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Connect the World

Italian Political Paralysis; Italian Markets Falling; Living in Italy; Countries Without Governments; Malala's Fund for Girls' Education; Fighting for Girls' Education Worldwide; Busy Week for British Royal Family; Parting Shots: Bieber's Pet Quarantined in Germany

Aired April 05, 2013 - 16:00   ET


ANDERSON: We cannot keep you safe: Pyongyang warns foreign embassy staff that their stay in North Korea is at their own risk. Tonight, a closer look at the man who is keeping the world on edge.

ANNOUNCER: Live from CNN London, this is Connect the World with Becky Anderson.



MALALA YOUSAFZAI, SHOT BY TALIBAN: Today, I'm going to announce the heaviest moment of my life. And that is the first (inaudible) of Malala Fund.


ANDERSON: Turning tragedy into triumph, a spirited Malala Yousafzai steps up her fight for change.

And no more monkey business for Justin Bieber.

Well, Pyongyang is putting foreign embassies and international organizations on notice that their safety cannot be guaranteed in the event of an armed conflict. Several missions said North Korea met with ambassadors on Friday asking if anyone needed help evacuating. That included Russia.

Phil Black joins us now from Moscow with the diplomatic response.

More specifically, Pyongyang warning quite eerily embassies that they, and others couldn't be guaranteed safety wise after the 10th of April. What do we know at this point?

PHIL BLACK, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it seems, Becky, that the Russian government doesn't quite know what to make of the comments that it heard from North Korean officials today. The Russian government says that its ambassador along with all the other foreign ambassadors in Pyongyang were told they should consider packing up their embassies and pulling out their staff.

This is how the Russian foreign minister responded earlier on Friday.


SERGEY LAVROV, (through translator): We are very much concerned over the escalation of tension. So far it's just been a war of words. We want to understand the reasons for this decision. We also ask them whether this is just a proposal or a requirement. We were told that this is only a proposal.


BLACK: Now there are some variations in what was actually said, according to different governments. The Swedish government says that all the ambassadors were brought together for a security update. And it was during that briefing that they were told, or asked, if they were planning on going and if they needed any help packing up and getting out. That concurs with what the British government says took place. And the British government says that the North Koreans justified this by saying that they would be unable to protect or ensure the safety of the embassies, of those international organizations in the event of a conflict.

Britain has responded to this by saying this is more of the saying, continuing rhetoric from North Korea as it points out of makes its position that it believes it is being threatened directly by the United States. Well, there's some variation in how these comments have been interpreted. There is certainly some consistency. And that is that they believe that the North Koreans discussed today brought up and raised the possibility of all foreign diplomatic missions pulling out of North Korea. But what isn't immediately clear, as with so many developments out of Pyongyang, is just what their intention was in doing so, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yeah, absolutely. And indeed why they used the date of April 10 specifically.

Interesting that Russia, and indeed China, I believe included in these warnings from Pyongyang. Given the relatively stable, if not good relations that Moscow has with Pyongyang. What's been the reaction. We certainly heard there from the foreign minister. What's the sort of overall reaction in Russia to this?

BLACK: Russia is worried generally about this. Russia is a country that tries to maintain good working relationship with North and South Korea. It has done for some time. But Russia is very strongly against North Korea's nuclear weapons program. It wants North Korean to adhere to all the relevant UN security council resolutions. Russia has been very strong in condemning North Korean weapons tests of late and so forth. But Russia is very much against, also, is anyone considering a military option to solve this crisis.

So Russia's fear is that if this rhetoric continues -- the saber rattling, the tit-for-tat military maneuvers and so forth. Even if North Korea's military capability is nowhere near as much as it claims, there is the greater chance that something could go wrong, a mistake, a human error that could perhaps result in some sort of unintended military altercation. And the results from that could be very serious.

So Moscow for some time now has been urging all parties to take a step back, take a deep breath, and then sit down and talk, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yep. All right. Thank you for that. Phil Black out of Moscow for you.

Let me just bring you bang up to date on what we are hearing here at CNN. Just out of Paris, France saying that they are taking these warnings seriously from the North Koreans out of Pyongyang that say that they haven't got any plans to evacuate staff as we speak this hour.

This escalating rhetoric has been underscored by evidence of new military preparations Friday. A U.S. official confirms to CNN that two missiles have been loaded onto mobile launchers. Now these missiles and launch components were moved to the east coast of the country in the last few days. While it's believed that any launch would be a test, as we've been saying this week, rather than a strike -- and experts generally agree that North Korea is years away from being able to deliver a nuclear warhead on a missile, Washington is still keeping a very close eye on developments.


JAY CARNEY, WHITE HOUSE SPOKESMAN: We're monitoring this situation closely. And we would not be surprised to see them take such an action. We have seen them launch missiles in the past. And the United Nations security council has repeatedly condemned them as violations of the North's obligation under numerous security council resolutions. And it would fit their current pattern of bellicose, unhelpful, and unconstructive rhetoric and actions.


