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Erin Burnett Outfront

Source: Ariel Castro Confesses To Some Actions; Report: Women "Withstood Repeated Beatings"; Ohio Rescue Gives New Hope

Aired May 09, 2013 - 19:00   ET


ERIN BURNETT, HOST: "OUTFRONT" tonight breaking news. A law- enforcement official tells CNN that Ariel Castro has confessed. This as his mother speaks out and she says her son is sick.

Plus new details about the 10 years the women were held captive. We're going to tell you how Ariel Castro ranked and punished his victims.

And how could anyone have been capable of committing these crimes. Ariel Castro in his own words. Let's go OUTFRONT.

Good evening, everyone. I'm Erin Burnett. OUTFRONT tonight, we begin with breaking news. A law enforcement official source closely involved with the investigation into the Cleveland kidnappings tells CNN that Ariel Castro has confessed to some of his actions.

Castro, of course, the man accused of kidnapping three women in Cleveland, Ohio and keeping them in captivity for a decade. Meanwhile, we are hearing tonight from Ariel Castro's family. They are begging for forgiveness. Here's Castro's mother talking to Telemundo in a tearful plea for her son.




BURNETT: This comes as the search continues at Castro's home. CNN has obtained tonight exclusive images of Ariel Castro's backyard. I want to show you these. We're going to tell you what you're looking at. FBI investigators, we can tell you, have been digging for evidence against the former bus driver.

One of these pictures shows a small cross like you might see alongside the highway where someone was buried or someone had died in the backyard. Not clear what that's related to, but that's in one of the pictures we have obtained.

The 52-year-old Ariel Castro was arraigned in court this morning where he was placed on an $8 million bond and charged with four counts ever kidnapping and three counts of rape. His brothers were released and have not been implicated in the abductions of Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry or Gina Dejesus. CNN's Brian Todd is OUTFRONT tonight in Cleveland. Brian, what more can you tell us about this confession?

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Erin, what we're getting from a law enforcement source closely involved with the investigation, the source telling our Pamela Brown that Ariel Castro has, in fact, confessed to some of his actions. The confessions according to the source came in what they call detailed statements given to authorities during his interrogations.

Now this source according to Pamela Brown is reluctant to describe precisely what Castro has confessed to but, again, we have to stress he has confessed to some of his actions according to a law enforcement source closely involved with the investigation who has spoken to our Pamela Brown tonight, Erin.

Again, we're getting pieced together details of some of this information. We were told yesterday that Ariel Castro was cooperating with investigators. Now we have a little bit more detail that he's confessed to some of his actions.

BURNETT: Brian, we'll talk to the attorney general in just a moment. He says he thinks this will go to trial despite those confessions. But the Cuyahoga County prosecutor just told reporters Castro will face the death penalty. That means he murdered someone, right?

TODD: You would think that, Erin. Now there's a bit of a nuance here. Timothy Beginski did say that he is going to explore some of the options for charges that could lead to the death penalty. He had indicated later, just as soon as he said that he said that, you know, the death penalty could constitute something that would be given for some kind of aggravated murder involved with a kidnapping.

That's how he's getting at it right now. What that really means it's not clear. We do know from the incident report that one of the captive women, Michele Knight said that she was pregnant five times and that each time, she was forced to abort the child by Ariel Castro.

That essentially he starved her and punched her until she miscarried, now could that be what the prosecutor is talking about? Could those unborn children, if there are any, lead to possible death penalty? I guess that's what we'll see in the weeks and months ahead as the prosecutor pursues these charges against Ariel Castro.

BURNETT: Brian Todd, thank you so much with the latest breaking news tonight from Cleveland.

As we continue to learn the gruesome details surrounding the alleged captivity of Michele Knight, Amanda Berry and Georgina Dejesus, there are more questions tonight about why authorities weren't able to discover this house of horrors sooner.

OUTFRONT tonight, Mike Dewine, Ohio's attorney general. Attorney General Dewine, thank you so much for taking the time. A law enforcement official involved in the case told CNN yesterday this is a slam dunk case in his words. Has Ariel Castro confessed to the crimes?

MIKE DEWINE, OHIO ATTORNEY GENERAL: Well, as a former county prosecuting attorney I don't refer to any case as a slam dunk. I think the evidence to me looks very strong. The prosecutor is developing the case with the FBI and the Cleveland Police Department. But no case is ever a slam dunk. The case has to go through the trial and, you know, there's a lot more to happen and you'll be hearing a lot about it.

