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Nancy Grace

Child Molester Wins Lotto Millions

Aired January 21, 2015 - 20:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Talk about beating the odds, a convicted child molester with a huge rap sheet`s one lucky

criminal. He strikes it big, winning the $3 million Florida lottery jackpot playing Super Million Scratch-Off. He grins big, posing with an

oversized lotto check. But that smile gives him away. It was the same face he made in his last mug shot.

Bombshell tonight. Don`t cash that check too fast! Poole`s alleged child victims want payback!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s a sexual predator, but now Poole holding up a $3 million check after he struck it rich on a Florida lottery.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Poole is getting slapped with a lawsuit. The plaintiffs, his victims, who say they were molested by Poole when they were

just 5 and 9 years old.


GRACE: And Fisco (ph), Texas, suburbs. When a young mom doesn`t show to work at U of T, co-workers call police. In the last hours, we learn

Anna Moses (ph) discovered dead in her own home. We now learn Texas Rangers discover her blue Hyundai Sonata car gone, gone out of her

driveway, then abandoned on the roadside. Tonight, who murdered Anna?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Beloved Texas mother is found dead in her home. Police say Anna Moses`s co-workers at the University of Texas became

concerned when she did not show up for work. When police arrived at the home, they found her body inside. Her car was found abandoned just a few

blocks away from her home.


GRACE: And tonight, Walmart shoppers` alert! Imagine shopping at your local Walmart, when suddenly, you spot a guy lurking in your aisle,

realize he`s videotaping an upskirt, up your skirt! Tonight, this Walmart perv busted on video. We have the video!

Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us.

Bombshell tonight. Talk about beating the odds, a convicted child molester with a huge rap sheet`s one lucky criminal. He strikes it big,

winning the $3 million Florida lotto jackpot playing Super Million Scratch- Off. He grins big, posing with that big oversized check, but his smile gives him away. It`s the same face as his last mug shot. Don`t cash that

check too fast! Poole`s alleged child victims want payback!

Joining me right now, Meredyth Censullo, investigative reporter. Meredyth, when I read the police report -- the -- he -- this guy pled

guilty to molesting. They called it attempted child molestation. But when I read what that 9-year-old little boy said he did, he -- pardon my French,

everybody. The little boy, speaking in his own terms, said this guys sucked his weenie, over and over and over, in abandoned areas, in the guy`s

tow truck, he was a tow truck driver, in the (ph) own home. The mom let him baby-sit.

Then there was an alleged 5-year-old victim. He didn`t plea to that. The whole case ended up in a sweetheart plea deal on attempted child

molestation of the 9-year-old. But you know what? I believe the 9-year- old. I believe each and every thing he said, how Timothy Dale Poole would pull the little boy`s pants down.

And Meredyth, the detail in the police report -- tell us about it.

MEREDYTH CENSULLO, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: Well, exactly what you said. That 9-year-old, as well as his brother, who was 5 at the time --

they accused Poole of abusing them for more than a year. Poole did actually -- took a plea deal on the case involving the 9-year-old, never

copped to the 5-year-old. And he was given probation, and then he didn`t even attend his required counseling sessions...

GRACE: Uncle Tim!

CENSULLO: ... so he skipped out on that, and then he was thrown in jail.

GRACE: Uncle Tim? Hah! Unleash the lawyers. With me, Mark Nejame, high-profile lawyer joining us out of Orlando, representing some of the

alleged victims. Also with me, New York lawyer Alex Sanchez, Washington, D.C., lawyer Peter Odom. Well, we`re all lawyered up tonight.

First to you, Mark Nejame. Thank you for being with us. Mark, you`re representing some of the alleged victims who spot this guy with the big

grin and the $3 million check. OK, let`s talk about the allegations, Mark, because when Meredyth Censullo said he only copped a plea to the 9-year-

old, you know what that is, Mark? Can I see Mark Nejame, please? Mark, when you do a plea deal, the prosecutor sometimes says, OK, I`ll drop these

two counts if you plead guilty to these three counts. That`s what happened. That does not mean he did not molest the 5-year-old little


MARK NEJAME, ALLEGED VICTIMS` ATTORNEY: Yes, that`s a common occurrence, Nancy. You know that very well. Oftentimes, prosecutors make

the hard decisions. They don`t want to put a young child on the stand for -- you know, having the child relive and having the family go through it.

So we don`t really know what happened. That`s going to be part of our investigation because this happened many years ago, when they were...

