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New Day Sunday

Tacloban Mayor: 10,000 May Be Dead; WSJ: Airlines Keeping Track of You; Veterans in Focus

Aired November 10, 2013 - 08:00   ET


VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: This morning an unprecedented crisis. From the air, the destruction from Typhoon Haiyan is just haunting. So are the numbers. Filipino officials now tell CNN it's possible that the death toll could be at 10,000.

CHRISTI PAUL, CNN ANCHOR: On the ground though, there are also incredible stories of survival. We're going to take you to the front lines and hear from the Filipino president about what his country and others around the world, including the U.S., are doing to get relief to those people who so desperately need it.

BLACKWELL: And on this Sunday, we take a look at the pope and his compassionate spirit and how he's changing the Catholic Church.

Another live hour of NEW DAY starts right now.


PAUL: Eight o'clock. Hope you're not scrambling today. At least 8:00 on the East Coast. We need to just relax here in West, because it's so much earlier.

I'm Christi Paul.

BLACKWELL: At 5:00 a.m., you should not be scrambling on the West Coast.

PAUL: I would hope so.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. This is NEW DAY SUNDAY.

This morning, we are really just beginning to see the extent of the destruction in the Philippines from that killer typhoon. It's almost unbelievable. It's feared that 10,000 people, maybe even more, have died. And right now the official death toll is at 151. That's the official number.

PAUL: The official number, right.

We know that search and rescue crews are trying to get food and water to the shell shocked survivors.

CNN's Andrew Stevens and his crew actually rode that storm out at a hotel in the ravaged city of Tacloban. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)

ANDREW STEVENS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It struck with terrifying and deadly force. The aftermath: Tacloban City's shattered landscape. This was home to thousands. It was not the wind that did it, it was the storm surge, reports of a five meter wall of water that engulfed the coastal strip and spread through the city.

Even where the CNN crew was sheltering, about a kilometer from the shoreline, the surge was waist deep and powerful.

(on camera): All around us you hear the sounds of windows breaking. You hear the sounds of large objects falling and crashing to the floor. And under foot, it is now just a deluge. If you look behind me, I don't know if you can see it, the staircase behind me is now basically a waterfall.

(voice-over): But that didn't compare with what happened here. The storm surge was the most destructive part of this typhoon. We're about 100 meters or so from the water. And you can see the damage caused.

These houses, these are all rough built houses, completely flattened along the shore. Thousands of people live along a stretch of several kilometers. You can see behind me just how bad it must have been.

(voice-over): Authorities had pleaded with people to leave. Many did. But many stayed.

This man was searching for his father, his brothers and his uncle somewhere he thinks under this rubble.

"We all tried to leave but it was too late. I got separated when the water started rising. I don't know what happened to them," he tells me.

The devastation across the entire city of 200,000 people is widespread. Winds upward of 250 kilometers an hour leaving a trail of destruction.

This is now a city on edge, no power, food and water running out and many physical supplies almost gone.

St. Paul Hospital, we're told, is the only functioning medical facility in the city. They can't admit any more patients. There's no room, just first aid in the most difficult of conditions.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have no more rooms.

STEVENS: "We hardly have anything left to help people with", the doctor tells me. "We have to get supplies in immediately."

Just a block away from the hospital, the desperate search for food and water leaks to looting. (on camera): This is one of the few stores which is left open and as you can see, the crowds are being forming around these stores taking anything they can. Food is the priority at the moment. But air conditioning units, plastic toys, everything is coming out of the stores.

(voice-over): Another street away, people are climbing up a lamp post to get to the second floor of a department store to grab anything they can. It took a full day before help arrived. And even though the storm was predicted days in advance, the response so far has not been nearly enough.

This was nature at its most frightening, a display of force that smashed the lives of so many people. And this is just one city. There are countless towns up and down the coast where authorities are still waiting to hear word from.


BLACKWELL: And CNN's Andrew Stevens joins us now live from Tacloban City.

Andrew, we know that it's evening there. People have been breaking into stores because they need food. I don't know if you call it looting when you're trying to survive. There is often a sense of lawlessness. Have things there at least been peaceful?

