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New Day

Internet Search for Missing Flight; Human Factor; Are Bieber's Troubles Our Fault?; Gap Employee Helps President Obama

Aired March 12, 2014 - 08:30   ET


MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: All right, the five things you need to know for your new day.

We start with number one which continues to be the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. It is now expanding to two areas, including the Strait of Malacca. An officer in the Malaysian air force said the jet liner was last picked up on radar there. So far, though, his claims have been disputed.

A political firestorm brewing in Washington following allegations from Senator Dianne Feinstein that the CIA spied on the Senate Intelligence Committee. CIA Director John Brennan, however, denies those accusations.

President Obama is hosting Ukraine's interim prime minister today as a show of support for the government there. Russia's tightened its control of Crimea and has named Russian the official language in that part of the peninsula.

Florida Republican David Jolly victorious over Democratic rival Alex Sink in a special congressional election that was seen as a referendum on Obamacare and also an early barometer for both parties in the crucial midterm elections.

The FDA, at number five, approving a battery powered headband, helping those that suffer from migraines. The Cefaly device puts an electric current that stimulates nerves associated with migraines. It is meant to prevent them from happening. An interesting development there.

We're always updating those five things to know, so you know to go to for the very latest.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: All right, thanks, Mich.

PEREIRA: Should be bookmarked, really, don't you think?

CUOMO: True.


CUOMO: Absolutely.

BALDWIN: Thank you. CUOMO: This morning we're getting brand new satellite images of the newly expanded search area for Flight 370. They comes from a major U.S. satellite operator, along with a challenge to people everywhere to help investigators find the plane. The effort is a form of crowd sourcing. Hundreds of thousands from around the world are heeding this call. CNN's Dan Simon has the story.


DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The Boeing 777 is no small airplane, but in this case it feels like a needle and the ocean is the haystack. That's why a Colorado company called DigitalGlobe has elicited the public to help find the missing plane.

LUKE BARRINGTON, DIGITALGLOBE: And we'll ask you to mark anything that looks interesting, any signs of wreckage or a life raft.

SIMON: The company has pointed a couple of its orbiting satellites at the Gulf of Thailand, and put the images online at for people to scour for anything suspicious. See something interesting, you tag it with an easy click. A CNN iReporter found this image that he thought resembled the shape of a plane. No word on what, if anything, it is, but by crowd sourcing the images, you put more eyes on possible clues.

It's not the first time satellite imagery has been used in this way. It helped track tornado damage last year in Moore, Oklahoma, and more recently the floods in Colorado. But the most well-known example of crowd sourcing following a tragedy occurred after the Boston Marathon bombings. Investigators asked attendees to submit any image or video that might assist them in locating the perpetrators. As for the plane, the sheer number of digital volunteers has overwhelmed the website. A sign of a public eager and willing to help.

BARRINGTON: In many cases, the areas covered are so large or the things that we're looking for are so hard to find that without the help of hundreds of thousands of people online, we'd never be able to find them.

SIMON: Dan Simon, CNN, San Francisco.


BALDWIN: Dan, thank you so much.

Let me tell you now about a man by the name of Mark Jones, because he has never let anything get in his way. This champion pool player survived a nearly fatal car crash some 40 years ago. But the man known as the snake was not about to let that stop him. Here now is CNN's chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta in this week's "Human Factor."


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Sixty- five years old, Mark "the snake" Jones has competed in the world wheelchair 9 ball championships. He never planned on becoming a champion pool player, but it helped him overcome something that happened 40 years ago.

MARK JONES, WHEELCHAIR POOL PLAYER: I was asleep on the passenger's side in a little Volkswagen Beetle and the rear wheel came completely off the car and the impact, my door flew open. I didn't have on a seat belt. And I flew out of the car at probably 50 miles an hour and ended up breaking my neck, my back, broken up all over.

GUPTA: He was paralyzed, no longer able to walk.

JONES: The able body guys, my friends, you know, they said, let's play some pool. I just sat there and watched them play and I said, this can't be that difficult.

GUPTA: Friendly pickup games turned into tournaments.

JONES: It's pretty much undescribable (ph), you know? I just love it, you know? I'm - I just love it. Love the competition.

GUPTA: It's a feeling he wanted to share with others like himself, which is why he began working with the National Wheelchair Players' Association.

JONES: It's not easy. And I know exactly what they're going through. And that's what our organization is about, really, getting people back into society again and out doing things.

GUPTA: Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN reporting.


CUOMO: Thank you, Sanjay, for another beautiful demonstration of the truth that you are not your limitations.

BALDWIN: Absolutely not.

