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New Day

Lawmakers Slam Iran Nuclear Deal; Bitter Battle; Interview with Senator Lindsey Graham; Bust a Move

Aired November 25, 2013 - 08:30   ET


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R), SOUTH CAROLINA: Can I tell you what I think Congress will be doing?


GRAHAM: We're going to come up with a new round of sanctions that really defines the end game. I think there's bipartisan support to dismantle the plutonium reactor and to stop enriching in Iran completely. After 30 years of chaos, mayhem and murder by the Iranian regime, should they really be allowed to enrich uranium? The 20 percent uranium that's been diluted, that's a good start.

If they want a commercial nuclear program, let the international community provide them fuel rods, like we do with Canada and Mexico. There is no right to enrich. So we're so far away from what I think an acceptable end game is that I think you're going to see Congress weigh in more aggressively, not less.

BOLDUAN: And I want to get into the questions of sanctions. But what you're pointing at are the really - is the tough stuff. Is the stuff that the administration says will be negotiated and talked about over the next six months.

We had Samantha Power on and she said this deal -- the beauty of what was being worked on in the deal was the fact that you're going to test the trust. Trust but verify to make sure that they are doing their job. Don't you - is it -- isn't it unrealistic, after so many decades of mistrust to go from zero to 60 in just one deal?

GRAHAM: You went from zero to one and you need to get to 60. And at the end of the day, this was an opportunity lost. The sanctions did work to Obama administration's credit. They put together an international sanctions regime that really did hit a body blow, land a body blow to the Iranian economy.

We had these guys on the rope. What I was looking for is an interim deal that went a long way toward the final deal. This actually leaves in place everything that would allow them to make a weapon. It doesn't dismantle anything. It doesn't really roll back their capability. And if you're Israel, you got to wake up and look at this deal as a nightmare because the capability to go nuclear is very much in place, hasn't been reduced much at all.

And remember North Korea? There were inspectors everywhere all the time and sanctions were in place and the U.N. is not going to be a picket fence to keep the Iranians from going nuclear in the eyes of the Israeli. No Israel government is going to rely on the U.N. to stop the advancement of the Iranian nuclear program. They want it dismantled. I want it dismantled.

BOLDUAN: So, senator, it does continue to beg the question though, what is the alternative? Sanctions brought Iran to the table.

GRAHAM: Right.

BOLDUAN: But Christiane Amanpour just argued that sanctions didn't get Iran over the last decade to surrender and to capitulate. So is the alternative a military strike? Where -- is there nothing in between?

GRAHAM: No, there is something in between. Sanctions that get them to the table. And once they get to the table, to let them know, here's your alternatives. If you want a commercial, peaceful nuclear weapon program, Lindsey Graham agrees, that is an acceptable outcome. Have a commercial nuclear reactor, just let the international community control the fuel cycle. You're insisting on the right to enrich. Given your behavior, you have abandoned that right. One, there is no right and we're not going to give it to you.

Once you get them to the table, you let them know what the final deal will look like and say, take this or else. We're dealing with people who are not only untrustworthy, this is a murderous regime that murders their own people, that has created chaos and mayhem throughout the whole world, the largest sponsor of state terrorism, and we're treating them complexly out of sync with who they are. That's what bothers me so much. This deal doesn't represent the fact that we're dealing with some of the most thuggish people in the world.

BOLDUAN: Senator, just real quick, you talked about - I want to know what Congress is going to do. You support more sanctions.

GRAHAM: Right.

BOLDUAN: Do you think that's going to happen within this six month period? Are you going to support sanctions right now?

GRAHAM: Yes. I think you'll have sanctions coming out in the next couple of weeks, actually, that will be bipartisan and tie the sanctions to the end game. My goal is to get new sanctions in place and the only way they can be relieved is if you dismantle the reactor, not suspend construction. That if you stop enrichment, not just pause it, I think the new round of sanctions will be focused on an end game that will make the world safe and prevent Iran from having a nuclear capability. Right now the interim deal leaves their capability totally intact. The new round of sanctions will be focused on the end game and it is coming soon.

BOLDUAN: Senator Lindsey Graham, it's great to see you. Thanks so much for coming in.

GRAHAM: Thank you.

BOLDUAN: Of course.


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: All right, coming up on "NEW DAY", Olympic skier Bode Miller heading to court to try to hold on to his son. We'll tell you about the custody battle now stretching across the country.

And an epic dance battle in front of thousands in Detroit. Now millions have seen it on YouTube. The question, who has the better moves? We will take a look. We will put it to the test.

