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Assad Regime Nearing Collapse; Foreign Press Association Announces Golden Globe Nominations; Typhoon Evan Pounds Samoa; While Government Spends Billions On Rockets, Thousands In North Korea Starve, Flee

Aired December 13, 2012 - 08:00   ET


KRISTIE LU STOUT, HOST: I'm Kristie Lu Stout in Hong Kong. And welcome to News Stream where news and technology meet.

We begin in Japan which has scrambled fighter jets after this Chinese plane was seen near a group of islands claimed by both nations.

Also ahead, South Korea find debris from the North Korean rocket launch as the U.S. questions where Pyongyang is in full control of the satellite it says was launched.

And later in the show, 150 years in the making, but will this big budget production of Les Miserables win over the Hollywood foreign press? We're live at the Golden Globe nominations.

China and Japan have long been at odds over a set of islands in the East China Sea. But the first time aircraft have now entered that territorial dispute. The Japanese Coast Guard spotted a Chinese plane in the area near the islands early on Thursday morning. And this led Japan to scramble eight fighter jets to the area.

Now China's Xinua news agency quotes Chinese maritime authorities who say it was a surveillance plane sent to join patrol ships.

Now back in September, Japan made a formal decision to buy the islands from private Japanese owners. And that move angered many in China who say Japan infringed upon their nation's sovereignty. Now there were protests in China and a boycott of some Japanese companies and products. Japanese people were even attacked in some cities around China.

The disputed islands are near rich fishing grounds and potential maritime gas fields.

Now an update on North Korea's rocket launch and the international outcry. South Korea's defense ministry says its navy has found some debris from the launch. It released this image of the retrieval and the Yellow Sea.

Meanwhile, a U.S. official tells CNN that Pyongyang may not be in total control of the satellite that was released during Wednesday's launch. And one U.S. defense official has called the device rudimentary.

Now state media and North Korea are hailing the rocket launch as a major success. But the reality is many North Koreans are starving. And UNICEF says children maybe the most affected by malnutrition, that is driving thousands to flee the country and head to China.

Anna Coren reports.


ANNA COREN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: In Northeast China in the small bleak city of Yanji (ph) is a shabby apartment building with bars on the windows. Inside, a grimy stairwell leads to a gray steel door. Behind it is a refuge for people who have escaped a life of heartache and misery.

This North Korean man crossed the border earlier this year and came to this safe house set up by Chinese missionaries. He left after his wife and son died from starvation. His surviving daughter is still in North Korea.

"I came to China to find work and save some money for my daughter. I don't want her to die as well."

He is one of more than 50,000 North Koreans who are believed to have fled across the porous border and are now hiding in China. The exodus began in the mid-1990s after the devastating famine broke out across the country claiming more than two-and-a-half million lives.

The country is dependent on international food aid. UNICEF believes one-third of North Korea's children are severely malnourished, which is why so many question leader Kim Jong Un's decision to spend billions of dollars on nuclear technology when his people are starving.

The regime says that if the U.S. bothers us we have powerful nuclear weapons to defend ourselves.

The North Korean regime denies it's developing nuclear weapons. It claims it aims to send a satellite into space.

North Korea's rocket launch places China in a very difficult position. Beijing in Pyongyang's chief backer, propping up the impoverished country with food and financial aid. The international community constantly pressures China to use its economic leverage to stop North Korea from developing its nuclear weapons program, something Beijing has been reluctant to do.

Beijing doesn't want North Korea to become a failed state, because millions of refugees would flood into China. It could also bring about the formation of a unified Korea. And experts say Beijing doesn't want to lose its influence in Pyongyang.

This elderly couple doesn't care about the rocket or the regime's propaganda. They fled North Korea in 2011, not by choice but out of necessity.

"We came to China because it was too hard to live there. My three children died of starvation. The three burial sites are in front of the house. How can we live there?"

With little motivation to live they say they'd rather die in China than in the impoverished homeland.

Anna Coren, CNN, Beijing.


LU STOUT: You're watching News Stream and still ahead, he is only a teenager, but this young man risked his life to reach a woman shot by a sniper in Syria. We have the full exclusive video straight ahead.