CUOMO: All right, coming up on NEW DAY, Justin Bieber. He's got this spoiled brat tour going. One thing after another. Now he's giving a lot of lip in this deposition, a lot of attitude, all caught on film. But wait until you hear his lawyer's theory of the case. You know what Bieber's problem is? You. That's what he says. We'll debate it when we come back.


BALDWIN: Welcome back.

So, are we, you and me, are we to blame for Justin Bieber's bad behavior? That is precisely what his attorney, Roy Black, told reporters outside a Miami court hearing Tuesday. Here is just a piece of it.


ROY BLACK, JUSTIN BIEBER'S ATTORNEY: You want to know what's wrong with what happens with celebrity in America today? What's wrong in being a success? Well, this is the best example. This kid who did nothing except try to become a success in music has turned his life at times into a nightmare.


BALDWIN: Does his attorney have a point? We're going to have a big old discussion on this. CNN legal analyst Mel Robbins.

Welcome to the CNN family, by the way.


BALDWIN: Good morning. Awesome having you.

So, listen, and we're going to get into this, because these guys are going to jump in on the whole celebrity culture and issues with this. But, listen, my biggest issue when I hear this and I listen to the whole -- read the whole transcript of what he said, that it's our fault? It's -- I never, you know, handed, according to these accusations, Justin Bieber alcohol and prescription drugs and handed him eggs.

ROBBINS: Are you a hater?

BALDWIN: Why is it my fault, Mel?

ROBBINS: I hear a hater. Well, first of all, let's take a step back. We're talking -- I like to think about the context. This kid was discovered at the age of 14. He had a platinum album with seven 100 billboard hits at the age of 15. He was a mega, mega, mega star with private jets (ph).

BALDWIN: So a break. Good for him.

ROBBINS: Yes, it's great. But if you think about who raised him, the public did. I mean if any - I've got a 15-year-old and her biological imperative right now is to be with her peer group. And his peer group was the world.

BALDWIN: Did he not surround himself with people --

ROBBINS: Scooter?

BALDWIN: No one says - no one says no.

ROBBINS: Scooter, his manager, has been the proper --

BALDWIN: No one says no to Justin Bieber.

ROBBINS: Exactly. Exactly.

BALDWIN: Where are his parents?

ROBBINS: It's like a -- see, here's the thing. I find it fascinating that people are surprised that he was such a jerk on that tape. BALDWIN: The deposition tape.

ROBBINS: I expected that, number one. And number two, when you think about it, why wouldn't he act that way? I mean, seriously. Here he is in a deposition. He is being asked questions that are totally irrelevant. This is about an assault that potentially happened in Miami. They're asking him questions about Australia. They're asking him questions about Selena Gomez. They're asking him questions about Usher. This was the performance of a lifetime as far as I'm concerned.

BALDWIN: Go ahead, Michaela.

PEREIRA: OK, but before we get to all of that, because I have some feelings, before -- Roy Black using a strategy or is this actually, do you think, an off-the-cuff candid moment that he's just sort of speaking extemporaneously?

ROBBINS: I think it's a candid moment.

PEREIRA: Really?

ROBBINS: You know, I mean, Justin Bieber is one of the biggest super stars on the planet. And we can't for an instant imagine what it must feel like. I don't have sympathy for him. I don't have -

PEREIRA: I was going to say, are you a Bieber apologist?

ROBBINS: No. I'm not a Bieber apologist. I guess I think I understand where he's coming from.

PEREIRA: Doesn't he have to - because he's, what, 20 now?

BALDWIN: Twenty.

PEREIRA: He just turned 20 on March 1st.


PEREIRA: Doesn't he have to take some personal responsibility here? Because, as you said, we're not the ones that said, you, you know, go drive fast in this residential neighborhood. Let's egg the neighbor's yard. Let's pee in a bucket backstage. We didn't tell him to do that. We don't expect him to do that.

ROBBINS: That's true. That's absolutely right. But, see, here's the thing that I keep coming back to, which is that I don't like how he's behaving, right? It's completely disrespectful and a judge is not going to play this way if he pulls this stuff in court.

PEREIRA: Right. No, for real, yes.

ROBBINS: But I also understand that, look, first of all, it's a four- hour deposition. He's being dragged down to Miami. He's being asked irrelevant questions and he's being sued by the paparazzi. And by the way, I'm certain it's probably the photographer's attorney that leaked the darn tape to TMZ for crying out loud. BALDWIN: I mean there's two different -

PEREIRA: Yes. It did smell a little fishy, for sure.

BALDWIN: Two different stories here. It's the - it's the possible leak here of this very long deposition, and I fully agree with you on that. But the issue with we, society, are to blame for destroying his life, the next question then would be -

ROBBINS: I don't think it's about destroying his life. I think it's about whether or not --

BALDWIN: That was one of the quotes from this lawyer. And then the next question would be, OK, well then how do we stop this behavior? Would that be - is the onus on us?

