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Erin Burnett Outfront

Clinton Releases New Email Details, Denies Wrongdoing; Did 47 Republican Senators Break The Law? Parker Rice Identified as Fraternity Member Leading Racist Chant

Aired March 10, 2015 - 19:00   ET


BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: OUTFRONT tonight, breaking news. Hillary Clinton releases new details about the personal e-mail that she used for official business. The former secretary of state admitting for the first time today that she should have done things differently.

Plus, did 47 republican senators break the law? Why they're letter to Iran is under new scrutiny tonight.

And in the wake of that racist fraternity chant, the university expels two students and shuts down the frat house. Does that go far enough? Let's go OUTFRONT.

Good evening. I'm Brianna Keilar in for Erin Burnett. OUTFRONT tonight, breaking news. Hillary Clinton reveals new details about her personal e-mail account that she used for government business. The former Secretary of State says that she did it so that she could carry just one device instead of two. She insists she didn't break any rules. But when I asked her today if she would turn over her private server to prove it, she said she would not.


KEILAR: Did you or any aids delete any government related e- mails from your personal account and what lengths are you willing to go to to prove that you didn't?

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: We did not. In fact, my direction to conduct the thorough investigation was to air on the side of providing anything that could be possibly viewed as work related. But the server contains personal communications from my husband and me and I believe I have met all of my responsibilities and the server will remain private. And I think that the State Department will be able, over time, to release all of the records that were provided.


KEILAR: Now Clinton repeatedly stated that she had taken quote, "unprecedented steps" to make sure the State Department released all her work related e-mails, roughly 55,000 printed pages and the rest of the e-mails, the 30,000 or so private ones, gone. She said she deleted them all. She also said her personal account was secure and she never used it for classified material. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

CLINTON: The system we used was set up for President Clinton's office. And it had numerous safeguards. It was on property guarded by the secret service and there were no security breaches.


KEILAR: CNN senior Washington correspondent Jeff Zeleny is OUTFRONT right now outside the United Nations where Secretary Clinton spoke today. So, Jeff, we know that Secretary Clinton turned over tens thousands of e-mails but she also kept tens of thousands of e- mails. We certainly learned some new things today.

JEFF ZELENY, CNN SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: We sure did, Brianna. And she put a finer number, a finer point on these e-mails. There were more than 60,000 in total. Sixty two thousand three hundred and twenty total e-mails. She turned over 30,490. She says were government related business but 31,830 she says were personal in nature and as we heard you said, you asked the question, she deleted those. So, Brianna that was the question here. She's policing herself. Should she be making decisions which emails were deleted and which ones are saved?

KEILAR: Yes, it's a very good question. It's still outstanding. And I also wonder though Secretary Clinton's office, they explained why she turned over paper copies. She didn't actually turn over the actual e-mails in electronic form. We understand that could have given us a lot more information. Why are they saying that she did that?

ZELENY: You're right, Brianna. After this news conference the Clinton camp put out some more materials. And they said she was following the letter of law. But it turns out it was a 1995 law. That's long before anyone was really using e-mail. And that says that officials can turn over e-mails in paper format. But you're right, we're lose losing so much information on that. If you'd simply print out e-mails, you can't tell the sequence of e-mails. What else may have been included a deleted or not. We are losing so much data from this, metadata for this. But she's following the spirit of that 1995 law. Of course that dates back to when her husband was in the White House. So, they are kind of puts a fine point on, on this whole issue, they are still operating under rules from the past. Not breaking or violating any laws she said, that they certainly are old laws, you know, and perhaps need to be updated.

KEILAR: Yes. Certainly very good point. Jeff Zeleny for us at the U.N. Thank you so much. And OUTFRONT tonight, Karen Finney. The former communications director for the Democratic National Committee and Doug High, the former communications director for the Republican National Committee. It is a face off, you two.



KEILAR: So, I want to ask both of you, tell me how she did. Go ahead, Karen. Start.

FINNEY: I thought she did well. But look, I think she went into this with the sort of barrier being whatever she did, it wasn't going to be good enough. Certainly not for most republicans. I think we've seen in the aftermath. And for some, there will always be more questions. And so, I thought she did a good job of trying to answer the questions. It did seem at a point questions were kind of starting to repeat. So, I thought she gave it fair amount of time. And she was honest and forthright and gave her answers. And I thought she did a good job.

KEILAR: Doug, what do you think?