Also, details are released about the death of a nurse who received that hoax call at the hospital treating the Duchess of Cambridge.


LU STOUT: Now a top Russian diplomat has admitted for the first time the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad appears to be losing his tight grip on the country. Now Moscow has been a key ally of Damascus for years and now Russia's deputy foreign minister is quoted as saying a rebel victory cannot be ruled out.

Meanwhile, the violence rages on in the country's civil war. A car bombing has killed 16 people southwest of the capital Damascus. Now Syria's state news agency blames terrorists for the attack.

Nick Paton-Walsh is following the latest developments. He joins me now live from Beirut Lebanon. And Nick, more on what this Russian official is saying about Damascus potentially losing control. What have you heard? And are we really close to a tipping point in this crisis?

PATON-WALSH: Well, certainly what Mikhail Bogdanov is saying is the clearest indication yet from the Russian government that they do see, perhaps, the writing on the wall for the Assad regime. We've seen indications from the head of Vladimir Putin's ruling party who said that the government was losing its grip and his ability to do its job. And we have seen Vladimir Putin himself the Russian president being very chummy with the Turkish prime minister about a week plus ago almost acting as though they knew there was a moment when they'd have to deal with a post- Assad future in Syria.

But Bogdonov's (ph) comments are pretty strident in what they say. Let me just read them to you. "We need to look the facts in the eye and the tendency that the regime and the government of Syria is losing more and more control and more and more territory. Unfortunately, we can't exclude the victory of the opposition."

Now that's presumably also meant to sort of steel domestic public opinion in Russia for the fact they may have backed the losing horse in this. But it's also a clear indication that Moscow is seeing a change on the ground. They go on to say that the rebels claim they're in charge of 60 percent of the territory. And clearly Bogdanov emerging from this meeting in Morocco, the Friends of Syria, giving their support for the opposition government in exile, is perhaps trying to see what Russia can salvage from this.

It's not an immediate dumping of the Assad regime, but it's the clearest indication we've had yet that Damascus' most stalwart backer at this particular time is thinking of other options -- Kristie.

LU STOUT: Yeah, the diplomatic lines here are definitely shifting. You mentioned also the U.S. recognizing the Syrian opposition coalition. How does that change matters on the ground at all?

PATON-WALSH: Certainly it gives that opposition government that extra impetus, that sense of legitimacy and perhaps access to money to -- the finances that Syria is going to so badly need when Assad falls to rebuild. It does, though, I think perhaps almost in some ways enhance the gap between the discussions happening outside of Syria about its future, about how the war could be won, and those groups fighting on the ground.

Remember that just before Barack Obama made that recognition his same government had black listed the Al Nusra Front, the Islamic radical part of the rebellion. Small in number, but significant on the ground because of their military victories, their efficiency, their discipline. That move garnered a lot of criticism from Syrian rebels and Syrians themselves and made many question exactly where the U.S. sits in terms of its support for Syrian rebels.

So a confused picture and certainly the job for this opposition outside of the country is going to be to explain its relevance to Syrians on the ground and what it can do for them as quickly as possible -- Kristie.

LU STOUT: That's right, some disagreement there between the opposition and U.S. on that move.

More now on the opposition counsel itself. Do you believe that it is ready to lead, is the group ready to form a reliable transitional government?

PATON-WALSH: That's desperately what it's trying to do. There are figures there who have some legitimacy with the Syrian people (inaudible) himself many consider to be a good choice for a leader. And there are also other individuals floating around for various cabinet posts who have some sort of truck, I think, with the average Syrian. But the question really is we've seen before these experiments in building governments outside of the country and then you try and transplant them to a fluid situation post- conflict -- well, we're not even post-conflict yet, but when that moment occurs, how do people who have been living with war every day of their life for weeks, months, years suddenly decide to let outsiders, in their mind, come in and start running their lives. That's the big question.

And then you have on top of that hundreds, thousands of armed men who have been fighting for months now suddenly expected to lay down their arms, cede territory to bureaucrats who have been abroad -- Kristie.

LU STOUT: Nick Paton-Walsh, as always, thank you.

Well, the war in Syria has forced ordinary people to do some very extraordinary things. And while reporting in Aleppo, Arwa Damon was given footage of a very brave 17 year old. In this exclusive report, she shows us how he risked his life to help a sniper victim.


