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New Day

Clinton Secret List; Weather Outlook; Teen Pregnancy Decline; Impact Your World; Interview with Cameron Diaz

Aired January 14, 2014 - 08:30   ET


PAUL BEGALA, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Say, hey, it's been five years, has there been retribution to you? Because I bet you they'll hear what I heard, which is, no, what, are you crazy.

KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: Making the emphasis on (INAUDIBLE).

ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: All right, all right, all right. Enough of the (ph) - call (ph) the Gallop (ph) screening (ph).

BOLDUAN: Ana, I wondered - well, Ana, when you look at it, I mean, let's all be honest, we may not call it a hit list, but we all kind of -- don't we all keep a running tab of people that have done us favors and have also maybe not done us favors.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Wow, I feel like we just learned lot about Kate.


BOLDUAN: John Berman's on my hit list. So be careful.

You know, don't we all -- we might not write it down, but don't - Democrat and Republican alike, is this a surprise to you?

NAVARRO: Of course it's not. Listen, campaigns are wars, OK? You're either against me or you're with me. And of course they kept a tab. And that's what you do in campaigns. Let me just give you a breaking news 101, because we're all playing journalists now. I'll be one too. When people win offices, they reward those who supported them and they freeze out those who opposed them. That is the breaking news of politics 101.

CUOMO: You've kept -

NAVARRO: It is not a bunch of angels playing "Kumbaya" on a harp, you know, sitting on a bunch of clouds in the sky. That's just not how it works.

CUOMO: I've never heard "Kumbaya" on a harp and I've never heard -

BOLDUAN: It's very good.

CUOMO: Of a list that has a ranking system done this methodically in this way. I'm not talking about garden variety retribution. This is different.


BEGALA: Well, wait, --

NAVARRO: Paul Begala, do you -- do you believe that from a Cuomo, because I'm having a hard time (INAUDIBLE).

CUOMO: I don't believe it from a Navarro is what I don't believe. You're one of the most vindictive people I've ever met. I don't think you keep a list with a ranking system.

BOLDUAN: Man, am I glad we're not in the same studio today.

NAVARRO: No, no, no. Look, the ranking part is a little weird. I mean I've never - I've never heard of names being put on an Excel sheet and having a ranking like if they were Olympic divers.

BOLDUAN: They're just methodical.

NAVARRO: I mean I found that a little scary. And, yes, there have been no hits. But, listen, Paul, they haven't been in a position to be - you know, to be issuing retribution. She's been secretary of state, which is a very non-political job. And I will tell you that I have seen Bill Clinton help those who helped Hillary.

BEGALA: Absolutely.

NAVARRO: I've seen him go out and raise money for people like Kendrick Meek, for example -

BEGALA: Right.

NAVARRO: An African-American congressman in Miami who ran for Senate. And even when he didn't have much of a chance to win the Senate race, Bill Clinton came down and did fundraising for him. So I've seen them reward those who stood by him.

BEGALA: Right.

NAVARRO: In politics, you dance with the one that brung you to the dance, even if you realize they're not going to be elected homecoming king or homecoming queen.

BERMAN: Can we ask -- can we talk about the next dance for a moment here, 2016, because there's a great new piece by CNN's Peter Hamby, one of the finest political journalists in America right now, that talks about Iowa, Paul. And our friend Peter went to Iowa, talked to a lot of Democratic activists there and he found that people liked Hillary Clinton but not a lot of love, not a lot of passion there. You know, what does she need to do to stir up that passion? And is this lack of passion a problem for her as she heads to 2016?

BEGALA: Well, first, I read the piece. Peter did (INAUDIBLE) journalism (ph). It's a terrific piece. I recommend it to everybody. It's a really important read if you're - if you're as premature as I am, and you are, and we're going and looking at the 2016 campaign. Very important because superficially he sites Ann Selzer, the outstanding pollster for "The Des Moines register" is in Peter's piece, showing Hillary's got like an 89 percent favorable among Democrats.