BURNETT: I know that the state crime lab at this point is testing Castro's DNA and this is a crucial question. Can you tell us at this point if you think he's linked to other crimes?

DEWINE: Well, we received about 3:30 today in our BCI Crime Lab in Richfield, the attorney general's crime lab, the DNA profile sample from the defendant. We're working tonight right as we speak we will have results back tonight in the morning, by the morning we'll have a comparison with the 11 or so million DNA profiles that are nationwide. Many of those, course, are unknown and, you know, what the whole purpose of doing this is to determine whether or not this individual is involved in other crimes.

BURNETT: Yes, indeed. There have been reports there may have been another woman in captivity when Michelle Knight according to reports what she told investigators. At this point, are you aware of whether there are other women in this house? There are obviously other missing women cases that people thought were related. Are you at this point sure of any of that?

DEWINE: No. But, again, this is what the FBI is looking at, the Cleveland Police Department is looking at to determine, you know, what other victims, what are the victims are there? You know, your common sense would indicate and common sense doesn't always work, but would indicate that there may have been other victims.

BURNETT: Ariel Castro is suspected offing the father of Amanda Berry's 6-year-old child Jocelyn. Is that true?

DEWINE: We don't know that. You know paternity tests can to be done and will to be done and that will be determined.

BURNETT: Could he be charged with kidnapping his own daughter if it ends up being his own daughter when we look at these kidnapping charges?

DEWINE: Well, the prosecutor will look at a lot of charges. They were serious charges filed against him by Prosecutor McGinty, but I would look at these as kind of holding charges in the sense that I'm sure the prosecutor wants serious charges to get a high bond set. But as you thoroughly examine the case, one would assume based from what we've heard so far that we could have multiple rapes and multiple other charges. So, you know, when the grand jury looks at this and has all the evidence I would expect a lot of charges to come out.

BURNETT: There do appear to be some missed opportunities. Your neighbors said they called police. Police say they have no record of that, but they do have a record of two visits to Castro's house, once in 2000, Ariel Castro called about a fight in the street and then in 2004 on an incident when he was accused of leaving a child on the school bus they went to his house, nobody answered the door and the case was resolved without criminal charges. Are you confident the Cleveland police did their job?

DEWINE: I think it's a mistake from what I know so far to criticize the police department. There's only one villain in this case and that's the defendant. Now he's the monster that did this. It's easy to look back and say the police should have done this or should have done that.

We need to keep in mind that this was not a case that was, you know, put aside. This was very high-profile in the community. The police were very, very well aware of that. And every indication that I have would indicate that they, you know, followed any lead that they had.

But they did not, you know, they can't go into a house unless they have probable cause. They can't go in unless there's an emergency situation or a search warrant. I think it's a mistake from what we know so far to be critical of the police department.

BURNETT: There will be more charges to come in the case against Ariel Castro.

Still to come disturbing details about the ten years that the women spent in captivity. Ariel Castro played favorites with his victims. The mother of Gina Dejesus said two of them kept in one bedroom, the other in another bedroom. His victims were punished and others were made favorites. Why.

Plus the women's escape has inspired people around the country. We'll talk to parents of missing children who have renewed faith this week that their loved ones are alive.

A look inside the head of Ariel Castro, what we're learning about his state of mind from a note written by him and recovered from the house where the women were held.


BURNETT: We're learning a lot more tonight about the conditions in the house where the three women were held captive so horrifically for a decade. Here's the assistant prosecuting attorney at Ariel Castro's arraignment today.


BRIAN MURPHY, ASSISTANT PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: While in captivity there were repeated beatings, they were bound and restrained and sexually assaulted, basically never free to leave this residence.


BURNETT: The initial incident report revealed even more gruesome details. One of the women, Michele Knight has told police immediately after she was freed she said she became pregnant at least five times and when Castro learned she was pregnant and I want to quote from the incident report, because this is what she says happened, make her abort the baby.

The report goes on to say Knight, quote, "Stated that Castro starved her for two weeks then repeatedly punched her in the stomach until she miscarried." How did these women survive?

OUTFRONT tonight, Dr. Jeff Gardere, a clinical psychologist and Casey Jordan, a criminologist. OK, great to have both of you here with me tonight. You know, Michele Knight also said she delivered Amanda's baby. Castro threatened to kill her if that baby didn't survive.

