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Jindal: "We Must Stop Being the Stupid Party"; Predicting Super Bowl Champ; Super Bowl Snack Fears; After the Hoax, Marketing Manti Te'o; Making Cash from Slithering Eels

Aired January 25, 2013 - 10:30   ET


CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: "We've got to stop being the stupid party." Strong words from one of the young stars in the GOP. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal says they have to stop insulting the intelligence of voters.


GOV. BOBBY JINDAL (R), LOUISIANA: We've got to stop being the stupid party and I'm serious. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults. It's time for us to articulate our plans and our visions for America in real terms. It's no secret we had a number of Republicans that damaged the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that. We must quit big.

We are not the party of big business, big banks, big Wall Street bailouts, big corporate loop holes or big anything. We must not be the party that simply protects the well off so they can keep their toys. We've got to be the party that shows all Americans how they can thrive. We're the parties ideas will help the middle class and help more folks join the middle class.


COSTELLO: Patricia Murphy is the founder and editor of "Citizen Jane Politics" and a contributor to "The Daily Beast." Amy Kremer is the chairwoman of the Tea Party Express. Welcome to both of you.



COSTELLO: It's so nice to have people here in person with me in Atlanta, I love it, I'm excited, the Atlanta girls.

MURPHY: We wanted to touch you. And congratulation to you.

COSTELLO: Patricia just had twins.

MURPHY: I did.

KREMER: Congratulations.

MURPHY: Thank you so much. Thank you.

COSTELLO: OK, we have to talk about Bobby Jindal and his comments. Some Republicans might say like who made you the reformer? I mean, do you welcome his comments? Bobby Jindal's comments, Amy?

KREMER: I think he's right. I think he's absolutely right. I mean, the Republican Party has a serious messaging problem and we need to get out in front. And one thing they do is they're always playing defense. They're not proactive. And we need -- all those things he talked about the party of big, he's absolutely right.

We the Tea Party Movement wants government to shrink. We want the power to be put back in the hands of the states and the people where it belongs because it's not a -- you know, one size -- fits all blanket policy doesn't always work.

COSTELLO: But the Republicans Bobby Jindal was talking about were Tea Party-backed candidates and some people might say, "Oh, Bobby Jindal is really talking about the Tea Party."

KREMER: Well, I disagree with that. What he was talking about were some off-the-wall comments that were made that those candidates lost. But I mean, I didn't support one of those candidates. And I called them out for it and I said you should withdraw from the race. You know we've got to learn how to get the message out there that we want America to thrive and -- and big government stands in the way.

And so we want to have -- we want everybody to have the opportunity to become part of the middle class, and that's what we're all about.

COSTELLO: So, Patricia, is Bobby Jindal talking about just a messaging problem or is it really because you're talking about the same message put a different way. Is that what Bobby Jindal's talking about?

MURPHY: I don't -- I don't know what he's talking about but I don't think that's the problem with the Republican Party right now. They do have a messaging problem. They also have a legislating problem. And what he was talking about, stupid comments that people have made, talking about there might be a legitimate case for rape, there might not be a legitimate case rape. What's the debate about rape? Why is anybody talking about rape? Why isn't anybody talking about contraception?

I think when Republicans in state legislatures mind you they weren't off-the-wall comments. These were bills that were introduced in many, many states across the country, starting restrict access to contraception. Starting to define what is rape, what isn't rape. That gives women voters in particular, moderate voters, independent voters really afraid of what is this party all about.

I just want somebody to help me bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. You know they want people to deal with the economy and that's not what the Republican Party did the last time around. I think that Jindal has a prescription for how to fix it if the Republican Party are willing to follow it. KREMER: This is the thing. In 2010 when the Tea Party Movement drove the message of fiscal responsibility Washington needs to rein in the spending, and live within their means and have a balanced budget we won big, we won huge. In 2012 when the Republican Party drove the messaging we lost. I mean, that tells you something. If we stay focused on what is affecting everybody across this country and that is the fiscal issues, it's about jobs, jobs, jobs, I mean we win. That's where -- that's what we need to stay focused on.

COSTELLO: But I -- but I will say President Obama was re-elected and that means in part to me that people are kind of into big government.

MURPHY: Well, I don't know about that.

KREMER: Well, I disagree.

MURPHY: I think many voters were going with the lesser of two evils here with their choice at the ballot box, particularly independent voters but I think that what they saw in Mitt Romney was somebody who didn't have anything in common with them and didn't want to have anything in common with them. And the Republican Party that was dividing up the country. 47 percent here, 47 percent there, let's just have a fight over you know the kind of the nips and scraps and that was not a message that resonated.

It's also a party that is extremely white it's a party that was not reaching out to minority voters. It was insulting some minority voters, insulting women voters. You cannot build a coalition when you're breaking people down like that.

KREMER: We but -- President Obama was re-elected but also the House was re-elected overwhelmingly by Republicans.

COSTELLO: Democrats picked up some seats.

KREMER: Yes but and we need to do a better job at reaching out to minorities and -- and bringing them in and articulating our message better. If you look at Ted Cruz in Texas, he won 80 percent of the Hispanic vote. He won huge in Texas. So when we articulate our message properly and what we're all about instead of getting off on these subjects of rape and stuff, I mean we win big.