BOLDUAN: One's operating the camera. What's happening here?

CUOMO: A dance off. Shannon is taking video of it. He's trying to be friends. Antoine, he is not your friend. That's it, keep it moving. Lock it. Pop it. Roll it.

MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: Game faces on. Game face.

BOLDUAN: Look, we finally have a real use for the staircase.

CUOMO: I like it. I like it. Look at the smile. Tough to beat.


CUOMO: Welcome back.

Olympic skier Bode Miller fighting to keep custody of his nine-month- old son. A California court granted Miller temporary custody, but last week, a New York City court placed the boy back with his mother. "Early Start" co-anchor Zoraida Sambolin is here with more.

A complicated situation. They always are. But this one especially so, right?

ZORAIDA SAMBOLIN, CO-ANCHOR, CNN'S EARLY START": Oh, yes. It is. This is turning out to be a contentious battle for Miller and his ex- girlfriend. When she moved across the country while pregnant, the judge ruled it an irresponsible act and gave custody to Miller. The unusual case now raises questions about the rights of mothers.


SAMBOLIN (voice-over): Conceived in California and born in New York City, this baby boy, now nine-month-old, seen in this Facebook photo, is at the heart of a high-profile bicoastal custody battle. His father, Olympic skier and gold medalist Bode Miller briefly dated this woman, Sara McKenna, in California. McKenna became pregnant and decided to keep the baby despite her relationship with Miller turning sour.

After extending Miller an invitation to the ultrasound, which McKenna later shared on Facebook, he sent her this text. "You made this choice against my wish and gave my no say. You are going to do this on your own." At seven months pregnant, the former Marine and firefighter moved to New York City to study at Columbia University. She spoke to CNN's Ashley Banfield in June.

SARA MCKENNA, FIGHTING FOR CUSTODY OF SON: He never actually wanted very much to do with my son and he initially asked if he could sign over his rights and he would pay off his child support in a lump sum.

SAMBOLIN: Instead, Miller filed for custody, concerned that McKenna was fleeing California for a more sympathetic venue to gain custody herself. He requested she return to California. In May, a New York judge agreed, saying, "while (McKenna) did not abduct the child, her appropriation of the child while in utero was irresponsible, reprehensible." Custody was granted to Miller. The ruling raised questions about the right of mothers-to-be.

KENNETH EIGES, SARA MCKENNA'S ATTORNEY: Whether or not the proceeding was started in California or not, it makes no difference. New York is clearly the home state and this state is where the case should be heard.

SAMBOLIN: This month, a New York appeals panel reversed the controversial ruling. Family court will resume today to re-examine parental custody of this baby boy.


SAMBOLIN: And the couple hasn't even agreed on a name for this little boy. McKenna named the little boy Samuel, while Miller refers to him as Nathaniel.


CUOMO: All right, Zoraida, thank you very much. And, of course, far from over.

Let's bring in HLN legal analyst Joey Jackson for some perspective.

Joey, thank you for joining us.


CUOMO: So, let's just lay out the generals here.


CUOMO: When the couple wants to split and there's a child involved, what are the basic rules? And then we'll get into what makes this special.

JACKSON: Sure. Well, a lot makes this special. But even before that, it comes down to, who has the jurisdiction, OK? So you have two courts, Chris, that are battling. You have California saying, well, wait a second, the couple met here and there was a petition filed while she was pregnant that is pending here and, you know what, she was pregnant and living here, so we can decide this issue.

But you have New York saying, wait, we're the home state. Why? Because she gave birth in New York. As a result of that, New York courts have jurisdiction. So you have that whole jurisdictional argument, which is now complicated by something else.

What is that something else? The rights of a punitive father, a father to be, versus a mom who's pregnant who says it's my body, I have the liberty interest to travel freely whenever I want, I'm going to Mew York to Columbia, I'll see you later.

CUOMO: But there's a rule in general about what you can do with a child, whether they're born or unborn, and that is?

JACKSON: Well, here's the issue. The issue is, is that because the child is unborn and it's in the mom, it raises a very interesting constitutional question. That question being, I have a liberty interest, I have the right to travel, I can do as I please and go as I please. And what makes it interesting is, if the child were born, the mom would be restricted from travel.


JACKSON: But as a result of the child being in utero, there is no such restriction.

BOLDUAN: And so that's - somehow is how it led to her relocation. She moved to go school, number one.


BOLDUAN: Her relocation was considered unjustifiable conduct.

