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New Day

Storm Wreaking Holiday Havoc; Steubenville Rape Case; "Family Guy" Says Goodbye To Brian

Aired November 26, 2013 - 07:30   ET


KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: We're gonna update (ph) the forecast and see how travelers are dealing with the headaches that are inevitable with holiday travel.


BOLDUAN: You see the graphic. You know what that means. Welcome back to NEW DAY. We are watching the preholiday storm closely this morning for you. It has already proven deadly with a dozen deaths in the Midwest. It is now rolling east, complicating Thanksgiving travel for folks on the ground and in the air. Indra Petersons is watching the forecast hopefully finding some good news somewhere -- Indra.

INDRA PETERSONS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: I wish I had better unless you are out west, we all know this big massive storm is going to be affecting millions of people today. Let's take a look. We are talking about snow into the northeast and that heavy rain billowing in into the southeast. So let's talk about the storm here. Remember it's two systems merging. That's the reason we're seeing that heavy rain into the southeast.

Again, that's merging with the system that brought that snow already across the Great Lakes. Those two merge together today. We talk about this big system that is going to be producing heavy rain and snow over the holiday. Take a look. Anywhere from 2 inches to 4 inches of rain expected in the southeast.

Spreading today, really higher amounts into the Carolinas and in through Virginia. On the backside of the system, we are going to be talking about that cold air. A foot of snow possible especially with lake-effect snow off the lakes and that will kind of taper off back down through Kentucky and Tennessee so a lot to be talking about.

Let's take it day by day. Let's first remember we're talking about rain the closer you are to the coastline because the winds are coming out of the south. So, yes, the northeast you're seeing snow now, but that will switch over to sleet and then to rain as we get the warm air filling in.

On the backside, you are going to be seeing that snow and icy conditions thanks to the winds coming out of Canada. That's the setup here. Let's take it here we go. Say we already talked about the heavy rain. We talked about that snow. Transitioning over to rain as this warm air makes its way up the coastline. But keep in mind as we go throughout the day today, especially in through the overnight, we'll be talking about the heaviest amounts of rain and snow and the strongest winds, special in through tomorrow morning. Early flights tomorrow morning definitely a problem.

As we get in through Wednesday and through Thursday on Thanksgiving, the system does start to exit. You'll still be left with those strong winds, causing travel delays even after the rain and snow moves out -- Kate.

BOLDUAN: All right, Indra, because of exactly that, the weather is already causing hundreds of flight cancellations. Based on that forecast, we could see more of the same. Rene Marsh is at Dulles International Airport now for us with more on how Mother Nature could bring one of the busiest travel days of the year.

RENE MARSH, CNN AVIATION AND GOVERNMENT REGULATION CORRESPONDENT: Yes, that's right, Kate. Well, we could tell you at this hour it is raining here at Dulles. You know, even if the snow doesn't come your way, the rain and the wind could still cause some delays. Now, granted we should say that the situation for travelers not going to be the same at every single airport up and down the east coast.

But we can tell you this, for example, here in the D.C. area. Officials don't believe that this is going to be a situation where they're going to see a lot of severe cancellations just in this area. They believe they'll see more delays. However, no one's ruling out cancellations.

That could be a problem, a nightmare situation for travelers, because these flights are already packed. If their flight does get canceled it may be very difficult to find another flight to rebook them on. That's one thing to think about. We can tell you, we did a quick search this morning at this point, we're not seeing a significant amount of delays and cancellations but it is still early.

Of course, that could still change really quickly as far as the airlines go, at this point, American Airlines the only one to pre- cancel hundreds of flights. Other airlines like Delta and U.S. Airways are offering refunds to passengers if your flight is canceled or severely delayed and also waiving those fees for changing your flight. Back to you, Kate.