GRACE: OK. All right. Hold on.

NEJAME: ... allegedly just children.

GRACE: I don`t know -- can you see that picture? Mark, can you see your monitor? Imagine this guy in bed with your 9-year-old little boy or

your 5-year-old little boy, Uncle Tim, as he was known. And he pled guilty to attempted child molestation.

Mark Nejame, there`s no two ways about it. The 9-year-old said he, quote, "sucked my weenie, that he`d take the little boys pants off, leave

his pants on.

NEJAME: Yes. We intend to prove exactly that in civil court. Florida law changed in 2010 and basically eliminated the statute of

limitations. So now these young men who`ve been devastated in their lives have an avenue to go after this gentleman. Gentleman -- I`m being

generous. And we brought a lawsuit, and we`re attempting to, as a beginning, to get the $2 million that he ended up netting from his $3

million lottery winnings.

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers. In addition to Mark Nejame, Alex Sanchez and Peter Odom. OK, first of all, Florida and other states have a string

of child sex predators convicted winning the lottery. So I`m sure that you two think that`s just fine and dandy. I don`t like it. I think that it

should be mandatory when you are convicted of child molestation that you owe your victims.

Oh, look at this guy. Daniel Snay won $10 million, registered level 3 sex offender. Edward Cowal, $14 million, registered sex offender. I`m

just showing you a couple. There are dozens of them out there.

Give me one good reason, Alex Sanchez, this guy shouldn`t be sued for everything he`s got by his victims.

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I think the case regarding the 9-year-old is stronger than the case concerning the 5-year-old because with

the 9-year-old, it was a court proceeding in which he agreed that he committed a crime against this person. There`s no issue anymore. There

may be an issue regarding the 5-year-old, but regarding the 9-year-old, there is no issue at all. And you know, Nancy, you should be happy that

convicted offenders...

GRACE: Look at all these mug shots! Wait a minute, Alex, Peter, Mark -- these are just a few of the mug shots we could obtain. It`s like a time

progression of crime. Look at that!

SANCHEZ: And you know, Nancy...

GRACE: Do you think he`s going quit now?

SANCHEZ: You know, you should be happy that these offenders are allowed to play the lottery. Why? Because if they win, then their victims

are allowed to sue them and get compensation.

GRACE: Hey, you know what? I`m OK -- oh, second verse, same as the first, Peter Odom!


GRACE: I didn`t say they shouldn`t play the lottery. I`m happy they played the lottery -- let`s see the lawyers -- because I want that victim

(sic) to go his crime victims. And you know, another thing, Peter Odom, Alex Sanchez saying, Oh, well, you know, you can`t prove the case with the

5-year-old victim, the little boy. You know what? You know in civil court, it`s a lot easier to win a case than in criminal court. The

standard of proof is so much lower.

ODOM: It`s a lower standard of proof, but remember that...

GRACE: You`re darn tootin`!

ODOM: ... probable cause for arrest is even lower than that, and you know, the police didn`t bring charges for the younger child.

GRACE: Yes, they did. He just didn`t plead to them.

ODOM: Well, there was never any plea to them, and that tells you something about the strength of the case. So this...

GRACE: OK, get your facts straight, Odom!


ODOM: I`m answering your question. Mr. Nejame is going to have his work cut out for him. He was never convicted, by plea or otherwise, of any

actual offense, only an attempted offense. Now, Mr. Nejame is a good lawyer, but he`s going to have prove something that has not been proven

that`s 15, 16 years old. And I think even with a lower standard of proof, I think it`s going to be difficult.

GRACE: Well, that was certainly a mouthful.

ODOM: There`s going to be no physical evidence. There`s going to be no physical evidence whatsoever.

GRACE: Wrap it up, Odom. OK, Mark Nejame...

ODOM: That`s the bottom line.

GRACE: Mark Nejame, here`s the deal. We know why he pled to attempted child molestation. That was a plea deal worked by the

prosecutor. I`m sure they`re kicking themselves now. But at the time, I get it. They didn`t want to put a 5-year-old little boy and a 9-year-old

little boy on the stand to tell a jury that this guy right here, Uncle Timmy, sucked their weenies while Mommy was out doing whatever she was

doing, OK?

So they get a deal. They put the guy in jail, and this is what happens. That in no way means he did not molest the 5-year-old. He simply

did not plea. Isn`t it true that there was an arrest, as well, on the 5- year-old little boy, Mark?