ROBBINS: Don't buy his music.

BALDWIN: Don't buy his music.

ROBBINS: See, here's the thing. Like, if you think about raising kids, you've got two strategies. You either acknowledge them or you give them consequences. And Justin Bieber, since he was 15 years old --

PEREIRA: Hasn't had consequences.

ROBBINS: Has been nothing but rewarded for every single thing he's ever done.

PEREIRA: Negative behavior.

CUOMO: The sad thing is, this kid was supposed to be the exception. He was supposed to be surrounded by love and good support from his family and it seems to have faded away, though it is a tough period, especially with all the money. Here's what I say to you though, Mel.

ROBBINS: Tell me (ph).

CUOMO: I think the weakness of your argument is actually at its premise. You said context matters here.


CUOMO: I would say you are 100 percent right.

ROBBINS: Thank you.

CUOMO: Roy Black is 100 percent right, that the media lives to build you up to tear you down. The media is not your friend. However, the context here, the opposite is true with this kid. He has been lauded and lionized by the media his entire life. He gets whatever he wants. He's treated and boosted and made something special for all of our children. The opposite has been done of what Roy Black suggests. We have made it too easy on him, not too hard. And Roy is absolutely using a tactic.

BALDWIN: Breathe, Cuomo.

PEREIRA: Here we go.

BALDWIN: Here we go.

CUOMO: There is no candor from a (INAUDIBLE) attorney, especially at Roy Black's level, especially at Roy Black's level.

PEREIRA: Can I get a witness?


ROBBINS: And you get a name then.

Here's the thing though --

BALDWIN: Final thought.

ROBBINS: -- final thought is that, I mean honestly I don't -- I don't expect anything other than what we saw from Justin Bieber.

PEREIRA: Yes, that's a good point.

ROBBINS: I think that is classic Bieber. I think he was being exactly who he is. And I don't expect him to be any other way because that's how life has gone for him for the last five years and I think we're going to see a spiral downward. And hopefully a spiral up for me -- first day at CNN.

CUOMO: Very good.

BOLDUAN: We're glad to have you here.

ROBBINS: Thank you.

PEREIRA: Well done.

CUOMO: Mel, you are smart and savvy and we love to have you here.

ROBBINS: I'll take any compliment I can get. Thank you.

PEREIRA: You'll get them all the time here.

Short break here on NEW DAY.

Next up, would you have the presence of mind to keep it together --


PEREIRA: -- if the President of the United States walks into your store and starts shopping and asks you for advice? We're going to ask our next guest who's a Gap employee who did help the President shop. Did she keep it together?

(COMMERCIAL BREAK) PEREIRA: It started out as a normal Tuesday for Gap employee Susan Panariello; quickly became unforgettable. You saw that picture. That's Susan. Yes, she's helping President Obama shop for presents for his daughters and the first lady.

He made a surprise visit to the 42nd Street store in New York as a way to thank the company for raising the amount that it pays its employees noting that it also doesn't hurt to bring a little something home for the ladies in his life.

Susan is here with us this morning. That was a "pinch me" moment, I bet. Can you hardly believe that happened?

SUSAN PANARIELLO, GAP EMPLOYEE: No. No. See, I don't even have a good response to that. It was so incredible. I was still in shock by it.

PEREIRA: Did you have any notice at all that the President of the United States was coming into your store?

PANARIELLO: Well, I definitely knew somebody was coming into the store because once you start seeing these like mobs of men in the suits coming and standing around, standing near the door like their arms crossed, you know something really big is happening. But I'm just doing my thing, folding the shirts and then all of a sudden they come over to me and tell me you've been chosen as the person to personally assist President Obama as he chooses gifts for his family.

PEREIRA: You immediately checked your hair and your lipstick.

PANARIELLO: I didn't do it immediately. I waited until it was cool. Is it OK if I take a quick peek in the mirror?

PEREIRA: Because you knew you would be photographed?

PANARIELLO: That was the thing that really made me nervous because they assured me he would be very nice, which he was. He would come up to me, shake my hand, would immediately make me feel comfortable. And that was definitely true.

CUOMO: Did he seem price conscious? Like what was he going through?

PANARIELLO: I will say more than, you know, like the majority of customers are asking what's on sale, can you show me what's on sale. He did not ask that. You know, which I liked about, you know?

CUOMO: His credit card didn't say money of the people, did it?

PANARIELLO: I didn't look. I gave him some privacy at the register.

PEREIRA: Can we talk about what he bought?

PANARIELLO: Absolutely.