ANDERSON: That's the view at the White House in the past couple of hours. At the end of another week of saber rattling on all sides. Let's just step back for a moment and get a closer look at a young man who squarely sought the world's attention and has got it.


KYUNG LAH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): He is the third of the Kim dynasty, a man not yet 30, in command of a nuclear arsenal, ballistic missiles and the world's fourth largest army.

But Kim Jong-un is in many ways an enigma, and a dangerous one at that. The youngest son of Kim Jong Il, he had a privileged upbringing while millions of North Koreans starved, attending an elite boarding school in Switzerland under a false name.

A Brazilian classmate remembers him as a shy teenager.

JOAO MICAELO, KIM JONG-UN'S CLASSMATE (via telephone): He was very quiet. He didn't speak with anyone. He was competitive at sports. For him, he didn't like to lose.

LAH: He liked basketball and football and video games. His father had served a long apprenticeship before taking over the hermit kingdom.

But Kim Jong-un was catapulted into the leadership, suddenly becoming a general in his mid-20s without serving a day in the military. When his father died in December of 2011, Kim Jong-un became supreme leader, and the state propaganda machine.

DANIEL PINKSTON, INTERNATIONAL CRISIS GROUP: They've been trying to establish this myth regarding his expertise. He speaks eight languages. He's a military genius, and technical genius. LAH: And a leader with a complete backing of the military. In his first public remarks as leader, he spoke of the heartbreak of a divided Korea. But there was also a warning.

KIM JONG-UN, NORTH KOREAN LEADER (through translator): Our military has become a powerful military, able to handle any kind of modern warfare with complete offensive and defensive capabilities. The foreign powers are not the only ones with a monopoly on military supremacy.

LAH: But he also promised no more famine.

KIM JONG-UN: It is our party's firmness resolve not to let our citizens go hungry again.

LAH: As he has consolidated his role, Kim has tried to promote his youthful side, attending a concert with Disney characters, and a youth festival. Watching basketball with Dennis Rodman.

Kim Jong-un has already married. His young attractive wife was announced by state media as comrade Ri Sol Jo.

But he's also reinforced North Korea's military first policy.

With the successful launch of a ballistic missile In December and another underground nuclear test in February.

Kyung Lah, CNN, Seoul.


ANDERSON: Well, the global resonance of this story is quite extraordinary. Our digital producer has trolled what is a hugely active debate on social media. This is what's known as a heat mound, gives you a sense of where the tweets are coming in on what is hashtag #korea. At this stage, 231 and that changes all the time, 231 tweets per minutes. That's been a lot higher over the week. This is an extraordinary story.

In the Middle East, many have been quick to compare it to their own situations. Have a look at -- have a look at this, on our Facebook page, one Libyan wrote, "I'm Libyan and know very much what the war means. It starts so easy with shouting and pretending courage and ends with blood and tears. What hurts is nobody wins in the U.S. generation." A generation raised on pop culture's fascination on with the country has been quick to make light of that situation there he said.

In the U.S., one tweet reads, "North Korea and its nuclear threats are becoming like that one, a Facebook friend that always threatens to delete their account."

But as the world -- and worries and jokes about the crisis on the Korean peninsula. South Koreans themselves, has got to be said, are a little bit more pragmatic. Let's have a look at what's coming out of South Korea tonight on social media.

On iReport, one student tells us he gets dozens of phone calls from worried international friends. But as "we are safe, we won't die, friends stop calling me."

The final word, though, goes to someone with a vested interest in what actually happens in North Korea, not that the rest of us haven't got a vested interest. But Seongmin Lee is a defector from the country and says, "if the international community just sends food and doesn't look at things North Korean people really need, the regime will never freedom to its people."

We want to hear from you on this. Get in touch. or you can tweet me @BeckyCNN. That's @BeckyCNN.

And later on the show, another special edition -- sorry on CNN, of course, another special edition of The Situation Room: North Korean Crisis, Wolf further analyzes what is still a fast moving story this hour. That's tonight at 11:00 here on CNN out of London.

Well, still to come tonight this hour, down and out, the U.S. employment rate takes a dive, but it's because many Americans are just giving up hope of ever finding a job.

The political bickering in Italy continues. Five weeks after an election, there is still no government. We ask what's it like for Italians living in a political limbo?

And Easter may be over, but that hasn't stopped the queen from enjoying some chocolate. We'll have much more when Connect the World continues.


ANDERSON: You're watching CNN. This is Connect the World Friday evening, 14 minutes past 9:00 in London. I'm Becky Anderson. Welcome back.

Word just in to CNN that Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan is considering offering amnesty to the militant Islamist group Boko Haram. A presidential spokesman says a committee will look into options. Boko Haram responsible for killing more than 3,000 people across northeastern Nigeria since 2009. The spokesman telling us if Amnesty is offered, the militants to lay down their arms.