NEJAME: Well, you`ve hit it on the head, Nancy. First of all, on the 9-year-old, he`s toast. He`s admitted to everything. It`s all admissible

in civil court, and there we go.

As for the 5-year-old, yes, it`s going to be a bit more difficult because we don`t have a plea in open court and a conviction as to that

count. But we`re not very concerned about that. We think that we`re going to be able to prove the case very easily, and then we`ll start with the $2

million that he`s got and we`ll take it from there.

GRACE: You know what? You know what I say? Mark Nejame, Peter Odom, Alex Sanchez, when you guys tell me it`s going to be hard to prove the case

with a 5-year-old victim, bring it on. That`s what I say to that. Bring it on! Give it to me in civil court. I guarantee you this jury is going

to believe that then 5-year-old little boy because Meredyth Censullo, let`s talk about the detail in that police report because what he describes,

Meredyth, how Uncle Timmy takes him out in his tow truck to, like, an abandoned field and makes the little boy take his pants off so he can suck

his weenie, the 5-year-old`s statement very similar.

What are all the places that this guy allegedly molested the little boys, Meredyth?

CENSULLO: There are countless locations, including instances where the children reported that they were sleeping and they were actually woken

up by Timothy Poole and required to perform sexual acts. So multiple occasions. We do know several locations, and over a year`s span of time is

what that initial report said way back in the late `90s.

GRACE: In his tow truck, as well. Stacey Newman joining me, also on the story. What`s the rest of his rap sheet? Just -- just for the fun of

it, Stacy, what`s the rest of his rap sheet?

STACEY NEWMAN, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: I mean, how much time do you have? He has at least 12 arrests, Nancy, going from theft to forgery to

battery, and of course, these sexual assaults. And Nancy, let`s keep in mind here, when he answered that plea deal and was sentenced to 5 years, he

was walking away in just 13 months. The reason he went back to prison is because he refused to go to counseling. So if he went to counseling, he

would have been walking the streets, Nancy, only 13 months later.

GRACE: With me, Caryn Stark, psychologist. Caryn, why is it -- and I know you`ve noticed this -- that, OK, once you get away with one crime --

and I`ve noticed with child molesters and rapists, also with burglars and peeping Toms. Those are the main ones. They get away with once. Why do

they keep doing it, Caryn? Why do they keep doing it? I mean, this little 9-year-old boy and this little 5-year-old boy detailed time after time

after time they`re molested by this perv!

CARYN STARK, PSYCHOLOGIST: They can`t stop themselves from doing it, Nancy. They get gratification, and it`s their only way.


STARK: It`s their sexual orientation. When you`re somebody who is involved in paraphilia, where you do -- you`re an exhibitionist or you`re a

child molester, you can`t enjoy yourself in any other situation than the way that they do it.

GRACE: You know, Caryn...


GRACE: ... Nejame. Take his money. But I want this guy in jail. He didn`t do enough time for molesting little boys!



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s a sexual predator, but now Poole holding up a $3 million check after he struck it rich on a Florida lottery.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Timothy Poole is getting slapped with a lawsuit. The plaintiffs, his victims, who say they were molested by Poole when they

were just 5 and 9 years old.


GRACE: Straight out to Mark Nejame, high-profile lawyer joining me tonight out of Orlando. This is not the first convicted child molester or

sex predator that`s won the lotto, as much as $14 million, $10 million, this guy $3 million in the Scratch-Off game in the Florida lotto.

Mark, when your clients, the child molestation victims, sees him standing there with that $3 million check, that must have been just salt in

the wound because here`s a guy that molested him as a little boy. And we all know, Mark Nejame, those feelings of helplessness, where an adult --

this adult, to be specific, this guy, Uncle Tim, Tim Poole, age 43 -- overpowers and molests a 9-year-old and allegedly molests a 5-year-old

little boy -- that feeling of helplessness.

Do you think those little boys wanted sex contact with this guy? No! And now they see him winning $3 million? That`s got to hurt.

NEJAME: Yes, it`s pure devastation. It`s just where is the fairness in life to them? Here they were as children, is what they`ve alleged has

occurred, is just the most despicable type of acts. And then somebody comes out and wins $3 million while they`re working as landscapers and

eking out an existence financially.

GRACE: Mark, you got...

NEJAME: But it looks like they`re getting a break.

GRACE: ... to win this case, Mark. You got to win this case...

NEJAME: What`s that?

