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New Day

Mega Anticipation; One-On-One with Zuckerberg; 2013 Best Videos on YouTube

Aired December 13, 2013 - 08:30   ET


PAMELA BROWN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Even more enticing, jackpots are growing larger and faster. The minimum jackpot rose to $15 million from $12 million, guaranteed to increase by at least $5 million after each drawing without a winner.

VICTOR MATHESON, ECONOMICS PROFESSOR AT COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS: Could see maybe in the next several years, maybe an elusive $1 billion jackpot.


BROWN: So we're going to find out tonight if there will be a winner. The drawing is at 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time in Atlanta. You can bet a lot of people are going to be paying attention to that.

And by the way, worth noting, it is Friday the 13th. Known by a lot of people as an unlucky day, especially those who were superstitious. But we did go back and check and there have been winners on this day. One man won $27 million on Friday the 13th. So don't let that deter you.

And, guys, just to put this in perspective about the odds, you have a thousand times better chance of getting killed by an asteroid or comet than winning this jackpot. But, hey, Chris, Kate and Michaela, still have a chance. Still saying you have a chance. A little slimmer now that I bought the -- what I believe to be the winning ticket. So, yes, yes, here it is, here it is.

KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: And no love for us? We sent you there specifically to buy us tickets!

BROWN: Those are coming. Those are coming.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: If there's any justice in the world, you will lose. And do you know why? Because you have spread the hate. Tough love involves love, not just tough. That was just tough.

BOLDUAN: For this we need to fix her name underneath her too from Pamela Brown to Debbie Downer.


CUOMO: Yes. Pamela's got that great smile working.

BROWN: Hey, guys. Just speaking the truth. Just speaking the truth. CUOMO: You have a better chance of getting hit by a woolly mammoth than you do of -- all right, with he get it.

BOLDUAN: A better chance of getting eaten by Chris Cuomo than -

CUOMO: That's where the whole dream part comes in. Geez.

BOLDUAN: All right, enough -- enough making fun of Pamela. We love you, Pamela, come back

PEREIRA: I was going to say my $1 investment in somebody else's wealth. That's what I think of it as, you know?

BOLDUAN: So kind of you.

CUOMO: So (INAUDIBLE). It's giving to get.

PEREIRA: Yes, it's my -

BOLDUAN: It's charity.

PEREIRA: Yes, exactly.

CUOMO: What do you think? Tweet us.

Come up on NEW DAY, Mark Zuckerberg sits down with CNN. Question, why is the Facebook founder challenging the NSA?

BOLDUAN: Also question, they're everywhere you look, so what were the top YouTube videos of the year? The head of trends at YouTube is here to bring the list.


CUOMO: "Science," it's just a great song. And you know what, we're playing it for great season -- season? Great reason. It's a great season too. Tech giants, listen to what they're doing. They're trying to turn scientists into rock stars, into celebrities. We love this. An awards show was put on last night, some calling it the Oscars of science. It's funded by tech giants including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who spoke with CNN about the awards and his personal challenge to the NSA. They're kind of divided, but they're kind of together. Here's the story from Dan Simon.

DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Chris, we are at a NASA research facility in the heart of Silicon Valley, where they have this ultra- lavish event. You'll hear Mark Zuckerberg talk about that in a moment. But first, we asked him about the big news in Silicon Valley this week that had executives from all the major technology companies writing a letter to the president and Congress asking for big reforms in the way the NSA conducts surveillance.


MARK ZUCKERBERG, FOUNDER AND CEO, FACEBOOK: One of the things that I've said publicly is that I think that the government has really blown it on this. you know, people want the government to help protect us, but we also want the government to be transparent and tell us what they're doing and tell us what data they're collecting. And I think that they have just completely failed on that front. And from what I've seen, you know, if they were just a little bit more open about what they were doing, I think that they could have created a lot more trust and a better environment for everyone, but I think that they've failed at that and I think they're continuing to, which is why we're continuing to push on it as an industry.


SIMON: But government surveillance is not why he wanted to talk. He actually wanted to talk science and explain why he's spending millions of his personal money to help change the way we think about those making big discoveries in the laboratory.