ARWA DAMON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: A fighter slithers across the street, his body hugging the cold pavement. Yards away a woman lies motionless. She's been shot by a sniper.

Her rescuer is not a relative, nor a neighbor. He's never met her. Abdullah Haddeh Fahan (ph) is just 17. He knew he had to save the woman or die trying.

When we met him later, he tells us, "we had a feeling that she was still alive. We wanted to save her, to get her to a hospital."

As he crawls closer, he can see her hand, her fingers shaking.

"Cover him. Cover him," someone shouts.

Other fighters lay down cover fighter. Abdullah (ph) quickly ties the hose to her legs, but he's unable to retreat.

"I said to myself if I die it's god's will that I die next to this woman," he tells us.

Finally, he makes a run for it. And the rebels drag the woman back.





DAMON: The woman and her son were walking right down the street. There rebel fighters shouted at them to stay away, but it was too late. Aleppo is crisscrossed with similar sniper allies. Some are known, but others do not reveal themselves until the first shot has been fired.

Despite Abdullah Haddeh's (ph) efforts, the woman dies, her son utterly distraught.

"Don't die now. Don't die today," he pleads. "Answer me, mom. Answer me. She's not dead. She's not dead," he says as he collapses.

Abdullah Haddeh (ph) is left wondering whether her life could have been saved if he'd reached her sooner. Until recently, he worked at a bakery. Now like thousands of young Syrians he puts his life on the line.

"I am not a hero. I am just like anyone else," Abdullah Haddeh (ph) tells us. And we're left to wonder how many similar acts of courage go unrecorded every day in Syria? And how many innocents are lost?

Arwa Damon, CNN, Aleppo.


LU STOUT: A very brave young man.

You're watching News Stream and up next in the UK an inquest reveals what caused the death of Jacintha Saldanha, the nurse who apparently took her own life in the royal hoax tragedy. We'll be right back.


LU STOUT: Coming to you live from Hong Kong, you are back watching News Stream. And just a few hours ago in London the inquest into Jacintha Saldanha's death heard as she apparently hanged herself using a scarf. Now she was the nurse who answered a prank call at the hospital treating the pregnant Duchess of Cambridge.

Now Dan Rivers has been monitoring this story joins us now live from CNN London. And Dan, we have more details on how she died.

DAN RIVERS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, everything is pointing to this being a suicide. There's no formal verdict yet. It normally takes in these situations where a coroner is involved several months, up to 27 weeks, they say. But today the coroners court heard that she was found hanging by her neck by a scarf from a wardrobe door in the nurses accommodation just near the hospital. This just three days after she put through that prank call from an Australian radio station to nurses on the ward where the Duchess of Cambridge was being treated for severe morning sickness.

The court also heard this morning from a policeman DCI James Harmon who said that she also had some injuries to her wrist. But at this time there were no suspicious circumstances to her death. So, as I say it's pointing towards suicide. That's not the formal verdict yet, although, almost certainly that will come in the spring.

LU STOUT: And also any more details about the radio station in Australia that was behind the prank call.

RIVERS: Well, they are now being investigated by the Australian regulators, the Australian communications and media authority. They've had 2,500 complaints. They're looking into whether they should remove the broadcast license from that station. Clearly, something went terribly wrong in terms of the management here. This wasn't live. It was prerecorded so it was a deliberate decision taken to go ahead and put this on air. The defense has been from the DJs that of course they thought this was a bit of fun that they didn't think it would go as far as it did, that they didn't expect to get put through.

But that defense is slightly undermined by the fact that this was prerecorded. And afterwards, they said, well, let's put this on air. It was only when Jacintha was found dead that clearly this backfired in a tragic and spectacular way.

LU STOUT: And more on Jacintha, we know she left three notes. The content was not revealed, but what more do we know about her, or what of her friends, family, co-workers said about her?

RIVERS: Well, it's been nothing but, you know, heartfelt and glowing tribute to a dedicated nurse. She trained in Mangalore in Southern India. She's very religious, a devout Catholic, married with two teenage children. The family lived in -- or live in in Bristol in the west of England a couple of hours drive away. And she works up in this hospital, King Edward VII hospital and then saw them on her days off.