GRACE: ... because...

NEJAME: Oh, yes.

GRACE: You got to win this case because...

NEJAME: Thank you. I think that we`re in a very strong position. We`ve got admissions...

GRACE: ... it just makes me sick.

NEJAME: ... and confessions and a conviction on the record and a registered sex offender. We feel very strong about it. We just hope...

GRACE: But I don`t want the...

NEJAME: ... we can get to the money before it`s dissipated.

GRACE: ... 5-year-old boy -- yes. Yes. I need to get to you on that, about the emergency freezing of his funds. But this is what I`m

saying, Mark. Out of all the child molestation victims I`ve ever dealt with, they feel the powerlessness of lying there, getting molested,

sexually molested. They remember that the rest of their lives.

My children are 7. They can remember what happened to them when they were 5 years old. They remember trips. They remember funny things that

happened. They remember! They`re going to remember this the rest of their life!

And something else you said, that they`re now landscapers trying to eke out a living? There`s an old phrase. Sometimes you feel the wrong is

oft so strong that it can`t be overcome.

But you can do this, Mark Nejame. How are you going to do it?

NEJAME: Well, we found him. It wasn`t easy. And we served him. And now they`re counting down their 20 days. We understand he has counsel.

Counsel`s going to be filing a motion to dismiss, basically, we presume, claiming that this is outside the statute of limitations.

But we`ve got a story for them. And that is, the Florida legislature in 2010 changed the law. So we think that the statute of limitations is

gone and the suit is valid. In fact, we are dealing with a local state senator, Senator Darren Soto (ph), to change the law so that exactly what

you were saying earlier takes place. If somebody wins the lottery and they are a convicted sex offender, that that money`s going to be stayed so that

their victims will have an opportunity to be made at least a small amount whole from the damage that`s been caused in their lives.

GRACE: But you know -- Mark Nejame, you know he`s spending that money like a wild man! How can you -- he`s hiding it. He`s spending it as fast

as he can just so your clients won`t get it!

NEJAME: Yes, well, we presume that`s going on. Obviously, we don`t know it yet. We`re in the very beginning of it. It`s what happens in most

lawsuits. People try to dissipate their assets, dissipate their funds so that the plaintiff can`t get it.

All we can do is put the notice on it, be aggressive in court, which we`re doing, and then set this thing up for a hearing and then do whatever

we can to identify the assets and go after them. And I think you know that just because you spent it doesn`t mean we can`t go after the assets you

spent it on. No, we`re not going to give him any peace until...

GRACE: Right, you can pull that Lamborghini...

NEJAME: ... these young men are made whole!

GRACE: ... right out of his driveway and sell it and get the money.

Mark Nejame, how shocked were you when these two boys, then 5 and 9, show up in your office and say, This guy sexually molested me?

NEJAME: You know, Nancy, we actually have a lot of people come to our office on personal injury claims with our division. And what happens is,

most of them are just simply out of luck. Years have passed, and they could not get anything. They were either too afraid as youngsters or they

were persuaded to go in a different direction as a youngster, and the scars are with them forever.

These young men, fortunately, have an avenue with the change of the law in the Florida legislature. So that opens the doors not only for them

but for other victims who come forward now, and if they can find that their offender has some assets, then there`s an opportunity for many of them to

go after those offenders.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: According to the arrest warrant affidavit, the child said Tim would sleep in the same bed as him, and sometimes, Tim would

wake him up from sleeping to perform a sex act.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But now, thanks to a scratch-off ticket...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... handed over a $3 million check...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We found Poole employed as a cab driver at his mom`s taxi business.


GRACE: This convicted child molester gets lucky and wins $3 million. What about his 5-year-old alleged sex victim and the 9-year-old sex

molestation victim? They see this smiling face, and it`s the same face on his mug shot way back when. Well, guess what? Don`t cash that check,

buddy, because Mark Nejame and those two little boys are coming after you and your money.

I want to see what`s in that police report. Justin, if you can put it up for me? Meredyth Censullo, he says Uncle Tim would sleep in the same

bed at his house in -- there you go. I don`t want to give the address -- would, quote, "suck his weenie" -- if you read through these documents,

would force the little boy to take off his pants but leave Uncle Tim`s pants on. He said, sometimes, Tim would wake him up from sleeping to suck

his weenie.

Now, during the non-custodial interview, Poole denied all the allegations. But then once he was arrested, he changed his tune. So

Meredyth Censullo, the detail that is in this police report, the jury is going to hear about it.