More on that, of course, as we get it.

Now the jobless rate in the U.S. has fallen to its lowest level in more than four years, but it's not because more people are finding work.

Joining us is Alison Kosik from the New York Stock Exchange.

On the surface, when this number came out today, you sort of thought it ought to be good news given that the rate -- unemployment rate had fallen, but there is more to this, isn't there?

ALISON KOSIK, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Oh, yeah, there's definitely a back story.

So let's start with that reading from the labor department here in the U.S. It shows that employers here added only 88,000 jobs in March. It's much weaker than what Wall Street had been expecting by about 100,000 position. It is a big reason that stocks closed lower today. The Dow fell about 40 -- about 40 points. It had been down as much as 172 earlier in the day.

The main drag on hiring, though, last month came from the retail sector, which lost 24,000 jobs. That's especially disappointing since the sector had been averaging pretty big gains the past few months. Meantime, the U.S. Postal Service shed 12,000 jobs.

There is some good news, though, in this report. We found that construction -- the construction sector held up, adding 18,000 positions. That's thanks to continued recovery in the housing market. Plus, both January and February's numbers, they were revised higher -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Thank you, Alison.

All right, little progress reported in Kazakhstan where six world powers are trying to break a deadlock over Tehran's controversial nuclear drive. Now the international group wants a concrete answer to an offer that it made in February, that was to ease sanctions is sensitive nuclear work is stopped.

But Iran's deputy negotiator wouldn't comment on the offer and says Iran has put forward, quote, specific proposals for a new round of cooperation.

Well, talks continue Saturday, but expectations of a breakthrough are low with Iran's presidential election just two months away.

Pope Francis has addressed the topic of sexual abuse for the first time since his inauguration -- or election last month. The Catholic church has been marred by reports from around the world of priests sexually abusing kids. Now France has asked the church hierarchy to do more to protect children and to offer assistance to victims. He's also urging senior church officials to act decisively and carry out due proceedings against the guilty. But victim's groups still say more action, rather than words, is needed.

A popular Egyptian satirist has appeared on his television show for the first time since he was questioned over complaints that he had mocked Egypt's president and insulted Islam. Bassem Youssef who is known as the Jon Stewart of Egypt was released on bail on Sunday after being interrogated for five hours by a public prosecutor.

Well, earlier tonight on his regular show, Al Bernameg (ph) which translates as The Program, YoussefF joked about his ordeal.


BASEEM YOUSSEFF, EGYPTIAN SATIRIST (through translator): As you know, last week was a bit difficult for me. I mean, I had to submit to an order to show up for questioning. There were charges for insulting religions, cursing a president, and maybe the prostitution police will come after me next.


ANDERSON: All poultry markets in Shanghai will be closed on Saturday as Chinese authorities try and curb another major bird flu outbreak. A rare strain that hasn't been seen in humans before, has now infected 14 people and killed six.

David McKenzie is in Beijing.


DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: At least half a dozen people have died from a highly unusual strain of bird flu in eastern China according to Chinese health authorities in recent days. Experts say it's H7N9, an unusual strain of bird flu, because it has never infected humans before. Authorities are at pains to show that they are rapidly responding to this virus that they say at this point cannot be transferred from human to human.

They have closed off the markets in Shanghai of live poultry. And they went into a trading zone and culled at least 20,000 chickens, ducks, geese and pigeons on Friday after the bird flu strain was found amongst the pigeon population.

Further afield in Hong Kong, authorities saying that they are watching incoming passengers from China very closely. The same can be said for regional airports.

Even further afield, the Center for Disease Control in the U.S. says it will work on a vaccine. That could take up to six months, though.

Chinese authorities are trying to allay any fears from the population that is very wary of information distribution here because of a checkered history of responses to outbreaks.

David McKenzie, CNN, Beijing.


ANDERSON: The number of people killed in a building collapse in western India has risen to 46. The building was still under construction just outside of Mumbai. When it came down, it's believed many of the dead were living there illegally. Rescuers are still at the scene and have so far pulled 70 people out of the rubble alive. Police are looking for the builder who could be charged with culpable homicide.

Nelson Mandela's wife says Madiba is getting better and better.


GRACA MACHEL, WIFE OF NELSON MANDELA: Everything is fine. Madiba is getting better and better. He is in hospital (inaudible). That he is strong enough to go home and then nothing is going to recur. Thank you very, very, very much for lifting him up. God is listening.


ANDERSON: Well, the 94 year old former South African president was readmitted to hospital last week and received treatment for a recurring lung infection. It's the third time he's been in hospital since December.

This is Connect the World live from London. I'm Becky Anderson.

Coming up, Blatter backtracks: the FIFA president changing his tune on how to punish racism in football. That coming up after this.