MURPHY: You should let Amy run for something.

KREMER: Thank you.

COSTELLO: Thanks to both of you for coming in. We'll be right back.


COSTELLO: The Super Bowl about a week away and everyone's got a prediction on who will win. Sure you can get the Las Vegas odds or ask a sports expert but that would be too easy. The winner could just be in the wings.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thrown down and see what we see. All right? Very interesting and this was a very easy year. Check it out. That is clearly an "s," "f." there's your "s" and lower case "f." Let's run it through the (inaudible) food wish chicken bone separation software. You can see it right there.


COSTELLO: The wings say San Francisco. But you might month to waste your wings on prediction. And we don't mean to alarm you but there is talk about wings shortage just days before the big day. On "GMA" this morning, anchors spread it over, quote, "A nation in crisis before the Super Bowl."


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Apparently there is a crisis looming about a Super Bowl staple. Yes, we are talking about chicken wings.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Over the past decade the popularity of the chicken wing has soared as football fans have spent Sundays eating them by the bucketful, but is there enough supply for our demand.


COSTELLO: Oh that's the question, isn't it? We assigned our Alison Kosik to get to the bottom of the story. Alison, say it aren't so.

ALISON KOSIK, CNN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Chicken Little, Chicken Little, is the sky isn't falling so don't get your feathers all ruffled. I'm here, Carol, to set the record straight. There is no shortage of chicken wings. In fact, the National Chicken Council is clearing things up this morning. It says there will be fewer wings out there this Super Bowl Sunday, compared to last year.

But look, there's going to no shortage. See what happen was chicken companies produced about one percent fewer birds last year partly because of the drought this summer that caused feed prices to rise. So it's all about supply and demand. That means wings are going to be more expensive this Super Bowl.

Now here's how the National Chicken Council puts it in its wing report. Yes, it does have a wing report. It says that chickens have two wings and chicken companies are not able to produce wings without the rest of the chicken when the demands for wings are stronger than the demand for other chicken parts. The price of will go up as it has this past year."

All right, well, thanks for that. Wing prices. Wing prices, Carol, they're at a record high. They're up 14 percent from a year ago, but, but the council also says Americans are willing to pay more. I find that amazing because I did a little research about chicken wings. Did you know that at one point no one really wanted chicken wings, they looked at the wings and they're like the cheapest part of the chicken we don't want this. What do we do with them? Oh with some bright mind got together and thought you know what let's flat it with some sauce, put some celery and carrot sticks with little blue cheese dressing beside them and viola, you've got something that Americans can't live without -- Carol.

COSTELLO: Oh, do you like yours spicy or mild?

KOSIK: Spicy.

COSTELLO: Oh me too.

KOSIK: Spicy and but skin on. So as unhealthy as it is, I'll take it. If it's wrong, I don't want it right.

COSTELLO: Girl, I've got to go to your Super Bowl party. I'll be there on Sunday.

KOSIK: Good.

COSTELLO: Thanks, Alison. We'll be right back.


COSTELLO: Forty-three minutes past the hour.

Checking our "Top Stories", you're looking at the charred battery from a 787 Dreamliner. The plane landed safely in Boston earlier this month but Federal Safety officials say it could have been much worse. Dreamliners around the world were grounded after another incident in Japan. In a statement Boeing says it welcomes progress in the investigation.

Florida A&M University promising to make big changes to address hazing, it's even hiring new staff members to implement a new anti- hazing policy. FAMU drum major Robert Champion died after being beaten on a bus in 2011 in a hazing incident.

Mark Zuckerberg apparently likes New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. The Facebook founder planning to host a fundraiser for the Republican rising star. I think he already is a star, don't you? Silicon Valley is typically known for leaning left but Zuckerberg and his wife reportedly liked Christie's positions on education.


CAROL COSTELLO: Manti Te'o has already begun a very public campaign to repair his image and his future in the NFL, like a huge amount of money is ride on whether he can contain the damage from that hoax over his imaginary girlfriend. Te'o maintains he's a victim of a cruel prank, not a willing participant, but he does admit he continued with the story of his dying girlfriend even after learning she was merely a creation of the Internet.

Listen to what he told Katie Couric.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) KATIE COURIC, ABC HOST: You stuck to the script and you knew that something was amiss, Manti.



TE'O: Well, anybody who put himself in my situation -- Katie, put yourself in my situation. This girl I committed myself to died on September 12th. Now I get a phone call on December 6 saying that she's alive and then I'm going to be put on national TV two days later and ask me about the same question. You know, what would you do?


COSTELLO: What would you do? Bob Dorfman is a sports marketing analyst and executive vice president with Baker Street Advertising. Good morning, Bob.


COSTELLO: You know, there's no doubt that the media in large part packaged Manti Te'o into this likeable emotional figure so that people would watch football games, is that fair?

DORFMAN: That's fair. I mean I think it really is part of his personality, but, yes, you know, every successful athlete is a brand so in a sense they're packaged a little bit.