BALDWIN: Because it was for the ladies in his life. He was very careful I understand not to buy pants because that's always difficult for the men buying pants for the ladies. We went with the sweaters, safe choice.

PANARIELLO: Absolutely. There are some actually types of customers that I think are really fun to help and that includes the President coming in to buy presents for his ladies. We are near the U.N. so we get a lot of international travelers, too, and they're always wanting to buy presents. So I always think that it's a lot of fun helping them buy presents for their daughters especially.

PEREIRA: That's got to be stressful because everybody looks to Michelle Obama, our first lady, as sort of a style icon. Did you kind of panic a little bit with that?

PANARIELLO: I was given the heads up that he probably was going to want to buy like sort of sweatshirts. It would be easy to buy the correct size. So he kind of started veering off from that. I was suddenly like panicked. Oh, my goodness, what am I going to show him?

CUOMO: Did you offer him up this sweater like the one you have on right now --


CUOMO: And then you have the President of the United States shoot you down.

PANARIELLO: I know. It wasn't a complete shoot down. You know, we were just narrowing it down. But I was a little surprised. He thought this sweater that I'm wearing might be a little too revealing for his daughters.

BALDWIN: Too revealing.


PEREIRA: -- the girls in like turtlenecks way up here.

PANARIELLO: I know. I thought it was actually really cute and sweet.

BALDWIN: What about when he checked out? I can't imagine the President rolls around with a bunch of cash and a ton of credit cards. Does he even know that there are machines that you sign in 2014?

PANARIELLO: He made a comment like that. He swore he was joking but he actually was so good and so convincing for a second I actually believed that he really did not know that he was supposed to sign the credit card receipt.

BALDWIN: Mr. President, this is where you sign.

PANARIELLO: No, he came prepared. He said he normally doesn't carry his wallet but he made a special exception today.

PEREIRA: You're never for getting Tuesday at the Gap in New York.

PANARIELLO: Absolutely not. No way.

BALDWIN: Right place, right time.

PEREIRA: What an incredible experience. Did you get a photo with him at least?

PANARIELLO: OK. Well, I you know, obviously was not having my cell phone out.

PEREIRA: Right. It would have seemed awkward.

PANARIELLO: But, yes, when I loved it was when I got home, you know. I always think it's so cool that if you Google my name nothing came up but now that's totally different. There's so many pictures of me on the Internet. Most of them I really like. So I really feel special.

BALDWIN: Thanks for the good side.

PEREIRA: They picked the right gal to help the President.

BALDWIN: I love that.

CUOMO: You're getting attention for good reason. Enjoy it.

PANARIELLO: I cannot believe it. This is very exciting.

PEREIRA: Thanks, Susan.

BALDWIN: Congratulations. Thanks so much for coming in.

CUOMO: And I like the sweater. I think you were right.

BALDWIN: Very nice. Very nice.

PANARIELLO: Thank you. Right? I know what I'm doing.

PEREIRA: Yes, she does.

BALDWIN: All right. Coming up here on NEW DAY, another day, another snowstorm. And imagine that each flake falling gave you another chance to help a friend. Details in "The Good Stuff".


CUOMO: Oh no, no. There's been a lot of snow. I've got a shovel of it for "The Good Stuff" this morning -- right. At this point in the winter we're sick of the snow, let's just be honest -- right.

But not Mike Moore from Kansas City, Missouri and here's why. Every time it snows Mike gets a chance to do a little more good. It's not his job to blow the snow but Mike always helps his community dig out after a storm. And he does it for free.

But now he's doing it for more. Just before Christmas Mike's childhood friend Nick Cruz had a stroke. Surgery to repair a hole in his heart left the 29-year-old father of one struggling not only with his recovery but a heap of medical bills. So instead of plowing for free, Mike started to ask for donations. Word spread on social media. Now Mike clearing as many as 40 driveways a day all by himself all for his boy.


MIKE MOORE, RAISING MONEY FOR SICK FRIEND: If you're able to, it's an excellent opportunity. It's a wonderful family that would absolutely appreciate the help and generosity and it's just kind of helping somebody out in a time of need and paying it forward a little bit.


PEREIRA: What a good friend.

BALDWIN: The little things that are helpful.

CUOMO: 40 different driveways. He says he'll do as many as he can because he wants to help out his buddy.

BALDWIN: Yes. That's awesome.

CUOMO: That's why it's "The Good Stuff".

BALDWIN: Hey, will we be back tomorrow morning?

PEREIRA: Sure will.

BALDWIN: We'll be back tomorrow morning. Thank you so much for watching NEW DAY here.

Let's send it to the "NEWSROOM" with Carol Costello. Carol, good morning.

CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning. Have a great day.

BALDWIN: Thank you.

COSTELLO: "NEWSROOM" starts now.