ANDERSON: This is CNN. Welcome back. Let's do some sports news for you. FIFA president Sepp Blacker -- let me start that again -- FIFA president Sepp Blatter causing a stir once again for his comments on racism in football. Patrick Snell joins me now from CNN Center with the details.

I hate to say this with a sort of slightly cynical air, but what has he done this time?

PATRICK SNELL, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Well, this Becky is a backtracking really from the Swiss suprema of FIFA basically now saying that, look, relegating teams, relegating clubs, deducting points from them may not after all he now says be the answer to tackling racism in football.

You'll recall that a couple of weeks back he met with Kevin-Prince Boateng, the Milan player. He's the player that infamously took himself off the field of play in a friendly just after Christmas against Pro Patria and basically said at the time, Blatter said, look, that's not the answer. But let's going to show you a quote, let's show you a pilot of what it is that Blatter actually said on this Friday. He says, "can we bring an end to violence or racism by docking points or relegating a team? Or would such measures lead people to come to games to get the match abandoned?"

Compare that, "we should do all we can, but there's a danger if we have matches replayed or punish clubs on the sporting front, it will open the door to hooligan groups who will come to deliberately cause trouble."

That was the FIFA president Sepp Blatter on Friday.

Let me take you back to what he said in January earlier this year. "It is not enough to give a fine. Playing a game without spectators is one of the possible sanctions, but the best would be the deduction of points and the relegation of a team."

There you go, the two mirror each other, a complete juxtaposition. It is a U-turn despite what people are claiming, despite what FIFA is claiming. That isn't about turn and it's very, very apparent. So of course the next step, Becky, is now what kind of reaction are we going to get? You can imaging on social media circles they've certainly all been abuzz as well, and understandably, I feel.

ANDERSON: Yeah. And what I think is really interesting is that he's -- this is a U-turn. He's backtracking, whatever you want to call it, retracting these racism sanctions. And yet he hasn't actually said what he would do -- what the alternative should be, has he? I mean, he hasn't come up with a solution here. He's just taking away what seemed to be a very sensible solution to what is a horrible scourge on the game.

SNELL: Yeah. And I think hopes were very, very high as a couple of two, three weeks ago hopes were very high when he did make that very high profile appearance at FIFA house. Kevin-Prince Boateng walked into the center of FIFA house at FIFA headquarters in Zurich. There was that high profile photo call (ph), all the right noises were made. And I think a of people went away from that. The task force as well. Boateng appointed to the task force.

Hopes were high. People went away with high hopes, highly confident. And this appears to be, critics would argue, a big step in the wrong direction, Becky.

ANDERSON; Yep. Meantime, this is on a day that a Greek player has received his punishment for what was a Nazi style salute. What happened to him?

SNELL: Well, again, this is quite extraordinary. And again I think really surprising the Greek football federation on Friday coming out with the lightest possible sanction. This after the player himself had issued his apology, had expressed his regret. He'd been banned -- he has been banned from the Greek national team for life. So that was one really powerful message of intent. And we kind of assumed that what he was going to get this Friday will be a lot more severe in terms. So I'm talking about his club now. This is AEK Athens in the Greek capital.

He's been basically hit with a 1,000 euro fine. And again this is the lightest possible sentence they could have given him and a five match ban only. And some would say, wow, is that all? Again, it's the juxtaposition, it's the inconsistencies we're getting on this thing.

But look, some would also argue for a 20 year old to never have to play for his country again, that's obviously a big deal and that's hitting this youngster pretty hard, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yeah, but I'm not sure that there's -- you know, there are light sentences in these things. And there shouldn't be. I mean -- you know, I'm just also reminding myself while you were talking there one of the spokespeople for FARE, which is the Football Against Racism in Europe group telling us here at CNN, and you know this, but let's just remind our viewers that here's the quote from him, "Sepp Blatter is erratic, his behavior is erratic, his declarations are erratic, he should just quit. It's completely unacceptable what he said."

I think any of you out there who have got a view on racism, please get in touch with me or my colleagues here at CNN. I mean, it's just a story that needs to...

SNELL: It just shows the depth of feeling, the depth of emotions that this has struck. You're absolutely right, Becky. And I think that kind of summarizes it all, really. And we've seen the reaction on social media this Friday. We're going to see it going into the weekend. We've got another raft of high profile games across Europe as well. It's certainly a delicate situation right now and this is an ugly, ugly stain on what should be the beautiful game at all times, Becky.

ANDERSON: Should he quit? Not Patrick of course. @BeckyCNN -- all right...

SNELL: At least not for awhile.


Talking Sepp Blatter.

Rory McIlroy very, very briefly. News?

SNELL: Look encouraging. He's playing in the Texas Vallero Open right now. This is to fine tune a game -- his game, he hopes, ahead of the Master's next week at Augusta, Georgia very much on his mind right now. But remember, he postponed a humanitarian trip, Becky, to Haiti in order to do this. He started out the tournament opened up on Thursday. He started out OK, kind of level par. But he's improving, I can tell you. A short while ago, he was at two under par for the championship. That's only four strokes back. He looks as though right now he's going to make the cut. And he will feature at the weekend four shots back.