COSTELLO: Exactly. And it seems you don't get attention unless you have this touching story or you came up from hard knocks to become this huge success, otherwise forget it. Nobody's going to pay attention to you.

DORFMAN: That's true. Again, you know, the backstory becomes very important. You know, there's hundreds of guys in the NFL. If you have a strong backstory, that certainly helps your marketability.

COSTELLO: So who like promotes the backstory. Does the athlete go to the media? Does the media go to the athlete? I mean how does that happen?

DORFMAN: It's a combination of both. If you're a successful athlete, you're getting interviewed after the games. The more you get interviewed, the more you get into your personal life. You have an agent who's also working with you and trying to tell your story. So it's a little bit of both sides.

COSTELLO: So here's this kid. He's what, 21 years old at the most maybe and he has this great backstory and the media's latched onto it. They believe every word he said. And then he finds out it's a lie and he's going to go on national television and you heard him. He says what would you do? So as a marketing expert, what should he have done and do you understand why he chose to do what he did?

Well, the big question right now is what's the truth? I mean this story hasn't played out yet. I watched him last night on Katie Couric and he certainly seemed sincere. It's hard to imagine that he's clever enough, you know, to come up with, you know, a story that he manufactured that was involved -- that he was involved in from the beginning.

He seems to be, you know, a bit pathetic, a bit of a dupe here. I think, you know, it's important that the whole truth come out. He's got to own up to whatever he did. He seems to be doing that.

He admitted to a few little lies. But I don't think those are, you know, terribly damaging. He was embarrassed. You know, if I think that that's the story that he was duped, he was embarrassed by this whole thing. He was afraid to tell his parents the truth. He was afraid to tell the public the truth. He ran with the lie a little bit,

I think he's OK. If things get worse than this and there's very much the possibility that they will, then we have serious problems with his marketability and his whole image.

COSTELLO: OK. So does the NFL -- he's going to try out for the NFL, have interviews with all these teams. What will he say and so what will he say and do you think he has some type of person like you helping him to figure out --

DORFMAN: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. I mean he has a high-powered agent. He has some of the best people, you know, in the world working damage control for him. So, you know, I assume they're doing the best they can in this situation.

The NFL, frankly, only cares how well he plays on the field. And as long as he's, you know, tackling and making big hits and helps the team win, all that other stuff kind of falls away.

COSTELLO: I think you're absolutely right about that, Bob Dorfman. Thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you.

We'll be back.


TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Just outside Philadelphia at the Delaware Valley fish company in Norris Town, a new figure has arrived -- wriggling, slithering sliming its way into the world market.

BARRY KRATCHMAN, DELAWARE VALLEY FISH COMAPANY: We do about a million pounds a year.

FOREMAN: And Barry Kratchman could not be happier.

KRATCHMAN: I'm a third generation eeler or sniggler.

FOREMAN: A sniggler?

KRATCHMAN: A sniggler, that's you can actually find it on a crosswords puzzle if you want to know what an eeler is? FOREMAN: Although never popular as many Americans eels are enjoyed on tables throughout Asia and Europe. They're considered delicacies whether they're served raw, baked, boiled, or fried.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Love it. Tastes like chicken. Well, what you're looking at here is an eel holding system.

And that has created a kind of appreciation all along the East Coast of the United States where the eel trade helps support hundreds of fishing families and 30 employees in this company alone. For most of the year eels caught wild in waters from Florida to Newfoundland pour into this site to be sorted, grated hacked and sent live overseas.

Scientists are concerned about what appears to be declining numbers along the coast and so are the people in the business of catching them.

KRATCHMAN: There's habitat pressure, they build dams over the years. As we harvest the eels, everyone wants to make sure that's it's sustainable.

FOREMAN: After all, Kratchman says he's been up to his elbows in eels his whole life.

KRATCHMAN: In fact, you know what. When I sort a lot of eels and you go to sleep, you start to see eels in your sleep. That vision of eel just penetrates and stays there.

FOREMAN: That's creepy. That's creepy.

DANIEL1: Yes that is so creepy.

FOREMAN: It's also the business that even in these tough times it's sustaining his family and many others on their "American Journey".

Tom Foreman, CNN, Norristown, Pennsylvania.


COSTELLO: "Talk Back" question today: Should the Super Bowl be politicized?

This from Sarah: "We should stop being afraid of conflict. I see nothing wrong with using a national platform like the Super Bowl to discuss issues that are important to our society. Why do we avoid these conversations. It's unhealthy."

This from Diane: "I am passionate about equal rights along with other issues but sometimes we just need a break. We love relaxing and watching the game and all the over the top silly ads. Not a time for politics or hot issue."

This from Barry: "These guys should be allowed to use their moment in the limelight to promote any legitimate cause they wish."

And from Gary: "The Super Bowl just needs to be about football, cold beer, good friends, and, of course, lots and lots of chicken wings."

Thank you so much for joining the conversation today. If you want to continue the conversation, cnn or tweet me @CarolCNN. I'm Carol Costello. Thank you for watching this day?

CNN NEWSROOM continues right now with Ashleigh Banfield.