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New Day

Recreating Pistorius Deadly Shooting; Internet Rallies to Search for Missing Flight; New Migraine Treatment; In Defense Of Justin Bieber; Flight 370 Transponders "Turned Off"

Aired March 12, 2014 - 06:30   ET


ROBYN CURNOW, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Also back on the stand, one of the Olympian's friends, Darren Fresco. Pistorius grinning, shaking his head, as he testified that over a year ago, it was the Olympian who was driving over 160 miles per hour when Fresco took a picture of the speedometer. His testimony is part of the prosecution's attempt to portray the star runner as reckless.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Come with evidence under oath. A, incorrectly shown he was driving the vehicle to the fall (ph).

CURNOW: But fresco may have lost credibility after admitting it was who was driving after the defense should be able to time the photo was taken.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I see the silence.

DARREN FRESCO, WITNESS: If you've got the photo that I sent him, then it must have been me driving at the time.

CURNOW: On Tuesday, a pathologist Gert Saayman also took the stand, offering a critical contradiction to Pistorius' version of events. He revealed Steenkamp ate two hours before her death, at around 1:00 a.m., undercutting Pistorius claim that they had eaten dinner and gone to bed by 10:00 p.m. that night.


CURNOW: Now, the defense said they were caught off guard by the defense changing their story, saying that Pistorius had his prosthetics off for both the shooting and the cricket bat hitting. Of course, that cross-examination is going to continue after the lunch break.

Back to you, guys.



All right. So, there's really big news in the football and basketball world. The Miami Dolphins bullying scandal has a new chapter, and a legend of the hardwood perhaps making a return to the most storied NBA franchise, assuring future dominance.

Andy Scholes joins us with this morning's "Bleacher Report."

Give us the tables.

ANDY SCHOLES, BLEACHER REPORT: Well, yes. We'll start with the bullying scandal news.

You know, there were two ideal spots for Jonathan Martin to land after the scandal. One would have been with his college teammate Andrew Luck and the Colts. The other with his former coach in Stanford, Jim Harbaugh, who's now at the 49ers. And that's where he's headed.

At the first day of NFL free agency, the Dolphins traded Martin to San Francisco for a conditional 7th round draft pick. After the news broke, Martin tweeted, "Opportunities are few in the NFL, can't wait to get to work. #ninerempire."

All right. Now to the news Chris was waiting for. The greatest coach in NBA history is returning to the game, not on the sidelines, but to run the New York Knicks. According to "The New York Post", Phil Jackson has agreed to become the president of the Knicks. The Zen master won two titles as a player in New York before his coaching days. And Jackson could be in place running the Knicks by the end of the week.

So, we know he can coach a team to an NBA title. Now, we can see if he can do it as a front office executive guy.

What do you think, Chris? I know you seem pretty excited about this.

BALDWIN: Ten or 11 times over, right?

CUOMO: Oh, yes. I mean, modestly speaking, they would be favorites for at least three of the next four seasons. That's what most experts say, Andy Scholes.

SCHOLES: We'll see if he can do that all the way from the front office.

CUOMO: If anything can make him lose his cool, you know, the Zen master, it will be working with the Knicks.

SCHOLES: James Dolan, that would be it.

CUOMO: That's right.

BALDWIN: Andy, thank you.

Coming up next on NEW DAY, this Colorado company has now joined the search for that missing airliner. The airlines out of Malaysia, they're using this technique called crowd-sourcing. They're providing satellite views of the ocean. They're helping you with the search. Details ahead. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)


Let's take a look at your headlines this morning.

Malaysian officials announcing they have now expanded the search for the missing Flight 370. They've expanded it to two search areas, spanning some 27,000 square nautical miles. This comes amid conflicting information concerning where exactly that flight disappeared off radar.

A senior Malaysian air force official told CNN it strayed hundreds of miles off course towards the Strait of Malacca, but top Malaysian political and military officials, they dispute that claim.

Flat denials meanwhile from the CIA Director John Brennan, in response to claims that his agency spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Senator Dianne Feinstein, a long time defender of the CIA, taking to the Senate floor Tuesday. She says spies accessed committee computers during an investigation of the agency's controversial prisoner interrogation program. Feinstein calls it a defining moment for oversight of American spy agencies.

Bit of an unusual move on the court martial of the U.S. Army general accused of sexual assault. The judge dismissed the jury Tuesday to allow Brigadier General Jeffrey Sinclair's defense to hammer out a new plea deal with the military. His defense laying out some conditions, saying Sinclair will not plead guilty to sexual assault or to charges that land him on a sex offender registry and he will not plead guilty to threatening his accuser or her family.

Medication use is on the rise for adults with attention deficit disorder. This is according to a new report from drug manager Express Scripts. The number of young American adults taking drugs for ADHD nearly doubling from 2008 to 2012. In addition, the report being released today now says nearly one in 10 adolescent boys takes drugs like Adderall or Concerta for the disorder. It's a dramatic increase.

CUOMO: Yes. An important statistic. Fastest growing.

PEREIRA: Absolutely.

BALDWIN: Thank you.

CUOMO: All right. So, we have some new information for you related to the search for that Malaysian flight.