BOLDUAN: As we well know that can change quickly though, Rene. Thank you very much, outside Dulles airport for us today -- Chris.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: A grand jury has indicted four Steubenville Ohio School employees after looking into how rape allegations were handled in the highest profile incident. Two teenage football stars were convicted of raping a 16-year-old. There were calls for more accountability and now the school superintendent and a principal and other adults involved are charged with obstructing the investigation, among other things. Standing by is Ohio Attorney General Mike Dewine, but first here's CNN's Jean Casarez.

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) JEAN CASAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The superintendent of Steubenville City Schools, Michael McVey, is charged with three felonies including tampering with evidence and obstructing justice. Three others connected to the school district face misdemeanor charges, one of them for providing alcohol to minors.

This is a case that shocked the nation. Disturbing videos, tweets and photographs brought to light in August 2012 night of drinking and rape in this football loving town.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm sorry to put you guys through this. I would just like to --

CASAREZ: Two star players were convicted and are incarcerated.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Welcome to Steubenville.

CASAREZ: But questions remain for some in this town, chief among them, were there any adults involved?

MIKE DEWINE, OHIO ATTORNEY GENERAL: How do you hold kids accountable if you don't hold the adults accountable?

CASAREZ: On Monday, some answers, but details are few. The district's director of technology was indicted last month on perjury and obstruction.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God.


CASAREZ: Most of the attorneys for the accused either declined comment or could not be reached, except for the attorney representing one of the accused, an elementary school principal. He says his client, a 30-year educator, is charged with failure to report a completely different alleged rape with a different alleged victim.

The case was never prosecuted and the principal's attorney says his client is the not guilty. Some in Steubenville hoped more people would be charged, but Attorney General Mike Dewine says unless there is new information, the grand jury is done.

DEWINE: It's time to let Steubenville move on.

CASAREZ: Something that could be hard to do with court dates coming up next month and more details yet to emerge. Jean Casarez, CNN, Steubenville, Ohio.

CUOMO: Joining us is Ohio Attorney General Mr. Mike Dewine. Attorney General, thank you for joining us this morning.

DEWINE: Good morning. Thank you.

CUOMO: Let's start with the general and then move to the specific. There was a call for accountability. What do you believe was done as a pattern of conduct by those charged by the grand jury?

DEWINE: Well, you know this grand jury met for a long time, 18 days. These were citizens of Jefferson County, Steubenville. I think they did a very, very good job. They heard from 123 witnesses. The first go-around with the two individuals, the young men who were convicted of rape, we were holding the young people accountable. But we also have to hold adults accountable. As you can see from the charges, the grand jury is doing just that.

CUOMO: For what? What did these adults do in general? When we say covering up, hindering prosecution, obstruction of justice, these mean things to us as attorneys but to the rest of the people hearing us, what kinds of conduct are we talking about?

DEWINE: Well, I'm going to talk in general terms because I want to protect the rights of the people who have been charged.

CUOMO: Please.

DEWINE: But in essence, we have one individual who is charged with not doing frankly what he should have done with a party that was going on at his house with a lot of people drinking. It's a basic responsibility that people have if they're an adult to deal with that. He did not do that. The other charges, as you can see, have to do with what I suppose the public would consider to be a cover-up.

Those are not the technical terms at all. Of course, you saw what the charges were. But it comes down to this. You know, adults have responsibilities. Adults have a responsibility to cooperate in investigations. Adults have a responsibility to report if there's been child abuse. We believe, the grand jury believes, based on these charges, that the adults in this particular case did not do that.

We had adults who were, frankly, more worried about protecting an institution or worried about protecting some kids and they were not concerned about the victim. That's really what this is about, a failure to protect the victim.

CUOMO: Mr. Attorney General, police correct this assertion if it's wrong, but in doing the reporting here, is it true some of these charges do not relate to the rape case that we all understand, the 16- year-old, the two boys that were arrested, that some of the charges are related to an earlier rape of a 14-year-old student who came forward after the publicity over the case that we're all aware of? Is that true? Do these charges stem from separate instances?

DEWINE: You quoted the defense attorney for one of the defendants in regard, basically, alluding to that. I will simply say there was a separate incident that was reported in the media. If you look at the dates of the indictment, you can put two and two together and figure out that some of these charges have to do -- came out of that particular incident.