HEYE: Well, it goes to what just said earlier. There's so much that we don't know. And ultimately the message that Hillary Clinton is given us is trust me which isn't so much going on in Washington, DC with republicans and democrats. That telling voters right now to trust me is something that voters just won't do. And obviously we know with the answers to your question, some of journalists won't necessarily do either. Keeping that server private, that's a sentence we'll going to hear a lot over not only the coming days but over the coming months. But until we get all the answers and we have access to all the information, not just what Hillary Clinton decide that we should have access to. And nobody wants to see her personal family e- mails or anything like that, or anything that's classified. But we need confidence that that's what we're actually getting is what is government business.

KEILAR: What about that, Karen? Because she, you know, she isn't opening up the server. It's not like she has to turn it over to republicans but maybe to a third party independent person who could take a look at it. She's doing that and also she's deleted the e- mails that --

FINNEY: The personal e-mails.

KEILAR: The personal e-mails but she's not willing to prove that there's anything beyond that, doesn't it play into something that maybe she's not being as transparent as she could be explain to us.

FINNEY: No, absolutely not. Because I mean, let's remember, Colin Powell, one of her predecessor, he also writes about this in his book. He had both personal e-mail that he did use for government business as well as his government e-mail address. And this past weekend when he was asked if he turned over any of the e-mails, in response to the same document request that Hillary Clinton turned over 55,000 pages, he said no. Because anybody that e-mailed with a dot gov e-mail address, I assumed it was safe on that server, so I didn't worry about. And I just deleted everything. Now, so we also then are trusting Colin Powell like every other as a federal statute states, every other government employee.


Hold on. OK. But every other government employee makes that decision. So, the point is at the time when she was secretary of state, she followed the law. She followed the spirit of the law. And I guess what the problem that I have with this question about should we trust her, don't we trust her? I mean, then that says we are going to put her to a different set of standards than her predecessors. And that's not something -- we really need to take a look at.

KEILAR: So, Doug, you have Secretary Clinton saying, hey, I'm not turning over this server, this is what I have to say about this, and basically do what you will with it. So, what will republicans do and are they at risk of perhaps going too far?

HEYE: Right. You know, I've heard that -- I'm thinking of the phrase from Neil Guevara (ph), it's deja vu all over again. This reinforces the voters, why they're uneasy with Hillary Clinton and her campaign. What we assume is going to be a campaign. We know and this is a key difference that Colin Powell's not going to run for president. Republicans have shown over the past couple of years sometimes an ability to overstep things. But I think it's important now for republicans to stay out of way at least in the coming days. Let the Clinton campaign try and answer all the questions that come out from this press conference. For instance, you know, she only had one device because that was convenient. Two weeks ago she said she had an iPhone and a blackberry. I have an antic device called the blackberry too. I have two different e-mails that I can use from that.

KEILAR: Let me answer that. Let me answer that. When you're secretary of state and there's a reason why President Obama only has a blackberry, it's for security.

FINNEY: Right. Correct.

KEILAR: But I do want to ask both you have this about that multiple devices. So, she says that this is her reasoning today. An aid to Jeb Bush tweeted this. And also I do believe you can combine e-mail addresses on Blackberry. That's also a point. So, here is the tweet. I have five e-mail accounts, why don't I have five devices? Hashtag, magic.

FINNEY: Well, there's a difference between though when you have the dot gov e-mail, this is my understanding from talking to people to the State Department.


FINNEY: That there's a difference between, like you would have to have multiple devices. You can't put a secure e-mail account on your iPhone. Right? So, that's my understanding. So, you either have to have two or you in this case following the law, she has the one. But here is the point that I really want to make, Brianna. I think republicans need to be very careful about this because Jeb Bush himself has not followed the laws of the state of Florida and he is seeking to be commander in chief because he's only released about 10 percent of his e-mails, much of which was already available.

KEILAR: You're saying Jeb Bush did something illegal? FINNEY: No. I'm suggesting that if our true concern, if we say

that as commander-in-chief you've got to be, you know, transparent to the point that you should have to turn over your e-mail servers or we have just trust that you've done what you said you've done, then let's hold everybody to that standard. Because I think that in the case of Hillary Clinton she's made it very clear. There are now two copies of every e-mail that she sent and used for government business. Both on the server to the person she sent it too. As well as the copies that she's turned over.