ZUCKERBERG: The big goal here is to treat and honor scientists in the way that they should be recognized by society.

SIMON (voice-over): Mark Zuckerberg changed the world with Facebook. Now he wants to change how the world looks at scientists, to make them more revered, like Hollywood celebrities.

SIMON (on camera): You think that's an attainable goal to change the way people look at scientists?

ZUCKERBERG: Absolutely. Absolutely. I mean it used to be the case back in Albert Einstein's day that, I mean, he really was viewed as, you know, part of pop culture and a rock star in his time. And it's really a shame that we've lost that.

SIMON (voice-over): So with stars like Kevin Spacey --

KEVIN SPACEY, ACTOR: It's kind of great to see the geeks and the nerds get a really fantastic night.

SIMON: And Conan O'Brien.

CONAN O'BRIEN, COMEDIAN: Nerds seem to have the upper hand these days, don't they? When I was a kid it was jocks.

SIMON: Zuckerberg helped organize an Oscars like awards show, complete with paparazzi and red carpet.

SPACEY: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

SIMON: To shine the spotlight on some of the world's smartest people.

SIMON (on camera): Do you want this to be the most prestigious prize in science?

ZUCKERBERG: I don't know if we think about it in those terms, but we certainly want this to be both a meaningful reward for the scientists and something that's public so that way it can be an aspirational goal to children who are growing up and other folks who are thinking of going into science.

SIMON (voice-over): The idea first came from this man, Russian billionaire and technology and investor Yuri Milner.

YURI MILNER, TECHNOLOGY INVESTOR: I used to be a physicist a long time ago and I think that I'm sort of -- had this idea to give back to the people that I belonged one day to.

SIMON: He convinced his Silicon Valley friends, including Zuckerberg and Google co-founder Sergey Brin to fund the event. Each winner, seven of them in all, getting $3 million each, making it the most lucrative award of its kind. For the 29-year-old CEO, science is not that big of a departure from the world of tech.

SIMON (on camera): If you were back in your Harvard dorm room today, what would you be working on if the social networks seemed to be taken?

ZUCKERBERG: I don't know. That's an interesting question. I think that, for me, my life mission is to help make the world more open and connected and to give people the power to share. So there are always more ways to do that. Maybe if I were in college today, I'd just get started doing something else that's connected to that mission, but just at a point that makes more sense for today, maybe with phones.

SIMON: You'd be taking advantage of your own platform?

ZUCKERBERG: Yes, probably.


SIMON: One of the winners included a doctor who came up with new, effective ways to treat cancer. Another is helping the world better understand Parkinson's. Again, each winner getting $3 million. That's unprecedented. That's nearly three times the size of the Nobel Prize.

Chris and Kate, back to you.

CUOMO: How great is this? This is exactly what is needed.

BOLDUAN: Not only to celebrate it, but also to put money behind it, too, so they can keep working.

CUOMO: Right. Make science more important. Make this type of development more lucrative, right?

BOLDUAN: Uh-huh.

CUOMO: Start honoring these people. Maybe a change of culture a little bit. Start celebrating some of the more right things. This was great.


CUOMO: I love it.

BOLDUAN: Awesome. CUOMO: They are true heroes because they are advancing what we need most in this society.

BOLDUAN: Thank you for the segue.

CUOMO: Heroes, thank you.

BOLDUAN: Speaking of heroes, now to an update about a past CNN Hero. 2009 CNN Hero Doc Hendley's work is not over. In fact, his passion to provide clean drinking water is only growing. His work is now the subject of a new documentary which premieres this Sunday night 8:00 p.m. Eastern right here on CNN, of course. Here's a preview.


DOC HENDLEY, 2009 CNN HERO: We've got the Amazon River and all these tributaries that are leading into the Amazon River, so there's water all over the place, but that water is just absolutely filthy. They're bathing, they're washes their dishes, a lot of times using the restroom, all right there in the same water source, and that's the thing that's causing them to get sick.

The main reason why we've picked this village to work is because it's basically a community that has the most need right now in this area for clean water. By drilling a well, we're able to hit an aquifer that has access to clean water.