So very dedicated to the job to the point that she was separated for days at a time from her family. And they were completely unaware of her involvement in this prank call until a call came that she had been found dead. So a terrible, terrible shock for them and for all of the staff at the hospital and her friends who have just, you know, got only good things to say about her.

LU STOUT: That's right. I read that she was described as an excellent nurse. A very tragic story all around. Dan Rivers reporting live from London, thank you.

Now Nelson Mandela is slowly recovering from a lung infection at a South African hospital. And Robyn Curnow reports many South Africans are concerned about the former president's health.


ROBYN CURNOW, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Behind one of these windows, lying on a hospital bed, Nelson Mandela is sick with what doctors say is a lung infection. Outside, soldiers guard this military hospital, searching cars prohibiting unauthorized entry.

Mandela's illness has triggered a lockdown. Only the barest of information is being released.

After he was admitted on Saturday, the government only giving the first details about his condition on Tuesday. Nobody seems willing to say anything.

Can you say anything about Madiba and his health?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Unfortunately, I don't know anything.

CURNOW: We want to know how he's doing?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Not at all. We don't know anything.

CURNOW: You don't know anything?


CURNOW: Mandela's being frail for some years now. This picture was taken by CNN at his 94th birthday in July this year.

South Africans are sad, but realistic about his failing health.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a really sad situation, especially considering his old age. And I'm sure it's a tough time for his family as well. But our thoughts and prayers do go out to them. And we hope they can find strength in this time of need.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He's such a special person. His humanity, his - - you know his warmth to people and he treats everybody the same black and white, we are all the same to him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I was very young when he got out of prison, so one of the stories that my dad used to tell me was that Mandela is going to make your (inaudible), that's the best story that I can ever -- I think I'm going to tell my son that when he grows up as well.

CURNOW: Back at the hospital, the media remain camped outside waiting for updates.

So even though the South African government has been trying to reassure the South African public by saying that Mandela is making progress, that his doctors are satisfied that he's responding to treatment, may here are still concerned, still anxious as Mandela spends a fifth night in this hospital.

Robyn Curnow, CNN, outside one military hospital in Pretoria.


LU STOUT: Internet software pioneer John McAfee is back in the United States after weeks on the run. Now McAfee's strange odyssey began last month in Belize where authorities wanted to question him about his neighbor's death. He fled Belize and ended up in Guatemala where he was held at an immigration detention center. Now lawyers said police allowed McAfee to fly to Miami on Wednesday.

McAfee spoke to reporters on arrival. He said he had nothing to do with his neighbor's death. And being John McAfee, that wasn't all he had to say.


JOHN MCAFEE, CREATOR OF MCAFEE ANTI-VIRUS: I don't think anybody thinks I murdered my neighbor except you, the press. Do you think I had anything to do with this? I had no choice in this. I was whisked out of the prison. I was forcibly separated from Samantha and here I am. I didn't have anything to do with anything.

I don't have a plan. I'm here. I'm hungry. I plan to eat. That's basically it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One day at a time it sounds like.

MCAFEE: That's right. You know, if you've ever tasted Guatemalan jail food it's not very nice. And I'd like some sushi.


LU STOUT: Now it's not clear whether John McAfee will stay in Miami or where he might go next.

Still to come, if you've been frustrated by Apple's Maps you'll be happy to hear this. Google Maps is back on the iPhone. We'll give you a side by side comparison with Apple's Maps next.


LU STOUT: I'm Kristie Lu Stout in Hong Kong. You're watching News Stream. And these are your world headlines.

Japan has scrambled eight fighter jets after a Chinese government plane was seen near islands claimed by both countries. Beijing quoted by the official Xinua news agency says it was a marine surveillance aircraft. The islands in the East China Sea have long been a source of tension between Beijing and Tokyo that escalated in September when Japan announced it was buying them from their private owners.

South Korea's defense ministry says its navy has found some debris from North Korea's rocket launch. It released this image of the retrieval in the Yellow Sea. Meanwhile, a U.S. official tells CNN that Pyongyang may not be in total control of this satellite that was released during Wednesday's launch.