JACKSON: Interestingly enough, Kate, here's what happened. The family court judge, who assessed the case back in May, said, you know what -- because, remember, what she did after birth, two days later she went to New York court and she said, I'm filing a petition for custody. So what happens, Kate?

The family court judge says this is reprehensible conduct. You can't forum shop. You can't take it upon yourself when there's a father to just decide to leave GI Bill Columbia or not. That father has rights as well. As a result of that, there's a petition pending in California. You're going back to California. Let them resolve the issue.

PEREIRA: Oh, my.

BOLDUAN: I'm even more confused.

PEREIRA: Goodness. Could this get all the way to the federal -- my head's exploding. Could this go all the way to the federal court?

JACKSON: You know, Michaela, I really believe it could because there's so many issues here. And the issue really, it's a battle of the sexes. You know, look, a woman has a right to choose. A woman has a right to do what they want with their body. A woman has a right to travel freely.

However, what rights of the father are implicated when you're a father to be and as a result of that you want to exercise responsibility over your (INAUDIBLE) have your child raised in the way that you want in conjunction with the mom.

PEREIRA: Will it come up that he said that he didn't want her to keep the baby? Will that play into --

JACKSON: I really don't think so. I mean those are details that, you know, of course, could make for good conversation as to whether he was involved. You know, what is he like as an individual? But at the end of the day, when he wants to exercise responsibility and he wants to be a dad, could his father parental rights be impeded because she decides to move or does she have rights that are paramount to his rights, you know, and can he make (INAUDIBLE).


BOLDUAN: That's why women rights advocates are really up in arms and watching this very closely.

PEREIRA: Wow, wow, wow.

JACKSON: Sure. But I do believe, Michaela, you know what, it could end up in that very high court. Very high court.

CUOMO: It could. I guess you -- you need to get the money amount down for diversity jurisdiction, right? The federal courts can take questions where it involves people from different states, but there's a money amount.

JACKSON: There could be. But you know what, Chris, I think, because this raises the whole constitutional question -

CUOMO: The constitutional question -

JACKSON: It will be decided on that federal issue -


JACKSON: Irrespective of the monetary amount. So I really look for it to go that far. And, of course, today, it's the simple question of, what's in the best interest of that child.

CUOMO: That's right. Mickey always points that out when we do these stories.

PEREIRA: It worries me.

CUOMO: You have to remember, you know, you get caught up in the legalities and they obviously have issues between them.


CUOMO: But what's going on with that kid? Now they have his name mixed up.

BOLDUAN: Yes, they can't even decide on his name.

JACKSON: It's amazing. It's amazing. CUOMO: Only nine-month-old and all this has happened to him.

BOLDUAN: Thanks, Joey.

JACKSON: Thank you. A pleasure (INAUDIBLE).

PEREIRA: You want to stick around my friend, because we have something going down today.

An Internet sensation. People going wild over this spontaneous dance off at a pro basketball game. Guess what? Those dueling dancers are here live in our studio.


CUOMO: Oh, look, he's calling him out. That's Antoine.


CUOMO: Don't be afraid.

BOLDUAN: (INAUDIBLE). Get in on it.

PEREIRA: Game face, Antione. Remember what we discussed. There you go.

BOLDUAN: My producer, I see him twerking on someone (ph). And the cat.

CUOMO: But Shannon's (INAUDIBLE). There's - oh, no.

PEREIRA: And the cat. (INAUDIBLE) this show today.

CUOMO: Loo, they're doing a song (INAUDIBLE).


PEREIRA: You want to stick around my friend, because we have something going down today. An Internet sensation people going wild over this spontaneous dance off at a pro basketball game; guess what those dueling dancers are here live in our studio.


CUOMO: I hope he's calling him out. Get in Antoine. Don't be afraid.

PEREIRA: Get in on it.

BOLDUAN: Game face, Antoine. Remember what we discussed.

PEREIRA: There you go.


BOLDUAN: And the cat.

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) PEREIRA: Hey, welcome back. You know, I have a couple of pals I want you to meet. You already saw them a little bit minus the cat. They started a new viral dance video. We're going to join them over there at the couch because we want to see what kind of moves they've actually, you know, worked out.


PEREIRA: All right. We are so thrilled to have this happen today, an epic dance off has gone viral. Nearly three million views online. Check this out.

The Detroit Pistons faced the New York Knicks on the court. Off the court a battle of a different kind was waged. 11-year-old Antoine Alexander on the right, NBA Usher Shannon Sails working it out on the left-hand side during the Pistons game, wowing the 20,000 fans in the arena. Guess what? They are both here today. Antoine and Shannon are in our studio.

