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New Day

Closing Arguments Could Begin Today in Dunn Trial; Shirley Temple's Legacy; Inside Story Revealed

Aired February 11, 2014 - 06:30   ET



MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: Little girls everywhere can relate to singing to your dolly and having very intense conversations with them.

Let's start with our top headline, remembering a Hollywood icon. Shirley Temple has died, probably the biggest child star ever gaining fame in the movies in the 1930s, starring in several hit films before the age of 10. She'll be forever remembered for the song, "On the Good Ship Lollipop."

Later in life, she went embarked on a very different career, one in the public service, including stints as a U.S. ambassador. Shirley Temple was 85 years old.

City of Atlanta is bracing for round two. That area is about to get slammed with a snow and ice storm that could be even more devastating and dangerous than the snow storm that paralyzed the city just two weeks ago. People in the area are already stocking up. Look at this, clearing out super market shelves in advance of that incoming wicked weather.

To Iraq now, more than 20 militants were killed after an instructor teaching a class on car bombs accidentally detonated one. In addition, the blast tipped off officials to the rural training camp in an orchard north of Baghdad. Close to two dozen people were arrested, included wounded insurgents. But Iraqi officials say the incident shows that terrorist groups are making a strong comeback.

Back here at home, a Sacramento TV station was at the right place at the right time. Check out this dramatic takedown caught on tape, police capturing a 19-year-old, Michael Kennedy (ph), who say they ran -- they say man ran from them earlier in the day. He hopped over a fence, grabbed a bike and tried to take off right towards the camera. That's when an officer went in for the tackle. Kennedy apparently had several outstanding warrants, now faces burglary and assault charges.

Now, a double dose of underage driving that has two children in hot water. First, in Colorado, a 10-year-old cited for careless driving after plowing right into, and this is no joke, a Department of Motor Vehicles. Police say a woman went into the DMV, leaving behind a 12- year-old and a 10-year-old. Apparently the temptation was just too great.

And in Minnesota, a 14-year-old boy said he felt compelled to return what he described as an abandoned school bus to his depot. Yeah, he felt he had to return it. But he continued past the depot, ran a red light, struck several gas pumps. That potentially could have been very dangerous. But fortunately, no one was injured in either incident. A case against underage driving? No, Mr. Cuomo?

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: First of all, there's no need to make a case against underage driving. It is clearly stupid. If I think what you're referring to is what I said yesterday about allowing your child to practice driving with you could actually pay off as it did in the case of a child who saved his mother's life, that's the case I would make -- saved his mother's life.

KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: The debate continues.

CUOMO: But that's one legal matter aside. Now we go to a matter that actually does matter. Because closing arguments could begin today in the so-called loud music murder trial. This is one to watch, everybody Prosecutors rested their case Monday and the defense is expected to wrap up testimony maybe as early as today, probably not.

The big question, Michael Dunn, accused of shooting a 17-year-old after a dispute about loud music, will he take the stand today? CNN's Alina Machado is in Jacksonville with the latest. Alina?

ALINA MACHADO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Chris, the jury is expected to be back inside that courtroom at 9:00 Eastern. Yesterday, testimony got so graphic, Jordan Davis' parents had to step outside.


MACHADO (voice-over): It was an emotional day in court as jurors saw autopsy photos and the bloodstained clothes worn by 17-year-old Jordan Davis the night he was shot and died.

The prosecution's final witness? A former associate medical examiner who detailed the path of the bullet that killed the teenager in November of 2012.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Over here, it perforated the right lung and continued on behind the heart and in front of the spinal column to perforate the aorta.

MACHADO: Prosecutors say 47-year-old Michael Dunn opened fire on Davis and three friends during an argument over loud music outside this Jacksonville gas station. Dunn claims he fired the shots in self-defense, telling police he thought he saw a gun. Investigators did not find a gun in the teen's SUV.


MACHADO: In her testimony, the medical examiner said evidence shows Davis was leaning away from the door and not toward Dunn as the defense suggests during the shooting. Jordan's father, Ronald Davis, told the jury about the emotional visit he got from the teens who were with his son when he died.

RONALD DAVIS, VICTIM'S FATHER: The boys were just so sorry that my son was killed. And they were trying to console me.

MACHADO: Dunn's family and friends took the stand for the defense describing the software developer as a mild and kind-hearted man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you aware of Mr. Dunn's reputation for peacefulness?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Very nice guy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Never have I observed anything other than a very calm demeanor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've always thought he was a gentleman.

MACHADO: It's unclear if Dunn himself will take the stand. An attorney representing the Davis family believes he will testify.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's the only one that can testify that there was a gun. He's got to put it there. And the only one that can put it there, the only one that says he saw it is Michael Dunn.


MACHADO (on-camera): So Michael Dunn could take the stand, so could a human stress expert who typically counsels police officers after shootings. Chris and Kate?

BOLDUAN: All right, Alina. Thank you.

CUOMO: This is complicated. You know, people compare it to the George Zimmerman trial. It's really nothing like it.