Syria's state news agency says a car bomb has killed 16 people southwest of the Syrian capital Damascus. The agency blamed terrorists for the attack. That comes as Russia's deputy foreign minister says President Bashar al-Assad appears to be losing his tight grip on Syria. Mikhail Bogdanov is also quoted as saying it cannot be ruled out that Syria's opposition could oust the president.

An inquest into the death of Jacintha Saldanha has revealed that her body was found hanging by a scarf from a wardrobe door. She was the nurse who answered a hoax call from an Australian radio show while she was working at a hospital where the pregnant Duchess of Cambridge was being treated. Now the inquest also revealed that Saldanha left three notes.

iPhone users, this could be the day you've been waiting for: Google Maps is back. You might remember that Apple replaced Google Maps with its own on the latest version of the iPhone and iPad and then faced plenty of complaints from users who said Apple's maps were sometimes misleading and sometimes just plain wrong.

Now you can download Google Maps on the App Store, so we decided to show you the apps side by side. Now here is Hong Kong in Google Maps on the left and in Apple's Maps on the right. As you can see, a huge difference between the two in terms of detail. Google's version shows more roads, a more accurate coastline and public transport options.

These color lines here are Hong Kong's subway lines completely missing from Apple's maps.

Now next, we turned the traffic option on and you can see the color lines showing traffic in the Google map. If you're wondering why you're not seeing any traffic lines on the Apple's Map, well, we are as well. We turned the option on, but it looks like Apple does not display traffic for Hong Kong.

And finally, the return of Google Maps means the return of street view. Ground level pictures taken of streets in countless cities across the world. Apple doesn't have anything like street view. Now the company, it boasted about its maps app having 3D models of cities, but there are only a few cities mapped that way. As you can see, Hong Kong is not one of them.

Now, let's zoom on the world weather forecast with Tom Sater standing by. He is at the world weather center -- Tom.

TOM SATER, CNN WEATHER CORRESPONDENT: Kristie, if we were able to get the streetview of Samoa you would see a serene island picture, but that is not the case as the first cyclone of the South Pacific cyclone season has arrived. Its name is Evan. It actually developed days ago more off the coast of Fiji, made its way towards Samoa it is not stopping and moving back. That simple movement of the position starting to make its way backward is causing it to stall. Roads are washed away from the island capital. You see it here. In fact, it's Apia.

All roads are either washed out. Rivers are over their banks. They are cut off from anywhere else getting around Samoa. and now we're looking at as the system slowly moves back the rainfall totals are not just going to triple, you've not going to believe the numbers I'm going to show you here in just a moment.

But let's talk about its movement. Only 7 kilometers per hour. Winds that were at about 110 kilometers per hour are picking up now. Gusts at 185. There are reports of two fatalities now in the capital of Samoa of Apia. And we are watching the Joing Typhoon Warning Center. Wants to kick it off back toward Fiji in the next 24 to 48 hours making its way backwards.

But if we take a look at what's actually occurring now, the system is so slow in its movement the amounts of rainfall are staggering with this and this is causing widespread problems here.

Take a look at the winds. Now right now this is this reporting winds and wind gusts that will be picking up in the next 24 to 48 hours. I've paused it a few times for you so you can actually see how the winds are kicking up. The center is actually sliding back toward the west-southwest. You start to see the eye. But again as it moves into western territory of the U.S. occupied Samoa you're going to notice the winds kicking up -- 91 kilometers per hour, 128, down to 125. And it's going to take awhile. So the winds are just going to sit over this island chain here knocking down the power lines. Of course the waters will continue to rise.

Now this is what staggers the imagination. Notice the numbers. They continue. 200, 300, 400 millimeters, 670 millimeters before the system actually moves out. Fiji, you've got to watch this as well.

As we get into China, things are looking pretty good. We had a major system that moved across the Korean peninsula and toward Japan. We still have some rainfall in Shanghai. It'll be snow in Beijing, but the next system really has kind of some mild air, a better component. We don't have the extreme cold.

But I want to show you some of the totals we're getting in on the snowfall. Take a look at this 193 -- let me show you the pictures quickly for you. This is sea effect snow. There's almost no movement in the air mass. What a heavy, heavy amount of snowfall, copious amounts of moisture deposited as you see there. Just, you know, looks like almost a meter, that's right, a meter of snowfall. And it continues to come down. But we are looking at milder air, Kristie. And that means rainfall the next go around which is much better news there.