But when Peter goes out there, he finds, well, we're looking for - this is the next - so, he's right. This is the nature of the Democratic Party, right? We don't like a hierarchical system. We like outsiders. We like new faces. So if she runs - I hope she does, I have no idea - but if she does, she's going to have a real challenge. And the toughest place for that challenge is Iowa. I think this is a very important story by Peter and I think everybody ought to read it.

BOLDUAN: We agree. What do you think, Ana?

NAVARRO: I think she's got to show up in Iowa.

CUOMO: Right.

NAVARRO: I mean the people in Iowa - the people in Iowa want to be courted. They want to be -

BEGALA: Right.

NAVARRO: Talked to. They want to be visited. They want to have the hands shaken. They want to have the rubber chicken eaten. They want to be talking about corn subsidies. So, yes, absolutely, she's got to show up. And until she does, you're not going to hear the enthusiasm. You know, so - but, you know, I want to go back to the hit list, because I do - and I think, Paul, you would agree, there are some people on that list that, frankly, owed a lot to the Clintons.

There's people in that - that I didn't see on the list, but there's people like Bill Richardson, who was a lowly congressman when he met Bill Clinton, who then appointed him to the U.N. and then made him secretary on his cabinet and sat down with the guy to watch the Super Bowl and low and behold a couple of days later, Bill Richardson was supporting Barack Obama.

CUOMO: The game -

NAVARRO: If I were Bill Richardson, I would get a food taster if I got invited to any (INAUDIBLE) for Hillary (INAUDIBLE).

CUOMO: The game isn't new, but this way of playing is unusual to say the least. That's for sure. But it makes (INAUDIBLE) for the talk (ph).

BOLDUAN: Coming up tomorrow, who is on Ana Navarro and Paul Begala's hit list? That is tomorrow's (INAUDIBLE).

BEGALA: This notion of the rating, this is -- I don't - I don't know this because I wasn't in the campaign. My guess is that's because they were super delegates and so you rank delegates. Usually I would always use a one to five scale, but whatever, on how likely they are to support you versus support your opponent. CUOMO: Yes, I think there's a little bit more that went into this, but I'll accept your point, Mr. Begala, because you're much more intelligent than I am. Thank you for being on the show. You too, Ana Navarro, though you take a cheap shot at me every time you're on the show, so I'm not thanking you as much.

BOLDUAN: Be careful. You're on both of their hit lists. You know that.

BERMAN: That's a seven.

BOLDUAN: That's a seven officially.

We're going to take a break. Coming up next on NEW DAY, you can say a whole lot about MTV's reality show "16 and Pregnant," but can you call it good birth control? The results of a pretty shocking study straight ahead.

CUOMO: And I asked a friend of mine to drop by the studio today.

BOLDUAN: Oh, yes. Oh, yes.

CUOMO: You may know her by the name Cameron Diaz. Live on NEW DAY, she's going to tell us how to love our amazing bodies.

BOLDUAN: No problem -

CUOMO: By hour -


BOLDUAN: Welcome back to NEW DAY.

Let's get over to Indra Petersons for another look at the forecast.

But first you are starting with one of the most fascinating bits of information you've ever given me, an ice quake.

INDRA PETERSONS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Right, especially since you're a Midwesterner. So for anyone that missed it, just imagine this. You hear this loud rumbling outside. You can't figure out what it is whatsoever until you wake up the next morning and this is what you see in your own driveway.

Dennis Olson (ph) saw this just south of Green Bay. Like a hundred feet long, this huge crack that's about 10 inches deep. So what is it? Think about this. you have all this now. It warms up, it melts and then it refreezes, so it expands. We can all picture with that water bottle, right, you left in the freezer. It blows up, basically.

Same concept. Unfortunately, this is what they're really dealing with all over Wisconsin right now thanks to the temperatures that were well below zero. No, it does not happen every time you go below freezing because the ground below has to get cold as well. So that's the difference.

Good news for them. Temperatures, yes, they are up today. So actually seeing some above normal temperatures, but we know in that region it does not last. That cold air will start to filter down into the south and eventually kind of spread into the east as a couple of cold fronts make their way through.

Just keep in mind, a couple of showers in the East Coast today. Out west, still the fire danger and Santa Ana winds overnight tonight.

Chris and Kate.

BOLDUAN: Thanks, Indra.