So obviously completely different than what happened to her. What does this tell you about the roles the women played in this sick situation?

JEFF GARDERE, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: There were certainly roles that they played. There was a hierarchy. I think he looked at one female perhaps for sex, another one to be the genetic pool for his off spring, another to be his assistant and kind of mother the other women when he wasn't around and I'm sure Casey certainly knows who fits in which role.

BURNETT: Do you think there were roles he had assigned to them?

CASEY JORDAN, CRIMINOLOGIST: It's entirely possible. You have to remember we really haven't seen anything quite like this ever. So there's really nothing in the criminology books that we have to compare it to.

At the same time, I think that Amanda has emerged as the leader, the strong one, perhaps the rebel. So the other two we know that Michelle's family said she had a psychological issue that made her unaware of her surroundings. She had lost custody of a child.

So she may be mentally challenged in some way. We know that Gina Dejesus was a special needs student. She was 14 but in the seventh grade. So perhaps those two girls were put together because they were more alike or that they bonded like sisters.

And perhaps they separated those two girls from Amanda because she was the pistol and maybe that's why she was allowed to keep her child because she insisted on it.

BURNETT: There were different possibilities but reasons to explain different roles.

GARDERE: See Amanda as being the one to have his baby. He wouldn't let Michelle do it because Michelle just didn't fit that role. Perhaps she had that cognitive issue and Gina Dejesus who perhaps many are saying maybe the prettiest one was more of the sex toy. So he didn't want anything more to do with her than just the sex. BURNETT: Interesting, both of you are saying. The mother of Gina Dejesus spoke to ABC tonight and in that interview, she said that Dejesus and Knight, Gina and Michelle were kept in one room and Amanda Berry in another, which sort of fits what you all said, might have been what happened. Casey, on this point, law enforcement officials say the women relied on each other for survival.

JORDAN: Absolutely.

BURNETT: They interacted with each other, but sometimes obviously were in separate rooms. Will they need each other to help heal or is this one of those situations when it's over and done you don't want to see those people again?

JORDAN: Again, we don't have any precedence. I have a feeling it's going the former than the latter. I think that they need to go and rebuild their lives. They may need to stay in touch. They are going to associate each other with the worst 10 years, 11 years of their lives and they will always be friendly and cordial, but I think it will be a constant reminder if they stay in touch.

BURNETT: Amanda Berry took the chance. We don't know why, but she escaped. The other women did not. According to the FBI, 73 percent of people who are captives in hostage situations don't show any evidence of Stockholm Syndrome. Are these women part of a quarter who show a Stockholm Syndrome or is there another reason that they didn't try to escape?

GARDERE: Well, I think we have to think about one was taken at 14, one at 16, one at 19. The one at 19 may have had some pervasive developmental emotional cognitive issues. He had them very, very young and able time pose his will on them, had control over their lives. I believe there may be some element of Stockholm Syndrome, but what negates that is the hate they have for him right now.

BURNETT: Usually Stockholm Syndrome would stay for a while.

GARDERE: Now they see what life is like on the other side and what he deprived them of and the horrific way he treated them.

BURNETT: Well, thanks very much to both of you. We appreciate your time.

Still to come a look inside the mind of Ariel Castro. It's impossible to comprehend, but there was a note found in the house where he blamed his victims of his sexual deviancy and then might have left all his money and possessions if he died.

Dr. Drew Pinsky comes OUTFRONT to help us answer why that is. The family of another missing woman has been inspired with hope by the Ohio story. We'll hear from them and their new found dream that their daughter will come home.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This was like inflating the balloon so it would carry me along for a while.



BURNETT: The homecoming of three abducted women has been joyful news not just for those families in Cleveland, but for others in limbo and have been for a long time waiting for word of their own missing loved ones. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children estimate there are 3,400 to 4,000 open cases of missing children in this country.

Kyung Lah reports on how the Cleveland rescue has renewed hope for one family so desperate for answers.


SHARON MURCH, MOTHER OF MISSING DAUGHTER: Hope is a very difficult thing. It's a very difficult thing to hold on to.

KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Sharon Murch has been holding on for 25 years hoping her abducted daughter would somehow come home. Michaela was just 9 years old in 1988 and went to this corner store in California with her best friend.

