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New Day

Rove Questions Clinton's Health; Bleacher Report; Mark Cuban Speaks out about Sterling; Bieber & Baldwin Brush with the Law; Turkey Mine Disaster

Aired May 14, 2014 - 06:30   ET


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Richard Socarides, former senior adviser to Bill Clinton and a Democratic strategist, and Margaret Hoover, CNN political commentator, Republican consultant.

So, Margaret, you, full disclosure, you know Mr. Rove. You worked with him, what, 2004-2005 in the White House.


CUOMO: All right. But we're not pinning this on you. But here's what I see. Correct the assumption.

HOOVER: Pin it on me. It was all my idea.

CUOMO: I see it - it's like a football huddle.

KATE BOLDUAN, CNN ANCHOR: Margaret the mastermind.

CUOMO: All right, and Karl Rove is like drawing in the sand. He's like, here's what we're going to do. I'm going to carry the ball on this one. I'm going to take this shot and then you can all jump in and say, how could you say that, Karl, but then it's out there and treat it like a legitimate (INAUDIBLE), OK?

BOLDUAN: But you're not going to say that.


CUOMO: Play dirty on one (ph).

SOCARIDES: That's exactly right.

CUOMO: And then he comes out.

HOOVER: What are we here for, Chris? Why am I here? It's six in the morning.

CUOMO: And now it's working. And it's working.

BOLDUAN: And we're done. Thanks, everybody, for coming.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: (INAUDIBLE) Karl Rove bumped his head, as well (ph). I mean, you know - BOLDUAN: What do you think?

CUOMO: What do you think, Margaret? Help us with this.

HOOVER: Look, look, look. OK. Well, first of all, I -- clearly that works. But let's also not forget that age is a very reasonable thing to mention about anyone's age. You have to be careful when it's a female president. But, remember, this isn't happening (ph) --

BOLDUAN: He wasn't talking about age.

HOOVER: But this is age and health.


HOOVER: It always has to be age. And -- and this has been raised for Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, John McCain -

LEMON: John McCain.

HOOVER: Dick Cheney. Over and over and over again. In fact, it was so much of an issue for Ronald Reagan that he owned it. At every campaign stop in New Hampshire in his campaigning he made his 69th birthday celebration and by the end of the campaign he actually was seen as more vigorous than Jimmy Carter because he double downed and just owned it. So Hillary could actually take a page from this and not let it sort of hurt her and she could embrace it and kick back, which, by the way, she already has.

BOLDUAN: But do you think it's a good -

CUOMO: But I was -

BOLDUAN: What do you think Karl Rove is doing? Is he - is he doing something that's smart?

HOOVER: Yes, I think you guys - look, I - I think you guys nailed - I mean I think you guys nailed it. You put it out there.

SOCARIDES: It all depends how you define smart.

HOOVER: You let - you let the right (INAUDIBLE). Karl is - Karl is crazy like a fox and he knows -

LEMON: He raised it with McCain, though, as well, right, in 2004 he raised the age thing?

BOLDUAN: Crazy like a fox.

HOOVER: Crazy like a fox, right.

CUOMO: Not this way, though. There's a difference between - Richard, weigh in on this. There's a reasonable basis to question age, advanced age, health problems. You mentioned Dick Cheney. With all due respect to him and hopefully his future health, the guy had, you know, many heart attacks, you know, so - BOLDUAN: Serious health issues.

SOCARIDES: And the truth is, Hillary Clinton is a relatively young woman in this day and age. I mean she's 66 years old. She's not that much older -

CUOMO: Sixty-six is the new 56.

SOCARIDES: I mean -- exactly. Or the new 46.

LEMON: Forties.

SOCARIDES: I mean - I mean -

LEMON: Right. Seriously, it is.

SOCARIDES: It really is. I mean people are living -


SOCARIDES: But people are living longer. No one really -- no one really questions her stamina or her intellect. I mean she's giving a speech today at the World Bank.

CUOMO: Including Lindsay Graham.