CUOMO: All right, so here's a provocative question, is reality television reducing teen pregnancy? Why would I ask that? Because a new study says the MTV show "16 and Pregnant" and its spin-offs could have - could have prevented as many as 20,000 teen births in 2010. How? Well, because of scenes like this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I haven't heard from Matt since he bailed on Arabella's (ph) birthday. And I have no idea where he is. But I've been focusing on finishing my school assignments.


And today I find out if I'll be able to graduate.


CUOMO: Joining us to break it down is Dr. Logan Levkoff. She's the author of the upcoming book "Got Teens?: The Doctor Moms' Guide to Sexuality, Social Media and Other Adolescent Realities." All things I'm hoping do not exist for my young kids.

All right, doctor, let's start with what we hope is good news. Is teen pregnancy, are we seeing a decrease?

LOGAN LEVKOFF, SEXOLOGIST: We are seeing a decrease, but it's not as simple as this economist's study, which is that, you know, reality TV plays a direct role. Those of us who work in public health know that teen pregnancy and teen sexuality in general is full of complexities. And what we're really seeing is a perfect storm of public health interventions playing off, our culture changing, better condom use, more access to contraceptives, better cultural conversations. It's not as simple as, you know, MTV's "16 and Pregnant" way to go.

BOLDUAN: And when you look at the study, they made the link between high viewership -- areas of high viewership and then a lower birth rate, but Dr. Drew Pinsky made an interesting point, I thought, on this. He's hosted some reunion shows for - for these shows and he has said that one of the problems that this show tackles is, to get through to teens, you need a relatable source. And that's what he thinks that these shows accomplish. Do you think these shows help in that regard or do you think they really have nothing to do with it and it's just a reality show? LEVKOFF: Well, it depends. I think it's important to remember, these shows are cast. We manufacture drama. They're not necessarily representative of the average teen mom and dad. And they still do perpetuate a lot of stereotypes we have about young mothers and these kind of deadbeat teen dads who aren't part of the picture.

And there are a lot of young men and women working really hard to take care of their children in circumstances they may not have thought they'd ever be in before. So we're still a little bit exploitative and we're not really getting to the root of it just yet.

BERMAN: So what do you think? You watch these shows. Put yourself in the mind of a teenager. What's your takeaway when you see this?

LEVKOFF: Hopefully we're saying, you know, these are challenges that I am not ready for and these are decisions that I'm not ready to be making. I often wondering, though, if the characters - and they are somewhat characters and caricatures in many cases -

CUOMO: Sure.

LEVKOFF: If they look so far removed from our own life, then we kind of check out and we don't recognize the warning signs as they come up in our own world. We should, though, be talking about, you know, evaluating healthy relationships, how to make smart decisions about sex. And there's a lot of follow-up that needs to be done at home all the time.

CUOMO: The follow-up, OK, and that's the key, right, because none of us fall into the category of being worried about being 16 and pregnant, but we do have to worry about how to keep a 16 year old from becoming pregnant. So when you look at it through the lenses of the parent, how do you help this most sensitive, difficult to deal with age in this major concern?

LEVKOFF: Well, acknowledging that adolescent sexuality is an important part of adolescence and to tackle it with respect and positivity and to say, I want to help you evaluate decisions and I want to help you manage outcomes as they come up. But often times we stick our heads in the sand. And I'm afraid that studies like this say to parents, OK, you know what, TV will do your job for you.

BOLDUAN: Allows them to do that.

LEVKOFF: And it can never do that. It can inspire a conversation, but that's about it.

CUOMO: One thing I do see in the show that I think is worthy and a good takeaway is - I -- as we all know, especially in inner cities and as you move into lower income groups, often a baby is seen as an avenue to dignity for a young women, that I'm going to do this right. This will be someone who loves me. And at least you get to see though the show, it's a lot more complicated than that. Just because you have a baby doesn't mean that -

BOLDUAN: (INAUDIBLE). CUOMO: You know, you have to now give it love more than you're going to receive from it, at least early on. Hopefully this message gets through.