MURCH: She and her friend picked up the scooters from the driveway before they left. She said I love you mom. I said I love too. Those were our last words to each other.

LAH: Officials say there's no sign of her or her abductor. A nation mobilized posting flyers, canvassing communities looking for this man. Witnesses saw him grab her screaming as he shoved her into a car, her mother pleading for him to return her first born child.

MURCH: If she hasn't seen the effort to get her back she will see and she will know how much we love her and care about her.

LAH: The 15,000 tips later and a police room dedicated to her case still nothing. Her sisters and brother now adults, the yellow ribbons marking the place where she was taken, her mother replacing the tattered and faded ones with each passing year.

MURCH: It's like a big hole in the center of my life and it's impossible to get away from it.

LAH (on camera): When you heard the news out of Cleveland, what was your first reaction?

MURCH: This was like inflating the balloon so it would carry me along for a while. I put all the news on my blog because I hope that my daughter would see it. I hope that she would see it's possible to get free.

LAH (voice-over): The Cleveland story also makes others believe. Michaela's mother at a criminology class at a local college trying to keep interest in her daughter's case alive. (on camera): For every Amanda, Gina and Michelle, there are hundreds of Michaela's. Law enforcement estimates about 2,000 children go missing every single day in the U.S. A small fraction are stranger danger abductions like the Cleveland case, like Michaela's case. Most are killed in just hours. Many remain unsolved.

MURCH: Sometimes I don't have anything hopeful to say and yet I still keep reaching out to my daughter because if she is out there she needs me to do that.

LAH (voice-over): Her mother reaches in the only way she can in cyber space on a blog called "Dearmichaela."

MURCH: What I can't put in a photograph and paste on this blog is my heart Michaela. My heart is always waiting for you. Have faith my sweet girl in yourself and the life that surrounds you. Have faith, have courage, come home.


BURNETT: Thanks to Kyung for that. If you have any information about the disappearance of Michaela Garrett, please contact the Hayward, California Police at 1-800-222-3999. Still to come a note written by Ariel Castro while he held the three captive. What it says?

Plus, Dr. Drew Pinsky comes OUTFRONT with a look inside the suspect's mind. What were the warning signs?

And the Boston terror attack latest. We hear from one survivor. We introduced you to last week. Today, he went home for the first time.

But first tonight's shot out an elephant rescue, it happened in Northeast India. This female calf fell into a muddy ditch. Her mother and another elephant were pacing trying to help her but couldn't.

But fortunately, a group of locals arrived, got ropes, pulled the baby out of the ditch with all these people pulling and helping and fed her a lot of bananas and got her safe and sound to a vet.


BURNETT: We start the second half of our show with stories where we focus on our reporting from the front lines. I want to begin tonight in Boston with an OUTFRONT update on Jarrod Clowery, the 35- year-old carpenter who was severely injured in the second explosion at the Boston marathon.

I spoke to Jarrod about a week ago in rehab, and today, he spoke before walking out the door which he called a blessing.


JARROD CLOWERY, BOSTON BOMBING SURVIVOR: I have so many avenues of love that the little bit of darkness that comes in I have so many people willing to take some of that off me and cry with me. So any time I feel like I'm going to have a breakdown, I mean, come on, you cry with me, wouldn't you?


BURNETT: It's been nearly a month since the bombings and Jarrod talked about what he's looking forward to now.


CLOWERY: I get to go with my niece and my grand niece here. I just can't wait to just spend the afternoon with her, really. That's what it's all about there. I almost lost them. That's what it's all about. And --


BURNETT: On Facebook this morning, Jarrod said he isn't going to waste one minute of his life being afraid. He's living up to that already. As he drove away from the rehab facility, he said that on May 19th, he's going to be at the Forum restaurant where the explosion took place to finish the race.

Authorities in Australia are searching for a couple who are believed to have gone overboard the Carnival Cruise ship Spirit. It wasn't until the ship docked in Sydney that the 30-year-old man and 26-year-old woman were reported missing. Police who have viewed on- board video believe they fell off ship the night before and on the mid level deck when they fell. This is horrible.

The problem is there's a law that requires cruise ships to put technology in place to detect when passengers go overboard. And obviously, that did not happen.

Maritime expert and lawyer Jim Walker says cruise ships aren't implementing the systems in part because the coast guard isn't enforcing the law.

It has been 644 days since the U.S. lost its top credit rating. What are we doing to get back?