STEVENS: Things have been peaceful, Victor. Everywhere we've been over the last 24 hours we have soon looting, we've seen people carrying off all sorts of objects, obviously, as you say, food, and that is equated to looting, or is it just plain survival?

This day, 500 military personnel, heavily armed military personnel flew in from Manila, joined by 500 special police later in the day. So, there is 1,000 boots on the ground, if you like, here. Part of that job is to restore law and order here.

It is lawless. It is not the sort of lawlessness where you expect where you feel that you're in deep personal danger. There is no tensions in the city that I can detect. People weren't turning on each other. What I did hear reports from people there that there had been some home invasions of gangs of people looking for food.

But this is a desperate situation. As you said, it is now only unfolding the shear extent of the destruction along this whole coast. If you take this city and multiply that by many, many other towns and villages, you get a picture of just what could be.

BLACKWELL: And the World Food Program is reporting it's sending 120,000 high energy biscuits to the provinces to try to feed people.

Andrew Stevens live in Tacloban City, thank you so much.

PAUL: That dangerous powerful typhoon, too, is heading towards Vietnam now.

And CNN meteorologist Alexandra Steel joining us from the CNN weather center.

So, what do we expect land fall in Vietnam and what strength?

ALEXANDRA STEELE, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Well, let me just say to get this perspective -- it is a different animal than the beast that roared over the Philippines. Roaring and breaking the Philippines with 190 mile per hour sustained winds, 235 mile per hour gusts. So, our winds now sustained down to 90. So, 100-mile-per-hour wind less than what we had.

So, right now though here in the open water between Vietnam and this is China. It will make land fall this evening our time, China time, local time, will be Monday morning.

But today will be the worst day for Hanoi and Vietnam. But again, it is certainly much less severe. But that being said, it even may when it does come ashore tonight or tomorrow morning local time, it may actually even come ashore as a tropical storm, 60 mile sustained winds. And then, by Tuesday, today really the worst day for them, 25 mile-per-hour winds.

So, certainly much less. But the winds with this will be gusty and will certainly do some damage. But it really will be the coastal storm system that we're going to see with flooding and storm surge flooding, guys, that really may do the most damage. It's very low lying on the coast of Vietnam.

PAUL: All righty. Thank you so much for the explainer there, Alexandra Steele. We appreciate it.


PAUL: I want to let you know "STATE OF THE UNION" straight ahead on CNN. A good time to talk Sunday politics, of course, with "STATE OF THE UNION" host, Candy Crowley.

Candy, good morning to you.

I know we want to start with Benghazi and the investigation in light of the erroneous "60 Minutes" report. What are people there saying on the Hill?

CANDY CROWLEY, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, one of the things that happened and one of the answers we want to get this morning is that after that "60 Minutes" report, Republicans who all along have been pressing the administration for more information used the report and said we want to talk to eyewitnesses up here on Capitol Hill. We don't want the FBI -- we don't want the sort of cleanse reports from the State Department about what eyewitnesses said. We want the eyewitnesses.

Now, this again was spurred by the "60 Minutes" report but it's part of an on going process by the Republicans. Now, it turns out that the main source for CBS was not reliable, had told different stories. So, the question is and one of our guests is Senator Lindsey Graham, he said until I get some of the eyewitnesses up here on Capitol Hill testifying to some committee, I'm going to put a hold on all the president's nominees. That would include Federal Reserve board chairman, that would include the head of the new homeland -- the new head of the Homeland Security Department.

And the question is, now that it's turned out to be a not right report, does he lift that hold and where do Republicans go from here?

PAUL: Speaking of the Republicans, we know the next presidential election is three long years away, we know.



PAUL: But everybody is talking about it. And a lot of people are wondering, you know, can the Republicans get their house in order by then?

CROWLEY: Well, they'll have to. I mean, eventually, they're going to have to have a nominee. And then like him, hate him, him or her, they're going to go with it.

I think the question now is how hard does it get? Because there are sort of these two parts to the Republican Party right now, sort of purists. You would sort of put the Ted Cruz Tea Party types on that side. Then, there are the pragmatists who got a big boost in the Chris Christie reelection up in New Jersey.