BOLDUAN: You don't think it's like it at all?

CUOMO: No, I don't, on a lot of levels. Other than bringing up potential issues of race and Florida's self-defense laws, I don't think there's any analogy.

Here, also, the interrogation tapes didn't get in. So all of us are operating off information that the jurors may well not get in any way. So of course, Michael Dunn doesn't have to testify. That's his constitutional right. But he may be the only one that can make the case of why he did what he did on this occasion. He may have to if he wants to plead self-defense. So we're gonna see what they do.

BOLDUAN: Very important day today, that's for sure.

Let's take another break. But coming up next on NEW DAY, we're going to look back at the life of the legendary Shirley Temple. Film critic Leonard Maltin will join us with some of her classic roles and her legacy and her impact on film after the break.


SHIRLEY TEMPLE, ACTRESS (singing): I've thrown away my toys, even my gum and trains.


PEREIRA: Well, there she is, as many of people remembered her. What a precocious little one. Shirley Temple Black has died at the age of 85, a legendary child star, America's sweetheart back in the '30s.

As an adult, the devoted her life to public service, serving as U.S. ambassador twice later in life. She was the -- pardon me. We're going to continue on and talk to flip critic Leonard Maltin, who joins us now on the phone. We'll talk to him about this incredible legacy.

Leonard, good to talk to you. It's been a while since I've had a chance to do that. Let's talk about this tremendous, tremendous life of Shirley Temple. How are you?

VOICE OF LEONARD MALTIN, FILM CRITIC: I'm fine thank you. I'm sad. But I'm glad she had a full and long life.

PEREIRA: It certainly was a long life, a full life. And we talked about the fact that it's not just this star we are mourning. It's a grandmother, a mother, a wife of 55 years. Let's talk about those early years. I mean, she really was a trail blazer, just started performing at the age of 3 1/2 years old.

MALTIN: Well, she was a genuine phenomenon. Hard to describe to younger people who may be unfamiliar with her just how amazingly popular she was. She was perhaps at one time -- not perhaps -- she was the most famous individual in the civilized world. She was adored. She was loved. She was idolized by people of all ages, and not just in America, but around the globe.

PEREIRA: And that poise as such a youngster, it's really unparalleled. Do you think we have ever seen anything like that again?

MALTIN: Well, you know, there have been very popular child stars. There were popular child stars before her like Jackie Coogan during the silent movie era, and many since. But none, no one ever attained the -- the astonishing heights she did. You know, she -- she -- she came along during the Great Depression of the 1930s.

PEREIRA: Uh-huh.

MALTIN: And many people think that that was a big part of it. It was the timing that at a time when people, you know, were -- were, you know, struggling to put bread on the table, when they escaped to the movies to try to, you know, forget their troubles, she was kind of a living symbol of everything that was good, everything that was pure and innocent. And so -- so she was in the right place at the right time, you know, to put it mildly. PEREIRA: But it wasn't all lollipops. I was reading through her obituary, and it's interesting to see, like many child stars, she certainly struggled as an actress with that transition from the child star into a young woman.

Her family struggled with money. They found -- when she was in her 20s, though, the family had -- their lavish lifestyle had eaten up many of their funds. It wasn't always easy for her.

MALTIN: Oh, no. It wasn't easy at all. She also had -- you know, she went through what people sometimes call that awkward age, you know, when she was, I think, at 10-1/2 or 11, she found herself unemployed, sort of unwanted for a time. At 20th Century Fox, the studio that, you know, where she worked throughout her childhood, they dropped her.

And -- and she -- she didn't know what failure was. She didn't know what real life was to a very real degree, although, she had a reasonably normal home life. She'd never been to school. She didn't even go to a studio school. They tutored her privately. Her own little school house at 20th Century Fox.

And looking back when she wrote her autobiography, she said that had it not turned out that way, that her mother was forced to enroll her in a very good private girl's school in Los Angeles, her life might not have turned out the way it did because she had to learn to socialize for the first time. And she was Shirley Temple for crying out loud.

She was Shirley Temple and she went onto be Ambassador Shirley Temple. She was ambassador to Ghana and to Czechoslovakia. She had an incredible second or even arguably third act. You say "Poor Little Rich Girl" was one of her favorite films. As we leave you, do you still say that today?

MALTIN: Yes. I think so.

PEREIRA: Yes. A tremendous, tremendous film. Leonard Maltin, always a pleasure to talk to you. Thanks so much for remembering the great actress, Shirley Temple. Really a triple threat she was, wasn't she?

MALTIN: Absolutely. There was nothing she couldn't do. And I think that she almost unwittingly paved the way for her later career as a diplomat. When she was a child -- a diplomat as a little girl.


PEREIRA: So very true. Leonard Maltin, thank you for sharing your remembrances of this tremendous lady.

MALTIN: You're welcome.

PEREIRA: Shirley Temple Black, dead at 85. What a tremendous life and legacy.

CUOMO: Strong point from Maltin about how she was more than an actor. She was largely symbolic to the country at that time, and in many ways, never grew up despite you know, her later achievements. For so many people will always see her that way. My four-year-old orders a Shirley Temple when we go out.