SOCARIDES: I mean who else at this table is giving a speech today at the World Bank on, you know, world monetary policy, right? I mean nobody questions her ability and her intellect and her sharpness. But so now all of a sudden Karl Rove comes out with this big lie. It really is like a big lie. It's the -- it's the McCarthyism of the Internet age where you can put anything out there, make a big lie, make this thing up about 30 days in the hospital, which was patently not true, make this thing up about sunglasses.

I never heard of sunglasses that if her brain - for people - special -- specially designed sunglasses who -- for people who have brain injuries. I mean it was totally fabricated. Then he pulls it back. Now we're having this whole segment on it. And Margaret - Margaret very reasonably says, well, of course, age is going to be a consideration, so it's not so bad. Age should not be a consideration. She's a relatively young woman. There's - there are no issues. There are no - I mean, listen --

HOOVER: No, no, no, if you're going to be the leader of the free world, age is a perfectly reasonable thing to make sure that people - and it's not just age. It's age, it's health, it's stamina. I mean was Reagan as robust and vigorous as (INAUDIBLE).

SOCARIDES: So we're having this - so we're having this conversation.

HOOVER: As, you know, and -

BOLDUAN: Where's the line then? Where's the line if -

SOCARIDES: But - but Ronald Reagan was 80, Hillary Clinton is 66. CUOMO: But that -

HOOVER: He was - he was almost the same age when he took office, (INAUDIBLE) 69 (ph).

BOLDUAN: But draw the line then. If age at some point is a valid topic, if the health of a candidate is a valid topic -

HOOVER: There's no line.

BOLDUAN: Where is the line?

HOOVER: The health and age of every candidate is always on the table and should be vigorously reviewed by the American people before they take office.

BOLDUAN: But she's not a candidate yet.

HOOVER: And - but -

CUOMO: Oh, oh.

HOOVER: What, is Chris Christie a candidate?

LEMON: She's a candidate. She's a candidate.

HOOVER: Is Chris Christie a candidate? And does it matter that he had lap band surgery? Does it matter that he's over weight?

LEMON: The whole point of it though is that Karl Rove is a very smart man. We're having this conversation so in a way we are legitimizing it and it will be a part of the campaign.

HOOVER: And guess what else we're doing? We're also allowing Karl Rove to fund raise for his super PAC because we're giving him more attention.

BOLDUAN: You think it is all about fundraising?


BOLDUAN: It's not just for his super PAC, but bringing this issue up?

LEMON: It's all about hurting the candidate too.

BOLDUAN: Do you think it is about - how does that hurt her. Does this hurt Hillary Clinton at all?

SOCARIDES: Well, I think it will backfire. I actually do think will it backfire.

HOOVER: I think it could hurt Republicans.

SOCARIDES: I think it will really hurt Republicans.

HOOVER: Right. SOCARIDES: And I think it shows how desperate Republicans are that they have nothing going on, they have no candidate, their front-runner Christie is self-destructing and now they've got to go out - they've got to make up - they've got to make up stuff out of - oh, come on.

HOOVER: I've got to tell you, I've got to tell you, I saw both Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan the other night and I will say both of them looked good (ph).

SOCARIDES: OK. Well, listen, if Jeb Bush can --

HOOVER: Both of them looked good.

SOCARIDES: The problem is for you guys that Jeb Bush cannot run and be nominated by the Republican Party. I think he'd be a good candidate.

CUOMO: I know. I heard - I heard that Paul Ryan's max in the bench press fell from 250 to 40 (ph) pounds. Maybe there's something going on (INAUDIBLE) muscle (INAUDIBLE).

HOOVER: Maybe he's not as vigorous (ph). Maybe -

BOLDUAN: P90X. (INAUDIBLE) the campaign trail. It's amazing, seriously.

LEMON: No, it's P90X, right.

HOOVER: You know in all serious, though, Republicans do need to be careful because when we have a woman front-runner on the other side, you do have to be careful because we make ourselves susceptible to these double standards (INAUDIBLE).

BOLDUAN: Well, because we really -


BOLDUAN: If we get back into talking about her pantsuits, I'm going to light something on fire.

LEMON: No, but, seriously -

HOOVER: It's a whole new ballgame.