That fight is going to be very hard. It might be really uncomfortable for a lot of Republicans. But in the end, they're going to have to come up with a nominee. We're going to talk to actually the chairman of the Republican National Committee about just that. We're also going to talk to the head of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

PAUL: All right. Lastly, we cannot get away from the bungled Obamacare rollout. Is there any evidence, Candy, that Democrats, at least some of them, may be pulling away from the president at this point?

CROWLEY: Not in public. But some very worried Democrats on the Senate side went to the White House and said you've got to fix this. They are looking at the results from Virginia where the Democrat won but the polling shows huge dissatisfaction with Obamacare. And, in fact, a lot of people are saying in the last minute surge by the Republican is due in part because he brought Obamacare up in campaigned on it in the final days.

It is definitely a worry. And again, that's something we want to talk to Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz about.

All righty. Candy Crowley, can't wait to see the show. Have a good one. Thank you.

CROWLEY: Thanks.

PAUL: And stay here for "STATE OF THE UNION" with Candy, an exclusive with South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham. You heard her talk about that. She is also interviewing with Senator Bob Dole. So, it starts at the top of the hour, 9:00 Eastern, only on CNN.

BLACKWELL: How would you feel if airlines knew your favorite drink? Or kept track of your purchasing habits? That's what some are doing in the name of helping to personalize your trip. The question is, are they crossing a line here?


BLACKWELL: Fifteen minutes after the hour now.

The next time you fly, you might not have to tell the flight attendant what you want drink. That same attendant might also be able to tell that you're a little grumpy because you lost your bags the last time you traveled.

According to "The Wall Street Journal", some airlines are using new tools to help them collect and analyze personal information on passengers. The goal is to help personalize your trip.

But is this a violation of privacy?

Travel expert Mark Murphy joins us live from Philadelphia. He's also the author of "Travel Unscripted."

Mark, glad to have this conversation with you.

How are they getting this information?

MARK MURPHY, TRAVEL EXPERT: Well, it's out in the public domain. If you're on social media, you're actually giving your credit card to the airlines. You have your address, your date of birth, all that information there. Guess what? They can go and look on Zillow, pull that data and actually find out how much your home costs, let alone what drink you might prefer. That may be harder to figure out. But that is some of the information out there.

BLACKWELL: Listen, I don't mind a flight attendant knowing that I like sapphire and tonic with three limes. But what else are they looking for?

MURPHY: I think they're trying to build a complete profile of you. What they want to do is find out what your income level is. They want to find out what type of home you're in? What the value is. They want to know all the demographic information and some cases other information so they can paint a picture to you to know that you may be somebody who would respond to a business class offering.

You might be somebody who could, based on your past travel patterns, you go to Asia a lot. So, the different things that they can look at get a better picture of you and then target their marketing to respond to get you to respond to that marketing. It's no different than what the direct marketers do. I think what happens with the airlines is if they get a little too far along, I think when they start figuring out what your home is worth, that is a little too much. That creeps people out and that's a turnoff, and that's what they have to be careful about.

BLACKWELL: Yes, it is a bit of a turnoff. You know, I was turned off the first time I saw some Web site I visited. It created an ad of the last shop I was on online. Every time I go to that Web site now, it's the same ad.

Do you think this makes the experience better or worse for the traveler?

MURPHY: When you have a personalized experience, let's take the hotels, I think it's better. So if you're catering to my needs, that's great. When you start diving into my personal life and things that you really shouldn't know as a vendor about me, it's all about opting in.

If I want to opt-in to give you information? Fantastic. Take that information, personalize the experience. If I choose to be anonymous, leave me alone.

And that's where the line has to be drawn. It comes down to opt in versus opting out. And the average cost doesn't want you to dig into their personal stuff unless they're giving you permission. It's called permission marketing, and that's what they need to focus on. Getting that information.

BLACKWELL: All right. Well, I'm hopping on a flight after this show. Gin and tonic, two limes. But I wait --

MURPHY: What you are drinking?

BLACKWELL: Gin and tonic, sapphire and tonic, two lime. But I'll wait until afternoon.

Mark Murphy, thank you very much.

MURPHY: Yes, sir.

PAUL: I want to know if that is what you're hinting at? They'll know.

MURPHY: Yes, they'll know.

PAUL: Still to come on NEW DAY: this, 2,000-pound satellite is expected to fall back to earth in the coming days. Where is it going to fall though? Details after this.