What did we learn about Uncle Timmy, the $3 million lottery winner, taking these little boys -- one at time, of course -- to different

locations to molest them?

CENSULLO: Well, we know that at least one of them claims that they were molested in Poole`s tow truck. He was a tow truck driver at the time.

There are multiple reports of being molested in their own home. So it wasn`t just a once or twice occasion. It was over the span of about a


And even though Poole did say, you know, I attempted sexual battery on the 9-year-old, he still to this day claims he`s innocent. Even in

televised reports that have aired here in Florida recently, he`s still saying that he`s not guilty of this. But meanwhile, of course, these two

young men -- they`re now in their early 20s -- are devastated, suffering with the psychological damage from these acts that happened back in the

late `90s.

GRACE: You know what`s interesting -- oh, hold on. Mark Nejame with me, who`s handling this case, taking the two then little boys` case to

court. Mark, is it true that Timothy Poole was, in fact, a tow truck driver at the time of the alleged incidents?

NEJAME: Yes, that`s our understanding.

GRACE: Well, see, right there, you`re getting corroboration bit by bit of what these children are saying. And Alex Sanchez, Peter Odom, Mark

Nejame and Caryn Stark, that`s how you prove a child molestation case, Peter Odom, because children don`t say, Oh, let me look at my iPhone here.

Yes, it was January the 1st at 3:00 PM...

ODOM: Nancy...

GRACE: ... when I was having a conference call. No. They say things like, Uncle Timmy had me in his tow truck and he took me to this field.

And then it`s the prosecutor or Mr. Nejame`s duty to go back and put that puzzle together and corroborate that story for a jury.

ODOM: Of course. Nancy, I was a child abuse prosecutor for 12 years.

GRACE: Wish you still were, but you`re a defense attorney, aren`t you.

ODOM: Yes. Yes. And so I understand how difficult it is to put a case like this together. And Mark Nejame is a great attorney, one of the

best attorneys in the country. He understands the difficulties, and I think he`s acknowledged some of those here on the show.


GRACE: Let`s test your crime IQ. Look at this crime scene photo from the Jodi Arias case. I posted it on Facebook and Twitter so you can get a

closer look. Do you remember where the infamous camera was discovered in Travis Alexander`s home? Dishwasher, toilet, washing machine or dryer?

Tweet or Facebook your answer using #crimeiq. I will reveal one of the winners here on the show tomorrow night. All right, you legal eagles. You

have got 24 hours. Hey, you can watch Nancy Grace live on your mobile device. Go to your app store, download HLN to go, get the Nancy Grace show

live broadcast wherever you go.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He was not shopping for anything. So he was shopping for a lady with a dress on.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can see here he pulls out his phone and reaches towards the bottom of her skirt.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I would like nobody seeing what I got.


GRACE: Walmart shoppers, alert. Imagine shopping at your local Walmart when you suddenly spot a man lurking in your aisle, and then you

realize he`s videotaping an upskirt, up your skirt. Tonight this Walmart perv busted on video. We have the video. Take a look at this, everybody.

This lady unsuspecting shopping at Walmart. This pervy guy caught on video right behind her. He`s less than a foot -- look. Look at this. Okay.

Clark Goldband, what happened?

GOLDBAND: Well, Nancy, you see the video right there. That is a Walmart outside the Orlando, Florida area. And apparently this gentlemen

tells law enforcement he was actually shopping for some screws, Nancy. This is the hardware aisle of this Walmart supercenter. But you can see

authorities say --

GRACE: I don`t think that is what he`s shopping for, Clark. So just save it. Noam Laden, WABC, joining us. Noam, this is not the first time

that Walmart has had upskirt videos taken. And they have all been busted on video.

LADEN: Yes, I mean you would think these people would know better. If you have a camera on your phone, there is a good chance there is a

camera on the ceiling on the wall that`s taping you, especially in a Walmart. But this 42-year-old James King, he pretends like he`s looking at

screws in the hardware aisle. But meanwhile he is taking his phone out and has the video rolling, and puts it under this woman`s skirt. Thankfully

she sees it as it`s happening. She turns around and confronts him.

GRACE: It is not the first time this has happened at Walmart. What do we know, Clark?