LEMON: We need to talk about that because that's -- that's a potential land mine, mine field, to -

HOOVER: Yes, well, we are setting ourselves up for another sort of fabricated war on women (INAUDIBLE), right?

LEMON: Will it be the same, though, like of Obama, President Obama, well candidate Obama then, had a tough time talking about race. Will it have the sort of same effect talking about women's issues? Will she walk that tightrope when it comes to that (ph)?

HOOVER: Well, she's - I mean she's already done it, right? And - but the attacks against her, and frankly the attacks against Sarah Palin, many of them were deeply sexist.

BOLDUAN: Uh-huh.

LEMON: Yes. Yes.

HOOVER: So whoever is running against her has to be very careful about it. You can't just go out and attack a woman's age, because what are you saying, is that - you know, it's not the same as attacking a woman's age (ph).

BOLDUAN: And you have to be careful, we've talked about this before on other topics, you have to be careful when she - her -- she polls even better when she is being - when she's as a victim of something.


HOOVER: Yes. Yes, as (ph) a victim.

CUOMO: She's a victim right now, Hoover. She's a victim right now.

BOLDUAN: Margaret -

HOOVER: I think Hillary Clinton is a very strong woman who doesn't need anybody's defense.

BOLDUAN: Margaret the mastermind.

HOOVER: She's very powerful (INAUDIBLE) on her own.

SOCARIDES: Margaret - Margaret, you've behaved badly, once again.

BOLDUAN: Or as Lindsey Graham says -

HOOVER: We promised you a knee capping.

BOLDUAN: Uh-oh. Now it's getting good.

LEMON: It's cable TV. People are getting knee capped. You're lucky it's not at night (ph).

BOLDUAN: Watch out. All right -

SOCARIDES: No, it's too early to kneecap anybody.

BOLDUAN: Hey, keep it clean, guys.

All right, coming up next on NEW DAY, Dallas Maverick's owner Mark Cuban one-on-one with our own Christine Romans. The "Shark Yank" star raised a lot of eyebrows when he suggested Donald Sterling should be able to keep the L.A. Clippers. Has he changed his mind now?

CUOMO: And Hollywood's bad boys back at it. Alec Baldwin arrested in New York. Why? We'll tell you. Justin Bieber under investigation. For what? We'll tell you. We'll also tell you what's going to happen next in both cases.


CUOMO: My friend, it was a wild turn of event in the NBA and it does not involve the Donald Sterling scandal but it does involve his team. The OK City Thunder beat the Clippers last night but there was major controversy late in the game. Let's bring in Brian McFayden to tell us about it in this morning's "Bleacher Report."

Wow, wow. Tell them what happened.

BRIAN MCFAYDEN, BLEACHER REPORT: That's all you could say is, wow, because what an ending to last night's game. Just crazy. Clippers Coach Doc Rivers said after the game his team was robbed. So here's the play that got Rivers so upset. Thunder down two. Reggie Jackson loses the ball out of bounds. The replay looks to show the ball goes off Jackson, but the refs give it back to the Thunder. Moments later, Russell Westbrook is fouled by Chris Paul on a three-point attempt. Paul is shocked. Westbrook hits all three free throws and Oklahoma City steals the win. Rivers not happy afterwards.


DOC RIVERS, CLIPPERS COACH: In my opinion, let's take away replay. Let's take away the replay system because that's our ball. We win the game. And we got robbed because of that call.


MCFAYDEN: Trending on, top seed in the east, Indiana Pacers at home against the Wizards with a chance to finish off the series until Marcin Gortat happened. The Polish hammer. I'm not sure if that's really his nickname, but he earned it last night. He scored 31 points and grabbed 16 rebounds. Wizards with the blowout win, 102-79.

More games tonight on TNT. Both the Heat and the Spurs have a chance to close out their series.

Back to you guys.

BOLDUAN: All right, thank you so much.

This morning, an NBA owner, speaking of sports and the NBA, an NBA owner speaking out about the future of the Clippers after Donald Sterling's outrageous comments made on CNN. Mark Cuban is the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, of course, and also prominent businessman as well as an investor on the television hit "Shark Tank." Christine Romans is joining us now. Christine Romans is the one that got the interview.



