that's one of our favorites. It got 14 nominations including six nods for best supporting actor. That is every adult actor on the show.


HAMMER: Now, we know the show is all about the ensemble, but imagine how intense that has got be. You have the four men of the show up against each other and you have Sofia Vergara facing off against Julie Bowen. How do voters possibly choose.

Now the most memorable moment from this morning's nominations announcement may have been Jimmy Kimmel simply walking out to reveal the nominees in his PJ's and slippers. Perfect. But you know, it's 5:30 in the morning in L.A. He works late. Kimmel is the host for the Emmys this year. He was a last second replacement this morning for Parks and Recreation star, Nick Offerman (ph) with some travel issues. Kimmel also nominated in the outstanding variety series category.

It's going to be a great show this year at the Emmys.

COSTELLO: I just hope he really doesn't wear those pajamas to bed.

HAMMER: Yes. I don't think he does.

COSTELLO: I don't either. A.J. thanks so much. Want information on everything breaking in the entertainment world? A.J. has it tonight on "SHOWBIZ TONIGHT" at 11:00 Eastern on HLN.


COSTELLO: As you know the Olympics are fast approaching. They are taking place in London. There's been a lot of concern over security issues in Britain and guess what? Today the UK border patrol walked off the job -- yes they voted to strike and that strike will start today. They say cuts in pay and overtime have made life intolerable. Their union says now officials need to deal with the chaos that has ensued because they haven't dealt with these issues. Again, the UK border patrol walked off the job today and as you know lots of American athletes and athletes from all across the world are in Britain -- I'm sorry they're going to walk off the job Thursday the 26th. I correct myself but they are going to walk off the job.

We're going to have more on this story in a live report out of Britain when we get Dan Rivers on the phone. Hopefully we will.

Also today a member of the royal family, the Duchess of Cambridge is getting a sneak peek at a special exhibit paying tribute to the upcoming games. Taken over three years, the exhibit features more than 100 photos of both athletes and preparation leading up to this year's Olympics.

And royal correspondent Max Foster, he joins me now from London because you know how much I love Kate and I always like to hear everything about her whenever she appears in public.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: And it's all about detail. I have to say the one thing that everyone is picking up today is the necklace she was wearing. I don't know if you noticed it, Carol. Apparently It's a very expensive necklace.

And we spoke to the palace about it, would you believe. And there are five rings on it. So it was a tribute to the Olympic rings. She's getting everyone in the mood for the Olympics. She's an Olympic ambassador. She's patron of the National Portrait Gallery. And she was there at the looking at the portraits there especially commissioned series of photographs.

Photographing the preparations for the Olympics. Fascinating when you look at some of them. She actually appears in one of them as she plays hockey as part of her Olympic ambassador role, as you can see there. A lot of the other photos were looking at people behind- the-scenes. So the caterers for example You have to produce 45,000 meals a day or something -- the height of the Olympics.

Interesting you talking about there about a potential strike here in the UK because the photographers got this insight into the huge operation that is involved there and have been very interested and he is very complex and there will be problems and this exhibition really short of showed what went into it.

She thoroughly enjoyed it we're told. And we'll hear more from her next week in her Olympic role, Carol. I can't tell you much more about that at the moment at the moment because it's bargaining information. But you'll see her playing some sports. We'll bring that to you.

COSTELLO: I can't wait Max Foster, many thanks. Life in London this morning.

We'll be right back.


COSTELLO: All right. Let's head back to London. As I told you just moments ago the UK border patrol has decided to strike. They will officially go on strike one day before the Olympic games begin on the 26th. As you know, there's been al sorts of security issues and controversy surrounding the Olympics in London. Let's head there now and talk to our reporter Jim Bolden. How might this affect things?

JIM BOLDEN CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well what's interesting here the unions have been, a number of unions have been using the Olympic games as leverage to try to get new deals from the government and this is an austerity time. And so the government has been cutting back on some of the staff and so the unions have been building up and building up on this one.

So on Thursday as you say the UK Border Agency amongst other parts of the public will strike for the day. Now, London's had this before. They will move other stuff to Heathrow for instance the bill to cover that. I think what's more interesting though is that the Union says they will then do work to rules. From the day of the opening ceremonies right through to August 20th. So basically they are using the Olympics to say that their staff will not work overtime. They will only work the hours they are expected to work. They won't go the extra mile during the Olympic games. I think that's where the pressure will come from.

We have these buses doing this as well. And so the government now has to make a decision as to whether or not to have sort of maybe a bit more trouble going through airports and train stations during the Olympics or to give in to the unions. It's going to be a tussle over the next couple of days.

COSTELLO: As far as the security of the athletes are concerned, Britain will have that covered on the 26th?

BOLDEN: This is about the people arriving at the airports because the border agency will be the immigration and that sort of thing. So there will be certainly some inconvenience for people flying in.

As far as the security goes this is not obviously the military, it isn't for private security guards. It's not enough for people who will be protecting the Olympic park.

COSTELLO: Jim Bolden, thanks so much. Reporting live from London this morning.

Finally whether you're vacationing at your favorite beach or working outside the sun can be pretty brutal on your skin. Dermatologists and anti-ageing expert, Dr. Nicholas Perricone explains the importance of choosing the right sunscreen in today's "Daily Dose".


DR. NICHOLAS PERRICONE, DERMATOLOGIS: I'm asked questions all the time about sunscreens and choosing the right SPF. I'm a real fan of sun screens. They act like tiny mirrors to reflect the sun. That can be titanium or zinc. So let's do those two ingredients.

In addition to that, what number should we use? SPF is just a multiple of time of the amount of time we can spend in the sun without getting red. If you get red in five minutes and then use a number 30 you supposedly can stay out in the sun 30 times longer than that five minutes without getting red. There's evidence that even if you're not getting red you're sitting in the sun, accelerating ageing your skin and increase your risk of skin cancer.

And so you're the only one that can tell what sunscreen is best for you. But I like a 30. It's pretty universal.


COSTELLO: Thank you, doctor. I'm Carol Costello. Thank you for joining us today. "CNN NEWSROOM" with Kyra Phillips starts right now.