Right now we got a drill bit and about 50 feet of pipe stuck in the ground. We got to try to get it out. If we can't, it stays in the ground.

Problems happen and they happen quite often and so you have to figure out how to get around those problems and to keep pushing forward. We hope to hit water. The people hope we hit water. But we're not sure, so we can't make any promises. So all it is right now is just, we're going to try our best.


BOLDUAN: All right. It's always great to see them.

CUOMO: Yes, you don't want to forget the work that goes into what got them awarded in the first place, you know?

BOLDUAN: Uh-huh.

CUOMO: And the work continues.

BOLDUAN: Coming up next on NEW DAY, an adorable kindergartner gives her parents a very early Christmas surprise. Find out why this performance is so special to them.

CUOMO: If this one doesn't make you cry, you have no heart. And who made this year's top trending list on YouTube.

BOLDUAN: This is going to make you cry too.

CUOMO: We're going to break down 2013's biggest viral videos.


BOLDUAN: A very beautiful shot from afar of our nation's capital -- the Capitol dome right there. Let's get over to Indra, where the weather might say beautiful day in the song but it might not be such a beautiful day out there.

INDRA PETERSONS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Are you going to call it ugly day? I don't know.

BOLDUAN: Doesn't have the same ring to it, Indra.

PETERSONS: Right, exactly. We're starting to see that change already. Already reporting now freezing rain around Springfield, so we know that system is starting to ramp up. We're starting see these changes that will impact so many us as we go through the weekend.

There you go, there is the system, we're already seeing the action a little bit. But overnight tonight especially more through Kansas and Missouri, we're going to continue to see more of that wintry mix spreading into the Ohio Valley as we go overnight and then by Saturday afternoon or so, starting to see it back in the mid-Atlantic and the northeast.

Notice though there are two systems, there's a second system in the south that starts to kind of add to this as well as we're looking for that moisture, the cold air and windy on top of it.

By Sunday if you're in New England, you're still dealing with the system as it's exiting off the coast there. So as far as what are we getting, it's kind of a little bit slow moving here. We're talking about a good four to six inches in New York City. By Boston, you could see a foot of snow from this. Going farther back, Ohio Valley, about four to six inches -- so definitely a little bit more impressive than the last system that kicked on through and temperatures are going to stay cold.

So the key to whether or not you actually have to stick and stay on the ground, well some of you are going to be getting rain behind this system. But the farther inland you are and the farther north you are, you have a better chance for the snow to stay on the ground. Which is what we all want, right, guys?


CUOMO: Absolutely -- not.


CUOMO: All right guys. We're going to reveal for you the best videos on YouTube this year. But you know, it's just a couchable conversation so shall we?

BOLDUAN: To the couch then?

PETERSONS: Of course, it is.

CUOMO: Shall we, shall we?


PEREIRA: And here we are. Let us for a second -- 2013 quite a year --

BOLDUAN: So much --

PEREIRA: Quite a year especially with viral videos. YouTube has released its list of the most watched videos and boy, wouldn't they know it? Here to walk us through it is Kevin Allocca, he is the head -- imagine this title -- of culture and trends at YouTube. My man what a job you have.

KEVIN ALLOCCA, YOUTUBE: Yes, it's quite a gig I have to say.

PEREIRA: It really is. OK so why don't we talk about the ones that made the list because you get a boatload of them. I'm not sure how you all have time to see all of these.

ALLOCCA: Oh, yes. And there's -- the number of videos that are on the Web site is incredible and they come from all over the world.

PEREIRA: OK, so at number three a big reveal, I feel like we should do some drum roll.

BOLDUAN: Drum roll.

PEREIRA: And is it true that this was made for $20 only?

ALLOCCA: Yes, yes. Well, this is --

CUOMO: Don't say yes just because you want to go home.

ALLOCCA: No, this is true. It was made in a dorm room for $20. This is a video called "How Animals Eat Their Food".

BOLDUAN: It's my personal favorite. Take a look and just enjoy.




BOLDUAN: Why does this make me laugh so hard? The T Rex.