LEVKOFF: Hopefully it does. But I want us to be clear that this is also perpetuating a lot of the old double standards about men and women and girls and boys and what they're entitled to and what standards do we hold boys and girls to and are they equal? And they're still not equal. So we really need to be working on that as much as we do with everything else that we see in our pop culture.


CUOMO: Dr. Logan Levkoff, appreciate it very much.

LEVKOFF: Sure thing.

BOLDUAN: Thanks, doctor.

CUOMO: The standard for boys who are around my two girls will be that I will beat you to death with your own hands. Is that a good standard? We'll just cut to the break.


BOLDUAN: The only - the only time I'm going to say that's OK.


CUOMO: All right, it's time for "Impact Your World." Actor Matt Damon is using his star power to help bring water to those in need. Take a look.


CUOMO (voice-over): This celebration in India has a very special guest, Matt Damon. But the Oscar winning actor isn't the big news of the day. The new water pump is stealing the spotlight. And Damon's charity made it happen. helps bring water and sanitation to those in need.

MATT DAMON, ACTOR: Water really it kind of underpins everything. Every 20 seconds, a child dies because they lack access to clean water and sanitation. Every 20 seconds.

CUOMO: This hits home for Damon, who has four daughters.

DAMON: Once you have kids, it's impossible not to see, you know, their face in every child you see.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: provides loan to help people get access to water.

DAMON: People were paying money for water already, sometimes 15 to 20 times what you or I pay for our water, right, to a local water mafia. And if you could actually just front them the money to connect to the municipality you give them their time back so they can work at their job and pay the loan off.

They're now in control of their destiny in a way that they weren't. So it's not only about the millions of children who actually die every year. It's about the quality of life that somebody can have if they have access to clean water.


BOLDUAN: "Impact Your World". We're going to take a break.

Coming up next upon NEW DAY how does Cameron Diaz keep in physical and mental shape? And how does she get my two co-anchors to actually read something? This is going to surprise. You're going to want to find out. We're going to sit down with the actress coming up next.

CUOMO: Good stuff.


BOLDUAN: Welcome back everyone.

When you see actress Cameron Diaz, she's right here, you may think of a woman with great genes who doesn't need to work hard to look her best, who's just perfect all the time. But she says it actually took a lot of physical and mental work and a lot of research to get where she is now. And she's sharing that.

She's written "The Body Book" to share what she's learned about how to love your amazing body. And Cameron Diaz is joining us now to talk about it.

Cameron thanks for coming in.

CAMERON DIAZ, ACTRESS: Thank you so much for having me.

BOLDUAN: So right off the bat when I was reading this book. You said here is what this book is not. You run through it. It's not a diet book. It's not a workout regimen. There's no seven-day, 30-day goal.


BOLDUAN: What is the book? Why did you want to do it?

DIAZ: The book is just the science of the body. It's really just how our body works around nutrition and physical activity. How it works with good nutrition and poor nutrition, lack of exercise or physical movement and with abundance of movement or -- and also how our mind works around those things as well.

And so it's just the science of our body. I wanted to be able to give women how their body works down -- all the way down to a cellular level so that all this -- when they're making decisions and choices throughout the day, they can make informed ones.

BOLDUAN: And you know what folks are going to think. So is Cameron Diaz calling herself a guru or expert now? No, she's not.

DIAZ: No. This is just information that -- I didn't make it up.

BOLDUAN: You leaned on experts.

DIAZ: Exactly. I went to the experts. I asked them because I wanted to see -- you know, it's one thing for us to hear all these things about a diet. Don't eat this because it's not good for you. Cut out carbs, cut out fats. What does that really mean? Why would you -- why is it -- why is that the right way to go nourishing our body? What are you trying to achieve?

For me -- you said at the top that -- how to get my body. My body changes constantly. My body is not at its fittest -- most fit all the time, nor is it -- but what my ambition and goal is to have the healthiest body that I can.

So even though I may not be super strong and fit at one moment, by way of the equation of health which is 90 percent nutrition, if I just nourish my body properly and get enough physical activity even if it's not going to the gym everyday, but just moving my body, that's the body I have. I have a well nourished well moved body that's functioning at its optimum.