Well, today, an executive for RealtyTrac says foreclosure numbers indicate the pig is moving through the python. New findings show foreclosures at a six-year low, down 23 percent from last year.

And now, returning to our top story on this Thursday night, tonight, we are learning more about the depraved thoughts and mindset of Ariel Castro, the man accused of holding three women hostage for nearly a decade. Though he stood silent this morning staring at the ground during his arraignment, notes that are said to have been found in his home are riddled with self-loathing statements and claims he was abused by another family member.

Martin Savidge is OUTFRONT.

And, Martin, what have you learned about that note or notes? I mean, I know it's complicated to describe exactly what it was.

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, it is, Erin, actually. And good evening to you.

A lot of people have first described it as a suicide note. Now, authorities are sort of backing out that depiction. They say, well, he didn't mention suicide but it's not really a suicide note and wouldn't be because, of course, he's still alive.

But then, on top of that, there are other facets. You talk about one of them. Authorities say in it he apparently alludes in some way to the fact that he suffered abuse and implied that abuse came from a family member. The way he puts it, according to authorities, is that it makes it sound like he's trying to blame that incident or series of incidents for what he was doing.

And, of course, no one is buying that at this particular point. They found it ludicrous. But that is the note that's been found. Some way it's one page, some say it's multiple pages. Whatever, it's pretty interesting reading. And authorities are pouring over it.

It was found inside the home. It dates back to 2004. It's found by the FBI. And just one of many things they found inside the house, Erin.

BURNETT: Yes. I know they found a lot of things. Just horrific when you think about that and blaming the victims.

Marty, let me bring in investigative reporter Scott Taylor from WOIO.

Scott, I know you have seen the handwritten note, or I believe. First, did you actually see it? Did someone read it to you?

SCOTT TAYLOR, WOIO INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: Well, you know what? I'm not going to talk about exactly what we saw or didn't see with the note because as you know, Martin knows, we have sources here. We need to protect those sources.

So what I can talk about, though, Erin, are the details, the comments that our sources say Mr. Castro made in that letter. Would you like to talk about those?

BURNETT: I would like to know those, yes. I know some of them, I want to make it clear just for our viewers, Scott, before you go through this. Some of this we have independently verified here. I know you have your own sources. But I just want to make sure, I'd be remiss if I didn't say that.

But yes. Please tell us what you know.

TAYLOR: Yes, and it's not just my sources that have confirmed this letter. We have also other sources from other reporters in our newsroom who confirmed that letter is there and I want to talk a little bit about the quotes that we have.

He has a problem with his head, that's what allegedly the claim is that Ariel Castro is making in this note. He's sick.

Also, he treated the three women well. And then on top of that, Martin mentioned some people thinking this is a suicide note -- he talks about killing himself and then taking, leaving all the money that he saved up to what he calls my victims.

BURNETT: And that, Scott, is truly bizarre that he would then leave money to them. We're going to talk more about that in a moment.

But, Martin, what else have they found in the home? You mentioned a lot of other things. There have been reports earlier that there were, there were chains, there were signs of captivity. What else do you understand has been found?

SAVIDGE: Well, you're right. Or you are correct, I should say, that what they found inside the house and this came from the chief of police, Mike McGrath, said that they found ropes and chains. You can try to figure out how they might have been used and there are all sorts of horrible ways but they wouldn't go into the specifics of that. And then, also, things that were taken, mattresses from the home that would make common sense.

And then there were also reports they even took the front door. I think everyone knows in this particular case it was the door really that became key here because it was how the first was managing to escape and get out. And I think that's why it's key evidence here.

But the rest of it, though, the FBI has been very careful about keeping close to his vest. And, in fact, today, the city came out and Scott knows this too, that they have clamped down. Suddenly, they have said -- the safety director and mayor came out and chastised city employees, and said, look, no more of this leaking. We are done with that.

TAYLOR: Yes, they definitely have. You would think that's common practice. He had to specifically come out and mention that.

I do know according to my sources that the women were first kept down in the basement for years. I've been told that they were gagged and chained for several years. Then, when Amanda had her baby, that's when they were brought up, Martin, and put in separate rooms.

SAVIDGE: The stuff we've heard, you get it from various ways, being taken care of is an interesting phrase. I've heard that too from other law enforcement. It raises some intriguing thoughts.