ROMANS: Yes, you know, he had said that - he'd previously said that you have a right in this country to be a moron. You do have a right to be a moron. And should we be talking about taking away the property of someone because of their private conversations.

BOLDUAN: But now.

ROMANS: But I asked him about that. And I said, look, you know, can you take someone's property because of what they say? He says, we are a franchise and you have to play by the rules. And he's changed his tune on this a little bit. Listen.


MARK CUBAN, OWNER, DALLAS MAVERICKS: We're a franchise organization, right? So it's not in the -- it's not apples to apples in taking property, you know, and that's kind of what I've learned since my original comments. You know, it's like if the McDonald's - someone who is a McDonald's franchisee -

ROMANS: Right.

CUBAN: Started talking about spitting in the French fries, right, and -

ROMANS: He'd lose his franchise.

CUBAN: You'd lose your franchise.


ROMANS: The McDonald's analogy is a pretty good -

BOLDUAN: It is good.

ROMANS: Is pretty good, you know, and he said it's just - it's just - that's just the way it is. So he's really concerned about privacy and he's concerned that this was a private conversation originally that sparked - in fact, it's why he has a new app that he's launching called Cyber Dust. You know, everything is out there. There's really no sense of privacy at all. So while he's concerned about privacy, he says, no, this is a franchise. The NBA is a franchise.

BOLDUAN: So he thinks Donald Sterling is a separate case then what he was talking about, private conversations should be kept private. He thinks that Donald Sterling should be out. Where does he say the owners are in the process?

ROMANS: He's not talking about the process. I mean he is not talking about the process at all and he's very tight-lipped on that. You know, he wants to talk about privacy, he wants to talk about his app. But I talked to him a lot about this situation and what's going to happen with the Clipper next, what kind of ownership he thinks we could see here and what kind of money it could get. You know, he said it could get well over a billion dollars.


ROMANS: You know it's valued at $575 million by Forbes. He says well over a billion dollars. He said these days of the trophy asset from a billionaire are over. You know, these are consortiums with very well- backed investors and that the Clippers sale is going to sort of mark a new era in that. Listen.


CUBAN: Acquiring a franchise has gone from, you know, kind of rich guys regardless of their demographic -

ROMANS: Right.

CUBAN: Or women, right -

ROMANS: Right.

CUBAN: But being able to write a check -

ROMANS: Right.

CUBAN: For a team to it being a consortium. A --

ROMANS: A business deal. A big business deal with lots of stakeholders.

CUBAN: A business - right, where you have - yes, you have lots of stakeholders. That changes the tenor of the entire sport.


ROMANS: And that will mark a big change, he says, this whole incident marking a big change in that. You know, those trophy assets are over. He said he couldn't buy the Dallas Mavericks now.

BOLDUAN: That sparks (ph) an issue, did he - did he - did he say in your interview he couldn't even buy some of the teams in the NFL, MLB teams?

ROMANS: Yes. Yes. Absolutely. And even MLS. I mean he said that it's - he'll be walking down the streets of New York and people are like, buy the Mets, buy the Mets. He's like - he just said he doesn't want to own a baseball team, because he couldn't anyway. He couldn't. It's a whole different ballgame, literally, now than it used to be.

BOLDUAN: Very interesting and good to hear his voice on this. Thanks, Christine. A great catch.

ROMANS: Yes, we've got a lot coming up this weekend about privacy and Cyber Dust too on my show. So make - tune into that on Saturday.

CUOMO: Good segue.

BOLDUAN: Absolutely.

CUOMO: Love the show.

BOLDUAN: Good. For more on Mark Cuban's interview with Christine, head to Christine, of course, will have more on her show "Your Money" airing Saturday 2:00 p.m. Eastern.

CUOMO: All right, let's take a little break here on NEW DAY. When we come back, stars behaving badly. Say it ain't so. Of course it's so. Justin Bieber, Alec Baldwin, both in trouble with the law again and at least one of them isn't going quietly.

Also, take a look at this. Incredible video. A man claiming to be God smashes a stolen landscaping truck into the lobby of a local TV station. We'll tell you what happened next.