HEYE: Brianna, let me just say. From an operational stand point on this, one saying that other people have done the same thing really doesn't get you out of trouble. But look at what was said at the press conference today. I had one device because of convenience. Two weeks ago she says I have an iPhone and a Blackberry.

FINNEY: She's not secretary of state anymore. Come on!

HEYE: But it's still the issue of convenience, Karen. And also it's the issue of having questions come out after the fact. She said that she was e-mailing the President. We know that President Clinton doesn't use e-mails. So, if you want to get this behind you, the best way, operationally, crisis communication to do it is to answer all the questions clearly and consistently.

FINNEY: She said some of the information on the server --

HEYE: Yes, she did. Yes, she did.

FINNEY: No, she didn't. She said some of the information, communications between me and my husband, that doesn't necessarily mean she e-mailed him. Maybe she sent an e-mail to an assistant who said to her husband, hey, make sure you're on time for dinner tonight.

HEYE: That wouldn't explain being on the same server then.

FINNEY: It would.

HEYE: And a private server that won't have access to.

FINNEY: Yes, it would.

KEILAR: All right, guys. I'm going to have to leave it there. I do want to add though saying that the other guy did it, having once been a child, I would tell you that does sometimes get you out of trouble as I have found out. Karen, Doug, thanks so much to both you.

And OUTFRONT next, did a letter from 47 republicans to Iran break the law?

Plus, who is the man at the center of this racist chant has caught on tape? The university has now expelled two fraternity members, but is it enough?

And protest tonight in Madison, Wisconsin demanding answers in the shooting death of an unarmed teenager. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

KEILAR: Did 47 republican senators break the law? That's the question tonight after almost all of the republican senators sent a letter to Iran warning it against a nuclear deal with President Obama. The White House is blasting the unusual letter calling it dangerous. And today, The New York Daily News branded the senators traitors.

Michelle Kosinski is OUTFRONT with the growing backlash.


MICHELLE KOSINSKI, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The White House today let loose on Senate republicans open letter to Iran as reckless, irresponsible, misguided, a blatant flagrant partisan attempt to interfere. Vice President Biden pend a lengthy angry statement of his own, calling the Senate letter beneath the dignity of an institution I revere. Just as the senators tried to school Iran on their role in foreign policy Biden schooled them on the myriad agreements signed through the centuries that did not require Congress's vote like removing chemical weapons from Syria, facing troops in Afghanistan. He says the letters sends a message that is a false as it is dangerous. The decision to undercut our president and circumvent our constitutional system offends me as a matter of principle. Former Secretary Hillary Clinton weighed in.

CLINTON: Either these senators were trying to be helpful to the Iranians or harmful to the commander in chief.

KOSINSKI: And while the White House has refused to say whether they believe the letter hurts negotiations with Iran, today the State Department did.

JEN PSAKI, STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESWOMAN: We believe it's harmful to America's national security to anyone to insert themselves into the middle of the very sensitive negotiation.

KOSINSKI: Republican who signed it stand by it. But seven did not sign including chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee Bob Corker.

SEN. BOB CORKER (R), CHAIRMAN, SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE: I didn't view the letter as helping achieve an outcome that I'd like to see.

KOSINSKI: He still wants Congress to have an input. He just feels his own bill he's proposed to get Congress as upper down with the deal on Iran would be better. Some others feel the same.

SEN. SUSAN COLLINS (R), MAINE: I did not think it was appropriate for us to write to the Ayatollah and try to explain to him our constitutional system of government. But I doubt very much that the Ayatollah cares what a group of senators thinks.

(END VIDEOTAPE) KOSINSKI: A question that's been swirling around out there is,

is this letter criminal. Is it treason as some have suggests or does it violate this very old law called the Logan act that actually does prohibits citizens from communicating with other governments and trying to influence them while there's a dispute or controversy with the U.S. government or try to work against the government in that sense. But analysts say any of those would be a huge stretch. And it's not as if law enforcement now is going to go after anybody on anything like that. Another legitimate question though is, is it hypocritical of democrats to be so furious about this letter when in the past we have seen democratic lawmakers work against the interest of a republican president. Some lawmakers went to Iraq before the war and remember Nancy Pelosi famously sat down in Syria with President Bashar al-Assad. That was 2007 -- Brianna.

KEILAR: Yes. You certainly jog our memory there. Michelle Kosinski at the White House. Thank you.