Did you two realize all of this was going on, on the jumbo screen first of all?

SHANNON SAILS, NBA PLAYER: They usually do the dance cam and they usually show the audience, you know, so I wasn't expecting them to put it on me. But I saw him. I was looking up -- hey, what is he doing?

PEREIRA: What were you doing?

ANTOINE ALEXANDER: I was just -- I didn't know I was going to be on the dance cam. I was waiting all night. So my first reaction was to dance. Just to dance was my first reaction.

SAILS: I'm just curious, where do you get your dance moves from?

PEREIRA: I'm curious too.

ALEXANDER: I was born with moves.

CUOMO: You were born with those moves.

SAILS: Born with moves.

PEREIRA: He was born with some of those moves. Who else was at the game with you?


PEREIRA: Who else was at the game with you.

ALEXANDER: My dad, his friend and his other friend. Because there's two other dudes from my church. So they were with us and they kept telling me you're on the jumbotron. I didn't see myself.

CUOMO: I liked how you upped your game though when you knew you were on it. You started calling out the crowd, bringing them in on it. Put Shannon on the defensive I liked that. BOLDUAN: Shannon, are you a bit of a legend? You looked like you're ready for this.

SAILS: I'm a natural. I was born with smooth moves too.

CUOMO: He was -- you had the battle of the very smooth moves here.

PEREIRA: Well, I understand the two of you have actually partnered together now and you're working together instead of working against each other which isn't --

BOLDUAN: -- joining forces?

PEREIRA: I appreciate that. You guys have worked out a routine, together?

ALEXANDER: Well we got (inaudible) -- sometimes we go against each other, sometimes we do stuff together. It all depends.

PEREIRA: Have you worked on a little routine you can show us right now.

SAILS: We can do something.

PEREIRA: All right. What have you got?

BOLDUAN: We will finally decide the winner of this dance off depending on what happens right now.

PEREIRA: Why don't you jump up here, Antoine?

SAILS: Go ahead Antoine.

CUOMO: Let's see what you got. Don't be shy.

PEREIRA: Come on Shannon.

BOLDUAN: Then we'll take some --

PEREIRA: That points towards the camera. You've got to show the camera.

CUOMO: You're good at that. You know when the camera is on you. Turn around.

PEREIRA: Here we go. Oh yes, don't be shy. Start slow.

CUOMO: Start slowly -- that's it. There it is. It's all in the hips. I like the slide step.

SAILS: I don't like it.

BOLDUAN: You don't like it.

SAILS: That's nothing. That's nothing. That's garbage.

BOLDUAN: Garbage -- Antoine, he's calling it garbage.

CUOMO: He's distracting you. Keep the smile going.

SAILS: You're not going too good.

PEREIRA: You better get in there, Shannon.


PEREIRA: Here we go. There we go.

CUOMO: That's no good. That's a lot going on.

PEREIRA: And he talks about what he's doing.


PEREIRA: Here we go. Oh, boo.

CUOMO: That's it Antoine. That's it. Stare at his eyes. Keep him back.

BOLDUAN: Here they go.

CUOMO: Oh, oh. That's it.

SAILS: Watch this.

CUOMO: That's pumping right there. That's crazy feet.

I just twisted my ankle watching them.

BOLDUAN: I know.

PEREIRA: My goodness. Antoine and Shannon thanks so much, coming all the way from Detroit to let us know how they get down.

BOLDUAN: Then again, I don't even think we knew who won that game did we? Does it even matter who won the basketball game?

SAILS: Detroit.

CUOMO: Detroit. That was the biggest surprise of the whole night.

BOLDUAN: Was it fun.

ALEXANDER: It was a lot of fun.

BOLDUAN: All right.

SAILS: I have to say, you know, in front of those kids' homes you meet great parents. And obviously the parents did a great job with this young man.

PEREIRA: Great message, Shannon.

ALEXANDER: Thank you.

PEREIRA: A great message right there.

BOLDUAN: You guys are great. Thanks for coming to New York and playing around with us.

ALEXANDER: Thank you. You're welcome.

SAILS: Thanks for having us.

BOLDUAN: You have to teach me some moves because clearly it might surprise you, I don't have any.

PEREIRA: We hope to see you both more on the jumbo screen.

SAILS: I hope so.

CUOMO: That's great stuff. Thank you for giving us the good stuff. We're going to take a break.

When we come back, we've got more good stuff.

Danny Keith, six-year-old water boy, he gets bullied. That's bad. But wait until you see what his pee-wee football team did about that -- even better stuff for you this morning.