It's not really important for him to win. He just wants to go into the Master's playing some good golf, stringing a few decent rounds together. You know, he didn't get to world number one without being the talent he is. He's world number two right now.

And you know, Rory McIlroy is so inconsistent and has this habit of shocking us. He could go out and win the Master's. That would be incredible, wouldn't it? Next week, we shall see.

ANDERSON: We certainly have got to be there at least.

SNELL: Yeah, he'll be there.

ANDERSON: Can't win if you're not playing. All right, mate. Thank you very much indeed for that.

World Sport of course back in an hour from now. Much more from Patrick at that stage.

The latest world news headlines and you would imagine here on CNN in a couple of minutes time at the bottom of the hour. Plus, five weeks after the elections and Italy still doesn't have a government. Now the question is, do they even need one?

Flying in the face of the Taliban, Malala Yousafzai gives girls in Pakistan's Swat Valley help seeking an education.

And a pop star's pet in quarantine. What's ahead for Justin Bieber's monkey?


BECKY ANDERSON, HOST: Let's get you the headlines this hour. The US says it would not be surprised if North Korea launched a missile. That comes with word from a US official that two medium-range missiles have now been launched onto mobile launchers on North Korea's east coast.

The US unemployment rate has dropped to 7.6 percent, but not because more Americans are finding work. The fall reflects the extra 200,000 people who've now given up on finding a job and are no longer counted as unemployed.

Twenty thousand birds have been culled in Shanghai as Chinese authorities try to stop a new strain of Bird Flu from spreading. The rare strain has infected 14 people, killing 6. All poultry markets in Shanghai will be closed indefinitely from Saturday.

One month into the job and Pope Francis has addressed the child sex scandal plaguing the Catholic Church. He's asked senior church officials to, and I quote, "act decisively and carry out proceedings against the guilty." He's suggested they start by doing more to protect children.

Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi says his country may need another election. That's if parties can't agree on a coalition. It comes as a new poll in Italy suggests Berlusconi would get 31.4 percent of the vote. The last election in February put Berlusconi's center-right party against the party of standup comedian Beppe Grillo and the center- left bloc led by Pier Luigi Bersani.

There was no clear winner, and the country has since been in deadlock. Well, one of the problems is that Grillo won't talk to any of the parties. He and his Five Star Movement say the established blocs are to blame for the economic mess that Italy is in.

Well, with no party able to form a functioning government, outgoing prime minister Mario Monti has had to stay on as caretaker. Quite frankly, it's become a fragile situation, and as CNN's Jim Bittermann reports, some feel there is nothing left to do but laugh.



JIM BITTERMANN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Every week, Giovanni Floris likes to start off his political talk show with a humorist who pokes fun at the personalities involved with Italian politics.

In this recent show, the joke was about the Italian president, who's counting the days until his term is finished, May 15th, because he's been so frustrated trying to form a new government.


BITTERMANN: But the program's host knows very well that the longer Italy goes on with only a caretaker government in place, the riskier the situation becomes.

GIOVANNI FLORIS, HOST, "BOLLARO": I'm not sure that political parties have understood that -- how serious it is. It seems they live this crisis in a state of denial.

BITTERMANN (on camera): Back there in the presidential palace, the problem for the Italian head of state is that recent elections divided the parliament into three main political blocs which can't or won't work together in a coalition government.

The president himself can't dissolve the parliament and call for new elections because he's too close to the end of his term. And what's more, the parliament can enact very little legislation because no one has a majority.

BITTERMANN (voice-over): Out on the streets, the political impasse has had little effect one way or the other. Business ticks along, the unemployment situation does not improve, and the government debt grows. For some, especially those with jobs in the private sector, having a government or not really does not make a difference.

GIUSEPPE CAVALLO, LAWYER: We joke about that, that maybe it's better without government, because see, the last government, maybe it was better without.

BITTERMANN: There is the awful feeling among the political classes that life without a functioning government cannot go marching on normally for much longer, but because of the unsustainable economic conditions, domestic discontent or dismay among Italy's European partners will provoke a crisis.

MASSIMO FRANCO, CORRIERE DELLA SERA: We have a disconnection between the seriousness of the situation and the way in which people look at politicians. That is why the outcome of the election was so frustrating and so depressing for Italy and for Italians.

CROWD (calling out): Grillo! Grillo!

BITTERMANN: And so, while a daily political muppet program may keep Italians amused about their political leaders, the laughter is only a way to avoid the reality of a government stalemate many find very sad.

Jim Bittermann, CNN, Rome.


ANDERSON: So, political paralysis, massive government debt, and dismal growth. You would think that the last thing Italy needs right now is this uncertainty. Have a look at these figures. Often you can look at these markets, the market, the equity market and the bond market, and you can work out what's going on.