And OUTFRONT our intelligence and security analyst Bob Baer, he's also a former CIA operative. And we have David Gergen, our senior political analyst. So, David to you first, how rare is this? How big of a deal is this 47 senators signing this letter that really undercuts the President's effort here?

DAVID GERGEN, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: I can't remember an instance in which such a letter has been sent. This much of an interference has been launch from the halls of Congress with the President missed negotiations. I think it underscores just how deeply the republicans feel that this agreement were threatened national security interest. But I think in the judgment of most people, it was a bad mistake. It wasn't illegal but it was a bad mistake to send this letter.

KEILAR: And you had Senator Susan Collin's Bob Corker saying as much. So, Bob, when you look at this letter and you hear people calling it dangerous, we just heard Peter saying that this is about, you know, national security and republicans fearing that that's at stake here. But does this letter also impact national security?

ROBERT BAER, FORMER CIA OPERATIVE: Brianna, I think it's horribly transgressive undermining the President in sensitive negotiations like this. It's very clear that the President conducts foreign policy. The Senate ratifies treaties, but they're not supposed to get in the middle of it especially with a country that's still hostile to the United States and that is Iran. It treats as a big world, but I agree with David, this is just -- I can't remember this ever happening. I spent 21 years in the CIA and every once in a while we get back channels from a foreign country. But we've never presumed to negotiate, offer or opinion. We immediately turned it over to the secretary of state at the White House and quickly stepped out. I think it's a huge mistake. And it's not going to help our relations with Iran. Because they look at the President now as being weak.

KEILAR: And it certainly doesn't help relations between President Obama and Congress, David. How damaging is this to republicans especially when you consider that the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell signed this letter?

GERGEN: I think it pertains a potential great damage to republicans. And first and foremost, they were trying to get bipartisan support. They needed 67 votes to get a bill passed that would insist the President submit an agreement to the Congress for ratification as a treaty. And I think they're going to have a very hard time getting democratic votes for that now. They've blown that apart. The Iranians may walk away, the deal may fall apart and they will going to be blamed for that if the Iranian's walk away saying we can't trust the United States. And I think it shows a disrespect for the President, which is ill becoming for republicans. Normally, they go to Bob's point, let the President negotiate. You can come in later.

If they had sent this letter to the President, I think it would have been perfectly permissible well within bounds because it makes important arguments about who should ultimately agree to a deal like this with Iran. And if they don't make it a treaty, the President doesn't make it a treaty, we're going to make it a political football in the middle of this next campaign because the republican candidate is very likely to argue if he's elected or she is elected, first thing they'll going to do after ObamaCare is to get rid of this agreement. And that creates all sorts of uncertainties in the negotiations. So, I think it was irresponsible to send it to the Iranian leaders. It would have been totally responsible to send it to the President.

KEILAR: All right. Peter (ph), Bob, thanks so much to both you for joining us tonight. Very important topic that we're covering.

And OUTFRONT next, the fallout from that racist fraternity chant. We'll talk to the rapper who cancelled his on campus performance.

And protests tonight over a police killing of an unarmed teen in Wisconsin. We have new details tonight about the teen at the center of the story. Who was Tony Robinson?


KEILAR: We now know the identity of the University of Oklahoma student caught on tape leading his fraternity brothers in racist chant. Parker Rice is a 19-year-old freshman from Dallas. He's seen here singing about excluding black students from his fraternity. In addition to Rice, another member of the fraternity has been expelled from the university.

And Alina Machado was OUTFRONT from the campus with much more on this story. There will never be a (bleep) at SAE.


ALINA MACHADO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The fall out over this racist video has been swift. Two students now expelled from the University of Oklahoma for, quote, "playing a leadership role in the singing of this racist chant by members of Sigma Alpha Epsilon." The fraternity house now sits nearly empty. The Greek letters gone from its facade. Students seen moving out remain silent. MACHADO (on camera): Where are you guys going?

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: No comment. I'm sorry.

MACHADO (voice-over): The campus paper has identified Parker Rice, a 19-year-old freshman from Dallas as one of the students leading the racist chants.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: The video does not represent his core personality.

MACHADO: Matthew Lopez is a friend who says that's not the person he knows.

MATTHEW LOPEZ, FRIEND OF PARKER RICE: Parker Rice is a charismatic, a good person with a good soul and with a good spirit that I feel truly did not believe in or did not truly understand what he was saying.