CUOMO: Well, the reason that's instructive, ironic coming from defense council, that it seems that the grand jury was able to look back in time and actually punish a pattern of conduct, which is really what a lot of people in the community were calling for, right?

DEWINE: Well, when we -- when I announced we were going to have a grand jury investigation to answer all the questions and to see if adults had not done what they should have done, I did say in answer to a question that we would look at this previously reported incident, which made the media and had been reported. I stated right at the beginning, this grand jury would also look at that and frankly the grand jury would go wherever the facts took it. That's what the grand jury did.

CUOMO: What is your take on that? That at least the superintendent, Mr. McVey, is facing charges in two separate incidents of rape by people in his charge?

DEWINE: Well, I really don't want to comment about it. I don't think it would be fair to him. He's presumed innocent, as you know, under our system. We'll have a trial. But i would just say this about this grand jury. This grand jury represented the community. These are the peers, this is a small community.

You know, i work with a grand jury the last several days. My assistants handled it the previous days. I was very, very impressed by these people. They took their job very, very seriously. No one knows more about this case than this grand jury does. I know you mentioned earlier some people have said, maybe more people should have been indicted. Some say fewer people should have been indicted. This grand jury called it like they saw it and they did a conscientious job.

CUOMO: You feel strong this is representative of the community and it should lay to rest any feelings about where the citizens in that area were coming from because these are the people that laid out these charges.

DEWINE: I had one of the grand jurors tell me after it was over, out of the grand jury proceeding, that, you know, they felt that it was their job to deal with this. And they felt they are dealing with it. You know, they didn't go overboard. There's been criticism. Some people said why wasn't the coach charged? Someone else was indicted.

The bottom line is just because people do things that -- I'm not talking specifically about the coach, but people do things that maybe we don't like or things that are insensitive does not necessarily mean they've violated the Ohio revised code. So this grand jury took its job seriously. They did the best they could. I'm very proud of them.

CUOMO: There were calls for accountability and you're seeing it with the indictments and certainly by referencing back to this earlier incident of a rape allegation, that's somewhat unusual. So people have plenty to think about when they look through these charges. Attorney General, thank you for joining us, an early Thanksgiving to you and your family.

DEWINE: Thank you. Appreciate it.

CUOMO: Kate? BOLDUAN: Thanks, Chris.

Coming up next on NEW DAY, if you're a "Family Guy" fan and you haven't seen the latest episode, plug your ears for one second. A beloved character killed off the show. Who met their final end? What's going on?


MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: Welcome back to NEW DAY. You heard the music and you might have noticed the world is a little less snarky this morning. There is a reason and it's kind of sad.

They killed Brian. Yes, that's right. Family guy killed off Brian, the dog. Entertainment correspondent, Nischelle turner is here. I have never been so upset about a comic book character, cartoon character dying.

NISCHELLE TURNER, CNN ENTERTAINMENT CORRESPONDENT: So what happened was Brian was in the street, you see him there. He gets hit by a car as they were preparing to play with Stewie and he couldn't recover from his injuries. It actually turned into a really sad and emotional episode of "Family Guy."

PEREIRA: Why do this?

TURNER: Good question. Why do anything? I mean, Seth MacFarlane decided maybe that it was time. You know, he voices Brian, the dog.

PEREIRA: Right. It's not like they had a dispute with a character --

TURNER: He voices Brian, the dog, and I guess they just felt like they wanted to shake things up a little bit guys. One of the things they did though. They've already found a new dog.

BOLDUAN: Short memories.

TURNER: And they got a new dog, actually he is very funny. Fast forward to a month and they got a new dog. It's very funny, from "The Sopranos." They don't know if he's a mobster or ex-mobster. Will Brian ever return?

BOLDUAN: What do you think?

COUMO: If you think of the mind of Seth MacFarlane -- I wish I was in that mind. It's a brilliant one. I could see he and the Italian dog having brain versus brute battle.