PAUL: It is a beautiful day. And a hearty Seinfeld -- hello to you in Washington. BLACKWELL: You like that long hello. Hello.

PAUL: I do. I like Seinfeld, what can I say?

You're going to be enjoying mostly sunny but windy weather there today, by the way. Temperatures reaching 60 degrees for their high, that is a gorgeous shot though. This is the time to drive around and look at the leaves.

BLACKWELL: Leaf peeping.

PAUL: It sounds much more provocative than it is.

BLACKWELL: It is. You're just looking at leaves, folks.

PAUL: All righty. This weekend, this Veterans Day weekend, I should point out, we want to tell you how a Marine Corps veteran is easing the transition that he and so many other troops face really after they leave the service here.

BLACKWELL: Yes, his name is Jesse Gartman. And he was working for a moving company in New York when he had an idea to start his own company and only employ fellow vets.

CNN photojournalist Robert Bakil (ph) brings us his story.


JESSE GARTMAN (ph), VETERAN: We're a company full of veterans and veterans take pride in what they do.

You wake up early in the morning and try to get to it as early as possible depending on New York traffic.

We get our mission listing, what we have to do for the day.

We're going to Williamsburg.

We try to keep up with the time.

GUY LUERSEN, U.S. ARMY VETERAN: What time does that job start, between 1:00 and 3:00, right?

GARTMAN: Kind of like a military operation order.

LUERSEN: When you show up with a bunch of veterans, they pretty much know what they're getting.

The discipline that gets instilled in you in the military, everyone takes it to work with them wherever they go.

JOE PICHARDO, U.S. ARMY VETERAN: For a lot of veterans coming back to the city, it's hard so get established and get your feet back on the ground.

It took me four months to find a place to live. A lot of people are looking for a year of like work. So when you get out of the service, obviously, you're not getting a paycheck anymore.

So even though you might have $30,000 saved in a bank account, it doesn't matter. You have to have steady work. It takes a lot to sacrifice your time and energy to serve for your government, to protect the people of the land. And when you're here in the city, jobs are scarce.

UNIDENTIFIED VETERAN: Since you were in the service, there's no such thing as I'm going to stop and quit because I'm tired.

LUERSEN: We don't have bad traits that other moving companies have. Everyone here has their head on straight when they come to work.

I'll start grabbing the boxes.

LUERSEN: What more can you ask for? You work and now you're getting paid. And you're hanging out with your friends, pretty much.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's good work, what we do here.

DERRELL LEE, U.S. ARMY: We're going to go with this company until -- we'll ride with it until the wheels fall or until we explode and I don't have to be on the truck anymore.


PICHADO: Almost 99 percent of our clients are happy with us. We have been so lucky that we found a group of men that love what they do and they respect their clients, and the clients just love us.


PAUL: So clever.

BLACKWELL: Yes. Ride it until the wheels fall off he says.

PAUL: Yes.

BLACKWELL: You know, it's good, one, to have a boss who understand what's you're going through and what you've been through. But we know there are so many vets who have a difficult time finding employment once they come back from service.

Another day, another surprise from the Pope. What he did for hundreds of people in wheelchairs. That's just ahead in today's "Faces of Faith" segment.


PAUL: Get your coffee, juice, whatever is your cup of tea in the morning. It is the bottom of the hour. We have a lot to talk about here.

I'm Christi Paul.

BLACKWELL: Maybe it's a cup of tea.

I'm Victor Blackwell.

Five things you need to know for your NEW DAY.

Up first, authorities in the Philippines are warning the death toll could soar well over 10,000 from Typhoon Haiyan. Search and rescue workers are struggling now to get the food and water to survivors. Entire villages are like this, just piles of debris. People searching for their things, for their relatives. In some areas, almost every house in the storm's path was destroyed.

PAUL: Number two, police in Houston area looking right now for two suspects after gunfire erupted at a house party. A sheriff's department spokesman told me this morning two people were killed and at least 15 were shot and taken to hospitals. But she says there are about 100 people who had jammed into that house.