I mean, what do you mean by being taken care of? You're being held hostage. Authorities said they were getting makeup, or that they actually could have their nails done -- of course, in the house not done somewhere else and presumably amongst each other. It's an odd and horrific lifestyle to consider that you would live that way for a decade.


TAYLOR: They were also -- they were also told -- Erin, they were also, I've been told, that they were actually -- watched television, watched newscasts, watched the reporters here in Cleveland talk about them missing, Amanda and Gina.

And one thing that really bothered Michelle I've been told was that they did not really, the public -- the media didn't talk about her a lot.

BURNETT: All right. Well, thanks very much to both of you. With Scott and Martin and new reporting from both of them there on what we know what was in that house.

OUTFRONT now, Dr. Drew Pinsky, host of HLN's "Dr. Drew on Call."

And, Dr. Drew, thanks very much. I want to go through some of this. You know, this note as martin was reporting could have been a page, could have bean couple of pages but, you know, kind of crib writing, lots of notes.

And Scott Walker talking about some of the thing that it said. One of them, "I'm a sexual predator. I need help. I don't know why I kept looking for another. I already had two in my possession."

It's very self-loathing from a man who has done sadistic and horrific things. What do you make of it?

DR. DREW PINSKY, HLN: Yes. I never treated a patient that didn't fit the profile. The sexual perpetrators I've treated always have antecedent history of sexual abuse in childhood. In this guy's case, I have no doubt, whatever abuse he went through was spectacular and horrible. But that doesn't explain or in any way take this guy off the hook.

This is what we say to people who have these sort of impulses. Get help before you hurt somebody or hurt yourself. There are a lot of people who have been victims of abuse that have horrible impulses later in life. That can be treated. That can be helped. Once they get to this point, heaven help you.

BURNETT: And, Dr. Drew, you know, Martin Savidge was recording that in this note, because that's what we're calling it now, maybe it was sort of a diary, it's unclear, that he blamed the victims for their capture and then, Scott Taylor was reporting that he said, if he killed himself he would leave his money and possession to these women he tortured and kept in captivity.

What does that mean when you put those two things together, blaming them and then possibly saying you'll give money to them?

PINSKY: Look, he's a monster. It's interesting. He's a full blown monster.

And, oftentimes my patients that have sexual deviances and compulsions like this will describe themselves as a rampaging monster. They are aware of it in one moment and then in another, they won't see it and be fully consistent with the monster behavior and not really understand the implications of their actions. In this case, he goes from wanting to take care of these lovely creatures that he has such empathy for and he's got them chained up in the basement. He is a monster. Let's make no mistake about that.

BURNETT: And if you look at the picture on his Facebook page. I wanted to just show that. That compared to his mugshot, to give viewers a sense that people can just -- people you don't see into a person's mind and soul when you see a picture.

PINSKY: Well, yes.

BURNETT: And then on Facebook he wrote: Miracles really do happen. God is good, smiley face. This morning, I woke up to the sound of a chirping cardinal. Yes, come on spring.

I mean --

PINSKY: Yes, nobody is pure evil.

BURNETT: It is impossible to comprehend this.

PINSKY: It is. But one of the great, shall we say -- I don't want to say victories but one of the things I was grateful for with the Jodi Arias case, people getting to understand that not everyone's mind works like yours does, Erin, or mine does, or most normal people out there. People's brains work differently.

When they have been seriously injured in childhood or if they're born with certain genetic predilections, we have to be very careful with them, and they must get to the mental health system, and stay with that system, or they will really be a danger to themselves and others.

BURNETT: And just quickly, Dr. Drew, in a word, would you diagnose him with something? Sociopath? Is there a word for this guy?

PINSKY: Yes, trauma survivor for sure, but some sort of severe sexual deviancy. This is -- you know, we conceptualize this as sexual compulsion and deviancy, but this guy -- I think the word, I'm not going to use diagnostic term. I'm going to use a lay term -- this guy is a monster and I think that's about approximates.

BURNETT: All right. Dr. Drew, thank you very much.

And still to come, new developments in the Benghazi investigation. Some Republicans have said that President Obama should be impeached. But where is the smoking gun?

Plus, a British guy named Harry has cast a spell over Washington, and there's a big problem with that everyone. That's the "Outtake".


BURNETT: And I want to check with Anderson with a look at what's coming up on "A.C. 360" in Cleveland. Hi, Anderson.