MACHADO: New video shot in 2013 has also emerged of the SAE house mom, Beauton Gilbow which shows her singing along with a rap song repeatedly using the n-word.

(Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep)

Gilbow who is known as Mom B released a statement saying she's heartbroken to be portrayed as a racist and says, quote, "I have friends of all races and do not tolerate any form of discrimination in my life. I was singing along to a Trinidad song but completely understands how the video must appear in the context of the events that occurred this week."

JOSHUA PYRON, FORMER MEMBER OF BANNED FRATERNITY: The only Mom B I know is someone who treated all of us regardless of the color of our skin, our economic background, where we came from, she treated us all with dignity, respect and love.

MACHADO: Joshua Pyron joined this SAE chapter more than 15 years ago. He said the fraternity then was diverse and the racist chant is not part of the frat's tradition.

PRYON: When I was here, I had no knowledge of the existence of that chant.

MACHADO (on camera): You never heard it?

PYRON: I never heard it. I never read it. I did not know it exists. I just want to set the record straight that this is not something that is been ongoing in this chapter for many years.


MACHADO: Now several people we spoke to today say that most of the students on that video are freshmen and did not even leave in the house. The university meanwhile says, their investigation is ongoing and more students could possibly face disciplinary action -- Brianna.

KEILAR: Alina Machado for us in Oklahoma. Thank you.

And Juaquin James Malphurs, he's the rapper known as Waka Flocka Flame. He performed for SAE fraternity at the university last year. He was scheduled to perform again in April. He is joining me.

And you cancelled your appearance after you saw the racist chant. Tell me what your initial reaction was when you saw the video.

WAKA FLOCKA FLAME, RAPPER: My reaction was when I seen the video, I was more like hurt, more like disgusted, because I knew those kids, I performed for those kids. They made me feel like a brother. Just to see what a person does behind closed doors, I was more disgusted, more like hurt. I wasn't angry, I was just disgusted

KEILAR: Disgusted and maybe surprised too.

We have some video of the performance you did at the University of Oklahoma last year. It looks like it was a large concert in the woods. It's a great video. This looks like the typical college experience, partying drinking with people there. I know you were able to hang out with some of these guys.

Did you experience any racism, any animosity that day?

WAKA FLOCKA FLAME: Not at all. I feel like I was part of the frat. I felt like I was a frat boy in the woods. Like I really felt like I was down with the fraternity, like I was SAE. You couldn't tell me no different.

For me to see that video I was like, that's what you'll doing behind closed doors? Like that's disgusted me. Like, I really can't blame the kids. I feel like that's like passed down. You can't even make me believe, they're like, that's just crazy. I'm disgusted, I'm like all are.

KEILAR: How do you reconcile that? The people who made you feel so welcomed behave like that. And not even -- it's in front of a camera. This is with their friends. How do you -- how do you square that with the fact that you had a great time with them and you wouldn't have expected they would do this?

WAKA FLOCKA FLAME: Honest to God truth, words can't explain it. I'm still in shock. That's why I kept sending Instagram tweets. I just like, it's crazy for us to try to put something under the rug and it's still here today present. Like to me, we just need to like -- we have to learn how to cancel things like this out.

This is serious. This is a serious matter. At the end of the day, I'm just disgusted.

KEILAR: You're disgusted. And so far, two people have been expelled here. What do you think should happen to everyone involved?

WAKA FLOCKA FLAME: I feel like this is not a matter of anger. I feel like those kids should be disciplined for what they did. Everything has an affect, because they did that video, now they're being expelled. They jeopardize their future. They jeopardize their careers. And I feel like everybody should be accountable on that video.

KEILAR: All right. Juaquin James Malphurs, also known as Waka Flocka Flame, thanks so much for joining us. We really appreciate it.

WAKA FLOCKA FLAME: All right. Any time.

KEILAR: All right. Thanks.

Well, the offensive rants by SAE members caught on video, it's not the first time the fraternity has had problems with racism.

Jason Carroll is OUTFRONT.


CROWD (chanting): You can hang them from a tree, but they'll never sign with me. There will never be a (AUDIO DELETED) SAE!

JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The racist rant that went public exposed the ugly side of the private world of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter at the University of Oklahoma. Hateful words that one former African-American member of the chapter simply cannot understand.

William Bruce James II says he did not experience racism when he was there, from 2001 to 2005.