CUOMO: When I was at Fox many years ago, I did one of the first interviews with him when he was still living with his mom up where they were. He is a genius guy.


CUOMO: He does things his own way. That's very refreshing and I think maybe the most impressive thing about this isn't the plot shift, but that they kept it quiet.

BOLDUAN: Exactly. No one knew a thing. You know, this almost broke Twitter. Folks went crazy.

BOLDUAN: Literally take him out.

TURNER: People are not happy about this. They're really not. They start this had It had 14,000 signatures. Ten minutes ago it had 29,000 to bring Brian back.

BOLDUAN: Seth MacFarlane must answer his people.

TURNER: Brian was the --

CUOMO: I wonder if it has anything to do with his personal load here. He does several voices on the show, the creative mastermind. I wonder if this changes the calculus in his participation, in terms of what he focuses on, bringing in other people. CNN national news, this is relevant.

He loved "The Sopranos" and loved Pauly Walnut, loved Tony Sirico's character. He wrote this just for him.

BOLDUAN: Killed Brian off, will bring him back.

CUOMO: Wouldn't have been my choice.

BOLDUAN: Tony, by the way, has voiced about six episodes.

PEREIRA: Longevity.

TURNER: Vinnie the dog will be around.

BOLDUAN: It applies to the story, stay tuned.

CUOMO: Italian as a dog, I'm offended.

BOLDUAN: You should be proud.

CUOMO: I'm over it.

BOLDUAN: Or not.

CUOMO: I'm over it.

BOLDUAN: He is offended and over it at the same time, new subject declare you offended?

CUOMO: I'm over it.

TURNER: Cuomo made me laugh today. I love it.

BOLDUAN: Time now for our impact your world. Thanksgiving may be days away, but millions of Americans don't have enough to eat. Here is how actor Jeff Bridges is trying to make sure no kid goes hungry.


JEFF BRIDGES, ACTOR: Hi. Jeff bridges and we can make an impact on ending childhood hunger here in America. According to the USDA, we currently have over 60 million children who are struggling with hunger. One in five of our kids, any of you kids see "surf's up"? We think one of the most important things we can do to end childhood hunger is to have universal breakfast in schools.

Another thing that is very important is there are summer meal programs available to kids. No kid hungry is about making people aware of the programs that are available. How i would feel if I wasn't able to provide for my kids, but also on a patriotic way, we can't compete with the rest of the world.

Join the movement. Impact your world. Go to


BOLDUAN: That deserves repeating, especially ahead of Thanksgiving,

CUOMO: Coming up on NEW DAY, the storm is affecting Thanksgiving plans for millions of Americans. How bad will it be? When will it hit? What can you do to prepare? Our team has answers.

And a mother's crusade, 12-year-old Rebecca Sedwick took her life to avoid bullying. Her mother is joining us to talk about that.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Our first flight was canceled. We had to call and get back on.

CUOMO: Grounded. The storm is coming and it has bad intentions. Travel predictions are not good by land or air. Now those Macy Thanksgiving Day parade balloons may not take off either. We have the latest.

BOLDUAN: The mind of a killer. New revelations from inside the home of the Sandy Hook shooter, his obsession with video games guns and mass murders. Still, though, no answer why.

PEREIRA: Do no harm. A shocking expose on how animals are treated when making movies. Does that seal of approval no animals were harmed mean anything? New allegations this morning.

CUOMO: NEW DAY continues right now.

BOLDUAN: Good morning and welcome back to NEW DAY. It is Tuesday, November 26, 8:00 in the morning in the east. Holiday travelers, a power winter storm that is blamed already for a dozen deaths is now quickly moving east.

CUOMO: You want live picture, well, here it is. Columbus, Ohio, just one place where wintry mix is creating a mess of the roads. We have all storm movements and contingencies covered from all angles. Let's start with Indra Petersons. What do we know now?

PETERSONS: I wish things are getting better, but unfortunately they are getting be worse as we go forward in time.