CUOMO: Welcome back.

More trouble for two big stars who are no strangers to controversy. One, Justin Bieber, accuse of attempted robbery in California after he allegedly tried to take a woman's cellphone. He says because he thought she was take pictures of him. And then, in New York City, Alec Baldwin ended up in handcuffs, disorderly conduct, a.k.a. discon. Why? Getting quippy with the cops who ticketed him for riding his bike the wrong way on Fifth Avenue, a major thorough fair. But are these fair accusations or is this about celebrity justice?

Let's bring in Mel Robbins, CNN commentator, legal analyst, and Sunny Hostin, CNN legal analyst, former federal prosecutor.

Let's begin with Mr. Bieber, shall we? Sunny, you be the sword on this. I'll let Mel be the shield. What do you think of this charge?

SUNNY HOSTIN, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: I usually am the sword, aren't I, as a former prosecutor? You know, I think the charge is appropriate. You -- we live in this sort of non-private world now. There's technology everywhere. He didn't have an expectation of privacy out in public. Someone starts taking pictures of him, you can't go and try to steal someone's phone. You can't do that. And that's what he did. It makes sense that he did it because he's been in so much trouble. He doesn't want anybody taking pictures of his alleged misdeeds but you can't break the law in trying to shield yourself.

CUOMO: Attempted robbery, though, Mel?


CUOMO: Usually involves violence.


ROBBINS: Absolutely ridiculous. Come on.

CUOMO: Robbery is a serious crime. It usually involves violence in most statutes.

ROBBINS: Yes. I mean, you know, reaching into a purse does not - they're just trying to rough the guy up because they're sick of him.

HOSTIN: I wouldn't want somebody reaching into my purse.

ROBBINS: I'm sure you wouldn't, but I'm sure -

CUOMO: Nobody's reaching into your purse.

ROBBINS: But at this point - somebody's got to also do something though about the fact that people are making money off the backs of these celebrities by taking tons of photos of them all the time. I realize the laws are what they are.

CUOMO: This was just a fan.

ROBBINS: I got it. I got it. But this was a --

CUOMO: Not a paparazzo.

ROBBINS: This was a - but, hold on -


ROBBINS: This was a fan who wanted to take photos of Justin Bieber while he was getting in trouble, presumably not because they wanted, you know, them for their scrapbook, but you know darn well that there's a lot of money to be made when you catch somebody doing something wrong.

HOSTIN: Then he needs to behave appropriately.

CUOMO: Mel Robbins, reading a lot of facts into the situation.

ROBBINS: Well, you asked me to be the shield for crying out loud.

CUOMO: I understand.

ROBBINS: I don't got much to work with here.

CUOMO: That's true.

HOSTIN: I really don't. She really doesn't.

CUOMO: Does the charge stick?

HOSTIN: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.

CUOMO: Do you think he gets prosecuted?

HOSTIN: You know, if I were the prosecutor, absolutely because, again, you have to - I think these celebrities, while they're in the public eye, they seem to think that they are above justice. And that is not the case. The rules apply to us all. And prosecutors are in the business of also making a point, make an example, showing the world what is and what is not appropriate. And in this case, you can't do this kind of thing. And I would prosecute the case. Absolutely.

ROBBINS: I think he should be deported. I mean if they can hold up --

CUOMO: Deported?

ROBBINS: Well, look, if they can -

HOSTIN: Oh, she went really far on that one.

ROBBINS: Well, if they can hold up Nigella Lawson for admitting she's done cocaine at the - you know, and not let her enter, why is Bieber coming in and out of the United States whenever he darn well pleases? I mean, to me, one of the things that I've been thinking about when we were talking about this story is, everybody's been looking at the Donald Sterling case and saying, how did this happen and how did he get away with this behavior for so long? It's because people didn't stick it to him every single time he did something small. And so I think what Sunny's saying is right, prosecutors need to go hard against Bieber because if he doesn't be held to the same standard as everybody else, if he doesn't be held accountable for the bad things, he's going to continue to get worse.

HOSTIN: And it's not the first time.

ROBBINS: Yes, it's not the first time.