WILLIAM BRUCE JAMES II, FORMER UNIV. OF OKLAHOMA SAE MEMBER: I don't know what happened to the culture of my home but that is not my home. That is not SAE. They are not my brothers.

CARROLL: Like most fraternities, brotherhood is key. SAE's national Web site touting the true gentleman experience, complete with testimonials.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Become batter members, become better people of society, beter citizens.

CARROLL: Better citizens? A direct contrast to some ugly headlines about SAE over the years alleging hazing and racism. 2013, members suspended at Washington University in St. Louis after pledges rapped to African-American students using a racial slur. Last year, members suspended at the University of Arizona for allegedly using anti-Semitic slurs and attacking members at a Jewish fraternity. Just last December, student outrage after the Clemson University chapter hosted a "Cripmas" party named after the California gang, the Cripps .

WALLACE MACK, CLEMSON UNIVERSITY STUDENT: They definitely felt like a major slap in the face, you know? We haven't had time to recover from Ferguson and Mike Brown and there was Eric Garner. And to end the week off, we had a "Cripmas" party. It was almost kind of like, how dare you? CARROLL: Andrew Lowes is a former rush chair for SAE from

Dartmouth College. He wrote a book about his experience at the fraternity titled "Confessions of An Ivy League Frat Boy".

ANDREW LOHSE, FORMER DARTMOUTH UNIVERSITY SAE MEMBER: There were even members of my fraternity at Dartmouth in 2009-2010 who referred to the Civil War as the war of northern aggression.

CARROLL: SAE's Web site says it was founded in 1856 at the University of Alabama and prides itself on being the only national fraternity founded in the antebellum South.

Experts say while the focus is now on SAE, the problem of racism and anti-Semitism exists throughout the Greek system.

MATTHEW HUGHEY, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT: We have to shift the conversation from one of simply segregation to one of white supremacy and inequality. That's really what we're talking about.


CARROLL: And, you know, "Bloomberg News" once called SAE the deadliest fraternity in the country because of a serious of fatal related hazing incidents. The fraternity vowed to do better and now, of course, we have this.

We did actually reach out to the national chapter of SAE. They referred us to an online statement basically saying that this behavior was unacceptable. They also called it racist behavior. The chapter's president spoke out on Facebook, also putting a statement saying that this group of people were a bunch of, quote/unquote, "idiots" and he said it does not reflect the university as a whole.

But this is -- the fraternity as a whole -- but this is a fraternity that has had a history of problems that seem to continue to exist.

KEILAR: Yes, problems beyond racism too as you point out.

Jason Carroll, thanks so much.

And OUTFRONT next, as protesters hits the streets of Madison, Washington, late today, we have new details about the life of the unarmed teen shot and killed by a police officer there.

And a seemingly simple accident almost cost CNN's Miles O'Brien his life. Today, his physical and emotional recovery in his own words.


KEILAR: Tonight, protesters are taking to the street for a fourth night and demanding action after an unarmed teenager was shot and killed by a police officer in Madison, Wisconsin. The crowd holding signs that read "black lives matter". Police say Officer Matt Kenny had to use deadly force after being assaulted by 19-year-old Tony Robinson.

And tonight, we're learning more about Robinson and what led up to that night.

Ryan Young is OUTFRONT in Madison.


PROTESTERS: No justice, no peace! No racist police!

RYAN YOUNG, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The outrage over the shooting death of unarmed teen Tony Robinson pushed into the streets of Madison this week. The 19-year-old was shot by a police officer after a struggle in this apartment.

According to the "Wisconsin State Journal", Robinson dealt with anxiety issues, depression and ADHD.

The teen's social media pages point to a troubling time in the young man's life. In one post he wrote, "I hate my mind." And "I don't need help. I'm not crazy." In other post, he writes, "My soul is dying." The teen also talks about using marijuana.

But Robinson's uncle says, like so many other young people, he was trying to find his way and better his life.

TURIN CARTER, TONY ROBINSON'S UNCLE: He was a good, kind-hearted kid who was very happy and just wanted to be accepted and wanted to be loved.

YOUNG: This past December, Robinson found himself in jail after pleading guilty to an armed robbery, after stealing an Xbox and TV during a home invasion. An advisor with the Robinson family attorney tells us the teen fell on hard times after his dad lost his job and then his apartment, forcing Robinson to live with friends. After his guilty plea, his grandmother wrote the judge begging for forgiveness while pointing out his grandson had allowed others to leave Robinson down the wrong path.