Interestingly, the FTSE MIB, which is the Italian market, down from February the 25th sharply after that election, and down since. I think I'm right in saying it's one of the only equity markets in Europe that actually isn't in positive territory at this point in the year.

But ironically, when you have a look at the bond market, you see these bond yields actually hovering around about 4.5-odd percent. Now, you've got to get a bond yield, which is obviously the price -- the rate on a bond. As the price goes down, the rate goes up.

You've got to get these bond yields up to something like 7 percent before you really see some problems with an economy paying back on its debt. And you really haven't seen that out of these bond markets.

So, it's not necessarily correct every time to take a look at these markets and work out what's going on in these economies according to what investors think. Sometimes this is kind of short-term-ism from the markets and investors, I guess. But an interesting way of looking at things.

While markets do fluctuation and politicians argue, the majority of people in Italy are simply trying to get on with their lives. In February, before the elections, we asked a regular CNN iReporter, Martina Lunardelli, what it was like living in Italy. This is what she said back then.


MARTINA LUNARDELLI, IREPORTER: Italy was one of the most powerful industrialized countries in the would, and now the economy is getting worse and I think it's going to die soon.

Younger generations flee -- flee from here since we can't do anything in the country, and there is no future for us.


ANDERSON: Well, I caught up with her to ask what the mood is like now for a 28-year-old in Italy with no government.


LUNARDELLI: Every day when I wake up, I feel very disappointed and a little depressed about the situation here because I always look around and see myself and my situation, which is really difficult, as far as my job is concerned.

And a lot of young people here are losing their jobs and also adult people lose their jobs, and there are difficult and terrific things happening, like people committing suicide because they don't have the money to pay -- to buy food for their family.

I don't think Beppe Grillo is even able, I guess, to form a political guide or to form a government, of course. He is not a politician, in my personal opinion. Some of the things he says are great, but what we need here in Italy at the moment is a technical and strong guide that can lead the country out of the economical crisis, the social crisis.


ANDERSON: OK. So, that's the view out of Italy for you this evening. Political deadlock, then, for the past five weeks or more. In fact, other countries, though, have lasted a lot longer without having a government. Let's have a look around the world for you.

Belgium holds the world record. It went government-less for 541 days of negotiations. That is longer than war-torn Iraq, which had to wait 249 days for politicians to settle on a draft government agreement.

And Fiji was once the leader of the Pacific democracies but has been under military rule since 2006. In September 2009, it was suspended from the Commonwealth after the country continued to rule by decree.

You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Still to come, undaunted by the Taliban, a gift from this now famous student to girls back home in Pakistan. Details are coming up.

And later on CONNECT THE WORLD, a chocolate factory, an assault force, and even a BAFTA. It's been a very busy week for the royal family in Britain. We're going to discuss their antics after this.


ANDERSON: We know her story very well. Malala Yousafzai was targeted by Taliban gunmen for trying to get an education, simply that. Now as she recovers from her injuries, she's announced a grant to help other girls go to school Pakistan's Swat Valley. Nick Paton Walsh reports.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Her dream, so simple. What she endured for it, so traumatic.

Malala Yousafzai shot in the head by the Taliban for promoting girls' schooling, but now recuperated and eloquent again, Thursday got her wish.

MALALA YOUSAFZAI, PAKISTANI EDUCATION ACTIVIST: Today I'm going to announce the happiest moment of my life, and that is the first grant of Malala Fund. In Swat Valley, in my mother land, we are going to educate 40 girls and I invite all of you to support Malala Fund and let us turn the education of 40 girls into 40 million girls.

WALSH: She never saw the glare of New York's red carpets, but there, Angelina Jolie paid tribute to her and announced a personal donation of $200,000 to Malala's fund.

ANGELINA JOLIE, ACTRESS: They shot her at point-blank range in the head and made her stronger. She is powerful. But she is also a sweet, creative, loving, little girl who wants to help others.

WALSH: The larger battle lies ahead. Malala, after extensive reconstructive surgery, goes to school now, but in Birmingham, where it's safer, her ordeal shining a light on the Pakistani Taliban's extraordinary prejudice, but also her inextinguishable spirit.

YOUSAFZAI: One day you will see that all the girls will be powerful, all the girls will be going to school. And it is possible only by our struggle. It is possible only when we -- when we raise our voice.

WALSH: Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, London.


ANDERSON: So, what exactly are activists like Malala up against? Well, around the world, there are 75 million girls out of school. That includes primary and lower secondary education. And according to UNICEF, one in three girls is denied a secondary education. That has a direct effect on their ability to support themselves and their families.

Well, bank research found that just one extra year of secondary school education can increase a girl's potential income by up to 25 percent. This is project we are committed to this year on CNN. We're going to agitate so that by the end of the year, let's hope that there are many millions more girls in education around the world. If you're watching, girls, we're with you.