GOLDBAND: Nancy, there are many people in the Orlando, Florida area. We found about four this has happened at a Walmart super center in the past

year or so. And the M.O. appears to be the same, Nancy. You have these gentlemen. Sometimes they conceal a camera on their shoe. Sometimes they

conceal it behind a bag of food. But the gentlemen, they all conceal this phone allegedly, walk by a woman, wait for that moment, and then that is

when they move in.

Now, Nancy, where this story in particular takes a turn is when this woman thinks she`s being upskirted, she immediately walks quickly to the

other side of the store where she`s with her husband. And her quick- thinking husband, Nancy, confronts this gentlemen, but not in a physical fashion. He whips out his cell phone, and with his cell phone snaps a

photo of this gentlemen right in front of his face, then the gentleman leaves for his vehicle, and then, Nancy, things take a turn again.

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight out of New York, Alex Sanchez. Out of Washington, D.C., Peter Odom. Alex Sanchez, no. 1, let`s

talk about this guy. William James King. He`s 42 -- look at this. Hold on. Drink it in, guys. I`d like to see the video. Let`s do it in slow

mo. I don`t want to miss a single nuance. Alex, Peter, are you watching? Here we go. Slow mo. She turns around, and look at him try to pass it off

like he`s looking at something in the aisle. I mean really? Okay, Alex Sanchez, Peter Odom. First we`re going to talk about William James King.

Then I`m going to talk about one of my favorite stores, Walmart, because they have had so many pervs doing upskirts that my now, you know, instead

of the husband having an altercation with this guy, they have security there at Walmart. They see what`s going on. If they can look for

shoplifters, can`t they look for pervs too? Yes, that mug shot says it all. Yes, I did it.

Another thing, Peter Odom, as you and I learned as prosecutors, and Alex, I`m sure you won`t agree, but when you get a peeping tom, peeping

toms are some of the weirdest pervs ever. Same for these upskirts, you know. Because what kind of mind is that that you sneak up to a lady in a

store and take pictures of, what, her underwear?

ODOM: I know. I know. I don`t understand it. Nancy, why, why, why do people continue to misbehave in Walmart?

GRACE: It is not misbehaving, Peter. It is a crime.

ODOM: Why do people continue to commit crimes at Walmart.

It`s crazy.

GRACE: Quit talking about Walmart. Let`s talk about him.


GRACE: You know if he`s doing this, he`s doing a whole lot more.

ODOM: Nancy, some people come into my office and they want to talk about how they are going to defend this case. This is a guy, and I`m going

to go over this videotape with him and I`m going to say, nobody is going to believe your story about looking at your to-do list, all right? You`re

upskirting her. Let`s control the damage here. Alex might have a different take on it, but this is not going to trial.

SANCHEZ: First of all, Nancy, I hope you have no intention of showing that guy`s video, of whatever he took of this lady when he upskirted her.

I don`t want to see it.

GRACE: I hadn`t even thought of it yet.

SANCHEZ: If you intend on showing that, I`m leaving, that is No. 1.

GRACE: I certainly wouldn`t want that to happen.

SANCHEZ: But in terms of this guy, why would he be at the hardware aisle? I mean, if you want to upskirt somebody, maybe you should go to the

clothing aisle.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As I looked over my shoulder, I saw him with his phone out. It was extended away from his body.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t like it. If it`d have been me, I`d have kicked his butt.


GRACE: Believe it or not. Another guy caught at a local Walmart shooting upskirt video. But this time, he`s caught on video. You`re

seeing a shot right there of William James King. Noam Laden joining us, WABC. So basically the woman`s husband is the one who apprehended him,


LADEN: Essentially she did, yes. She went over and she got her husband. He confronted him. James walked out of the store and instead of

fighting him, actually the husband took video or pictures of this guy`s license plate, and then handed it over to police. And in no time at all

police were at James King`s house wanting to look at his cell phone and see those pictures.

GRACE: Clark Goldband, what do we know about the pictures they retrieved?

GOLDBAND: Great question. I have the arrest affidavit right here in my hand. And according to law enforcement, they haven`t found anything on

the phone. They did not find a list, as we heard earlier, but they did not find any photos of this woman. Now, law enforcement says it is currently

undergoing forensic examination.

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers. Alex Sanchez, Peter Odom, I guess now you are going to claim it didn`t happen. (inaudible), Sanchez.

SANCHEZ: Listen, I mean if the heart of this case is that he was videotaping from his phone and there is nothing on his phone, are you going

to suggest that --

GRACE: What are you laughing about?