BLACKWELL: Up next after three intense days of negotiations, diplomats failed to reach a deal that could prevent Iran from making a nuclear weapon. Now, Secretary John Kerry and officials from the European Union were in Geneva negotiating with Iranian leaders. The agreement would have eased some of the economic sanctions on Iran. But Israel's prime minister was never onboard. He called it all a bad deal.

PAUL: Number four, actor Anthony Mackie was arrested this weekend in New York City for alleged drunk driving. You might remember him best from his role in the 2010 Academy Award winning film "The Hurt Locker". His camp has not issued a comment yet to CNN.

BLACKWELL: Finally, good news all my fellow earthlings. The sky is not falling -- we probably would have left if that has been falling.

PAUL: Oh yes that's a good point.

BLACKWELL: Yes rule number one but in less than 48 hours maybe, two-ton European space satellite it is expected to plunge down to earth. It really just ran out of juice last month. No one knows exactly when or where this thing will fall.

But here's the good news. It is being tracked online and because the earth is about 70 percent water, it will likely fall into an ocean.

PAUL: Let's talk about today's "Faces of Faith," about the Pope's compassion and how he may be changing the Catholic Church with his, you know, ability to show it so freely.

BLACKWELL: Yes you've seen that photo that has become so iconic of the last week. Pope Francis yesterday he also welcomed hundreds of people in wheelchairs to the Vatican. He greeted them one by one with hugs and kisses and told them to never feel ashamed of the disability. Now this is just the latest of the Pope's inspirational acts. PAUL: Yes you alluded to this just a minute ago because earlier this week he embraced a severely disfigured man. The poignant image -- look at this -- was shared around the world. That man, by the way, suffers from a rare disorder causing painful tumors all over his body. And this moment just resonated even with nonbelievers.

BLACKWELL: Yes one woman wrote on Twitter, I want to read the tweet "I may be an atheist but there is something about Pope Francis that makes me want to be Catholic. He's so inspiring."

CNN's senior Vatican analyst John Allen joins us now. John, it seems that the Pope -- it seems every week now, every month he is surprising people with these acts of compassion. Will this bring people back to the Catholic Church?

JOHN ALLEN, CNN SENIOR VATICAN ANALYST: Good morning guys. Well, listen, I think these -- the only honest answer to that question is it remains to be seen. I mean let's remember that the Catholic Church had another very popular Pope in the person of John Paul II for almost 27 years. And while the church grew in some places, it lost ground in others particularly in Europe and parts of North America. So the long term effect of all this remains to be seen.

But the short term effect is you are absolutely right. That he is revitalize the church and given it a new lease on life. I mean can't walk into an airport or get into a cab or walk into a restaurant these days and if the conversation turns to what I do for a living and I say I cover the Pope, people's faces light up.

And what you hear over and over again is people saying I haven't been to church in 40 years. But there is something about this guy that just speaks to me. And whatever the impact that has on the church's numbers over the long run I think right now most Catholics on the ground would say that's fantastic.

PAUL: All right. Well John, let me ask you this -- what we see he from him, this candidness and this openness, would we have seen any other Pope maybe, you know, Pope Benedict even display this publicly so often as he is?

ALLEN: Short answer is, no. I mean listen, I mean Benedict is on the way is a very humble guy. And he genuinely enjoys people's company. I mean he's a great conversationalist. People always talk about his listening skills.

But I think it's fair to say that he didn't project this kind of love for ordinary people and particularly love for the most broken and the most vulnerable people in the way that Francis does. I mean there are a lot of different ways of describing Francis. People have called him the people's Pope or the Pope of the Poor and all of that captures something. But I think at bottom, the best descriptor is the Pope of Mercy.

This a pope who believes what the world needs to hear right now more than anything else is a message of compassion and a message of tolerance, of special love for the most wounded people on the planet. And he's not only saying that, he's doing it. I mean you've shown the images. He has remarkable ability to project that idea of mercy.

BLACKWELL: And he is compassionate. But John, we are, although he is the leader of the Catholic Church, we talk about one man. Has the church changed his views about some of these social issues? We know about this new questionnaire that is coming out globally. But his views -- have those change and has the church changed? Although he's -- he's showing these -- these acts of kindness.

ALLEN: Well look, I mean there are 1.2 billion Catholics in the world, about 70 million in the United States. Which means you can find everything under the sun and then some in the Catholic Church. But I do think that over time the Pope has the ability to reorient the church.