Listen to this: A major U.S. satellite operator uploaded fresh images overnight that could help find missing Flight 370. It's all part of something called crowd-sourcing as an effort to find out. Hundreds of thousands of volunteers are scouring satellite images online, looking for clues about the plane's whereabouts.

Can it help?

Here's CNN's Dan Simon.


DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The Boeing 77 is no small airplane, but in this case it feels like a needle and the ocean is the haystack.

That's why a Colorado company called Digital Globe has enlisted the public to help find the missing plane.

LUKE BARRINGTON, DIGITAL GLOBE: We'll ask you to mark anything that looks interesting, any sign of wreckage of life raft.

SIMON: The company has pointed a couple of its orbiting satellites at the Gulf of Thailand, and put the images online at, for people to scour for anything suspicious. See something interesting, you tag it with an easy click. A CNN reporter found this image that he thought resembled the shape of a plane.

It's not the first time satellite imagery has been used in this way. It helped track tornado damage last year in Moore, Oklahoma, and more recently, the floods in Colorado.

But the most well-known example of crowd-sourcing following a tragedy occurred after the Boston marathon bombings. Investigators asked attendees to submit any image or video that might assess them in locating the perpetrators. As for the plane, the sheer number of digital volunteers has overwhelmed the Web site, a sign of a public eager and willing to help.

BARRINGTON: In many cases, the areas covered are so large, with these things that we're looking for, it's so hard to find, that without the help of hundreds of thousands of people online, we'd never be able to find them.

SIMON: Dan Simon, CNN, San Francisco.


BALDWIN: Dan, thank you so much.

Coming up here on NEW DAY, a headband device for migraines. Do you get them? I know I do. They're now getting the green light from the FDA. But will it really spell relief? We have the answer coming up next here on NEW DAY.


BALDWIN: Welcome back to NEW DAY.

If you're like me, you get a migraine, you are down for the count. There is some news as a new device getting a little bit of attention here. It looks more like a tiara, but this new device actually sends electric pulses through your forehead.

How well does this work? What are the downside?

Senior medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen joins me with more.

And, Elizabeth, my first question is, does it help prevent them or make them less horrible when you have one?

ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: They make them less frequent, which I know it sounds like, well, that's not so great. You just get fewer of them. As you said, migraines can put you out. They can be debilitating.

So, if you get, say, five a month, instead of seven a month, that will make a lot of people feel a lot better. So, it doesn't completely prevent them. It doesn't get rid of them. It reduces the frequency.

And, Brooke, these would be by prescription. So, you'd have to go see a doctor first.

BALDWIN: OK. And the FDA did approve this device. We just wanted to make sure we emphasize that. What about -- how does this compare to other medications out there on the market to help with migraines?

COHEN: You know, we're told that medications, many of them work better than this. They're more effective. But here's the rub. Some of these medications are so hard to take that people actually stop taking them. There really are no serious side effects to wearing this tiara (ph). You know, it just gives you a tingling sensation. That's it.

So, for some people, maybe they would use this in conjunction with medication. So, maybe, it would allow them to use fewer medications or maybe use a lower dosage.

BALDWIN: And just -- since I have you, I mean, just quickly, how -- why do we get migraines? I mean, I feel lucky that I only get one really once a year and they're bad when I get them. How do they happen?

COHEN: You know, it's not exactly known why some people get migraines and other people get -- other people don't. Sometimes, they think that -- some people think that it's because of certain food and some people have a sensitivity to caffeine or to cheeses or to other things and that's what makes them get migraines. But there's no question, but that this is not an ordinary headache. I mean, to someone who's never gotten them, it's hard for me to appreciate --

BALDWIN: God bless them.

COHEN: -- talk to friends like you. I know.


COHEN: When I talk to friends like you get them, I know that people, you know, they miss work, they can't take care of their children. I mean, it doesn't even fit into category of headaches as far as I can tell.

BALDWIN: OK. Elizabeth Cohen, we'll take what we can get even though we'll take some sort of tiara crown thing, right?

COHEN: Right.

BALDWIN: Elizabeth Cohen, thank you so much this morning.

COHEN: Thanks.

BALDWIN: Chris, back to you.

CUOMO: All right, Brooke. We're going to take a break here on NEW DAY. Now, take a sip of your green juice or whatever your morning fluid of choice is, swallow it. Ready? Now get this, Bieber's lawyer says you are to blame for the star's problems in a way. Crazy lawyer spin or truth about celebrity obsession. We debate, you decide.


CUOMO: All he needs is a good lawyer. Welcome back to NEW DAY.

A trial date is set for May in Florida for Justin Bieber. This would be the DUI case as opposed to the egg tossing or bodyguard bullying cases that are also ongoing. Not to be confused with. This follows the bizarre video of the pop star lashing out in a heated deposition. So now, his attorney is the one lashing out, blaming America's obsession with celebrities for the star's behavior. Here is the story from CNN's Nischelle Turner.


NISCHELLE TURNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): His lawyer says it's tough being Justin Bieber.

ROY BLACK, JUSTIN BIEBER'S LAWYER: His management team has to hire bodyguards to protect him because he is virtually assaulted wherever he goes.