CARTER: And for that reason, he kind of got love from bad people. Not bad people but people making poor decisions, and as a result made some poor decisions. I think that's something we can all relate to. We don't -- we don't think Tony's a saint. We don't think Tony's a saint. We paint him as a human being, a 19-year-old who made a terrible mistake at one point.

YOUNG: Back in December, Robinson wrote online about police officers using deadly force, writing, "The only thing cops are getting trained for is to shoot first and ask questions later."

Now, his own death at the hands of police is being investigated after veteran officer Matt Kenny responded to call of a possible assault on Friday night. Officer Kenny says he was forced to shoot Robinson after a struggle, and the community of Madison wants to know why.


YOUNG: And you can see the memorial across the street there. One woman actually told me this afternoon, she drove for two hours to get here because she wanted to stand on this spot and just say something. She wanted to say a prayer right outside this house. We've also seen friends writing on the side of this house. Now, we're told, tomorrow, there will be a big protest here and, Brianna, people are expected to be very packed (ph).

KEILAR: All right. Ryan, thank you so much.

And OUTFRONT next, CNN's Miles O'Brien, a year ago he lost an arm to an accident on the job. Tonight, Miles speaks out about his journey to recovery.

And you know a political controversy isn't going away when it's the opening skit on "Saturday Night Live". Jeanne Moos has the story.


KEILAR: Tonight, how a freak accident almost cost our friend here at CNN his life. Long time CNN anchor and correspondent, Miles O'Brien, now a network aviation analyst and a frequent guest on this show, opens up about his harrowing journey to recovery after losing his arm in a simple accident. About a year ago, Miles was on assignment in the Philippines when a case of TV gear fell and hit his arm. First, he thought it was just a bad bruise, but two days later, he was fighting for his life.

Miles tells CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta his story in a documentary that airs tonight, and here's a preview.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Miles was rushed into the operating room. He thought he could still be treated but complications from the compartment syndrome caused Miles' blood pressure to rapidly fall during the procedure, and so, with Miles, still under anesthesia, the doctor made a decision to amputate Miles' arm above the elbow, a painful decision that had to be made and probably saved his life.


KEILAR: Erin Burnett spoke to Miles and Sanjay earlier.


ERIN BURNETT, CNN ANCHOR: I know this is hard question but one a lot of people have. You were obviously under anesthesia when this happened. So, you went in there thinking you would come out with everything OK. You woke up. Your life had irrevocably changed.

Did you know right away? How did they tell you?

MILES O'BRIEN, CNN AVIATION ANALYST: Well, when I woke up, right now as I talk to you I feel my hand as if it was there. So, when I woke up, I felt it, but then I looked and saw it. And that's when -- you know, I knew going in --

BURNETT: You found out yourself?

O'BRIEN: Yes. That was a moment -- it was a crushing moment is what it was. I could barely believe it. I mean, he had told me the possibility going in but that's -- you know, but that's, you know, I guess I'm the king of denial. I was assuming it was going to be OK and it wasn't.

BURNETT: Sanjay, you -- in the documentary, Miles talks about, what he just talked about here, he said, I can still feel -- I can still feel as if my hand is there. And you talked about this, about how he can feel the sensations. Let me play a bit about how that could happen. Here it is.


GUPTA: What do you feel right now?

O'BRIEN: It's almost like, you know, imagine your foot goes to sleep or your hand goes to sleep. And as it is waking up, and you get the sensation back and just kind of partially numb and kind of tingly. That's kind of the feeling like all the time there and then, on occasion, I get kind of these electrical jolts or what seem like twitches in my missing fingers. It's a really bizarre experience to have sensation and pain in a place that doesn't exist. Except in your mind, right?


BURNETT: So, Sanjay, you say that's called phantom limb syndrome. Miles is saying he has this now over a year later. Is this something that ever goes away or is this something that anyone who goes through this, and there are so many people now come home from these worse in Iraq and Afghanistan who are losing limbs. Does that ever go away, that feeling?

GUPTA: How important it is in someone's life probably diminishes to the point where it's not -- they don't really feel it anymore, but what is happening that you don't realize it's always a two-way sort of communication. Your brain is sending a signal to your arm, your arm is also sending a signal back to your brain. It's this position in space that his sensation around it.