PEREIRA: I can't with it. I can't with it. What don't I get? Why do they have sippy cups?

BOLDUAN: Why not. You don't want to spill your beverage.

CUOMO: I like how unmoved the guy is. He just gets through.

PEREIRA: Cardboard table.

CUOMO: That was strong. That was strong.

PEREIRA: Right. You see why I have the giggles.

CUOMO: Then you watch me.

BOLDUAN: So let's talk about -- before we go, why do you think that was number three? What is it about?

ALLOCCA: I mean you know, it's just a very simple video, it's very funny. It can be appreciated all over the world. Over 80 percent of the views on YouTube come from outside the United States and they're a new popular channel on the site.

BOLDUAN: OK. So I want to get your read on this one. We all know the song but the number two video of 2013 is the original Norwegian Army Harlem Shake video.

How did this become such a thing?

ALLOCCA: The Harlem Shake was such a huge trend this year. We had over 1.5 million Harlem Shake videos uploaded to the site this year --

BOLDUAN: Different Harlem Shake videos?

ALLOCCA: -- from all over the world. I mean it was arguably started by some kids in Australia, we had Lebron James, the Miami Heat made their own version and then we've got -- this one was the most viewed, nearly 90 million views on this Norwegian Army version of it.

CUOMO: 90 million views.

BOLDUAN: If just a fraction of them could watch the show --

CUOMO: I know. That's right. We love Norway. Here is this one. Are you ready?

PEREIRA: Yes, please.

CUOMO: This is the favorite.

BOLDUAN: This is Chris's favorite song.




CUOMO: I have to tell you something.

BOLDUAN: Why can you not -- how can you not love this?

CUOMO: Allocca rhymes with shock-alacka.

ALLOCCA: That's right.

CUOMO: I hate this video and this song. This corrupted the minds of my children.


CUOMO: They've heard nothing like this. Forced me to watch it because I didn't get what they were talking about.

ALLOCCA: Think about how incredible this is.

CUOMO: Why would a fox say anything like this?

ALLOCCA: This is a --

PEREIRA: Completely nonsensical.

ALLOCCA: -- from a comedy duo in Norway. They have a TV show in Norway.

CUOMO: It's Norwegian.

ALLOCCA: They posted -- they're all over YouTube this year, the Scandinavians and they post this video and it goes just huge all over the world. This is a top Halloween costume this year. There's over -- nearly 300 million views on this video.

CUOMO: 300 million?

ALLOCCA: Coming from all over the world.

BOLDUAN: They're like branding this now, they have like more to do.

ALLOCCA: There's going to be a children's book coming out.

CUOMO: What? Then I'm going to have to buy it.

PEREIRA: Can we do honorable mention at number six, there was a fan here at NEW DAY --

BOLDUAN: Which one is it?

PEREIRA: And we also like to think that you would be able to pull this off. You remember this -- come on. This was number six, people, ahead.


ALLOCCA: This is one of my favorites. I'm a big Jean Claude Van Damme fan. And when this came out it was such a huge thing. Volvo has actually making these sort of epic stunt videos throughout the year. And they've had a couple of different ones. This one, obviously --


BOLDUAN: Do you have the story behind it, though? How fast were they going?

CUOMO: Do you think it's a fake?

ALLOCCA: They did it. They did it in one take. They did it in one take and there's a whole behind-the-scenes. You can actually watch. It was on the site.

CUOMO: Kate thinks Jean Claude Van Damme is a fraud. She just said it. And Volvo.

BOLDUAN: No. That is not what I said.

PEREIRA: One last point for future YouTubers out there. Something to note of all the top ten list is none of them were just one of videos, a cute kid doing this. They were all people that had YouTube channels.

ALLOCCA: That's right. That's right. We're seeing this is an increasing trend now with these popular videos. They're coming from channels. They have a lot of different videos that they posted where they're consistently creating things. They have a fan base. Some of these have millions of subscribers that are tuning in every week for the new videos.

PEREIRA: How about that?

BOLDUAN: Kevin the next time you come on, the first question is going to be as the head of culture and trends on YouTube what do you do with your day? Hold that, next time.