SANCHEZ: Are you suggesting that`s not relevant? Of course it is relevant.

GRACE: What I`m suggesting to you, Peter, who thinks this is so, so funny. I bet you wouldn`t think it was funny if it happened to your

daughter or if it happened to your wife. It wouldn`t be so funny anymore, would it?

ODOM: Is that a question?

GRACE: No, it`s a comment.

ODOM: Okay.

GRACE: But I see the smirk goes on.

ODOM: Then I won`t dignify it with an answer.

GRACE: Okay. You don`t dignify it, then. It`s so undignified, unlike your smirking through the whole story. But bottom line is, once

this cell phone is forensically searched, they can get those photos back.

ODOM: They`ll get them back. I`m not a scientist, but basically the photograph or whatever he took will be put off to allocated space in the

phone. A good forensic scientist will be able to get that off, if it was ever done. But, you know, Nancy, I don`t think that`s really going to help

him. Because it was so clear that he was trying to take a picture from that video.

GRACE: Even if he deleted them. Even if they can`t be retrieved. That video right there that we`re seeing is played for this jury, he`s

going to jail.

ODOM: Yes. It is at least an attempted invasion of privacy. But I agree with Alex. That it is certainly relevant if they don`t find



GRACE: Live, Frisco, Texas suburbs. When a young mother doesn`t show to work, as a strategic planner at UFT (ph), co-workers call police. In

the last hours, we learn Anna Moses discovered dead in her four-bedroom home. We now learn Texas Rangers discover Anna`s blue Hyundai gone out of

her driveway and abandoned by the roadside. Tonight, who murdered Anna?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police say Anna Moses` co-workers at the University of Texas became concerned when she didn`t show up for work.

When police arrived at the home, they found her body inside. Frisco police have ruled Moses` death a homicide and say they have strong leads into who

may be responsible.


GRACE: Straight out to Lance Rinker with the Frisco Enterprise. Lance, I understand she was the kind of person -- we`re seeing her right

there, Anna Moses -- never missed a day of work. This young mom missed a day as a strategic planner at the University of Texas, and that is what set

co-workers to worry. She had never missed work before. They call the police. Take it from there, Lance.

LANCE RINKER, FRISCO ENTERPRISE: Thank you for having me on. Yes, she was one of those committed individuals where she never missed a day.

If she wasn`t feeling well, if she was going to be late -- her co-workers and even her boss said she would always call. She was in constant

communication. Some of her close personal friends have said the same about her, if they would reach out to her, she was always available to them. And

they all became concerned when they hadn`t heard from her for two days.

GRACE: Let`s take a look at what we know. For those of you just joining us, a young mom has been found dead in her Frisco, Texas home.

Take a look at that home. What do we know? Michael Christian, it`s my understanding that there was no forced entry. Is that correct?

CHRISTIAN: That`s correct. No forced entry.

GRACE: What about sex assault or theft? Was anything taken from the home? Was there a sex assault?

CHRISTIAN: Police have said nothing was taken from the home. We do not know about sex assault or actually how she died. Police are not

releasing that information.

GRACE: Was there a forced entry? Just a couple of quick questions, Michael. Was there a forced entry in the home?

CHRISTIAN: Don`t know. We do not know.

GRACE: Do we know if there was an alarm system?

CHRISTIAN: We do not know.

GRACE: OK, everybody, you`re looking right now at a home of a young Texas mom found dead in her home. Tonight Texas rangers are telling us

mommy was murdered. We analyze the clues left behind. We wouldn`t have even known anything was wrong if she hadn`t failed to show up for work at

her job as a strategic planner at the University of Texas. There (inaudible) co-workers realized something is very, very wrong. Send police

over. They tell us tonight her body discovered there. They are playing it close to the vest. We don`t know cause of death. What we are learning is

there was no theft and very unusual circumstances surrounding her blue Hyundai Sonata. Lance Rinker, with Frisco Enterprise, Lance, in my

experience as a felony prosecutor for so many years, a random killer would not go to the trouble of getting in somebody`s car and hiding the car. I

don`t believe that this is a random attack.

RINKER: The police detectives are saying that this is an isolated incident. As we heard, there was no theft of the home or the property.

There doesn`t appear to be anything stolen from the vehicle or that the vehicle was even broken into. Patrolmen found the vehicle a few blocks

away from the home, unoccupied. By all accounts, they have gotten the majority of their leads by looking into the vehicle.