HOSTIN: I mean we have the DUI arrest. We have a lot of issues.

CUOMO: Hold on. Hold on. Every one you have to look at independently. Is taking a camera from a fan, let's even say an overzealous fan, I don't even know if that's true, but is that tantamount to attempted robbery, which is usually stopping a mugging in process?

HOSTIN: Absolutely. No, absolutely.

ROBBINS: That's what he did right there.

CUOMO: Well, first of all, the theft would have to be something where there's no expectation of return. And we both know damn well you're going to give me those papers back now.

ROBBINS: (INAUDIBLE). You need them.

HOSTIN: I love when he puts his legal hat on.


CUOMO: But, you know, that's the question is, are you over punishing now? Are you over reaching? Yes, they're indulged. They're celebrities. But is this - because this is a serious charge, attempted robbery.

HOSTIN: And I think it's a serious action. I think it's serious when you go and you take -

CUOMO: What if he gives the camera back?

HOSTIN: I think perhaps that's different, but if he takes the camera and then erases all the pictures, then, no, I think it's the same thing.

ROBBINS: Well, there are other charges they could bring because according to TMZ and the statement that this woman gave, he was also intimidating them -


ROBBINS: He was also - you know, he said some things that made the 13- year-old start crying that was with her -

HOSTIN: The very action is -

ROBBINS: Threatened the mother to this --

HOSTIN: The very action, I think, of taking someone else's property by force is attempted robbery and it's really assaultive behavior.

CUOMO: And we've said all the time, Bieber is a young man, emphasis on young. The real problem with him does seem to be a celebrity phenomenon of not the right support, not the right guidance as the money and the fame winds up eclipsing the maturity for these kids.

Let's switch to Alec Baldwin. Again, quick scenario. He's going the wrong way on Fifth Avenue. I don't know - if you're not from New York City, this biking thing has gotten to be a big deal in New York City. They're making bike lanes. There's pushback against the bike lanes. But they're taken very seriously in traffic situations now because we have a lot of accidents. So, Alec's going the wrong way. He gets stopped by the cops. We don't know but we are told that he gets mouthy with them because he doesn't have ID.

HOSTIN: No surprise.

CUOMO: He's kind of like, you don't know who I am. They wind up arresting him. Unusual to be arrested for riding the wrong way on a bicycle. But what's the rule of when you mess with the cops?

HOSTIN: Well, listen, I used to teach a street law class and I would always say, one, you don't violate the law, you don't break the law, you don't break even ordinances. But if you do, and if you're in a situation with police, make your police interaction as short and as pleasant as possible. He broke rule number two. Well, rule number one and two. You don't break the law by going the wrong way on Fifth Avenue. A very, very busy thorough fair. And once they get to you and they're going to give you a summons, you don't say take the summons and stick it up your butt or anything like that. You don't do that.

CUOMO: Here's what Alec said. Alec tweeted about it and he said this. Put it up there and I will read it if we have it. And if not, I'll just make it up and pretend their - "New York City is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalized behavior once thought benign."

A lot of big words in there, Mel, but you think it applies?

ROBBINS: No. I mean, come on, let's face it, he didn't get arrested for riding the bike the wrong way, which, by the way, is extremely dangerous. We're talking Fifth Avenue, three lanes of driving.


ROBBINS: You've got him going the wrong way, which creates a hugely dangerous situation for drivers, for pedestrians -

HOSTIN: And for Alec Baldwin.

ROBBINS: And for himself. But he got arrested because he was a jerk. He got arrested because he did what you should never do. In every single interaction in life you can either escalate the situation or you can de-escalate it.

HOSTIN: Especially with police officers.


HOSTIN: They've got a tough, tough job. And the last thing they need when enforcing ordinance or the law is to have somebody mouthing off. I will say this, though, about Alec Baldwin. I think he was right with the Words with Friend's iPad thing. I'm just throwing it out there. I think he was right. You know, and there are situations --

CUOMO: Blind segue. Tell us what you're talking about.