I mean look at John Paul II. He wanted a more self-confident, bolder missionary Catholic Church. In over 27 years I would say he moved the ball considerably in that direction. Francis wants a more merciful and more compassionate church that puts a more human face on its teachings. That's a work in progress. But I would say most people would tell you we're further down that road eight months after his election than we were on March 13th, the day he was chosen as the new Pope.

PAUL: CNN's Senior Vatican Analyst John Allen, it's always so good to talk to you and get your perspective. Thank you for being with us.

ALLEN: Thanks guys.

PAUL: Sure. And for more stories on faith, be sure to check out our belief blog at

BLACKWELL: Move over Wonder Woman.

PAUL: Come on. Really?

BLACKWELL: Not you, I was talking about you. That's what I call her during the break. That's what I call her during the break.

PAUL: Right.

BLACKWELL: There is a new super hero coming to town. Coming up, we will tell you why Marvel's latest character is breaking boundaries and also stirring up a bit of controversy.


PAUL: Well, you know women cannot drive cars in Saudi Arabia but in America they can fly, especially if they're super heroes.

BLACKWELL: Especially -- coming up this winter a Muslim teenager will crush villains, smash stereotype too. CNN national correspondent Jason Carroll shows us how.

Jason wanted to tell us how, he really, really did.

PAUL: And he is no super hero.


PAUL: So sadly --

BLACKWELL: It's a technical thing unfortunately.

PAUL: It is -- we apologize.

BLACKWELL: But it's coming.

PAUL: Oh it's coming. It's here.

BLACKWELL: Oh wait, wait. Ok, Jason can do it -- Jason.


JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): In the world of female super heroes, there are the greats -- Wonder Woman, Cat Woman, Black Widow and soon to leap on to the pages of comics could be another, Kamala Khan, a.k.a. Miss Marvel.

(on camera): Every super hero has a particular power, superpower.


CARROLL: What are her powers?

AMANAT: So Kamala Khan a.k.a. Miss Marvel is a polymorph.

CARROLL (voice over): So she can change her shape at will. That's not her only standout characteristic. The new Miss Marvel character is a 16-year-old Muslim American from Jersey City, New Jersey. She is the brain child of Marvel Comics editor Sana Amanat who is also a Muslim-American from New Jersey.

(on camera): So when you talk about her past, does it mirror your own personal past?

AMANAT: To an extent. I would say that the idea for Miss Marvel and her background was loosely based on some of my experiences that I've had.

CARROLL (voice over): Amanat's vision coming to Marvel pages with the help of writer of Willow Wilson, a convert to Islam.

WILLOW WILSON, ISLAM CONVERT: Even though I didn't grow up in the faith, I've certainly tried to bring in as much of that feeling of authenticity as was possible.

CARROLL (voice over): Forget superpowers in the real world, authenticity and story are the key to survival. So says Matthew Rinehart, author of Pop-Up Books for D.C. super heroes and Transformers. MATTHEW RINEHART, AUTHOR OF POP-UP BOOKS FOR D.C: I'm half Lebanese and so growing up, you know, sort of a little bit different than everybody else it's nice to see a different family and a character dealing with her belief system and yet having these amazing powers and being a super he hero.

CARROLL: Here in Jersey City, community leaders boast of a vibrant Muslim population, 19-year-old Amina Gout (ph) cannot wait for Kamala Khan to hit comic book stands.

AMINA GOUT: Yes I would love to read it.

CARROLL: But Miss Marvel's costume not going over well with Sana Khalifa.

SANA KHALIFA: She should be covered and not her body to be showing.

AMANAT: I think some people may not like the fact that she is not covered or that her outfit is a little bit fitted. More conservative families are like that. But the point is that we're trying to show a version of the Muslim-American world that people might not necessarily see.


BLACKWELL: All right. Jason Carroll in New York, we got it in.

PAUL: I know. It's cool.

BLACKWELL: Thank you Jason.

PAUL: All right. Coming up on NEW DAY, a new study says there could be tens of billions -- yes with a "b" -- billions of earth like planets in our solar system. So you know what's coming next. The question --

BLACKWELL: Is there life --

PAUL: What are the chances of finding life out there, Victor?