Last month, I got a chance to speak to Malala's father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, and Gordon Brown, who is the UN's special envoy for global education. I began by asking Malala's dad how he believes his daughter could make a difference.


ZIAUDDIN YOUSAFZAI, FATHER OF MALALA YOUSAFZAI: My daughter, now I can say she's the daughter of the whole world. The world owns her, and she made a difference in a way, that she stood for education, for the right of education.

Even before this tragic assassination attempt, I was told by many in Pakistan that we have seen your daughter on television and on different talk shows, and they got their daughters admitted in schools just because of inspiration.

When this tragic incident happened, small kids that had -- posters, banners, and they associated themselves to Malala Yousafzai. I think it was a big change.

ANDERSON: What role does Malala want to play going forward?

YOUSAFZAI: I think she has mentioned so many times she wants to join politics in her coming life, and I wish her good luck.

GORDON BROWN, UN SPECIAL ENVOY FOR GLOBAL EDUCATION: Malala has sent a message to all of us that girls are not prepared to accept the complacency of adults, and I think what's going to happen now, you see Ziauddin and I have been working on an initiative.

So in April, we're bringing all the countries that are failing to deliver education for girls and for boys, they're coming to Washington, we're holding meetings with all the UN agencies, the World Bank, and all the potential funders, and we're saying to them, look, draw up a plan now so that every girl and every boy is in education by the end of 2015.

We will help you fund it. But you've got to do it, and there's got to be some priority now accorded to the right of children's education.


ANDERSON: Is there a sense of naming and shaming at this point, then, in --

BROWN: Well, I think we know the countries. Nigeria has 10 million children not at school. Pakistan has 7 million. India has a large number of children not at school. Afghanistan, Ethiopia, South Sudan. We know the countries, and they know themselves.

But I think they've got to be clear that the world is not going to sit back and say for the next generation, girls are going to be denied the chance of education. Five hundred million girls will not complete their education.

So that's five hundred million girls denied the chance to realize their potential, to fulfill their dreams, to bridge the gap between what they are and what they have in themselves to become. And we cannot continue with that situation, either as a matter of human rights, but also for economic necessity and for security reasons as well.

Because mark my words, if we do not make it possible for girls and boys to get education, other people will exploit them.


ANDERSON: Gordon Brown and Malala's dad speaking to me a month or so ago. Coming up after this short break, our royal recap. Plus an uncertain future for Justin Bieber's pet. We're going to have an update on the baby monkey that is now quarantined in Germany. Do stay with us.


ANDERSON: The British queen got the trip many children dream of today. She visited a chocolate factory and she was shown around the UK headquarters of Mars, where the popular chocolate sweet Maltesers were first invented.

And last night, the queen was awarded for her acting skills as well. She's had a really busy week. She was given a BAFTA for her role in the Olympic ceremony. This summer, she famously starred -- you'll all remember this -- alongside James Bond before appearing to jump out of a helicopter into the 2012 Olympic Stadium.

Meanwhile, Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge visited a new assault course in Scotland. They were joined by grandpa-to-be Prince Charles.

Well, it seems like the royal family is more popular than ever at the moment. The royal wedding, Jubilee, and royal role in the Olympics have all helped make them Britain's favorite -- or one of Britain's favorite families.

This week's BAFTA for the queen shows a less formal side, too. Let's discuss this week more with royal historian Kate Williams, and let's just start with the queen, actually. I want to talk about William and Kate afterwards, but the queen got a BAFTA, and she was really, really quite sweet with all the film critics who attended Windsor Castle this week.

KATE WILLIAMS, AUTHOR, "YOUNG ELIZABETH: THE MAKING OF OUR QUEEN": Yes, and of course, they didn't know what was happening. They all trotted off there not knowing what was going to happen at Windsor Castle.

And then the queen being given this fabulous BAFTA for her support for the film and television industry in Britain, and she was thrilled. She was delighted.

The queen herself is a very keen actress. When she was a child, she was a very keen actress. She played in pantomimes, earned loads of money in the Windsor Castle pantomime. So, she was really absolutely suited to be a Bond Girl Perfect.


ANDERSON: Classic! Well, that was part of the queen's week. William and Kate have been out and about. Let's talk about the royal bump shortly. Firstly, William not having as successful a week, perhaps, as Catherine did. Poor William.

WILLIAMS: Well, yes. William went in for the kiss with a toddler and the poor little toddler wasn't so keen and moved away. We've seen William with a baby before, but the baby had a dummy in its mouth. Now, the toddler was looking rather unhappy.


ANDERSON: Look at --

WILLIAMS: I know, I know. "I don't want to!" says the toddler. "No! No!"

ANDERSON: And she dressed as a princess --


ANDERSON: -- so she --

WILLIAMS: Poor little thing!

ANDERSON: She wanted it before he got there, but now it went nowhere.

WILLIAMS: Yes, not you. Not you. Yes.