But again, Fiji, all eyes on Fiji as the system leaves Samoa in the next 24 hours. Devastating. The pictures will be coming in shortly.

LU STOUT: All right. All eyes on Fiji. Tom Sater there. Thank you.

You're watching News Stream. And still ahead, Silver Linings to Golden Globes. Jennifer Lawrence is one of Hollywood's hottest young stars, but is she in line for an award? We are live at the Hollywood foreign press nominations.


LU STOUT: Now it is very early in the morning right now in California, but Hollywood is wide awake, and that's because nominees for the 70th annual Golden Globe Awards will soon be announced.

Now the awards are scheduled for January 13 at the Beverly Hilton. We know that comedian Tina Fey will be hosting the show.

The Golden Globes, often seen as a bellwether for the Academy Awards. And the nominations are due to be announced at this very moment. Let's listen in.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the nominations announcement for the 70th annual Golden Globe Awards presented by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.

With us this morning are Megan Fox, Ed Helms and Jessica Alba.

Megan, please get us started.

MEGAN FOX, ACTRESS: All right. Our first category will be Best Preformance by an Actor in a Television Series Drama.

Steve Buscemi, Boardwalk Empire.

Brian Cranston, Breaking Bad.

Jeff Daniels, The Newsroom.

Jon Hamm, Mad Men.

Damian Lewis, Homeland.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture Comedy or Musical.

Jack Black, Bernie.

Bradley Cooper, Silver Linings Playbook.

Hugh Jackman, Les Miserables.

Ewan McGregor, Salmon Fishing in Yemen.

Bill Murray, Hyde Park on Hudson.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture.

Alan Arkin, Argo.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Django Unchained.

Philip Seymour Hoffman, The Master.

Tommy Lee Jones, Lincoln.

Christoph Waltz, Django Unchained.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture Drama.

Jessica Chastain, Zero Dark Thirty.

Marion Cotillard, Rust and Bone.

Helen Mirren, Hitchcock.

Naomi Watts, The Impossible.

Rachel Weisz, The Deep Blue Sea.

ED HELMS, ACTOR: A little embarrassed I'm still in my pajamas. It's early.

All right. Best Performance by an Actor in a Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television.

Kevin Costner, Hatfields and McCoys.

Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock Masterpiece.

Woody Harrelson, Game Change

Toby Jones, The Girl.

Clive Owen, Hemingway and Gellhorn.

Best Television Series Drama.

Breaking Bad, AMC

Boardwalk Empire, HBO.

Downton Abbey Season 2, PBS.

Homeland, Showtime.

The Newsroom, HBO.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture.

Amy Adams, The Master.

Sally Field, Lincoln.

Anne Hathaway, Les Miserables.

Helen Hunt, The Sessions.

Nicole Kidman, The Paper Boy.

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture Comedy or Musical.

Emily Blunt, Salmon Fishing in Yemen.

Judy Dench, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook.

Maggie Smith, Quartet.

Meryl Streep, Hope Springs.

Best Motion Picture Comedy or Musical.

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

Les Miserables -- that's the correct pronunciation.

Moonrise Kingdom.

Salmon Fishing in The Yemen.

Silver Linings Playbook -- that's my boy.

JESSICA ALBA, ACRESS: Best Performance by an Acress in a Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television.

Nicole Kidman, Hemingway and Gellhorn.

Jessica Lang, American Horror Story Asylum.

Sienna Miller, The Girl.

Julianne Moore, Game Change.

Sigourney Weaver, Political Animals.

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture Drama.

Daniel Day Lewis, Lincoln.

Richard Geere, Arbitrage.

John Hawkes, The Sesions.

Joaquin Pheonix, The Master.

Denzel Washington, Flight.

Best Director Motion Picture.

Ben Affleck, Argo.

Catherine Bigelow, Zero Dark Thirty.

Ang Lee, Life of Pi.

Stephen Speilberg, Lincoln.

Quentin Tarantino, Django Unchained.