GRACE: This young mom found murdered in her own home tonight, police not telling us cause of death. But we do know, no forced entry. We do not

believe there was a theft. If there was an alarm system, it didn`t go off. What happened to Anna Moses?

To Dr. Bill Manion, forensic pathologist. I would think that by now, there would be some rumor if the cause of death were apparent, a stabbing,

a shooting. To me this sounds like more of a soft kill, such as asphyxiation.

MANNION: Well, that`s correct. But there must have been enough damage to the deceased that the police were very suspicious about it. The

medical examiner will hold everything close to the vest until they get back toxicology, they take X-rays, they check for sexual assault. It`s a wide-

open case. They have the vehicle. I`m sure they will be doing fingerprinting and DNA testing on the vehicle to see if they can find who

drove the vehicle last.

GRACE: Yes. That vehicle should be a treasure trove of forensic evidence. Bodily fluids, fingerprints, hair, if it`s from the root by the

perp. Obviously the perp drove the car. Isn`t it true, Lance, that the car was just a few blocks away hidden? It wasn`t far from her home. It

wasn`t a theft of a car. They took the car to make it look like she wasn`t home, Lance.

RINKER: Correct. The vehicle was found just a few blocks away, kind of off the beaten path a bit, (inaudible) difficult to find.

GRACE: Tonight, help us solve the mystery of Anna Moses. This young mother found dead in the Texas suburbs of a town called Frisco. 5914

Charleston Drive, upscale Dallas suburb, about 20 miles northwest of the city. Take a look at Anna. We have been trying to pinpoint the last time

she was seen alive. We think it is the day before she`s found dead. She went to work as normal, worked a full day. Co-workers saw nothing wrong.

The next morning when she didn`t show up, that is when the call was made to police. Tonight, Texas rangers are begging for your help. The tip line in

that is 972-292-6010.

What about the school, Lance? What do we know about her colleagues? What was going on at work?

RINKER: Nothing out of the ordinary is what they said. It was just busy as usual for her. That was just her role there with the university.

Otherwise, she was also attending college to finish up her degree, to continue her education as well. Otherwise, it`s nothing unusual happened

there at work or with her colleagues.

GRACE: Joining me right now in our quest to find out what happened to young mom Anna, with me her good friend, Donna Ross. Thank you for being

with us.


GRACE: I know this was a shock to you. How did you discover that Anna was found dead?

ROSS: I was looking at Facebook. Her friend Serena (ph) had posted something about a Frisco woman named Anna Moses being found dead in her

home. I was shocked.

GRACE: So you learned about this on Facebook?

ROSS: Correct.

GRACE: Could you tell me about what, if anything, we know about her current boyfriend?

ROSS: Well, I met her current boyfriend, Michael, last June. I said, Anna, he is so handsome and so sweet. She said, yes. And he`s also smart,

I think. And she said, but there`s all kinds of complications. And I said, oh, what are they? She said, well, next time we get together, I will

tell you. So the next time we got together, she explained to me that one of the complications was that he was a divorced father of a young daughter

and he wanted to have more children.

GRACE: So wait. I`m trying to really figure out how, if any way, her love life relates to her murder. What about the ex-husband? Did they get


ROSS: I heard they didn`t always get along when they were actually married, but she never told me that.

GRACE: Well, it`s a fact that you two are such good friends, you would have known if there was any marital conflict. Everyone, with me,

Donna Ross, good friend of the young mom found murdered in her own home. Take a look at Anna. This is Anna Moses, found dead in her Texas suburb

home. Tip line, 972-292-6010.

Let`s stop and remember American hero Army Specialist Andrew Daul, just 21, Brighton (ph), Michigan. Bronze Star, Purple Heart, buried

Arlington. Loved extreme sports, body building. Parents, Michael and Kathy. Sisters Lindsey and Audrey. Andrew Daul, American hero.

A special good night from California friend Michael Nguyen (ph). Isn`t he handsome? And happy birthday to Tennessee friend, Levi.

On a special note, World War II veterans Matt Bryant and my father, Matt Grace, honored by the city of Macon and our Methodist church. A tree

planted in their honor. Matt Bryant, pictured here, a German POW, his feet frozen, held captive until the end of the war. Matt Grace, my father, lied

to the government about his age so he could ship out early, crossing to the other side of the world. Still remembers shooting into the water,

searching for bombs. Thank you to both of you and to all military vets.

Drew up next. I will see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp Eastern. Until then, good night, friend.