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Yes, Erin. We're on the ground here. The county prosecutor today calling the home just behind me where Ariel Castro lived a, quote, "torture chamber and private prison." Those were his words. We're going to talk about the charges tonight which could include murder charges with CNN legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, Sunny Hostin.

A disturbing picture emerging of Ariel Castro, what the women held captive may have endured and what his real family suffered through as well. I'll talk with the sister of Castro's former wife and his niece. Those stories and the missed opportunities to catch Castro throughout the years, including potentially just days after one of the abductions. That's all ahead at the top of the hour, Erin.

BURNETT: All right. Anderson, really looking forward to that.

And we'll see Anderson in a few minutes from Cleveland.

And now, is there more fallout to come over the September 11th attacks in Benghazi. Republicans say the investigation isn't over, despite yesterday's congressional testimony from what they call whistleblowers.

So, what more are they looking for? Former Arkansas governor and one time GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee made a suggestion on his radio show this week.


MIKE HUCKABEE, FMR. GOVERNOR OF ARKANSAS: I believe that before it's all over this president will not fill out his full term. I know that puts me on a limb, but this is not minor. It wasn't minor when Richard Nixon lied to the American people and worked within those of his administration to cover up what really happened in Watergate.


BURNETT: Do other Republicans agree with that view?

Earlier, I spoke to Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and I asked him that question. Now, he told me, I'm going to quote Rand Paul. We need more information to make any kind of determination.

Here's what else he said.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R), KENTUCKY: Well, you know, I've always been more concerned that the mistakes were made leading up to this, you know, about security or lack of security. You know, when the ambassador asked for more security, it was denied by Secretary Clinton. I've always thought that was the most egregious part of this. I never have quite understood the cover-up, or if it was intentional or incompetence. But something went on. I mean, they had talking points that they were trying to make it out the be about a movie when everybody seemed to be on the ground telling them it had nothing to do with a movie.

I don't know if this was for political reasons. I've always actually suspected although I have no evidence that maybe we were facilitating arms leaving Libya going through Turkey into Syria. In the week preceding this, "The New York Times" has reported that there was a Turkish ship taking Libyan arms and giving them to Syrians. And they interviewed the commander of the boat, the captain of the boat, talked about the supplies.

I don't know. Were they trying to obscure there was an arms operation going on at the CIA annex? I'm not sure exactly what was going on.

But I think the questions ought to be asked and answered, and I'm a little curious when employees of the State Department are told by government officials they shouldn't testify and then they are sort of sequestered and kept away from testimony.

So I think there may be more of this.

BURNETT: And, Senator, I know you're saying look you don't have proof of the -- whether the United States was involved in some sort of arms dealing in this situation between Libya and Syria. But -- I mean, and that's speculation as you freely admitted yourself.

But isn't that part of the problem here, that there's so much speculation? I mean, are we ever going to know?

PAUL: You know, I think one thing we do know and we know with absolute certainty is that the ambassador, Colonel Wood, multiple people within the embassy in Libya were asking for help, they were asking for security in the six months preceding the attack, and we do know that Secretary Clinton didn't read the cables and didn't provide the security. And that's without question a dereliction of duty.

BURNETT: I'm curious when it comes to finding who is -- if there is someone to blame, who that is? Obviously, you mentioned Hillary Clinton and here's what you said last week about her specifically.


PAUL: I think that her dereliction of duty, I don't question her motives, but her dereliction of duty and her lack of leadership should preclude her from ever holding any office.


BURNETT: Of course, that was you. She's been widely talked about, right? And if she wants the nomination, I mean, things can change a lot. But right now, it would certainly be hers if she wanted it. No secret that you could be running. Are you doing a preemptive attack against her? I'm asking this only because if you look at what was happening in Libya it was some sort of CIA outpost, wouldn't it be David Petraeus who you'd be going after?

PAUL: The security of the mission was the State Department's job. She was asked specifically for more security.

She told us in our committee she never read the cables. I find that inexcusable. Libya's one of the five most dangerous places on the planet, probably, and if your ambassador's asking for more security and you don't read the cables and then you respond and say we don't have any security to give you, that is a really -- it is a dereliction of duty.

The person who made that decision should never be in place or in a position to make that decision again. I stand by that.