The brain is confused. So, what happened to the signals coming back from the arm? It's not coming back anymore. So, it starts finding other places where it should be coming to. It's sort of rewiring itself but the problem is nothing is coming back from the case of the arm, and that's why I think Miles said it touches his chest here, for example, he might feel in his arm, the place on his heel, he might feel it in his arm.

So, that's -- I don't know, it goes away completely as much as people just aren't as bothered by it overtime. BURNETT: When you and I spoke about this about a year ago, I

remember you came on the show, and you have been on the network in a while, we were talking about a plane issue. And I wasn't sure whether it was OK to ask you about it and I did. You said something about how at times, you had gone to a dark place and you have gone through some true suffering as part of this.

Have you been able to move past that? Does that ever go away?

O'BRIEN: Yes. I'm past that. There were some times I had thought that my life was -- this is early on. My life as I know it is over. How do I do what I do? How can I be what I am? How can I have gotten in the field and goes places like Fukushima and do stories?

You know, I had no template for a one-armed TV journalist. It didn't -- so, there were moments when I thought if I can't do this and how will I support my family? All these things. And that -- you start going down that spiral and it's a very bad place.

But slowly but surely, I started just doing things. One challenge at a time and I figured them out. And then the most important is -- I, you know, never forget the call I had with my kids. My son was in China and my daughter on college in North Carolina. I actually got them on Skype together to know at the same time.

Here I was, you know, as a dad, you know, you want to be super dad, right? But we think of our kids --

BURNETT: Yes, infallible.

O'BRIEN: Right, but they're not 6 anymore. They're 20 and 21.

And so, I'm trying to figure out how to say to them and, you know, they couldn't have been more loving and supportive. They said, dad, we love you, what can we do to help you?

That's all it was. That moment for me, I realized, number one, I was, you know, I don't have to be super dad, first of all, to be loved and appreciated. And number two, why I was reluctant to reach out to them, that's my bad. And number three, life is really worth living -- every day is a gift for all of us and to be loved the way I am by them, my family, my friends and to have the kind of work that is important and I have a real passion for work, and I can do all that, I wouldn't trade that for anything.

BURNETT: I know watching this, a little bit of that gift and we appreciate your great graciousness in doing it.

And, Sanjay, of course. You being the one who could bring it to life and the screen.

Thanks to both.

GUPTA: It's an honor. Thank you.

(END VIDEOTAPE) KEILAR: Fighting a tear like I am there? Certainly am.

"MILES O'BRIEN: A LIFE LOST AND FOUND" airing tonight at 9:00, right here on CNN. Check it out.

And OUTFRONT next, Jeanne Moos with "Saturday Night Live's" take on the Clinton e-mail controversy. Is Mrs. Clinton the only one who's not laughing?


BURNETT: For a potential presidential contender like Hillary Clinton, is all publicity good publicity? Here's Jeanne Moos.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Rarely does a comedy skit --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want to address that pesky media.

MOOS: -- precede the actual vintage mocking.

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: She's sort of squash, so you ought to --

MOOS: If nothing else, "Saturday Night Live" correctly predicted some of Hillary Clinton's gestures.

CLINTON: In any way.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If I decide to run, who knows?

CLINTON: "SNL's" Hillary revealed specific e-mails, like the one she sent to Bill.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Look at this sexy e-mail I sent on our anniversary. Dear sir or madam --

MOOS: The real Hillary said she doesn't keep the personal ones.

CLINTON: E-mails about planning Chelsea's wedding, yoga routines.

MOOS: At least Hillary didn't have to confess to Senator Lindsey Graham's cyber sin.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R), SOUTH CAROLINA: You can have every e- mail I've ever sent. I never sent one.

MOOS: Fake Hillary didn't hire her ambition.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was born 67 years ago and I have been planning on being president ever since.

MOOS: Real Hillary sidestepped every question about running. Though at an earlier event, she was described as -- UNIDENTIFED FEMALE: A future president. I'm just saying.

MOOS: Some are saying what a past president once said.

BILL CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT: I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

MOOS: But they're twisting it to fit Hillary's controversy. "I did not have textual relations with Google," and "I did not have inappropriate e-mails with that server."

Hillary's smiles served here --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One last question.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What a relatable laugh.


CLINTON: Do I really laugh like that?

MOOS: Better to "LOL" about those e-mails.

Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.


KEILAR: Thanks for joining us.

"AC360" starts right now.