CUOMO: Page 128 here is the -- I think the section that people need to focus on that everybody doesn't want to hear. We all want a quick fix. Page 128 says consistency is everything. What are you telling people?

DIAZ: So I'm not -- this book is about longevity. It's about your entire life. It's how to start this moment to engage with your body and be conscious of your decisions and choices and how to nourish your body. The best way to do that is to be consistent -- consistency, consistency, consistency; do it over and over and over again. More good less bad and that equation becomes an equation for good health.

So if you're making -- if you have ten choices in a day, as long as you split it right down the middle, 50/50, I'm happy. If you can brink it up to 60/40 to good over bad and keep trying to improve on that and do it as consistently as possible.

I'm not saying being perfect. You can't be perfect. Life is not perfect and especially over your entire lifetime. That's what I'm really talking about, longevity over your entire lifetime, applying this knowledge, applying this practice. It's a way of life. It's not a quick fix. Because if you're actually working at your optimum, if you're in that place where you're doing more good than bad, you're never too far off the center of your best.

So you're closer to being at your optimum if you are consistent throughout your life of doing so, of creating good nutrition and physical activity in your life.

CUOMO: We're going to take a break now and we're going to have more with Cameron Diaz right after the break. John Berman has a very important question about laser hair removal. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

JOHN BERMAN, CNN HOST: Welcome back to NEW DAY everyone.

Sitting with us here on the couch, you may have noticed Cameron Diaz is here, the author of a new book, "The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body". So Cameron, skeptics could say "Easy for you to say". What do you say to all the other women out there who don't necessarily look like the cover of this book?

DIAZ: Well this is -- the reason I wrote the book is because I got tired of women -- hearing women my age not understanding how their bodies work. And I think that having confusion about how your body works makes you look at yourself and compare yourself to other people and say, I don't have what she has.

In comparison, I read a quote the other day that said comparison is a brutal assault upon one's self. And what happens is that you're saying that you're not good enough. We don't really know how good our bodies can be unless we're taking care of them in the proper way. That's why I wrote the book is so that -- I want women to know how to take care of their bodies so that they can actually love their body. They know what body -- it's their body by way of taking care of it.

BERMAN: You have some wonderful photos on the cover, beneath here of all kinds of women.

DIAZ: Yes. I wanted the women to know that this book is about them, it's not about me. I had to put my face on it because, you know, I'm a person -- but really I wanted women to know that this is about their body, about their shape, their health, their wellness. I did a photo shoot. And I have about 50 different women that I did of all different shapes and sizes that represent every woman that this book is for.

BOLDUAN: What's the one take away? Because that's one thing I get from this is it really is -- this is a holistic approach which is a long term work with your body which some people can say is intimidating. They want something to change now. Is there one thing you would remind people of that you want people to take away?

DIAZ: That you're responsible for your own body. I mean that's -- your health and well being is your responsibility. Nobody can give you the magic pill to make it different. It is a process by which you must be engaged with every single day. You do your best. Be patient. Be kind. Be gentle. Know that it takes times to change habits. You can't change it overnight.

Any time you've tried to do a diet and you'd tried to check that list off, how many weeks into it do you just throw it away. When you're checking of a list, when you're just doing what somebody tells you and you're not doing it because you actually have the knowledge of what it is that you're doing, it's a completely different relationship.

If you understand -- if you're informed, and you understand and you have the knowledge, then when you make those choices, you're not just making them because somebody told you to check it off a list. You're making it because you understand what it does to you on a cellular level. And that changes your whole relationship with the entire world and the environment around you. And you can use your critical thinking to apply all that to your own life.

BOLDUAN: And we have run out of time. If you want to know Cameron's take on laser hair removal, which you do, you need to read the book.

DIAZ: Do not do it permanently. Groom it however you want I don't care just do not do it permanently.

BOLDUAN: And with that.

CUOMO: Words to live by.

We take you to the "NEWSROOM" on that. Carol Costello, I don't know if you're listening, hopefully not. Get on a different topic.

CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: I know exactly what she was talking about. I've already read about that part of the book.

CUOMO: All right then.

COSTELLO: Yes. You go girl. I love that book. I can't wait to read it all. Thanks guys. Have a great day.