BOLDUAN: At some point, we all if we don't, we want to order a Shirley Temple because it's still --


CUOMO: And it's a damn tasty drink.

PEREIRA: People tell me my curls, you have Shirley Temple curls.


PEREIRA: I mean, there's all of these references in our society of her.

BOLDUAN: Absolutely.

CUOMO: There are a lot of child actress, but there can only be one --

PEREIRA: Only one.

CUOMO: And it was certainly Shirley Temple.


CUOMO: Take a break here on NEW DAY. When we come back, revealing letters shedding light into the life of Hilary Clinton when she was first lady. How will women respond to her feelings about her husband's infidelity? Did she think it was partly her fault?


CUOMO: Welcome back. There are new details emerging this morning about former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, and her private life with Bill Clinton during their White House years, including what she admitted to her closest friend about the Monica Lewinsky affair. And as 2016 approaches, her past is present once again as critics prepare for political warfare. CNN's Athena Jones live with the story in Washington -- Athena.

ATHENA JONES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right. Good morning, Chris. With speculation mounting about Hillary Clinton possibly making another bid for the White House, these papers are drawing back the curtain and giving us an insider's look at what it was like for her the last time she lived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


JONES (voice-over): They're a window into Hillary Clinton's world.


JONES: Papers written by Diane Blair, a long-time Clinton confidant who died in 2000.

H. CLINTON: I know this collection will provide inspiration and motivation.

JONES: But one confidential 1992 Clinton campaign memo from their posters may be less than inspiring saying Both Hillary and Bill Clinton are perceived to be too political. The papers paint a picture of a couple trying hard to manage their public image. And a first lady heavily involved in White House strategy.

H. CLINTON: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

JONES: In February 1993, Blair writes about a long discussion of health care with Mrs. Clinton expressing support for universal health care calling managed competition a crock (ph), single payer necessary. In the papers, Mrs. Clinton also complains about White House staff. Blair writes in 1993, "Hillary still in despair pair that nobody in the White House tough and mean enough." And about the scandal that led to her husband's impeachment --

B. CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Indeed, I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate.

JONES: Blair writes Mrs. Clinton called Monica Lewinsky a "narcissistic loony toon" and suggested her husband got involved with Lewinsky because of the personal tool the deaths of his mother, her father, and their friend, Vince Foster, had taken on him. The extensive records donated to the University of Arkansas after Blair's death and open to the public in 2010 include notes and diary entries based on her communications with both Clintons during the 1990s.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It reads like a novel. It's great for -- interest, but I don't think it moves the needle politically.

JONES: Even so, the records are being called a gold mine for reporters and potential rivals.

LIZA MUNDY, NEW AMERICA FOUNDATION: I think one consequence of having been in the public eye for so long is that there is going to be this paper trail now.


JONES (on-camera): Paper trail, indeed. CNN has sent our own team reporters down to Arkansas to look through these papers. And so, we're likely to learn a lot more about what those Clinton years were like from close up -- Chris, Kate.

BOLDUAN: thousands of documents to go through. Athena, thank you very, very much.

Let's take another break.


BOLDUAN: Coming up next on NEW DAY, more of our breaking news out of Hollywood. Child star, Shirley Temple, has died. We'll continue to look back at her remarkable life and career.

CUOMO: And more controversy over drone strikes. Should the Obama administration be able to target an American citizen overseas? We're going to talk it over with former attorney general, Alberto Gonzalez. The judge will join us live.


CUOMO: Good morning. Welcome back to NEW DAY. It's Tuesday, February 11th, seven o'clock in the east. And we're going to start with our news blast, the most news you can get anywhere. Let's go.



CUOMO: Legendary child actress, Shirley Temple, has died.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why did she shoot so many times?

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The citizenship should no more serve as a shield than a sniper should be protected from a SWAT team.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Coco (ph) was paying the price for his family's dealings with the mafia.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All eyes will be on Shaun White as he competes in the half-pipe.



CUOMO: Don't want to interrupt this special little girl frozen in time as this 3-1/2-year-old, 4-1/2-year-old, six, seven, eight, nine, that's how old Shirley Temple was when she was making hits that just brought the entire country together. Literally, the face of the nation. Certainly, America's sweet heart then and probably every day since.

As an adult, Shirley Temple devoted her life to public service serving as a U.S. ambassador. Her family remember her forever, quote, "as our beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother." An adored life. Shirley Temple has passed away at the age of 85. We're going to continue to bring you much more on her remarkable life throughout the hour.

BOLDUAN: Also, breaking overnight, U.S. embassy officials in Afghanistan confirming that two civilian contractors killed in a suicide bombing Monday were both Americans. The attack targeted a NATO-led military convoy in Eastern Kabul. Six other people were injured in the attack. Officials say now an Islamic militant group has claimed responsibility.

PEREIRA: The FBI along with Italian police carrying out a major anti- mafia blitz in New York and several cities in Italy.