TURNER: Roy Black launched into a staunch defense of his client outside a Miami courtroom where Bieber is face a DUI charge. He also faces an assault charge in Toronto. And a lawsuit involving alleged battery. But Bieber's lawyer says the blame lies elsewhere.

BLACK: We love it when people start becoming successful. But once they actually are highly successful, we do almost everything we can to destroy their lives.

TURNER: He wasn't present for the hearing, but a trial date was set for May 5th. Police say they arrested Bieber for drag racing this yellow Lamborghini down the streets of Miami while under the influence back in January. The 20-year-old pop star pleaded not guilty to the charges.

JUSTIN BIEBER, SINGER: What kind of question is that? That doesn't make sense.

TURNER: Last week, Bieber attended a deposition in the lawsuit brought by a photographer who says Justin ordered his bodyguard to attack him last summer. TMZ released edited clips from the deposition on Monday.

BLACK: The paparazzi then turns around and files a lawsuit for $7 million against Justin because Justin's the person who has the deep pockets.

TURNER: Black also told reporters he filed motions to try and keep that tape private.

Nischelle Turner, CNN, Los Angeles.


MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: Lot of people are going to have a hard time swallowing that. There is a point, though, because, you know, if we didn't care, didn't buy the magazines --


PEREIRA: We're addicted to it.


PEREIRA: -- personal responsibility.

BALDWIN: I didn't tell him to grab those eggs.

PEREIRA: Come on.

BALDWIN: I didn't tell him to, you know, speed race that Lamborghini.

PEREIRA: Thank you very much.

BALDWIN: We're going to have that debate a little later. So, definitely stay tuned for that.

CUOMO: Right now, we take a quick break. The latest on the Malaysia plane search.

Plus, serious accusations against the CIA. The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee says this, the agency searched our computers. They snooped on us. Is there any truth to it? We're going to be joined by the head of the intelligence committee in the House, Mike Rogers. Constitutional implications if true.


CUOMO: Good morning. Welcome back to NEW DAY. It is Wednesday, March 12th, now seven o'clock in the east. And let's start with the news blast. You know that is the most news you can get anywhere. Saddle up.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will never give up hope. This, we owe to the families.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Malaysians have not been fully cooperative.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are four competing theories of what's occurred here, whether it'd be terrorism, hijacking, pilot error, or mechanical failure.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dianne Feinstein blasted the CIA on the Senate floor.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The CIA just went and searched the committee's computers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They say the people who don't want to be part of Russia can leave.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The bathroom door was revealed in court today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just do that (ph) --


CUOMO: We begin with this. President Obama set to meet with Ukraine's interim prime minister today. The president is still pushing diplomatic options to end the Russian invasion. What they are, not quite clear. What is certain is that the meeting comes as Russia tightens its grip on Crimea. Flights from Kiev and Istanbul now canceled through at least Monday. Russia the only way in or out. A vote to break with Ukraine is expected on Sunday.

BALDWIN: And unexpected stop for U.S. Airways. Passengers on a flight from Tampa to Phoenix, this was last night. You see the map here. So, the plane was diverted to Houston because of a medical emergency involving a passenger on board. The airline has yet to release the identity or condition of this passenger. The flight was then allowed to continue onto Phoenix once that passenger was taken off the plane for treatment.

PEREIRA: All hands on deck for San Francisco's bravest battling a huge and out of control fire. Look at that in the city's Mission Bay neighborhood. At least 150 firefighters involved as a high-rise apartment building under construction exploded into flames Tuesday afternoon. Hundreds of nearby residents have to be evacuated.

That fire then grew to six alarms and it took all night for crews to get it under control. This morning, that site is just a smoldering pile of rubble. Officials still don't know what caused it.

CUOMO: A disturbing new scenario is emerging in the search for Malaysia Airlines flight 370. A senior Malaysian air force official tells CNN the Boeing 777 veered sharply west on its way to Beijing Saturday in the direction of the Strait of Malacca. Now, that is hundreds of miles off course, basically backwards (ph). Today, officials seeming to back up that ghost ship theory announcing they've expanded their search to that area (INAUDIBLE).

Let's bring in Jim Clancy. He's tracking the latest developments from Kuala Lumpur -- Jim. JIM CLANCY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Last hour, you know, I told you that they had basically backed up what CNN's source told us about this that, indeed, the plane was headed toward the Indian Ocean and it was far north of the destination heading away from Malaysia.

They halfway came out and confirmed that, but they say because these are not active transponder readings, they are only radar readings, they want the FAA and the NTSB to come in from the U.S. and help them analyze the data, but it appears now that, indeed, that plane was last seen on the radar screens 200 miles northwest of Penang, Malaysia and heading towards the Indian Ocean. Back to you, Brooke.

BALDWIN: All right. Jim, thank you so much. Let's talk about this a little further with Richard Quest, host of CNN's "Quest Means Business." Good morning to you. I know you've been up around the clock trying to figure out and make sense of this which is sort of impossible at this point, but let me just begin with what we know and that is this really conflicting information about whether the plane turned, whether it didn't, search. Tell me what you know.