ROBBINS: Right. Right. Well, you hear about the plane -

HOSTIN: Well, he was on the plane and he was playing Words with Friends on his iPad and the stewardesses or flight attendants were taking it from him. Well we now all know that that is actually safe and that the pilots are using it in --

ROBBINS: Yes, but at the time it wasn't.

HOSTIN: But - but my -

ROBBINS: So this is another example of him not following the rules.

HOSTIN: But my point - right, but my point is, he doesn't follow the rules. But in that respect, he was challenging the rules. A rule that he thought was inappropriate, was stupid.

CUOMO: Time, place and manner of challenge wasn't the best.

HOSTIN: But - but - wasn't the best. And in this case, maybe he doesn't think that this ordinance is appropriate, but, yet again, I think he was wrong on this point because driving - you know, taking a bike the wrong way on Fifth Avenue is very dangerous, as you mentioned. But it's his manner of, I think, trying to confront authority that he has a real problem with.

CUOMO: Well -

ROBBINS: Opposition defiance disorder. I'm going to diagnose him right there with absolutely no -

CUOMO: I like that.

HOSTIN: And is Justin Bieber sort of headed that way?

CUOMO: I was diagnosed with that.

ROBBINS: Were you? I like the word quick (ph) that you did (ph) earlier.

CUOMO: But the guy was a jerk who diagnosed me.

Well, hey, listen, appreciate it from both of you there. We'll see what happens. Bieber's case much more serious than Alec's in this. Have an open invitation, Alec Baldwin, to come on and explain himself. He obviously has real issues that he feels he's being targeted. Some on, let's talk about it. Why not?

All right, thanks to Mel, thanks to Sunny.

ROBBINS: Thank you.

CUOMO: Some of the big stories we're going to follow for you as you start your new day, desperate rescues are underway right now after a mine disaster in Turkey.

Magic Johnson fires back at Donald Sterling's bizarre accusations in a CNN exclusive. Wait until you hear what Sterling asked him to do after the initial tape came out.

And, an amazing discovery off the coast of Haiti. Listen to this. Explorers think they have found the Santa Maria. Yes. Let's get after all of it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): This could be Turkey's worst ever mining disaster. A fire under ground. They're pumping oxygen to keep these people alive.



DONALD STERLING, L.A. CLIPPERS OWNER: I made such a mistake.

I thought that woman really cared for me.



MAGIC JOHNSON, FORMER NBA PLAYER: But when he attacked me personally, I have to speak out about it.

I'm going to always fight for myself and for my people.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was clear from the very beginning we were dealing with an emotionally disturbed subject.


CUOMO: Good morning. Welcome back to NEW DAY. It is Wednesday, May 14th. 7:00 in the East now.

And we begin with breaking news. The desperate search for survivors as a mine disaster unfolds in Turkey. Right now more than 200 people are believed to be trapped almost a mile under ground. There is word that as many as 200 have lost their lives. Workers have been trying to make rescues throughout the night to get to them. You're watching some of them in action from overnight.

Now, the good news is, there have been these moments of hope. This is a father kissing his son after he was rescued. But there haven't been enough of those moments. Enough for crowds to cheer about as crews are pulling another miner out of here live. But these moments have been few and far in between. Senior international correspondent Ivan Watson has the latest from Soma, Turkey.

Ivan, what do we know now?

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Chris, it's a race against time here. We're overlooking the mouth and the rescue operation of this gritty (ph) coal mine here in western Turkey. The government authorities, they say that more than 90 people have been rescued since this electrical fire exploded at depths of perhaps more than a mile under ground. But the death toll has also risen dramatically to at least 205 miners killed as a result mostly of smoke inhalation at these depths where the fire has been raging. We've heard as of this morning as well hampering the rescue efforts.

One of the problems, nobody knows exactly how many coal miners were under ground when the fire erupted in the first place. There was a shift change reportedly taking place and so that is complicating matters. The nearby town of Soma, it looks like a town in crisis. Hundreds of people lining the roads, more than 1,000 security officers and police who've set up barriers, they're protecting the hospital there. And below us, there are ambulances waiting, waiting as people here in the hills around this gritty coal mine basically you can see the anxiety on their faces as they hope and pray for their loved ones to emerge