BLACKWELL: -- is there life out there? More after this.


PAUL: I know Sunday is a day to relax. It's also a day to kind of look ahead, see what's going on. So let's talk about the week ahead.

On Monday, of course, we are celebrating the service of more than 23 million veterans across the country in Washington's Arlington National Cemetery. A wreath-laying ceremony is going to be held at the Tomb of the Unknown. Some restaurants and stores, too, are going to say thanks by offering discounts to veterans and active duty military. We certainly send out our greatest appreciation and gratefulness to all of you who serve and have served in the past. All right. On Tuesday, Republican senator, Rand Paul heads to Charleston, South Carolina, going to answer some questions from cadets. Remember Paul is considered possibly an only (ph) contender for the presidential race in 2016.

Moving on to Wednesday, in Boston convicted mob boss, Whitey Bulger, finds out his fate. He was found guilty of murder and racketeering in August. He could be sentenced to life in prison.

And on Friday, yes, the holidays come early for you video game fans. The long awaited Play Station 4 hitting store shelves. This new game system is expected to have better graphics, better streaming, and a bigger hard drive than previous models. So I hope that makes you happy heading into next weekend.

But I'm betting, Victor, that if you think you're going to have a rough week ahead, try being the president. That is a question we want to pose, right?

BLACKWELL: Yes, he's going to have a rough week coming up. There are going to be more questions about Obamacare. He may need to brace himself.

CNN's Erin McPike tells us why.


ERIN MCPIKE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: President Obama taking a break on the golf course in Florida before what promises to be the most embarrassing week since the botched rollout of his signature law. Due out in the next few days are the initial rollout numbers -- Americans who have been able to sign up for Obamacare despite all the problems with the Web site.

KATHLEEN SEBELIUS, SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: I can tell you our early enrollment numbers are going to be very low.

MCPIKE: And since this --

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.

MCPIKE: Hasn't exactly turned out to be the case. On Wednesday, House Republicans will vote to ensure that Americans with health care plans they like really won't have to switch. House Speaker John Boehner taunted him on Twitter. "President Obama says he's sorry but he owes Americans more than that. He ought to keep the promise."

Mr. Obama has promised his team will find a solution telling NBC News --

OBAMA: Obviously we didn't do a good enough job in terms of how we crafted the law. And that is something that I regret. That is something that we're going to do everything we can to get fixed.

MCPIKE: But no fix announced yet. And as of Saturday afternoon, even the White House Web site was still saying if you like your plan you can keep it and you don't have to change a thing due to the health care law.


MCPIKE: Now Democratic senators who are up for re-election next fall are getting nervous about all of this so they met with President Obama this past week to express those concerns but Republicans are keeping up the pressure and one of Obama's thorniest (ph) critics, Darrell Issa, has subpoenaed the White House's chief technology officer Todd Park to testify about the problems with the Obamacare Web site at a hearing this week. So far the White House says he's too busy fixing the Web site issues to make it.

Erin McPike, CNN Washington.

BLACKWELL: Erin McPike, thank you very much.

PAUL: Ok, let's go to Detroit now because it is his second season finale of "PARTS UNKNOWN". Anthony Bourdain taking us to the Motor City to see how the city's failing economy has really changed the landscape and the lives of the people there. Here's a preview.


ANTHONY BOURDAIN, CNN HOST: Maybe the worm (ph) started to turn here -- the Packard Automotive Plant. Opened in 1903, it was considered the most advanced facility of its kind anywhere in the world -- huge, epically proportioned. I mean 3.5 million square feet. Now, one man lives here -- Al Hill.

ALAN HILL: My name is Alan Hill. Welcome to my home. This room right here is the forge room (ph) of the former Packard Motor Car Company. I started living here about seven years ago. At that time, I was semi-apprehensive about the place and the going-ons around here but it turned out it's about as peaceful as the North Woods. And not having a credit card or a mortgage payment or a car payment is a real blessing.

There's a few nails here so --


HILL: What's happened here in Detroit is unfortunate, but it is a sign of the times. You find out that not only does it take a village to raise an individual, it takes an entire world to support one city. One city's suffering or one community's suffering, the entire world should pitch in and help elevate it instead of sit there and stare at it.