WILLIAMS: I don't think William's used to being fought off by eager fans.


WILLIAMS: She'll have -- poor girl, when she's older, everyone's going to replay that footage, isn't she?


WILLIAMS: Her wedding, it's going to be out there, the time you wouldn't kiss a prince.

ANDERSON: Let's see it again. Oh, look. Her we go.



ANDERSON: Poor William! Catherine, well, they're out on assault course, you'd think that somebody who was -- what? -- she's fine. She's pregnant, we know a little bit more about the due date, I believe --


ANDERSON: -- at this point as well.

WILLIAMS: Yes, she's changed -- she's actually given us more clue about the due date. Initially, we just had July, we weren't sure at all where it was in July. Now, she's said mid-July. So, obviously, we're thinking 15th, 16th. So, that's much clearer to us when it was.

It also suggests that she was really very early on in her pregnancy when she was taken to hospital last year.

ANDERSON: Which, of course, is the reason why she wasn't doing any assault-type activities this week --


ANDERSON: -- on the assault course, right?

WILLIAMS: Well, that's it. She was doing very well with the net ball and with the sport, but yes, she's saying that she's going to go on maternity leave in June, so --


WILLIAMS: -- we're going to be seeing her for a bit more, then she's going to go and retire.

ANDERSON: A rather thumbs-up week for the royal family this week.

WILLIAMS: You're absolutely right, Becky. They've been doing so well. The popularity of the royal family, it's so true, has been soaring. The royal wedding, the Jubilee, the Olympics. Sentiment for the royal family, the popularity is its highest in Britain and across the Commonwealth and the world it's ever been.

When you look back at after the death of Princess Diana, the 1990s, they just absolutely saw -- the queen is riding high. She's the most popular she's ever been since 1953.

ANDERSON: And an award-winning actress.

WILLIAMS: An actress, a Bond Girl, she gets to play with Daniel Craig with the Corgis and gets to go around the Maltesers factory, as well.

ANDERSON: Lovely. What a pleasure. Thank you.

WILLIAMS: Good to see you.

ANDERSON: Kate Williams for you. Finally, in tonight's Parting Shots, unlike the royal family, teen pop star Justin Bieber's popularity may be taking a bit of a hit at present. For now, his pet monkey remains in quarantine in Germany, adding to the singer's recent troubles.

Bieber is on his European tour, you may be well aware of that, but Frederik Pleitgen reports where the animal will go next -- not Bieber, but the monkey -- remains in question.


FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is the moment we meet Mally, the baby Capuchin monkey brought to Germany by Justin Bieber, but confiscated by authorities. It's now quarantined at this animal shelter in Munich.

Mally seems a little shy when my giant fingers stroke his tiny head, but those taking care of him say he's doing just fine.

"He doesn't seem distressed at all," the shelter's head tells me. "But he's very young, about 14 weeks, and if Justin Bieber got him at the beginning of March, the animal was only about 9 weeks old then. Here in Germany, that would not be allowed."

The monkey was allegedly a gift for Bieber's 19th birthday, and he took the animal along when he went on tour in Germany. But when his plane landed in Munich, customs officials seized the primate, saying Bieber didn't provide proper documentation to bring it into the country.

Now, Mally spends his days in this room, with a routine of feeding, playing, and lots of cuddles from the staff.

PLETIGEN (on camera): Justin Bieber faces a fine of around $70,000 for bringing Mally to Germany without proper documentation, and if he doesn't provide the necessary documents within about four weeks, authorities here could try to find a new home for the monkey.

PLEITGEN (voice-over): Bieber's camp refused to comment on the issue, but it comes at a tough time for the superstar.


PLEITGEN: He was recently booed for arriving late to a concert in London and got into an altercation with a photographer and, in a separate incident, allegedly with one of his neighbors.

The head of the animal shelter says Bieber's representatives have been in touch, trying to get the necessary paperwork.

"Personally, I think the best thing Justin Bieber could do for himself and for the monkey is to say, 'All right, it was not smart of my friends to give me the animal, and I just don't have the time for it. Now, I want to do something good for the animal and get it to a good institution where it can live with other monkeys,'" the head says.

But for now, Mally remains in quarantine, clinging to the teddy bear the shelter says was given to him by Justin Bieber.

Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Munich, Germany.


ANDERSON: Our top story this hour, "We can't keep you safe." Pyongyang warning foreign embassy staff they stay in North Korea at their own risk. This has been a huge story this week, of course, around the world, particularly on social media.

And what do you think? Your thoughts on North Korea and whatever else is on your mind on this Friday evening, this lovely Friday evening in London. Wherever you're watching, it's a very good evening from us. Do get in touch, though, at Have your say. You can always tweet me, of course, @BeckyCNN. That's @BeckyCNN.

Wherever you're watching, have a very good next hour, two, three, 24. I'm Becky Anderson, that was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thank you. See you on Monday.