BURNETT: And so, in your view, you don't believe that any of this is political? I mean, if it's not political, what is the goal of what needs to come out of this, right? Because the goal would be to your point, if there were mistakes made leading in, that they are never made again.

PAUL: Exactly.

BURNETT: As opposed to just finding out you're to blame and I'm going to get you, right?

PAUL: Well, the thing is, is that when President Bill Clinton was in office, we had a tragedy in Mogadishu. They also had asked for protection and defense and they asked Les Aspin for more armed personnel, he denied it, and he resigned because of it. He ultimately resigned and said he made a mistake.

Hillary Clinton's decision not to send more security to Benghazi is to me very analogous to what happened when Les Aspin denied security to those in Mogadishu.


BURNETT: So, every night, we take a look outside the day's top stories for something we call the OUTFRONT "Outtake".

And the interview you just saw with Rand Paul almost didn't happen today. Was he ducking our request? No. Was there an elaborate attempt to keep us from reporting about B Benghazi? No.

There was one reason and one reason only: Prince Harry. The 28- year-old prince touched down in Washington today to kick off a six-day tour of America. He's going to promote Britain, raise money for charity and cheer on wounded veterans in D.C., Colorado, and New York and New Jersey.

His first stop in Washington today was Capitol Hill, though, which brought all sorts of logistical nightmares with it. The building had to undergo a very thorough security sweep. Seriously, people. More than a few female staffers disappeared from their desks all together and interviews with our lawmakers were tough to come by. It was just very difficult to get a free camera and actually even get to the camera.

I mean, the president of the United States, people, doesn't come close to causing this sort of mayhem. Look, I realize it's probably strange for us to complain about this because, and this is serious, Harry's name does raise a lot of money for charity and it's -- well, you know, it's not like he can just join a public tour group when he stops by.

But a couple hundred years ago we worked really hard to get the monarchy out of our way. So, strange we kowtow and move heaven and earth whenever they come back. By the way, the king and queen of Sweden were also in Washington today, but as we said before, if it's not Prince Harry or Prince Albert, no one seems to care.

Still to come, a few weeks ago I met an adorable yellow Labrador retriever sitting under an airport seat on the plane. We will introduce you to Max, next.


BURNETT: A couple weeks ago, I was on a flight home from Boston when I spotted this. I mean, it wasn't a little dog under a seat. It was a big beautiful lab riding so quietly and peacefully, sweet little Max is his name. Turns out Max is pretty special. He's being trained to be a guide dog for the blind and ours was a meeting by chance that inspired tonight's "I.D.E.A".


BURNETT (voice-over): Shanin Wilson was 12 years old when she had an idea that would change not only her life, but the life of this little guy, too. Meet Max. Max is not your typical dog. I mean, sure, he's a playful and curious golden retriever, one that loves belly rubs and games of fetch.

But Max is special. He has a very big job to do. One day, he will become a guide dog for the blind and visually impaired.

Shanin has devoted her life to helping him achieve that goal.

From the time Max was 12 weeks old, Shanin and her husband Judah (ph) have raised him as their own.

SHANIN WILSON, TRAINS GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND: He was one of the cutest puppies that I have ever seen.

BURNETT: It's no easy task. Service dogs need to be acclimated to many situations before they can be considered a certified guide dog.

WILSON: Our job is socialization. So we get a puppy at eight weeks and we need to do everything in order to get that puppy ready to be a working guide dog.

BURNETT: Shanin has always loved animals. Her decision to raise guide dogs led her to an unexpected career in law.

WILSON: Getting dogs access to school and you know, public places was actually what drove me to become a lawyer.

BURNETT: Despite Shanin's commitment to Max's success, there aren't any guarantees that he will graduate to become a guide dog. Only 60 percent of puppies successfully make it through.

Max was taking his next big step towards becoming a guide dog the day I met him. It was the day Shanin and Judah had to say good-bye. They were taking Max to his new home at the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind in Smithtown, New York. An exciting day for Max, but an emotional one for Shanin and Judah.

WILSON: Any sadness that we feel is far outweighed by the independence that you're giving somebody else.

BURNETT: Today, Max took his first major test with Barbara Kaiser (ph). She has been a trainer at the guide dog foundation for over 25 years. Barbara tells us Max passed with flying colors.


BURNETT: Just a wonderful story about what people do to help other people. Heartwarming when we heard so many horrible things recently.

Thanks so much for watching. "A.C. 360" starts right now.