PEREIRA: Next time. That's a whole other segment people.

CUOMO: And look at how they told us to pronounce your name, by the way.

BOLDUAN: The pronouncer for it was Allocca like shock-Allocca.

CUOMO: There you go. CNN -- funny.

Coming up we have the good stuff for you. We told you about a very bad interpreter this week. Now you're going to meet a very good one but it's why she's signing in the first place that just makes her a straight up beautiful little dose of the good stuff.


BOLDUAN: Friday.

CUOMO: Let's get into the right vibe here. Time for "The Good Stuff". All right, you remember the guy, Nelson Mandela memorial, the interpreter. Whatever the real deal is he just totally botched his sign language down there. Indirectly -- there he is. This man actually wound up doing something right. You know why? Because he indirectly brought to our attention this little angel, a much better interpreter, and she is only five. Take a look.


CUOMO: The fluency of the gestures, the beautiful facial expressions as she's singing along. This is kindergartner Claire, and she is signing for a very important reason. Both of her parents are deaf. She did this as a surprise.

PEREIRA: She did not.

CUOMO: Yes, she did. So her folks could enjoy her Christmas concert, and boy, were they surprised. Mom says she's so proud of the little girl.


CUOMO: She says also that, quote, "she's a much better interpreter than Nelson Mandela's fake one."

PEREIRA: Look at her. What a cool --

CUOMO: More video, more, more.

BOLDUAN: We don't want to see us, we want to see her.

PEREIRA: That is fantastic.

CUOMO: More, more, Christmas spirit. There it is. Look at her, she's singing, she only five and she did it as a surprise.

PEREIRA: And she had the idea to do that as a surprise for her folks. Way to go kiddo.

CUOMO: That she thought about what would make them happy at just five years old. If that's not the good stuff I don't know what it is.

BOLDUAN: They have a very special little girl and a lot to be thankful for this season.

PEREIRA: My mom taught that age for a long time and it's hard -- they're all, they're working together. At that age it's hard to get them to do it in a unified fashion. Very impressive.

CUOMO: My kids didn't even know who I was at that age.

BOLDUAN: They still don't.

CUOMO: And just in case you don't know the words to this song we have them for you on the bottom of the screen.

PEREIRA: Sing along at home.

BOLDUAN: I don't think you can see but that's OK. CUOMO: Isn't that great, we love her. Good for you.

PEREIRA: Love, love, love, love.

BOLDUAN: We love it.

PEREIRA: That's a good way to go into the weekend.

BOLDUAN: The good note.

CUOMO: Right. And it came out of a bad situation, because kind of put it on the radar, we were thinking about it, the producer, John Griffin who finds a lot of the good stuff for us, this is good. This interpreter messed up with this, the good stuff.

PEREIRA: Sure. Well done Griff.

BOLDUAN: It's been a good day.

CUOMO: Well enjoy the weekend, running out of steam on here but there is a lot of news going on so we're going to hand you to the capable and generous hands of one Carol Costello at the "NEWSROOM".

CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Get out of here. Go have fun already, OK? Have a great weekend.

CUOMO: It's the Christmas season.

COSTELLO: "NEWSROOM" starts now.

CUOMO: That's it?

Happening now in the "NEWSROOM" shocker in North Korea, calling him a despicable traitor and human scum, Kim Jong-Un executes his powerful uncle but what does it mean?

Also -- Peyton Manning goes down as chaos reigns outside at Mile High Stadium. Three people stabbed. Are you safe?

Plus --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's been one storm after another.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Frigid wind chills, they were as low as 31 below in parts of the area last night.


COSTELLO: Winter's come early.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You are seeing one degree outside, wind chill below zero. I don't care if you're seven years old or 27 I'm still going to listen to my mother.


COSTELLO: And malnutrition, severe weight loss, even death at the national zoo.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We don't hear this happening at zoos across the country.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We never compromise safety and well-being of animals.


COSTELLO: And the fight is on over your right to gab.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I quote, "Being stuck next to a gabber on a six-hour flight to San Francisco, I fear (inaudible).