Best Motion Picture Drama


Django Unchained.

Life of Pi.


Zero Dark Thirty.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Congratulations to all our nominees and to all the producers of this year's movies and television. Don't forget to join us Sunday January 13 for the 70th Annual Golden Globe Award hosted by Amy Poehler and Tina Fey live on NBC.

LU STOUT: And there you heard it live from Hollywood the Golden Globe nominees for both television and film. A number of nods when it comes to the movies for the films Les Miserables, Lincoln and the Silver Linings Playbook.

Now we'll have much more when we go live to California on The Golden Globes. That's going to happen after the break.

Now also ahead right here on News Stream, a homecoming for The Hobbitt. Now the film gets its premier in the land where JRR Tolkien first dreamed up the saga.


LU STOUT: Welcome back.

You would probably have to be living in Middle Earth itself not to have noticed that there's a new Hobbitt film on the way. And while the movie was famously shot in New Zealand, it was of course dreamed up in England. And that is where fans and royalty got the chance to see the precursor to the Lord of the Rings saga.


RIVERS: It's big, but it's also personal.

MARTIN FREEMAN, ACTOR: You know, it tells you big stories and big kind of yarns, big tales. There is always something about you in there as well, and there's always something about me in there, you know, and The Hobbitt is a case in point. You know, Bilbo Baggins is us. He's the audience facing these scary, amazing worlds.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where are you off to?

BILBO BAGGINS: I'm going on an adventure.

ANDY SERKIS, ACTOR: The Hobbitt is all about loyalty, friendship, courage, greed.

GOLLUM: Is it is soft? Is it juicy?

SERKIS: I mean, I love the character so much. And he's obviously meant a lot to me not only because he's a great character, but because he's opened up a whole world of performance capture and allowed me to play many, many other roles. So I've got a deep affection for the role.

GOLLUM: If (inaudible)...

IAN MCKELLAN, ACTOR: Underneath the elves, the dwarves and all the other creatures in Middle Earth there's a humanity in it. I mean, Gandalf may be 7,000 years old and a wizard, but he's got grandfatherly qualities that we can all recognize. And I think it's the mixture, really, of that fondest and epic and the closeness of the relationships that makes it exciting.

GALADRIEL: Mithrandil, why the halfling?

GANDALF: Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I'm afraid and he gives me courage.

MCKELLAN: I'm particularly pleased that apparently the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are fans of Lord of the Rings.

RICHARD ARMITAGE, ACTOR: It's the fact that it's been around since 1937. It's been passed from generation to generation in so many languages. It's sort of surpassed time and space.


LU STOUT: The Hobbitt there.

Now we've got some big news in the golf world. The U.S. Ryder Cup team has picked their captain and it's not one of the young guns. Amanda Davies has the latest -- Amanda.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Kristie. No. After the disappointment last time out we knew something had to change for the USA. And they've named 63 year old Tom Watson as the U.S. Ryder Cup captain for 2014. It is very much a surprise move. The eight time major winner returning to the post where he led America to victory on European soil in 1993. He's been named ahead of David Toms and Larry Nelson, succeeding David Love III after that great disappointment of Team USA where they were beaten so spectacularly by Europe in Chicago two months ago.

But -- well, the top of the team is going to be pretty young. Watson is going to be 65 when the event comes to Glenn Eagle, the oldest U.S. captain ever.

We will of course be getting some reaction to that appointment and bringing it to you shortly, but that is very much breaking news here on CNN at the moment.

We'll move on to the football, though, because Serbia are discover their fate on Thursday as European football's governing body UEFA finally deliver their verdict after trouble and allegations of racism at a game in October. UEFA is controlling disciplinary panel are meeting to discuss the charges against Serbia of racist chanting and failure to control their players after the incident at the under 21 European championship game between Serbia and England.

Missiles were throw onto the pitch and players and officials from both sides clashed when England players claiming they were racially abused from the stands.

Troubling scenes as well in the Copa Sudamericana. The Brazilian side Sao Paolo were crowned champions in less than glorious circumstances after their final against Tigre of Argentina was abandoned at halftime. The Tigre coach Nesto Goracito (ph) has accused police of pulling guns on his players.