BLACKWELL: Well, get more insight into the decline of Detroit and the rebuilding tonight at 9:00 p.m. Plus, Anthony is also hosting a live one-hour show after the finale. Live from Las Vegas. Of course, you don't want to miss that. So when I heard this, it blew my mind. It might you're your mind. There could be billions with a b, billions of earth-like planets in our solar system. And one of those planets is just 12 lightyears away -- a short drive. Meaning it can be seen with the naked eye. So all of this news is making people wonder if we will ever find life out in space.

I asked that very question to astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson who thinks that we may not even have to search for life outside of our own solar system.


NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON, ASTROPHYSICIST: In the old days we used to say life on earth needs a warm pond -- 72 degrees, whatever is comfortable for what we thought life required. And the more we looked even on our surface, we found life thriving in wholly exotic places, in high acid conditions, high temperature, low temperature, life that could be freeze-dried, reconstituted and popped back to life later.

And upon realizing that on earth, it -- we thought to ourselves maybe we should widen the net that we cast into space in our search for life elsewhere. It's not just this narrow range of conditions where life might thrive. So that has allowed us to look for life not only on earth like planets but maybe on moons of Jupiter like planets.

Our Jupiter has moons that are sort of kept warm by the gravitational stress of Jupiter itself. And there are volcanoes and -- there is a moon around Saturn that has rivers and lakes, not of water, that happens to be of methane, but it has terrestrial features that resemble earth.

So I think the future of this is we might find life in many more places than we ever imagined.

BLACKWELL: So to reach far off worlds, it takes thousands and thousands of years traveling at speed of light which leads to the ultimate question. And this is actually the right segment to ask them this in "The Science Behind", is time travel possible?

TSON: Well, we know from Einstein's relativity that if you travel fast, then time will tick more slowly for you than others who launched you in your spacecraft. So you can sort of live longer and arbitrarily longer depending on how fast you go.

If you go the 99.99 percent the speed of light, for example, time will barely pass for as it will just continue normally here on earth. And when you come back, you know, a hundred years, a thousand years could have gone by here on earth and maybe only 10 years for you. But then everyone will have just forgotten about you.

So the idea of traveling through space moving sort of forward in time to get there, it's not practical yet. What we really need are worm holes, a new understanding of the fabric of space and time that enables you to sort of cheat the restrictions that the speed of light plays upon you. That's how the warp drive worked or it's described to work on pressure.

So the warp drives are allowed by the laws of psychics. We just don't know how to make one yet. What people really want to know is if they can go back in time and maybe change courses of events. And that could be tricky because if you go back in time and prevent your parents from meeting one another, then you would have never been born to have gone back in time to have prevented your parents from meeting one another.

So you have some paradoxes that come about. And there are still some issues regarding that. We think there might be a way doubling around two worm holes. But none of that is in the near future. So don't, you know, don't hold your breath for that.


PAUL: A friend of Michael J. Fox's movie, I'm sure -- "Back to the Future", right?

BLACKWELL: Yes, "Back to the Future".

PAUL: Don't prevent your parents from meeting. You won't be there.

BLACKWELL: I mean it's just great -- there aren't many people you can ask those questions and not feel like you are going crazy.

PAUL: Right.

BLACKWELL: He will actually answer them.

PAUL: He makes it make sense.


PAUL: All right. Hey, listen to this -- the video that's gone viral. Why these people in a hospital are dancing to a Beyonce tune right before -- I have to tell you -- some pretty serious surgery.


BLACKWELL: Yes, today's "Must-See Moment" will get you bodied from Beyonce. Hardly what you expect to hear and see in an operating room moments before a serious operation but the patient Deborah Cohen (ph) felt what she needed most before going under the knife was a good old dance party.

PAUL: And she got it with her family, her team of doctors there getting down as you said to Beyonce's song "Get Me Bodied". It is a six-minute really truly inspirational video worthy of its viral video status. And oh by the way, the doctor herself underwent a double mastectomy.

BLACKWELL: Yes, she is doing great. Actually (inaudible) about the dance party than the operation itself, so that one went well.

PAUL: We're just glad she's doing well.

Thank you so much for watching us.

BLACKWELL: "STATE OF THE UNION" with Candy Crowley starts right now.