After the goalless first leg in Argentina Sao Paolo finally made the breakthrough after 22 minutes thanks to Lucas who was playing in his last game before moving to PSG.

1-0 became 2-0 when Lucas turned provider. He got the ball Osvaldo who found the back of the net for the home side. But it was at halftime when things really started to turn ugly.

The teams clashed as they left the pitch and headed towards the dressing room. Tigre then refused to return for the second half, claiming that their players had been attacked and hit by security officials in the dressing room.

After half an hour of waiting, the referee abandoned the match and awarded the victory to Sao Paolo.

Under somewhat brighter note, it's 88 and counting now for Lionel Messi. The 25 year old scored twice for Barcelona in the Copa Del Rey on Wednesday to pull even further clear of Muller's record for goals scored in a calendar year.

Despite playing second division Cordoba in the last 16 tie, Barca fielded pretty much a full strength side. And Messi buried his first of the night in the 11th minute before doubling that advantage 15 minutes from time

So Barca have a healthy lead heading into the second leg.

A different story, though, from Real Madrid. They've got some work to do in their second leg next week after a 2-1 defeat to Selta Viggo up from 2-0 down. Christiano Ronaldo's late goal three minutes from time does put the 2011 winners in a decent position heading back to the Bernabeu (ph).

Now this story love, Kristie. They say it takes dedication to be a football fan, don't they, but once (inaudible) in Italy showed that he's got more than most, or more than any other Udinese fan anyway.

Have a look at this, Serigo Provodani (ph) ended up as the only away fan at his side's game against Sandori (ph). He said he didn't expect to see many other supporters who would have made the four hour journey across Italy on a cold Monday night, but he was pretty surprised to be the only one in an area that can seat 4,123.

The stewards gave him some coffee and the home fans invited him for a drink after the match. Udinese actually went on to dedicate their 2-0 win to Mr. Provodani (ph) and they've even invited him to their next game. Hopefully he'll get to sit amongst a few more fans.

Not exactly the atmosphere that you'd hope for at a football match, Kristie.

LU STOUT: No. But that lone fan winning over a lot of fans. Great story. Amanda Davies there. Thank you.

Now we have some news just into us here at CNN. Both AFP and Reuters are reporting that the head of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen says that the Syrian regime is nearing collapse and that President Bashar al-Assad should take steps to begin a political transition. Now he says it's, quote, "only a matter of time." Again, this is news just into us ahead of NATO saying that the Syrian regime is nearing collapse.

We will continue to follow this story and bring you more as we get it.

Now, we're getting near the very end of the show, News Stream. We're going to switch to something completely different. If you ever want to know what anchors like me like to do perhaps during commercial breaks, cameras captured a local news anchor busting a few moves. And the video went viral. Jeanne Moos has the story.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): What do we creatures of television do while we're waiting to go on the air? We eat. We sanitize. We stare.

But check out how this anchor at FOX 40 in Sacramento breaks the monotony of a commercial break. KTXL co-anchor Tia Ewing told us she didn't know she was being recorded dancing to Beyonce. But when she found out, she uploaded the video to YouTube to show to her family. Tia's rendition of "Single Ladies" went viral. It's downright contagious. As someone posted, "Who's the dummy who hasn't put a ring on it? She is single." Admirers tweeted things like, "Save Me a Dance."

Tia now joins the ranks of dancing anchors. MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski go-goed her way back to the set to the Bee Gees. CNN commentator Roland Martin couldn't sit still when Earth, Wind, and Fire played at the 2008 Democratic convention.

(On camera): Cut, cut, cut. Not all anchors need music for their routines. This may look like advanced patty cake.

But WGN's weekend co-anchors in Chicago do a version of this in the first commercial break of every show. The trick is to time it --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ten seconds. Coming up to a voice-over.


MOOS (voice-over): So they finish just before the commercial ends.

But none of these commercial break dancers -- none of them did it when Tia Ewing did.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This was at 4:15 in the morning.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now people know who you really are.

TIA EWING, KTXL CO-ANCHOR: Yes, that's really who I am.

MOOS: This is one Beyonce fan who puts the ring in anchoring. Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.


LU STOUT: Love her. And that is News Stream. But the news continues at CNN. World Business Today is next.